To: Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 09:56:51 PDT From: Brian Grant test To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: Subject: Re: automating Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 10:00:36 PDT From: Wilson Hsieh I may be somewhat conservative here, but I think this is the "natural" progression of research. The technical issues with automation are often the hardest, and require that the pre-automation technical details be worked out first. - Wilson From: ausland@tiffany (Joel Auslander) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: quals presentation Date: Mon, 03 Jun 96 11:50:03 -0800 My quals presentation will be on Wednesday, June 5 at 4pm, in 422 Sieg. The title is "Binding Time Analysis for Dynamic Compilation". Everyone's welcome. -Joel Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 15:16:41 -0700 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: algorithm for eager stitching Since Susan's not in today, let's cancel today's meeting, with the expectation of a make-up meeting in the next day or so. -- Craig To: Subject: new eager stitching writeup Date: Tue, 02 Jul 1996 16:22:03 PDT From: Brian Grant I updated my writeup slightly, fixing a few minor errors. I merely replaced the one in the discussion archive: ssion/eager-stitching.txt --Brian Date: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 17:15:29 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima Subject: Scott's issue tracker I have documentation on it, should you need to use it. It checks for good dual issue and instruction alignment in statically- compiled code: an ATOM tool. Susan Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 10:16:03 -0700 (PDT) From: (Markus U. Mock) To: spin-comp@pintail Subject: KeepConst Annotations X-keep_const Here is an updated version of the keepConst annotations. I've also included some musings for an annotation for function specialization and memoization fo results. -- Markus =============================================================== New Annotations for Runtime Compilation 1. Annotations ============== There are two basic annotations, one to specify constants coming into a dynamic region and one to specify the variables to be kept constant. 1.1. Syntactic form: A. keepConst( []) [] where ::= list of variables (possibly empty) ::= :cache | :cache1 | :unchecked | :replicate ::= eager | lazy | looplazy Defaults: keepConst( :cache) looplazy [NB unchecked was called shareConst in the previous draft] keepConst annotations are only allowed inside of dynamic regions. The following annotation can be used to "turn keepConst off": B. unkeepConst() which is also only allowed inside of a dynamic region. C. keepConst( [:cache | :cache1 | :unchecked] { /* the dynamic region */ } Default: cache The keepConst( [:cache | :cache1 | :unchecked] { /* the dynamic region */ } The keepConst annotation with a block is used to mark the beginning and extent of a dynamic region. It is also used to specify the set of variables that are assumed to be constant throughout the region, given in the variable list. The is used to specify how to deal with multiple versions, analogous to the keys in our previous dynamic compilation design. Using "cache" specifies an infinite size cache of versions, "cache1" a cache of size 1 (i.e. a new version will replace an existing old one). At the start of the region a check of the cache needs to be made when using cache or cache1. Cache1 will be useful if the incoming values exhibit temporal locality, i.e. the same set of values enters the region for some time then changes and then stays the same again for some time. If that is not the case, "cache" should be used, which is also the default. "unchecked" is like cache1 except that no cache check is done. The programmer asserts that the variable will only have one value and won't change. For variables in that are actually changed in the region, the behavior is like putting a keepConst inside the region, i.e. multiple versions will be created and cached using the specified cache policies. Nesting: ------- keepConst's with regions can be nested. For example keepConst(x) { ... /* R1 region */ keepConst(y) { ... /* R2 nested region */ } ... /* R1 */ } In region R1 only x will be kept constant (assuming no other keepConst annotations within R1, in R2 all variables of surrounding regions (here R1) will be kept constant and the variables declared for region R2. In this case, both x and y are kept constant inside R2. 2. IR-level annotations ======================= 2.1 Computation of IR level annotations ---------------------------------------- The annotations at the programming language level are converted to annotations at the IR level in the following way: 1. Annotations are propagated along non-backedges only 2. Propagation is done according to these rules: (:C L are the caching and laziness specifications, i.e C \in {cache, cache1, replicate, unchecked} L \in {eager, lazy, looplazy} keepConst( :C) L: Out = In + {(x1,C,L), .. (xn,C,L)} unkeepConst( :C) L: Out = In - {(x1,C,L), .. (xn,C,L)} keepConst( :C){}: Out = {(x1,C,eager) .. (xn,C,eager)} other: Out = In At Merges: Out = U In(p) for all predecessors p U is ordinary set union. Call the information computed by these rules Kconst(p) for program point p. For a (dynamic) merge point m, additionally the overall caching and laziness policies C(m) and L(m) are computed as follows: L({(x1,C1,L1), .. (xn, Cn, Ln)}) = min(L1, .. Ln) where min is the minimum of the following order: lazy < looplazy < eager C({(x1,C1,L1), .. (xn, Cn, Ln)}) = min(C1, .. Cn) where min is the minimum of the following order: replicate < cache < cache1 < unchecked Making different annotations for the same variable ((x,C,L) , (x,C',L') where (C,L) != (C',L')) is not allowed and flagged as an error. 2.2 Laziness annotations at the IR level ---------------------------------------- For lazy stitching we must compute which dynamic branches we want to treat lazily and which eagerly. In the previous section we have computed annotations for dynamic merge points based on the programmer annotations for the variables. From these (dynamic) merge point annotations we compute which dynamic branches are treated lazily. 1. All dynamic merges annotated as looplazy are changed to eager iff they are not loop head merges lazy iff they are loop head merges 2. For each dynamic merge M annotated lazy: compute the earliest post-dominating edges E of M and mark them as lazy 3. For each dynamic branch D: If any outgoing edge of D is marked lazy mark D as a lazy otherwise as eager When edge E post-dominates edge E' (or node p) we are sure that when we follow edge E we are guaranteed to traverse E' (pass thru p) later. [An vertex v' post-dominates a vertex v in a graph G iff v dominates v' in G' where G' is obtained from G by reversing the edges. The dominates-relation for edges is obtained by introducing a new vertex v12 for each edge (v1,v2) and replacing it in the graph with edges (v1,v) and (v, v2). An edge (v1,v2) dominates (v3,v4) iff in the new graph v12 dominates v34. Example: d1? l/ \ d2? B1 / \ | / B2 B3 d3? \ / l/ \______> ----- M: If M is annotated as lazy the left edge of d1 and d3 each post-dominate M and hence are annotated as lazy. d1 and d3 will be stitched lazily, d2 eagerly. 3. BTA ====== The BTA needs the following modifications for the new annotations: 1. Initial set C(p0) = set of variables annotated as constant in the keepConst(){} region annotation 2. Flow functions Each flow function is modified (f(ins) denotes the previously used flow function for instruction ins): Cflow [[ins]] cs = f(ins) U Kconst(p) i.e. the set of variables to be kept constant at the program point are always considered constant at point p. 3. Merge function Mconstant(cs1, cs2) = cs1 U cs2 if cn1 and cn2 are mutually exclusive (static merge) (cs1 \intersection cs2) U Kconst(p) otherwise i.e. static merges (based on the unmodified reachability analysis) are treated in the same way as before. For dynamic merges all inferred constants based on variables annotated to be kept constant are forgotten, only the variables in Kconst(p) are considered constant on top of the "traditional" run time constants. Example: Assume the programmer has annotated keepConst(x,y) (SSA form) if (d) ; d dynamic condition t1 = x * y {x, y, t1} set of constants else t2 = x + y {x, y, t2} set of constants M: At M the merge is a dynamic merge, hence the rule is: ({x, y, t1 } \intersect {x, y, t2}) U {x,y} = {x, y} For the loop unrolling example in the paper this works out as follows: keepConst(p) p1 = 1st -->M: {p1,p3} | p2 = Phi(p1,p3) | t = (p2 != NULL) | | t? | | \----------> | | | ... | p3 = p2->next | | | | ------- M is a non-static merge. For loop unrolling this loop head merge was therefore marked as a constant merge to be able to derive the loop induction variable as run time constant. Using the keepConst annotation for variable p (the induction variable) achieves the same effect here, by unioning in {p} at M again. Hence, no special marking for the loop head merge as a constant merge is necessary, it is sufficient to use keepConst on the variable "along which" the loop is to be unrolled. Multi-way loop unrolling is achieved in the same way by annotating the induction variable along which to unroll. Example: pc = 0 keepConst(pc) while (1) { M: op = codes[pc] switch(op) { case ADD: ... pc++ break case GOTO: pc = codes[pc+1] break ... } } The keepConst(pc) annotation will keep pc constant at the merge point M and hence in all cases of the switch, which in turn will allow codes[pc+1] to be derived as a constant. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Support for dynamic compilation of function calls In the present framework, results of function calls cannot be treated as run time constants and functions will not be specialized for certain arguments. The following is a proposal for adding some support for procedure specialization and memoization of results short of inter-procedural analysis. 4.1 Call site annotations Form: a = [sefree,idempotent] f() [specialize on ] Intended use: sefree (side effect free): asserts that the function f (at this call site) has no side effects that the programmer is interested in. Example: a call to random, will change the state of the random number generator but we might not care. idempotent: asserts that f (at the call site) is idempotent, i.e. for the same arguments it will return the same results. Idempotent subsumes sefree. Example: sin(x) Special case: all arguments are run time constants at the call site. Then "a" becomes a run time constant too, and the function f will be called only once during setup and the result will be cached. specialize on : is used to specify that the function f is to be specialized at the call site. It is to be specialized only in the arguments given in which must be a subset of the argument actuals given in . Example: a = idempotent f(x,y) specialize on (x) What happens at run time? sefree idempotent specialize specialized versions of f are created compiling f assuming the arguments being specialized on are constant like sefree, additionally if all arguments are used for specialization, the result can be cached and f needs to be called only once for each argument tuple. don't specialize --- if all arguments are rtc: call f only once during setup and cache the result 4.2 Callee Annotation Another annotation is useful to specialize f independent of the call site. It is then important to specify which arguments are interesting for specialization. Form: specialize [idempotent, sfree] f(x1,..,xn) on () where is a subset of the argument list. Intended Use: Here the intended use is to create as many specialized versions of f where specialization is done exactly on the arguments listed in the key. Additionally, f can be asserted to be side-effect free or idempotent. If there are both callee and call-site annotations for f, the call site annotation overrides the callee annotation and a specialized version for the particular call site is created independent of the other specialized version(s) for f. Implementation: -------------- BTA: All cases leave the set of computed run time constants unaffected except for a = idempotent f(x1, .. xn) where all x1, .. xn are rtc's. The BTA is changed to make "a" a derived rtc then. (static) compile time: Each specialized function becomes an implicit dynamic region and gets compiled as such. For each call site a different template will be produced. If all arguments are run time constants, now function call will need to be compiled. A general version of f will be kept, called as setup and the result will be used as the value of the runtime constant function result. Runtime: At the call site, the produced template gets stitched with the appropriate run time constants (the arguments to specialize on). A cache for versions of f is checked first, to find out if the required version has already been produced before. There seems to be no other magic involved. Hence, these annotations would be implementable and useful, enlarging the range of programs that can be profitably compiled, even without doing inter-procedural analysis. ================================================================ Design of New Annotations As of $Date: 1996/07/03 22:08:03 $ Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 16:13:14 -0700 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: summer meetings Since we just have 4 people here this summer, I propose that we not have weekly individual meetings and instead have a single weekly (or more often if needed) meeting of the 4 of us to go over compiler algorithms, discuss designs, and plan implementation strategy. Basically, a weekly "group" meeting where we actually get work done. Can people make Mondays at 11am? Starting on the 8th? -- Craig Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 16:50:04 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: summer meetings I cannot make Mondays at that time, and would rather not make Mondays at all. But Tuesdays through Thursdays are pretty clear. Susan Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1996 17:21:40 -0700 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: summer meetings FYI, the kind of meetings I have in mind are those only active implementors would be part of. Not for passive interested parties. In lieu of individual weekly meetings (or aggregated together). If we want a more general "heads-up" meeting, e.g. every few weeks, we can add that, too. Maybe one combined w/ a full SPIN meeting? -- Craig Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 01:32:27 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Subject: New Annotations update Here's an updated version. I am still working on the function specialization part, so it's not included here (should be independent of the other stuff) -- Markus =========================================================== New Annotations for Runtime Compilation 1. Annotations ============== There are two basic annotations, one to specify constants coming into a dynamic region and one to specify the variables to be kept constant. 1.1. Syntactic form: A. keepConst( []) [] where ::= list of variables (possibly empty) ::= :cache | :cache1 | :unchecked | :replicate ::= eager | lazy | looplazy Defaults: keepConst( :cache) looplazy [NB unchecked was called shareConst in the previous draft] keepConst annotations are only allowed inside of dynamic regions. The following annotation can be used to "turn keepConst off": B. unkeepConst() which is also only allowed inside of a dynamic region. C. dynamicRegion isConst ( [:cache | :cache1 | :unchecked]) { /* the dynamic region */ } Default: cache The dynamicRegion isConst() {} annotation can be nested. The variable list in isConst lists the variables that are assumed to be constant at the beginning of the region. D. isConst( [:cache | :cache1 | :unchecked]) Default: unchecked isConst can be used anywhere inside the dynamic region. When used inside the dynamic region the default caching behavior is "unchecked". 1.2 Intended Use of New Annotations A. keepConst keepConst is used to tell the dynamic compilation system that the variables specified in the list of variables are to be kept constant from that point on downstream to the end of the dynamic region or until killed by "unkeepConst". For that purpose at merge points new versions will be generated as necessary. For the caching of these versions the following alternatives policies are provided: a) cache An infinite number of versions will be cached. The cache will be checked for the needed version. If present, it will be used, otherwise the new version will be produced and cached along with versions already in the cache, growing the cache by one. b) cache1 Exactly one version will be cached. Like a) except that a new version replaces the old version in the cache maintaining the cache size at 1. c) unchecked [was called shareConst before] Exactly one version will be cached, but no check will be done to ascertain that the cached version is the correct one. The programmer asserts that the value of the variable will never change, if this is not actually the case, the results will likely be incorrect (the cached version will be used w/o a check and will likely have an incorrect value). NB Note that "exactly one" refers to the current context, i.e. for each context one version will be cached. d) replicate No cache probing will take place. Each time a new version will be produced, even for values encountered before. This obviates the possibly expensive cache check and will be useful for loop unrolling where each iteration value will be produced only once (e.g. in simple counting loops). For one particular variable only one caching policy is allowed. How different cache policies for different variables can be mixed and matched is explained in section 2.1. What will be used as cache keys and where cache checks will be done is explained in section 3. B. unkeepConst unkeepConst is used to tell the compiler to not keep a variable constant anymore from the point of the unkeepConst annotation. This will be useful to further divide a dynamic region. C. isConst( [:cache | :cache1 | :unchecked] Default: unchecked isConst inside a dynamic region is used as a hint to the BTA that the listed variables are constant at that point. In the BTA the variable will keep its property as runtime constant until it possibly loses that property at some dynamic merge. No attempt is made to keep the variable constant, i.e. no specialization is done. Essentially the BTA treats such a variable like a derived rtc just that the "derivation" is by means of the programmer annotation isConst. The caching policies "cache" and "cache1" can be used to insert a cache check and cache multiple versions. In the default case "unchecked" it is the programmer's responsibility to make sure that the variable always has the same value at that point (in the same context). Example: dynamicRegion isConst(x) { y = ... I: isConst(y) z = y + x + 3; .. some uses of x, y, z .. P: y = y + d /* d some dynamic variable */ M: x = x + d } y is treated as a constant from point I to point P where it loses its constancy in the BTA. So z is also a (derived) constant as both y, x and 3 are rtc. At M x retains its constancy by specialization, The programmer must assure (as y is unchecked) y'v value is the same at point I for the same context. Here the context is the value of x, i.e. y = f(x) for some function f. NB. keepConst and isConst cannot be used at the same time on the same variable. D. dynamicRegion [is_const( [:cache | :cache1 |:unchecked]) { /* the dynamic region */ } Default: cache The dynamicRegion annotation is used to mark the beginning and extent of a dynamic region. It is also used to specify the set of variables that are assumed to be constant throughout the region, given in the variable list isConst(). The caching specification is used to specify how to deal with multiple versions (of the dynamic region), analogous to the keys in our previous dynamic compilation design. Using "cache" specifies an infinite size cache of versions, "cache1" a cache of size 1 (i.e. a new version will replace an existing old one). At the start of the region a check of the cache needs to be made when using cache or cache1. Cache1 will be useful if the incoming values exhibit temporal locality, i.e. the same set of values enters the region for some time then changes and then stays the same again for some time. If that is not the case, "cache" should be used, which is also the default. "unchecked" is like cache1 except that no cache check is done. The programmer asserts that the variable will only have one value and won't change. The variables listed in isConst() are the initial runtime constants assumed to be constant throughout the region. If their value is actually changed inside the region, the outcome is undefined. Nesting: ------- dynamicRegion annotations can be nested. For example: dynamicRegion isconst() { keepConst(x); ... /* R1 region */ dynamicRegion isConst() { keepConst(y); ... /* R2 nested region */ } ... /* R1 */ } In region R1 only x will be kept constant (assuming no other keepConst annotations within R1), in R2 all variables of surrounding regions (here R1) will be kept constant and the variables declared for region R2. In this case, both x and y are kept constant inside R2. In the case where y is invariant with respect to x at the start of region R2 (i.e. y = f(x), f a function) caching of y would be superfluous. In this case, however, using the isConst annotation will achieve the same effect inside R2 while obviating the need for caching on y. A better way to write the annotations then is: dynamicRegion isConst() { keepConst(x); ... /* R1 region */ dynamicRegion isConst(y:unchecked) { ... /* R2 nested region */ } ... /* R1 */ } 2. IR-level annotations ======================= 2.1 Computation of IR level annotations ---------------------------------------- The keepConst and isConst annotations at the programming language level are converted to annotations at the IR level in the following way: 1. (Annotations are propagated along non-backedges only 2. Propagation is done according to these rules: A. for keepConst (:C L are the caching and laziness specifications, i.e C \in {cache, cache1, replicate, unchecked} L \in {eager, lazy, looplazy} keepConst( :C) L: Out = In + {(x1,C,L),.. (xn,C,L)} unkeepConst( :C) L: Out = In - {(x1,C,L), .. (xn,C,L)} other: Out = In The "+" denotes set union, with the constraint that foreach variable x, at most one element (x,C,L) can be in any set. Making different annotations for the same variable ((x,C,L) , (x,C',L') where (C,L) != (C',L')) is not allowed and flagged as an error. At Merges: Out = + In(p) for all predecessors p Call the information computed by these rules Kconst(p) for program point p. For a (dynamic) merge point m, additionally the overall caching and laziness policies C(m) and L(m) are computed as follows: L({(x1,C1,L1), .. (xn, Cn, Ln)}) = min(L1, .. Ln) where min is the minimum of the following order: lazy < looplazy < eager C({(x1,C1,L1), .. (xn, Cn, Ln)}) = min(C1, .. Cn) where min is the minimum of the following order: replicate < cache < cache1 < unchecked B. for isConst dynamicRegion isConst( :C) {} Out = {(x1,C,looplazy) .. (xn,C,looplazy)} isConst( :C) Out = In + {(x1,C,looplazy) .. (xn,C,looplazy)} Again "+" is constrained set union as described above. any other point P: Out = {(x,C,L)| x \in rtc(P) and (x,C,L) \in In} (rtc(M) set of runtime constants at M) i.e. a isConst(x) annotation is killed at a program point where the the variable x loses its constancy ("implicit end of that isConst"). 2.2 Laziness annotations at the IR level ---------------------------------------- For lazy stitching we must compute which dynamic branches we want to treat lazily and which eagerly. In the previous section we have computed annotations for dynamic merge points based on the programmer annotations for the variables. From these (dynamic) merge point annotations we compute which dynamic branches are treated lazily. 1. All dynamic merges annotated as looplazy are changed to eager iff they are not loop head merges lazy iff they are loop head merges 2. For each dynamic merge M annotated lazy: compute the earliest post-dominating edges E of M and mark them as lazy 3. For each dynamic branch D: If any outgoing edge of D is marked lazy mark D as a lazy otherwise as eager When edge E post-dominates edge E' (or node p) we are sure that when we follow edge E we are guaranteed to traverse E' (pass thru p) later. [An vertex v' post-dominates a vertex v in a graph G iff v dominates v' in G' where G' is obtained from G by reversing the edges. The dominates-relation for edges is obtained by introducing a new vertex v12 for each edge (v1,v2) and replacing it in the graph with edges (v1,v) and (v, v2). An edge (v1,v2) dominates (v3,v4) iff in the new graph v12 dominates v34. Example: d1? l/ \ d2? B1 / \ | / B2 B3 d3? \ / l/ \______> ----- M: If M is annotated as lazy the left edge of d1 and d3 each the earliest edges that post-dominate M and hence are annotated as lazy. d1 and d3 will be stitched lazily, d2 eagerly. 3. Caching Issues ================ 3.1 Lookup Points A cache lookup needs to be done at the following points: 1. At the start of a dynamic region (assuming the isConst list is non-empty) 2. At each keepConst / isConst with a caching annotation other than unchecked 3. At each "interesting merge", i.e. a merge M where a variable x \in Kconst(M) has more than one reaching definition. These are the merges where splitting will be done. 3.2 Cache Keys Each keepConst / isConst adds the variables in the list to the current context. An unkeepConst, end of region or implicit end of isConst removes the corresponding variable(s): dynamicRegion isConst(x1, .. xn) KeyOut = {x1, .. xn} isConst(x1, .. xn:C) KeyOut = KeyIn if C == unchecked KeyIn U {x1, .., xn} otherwise keepConst(x1, .. xn:C) KeyOut = KeyIn if C == unchecked or replicate KeyIn U {x1, .., xn} otherwise unkeepConst(x1, .. xn) KeyOut = KeyIn - {x1, .. xn} implicit end of isConst(x): KeyOut = KeyIn - {x} 4. BTA ====== The BTA needs the following modifications for the new annotations: 1. Initial set C(p0) = set of variables annotated as constant in the isConst() {} region annotation. 2. Flow functions Each flow function is modified (f(ins) denotes the previously used flow function for instruction ins): Cflow [[ins]] cs = f(ins) U Kconst(p) i.e. the set of variables to be kept constant at the program point are always considered constant at point p. isConst(x) is treated as a pseudo-instruction with the following flow function: Cflow [[isConst(x)]] cs = cs U {x} 3. Merge function Mconstant(cs1, cs2) = cs1 U cs2 if cn1 and cn2 are mutually exclusive (static merge) (cs1 \intersection cs2) U Kconst(p) otherwise i.e. static merges (based on the unmodified reachability analysis) are treated in the same way as before. For dynamic merges all inferred constants based on variables annotated to be kept constant are forgotten, only the variables in Kconst(p) are considered constant on Example: Assume the programmer has annotated keepConst(x,y) (SSA form) if (d) ; d dynamic condition t1 = x * y {x, y, t1} set of constants else t2 = x + y {x, y, t2} set of constants M: At M the merge is a dynamic merge, hence the rule is: ({x, y, t1 } \intersect {x, y, t2}) U {x,y} = {x, y} For the loop unrolling example in the paper this works out as follows: keepConst(p) p1 = 1st -->M: {p1,p3} | p2 = Phi(p1,p3) | t = (p2 != NULL) | | t? | | \----------> | | | ... | p3 = p2->next | | | | ------- M is a non-static merge. For loop unrolling this loop head merge was therefore marked as a constant merge to be able to derive the loop induction variable as run time constant. Using the keepConst annotation for variable p (the induction variable) achieves the same effect here, by unioning in {p} at M again. Hence, no special marking for the loop head merge as a constant merge is necessary, it is sufficient to use keepConst on the variable "along which" the loop is to be unrolled. Multi-way loop unrolling is achieved in the same way by annotating the induction variable along which to unroll. Example: pc = 0 keepConst(pc) while (1) { M: op = codes[pc] switch(op) { case ADD: ... pc++ break case BRANCH: if (testreg) pc = codes[pc+1] else pc = codes[pc+2] break ... } } The keepConst(pc) annotation will keep pc constant at the merge point M and hence in all cases of the switch, which in turn will allow codes[pc+1] to be derived as a constant. ================================================================ Design of New Annotations As of $Date: 1996/07/18 08:29:42 $ To: Subject: SPIN machines Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 13:31:44 PDT From: Brian Grant We have been asked to stay off the SPIN servers: chiffon, lace, satin, silk, velvet. Our logins will soon be disabled on those machines. We should still be able to use wally and any of the following SPIN machines (correct me if I'm wrong, Przemek): Alpo Calico Canvas Chintz Cotton Denim Flannel Khaki Linen Scaup Spandex Wigeon Wool --Brian Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 08:53:14 -0700 From: chambers@hoh To: spin-comp@cs Subject: gone this morning I had forgotten to let you all know that I'll be out this morning to attend a friend's wedding, so I'll miss today's group meeting. I'll be back in early afternoon. -- Craig Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 09:56:35 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@hoh Subject: Re: gone this morning Why don't we meet when Craig gets back and is free. 3p. Susan Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 12:56:18 -0700 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@hoh, eggers@yakima Subject: Re: gone this morning 3pm works for me. -- craig Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 17:43:28 -0700 From: Charles Garrett To: Subject: compiling mm_alpha.C of the multiflow compiler I played with this file to see why it breaks the gcc compiler. It appears that one function requires an enormous stack frame which the compiler can't handle. If you change the lines: EXTERN RES_REQ MM_Alpha_Skew_Res_Req( CHAR *name, INT instance ) { RES_CLASS args[MAX_ISSUE_VEC + MAX_SKEW][MAX_RCS]; to: STATIC RES_CLASS args[MAX_ISSUE_VEC + MAX_SKEW][MAX_RCS]; EXTERN RES_REQ MM_Alpha_Skew_Res_Req( CHAR *name, INT instance ) { the stack frame is greatly reduced and the compiler is happy. -- Charlie Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 18:12:34 -0700 From: Charles Garrett To: Subject: compiling testhash.C We can perform the same fix in the testhash.C program and get rid of our reliance on the old version of gcc. The testhash.C file doesn't compile because two functions have the local argument: CHAR *saved_keys[5000]; We can replace this with a single static global variable: STATIC CHAR *saved_keys[5000]; -- Charlie To: Charles Garrett cc: Subject: Re: mm_alpha.C, testhash.C Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 10:13:40 PDT From: Brian Grant I added Charlie's fixes and checked them into to CVS. To get the new versions, cvs update: ./mflow/pmakefile ./mflow/mm/mm_alpha.C ./mflow/util/testhash.C Thanks, Charlie! --Brian Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 11:28:52 -0700 From: Charles Garrett To: spin-comp Subject: Fletcher's directories are readable David Becker has changed the permissions on Fletcher's directories so that the matthai:rtcg group has all permissions now. -- Charlie To: cc: Subject: we have command-line options! Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 14:53:36 PDT From: Brian Grant I put in a dummy option: P2DYC_hello. New options can be listed in phase1/main.C in the alphabetically ordered listing. The name you specify is both the name of the option and the name of a global variable that is set automatically. Cool. The command-line options can either be specified on the scc command line or in .ccrc. Files to update: ./phase1/main.C ./phase1/pmakefile ./p2dep/p2dep.H ./p2dep/p2dep.C ./p2dep/pmakefile ./phase2/csi.C ./phase2/p2_comp_script.csi ./phase2/pmakefile ./p2dyc/p2dyc.H ./p2dyc/p2dyc.C --Brian Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 13:21:45 -0700 From: Charles Garrett To: spin-comp Subject: source code for scc Does anyone know where the source code for scc is located? Scc is the program that sets up options and calls the Multiflow C compiler. I am having trouble debugging the C compiler because I can't set up all of the input files that it wants. I didn't see the source code in the /projects/trace1/mflow/usr/vssad directory. Thanks, -- Charlie Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 16:07:50 -0700 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meetings Susan and I are out of town a lot in the next couple of weeks. And I'm freaking out preparing for 143. And I have a conflict for the designated 590 DC meeting time. So: let's have a quick meeting sometime next Monday or Tuesday, just to touch base and report on progress. We won't meet the following week. Then we need to schedule a recurring meeting time to start the following week. When are people free next M & T to meet? -- Craig Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 16:17:19 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: meetings I'm out of town both Monday and Tuesday, but I could hold a meeting the following week when Craig is gone at our normal time on Thursday. Susan Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 16:47:57 -0700 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, eggers@yakima Subject: Re: meetings I'll actually be back from my trips on Thurs (Oct 10), but I assume I'll be swamped w/ 143 catch-up, so I may have to miss a Thurs meeting. -- Craig Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 11:09:36 -0700 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: meetings OK, based on everyone's schedules, let's meet 10:30-11am Tuesday morn. See you all then. -- Craig Date: Sat, 5 Oct 1996 13:44:47 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: meetings Just to remind you, I'll be at an DARPA meeting this Tuesday. Susan Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 16:40:16 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima Subject: thursday meeting are we meeting tomorrow? susan Date: Wed, 09 Oct 1996 17:00:55 -0700 From: Charles Garrett To: Susan Eggers Subject: Re: thursday meeting Susan Eggers wrote: > > are we meeting tomorrow? > > susan I can meet. I have modest progess to report on the 64-bit front. -- Charlie Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 21:45:03 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: eggers@yakima, Subject: Re: thursday meeting Cc: spin-comp@june I'd like to get some update on the status or nonstatus of a PLDI paper Craig tells me may or may not have materialized while I was gone. Did you all meet on Tuesday? Susan Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 12:23:43 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima Subject: annotation paper Craig says that Markus is writing a quals paper that might serve as a template, so to speak. So let's not give up the ghost on a PLDI submission just yet. When Markus gets back from OOPLSLA, let's meet briefly to nail down a game plan and find out the status of his quals paper. For next Thursday's meeting come having already thought about an outline. And I"ll talk to Matthai today (and Brian too?) about using the annotations in programs, meaning finding programs that need our flexibility. Susan To: Subject: PLDI `97 home page Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 11:42:56 PDT From: Brian Grant Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 19:49:54 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima Subject: I updated the mailing list Turns out there was more out of date than just those two names. spin-comp is for our meeting group (matthai,brian,markus,charlie, craig,susan) and spin-compALL for the larger community. Susan Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 10:45:50 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima Subject: comments Just a reminder to leave enough space (double space) so we can make comments between lines. Susan Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 11:01:21 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima Subject: tomorrow's meeting Dear paper writers -- Do we have to have our usual DC meeting tomorrow, or will you be writing away. If the latter, I would prefer to cancel, and just drive by on my way to the airport to pick up the paper. I already know that Charlie will probably have little/nothing to report, since he's been tied up with the OSDI demo. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: Subject: Re: tomorrow's meeting Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 11:05:47 PST From: Brian Grant >> If the latter, I would prefer to cancel, and just >> drive by on my way to the airport to pick up the paper. Might as well cancel. I'm not sure how much of the paper will be ready before you leave, but we'll give you what we have done. Our more realistic target for a draft (not just pieces like we handed you on Monday) is Friday. --Brian Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 12:32:40 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima Subject: what's the status on the paper? Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 12:41:15 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima Subject: \PLDI deadline Ours is firm -- Nov. 8. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: Subject: Re: \PLDI deadline Date: Sun, 03 Nov 1996 12:43:41 PST From: Brian Grant >> Ours is firm -- Nov. 8. We're getting there. We're working on essentially the third draft now, even though it will be the first one with all of the figures, cross references, and citations. --Brian Date: Wed, 06 Nov 1996 16:16:38 -0800 From: Charles Garrett To: chambers Subject: Meeting tomorrow Craig, Obviously you are very busy with paper deadlines. Are you going to have time for the DyC meeting tomorrow? I will summarize what I've been working on lately in case there is no meeting. I have been working on making the Multiflow compiler produce object files that will link with normal Alpha libraries. I think I have successfully changed the calling convention (since I can't link yet, I don't know for sure.) As part of that change, I figured out how to make Multiflow discriminate between argument passing registers and return value registers. It used to assume that any temporary register could be used for both functions. For the time being, I am going to make the compiler think that all temporary registers are caller-saved. That will make it safe to call library routines compiled by the DEC compiler. Now I am working on getting the Multiflow compiled object files to link with DEC libraries. The difficulty is that the Multiflow compiler and assembler assumed a 32-bit address space and some of their instruction sequences won't work in a 64-bit address space. I believe that it can be made to work by using the DEC assembler instead and changing some of the assembly language code emitted by Multiflow. I should know whether this approach will work in a couple of days. -- Charlie Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 12:42:09 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima Subject: CA I'm staying in CA until Sunday. I'll see you next week. susan Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 10:32:48 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima Subject: DC meeting I got back in town yesterday, but am leaving again on Wednesday, and will be gone almost continuously until after Thanksgiving. If at possible (I realize that Craig in particular is pretty busy these days), I'd like to meet as a group some time Tuesday or Wednesday. And then unless we cover the topics in the general meeting, talk to Matthai and Brian separately. Any takers? Susan Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 10:39:35 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@yakima, eggers@yakima Subject: Re: DC meeting I can meet at noon tomorrow, after my other meetings of the morning. -- Craig Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 12:33:29 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima, eggers@yakima, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: DC meeting Noon is fine iwth Matthai and me. Susan Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 13:54:17 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Susan Eggers cc:, Subject: Re: DC meeting works for me too. -- Markus On Mon, 11 Nov 1996, Susan Eggers wrote: Noon is fine iwth Matthai and me. Susan Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 23:57:23 -0800 From: To: Subject: Re: DC meeting > On Mon, 11 Nov 1996, Susan Eggers wrote: > > > Noon is fine iwth Matthai and me. > I can make it as well. -- Charlie To: Subject: paper outline Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 17:45:05 PST From: Brian Grant Here is the outline as it currently stands. The sections are pretty firm, but the specific points we want to make are not yet completely worked out. --Brian Title? -- Introduction -- DC is good -- Some success on applications -- Run-time PE is one popular approach to DC -- What's missing in previous run-time PE work -- polyvariant division -- control over specialization -- intraprocedural, direct-style, per-program-point specialization -- Our system provides all that -- Paper outline -- Title? Annotations -- Declarative annotations -- vs. imperative program construction -- We have intraprocedural and interprocedural annotations -- Intraprocedural annotations -- Introduction of makeStatic and makeDynamic -- Dynamic-to-static promotion -- At annotation -- At a dynamic assignment -- Dynamic regions -- Scope of annotations -- The annotations are intraprocedural -- Imperative constructs -- Assignments -- Decisions -- Loops -- Handle arbitrary control flow: break, continue, goto -- Permits direct-style per-program-point specialization -- Nested and overlapping regions -- vs. systems that only do interprocedural and function-scale specialization, requiring -- Tail recursion -- CPS -- Stack-based interpreter example from PLDI paper -- Interprocedural annotations -- Introduce specialize [constant] and inline annotations -- Separate compilation -- Cost vs. benefit -- Default behavior of makeStatic: full power of PE intraprocedurally (polyvariant specialization and division) -- Policies and function annotations for control -- Harnessing the Power of PE -- Polyvariant specialization -- Multi-way LU -- JavaVM? -- Others? -- Nested-region example -- Graphics example? -- Polyvariant division -- Call-site-specific function specialization Good example? Call used outside a loop where we want to specialize on many arguments and another inside a loop where we want to specialize on fewer arguments. -- "Online-like" specialization Polyvariant division compensates for advantage of on-line PE over off-line: more accurate information. /* How do we avoid bringing up policies if promoteStatic is the default behavior? */ makeStatic(x : polyvariant); if (s1) { x = s2; ...x... } else { x = d1; ...x... } ...x... On-line PE will know whether x should be static or dynamic after the merge. Monovariant division makes x dynamic. Polyvariant division makes x static on the true path and dynamic on the false path. -- Conditional specialization We can turn this around to do conditional specialization. In addition to continuing to specialize on paths where a variable remains static, we can also make a variable static on certain paths. if (s1) { x = d1; makeStatic(x); ...x... } else { x = d2; ...x... } ...x... -- Controlling PE -- Cost vs. benefit -- Specialization has a run-time cost -- Speedup times number of times executed must outweigh cost -- Particularly high costs: -- Run-time loop unrolling -- Run-time function inlining -- Mononvariant vs. polyvariant -- monovariant, polyvariant, promoteStatic -- makeStatic default is promoteStatic -- Default for compile-time and derived constants is monovariant -- Function specialization -- Specialization: specialize -- Inlining: inline -- Termination? -- Memoization: specialize constant -- Performance/safety tradeoff -- Cacheing -- space -- cache: unlimited copies -- cache1: limited to one -- cache(n): could specify arbitrary limit -- checks -- replicate for loops -- unchecked for run-time constants -- Performance/safety tradeoff -- what policy has precedence -- what to check -- how many versions to cache -- Pointer transitivity -- transitive, intransitive -- makeStatic, makeDynamic: *, -> -- Usability issue -- Need this to make dereferences static -- Performance/safety tradeoff -- Eager/lazy specialization -- we permit unsafe (e.g., trapping) operations to be static -- Division, tan(), pointer dereferences -- eager, loopLazy, polyLazy, lazy -- use of policies -- in loops -- precedence -- makeEager, makeLazy: while, for, if, switch, ?:, ||, && -- Performance/safety tradeoff -- Termination -- Conditional specialization in policies -- Polyvariant division: split on different policies (except polyvariant vs. promoteStatic) -- Conditional unrolling example -- Implementation -- Use stuff from PLDI -- Add something about aliasing: makeStatic(x : promoteStatic); p = &x; /* must kill x here without alias analysis */ -- Add something about cache policies -- cache: making data executable -- cache1: flushing the instruction cache -- cache(n): replacement policies -- Related Work -- Static PE How much of the following do we want to say? ** PE: static, source-to-source translation, functional languages, higher-order functions, self application, fully automatic given root static/dynamic division, interprocedural ** Us: dynamic, compiler, C, rely on annotations to direct specialization, intraprocedural -- Craig's off-line, on-line, run-time chart -- Off-line: (division), (specialization), (execution) -- On-line: (division, specialization), (execution) -- Run-time: (division), (specialization, execution) -- Specialization has no run-time cost in static PE other than impact on instruction-cache locality -- Run-time PE does dynamic-to-static promotion -- Eliminates need for "the trick" -- Can specialize on variables of unbounded variation -- Different concerns wrt. termination because specialization and execution can be interleaved; -- Laziness ensures termination -- Can require eager specialization (unrolling, inlining) be statically bound -- Or, can always just stop specialization arbitrarily and begin again if needed -- Function annotations -- We have a static unfolding strategy (cf. Sestoft's Automatic Call Unfolding paper p. 489) -- Separate compilation difficult with interprocedural analysis -- Filters -- Control over unfold/residualize/generalize -- Similar to function annotations -- Runtime PE -- No polyvariant division -- Fabius supports two-stage divisions in which a function may be specialized on all its arguments, a particular subset of its arguments, or none of its arguments, depending on which arguments are static at the call site. -- Interprocedural, function-scale specialization -- Little control: only what functions on what arguments -- `C -- Declarative systems can perform powerful specializations -- Multi-way LU -- Generate arbitrary code graphs -- The declarative systems have the following advantages over imperative systems. -- They can be directly applicable to existing programs. -- They are easier to apply in new programs. -- Don't need to learn new language -- Provides lots of functionality automatically -- Identification of static values from a small root set -- Identification of dynamic code -- Creation of generating extension -- Cacheing multiple versions -- Respecialization as needed -- Easily specified conditional specialization -- They facilitate debugging by preserving the semantics of annotated statically compilable programs. -- They do not obfuscate the control flow of dynamically compiled code, which inhibits global optimization in imperative systems. -- Conclusion Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 09:49:29 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: pepm extension? A short extension... ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Thu Nov 14 04:39:42 1996 Delivery-Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 04:39:47 PST Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 13:39:28 +0100 From: Charles Consel To: CC: Subject: Re: pepm extension? Hi Craig, The paper you outlined seems quite interesting. The *firm* extension is thursday night, 21 nov so that I can dispatch the papers before on friday. Charles ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 09:55:47 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: DC meeting on Thursday Cc: spin-comp@cs Ag, I didn't we were meeting, since Susan's gone and you all are paper-writing. Can we go on that plan? -- Craig Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 09:59:33 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: pepm extension? FYI, this is what I sent Charles. ----- Begin Included Message ----- From chambers Wed Nov 13 10:02:58 1996 To: Subject: pepm extension? Hi, Charles. We're working hard on a PEPM submission about a revised and rethought annotation language to control dynamic compilation, which gives us a lot of power and a lot of control with little additional programmer intervention. The annotation language draws from a number of sophisticated PE ideas (e.g. polyvariant division), and in the end I think we can express all of `C's examples but in a nice declarative style that's still executable if you ignore the annotations (unlike `C!). However, the deadline is fast approaching, and we're worried about getting the paper in shape in time. Can we get an extension to the Nov. 18 deadline? Ideally a week, but we'll take whatever you can offer. Thanks a lot for your consideration. -- Craig Chambers ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 17:45:42 -0800 From: Charles Garrett To: Subject: Multiflow bug or optimization? Ben, I don't know if you've been keeping track of our work here, so let me briefly describe what I am doing before I ask you about a possible bug. I have been working on making Multiflow produce 64-bit code for the Alpha. So far I have gotten it to produce correct 64-bit code for about 10 small programs and I am currently attempting to make Multiflow use the standard Alpha calling conventions and produce code that will link with the standard libraries. While working on the calling convention part, I ran into the following problem. In this example procedure: int funny(int** p) { if (*p) { return **p; } return 3; } the compiler produces code that dereferences **p before the test of *p. At first I assumed that this was caused by our changes to the compiler, but I checked it with our baseline version of Multiflow and it did the same thing. I was able to think of a possible explanation for this, which is that the compiler knows that if the branch is not taken then *p will be 0 and if it also knows that address 0 will always be mapped in the address space, then it is alright to dereference *p without worrying about a segmentation fault. And if the branch is taken, then *p will be dereferenced anyway so it won't hurt to do it before the branch. It turns out that address 0 is mapped in the 32-bit executables produced by Multiflow, so executing the load before the branch doesn't cause any problems in them. However, in 64-bit executables produced by the Alpha linker, address 0 is not mapped and I don't know how to force it to be mapped. So do you know if this behavior is a bug or a legal optimization? Thanks for your help. -- Charlie From: Date: Fri, 15 Nov 96 14:30:22 Subject: RE: Multiflow bug or optimization? To:, Charles Garrett Cc:, Without trying this myself, my quess is that the second load (**p) is a dismissible load (i.e., speculative load). Probably the alpha compiler just emits this as a normal (rather than dismissible) load operation. Try using the option: -mP3OPT_allow_dismiss=FALSE and see if it still happens. Also, has the branch been eliminated or is the branching structure still present? The optimizer might also be doing this. -Ben --- On Thu, 14 Nov 1996 17:45:42 -0800 Charles Garrett wrote: Ben, I don't know if you've been keeping track of our work here, so let me briefly describe what I am doing before I ask you about a possible bug. I have been working on making Multiflow produce 64-bit code for the Alpha. So far I have gotten it to produce correct 64-bit code for about 10 small programs and I am currently attempting to make Multiflow use the standard Alpha calling conventions and produce code that will link with the standard libraries. While working on the calling convention part, I ran into the following problem. In this example procedure: int funny(int** p) { if (*p) { return **p; } return 3; } the compiler produces code that dereferences **p before the test of *p. At first I assumed that this was caused by our changes to the compiler, but I checked it with our baseline version of Multiflow and it did the same thing. I was able to think of a possible explanation for this, which is that the compiler knows that if the branch is not taken then *p will be 0 and if it also knows that address 0 will always be mapped in the address space, then it is alright to dereference *p without worrying about a segmentation fault. And if the branch is taken, then *p will be dereferenced anyway so it won't hurt to do it before the branch. It turns out that address 0 is mapped in the 32-bit executables produced by Multiflow, so executing the load before the branch doesn't cause any problems in them. However, in 64-bit executables produced by the Alpha linker, address 0 is not mapped and I don't know how to force it to be mapped. So do you know if this behavior is a bug or a legal optimization? Thanks for your help. -- Charlie -----------------End of Original Message----------------- Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 18:47:41 -0800 From: Charles Garrett To: Subject: Re: Multiflow bug or optimization? wrote: > > Without trying this myself, my quess is that the second load (**p) is a > dismissible load (i.e., speculative load). Probably the alpha compiler > just emits this as a normal (rather than dismissible) load operation. > > Try using the option: -mP3OPT_allow_dismiss=FALSE and see if it still > happens. Also, has the branch been eliminated or is the branching > structure still present? The optimizer might also be doing this. > > -Ben > Ben, Thanks for your response. I looked through the compiler for related options and learned a few things. The P3OPT_allow_dismiss option is no longer there, but there are some options which determine how the runtime handles exceptions that are raised by speculative loads. It looks like the alpha version of Multiflow lets the speculative loads raise a signal and then in the signal handler they determine if it is ok to continue execution. I should be able to borrow this code and create a new runtime for 64-bit code. It is a relief to know that this behavior is due to a legal optimization, since I want to touch the trace scheduler as little as possible. Thanks again for your help. -- Charlie Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 17:07:26 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: paper? Cc: spin-comp@cs > From Wed Nov 20 17:03:17 1996 > Delivery-Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 17:03:20 PST > X-Mailer: exmh version 1.5.3 12/28/94 > To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) > Subject: Re: paper? > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Content-Type> : > text/plain> ; > charset="us-ascii"> > Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 17:03:11 PST > From: Brian Grant > > >> We need to send the paper electronically to France tomorrow morning, > >> so that Charles gets it sometime Thursday afternoon. > >> How can this happen? Is this going to happen? > > Well, we agreed to send it whatever we could get together, so something will > be sent. > > Would you like a hardcopy to read tonight? When are you leaving? We're just > about to paste a second draft together. We didn't think the first draft > was suitable for reviewing. > > --Brian > > We're never obligated to send in a paper, just because we asked for an extension. Or are you saying that we all internally agreed to send something? I don't want to send something that's not good. I'm leaving around 6. Please get me a 2-sided hardcopy to read tonight. Tomorrow at our (quick) meeting we'll do a thumbs-up/-down decision and do some fast email if that's what's decided. -- Craig To: Subject: paper sent out Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 21:03:47 PST From: Brian Grant The final version is ~grant/Misc/rtcg/pepm97/ --Brian and Markus Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 11:35:15 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Tempo paper Here's a recent paper from Consel. ----- Begin Included Message ----- .... I enclosed a paper we wrote on run-time specialization. Unlike the POPL paper which were limited to a small language and only focused on semantic and correctness aspects, this one talks about the implementation details of our approach. Plus, it gives experimental results of the run-time specializer on a series of programs (scientific and graphics). Interestingly, we compare execution time of run-time specialized code to compile-time specialized one. This is interesting because the latter strategy gives us the "ideal" speedup since a convential compiler treats the specialized program and has unlimited time to optimize it. We found that run-time specialized code achieves on average 80% of the speedup obtained by compile-time specialization. This indicates that the specialized code is rather good quality. Also, amortization is pretty low between 3 and 87. We would very much like to get your feedback on this paper. Maybe Susan would be interested to take a look as well. Best regards, Charles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Consel | University of Rennes / Irisa | Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu Phone: (33) 02 99 84 74 10 | 35042 Rennes Cedex Fax: (33) 02 99 84 71 71 | France ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- URL: & index.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Creator: dvipsk 5.55a Copyright 1986, 1994 Radical Eye Software %%Title: paper.dvi %%Pages: 19 %%PageOrder: Ascend %%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842 %%EndComments %DVIPSCommandLine: /usr/local/lib/texmf/bin/sunos4.1/dvips -o %+ paper.dvi %DVIPSParameters: dpi=300, compressed, comments removed %DVIPSSource: TeX output 1996.12.11:0947 %%BeginProcSet: /TeXDict 250 dict def TeXDict begin /N{def}def /B{bind def}N /S{exch}N /X{S N}B /TR{translate}N /isls false N /vsize 11 72 mul N /hsize 8.5 72 mul N /landplus90{false}def /@rigin{isls{[0 landplus90{1 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(run-time)g(v)n(alues)h(is)f(an)g(optimization)j(strategy)d(that)g(has) g(b)q(een)104 1042 y(sho)o(wn)13 b(to)f(drastically)k(impro)o(v)o(e)e (co)q(de)f(p)q(erformance)g(on)g(realistic)i(programs)e(ranging)h(from) f(op)q(erating)h(systems)f(to)104 1087 y(graphics.)23 b(Recen)o(tly)m(,)16 b(v)n(arious)g(approac)o(hes)h(to)d(sp)q(ecializi) q(ng)k(co)q(de)d(at)f(run-time)i(ha)o(v)o(e)f(b)q(een)g(prop)q(osed.)24 b(Ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)104 1133 y(these)15 b(approac)o(hes)h(still)h (su\013er)e(from)f(shortcomings)j(whic)o(h)f(limit)g(their)g (applicabil)q(it)o(y:)24 b(they)15 b(are)f(either)i(man)o(ual,)104 1179 y(restricted)e(to)f(a)g(small)h(language,)h(or)e(to)q(o)g(exp)q (ensiv)o(e)i(to)e(b)q(e)g(widely)i(applied.)161 1224 y(In)h(this)h(pap)q(er,)g(w)o(e)e(presen)o(t)i(new)f(tec)o(hniques)h (to)f(implemen)o(t)i(fast)d(run-time)i(sp)q(ecializati)q(on)i(of)d(C)f (programs)104 1270 y(based)j(on)g(co)q(de)g(templates.)31 b(Unlik)o(e)19 b(other)f(approac)o(hes,)h(ours)f(do)q(es)g(not)g (require)h(the)e(dev)o(elopmen)o(t)j(of)d(a)g(new)104 1316 y(compiler.)32 b(T)m(emplates)18 b(are)f(compiled)j(and)e (optimized)h(b)q(efore)f(run)f(time.)31 b(Run-time)18 b(sp)q(ecializa)q(tion)j(do)q(es)d(not)104 1361 y(require)13 b(an)o(y)g(in)o(terpretation)h(and)f(solely)h(consists)f(of)f(assem)o (bling)i(binary)g(templates,)f(\014lling)i(holes)e(and)g(relo)q(cating) 104 1407 y(jump)c(targets.)16 b(The)9 b(simplicit)o(y)j(of)d(these)h (op)q(erations)h(in)o(tro)q(duces)g(negligibl)q(e)h(o)o(v)o(erhead)e (at)f(run)g(time:)16 b(sp)q(ecializati)q(on)104 1453 y(requires)h(as)f(few)g(as)g(3)g(runs)g(to)g(b)q(e)g(amortized.)28 b(As)15 b(demonstrated)j(b)o(y)e(our)g(exp)q(erimen)o(tal)j(results)e (obtained)h(on)104 1498 y(scien)o(ti\014c)f(and)e(graphics)i(co)q(de,)f (run-time)f(sp)q(ecialize)q(d)j(programs)d(run)h(nearly)g(\(80\045)f (on)g(a)o(v)o(erage\))h(as)f(fast)g(as)g(the)104 1544 y(same)9 b(program)h(sp)q(ecialized)i(and)e(compiled)h(at)e(compile)i (time:)k(run-time)10 b(sp)q(ecializati)q(on)i(can)e(impro)o(v)o(e)g(p)q (erformance)104 1590 y(up)15 b(to)g(a)g(factor)f(of)h(10.)23 b(Th)o(us)15 b(our)g(measuremen)o(ts)h(sho)o(w)f(that)g(the)g (additional)j(o)o(v)o(erhead)e(incurred)h(b)o(y)e(deferring)104 1635 y(optimizations)h(to)d(run)g(time,)g(as)h(adv)o(o)q(cated)g(b)o(y) f(others,)h(ma)o(y)f(not)g(b)q(e)g(necessary)m(.)0 1772 y Fu(1)67 b(In)n(tro)r(duction)0 1862 y Ft(Run-time)10 b(sp)q(ecialization)h(allo)o(ws)g(programs)f(to)i(b)q(e)g(optimized)f (b)o(y)g(exploiting)g(dynamic)f(information.)k(This)e(tec)o(hnique)0 1912 y(has)20 b(b)q(een)i(sho)o(wn)e(to)g(drastically)f(impro)o(v)o(e)g (co)q(de)i(in)e(v)n(arious)h(applications)f(suc)o(h)i(as)f(op)q (erating)g(systems)g([18)o(])g(and)0 1962 y(graphics)14 b([13)o(,)f(15].)62 2012 y(V)m(arious)h(approac)o(hes)h(aimed)e(at)i (facilitating)d(the)j(pro)q(cess)i(of)d(sp)q(ecializing)g(\(and)g (sometimes)f(generating\))i(co)q(de)g(at)0 2062 y(run)h(time)f(ha)o(v)o (e)g(b)q(een)i(prop)q(osed.)25 b(These)17 b(approac)o(hes)f(range)g (from)e(language)h(extensions)i(to)e(express)j(dynamic)c(co)q(de)0 2112 y(construction)h([5)o(],)e(to)h(automatic)e(program)g(sp)q (ecialization)h([1,)g(10,)g(11,)g(12)o(,)h(9].)62 2161 y(Unfortunately)m(,)f(eac)o(h)i(of)e(the)i(existing)e(approac)o(hes)i (has)f(its)g(limitations.)h(They)g(are)f(either)h(man)o(ual,)c (restricted)16 b(to)0 2211 y(a)d(small)f(language,)g(or)h(to)q(o)h(exp) q(ensiv)o(e)g(to)g(b)q(e)g(widely)f(applied.)k(W)m(e)c(ha)o(v)o(e)h (dev)o(elop)q(ed)g(an)f(approac)o(h)h(that)g(lifts)e(all)h(three)0 2261 y(of)f(these)j(limitatio)o(ns.)g(In)e(a)g(previous)g(pap)q(er)h ([4)o(],)e(w)o(e)i(formally)c(de\014ned)k(this)f(approac)o(h)g(for)f(a) h(subset)h(of)f(an)f(imp)q(erativ)o(e)0 2311 y(language)h(and)h(pro)o (v)o(ed)g(it)f(correct.)62 2361 y(In)20 b(this)f(pap)q(er,)i(the)f(tec) o(hniques)h(used)g(to)e(implemen)o(t)e(our)i(approac)o(h)h(are)f (describ)q(ed.)37 b(In)20 b(con)o(trast)g(to)f(all)f(the)0 2410 y(other)i(automatic)d(approac)o(hes)k(to)e(run-time)f(sp)q (ecialization,)i(ours)g(do)q(es)g(not)f(require)h(the)g(dev)o(elopmen)o (t)f(of)f(a)i(new)0 2460 y(compiler.)c(W)m(e)10 b(presen)o(t)j(tec)o (hniques)f(that)f(allo)o(w)f(us)h(to)g(compile)e(templates)i(using)g (an)f(existing)h(C)g(compiler.)16 b(Finally)m(,)9 b(w)o(e)0 2510 y(demonstrate,)k(based)h(on)g(exp)q(erimen)o(tal)f(results,)h (that)g(our)f(run-time)g(sp)q(ecializer)h(can)g(b)q(e)h(applied)e (widely)m(,)f(drastically)0 2560 y(impro)o(v)o(es)g(p)q(erformance,)i (and)f(in)o(tro)q(duces)i(v)o(ery)g(little)e(o)o(v)o(erhead.)p 0 2592 780 2 v 46 2619 a Fs(\003)64 2631 y Fr(This)g(researc)o(h)e(is)i (supp)q(orted)e(in)i(part)f(b)o(y)h(F)m(rance)f(T)m(elecom/SEPT,)f(ARP) m(A)k(gran)o(t)c(N00014-94-1-084)o(5)f(and)j(con)o(tract)e (F19628-95-C-)0 2670 y(0193,)f(and)h(NSF)h(gran)o(t)e(CCR-92243375.)j (INRIA)f(T)m(ec)o(hnical)e(Rep)q(ort)g(RR-1065)965 2795 y Ft(1)p eop %%Page: 2 2 2 1 bop 62 42 a Ft(Our)16 b(approac)o(h)f(consists)i(of)d(the)i(follo)o (wing)d(steps.)23 b(A)16 b(program)d(is)i(\014rst)i(analyzed)e(with)g (resp)q(ect)i(to)e(a)g(description)0 91 y(iden)o(tifying)h(the)j (information)c(that)i(will)g(b)q(e)h(a)o(v)n(ailable)e(for)h(sp)q (ecialization.)29 b(This)18 b(phase)g(mainly)e(includes)i(analyses)0 141 y(of)c(aliases,)h(side-e\013ects,)i(binding-times)c(\(dep)q (endencies\),)18 b(and)d(actions)g(\(program)e(transformations\).)20 b(The)c(result)g(of)0 191 y(this)i(phase)g(is)f(a)g(program)f(where)j (eac)o(h)f(construct)h(is)e(asso)q(ciated)h(with)g(the)g(action)f(to)g (tak)o(e)h(during)f(sp)q(ecialization.)0 241 y(An)e(action-annotated)f (program)f(can)i(then)g(b)q(e)h(sp)q(ecialized)f(either)h(at)e(compile) f(time)g(or)i(at)g(run)g(time.)k(Compile-tim)o(e)0 291 y(sp)q(ecialization)13 b(consists)h(of)e(in)o(terpreting)i(actions)f (giv)o(en)f(some)g(sp)q(ecialization)h(v)n(alues.)k(T)m(o)c(p)q(erform) f(run-time)g(sp)q(ecial-)0 340 y(ization,)g(the)i(action-annotated)f (program)f(is)h(further)h(analyzed)f(to)g(determine)g(a)g(safe)h(appro) o(ximation)c(of)j(the)h(p)q(ossible)0 390 y(sp)q(ecializations)f(it)g (ma)o(y)f(yield.)17 b(This)c(result)i(is)e(expressed)j(as)d(a)g(tree)i (gramma)o(r.)h(Then,)d(this)h(tree)g(grammar)d(is)i(used)h(to)0 440 y(generate)f(templates)e(automatically)e(at)j(the)g(source)i(lev)o (el.)j(T)m(emplates)10 b(corresp)q(ond)k(to)d(the)i(computations)d (that)i(do)g(not)0 490 y(dep)q(end)k(solely)e(on)h(sp)q(ecialization)f (v)n(alues.)20 b(They)c(are)f(compiled)e(b)o(y)h(a)h(standard)g (compiler.)k(V)m(arious)14 b(information)e(on)0 540 y(template)f (delimiters)g(and)h(template)f(holes)h(is)g(collected.)18 b(Finally)m(,)10 b(a)i(run-time)f(sp)q(ecializer)i(is)e(generated;)j (it)e(consists)h(of)0 589 y(the)g(compiled)d(templates,)i(and)g(the)g (static)h(computations)e(in)o(tert)o(wined)h(with)g(simple)f(op)q (erations)h(to)g(dump)f(templates,)0 639 y(\014ll)i(holes,)g(and)h (relo)q(cate)h(jump)d(targets.)62 689 y(Our)h(approac)o(h)e(has)h(b)q (een)h(carried)f(out)g(in)f(practice:)18 b(w)o(e)12 b(ha)o(v)o(e)g (designed)g(and)g(implem)o(en)o(ted)e(a)i(partial)e(ev)n(aluator)h(for) 0 739 y(the)h(C)f(language)f(that)i(includes)f(b)q(oth)h(a)e (compile-time)f(and)i(a)g(run-time)f(sp)q(ecializer)i([3)o(].)17 b(This)11 b(system,)g(named)f(T)m(emp)q(o,)0 789 y(has)19 b(b)q(een)h(successfully)g(used)g(to)f(sp)q(ecialize)g(existing,)h (real-size)f(programs)f(in)g(areas)i(suc)o(h)f(as)g(graphics,)h(op)q (erating)0 839 y(systems)14 b([19)o(,)f(20],)g(and)h(scien)o(ti\014c)g (programs.)62 888 y(The)h(con)o(tributions)e(of)h(this)g(pap)q(er)g (can)g(b)q(e)h(summarized)d(as)i(follo)o(ws.)62 975 y Fq(\017)21 b Ft(New)10 b(tec)o(hniques)h(to)e(implemen)o(t)e(run-time)h (sp)q(ecialization)h(are)h(presen)o(ted.)19 b(They)10 b(do)f(not)h(require)g(a)f(new)h(compiler)104 1025 y(to)k(b)q(e)g(dev)o (elop)q(ed)h(to)e(compile)g(templates,)f(as)i(w)o(as)g(previously)g (done.)62 1106 y Fq(\017)21 b Ft(Our)e(run-time)e(sp)q(ecialization)h (pro)q(cess)i(is)e(fully)f(compiled:)26 b(the)19 b(op)q(erations)f (needed)i(to)e(sp)q(ecialize)h(co)q(de)h(are)104 1155 y(simple,)10 b(and)i(no)g(in)o(terpretation)h(or)f(auxiliary)e(tables)j (are)f(necessary)m(.)19 b(As)13 b(a)f(consequence,)i(the)f(resulting)f (pro)q(cess)104 1205 y(is)i(drastically)f(faster)h(than)g(other)h (automatic)d(approac)o(hes)i(for)g(a)f(language)g(suc)o(h)i(as)f(C.)62 1286 y Fq(\017)21 b Ft(An)14 b(exp)q(erimen)o(tal)f(study)i(conducted)g (in)f(the)g(con)o(text)h(of)e(existing)h(programs)f(demonstrates)h (that)g(our)g(strategy)104 1336 y(is)g(realistic,)f(signi\014can)o(tly) g(impro)o(v)o(es)f(p)q(erformance,)i(and)f(in)o(tro)q(duces)i (negligible)e(o)o(v)o(erhead)h(in)f(general.)62 1417 y Fq(\017)21 b Ft(Because)14 b(T)m(emp)q(o)d(sp)q(ecializes)j(programs) d(b)q(oth)h(at)h(compile)d(time)i(and)g(run)h(time,)d(it)j(allo)o(ws)e (us)i(to)f(mak)o(e)f(a)h(crucial)104 1467 y(analysis:)30 b(comparing)19 b(the)i(e\016ciency)g(of)f(statically)g(sp)q(ecialized)h (and)f(compiled)f(programs)h(to)g(dynamically)104 1517 y(assem)o(bled)12 b(binary)g(templates.)17 b(This)c(comparison)e(sho)o (ws)i(that)g(dynamically)d(sp)q(ecialized)j(programs)f(are)h(nearly)104 1567 y(\(80\045)f(on)h(a)o(v)o(erage\))h(as)f(e\016cien)o(t)h(as)f (statically)g(sp)q(ecialized)h(ones.)k(These)d(measuremen)o(ts)e (demonstrate)g(that)g(the)104 1616 y(additional)c(o)o(v)o(erhead)j (incurred)h(b)o(y)e(deferring)h(optimizations)e(to)h(run)h(time,)e(as)i (adv)o(o)q(cated)g(b)o(y)f(others)i([1)o(,)e(9],)g(ma)o(y)104 1666 y(not)j(pa)o(y)f(o\013.)62 1753 y(The)f(rest)g(of)f(this)g(pap)q (er)h(is)f(organized)g(as)g(follo)o(ws.)16 b(Section)11 b(2)g(describ)q(es)j(our)d(approac)o(h)g(to)g(run-time)f(sp)q (ecialization.)0 1802 y(Section)17 b(3)e(presen)o(ts)k(the)d(main)f (implem)o(en)o(tation)e(tec)o(hniques)18 b(used)f(to)f(ac)o(hiev)o(e)g (run-time)f(sp)q(ecialization.)25 b(Section)16 b(4)0 1852 y(measuremen)o(ts)9 b(the)h(e\016ciency)g(of)f(run-time)f(sp)q (ecialization)h(on)g(scien)o(ti\014c)h(and)f(graphics)h(programs.)15 b(Section)10 b(5)f(discusses)0 1902 y(related)14 b(w)o(ork.)k(Finally)m (,)12 b(Section)i(6)f(giv)o(es)h(concluding)g(remarks)f(and)h(outlines) g(future)g(directions.)0 2038 y Fu(2)67 b(Our)23 b(Approac)n(h)0 2129 y Ft(W)m(e)13 b(b)q(egin)g(with)g(the)h(basic)g(concepts)h(of)d (partial)h(ev)n(aluation)f(and)h(its)g(extension)h(to)f(p)q(erform)g (run-time)f(sp)q(ecialization.)0 2245 y Fp(2.1)56 b(T)-5 b(emp)r(o:)22 b(A)d(P)n(artial)g(Ev)m(aluator)f(for)h(C)g(Programs)0 2321 y Ft(P)o(artial)e(ev)n(aluation)f(is)i(a)g(program)e (transformation)g(that)i(sp)q(ecializes)h(a)f(program)e(with)i(resp)q (ect)i(to)e(constan)o(t)g(\()p Fo(i.e.)p Ft(,)0 2371 y(kno)o(wn,)11 b(or)h Fo(static)p Ft(\))g(parts)g(of)f(its)h(input.)17 b(W)m(e)12 b(ha)o(v)o(e)f(dev)o(elop)q(ed)i(and)e(implemen)o(ted)f(a)i (partial)e(ev)n(aluator)h(for)h(C)g(programs,)0 2421 y(named)j(T)m(emp)q(o.)21 b(T)m(emp)q(o)14 b(allo)o(ws)h(programs)f(to) i(b)q(e)g(sp)q(ecialized)g(at)g(b)q(oth)g(compile)e(time)g(and)h(run)h (time.)22 b(It)16 b(has)g(b)q(een)0 2471 y(used)g(to)g(e\013ectiv)o (ely)g(sp)q(ecialize)g(existing,)g(realistic)f(applications,)g (including)f(systems)i(co)q(de,)g(graphics)g(routines,)g(and)0 2521 y(scien)o(ti\014c)f(co)q(de.)62 2570 y(T)m(emp)q(o)f(is)i(an)f Fo(o\017ine)h Ft(partial)e(ev)n(aluator:)21 b(it)15 b(is)g(divided)g (in)o(to)g(an)g(analysis)g(phase)h(follo)o(w)o(ed)d(b)o(y)j(a)f (transformation)0 2620 y(phase)j(\(sp)q(ecialization\).)29 b(The)18 b(analysis)e(phase)i(comprises)g(alias,)f(side-e\013ect,)i (binding-time,)d(and)h(action)g(analyses.)0 2670 y(In)e(order)h(to)f (deal)g(with)g(the)h(complexities)e(of)h(realistic)g(source)i (programs,)d(the)h(analyses)h(are)g(\015o)o(w)e(sensitiv)o(e,)i(con)o (text)965 2795 y(2)p eop %%Page: 3 3 3 2 bop 0 2 848 2 v 985 2 966 2 v -1 632 2 633 v 59 69 a Fn(int)16 b(dotproduct\(i)o(nt)e(size,)i(int)h(u[],)f(int)g(v[]\))59 109 y Fm(f)94 148 y Fn(int)h(i;)94 187 y(int)g(res;)94 266 y(res)g(=)g(0;)94 345 y(for)g(\(i)g(=)g(0;)g(i)g(<)g(size;)f(i++\)) 129 385 y(res)h(=)g(res)g(+)g(u[i])f(*)i(v[i];)94 464 y(return)e(res;)59 503 y Fm(g)190 612 y Ft(Figure)e(1:)j(Source)e (program)p 846 632 V 985 632 V 1041 64 a Fn(int)h(dotproduct\()o(int)e (size)1448 52 y Fl(S)1487 64 y Fn(,)j(int)f(u[])1646 52 y Fl(S)1685 64 y Fn(,)h(int)g(v[])1845 52 y Fl(D)1889 64 y Fn(\))1041 104 y Fm(f)1076 143 y Fn(int)g(i;)1076 182 y(int)g(res;)1076 262 y(res)1130 251 y Fl(D)1174 262 y Fn(=)1192 251 y Fl(D)1237 262 y Fn(0)1255 251 y Fl(S)1295 262 y Fn(;)1076 342 y(for)1130 331 y Fl(D)1174 342 y Fn(\(i)1210 331 y Fl(S)1250 342 y Fn(=)1268 331 y Fl(S)1307 342 y Fn(0)1325 331 y Fl(S)1365 342 y Fn(;)g(i)1418 331 y Fl(S)1457 342 y Fn(<)1475 331 y Fl(S)1515 342 y Fn(size)1587 331 y Fl(S)1625 342 y Fn(;)h(i)1679 331 y Fl(S)1718 342 y Fn(++)1754 331 y Fl(S)1793 342 y Fn(\))1111 383 y(res)1165 371 y Fl(D)1210 383 y Fn(=)1228 371 y Fl(D)1273 383 y Fn(res)1327 371 y Fl(D)1371 383 y Fn(+)1389 371 y Fl(D)1434 383 y Fn(u)1452 371 y Fl(S)1492 383 y Fn([i)1528 371 y Fl(S)1567 383 y Fn(])1585 371 y Fl(S)1624 383 y Fn(*)1642 371 y Fl(S)1682 383 y Fn(v)1700 371 y Fl(D)1745 383 y Fn([i)1781 371 y Fl(S)1820 383 y Fn(])1838 371 y Fl(S)1878 383 y Fn(;)1076 463 y(return)1184 451 y Fl(D)1227 463 y Fn(res)1281 451 y Fl(D)1326 463 y Fn(;)1041 503 y Fm(g)1090 612 y Ft(Figure)c(2:)j(Binding-time)12 b(analyzed)i(program)p 1950 632 V 0 634 848 2 v 985 634 966 2 v 0 761 a(sensitiv)o(e,)g(and)g(use)h(sensitiv)o(e.)k(Details)14 b(of)f(these)j(analyses)e(are)h(presen)o(ted)h(elsewhere)g([3)o(].)i (The)d(result)g(of)e(the)i(analysis)0 811 y(phase)g(is)e(a)h(program)e (in)i(whic)o(h)g(eac)o(h)g(construct)i(is)e(asso)q(ciated)g(with)g(the) h(action)e(to)h(tak)o(e)g(during)g(sp)q(ecialization.)k(The)0 861 y(action)c(tree)h(can)f(b)q(e)g(used)h(b)o(y)f(either)g(the)h (compile-tim)o(e)d(or)i(run-time)e(sp)q(ecializer.)62 910 y(When)18 b(the)g(constan)o(t)g(inputs)g(are)f(kno)o(wn)g(at)h (compile-tim)o(e,)d(the)j(compile-time)d(sp)q(ecializer)j(can)g(b)q(e)g (used.)30 b(The)0 960 y(compile-tim)o(e)10 b(sp)q(ecializer)k(pro)q (duces)g(a)e(program)f(in)h(the)h(source)g(language,)f(whic)o(h)g(can)h (b)q(e)g(subsequen)o(tly)g(compiled)e(b)o(y)0 1010 y(an)o(y)j (compiler.)k(T)m(raditionally)m(,)11 b(partial)j(ev)n(aluators)g(ha)o (v)o(e)g(only)g(b)q(een)h(dev)o(elop)q(ed)h(to)e(handle)g(compile-time) e(constan)o(ts.)0 1060 y(W)m(e)j(ha)o(v)o(e)f(extended)j(partial)d(ev)n (aluation)g(to)h(allo)o(w)e(it)i(to)f(sp)q(ecialize)i(programs)e(with)h (resp)q(ect)i(to)e(constan)o(ts)h(that)f(only)0 1110 y(b)q(ecome)f(kno)o(wn)f(at)h(run)g(time.)j(In)d(this)g(case,)g(the)h (sp)q(ecialized)f(program)e(is)i(directly)g(pro)q(duced)i(in)d(mac)o (hine)g(co)q(de.)62 1160 y(W)m(e)k(no)o(w)f(illustrate)g(b)q(oth)h (compile-time)d(and)i(run-time)g(sp)q(ecialization)g(using)h(the)g(dot) f(pro)q(duct)i(program)d(illus-)0 1209 y(trated)g(in)e(Figure)h(1.)k (This)c(program)e(computes)i(the)g(dot)g(pro)q(duct)h(of)e(t)o(w)o(o)g (v)o(ectors)i(of)f(length)f Fk(size)p Ft(.)0 1326 y Fp(2.2)56 b(Analysis)18 b(Phase)0 1402 y Ft(Let)j(us)f(sp)q(ecialize)h(dot)f(pro) q(duct)h(with)f(resp)q(ect)i(to)e(the)h(length)f(of)f(the)i(v)o(ectors) g(and)f(the)h(elemen)o(ts)f(of)f(the)i(v)o(ector)0 1452 y Fk(u)p Ft(.)33 b(T)m(o)18 b(prepare)i(this)f(sp)q(ecialization,)g (the)h(binding-time)c(analysis)i(uses)j(earlier)e(alias)e(and)i (side-e\013ect)i(analyses)e(to)0 1502 y(propagate)f(an)g(abstract)i (description)e(sp)q(ecifying)h(that)f(v)n(ariables)g Fk(size)f Ft(and)h Fk(u)g Ft(are)h(kno)o(wn/)p Fo(static)p Ft(,)f(and)g(v)n(ariable)f Fk(v)0 1552 y Ft(is)j(unkno)o(wn/)p Fo(dynamic)p Ft(.)36 b(As)20 b(a)f(result,)j(eac)o(h)e(program)e (construct)k(is)d(annotated)h(b)o(y)g(binding-times,)f(as)h(sho)o(wn)f (in)0 1601 y(Figure)12 b(2.)18 b(Static)12 b(constructs)i(\(annotated)f Fo(S)p Ft(\))g(only)e(dep)q(end)j(on)e(a)o(v)n(ailable)e(data.)17 b(Otherwise,)d(constructs)g(are)f(dynamic)0 1651 y(\(annotated)h Fo(D)p Ft(\).)62 1701 y(The)e(binding-time)d(annotated)j(program)d(is)j (then)g(used)g(to)f(determine)h(whic)o(h)f(sp)q(ecialization)g(action)g (\()p Fo(i.e.)p Ft(,)g(program)0 1751 y(transformation\))16 b(to)i(p)q(erform)f(for)g(eac)o(h)i(construct,)h(as)e(presen)o(ted)i (in)d(Figure)h(3.)30 b(The)18 b(action)g Fo(evaluate)g Ft(\(noted)h Fo(ev)p Ft(\))0 1801 y(indicates)d(that)f(the)h(construct) i(only)c(dep)q(ends)j(on)f(static)g(data.)22 b(These)17 b(constructs,)g(suc)o(h)g(as)e Fk(i)22 b(=)f(0)16 b Ft(or)f Fk(u[i])g Ft(can)g(b)q(e)0 1850 y(completely)c(ev)n(aluated)h(at)g(sp)q (ecialization)f(time.)16 b(The)d(action)f Fo(r)n(e)n(duc)n(e)g Ft(\(noted)g Fo(r)n(e)n(d)t Ft(\))g(is)g(assigned)h(to)e(constructs)k (that)d(can)0 1900 y(only)h(b)q(e)h(partially)e(reduced)j(b)q(ecause)g (of)e(their)h(dynamic)e(sub)q(comp)q(onen)o(ts)h(that)h(m)o(ust)e(b)q (e)i(residualized.)19 b(F)m(or)13 b(example,)0 1950 y(the)20 b Fk(for)e Ft(lo)q(op)h(will)e(b)q(e)j(reduced)h(since)f(its)f(test)h (is)g(static,)g(although)e(its)h(b)q(o)q(dy)h(will)d(b)q(e)j (residualized.)34 b(Constructs)0 2000 y(annotated)16 b(with)f(the)h(action)g Fo(r)n(ebuild)f Ft(\(noted)h Fo(r)n(eb)p Ft(\))f(m)o(ust)g(b)q(e)h(residualized)g(but)g(con)o(tain)f (static)h(sub)q(comp)q(onen)o(ts)g(that)0 2050 y(can)c(b)q(e)g(ev)n (aluated,)f(suc)o(h)i(as)f(the)g Fk(+)f Ft(op)q(erator.)18 b(The)12 b(\014nal)f(action,)g Fo(identity)h Ft(\(noted)g Fo(id)t Ft(\),)g(indicates)g(that)g(a)f(construct)i(and)0 2100 y(all)h(of)g(its)h(sub)q(comp)q(onen)o(ts)g(are)g(dynamic.)20 b(These)c(constructs,)h(for)d(example)g Fk(return)20 b(res)p Ft(,)14 b(will)g(b)q(e)h(copied)g(v)o(erbatim)0 2149 y(in)o(to)e(the)i(residual)f(program.)0 2266 y Fp(2.3)56 b(Compile-Tim)o(e)15 b(Sp)r(ecialization)0 2342 y Ft(Since)j(the)g (action-annotated)f(program)f(has)i(already)f(determined)g(ho)o(w)g (eac)o(h)h(construct)h(will)d(b)q(e)i(transformed,)f(the)0 2392 y(sp)q(ecialization)g(phase)i(simply)c(tra)o(v)o(erses)k(the)g (program)d(and)h(p)q(erforms)h(the)g(actions.)29 b(Compile-tim)o(e)15 b(sp)q(ecialization)0 2442 y(pro)q(duces)f(a)e(sp)q(ecialized)h (program)e(written)i(in)f(the)h(source)h(language,)d(as)i(seen)g(in)f (Figure)h(4.)k(The)c Fo(r)n(e)n(d)f Ft(lo)q(op)f(is)i(unrolled,)0 2492 y(residualizing)f(the)i Fo(r)n(eb)e Ft(assignmen)o(t)g(as)h(man)o (y)e(times)h(as)i(the)f Fo(ev)g Ft(test)h(is)f(true.)19 b(The)13 b Fo(id)g Ft(return)h(statemen)o(t)f(is)g(repro)q(duced)0 2541 y(v)o(erbatim)f(in)i(the)g(sp)q(ecialized)h(program.)965 2795 y(3)p eop %%Page: 4 4 4 3 bop 0 2 995 2 v 1074 2 877 2 v -1 756 2 756 v 44 185 a Fn(int)16 b(dotproduct\(i)o(nt)e(size)451 173 y Fl(ev)501 185 y Fn(,)j(int)f(u[])660 173 y Fl(ev)710 185 y Fn(,)h(int)g(v[])870 173 y Fl(id)916 185 y Fn(\))44 224 y Fm(f)79 264 y Fn(\(int)f(i\))203 252 y Fl(ev)254 264 y Fn(;)79 305 y(\(int)g(res\))239 293 y Fl(id)285 305 y Fn(;)79 385 y(res)133 373 y Fl(id)179 385 y Fn(=)197 373 y Fl(r)q(eb)260 385 y Fn(0)278 373 y Fl(ev)328 385 y Fn(;)79 465 y(for)133 453 y Fl(r)q(ed)198 465 y Fn(\(\(i)g(=)i(0\)) 340 453 y Fl(ev)390 465 y Fn(;)f(\(i)g(<)g(size\))603 453 y Fl(ev)652 465 y Fn(;)h(\(i++\))778 453 y Fl(ev)827 465 y Fn(\))114 506 y(res)168 494 y Fl(id)214 506 y Fn(=)232 494 y Fl(r)q(eb)295 506 y Fn(res)349 494 y Fl(id)395 506 y Fn(+)413 494 y Fl(r)q(eb)476 506 y Fn(\(u[i]\))584 494 y Fl(ev)632 506 y Fn(*)650 494 y Fl(r)q(eb)713 506 y Fn(v)731 494 y Fl(id)778 506 y Fn([i)814 494 y Fl(ev)864 506 y Fn(])882 494 y Fl(r)q(eb)945 506 y Fn(;)79 586 y(\(return)d(res\))292 575 y Fl(id)338 586 y Fn(;)44 626 y Fm(g)165 736 y Ft(Figure)f(3:)k(Action)13 b(annotated)h(program)p 994 756 V 1073 756 V 1300 63 a Fn(int)j(dotproduct)p 1552 63 11 2 v 9 w(5\(int)f(v[]\))1300 102 y Fm(f)1335 142 y Fn(int)h(res;)1335 221 y(res)g(=)g(0;)1335 300 y(res)g(=)g(res)g(+)g(14)g(*)g(v[1];)1335 339 y(res)g(=)g(res)g(+)g(38) g(*)g(v[2];)1335 379 y(res)g(=)g(res)g(+)g(93)g(*)g(v[3];)1335 418 y(res)g(=)g(res)g(+)g(12)g(*)g(v[4];)1335 457 y(res)g(=)g(res)g(+)g (39)g(*)g(v[5];)1335 536 y(return)f(res;)1300 576 y Fm(g)1099 686 y Ft(Figure)j(4:)29 b(Compile-tim)o(e)17 b(sp)q(ecialized)j (program)1099 735 y Fr(\(w.r.t.)15 b Fn(size)10 b Fr(=)i(5,)f Fn(u[])g Fr(=)h Fm(f)p Fr(14,)f(38,)g(93,)g(12,)f(39)p Fm(g)p Fr(\))p 1950 756 2 756 v 0 757 995 2 v 1074 757 877 2 v 0 884 a Fp(2.4)56 b(Run-Time)16 b(Sp)r(ecialization)0 961 y Ft(The)i(action-annotated)f(program)f(can)i(also)f(b)q(e)i(used)f (to)g(ac)o(hiev)o(e)f(run-time)g(sp)q(ecialization.)29 b(This)17 b(pro)q(cess)j(is)d(itself)0 1011 y(divided)f(in)o(to)g(t)o (w)o(o)h(phases:)25 b(one)17 b(at)f(compile)f(time)h(and)g(one)h(at)g (run)g(time.)25 b(A)o(t)17 b(compile)e(time,)h(the)h(co)q(de)h(fragmen) o(ts)0 1061 y(\()p Fo(i.e.,)g(templates)p Ft(\))g(that)h(form)d(the)j (building)e(blo)q(c)o(ks)h(of)f(the)i(p)q(ossible)f(sp)q(ecializations) g(are)h(collected)g(and)f(compiled.)0 1110 y(F)m(urthermore,)12 b(the)h(source)h(program)d(of)h(a)g(sp)q(ecializer)h(is)f(pro)q(duced;) i(this)e(sp)q(ecializer)i(in)o(tert)o(wines)f(static)g(computation)0 1160 y(and)e(op)q(erations)h(to)f(assem)o(ble)g(and)g(\014ll)g (templates)f(with)i(run-time)e(v)n(alues.)17 b(A)o(t)11 b(run)h(time,)e(when)i(in)o(v)o(ok)o(ed,)f(the)h(compiled)0 1210 y(sp)q(ecializer)j(will)d(p)q(erform)h(these)i(op)q(erations)f(to) f(construct)i(the)g(sp)q(ecialized)f(program.)i(W)m(e)e(no)o(w)f (examine)f(eac)o(h)i(phase)0 1260 y(in)f(more)g(detail.)0 1368 y Fj(2.4.1)48 b(Sp)q(ecializatio)o(n)13 b(Grammars)0 1444 y Ft(Our)h(approac)o(h)g(to)f(run-time)g(sp)q(ecialization)g (\014rst)h(consists)h(of)d(analyzing)h(an)g(action-annotated)g(program) f(to)i(pro)q(duce)0 1494 y(a)i(tree)h(grammar)d(that)i(c)o (haracterizes)i(the)f(set)g(of)f(all)f(p)q(ossible)h(sp)q (ecializations)g(this)h(program)d(ma)o(y)g(yield.)25 b(Figure)16 b(5)0 1544 y(giv)o(es)f(the)g(sp)q(ecialization)g(gramma)o (r)e(of)h(our)h(example.)20 b(The)15 b(\014rst)h(rule)f(de\014nes)h (the)g(o)o(v)o(erall)e(shap)q(e)h(of)g(the)g(sp)q(ecialized)0 1594 y(pro)q(cedure.)26 b(The)16 b(non-terminal)e Fi(S)k Ft(o)q(ccuring)e(in)g(this)g(rule)g(corresp)q(onds)h(to)f(the)h (unrolled)e(lo)q(op.)23 b(The)16 b(second)h(rule)f(is)0 1644 y(recursiv)o(e;)g(it)f(sp)q(eci\014es)h(that)f Fi(S)j Ft(ma)o(y)12 b(pro)q(duce)k(a)f(blo)q(c)o(k)f(con)o(taining)g(zero)h (or)g(more)f(instances)i(of)e(the)h(lo)q(op)f(b)q(o)q(dy)m(.)21 b(The)0 1693 y(sym)o(b)q(ols)11 b Fi(I)s(nt)218 1699 y Fh(0)249 1693 y Ft(and)h Fi(I)s(nt)389 1699 y Fh(1)421 1693 y Ft(are)g(generic)i(terminals)d(that)h(represen)o(t)j(an)o(y)c (in)o(teger)i(v)n(alue.)k(In)12 b(the)h(sp)q(ecialization)f(grammar)0 1743 y(of)j(an)h(expression,)h(a)f(generic)h(terminal)d(replaces)k(eac) o(h)e(sub)q(expression)i(that)e(w)o(as)g(annotated)g(with)g Fo(ev)g Ft(in)g(the)g(action)0 1793 y(tree.)j(These)13 b(generic)h(terminals)d(corresp)q(ond)j(to)e(the)h(holes)g(of)e(a)i (template.)j(A)o(t)d(run)f(time,)f(they)i(will)e(b)q(e)i(\014lled)f (with)g(the)0 1843 y(result)j(of)e(the)h(execution)h(of)e Fo(ev)h Ft(expressions.)0 1951 y Fj(2.4.2)48 b(Generating)13 b(Extensions)0 2027 y Ft(F)m(rom)f(an)i(action-annotated)f(program)g (and)g(the)i(sp)q(ecialization)e(grammar,)d(a)k(dedicated)h(sp)q (ecializer)g(is)e(pro)q(duced.)62 2077 y(It)18 b(pro)q(duces)i (residual)e(fragmen)o(ts)e(b)o(y)i(rewriting)g(non-terminals)e (according)i(to)g(the)g(rules)h(of)e(the)h(sp)q(ecialization)0 2127 y(grammar,)9 b(and)j(computes)h(the)g Fo(ev)f Ft(statemen)o(ts)h (and)f(expressions.)19 b(In)13 b(the)g(residual)f(fragmen)o(ts,)f(eac)o (h)i(generic)h(terminal)0 2177 y(is)h(replaced)g(b)o(y)g(the)g(v)n (alue)f(of)g(the)i(corresp)q(onding)f Fo(ev)g Ft(expression.)22 b(This)15 b(sp)q(ecializer,)g(called)f(a)h Fo(gener)n(ating)h (extension)p Ft(,)0 2227 y(is)e(formally)d(de\014ned)k(in)e([4)o(].)62 2276 y(Figure)i(6)g(sho)o(ws)g(the)g(generating)g(extension)h(obtained) e(for)h(our)f(example.)20 b(The)15 b(b)q(o)q(dy)g(of)f(the)h(residual)g (pro)q(cedure)0 2326 y(\014rst)g(consists)g(of)e(the)i(non-terminal)c Fi(F)6 b Ft(.)18 b(The)c(\014rst)h(rule)f(triggers)h(the)f(rewriting)g (of)f Fi(F)20 b Ft(in)o(to)13 b(its)h(righ)o(t-hand)f(side.)19 b(Eac)o(h)0 2376 y(iteration)g(of)f(the)h(lo)q(op)g(adds)g(an)g(o)q (ccurrence)i(of)e(the)g(righ)o(t-hand)f(side)i(of)e(the)i(second)g (rule)f(instan)o(tiated)g(with)f(the)0 2426 y(appropriate)c(v)n(alues)g (for)f Fi(I)s(nt)472 2432 y Fh(0)505 2426 y Ft(and)h Fi(I)s(nt)647 2432 y Fh(1)666 2426 y Ft(.)62 2476 y(F)m(or)h(eac)o(h)h (pro)q(cedure)h(to)e(b)q(e)h(sp)q(ecialized)f(at)g(run)h(time,)e(a)g (corresp)q(onding)j(generating)e(extension)h(is)f(pro)q(duced.)23 b(A)0 2525 y(call)12 b(to)g(a)g(residual)h(pro)q(cedure)h(is)e (represen)o(ted)j(b)o(y)e(a)f(call)g(to)g(a)g(generic)h(pro)q(cedure)i (in)d(the)h(gramma)o(r)d(b)q(ecause)k(the)f(exact)0 2575 y(pro)q(cedure)f(can)d(only)g(b)q(e)i(determined)e(at)h(run)g(time.)15 b(The)10 b(generating)g(extension)g(then)h(includes)f(a)f(call)g(to)h (the)g(generating)0 2625 y(extension)15 b(of)e(the)h(called)g(pro)q (cedure)i(to)d(instan)o(tiate)h(the)h(generic)f(pro)q(cedure)i(with)e (the)g(actual)g(sp)q(ecialization.)965 2795 y(4)p eop %%Page: 5 5 5 4 bop 0 2 877 2 v 1045 2 907 2 v -1 823 2 824 v 111 276 a Fg(F)64 b Fm(!)59 b Fn(int)17 b(dotproduct)p 543 276 11 2 v 9 w(SSD\(int)e(u[]\))291 315 y Fm(f)327 354 y Fn(int)h(res;)327 433 y(res)g(=)i(0;)327 512 y Fg(S)r Fn(;)327 552 y(return)d(res;)291 591 y Fm(g)111 654 y Fg(S)56 b Fm(!)223 642 y Fs(\003)291 654 y Fn(res)17 b(=)g(res)g(+)g Fg(I)s(nt)555 659 y Ff(0)590 654 y Fn(*)g(v[)p Fg(I)s(nt)713 659 y Ff(1)730 654 y Fn(];)133 803 y Ft(Figure)d(5:)k(Sp) q(ecialization)13 b(grammar)p 876 823 2 824 v 1044 823 V 1147 63 a Fn(int)j(gen)p 1273 63 11 2 v 12 w(dotproduct)p 1464 63 V 9 w(SSD\(int)f(size,)h(int)h(u[]\))1147 102 y Fm(f)1182 142 y Fn(int)g(i;)1182 221 y Fg(F)c Fm(!)p Fn(int)k(dotproduct)p 1505 221 V 9 w(SSD\(int)e(u[]\))1253 260 y Fm(f)1288 300 y Fn(int)h(res;)1288 339 y(res)g(=)i(0;)f Fe(S)p Fn(;)g(return)e(res;)1253 379 y Fm(g)1182 457 y Fn(for)i(\(i)f(=)i(0;)f(i)g(<)g(size;)f(i++\))1182 497 y Fm(f)1217 536 y Fg(S)c Fm(!)18 b Fn(res)f(=)g(res)g(+)g Fg(I)s(nt)1567 541 y Ff(0)1602 536 y Fn(*)g(v[)p Fg(I)s(nt)1725 541 y Ff(1)1742 536 y Fn(];)1217 576 y Fg(I)s(nt)1269 581 y Ff(0)1296 576 y Fm(\))h Fn(u[i];)1217 615 y Fg(I)s(nt)1269 620 y Ff(1)1296 615 y Fm(\))g Fn(i;)1182 655 y Fm(g)1147 694 y(g)1214 803 y Ft(Figure)c(6:)k(Generating)c(extension)p 1950 823 2 824 v 0 825 877 2 v 1045 825 907 2 v 0 879 877 2 v 1045 879 907 2 v -1 1775 2 898 v 97 1072 615 2 v 96 1321 2 249 v 122 1151 a Fn(int)j(dotproduc)o(t)p 374 1151 11 2 v 10 w(SSD\(int)e(u[]\))122 1191 y Fm(f)157 1230 y Fn(int)i(res;)157 1309 y(res)g(=)g(0;)p 711 1321 2 249 v 97 1322 615 2 v 761 1072 a Fg(t)774 1077 y Ff(1)p 97 1389 V 96 1480 2 91 v 157 1468 a Fn(res)g(=)g(res)g(+)g(<)p Fg(H)416 1473 y Ff(0)433 1468 y Fn(>)g(*)g(v[<)p Fg(H)586 1473 y Ff(1)603 1468 y Fn(>])11 b Fr(;)p 711 1480 V 97 1482 615 2 v 761 1389 a Fg(t)774 1394 y Ff(2)p 97 1549 V 96 1679 2 131 v 157 1628 a Fn(return)16 b(res;)122 1667 y Fm(g)p 711 1679 V 97 1681 615 2 v 761 1549 a Fg(t)774 1554 y Ff(3)254 1755 y Ft(Figure)e(7:)k(T)m(emplates)p 876 1775 2 898 v 1044 1775 V 1148 940 615 2 v 1147 1187 2 249 v 1172 1018 a Fn(int)f(dotproduct)p 1424 1018 11 2 v 9 w(SSD\(int)e(u[]\))1172 1057 y Fm(f)1208 1096 y Fn(int)h(res;)1208 1175 y(res)g(=)i(0;)p 1761 1187 2 249 v 1787 966 a Fg(t)1800 971 y Ff(1)p 1148 1189 615 2 v 1183 1254 a Fn(for)e(\()i(;)f(unknown)p 1452 1254 11 2 v 10 w(test)f(;)i(\))1183 1294 y Fm(f)p 1148 1333 615 2 v 1147 1422 2 91 v 1208 1410 a Fn(res)e(=)i(res)e(+)h(<)p Fg(H)1466 1415 y Ff(0)1483 1410 y Fn(>)h(*)f(v[<)p Fg(H)1637 1415 y Ff(1)1653 1410 y Fn(>])g(;)p 1761 1422 V 1787 1359 a Fg(t)1800 1364 y Ff(2)p 1148 1424 615 2 v 1183 1489 a Fm(g)p 1148 1529 V 1147 1657 2 131 v 1208 1606 a Fn(return)e(res;)1172 1645 y Fm(g)p 1761 1657 V 1787 1554 a Fg(t)1800 1559 y Ff(3)p 1148 1659 615 2 v 1152 1755 a Ft(Figure)f(8:)k(Source)d(com)o(bining)c(templates)p 1950 1775 2 898 v 0 1777 877 2 v 1045 1777 907 2 v 62 1904 a(Although)17 b(the)h(generating)g(extension)g(is)f(a)g(real)g (pro)q(cedure,)j(it)d(is)g(not)h(e\013ectiv)o(ely)g(run.)29 b(Instead,)19 b(it)e(is)g(used)h(to)0 1953 y(deriv)o(e)c(b)q(oth)g(the) h Fo(obje)n(ct)g(templates)e Ft(and)h(the)g(run-time)f(sp)q(ecializer.) 