UW Cecil Group

The University of Washington Cecil group focuses primarily on constructing practical programming systems (languages, implementations, and environments) that will make large applications and systems programs easier to write and extend. The effectiveness of a programming system is determined in large part by the extent to which:

Our work integrates language design, language implementation, and programming environment research. We believe that the synergy of the combined research program leads to more rapid progress and better final results in each individual area. Moreover, we aim to develop usable artifacts incorporating the research results, both to better evaluate the effectiveness of the research results and to use as a foundation for future research.

The UW Cecil Group is part of the Washington Advanced Systems for Programming (WASP) Group, whose home page is here. Information on current project members, current research efforts, and software currently available for download is available there.

A partial list of our sources of support is also available.

UW-CSE account holders may access our internal information pages, and a list of ideas for ongoing and future research projects for students.  There are also instructions available for easily trying out Cecil, Diesel, and/or Vortex on UW CSE machines.