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System operations

In system.cecil:

method exit(error_code@:int):none;
method object_size(obj:any):int;
method individual_object_size(obj:any):indexed[int];
method object_size_histogram(obj:any):int;
method explore_reaching_paths(start:any, target:any, useIdentity:bool):void;
method reaching_paths_do(start:any, target:any, useIdentity:bool,
method PIC_statistics():void;
method detailed_PIC_statistics():void;
method cpu_time():int;  - Current CPU time in milliseconds.
method time(closure:&():void):int;  - CPU execution time of closure in milliseconds
method benchmark_closure(cls:&():void):void;
method system(s@:string):int;
method system(s@:vstring):int;
method system(s@:string, if_error:&(i:int):int):int;
method breakpoint():void;
method sys_breakpoint():void;
concrete representation argv isa i_indexed[string];  - Unix command-line arguments
method length(t@:argv):int;
method fetch(t@:argv, i:int, if_absent:&():string):string;
The system function invokes the Unix system system call with the given command, and passes the returned value to the user. The if_error closure is invoked if the system call returns a non-zero result.

concrete object env isa m_table_like[string,string];
method fetch(t@:env, name:string):string;
method fetch_internal(t@:env, name@:vstring):string;
method store(t@:env, n:string, v:string):void;
method store_internal(t@:env, n@:vstring, v@:vstring):void;
method garbage_collect():void;
method print_heap():void;
method process_size():int;
method compile_date():string;
method zero_runtime_counters():void;
method print_and_zero_runtime_counters():void;
method profiling_on():void;
method profiling_off():void;
method profile(c@:&():`T):T;
method profile(b@:bool, c:&():`T):T;
Unix environment variables can be read and modified.

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