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Hash tables

The hash table constructors optionally take a size argument that is a non-binding guess as to the maximum size of the table, used to pre-allocate a reasonable amount of hash vector space. All hash tables automatically resize if the table grows too large or small.

In hash-table.diesel:

extend module Stdlib;
module OpenHashTableImpl;
fun next_probe(v:vector[`T], idx:int):int;
fun previous_probe(v:vector[`T], idx:int):int;
fun buckets_in_quadratic_probing_order_do(v:vector[`T], start_idx:int,
abstract class open_table[Key];
fun probe_histogram(t:open_table[`Key <= hashable[Key]]
end module OpenHashTableImpl;
module HashTable;
hash_table is an implementation of tables that uses an open hashing algorithm, for hashable keys.

class hash_table[Key <= hashable[Key], Value]
                        isa m_removable_table[Key,Value];
fun check_correctness(t:hash_table[`Key,`Value]):void;
fun new_hash_table[Key <= hashable[Key], Value]()
fun new_hash_table[Key <= hashable[Key], Value](size:int)
class hash_CR_table[Key <= hashable[Key], Value]
                                                isa hash_table[Key,Value];
fun new_hash_CR_table[Key <= hashable[Key], Value]()
fun new_hash_CR_table[Key <= hashable[Key], Value](size:int)
end module HashTable;
In chained-hash-table.diesel:

chained_hash_table is an implementation of tables using a closed hashing algorithm.

extend module Stdlib;
module ChainedHashTable;
class chained_hash_table[Key <= hashable[Key], Value]
                                        isa m_removable_table[Key,Value];
fun new_chained_hash_table[Key <= hashable[Key], Value](
fun new_chained_hash_table[Key <= hashable[Key], Value](
fun probe_histogram(t:chained_hash_table[`Key,`Value]):histogram[int];
class chained_hash_CR_table[Key <= hashable[Key], Value]
        isa chained_hash_table[Key,Value];
fun new_chained_hash_CR_table[Key <= hashable[Key], Value](
fun new_chained_hash_CR_table[Key <= hashable[Key], Value](
end module ChainedHashTable;

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