0 2061 y Fj(Deriving)f(ob)s(ject)h(templates.)39 b Ft(First,)13 b(the)h(righ)o(t-hand)e(side)h(of)f(eac)o(h)i(gramma)o(r)c(rule)k(of)e (the)h(generating)g(extension)0 2111 y(is)k(con)o(v)o(erted)h(in)o(to)f (a)f(set)j(of)d Fo(sour)n(c)n(e)i(templates)p Ft(.)27 b(A)17 b(template)g([8)o(])f(is)h(a)g(fragmen)o(t)f(of)g(co)q(de)i (parameterized)f(b)o(y)g Fo(holes)p Ft(.)0 2161 y(When)h(the)g(righ)o (t-hand)f(side)g(of)g(a)g(sp)q(ecialization)g(grammar)e(rule)j (includes)f(a)h(non-terminal,)e(a)h(source)i(template)d(is)0 2211 y(created)e(b)q(efore)f(and)g(after)f(this)h(non-terminal.)j (Within)11 b(a)h(template)g(eac)o(h)h(generic)g(terminal)e(is)h (represen)o(ted)k(b)o(y)c(a)g(hole)0 2261 y(and)i(eac)o(h)g(call)f(to)h (a)g(generic)g(pro)q(cedure)i(is)e(represen)o(ted)j(b)o(y)c(a)h Fo(c)n(al)r(l)g(hole)p Ft(.)62 2310 y(Figure)c(7)g(sho)o(ws)h(the)f (templates)g(of)f(our)i(example.)k(The)c(\014rst)f(rule)h(of)e(the)i (sp)q(ecialization)f(gramma)o(r)e(yields)i(templates)0 2360 y Fi(t)15 2366 y Fh(1)47 2360 y Ft(and)k Fi(t)143 2366 y Fh(3)162 2360 y Ft(.)k(The)c(second)h(rule)f(pro)q(duces)i (template)d Fi(t)857 2366 y Fh(2)875 2360 y Ft(,)h(whic)o(h)f(con)o (tains)h(holes)g Fi(H)1321 2366 y Fh(0)1353 2360 y Ft(and)g Fi(H)1469 2366 y Fh(1)1487 2360 y Ft(.)62 2410 y(In)h(order)h(to)f (obtain)f(the)i(ob)r(ject)g(templates)e(from)g(the)h(source)i (templates,)d(they)i(are)f(compiled)f(using)g(an)h(existing)0 2460 y(compiler.)h(Note)11 b(that)g(this)h(compilation)c(happ)q(ens)k (at)f(compile)e(time.)16 b(In)11 b(order)h(to)f(allo)o(w)e(the)j (compiler)e(to)h(optimize)e(the)0 2510 y(templates)j(globally)m(,)d(w)o (e)k(com)o(bine)e(source)j(templates)d(in)o(to)h(a)g(single)g(program)f (that)h(expresses)j(ho)o(w)d(the)h(templates)f(can)0 2559 y(b)q(e)i(assem)o(bled)e(at)h(run)g(time.)j(Figure)d(8)g(sho)o(ws) g(the)h(corresp)q(onding)g(source)g(co)q(de)g(for)f(our)g(example.)j (This)d(co)q(de)h(follo)o(ws)0 2609 y(the)g(structure)i(of)d(the)h(sp)q (ecialization)f(grammar.)i(F)m(or)e(example,)f(template)h Fi(t)1254 2615 y Fh(2)1286 2609 y Ft(is)h(compiled)e(in)h(a)g(for)g(lo) q(op)g(b)q(ecause)i(the)0 2659 y(sp)q(ecialization)e(ma)o(y)f (duplicate)i(it)g(man)o(y)e(times.)965 2795 y(5)p eop %%Page: 6 6 6 5 bop 0 14 1979 2 v 0 769 2 756 v 555 61 a Fk(int)22 b(rts)p 712 61 14 2 v 15 w(dotproduct)p 947 61 V 13 w(SSD\(int)f(size,) f(int)i(u[]\))555 111 y Fq(f)599 161 y Fk(int)f(i;)599 261 y(dump)p 690 261 V 15 w(template\()p Fi(t)915 267 y Fh(1)932 261 y Fk(\);)599 311 y(for)g(\(i)h(=)f(0;)g(i)h(<)g(size;)e (i++\))599 360 y Fq(f)643 410 y Fk(dump)p 734 410 V 14 w(template\()p Fi(t)958 416 y Fh(2)975 410 y Fk(\);)643 460 y(instantiate)p 888 460 V 13 w(hole\()p Fi(t)1023 466 y Fh(2)1041 460 y Fk(,)h Fi(h)1108 466 y Fh(0)1127 460 y Fk(,)g(u[i]\);)643 510 y(instantiate)p 888 510 V 13 w(hole\()p Fi(t)1023 516 y Fh(2)1041 510 y Fk(,)g Fi(h)1108 516 y Fh(1)1127 510 y Fk(,)g(i\);)599 560 y Fq(g)599 609 y Fk(dump)p 690 609 V 15 w(template\()p Fi(t)915 615 y Fh(3)932 609 y Fk(\);)555 659 y Fq(g)713 749 y Ft(Figure)14 b(9:)j(Run-time)c(sp)q(ecializer)p 1977 769 2 756 v 0 771 1979 2 v 62 895 a(Once)j(this)g(program)d(is)i (compiled,)e(w)o(e)i(need)h(to)f(b)q(e)h(able)e(to)h(lo)q(cate)g(the)h (ob)r(ject)g(templates,)e(holes,)h(and)g(call)f(holes)0 945 y(in)g(the)g(compiled)f(program.)k(This)d(is)f(the)i(only)e(asp)q (ect)j(of)d(our)h(approac)o(h)g(that)g(is)g(mac)o(hine)f(and)h (compiler)f(dep)q(enden)o(t.)0 995 y(W)m(e)g(defer)i(discussion)g(of)e (these)i(issues)g(to)f(the)g(next)h(section.)0 1103 y Fj(Deriving)j(the)j(run-time)d(sp)q(ecializer.)39 b Ft(The)19 b(generating)g(extension,)h(whic)o(h)e(manipulates)f(grammar)e(rules,) 20 b(is)0 1153 y(also)15 b(used)h(to)g(deriv)o(e)g(the)g(run-time)f(sp) q(ecializer,)h(whic)o(h)g(manipulates)e(ob)r(ject)i(templates.)23 b(Figure)15 b(9)h(sho)o(ws)g(the)g(run-)0 1202 y(time)d(sp)q(ecializer) i(obtained)e(for)h(our)g(example.)j(Grammar)11 b(rules)k(of)e(the)i (generating)f(extension)h(are)f(transformed)g(in)o(to)0 1252 y(instructions)g(that)f(cop)o(y)h(the)g(appropriate)f(ob)r(ject)h (templates)f(\()p Fk(dump)p 1127 1252 14 2 v 15 w(template)p Ft(\).)j(Rules)e(used)g(to)f(instan)o(tiate)g(generic)0 1302 y(terminals)g(are)i(translated)g(in)o(to)e(instructions)i(that)g (\014ll)e(holes)i(\()p Fk(instantiate)p 1278 1302 V 13 w(hole)p Ft(\).)k(Call)13 b(holes)h(are)h(instan)o(tiated)f(in)0 1352 y(a)g(similar)d(w)o(a)o(y)m(.)0 1460 y Fj(2.4.3)48 b(Run-Time)14 b(Phase)0 1536 y Ft(Because)19 b(ev)o(erything)f(is)f (precompiled)f(at)h(compile)f(time,)g(there)i(is)f(v)o(ery)h(little)e (to)h(do)g(at)g(run)h(time)e(to)h(generate)h(the)0 1586 y(sp)q(ecialized)d(co)q(de.)j(W)m(e)c(simply)d(ev)n(aluate)j(the)g (static)g(parts)h(of)e(the)h(program,)e(cop)o(ying)h(templates)g(and)h (\014lling)e(holes)i(as)0 1636 y(directed)h(b)o(y)f(the)g(run-time)f (sp)q(ecializer.)0 1773 y Fu(3)67 b(Impleme)o(n)n(ting)21 b(Run-Time)h(Sp)r(ecialization)0 1864 y Ft(The)17 b(approac)o(h)f (presen)o(ted)j(in)d(Section)h(2)f(is)g(general)h(enough)f(to)h(b)q(e)g (adapted)f(to)h(an)o(y)f(compiler)f(and)h(mac)o(hine.)24 b(Our)0 1914 y(implemen)o(tatio)o(n)9 b(w)o(as)i(done)h(with)f(b)q(oth) g(the)h Fk(gcc)f Ft(compiler)f(and)h Fk(lcc)g Ft(compiler)f(on)h(a)g (Sparc)h(arc)o(hitecture.)19 b(This)11 b(section)0 1964 y(addresses)17 b(sp)q(eci\014c)f(implemen)o(tation)11 b(issues.)22 b(These)16 b(issues)g(include)f(preparing)g(the)g(source)h (templates,)e(lo)q(cating)g(the)0 2014 y(ob)r(ject)i(templates,)e(and)g (dealing)g(with)h(in)o(terferences)i(caused)f(b)o(y)e(compiler)g (optimizations.)k(As)d(w)o(ell,)f(w)o(e)h(discuss)h(the)0 2064 y(costs)f(in)o(v)o(olv)o(ed)e(with)g(run-time)g(sp)q (ecialization.)k(Except)e(where)g(noted,)f(this)g(discussion)h(applies) e(to)h(b)q(oth)g(compilers.)0 2180 y Fp(3.1)56 b(F)-5 b(rom)17 b(source)i(templates)d(to)i(ob)s(ject)h(templates)0 2256 y Ft(In)d(order)g(to)g(\014nd)g(the)g(starting)g(address)h(and)e (ending)h(address)h(of)e(eac)o(h)h(ob)r(ject)h(template,)e(w)o(e)g(in)o (tro)q(duce)i(an)e(explicit)0 2306 y(lab)q(el)h(b)q(efore)g(and)g (after)h(eac)o(h)f(source)i(template.)23 b(A)16 b Fk(gcc)g Ft(extension)h(of)e(the)i(C)f(language)f(mak)o(es)g(it)h(p)q(ossible)g (to)g(tak)o(e)0 2356 y(the)e(address)h(of)e(these)i(lab)q(els,)f(whic)o (h)f(are)h(then)h(stored)f(in)f(an)h(arra)o(y)m(.)j(Because)f(it)d(is)h (imp)q(ossible)e(to)h(put)h(lab)q(els)g(outside)0 2406 y(of)h(a)f(pro)q(cedure,)j(w)o(e)f(cannot)f(use)h(lab)q(els)f(to)g (mark)e(the)j(b)q(eginning)e(of)h(the)h(\014rst)g(template)e(or)h(the)h (end)f(of)g(the)g(last.)22 b(In)0 2456 y(the)14 b(former)f(case,)h(it)g (su\016ces)h(to)e(use)i(the)f(address)h(of)e(the)i(pro)q(cedure)g (itself,)e(and)h(in)f(the)h(latter)g(case,)h(the)f(address)h(of)e(a)0 2505 y(dumm)o(y)e(pro)q(cedure,)k(put)f(just)g(after)h(the)f(pro)q (cedure,)h(is)f(used.)62 2555 y(A)e(hole)f(in)g(a)h(template)e (represen)o(ts)k(a)e(constan)o(t)g(v)n(alue)f(that)g(will)f(b)q(e)j (\014lled)e(in)g(during)g(sp)q(ecialization.)17 b(W)m(e)11 b(w)o(ould)g(lik)o(e)0 2605 y(to)j(let)h(the)g(compiler)e(kno)o(w)h (that)h(a)f(v)n(alue)g(is)g(a)g(constan)o(t)h(so)g(that)f(the)h(v)n (alue)f(can)h(b)q(e)g(enco)q(ded)h(in)e(an)g(instruction,)h(but)0 2655 y(without)c(sp)q(ecifying)f(the)i(sp)q(eci\014c)g(v)n(alue,)f (whic)o(h)g(w)o(ould)f(incorrectly)i(trigger)f(compiler)e (optimizations)g(suc)o(h)i(as)g(constan)o(t)965 2795 y(6)p eop %%Page: 7 7 7 6 bop 0 42 a Ft(folding.)20 b(This)15 b(is)g(ac)o(hiev)o(ed)g(b)o(y)g (inserting)h(the)f(expression)i Fk(\(type\)&h)c Ft(at)i(the)h(hole)e (lo)q(cation,)g(where)j Fk(h)e Ft(is)g(an)f(external)0 91 y(sym)o(b)q(ol)f(and)h Fk(\(type\))f Ft(is)i(a)f(cast)h(to)g(the)g (t)o(yp)q(e)g(of)f(the)h(constan)o(t.)20 b(In)15 b(addition)e(to)i (generating)f(the)h(desired)h(instruction,)0 141 y(the)d(compiler)f (also)g(pro)q(duces)i(relo)q(cation)e(records)j(for)d(the)h(external)h (sym)o(b)q(ols,)d(whic)o(h)h(are)h(used)h(to)f(compute)f(the)h (o\013set)0 191 y(of)e(a)h(hole)f(within)g(its)h(template.)k(Similarly) l(,)9 b(a)i(call)g(hole)h(is)f(represen)o(ted)k(b)o(y)c(the)i (expression)g Fk(*\(\(type\)&h\)\()p Fi(:)7 b(:)f(:)m Fk(\))p Ft(,)11 b(whic)o(h)0 241 y(pro)q(duces)k(a)f(direct)h(call.)i (Figure)d(10)f(sho)o(ws)i(the)f(program)e(com)o(bining)g(the)i(source)i (templates)d(for)g(our)h(example.)62 291 y(W)m(e)i(also)f(need)i(to)f (enco)q(de)i(the)e(conditional)f(and)h(lo)q(op)f(tests)j(that)e(are)g (used)h(at)f(sp)q(ecialization)g(time)e(to)i(com)o(bine)0 340 y(templates.)h(Similarl)o(y)m(,)8 b(external)k(sym)o(b)q(ols)e(are) h(used)i(to)e(represen)o(t)i(constan)o(t)f(tests,)h(indicating)d(that)h (the)h(test)h(is)e(kno)o(wn,)0 390 y(but)j(prev)o(en)o(ting)g(the)h (compiler)d(from)g(optimizing)g(a)o(w)o(a)o(y)g(one)j(branc)o(h)f (during)f(compilation.)p 0 462 1979 2 v 0 1956 2 1494 v 118 616 a Fk(extern)20 b(int)i(S;)118 666 y(extern)e(int)i(H0,)f(H1;) 118 716 y(int)g(dotproduct)p 428 716 14 2 v 14 w(SSD\(int)f(u[]\))118 766 y Fq(f)161 815 y Fk(static)h(void)g(*label)p 558 815 V 14 w(array[])g(=)g Fq(f)205 865 y Fk(\(void)g(*\)&dotproduct,)e (&&)i(temp1)p 841 865 V 15 w(end,)205 915 y(&&)g(temp2)p 383 915 V 15 w(start,)g(&&)g(temp2)p 726 915 V 15 w(end,)205 965 y(&&)g(temp3)p 383 965 V 15 w(start,)g(\(void\)*)p 705 965 V 14 w(dotproduct)p Fq(g)p Fk(;)161 1064 y(int)h(res;)161 1164 y(res)g(=)f(0;)161 1214 y(temp1)p 274 1214 V 15 w(end:)161 1264 y(for)h(\()f(;)h(S==0)f(;)g(\))161 1314 y Fq(f)205 1363 y Fk(temp2)p 318 1363 V 15 w(start:)249 1413 y(res)g(=)g(res)h(+)f(\(int\)&H0)f(*)i(v[\(int\)&H1];)205 1463 y(temp2)p 318 1463 V 15 w(end:)161 1513 y Fq(g)161 1563 y Fk(temp3)p 274 1563 V 15 w(start:)161 1612 y(return)f(res;)118 1662 y Fq(g)118 1762 y Fk(int)p 208 1762 V 37 w(dotproduct\(void\))o Fq(fg)562 1934 y Ft(Figure)14 b(10:)k(Source)c(com)o(bining)e (templates)h(for)h Fk(gcc)p 1977 1956 2 1494 v 0 1958 1979 2 v 0 2116 a Fp(3.2)56 b(Pro)r(cessing)17 b(ob)s(ject)i(templates) 0 2192 y Ft(After)c(the)f(source)i(templates)d(ha)o(v)o(e)h(b)q(een)h (compiled,)d(the)j Fo(template)g(c)n(ompiler)e Ft(analyses)h(the)h (resulting)f(ob)r(ject)h(co)q(de)g(to)0 2242 y(extract)i(information)d (for)h(the)i(run-time)e(sp)q(ecializer.)26 b(The)17 b(template)e (compiler)g(computes)h(the)h(address)h(and)e(size)h(of)0 2292 y(eac)o(h)f(template)f(using)g(the)h(v)n(alues)g(stored)g(in)g (the)g(lab)q(el)f(arra)o(y)m(.)22 b(The)16 b(table)g(of)f(relo)q (cation)g(records)i(con)o(tains)f(the)g(hole)0 2342 y(addresses.)k(The) 14 b(template)f(compiler)g(then)h(determines)h(the)f(o\013set)h(of)e (eac)o(h)i(hole)e(and)h(call)f(hole)h(within)f(a)g(template.)62 2391 y(Because)19 b(a)d(run-time)f(sp)q(ecializer)j(pro)q(duces)g(co)q (de)f(b)o(y)f(cop)o(ying)g(the)h(ob)r(ject)g(templates,)f(some)g(branc) o(hes)i(ma)o(y)c(b)q(e)0 2441 y(in)o(v)n(alid.)19 b(On)c(a)g(Sparc)g (arc)o(hitecture,)i(since)e(all)f(branc)o(hes)i(are)f(relativ)o(e)g(to) g(the)g(program)f(coun)o(ter,)h(mo)o(ving)d(a)j(blo)q(c)o(k)g(of)0 2491 y(co)q(de)f(con)o(taining)f(a)g(branc)o(h)h(outside)g(the)g(blo)q (c)o(k)g(in)o(v)n(alidates)e(the)i(jump.)i(Therefore,)f(the)f(template) f(compiler)f(searc)o(hes)0 2541 y(the)i(ob)r(ject)h(co)q(de)g(for)e(in) o(ter-template)h(branc)o(hes)h(and)e(branc)o(hes)j(to)d(other)i(pro)q (cedures)h(or)e(library)f(calls.)62 2591 y(The)j(output)g(of)f(the)h (template)f(compiler)f(is)i(the)g(ob)r(ject)g(\014le)g(returned)h(b)o (y)f Fk(gcc)f Ft(and)g(a)g(template)g(description)h(\014le.)0 2641 y(This)e(\014le)g(con)o(tains)f(the)i(addresses)h(and)d(sizes)i (of)f(templates,)f(the)h(list)f(of)h(the)g(o\013sets)h(of)e(holes)h (and)g(call)f(holes,)h(and)f(the)965 2795 y(7)p eop %%Page: 8 8 8 7 bop 0 42 a Ft(list)13 b(of)h(branc)o(hes)h(that)f(need)h(to)e(b)q (e)i(relo)q(cated)g(when)f(assem)o(bling)e(templates.)0 158 y Fp(3.3)56 b(Optimizing)16 b(T)-5 b(emplates)0 234 y Ft(Care)15 b(m)o(ust)e(b)q(e)h(tak)o(en)h(when)f(considering)h(what)f (optimizations)e(to)i(p)q(erform)f(while)h(compiling)d(templates.)18 b(The)d(main)0 284 y(concern)22 b(is)f(to)f(insure)i(that)e(the)i(ob)r (ject)f(templates)f(remain)f(in)o(tact.)39 b(V)m(arious)20 b(transformations)f(that)i(optimizing)0 334 y(compilers)9 b(p)q(erform,)h(suc)o(h)i(as)e(co)q(de)i(motion,)c(ma)o(y)h(mix)f (instructions)j(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)h(templates.)17 b(This)10 b(w)o(ould)g(mak)o(e)f(template)0 384 y(extraction)14 b(extremely)g(di\016cult)f(or)h(imp)q(ossible.)j(The)d(t)o(yp)q(es)h (of)e(optimizations)f(p)q(erformed)h(dep)q(end)j(on)d(the)i(compiler.)0 434 y Fk(lcc)p Ft(,)i(for)f(example,)g(only)h(p)q(erforms)f(in)o (tra-blo)q(c)o(k)g(program)g(transformations)f([6].)27 b(Since)17 b(templates)g(only)f(consist)i(of)0 483 y(complete)13 b(blo)q(c)o(ks,)h(it)f(is)h(not)g(p)q(ossible)g(for)f(optimizations)f (to)i(corrupt)h(templates.)62 533 y(More)20 b(p)q(o)o(w)o(erful)f (optimizations,)e(suc)o(h)j(as)f(those)h(found)f(in)g Fk(gcc)f Ft(when)i(optimizing)c(at)j(lev)o(el)g(2,)h(are)f(capable)h (of)0 583 y(in)o(terfering)15 b(with)g(template)f(in)o(tegrit)o(y)m(.) 21 b(The)15 b(fact)h(that)f(lab)q(els)g(delimit)e(templates,)h(ho)o(w)o (ev)o(er,)h(prohibits)g(a)g(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)g(of)0 633 y(in)o(ter-template)e(transformations.)62 683 y(Additional)i(in)o (terferences)k(that)d(ma)o(y)e(o)q(ccur)j(are)g(dealt)f(with)g(in)f (one)i(of)e(t)o(w)o(o)h(w)o(a)o(ys.)25 b(A)16 b(simple)f(solution)g(in) o(v)o(olv)o(es)0 732 y(disabling)f(the)j(sp)q(eci\014c)g(optimization)c (that)j(is)f(causing)h(the)g(in)o(terference.)26 b(Another)17 b(approac)o(h)e(is)h(to)g(tak)o(e)g(the)g(in)o(ter-)0 782 y(ferences)i(in)o(to)e(accoun)o(t.)25 b(F)m(or)16 b(example,)f(holes)h(should)g(only)g(b)q(e)g(referenced)j(within)d (templates.)24 b(But)17 b(the)g(aggressiv)o(e)0 832 y(optimizer)f(of)g Fk(gcc)h Ft(ma)o(y)e(sc)o(hedule)k(instructions)e(out)h(of)e(order)i (to)f(b)q(etter)i(\014ll)d(the)i(pro)q(cessor)h(pip)q(eline.)27 b(Our)18 b(system)0 882 y(detects)e(this)e(case)h(and)e(ensures)j(that) e(the)h(hole)e(reference)k(also)c(correctly)i(o)q(ccurs)g(within)e(its) h(template.)0 998 y Fp(3.4)56 b(Cost)19 b(of)g(Run-Time)d(Sp)r (ecialization)0 1075 y Ft(The)g(cost)h(of)e(p)q(erforming)f(run-time)g (sp)q(ecialization)i(is)f(the)h(sum)f(of)g(the)i(cost)f(of)f(p)q (erforming)f(the)j(static)f(calculations)0 1125 y(plus)g(the)h(cost)h (of)d(generating)i(co)q(de.)27 b(In)16 b(the)h(dot)f(pro)q(duct)i (example)d(\(Figure)i(9\))f(the)h(static)g(calculations)e(consist)j(of) 0 1174 y(executing)g(the)g(lo)q(op)e(and)i(calculating)e(the)i(hole)f (v)n(alues)g Fk(u[i])f Ft(and)h Fk(i)p Ft(.)28 b(P)o(erforming)16 b(as)h(man)o(y)f(static)h(computations)0 1224 y(as)f(p)q(ossible)h(is)f (adv)n(an)o(tageous,)g(since)h(they)g(are)g(p)q(erformed)f(once)h (during)f(sp)q(ecialization)g(instead)h(of)f(man)o(y)e(times)h(in)0 1274 y(the)j(sp)q(ecialized)g(co)q(de.)28 b(Although)17 b(static)g(computations)f(increase)i(the)g(o)o(v)o(erall)e(run-time)g (sp)q(ecialization)g(cost,)i(it)f(is)0 1324 y(reco)o(v)o(ered)f(when)e (the)g(sp)q(ecialized)h(co)q(de)g(is)f(called)f(more)g(than)h(once.)62 1374 y(In)g(our)g(system,)g(on)f(the)i(other)g(hand,)e(the)i(o)o(v)o (erhead)f(of)g(generating)g(co)q(de)h(do)q(es)f(not)g(impro)o(v)o(e)e (the)j(co)q(de)g(qualit)o(y)e(of)0 1423 y(the)f(residual)f(program,)f (and)h(therefore)i(m)o(ust)d(b)q(e)i(k)o(ept)g(to)f(a)g(minim)n(um)o(.) j(This)d(o)o(v)o(erhead)h(includes)g(dumping)d(templates,)0 1473 y(instan)o(tiating)i(holes)i(and)f(call)g(holes,)g(and)h(relo)q (cating)f(jumps.)k(In)d(practice,)g(only)f(the)h(pro)q(cedures)i(to)d (dump)g(templates)0 1523 y(and)i(instan)o(tiate)g(holes)g(are)g (commonly)d(used)k(\(as)f(in)g(the)g(example)f(in)h(Figure.)f(9\),)h (since)g(the)h(need)g(to)f(instan)o(tiate)g(call)0 1573 y(holes)g(or)g(relo)q(cate)h(jumps)d(o)q(ccurs)k(rarely)m(.)62 1623 y(Dumping)c(templates)h(consists)i(of)f(cop)o(ying)f(precomputed)h (template)f(instructions)i(in)o(to)e(the)i(appropriate)f(sp)q(ecial-)0 1672 y(ization)k(bu\013er)h(and)f(\015ushing)h(the)g(cac)o(he)g(to)f (insure)i(its)e(coherency)m(.)33 b(The)19 b(cost)g(of)f(cop)o(ying)g (instructions)h(is)f(simply)0 1722 y(the)h(cost)f(of)f(the)i(memory)c (cop)o(y)j(of)g(a)f(mac)o(hine.)29 b(In)18 b(our)g(system,)g(only)f (six)h(instructions)h(\(including)e(\015ushing\))h(are)0 1772 y(executed)e(for)d(eac)o(h)h(instruction)g(generated.)19 b(W)m(e)13 b(found)h(that)f(on)h(a)f(Sparc)h(pro)q(cessor)i(the)e(cost) g(of)f(\015ushing)h(t)o(w)o(o)f(w)o(ords)0 1822 y(is)h(negligible.)62 1872 y(Filling)i(holes)h(simply)e(consists)j(of)f(writing)g(the)h (precomputed)f(hole)g(v)n(alue)g(to)g(the)h(appropriate)f(lo)q(cation)g (in)f(the)0 1922 y(sp)q(ecialization)j(bu\013er.)35 b(On)19 b(the)h(Sparc)g(arc)o(hitecture,)i(an)c(immediate)f(v)n(alue)h(is)h (the)h(same)e(size)i(as)g(an)f(instruction)0 1971 y(\(32)d(bits\).)26 b(Therefore,)17 b(the)g(immediate)d(v)n(alue)i(is)g(divided)g(in)o(to)f (t)o(w)o(o)h(halv)o(es,)h(and)f(then)h(eac)o(h)g(half)e(is)h(written)h (to)f(the)0 2021 y(appropriate)e(lo)q(cation.)j(Filling)12 b(call)h(holes)h(is)g(similar,)d(but)j(since)h(the)f(call)g(hole)f(v)n (alue)h(is)f(an)h(address)h(instead)f(of)g(data,)0 2071 y(the)j(v)n(alue)f(do)q(es)h(not)f(need)h(to)f(b)q(e)h(split.)25 b(Th)o(us,)17 b(only)e(one)i(write)f(is)h(necessary)m(.)26 b(On)17 b(a)f(Sparc)h(pro)q(cessor)h(\014lling)d(holes)0 2121 y(costs)j(11)e(instructions)i(for)e(v)n(alue)g(holes)h(and)g(8)f (instructions)i(for)e(call)g(holes.)27 b(Finally)m(,)15 b(relo)q(cating)i(library)f(calls)g(and)0 2171 y(branc)o(hes)f(costs)g (14)e(instructions)i(on)f(a)o(v)o(erage.)62 2220 y(Th)o(us)g(there)i (is)d(v)o(ery)i(little)e(o)o(v)o(erhead)h(at)g(run)g(time)e(to)i (construct)i(the)e(sp)q(ecialized)h(program.)0 2358 y Fu(4)67 b(Exp)r(erimen)n(tal)23 b(Study)0 2449 y Ft(W)m(e)14 b(no)o(w)g(analyze)g(the)h(p)q(erformance)f(of)g(our)h(approac)o(h)f (to)g(run-time)f(sp)q(ecialization.)19 b(In)c(con)o(trast)g(to)f (earlier)h(systems)0 2498 y(that)h(pro)q(duce)g(sp)q(ecialized)g(co)q (de)h(at)e(run)h(time,)e(w)o(e)i(do)f(not)g(in)o(v)o(ok)o(e)g(a)g (compiler)f(after)i(sp)q(ecialization.)22 b(Consequen)o(tly)0 2548 y(the)15 b(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)f(of)f(times)h(the)h(sp)q(ecialized)g (co)q(de)g(needs)g(to)g(b)q(e)f(in)o(v)o(ok)o(ed)g(to)g(amortize)f(the) i(cost)g(of)f(sp)q(ecialization)g(is)g(quite)0 2598 y(lo)o(w.)965 2795 y(8)p eop %%Page: 9 9 9 8 bop 62 42 a Ft(Although)19 b(limiting)e(the)j(run-time)f(o)o(v)o (erhead)h(is)g(desirable,)h(b)o(y)e(not)h(compiling)d(after)j(sp)q (ecialization,)g(w)o(e)g(miss)0 91 y(compiler)e(optimizations)f(that)i (could)h(b)q(e)g(enabled)f(b)o(y)g(sp)q(ecialization.)34 b(F)m(urthermore,)21 b(the)f(compiler)e(ma)o(y)f(not)i(b)q(e)0 141 y(able)c(to)g(generate)h(highly)e(optimized)f(co)q(de)j(for)f (templates.)21 b(When)15 b(a)g(template)f(is)h(small,)d(the)k(compiler) e(cannot)h(tak)o(e)0 191 y(adv)n(an)o(tage)9 b(of)g(information)e(ab)q (out)i(the)h(con)o(text)h(in)e(whic)o(h)g(it)h(will)e(o)q(ccur.)17 b(And,)11 b(although)d(holes)i(are)g(\014lled)f(b)o(y)h(immedia)o(te)0 241 y(v)n(alues)k(at)f(run)i(time,)d(the)i(compiler)f(cannot)h(tak)o(e) g(adv)n(an)o(tage)f(of)g(sp)q(ecial)h(prop)q(erties)h(of)f(these)h (constan)o(ts.)62 291 y(In)e(this)g(section)h(w)o(e)f(assess)h(the)g (sp)q(eedups)h(obtained)d(b)o(y)h(run-time)f(sp)q(ecialization.)17 b(Rather)c(than)g(considering)g(run-)0 340 y(time)i(sp)q(ecialization)g (in)h(isolation,)f(w)o(e)h(compare)g(it)f(to)h(compile-time)e(sp)q (ecialization.)24 b(Compile-tim)o(e)13 b(sp)q(ecialization)0 390 y(can)k(b)q(e)g(seen)g(as)g(a)f(b)q(est)i(case)f(for)f(sp)q (ecialization,)g(b)q(ecause)i(the)f(sp)q(ecialized)h(co)q(de)f(can)f(b) q(e)i(sub)r(jected)g(to)e(a)g(compiler)0 440 y(that)e(p)q(erforms)f (aggressiv)o(e,)g(and)g(time-consuming,)e(optimizations.)k(W)m(e)e (\014nd)h(that)g(the)g(sp)q(eedups)h(obtained)f(are)f(close)0 490 y(to)j(those)g(ac)o(hiev)o(ed)g(b)o(y)g(compile-tim)o(e)d(sp)q (ecialization,)j(and)f(that)h(as)g(exp)q(ected)i(the)e(break-ev)o(en)h (p)q(oin)o(ts)e(are)i(lo)o(w.)22 b(W)m(e)0 540 y(th)o(us)17 b(conjecture)i(that)d(for)h(man)o(y)e(examples,)h(go)q(o)q(d)g(sp)q (eedups)j(can)e(b)q(e)g(obtained)g(through)f(run-time)g(sp)q (ecialization,)0 589 y(without)e(the)g(cost)h(of)e(in)o(v)o(oking)f(a)h (compiler)g(at)h(run)g(time.)0 706 y Fp(4.1)56 b(Ov)n(erview)17 b(of)i(the)f(b)r(enc)n(hmarks)0 782 y Ft(W)m(e)c(ha)o(v)o(e)g (considered)i(a)e(v)n(ariet)o(y)g(of)g(source)i(programs:)i(matrix)12 b(computations,)h(the)i(graphics)g(program)e(ppmdither)1921 767 y Fh(1)1938 782 y Ft(,)0 832 y(and)20 b(sev)o(eral)h(n)o(umerical)e (algorithms.)35 b(Ppmdither)19 b(is)h(part)h(of)e(the)i(widely)f(a)o(v) n(ailable)e(p)q(ortable)i(pixmap)f(library)1921 817 y Fh(2)1938 832 y Ft(.)0 882 y(The)14 b(n)o(umerical)e(algorithms)f(are)j (adapted)g(from)e(Gl)q(\177)-22 b(uc)o(k,)13 b(Nak)n(ashige,)f(and)h (Z\177)-21 b(o)q(c)o(hling's)13 b(b)q(enc)o(hmarks)h(for)f(their)h(F)m (ortran)0 932 y(partial)e(ev)n(aluator)g([7)o(].)17 b(The)c(measuremen) o(ts)f(w)o(ere)i(obtained)e(using)h(a)f(Sun)h(SP)m(AR)o(Cstation)f(20)g (Mo)q(del)h(70)f(with)g(96)h(MB)0 981 y(of)g(main)e(memory)g(running)i (SunOS)h(v)o(ersion)f(4.1.4.)j(Times)d(w)o(ere)h(measured)f(using)g (the)h(Unix)f(system)g(call)g Fk(getrusage)0 1031 y Ft(and)h(include)g (b)q(oth)g(\\user")g(and)g(\\system")f(time.)62 1081 y(Figure)d(11)g(summarizes)e(the)i(sp)q(eedups)i(for)e(compile-tim)o(e) d(and)j(run-time)f(sp)q(ecialization.)16 b(Run)10 b(times)f(are)h (presen)o(ted)0 1131 y(in)15 b(microseconds.)21 b(F)m(or)15 b(eac)o(h)h(b)q(enc)o(hmark)e(w)o(e)i(giv)o(e)e(the)i(in)o(v)n(arian)o (t)e(with)g(whic)o(h)h(the)h(program)e(is)h(sp)q(ecialized)g(and)g(the) 0 1181 y(run)e(time)f(of)h(the)g(source)i(program)c(when)j(compiled)d (with)i Fk(gcc)21 b(-O2)p Ft(.)d(F)m(or)12 b(compile-time)e(\(CT\))k (sp)q(ecialization)e(w)o(e)i(giv)o(e)0 1230 y(the)g(follo)o(wing)e (information:)62 1313 y Fq(\017)21 b Ft(The)14 b(run)g(time)f(of)g(the) i(result)f(of)g(compile-tim)o(e)d(sp)q(ecialization,)i(whic)o(h)h(is)g (also)f(compiled)f(with)i Fk(gcc)21 b(-O2)p Ft(.)62 1396 y Fq(\017)g Ft(The)14 b(sp)q(eedup)i(of)d(the)h(compile-time)d(sp)q (ecialized)k(program)d(as)i(compared)f(to)h(the)g(source)i(program.)0 1478 y(F)m(or)d(run-time)g(\(R)m(T\))g(sp)q(ecialization)h(w)o(e)g(giv) o(e)f(the)i(follo)o(wing)c(information:)62 1561 y Fq(\017)21 b Ft(The)15 b(time)f(required)h(for)g(the)g(run-time)f(sp)q(ecializer)i (to)f(generate)h(the)f(sp)q(ecialized)h(program)d(\(from)g(ob)r(ject)j (tem-)104 1610 y(plates)e(pro)q(duced)h(b)o(y)f Fk(gcc)21 b(-O2)p Ft(\).)62 1693 y Fq(\017)g Ft(The)14 b(run)g(time)f(of)g(the)i (resulting)f(run-time)e(sp)q(ecialization.)62 1776 y Fq(\017)21 b Ft(The)14 b(sp)q(eedup)i(of)d(the)h(run-time)f(sp)q (ecialized)i(program)d(as)i(compared)f(to)h(the)g(source)i(program.)62 1859 y Fq(\017)21 b Ft(The)e(break-ev)o(en)h(p)q(oin)o(t,)g(whic)o(h)e (is)h(the)h(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)e(of)h(times)f(the)h(sp)q(ecialized)h (program)e(m)o(ust)g(b)q(e)h(executed)i(to)104 1908 y(amortize)13 b(the)h(cost)h(of)e(sp)q(ecialization.)k(This)d(column)e(is)i(lab)q (eled)g(\\=".)0 1991 y(Finally)m(,)c(w)o(e)j(compare)f(the)i(run)f (time)e(of)h(the)h(run-time)f(sp)q(ecialized)h(program)f(with)g(the)h (run)g(time)f(of)g(the)h(compile-time)0 2041 y(sp)q(ecialized)18 b(program.)25 b(T)o(ypically)m(,)15 b(run-time)h(sp)q(ecialization)g (ac)o(hiev)o(es)i(o)o(v)o(er)f(80\045)f(of)g(the)h(sp)q(eedup)i(of)d (compile-time)0 2090 y(sp)q(ecialization.)i(The)c(break)o(ev)o(en)h(p)q (oin)o(ts)e(range)i(from)d(3)h(to)h(87)f(calls)h(to)g(the)g(sp)q (ecialized)h(co)q(de.)62 2140 y(Figure)h(12)f(summarizes)e(the)j(co)q (de)h(gro)o(wth)e(due)h(to)f(sp)q(ecialization.)22 b(F)m(or)15 b(the)h(source)g(program)e(and)h(the)h(result)h(of)0 2190 y(compile-tim)o(e)10 b(sp)q(ecialization)i(w)o(e)g(giv)o(e)g(b)q (oth)h(the)f(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)g(of)g(lines)g(of)f(prett)o(y-prin)o(ted)j (C)e(co)q(de)h(and)f(the)h(corresp)q(onding)0 2240 y(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)d (of)f(kilob)o(ytes)h(of)g(mac)o(hine)f(instructions.)17 b(Since)11 b(no)f(source)i(co)q(de)f(is)f(generated)i(b)o(y)e(the)h (run-time)e(sp)q(ecializer,)j(w)o(e)0 2290 y(simply)e(giv)o(e)h(the)i (n)o(um)o(b)q(er)e(of)h(kilob)o(ytes)f(of)h(mac)o(hine)f(co)q(de.)18 b(W)m(e)11 b(compare)h(the)g(size)h(of)f(the)g(mac)o(hine)f(co)q(de)i (generated)g(b)o(y)0 2340 y(compile-tim)o(e)f(and)h(run-time)g(sp)q (ecialization)g(with)g(the)h(size)h(of)e(the)h(mac)o(hine)e(co)q(de)j (for)e(the)h(original)e(source)j(program.)0 2389 y(Finally)c(w)o(e)i (compare)f(the)i(size)f(of)f(the)i(mac)o(hine)d(co)q(de)j(for)e(the)h (result)h(of)e(run-time)g(sp)q(ecialization)g(with)g(the)i(size)f(of)f (the)0 2439 y(mac)o(hine)h(co)q(de)h(pro)q(duced)h(b)o(y)f (compile-time)d(sp)q(ecialization.)p 0 2474 780 2 v 46 2500 a Ff(1)64 2512 y Fr(Cop)o(yrigh)o(t)c(\(C\))j(1991)e(b)o(y)h (Christos)g(Zoulas.)k(P)o(ermission)7 b(to)i(use,)g(cop)o(y)m(,)g(mo)q (dify)m(,)f(and)h(distribute)e(this)h(soft)o(w)o(are)h(and)f(its)i(do)q (cumen)o(ta)o(tio)o(n)0 2552 y(for)g(an)o(y)g(purp)q(ose)f(and)h (without)g(fee)g(is)h(hereb)o(y)e(gran)o(ted,)f(pro)o(vided)h(that)h (the)g(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)f(cop)o(yrigh)o(t)f(notice)i(app)q(ear)e(in)j (all)f(copies)g(and)g(that)f(b)q(oth)0 2591 y(that)g(cop)o(yrigh)o(t)e (notice)h(and)h(this)g(p)q(ermission)f(notice)g(app)q(ear)g(in)h(supp)q (orting)e(do)q(cumen)o(tati)o(on.)12 b(This)e(soft)o(w)o(are)e(is)i (pro)o(vided)e(\\as)h(is")g(without)0 2630 y(express)h(or)h(implied)f (w)o(arran)o(t)o(y)m(.)46 2658 y Ff(2)64 2670 y Fr(Ppmdither)e(is)k(a)o (v)n(ailable)d(b)o(y)i(ftp)g(from)f Fe(e.g.)17 b Fn(ftp.stanf)o(ord)o (.ed)o(u/)o(cla)o(ss/)o(cs2)o(48/)o(ne)o(tpb)o(m/p)o(pm/)o(ppm)o(di)o (the)o(r.c)o Fr(.)965 2795 y Ft(9)p eop %%Page: 10 10 10 9 bop 0 604 2046 2 v -1 650 2 46 v 278 650 V 480 650 V 489 650 V 538 636 a Fv(Source)p 698 650 V 706 650 V 122 w(CT)12 b(Sp)q(ecializati)q(on)p 1131 650 V 1139 650 V 286 w(R)m(T)g(Sp)q(ecializati)q(on)p 1859 650 V 1868 650 V 248 w(CT/R)m(T)p 2045 650 V -1 696 V 65 682 a(Benc)o(hmark)p 278 696 V 51 w(In)o(v)n(arian)o(t)p 480 696 V 488 696 V 96 w(Time)p 698 696 V 706 696 V 132 w(Time)p 916 696 V 86 w Fw(Sp)q(eedup)p 1131 696 V 1139 696 V 57 w Fv(Generate)p 1341 696 V 87 w(Time)p 1551 696 V 87 w Fw(Sp)q(eedup)p 1765 696 V 55 w Fv(=)p 1859 696 V 1868 696 V 79 w Fw(Time)p 2045 696 V 0 697 2046 2 v -1 743 2 46 v 155 729 a Fv(p)q(o)o(w)o(er)p 278 743 V 75 w(exp=10)p 480 743 V 488 743 V 151 w(1.06)p 698 743 V 706 743 V 150 w(0.68)p 916 743 V 136 w Fw(1.56)p 1131 743 V 1139 743 V 142 w Fv(4.86)p 1341 743 V 143 w(0.81)p 1551 743 V 136 w Fw(1.31)p 1765 743 V 50 w(20)p 1859 743 V 1868 743 V 107 w(0.84)p 2045 743 V -1 789 V 278 789 V 329 775 a Fv(exp=20)p 480 789 V 488 789 V 151 w(2.00)p 698 789 V 706 789 V 150 w(1.35)p 916 789 V 136 w Fw(1.48)p 1131 789 V 1139 789 V 142 w Fv(8.21)p 1341 789 V 143 w(1.47)p 1551 789 V 136 w Fw(1.36)p 1765 789 V 50 w(16)p 1859 789 V 1868 789 V 107 w(0.92)p 2045 789 V -1 834 V 278 834 V 329 820 a Fv(exp=30)p 480 834 V 488 834 V 151 w(2.94)p 698 834 V 706 834 V 150 w(2.02)p 916 834 V 136 w Fw(1.46)p 1131 834 V 1139 834 V 123 w Fv(11.56)p 1341 834 V 143 w(2.14)p 1551 834 V 136 w Fw(1.37)p 1765 834 V 50 w(15)p 1859 834 V 1868 834 V 107 w(0.94)p 2045 834 V 0 836 2046 2 v -1 882 2 46 v 115 868 a Fv(rom)o(b)q(erg)p 278 882 V 118 w(M=2)p 480 882 V 488 882 V 151 w(7.00)p 698 882 V 706 882 V 150 w(5.00)p 916 882 V 136 w Fw(1.40)p 1131 882 V 1139 882 V 123 w Fv(65.00)p 1341 882 V 143 w(6.00)p 1551 882 V 136 w Fw(1.17)p 1765 882 V 50 w(65)p 1859 882 V 1868 882 V 107 w(0.83)p 2045 882 V -1 927 V 25 913 a Fv(\(na)l(\177)-15 b(\020v)o(e)14 b(p)q(o)o(w)o(er\))p 278 927 V 117 w(M=4)p 480 927 V 488 927 V 132 w(24.00)p 698 927 V 706 927 V 131 w(14.00)p 916 927 V 136 w Fw(1.71)p 1131 927 V 1139 927 V 104 w Fv(203.00)p 1341 927 V 123 w(16.00)p 1551 927 V 137 w Fw(1.50)p 1765 927 V 50 w(26)p 1859 927 V 1868 927 V 107 w(0.88)p 2045 927 V -1 973 V 278 973 V 371 959 a Fv(M=6)p 480 973 V 488 973 V 132 w(66.00)p 698 973 V 706 973 V 131 w(40.00)p 916 973 V 136 w Fw(1.65)p 1131 973 V 1139 973 V 104 w Fv(527.00)p 1341 973 V 123 w(47.00)p 1551 973 V 137 w Fw(1.40)p 1765 973 V 50 w(28)p 1859 973 V 1868 973 V 107 w(0.85)p 2045 973 V -1 1019 V 278 1019 V 371 1005 a Fv(M=8)p 480 1019 V 488 1019 V 112 w(206.00)p 698 1019 V 706 1019 V 113 w(138.00)p 916 1019 V 136 w Fw(1.49)p 1131 1019 V 1139 1019 V 85 w Fv(1558.00)p 1341 1019 V 104 w(165.00)p 1551 1019 V 137 w Fw(1.25)p 1765 1019 V 50 w(38)p 1859 1019 V 1868 1019 V 107 w(0.84)p 2045 1019 V 0 1020 2046 2 v -1 1066 2 46 v 115 1052 a Fv(rom)o(b)q(erg)p 278 1066 V 118 w(M=2)p 480 1066 V 488 1066 V 151 w(7.00)p 698 1066 V 706 1066 V 150 w(5.00)p 916 1066 V 136 w Fw(1.40)p 1131 1066 V 1139 1066 V 123 w Fv(61.00)p 1341 1066 V 143 w(6.00)p 1551 1066 V 136 w Fw(1.17)p 1765 1066 V 50 w(61)p 1859 1066 V 1868 1066 V 107 w(0.83)p 2045 1066 V -1 1111 V 93 1098 a Fv(\(p)q(o)o(w)o(er)f(as)p 278 1111 V 117 w(M=4)p 480 1111 V 488 1111 V 132 w(20.00)p 698 1111 V 706 1111 V 131 w(14.00)p 916 1111 V 136 w Fw(1.43)p 1131 1111 V 1139 1111 V 104 w Fv(191.00)p 1341 1111 V 123 w(16.00)p 1551 1111 V 137 w Fw(1.25)p 1765 1111 V 50 w(48)p 1859 1111 V 1868 1111 V 107 w(0.88)p 2045 1111 V -1 1157 V 186 1143 a Fd(<)-6 b(<)p Fv(\))p 278 1157 V 116 w(M=6)p 480 1157 V 488 1157 V 132 w(60.00)p 698 1157 V 706 1157 V 131 w(40.00)p 916 1157 V 136 w Fw(1.50)p 1131 1157 V 1139 1157 V 104 w Fv(489.00)p 1341 1157 V 123 w(47.00)p 1551 1157 V 137 w Fw(1.28)p 1765 1157 V 50 w(38)p 1859 1157 V 1868 1157 V 107 w(0.85)p 2045 1157 V -1 1203 V 278 1203 V 371 1189 a Fv(M=8)p 480 1203 V 488 1203 V 112 w(196.00)p 698 1203 V 706 1203 V 113 w(138.00)p 916 1203 V 136 w Fw(1.42)p 1131 1203 V 1139 1203 V 85 w Fv(1375.00)p 1341 1203 V 104 w(165.00)p 1551 1203 V 137 w Fw(1.19)p 1765 1203 V 50 w(45)p 1859 1203 V 1868 1203 V 107 w(0.84)p 2045 1203 V 0 1204 2046 2 v -1 1250 2 46 v 58 1236 a Fv(cubic)14 b(spline)p 278 1250 V 114 w(n=10)p 480 1250 V 488 1250 V 132 w(11.20)p 698 1250 V 706 1250 V 150 w(6.20)p 916 1250 V 136 w Fw(1.81)p 1131 1250 V 1139 1250 V 104 w Fv(203.50)p 1341 1250 V 143 w(8.40)p 1551 1250 V 136 w Fw(1.33)p 1765 1250 V 50 w(73)p 1859 1250 V 1868 1250 V 107 w(0.74)p 2045 1250 V -1 1296 V 278 1296 V 366 1282 a Fv(n=20)p 480 1296 V 488 1296 V 132 w(23.30)p 698 1296 V 706 1296 V 131 w(14.30)p 916 1296 V 136 w Fw(1.63)p 1131 1296 V 1139 1296 V 104 w Fv(428.00)p 1341 1296 V 123 w(17.60)p 1551 1296 V 137 w Fw(1.32)p 1765 1296 V 50 w(76)p 1859 1296 V 1868 1296 V 107 w(0.81)p 2045 1296 V -1 1341 V 278 1341 V 366 1328 a Fv(n=30)p 480 1341 V 488 1341 V 132 w(35.50)p 698 1341 V 706 1341 V 131 w(20.90)p 916 1341 V 136 w Fw(1.70)p 1131 1341 V 1139 1341 V 104 w Fv(653.20)p 1341 1341 V 123 w(26.90)p 1551 1341 V 137 w Fw(1.32)p 1765 1341 V 50 w(76)p 1859 1341 V 1868 1341 V 107 w(0.78)p 2045 1341 V 0 1343 2046 2 v -1 1389 2 46 v 86 1375 a Fv(c)o(heb)o(yshev)p 278 1389 V 132 w(n=5)p 480 1389 V 488 1389 V 132 w(68.00)p 698 1389 V 706 1389 V 131 w(12.00)p 916 1389 V 136 w Fw(5.67)p 1131 1389 V 1139 1389 V 104 w Fv(164.00)p 1341 1389 V 123 w(13.00)p 1551 1389 V 137 w Fw(5.23)p 1765 1389 V 72 w(3)p 1859 1389 V 1868 1389 V 107 w(0.92)p 2045 1389 V -1 1434 V 278 1434 V 366 1421 a Fv(n=10)p 480 1434 V 488 1434 V 112 w(246.00)p 698 1434 V 706 1434 V 132 w(28.00)p 916 1434 V 136 w Fw(8.79)p 1131 1434 V 1139 1434 V 104 w Fv(561.00)p 1341 1434 V 123 w(30.00)p 1551 1434 V 137 w Fw(8.20)p 1765 1434 V 72 w(3)p 1859 1434 V 1868 1434 V 107 w(0.93)p 2045 1434 V -1 1480 V 278 1480 V 366 1466 a Fv(n=15)p 480 1480 V 488 1480 V 112 w(520.00)p 698 1480 V 706 1480 V 132 w(49.00)p 916 1480 V 114 w Fw(10.61)p 1131 1480 V 1139 1480 V 85 w Fv(1199.00)p 1341 1480 V 123 w(54.00)p 1551 1480 V 137 w Fw(9.63)p 1765 1480 V 72 w(3)p 1859 1480 V 1868 1480 V 107 w(0.91)p 2045 1480 V -1 1526 V 278 1526 V 366 1512 a Fv(n=20)p 480 1526 V 488 1526 V 112 w(913.00)p 698 1526 V 706 1526 V 132 w(75.00)p 916 1526 V 114 w Fw(12.17)p 1131 1526 V 1139 1526 V 85 w Fv(2110.00)p 1341 1526 V 123 w(88.00)p 1551 1526 V 114 w Fw(10.38)p 1765 1526 V 73 w(3)p 1859 1526 V 1868 1526 V 107 w(0.85)p 2045 1526 V 0 1527 2046 2 v -1 1573 2 46 v 68 1559 a Fv(dotpro)q(duct)p 278 1573 V 113 w(n=10)p 480 1573 V 488 1573 V 151 w(0.91)p 698 1573 V 706 1573 V 150 w(0.16)p 916 1573 V 136 w Fw(5.69)p 1131 1573 V 1139 1573 V 142 w Fv(4.40)p 1341 1573 V 143 w(0.27)p 1551 1573 V 136 w Fw(3.37)p 1765 1573 V 72 w(7)p 1859 1573 V 1868 1573 V 107 w(0.59)p 2045 1573 V -1 1619 V 40 1605 a Fv(\(90\045)f(zero)q(es\))p 278 1619 V 93 w(n=100)p 480 1619 V 488 1619 V 151 w(7.78)p 698 1619 V 706 1619 V 150 w(1.11)p 916 1619 V 136 w Fw(7.01)p 1131 1619 V 1139 1619 V 123 w Fv(29.64)p 1341 1619 V 143 w(1.48)p 1551 1619 V 136 w Fw(5.26)p 1765 1619 V 72 w(5)p 1859 1619 V 1868 1619 V 107 w(0.75)p 2045 1619 V -1 1664 V 278 1664 V 347 1651 a Fv(n=200)p 480 1664 V 488 1664 V 132 w(38.30)p 698 1664 V 706 1664 V 150 w(5.51)p 916 1664 V 136 w Fw(6.95)p 1131 1664 V 1139 1664 V 104 w Fv(141.63)p 1341 1664 V 143 w(6.83)p 1551 1664 V 136 w Fw(5.61)p 1765 1664 V 72 w(5)p 1859 1664 V 1868 1664 V 107 w(0.81)p 2045 1664 V 0 1666 2046 2 v -1 1712 2 46 v 68 1698 a Fv(dotpro)q(duct)p 278 1712 V 113 w(n=10)p 480 1712 V 488 1712 V 132 w(86.50)p 698 1712 V 706 1712 V 180 w(|)p 916 1712 V 176 w(|)p 1131 1712 V 1139 1712 V 123 w(51.80)p 1341 1712 V 123 w(88.00)p 1551 1712 V 137 w Fw(0.98)p 1765 1712 V 56 w Fv(|)p 1859 1712 V 1868 1712 V 147 w(|)p 2045 1712 V -1 1757 V 52 1744 a(in)h(mat)p 165 1744 12 2 v 13 w(m)o(ult)p 278 1757 2 46 v 94 w(n=100)p 480 1757 V 488 1757 V 59 w(0)p Fd(:)p Fv(07)9 b Fc(\003)f Fv(10)656 1728 y Ff(6)p 698 1757 V 706 1757 V 854 1744 a Fv(|)p 916 1757 V 176 w(|)p 1131 1757 V 1139 1757 V 85 w(3100.00)p 1341 1757 V 51 w(0)p Fd(:)p Fv(02)g Fc(\003)h Fv(10)1509 1728 y Ff(6)p 1551 1757 V 1663 1744 a Fw(2.91)p 1765 1757 V 56 w Fv(|)p 1859 1757 V 1868 1757 V 147 w(|)p 2045 1757 V -1 1803 V 278 1803 V 347 1789 a(n=200)p 480 1803 V 488 1803 V 59 w(0)p Fd(:)p Fv(56)g Fc(\003)f Fv(10)656 1773 y Ff(6)p 698 1803 V 706 1803 V 854 1789 a Fv(|)p 916 1803 V 176 w(|)p 1131 1803 V 1139 1803 V 66 w(12000.00)p 1341 1803 V 51 w(0)p Fd(:)p Fv(18)g Fc(\003)h Fv(10)1509 1773 y Ff(6)p 1551 1803 V 1663 1789 a Fw(3.06)p 1765 1803 V 56 w Fv(|)p 1859 1803 V 1868 1803 V 147 w(|)p 2045 1803 V 0 1805 2046 2 v -1 1850 2 46 v 72 1837 a(dith)p 141 1837 12 2 v 15 w(dither)p 278 1850 2 46 v 94 w(4,5,9,5)p 480 1850 V 488 1850 V 150 w(2.06)p 698 1850 V 706 1850 V 150 w(0.39)p 916 1850 V 136 w Fw(5.28)p 1131 1850 V 1139 1850 V 123 w Fv(25.00)p 1341 1850 V 143 w(1.77)p 1551 1850 V 136 w Fw(1.16)p 1765 1850 V 50 w(87)p 1859 1850 V 1868 1850 V 107 w(0.22)p 2045 1850 V -1 1896 V 135 1882 a Fv(in)14 b(ppm)p 278 1896 V 93 w(4,5,9,5)p 480 1896 V 488 1896 V 58 w(3)p Fd(:)p Fv(03)9 b Fc(\003)f Fv(10)656 1866 y Ff(6)p 698 1896 V 706 1896 V 732 1882 a Fv(1)p Fd(:)p Fv(72)h Fc(\003)g Fv(10)875 1866 y Ff(6)p 916 1896 V 1028 1882 a Fw(1.76)p 1131 1896 V 1139 1896 V 123 w Fv(25.00)p 1341 1896 V 51 w(2)p Fd(:)p Fv(68)f Fc(\003)h Fv(10)1509 1866 y Ff(6)p 1551 1896 V 1663 1882 a Fw(1.13)p 1765 1896 V 56 w Fv(|)p 1859 1896 V 1868 1896 V 107 w Fw(0.64)p 2045 1896 V -1 1942 V 90 1928 a Fv(optimized)p 278 1942 V 95 w(4,5,9,5)p 480 1942 V 488 1942 V 180 w(|)p 698 1942 V 706 1942 V 180 w(|)p 916 1942 V 176 w(|)p 1131 1942 V 1139 1942 V 123 w(24.00)p 1341 1942 V 143 w(0.50)p 1551 1942 V 136 w Fw(4.12)p 1765 1942 V 50 w(17)p 1859 1942 V 1868 1942 V 107 w(0.78)p 2045 1942 V -1 1987 V 135 1974 a Fv(in)14 b(ppm)p 278 1987 V 93 w(4,5,9,5)p 480 1987 V 488 1987 V 180 w(|)p 698 1987 V 706 1987 V 180 w(|)p 916 1987 V 176 w(|)p 1131 1987 V 1139 1987 V 123 w(24.00)p 1341 1987 V 51 w(1)p Fd(:)p Fv(68)8 b Fc(\003)h Fv(10)1509 1958 y Ff(6)p 1551 1987 V 1663 1974 a Fw(1.81)p 1765 1987 V 56 w Fv(|)p 1859 1987 V 1868 1987 V 107 w Fw(1.03)p 2045 1987 V 0 1989 2046 2 v 271 2105 a Ft(Figure)14 b(11:)j(Comparison)12 b(of)h(the)i(run)f(times)f(of)g(sp)q(ecialized)i(and)f(unsp)q (ecialized)g(co)q(de)954 2795 y(10)p eop %%Page: 11 11 11 10 bop 69 43 1813 2 v 68 89 2 46 v 347 89 V 549 89 V 558 89 V 640 75 a Fv(Source)p 832 89 V 841 89 V 188 w(CT)12 b(Sp)q(ecializati)q(on)p 1333 89 V 1341 89 V 136 w(R)m(T)h(Sp)q(ecializati)q(on)p 1695 89 V 1703 89 V 65 w(R)m(T/CT)p 1880 89 V 68 134 V 134 121 a(Benc)o(hmark)p 347 134 V 51 w(In)o(v)n(arian)o(t)p 549 134 V 557 134 V 60 w(Lines)p 695 134 V 66 w(KB)p 832 134 V 841 134 V 73 w(Lines)p 979 134 V 76 w(KB)p 1135 134 V 75 w Fw(Gro)o(wth)p 1333 134 V 1341 134 V 82 w Fv(KB)p 1497 134 V 75 w Fw(Gro)o(wth)p 1695 134 V 1703 134 V 88 w(KB)p 1880 134 V 69 136 1813 2 v 68 182 2 46 v 224 168 a Fv(p)q(o)o(w)o(er)p 347 182 V 75 w(exp=10)p 549 182 V 557 182 V 109 w(13)p 695 182 V 50 w(0.040)p 832 182 V 841 182 V 108 w(16)p 979 182 V 70 w(0.040)p 1135 182 V 119 w Fw(1.00)p 1333 182 V 1341 182 V 78 w Fv(0.060)p 1497 182 V 119 w Fw(1.50)p 1695 182 V 1703 182 V 108 w(1.50)p 1880 182 V 68 227 V 347 227 V 398 214 a Fv(exp=20)p 549 227 V 557 227 V 109 w(13)p 695 227 V 50 w(0.040)p 832 227 V 841 227 V 108 w(26)p 979 227 V 70 w(0.084)p 1135 227 V 119 w Fw(2.10)p 1333 227 V 1341 227 V 78 w Fv(0.100)p 1497 227 V 119 w Fw(2.50)p 1695 227 V 1703 227 V 108 w(1.19)p 1880 227 V 68 273 V 347 273 V 398 259 a Fv(exp=30)p 549 273 V 557 273 V 109 w(13)p 695 273 V 50 w(0.040)p 832 273 V 841 273 V 108 w(36)p 979 273 V 70 w(0.120)p 1135 273 V 119 w Fw(3.00)p 1333 273 V 1341 273 V 78 w Fv(0.140)p 1497 273 V 119 w Fw(3.50)p 1695 273 V 1703 273 V 108 w(1.17)p 1880 273 V 69 275 1813 2 v 68 320 2 46 v 184 307 a Fv(rom)o(b)q(erg)p 347 320 V 118 w(M=2)p 549 320 V 557 320 V 109 w(36)p 695 320 V 50 w(0.484)p 832 320 V 841 320 V 108 w(24)p 979 320 V 70 w(0.572)p 1135 320 V 119 w Fw(1.18)p 1333 320 V 1341 320 V 78 w Fv(1.096)p 1497 320 V 119 w Fw(2.26)p 1695 320 V 1703 320 V 108 w(1.92)p 1880 320 V 68 366 V 94 352 a Fv(\(na)l(\177)-15 b(\020v)o(e)14 b(p)q(o)o(w)o(er\))p 347 366 V 117 w(M=4)p 549 366 V 557 366 V 109 w(36)p 695 366 V 50 w(0.484)p 832 366 V 841 366 V 108 w(47)p 979 366 V 70 w(1.676)p 1135 366 V 119 w Fw(3.46)p 1333 366 V 1341 366 V 78 w Fv(3.380)p 1497 366 V 119 w Fw(6.98)p 1695 366 V 1703 366 V 108 w(2.02)p 1880 366 V 68 412 V 347 412 V 440 398 a Fv(M=6)p 549 412 V 557 412 V 109 w(36)p 695 412 V 50 w(0.484)p 832 412 V 841 412 V 89 w(110)p 979 412 V 70 w(4.924)p 1135 412 V 97 w Fw(10.17)p 1333 412 V 1341 412 V 78 w Fv(8.576)p 1497 412 V 97 w Fw(17.72)p 1695 412 V 1703 412 V 108 w(1.74)p 1880 412 V 68 457 V 347 457 V 440 444 a Fv(M=8)p 549 457 V 557 457 V 109 w(36)p 695 457 V 50 w(0.484)p 832 457 V 841 457 V 89 w(321)p 979 457 V 50 w(16.252)p 1135 457 V 98 w Fw(33.58)p 1333 457 V 1341 457 V 59 w Fv(23.164)p 1497 457 V 97 w Fw(47.86)p 1695 457 V 1703 457 V 108 w(1.43)p 1880 457 V 69 459 1813 2 v 68 505 2 46 v 184 491 a Fv(rom)o(b)q(erg)p 347 505 V 118 w(M=2)p 549 505 V 557 505 V 109 w(24)p 695 505 V 50 w(0.440)p 832 505 V 841 505 V 108 w(24)p 979 505 V 70 w(0.572)p 1135 505 V 119 w Fw(1.30)p 1333 505 V 1341 505 V 78 w Fv(1.096)p 1497 505 V 119 w Fw(2.49)p 1695 505 V 1703 505 V 108 w(1.92)p 1880 505 V 68 550 V 162 537 a Fv(\(p)q(o)o(w)o(er)f(as)p 347 550 V 117 w(M=4)p 549 550 V 557 550 V 109 w(24)p 695 550 V 50 w(0.440)p 832 550 V 841 550 V 108 w(47)p 979 550 V 70 w(1.676)p 1135 550 V 119 w Fw(3.81)p 1333 550 V 1341 550 V 78 w Fv(3.380)p 1497 550 V 119 w Fw(7.68)p 1695 550 V 1703 550 V 108 w(2.02)p 1880 550 V 68 596 V 255 582 a Fd(<)-6 b(<)p Fv(\))p 347 596 V 116 w(M=6)p 549 596 V 557 596 V 109 w(24)p 695 596 V 50 w(0.440)p 832 596 V 841 596 V 89 w(110)p 979 596 V 70 w(4.924)p 1135 596 V 97 w Fw(11.19)p 1333 596 V 1341 596 V 78 w Fv(8.576)p 1497 596 V 97 w Fw(19.49)p 1695 596 V 1703 596 V 108 w(1.74)p 1880 596 V 68 642 V 347 642 V 440 628 a Fv(M=8)p 549 642 V 557 642 V 109 w(24)p 695 642 V 50 w(0.440)p 832 642 V 841 642 V 89 w(321)p 979 642 V 50 w(16.252)p 1135 642 V 98 w Fw(36.94)p 1333 642 V 1341 642 V 59 w Fv(23.164)p 1497 642 V 97 w Fw(52.65)p 1695 642 V 1703 642 V 108 w(1.43)p 1880 642 V 69 643 1813 2 v 68 689 2 46 v 127 675 a Fv(cubic)14 b(spline)p 347 689 V 114 w(n=10)p 549 689 V 557 689 V 109 w(29)p 695 689 V 50 w(0.436)p 832 689 V 841 689 V 108 w(84)p 979 689 V 70 w(1.204)p 1135 689 V 119 w Fw(2.76)p 1333 689 V 1341 689 V 78 w Fv(3.396)p 1497 689 V 119 w Fw(7.79)p 1695 689 V 1703 689 V 108 w(2.82)p 1880 689 V 68 735 V 347 735 V 435 721 a Fv(n=20)p 549 735 V 557 735 V 109 w(29)p 695 735 V 50 w(0.436)p 832 735 V 841 735 V 89 w(144)p 979 735 V 70 w(2.688)p 1135 735 V 119 w Fw(6.17)p 1333 735 V 1341 735 V 78 w Fv(7.156)p 1497 735 V 97 w Fw(16.41)p 1695 735 V 1703 735 V 108 w(2.66)p 1880 735 V 68 780 V 347 780 V 435 767 a Fv(n=30)p 549 780 V 557 780 V 109 w(29)p 695 780 V 50 w(0.436)p 832 780 V 841 780 V 89 w(204)p 979 780 V 70 w(4.160)p 1135 780 V 119 w Fw(9.54)p 1333 780 V 1341 780 V 59 w Fv(10.916)p 1497 780 V 97 w Fw(25.04)p 1695 780 V 1703 780 V 108 w(2.62)p 1880 780 V 69 782 1813 2 v 68 828 2 46 v 155 814 a Fv(c)o(heb)o(yshev)p 347 828 V 132 w(n=5)p 549 828 V 557 828 V 109 w(22)p 695 828 V 50 w(0.492)p 832 828 V 841 828 V 108 w(55)p 979 828 V 70 w(0.848)p 1135 828 V 119 w Fw(1.72)p 1333 828 V 1341 828 V 78 w Fv(1.836)p 1497 828 V 119 w Fw(3.73)p 1695 828 V 1703 828 V 108 w(2.17)p 1880 828 V 68 873 V 347 873 V 435 860 a Fv(n=10)p 549 873 V 557 873 V 109 w(22)p 695 873 V 50 w(0.492)p 832 873 V 841 873 V 89 w(140)p 979 873 V 70 w(2.344)p 1135 873 V 119 w Fw(4.76)p 1333 873 V 1341 873 V 78 w Fv(5.796)p 1497 873 V 97 w Fw(11.78)p 1695 873 V 1703 873 V 108 w(2.47)p 1880 873 V 68 919 V 347 919 V 435 905 a Fv(n=15)p 549 919 V 557 919 V 109 w(22)p 695 919 V 50 w(0.492)p 832 919 V 841 919 V 89 w(275)p 979 919 V 70 w(4.696)p 1135 919 V 119 w Fw(9.54)p 1333 919 V 1341 919 V 59 w Fv(11.956)p 1497 919 V 97 w Fw(24.30)p 1695 919 V 1703 919 V 108 w(2.55)p 1880 919 V 68 965 V 347 965 V 435 951 a Fv(n=20)p 549 965 V 557 965 V 109 w(22)p 695 965 V 50 w(0.492)p 832 965 V 841 965 V 89 w(460)p 979 965 V 70 w(7.620)p 1135 965 V 97 w Fw(15.49)p 1333 965 V 1341 965 V 59 w Fv(20.316)p 1497 965 V 97 w Fw(41.29)p 1695 965 V 1703 965 V 108 w(2.67)p 1880 965 V 69 966 1813 2 v 68 1012 2 46 v 137 998 a Fv(dotpro)q(duct)p 347 1012 V 113 w(n=10)p 549 1012 V 557 1012 V 109 w(16)p 695 1012 V 50 w(0.072)p 832 1012 V 841 1012 V 108 w(38)p 979 1012 V 70 w(0.016)p 1135 1012 V 119 w Fw(0.22)p 1333 1012 V 1341 1012 V 78 w Fv(0.052)p 1497 1012 V 119 w Fw(0.72)p 1695 1012 V 1703 1012 V 108 w(3.25)p 1880 1012 V 68 1058 V 347 1058 V 416 1044 a Fv(n=100)p 549 1058 V 557 1058 V 109 w(16)p 695 1058 V 50 w(0.072)p 832 1058 V 841 1058 V 89 w(137)p 979 1058 V 70 w(0.192)p 1135 1058 V 119 w Fw(2.67)p 1333 1058 V 1341 1058 V 78 w Fv(0.340)p 1497 1058 V 119 w Fw(4.72)p 1695 1058 V 1703 1058 V 108 w(1.77)p 1880 1058 V 68 1103 V 347 1103 V 416 1090 a Fv(n=500)p 549 1103 V 557 1103 V 109 w(16)p 695 1103 V 50 w(0.072)p 832 1103 V 841 1103 V 89 w(577)p 979 1103 V 70 w(1.152)p 1135 1103 V 97 w Fw(16.00)p 1333 1103 V 1341 1103 V 78 w Fv(1.620)p 1497 1103 V 97 w Fw(22.50)p 1695 1103 V 1703 1103 V 108 w(1.41)p 1880 1103 V 69 1105 1813 2 v 68 1151 2 46 v 141 1137 a Fv(dith)p 210 1137 12 2 v 15 w(dither)p 347 1151 2 46 v 94 w(4,5,9,5)p 549 1151 V 557 1151 V 108 w(27)p 695 1151 V 50 w(0.388)p 832 1151 V 841 1151 V 108 w(26)p 979 1151 V 70 w(0.288)p 1135 1151 V 119 w Fw(0.74)p 1333 1151 V 1341 1151 V 78 w Fv(0.396)p 1497 1151 V 119 w Fw(1.02)p 1695 1151 V 1703 1151 V 108 w(1.38)p 1880 1151 V 68 1196 V 159 1183 a Fv(optimized)p 347 1196 V 95 w(4,5,9,5)p 549 1196 V 557 1196 V 108 w(|)p 695 1196 V 99 w(|)p 832 1196 V 841 1196 V 108 w(|)p 979 1196 V 119 w(|)p 1135 1196 V 159 w(|)p 1333 1196 V 1341 1196 V 78 w(0.308)p 1497 1196 V 119 w Fw(0.79)p 1695 1196 V 1703 1196 V 108 w(1.07)p 1880 1196 V 69 1198 1813 2 v 317 1314 a Ft(Figure)g(12:)j(Comparison)12 b(of)h(the)i(sizes)g(of)e(sp)q(ecialized)i(and)f(unsp)q(ecialized)g(co) q(de)62 1447 y(Co)q(de)k(gro)o(wth)f(can)g(h)o(urt)h(p)q(erformance)f (when)h(the)f(co)q(de)i(size)f(exceeds)h(the)f(size)g(of)e(the)i(cac)o (he.)29 b(The)18 b(size)g(of)e(the)0 1496 y(co)q(de)i(pro)q(duced)g(b)o (y)f(the)h(compile-time)c(sp)q(ecializer)k(as)f(compared)g(to)g(the)h (size)f(of)g(the)h(co)q(de)g(pro)q(duced)g(b)o(y)f(the)h(run-)0 1546 y(time)13 b(sp)q(ecializer)i(is)e(another)i(indicator)e(of)g(the)i (e\016cacy)g(of)e(compiler)f(optimizations.)k(In)e(general)g(the)h(co)q (de)g(pro)q(duced)0 1596 y(b)o(y)g(run-time)g(sp)q(ecialization)g(is)g (one)h(and)f(a)g(half)g(to)g(three)i(times)e(larger)g(than)h(the)g(co)q (de)g(pro)q(duced)h(b)o(y)e(compile-time)0 1646 y(sp)q(ecialization.)33 b(W)m(e)19 b(no)o(w)f(describ)q(e)j(the)f(b)q(ene\014ts)h(of)d (compile-time)e(and)j(run-time)f(sp)q(ecialization)h(in)f(eac)o(h)i(of) e(the)0 1696 y(examples.)f(The)d(source)i(co)q(de)e(for)g(eac)o(h)g (program)f(is)g(a)o(v)n(ailable)f(in)h(the)i(app)q(endix.)0 1812 y Fp(4.2)56 b(Lo)r(op)18 b(unrolling)0 1889 y Ft(The)12 b(na)-5 b(\177)-16 b(\020v)o(e)12 b(in)o(teger)g(p)q(o)o(w)o(er)g (program)f(\(App)q(endix)h(A\))g(computes)g Fi(x)1079 1873 y Fb(y)1111 1889 y Ft(using)g(a)f(lo)q(op)g(that)h(m)o(ultiplies)e (an)i(accum)o(ulator)e(b)o(y)0 1938 y Fi(x)k Ft(rep)q(eatedly)i Fi(y)h Ft(times.)i(Sp)q(ecialization)14 b(with)g(resp)q(ect)j(to)d(a)h (static)g(exp)q(onen)o(t)g(simply)e(unrolls)h(this)h(lo)q(op,)e (duplicating)0 1988 y(the)h(b)q(o)q(dy)g(unc)o(hanged.)k(Because)d(the) f(b)q(o)q(dy)g(is)f(only)g(one)h(line)f(of)f(C)i(co)q(de,)g(the)g(lo)q (op)e(computations)h(form)e(a)i(signi\014can)o(t)0 2038 y(o)o(v)o(erhead.)18 b(Th)o(us)d(w)o(e)f(obtain)f(non-negligeable)g(sp) q(eedup)i(from)d(compile-time)f(sp)q(ecialization.)62 2088 y(Run-time)j(sp)q(ecialization)i(ac)o(hiev)o(es)g(sligh)o(tly)f (less)h(sp)q(eedup.)26 b(The)16 b(fact)g(that)g(the)g(co)q(de)h(pro)q (duced)g(at)e(run-time)g(is)0 2138 y(sligh)o(tly)10 b(larger)i (suggests)h(that)e(the)h(compiler)f(could)g(p)q(erform)g(few)o(er)h (optimizations)d(on)j(the)g(templates)f(of)g(the)h(run-time)0 2187 y(sp)q(ecializer)j(than)f(on)f(the)i(straigh)o(t-line)e(co)q(de)i (pro)q(duced)g(b)o(y)e(the)i(compile-tim)o(e)d(sp)q(ecializer.)62 2237 y(Most)k(of)g(the)g(other)h(examples)e(tak)o(e)h(adv)n(an)o(tage)f (of)g(lo)q(op)g(unrolling.)23 b(Because)18 b(they)e(are)h(more)e (complicated,)f(the)0 2287 y(o)o(v)o(erhead)e(of)f(the)h(lo)q(op)f(op)q (erations)h(is)g(less)g(imp)q(ortan)o(t.)k(Th)o(us)c(most)e(of)h(the)h (sp)q(eedup)i(comes)d(from)f(other)i(impro)o(v)o(emen)o(ts)0 2337 y(due)i(to)g(sp)q(ecialization.)0 2453 y Fp(4.3)56 b(Constan)n(t)19 b(folding)0 2530 y Ft(W)m(e)e(no)o(w)f(turn)h(to)g (the)h(scien)o(ti\014c)f(programs)f(analyzed)h(b)o(y)f(Gl)q(\177)-22 b(uc)o(k,)17 b(Nak)n(ashige,)g(and)f(Z\177)-21 b(o)q(c)o(hling)17 b([7)o(])f(for)h(their)g(F)m(ortran)0 2579 y(sp)q(ecializer.)26 b(These)18 b(are)e(Rom)o(b)q(erg)f(in)o(tegration)h(\(App)q(endix)g (B\),)h(Cheb)o(yshev)g(appro)o(ximation)c(\(App)q(endix)k(C\))f(cubic)0 2629 y(spline)k(in)o(terp)q(olation)f(\(App)q(endix)i(D\).)e(W)m(e)h (refer)h(the)g(reader)g(to)f(Gl)q(\177)-22 b(uc)o(k)20 b Fo(et)g(al.)37 b Ft(for)20 b(further)h(details)f(ab)q(out)g(these)954 2795 y(11)p eop %%Page: 12 12 12 11 bop 0 42 a Ft(algorithms.)18 b(All)c(of)g(the)h(programs)e(b)q (ene\014t)j(from)d(lo)q(op)h(unrolling.)k(F)m(urthermore,)d(eac)o(h)g (b)q(ene\014ts)h(substan)o(tially)e(from)0 91 y(constan)o(t)g(folding.) 