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4.5 Related Work

4.5.6 Languages Offering Local Type Inference

The work on local type inference in an extension of F£ [Pierce & Turner 98], especially the "local type argument synthesis," is very similar to inference of instantiating types in Cecil: they address a similar problem and use a similar inference algorithm. Their setting is different from Cecil's: they work within an impredicative type system whereas Cecil's is essentially predicative. In contrast with their system, Cecil handles F-bounded quantification, signature constraints, by-name subtyping, and overloading (with multiple dispatch). An earlier work on type inference in F£ [Cardelli 93] presents a faster algorithm which is more restrictive in some cases due to asymmetric treatment of method arguments.

A similar kind of type inference is also offered by GJ, a language that adds parameterized types to Java [Bracha et al. 98]. Compared to its predecessor, Pizza, in GJ the type of an expression does not depend on its context, and the type inference supports subsumption and empty collections (which may be considered as having multiple incomparable collection types). GJ only provides non-variant type parameters whereas in Cecil covariant or contravariant type parameters can be expressed using polymorphic subtype declarations and are supported by type inference. Type inference in GJ seeks to find the smallest instantiating types for type variables, whereas the goal of type inference in Cecil is to infer the most specific type of an expression (which may be achieved, for example, with the biggest instantiating type for a contravariant type parameter). GJ supports F-bounded polymorphism, but does not provide other advanced language constructs, such as signature constraints, independently parameterized subtype declarations, and multi-methods. The authors of GJ report on the positive experience with their 20,000-line GJ compiler (written in GJ, too) which extensively uses parameterization for container classes and the Visitor pattern. The 125,000-line Vortex compiler written in Cecil [Dean et al. 96] also uses parameterization extensively for container classes as well as in heavily parameterized optimization and interprocedural analysis frameworks [Litvinov 98]. Since Cecil allows additions of new multi-methods and new branches of multi-methods to the existing code, there is no need to use the Visitor pattern in Vortex.