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Time and date

In time.cecil:

let earliest_time:integer;
let latest_time:integer;
method int_time_to_integer_time(t:int):integer;
method integer_time_to_int_time(t:integer):int;
method integer_time_to_int_time(t:integer, if_error:&(string):int):int;
method current_time():integer;
method internal_current_time():int;
method real_time(cl:&():void):int;
template object date_info isa comparable[date_info];
  method new_date_info(time:integer):date_info;
  method date():date_info;
  method =(d1@:date_info, d2@:date_info):bool;
  method seconds(d@:date_info):int;
  method minutes(d@:date_info):int;
  method hours(d@:date_info):int;
  method day_of_month(d@:date_info):int;
  method month_of_year(d@:date_info):int;
  method month_of_year_name(d@:date_info):string;
  method month_of_year_shortname(d@:date_info):string;
  method year(d@:date_info):int;
  method day_of_week(d@:date_info):int;
  method day_of_week_name(d@:date_info):string;
  method day_of_week_shortname(d@:date_info):string;
  method day_of_year(d@:date_info):int;
  method is_daylight_savings_time(d@:date_info):bool;
  method time_zone_name(d@:date_info):string;
  method print_string(d@:date_info):string;
The date_info object provides hygienic access to the current_time function. A new date_info representing the current time is returned by the date function; a date_info object for a given time is constructed by the new_date_info method. Many aspects of the current time and date can be queried; the _shortname versions return 3-letter abbreviations of their _name equivalents. The numbers returned are zero-based (i.e., January is month 0 and Sunday is day 0). The print_string output for a date_info object is identical to the output of the Unix date command.

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