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The Diesel standard library defines a collection of data structures and control structures used by most Diesel programs. Since even basic structures that would be built into other languages--like integers, conditional statements, and loops--are defined at user level, it is easy to define and use new control structures and new operations on the standard data types.

This manual describes the data and control structures that make up the noeval standard library. They are available to a program that is compiled by the Vortex compiler with the stdlib (default) or noevalstdlib standard library levels, or that explicitly includes the file prelude.noeval.diesel. The ``How To Use Vortex'' document describes the additional functionality of the evaluator which is available to each program compiled at the stdlib level. A minimal standard library (smallstdlib) is also available.

This manual presents data and control structures in five sections:

with the last section describing precedences of binary operators defined in the library.

Verbal description is generally preceded by Diesel code declaring the classes and functions. Function bodies are not shown; the headers show ``types'' of arguments and the result. Overriding methods are not shown unless they also introduced refined signatures. Examples sometimes follow the verbal description. Finally, file names refer the user to the source code for the most complete and up-to-date details.

When appropriate, abstract interfaces are described in the first part of a subsection and concrete implementations of these interfaces in the second part.

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