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2 Dynamically-Typed Core

2.6 Precedence Declarations

Cecil programmers can define their own infix binary operators. Parsing expressions with several infix operators becomes problematic, however, since the precedence and associativity of the infix operators needs to be known to parse unambiguously. For example, in the following Cecil expression

foo ++ bar *&&! baz *&&! qux _max blop

the relative precedences of the ++, *&&!, and _max infix operators is needed, as is the associativity of the *&&! infix operator. For a more familiar example, we'd like the following Cecil expression (** represents exponentiation)

x + y * z ** e ** f * q

to parse using standard mathematical rules, as if it were parenthesized as follows:

x + ((y * (z ** (e ** f))) * q)