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In stream.diesel:

A stream is like a collection of values, but the values are accessed in sequence. Streams have an implicit position within the stream of values, pointing between two values (or before the first value or after the last value), and operations on streams are relative to this implicit position.

extend module Stdlib;
module Stream;
The basic stream data type supports forward reading of a stream of values. The at_end and before_end testers check whether the current position is after the last value in the stream. The forward operation advances the position past the next value in the stream. The next operation reads and returns the next value in the stream, advancing the position as a side-effect; the next_N operation reads and returns the next N elements of the stream. The peek_next operation reads and returns the next element of the stream but does not advance the position; a subsequent next or peek_next operation will return the same value.

abstract class stream[T] isa stream[`S >= T];
fun is_at_end(:stream[`T]):bool;
fun before_end(s:stream[`T]):bool;
fun forward(:stream[`T], at_end:&():void):void;
fun forward(s:stream[`T]):void;
fun next(:stream[`T], at_end:&():`S):T|S;
fun next(s:stream[`T]):T;
fun next_N(s:stream[`T], n:int):sequence[T];
fun peek_next(:stream[`T], at_end:&():`S):T|S;
fun peek_next(s:stream[`T]):T;
fun as_collection(s:stream[`T]):sequence[T];
A mutable stream supports changing the value after current position in the stream, and optionally advancing the position past that value. A flush operation makes updates to stream values visible externally, for those implementations of streams such as files that have separate external views.

abstract class m_stream[T] isa stream[T];
fun set_peek_next(:m_stream[`T], :T):void;
fun set_next(s:m_stream[`T], x:T):void;
fun flush(:m_stream[`T]):void;
A removable_stream supports the remove_next operation, which removes the next element from the stream.

abstract class removable_stream[T] isa stream[T],
                                              removable_stream[`S >= T];
fun remove_next(:removable_stream[`T]):void;
An insertable_stream allows an item (or a collection of items) to be inserted immediately behind the current position of the stream, i.e., the position in the stream is right after the inserted value(s).

abstract class insertable_stream[T] isa stream[T];
fun insert(:insertable_stream[`T], :T):void;
fun insert_all(s:insertable_stream[`T], c:ordered_collection[T]):void;
An extensible_stream allows an item (or a collection of items) to be added to the end of the stream; the position of the stream is moved to the end of the stream after the added items.

abstract class extensible_stream[T] isa stream[T];
A reversible_stream allows backward motion through the stream. It supports backward-looking functions analogous to the forward-looking operations of the generic stream. Similarly, m_reversible_stream supports backwards-looking mutation operations.

abstract class reversible_stream[T] isa stream[T],
                                               reversible_stream[`S >= T];
fun is_at_start(:reversible_stream[`T]):bool;
fun after_start(s:reversible_stream[`T]):bool;
fun backward(:reversible_stream[`T], at_start:&():void):void;
fun backward(s:reversible_stream[`T]):void;
fun prev(:reversible_stream[`T], at_start:&():`S):T|S;
fun prev(s:reversible_stream[`T]):T;
fun peek_prev(:reversible_stream[`T], at_start:&():`S):T|S;
fun peek_prev(s:reversible_stream[`T]):T;
abstract class m_reversible_stream[T] isa reversible_stream[T],
fun set_peek_prev(:m_reversible_stream[`T], :T):void;
fun set_prev(s:m_reversible_stream[`T], x:T):void;
A positionable_stream supports querying and setting the position in the stream explicitly. The length of the stream can be determined also.

abstract class positionable_stream[T] isa reversible_stream[T],
                                                 positionable_stream[`S >= T];
fun position(:positionable_stream[`T]):int;
fun set_position(:positionable_stream[`T], :int, off_end:&():void):void;
fun set_position(s:positionable_stream[`T], p:int):void;
fun to_start(s:positionable_stream[`T]):void;
fun to_end(s:positionable_stream[`T]):void;
fun view_indexed(:positionable_stream[`T]):indexed[T];
abstract class m_positionable_stream[T] isa positionable_stream[T],
end module Stream;

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