62 141 y(W)m(e)i(sp)q(ecialize)h(the)f(Rom)o(b)q(erg)f(in)o(tegration)g (program)g(with)g(resp)q(ect)k(to)c(the)i(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)e(of)h (iterations)g(to)g(use)h(in)e(the)0 191 y(appro)o(ximation.)20 b(The)c(program)e(con)o(tains)h(in)o(teger)h(p)q(o)o(w)o(er)g(and)f (\015oating)g(p)q(oin)o(t)g(division)f(computations)g(that)i(can)f(b)q (e)0 241 y(reduced)c(at)f(sp)q(ecialization)f(time)f(and)h(that)h(o)q (ccur)g(in)g(a)f(doubly)g(nested)i(lo)q(op.)16 b(Sp)q(ecialization)8 b(also)h(p)q(erforms)g(sev)o(eral)h(less)0 291 y(costly)i(in)o(teger)h (op)q(erations.)18 b(W)m(e)12 b(obtain)f(sp)q(eedups)j(b)q(oth)f(when)f (p)q(o)o(w)o(er)h(is)f(computed)g(using)g(our)g(na)-5 b(\177)-16 b(\020v)o(e)12 b(p)q(o)o(w)o(er)g(function)0 340 y(and)i(when)h(w)o(e)g(exploit)f(the)h(fact)f(that)h(the)g(base)g (is)f(a)g(p)q(o)o(w)o(er)h(of)f(t)o(w)o(o)g(in)g(order)h(to)f(rewrite)h (the)g(p)q(o)o(w)o(er)g(computation)e(as)0 390 y(a)h(shift)h(op)q (eration.)20 b(Again)14 b(w)o(e)h(obtain)f(sligh)o(tly)f(less)j(sp)q (eedup)g(from)d(run-time)h(sp)q(ecialization.)20 b(Corresp)q(ondingly) 14 b(the)0 440 y(co)q(de)i(pro)q(duced)f(at)g(run-time)f(is)g(ab)q(out) h(t)o(wice)g(as)g(big)f(as)g(the)i(co)q(de)f(pro)q(duced)h(after)f(sp)q (ecialization)f(at)h(compile)e(time.)0 490 y(Sp)q(ecialization)18 b(simply)e(shifts)j(computations)e(from)g(the)j(time)d(when)i(the)g(sp) q(ecialized)h(function)e(is)h(called)f(to)g(when)0 540 y(it)f(is)g(generated.)30 b(Run-time)16 b(sp)q(ecialization)h(p)q (erforms)g(this)h(generation)f(at)h(run)f(time.)28 b(Th)o(us)18 b(here)g(the)g(sp)q(ecialized)0 589 y(pro)q(cedure)e(m)o(ust)d(b)q(e)h (reused)i(a)d(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)g(of)h(times)f(to)g(get)i(an)o(y)e(b)q (ene\014t)i(from)d(run-time)h(sp)q(ecialization.)62 639 y(The)g(cubic)g(spline)f(program)e(is)i(sp)q(ecialized)h(with)f(resp)q (ect)i(to)e(the)h(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)f(of)f(p)q(oin)o(ts)h(\()p Fi(n)p Ft(\))h(and)f(their)g Fi(x)p Ft(-co)q(ordinates.)0 689 y(The)h(program)e(con)o(tains)i(three)h(singly)d(nested)j(lo)q (ops.)k(In)12 b(the)i(\014rst)f(t)o(w)o(o,)f(o)o(v)o(er)h(half)e(of)h (the)h(computations)f(of)g(eac)o(h)h(b)q(o)q(dy)0 739 y(can)k(b)q(e)h(completely)e(ev)n(aluated)h(at)g(sp)q(ecialization)f (time,)h(including)f(\015oating)g(p)q(oin)o(t)g(m)o(ultiplications)e (and)j(divisions.)0 789 y(W)m(e)d(obtain)f(more)g(sp)q(eedup)j(than)e (in)g(Rom)o(b)q(erg)e(in)o(tegration)i(b)q(ecause)i(a)d(larger)i(p)q (ercen)o(tage)g(of)f(the)h(computations)e(are)0 839 y(static.)62 888 y(Cheb)o(yshev)20 b(appro)o(ximation)15 b(has)j(a)h(similar)c (structure.)34 b(W)m(e)18 b(sp)q(ecialize)h(with)f(resp)q(ect)j(to)d (the)h(degree)g Fi(n)g Ft(of)e(the)0 938 y(generated)e(p)q(olynomial)o (.)g(In)f(addition)e(to)h(the)h(\015oating)e(p)q(oin)o(t)h(m)o (ultiplications)e(and)i(divisions)f(that)i(can)f(b)q(e)h(p)q(erformed)0 988 y(at)f(sp)q(ecialization)g(time,)f(w)o(e)h(can)h(eliminate)d(a)i (call)g(to)g(the)h(library)e(function)h Fk(cos)g Ft(from)f(eac)o(h)h (unfolded)g(lo)q(op)g(iteration.)0 1038 y(Because)20 b(library)d(calls)g(are)h(v)o(ery)g(exp)q(ensiv)o(e,)i(w)o(e)e(obtain)f (large)g(sp)q(eedups)j(from)c(b)q(oth)i(compile-tim)o(e)d(and)j (run-time)0 1088 y(sp)q(ecialization.)g(F)m(urthermore)13 b(the)i(amortization)c(of)j(run-time)e(sp)q(ecialization)i(is)f(quite)h (lo)o(w.)0 1204 y Fp(4.4)56 b(Strength)18 b(reduction)0 1280 y Ft(In)e(the)g(b)q(enc)o(hmarks)g(presen)o(ted)h(so)f(far,)f (run-time)g(sp)q(ecialization)g(consisten)o(tly)h(ac)o(hiev)o(es)h(o)o (v)o(er)e(80\045)g(of)g(the)h(sp)q(eedup)0 1330 y(obtained)e(b)o(y)g (compile-time)d(sp)q(ecialization.)19 b(When)c(sp)q(ecialization)f (triggers)g(compiler)f(optimizations,)f(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)i(the)0 1380 y(sp)q(eedup)h(ac)o(hiev)o(ed)f(b)o(y)f(run-time)g(sp)q (ecialization)g(is)g(m)o(uc)o(h)g(less.)18 b(Here)d(w)o(e)f(consider)g (in)o(teger)g(m)o(ultiplication.)h(The)f(Sun)0 1430 y(SUPERSparc)g (implemen)o(ts)d(in)o(teger)i(m)o(ultiplication)d(as)j(an)g (instruction)g(rather)h(than)f(as)g(a)g(library)g(call.)k(Nev)o (ertheless)0 1480 y(this)f(instruction)g(is)g(fairly)f(exp)q(ensiv)o (e.)25 b(When)16 b(one)h(of)e(the)i(argumen)o(ts)e(is)h(a)f(constan)o (t,)i(an)f(optimizing)d(compiler)i(can)0 1529 y(rewrite)g(the)g(m)o (ultiplication)c(as)k(a)f(c)o(heap)q(er)i(sequence)g(of)e(shift)g(and)h (add)f(op)q(erations)h([2)o(].)k(This)14 b(b)q(eha)o(vior)h(is)f (exhibited)0 1579 y(b)o(y)g(the)g(dot)g(pro)q(duct)h(\(App)q(endix)f (E\))g(and)g(dithering)g(\(App)q(endix)g(F\))g(examples.)0 1687 y Fj(4.4.1)48 b(Dot)15 b(pro)q(duct)0 1764 y Ft(As)e(sho)o(wn)f (in)g(Figure)h(4,)f(sp)q(ecialization)f(of)h(dot)h(pro)q(duct)g(with)f (resp)q(ect)j(to)d(a)g(v)o(ector)h(and)f(its)h(size)g(pro)q(duces)h(a)e (sequence)0 1814 y(of)f(m)o(ultiplications)e(of)j(a)f(constan)o(t)i(b)o (y)e(an)h(arra)o(y)g(reference.)20 b(When)12 b(sp)q(ecialization)f(is)h (p)q(erformed)g(at)g(compile)e(time,)g(the)0 1863 y(compiler)g (translates)i(eac)o(h)g(m)o(ultiplication)c(as)k(a)f(sequence)i(of)e (shift)h(and)f(addition)f(instructions,)i(obtaining)e(substan)o(tial)0 1913 y(sp)q(eedups.)24 b(Because)17 b(the)f(constan)o(ts)g(are)f(not)g (a)o(v)n(ailable)e(at)i(compile)f(time)g(when)h(run-time)f(sp)q (ecializer)j(pro)q(duces)f(the)0 1963 y(ob)r(ject)i(templates,)f(the)h (m)o(ultiplicatio)o(ns)d(are)j(translated)f(as)h(in)o(teger)f(m)o (ultiplication)d(instructions.)29 b(Th)o(us)17 b(run-time)0 2013 y(sp)q(ecialization)c(sa)o(v)o(es)i(only)e(the)h(lo)q(op)f(o)o(v)o (erhead.)62 2063 y(W)m(e)f(can)h(reduce)g(the)g(m)o(ultiplication)c (cost)k(in)f(the)h(run-time)e(sp)q(ecialized)i(co)q(de)g(b)o(y)f (rewriting)g(the)h(program)d(to)i(mak)o(e)0 2113 y(sp)q(ecial)i(cases)g (explicit)f(at)g(compile)f(time.)17 b(Clearly)12 b(it)h(is)h (infeasible)e(to)h(mak)o(e)f(a)h(sp)q(ecial)h(case)g(for)f(ev)o(ery)h (in)o(teger.)19 b(When)0 2162 y(the)14 b(matrix)d(is)i(kno)o(wn)g(to)g (b)q(e)h(sparse,)g(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)g(w)o(e)f(can)h(ac)o(hiev)o(e)f (signi\014can)o(t)g(sp)q(eedups)i(b)o(y)e(rewriting)h(the)f(program)f (to)0 2212 y(test)17 b(whether)h(the)f(elemen)o(t)f(of)g(the)g(static)h (v)o(ector)g(is)f(0.)25 b(If)16 b(so,)h(no)f(m)o(ultiplication)d(is)j (p)q(erformed.)25 b(There)18 b(is)e(a)g(sligh)o(t)0 2262 y(o)o(v)o(erhead)11 b(for)g(the)g(test,)i(but)e(it)f(only)g(tak)o(es)i (place)f(during)g(the)g(generation)g(of)g(the)g(sp)q(ecialized)h(pro)q (cedure,)h(and)e(a)f(test)i(for)0 2312 y(0)i(is)g(relativ)o(ely)f (inexp)q(ensiv)o(e.)19 b(With)14 b(this)g(optimization,)d(the)j(sp)q (eedup)i(\(sho)o(wn)e(in)g(Figure)g(11\))f(obtained)h(b)o(y)g(run-time) 0 2362 y(sp)q(ecialization)f(approac)o(hes)i(that)f(of)f(compile-time)e (sp)q(ecialization)i(for)h(sparse)h(matrices.)62 2411 y(Dot)f(pro)q(duct)h(is)f(used)h(in)f(matrix)e(m)o(ultiplication.)j (Because)i(the)d(ro)o(w)g(of)g(the)h(\014rst)f(matrix)f(is)h(m)o (ultiplied)d(b)o(y)j(ev)o(ery)0 2461 y(column)i(of)h(the)i(second)g (matrix,)d(sp)q(ecialization)i(is)f(b)q(ene\014cial.)31 b(W)m(e)17 b(consider)i(a)e(matrix)f(of)i(size)g Fi(n)12 b Fq(\002)g Fi(n)p Ft(.)30 b(F)m(or)17 b(large)0 2511 y(matrices,)d(compile-tim)o(e)e(sp)q(ecialization)i(seems)h (impractical.)j(Th)o(us)d(e\013ectiv)o(e)g(run-time)f(sp)q (ecialization)g(is)g(critical)g(in)0 2561 y(this)g(application.)k (Here,)d(the)g(cost)g(of)f(generating)g(a)g(sp)q(ecialized)i(pro)q (cedure)g(at)e(run)h(time)e(is)h(naturally)f(amortized)g(b)o(y)0 2611 y(the)h(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)g(of)f(columns)g(in)g(the)i(second)g (matrix.)954 2795 y(12)p eop %%Page: 13 13 13 12 bop 0 42 a Fj(4.4.2)48 b(Ditherin)o(g)0 118 y Ft(Dithering)20 b(reduces)j(the)e(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)f(of)g(shades)i(of)e(color)g(used)h (in)g(an)f(image.)36 b(W)m(e)20 b(sp)q(ecialize)i(with)e(resp)q(ect)j (to)d(the)0 168 y(command-li)o(ne)10 b(inputs,)i(whic)o(h)g(are)h(the)g (size)g(of)f(the)h(dithering)f(matrix)e(and)i(the)h(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)f (of)f(shades)j(of)d(red,)i(green,)g(and)0 218 y(blue.)27 b(The)18 b(complete)e(ppmdither)g(program)g(consists)i(of)e(a)h(setup)h (pro)q(cedure,)h(whic)o(h)e(initializes)f(some)g(arra)o(ys)h(used)0 268 y(in)d(the)h(dithering)f(pro)q(cess,)i(and)e(the)h(dith)p 685 268 13 2 v 15 w(dither)g(pro)q(cedure,)h(whic)o(h)e(calculates)h (the)g(new)g(v)n(alue)f(of)g(eac)o(h)h(pixel)e(in)h(the)0 317 y(image.)24 b(Because)18 b(t)o(ypically)d(the)i(size)g(of)f(the)h (image)d(far)i(exceeds)j(the)e(size)g(of)f(these)h(arra)o(ys,)g(w)o(e)g (sp)q(ecialize)g(only)e(the)0 367 y(dith)p 76 367 V 15 w(dither)f(pro)q(cedure.)62 417 y(Clearly)c(w)o(e)h(cannot)g(sp)q (ecialize)h(the)f(dithering)f(op)q(eration)h(to)g(eac)o(h)g(pixel)f(in) g(the)i(image.)j(Th)o(us)c(w)o(e)f(do)h(not)g(unroll)e(an)o(y)0 467 y(lo)q(ops,)k(and)g(only)g(sp)q(ecialize)h(with)f(resp)q(ect)j(to)d (the)h(command-line)d(inputs.)18 b(The)c(a)o(v)n(ailabili)o(t)o(y)c(of) j(these)i(v)n(alues)e(triggers)0 517 y(some)d(constan)o(t)h(folding.)k (But)c(the)g(main)d(impro)o(v)o(emen)o(t)g(comes)i(from)e(the)j (rewriting)g(of)f(in)o(teger)g(m)o(ultiplications)e(as)i(shift)0 566 y(and)k(add)h(op)q(erations.)20 b(In)15 b(the)g(dith)p 584 566 V 15 w(dither)g(pro)q(cedure,)h(at)f(least)g(one)g(argumen)o(t) e(of)h(ev)o(ery)i(m)o(ultipli)o(cation)c(expression)0 616 y(is)k(a)o(v)n(ailable)f(at)h(sp)q(ecialization)g(time.)24 b(The)17 b(divisions)f(required)h(ha)o(v)o(e)g(the)g(further)g(prop)q (ert)o(y)g(that)g(in)f(eac)o(h)h(case)g(the)0 666 y(denominator)10 b(is)i(static)g(and)g(a)f(p)q(o)o(w)o(er)h(of)g(t)o(w)o(o.)k(Th)o(us)d (a)e(compiler)f(can)j(translate)f(these)h(division)e(op)q(erations)h (using)f(shift)0 716 y(as)j(w)o(ell.)62 766 y(The)j(sp)q(eedup)g (obtained)f(for)g(the)g(dith)p 700 766 V 15 w(dither)g(pro)q(cedure)i (from)d(compile-tim)o(e)e(sp)q(ecialization)j(re\015ects)i(these)f(ob-) 0 816 y(serv)n(ations.)k(Because)16 b(the)g(ppmdither)e(program)f(t)o (ypically)g(sp)q(ends)j(at)f(least)g(half)e(the)j(time)d(in)h(this)h (pro)q(cedure,)i(these)0 865 y(sp)q(eedups)f(translate)e(in)o(to)f (signi\014can)o(t)h(impro)o(v)o(emen)o(t)d(of)i(the)i(en)o(tire)f (program.)62 915 y(Run-time)e(sp)q(ecialization)h(of)g(the)h(original)e (program)g(is,)h(ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)h(less)g(successful.)20 b(Some)12 b(constan)o(t)j(folding)d(tak)o(es)0 965 y(place,)g(but)h(b)q (ecause)h(the)f(simpli\014ed)e(expressions)j(do)e(not)g(dep)q(end)i(on) e(the)h(lo)q(op)e(indices,)i(they)g(can)g(b)q(e)g(lifted)e(out)i(of)e (the)0 1015 y(lo)q(op)i(b)o(y)h(a)f(smart)g(compiler.)k(These)e(observ) n(ations)f(are)g(v)o(eri\014ed)h(b)o(y)e(the)i(negligeable)e(sp)q (eedup)j(obtained.)62 1065 y(Again)c(w)o(e)g(can)h(mo)o(v)o(e)d(the)j (strength)g(reduction)g(optimization)d(to)i(the)h(source)g(lev)o(el.)k (Here)d(0)e(is)g(no)g(more)f(lik)o(ely)g(than)0 1114 y(an)o(y)f(other)h(input,)g(so)g(w)o(e)f(simply)f(implemen)o(t)f(the)j (algorithms)d(to)i(rewrite)i(division)d(b)o(y)i(a)f(p)q(o)o(w)o(er)h (of)f(2)g(and)g(m)o(ultiplication)0 1164 y(b)o(y)i(a)g(constan)o(t)h (in)e(the)i(source)g(program)e(itself.)17 b(With)12 b(this)g(straigh)o (tforw)o(ard)g(rewriting)g(of)f(the)i(source)g(co)q(de,)g(w)o(e)g (obtain)0 1214 y(a)g(sp)q(eedup)i(comparable)d(to)h(that)g(obtained)g (b)o(y)g(compile-tim)o(e)e(sp)q(ecialization)h(of)h(the)h(original)d (program)h(\(see)i(the)g(lines)0 1264 y(lab)q(eled)e(\\optimized")f(in) h(the)h(tables\).)k(The)c(o)o(v)o(erhead)g(to)f(calculate)h(the)g (sequence)h(of)e(shift)g(and)g(addition)f(instructions)0 1314 y(required)k(is)f(negligeable.)k(The)c(sp)q(ecialized)h(co)q(de)g (is)f(applied)f(to)h(ev)o(ery)h(pixel)e(in)h(the)h(image.)h(W)m(e)e (require)h(an)e(image)g(of)0 1363 y(only)g(17)g(pixels)h(to)g(amortize) f(the)h(cost)h(of)e(sp)q(ecialization.)0 1501 y Fu(5)67 b(Related)23 b(W)-6 b(ork)0 1592 y Ft(This)18 b(section)h(presen)o(ts)i (other)e(existing)f(approac)o(hes)h(that,)g(as)f(with)g(run-time)f(sp)q (ecialization,)i(attempt)e(to)i(exploit)0 1641 y(run-time)13 b(v)n(alues.)0 1758 y Fp(5.1)56 b(Dynamic)16 b(Compilation)0 1834 y Ft(Dynamic)c(compilation)f(p)q(erforms)i(optimizations)f(at)h (run-time)g(on)h(the)g(dynamically)d(generated)k(binary)f(co)q(de,)g (incur-)0 1884 y(ring)h(an)g(additional)f(run-time)g(o)o(v)o(erhead)i (in)f(an)g(attempt)f(to)i(further)g(increase)h(the)f(co)q(de)g(qualit)o (y)m(.)k(Our)c(results)h(sho)o(w)0 1934 y(that)12 b(w)o(e)h(can)f(pro)q (duce)h(dynamically)d(generated)j(binary)f(co)q(de)h(whic)o(h)f(is)g (already)g(su\016cien)o(tly)g(optimized.)k(In)c(this)g(case,)0 1984 y(not)i(only)f(is)h(there)h(little)e(ro)q(om)f(left)i(for)g(impro) o(v)o(em)o(en)o(t,)d(but)j(ac)o(hieving)g(it)f(will)f(b)q(e)j(costly)m (.)62 2034 y(There)h(are)e(t)o(w)o(o)g(existing)g(dynamic)e (compilation)f(systems.)19 b(The)c(\014rst,)f(prop)q(osed)h(b)o(y)f (Auslander)h Fo( Ft(treats)d(the)0 2083 y(C)g(language)f([1)o (].)21 b(This)15 b(system)g(p)q(erforms)g(instruction)g(sc)o(heduling)g (and)g(p)q(eephole)h(optimizations)d(at)i(run)g(time.)21 b(The)0 2133 y(b)q(enc)o(hmark)15 b(suite)h(used)h(to)e(c)o (haracterize)j(this)d(system)h(di\013ers)g(from)e(ours,)i(so)f(a)h (direct)g(comparison)e(is)i(not)f(p)q(ossible.)0 2183 y(Nev)o(ertheless,)f(on)d(their)h(b)q(enc)o(hmarks)g(they)g(ac)o(hiev)o (e)f(sp)q(eedups)j(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)f(1.2)d(and)i(1.8.)k(On)c(the)g (other)g(hand,)g(their)g(high)0 2233 y(dynamic)j(compilation)f(o)o(v)o (erhead)k(greatly)f(increases)h(their)g(break-ev)o(en)g(p)q(oin)o(ts,)f (whic)o(h)g(range)g(from)e(700)h(to)h(30,000.)0 2283 y(These)e(\014gures)g(suggest)g(that)f(the)g(extra)g(run-time)f(in)o(v) o(estmen)o(t)g(do)q(es)i(not)f(pa)o(y)f(o\013.)62 2332 y(The)f(other)g(dynamic)e(compilation)e(system,)j(F)m(abius,)g(treats)h (a)f(pure,)h(\014rst-order)h(subset)g(of)d(the)i(SML)g(programmi)o(ng)0 2382 y(language)f([10)o(,)h(11,)g(12)o(,)g(9].)17 b(It)12 b(also)g(p)q(erforms)g(instruction)g(sc)o(heduling)h(and)f(p)q(eephole) h(optimizations)d(at)i(run-time,)f(and)0 2432 y(an)k(inexp)q(ensiv)o(e) i(form)c(of)i(register)i(allo)q(cation)d(called)h Fo(r)n(e)n(gister)g (assignment)h Ft(is)f(b)q(eing)h(in)o(v)o(estigated.)23 b(Benc)o(hmarks)15 b(for)0 2482 y(this)10 b(system)f(are)h(also)f(giv)o (en,)h(but)g(they)g(are)g(hard)g(to)g(in)o(terpret)g(since)h(they)f(do) g(not)f(precisely)i(assess)g(run-time)e(generation)0 2532 y(costs.)954 2795 y(13)p eop %%Page: 14 14 14 13 bop 0 42 a Fp(5.2)56 b(Tic)n(k)18 b(C)0 118 y Ft(Tic)o(k)12 b(C)h(is)f(a)h(language)f(whic)o(h)g(o\013ers)i(an)e(extension)i(to)e (ANSI)h(C,)f(allo)o(wing)f(the)i(programmer)d(to)j(generate)h(co)q(de)f (at)g(run)0 168 y(time)h([5)o(].)21 b(The)16 b(dynamic)d(co)q(de)j(is)f (sp)q(eci\014ed)i(with)e(a)f(macro)g(mec)o(hanism)f(similar)g(to)i(the) g(bac)o(kquote)h(\()p Fk(`)p Ft(\))f(and)g(comma)0 218 y(\()p Fk(,)p Ft(\))g(op)q(erators)h(in)e(Lisp.)21 b(This)15 b(approac)o(h)g(di\013ers)h(from)d(run-time)g(sp)q(ecialization)i(and)f (dynamic)g(compilation)e(since)j(it)0 268 y(is)d(not)g(automatic)f(and) h(do)q(es)h(not)f(p)q(erform)g(an)o(y)f(t)o(yp)q(e)i(of)f(sp)q (ecialization.)17 b(Instead,)c(the)g(user)g(is)f(required)h(to)f(sp)q (ecify)h(the)0 317 y(fragmen)o(ts)g(of)g(co)q(de)i(to)e(b)q(e)i (generated)g(at)f(run)g(time.)62 367 y(Tic)o(k)d(C)h(o\013ers)g(y)o(et) g(another)g(bac)o(k)o(end)g(to)f(our)h(run-time)e(sp)q(ecializer.)19 b(In)11 b(addition)g(to)g(using)g Fk(gcc)g Ft(or)g Fk(lcc)g Ft(to)h(generate)0 417 y(the)17 b(ob)r(ject)h(templates,)e(T)m(emp)q(o) f(is)h(also)g(capable)h(of)f(pro)q(ducing)h(the)g(appropriate)f(source) i(templates)e(whic)o(h)h(Tic)o(k)f(C)0 467 y(con)o(v)o(erts)j(directly) f(in)o(to)f(their)h(corresp)q(onding)h(ob)r(ject)f(templates.)30 b(W)m(e)17 b(are)h(curren)o(tly)h(p)q(erforming)d(exp)q(erimen)o(ts)i (to)0 517 y(assess)e(the)e(adv)n(an)o(tages)f(and)h(disadv)n(an)o (tages)g(of)f(these)i(di\013eren)o(t)g(co)q(de)g(generation)f(sc)o (hemes.)0 654 y Fu(6)67 b(Conclusions)22 b(and)h(F)-6 b(uture)24 b(W)-6 b(ork)0 745 y Ft(W)m(e)13 b(ha)o(v)o(e)h(dev)o(elop)q (ed)g(new)g(tec)o(hniques)h(to)e(implemen)o(t)e(e\016cien)o(t)j (run-time)f(sp)q(ecialization)g(for)g(C)h(programs.)j(They)d(are)0 795 y(in)o(tegrated)k(in)g(a)f(partial)g(ev)n(aluator)g(called)g(T)m (emp)q(o)g(whic)o(h)g(sp)q(ecializes)i(programs)e(at)g(b)q(oth)h (compile)f(time)f(and)i(run)0 844 y(time.)27 b(Measuremen)o(ts)19 b(comparing)c(statically)i(sp)q(ecialized)h(programs)e(to)i (dynamically)c(assem)o(bled)j(binary)g(co)q(de)h(on)0 894 y(scien)o(ti\014c)f(and)g(graphics)f(co)q(de)i(ha)o(v)o(e)e(sho)o (wn)h(that)f(run-time)g(sp)q(ecialized)h(co)q(de)g(is)f(nearly)h (\(80\045)f(on)g(a)o(v)o(erage\))g(as)h(fast)0 944 y(as)h(compile-tim)o (e)d(sp)q(ecialized)k(co)q(de.)30 b(These)19 b(measuremen)o(ts)e (demonstrate)h(that)f(few)h(opp)q(ortunities)g(are)g(left)g(if,)f(as)0 994 y(adv)o(o)q(cated)d(b)o(y)g(others,)h(further)g(optimizations)d (are)i(deferred)i(to)e(run)h(time,)d(incurring)i(an)g(additional)e(o)o (v)o(erhead.)19 b(Our)0 1044 y(approac)o(h)14 b(has)g(b)q(een)h(sho)o (wn)f(to)g(b)q(e)h(p)q(ortable)f(and)g(\015exible)f(as)i(illustrated)e (b)o(y)h(our)g(implemen)o(tation)d(to)i Fk(lcc)p Ft(,)g Fk(gcc)p Ft(,)g(and)0 1094 y(Tic)o(k)h(C.)62 1143 y(W)m(e)f(are)g (exploring)g(the)g(use)h(of)f(our)g(run-time)f(sp)q(ecializer)i(for)e (other)i(languages)f(than)g(C.)f(Indeed,)i(man)o(y)d(compilers)0 1193 y(for)i(languages)g(suc)o(h)h(as)g(Mo)q(dule-3,)e(C++)i(and)g(Ja)o (v)n(a)e(use)j(C)e(as)h(a)f(target)h(language.)j(A)c(promising)f(a)o(v) o(en)o(ue)h(of)g(researc)o(h)0 1243 y(consists)h(of)e(considering)g(T)m (emp)q(o)f(as)i(a)f Fo(b)n(ack-end)j(p)n(artial)e(evaluator)f Ft(whic)o(h)h(can)f(treat)i(v)n(arious)e(source)h(languages,)f(once)0 1293 y(programs)j(are)h(compiled)e(in)o(to)h(C.)h(In)g(fact,)g(w)o(e)g (ha)o(v)o(e)g(dev)o(elop)q(ed)g(an)g(o\017ine)f(compiler)f(for)i(Ja)o (v)n(a)f(b)o(yteco)q(de)i(to)f(C)g([14)o(];)0 1343 y(w)o(e)h(are)h (studying)f(the)g(sp)q(ecialization)g(of)f(the)i(resulting)f(C)g (programs)f(at)h(b)q(oth)g(compile)f(time)f(and)i(run)h(time.)26 b(This)0 1392 y(strategy)15 b(amoun)o(ts)d(to)i(obtaining)e(a)i(Ja)o(v) n(a)f(partial)g(ev)n(aluator)g(solely)g(b)o(y)h(in)o(tro)q(ducing)g(a)f (translation)g(phase.)62 1442 y(T)m(emp)q(o)f(has)i(started)g(to)f(b)q (e)h(used)h(b)o(y)e(researc)o(hers)j(in)d(v)n(arious)g(areas)h(suc)o(h) g(as)f(graphics,)h(scien)o(ti\014c)g(computing,)d(and)0 1492 y(op)q(erating)j(systems.)k(In)c(the)g(near)g(future,)g(w)o(e)g (exp)q(ect)i(to)e(collect)g(more)e(exp)q(erimen)o(tal)h(results)i(to)f (allo)o(w)e(us)i(to)g(further)0 1542 y(ev)n(aluate)g(our)f(run-time)g (sp)q(ecializer.)62 1592 y(Close)h(examination)e(of)h(some)g(programs)g (has)h(rev)o(ealed)g(opp)q(ortunities)g(to)g(p)q(erform)f(sp)q (eci\014c)j(optimizations)11 b(whic)o(h)0 1641 y(rely)i(on)g(run-time)g (v)n(alues.)k(These)e(optimizations)c(mainly)f(concern)15 b(algebraic)e(simpli\014cations.)i(Instead)f(of)f(increasing)0 1691 y(the)j(complexit)o(y)e(of)h(the)h(run-time)e(sp)q(ecializer)i(b)o (y)g(incorp)q(orating)f(these)h(optimizations,)e(w)o(e)h(prop)q(ose)i (to)e(rewrite)h(the)0 1741 y(source)j(program)d(to)i(b)q(e)g(sp)q (ecialized)g(to)g(in)o(tro)q(duce)g(op)q(erations)g(that)g(trigger)g (optimizations.)27 b(As)18 b(w)o(e)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(seen,)h(a)0 1791 y(program)11 b(manipulating)f(sparse)k(arra)o(ys)f(can)g(b)q(e)h (rewritten)g(to)f(test)h(whether)g(the)g(elemen)o(ts)f(of)f(a)h(static) g(arra)o(y)g(are)g(0.)k(If)0 1841 y(this)e(v)n(alue)f(is)h(an)g(op)q (erand)g(of)f(suc)o(h)i(op)q(erators)g(as)f(m)o(ultiplicatio)o(n)d(or)j (addition,)f(the)h(op)q(eration)g(do)q(es)h(not)f(need)h(to)e(b)q(e)0 1891 y(p)q(erformed.)j(Prop)q(erties)e(suc)o(h)e(as)g(sparseness)i(of)d (arra)o(ys)h(could)g(b)q(e)g(used)h(to)e(guide)h(the)g(rewritings)g (and)g(guaran)o(tee)g(that)0 1940 y(only)g(the)i(necessary)h (optimizations)c(are)j(in)o(tro)q(duced,)f(th)o(us)h(minim)o(izing)10 b(the)15 b(o)o(v)o(erhead.)k(W)m(e)14 b(plan)g(to)g(explore)g(further)0 1990 y(the)g(feasibilit)o(y)f(of)g(this)h(approac)o(h.)0 2127 y Fu(References)21 2218 y Ft([1])19 b(J.)e(Auslander,)i(M.)d (Philip)q(ose,)i(C.)e(Cham)o(b)q(ers,)h(S.J.)g(Eggers,)h(and)g(B.N.)e (Bershad.)i({)29 b(F)m(ast,)17 b(e\013ectiv)o(e)i(dynamic)85 2268 y(compilation.)11 b({)18 b(In)c(PLDI96)f([16)o(],)g(pages)h (149{159.)21 2351 y([2])19 b(R.)9 b(Bernstein.)i({)g(Multiplication)d (b)o(y)h(in)o(teger)h(constan)o(ts.)h({)g Fo(Softwar)n(e|Pr)n(actic)n (e)f(and)i(Exp)n(erienc)n(e)p Ft(,)e(16\(7\):641{652,)85 2401 y(July)k(1986.)21 2484 y([3])19 b(C.)d(Consel,)h(L.)f(Hornof,)g (F.)g(No)o(\177)-20 b(el,)17 b(J.)f(No)o(y)o(\023)-20 b(e,)17 b(and)f(E.N.)g(V)m(olansc)o(hi.)f({)26 b(A)17 b(uniform)d(approac)o(h)j(for)f(compile-time)85 2534 y(and)g(run-time)f(sp)q(ecialization.)g({)23 b(In)16 b(O.)g(Dan)o(vy)m(,)e(R.)h(Gl)q(\177)-22 b(uc)o(k,)15 b(and)h(P)m(.)f(Thiemann,)f(editors,)j Fo(Partial)f(Evaluation,)85 2584 y(International)k(Seminar,)g(Dagstuhl)g(Castle)p Ft(,)f(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)f(1110)g(in)g(Lecture)j(Notes)e(in)g(Computer)f (Science,)j(pages)85 2633 y(54{72,)12 b(F)m(ebruary)j(1996.)954 2795 y(14)p eop %%Page: 15 15 15 14 bop 21 42 a Ft([4])19 b(C.)14 b(Consel)g(and)f(F.)h(No)o(\177)-20 b(el.)13 b({)19 b(A)14 b(general)g(approac)o(h)g(for)f(run-time)g(sp)q (ecialization)g(and)h(its)g(application)f(to)g(C.)h({)k(In)85 91 y(POPL96)c([17)o(],)f(pages)i(145{156.)21 174 y([5])k(D.R.)12 b(Engler,)i(W.C.)e(Hsieh,)i(and)g(M.F.)f(Kaasho)q(ek.)h({)k Fk(`)p Ft(C:)13 b(A)g(language)g(for)h(high-lev)o(el,)e(e\016cien)o(t,) i(and)f(mac)o(hine-)85 224 y(indep)q(enden)o(t)j(dynamic)c(co)q(de)i (generation.)g({)k(In)c(POPL96)g([17)o(],)f(pages)h(131{144.)21 307 y([6])19 b(C.)14 b(W.)g(F)m(raser)h(and)f(D.)g(R.)f(Hanson.)h({)20 b(A)14 b(co)q(de)i(generation)e(in)o(terface)h(for)f(ANSI)h(C.)f({)20 b Fo(Softwar)n(e)14 b(-)h(Pr)n(actic)n(e)g(and)85 357 y(Exp)n(erienc)n(e)p Ft(,)f(21\(9\):963{988,)d(1991.)21 440 y([7])19 b(R.)13 b(Gl)q(\177)-22 b(uc)o(k,)12 b(R.)g(Nak)n(ashige,) h(and)g(R.)f(Z\177)-21 b(oc)o(hling.)12 b({)17 b(Binding-time)11 b(analysis)i(applied)g(to)g(mathematical)d(algorithms.)85 490 y({)18 b(In)13 b(J.)g(Dole)o(\024)-20 b(zal)13 b(and)g(J.)g (Fidler,)g(editors,)g Fo(System)i(Mo)n(del)r(ling)g(and)g(Optimization) p Ft(,)d(pages)i(137{146.)d(Chapman)h(&)85 540 y(Hall,)h(1995.)21 623 y([8])19 b(D.)11 b(Kepp)q(el,)i(S.)e(Eggers,)i(and)e(R.)g(Henry)m (.)g({)k(A)d(case)g(for)g(run)o(time)e(co)q(de)j(generation.)e({)k(T)m (ec)o(hnical)c(Rep)q(ort)h(91-11-04,)85 672 y(Departmen)o(t)i(of)f (Computer)g(Science,)i(Univ)o(ersit)o(y)f(of)f(W)m(ashington,)f (Seattle,)i(W)-5 b(A,)14 b(1991.)21 756 y([9])19 b(P)m(.)10 b(Lee)i(and)f(M.)f(Leone.)h({)i(Optimizing)c(ML)i(with)f(run-time)g(co) q(de)i(generation.)e({)j(In)e(PLDI96)f([16],)g(pages)h(137{148.)0 839 y([10])19 b(M.)f(Leone)g(and)f(P)m(.)g(Lee.)h({)30 b(Ligh)o(t)o(w)o(eigh)o(t)16 b(run-time)h(co)q(de)h(generation.)f({)30 b(In)17 b Fo(A)o(CM)i(SIGPLAN)f(Workshop)h(on)85 888 y(Partial)d(Evaluation)h(and)g(Semantics-Base)n(d)h(Pr)n(o)n(gr)n(am)d (Manipulation)p Ft(.)h(T)m(ec)o(hnical)g(Rep)q(ort)f(94/9,)g(Univ)o (ersit)o(y)h(of)85 938 y(Melb)q(ourne,)f(Australia,)d(1994.)0 1021 y([11])19 b(M.)14 b(Leone)h(and)f(P)m(.)g(Lee.)h({)k(Optimizing)12 b(ML)j(with)f(run-time)f(co)q(de)i(generation.)f({)20 b(T)m(ec)o(hnical)13 b(Rep)q(ort)i(CMU-CS-)85 1071 y(95-205,)d(Sc)o(ho) q(ol)i(of)f(Computer)g(Science,)i(Carnegie)f(Mellon)f(Univ)o(ersit)o(y) m(,)g(Decem)o(b)q(er)h(1995.)0 1154 y([12])19 b(M.)13 b(Leone)g(and)g(P)m(.)f(Lee.)h({)j(A)d(declarativ)o(e)g(approac)o(h)g (to)g(run-time)e(co)q(de)j(generation.)e({)17 b(In)c(W)o(CSSS96)f([21)o (],)g(pages)85 1204 y(8{17.)0 1287 y([13])19 b(B.N.)10 b(Lo)q(can)o(thi.)g({)i(F)m(ast)e(bitblt\(\))g(with)g(asm\(\))f(and)h (cpp.)h({)h(In)e Fo(Eur)n(op)n(e)n(an)i(UNIX)g(Systems)f(User)g(Gr)n (oup)h(Confer)n(enc)n(e)85 1337 y(Pr)n(o)n(c)n(e)n(e)n(dings)p Ft(,)i(pages)g(243{259,)d(A)m(T&T)j(Bell)g(Lab)q(oratories,)g(Murra)o (y)g(Hill,)e(Septem)o(b)q(er)i(1987.)e(EUUG.)0 1420 y([14])19 b(G.)e(Muller,)i(B.)f(Moura,)h(F.)e(Bellard,)i(and)f(C.)f(Consel.)h({) 31 b(Jit)18 b Fo(vs.)g Ft(o\017ine)f(compilers:)26 b(Limits)16 b(and)i(b)q(ene\014ts)i(of)85 1469 y(b)o(yteco)q(de)15 b(compilation.)c({)18 b(Rapp)q(ort)c(de)g(rec)o(herc)o(he,)i(Inria,)d (Rennes,)h(F)m(rance,)g(1996.)0 1553 y([15])19 b(R.)c(Pik)o(e,)h(B.)g (N.)g(Lo)q(can)o(thi,)g(and)f(J.F.)h(Reiser.)g({)24 b(Hardw)o(are/soft) o(w)o(are)17 b(trade-o\013s)g(for)e(bitmap)f(graphics)j(on)e(the)85 1602 y(blit.)e({)18 b Fo(Softwar)n(e)c(-)h(Pr)n(actic)n(e)f(and)i(Exp)n (erienc)n(e)p Ft(,)e(15\(2\):131{151,)c(1985.)0 1685 y([16])19 b Fo(Pr)n(o)n(c)n(e)n(e)n(dings)d(of)h(the)f(A)o(CM)g (SIGPLAN)h('96)f(Confer)n(enc)n(e)g(on)h(Pr)n(o)n(gr)n(amming)f(L)n (anguage)h(Design)g(and)g(Implemen-)85 1735 y(tation)p Ft(.)d(A)o(CM)g(SIGPLAN)g(Notices,)g(31\(5\),)f(Ma)o(y)g(1996.)0 1818 y([17])19 b Fo(Confer)n(enc)n(e)13 b(R)n(e)n(c)n(or)n(d)f(of)g (the)h Ft(23)585 1803 y Fb(r)q(d)632 1818 y Fo(A)o(nnual)g(A)o(CM)f (SIGPLAN-SIGA)o(CT)g(Symp)n(osium)h(on)g(Principles)f(Of)g(Pr)n(o)n(gr) n(am-)85 1868 y(ming)j(L)n(anguages)p Ft(,)g(St.)e(P)o(etersburg)j (Beac)o(h,)f(FL,)e(USA,)h(Jan)o(uary)f(1996.)g(A)o(CM)h(Press.)0 1951 y([18])19 b(C.)12 b(Pu,)g(H.)g(Massalin,)f(and)h(J.)g(Ioannidis.)e ({)15 b(The)e(Syn)o(thesis)f(k)o(ernel.)g({)k Fo(Computing)d(Systems)p Ft(,)f(1\(1\):11{32,)e(Win)o(ter)85 2001 y(1988.)0 2084 y([19])19 b(E.N.)13 b(V)m(olansc)o(hi,)f(G.)g(Muller,)h(and)g(C.)g (Consel.)g({)k(Safe)d(op)q(erating)f(system)g(sp)q(ecialization:)k(the) d(RPC)f(case)h(study)m(.)85 2134 y({)k(In)c(W)o(CSSS96)f([21)o(],)g (pages)i(24{28.)0 2217 y([20])k(E.N.)13 b(V)m(olansc)o(hi,)f(G.)g (Muller,)h(C.)g(Consel,)g(L.)f(Hornof,)h(J.)g(No)o(y)o(\023)-20 b(e,)13 b(and)g(C.)g(Pu.)g({)k(A)c(uniform)f(automatic)f(approac)o(h)85 2267 y(to)g(cop)o(y)h(elimination)c(in)j(system)g(extensions)h(via)e (program)g(sp)q(ecialization.)g({)k(Rapp)q(ort)d(de)h(rec)o(herc)o(he)i (2903,)c(Inria,)85 2316 y(Rennes,)15 b(F)m(rance,)f(June)g(1996.)0 2399 y([21])19 b Fo(Workshop)c(R)n(e)n(c)n(or)n(d)f(of)g(WCSSS'96)h({)f (The)g(Inaugur)n(al)h(Workshop)g(on)f(Compiler)f(Supp)n(ort)h(for)g (Systems)g(Softwar)n(e)p Ft(,)85 2449 y(T)m(ucson,)g(AZ,)g(USA,)f(F)m (ebruary)i(1996.)954 2795 y(15)p eop %%Page: 16 16 16 15 bop 62 42 a Ft(The)11 b(app)q(endices)g(con)o(tain)f(the)h(C)f (programs)f(used)i(to)f(obtain)f(the)i(exp)q(erimen)o(tal)e(results)j (presen)o(ted)g(in)e(Section)g(4.)17 b(T)m(o)0 91 y(sho)o(w)10 b(ho)o(w)f(the)h(programs)e(are)i(transformed)f(during)g(sp)q (ecialization,)h(w)o(e)f(ha)o(v)o(e)h(annotated)g(the)g(programs)e (corresp)q(onding)0 141 y(to)18 b(the)h(actions)f(automatically)d(pro)q (duced)k(b)o(y)f(our)g(analysis)f(phase.)32 b(Constructs)19 b(whic)o(h)f(are)h(eliminated)d(from)g(the)0 191 y(residual)h(program)f (\(those)j(annotated)e(with)h Fo(ev)f Ft(or)h Fo(r)n(e)n(d)f Ft(actions\))g(are)h(presen)o(ted)i(in)d Fo(italics)p Ft(,)g(while)g(those)h(whic)o(h)g(are)0 241 y(residualized)c (\(annotated)h(with)e Fo(r)n(eb)g Ft(or)h Fo(id)g Ft(actions\))g(are)g (presen)o(ted)i(in)e Fj(b)q(oldface)p Ft(.)0 378 y Fu(A)67 b(P)n(o)n(w)n(er)0 482 y Fj(in)o(t)14 b(p)q(o)o(w)o(er\(in)o(t)f(base,) i Fo(int)g(exp)s Fj(\))0 532 y Fa(f)91 581 y Fj(in)o(t)f(acc;)91 681 y(acc)i(=)g(1;)91 781 y Fo(while)e(\(exp)h Fi(>)g Fo(0\))g Fq(f)181 830 y Fj(acc)i(=)f(acc)g(*)g(base;)181 880 y Fo(exp)g(=)e(exp)i({)f(1;)91 930 y Fq(g)91 1030 y Fj(return\(acc\);)0 1080 y Fa(g)0 1203 y Fu(B)67 b(Rom)n(b)r(erg)20 b(in)n(tegration)0 1294 y Ft(W)m(e)13 b(presen)o(t)j(only)d(the)i(co)q (de)f(using)g(the)g(user-de\014ned)i(p)q(o)o(w)o(er)f(function)e (de\014ned)i(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e.)62 1364 y Fj(extern)g(\015oat)g (f\(\015oat\);)62 1414 y(v)o(oid)g(rom)o(b)q(erg\(\015oat)e(r[10][10],) j(\015oat,)f(\015oat,)h(in)o(t\);)62 1464 y(in)o(t)e(p)q(o)o(w)o (er\(in)o(t,)f(in)o(t\);)62 1564 y(v)o(oid)i(rom)o(b)q(erg\(\015oat)e (r[10][10],)j(\015oat)f(a,)h(\015oat)f(b,)h Fo(int)f(M)7 b Fj(\))62 1613 y Fa(f)153 1663 y Fj(in)o(t)14 b(n,)i(m,)f(i,)h(max;) 153 1713 y(\015oat)f(h,)h(s;)153 1813 y(h)f(=)h(b)g Fq(\000)g Fj(a;)153 1862 y(r[0][0])g(=)g(\(f\(a\))f(+)h(f\(b\)\))d(*)j(h)g(/)f (2.0;)153 1962 y Fo(for)f(\(n)h(=)g(1;)g(n)g Fi(<)p Fo(=)g(M;)g(n++\))g Fq(f)244 2012 y Fj(h)g(=)h(\(h)f(/)h(2.0\);)244 2062 y(s)f(=)h(0.0;)244 2161 y Fo(max)f(=)f(p)n(ower\(2,)h(n)g({)g(1\);)244 2211 y(for)f(\(i)g(=)h(1;)g(i)f Fi(<)p Fo(=)h(max;)g(i++\))334 2261 y Fj(s)h(=)g(s)g(+)g(f\(a)f(+)h(\()p Fo(\(\(2.0)f(*)g(i\))f({)h (1\))j Fj(*)e(h\)\);)244 2361 y(r[)p Fo(n)s Fj(][0])h(=)f(\(\(r[)p Fo(n{1)6 b Fj(][0]/2.0\))15 b(+)h(h)f(*)h(s\);)244 2460 y Fo(for)e(\(m)h(=)f(1;)h(m)g Fi(<)p Fo(=)g(n;)g(m++\))334 2510 y Fj(r[)p Fo(n)s Fj(][)p Fo(m)s Fj(])i(=)f(r[)p Fo(n)s Fj(][)p Fo(m{1)6 b Fj(])18 b(+)e Fo(\(1.0/\(p)n (ower\(4,m\){1\)\))h Fj(*)f(\(r[)p Fo(n)s Fj(][)p Fo(m{1)6 b Fj(])17 b Fq(\000)f Fj(r[)p Fo(n{1)6 b Fj(][)p Fo(m{1)g Fj(]\);)153 2560 y Fq(g)62 2610 y Fa(g)954 2795 y Ft(16)p eop %%Page: 17 17 17 16 bop 0 42 a Fu(C)67 b(Cubic)23 b(splines)g(in)n(terp)r(olation)0 157 y Fj(#de\014ne)14 b(MAX)i(500)0 257 y(v)o(oid)e(csi\()p Fo(int)g(n)s Fj(,)j Fo(\015o)n(at)e(x[MAX])t Fj(,)h(\015oat)f(y[MAX],)j (\015oat)d(z[MAX]\))0 306 y Fa(f)91 356 y Fj(\015oat)g(h[MAX],)h (b[MAX],)h(u[MAX],)g(v[MAX];)91 456 y(in)o(t)d(i;)91 555 y Fo(for)g(\(i)g(=)h(0;)g(i)g Fi(<)p Fo(=)g(n{1;)g(i)f(=)h(i+1\))g Fq(f)181 605 y Fo(h[i])g(=)f(x[i+1])h({)g(x[i];)181 655 y Fj(b[)p Fo(i)t Fj(])h(=)g Fo(\(6/h[i]\))h Fj(*)f(\(y[)p Fo(i+1)6 b Fj(])16 b Fq(\000)g Fj(y[)p Fo(i)t Fj(]\);)91 705 y Fq(g)91 804 y Fo(u[1])e(=)h(2)g(*)g(\(h[0])g(+)g(h[1]\);)91 854 y Fj(v[1])h(=)g(b[1])g Fq(\000)g Fj(b[0];)91 954 y Fo(for)e(\(i)g(=)h(2;)g(i)g Fi(<)p Fo(=)g(n{1;)g(i)f(=)h(i+1\))g Fq(f)181 1004 y Fo(u[i])g(=)f(2)h(*)g(\(h[i])g(+)f(h[i{1]\))h({)g (\(h[i{1])g(*)g(h[i{1])f(/)i(u[i{1]\);)181 1054 y Fj(v[)p Fo(i)t Fj(])h(=)f(b[)p Fo(i)t Fj(])g Fq(\000)g Fj(b[)p Fo(i{1)6 b Fj(])16 b Fq(\000)g Fj(\()p Fo(h[i{1])k Fj(*)15 b(v[)p Fo(i{1)6 b Fj(])17 b(/)f Fo(u[i{1])t Fj(\);)91 1103 y Fq(g)91 1203 y Fj(z[)p Fo(n)s Fj(])h(=)f(0;)91 1253 y Fo(for)e(\(i)g(=)h(n{1;)h(i)e Fi(>)p Fo(=)h(1;)g(i)f(=)h(i{1\)) 181 1303 y Fj(z[)p Fo(i)t Fj(])i(=)f(\(v[)p Fo(i)t Fj(])g Fq(\000)g Fo(h[i])k Fj(*)c(z[)p Fo(i+1)6 b Fj(]\))15 b(/)h Fo(u[i])t Fj(;)91 1352 y(z[0])g(=)g(0;)0 1402 y Fa(g)954 2795 y Ft(17)p eop %%Page: 18 18 18 17 bop 0 42 a Fu(D)67 b(Cheb)n(yshev)23 b(appro)n(ximation)0 157 y Fj(#de\014ne)14 b(MAX)i(50)0 207 y(#de\014ne)e(PI)i (3.14159265358979323846)0 306 y(v)o(oid)e(c)o(heb\(\015oat)g(c[MAX],)j (in)o(t,)d(\015oat,)i(\015oat\);)0 356 y(extern)f(\015oat)g (func\(\015oat\);)0 406 y(extern)g(double)e(cos\(double)g(x\);)0 506 y(v)o(oid)h(c)o(heb\(\015oat)g(c[MAX],)j Fo(int)e(n)s Fj(,)i(\015oat)e(xa,)h(\015oat)f(xb\))0 555 y Fa(f)91 605 y Fj(in)o(t)f(k,)i(j;)91 655 y(\015oat)f(xm,)h(xp,)g(sm;)91 705 y(\015oat)f(f[MAX];)91 804 y(xp)g(=)h(\(xb)f(+)i(xa\))e(/)h(2;)91 854 y(xm)g(=)g(\(xb)f Fq(\000)h Fj(xa\))g(/)g(2;)91 954 y Fo(for)e(\(k)h(=)g(1;)f(k)h Fi(<)p Fo(=)g(n;)g(k++\))181 1004 y Fj(f[)p Fo(k)t Fj(])i(=)f(func\(xp)e(+)i(xm)g(*)g Fo(c)n(os\(PI)f(*)g(\(k)g({)g(0.5\))g(/)g(n\))r Fj(\);)91 1103 y Fo(for)f(\(j)g(=)h(0;)g(j)g Fi(<)p Fo(=)g(n{1;)g(j++\))f Fq(f)181 1153 y Fj(sm)i(=)g(0.0;)181 1203 y Fo(for)f(\(k)f(=)h(1;)g(k)g Fi(<)p Fo(=)g(n;)g(k++\))272 1253 y Fj(sm)g(=)h(sm)g(+)g(f[)p Fo(k)t Fj(])h(*)e Fo(c)n(os\(PI)h(*)f(j)f(*)h(\(k)g({)g(0.5\))g(/)g (n\))r Fj(;)181 1303 y(c[)p Fo(j)6 b Fj(])17 b(=)f Fo(\(2.0)f(/)g(n\))j Fj(*)d(sm;)91 1352 y Fq(g)91 1402 y Fj(return;)0 1452 y Fa(g)0 1625 y Fu(E)67 b(Dot)22 b(pro)r(duct)0 1740 y Fj(#de\014ne)14 b(MAX)i(500)0 1840 y(in)o(t)e(dotpro)q(duct\()p Fo(i)o(nt)e(size)s Fj(,)k Fo(int)f(u[MAX])t Fj(,)h(in)o(t)e(v[MAX]\))0 1890 y Fa(f)91 1940 y Fj(in)o(t)g(i;)91 1989 y(in)o(t)g(res;)91 2089 y(res)h(=)h(0;)91 2189 y Fo(for)e(\(i)g(=)h(0;)g(i)g Fi(<)g Fo(size;)f(i++\))g Fq(f)181 2239 y Fo(if)h(\(u[i]\))272 2288 y Fj(res)g(=)h(res)g(+)g Fo(u[i])j Fj(*)d(v[)p Fo(i)t Fj(];)105 2338 y Fq(g)91 2388 y Fj(return)d(res;)0 2438 y Fa(g)954 2795 y Ft(18)p eop %%Page: 19 19 19 18 bop 0 42 a Fu(F)68 b(Dithering)0 157 y Fj(/*)16 b(ppmdith)o(er.c)d(-)j(Ordered)e(ditherin)o(g)f(of)i(a)h(color)f(ppm)g (\014le)g(to)g(a)h(sp)q(eci\014ed)e(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)0 207 y(**)i(of)f(primary)f(shades.)0 257 y(**)0 306 y(**)i(Cop)o(yrigh)o (t)d(\(C\))i(1991)h(b)o(y)f(Christos)f(Zoulas.)0 356 y(**)0 406 y(**)i(P)o(ermissi)o(on)d(to)i(use,)h(cop)o(y)l(,)f(mo)q (dify)l(,)g(and)g(distribu)o(te)e(this)h(soft)o(w)o(are)g(and)h(its)0 456 y(**)h(do)q(cumen)o(tatio)o(n)d(for)i(an)o(y)g(purp)q(ose)f(and)i (without)d(fee)j(is)f(hereb)o(y)f(gran)o(ted,)g(pro)o(vided)0 506 y(**)i(that)e(the)h(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)h(cop)o(yrigh)o(t)c(notice)j (app)q(ear)g(in)g(all)f(copies)h(and)g(that)g(b)q(oth)f(that)0 555 y(**)i(cop)o(yrigh)o(t)d(notice)h(and)h(this)f(p)q(ermission)f (notice)h(app)q(ear)h(in)g(supp)q(ortin)o(g)0 605 y(**)h(do)q(cumen)o (tatio)o(n.)i(This)d(soft)o(w)o(are)f(is)h(pro)o(vided)e(\\as)j(is")f (without)f(express)h(or)0 655 y(**)h(implied)c(w)o(arran)o(t)o(y)l(.)0 705 y(*/)0 804 y(#de\014ne)i(NS)i Fo(256)197 b Fj(/*)16 b(Max)g(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)e(of)h(shades)g(in)g(primary)f(*/)0 854 y(#de\014ne)g(COLOR\(r,g,b\))30 b(\(\(\(r\))14 b(*)i Fo(dith)p 737 854 13 2 v 15 w(ng)k Fj(+)c(\(g\)\))f(*)g Fo(dith)p 1071 854 V 16 w(nb)k Fj(+)d(\(b\)\))0 904 y(#de\014ne)e (LEVELS\()p Fo(s)s Fj(\))95 b Fo(\(dith)p 604 904 V 15 w(dm2)15 b(*)g(\(\(s\))g({)g(1\))g(+)g(1\))0 954 y Fj(#de\014ne)f (DITHER\(p,d,)p Fo(s)s Fj(\))h(\(\(ub)o(yte\))e(\(\()p Fo(LEVELS\(s\))k Fj(*)f(\(p\))f(+)h(\(d\)\))e(/)i Fo(\(dith)p 1381 954 V 15 w(dm2)f(*)g(NS\))r Fj(\)\))0 1054 y(/*)h(dith)p 154 1054 15 2 v 15 w(dither\(\))o(:)16 1103 y(*)g(Dither)d(heigh)o(t)g (scanlines)h(at)h(a)i(time)16 1153 y(*)16 1203 y(*)f(static)e(global)g (v)m(ariables)g(used)h(in)g(function)e(dith)p 966 1203 V 15 w(dither\(\))o(:)16 1253 y(*)63 b(static)15 b(in)o(t)f Fo(dith)p 378 1253 13 2 v 15 w(dim)s Fj(;)48 b(/*)16 b(size)f(of)g(dithering)d(matrix)j(*/)16 1303 y(*)63 b(static)15 b(in)o(t)f Fo(dith)p 378 1303 V 15 w(dm2)6 b Fj(;)32 b(/*)16 b(size)f(of)g(dithering)d(matrix)j(squared)g(*/)16 1352 y(*)63 b(static)15 b(in)o(t)f Fo(dith)p 378 1352 V 15 w(nr)t Fj(;)64 b(/*)16 b(shades)f(of)g(red)g(*/)16 1402 y(*)63 b(static)15 b(in)o(t)f Fo(dith)p 378 1402 V 15 w(ng)t Fj(;)64 b(/*)16 b(shades)f(of)g(green)g(*/)16 1452 y(*)63 b(static)15 b(in)o(t)f Fo(dith)p 378 1452 V 15 w(nb)s Fj(;)64 b(/*)16 b(shades)e(of)i(blue)e(*/)16 1502 y(*)16 1552 y(*/)0 1601 y(v)o(oid)0 1651 y(dith)p 90 1651 15 2 v 15 w(dither\(w,)g(h,)h(t,)h(i,)g(o\))0 1701 y(in)o(t)e(w,)j(h;)0 1751 y(register)d(pixel)g(*t;)0 1801 y(register)g(pixel)g(*i;)0 1851 y(register)g(pixel)g(*o;)0 1900 y Fa(f)91 1950 y Fj(in)o(t)g(y)l(,)i Fo(dm)f(=)g(\(dith)p 420 1950 13 2 v 15 w(dim)g({)g(1\))r Fj(;)91 2000 y(register)e(in)o(t)h (x,)i(d;)91 2050 y(register)d(in)o(t)h(*m;)91 2149 y(for)h(\(y)g(=)h (0;)g(y)h Fi(<)f Fj(h;)f(y++\))181 2199 y(for)g(\(m)h(=)g(dith)p 473 2199 15 2 v 15 w(mat[y)g(&)g Fo(dm)s Fj(],)g(x)g(=)h(w;)f(--x)g Fi(>)p Fj(=)g(0;)g(i++\))f Fa(f)272 2249 y Fj(d)g(=)h(m[x)h(&)f Fo(dm)s Fj(];)272 2299 y(*o++)g(=)g(t[COLOR\(DITHER\(PPM)p 1010 2299 V 16 w(GETR\(*i\),)e(d,)i Fo(dith)p 1392 2299 13 2 v 15 w(nr\))r Fj(,)684 2349 y(DITHER\(PPM)p 1009 2349 15 2 v 17 w(GETG\(*i\),)e(d,)h Fo(dith)p 1393 2349 13 2 v 16 w(ng\))r Fj(,)684 2398 y(DITHER\(PPM)p 1009 2398 15 2 v 17 w(GETB\(*i\),)f(d,)i Fo(dith)p 1390 2398 13 2 v 15 w(nb)s Fj(\)\)];)91 2448 y Fa(g)0 2498 y(g)g Fj(/*)f(end)g(dith)p 284 2498 15 2 v 15 w(dither)f(*/)954 2795 y Ft(19)p eop %%Trailer end userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if %%EOF ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 18:05:36 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: affiliates The affiliates meeting is Feb 24 and 25. We should try to have a poster and at least one talk on DyC. Perhaps we can recycle much of last year's poster. I can easily imagine a talk by Markus on annotations and a talk by maybe Brian on the current compiler architecture (since Matthai talked last year). What do you all think? -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: affiliates Date: Thu, 09 Jan 1997 07:52:09 PST From: Matthai Philipose Sounds good to me. Matthai > The affiliates meeting is Feb 24 and 25. We should try to have a poster and > at least one talk on DyC. Perhaps we can recycle much of last year's poster. > I can easily imagine a talk by Markus on annotations and a talk by maybe Brian > on the current compiler architecture (since Matthai talked last year). What > do you all think? > > -- Craig > Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 11:20:39 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: TIME CRITICAL MATERIAL OK, guys, let's make up some poster titles and talk titles. Those of you who were tentatively signed up for talks, make up a plausible title and send it to me. My feeling is that we want some placeholders and rough ideas for affiliates about what they might hear, but we can change and refine (add/drop) titles when we really know what we're doing. So I'm expecting responses from Markus, Brian, and Dave, at least, about talks. How many posters, on what topics, for DyC? For Cecil/Vortex? -- Craig ----- Begin Included Message ----- From voting-faculty-request@june Wed Jan 15 16:21:07 1997 Delivery-Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 16:21:19 PST Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 16:20:10 -0800 From: beame@geoduck (Paul Beame) To: faculty@cs Subject: TIME CRITICAL MATERIAL We need you to RESPOND ABOUT your students' TALKS and DEMOS for the affiliates meeting THIS WEEK. The affiliates meeting is only 5 weeks away. The web pages are nearly ready to go. The affiliates are already starting to respond about attending but there is one problem: Very few people have responded so far about either talks or demos so those web pages don't have much content in them... PLEASE SEND your information to Gretchen at "gretc@cs" ASAP. Thanks, Paul 3rd Affiliates Harasser CSE ----- End Included Message ----- To: Subject: affiliates poster/talk titles Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 17:56:18 PST From: Brian Grant I won't be around tomorrow to meet with everyone, so I'm proposing some preliminary titles. Craig said they're not binding, so we can change them later if we want to. Feel free to alter any of the titles before sending them to Beame as well. Markus's Talk: what is the title of your quals writeup, Markus? The title of our PEPM submission also seems appropriate. Annotation-Directed Run-Time Specialization in C My Talk: Implementing Fast Run-Time Polyvariant Specialization One Poster: A Specialization-Based Approach to Dynamic Compilation --Brian Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 18:05:57 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: affiliates poster/talk titles Wow, those titles sound intimidating, and the talk titles don't even mention dynamic compilation. Remember the audience! Moderately technical people from industry. How's this for titles: Talks: Annotations for Directing Dynamic Compilation Architecture of a Fast, Effective Dynamic Compiler Poster: Fast, Effective Dynamic Compilation ??? -- Craig Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 18:13:15 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Craig Chambers cc:, Subject: Re: affiliates poster/talk titles Talks: Annotations for Directing Dynamic Compilation Architecture of a Fast, Effective Dynamic Compiler Poster: Fast, Effective Dynamic Compilation These titles are probably more appropriate for the affiliates. My working title for the quals is "Design and Implementation of Annotations for Dynamic Compilation" so Annotations for Directing Dynamic Compilation would be fine with me. -- Markus Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 18:58:25 -0800 From: Charles Garrett To: spin-comp Subject: cost of an imb instruction I figured out roughly what it costs to use the Instruction Memory Barrier (imb) instruction on the Alpha. Since we will be doing this for every piece of dynamically compiled code, I think it is worth knowing. There are two parts to the cost of an imb. First there is a constant cost to execute the instruction itself and second there is the cost of every cache miss you take that would have been a hit without the imb instruction. I carried out the measurements on one of the SPIN Alpha's, but we can repeat them on any machine we want to know about. I found that the constant cost of the imb instruction was 219 cycles and the cost of the added cache misses was 1.05 cycles per instruction. This gives us a lower bound on how many cycles it will cost us to dynamically compile an instruction. For example, if we dynamically generate N instructions and don't cause any extra cache misses, then it takes at least 219/N cycles per generated instruction. Brian, do you know if Pardo measured something similar? I will try to measure some of the other elementary operations that we will use in DyC, such as the cost of emitting an instruction, the cost of filling in a hole in a template, etc. I will put this data into the group web site. -- Charlie Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 10:58:41 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: beame@cs Subject: Re: affiliates poster/talk titles Cc: spin-comp@cs Here are some talk and poster titles and presenters. Talks: Annotations for Directing Dynamic Compilation by Markus Mock Architecture of a Fast, Effective Dynamic Compiler by Brian Grant Poster: Fast, Effective Dynamic Compilation by Matthai Philipose, Brian Grant, Markus Mock, Craig Chambers, and Susan Eggers -- Craig To: Subject: PEPM paper accepted!!!!! Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 11:24:42 PST From: Brian Grant ------- Forwarded Message Received: from ( []) by (8.8.3+CSE/7.2ju) with ESMTP id DAA01927 for ; Tue, 21 Jan 1997 03:37:19 -0800 Received: from ( []) by (8.7.6/8.7.3) with ESMTP id MAA03050 for ; Tue, 21 Jan 1997 12:36:16 +0100 (MET) Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 12:36:15 +0100 Message-Id: <> From: Charles Consel To: Subject: PEPM'97 X-UIDL: 802697050e1c2d1639a34bd7a1e2e42b Dear Colleague, I am pleased to inform you that your paper entitled "Annotation-Directed Run-Time Specialization in C" has been accepted by the program committee for presentation at the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation to be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on June 12-13, 1997. **************************************************************** * Deadline for the full, final version is Thursday, April 3rd * **************************************************************** I will send you a format specifications together with a style file electronically. As usual, publication by ACM is dependent upon signing a copyright form, which will also be sent to you. The time for your presentation at PEPM'97 is limited to 25 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail ( with any questions you may have. The reviews on your paper are enclosed below. Congratulations, and thank you for sending a submission to PEPM'97! Sincerely, Charles Consel PEPM'97 Program Chair PAPER-NUMBER: 28 TITLE: Annotation-Directed Run-Time Specialization in C AUTHORS: Grant, Mock, Philipose, Chambers and Eggers OVERALL-RATING(0-9): 7 RELEVANCE(0-4):4 ORIGINALITY(0-4):2 CLARITY(0-4):2 SOUNDNESS(0-4):2 Comments for the authors - ------------------------- The paper is extremely relevant to the PE community. The ideas are interesting and useful. I would be much more interested in a qualitative comparison to `C and to standard annotations and much less about implementation details. (None of the implementation stuff seemed novel.) The comparison to `C is just plain wrong in some places. The claim that `C is no more powerful than these annotations is incorrect. The annotations fix the function signatures that can be produced at runtime. `C can build arbitrary functions. This makes a difference when implementing a compile-on-the-fly interpreter (aka JIT compiler). There is nothing deep in the paper, but the idea has promise, and it is practical. To me, these annotations (like `C primitives) are candidates for the target language of a partial evaluator. As the authors noted, the paper needs serious reworking. It is too long and very unclear. More motivation is need and much less detail. PAPER-NUMBER: 28 TITLE: Annotation-Directed Run-Time Specialization in C AUTHORS: Brian Grant, Markus Mock, Matthai Philipose, Craig Chambers, Susan Eggers OVERALL-RATING(0-9): 6 RELEVANCE(0-4): 4 ORIGINALITY(0-4): 4 CLARITY(0-4): 4 SOUNDNESS(0-4): 3 Comments for the authors - ------------------------- The length of your paper and your warning scared me a little bit. However, your paper contains mainly a description of your annotations, motivation for these annotations, and explanations to show that they can be interpreted and/or compiled correctly, rather than theoretical material. The final paper and the presentation should probably target either the annotations and the motivation, or the annotations and the implementation. Although your project is on-going, there could be some information about the speed-up expected from the annotations, as you can program their effect by hand (for instance, on a small interpreter). PAPER-NUMBER: 28 TITLE: "Annotation-Directed Run-Time Specialization in C" AUTHORS: Brian Grant, Markus Mock, Matthai Philipose, Craig Chambers and Susan Eggers OVERALL-RATING(0-9): 4 RELEVANCE(0-4): 4 ORIGINALITY(0-4): 2 CLARITY(0-4): 1 SOUNDNESS(0-4): 2 Comments for the authors - ------------------------- Overall, I like the idea of run-time specialization, and the fact that the design is directed with specific, realistic examples in mind (e.g. operating system code). The most interesting idea presented is that of "polyvariant re-specialization", enabling already specialized code to re-specialize if needed. A number of different policies were presented for cache management, unrolling loops, etc. It is clearly probable that the policy chosen for a given situation will indeed effect how successful its specialization is. However, most policies proposed are standard or obvious choices (FIFO, LRU, unroll limit, etc.). Also, without experimental results validating the hypotheses, it is not possible to assess the success of the proposed policies. Weaknesses of the paper include the fact that there is no support for interprocedural analyses, there is no side-effect analysis nor alias analysis, and that the implementation is not complete. ------- End of Forwarded Message Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 11:45:01 -0800 From: Charles Garrett To: Brian Grant Subject: Re: PEPM paper accepted!!!!! Congratulations. -- Charlie Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 12:35:18 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: PEPM paper accepted!!!!! Wonderful! Congratulations. I didn't notice a date by which the final version had to be in. Did Charles send that separately, or did I just miss it, reading at 2 baud? Susan Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 12:39:24 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers cc:, Subject: Re: PEPM paper accepted!!!!! Deadline for the full, final version is Thursday, April 3rd * -- Markus To: spin-comp@cs Subject: PEPM '97 Author Kit Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 08:26:48 PST From: Brian Grant ------- Forwarded Message Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5+CS/7.2ju) with ESMTP id AAA28560 for ; Wed, 29 Jan 1997 00:31:29 -0800 Received: from ( []) by (8.7.6/8.7.3) with ESMTP id JAA09205; Wed, 29 Jan 1997 09:26:58 +0100 (MET) Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 09:26:57 +0100 Message-Id: <> From: Charles Consel To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cc: Subject: PEPM'97: Author Kit X-UIDL: 0e11fa90b47c3cf53ae8be6b3cc9d57d Please read carefully the following information sent by ACM regarding paper format and copyright matters. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Charles Consel - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Consel | University of Rennes / Irisa | Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu Phone: (33) 02 99 84 74 10 | 35042 Rennes Cedex Fax: (33) 02 99 84 71 71 | France - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- URL: & index.html - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 27, 1997 Dear Author: Enclosed please find the guidelines and pertinent information for submission of your paper(s) for the PEPM '97: ACM Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics Based Program Manipulation. Please note: It is of particular importance that you leave sufficient space in the lower left corner of the first column on the first page for ACM to fill in the copyright information. There is a 14 page maximum on your paper. It is possible to use one or two extra pages with the consent of the Program Chairs. Please submit camera-ready copy (produced on a high-resolution output device) of your manuscript on 8 1/2" x 11" paper following the format below: 2 column: Font: English Times or Times Roman Point Size: 9 pt. Spacing between lines: 10 pt. Column width: 3.33" 2 column gutter: .33" Left and Right Margin: from edge .75" Top margin: .75" Bottom margin 1.00" Copyright space on 1st page: lower left column 1" The enclosed ACM copyright form must be signed and returned with your paper. I caution you that ACM will not publish any paper that is not accompanied by a signed copyright form. In those cases where there is more than one author per paper, the first-named (assumed senior) author only must sign. The full ACM Copyright policy, revised as of November 15, 1995, is available via Please federal express or mail your paper and signed copyright form so that it is received by Charles Consel by Thursday, April 3, 1997 . The paper and copyright form should be sent to: Charles Consel University of Rennes/Irisa 35042 Rennes Cedex France Telephone # (33) 02 99 84 74 10 Fax # (33) 02 99 84 71 71 E-mail address: Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Maria Maritato ACM Program Coordinator ACM COPYRIGHT FORM Title of Work: Author(s): Publication or Conference Name and Date: A. TRANSFER OF COPYRIGHT AGREEMENT Copyright to the above work (including without limitation, the right to publish the work in whole or in part in any and all forms of media, now or hereafter known) is hereby transferred to the ACM (for U.S. Government work, to the extent transferrable*) effective as of the date of this agreement on the understanding that the work has been accepted for publication by ACM. 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ACM Authors have all the rights scientific authors have historically enjoyed, including the right to present orally the submitted or similar material in any form; the right to reuse in future works of the Author's own with notice and credit to ACM; the right to republish in any form of media with notice and credit to ACM, in works published by the employer or for the employer's internal business purposes; the right to reproduce and distribute for peer review in reasonable quantities (see Revised ACM Interim Copyright Policy, sections 3, 5.3); and all proprietary rights other than copyright. Although it is not part of ACM's policy to grant Authors or their organizations the sole right to approve permissions for republishing by third parties, ACM always seeks the approval of its Authors, for jointly authored papers the first-named (assumed senior) Author only, in weighing such requests. This is done as a matter of professional courtesy. ------- End of Forwarded Message Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 10:24:51 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting delay can we delay our meeting till 11? thanks. Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 09:01:28 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: PEPM `97 Paper Why don't we talk about the paper when I visit in February? A discussion in person would probably be more fruitful and less time-consuming than via email. For example, I would not have really understood my comments in Brian's mail if I had not already known them. Susan Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 11:16:58 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:,, Subject: Re: PEPM `97 Paper That sounds good. -- Craig > From eggers@yakima Fri Jan 31 09:01:33 1997 > Delivery-Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 09:01:40 PST > Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 09:01:28 -0800 > From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) > To:, > Subject: Re: PEPM `97 Paper > > Why don't we talk about the paper when I visit in February? > A discussion in person would probably be more fruitful and > less time-consuming than via email. For example, I would not > have really understood my comments in Brian's mail if I had > not already known them. > > Susan > Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 12:17:27 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To:, Eric Anderson , cc: "Markus U. Mock" Subject: Quals Practice Talk: Today at 5pm I'll give a practice talk today at 5pm in SIEG 226. Title of the talk: Design and Implementation of Annotations for Dynamic Compilation Bring your TGIF beer and expect a bribe. -- Markus Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 17:04:19 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: quals , Subject: practice talk in SIEG 226 NOW -- Markus ==================================================================== fortune cookie says: Living on Earth may be expensive, but it includes an annual free trip around the Sun. To: Subject: building fixes Date: Mon, 03 Feb 1997 10:37:03 PST From: Brian Grant I installed our own version of gcc in /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/bin and changed BCC to use that version. I successfully linked after compiling files on both SPIN and GWS alphas. I also changed the temp location used for linking ccom from /tmp to /var/tmp. Update your version of the top-level pmakefile to pick up that change. It will allow you to link on franklin, meitner, and noether. --Brian Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 11:18:00 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, cecil@cs, notkin@cs Subject: Re: visit? FYI, Charles Consel will be visiting Feb 26 (the Wednesday after affiliates). I'll be setting things up soon. -- Craig ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Tue Feb 4 03:40:55 1997 Delivery-Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 03:41:07 PST Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 12:40:28 +0100 From: Charles Consel To: CC: Subject: Re: visit? Hi So I'll take on your offer for the wednesday 26. Please try to schedule the talk not before 11:00am. I'll send you an abstract and title very soon. I'm really delighted to come! Charles ----- End Included Message ----- To: spin-comp@cs Subject: major CVS commit Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 12:37:49 PST From: Brian Grant I just committed my version of the compiler so that Matthai and Markus could get at some code they need. A list of the files committed follows. I think everything is there, but I could have missed a few. Some comments: -- If your code has no dynamic regions, it works the same as the standard version, with a few extra nice command-line options. -- Compiler option -mDGOPT_show_graph_use_dot=true will cause the CFG to be output in dot format to stderr when triggered by another flag, eg. -mP2DYC_show_graph_post_bta=true In bash, ksh, or sh, you can capture this output with "2>". Then, run dot (in /projects/cecil/cecil/dot/bin) -Tps > -- There is a similar, but less-polished version of this for vnode graphs. -- I moved the location of our call to DYC_PrepForDynComp in p2_comp_script.csi. Markus: I don't think it affects the BTA, but I just wanted you to be aware of it. -- The BTA is currently commented out. If you want to run it, uncomment it. -- dyc_ExtractBoilerplate() still doesn't work correctly. You'll want to comment out the call to it in DYC_PrepForDynComp. -- I think dyc_DiscardAnnotations works, but it hasn't been extensively tested. You may want to comment it out (also in DYC_PrepForDynComp). -- None of my unit stuff is called in the version I checked in (I inserted an early return). -- This version includes the new RTCONST value_type, but it doesn't affect anything since no RTCONSTs are created. If you have any problems getting it to compile, let me know. --Brian ./mod_list ./p2dyc/pmakefile ./p2dyc/p2dyc.C ./p2dyc/dyc_assert.H ./p2dyc/dyc_graph.C ./p2dyc/dyc_graph.H ./p2dyc/dyc_list.C ./p2dyc/dyc_list.H ./p2dyc/dyc_stack.C ./p2dyc/dyc_stack.H ./p2topo/p2topo.H ./p2topo/p2topo.C ./p2topo/pmakefile ./globals/globals.H ./globals/globals.C ./p2graph/stat_bblock_1.H ./p2graph/bblock_3.H ./p2graph/bblock_3.C ./p2types/p2types.H ./p2mem/p2mem.H ./p2mem/p2mem.C ./p2dep/p2dep.H ./p2dep/p2dep.C ./p2dfo/p2dfo.C ./phase1/main.C ./dgopts/dgopts.H ./dgopts/dgopts.C ./dump_graph/dump_graph.C ./oper/oper.H ./oper/oper.C ./oper/ ./oper/ ./symtab/val_pack.H ./symtab/value.C ./cg/pmakefile ./cg/bank_disamb.C ./cg/bug_defs_uses.C ./cg/dag.C ./cg/mem_loc.C ./cg/mm_constrain.C ./cg/mop_alpha.C ./cg/spill.C ./cg/sch_node_split.C ./cg/schedule.C ./cg/schedule_vn.C ./cg/splice_copies.C ./disamb/deriv.C ./il2/arith.C ./il2/expand.C ./il2/mem.C ./p2aag/p2aag.C ./p2copy_prop/p2copy_prop.C ./p2cse/cse_build.C ./p2cse/cse_cprop.C ./p2cse/cse_fold.C ./p2cse/cse_name.C ./p2cse/cse_util.C ./p2ivs/ivs_de.C ./p2lur/reduce.C ./p2lur/tc.C ./p2lur/unroll.C ./p2red/p2red.C ./p2rmd/p2rmd.C ./p2rvd/p2rvd.C ./p4_sj/p4_sj_cross_jump.C ./p4_sj/p4_sj_instr.C ./p4_sj/p4_sj_mop.C ./phase12/ph12.C ./phase2/phase2.C ./phase2/p2_comp_script.csi ./symtab/pack.C ./vom/make_as_types.C ./vom/vom_fcg_code.C ./fcg/general_support.C ./fcg/level1_3.C ./fcg/temp_movement.C Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 11:44:54 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Consel FYI, Consel's talk abstract and demo. -- Craig ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Tue Feb 11 07:18:20 1997 Delivery-Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 07:18:23 PST Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 16:18:01 +0100 From: Charles Consel To: Subject: Re: visit? Hi Craig, The title and abstract of my talk are included below. I confirm the date: Feb 26. I would very much like to talk to Hank and Brian. I will have a demo of real specialized systems code running when I come; this code was produced by Tempo. I have a few other people I'll certainly bug if there are around. Charles ---------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Declarative Support for Program Specialization in Object-Oriented Languages In a broad range of areas, designing and implementing generic software components is commonly advocated. This strategy has many advantages among which the most important one is reusability. Many software engineering approaches and programming languages have successfully addressed this concern. Results of these efforts include the object-oriented paradigm, modules and software layers. However, these approaches come at a price: genericity often incurs a loss of efficiency. In this talk, we present an approach aimed at reconciling genericity and efficiency. To do so, we introduce some language support to allow the programmer to declare how generic programs should be specialized with respect to a particular usage pattern. These declarations uniformely address the main aspects of program specialization such as when to specialize programs, what program components to specialize, and how to manage specialized program components. Furthermore, we show that this declarative approach can be fully integrated in object-oriented languages. Indeed, fundamental object-oriented concepts provide powerful support to tackle the major aspects of program specialization. ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Fri, 21 Feb 1997 18:37:31 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: Quals Paper and Talk online I've put the paper and the talk slides in our (internal) group web, in the papers/talks section, respectively. -- Markus ==================================================================== Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. -- Wernher von Braun Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 17:49:42 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: Affiliates talk slides I've put our talk slides on the internal web page. Enjoy! -- Markus ==================================================================== Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. -- Wernher von Braun Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 10:28:01 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: lunch w/ Consel? I can't take Consel to lunch tomorrow, since I teach. Can you all? -- Craig Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 10:37:17 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: lunch w/ Consel? I can. -- Markus ==================================================================== Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. -- Wernher von Braun On Tue, 25 Feb 1997, Craig Chambers wrote: > I can't take Consel to lunch tomorrow, since I teach. Can you all? > > -- Craig > Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 10:39:24 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: lunch w/ Consel? Cc: spin-comp@cs OK, Markus, you're in charge of organizing the lunch gang. Just come by my office at noon to pick him up. The dept. will reimburse "reasonable" lunch expenses. -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: lunch w/ Consel? Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 11:11:34 PST From: Brian Grant >> The dept. will reimburse "reasonable" lunch expenses. For everybody, or just for Consel? --Brian Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 12:07:53 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: lunch w/ Consel? Cc: For everyone. (Except faculty.) -- Craig To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Thursday meeting Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 20:04:47 PST From: Brian Grant In case I forgot to mention it during all of the recent craziness (and I think I did), Matthai and I will not be at this week's meeting because we'll be moving my furniture. --Brian Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 10:36:13 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: Thursday meeting Argh! I was expecting us to meet, and Susan was going to call. We need to try to reschedule ASAP when we all (including Susan) can meet. -- Craig To: Subject: meeting Date: Mon, 03 Mar 1997 10:45:50 PST From: Brian Grant >> Argh! I was expecting us to meet, and Susan was going to call. We need to >> try to reschedule ASAP when we all (including Susan) can meet. Sorry about the short notice. I intended to say something about it during last week's meeting, but I was side-tracked. I think I just got out "I'll be moving..." Anyway, I plan to be in every day this week, and except for colloquia today and Thursday, pretty nearly any time is fine for a meeting. --Brian Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 11:53:07 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: meeting Can we meet, at least a little bit (e.g. 20 mins), after the colloq today? I just want to discuss some of Susan's thoughts a bit, have you all think about them, and then discuss your thoughts and our plans on Thursday. -- Craig Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 12:02:50 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers cc: Subject: Re: meeting After the colloq works for me. -- Markus ==================================================================== Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. -- Wernher von Braun On Mon, 3 Mar 1997, Craig Chambers wrote: > Can we meet, at least a little bit (e.g. 20 mins), after the colloq today? > I just want to discuss some of Susan's thoughts a bit, have you all think > about them, and then discuss your thoughts and our plans on Thursday. > > -- Craig > To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: meeting Date: Mon, 03 Mar 1997 12:05:58 PST From: Brian Grant >> Can we meet, at least a little bit (e.g. 20 mins), after the colloq today? >> I just want to discuss some of Susan's thoughts a bit, have you all think >> about them, and then discuss your thoughts and our plans on Thursday. Works for me. --Brian To: Subject: Trouble(?) in the java interpreter Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 17:39:46 PST From: Matthai Philipose I was poking around the Java interpreter, when I found what seems to be a problem that prevents unrolling of the interpreter loop. When we dynamically compile a bytecode program, we assume that the bytecode array is unmodified during the interpretation process. Otherwise, we could not say that opcode (= bytecode[pc]) is static by transitivity. Unfortunately, the Java VM writes into the bytecode array for select opcodes (e.g. method invocation). Check out this piece of code: ----- case opc_invokevirtual: //method invocation opcode in the Java VM case opc_invokenonvirtual: case opc_invokestatic: ... //pc points into the bytecode array as usual //specificially, opcode = *pc in the interpreter pc[0] = fieldclass(&mb->fb) == classJavaLangObject ? opc_invokevirtualobject_quick : opc_invokevirtual_quick; pc[1] = mb->fb.u.offset; pc[2] = mb->args_size; ... ------- This seems to mean that barring a makeStatic on every use of bytecode[pc], we cannot unroll the interpreter loop. Of course, it's possible that I'm totally wrong and don't see something obvious... I'd be delighted to be corrected! ;-) Matthai To: Matthai Philipose cc: Subject: Re: Trouble(?) in the java interpreter Date: Wed, 05 Mar 1997 08:08:31 PST From: Brian Grant >> Of course, it's possible that I'm totally wrong and don't see something >> obvious... I'd be delighted to be corrected! ;-) One possible solution is to put bytecode[pc] into the context. --Brian Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 10:45:12 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: Trouble(?) in the java interpreter Cc: I know that Java overwrites some bytecode instructions w/ quick partially- processed ones, e.g. to hard-wire the offset of some instance variable load or the address of some called procedure. But the reason they do this is as a partial weak form of dynamic compilation. I think we could simply remove the "optimizations," and apply DC to get much better results. -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: Trouble(?) in the java interpreter Date: Wed, 05 Mar 1997 11:01:19 PST From: Matthai Philipose > I know that Java overwrites some bytecode instructions w/ quick partially- > processed ones, e.g. to hard-wire the offset of some instance variable load or > the address of some called procedure. But the reason they do this is as a > partial weak form of dynamic compilation. I think we could simply remove the > "optimizations," and apply DC to get much better results. > > -- Craig > Yup. I checked the points at which the bytecode array is modified, and _all_ the bytecode array modifications seem to be stuff that replaces an instruction with a more optimal one, the first time the instruction is executed. Having confirmed that, it seems that with a little munging, we can undo their "optimizations" and keep the bytecode array truly static. Making these optimizations happen "naturally" in our framework brings up the point that some procedure-level annotations need to work.Consider the following opcode: ---------- case opc_ldc: ResolveClassConstant(constant_pool, pc[1], ee, (1 << CONSTANT_Integer) | (1 << CONSTANT_Float) | (1 << CONSTANT_String)); if (!exceptionOccurred(ee)) pc[0] = opc_ldc_quick; goto check_for_exception; ------------ Basically, the ldc opcode is being replaced by a "quick" version, ldc_quick, which can skip the "ResolveClassConstant(..." step. What we want to do in this case (as pointed out by Brian) is to memoize ResoveClassConstant(...) so it is executed in setup code. So far, I haven't discovered any other "fundamental" problems with the Java interpreter. Matthai Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 11:29:15 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: chambers@klamath,, Subject: Re: Trouble(?) in the java interpreter Cc: My understanding is the what Craig said -- that this is a shortcut for method lookups for all lookups after the first. Susan To: Subject: new version of DyC checked in Date: Wed, 05 Mar 1997 15:42:50 PST From: Brian Grant I checked in a new version of my code that successfully extracts the boilerplate inserted by dyc2c. There are some other fixes to my code, too. I also broke up p2dyc into several files, made the dump_graph output a little nicer (allowing multi-page graphs), and un-commented-out the BTA (so the BTA runs). Files affected: dgopts/dgopts.C dgopts/dgopts.H dump_graph/dump_graph.C p2bta/bta.C p2dep/p2dep.C p2dyc/boilerplate.C p2dyc/boilerplate.H p2dyc/dyc_assert.C p2dyc/dyc_graph.H p2dyc/dyc_list.H p2dyc/dyc_stack.H p2dyc/p2dyc.C p2dyc/p2dyc.H p2dyc/pmakefile p2dyc/setup.C p2dyc/setup.H p2dyc/template.C p2dyc/template.H p2dyc/unit.C p2dyc/unit.H p2graph/bblock_3.C p2topo/p2topo.C p2topo/p2topo.H p3p4oc/syntax1.C phase1/main.C syntax/syntax1.C --Brian Date: Fri, 7 Mar 1997 18:18:22 -0800 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, cse590l@cs, cse501@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: PLDI'94? I'm missing my PLDI'94 proceedings. Did I loan it to any of you? -- Craig To: Subject: Making interpreter dispatches static Date: Sat, 08 Mar 1997 15:57:15 PST From: Matthai Philipose A point I hadn't thought about before. How do we plan to ensure that the igoto that implements the dispatch on the opcode in an interpreter is a "static branch"? The problem here is that the igoto target is calculated by dereferencing a jump table pointer; since the dereference does not happen at source level, we cannot label it transitive. Since our default is safe, the result of the dereference (the branch direction) will be labelled dynamic. The compiler does the lowering to load/igoto very early on, way before the BTA. So one plausible trick of automatically making the load transitive when a "static" switch is lowered to load/igoto doesn't work... Is this problem already fixed? Matthai To: Matthai Philipose cc: Subject: Re: Making interpreter dispatches static Date: Sun, 09 Mar 1997 14:07:02 PST From: Brian Grant >> Is this problem already fixed? It probably doesn't work now, but should be hard to fix. We can easily figure out that what we're loading is from a jump table and that it should be static (by name). All computations (adds & shifts) involving the static variable being switched upon and the value jump table could then be derived as static. --Brian To: Brian Grant cc: Subject: Re: Making interpreter dispatches static Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 09:15:40 PST From: Matthai Philipose One way to veiw this is that both kinds of transitivity annotations may be useful (per use annotations, _and_ per data-structure/field annotations). We essentially need to label the jump-table datastructure as being static. Matthai > >> Is this problem already fixed? > > It probably doesn't work now, but should be hard to fix. We can easily > figure out that what we're loading is from a jump table and that it should > be static (by name). All computations (adds & shifts) involving the static > variable being switched upon and the value jump table could then be > derived as static. > > --Brian > > Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 14:27:25 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: PEPM paper For tomorrow's meeting it would be good if everyone of us had thought about what should go in the different sections, what examples we would like to use, what runtime actions we can use, etc. In our last meeting talking about the structure of the paper we had come up with something like: 1 Informal introduction of our appraoch with examples 2 Description of our runtime actions, specialization algorithm 3 Specification of our annotations 4 Formal Definition of the BTA 5 Optimization of our specialization algorithm, units and other optimizations 6 Related Work 7 Future Work -- Markus ==================================================================== Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. -- Wernher von Braun Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 09:47:47 -0800 From: chambers@hoh To: spin-comp@cs Subject: delay meeting I'm needed at home this morning, so can we delay our meeting till 11:30-1? Thanks. -- Craig Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 13:24:06 -0800 From: Charles Garrett To: spin-comp Subject: Alpha cache size I was wrong about the instruction cache size of the Alpha. It is actually 32 bytes per line, which is 8 instructions. The entire cache is 8 KB so there are 256 lines in the cache. The data cache has the same size and line size. -- Charlie Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 10:11:04 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: PEPM Advance Program is out: -- Markus ==================================================================== Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. -- Wernher von Braun Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 18:49:24 -0800 From: Charles Garrett To: spin-comp Subject: working perl interpreter I won't be here for Thursday's meeting, so here is my report. The SPEC95 version of the perl interpreter is now working on some of its input programs. It doesn't work on all inputs however, indicating that there are still errors in the compiled code. This program is 30,000 lines long so it represents a big advance over our previous largest benchmark which was the 3000 line compress program. Since perl is an interpreter, it gives us one example in a class of applications where we think DyC will work well. I feel fairly confident now that the 64-bit compiler will be able to handle the kinds of programs that we discussed using for the first DyC examples. -- Charlie Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 10:30:13 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@june, Subject: Re: working perl interpreter Great! I'm glad we're reaching a serious level of stability. -- Craig To: Subject: we have setup/template separation! Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 10:57:25 PST From: Brian Grant Yeah! Now to get those RTCONSTs working... --Brian Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 13:26:49 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: laziness It would be nice if we could say that our laziness policy, by default, is safe in that no unbounded specialization will be performed. This is true for loops, with our looplazy default, but it's not true for recursive functions in the presence of our function annotations. We still need some notion of laziness for recursive calls guarded by a dynamic conditional. Markus, can you think about this issue and see if there's a solution we can propose? -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: laziness Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 13:35:49 PST From: Brian Grant >> We still need some notion of laziness >> for recursive calls guarded by a dynamic conditional. At one point, we considered making polyLazy apply to all calls, and loopLazy apply to recursive calls guarded by dynamic conditionals. Do we need a version of the reachability analysis that applies to dynamic conditionals? --Brian To: cc: Subject: Modified version of selective specialization... Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 14:00:18 PST From: Matthai Philipose Brian pointed out that the FUNCALL and RETURN opcodes don't have the stack behavior conventionally expected of a function call. Not only does the pc have to be restored, the state of whether the function returned to should be specialized, i.e. the "specialization mode" needs restoration (also Brian's observation). Below is a version with a fix for this problem. FUNCALL is now called GOSUB. The old RETURN opcode is now replaced by EXIT. RETURN has new semantics. An ugliness in the fix is in ensuring that "specialization-mode" is restored. I can't think of an "invisible" way to do this, except to change the example to one Brian and I discussed way back: make the example an interpretFunction(...) routine instead of interpret(...), call it recursively at GOSUBs and let the call-stack implicitly keep track of specialization mode through the return pc (the callee either returns to a specialzed or an unspecialized version of the caller, depending on who invoked it). Matthai ps: Craig mentioned that the current version of the BTA cannot handle the conditional specialization below. I assume the problem is with the fact that we cannot "propagate annotations across backedges". Brian and I feel the current example may be a(nother?) good reason to abandon that restriction in the BTA! --------------------- interpret(byteCodeT byteCodes[], int argList[], int numArgs) { int valueStack[STACK_SIZE]; int pc = 0, vsp = 0; int arg, opcode; bool shouldSpecialize=true; /*Specialization mode*/ /* push arguments */ for (arg = numArgs; arg > 0; arg--) valueStack[vsp++] = argList[arg-1]; /*DyC annotations for polyvariant specialization on bytecodes and pc at every downstream use*/ makeStatic(bytecodes : transitive); makestatic(pc); for (;;) { opcode = byteCodes[pc]; switch (opcode) case ADD: valueStack[vsp-1] = valueStack[vsp] + valueStack[vsp-1]; vsp--; pc++; break; case NEQ: pp0: if (valueStack[vsp] != 0) pc = byteCodes[pc+1]; else pc += 2; pp1: break; case RETURN: /* Modified to restore specialization mode */ if(valueStack[vsp--] == true) { shouldSpecialize=true; makeStatic(pc); } else { shouldSpecialize=false; makeDynamic(pc); } case IGOTO: pp2: pc = valueStack[vsp--]; break; /* This is the new case added... the opcode for function invocation */ case GOSUB: /*Get the function to jump to*/ pc = byteCodes[pc+1]; valueStack[vsp++]=pc; valueStack[vsp++]=shouldSpecialize; /*Keep track of how many times this fn has been invoked*/ incrementNumCalls(pc); /*Don't specialize infrequent functions*/ if (NumCalls(pc) < MIN_NUM_CALLS) { shouldSpecialize=false; makeDynamic(pc); } else { shouldSpecialize=true; makeStatic(pc); } break; /* ... */ case EXIT: /* Return opcode now called EXIT */ return valueStack[vsp]; } } } To: Matthai Philipose cc: Subject: Re: Modified version of selective specialization... Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 14:09:07 PST From: Brian Grant >>ps: Craig mentioned that the current version of the BTA >> cannot handle the conditional specialization below. >> I assume the problem is with the fact that we cannot >> "propagate annotations across backedges". Brian and >> I feel the current example may be a(nother?) good reason >> to abandon that restriction in the BTA! I feel that not propagating the annotations along back edges is not intuitive as we once thought, but rather counterintuitive. This is certainly true (IMO) for most loops, which have their exits at the top. The rule also yields different semantics for loops as for recursive calls, which we should tend to avoid (also IMO). Of course, if we change the rule and propagate annotations along back edges, we have to be careful we don't get ourselves in trouble when performing polyvariant division. --Brian Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 10:44:58 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: Treating functions -- memoizing, inlining, specializing > From Wed Mar 26 10:27:09 1997 > Delivery-Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 10:27:18 PST > X-Mailer: exmh version 1.5.3 12/28/94 > X-DiscussionList: functions > To: > Subject: Treating functions -- memoizing, inlining, specializing > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 09:58:40 PST > From: Brian Grant > > On the bus this morning, I thought a little bit about the idea of applying > laziness to recursive calls. Here are some observations and questions. > > -- Calls, if they are to be specialized, are specialized lazily. Why? I don't think this should be true. > -- We are only in danger of not terminating when inlining (at run time) or > memoizing (calling "constant" functions at specialization time). Only with the above assumption, which I don't think we should assume. > -- For a function to be labelled "constant", all of the functions it calls > must also be constant. We can either require this of the user, or perform > interprocedural analysis (really just traversing the call graph) to > verify that it is true. > -- What happens if we decide to memoize a constant function with all static > arguments that then makes a call to another constant function, not all of > whose arguments are static? Probably we should prevent this. Perhaps a > function shouldn't be labelled constant if it can call a function with > dynamic arguments? Actually, I think we place no requirements on a constant function other than its external input-output interface look like a pure function w/o (externally-visible) side-effects. Internally, the constant function can do whatever it wants. > -- It appears that we need interprocedural analysis (again, traversing the > call graph) to detect recursion. Yikes. > -- How do we detect that a recursive call is guarded by a dynamic conditional? > do we need interprocedural reachability analysis for dynamic conditionals? Hmmmm. -- Craig Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 12:39:38 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: some paper text I've written a first draft of sections 1 & 2 of the paper, intro & example. I haven't proofread my own writing much, but I think it's pretty interesting. See what you think: on a sun, ~chambers/papers/pepm/97/dc.{doc,ps}. 3.25 pages so far, w/ 11pt text font. -- Craig Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 16:06:07 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: Tempo's BTA and PEPM `97 deadline Cc: Actually, my understanding from Charles's visit was that Tempo did no polyvariant division, and did polyvariant specialization only of the entry function, since the client program manually called the entry function specializer explicitly for different input static values. -- Craig Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 18:00:32 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: more paper I've written a draft of section 3 (the run-time specializer) now. Check it out if you have time. It's somewhat different from Brian's description; make sure I haven't suppressed any important detail. And see if it's understandable to you.... In the same place as before. -- Craig Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 14:10:00 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: BTA Overview Here's an overview of what the BTA needs to compute: 1. BTA Output for the GE The BTA computes the following output for the GE at each program point - static / dynamic division of variables - variables in the cache context and their policies - ?promotion point: if so, for which vars - ?discordant merge:if so, for which vars - edge: eager or lazy 2. BTA Components and internally computed info - compute specialization policies: - at each program point which variables are specialized and with what policy (tuple for monovariantly, polyvariantly and promoteStaticly specialized variables, respectively) ->computed from makeStatic/makeDynamic annotations and for the monovariant policy also dependent on what merges are static/dynamic - for each edge: compute whether lazy or eager - compute static / dynamic division (per program point) including - static / dynamic division of variables - variables in the cache context (w/ policy) - ?promotion point w/ vars - ?discordant merge w/ vars - for each variable x compute its "derived set" Dx containing all variables from M U P U R which may derive x - function specialization: (depends on above two analyses) - record functions annotated with specialize /constant and their argument sets in a table spec_tab - at each call site calling a specializied function f (f in spec_tab) select the most specific matching version Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 17:54:52 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: latest paper version OK, I've written one more section, section 4 on the annotations. Took all afternoon to do it, erg. See the latest draft in the standard place. Tomorrow morning I work on the BTA, and hopefully tomorrow afternoon on the GEGen part. (FYI, Markus and I have done some iterating and refining of his BTA equations that he posted, so don't take them as the final version.) -- Craig Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 16:51:49 +0100 From: Charles Consel To: Subject: Re: Tempo's BTA and PEPM `97 deadline > -- What kind of polyvariant division does Tempo perform? > -- Multiple divisions per function? > My understanding: possibly for those functions annotated as > entry points > Greg's message: > Actually, my understanding from Charles's visit was that Tempo did no > polyvariant division, and did polyvariant specialization only of the entry > function, since the client program manually called the entry function > specializer explicitly for different input static values. The BTA and the program specializer are polyvariant for *all* procedures. Let me give your (my) definitions of these terms to make this clear. The first one (polyvariant BTA) gives you multiple abstract descriptions per procedure at analysis time. The second one (polyvariant specialization) gives you multiple specialized versions per procedure (abstract description) at specialization time. > -- Multiple divisions per program point? > My understanding: only at joins following conditionals with > static tests; is this done for switch statements as well as > if statements? > Switchs are compiled in to ifs right now. A given program point has a unique abstract description for a given procedure description, and a unique "instance" for a given specialized version. > -- What kind of polyvariant specialization does Tempo perform? > -- How does Tempo pick up run-time values and use them for > specialization? > My understanding: from globals or parameters of functions > annotated as entry points; are the values of static globals > read when an associated function (an entry point) is > specialized? Yes. > -- Multiple specializations per function? > My understanding: only for functions not annotated as entry > points? No. It is a full-fledged polyvariant specializer (run time and compile time). By the way, the polyvariant concept (BTA/SPEC) being global to a program (not just the entry point) is the common understanding people have in the PE community (Similix, Schism, ...). > -- Multiple specializations per program point? > My understanding: only simple loop unrolling, not for > arbitrary control-flow merges; e.g., can a loop such as > the following be reduced? > red ev ev id ev reb reb ev ev > for ((i = 0) ; (i < size) ; v [i ] ? (i++) : (i+=2) ) > { ... } > (Basically, the static update of the loop induction variable > is guarded by a dynamic conditional.) > We loose here. > Also, what do you do about loops with both static and dynamic > exit tests (multiple loop exits)? > We loose here as well. It will be assumed dynamic. > Also, at what time next Thursday are the papers due? Can we send the > copyright form early and submit the final version of the paper > electronically on April 3rd, or should that type of thing only be done as > a last resort? Well, just send me the copyright form for April 3rd and the paper electronically. I was going to say that the paper size will not be good but of course that's OK there are also europeans sending their final versions :-) BTW here is a tech report you might be interested in; it describes a full-size application of TEMPO for the specialization of the SUN RPC (compile-time specialization). Charles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Consel | University of Rennes / Irisa | Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu Phone: (33) 2 99 84 74 10 | 35042 Rennes Cedex Fax: (33) 2 99 84 71 71 | France ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- URL: & index.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Creator: dvipsk 5.55a Copyright 1986, 1994 Radical Eye Software %%Title: PI-1094.dvi %%Pages: 21 %%PageOrder: Ascend %%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842 %%DocumentFonts: Helvetica Times-Bold Times-Roman Times-Italic Courier %%+ Courier-Bold Courier-Oblique %%EndComments %DVIPSCommandLine: /usr/local/lib/texmf/bin/sunos4.1/dvips -o %+ PI-1094.dvi %DVIPSParameters: dpi=600, compressed, comments removed %DVIPSSource: TeX output 1997.03.24:1100 %%BeginProcSet: /TeXDict 250 dict def TeXDict begin /N{def}def /B{bind def}N /S{exch}N /X{S N}B /TR{translate}N /isls false N 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proc string cshow - { exch Adobe_cshow_vars exch /_cshow exch put { 0 0 Adobe_cshow_vars /_cshow get exec } forall } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_customcolor 5 dict dup begin put /initialize % - initialize - { /setcustomcolor where { pop } { Adobe_customcolor begin Adobe_customcolor { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end Adobe_customcolor begin } ifelse } def /terminate % - terminate - { currentdict Adobe_customcolor eq { end } if } def /findcmykcustomcolor % cyan magenta yellow black name findcmykcustomcolor object { 5 packedarray } def /setcustomcolor % object tint setcustomcolor - { exch aload pop pop 4 { 4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat 5 -1 roll pop setcmykcolor } def /setoverprint % boolean setoverprint - { pop } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 61 dict dup begin put % initialization /initialize % - initialize - { % 47 vars, but leave slack of 10 entries for custom Postscript fragments userdict /Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3_vars 57 dict dup begin put % paint operands /_lp /none def /_pf {} def /_ps {} def /_psf {} def /_pss {} def /_pjsf {} def /_pjss {} def /_pola 0 def /_doClip 0 def % paint operators /cf currentflat def % - cf flatness % typography operands /_tm matrix def /_renderStart [/e0 /r0 /a0 /o0 /e1 /r1 /a1 /i0] def /_renderEnd [null null null null /i1 /i1 /i1 /i1] def /_render -1 def /_rise 0 def /_ax 0 def % x character spacing (_ax, _ay, _cx, _cy follows awidthshow naming convention) /_ay 0 def % y character spacing /_cx 0 def % x word spacing /_cy 0 def % y word spacing /_leading [0 0] def /_ctm matrix def /_mtx matrix def /_sp 16#020 def /_hyphen (-) def /_fScl 0 def /_cnt 0 def /_hs 1 def /_nativeEncoding 0 def /_useNativeEncoding 0 def /_tempEncode 0 def /_pntr 0 def /_tDict 2 dict def % typography operators /Tx {} def /Tj {} def % compound path operators /CRender {} def % printing /_AI3_savepage {} def % 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1 sub mul add 6 2 roll /_cnt 0 ddef {1 index eq {/_cnt _cnt 1 add ddef} if} forall pop exch _cnt mul exch _cnt mul 2 index add 4 1 roll 2 index add 4 1 roll pop pop } def /ss % ax ay string matrix ss - { 4 1 roll { % matrix ax ay char 0 0 {proc} - 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop gsave false charpath currentpoint 4 index setmatrix stroke grestore moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 3 npop } def /jss % cx cy fillchar ax ay string matrix jss - { 4 1 roll { % cx cy fillchar matrix ax ay char 0 0 {proc} - 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put gsave _sp eq { exch 6 index 6 index 6 index 5 -1 roll widthshow currentpoint } { false charpath currentpoint 4 index setmatrix stroke }ifelse grestore moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 6 npop } def % path operators /sp % ax ay string sp - { { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop false charpath 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 2 npop } def /jsp % cx cy fillchar ax ay string jsp - { { % cx cy fillchar ax ay char 0 0 {proc} - 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put _sp eq { exch 5 index 5 index 5 index 5 -1 roll widthshow } { false charpath }ifelse 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 5 npop } def % path construction operators /pl % x y pl x y { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } def /setstrokeadjust where { pop true setstrokeadjust /c % x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 c - { curveto } def /C /c load def /v % x2 y2 x3 y3 v - { currentpoint 6 2 roll curveto } def /V /v load def /y % x1 y1 x2 y2 y - { 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l % x y l - { lineto } def /L /l load def /m % x y m - { moveto } def } {%else /c { pl curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll pl curveto } def /V /v load def /y { pl 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { pl lineto } def /L /l load def /m { pl moveto } def }ifelse % graphic state operators /d % array phase d - { setdash } def /cf {} def % - cf flatness /i % flatness i - { dup 0 eq { pop cf } if setflat } def /j % linejoin j - { setlinejoin } def /J % linecap J - { setlinecap } def /M % miterlimit M - { setmiterlimit } def /w % linewidth w - { setlinewidth } def % path painting operators /H % - H - {} def /h % - h - { closepath } def /N % - N - { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq {clip /_doClip 0 ddef} if newpath } { /CRender {N} ddef }ifelse } def /n % - n - {N} def /F % - F - { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _pf grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _fc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _pf }ifelse } { /CRender {F} ddef }ifelse } def /f % - f - { closepath F } def /S % - S - { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _ps grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _ps }ifelse } { /CRender {S} ddef }ifelse } def /s % - s - { closepath S } def /B % - B - { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq % F clears _doClip gsave F grestore { gsave S grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { S }ifelse } { /CRender {B} ddef }ifelse } def /b % - b - { closepath B } def /W % - W - { /_doClip 1 ddef } def /* % - [string] * - { count 0 ne { dup type (stringtype) eq {pop} if } if _pola 0 eq {newpath} if } def % group operators /u % - u - {} def /U % - U - {} def /q % - q - { _pola 0 eq {gsave} if } def /Q % - Q - { _pola 0 eq {grestore} if } def /*u % - *u - { _pola 1 add /_pola exch ddef } def /*U % - *U - { _pola 1 sub /_pola exch ddef _pola 0 eq {CRender} if } def /D % polarized D - {pop} def /*w % - *w - {} def /*W % - *W - {} def % place operators /` % matrix llx lly urx ury string ` - { /_i save ddef 6 1 roll 4 npop concat pop userdict begin /showpage {} def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath 0 setgray false setoverprint } def /~ % - ~ - { end _i restore } def % color operators /O % flag O - { 0 ne /_of exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /R % flag R - { 0 ne /_os exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /g % gray g - { /_gf exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _gf setgray /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /G % gray G - { /_gs exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _gs setgray /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /k % cyan magenta yellow black k - { _cf astore pop /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _cf aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /K % cyan magenta yellow black K - { _cs astore pop /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _cs aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /x % cyan magenta yellow black name gray x - { /_gf exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_if exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _if _gf 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp 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b(de)f(Beaulieu)g(\226)g(35042)g(Rennes)h(Cede)n(x)f (\226)h(F)m(r)o(ance)2258 346 y(T)2306 345 y(\264)2299 346 y(el.)k(:)g(\(33\))c(02)f(99)g(84)h(71)f(00)g(\226)h(F)m(ax)f(:)23 b(\(33\))18 b(02)h(99)f(84)g(71)h(71)3327 425 y(http://www)l(.ir)q ( 1332 y Ft(F)m(ast,)29 b(Optimized)i(Sun)g(RPC)g(Using)f(A) -6 b(utomatic)30 b(Pr)n(ogram)f(Specialization)73 1686 y Fs(Gilles)24 b(Muller)l(,)g(Renaud)h(Marlet,)f(Eugen-Nicolae)h(V)-13 b(olanschi,)24 b(Charles)h(Consel,)f(Calton)h(Pu)g(&)g(Ashvin)1853 1802 y(Goel)1507 2056 y Fr(Th)5 b(\036)-33 b(eme)20 b(2)g(\227)h(G)5 b(\264)-33 b(enie)20 b(logiciel)1606 2156 y(et)h(calcul)f(symbolique) 1408 2327 y(Projet)g(\(a)n(v)n(ant-projet\))d(COMPOSE)994 2581 y(Publication)i(interne)h(n)15 b(\011)h(1094)j(\227)h(21)g(mars)g (1997)f(\227)i(19)f(pages)0 3081 y Fq(Abstract:)87 b Fr(F)o(ast)30 b(remote)f(procedure)e(call)j(\(RPC\))g(is)h(a)f(major)e (concern)g(for)h(distrib)n(uted)g(systems.)53 b(Man)o(y)28 b(studies)i(aimed)f(at)0 3180 y(ef)n(\002cient)21 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00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000088000880008800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 000000000000000000002a8002a8002a800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 0000000000000000000008800088000a800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 000000000000000000002a8002a0002a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000080008800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000aa000aa00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 000000000000000000008a000a800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000aa000a800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000000008800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 0000000000000000000000002a800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 000000000000000000000000aa000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % 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put /initialize % - initialize - { /packedarray where { pop } { Adobe_packedarray begin Adobe_packedarray { dup xcheck { bind } if userdict 3 1 roll put } forall end } ifelse } def /terminate % - terminate - { } def /packedarray % arguments count packedarray array { array astore readonly } def /setpacking % boolean setpacking - { pop } def /currentpacking % - setpacking boolean { false } def currentdict readonly pop end Adobe_packedarray /initialize get exec currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_cmykcolor 4 dict dup begin put /initialize % - initialize - { /setcmykcolor where { pop } { userdict /Adobe_cmykcolor_vars 2 dict dup begin put /_setrgbcolor /setrgbcolor load def /_currentrgbcolor /currentrgbcolor load def Adobe_cmykcolor begin Adobe_cmykcolor { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end end Adobe_cmykcolor begin } ifelse } def /terminate % - terminate - { currentdict Adobe_cmykcolor eq { end } if } def /setcmykcolor % cyan magenta yellow black setcmykcolor - { 1 sub 4 1 roll 3 { 3 index add neg dup 0 lt { pop 0 } if 3 1 roll } repeat Adobe_cmykcolor_vars /_setrgbcolor get exec pop } def /currentcmykcolor % - currentcmykcolor cyan magenta yellow black { Adobe_cmykcolor_vars /_currentrgbcolor get exec 3 { 1 sub neg 3 1 roll } repeat 0 } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_cshow 3 dict dup begin put /initialize % - initialize - { /cshow where { pop } { userdict /Adobe_cshow_vars 1 dict dup begin put /_cshow % - _cshow proc {} def Adobe_cshow begin Adobe_cshow { dup xcheck { bind } if userdict 3 1 roll put } forall end end } ifelse } def /terminate % - terminate - { } def /cshow % proc string cshow - { exch Adobe_cshow_vars exch /_cshow exch put { 0 0 Adobe_cshow_vars /_cshow get exec } forall } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_customcolor 5 dict dup begin put /initialize % - initialize - { /setcustomcolor where { pop } { Adobe_customcolor begin Adobe_customcolor { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end Adobe_customcolor begin } ifelse } def /terminate % - terminate - { currentdict Adobe_customcolor eq { end } if } def /findcmykcustomcolor % cyan magenta yellow black name findcmykcustomcolor object { 5 packedarray } def /setcustomcolor % object tint setcustomcolor - { exch aload pop pop 4 { 4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat 5 -1 roll pop setcmykcolor } def /setoverprint % boolean setoverprint - { pop } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_typography_AI3 47 dict dup begin put /initialize % - initialize - { /TZ where { pop } { Adobe_typography_AI3 begin Adobe_typography_AI3 { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end Adobe_typography_AI3 begin } ifelse } def /terminate % - terminate - { currentdict Adobe_typography_AI3 eq { end } if } def % [ number value stream [ array for encoding modification ] modifyEncoding ==> [ modified array ] /modifyEncoding { /_tempEncode exch ddef % pointer for sequential encodings /_pntr 0 ddef { % get bottom object counttomark -1 roll % is it a mark ? dup type dup /marktype eq { % exit pop pop exit } { % ... object ... type .... % insert if a nametype /nametype eq { % insert the name at _pntr and increment pointer _tempEncode /_pntr dup load dup 3 1 roll 1 add ddef 3 -1 roll put } { % reset _pntr if it's a number /_pntr exch ddef } ifelse } ifelse } loop % return the modified encoding _tempEncode } def /TE % Set std platform encoding % (encoding pairs) TE - { StandardEncoding 256 array copy modifyEncoding /_nativeEncoding exch def } def % re-define font % expected arguments % for 'normal fonts : % [ /_Helvetica-Bold/Helvetica-Bold direction fontScript defaultEncoding TZ % % for cartographic, pictographic, and expert fonts : % [ ... number value stream ... /_Symbol/Symbol % direction fontScript defaultEncoding TZ % for blended fonts w/ default encoding : % [ /_AdobeSans_20ULig1XCond-Bold/AdobeSans % direction fontScript defaultEncoding [ w0 w1 ... wn ] TZ % for blended fonts w/ special encoding : % [ ... number value stream ... /_AdobeSans_20ULig1XCond/AdobeSans % direction fontScript defaultEncoding [ w0 w1 ... wn ] TZ /TZ { % set weight vector (if present) dup type /arraytype eq {/_wv exch def} {/_wv 0 def} ifelse % platform dependent coding flag /_useNativeEncoding exch def % pop fontScript & direction pop pop % create a new dictionary with length % equal to original dictionary length + 2 % copy all the key/value pairs except FID % call makeblended font with the weight values if _wv is an array findfont _wv type /arraytype eq {_wv makeblendedfont} if dup length 2 add dict begin % copy all the values but the FID % into the new dictionary mark exch { 1 index /FID ne { def } if cleartomark mark } forall % discard last mark pop % define FontName /FontName exch def % if no re-encoding stream is present % then if the base encoding vector of the font % is the same as StandardEncoding % and the use platform encoding flag is true % then install AI platform encoding % else leave the base encoding in effect counttomark 0 eq { 1 _useNativeEncoding eq { /Encoding _nativeEncoding def } if % clean up cleartomark } { % custom encoding to be done % start off with a copy of the font's standard encoding /Encoding load 256 array copy modifyEncoding /Encoding exch def } ifelse FontName currentdict end % register the new font definefont pop } def % text painting operators /tr % string tr ax ay string { _ax _ay 3 2 roll } def /trj % string trj cx cy fillchar ax ay string { _cx _cy _sp _ax _ay 6 5 roll } def /a0 { /Tx % text % textString Tx - { dup currentpoint 3 2 roll tr _psf newpath moveto tr _ctm _pss } ddef /Tj % justified text % textString Tj - { dup currentpoint 3 2 roll trj _pjsf newpath moveto trj _ctm _pjss } ddef } def /a1 { /Tx % text % textString Tx - { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll gsave dup currentpoint 3 2 roll tr _psf newpath moveto tr _ctm _pss grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef /Tj % justified text % textString Tj - { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll gsave dup currentpoint 3 2 roll trj _pjsf newpath moveto trj _ctm _pjss grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef } def /e0 { /Tx % text % textString Tx - { tr _psf } ddef /Tj % justified text % textString Tj - { trj _pjsf } ddef } def /e1 { /Tx % text % textString Tx - { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll gsave tr _psf grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef /Tj % justified text % textString Tj - { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll gsave trj _pjsf grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef } def /i0 { /Tx % text % textString Tx - { tr sp } ddef /Tj % justified text % textString Tj - { trj jsp } ddef } def /i1 { W N } def /o0 { /Tx % text % textString Tx - { tr sw rmoveto } ddef /Tj % justified text % textString Tj - { trj swj rmoveto } ddef } def /r0 { /Tx % text % textString Tx - { tr _ctm _pss } ddef /Tj % justified text % textString Tj - { trj _ctm _pjss } ddef } def /r1 { /Tx % text % textString Tx - { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll currentpoint gsave newpath moveto tr _ctm _pss grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef /Tj % justified text % textString Tj - { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll currentpoint gsave newpath moveto trj _ctm _pjss grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef } def % font operators % Binding /To % begin text % bindType To - { pop _ctm currentmatrix pop } def /TO % end text % TO - { Te _ctm setmatrix newpath } def % Text paths /Tp % begin text path % a b c d tx ty startPt Tp - { pop _tm astore pop _ctm setmatrix _tDict begin /W {} def /h {} def } def /TP % end text path % TP - { end iTm 0 0 moveto } def % Render mode & matrix operators /Tr % begin render % render Tr - { _render 3 le {currentpoint newpath moveto} if dup 8 eq {pop 0} {dup 9 eq {pop 1} if} ifelse dup /_render exch ddef _renderStart exch get load exec } def /iTm % internal set text matrix % - iTm - (uses _tm as implicit argument) { _ctm setmatrix _tm concat 0 _rise translate _hs 1 scale } def /Tm % set text matrix % a b c d tx ty Tm - { _tm astore pop iTm 0 0 moveto } def /Td % translate text matrix % tx ty Td - { _mtx translate _tm _tm concatmatrix pop iTm 0 0 moveto } def /Te % end render % - Te - { _render -1 eq {} {_renderEnd _render get dup null ne {load exec} {pop} ifelse} ifelse /_render -1 ddef } def % Attributes /Ta % set alignment % alignment Ta - { pop } def /Tf % set font name and size % fontname size Tf - { dup 1000 div /_fScl exch ddef exch findfont exch scalefont setfont } def /Tl % set leading % leading paragraphLeading Tl - { pop 0 exch _leading astore pop } def /Tt % set user tracking % userTracking Tt - { pop } def /TW % set word spacing % minSpace optSpace maxSpace TW - { 3 npop } def /Tw % set computed word spacing % wordSpace Tw { /_cx exch ddef } def /TC % set character spacing % minSpace optSpace maxSpace TC - { 3 npop } def /Tc % set computed char spacing % charSpace Tc - { /_ax exch ddef } def /Ts % set super/subscripting (rise) % rise Ts - { /_rise exch ddef currentpoint iTm moveto } def /Ti % set indentation % firstStartIndent otherStartIndent stopIndent Ti - { 3 npop } def /Tz % set horizontal scaling % scalePercent Tz - { 100 div /_hs exch ddef iTm } def /TA % set pairwise kerning % autoKern TA - % autoKern = 0 -> no pair kerning % = 1 -> automatic pair kerning { pop } def /Tq % set hanging quotes % hangingQuotes Tq - % hangingQuotes = 0 -> no hanging quotes % = 1 -> hanging quotes { pop } def % Text Bodies /TX {pop} def %/Tx % non-justified text % textString Tx - %/Tj % justified text % textString Tj - /Tk % kern % autoKern kernValue Tk - % autoKern = 0 -> manual kern, = 1 -> auto kern % kernValue = kern value in em/1000 space { exch pop _fScl mul neg 0 rmoveto } def /TK % non-printing kern % autoKern kernValue TK - { 2 npop } def /T* % carriage return & line feed % - T* - { _leading aload pop neg Td } def /T*- % carriage return & negative line feed % - T*- - { _leading aload pop Td } def /T- % print a discretionary hyphen % - T- - { _hyphen Tx } def /T+ % discretionary hyphen hyphen % - T+ - {} def /TR % reset pattern matrix % a b c d tx ty TR - { _ctm currentmatrix pop _tm astore pop iTm 0 0 moveto } def /TS % special chars % textString justified TS - { 0 eq {Tx} {Tj} ifelse } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 61 dict dup begin put % initialization /initialize % - initialize - { % 47 vars, but leave slack of 10 entries for custom Postscript fragments userdict /Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3_vars 57 dict dup begin put % paint operands /_lp /none def /_pf {} def /_ps {} def /_psf {} def /_pss {} def /_pjsf {} def /_pjss {} def /_pola 0 def /_doClip 0 def % paint operators /cf currentflat def % - cf flatness % typography operands /_tm matrix def /_renderStart [/e0 /r0 /a0 /o0 /e1 /r1 /a1 /i0] def /_renderEnd [null null null null /i1 /i1 /i1 /i1] def /_render -1 def /_rise 0 def /_ax 0 def % x character spacing (_ax, _ay, _cx, _cy follows awidthshow naming convention) /_ay 0 def % y character spacing /_cx 0 def % x word spacing /_cy 0 def % y word spacing /_leading [0 0] def /_ctm matrix def /_mtx matrix def /_sp 16#020 def /_hyphen (-) def /_fScl 0 def /_cnt 0 def /_hs 1 def /_nativeEncoding 0 def /_useNativeEncoding 0 def /_tempEncode 0 def /_pntr 0 def /_tDict 2 dict def % typography operators /Tx {} def /Tj {} def % compound path operators /CRender {} def % printing /_AI3_savepage {} def % color operands /_gf null def /_cf 4 array def /_if null def /_of false def /_fc {} def /_gs null def /_cs 4 array def /_is null def /_os false def /_sc {} def /_i null def Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 begin Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end end Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 begin Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3_vars begin newpath } def /terminate % - terminate - { end end } def % definition operators /_ % - _ null null def /ddef % key value ddef - { Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3_vars 3 1 roll put } def /xput % key value literal xput - { dup load dup length exch maxlength eq { dup dup load dup length 2 mul dict copy def } if load begin def end } def /npop % integer npop - { { pop } repeat } def % marking operators /sw % ax ay string sw x y { dup length exch stringwidth exch 5 -1 roll 3 index 1 sub mul add 4 1 roll 3 1 roll 1 sub mul add } def /swj % cx cy fillchar ax ay string swj x y { dup 4 1 roll dup length exch stringwidth exch 5 -1 roll 3 index 1 sub mul add 4 1 roll 3 1 roll 1 sub mul add 6 2 roll /_cnt 0 ddef {1 index eq {/_cnt _cnt 1 add ddef} if} forall pop exch _cnt mul exch _cnt mul 2 index add 4 1 roll 2 index add 4 1 roll pop pop } def /ss % ax ay string matrix ss - { 4 1 roll { % matrix ax ay char 0 0 {proc} - 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop gsave false charpath currentpoint 4 index setmatrix stroke grestore moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 3 npop } def /jss % cx cy fillchar ax ay string matrix jss - { 4 1 roll { % cx cy fillchar matrix ax ay char 0 0 {proc} - 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put gsave _sp eq { exch 6 index 6 index 6 index 5 -1 roll widthshow currentpoint } { false charpath currentpoint 4 index setmatrix stroke }ifelse grestore moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 6 npop } def % path operators /sp % ax ay string sp - { { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop false charpath 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 2 npop } def /jsp % cx cy fillchar ax ay string jsp - { { % cx cy fillchar ax ay char 0 0 {proc} - 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put _sp eq { exch 5 index 5 index 5 index 5 -1 roll widthshow } { false charpath }ifelse 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 5 npop } def % path construction operators /pl % x y pl x y { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } def /setstrokeadjust where { pop true setstrokeadjust /c % x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 c - { curveto } def /C /c load def /v % x2 y2 x3 y3 v - { currentpoint 6 2 roll curveto } def /V /v load def /y % x1 y1 x2 y2 y - { 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l % x y l - { lineto } def /L /l load def /m % x y m - { moveto } def } {%else /c { pl curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll pl curveto } def /V /v load def /y { pl 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { pl lineto } def /L /l load def /m { pl moveto } def }ifelse % graphic state operators /d % array phase d - { setdash } def /cf {} def % - cf flatness /i % flatness i - { dup 0 eq { pop cf } if setflat } def /j % linejoin j - { setlinejoin } def /J % linecap J - { setlinecap } def /M % miterlimit M - { setmiterlimit } def /w % linewidth w - { setlinewidth } def % path painting operators /H % - H - {} def /h % - h - { closepath } def /N % - N - { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq {clip /_doClip 0 ddef} if newpath } { /CRender {N} ddef }ifelse } def /n % - n - {N} def /F % - F - { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _pf grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _fc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _pf }ifelse } { /CRender {F} ddef }ifelse } def /f % - f - { closepath F } def /S % - S - { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _ps grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _ps }ifelse } { /CRender {S} ddef }ifelse } def /s % - s - { closepath S } def /B % - B - { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq % F clears _doClip gsave F grestore { gsave S grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { S }ifelse } { /CRender {B} ddef }ifelse } def /b % - b - { closepath B } def /W % - W - { /_doClip 1 ddef } def /* % - [string] * - { count 0 ne { dup type (stringtype) eq {pop} if } if _pola 0 eq {newpath} if } def % group operators /u % - u - {} def /U % - U - {} def /q % - q - { _pola 0 eq {gsave} if } def /Q % - Q - { _pola 0 eq {grestore} if } def /*u % - *u - { _pola 1 add /_pola exch ddef } def /*U % - *U - { _pola 1 sub /_pola exch ddef _pola 0 eq {CRender} if } def /D % polarized D - {pop} def /*w % - *w - {} def /*W % - *W - {} def % place operators /` % matrix llx lly urx ury string ` - { /_i save ddef 6 1 roll 4 npop concat pop userdict begin /showpage {} def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath 0 setgray false setoverprint } def /~ % - ~ - { end _i restore } def % color operators /O % flag O - { 0 ne /_of exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /R % flag R - { 0 ne /_os exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /g % gray g - { /_gf exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _gf setgray /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /G % gray G - { /_gs exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _gs setgray /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /k % cyan magenta yellow black k - { _cf astore pop /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _cf aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /K % cyan magenta yellow black K - { _cs astore pop /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _cs aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /x % cyan magenta yellow black name gray x - { /_gf exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_if exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _if _gf 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /X % cyan magenta yellow black name gray X - { /_gs exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_is exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _is _gs 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def % locked object operator /A % value A - { pop } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking % annotate page operator /annotatepage { } def Adobe_cmykcolor /initialize get exec Adobe_cshow /initialize get exec Adobe_customcolor /initialize get exec Adobe_typography_AI3 /initialize get exec Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 /initialize get exec [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 128/Adieresis/Aring/Ccedilla/Eacute/Ntilde/Odieresis /Udieresis/aacute/agrave/acircumflex/adieresis/atilde/aring/ccedilla/eacute /egrave/ecircumflex/edieresis/iacute/igrave/icircumflex/idieresis/ntilde /oacute/ograve/ocircumflex/odieresis/otilde/uacute/ugrave/ucircumflex /udieresis/dagger/degree/cent/sterling/section/bullet/paragraph/germandbls /registered/copyright/trademark/acute/dieresis/.notdef/AE/Oslash /.notdef/plusminus/.notdef/.notdef/yen/mu/.notdef/.notdef /.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/ordfeminine/ordmasculine/.notdef/ae/oslash /questiondown/exclamdown/logicalnot/.notdef/florin/.notdef/.notdef /guillemotleft/guillemotright/ellipsis/.notdef/Agrave/Atilde/Otilde/OE/oe /endash/emdash/quotedblleft/quotedblright/quoteleft/quoteright/divide /.notdef/ydieresis/Ydieresis/fraction/currency/guilsinglleft/guilsinglright 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{ Adobe_packedarray begin Adobe_packedarray { dup xcheck { bind } if userdict 3 1 roll put } forall end } ifelse } def /terminate % - terminate - { } def /packedarray % arguments count packedarray array { array astore readonly } def /setpacking % boolean setpacking - { pop } def /currentpacking % - setpacking boolean { false } def currentdict readonly pop end Adobe_packedarray /initialize get exec currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_cmykcolor 4 dict dup begin put /initialize % - initialize - { /setcmykcolor where { pop } { userdict /Adobe_cmykcolor_vars 2 dict dup begin put /_setrgbcolor /setrgbcolor load def /_currentrgbcolor /currentrgbcolor load def Adobe_cmykcolor begin Adobe_cmykcolor { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end end Adobe_cmykcolor begin } ifelse } def /terminate % - terminate - { currentdict Adobe_cmykcolor eq { end } if } def /setcmykcolor % cyan magenta yellow black setcmykcolor - { 1 sub 4 1 roll 3 { 3 index add neg dup 0 lt { pop 0 } if 3 1 roll } repeat Adobe_cmykcolor_vars /_setrgbcolor get exec pop } def /currentcmykcolor % - currentcmykcolor cyan magenta yellow black { Adobe_cmykcolor_vars /_currentrgbcolor get exec 3 { 1 sub neg 3 1 roll } repeat 0 } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_cshow 3 dict dup begin put /initialize % - initialize - { /cshow where { pop } { userdict /Adobe_cshow_vars 1 dict dup begin put /_cshow % - _cshow proc {} def Adobe_cshow begin Adobe_cshow { dup xcheck { bind } if userdict 3 1 roll put } forall end end } ifelse } def /terminate % - terminate - { } def /cshow % proc string cshow - { exch Adobe_cshow_vars exch /_cshow exch put { 0 0 Adobe_cshow_vars /_cshow get exec } forall } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_customcolor 5 dict dup begin put /initialize % - initialize - { /setcustomcolor where { pop } { Adobe_customcolor begin Adobe_customcolor { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end Adobe_customcolor begin } ifelse } def /terminate % - terminate - { currentdict Adobe_customcolor eq { end } if } def /findcmykcustomcolor % cyan magenta yellow black name findcmykcustomcolor object { 5 packedarray } def /setcustomcolor % object tint setcustomcolor - { exch aload pop pop 4 { 4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat 5 -1 roll pop setcmykcolor } def /setoverprint % boolean setoverprint - { pop } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 61 dict dup begin put % initialization /initialize % - initialize - { % 47 vars, but leave slack of 10 entries for custom Postscript fragments userdict /Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3_vars 57 dict dup begin put % paint operands /_lp /none def /_pf {} def /_ps {} def /_psf {} def /_pss {} def /_pjsf {} def /_pjss {} def /_pola 0 def /_doClip 0 def % paint operators /cf currentflat def % - cf flatness % typography operands /_tm matrix def /_renderStart [/e0 /r0 /a0 /o0 /e1 /r1 /a1 /i0] def /_renderEnd [null null null null /i1 /i1 /i1 /i1] def /_render -1 def /_rise 0 def /_ax 0 def % x character spacing (_ax, _ay, _cx, _cy follows awidthshow naming convention) /_ay 0 def % y character spacing /_cx 0 def % x word spacing /_cy 0 def % y word spacing /_leading [0 0] def /_ctm matrix def /_mtx matrix def /_sp 16#020 def /_hyphen (-) def /_fScl 0 def /_cnt 0 def /_hs 1 def /_nativeEncoding 0 def /_useNativeEncoding 0 def /_tempEncode 0 def /_pntr 0 def /_tDict 2 dict def % typography operators /Tx {} def /Tj {} def % compound path operators /CRender {} def % printing /_AI3_savepage {} def % color operands /_gf null def /_cf 4 array def /_if null def /_of false def /_fc {} def /_gs null def /_cs 4 array def /_is null def /_os false def /_sc {} def /_i null def Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 begin Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end end Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 begin Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3_vars begin newpath } def /terminate % - terminate - { end 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310.9898 41.9994 Y 306.3248 41.9994 l 281.1995 84.2998 281.162 84.4873 v 270.9677 48.6016 270.8494 46.6494 v 270.6994 44.1744 272.0494 43.1994 274.3744 43.1994 C 274.1495 41.9994 l 259.7493 41.9994 259.5618 42.0744 v 260.0652 43.1994 259.8993 43.1994 v 261.3993 43.1994 264.0993 44.3994 264.5494 46.6494 c 276.8495 91.9499 L 277.1495 94.2749 275.2328 95.9999 272.8744 95.9999 C 273.2644 97.1999 L 283.187 97.1999 L 284.6923 97.0745 285.7653 97.4423 287.8896 93.4499 C 310.1721 56.3245 L 320.1399 92.5499 L 320.4999 94.8749 318.8021 95.9999 317.6649 95.9999 c F 537.7021 46.6494 m 537.7771 43.9494 535.9771 43.1994 534.4021 43.1994 C 534.1021 41.9994 L 552.7023 41.9994 L 553.0748 43.1994 L 549.6273 43.1994 549.3273 45.3744 548.8022 46.6494 C 540.1022 95.3999 L 539.7272 96.9749 538.0021 97.1999 536.8771 97.1999 C 526.077 97.1999 l 525.702 95.9999 L 527.502 95.9999 529.002 94.5749 527.652 92.5499 C 494.9475 46.6494 l 493.8225 45.5244 492.4903 43.4703 488.4266 43.1994 C 487.9766 41.9994 L 502.9018 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0 g 0.258 w 80.7297 56.7368 m 84.192 63.1358 87.7402 68.819 91.7645 75.0836 c 94.4705 79.296 99.1647 85.2336 100.6191 88.1399 c 100.7978 88.4971 100.2885 88.8163 100.3728 89.0906 c 100.5351 89.6188 100.7703 90.0013 100.45 90.6977 c 99.7316 92.2603 99.0866 92.6473 97.988 93.5539 c 98.1502 93.42 96.3861 92.8385 96.8086 93.2387 c 94.5411 90.7388 l 92.7504 88.2223 l 91.5459 87.0077 l 90.3928 84.681 l 89.8209 83.8616 l 88.4433 82.2397 l 87.346 80.0647 l 87.0787 79.5762 86.7027 79.1024 86.1763 78.0343 c 84.4752 75.8991 l 84.2919 75.5527 83.9877 74.9778 v 83.8354 74.6902 83.6025 74.3682 83.4481 73.9583 c 83.3364 73.6617 82.5365 73.1329 82.4757 72.3789 c 82.4457 72.0075 81.711 70.571 81.4558 70.0502 c 81.2428 69.6156 80.4645 68.3873 79.8984 67.3457 c 79.3236 66.2879 80.0052 67.6885 79.4378 66.6499 c 78.6584 65.2231 78.1947 64.0265 78.1575 63.9535 c 74.0231 56.3573 73.5494 55.4297 v 71.7388 51.8836 65.2718 38.7731 62.7558 29.4599 c 62.7378 29.3934 62.3221 29.4378 62.0639 29.4378 C 64.7385 65.7493 66.074 102.1634 64.6438 138.571 C 64.8163 138.571 64.9874 138.5802 65.1595 138.5664 c 89.0923 136.6402 112.7731 135.9906 136.6228 136.6041 c 157.8158 137.1493 178.8765 139.7858 200.0929 139.603 C 200.0929 139.2805 199.9639 139.0225 199.8349 138.9903 c 199.026 138.788 196.148 137.519 192.5262 135.7818 C 190.8502 134.9779 189.9952 134.5528 190.9134 135.0011 C 190.3213 134.712 189.3289 134.0267 188.7152 133.7214 C 187.8345 133.2833 187.0657 133.0889 186.1653 132.6288 C 185.2681 132.1703 185.1274 131.9681 184.3712 131.5741 C 184.0454 131.4044 183.8497 131.6213 183.5266 131.451 C 183.1505 131.2528 182.9056 130.9255 182.5352 130.7275 C 182.3138 130.6093 179.1628 128.6956 178.9429 128.5772 C 178.1507 128.2283 179.6371 128.8526 178.7493 128.3571 C 178.0063 127.9424 178.187 128.4353 177.4944 128.0338 C 176.9744 127.7325 176.3421 127.049 175.8592 126.7592 C 175.3778 126.4702 175.6907 126.833 175.2537 126.5589 C 174.0233 125.7874 173.3541 125.3644 173.0181 125.13 C 172.2698 124.6829 172.4748 124.8744 169.9756 123.4372 C 169.2498 122.9394 165.8008 120.6402 164.8244 119.9383 C 164.0898 119.4564 166.4711 120.8494 165.9396 120.4671 C 165.0052 119.9951 164.4204 119.5442 163.5837 118.9668 C 163.0937 118.6286 161.4388 117.2623 160.9392 116.9338 C 159.6747 116.1023 158.6318 115.3074 157.2652 114.5772 C 156.6189 115.4439 155.186 117.0674 154.3983 117.7744 c 156.1492 116.203 149.5395 121.3631 147.2475 122.6298 c 145.0396 123.8501 152.4249 119.0933 152.4315 119.2951 c 151.5119 119.4476 148.8518 121.601 v 149.7205 120.8978 149.5238 121.1961 147.8725 122.2334 c 147.5309 122.448 143.9316 124.0263 143.5675 124.2036 c 142.8101 124.5725 143.0676 124.269 142.2794 124.5853 c 141.814 124.7721 141.8597 124.8211 141.3854 124.9908 c 141.0147 125.1234 142.8344 124.3479 142.459 124.4705 c 142.1905 124.5583 139.0811 125.8939 138.1641 126.1546 c 142.5064 124.9203 140.718 125.3221 134.9771 126.8163 c 133.517 127.1964 128.8516 127.6126 128.207 127.7505 c 127.7531 127.8477 128.0724 127.4234 127.6173 127.5101 c 127.0272 127.6225 127.7264 127.3394 127.1363 127.4356 c 126.4549 127.5466 126.5482 127.6473 125.8702 127.7388 c 125.5146 127.7868 125.9338 127.8323 125.5799 127.8754 c 124.9387 127.9535 126.6929 127.4081 126.0596 127.4717 c 125.2477 127.5533 125.3625 127.4805 124.8794 127.5198 c 124.4519 127.5546 125.4093 127.4775 124.9074 127.5338 c 123.7011 127.6694 123.6804 127.315 121.9183 127.3289 c 121.2999 127.3338 120.6047 127.3353 120.2424 127.3362 c 119.5299 127.3379 117.0278 127.0787 116.3735 127.0753 c 115.6694 127.0715 115.8747 126.7656 115.2989 126.7571 c 113.5021 126.7308 112.6188 126.6102 113.5026 126.8069 c 111.9304 126.4569 112.334 126.5097 110.295 125.8692 c 109.6645 125.6711 107.2135 125.2841 106.1796 125.0329 c 109.448 125.827 103.6016 124.1231 103.3162 124.0877 c 102.7205 124.0138 101.1294 123.237 100.5488 123.07 c 99.3262 122.7182 99.2156 122.7041 98.811 122.4908 c 98.0074 122.0669 98.0046 122.0588 97.0583 121.7039 c 96.6269 121.5421 95.9328 121.2574 95.4888 121.1125 c 94.8506 120.9043 94.0996 120.3879 93.49 120.1007 c 92.6349 119.6979 93.1526 119.8661 92.1498 119.4263 c 91.6508 119.2074 90.8397 119.0644 90.1314 118.6744 c 89.757 118.4683 89.3849 118.1396 89.014 117.9521 c 88.736 117.8116 87.9029 117.268 87.626 117.1438 c 86.6643 116.7125 86.4935 116.4343 85.6791 115.981 C 84.0393 115.0682 82.6957 113.8035 80.8613 112.5055 C 80.8977 111.6102 80.7687 111.4812 81.4137 110.9652 c 81.7769 110.6746 82.4457 110.7072 84.1792 111.2371 C 95.4746 117.5441 107.7174 120.7682 120.3781 121.4101 c 131.4951 121.9738 144.0109 119.5372 151.0733 110.1912 C 146.0363 106.1035 141.1489 102.4735 136.2218 98.3052 c 135.8516 97.9921 135.353 97.2911 134.984 96.9762 c 134.697 96.7313 134.0016 96.468 133.4812 96.0198 c 133.227 95.8008 133.3599 95.5813 133.1062 95.3613 c 132.5778 94.9031 131.7728 94.6052 131.1378 93.9796 c 130.679 93.5276 130.4667 93.3165 129.8757 92.7861 c 129.6261 92.5621 129.2478 91.9505 128.9989 91.7251 c 128.5256 91.2967 128.0535 90.8658 127.5826 90.4321 c 127.3206 90.1909 126.672 89.8198 126.4108 89.5768 c 125.7001 88.9157 125.5083 88.8932 124.8037 88.2184 c 124.6074 88.0305 123.9686 87.6413 123.6979 87.3567 c 123.1513 86.782 122.587 86.0338 122.1293 85.7259 c 121.2621 85.1427 121.2108 84.8677 120.5252 84.2484 c 120.0943 83.8592 119.9328 83.7405 119.4783 83.4329 c 119.1976 83.243 118.9527 83.0303 118.7935 82.7475 c 118.5988 82.4015 117.9093 82.3818 117.6491 82.0841 c 116.4891 80.7567 114.7338 79.048 113.6133 77.8345 c 113.388 77.5905 113.1684 77.6112 112.9555 77.3838 c 112.4902 76.8867 112.3316 76.6009 111.5348 75.8122 c 111.2581 75.5382 110.6313 75.1682 110.4222 74.9557 c 109.6401 74.161 109.6744 73.895 109.4202 73.6689 c 108.9896 73.286 108.4134 72.9104 107.9405 72.546 c 107.4103 72.1375 106.9995 71.4537 106.5831 70.9244 c 106.1667 70.395 105.7822 70.4368 105.1915 69.7132 c 104.4792 68.8406 104.0161 68.3015 103.622 67.8429 c 103.2997 67.4679 103.01 67.3299 102.7036 66.9505 c 102.4751 66.6675 102.2785 66.34 101.9696 66.1446 c 100.5351 65.2365 100.1894 64.589 99.1618 63.5468 c 98.9358 63.3177 98.356 63.3751 97.7259 62.4592 c 97.2682 61.7938 95.488 59.7927 95.0238 59.296 c 94.6458 58.8916 95.6455 59.7545 94.6999 58.7212 c 94.1041 58.0703 94.0282 57.9328 93.4373 57.2774 c 93.1483 56.957 92.4725 56.5071 92.1837 56.1859 c 91.6801 55.6259 91.3862 55.2339 90.9286 54.6327 c 90.7017 54.3346 90.5603 54.8278 89.4553 53.0173 c 88.9481 52.1863 88.4963 51.4739 87.2122 50.5996 c 86.5619 50.1569 86.8193 49.2809 85.971 48.8758 c 84.877 48.3535 85.3462 48.7523 85.214 48.3473 c 85.2736 48.5302 82.9494 46.4429 82.4404 44.7932 C 82.1036 44.4055 81.3585 43.5997 80.9811 43.1499 C 80.6488 42.754 80.3015 42.5919 79.9403 42.1477 C 79.4727 41.5727 79.2454 40.8466 78.75 40.2367 C 78.3699 39.7687 78.2416 39.68 77.8528 39.2011 C 77.393 38.6348 76.6715 38.0638 76.2097 37.4951 C 75.762 36.9436 75.316 36.0072 74.8766 35.4662 C 73.9866 34.3703 73.4158 34.2107 72.3314 32.4468 C 70.6645 30.3736 69.3051 28.6549 68.6428 27.7608 C 68.3848 28.1477 68.2558 28.2767 Y 72.2548 39.2417 79.0138 53.3341 80.7297 56.7368 C f 1 g 113.6601 107.8593 m 113.275 107.9928 112.8211 108.0582 112.3828 108.1651 c 111.6619 108.3411 111.0102 108.367 110.4158 108.2754 C 107.353 107.803 105.8079 104.2092 104.1176 101.9353 C 104.4218 101.581 104.7683 101.3217 105.1405 101.136 c 105.5953 100.9089 105.8772 101.2189 106.3322 101.0028 c 107.0845 100.6453 108.1165 100.3873 108.7384 100.8657 c 109.0392 101.0971 109.9952 100.8353 110.3307 100.9405 c 111.7961 101.4 111.3386 101.9055 113.0747 102.6332 c 114.1795 103.0962 114.9535 104.7733 114.618 106.8239 c 114.5206 107.4195 114.1416 107.6923 113.6601 107.8593 c f 0 g 153.6532 105.8052 m 157.6887 98.0474 154.9163 88.7388 149.9745 81.5996 c 144.6018 73.838 136.6091 70.3401 128.8854 66.3315 C 127.4438 58.2161 129.2197 50.0597 131.8536 42.3816 c 135.8513 30.7278 142.4029 21.5446 152.8227 14.3916 c 152.9922 14.2752 152.8792 13.7859 152.8792 13.4419 C 124.8941 15.7318 97.0878 16.4313 68.7663 13.2325 c 68.5998 13.2136 68.3946 13.4675 68.5365 13.685 c 76.0601 25.2094 83.1108 35.2492 91.9794 45.4443 c 111.3514 67.714 130.6813 88.2953 153.6532 105.8052 C f 179.5079 75.8638 m 182.936 87.3584 185.258 97.4203 189.052 107.5914 C 192.4819 116.6411 200.3831 133.0886 202.0601 135.9265 c 202.1322 136.0484 201.6871 136.5571 201.8989 136.249 C 186.6332 130.1905 172.7144 121.1105 159.8452 110.9652 C 160.4788 110.0258 161.1381 109.0413 161.5797 108.0231 c 161.8127 107.4859 162.42 105.9762 162.2068 106.3849 c 162.0381 106.7082 162.5941 105.6519 162.7485 105.0153 c 162.8515 104.5907 163.0723 103.647 163.1538 103.2167 c 163.2825 102.5373 163.6435 101.4646 163.7243 100.7754 c 163.83 99.8753 164.0637 99.2192 163.9356 98.3217 c 163.7151 96.7753 163.9815 96.9982 163.9709 95.8737 c 163.9617 94.914 163.8259 96.0088 163.7935 95.2294 c 163.7719 94.7097 163.8259 93.1345 163.6307 92.6614 c 163.3866 92.0697 163.8318 92.2376 163.0558 90.5894 c 162.6264 89.6772 162.6171 89.5905 162.3052 88.7738 c 162.1399 88.3409 162.0994 87.8851 161.9275 87.407 c 161.6611 86.6666 160.8221 85.1645 160.796 84.8851 c 160.7358 84.2397 160.7358 84.6267 159.7432 83.1018 c 159.057 82.0478 158.4138 81.0147 157.3076 79.9496 c 157.0008 79.6542 157.0123 79.1756 156.7305 78.8613 C 156.7305 78.8613 L 156.2608 78.3371 155.5759 78.0477 154.6488 76.8161 C 154.3497 76.5124 154.3054 75.9559 153.9998 75.6623 C 153.3375 75.026 152.9183 75.0582 152.2273 74.4666 C 151.5539 73.89 151.0609 73.4037 150.0133 72.1722 C 148.9053 71.303 147.2949 70.7057 146.5005 70.156 C 146.3244 69.9232 145.8135 69.5511 144.88 68.999 C 144.5114 68.781 144.0769 68.5349 143.5711 68.2581 C 143.2734 68.0953 142.951 67.6638 142.6028 67.4793 C 140.87 66.8248 138.9485 65.852 136.2383 64.5255 C 136.1942 64.0071 136.1591 63.4908 136.133 62.9762 c 136.1044 62.4152 135.9573 61.8563 135.9496 61.2987 c 135.9448 60.9549 135.9439 60.4826 135.9469 60.1398 c 135.9515 59.623 136.0939 59.2361 136.1159 58.7209 c 136.1361 58.2464 136.1637 57.3854 136.1985 56.9116 c 136.274 55.8827 136.5155 54.7209 136.6576 53.6896 c 136.6932 53.431 136.4729 53.4303 136.5126 53.1714 c 136.6617 52.1985 136.9769 51.8379 137.1369 51.0811 c 137.2292 50.6443 137.0977 50.0755 137.2959 49.1807 c 137.3933 48.7413 137.4952 48.5626 137.6015 48.1288 c 137.8041 47.3024 138.0229 46.2281 138.2577 45.4208 c 138.3569 45.0798 138.4589 44.7405 138.5638 44.4027 c 138.697 43.9732 138.964 43.9332 139.1064 43.5087 c 139.3712 42.7194 139.3936 42.3253 139.6895 41.5517 c 139.9866 40.7749 140.3663 39.8867 140.7561 38.4689 c 140.843 38.1532 141.2752 37.9973 141.4092 37.6986 c 141.9199 36.5602 142.1723 35.3717 143.172 34.0651 c 143.3491 33.8337 143.1819 33.4222 143.3153 33.1693 c 143.4962 32.8265 143.677 32.8751 143.8594 32.5392 c 144.49 31.3784 144.7536 30.7638 145.4991 29.5836 c 145.6707 29.3119 146.0423 28.1477 146.4051 28.003 c 146.8068 27.8428 146.8822 27.5428 147.1253 27.191 c 147.5149 26.627 148.1254 25.393 148.5778 24.8894 c 150.0021 23.304 151.1264 21.4864 153.8299 19.1691 c 154.2194 18.8352 154.5906 18.4749 154.984 18.1326 c 155.5624 17.6293 156.5548 16.7753 156.7859 17.1802 c 167.346 35.6833 173.6768 55.5466 179.5079 75.8638 c F 1 w 144 698 m 144 -598 L (N) * 77 698 m 77 -598 L (N) * gsave annotatepage grestore showpage Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 /terminate get exec Adobe_customcolor /terminate get exec Adobe_cshow /terminate get exec Adobe_cmykcolor /terminate get exec Adobe_packedarray /terminate get exec %%EndDocument @endspecial 587 6179 a Fv(Centre)i(National)f(de)g(la)g(Recherche)h (Scienti\002que)100 b(Institut)20 b(National)e(de)g(Recherche)h(en)f (Inf)n(or)r(matique)388 6258 y(\()p Fu(URA)g Fv(227\))h(Univ)n(ersit) 948 6257 y(\264)941 6258 y(e)g(de)f(Rennes)g(1)h(\226)f(Insa)h(de)f (Rennes)100 b(et)19 b(en)f(A)n(utomatique)h(\226)g(unit)2737 6257 y(\264)2730 6258 y(e)f(de)h(recherche)f(de)h(Rennes)p eop %%Page: 2 4 2 3 bop 173 688 a Ft(Optimisation)30 b(du)h(RPC)f(Sun)1552 687 y(\036)1542 688 y(a)f(l'aide)i(de)f(la)g(sp)2339 687 y(\264)2332 688 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b(ce)g(qui)g(n'entra)n(\210)-26 b(\021ne)26 b(aucun)h(co)7 b(\210)-35 b(ut)28 b(de)g(maintenance)e(additionnel)h(;)32 b(\(2\))h(\036)-33 b(a)29 b(notre)e(connaissance,)h(il)h(s'agit)f(l)5 b(\036)-33 b(a)29 b(de)f(la)0 2060 y(premi)5 b(\036)-33 b(ere)18 b(e)o(xp)5 b(\264)-33 b(erience)18 b(r)5 b(\264)-33 b(eussie)20 b(de)f(sp)5 b(\264)-33 b(ecialisation)19 b(d'un)g(code)g(syst)5 b(\036)-33 b(eme)19 b(commercial,)f(m)7 b(\210)-35 b(ur)19 b(et)h(repr)5 b(\264)-33 b(esentatif)19 b(;)h(\(3\))f(le)h(RPC)h(de)f(Sun)0 2160 y(optimis)5 b(\264)-33 b(e)20 b(est)h(signi\002cati)n(v)o(ement)d(plus)i(rapide)f (que)h(le)h(code)e(d'origine.)125 2331 y(Les)25 b(\002chiers)f(utilis)5 b(\264)-33 b(es)26 b(dans)e(cette)h(e)o(xp)5 b(\264)-33 b(erience,)23 b(y)i(compris)f(les)h(\002chiers)g(de)f(l'impl)5 b(\264)-33 b(ementation)22 b(sp)5 b(\264)-33 b(ecialis)5 b(\264)-33 b(ee,)26 b(sont)f(publique-)0 2444 y(ment)20 b(disponibles)567 2414 y(**)673 2444 y(.)0 2662 y Fq(Mots-cl)273 2661 y(\264)268 2662 y(e)h(:)61 b Fr(\264)-33 b(e)n(v)n(aluation)19 b(partielle,)i(protocole)f(RPC,)j(RPC)f(de)g(Sun,)f(syst)5 b(\036)-33 b(emes)21 b(distrib)n(u)5 b(\264)-33 b(es,)22 b(syst)5 b(\036)-33 b(emes)21 b(g)5 b(\264)-33 b(en)5 b(\264)-33 b(eriques,)20 b(optimisation)0 2762 y(automatique)53 5235 y Fn(**)120 5259 y Fm(Contacter)f(pour)f(cela)g(les)g(auteurs)k (\036)-26 b(a)17 b(l'adresse)i Fl( eop %%Page: 3 5 3 4 bop 0 352 a Fp(F)-6 b(ast,)20 b(Optimized)g(Sun)f(RPC)i(Using)f(A)n (utomatic)f(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(am)h(Specialization)1623 b Fr(3)p 0 406 3900 8 v 0 688 a Ft(1)119 b(Intr)n(oduction)0 945 y Fr(Specialization)21 b(is)h(a)g(well)h(kno)n(wn)d(technique)g (for)h(impro)o(ving)e(the)j(performance)d(of)i(operating)f(systems)i ([3)o(,)g(11)o(,)g(23)o(,)g(27)o(].)30 b(Ho)n(we-)0 1045 y(v)o(er)m(,)22 b(only)h(recently)e(ha)n(v)o(e)i(programming)c(tools)k (be)o(gun)f(to)h(be)g(used)f(to)h(help)g(system)g(programmers)d (perform)h(specialization.)32 b(T)-7 b(o)0 1145 y(the)19 b(best)g(of)g(our)g(kno)n(wledge,)d(this)k(paper)e(reports)g(the)h (\002rst)h(successful)f(specialization)f(of)h(a)g(signi\002cant)g(OS)h (component)c(\(the)j(Sun)0 1244 y(RPC\))24 b(using)f(a)g(partial)g(e)n (v)n(aluator)-5 b(.)32 b(This)23 b(w)o(ork)g(is)h(signi\002cant)e(for)h (a)g(combination)e(of)i(three)f(main)h(reasons:)31 b(\(1\))22 b(automatic)g(opti-)0 1344 y(mization)d(of)g(e)o(xisting)g(system)h (code)f(using)g(a)h(partial)f(e)n(v)n(aluator)f(preserv)o(es)h(the)h (original)e(source)h(code)g(\(2\))g(specialization)g(applies)0 1443 y(to)i(mature,)f(commercial,)f(representati)n(v)o(e)g(system)i (code,)f(and)h(\(3\))f(the)h(specialized)f(Sun)h(RPC)h(e)o(xhibits)e (signi\002cant)g(performance)0 1543 y(gains.)k(W)-7 b(e)22 b(elaborate)d(each)h(reason)f(in)h(turn.)125 1714 y(First,)j(partial-e) n(v)n(aluation)d(based)i(specialization)g(is)h(qualitati)n(v)o(ely)e (dif)n(ferent)g(from)g(manual)h(specialization)f(done)h(in)h(the)f (past)0 1814 y([27)o(,)h(23)o(,)h(3)o(,)g(11)o(].)34 b(Manual)22 b(specialization)g(requires)g(the)i(system)f(programmer)d (to)j(identify)f(e)n(v)o(ery)g(occurrence)f(of)i(the)g(in)m(v)n (ariants)0 1913 y(to)30 b(be)f(e)o(xploited)f(and)h(to)g(write)h(the)g (specialized)f(code)f(e)o(xploiting)g(these)i(in)m(v)n(ariants.)51 b(Although)28 b(this)i(approach)d(may)i(lead)g(to)0 2013 y(signi\002cant)c(performance)d(gains,)k(the)g(manual)e(specialization) g(process)h(is)i(error)n(-prone)22 b(and)j(results)h(in)f(code)g(that)g (is)i(e)o(xpensi)n(v)o(e)0 2113 y(to)h(maintain.)48 b(In)28 b(contrast,)h(a)f(partial)g(e)n(v)n(aluator)e(preserv)o(es)h(the)h (source)g(code,)h(and)e(generates)g(automatically)g(the)h(specialized)0 2212 y(code)g(guided)f(by)h(the)h(declarations)e(of)h(in)m(v)n(ariants) f(speci\002ed)i(by)f(system)h(programmers.)47 b(Since)28 b(we)h(are)g(specializing)e(mature)0 2312 y(commercial)e(code,)i(the)g (preserv)n(ation)e(of)h(original)f(code)h(and)g(semantics)h(also)g (preserv)o(es)e(safety)i(and)f(maintainability)-5 b(.)42 b(In)26 b(our)0 2412 y(vie)n(w)-5 b(,)19 b(tools)h(such)g(as)h(partial) f(e)n(v)n(aluators)e(may)i(help)g(the)g(industry)e(to)j(address)e(the)h (operating)e(system)j(code)e(comple)o(xity)f(concerns)0 2511 y(pointed)h(out)h(by)f(an)i(industry)d(panel)i(at)h(OSDI'96.)125 2682 y(Second,)30 b(we)g(specialize)f(mature,)h(commercial)e(code)h (\(Sun)f(RPC\))j(that)e(we)h(belie)n(v)o(e)e(to)i(be)f(representati)n (v)o(e)e(of)i(production)0 2782 y(quality)d(code.)46 b(Sun)27 b(RPC)i(is)f(one)f(layer)f(in)i(the)f(communication)e(stack,)k (and)d(RPC)j(itself)f(is)g(di)n(vided)e(into)h(micro-layers,)g(each)0 2882 y(concerned)22 b(with)j(a)g(reasonably)e(small)i(task,)h(e.g.,)f (managing)d(the)j(underlying)d(transport)h(protocol)g(such)h(as)h(TCP)h (or)e(UDP)-9 b(.)25 b(The)0 2981 y(RPC)d(code)d(has)i(been)e(ported)g (to)h(a)h(v)n(ariety)e(of)h(softw)o(are)g(and)f(hardw)o(are)g (foundations,)f(while)i(preserving)e(its)j(layered)e(structure.)125 3152 y(Third,)25 b(we)g(obtain)g(signi\002cant)f(performance)f(gains)h (using)h(partial-e)n(v)n(aluation)d(based)j(specialization.)39 b(In)25 b(our)f(e)o(xperiment,)0 3252 y(the)d(optimized)f(Sun)h(RPC)h (runs)f(up)g(to)g(1.5)f(times)i(f)o(aster)f(than)g(the)g(original)f (Sun)h(RPC.)h(In)f(addition,)e(the)j(specialized)e(marshaling)0 3352 y(process)i(runs)h(up)f(to)h(3.75)f(times)h(f)o(aster)g(than)g (the)g(original)f(one.)32 b(Close)24 b(e)o(xamination)c(of)j(the)g (specialized)f(code)g(does)h(not)f(re)n(v)o(eal)0 3451 y(further)16 b(optimizations)g(opportunities)f(which)i(w)o(ould)g(lead) g(to)h(signi\002cant)f(impro)o(v)o(ements)d(without)j(major)g(manual)f (restructuring.)125 3622 y(Our)26 b(partial-e)n(v)n(aluation)d(based)j (specialization)g(e)o(xperiment)e(sho)n(ws)j(the)f(promise)g(of)g (direct)g(industrial)g(rele)n(v)n(ance)f(to)h(com-)0 3722 y(mercial)20 b(systems)g(code.)125 3893 y(The)k(rest)h(of)f(the)h (paper)f(is)h(or)o(ganized)d(as)j(follo)n(ws.)38 b(Section)25 b(2)f(presents)h(Sun)f(RPC)i(protocol)d(and)h(the)h(optimization)e (issues.)0 3993 y(Section)h(3)h(e)o(xamines)e(opportunities)g(for)g (Specialization)h(in)h(the)f(Sun)h(RPC.)g(Section)g(4)f(gi)n(v)o(es)g (an)h(o)o(v)o(ervie)n(w)d(of)i(the)h(partial)f(e)n(v)n(a-)0 4092 y(luator)e(T)-6 b(empo)21 b(and)h(sho)n(ws)g(its)i(rele)n(v)n (ance)c(for)i(Sun)g(RPC)i(specialization.)31 b(Section)22 b(5)g(describes)g(the)g(performance)e(e)o(xperiments.)0 4192 y(Section)27 b(6)h(discusses)g(our)f(e)o(xperience)e(with)j (partial-e)n(v)n(aluation)c(based)k(specialization)e(of)i(Sun)f(RPC.)i (Section)e(7)g(summarizes)0 4292 y(related)20 b(w)o(ork)f(and)h (Section)g(8)g(concludes)f(the)h(paper)-5 b(.)0 4643 y Ft(2)119 b(The)31 b(Sun)g(RPC)f(and)h(the)f(Optimization)h(Issues)0 4900 y Fr(The)21 b(Sun)g(RPC)h(\(Remote)f(Procedure)e(Call\))j (protocol)d(w)o(as)j(introduced)d(in)i(1984)f(to)h(support)f(the)h (implementation)e(of)h(distrib)n(uted)0 5000 y(services.)k(This)16 b(protocol)e(has)j(become)d(a)j Fp(de)f(facto)g Fr(standard)f(in)h (distrib)n(uted)f(service)h(design)g(and)f(implementation,)g(e.g.,)h (NFS)h([22)n(])0 5100 y(and)25 b(NIS)g([29)o(].)39 b(Since)25 b(lar)o(ge)g(netw)o(orks)f(are)h(often)f(heterogeneous,)f(support)h (for)g(communicating)e(machine)i(independent)f(data)0 5731 y Fm(PI)17 b(n)c(\011)g(1094)p eop %%Page: 4 6 4 5 bop 0 352 a Fr(4)549 b Fp(Gilles)21 b(Muller)-9 b(,)20 b(Renaud)e(Marlet,)j(Eug)o(en-Nicolae)d(V)-9 b(olansc)o(hi,)18 b(Charles)j(Consel,)f(Calton)g(Pu)g(&)g(Ashvin)g(Goel)p 0 406 3900 8 v 0 688 a Fr(in)m(v)n(olv)o(es)j(encoding)f(and)i (decoding.)36 b(Such)24 b(en)m(vironments)d(\(e.g.,)k(PVM)g([14)n(])g (for)f(a)g(message)h(passing)f(model)f(and)h(Stardust)g([5)o(])0 788 y(for)c(a)g(Distrib)n(uted)g(Shared)f(Memory)g(model\))g(often)g (rely)h(on)g(Sun)g(XDR.)h(The)e(tw)o(o)i(main)f(functionalities)e(of)i (the)h(Sun)e(RPC)j(are:)104 1025 y(1.)41 b(A)29 b(stub)g(generator)f (\()p Fk(rpcgen)p Fr(\))f(that)j(produces)d(the)i(client)h(and)e(serv)o (er)g(stub)i(functions.)50 b(The)29 b(stub)g(functions)f(translate)208 1125 y(procedure)22 b(call)k(parameters)e(into)h(a)h(machine)e (independent)e(message)j(format)f(called)h(XDR,)h(and)f(XDR)h(messages) f(back)208 1225 y(into)19 b(procedure)f(parameters.)24 b(The)c(translation)f(of)h(parameters)f(into)h(messages)g(in)g(kno)n (wn)f(as)i Fp(mar)o(shaling)p Fr(.)104 1391 y(2.)41 b(The)19 b(management)f(of)i(message)g(e)o(xchange)e(through)g(the)j(netw)o (ork.)125 1628 y(Concretely)-5 b(,)14 b(the)i(Sun)f(RPC)i(code)e (consists)h(of)f(a)h(set)h(of)e(micro-layers,)f(each)h(one)g(de)n(v)n (oted)g(to)g(a)h(small)g(task.)24 b(F)o(or)15 b(e)o(xample,)g(there)0 1728 y(are)24 b(micro-layers)e(to)i(write)g(data)g(during)e (marshaling,)h(to)i(read)e(data)h(during)e(unmarshaling)g(and)h(to)h (manage)f(speci\002c)h(transport)0 1828 y(protocols)19 b(such)h(as)h(TCP)g(or)f(UDP)-9 b(.)21 b(Each)f(micro-layer)e(has)j(a)g (generic)e(function,)f(b)n(ut)j(it)g(may)f(ha)n(v)o(e)f(se)n(v)o(eral)h (implementations.)k(As)0 1927 y(such,)c(the)g(micro-layer)e(or)o (ganization)f(of)j(RPC)h(code)f(is)h(f)o(airly)f(representati)n(v)o(e)e (of)i(modular)e(production)g(system)i(softw)o(are.)0 2220 y Fq(A)h(Simple)g(Example)0 2447 y Fr(W)-7 b(e)21 b(consider)f(a)g(simple)h(e)o(xample)e(to)h(illustrates)h(the)f (micro-layer)e(or)o(ganization)f(of)j(Sun)g(RPC)i(code.)j(The)20 b(function)e Fk(rmin)j Fr(sends)0 2546 y(tw)o(o)f(inte)o(gers)g(to)g(a) h(remote)e(serv)o(er)m(,)g(which)h(returns)f(their)h(minimum.)125 2718 y(The)26 b(client)h(uses)g Fk(rpcgen)f Fr(\(the)h(RPC)h(stub)f (compiler\))e(to)i(compile)f(a)h(procedure)d(interf)o(ace)i (speci\002cation)g(for)g Fk(rmin)h Fr(into)0 2817 y(an)c(assortment)g (of)g(source)g(\002les.)35 b(These)24 b(\002les)g(implement)e(both)h (the)g(call)h(on)f(the)g(client')-5 b(s)24 b(side)g(and)f(the)g (dispatch)g(of)g(procedures)0 2917 y(on)f(the)h(serv)o(er')-5 b(s)23 b(side.)33 b(T)-7 b(o)23 b(emphasize)f(the)g(actual)h(code)f(e)o (x)o(ecuted,)g(instead)g(of)h(including)e(all)i(the)g(\002les)h (generated)d(by)h Fk(rpcgen)p Fr(,)0 3016 y(Figure)e(1)g(sho)n(ws)g(an) g(abstract)g(e)o(x)o(ecution)e(trace)i(of)g(a)h(call)f(to)h Fk(rmin)p Fr(.)2022 2986 y Fj(1)0 3309 y Fq(P)n(erf)n(ormance)e(of)h (RPC)0 3536 y Fr(Communication)f(using)h(the)i(RPC)g(paradigm)d(is)j (at)g(the)f(root)g(of)g(man)o(y)f(distrib)n(uted)g(systems.)28 b(As)22 b(such,)f(the)g(performance)d(of)j(this)0 3636 y(component)g(is)j(critical.)35 b(As)24 b(a)g(result,)g(a)g(lot)f(of)g (research)g(has)h(been)e(carried)h(out)g(on)g(the)g(optimization)f(of)h (this)h(paradigm)d([32)o(,)j(6)o(,)0 3735 y(17)o(,)c(36)o(,)h(15)o(,)f (26)o(].)25 b(Man)o(y)19 b(studies)h(ha)n(v)o(e)g(been)f(carried)g (out,)g(b)n(ut)h(the)o(y)f(often)h(result)g(in)g(using)f(ne)n(w)h (protocols)e(that)j(are)e(incompatible)0 3835 y(with)h(an)g(e)o (xisting)f(standard)f(such)i(as)h(the)e(Sun)h(RPC.)h(The)e(problem)g (in)h(reimplementing)d(a)j(protocol)e(that)i(is)h(speci\002ed)e(only)g (by)h(its)0 3935 y(implementation)e(is)j(that)f(features)g(\(and)f(e)n (v)o(en)g(b)n(ugs\))h(may)g(be)g(lost,)g(resulting)g(in)g(incompatible) e(implementation.)0 4227 y Fq(Optimizing)i(Existing)g(Code)0 4454 y Fr(An)h(alternati)n(v)o(e)e(to)i(reimplementing)d(a)j(system)g (component)d(for)i(performance)e(reasons)i(is)i(to)f(directly)f(deri)n (v)o(e)f(an)i(optimized)e(v)o(er)n(-)0 4554 y(sion)f(from)f(the)g(e)o (xisting)g(code.)24 b(An)18 b(adv)n(antage)e(of)h(starting)h(with)g(e)o (xisting)f(code)g(is)h(that)g(the)g(deri)n(v)o(ed)e(v)o(ersion)h (remains)g(compatible)0 4654 y(with)30 b(e)o(xisting)f(standards.)53 b(Another)29 b(adv)n(antage)f(is)j(that)f(the)f(systematic)h(deri)n(v)n (ation)e(process)i(can)g(be)f(repeated)g(for)g(dif)n(ferent)0 4753 y(machines)19 b(and)h(systems.)125 4924 y(The)h(question)f(that)i (naturally)e(arises)i(at)g(this)g(point)f(is:)29 b(are)22 b(there)f(important)f(opportunities)f(for)i(deri)n(ving)f (signi\002cantly)g(opti-)0 5024 y(mized)g(v)o(ersions)f(of)h(e)o (xisting)f(system)i(components?)p 0 5095 1560 4 v 90 5151 a Fn(1)120 5174 y Fm(F)o(or)d(clarity)l(,)i(we)f(omit)g(some)f (clutter)i(in)f(code)h(listings:)25 b(declarations,)d (\223uninteresting\224)h(ar)o(guments)d(and)f(statements,)h(error)f (handling,)i(casts,)e(and)g(a)f(le)n(v)o(el)j(of)0 5253 y(function)e(call.)3782 5731 y(Irisa)p eop %%Page: 5 7 5 6 bop 0 352 a Fp(F)-6 b(ast,)20 b(Optimized)g(Sun)f(RPC)i(Using)f(A)n (utomatic)f(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(am)h(Specialization)1623 b Fr(5)p 0 406 3900 8 v 0 609 3900 4 v 0 2817 4 2209 v 262 772 a Fi(arg.int1)43 b(=)i(...)986 b(//)18 b Fh(Set)g(\002rst)g(ar) o(gument)262 863 y Fi(arg.int2)43 b(=)i(...)986 b(//)18 b Fh(Set)g(second)i(ar)o(gument)262 955 y Fi(rmin\(&arg\))1164 b(//)18 b Fh(RPC)g(User)h(interf)o(ace)g(generated)h(by)g Fi(rpcgen)352 1046 y(clnt_call\(argsp\))804 b(//)18 b Fh(Generic)h(procedure)i(call)d(\(macro\))441 1137 y Fi(clntupd_call\(argsp\))580 b(//)18 b Fh(UDP)g(generic)i(procedure)g (call)1876 1229 y Fi(//)e Fh(Write)g(procedure)i(identi\002er)531 1320 y Fi(XDR_PUTLONG\(&proc\))535 b(//)108 b Fh(Generic)19 b(marshaling)h(to)f(memory)-5 b(,)19 b(stream...)f(\(macro\))621 1411 y Fi(xdrmem_putlong\(lp\))445 b(//)108 b Fh(Write)18 b(in)g(output)i(b)o(uf)n(fer)f(and)h(check)f(o)o(v)o(er\003o)n(w)710 1503 y Fi(htonl\(*lp\))716 b(//)108 b Fh(Choice)19 b(between)h(big)f (and)h(little)d(endian)j(\(macro\))531 1594 y Fi(xdr_pair\(argsp\))670 b(//)18 b Fh(Stub)h(function)h(generated)g(by)f Fi(rpcgen)1876 1685 y(//)108 b Fh(Write)18 b(\002rst)g(ar)o(gument)621 1777 y Fi(xdr_int\(&argsp->int1\))310 b(//)197 b Fh(Machine)21 b(dependent)f(switch)f(on)h(inte)o(ger)f(size)710 1868 y Fi(xdr_long\(intp\))536 b(//)197 b Fh(Generic)20 b(encoding)g(or)f (decoding)800 1959 y Fi(XDR_PUTLONG\(lp\))401 b(//)197 b Fh(Generic)20 b(marshaling)f(to)g(memory)-5 b(,)20 b(stream...)e(\(macro\))890 2051 y Fi(xdrmem_putlong\(lp\))176 b(//)197 b Fh(Write)18 b(in)h(output)h(b)o(uf)n(fer)f(and)g(check)h(o)o (v)o(er\003o)n(w)979 2142 y Fi(htonl\(*lp\))447 b(//)197 b Fh(Choice)20 b(between)f(big)h(and)f(little)f(endian)i(\(macro\))1876 2233 y Fi(//)108 b Fh(Write)18 b(second)i(ar)o(gument)621 2325 y Fi(xdr_int\(&argsp->int2\))310 b(//)197 b Fh(Machine)21 b(dependent)f(switch)f(on)h(inte)o(ger)f(size)710 2416 y Fi(xdr_long\(intp\))536 b(//)197 b Fh(Generic)20 b(encoding)g(or)f (decoding)800 2507 y Fi(XDR_PUTLONG\(lp\))401 b(//)197 b Fh(Generic)20 b(marshaling)f(to)g(memory)-5 b(,)20 b(stream...)e(\(macro\))890 2599 y Fi(xdrmem_putlong\(lp\))176 b(//)197 b Fh(Write)18 b(in)h(output)h(b)o(uf)n(fer)f(and)g(check)h(o)o (v)o(er\003o)n(w)979 2690 y Fi(htonl\(*lp\))447 b(//)197 b Fh(Choice)20 b(between)f(big)h(and)f(little)f(endian)i(\(macro\))p 3897 2817 V 0 2820 3900 4 v 788 2968 a Fr(Figure)g(1:)25 b(Abstract)20 b(trace)g(of)g(the)h(encoding)d(part)h(of)h(a)h(remote)e (call)i(to)f Fk(rmin)125 3235 y Fr(In)k(f)o(act,)j(e)o(xisting)d (system)i(components)d(are)i(kno)n(wn)f(to)h(be)g(generic)f(and)h (structured)f(in)h(layers)g(and)g(modules.)39 b(This)25 b(results)0 3335 y(in)d(v)n(arious)f(forms)g(of)h(interpretation)e (which)i(are)g(important)e(sources)i(of)f(o)o(v)o(erhead)f(as)j(sho)n (wn,)e(for)h(e)o(xample,)e(in)j(the)f(HP-UX)g(\002le)0 3435 y(systems)f([27)o(].)27 b(In)20 b(the)h(Sun)g(RPC,)h(this)f (genericity)e(tak)o(es)i(the)g(form)f(of)g(se)n(v)o(eral)g(layers)h(of) g(functions)e(which)h(interpret)g(descriptors)0 3534 y(\(i.e.,)25 b(data)g(structures\))e(to)i(determine)e(the)i(parameters) e(of)i(the)f(communication)e(process:)34 b(choice)24 b(of)g(protocol)f(\(TCP)i(or)g(UDP\),)0 3634 y(whether)19 b(to)i(encode)d(or)i(decode,)f(b)n(uf)n(fer)g(management,)f(.)12 b(.)g(.)125 3805 y(Importantly)-5 b(,)24 b(most)i(of)g(these)g (parameters)f(are)h(kno)n(wn)f(for)g(an)o(y)g(gi)n(v)o(en)g(remote)g (procedure)f(call.)43 b(This)26 b(information)e(can)i(be)0 3905 y(e)o(xploited)e(to)i(generate)f(specialized)g(code)g(where)h (these)g(interpretations)e(are)i(eliminated.)41 b(The)25 b(resulting)g(code)g(is)i(tailored)e(for)0 4004 y(speci\002c)20 b(situations.)125 4175 y(Let)32 b(us)g(no)n(w)g(e)o(xamine)e(forms)h (of)h(these)g(interpretations)e(in)j(the)f(Sun)f(RPC)j(code)d(and)g(ho) n(w)h(the)o(y)f(can)h(be)g(optimized)f(via)0 4275 y(specialization.)0 4627 y Ft(3)119 b(Opportunities)32 b(f)m(or)d(Specialization)j(in)e (the)h(Sun)g(RPC)0 4884 y Fr(The)c(Sun)g(RPC)i(relies)f(on)f(v)n (arious)f(data)h(structures)g(such)g(as)h Fk(CLIENT)f Fr(or)g Fk(XDR)p Fr(.)g(Some)g(\002elds)h(of)f(those)g(data)g (structures)g(ha)n(v)o(e)0 4983 y(v)n(alues)j(that)g(can)g(be)g(a)n(v)n (ailable)g(before)f(e)o(x)o(ecution)f(actually)h(tak)o(es)i(place;)k (the)o(y)29 b(do)h(not)g(depend)e(on)i(the)g(run-time)f(ar)o(guments)0 5083 y(of)f(the)g(RPC.)i(The)e(v)n(alues)g(of)g(those)g(\002elds)h(are) f(either)g(repeatedly)f(interpreted)f(or)i(propagated)e(throughout)f (the)j(layers)g(of)h(the)0 5183 y(encoding/decoding)13 b(process.)24 b(Because)18 b(these)g(v)n(alues)g(can)g(be)g(a)n(v)n (ailable)f(before)g(e)o(x)o(ecution,)f(the)o(y)h(may)h(be)g(the)g (source)f(of)h(optimi-)0 5731 y Fm(PI)f(n)c(\011)g(1094)p eop %%Page: 6 8 6 7 bop 0 352 a Fr(6)549 b Fp(Gilles)21 b(Muller)-9 b(,)20 b(Renaud)e(Marlet,)j(Eug)o(en-Nicolae)d(V)-9 b(olansc)o(hi,)18 b(Charles)j(Consel,)f(Calton)g(Pu)g(&)g(Ashvin)g(Goel)p 0 406 3900 8 v 0 688 a Fr(zations:)k(the)19 b(computations)e(depending) g(only)h(on)h(kno)n(wn)e(\(or)h Fp(static)p Fr(\))i(v)n(alues)e(can)h (be)g(performed)d(during)i(a)h(specialization)f(phase.)0 788 y(The)i(specialized)f(program)g(only)g(consists)i(of)e(the)i (computations)d(depending)f(on)j(the)g(unkno)n(wn)e(\(or)i Fp(dynamic)p Fr(\))e(v)n(alues.)125 959 y(W)-7 b(e)20 b(no)n(w)f(describe)g(typical)g(specialization)g(opportunities)e(in)j (the)f(Sun)h(RPC.)h(W)-7 b(e)20 b(illustrate)g(these)g(opportunities)d (with)j(actual)0 1059 y(code)25 b(e)o(xcerpts)g(annotated)f(to)i(sho)n (w)f(static)i(and)e(dynamic)g(computations.)39 b(In)26 b(the)g(follo)n(wing)e(\002gures,)i(dynamic)f(computations)0 1158 y(correspond)18 b(to)i(code)f(fragments)g(printed)g(in)i(bold)e(f) o(ace;)h(static)h(computations)d(are)i(printed)f(in)i(Roman.)0 1467 y Fg(3.1)99 b(Eliminating)25 b(Encoding/Decoding)h(Dispatch)0 1695 y Fr(W)-7 b(e)20 b(\002rst)f(e)o(xamine)f(an)g(opportunity)e(for)i (specialization)g(that)h(illustrates)g(a)g(form)f(of)g(interpretation.) k(The)d(function)e(e)o(xhibiting)f(that)0 1794 y(is)22 b Fk(xdr_long)p Fr(,)e(gi)n(v)o(en)f(in)i(Figure)f(2.)27 b(This)21 b(function)e(is)j(capable)e(of)g(both)g(encoding)f(and)h (decoding)f(long)h(inte)o(gers.)26 b(It)21 b(selects)h(the)0 1894 y(appropriate)17 b(operation)g(to)i(perform)e(based)i(on)f(the)i (\002eld)f Fk(x_op)g Fr(of)f(its)j(ar)o(gument)16 b Fk(xdrs)p Fr(.)25 b(This)19 b(form)f(of)h(interpretation)e(is)j(used)e(in)0 1993 y(similar)i(functions)f(for)h(other)f(data)h(types.)125 2165 y(In)d(f)o(act,)i(the)f(\002eld)g Fk(x_op)g Fr(is)g(kno)n(wn)f (from)g(the)h(e)o(x)o(ecution)e(conte)o(xt)g(\(i.e.,)i(encoding)e(or)i (decoding)e(process\).)23 b(This)18 b(information,)0 2264 y(contained)j(in)i(the)g Fk(xdrs)g Fr(structure,)g(can)g(be)f (propagated)f(interprocedurally)e(do)n(wn)j(to)h(the)g(function)e Fk(xdr_long)p Fr(.)33 b(As)23 b(a)h(result,)0 2364 y(the)e(dispatch)f (on)g Fk(xdrs->x_op)f Fr(is)j(totally)e(eliminated;)h(the)f (specialized)h(v)o(ersion)e(of)h(this)i(function)c(is)k(reduced)d(to)i (only)f(one)g(of)0 2463 y(the)f(return)f(constructs.)24 b(In)c(this)h(case,)f(the)h(specialized)e Fk(xdr_long\(\))p Fr(,)g(being)g(small)i(enough,)d(disappears)h(after)h(inlining.)p 0 2584 3900 4 v 0 3880 4 1296 v 484 2748 a Fi(bool_t)44 b Ff(xdr_long\(xdrs,lp\))580 b Fi(//)37 b Fh(Encode)20 b(or)f(decode)h(a)f(long)g(inte)o(ger)574 2839 y Ff(XDR)44 b(*xdrs;)1120 b Fi(//)127 b(XDR)18 b Fh(operation)i(handle)574 2931 y Ff(long)44 b(*lp;)1165 b Fi(//)127 b Fh(pointer)19 b(to)g(data)g(to)g(be)g(read)g(or)g(written)484 3022 y Ff({)574 3113 y Fi(if\()44 b(xdrs->x_op)f(==)i(XDR_ENCODE)e(\))224 b(//)37 b Fh(If)18 b(in)h(encoding)i(mode)843 3205 y Ff(return)44 b(XDR_PUTLONG\(xdrs,lp\);)d Fi(//)127 b Fh(Write)17 b(a)i(long)h(int)e(into)h(b)o(uf)n(fer)574 3296 y Fi(if\()44 b(xdrs->x_op)f(==)i(XDR_DECODE)e(\))224 b(//)37 b Fh(If)18 b(in)h(decoding)i(mode)843 3387 y Ff(return)44 b(XDR_GETLONG\(xdrs,lp\);)d Fi(//)127 b Fh(Read)19 b(a)g(long)g(int)g(from)g(b)o(uf)n(fer)574 3479 y Fi(if\()44 b(xdrs->x_op)f(==)i(XDR_FREE)e(\))314 b(//)37 b Fh(If)18 b(in)h(\223free)g(memory\224)h(mode)843 3570 y Ff(return)44 b(TRUE;)761 b Fi(//)127 b Fh(Nothing)19 b(to)g(be)g(done)h(for)f(long)h(int)574 3661 y Ff(return)44 b(FALSE;)985 b Fi(//)37 b Fh(Return)19 b(f)o(ailure)g(if)f(nothing)i (matched)484 3753 y Ff(})p 3897 3880 V 0 3883 3900 4 v 926 4031 a Fr(Figure)f(2:)26 b(Reading)19 b(or)h(writing)g(of)g(a)g (long)g(inte)o(ger:)k Fk(xdr)p 2651 4031 25 4 v 29 w(long\(\))0 4368 y Fg(3.2)99 b(Eliminating)25 b(Buffer)h(Ov)o(er\003o)o(w)f (Checking)0 4595 y Fr(Another)30 b(form)g(of)g(interpretation)f (appears)h(when)h(b)n(uf)n(fers)f(are)h(check)o(ed)e(for)i(o)o(v)o (er\003o)n(w)-5 b(.)55 b(This)31 b(situation)f(applies)h(to)g(function) 0 4695 y Fk(xdrmem_putlong)17 b Fr(displayed)g(in)j(Figure)e(3.)24 b(More)19 b(speci\002cally)-5 b(,)18 b(as)h(parameter)f(marshaling)f (proceeds,)h(the)h(remaining)e(space)0 4794 y(in)31 b(the)f(b)n(uf)n (fer)f(is)j(maintained)d(in)h(the)h(\002eld)g Fk(x_handy)p Fr(.)55 b(Similar)30 b(to)h(the)g(\002rst)g(e)o(xample,)g Fk(xdrs->x_handy)e Fr(is)i(\002rst)h(initia-)0 4894 y(lized)g(\(i.e.,)j (gi)n(v)o(en)c(a)h(static)h(v)n(alue\),)h(and)e(then)f(decremented)f (by)i(static)h(v)n(alues)f(and)f(tested)i(se)n(v)o(eral)e(times)i (\(for)e(each)h(call)g(to)0 4994 y Fk(xdrmem_putlong)18 b Fr(and)i(related)g(functions\).)k(Since)d(the)f(entire)g(process)g (in)m(v)n(olv)o(es)g(static)h(v)n(alues,)f(the)g(whole)g(b)n(uf)n(fer)f (o)o(v)o(er\003o)n(w)0 5093 y(checking)i(can)h(be)g(performed)e(during) h(a)h(specialization)g(phase,)g(before)f(actually)h(running)e(the)j (program.)29 b(Only)22 b(the)g(b)n(uf)n(fer)f(cop)o(y)0 5193 y(remains)f(in)g(the)g(specialized)g(v)o(ersion)f(\(unless)h(a)g (b)n(uf)n(fer)f(o)o(v)o(er\003o)n(w)f(is)k(disco)o(v)o(ered\).)3782 5731 y Fm(Irisa)p eop %%Page: 7 9 7 8 bop 0 352 a Fp(F)-6 b(ast,)20 b(Optimized)g(Sun)f(RPC)i(Using)f(A)n (utomatic)f(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(am)h(Specialization)1623 b Fr(7)p 0 406 3900 8 v 125 688 a(This)16 b(second)g(e)o(xample)f(is)i (important)e(not)h(only)g(because)g(of)g(the)g(immediate)g(performance) d(gain,)j(b)n(ut)h(also)g(because)f(in)g(contrast)0 788 y(with)27 b(a)g(manual,)g(unw)o(arranted)e(deletion)h(of)g(the)h(b)n (uf)n(fer)f(o)o(v)o(er\003o)n(w)f(checking,)h(the)h(elimination)f (described)f(here)h(is)i(strictly)f(and)0 888 y(systematically)20 b(deri)n(v)o(ed)e(from)h(the)i(original)e(program.)p 0 1008 3900 4 v 0 2121 4 1113 v 406 1172 a Fi(bool_t)44 b Ff(xdrmem_putlong\(xdrs,lp\))534 b Fi(//)37 b Fh(Cop)o(y)20 b(long)f(int)g(into)g(output)g(b)o(uf)n(fer)496 1263 y Ff(XDR)44 b(*xdrs;)1344 b Fi(//)127 b(XDR)18 b Fh(operation)i(handle) 496 1355 y Ff(long)44 b(*lp;)1389 b Fi(//)127 b Fh(pointer)19 b(to)g(data)g(to)g(be)g(written)406 1446 y Ff({)496 1537 y Fi(if\(\(xdrs->x_handy)42 b(-=)i(sizeof\(long\)\))f(<)h(0\))h(//)37 b Fh(Decrement)19 b(space)h(left)e(in)h(b)o(uf)n(fer)585 1629 y Fi(return)44 b(FALSE;)1120 b(//)127 b Fh(Return)19 b(f)o(ailure)g(on)g(o)o(v)o(er\003o)n(w)496 1720 y Ff (*\(xdrs->x_private\))41 b(=)k(htonl\(*lp\);)357 b Fi(//)37 b Fh(Cop)o(y)20 b(to)f(b)o(uf)n(fer)496 1811 y Ff(xdrs->x_private)42 b(+=)i(sizeof\(long\);)357 b Fi(//)37 b Fh(Point)18 b(to)h(ne)o(xt)g (cop)o(y)i(location)e(in)g(b)o(uf)n(fer)496 1903 y Fi(return)43 b(TRUE;)1255 b(//)37 b Fh(Return)19 b(success)406 1994 y Ff(})p 3897 2121 V 0 2124 3900 4 v 1006 2272 a Fr(Figure)g(3:)26 b(Writing)20 b(a)g(long)g(inte)o(ger:)k Fk(xdrmem)p 2422 2272 25 4 v 29 w(putlong\(\))0 2610 y Fg(3.3)99 b(Pr)n(opagating)25 b(Exit)g(Status)0 2837 y Fr(The)20 b(third)f(e)o(xample)g(uses)i(the)f (results)h(from)e(the)h(pre)n(vious)f(e)o(xamples.)125 3008 y(The)c(return)g(v)n(alue)h(of)g(the)g(procedure)e Fk(xdr_pair)h Fr(\(sho)n(wn)g(in)h(Figure)g(4\))g(depends)f(on)g(the)i (return)e(v)n(alue)g(of)h Fk(xdr_int)p Fr(,)g(which)0 3107 y(in)h(turn)e(depends)h(on)g(the)g(return)f(v)n(alue)h(of)g Fk(xdr_putlong)p Fr(.)23 b(W)-7 b(e)17 b(ha)n(v)o(e)f(seen)h(that)f Fk(xdr_int)g Fr(and)g Fk(xdr_putlong)f Fr(ha)n(v)o(e)h(a)h(static)0 3207 y(return)25 b(v)n(alue.)43 b(Thus)26 b(the)g(return)f(v)n(alue)h (of)g Fk(xdr_pair)f Fr(is)j(static)f(as)g(well.)44 b(If)26 b(we)h(specialize)f(the)g(caller)h(of)f Fk(xdr_pair)f Fr(\(i.e.,)0 3307 y Fk(clntudp_call)p Fr(\))16 b(as)i(well)h(to)f(this) g(return)f(v)n(alue,)g Fk(xdr_pair)g Fr(needs)g(no)h(longer)e(return)h (a)h(v)n(alue:)23 b(the)18 b(type)f(of)h(the)g(function)e(can)0 3406 y(be)j(turned)e(in)i Fk(void)p Fr(.)24 b(The)19 b(specialized)f(procedure,)e(with)j(the)g(specialized)f(calls)i(to)f Fk(xdr_int)f Fr(and)g Fk(xdr_putlong)g Fr(inlined,)g(is)0 3506 y(sho)n(wn)g(in)i(Figure)e(5.)25 b(The)19 b(actual)g(result)g(v)n (alue,)f(which)h(is)h(al)o(w)o(ays)f Fk(TRUE)g Fr(independently)d(of)j (dynamic)f Fk(objp)h Fr(ar)o(gument)e(\(writing)0 3606 y(the)j(tw)o(o)h(inte)o(gers)e(ne)n(v)o(er)g(o)o(v)o(er\003o)n(ws)f (the)j(b)n(uf)n(fer\),)d(is)j(used)f(to)g(reduce)f(an)h(e)o(xtra)g (test)h(in)f Fk(clntudp_call)f Fr(\(not)g(sho)n(wn\).)p 0 3726 3900 4 v 0 4839 4 1113 v 623 3890 a Fi(bool_t)44 b Ff(xdr_pair\(xdrs,)e(objp\))447 b Fi(//)37 b Fh(Encode)20 b(ar)o(guments)g(of)f Fi(rmin)623 3981 y Ff({)712 4073 y Fi(if)45 b(\(!)p Ff(xdr_int\(xdrs,)d(&objp->int1\))p Fi(\))h({)h(//)37 b Fh(Encode)20 b(\002rst)e(ar)o(gument)802 4164 y Fi(return)44 b(\(FALSE\);)805 b(//)127 b Fh(Possibly)19 b(propagate)h(f)o(ailure)712 4255 y Fi(})712 4347 y(if)45 b(\(!)p Ff(xdr_int\(xdrs,)d(&objp->int2\))p Fi(\))h({)h(//)37 b Fh(Encode)20 b(second)g(ar)o(gument)802 4438 y Fi(return)44 b(\(FALSE\);)805 b(//)127 b Fh(Possibly)19 b(propagate)h(f)o(ailure)712 4529 y Fi(})712 4621 y(return)44 b(\(TRUE\);)940 b(//)37 b Fh(Return)20 b(success)f(status)623 4712 y Ff(})p 3897 4839 V 0 4842 3900 4 v 961 4990 a Fr(Figure)g(4:)25 b(Encoding)18 b(routine)h Fk(xdr)p 2038 4990 25 4 v 30 w(pair\(\))g Fr(used)h(in)h Fk(rmin\(\))0 5731 y Fm(PI)c(n)c(\011)g(1094)p eop %%Page: 8 10 8 9 bop 0 352 a Fr(8)549 b Fp(Gilles)21 b(Muller)-9 b(,)20 b(Renaud)e(Marlet,)j(Eug)o(en-Nicolae)d(V)-9 b(olansc)o(hi,)18 b(Charles)j(Consel,)f(Calton)g(Pu)g(&)g(Ashvin)g(Goel)p 0 406 3900 8 v 0 609 3900 4 v 0 1630 4 1022 v 578 772 a Fi(void)45 b(xdr_pair\(xdrs,objp\))490 b(//)37 b Fh(Encode)19 b(ar)o(guments)h(of)f Fi(rmin)578 863 y({)2148 955 y(//)37 b Fh(Ov)o(er\003o)n(w)18 b(checking)j(eliminated)668 1046 y Fi(*\(xdrs->x_private\))42 b(=)j(objp->int1;)e(//)37 b Fh(Inlined)19 b(specialized)h(call)668 1137 y Fi(xdrs->x_private)42 b(+=)j(4u;)493 b(//)126 b Fh(for)19 b(writing)g(the)g(\002rst)e(ar)o (gument)668 1229 y Fi(*\(xdrs->x_private\))42 b(=)j(objp->int2;)e(//)37 b Fh(Inlined)19 b(specialized)h(call)668 1320 y Fi(xdrs->x_private)42 b(+=)j(4u;)493 b(//)126 b Fh(for)19 b(writing)g(the)g(second)h(ar)o (gument)2148 1411 y Fi(//)37 b Fh(Return)19 b(code)g(eliminated)578 1503 y Fi(})p 3897 1630 V 0 1633 3900 4 v 1055 1781 a Fr(Figure)g(5:)26 b(Specialized)19 b(encoding)f(routine)h Fk(xdr)p 2522 1781 25 4 v 29 w(pair\(\))0 2048 y Fg(3.4)99 b(Assessment)0 2275 y Fr(The)23 b(purpose)e(of)i(the)g(encoding)f(is)i (to)f(cop)o(y)f(the)h(ar)o(guments)f(into)g(the)i(output)e(b)n(uf)n (fer)-5 b(.)32 b(T)-7 b(o)24 b(perform)d(this)j(task,)g(the)f(minimal)f (code)0 2375 y(that)h(we)f(can)h(e)o(xpect)e(\(using)h(the)g(approach)e (of)i(a)h(separate)f(output)f(b)n(uf)n(fer\))g(is)j(basically)e(what)g (is)i(sho)n(wn)d(in)i(Figure)f(5.)31 b(The)22 b(same)0 2474 y(situation)j(applies)h(for)f(decoding,)g(e)o(xcept)f(that)i (additional)e(dynamic)h(tests)i(must)e(be)h(performed)d(to)j(ensure)f (the)h(soundness)e(and)0 2574 y(authenticity)19 b(of)h(the)g(serv)o(er) f(reply)-5 b(.)125 2745 y(W)e(e)22 b(ha)n(v)o(e)e(seen)h(that)g(a)h (systematic)f(approach)d(to)j(specializing)g(system)g(code)f(can)h (achie)n(v)o(e)f(signi\002cant)g(code)g(simpli\002cations.)0 2845 y(W)-7 b(e)21 b(no)n(w)f(discuss)h(ho)n(w)e(this)i(process)f(is)h (automated)d(using)i(a)h(partial)f(e)n(v)n(aluator)e(for)i(C)h (programs,)d(named)h(T)-6 b(empo.)0 3197 y Ft(4)119 b(A)-6 b(utomatic)30 b(Specialization)i(Using)e(the)g(T)-11 b(empo)30 b(P)o(artial)f(Ev)o(aluator)0 3454 y Fr(It)19 b(is)h(not)f(feasible)g(to)g(manually)f(specialize)h(RPC)h(for)f(each)g (remote)f(function,)f(as)j(the)f(process)g(is)h(long,)e(tedious,)g(and) h(error)n(-prone.)0 3553 y(Ho)n(we)n(v)o(er)m(,)f(since)i(the)h (process)e(is)j(systematic,)e(it)g(can)g(be)h(automated.)i(Ultimately) -5 b(,)19 b(it)i(should)e(be)h(as)h(automatic)f(as)g Fk(rpcgen)p Fr(.)125 3724 y(T)-6 b(empo)25 b(is)i(a)g(program)e (transformation)f(system)i(based)g(on)g Fp(partial)g(e)o(valuation)f Fr([7)o(,)i(18)o(].)44 b(T)-6 b(empo)25 b(tak)o(es)i(a)g(source)f (program)0 3824 y Fe(P)53 3836 y Fd(g)r(ener)r(ic)300 3824 y Fr(written)17 b(in)g(C)h(together)e(with)i(a)f(kno)n(wn)f (subset)h(of)g(its)i(inputs,)e(and)f(produces)g(a)i(specialized)e(C)j (source)d(program)f Fe(P)3667 3836 y Fd(special)3879 3824 y Fr(,)0 3924 y(simpli\002ed)31 b(with)g(respect)g(to)g(the)g(kno) n(wn)f(inputs.)57 b(Although)29 b(T)-6 b(empo)30 b(supports)g(both)g (compile-time)g(and)g(run-time)g(program)0 4023 y(specialization,)19 b(in)h(the)h(RPC)g(e)o(xperiments)e(reported)f(in)i(this)h(paper)e(we)i (only)e(use)i(compile-time)d(specialization.)125 4194 y(T)-6 b(empo)17 b(uses)j(a)f(description)f(of)h(the)g(inputs)f (\(which)g(inputs)h(are)g(static)h(and)e(which)h(inputs)f(are)h (dynamic\))e(to)i(analyze)g Fe(P)3651 4206 y Fd(g)r(ener)r(ic)3879 4194 y Fr(,)0 4294 y(di)n(viding)j(it)i(into)f Fp(static)h Fr(and)f Fp(dynamic)g Fr(parts.)35 b(Then)23 b(the)g(static)i(part)e (of)g Fe(P)2213 4306 y Fd(g)r(ener)r(ic)2466 4294 y Fr(is)h(e)n(v)n (aluated)e(using)i(concrete)e(v)n(alues)h(for)g(each)0 4394 y(kno)n(wn)15 b(input,)i(while)f(the)h(dynamic)e(part)h(is)i Fp(r)m(esidualized)e Fr(\(copied\))f(into)h(the)h(output)f(specialized) g(program.)21 b(The)c(result)f Fe(P)3615 4406 y Fd(special)3845 4394 y Fr(is)0 4493 y(typically)i(simpler)g(than)g Fe(P)793 4505 y Fd(g)r(ener)r(ic)1041 4493 y Fr(since)h(the)g(static)g(part)g (has)g(been)f(pre-computed)d(and)j(only)g(the)h(dynamic)e(part)h(will)i (be)e(e)o(x)o(ecuted)0 4593 y(at)j(runtime.)125 4764 y(The)j(binary)g(di)n(vision)h(of)g(program)e(components)g(\(a.k.a.)39 b Fp(binding)24 b(time)p Fr(\))h(into)g(static)h(and)f(dynamic)f(parts) h(turned)f(out)h(to)h(be)0 4864 y(insuf)n(\002cient)h(for)h(C)h (programs)d(in)i(operating)f(systems.)49 b(The)28 b(main)f (re\002nements)g(introduced)f(in)j(T)-6 b(empo)27 b(to)h(transform)e (system)0 4963 y(programming)17 b(code)i(include:)3782 5731 y Fm(Irisa)p eop %%Page: 9 11 9 10 bop 0 352 a Fp(F)-6 b(ast,)20 b(Optimized)g(Sun)f(RPC)i(Using)f(A) n(utomatic)f(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(am)h(Specialization)1623 b Fr(9)p 0 406 3900 8 v 125 688 a Fc(\017)41 b Fp(partially-static)27 b(structur)m(es)p Fr(:)42 b(Figure)28 b(3)h(sho)n(ws)f(that)h(some)f (\002elds)h(of)f(the)h Fk(xdrs)f Fr(structure)g(are)g(static)h(while)g (others)f(are)208 788 y(dynamic.)57 b(Ef)n(fecti)n(v)o(e)29 b(specialization)i(requires)f(that)i(we)g(be)f(able)g(to)h(access)g (the)f(static)h(\002elds)g(at)g(specialization)f(time.)208 888 y(W)m(ithout)23 b(such)h(a)h(functionality)d(the)j(whole)f (structure)f(must)h(conserv)n(ati)n(v)o(ely)e(be)i(considered)f (dynamic)g(and)g(the)i(repeated)208 987 y(b)n(uf)n(fer)18 b(o)o(v)o(er\003o)n(w)h(checking)f(cannot)h(be)h(eliminated.)125 1153 y Fc(\017)41 b Fp(\003ow)24 b(sensitivity:)35 b Fr(Possible)26 b(errors)e(occurring)e(in)j(the)g(decoding)e(of)i(input) f(b)n(uf)n(fer)g(introduces)f(dynamic)g(conditions)h(after)208 1253 y(which)32 b(static)h(information)d(is)k(lost;)39 b(ho)n(we)n(v)o(er)31 b(each)h(branch)f(of)i(corresponding)c (conditionals)i(still)j(can)e(e)o(xploit)g(static)208 1352 y(information.)f(F)o(or)23 b(that,)h(binding)d(time)j(of)f(v)n (ariables)f(\(i.e.,)h(static)h(or)f(dynamic\))f(must)h(not)g(be)g(a)h (global)e(property;)h(it)h(must)208 1452 y(depend)18 b(on)i(the)g(program)e(point)i(considered.)125 1618 y Fc(\017)41 b Fp(conte)n(xt)26 b(sensitivity:)39 b Fr(The)27 b(inte)o(ger)f(encoding)f(function)g(is)j(usually)f(called)g(with)g (dynamic)f(data,)i(representing)d(the)i(RPC)208 1718 y(ar)o(guments.)41 b(Ho)n(we)n(v)o(er)m(,)26 b(there)g(is)h(one)f (encoding)f(of)h(a)h(static)g(inte)o(ger)e(in)i(each)f(remote)f (procedure)f(call:)39 b(the)26 b(marshaling)208 1817 y(of)f(the)h(procedure)d(identi\002er)-5 b(.)41 b(It)26 b(is)g(useful)f(to)h(dif)n(ferentiate)e(between)h(the)g(tw)o(o)h(call)g (conte)o(xts,)g(in)g(order)e(not)h(to)h(lose)g(this)208 1917 y(opportunity)c(for)j(specialization.)40 b(Ef)n(fecti)n(v)o(e)24 b(specialization)g(requires)h(that)g(calls)i(to)e(the)h(same)g (functions)e(with)h(dif)n(ferent)208 2017 y(binding)18 b(time)i(conte)o(xt)f(refer)h(to)g(dif)n(ferent)f(binding-time)e (instances)j(of)g(this)h(function)e(de\002nition.)125 2183 y Fc(\017)41 b Fp(static)25 b(r)m(eturns:)35 b Fr(As)26 b(seen)f(with)g(e)o(xample)f(in)h(section)g(3.3,)g(the)g(computation)e (at)j(specialization)e(time)h(of)g(e)o(xit)g(status)g(tests)208 2282 y(relies)17 b(on)f(the)h(ability)g(to)g(statically)g(kno)n(w)f (the)h(return)e(v)n(alue)i(of)f(a)i(function)d(call)i(e)n(v)o(en)f (though)f(its)j(ar)o(guments)d(and)h(its)i(actions)208 2382 y(on)23 b(input/output)d(b)n(uf)n(fers)j(are)g(dynamic.)33 b(More)23 b(generally)-5 b(,)22 b(the)h(return)f(v)n(alue)h(of)g(a)h (function)e(may)h(be)g(static)h(e)n(v)o(en)e(though)208 2482 y(its)i(ar)o(guments)c(and)j(side-ef)n(fects)f(are)h(dynamic.)32 b(Thus)22 b(we)h(can)g(use)g(the)g(return)f(v)n(alue)h(of)f(a)i (function)d(call)i(e)n(v)o(en)f(when)h(the)208 2581 y(call)d(must)g(be) h(residualized.)0 2819 y(T)-6 b(empo)25 b(also)i(relies)g(on)f(se)n(v)o (eral)g(other)f(programming)e(language)i(analyses,)i(such)f(as)h (pointer)f(alias)h(and)f(dependenc)o(y)d(analysis.)0 2918 y(It)j(goes)f(be)o(yond)e(con)m(v)o(entional)f(constant)j (propagation)d(and)j(folding,)g(in)h(the)f(sense)h(that)f(it)i(is)f (not)f(limited)g(to)h(e)o(xploiting)d(scalar)0 3018 y(v)n(alues)29 b Fp(intr)o(a-pr)l(ocedur)o(ally)p Fr(.)50 b(T)-6 b(empo)29 b(not)g(only)f(deals)i(with)g(aliases)g(and)f(partially-static)g(data)g (structures,)i(it)f(also)g(propagate)0 3118 y(them)e Fp(inter)n(-pr)l(ocedur)o(ally)p Fr(.)48 b(These)29 b(features)f(are)g (critical)h(when)f(tackling)f(system)i(code.)49 b(In)28 b(f)o(act,)j(T)-6 b(empo)27 b(has)i(been)f(tar)o(geted)0 3217 y(to)n(w)o(ards)20 b(system)g(softw)o(are;)g(e)o(xperiments)e (such)i(as)h(the)f(Sun)g(RPC)i(specialization)d(ha)n(v)o(e)h(dri)n(v)o (en)f(its)i(design)e(and)h(implementation.)0 3317 y(Concretely)-5 b(,)18 b(T)-6 b(empo)20 b(is)h(able)f(to)g(achie)n(v)o(e)f(the)h (specialization)g(described)e(in)j(Section)f(3.)0 3669 y Ft(5)119 b(P)n(erf)m(ormance)30 b(Experiments)0 3926 y Fr(Ha)n(ving)23 b(e)o(xplained)f(the)h(forms)g(of)g(specialization)g (that)h(T)-6 b(empo)22 b(performs)g(on)h(the)h(RPC)h(code,)f(we)g(no)n (w)f(turn)g(to)g(the)h(assessment)0 4025 y(of)c(the)g(resulting)f (optimized)g(RPC.)0 4318 y Fq(The)k(test)f(pr)o(ogram.)80 b Fr(W)-7 b(e)23 b(ha)n(v)o(e)f(specialized)f(both)g(the)h(client)g (and)f(the)h(serv)o(er)f(code)g(of)g(the)h(1984)f(cop)o(yrighted)e(v)o (ersion)h(of)i(Sun)0 4417 y(RPC.)27 b(The)e(unspecialized)f(RPC)j(code) d(is)j(about)d(1500)g(lines)i(long)f(\(without)f(comments\))g(on)h(the) g(client)h(side)g(and)e(1700)h(on)g(the)0 4517 y(serv)o(er)d(side.)31 b(The)22 b(test)i(program,)c(which)i(utilizes)h(remote)e(procedure)f (calls,)k(emulates)e(the)g(beha)n(vior)f(of)h(parallel)g(programs)e (that)0 4617 y(e)o(xchange)k(lar)o(ge)h(chunks)h(of)g(structured)e (data.)44 b(This)26 b(is)h(a)g(benchmark)d(representati)n(v)o(e)g(of)i (applications)f(that)h(use)h(a)g(netw)o(ork)e(of)0 4716 y(w)o(orkstations)19 b(as)i(lar)o(ge)e(scale)i(multiprocessors.)0 5009 y Fq(Platf)n(orms)e(f)n(or)h(measur)o(ements.)82 b Fr(Measurements)19 b(ha)n(v)o(e)g(been)h(done)f(on)h(tw)o(o)g(kinds)g (of)g(platforms:)0 5731 y Fm(PI)d(n)c(\011)g(1094)p eop %%Page: 10 12 10 11 bop 0 352 a Fr(10)507 b Fp(Gilles)21 b(Muller)-9 b(,)20 b(Renaud)e(Marlet,)j(Eug)o(en-Nicolae)d(V)-9 b(olansc)o(hi,)18 b(Charles)j(Consel,)f(Calton)g(Pu)g(&)g(Ashvin)g(Goel)p 0 406 3900 8 v 125 688 a Fc(\017)41 b Fr(T)-7 b(w)o(o)29 b(Sun)f(IPX)i(4/50)e(w)o(orkstations)g(running)e(SunOS)13 b(4.1.4)28 b(with)h(32)13 b(MB)29 b(of)g(memory)e(connected)g(with)i(a) g(100)13 b(Mbits/s)208 788 y(A)-9 b(TM)24 b(link.)40 b(A)-9 b(TM)25 b(cards)f(are)h(model)g(ESA-200)e(from)h(F)o(ore)h (Systems.)40 b(This)25 b(platform)e(is)j(3)f(years)g(old)g(and)g(quite) f(inef)n(\002-)208 888 y(cient)f(compared)e(to)j(up)f(to)h(date)f (products,)g(both)g(in)g(term)h(of)f(CPU,)h(netw)o(ork)e(latenc)o(y)h (and)g(bandwidth)f(\(i.e.,)h(155)g(Mbits)h(/)208 987 y(622)19 b(Mbits\).)125 1151 y Fc(\017)41 b Fr(T)-7 b(w)o(o)30 b(recent)f(166)13 b(MHz)30 b(Pentium)f(PC)i(machines)e(running)f(Linux) h(with)h(96)13 b(MB)31 b(of)f(memory)e(and)i(a)g(100)12 b(Mbits/s)31 b(F)o(ast-)208 1250 y(Ethernet)19 b(netw)o(ork)g (connection.)j(There)e(were)g(no)g(other)f(machines)g(on)h(this)h(netw) o(ork)e(during)f(e)o(xperiments.)0 1482 y(Our)j(specialization)g(is)h (tested)g(on)f(dif)n(ferent)f(en)m(vironments)f(in)j(order)e(to)i (check)e(that)i(the)g(results)f(we)h(obtain)f(are)g(not)h(speci\002c)f (to)h(a)0 1582 y(particular)d(platform.)k(All)e(programs)d(ha)n(v)o(e)i (been)g(compiled)e(using)i Fk(gcc)g Fr(v)o(ersion)f(2.7.2,)g(with)h (the)g(option)f Fk(-O2)p Fr(.)0 1873 y Fq(Benchmarks.)83 b Fr(T)-7 b(o)25 b(e)n(v)n(aluate)e(the)h(ef)n(\002cienc)o(y)f(of)h (specialization,)g(we)g(ha)n(v)o(e)g(made)f(tw)o(o)i(kinds)e(of)h (measurements:)32 b(\(i\))24 b(a)h(micro-)0 1973 y(benchmark)18 b(of)i(the)g(client)g(marshaling)f(process,)g(and)h(\(ii\))g(an)g (application)f(le)n(v)o(el)h(benchmark)d(which)j(measures)f(the)i (elapsed)e(total)0 2073 y(time)25 b(of)f(a)h(complete)e(RPC)j(call)f (\(round-trip\).)34 b(The)24 b(client)g(test)i(program)c(loops)i(on)g (a)h(simple)f(RPC)i(which)e(sends)g(and)g(recei)n(v)o(es)0 2172 y(an)e(array)f(of)h(inte)o(gers.)29 b(The)21 b(intent)h(of)g(this) g(second)f(e)o(xperiment)f(is)j(to)f(tak)o(e)g(into)g(account)e (architectural)h(features)g(such)h(as)g(cache,)0 2272 y(memory)i(and)g(netw)o(ork)g(bandwidth)g(that)h(af)n(fect)g(global)f (performance)f(signi\002cantly)-5 b(.)39 b(Performance)23 b(comparisons)g(for)i(the)g(tw)o(o)0 2371 y(platforms)h(and)i(the)f(tw) o(o)h(e)o(xperiments)e(are)i(sho)n(wn)e(Figure)h(6.)48 b(The)27 b(marshaling)f(and)h(round-trip)e(benchmark)g(numbers)i (result)0 2471 y(from)19 b(the)h(mean)g(of)g(10000)e(iterations.)125 2642 y(Not)23 b(surprisingly)-5 b(,)21 b(the)j(PC/Linux)f(platform)e (is)j(al)o(w)o(ays)g(f)o(aster)g(than)e(the)i(IPX/SunOs')-5 b(s)23 b(one.)34 b(This)23 b(is)h(partly)f(due)f(to)i(a)f(f)o(aster)0 2742 y(CPU,)j(b)n(ut)g(also)g(to)f(the)h(f)o(act)f(that)h(the)f(F)o (ast-Ethernet)f(cards)i(ha)n(v)o(e)f(a)g(higher)g(bandwidth)e(and)i(a)h (smaller)f(latenc)o(y)g(than)g(our)g(A)-9 b(TM)0 2841 y(cards.)48 b(A)28 b(consequence)e(of)i(instruction)e(elimination)h(by) h(the)f(specialization)h(process)f(is)i(that)f(the)g(gap)f(between)g (platforms)g(is)0 2941 y(lo)n(wered)19 b(on)h(the)g(specialized)g(code) f(\(see)i(marshaling)d(comparisons)h(in)h(Figure)g(6-1)f(and)h(6-2\).)0 3232 y Fq(Marshalling)o(.)82 b Fr(Detailed)24 b(micro-benchmark)c (results)k(are)g(sho)n(wn)g(in)g(T)-7 b(able)24 b(1.)36 b(The)24 b(specialized)g(client)g(stub)g(code)f(runs)h(up)f(to)0 3332 y(3.7)c(f)o(aster)i(than)e(the)h(non-specialized)e(one)i(on)f(the) h(IPX/SunOS,)g(and)f(3.3)h(on)f(the)i(PC/Linux.)j(Intuiti)n(v)o(ely)-5 b(,)18 b(one)h(w)o(ould)g(e)o(xpect)h(the)0 3432 y(speedup)e(to)h (increase)f(with)h(array)g(size,)g(since)g(more)g(instructions)f(are)g (being)h(e)o(x)o(ecuted.)j(Ho)n(we)n(v)o(er)m(,)17 b(on)i(the)g(Sun)g (IPX)g(the)g(speedup)0 3531 y(decreases)26 b(with)g(the)g(size)h(of)f (the)g(array)f(of)h(inte)o(gers)f(\(see)h(Figure)f(6-5\).)42 b(The)26 b(e)o(xplanation)d(is)k(that)g(program)c(e)o(x)o(ecution)h (time)j(is)0 3631 y(dominated)g(by)h(memory)g(accesses.)51 b(When)29 b(the)g(array)f(size)i(gro)n(ws,)g(most)f(of)f(the)h (marshaling)f(time)h(is)h(spent)e(in)h(cop)o(ying)f(the)0 3730 y(inte)o(ger)18 b(array)h(ar)o(gument)e(into)i(the)h(output)e(b)n (uf)n(fer)-5 b(.)24 b(Ev)o(en)19 b(though)e(specialization)i(decreases) g(the)h(number)d(of)j(instructions)e(used)h(to)0 3830 y(encode)g(an)i(inte)o(ger)m(,)e(the)i(number)e(of)h(memory)f(mo)o(v)o (es)h(remains)g(constant)g(between)g(the)h(specialized)f(and)g (non-specialized)e(code.)0 3930 y(Therefore,)k(the)i(instruction)f(sa)n (vings)g(becomes)g(comparati)n(v)o(ely)e(smaller)j(as)h(the)e(array)g (size)i(gro)n(ws.)35 b(F)o(or)23 b(the)h(PC,)h(this)f(beha)n(vior)0 4029 y(does)c(not)g(appear;)f(the)h(speedup)f(curv)o(e)g(only)g(bends.) p 452 4148 2996 4 v 450 4247 4 100 v 467 4247 V 519 4217 a(Array)g(Size)p 924 4247 V 924 4247 V 483 w(IPX/SunOs)p 2169 4247 V 2186 4247 V 2185 4247 V 909 w(PC/Linux)p 3429 4247 V 3446 4247 V 926 4251 2522 4 v 450 4347 4 100 v 467 4347 V 924 4347 V 976 4317 a(Original)p 1301 4347 V 98 w(Specialized)p 1783 4347 V 98 w(Speedup)p 2169 4347 V 2186 4347 V 115 w(Original)p 2561 4347 V 98 w(Specialized)p 3044 4347 V 98 w(Speedup)p 3429 4347 V 3446 4347 V 452 4350 2996 4 v 452 4367 V 450 4466 4 100 v 467 4466 V 519 4436 a Fp(20)p 924 4466 V 418 w Fr(0.047)p 1301 4466 V 240 w(0.017)p 1783 4466 V 266 w Fq(2.75)p 2169 4466 V 2186 4466 V 230 w Fr(0.071)p 2561 4466 V 240 w(0.063)p 3044 4466 V 266 w Fq(1.20)p 3429 4466 V 3446 4466 V 452 4470 2996 4 v 450 4569 4 100 v 467 4569 V 519 4539 a Fp(100)p 924 4569 V 396 w Fr(0.20)p 1301 4569 V 262 w(0.057)p 1783 4569 V 266 w Fq(3.50)p 2169 4569 V 2186 4569 V 250 w Fr(0.11)p 2561 4569 V 262 w(0.069)p 3044 4569 V 266 w Fq(1.60)p 3429 4569 V 3446 4569 V 452 4573 2996 4 v 450 4672 4 100 v 467 4672 V 519 4642 a Fp(250)p 924 4672 V 396 w Fr(0.49)p 1301 4672 V 283 w(0.13)p 1783 4672 V 287 w Fq(3.75)p 2169 4672 V 2186 4672 V 250 w Fr(0.17)p 2561 4672 V 283 w(0.08)p 3044 4672 V 287 w Fq(2.10)p 3429 4672 V 3446 4672 V 452 4676 2996 4 v 450 4775 4 100 v 467 4775 V 519 4745 a Fp(500)p 924 4775 V 396 w Fr(0.99)p 1301 4775 V 283 w(0.30)p 1783 4775 V 287 w Fq(3.30)p 2169 4775 V 2186 4775 V 250 w Fr(0.29)p 2561 4775 V 283 w(0.11)p 3044 4775 V 287 w Fq(2.60)p 3429 4775 V 3446 4775 V 452 4779 2996 4 v 450 4878 4 100 v 467 4878 V 519 4848 a Fp(1000)p 924 4878 V 354 w Fr(1.96)p 1301 4878 V 283 w(0.62)p 1783 4878 V 287 w Fq(3.15)p 2169 4878 V 2186 4878 V 250 w Fr(0.51)p 2561 4878 V 283 w(0.17)p 3044 4878 V 287 w Fq(3.00)p 3429 4878 V 3446 4878 V 452 4881 2996 4 v 450 4981 4 100 v 467 4981 V 519 4951 a Fp(2000)p 924 4981 V 354 w Fr(3.93)p 1301 4981 V 283 w(1.38)p 1783 4981 V 287 w Fq(2.85)p 2169 4981 V 2186 4981 V 250 w Fr(0.97)p 2561 4981 V 283 w(0.29)p 3044 4981 V 287 w Fq(3.35)p 3429 4981 V 3446 4981 V 452 4984 2996 4 v 1185 5215 a Fr(T)-7 b(able)20 b(1:)26 b(Client)21 b(marshaling)d (performance)f(in)k(ms)3782 5731 y Fm(Irisa)p eop %%Page: 11 13 11 12 bop 0 352 a Fp(F)-6 b(ast,)20 b(Optimized)g(Sun)f(RPC)i(Using)f (A)n(utomatic)f(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(am)h(Specialization)1582 b Fr(11)p 0 406 3900 8 v 0 610 3900 4 v 0 5089 4 4479 v 220 4898 a @beginspecial -31 @llx -603 @lly 511 @urx 238 @ury 4150 @rwi 5025 @rhi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: output.eps 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin 0.700 setlinewidth 0.00 setgray /Jrnd { exch cvi exch cvi dup 3 1 roll idiv mul } def /JDEdict 8 dict def JDEdict /mtrx matrix put /JDE { JDEdict begin /yrad exch def /xrad exch def /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def xrad yrad scale 0 0 1 0 360 arc savematrix setmatrix end } def /JSTR { gsave 1 eq { gsave 1 setgray fill grestore } if exch neg exch neg translate clip rotate 4 dict begin pathbbox /&top exch def /&right exch def /&bottom exch def &right sub /&width exch def newpath currentlinewidth mul round dup &bottom exch Jrnd exch &top 4 -1 roll currentlinewidth mul setlinewidth { &right exch moveto &width 0 rlineto stroke } for end grestore newpath } bind def gsave /Times-Roman findfont 9.000000 scalefont setfont 0.000000 0.000000 translate 0.700000 setlinewidth gsave newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto 216.000000 0.000000 lineto stroke newpath 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188.999969 moveto -2.000000 188.999969 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 194.399963 moveto -2.000000 194.399963 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 199.799957 moveto -2.000000 199.799957 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 205.199951 moveto -2.000000 205.199951 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 210.599960 moveto -2.000000 210.599960 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 216.000000 moveto -5.000000 216.000000 lineto stroke /Times-Roman findfont 9.000000 scalefont setfont gsave -8.000000 0.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (0) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 54.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (1) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 108.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (2) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 162.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (3) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 216.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (4) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore /Times-Bold findfont 10.000000 scalefont setfont gsave -20.320000 108.000000 translate 90.000000 rotate 0 0.000000 translate (\(1\) Client Marshalling Time in ms - Original Code) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore grestore gsave gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 2.160000 3.877200 moveto 10.800000 5.841720 lineto 27.000000 9.498060 lineto 54.000000 15.668099 lineto 108.000000 27.998999 lineto 216.000000 52.860600 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 2.160000 3.877200 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 10.800000 5.841720 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 27.000000 9.498060 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 54.000000 15.668099 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 108.000000 27.998999 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 216.000000 52.860600 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 2.160000 2.538000 moveto 10.800000 10.962000 lineto 27.000000 26.622000 lineto 54.000000 53.406002 lineto 108.000000 105.786003 lineto 216.000000 211.680008 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 2.160000 2.538000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 10.800000 10.962000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 27.000000 26.622000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 54.000000 53.406002 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 108.000000 105.786003 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 216.000000 211.680008 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore grestore gsave 10.800000 189.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 0.000000 -2.700000 moveto 24.000000 -2.700000 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 12.000000 -2.700000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore /Times-Roman findfont 9.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 28.000000 0.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -5.400000 translate (PC/Linux) dup stringwidth pop pop 0 0 moveto show grestore gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 0.000000 -13.500001 moveto 24.000000 -13.500001 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 12.000000 -13.500001 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore gsave 28.000000 -10.800000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -5.400000 translate (IPX/Sunos) dup stringwidth pop pop 0 0 moveto show grestore grestore -0.000000 -0.000000 translate 288.000000 0.000000 translate 0.700000 setlinewidth gsave newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto 216.000000 0.000000 lineto stroke newpath 2.160000 0.000000 moveto 2.160000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 10.800000 0.000000 moveto 10.800000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 27.000000 0.000000 moveto 27.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 54.000000 0.000000 moveto 54.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 108.000000 0.000000 moveto 108.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 216.000000 0.000000 moveto 216.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke /Times-Roman findfont 7.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 2.160000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (20) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 10.800000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (100) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 27.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (250) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 54.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (500) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 108.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (1000) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 216.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (2000) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore /Times-Bold findfont 10.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 108.000000 -20.200001 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -6.000000 translate (Array Size \(4-Byte Integers\)) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore grestore 0.700000 setlinewidth gsave newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto 0.000000 216.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto -5.000000 0.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 5.400000 moveto -2.000000 5.400000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 10.800000 moveto -2.000000 10.800000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 16.200001 moveto -2.000000 16.200001 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 21.600000 moveto -2.000000 21.600000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 27.000000 moveto -2.000000 27.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 32.400002 moveto -2.000000 32.400002 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 37.800003 moveto -2.000000 37.800003 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 43.200005 moveto -2.000000 43.200005 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 48.600006 moveto -2.000000 48.600006 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 54.000000 moveto -5.000000 54.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 59.400002 moveto -2.000000 59.400002 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 64.800003 moveto -2.000000 64.800003 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 70.200005 moveto -2.000000 70.200005 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 75.600006 moveto -2.000000 75.600006 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 81.000008 moveto -2.000000 81.000008 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 86.400009 moveto -2.000000 86.400009 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 91.800011 moveto -2.000000 91.800011 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 97.200012 moveto -2.000000 97.200012 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 102.600014 moveto -2.000000 102.600014 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 108.000000 moveto -5.000000 108.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 113.399994 moveto -2.000000 113.399994 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 118.799988 moveto -2.000000 118.799988 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 124.199982 moveto -2.000000 124.199982 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 129.599976 moveto -2.000000 129.599976 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 134.999969 moveto -2.000000 134.999969 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 140.399963 moveto -2.000000 140.399963 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 145.799957 moveto -2.000000 145.799957 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 151.199951 moveto -2.000000 151.199951 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 156.599960 moveto -2.000000 156.599960 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 162.000000 moveto -5.000000 162.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 167.399994 moveto -2.000000 167.399994 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 172.799988 moveto -2.000000 172.799988 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 178.199982 moveto -2.000000 178.199982 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 183.599976 moveto -2.000000 183.599976 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 188.999969 moveto -2.000000 188.999969 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 194.399963 moveto -2.000000 194.399963 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 199.799957 moveto -2.000000 199.799957 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 205.199951 moveto -2.000000 205.199951 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 210.599960 moveto -2.000000 210.599960 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 216.000000 moveto -5.000000 216.000000 lineto stroke /Times-Roman findfont 9.000000 scalefont setfont gsave -8.000000 0.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (0) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 54.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (1) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 108.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (2) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 162.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (3) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 216.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (4) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore /Times-Bold findfont 10.000000 scalefont setfont gsave -20.320000 108.000000 translate 90.000000 rotate 0 0.000000 translate (\(2\) Client Marshalling Time in ms - Specialized Code) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore grestore gsave gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 2.160000 3.414960 moveto 10.800000 3.744900 lineto 27.000000 4.345380 lineto 54.000000 5.938380 lineto 108.000000 9.367920 lineto 216.000000 15.630300 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 2.160000 3.414960 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 10.800000 3.744900 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 27.000000 4.345380 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 54.000000 5.938380 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 108.000000 9.367920 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 216.000000 15.630300 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 2.160000 0.918000 moveto 10.800000 3.078000 lineto 27.000000 7.236000 lineto 54.000000 17.388000 lineto 108.000000 33.695999 lineto 216.000000 74.627998 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 2.160000 0.918000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 10.800000 3.078000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 27.000000 7.236000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 54.000000 17.388000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 108.000000 33.695999 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 216.000000 74.627998 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore grestore gsave 10.800000 189.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 0.000000 -2.700000 moveto 24.000000 -2.700000 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 12.000000 -2.700000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore /Times-Roman findfont 9.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 28.000000 0.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -5.400000 translate (PC/Linux) dup stringwidth pop pop 0 0 moveto show grestore gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 0.000000 -13.500001 moveto 24.000000 -13.500001 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 12.000000 -13.500001 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore gsave 28.000000 -10.800000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -5.400000 translate (IPX/Sunos) dup stringwidth pop pop 0 0 moveto show grestore grestore -288.000000 -0.000000 translate 0.000000 -288.000000 translate 0.700000 setlinewidth gsave newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto 216.000000 0.000000 lineto stroke newpath 2.160000 0.000000 moveto 2.160000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 10.800000 0.000000 moveto 10.800000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 27.000000 0.000000 moveto 27.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 54.000000 0.000000 moveto 54.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 108.000000 0.000000 moveto 108.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 216.000000 0.000000 moveto 216.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke /Times-Roman findfont 7.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 2.160000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (20) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 10.800000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (100) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 27.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (250) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 54.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (500) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 108.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (1000) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 216.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (2000) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore /Times-Bold findfont 10.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 108.000000 -20.200001 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -6.000000 translate (Array Size \(4-Byte Integers\)) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore grestore 0.700000 setlinewidth gsave newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto 0.000000 216.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto -5.000000 0.