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Looping and closures

In closure.diesel:

extend module Stdlib;
module Closure;
The predefined closure abstract class is the abstract superclass of all closure objects. Methods that dispatch on closure types (e.g. method f(x@&(int):bool):void {...}) actually are dispatching on this object. User-defined objects can inherit from closure in order to inherit closure-manipulating functions.

predefined abstract class closure;
Closure types follow the standard contravariant subtyping relationship among closure types, i.e.:
predefined type &(T1, ..., TN):T isa closure, &(`S1 <= T1, ..., `SN <= TN):`S >= T
The loop function invokes its closure argument endlessly. It never returns normally. To exit the loop, the closure must do a non-local return or invoke some closure that does (e.g., using the exit control structure). All other looping constructs are built upon this function.

fun loop(c:&():void):none;
while implements a standard while-do loop. E.g.:
   while({ i < last }, {
            i := i.succ;

fun while(cond:&():bool, c:&():void):void;
Other while-do and do-until loops are implemented using the {while,until}[_{true,false}] functions. The one-argument while_{true,false} functions simply evaluate their argument test until it returns true or false, respectively, presumably for its side effects. The until_ versions evaluate their body closure and then the test until the test returns true or false, as appropriate.

fun while_true(cond:&():bool, c:&():void):void;  - same as while
fun while_false(cond:&():bool, c:&():void):void;
fun while(cond:&():bool):void;
fun while_true(cond:&():bool):void;  - same as while
fun while_false(cond:&():bool):void;
fun until(c:&():void, cond:&():bool):void;
fun until_true(c:&():void, cond:&():bool):void;  - same as until
fun until_false(c:&():void, cond:&():bool):void;
The exit[_value][_continue] constructs support evaluating a block of code (the body closure), breaking out of it if the break closure is evaluated inside body. The _value versions return a value. The _continue versions allows body to be restarted from the beginning when the continue closure is evaluated.

For example, to execute some code, but perhaps quit early:

        if(..., { eval(break); }); - skip the rest of the body of exit
        - fall off bottom
This idiom supports breaking out of any sort of looping or non-looping piece of code: just wrap the thing in an exit or exit_value control structure and invoke the break block where the control structure should be exited.

fun exit(c:&(exit:&():none):void):void;
fun exit_value(c:&(exit:&(`T):none):`T):T;
fun exit_continue(c:&(exit:&():none, continue:&():none):void):void;
fun exit_value_continue(c:&(exit:&(`T):none, continue:&():none):T):T;
The loop[_exit[_value]][_continue] functions evaluate the body closure again and again until the break closure is evaluated inside body. For the _continue versions, execution of body can be restarted from the beginning by evaluating the continue closure. The _value versions return a value.

To write a simple loop with a break statement:

        if(..., { eval(break); }); - exit loop conditionally
        - loop
To loop and compute a value:
    let result:int := loop_exit_value(&(break:&(int):none){
        if(..., { eval(break, theResult) }); - exit loop, returning theResult
If both break and continue are desired for an arbitrary iterating construct, such as times_do, two exit calls should be used, as in the following example. The outer call encloses the iterator and provides breaking out of the loop, while the inner call encloses the loop body and provides continuing to the next iteration:
      10.times_do(&(i:int){                - for i := 0 to 10-1 do
              if(..., break);        - break out of loop
              if(..., continue);     - continue the iteration by jumping
                                     - to the end of the loop body
Some standard iteration control structures, including do and do_associations, support break and continue functionality more conveniently via do[_associations][_exit][_continue] alternatives. For example, the following code iterates through the coll collection, also allowing the body closure to exit the iteration or continue the iteration with the next element:
  coll.do_exit_continue(&(elem:T, break:&():none, continue:&():none){
      if(..., break);        - break out of loop
      if(..., continue);     - continue the iteration with the next element

fun loop_exit(c:&(exit:&():none):void):void;
fun loop_exit_value(c:&(exit:&(`T):none):void):T;
fun loop_exit_continue(c:&(exit:&():none, continue:&():none):void
fun loop_exit_value_continue(c:&(exit:&(`T):none,
fun loop_continue(c:&(continue:&():none):void):void;
Case statements are supported through the switch, case, and else functions. The elements of switch's argument collection (usually a vector literal expression) are evaluated in turn, until one of the test blocks evaluates to true or the else case is found. Then the corresponding do block is evaluated and its result returned as the result of the switch function. (Thus switch is very much like Lisp's cond.) The switch function dies with a run-time error if none of the cases matches and there is no else case. To illustrate:
    let result:string :=
      switch([case({ x < 0 }, { "negative" }),
              case({ x = 0 }, { "zero" }),
              else(           { "positive" })]);
Unfortunately, unlike most Diesel control structures, the switch construct is not as efficient as the corresponding C version: a vector object is created and filled in with objects containing real closures, and a bunch of messages get sent. So you might wish to use chained if expressions instead of switch expressions in the most time-critical parts of your program. (Some optimizations have been implemented that often transform switch statements of this form into an if-then-else chain, but only if you invoke unrolled_switch instead of switch, and object creations still remain unless debug_support is disabled.)

class case_pair[T] isa case_pair[`S >= T];
fun case(c:&():bool, s:&():`T):case_pair[T];
fun else(s:&():`T):case_pair[T];
fun switch(t:ordered_collection[case_pair[`T]]):T;
fun unrolled_switch(t:i_vector[case_pair[`T]]):T;  - an optimized version for short vector literal args
end module Closure;

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