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 8.640000 moveto -2.000000 8.640000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 17.280001 moveto -2.000000 17.280001 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 25.920002 moveto -2.000000 25.920002 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 34.560001 moveto -2.000000 34.560001 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 43.200001 moveto -5.000000 43.200001 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 51.840004 moveto -2.000000 51.840004 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 60.480003 moveto -2.000000 60.480003 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 69.120003 moveto -2.000000 69.120003 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 77.760002 moveto -2.000000 77.760002 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 86.400002 moveto -5.000000 86.400002 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 95.040001 moveto -2.000000 95.040001 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 103.680008 moveto -2.000000 103.680008 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 112.320007 moveto -2.000000 112.320007 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 120.960007 moveto -2.000000 120.960007 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 129.600006 moveto -5.000000 129.600006 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 138.240005 moveto -2.000000 138.240005 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 146.880005 moveto -2.000000 146.880005 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 155.520004 moveto -2.000000 155.520004 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 164.160004 moveto -2.000000 164.160004 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 172.800003 moveto -5.000000 172.800003 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 181.440002 moveto -2.000000 181.440002 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 190.080002 moveto -2.000000 190.080002 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 198.720001 moveto -2.000000 198.720001 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 207.360016 moveto -2.000000 207.360016 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 216.000015 moveto -5.000000 216.000015 lineto stroke /Times-Roman findfont 9.000000 scalefont setfont gsave -8.000000 0.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (0) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 43.200001 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (5) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 86.400002 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (10) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 129.600006 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (15) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 172.800003 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (20) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 216.000015 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (25) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore /Times-Bold findfont 10.000000 scalefont setfont gsave -24.639999 108.000000 translate 90.000000 rotate 0 0.000000 translate (\(3\) RPC Round Trip Time in ms - Original Code) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore grestore gsave gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 2.160000 6.038669 moveto 10.800000 8.635162 lineto 27.000000 13.718246 lineto 54.000000 22.699699 lineto 108.000000 36.814003 lineto 216.000000 65.763359 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 2.160000 6.038669 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 10.800000 8.635162 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 27.000000 13.718246 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 54.000000 22.699699 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 108.000000 36.814003 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 216.000000 65.763359 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 2.160000 20.079359 moveto 10.800000 28.684801 lineto 27.000000 43.416004 lineto 54.000000 67.953598 lineto 108.000000 117.331207 lineto 216.000000 218.073608 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 2.160000 20.079359 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 10.800000 28.684801 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 27.000000 43.416004 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 54.000000 67.953598 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 108.000000 117.331207 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 216.000000 218.073608 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore grestore gsave 10.800000 207.360016 translate 0.000000 rotate gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 0.000000 -2.700000 moveto 24.000000 -2.700000 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 12.000000 -2.700000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore /Times-Roman findfont 9.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 28.000000 0.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -5.400000 translate (PC/Linux - Ethernet 100Mbits) dup stringwidth pop pop 0 0 moveto show grestore gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 0.000000 -13.500001 moveto 24.000000 -13.500001 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 12.000000 -13.500001 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore gsave 28.000000 -10.800000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -5.400000 translate (IPX/Sunos - ATM 100Mbits) dup stringwidth pop pop 0 0 moveto show grestore grestore -0.000000 288.000000 translate 288.000000 -288.000000 translate 0.700000 setlinewidth gsave newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto 216.000000 0.000000 lineto stroke newpath 2.160000 0.000000 moveto 2.160000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 10.800000 0.000000 moveto 10.800000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 27.000000 0.000000 moveto 27.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 54.000000 0.000000 moveto 54.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 108.000000 0.000000 moveto 108.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 216.000000 0.000000 moveto 216.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke /Times-Roman findfont 7.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 2.160000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (20) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 10.800000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (100) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 27.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (250) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 54.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (500) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 108.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (1000) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 216.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (2000) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore /Times-Bold findfont 10.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 108.000000 -20.200001 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -6.000000 translate (Array Size \(4-Byte Integers\)) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore grestore 0.700000 setlinewidth gsave newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto 0.000000 216.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto -5.000000 0.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 8.640000 moveto -2.000000 8.640000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 17.280001 moveto -2.000000 17.280001 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 25.920002 moveto -2.000000 25.920002 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 34.560001 moveto -2.000000 34.560001 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 43.200001 moveto -5.000000 43.200001 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 51.840004 moveto -2.000000 51.840004 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 60.480003 moveto -2.000000 60.480003 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 69.120003 moveto -2.000000 69.120003 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 77.760002 moveto -2.000000 77.760002 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 86.400002 moveto -5.000000 86.400002 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 95.040001 moveto -2.000000 95.040001 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 103.680008 moveto -2.000000 103.680008 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 112.320007 moveto -2.000000 112.320007 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 120.960007 moveto -2.000000 120.960007 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 129.600006 moveto -5.000000 129.600006 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 138.240005 moveto -2.000000 138.240005 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 146.880005 moveto -2.000000 146.880005 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 155.520004 moveto -2.000000 155.520004 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 164.160004 moveto -2.000000 164.160004 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 172.800003 moveto -5.000000 172.800003 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 181.440002 moveto -2.000000 181.440002 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 190.080002 moveto -2.000000 190.080002 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 198.720001 moveto -2.000000 198.720001 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 207.360016 moveto -2.000000 207.360016 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 216.000015 moveto -5.000000 216.000015 lineto stroke /Times-Roman findfont 9.000000 scalefont setfont gsave -8.000000 0.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (0) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 43.200001 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (5) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 86.400002 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (10) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 129.600006 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (15) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 172.800003 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (20) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 216.000015 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (25) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore /Times-Bold findfont 10.000000 scalefont setfont gsave -24.639999 108.000000 translate 90.000000 rotate 0 0.000000 translate (\(4\) RPC Round Trip Time in ms - Specialized Code) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore grestore gsave gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 2.160000 5.755105 moveto 10.800000 7.589376 lineto 27.000000 10.819009 lineto 54.000000 17.412193 lineto 108.000000 32.292866 lineto 216.000000 49.076065 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 2.160000 5.755105 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 10.800000 7.589376 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 27.000000 10.819009 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 54.000000 17.412193 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 108.000000 32.292866 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 216.000000 49.076065 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 2.160000 18.480961 moveto 10.800000 23.742720 lineto 27.000000 31.104000 lineto 54.000000 45.187202 lineto 108.000000 76.204803 lineto 216.000000 141.264008 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 2.160000 18.480961 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 10.800000 23.742720 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 27.000000 31.104000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 54.000000 45.187202 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 108.000000 76.204803 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 216.000000 141.264008 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore grestore gsave 10.800000 207.360016 translate 0.000000 rotate gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 0.000000 -2.700000 moveto 24.000000 -2.700000 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 12.000000 -2.700000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore /Times-Roman findfont 9.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 28.000000 0.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -5.400000 translate (PC/Linux - Ethernet 100Mbits) dup stringwidth pop pop 0 0 moveto show grestore gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 0.000000 -13.500001 moveto 24.000000 -13.500001 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 12.000000 -13.500001 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore gsave 28.000000 -10.800000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -5.400000 translate (IPX/Sunos - ATM 100Mbits) dup stringwidth pop pop 0 0 moveto show grestore grestore -288.000000 288.000000 translate 0.000000 -576.000000 translate 0.700000 setlinewidth gsave newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto 216.000000 0.000000 lineto stroke newpath 2.160000 0.000000 moveto 2.160000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 10.800000 0.000000 moveto 10.800000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 27.000000 0.000000 moveto 27.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 54.000000 0.000000 moveto 54.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 108.000000 0.000000 moveto 108.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 216.000000 0.000000 moveto 216.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke /Times-Roman findfont 7.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 2.160000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (20) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 10.800000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (100) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 27.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (250) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 54.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (500) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 108.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (1000) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 216.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (2000) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore /Times-Bold findfont 10.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 108.000000 -20.200001 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -6.000000 translate (Array Size \(4-Byte Integers\)) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore grestore 0.700000 setlinewidth gsave newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto 0.000000 216.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto -5.000000 0.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 7.200002 moveto -2.000000 7.200002 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 14.400003 moveto -2.000000 14.400003 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 21.600006 moveto -2.000000 21.600006 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 28.800007 moveto -2.000000 28.800007 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 36.000008 moveto -2.000000 36.000008 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 43.200012 moveto -2.000000 43.200012 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 50.400013 moveto -2.000000 50.400013 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 57.600014 moveto -2.000000 57.600014 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 64.800018 moveto -2.000000 64.800018 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 72.000000 moveto -5.000000 72.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 79.199997 moveto -2.000000 79.199997 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 86.399986 moveto -2.000000 86.399986 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 93.599976 moveto -2.000000 93.599976 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 100.799973 moveto -2.000000 100.799973 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 107.999969 moveto -2.000000 107.999969 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 115.199959 moveto -2.000000 115.199959 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 122.399948 moveto -2.000000 122.399948 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 129.599945 moveto -2.000000 129.599945 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 136.799942 moveto -2.000000 136.799942 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 144.000000 moveto -5.000000 144.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 151.199997 moveto -2.000000 151.199997 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 158.399994 moveto -2.000000 158.399994 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 165.599976 moveto -2.000000 165.599976 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 172.799973 moveto -2.000000 172.799973 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 179.999969 moveto -2.000000 179.999969 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 187.199951 moveto -2.000000 187.199951 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 194.399948 moveto -2.000000 194.399948 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 201.599945 moveto -2.000000 201.599945 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 208.799942 moveto -2.000000 208.799942 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 216.000000 moveto -5.000000 216.000000 lineto stroke /Times-Roman findfont 9.000000 scalefont setfont gsave -8.000000 0.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (1) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 72.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (2) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 144.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (3) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 216.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (4) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore /Times-Bold findfont 10.000000 scalefont setfont gsave -20.320000 108.000000 translate 90.000000 rotate 0 0.000000 translate ( \(5\) Speedup Ratio for Client Marshalling) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore grestore gsave gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 2.160000 9.360000 moveto 10.800000 39.599998 lineto 27.000000 84.960007 lineto 54.000000 117.360008 lineto 108.000000 142.559998 lineto 216.000000 170.639984 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 2.160000 9.360000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 10.800000 39.599998 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 27.000000 84.960007 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 54.000000 117.360008 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 108.000000 142.559998 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 216.000000 170.639984 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 2.160000 126.720001 moveto 10.800000 184.319992 lineto 27.000000 192.240005 lineto 54.000000 159.839996 lineto 108.000000 153.360016 lineto 216.000000 132.479996 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 2.160000 126.720001 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 10.800000 184.319992 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 27.000000 192.240005 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 54.000000 159.839996 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 108.000000 153.360016 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 216.000000 132.479996 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore grestore gsave 54.000000 201.599991 translate 0.000000 rotate gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 0.000000 -2.700000 moveto 24.000000 -2.700000 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 12.000000 -2.700000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore /Times-Roman findfont 9.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 28.000000 0.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -5.400000 translate (PC/Linux) dup stringwidth pop pop 0 0 moveto show grestore gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 0.000000 -13.500001 moveto 24.000000 -13.500001 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 12.000000 -13.500001 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore gsave 28.000000 -10.800000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -5.400000 translate (IPX/Sunos) dup stringwidth pop pop 0 0 moveto show grestore grestore -0.000000 576.000000 translate 288.000000 -576.000000 translate 0.700000 setlinewidth gsave newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto 216.000000 0.000000 lineto stroke newpath 2.160000 0.000000 moveto 2.160000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 10.800000 0.000000 moveto 10.800000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 27.000000 0.000000 moveto 27.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 54.000000 0.000000 moveto 54.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 108.000000 0.000000 moveto 108.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke newpath 216.000000 0.000000 moveto 216.000000 -5.000000 lineto stroke /Times-Roman findfont 7.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 2.160000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (20) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 10.800000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (100) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 27.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (250) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 54.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (500) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 108.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (1000) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave 216.000000 -8.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -4.200000 translate (2000) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore /Times-Bold findfont 10.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 108.000000 -20.200001 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -6.000000 translate (Array Size \(4-Byte Integers\)) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore grestore 0.700000 setlinewidth gsave newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto 0.000000 216.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 0.000000 moveto -5.000000 0.000000 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 27.000010 moveto -2.000000 27.000010 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 54.000019 moveto -5.000000 54.000019 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 81.000031 moveto -2.000000 81.000031 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 108.000038 moveto -5.000000 108.000038 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 135.000046 moveto -2.000000 135.000046 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 162.000061 moveto -5.000000 162.000061 lineto stroke newpath 0.000000 189.000061 moveto -2.000000 189.000061 lineto stroke /Times-Roman findfont 9.000000 scalefont setfont gsave -8.000000 0.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (1.0) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 54.000019 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (1.2) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 108.000038 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (1.4) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore gsave -8.000000 162.000061 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -2.700000 translate (1.6) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show grestore /Times-Bold findfont 10.000000 scalefont setfont gsave -28.959999 108.000000 translate 90.000000 rotate 0 0.000000 translate (\(6\) Speedup Ratio for RPC Round Trip Time) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show grestore grestore gsave gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 2.160000 10.799991 moveto 10.800000 35.100002 lineto 27.000000 70.200005 lineto 54.000000 81.000000 lineto 108.000000 91.800018 lineto 216.000000 91.800018 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 2.160000 10.799991 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 10.800000 35.100002 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 27.000000 70.200005 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 54.000000 81.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 108.000000 91.800018 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 216.000000 91.800018 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 2.160000 21.600014 moveto 10.800000 54.000019 lineto 27.000000 105.300011 lineto 54.000000 135.000015 lineto 108.000000 143.100006 lineto 216.000000 145.800003 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 2.160000 21.600014 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 10.800000 54.000019 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 27.000000 105.300011 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 54.000000 135.000015 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 108.000000 143.100006 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore gsave 216.000000 145.800003 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore grestore gsave 10.800000 189.000031 translate 0.000000 rotate gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 0.000000 -2.700000 moveto 24.000000 -2.700000 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 12.000000 -2.700000 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath 2.000000 2.000000 JDE gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore /Times-Roman findfont 9.000000 scalefont setfont gsave 28.000000 0.000000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -5.400000 translate (PC/Linux - Ethernet 100Mbits) dup stringwidth pop pop 0 0 moveto show grestore gsave 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash 0.000000 -13.500001 moveto 24.000000 -13.500001 lineto stroke 0.700000 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash gsave 12.000000 -13.500001 translate 0.000000 rotate newpath -2.000000 -2.000000 moveto 2.000000 -2.000000 lineto 2.000000 2.000000 lineto -2.000000 2.000000 lineto closepath gsave fill grestore stroke grestore grestore gsave 28.000000 -10.800000 translate 0.000000 rotate 0 -5.400000 translate (IPX/Sunos - ATM 100Mbits) dup stringwidth pop pop 0 0 moveto show grestore grestore -288.000000 576.000000 translate grestore %%EndDocument @endspecial 3897 5089 V 0 5092 3900 4 v 763 5240 a(Figure)20 b(6:)25 b(Performance)18 b(Comparison)h(between)g(IPX/SunOS)h(and)g (PC/Linux)0 5731 y Fm(PI)d(n)c(\011)g(1094)p eop %%Page: 12 14 12 13 bop 0 352 a Fr(12)507 b Fp(Gilles)21 b(Muller)-9 b(,)20 b(Renaud)e(Marlet,)j(Eug)o(en-Nicolae)d(V)-9 b(olansc)o(hi,)18 b(Charles)j(Consel,)f(Calton)g(Pu)g(&)g(Ashvin)g(Goel)p 0 406 3900 8 v 452 609 2996 4 v 450 708 4 100 v 467 708 V 519 678 a Fr(Array)f(Size)p 924 708 V 924 708 V 483 w(IPX/SunOs)p 2169 708 V 2186 708 V 2185 708 V 909 w(PC/Linux)p 3429 708 V 3446 708 V 926 712 2522 4 v 450 808 4 100 v 467 808 V 924 808 V 976 778 a(Original)p 1301 808 V 98 w(Specialized)p 1783 808 V 98 w(Speedup)p 2169 808 V 2186 808 V 115 w(Original)p 2561 808 V 98 w(Specialized)p 3044 808 V 98 w(Speedup)p 3429 808 V 3446 808 V 452 811 2996 4 v 452 828 V 450 927 4 100 v 467 927 V 519 898 a Fp(20)p 924 927 V 438 w Fr(2.32)p 1301 927 V 283 w(2.13)p 1783 927 V 287 w Fq(1.10)p 2169 927 V 2186 927 V 250 w Fr(0.69)p 2561 927 V 283 w(0.66)p 3044 927 V 287 w Fq(1.05)p 3429 927 V 3446 927 V 452 931 2996 4 v 450 1030 4 100 v 467 1030 V 519 1000 a Fp(100)p 924 1030 V 396 w Fr(3.32)p 1301 1030 V 283 w(2.74)p 1783 1030 V 287 w Fq(1.20)p 2169 1030 V 2186 1030 V 250 w Fr(0.99)p 2561 1030 V 283 w(0.87)p 3044 1030 V 287 w Fq(1.15)p 3429 1030 V 3446 1030 V 452 1034 2996 4 v 450 1133 4 100 v 467 1133 V 519 1103 a Fp(250)p 924 1133 V 396 w Fr(5.02)p 1301 1133 V 283 w(3.60)p 1783 1133 V 287 w Fq(1.40)p 2169 1133 V 2186 1133 V 250 w Fr(1.58)p 2561 1133 V 283 w(1.25)p 3044 1133 V 287 w Fq(1.25)p 3429 1133 V 3446 1133 V 452 1137 2996 4 v 450 1236 4 100 v 467 1236 V 519 1206 a Fp(500)p 924 1236 V 396 w Fr(7.86)p 1301 1236 V 283 w(5.23)p 1783 1236 V 287 w Fq(1.50)p 2169 1236 V 2186 1236 V 250 w Fr(2.62)p 2561 1236 V 283 w(2.01)p 3044 1236 V 287 w Fq(1.30)p 3429 1236 V 3446 1236 V 452 1240 2996 4 v 450 1339 4 100 v 467 1339 V 519 1309 a Fp(1000)p 924 1339 V 334 w Fr(13.58)p 1301 1339 V 261 w(8.82)p 1783 1339 V 287 w Fq(1.55)p 2169 1339 V 2186 1339 V 250 w Fr(4.26)p 2561 1339 V 283 w(3.17)p 3044 1339 V 287 w Fq(1.35)p 3429 1339 V 3446 1339 V 452 1343 2996 4 v 450 1442 4 100 v 467 1442 V 519 1412 a Fp(2000)p 924 1442 V 334 w Fr(25.24)p 1301 1442 V 240 w(16.35)p 1783 1442 V 266 w Fq(1.55)p 2169 1442 V 2186 1442 V 250 w Fr(7.61)p 2561 1442 V 283 w(5.68)p 3044 1442 V 287 w Fq(1.35)p 3429 1442 V 3446 1442 V 452 1445 2996 4 v 1303 1676 a Fr(T)-7 b(able)20 b(2:)25 b(Round)20 b(trip)g(performance)d(in)j(ms)p 368 1797 3165 4 v 366 1897 4 100 v 383 1897 V 434 1867 a(Module)p 1234 1897 V 1251 1897 V 608 w(Generic)p 1613 1897 V 1630 1897 V 1629 1897 V 618 w(Specialized)f(\(array)g(size\))p 3514 1897 V 3531 1897 V 1631 1900 1902 4 v 366 1997 4 100 v 383 1997 V 1234 1997 V 1251 1997 V 1613 1997 V 1630 1997 V 1743 1967 a(20)p 1937 1997 V 203 w(100)p 2244 1997 V 181 w(250)p 2551 1997 V 181 w(500)p 2858 1997 V 160 w(1000)p 3165 1997 V 160 w(2000)p 3514 1997 V 3531 1997 V 368 2000 3165 4 v 368 2016 V 366 2116 4 100 v 383 2116 V 434 2086 a(client)h(code)p 1234 2116 V 1251 2116 V 533 w(20004)p 1613 2116 V 1630 2116 V 1629 2116 V 1020 w(-)p 3514 2116 V 3531 2116 V 368 2119 3165 4 v 366 2219 4 100 v 383 2219 V 434 2189 a(specialized)g(client)g(code)p 1234 2219 V 1251 2219 V 1613 2219 V 1630 2219 V 494 w(24340)p 1937 2219 V 97 w(27540)p 2244 2219 V 97 w(33540)p 2551 2219 V 97 w(43540)p 2858 2219 V 98 w(63540)p 3165 2219 V 97 w(111348)p 3514 2219 V 3531 2219 V 368 2222 3165 4 v 1188 2453 a(T)-7 b(able)20 b(3:)25 b(Size)c(of)f(the)g(SunOS)g (binaries)g(\(in)g(bytes\))0 2720 y Fq(Round-trip)27 b(RPC.)82 b Fr(The)27 b(application)e(le)n(v)o(el)h(benchmark)e (results)k(are)e(detailed)g(in)h(T)-7 b(able)27 b(2.)45 b(The)26 b(specialized)h(code)f(runs)g(up)0 2820 y(to)31 b(1.55)f(f)o(aster)i(than)e(the)i(non-specialized)c(one)j(on)g(the)g (IPX/SunOS,)g(and)f(1.35)g(on)h(the)g(PC/Linux.)58 b(Similar)31 b(to)g(the)h(micro-)0 2919 y(benchmark,)26 b(the)h(speedup)e(decreases) i(with)g(the)g(size)h(of)e(the)h(data)g(due)f(to)i(memory)d(accesses.) 46 b(In)26 b(addition)g(to)h(these)g(memory)0 3019 y(accesses,)d(the)f (RPC)i(includes)d(a)h(call)h(to)f Fk(bzero)f Fr(to)h(initialize)h(the)e (input)h(b)n(uf)n(fer)e(on)i(both)f(the)h(client)g(and)f(serv)o(er)g (sides)i(\(hence)e(it)0 3119 y(does)g(not)g(appear)f(in)i(the)f (marshaling)f(micro-benchmark.\))27 b(These)c(initializations)f (further)f(increase)h(memory)e(access)j(o)o(v)o(erhead)0 3218 y(as)e(the)f(data)g(size)h(gro)n(ws.)0 3511 y Fq(Code)i(size.)83 b Fr(As)25 b(sho)n(wn)d(in)i(T)-7 b(able)23 b(3,)h(the)g(specialized)f (code)g(is)h(al)o(w)o(ays)g(lar)o(ger)e(than)h(the)g(original)g(one.)34 b(The)23 b(reason)g(is)h(that)g(the)0 3610 y(def)o(ault)e(specialized)g (code)g(unrolls)g(the)g(array)g(encoding/decoding)c(loops)k(completely) -5 b(.)31 b(It)23 b(should)e(noticed)h(that)g(the)h(specialized)0 3710 y(code)c(is)i(also)g(lar)o(ger)e(for)g(small)i(array)e(size.)26 b(This)20 b(due)f(to)i(the)f(f)o(act)g(that)g(the)g(specialized)g(code) f(also)i(contains)e(some)h(unspecialized)0 3810 y(generic)f(functions)g (because)g(of)h(error)f(handling.)125 3981 y(While)j(loop)f(unrolling)g (increases)g(code)h(sizes,)h(it)g(also)g(af)n(fects)e(cache)h(locality) -5 b(.)30 b(An)22 b(additional)f(e)o(xperiment)f(w)o(as)j(conducted)0 4080 y(on)h(the)g(PC)h(to)f(measure)g(this)h(ef)n(fect.)36 b(Since)24 b(completely)f(unrolling)f(lar)o(ge)h(loops)h(may)f(e)o (xceed)g(the)h(instruction)f(cache)h(capacity)-5 b(,)0 4180 y(we)25 b(only)e(partially)h(unrolled)e(the)i(loop)g(to)g(adjust)g (its)i(body)d(to)h(the)g(cache)g(size.)38 b(This)24 b(transformation)e (w)o(as)j(done)e(manually)-5 b(.)36 b(As)0 4280 y(sho)n(wn)19 b(in)i(T)-7 b(able)20 b(4,)g(the)g(resulting)g(code)f(e)o(xhibit)g(a)i (lo)n(wer)e(deterioration)f(of)i(performance)e(as)j(the)f(number)e(of)i (elements)g(gro)n(ws.)125 4451 y(In)f(the)i(future,)d(such)i(strate)o (gy)g(to)g(control)f(loop)g(unrolling)g(is)i(planned)d(to)j(be)f (introduced)e(in)i(T)-6 b(empo.)0 4803 y Ft(6)119 b(Discussion)0 5060 y Fr(In)27 b(this)g(section)f(we)i(discuss)f(our)f(e)o(xperience)f (in)h(using)h(T)-6 b(empo)26 b(for)g(specialization)g(\(Section)g (6.1\),)h(the)g(lessons)g(learned)f(from)0 5159 y(w)o(orking)j(with)h (e)o(xisting)g(commercial)f(code)h(\(Section)g(6.2\),)h(and)f(the)h (rele)n(v)n(ance)d(of)j(this)g(kind)e(of)h(specialization)g(for)g (general)0 5259 y(system)20 b(code)g(\(Section)f(6.3.\))3782 5731 y Fm(Irisa)p eop %%Page: 13 15 13 14 bop 0 352 a Fp(F)-6 b(ast,)20 b(Optimized)g(Sun)f(RPC)i(Using)f (A)n(utomatic)f(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(am)h(Specialization)1582 b Fr(13)p 0 406 3900 8 v 609 609 2682 4 v 607 708 4 100 v 624 708 V 676 678 a(Array)19 b(Size)p 1081 708 V 1081 708 V 984 w(PC/Linux)p 3273 708 V 3290 708 V 1083 712 2209 4 v 607 808 4 100 v 624 808 V 1081 808 V 1133 778 a(Original)p 1457 808 V 1474 808 V 114 w(Specialized)p 1956 808 V 99 w(Speedup)p 2342 808 V 2359 808 V 114 w(250-unrolled)p 2887 808 V 95 w(Speedup)p 3273 808 V 3290 808 V 609 811 2682 4 v 609 828 V 607 927 4 100 v 624 927 V 676 898 a Fp(500)p 1081 927 V 396 w Fr(0.29)p 1457 927 V 1474 927 V 299 w(0.11)p 1956 927 V 287 w Fq(2.65)p 2342 927 V 2359 927 V 306 w Fr(0.108)p 2887 927 V 289 w Fq(2.70)p 3273 927 V 3290 927 V 609 931 2682 4 v 607 1030 4 100 v 624 1030 V 676 1000 a Fp(1000)p 1081 1030 V 354 w Fr(0.51)p 1457 1030 V 1474 1030 V 299 w(0.17)p 1956 1030 V 287 w Fq(3.00)p 2342 1030 V 2359 1030 V 327 w Fr(0.15)p 2887 1030 V 310 w Fq(3.40)p 3273 1030 V 3290 1030 V 609 1034 2682 4 v 607 1133 4 100 v 624 1133 V 676 1103 a Fp(2000)p 1081 1133 V 354 w Fr(0.97)p 1457 1133 V 1474 1133 V 299 w(0.29)p 1956 1133 V 287 w Fq(3.35)p 2342 1133 V 2359 1133 V 327 w Fr(0.25)p 2887 1133 V 310 w Fq(3.90)p 3273 1133 V 3290 1133 V 609 1137 2682 4 v 743 1368 a Fr(T)-7 b(able)20 b(4:)26 b(Specialization)19 b(with)h(loops)g(of)g (250-unrolled)c(inte)o(gers)k(\(times)g(in)g(ms\))0 1635 y Fg(6.1)99 b(Experience)27 b(with)e(T)-9 b(empo)0 1862 y Fr(T)j(empo)18 b(is)h(a)g(state-of-art)f(program)e(specializer)i (under)f(acti)n(v)o(e)h(de)n(v)o(elopment.)k(Most)d(of)f(its)i (features)e(described)f(in)i(Section)f(4)h(were)0 1961 y(moti)n(v)n(ated)g(by)g(system)i(code)e(e)o(xperiments,)f(including)h (the)h(RPC)i(reported)c(in)i(this)h(paper)-5 b(.)125 2133 y(Although)25 b(priority)g(so)j(f)o(ar)f(has)g(been)f(gi)n(v)o(en) g(to)h(the)g(realization)f(of)h(program)e(specialization)h(technology)f (\(i.e.,)j(the)f(partial)0 2232 y(e)n(v)n(aluation)19 b(\223engine\224\),)f(a)i(suitable)g(user)h(interf)o(ace)e(is)i(needed) e(for)h(the)g(handling)e(of)i(real)g(w)o(orld)g(code.)k(T)-6 b(empo)20 b(allo)n(ws)g(the)g(user)g(to)0 2332 y(visualize)j(the)g (results)g(of)g(the)g(analysis)h(before)d(specialization.)33 b(Dif)n(ferent)22 b(colors)h(are)g(used)g(to)g(display)f(the)i(static)f (and)g(dynamic)0 2431 y(parts)k(of)g(a)g(program,)g(thus)g(helping)e (the)i(user)g(to)h(follo)n(w)e(the)h(propagation)d(of)j(the)g(inputs)f (declared)g(as)i(kno)n(wn)e(and)g(assess)j(the)0 2531 y(de)o(gree)g(of)h(specialization)f(to)i(be)f(obtained.)54 b(After)30 b(specialization,)h(the)g(user)f(can)g(compare)f(the)h (original)f(program)f(with)j(the)0 2631 y(specialized)20 b(program,)d(and)j(decide)f(whether)h(appropriate)d(reduction)i(and)g (residualization)g(ha)n(v)o(e)h(been)f(carried)g(out.)125 2802 y(As)j(for)g(an)o(y)f(other)h(optimizer)m(,)e(the)i(programmer)e (needs)h(to)h(ha)n(v)o(e)g(some)g(kno)n(wledge)e(about)h(the)h (optimization)f(process)g(itself.)0 2901 y(In)f(the)g(case)h(of)f (partial)g(e)n(v)n(aluation,)e(one)h(needs)h(to)h(kno)n(w)e(about)g (fundamental)f(concepts)h(such)h(as)h(binding)d(times.)0 3211 y Fg(6.2)99 b(W)-7 b(orking)25 b(with)g(Existing)f(Code)0 3438 y Fr(An)d(important)e(lesson)j(learned)e(in)h(this)g(e)o (xperiment)e(is)j(that)f(e)o(xisting)f(code)h(is)h(a)f(challenge)f(for) g(an)h(optimization)e(technique)h(such)0 3537 y(as)j(partial)e(e)n(v)n (aluation.)29 b(Indeed,)21 b(lik)o(e)h(an)o(y)g(other)f(optimization)f (technique,)h(partial)g(e)n(v)n(aluation)g(is)i(sensiti)n(v)o(e)f(to)g (v)n(arious)f(program)0 3637 y(features)26 b(such)g(as)i(program)c (structure)i(and)g(data)g(or)o(ganization.)41 b(As)27 b(a)g(result,)h(specializing)e(an)h(e)o(xisting)f(program)e(requires)i (an)0 3737 y(intimate)j(kno)n(wledge)e(of)i(its)i(structure)d(and)h (algorithms.)52 b(It)29 b(also)h(requires)f(the)g(programmer)d(to)k (estimate)g(what)f(parts)g(of)h(the)0 3836 y(program)22 b(should)h(be)i(e)n(v)n(aluated)d(a)o(w)o(ay)-5 b(.)37 b(This)24 b(is)h(in)g(contrast)e(with)i(a)g(situation)e(where)h(the)g (same)h(programmer)c(both)i(writes)i(and)0 3936 y(specializes)20 b(some)g(code:)25 b(he)20 b(can)g(structure)f(it)i(with)g (specialization)e(in)h(mind.)125 4107 y(Careful)c(inspection)f(of)i (the)g(resulting)f(specialized)g(code)g(sho)n(ws)h(fe)n(w)f (opportunities)f(for)h(further)f(optimization)g(without)h(major)0 4207 y(restructuring)d(the)j(RPC)h(code.)23 b(Ho)n(we)n(v)o(er)m(,)14 b(T)-6 b(empo)14 b(is)j(not)e(the)h(panacea)e(and)h(we)h(occasionally)e (had)h(to)h(slightly)f(modify)f(the)i(original)0 4306 y(source)k(code)g(in)i(order)d(to)i(obtain)f(suitable)h (specializations.)27 b(Most)21 b(modi\002cations)e(were)i(to)g(mak)o(e) g(the)g(some)f(v)n(alue)h(a)n(v)n(ailable)f(for)0 4406 y(specialization.)125 4577 y(More)d(speci\002cally)-5 b(,)17 b(on)h(the)g(client)g(side,)h(there)e(e)o(xists)h(a)h(v)n (ariable)e(named)g Fk(inlen)g Fr(that)h(stores)h(the)f(length)f(of)g (already)g(decoded)0 4677 y(data.)42 b(When)26 b(decoding)e(the)i (input)f(b)n(uf)n(fer)m(,)h(the)g(v)n(ariable)f Fk(inlen)h Fr(is)h(dynamic)d(because)h(the)h(remote)g(procedure)d(call)k(may)e(f)o (ail;)0 4776 y(ill-formed)e(recei)n(v)o(ed)g(data)i(must)g(also)g(be)g (guarded)e(against.)38 b(Ho)n(we)n(v)o(er)m(,)24 b(if)h(no)g(error)f (occurs,)h Fk(inlen)f Fr(contains)g(the)h(size)h(of)f(the)0 4876 y(e)o(xpected)i(result)i(data,)h(which)e(is)h(usually)f(\002x)o (ed)g(unless)h(the)g(data)f(structures)g(ha)n(v)o(e)g(v)n(ariable)f (length.)49 b(In)29 b(this)g(case,)i(we)e(kno)n(w)0 4975 y(the)c(e)o(xpected)e(length)h(of)h(the)g(input)f(message,)i(noted)e Fk(expected_inlen)p Fr(.)37 b(In)25 b(the)g(unmarshaling)d(part,)k(the) f(follo)n(wing)e(code)0 5075 y(sk)o(eleton)0 5731 y Fm(PI)17 b(n)c(\011)g(1094)p eop %%Page: 14 16 14 15 bop 0 352 a Fr(14)507 b Fp(Gilles)21 b(Muller)-9 b(,)20 b(Renaud)e(Marlet,)j(Eug)o(en-Nicolae)d(V)-9 b(olansc)o(hi,)18 b(Charles)j(Consel,)f(Calton)g(Pu)g(&)g(Ashvin)g(Goel)p 0 406 3900 8 v 149 675 a Fk(inlen)49 b(=)h Fb()p Fk(;)149 775 y Fb()p Fk(;)0 991 y Fr(is)21 b(manually)e(re)n(written)g(as)149 1198 y Fk(inlen)49 b(=)h Fb()p Fk(;)149 1298 y(if)g(\(inlen)f(==)g(expected_inlen\))e ({)448 1398 y(inlen)i(=)h(expected_inlen;)448 1497 y Fb()p Fk(;)149 1597 y(})g(else)448 1697 y Fb()p Fk(;)0 1903 y Fr(As)29 b(a)f(result,)i(in)e(the)g (\223then\224)f(branch,)h(the)g(kno)n(wn)e(v)n(alue)h(of)h(the)g(v)n (ariable)f Fk(expected_inlen)f Fr(is)j(assigned)e(to)h Fk(inlen)p Fr(;)k(the)0 2002 y(follo)n(wing)18 b(statements)i(may)g(no) n(w)f(e)o(xploit)g(this)i(additional)d(v)n(alue.)24 b(Y)-8 b(et,)20 b(the)g(\223else\224)g(branch)f(preserv)o(es)g(the)h (semantics:)25 b(it)20 b(handles)0 2102 y(the)g(general)f(case.)125 2273 y(The)25 b(actual)h(v)n(alue)g(for)f Fk(expected_inlen)f Fr(may)i(be)g(computed)e(at)i(specialization)g(time)g(with)g(a)h(dummy) d(encoding-call)0 2373 y(to)e(the)g(generic)e(encoding/decoding)e (function.)28 b(W)-7 b(e)23 b(are)e(thus)h(able)g(to)g(specialize)f (the)h(client)g(decoding.)28 b(This)22 b(situation)f(actually)0 2472 y(occurred)26 b(twice)h(and)g(thus)h(does)f(not)h(contradict)e (our)g(claim)i(of)f(automatically)f(treating)h(e)o(xisting)g(system)h (code.)46 b(Ov)o(erall,)29 b(the)0 2572 y(current)19 b(v)o(ersion)g(of)h(T)-6 b(empo)19 b(is)i(v)o(ery)e(successful)h(in)g (the)h(specialization)e(of)h(system)g(code)g(such)g(as)g(Sun)g(RPC.)0 2875 y Fg(6.3)99 b(General)25 b(A)n(pplicability)0 3102 y Fr(W)-7 b(e)20 b(consider)e(the)i(Sun)f(RPC)h(to)g(be)f(representati) n(v)o(e)e(of)i(e)o(xisting)f(system)i(code,)e(not)h(only)g(because)f (it)i(is)g(mature,)e(commercial,)g(and)0 3202 y(standard)j(code,)i(b)n (ut)f(also)h(because)f(its)i(structure)e(re\003ects)g(production)e (quality)i(concerns)f(as)j(well)f(as)g(unrestrained)e(use)i(of)f(the)h (C)0 3302 y(programming)17 b(language.)125 3473 y(The)h(e)o(xamples)g (that)i(we)f(highlighted)e(in)i(Section)g(3)g(\(i.e.,)g(dispatching,)f (b)n(uf)n(fer)f(o)o(v)o(er\003o)n(w)h(checking,)f(handling)g(of)i(e)o (xit)g(status\))0 3572 y(are)29 b(typical)g(instances)g(of)g(general)f (constructions)f(found)h(in)h(system)h(code.)51 b(The)29 b(f)o(act)g(that)g(T)-6 b(empo)29 b(is)h(able)f(to)g(automatically)0 3672 y(specialize)i(them)h(reinforces)e(our)g(con)m(viction)g(that)h (automatic)g(optimization)f(tools)h(lik)o(e)h(partial)f(e)n(v)n (aluators)f(are)i(rele)n(v)n(ant)e(for)0 3772 y(system)20 b(code)g(production.)0 4117 y Ft(7)119 b(Related)31 b(W)-9 b(ork)0 4374 y Fr(The)15 b(specialization)f(techniques)g(presented)g (in)i(this)g(paper)e(relate)h(to)g(man)o(y)g(studies)g(in)h(v)n(arious) e(research)g(domains)g(such)h(as)h(speci\002c)0 4474 y(RPC)25 b(optimizations,)e(k)o(ernel)g(le)n(v)o(el)g(optimizations,)g (operating)f(system)i(structuring,)f(and)g(automatic)g(program)e (transformation.)0 4574 y(Let)f(us)h(outline)e(the)i(salient)f(aspects) h(of)f(these)g(research)f(directions.)0 4860 y Fq(General)27 b(RPC)h(optimizations.)82 b Fr(A)28 b(considerable)e(amount)h(of)g(w)o (ork)g(has)h(been)g(dedicated)e(to)i(optimize)f(RPC)i(\(see)f([32)o(,)g (17)o(,)0 4960 y(36)o(,)e(25)o(,)h(24)o(]\).)42 b(In)26 b(most)g(of)g(these)g(studies,)h(a)g(f)o(ast)g(path)e(in)h(the)g(RPC)i (is)f(identi\002ed,)f(corresponding)d(to)j(a)h(performance-critical,)0 5060 y(frequently)d(used)h(case.)43 b(The)26 b(f)o(ast)g(path)g(is)h (then)e(optimized)g(using)g(a)i(wide)e(range)g(of)h(techniques.)41 b(The)25 b(optimizations)g(address)0 5159 y(dif)n(ferent)16 b(layers)i(of)f(the)h(protocol)e(stack,)i(and)f(are)h(performed)d (either)i(manually)g(\(by)g(re)n(writing)f(a)j(layer\),)e(or)g(by)g(a)i (domain-speci\002c)0 5259 y(optimizer)-5 b(.)3782 5731 y Fm(Irisa)p eop %%Page: 15 17 15 16 bop 0 352 a Fp(F)-6 b(ast,)20 b(Optimized)g(Sun)f(RPC)i(Using)f (A)n(utomatic)f(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(am)h(Specialization)1582 b Fr(15)p 0 406 3900 8 v 0 688 a Fq(Marshaling)23 b(lay)o(er)g (optimizations.)81 b Fr(Clark)23 b(and)g(T)-6 b(ennenhouse)20 b([6)o(])j(were)g(the)g(\002rst)h(to)f(identify)f(the)h(presentation)e (layer)i(as)h(an)0 788 y(important)19 b(bottleneck)f(in)j(protocol)d (softw)o(are.)25 b(The)o(y)19 b(attrib)n(ute)h(it)h(to)g(up)f(to)g (97\045)g(of)g(the)g(total)h(protocol)d(stack)j(o)o(v)o(erhead,)c(in)k (some)0 888 y(practical)28 b(applications.)47 b(Rather)29 b(than)e(optimizing)g(an)h(e)o(xisting)g(implementation,)f(the)o(y)h (propose)f(some)h(design)f(principles)g(to)0 987 y(b)n(uild)20 b(ne)n(w)g(ef)n(\002cient)g(implementations.)125 1158 y(Hoschka)28 b(and)g(Huitema)g([15)o(])h(con)m(v)o(ert)e(marshaling)h (code)g(from)g(a)h(table-dri)n(v)o(en)d(implementation)h(to)i(a)h (procedure-dri)n(v)o(en)0 1258 y(implementation.)c(In)21 b(the)g(table-dri)n(v)o(en)d(implementation,)h(a)j(generic)e (interpreter)g(selects)i(among)d(se)n(v)o(eral)i(elementary)f(decoding) 0 1358 y(procedures,)k(or)o(ganized)d(as)26 b(a)f(function)e(table.)39 b(The)25 b(procedure-dri)n(v)o(en)19 b(implementation)k(is)j(a)f (straight)f(sequence)g(of)h(code)f(spe-)0 1457 y(cialized)g(for)g(a)h (gi)n(v)o(en)e(compound)e(type.)37 b(Their)24 b(transformation)e(does)i (not)g(include)f(comple)o(x)g(optimizations.)36 b(Rather)m(,)25 b(the)o(y)f(are)0 1557 y(interested)c(in)g(the)g(time)g Fp(vs.)26 b Fr(space)20 b(tradeof)n(f)f(between)g(the)h(tw)o(o)h (implementations.)125 1728 y(O'Malle)o(y)f Fp(et)h(al.)28 b Fr([26)o(])21 b(present)g(a)g(uni)n(v)o(ersal)f(stub)h(compiler)m(,)e (called)i(USC.)h(As)g(opposed)d(to)j(XDR,)f(which)g(con)m(v)o(erts)e (between)0 1828 y(a)j(\002x)o(ed)g(host)f(format)g(and)g(another)g (\002x)o(ed)g(e)o(xternal)g(representation,)f(USC)j(con)m(v)o(erts)d (data)i(between)f(tw)o(o)h(user)n(-speci\002ed)f(formats.)0 1927 y(USC)j(inte)o(grates)e(se)n(v)o(eral)g(domain-speci\002c)e (optimizations,)i(resulting)g(in)h(much)e(f)o(aster)i(code)f(than)h (the)f(one)g(produced)f(by)h(XDR.)0 2027 y(Ho)n(we)n(v)o(er)m(,)d(in)h (order)g(to)g(perform)f(these)i(aggressi)n(v)o(e)e(optimizations,)g (USC)j(imposes)e(some)g(restrictions)h(o)o(v)o(er)e(the)h(marshaled)g (data)0 2126 y(types:)42 b(types)29 b(such)g(as)g(\003oating)f(point)g (numbers)g(or)g(pointers)g(are)h(not)f(allo)n(wed.)50 b(In)29 b(f)o(act,)i(USC)f(is)f(not)g(designed)e(for)i(general)0 2226 y(ar)o(gument)18 b(marshaling,)g(b)n(ut)i(rather)g(for)f(header)g (con)m(v)o(ersions)f(and)i(interf)o(acing)e(to)j(memory-mapped)16 b(de)n(vices.)125 2397 y(Blackwell)23 b([4)o(])h(manages)e(e)o(xternal) g(data)h(formats)g(which)f(allo)n(w)i(v)n(ariable)e(encoding,)g(such)h (as)h(Q.93B)f([13)n(])h(or)f(ASN.1)g([16)o(].)0 2497 y(In)f(these)h(representations,)e(each)h(data)g(\002eld)h(is)g(tagged)e (to)i(indicate)f(its)h(actual)f(format,)g(chosen)g(between)f(se)n(v)o (eral)h(possible)g(ones.)0 2596 y(Blackwell)d(b)n(uilds)f(a)h (special-purpose)e(on-line)g(compiler)m(,)g(which)h(generates)g (specialized)g(marshaling)f(code)h(for)g(the)h(formats)e(that)0 2696 y(are)27 b(encountered)d(frequently)h(at)i(run)f(time.)46 b(The)26 b(optimizations)g(inte)o(grated)f(in)i(this)h(compiler)d (aggressi)n(v)o(ely)g(e)o(xploit)h(domain-)0 2796 y(speci\002c)j (information,)e(such)i(as)g(the)f(absence)g(of)g(aliases,)j(the)d (ability)h(to)f(reorder)f(cop)o(y)g(operations)g(of)h(distinct)h (\002elds,)h(or)f(the)0 2895 y(alignment)19 b(properties)g(which)g(mak) o(e)h(it)h(possible)f(to)g(collapse)g(se)n(v)o(eral)g(adjacent)f (\002elds)i(into)f(a)g(single)g(w)o(ord.)125 3066 y(All)h(these)f (studies)h(require)e(one)h(to)h(b)n(uild)f(a)h(special-purpose)d(code)i (generator)m(,)e(with)i(a)h(comple)o(xity)e(ranging)f(from)i(an)g (ad-hoc)0 3166 y(template)27 b(assembler)h(to)f(a)i(full,)g (domain-speci\002c,)e(optimizing)f(compiler)-5 b(.)47 b(In)28 b(contrast,)h(we)f(tak)o(e)f(the)h(stubs)g(generated)e(by)i(an) 0 3266 y(e)o(xisting)19 b(stub)i(compiler)m(,)d(and)i(deri)n(v)o(e)e (the)j(specialized)e(stubs)i(with)f(T)-6 b(empo,)19 b(a)i(general)e (program)f(specialization)h(tool.)0 3558 y Fq(K)n(er)o(nel-le)o(v)o(el) j(optimizations.)82 b Fr(It)23 b(is)i(well)f(recognized)d(that)j (physical)e(memory)g(cop)o(y)g(is)j(an)e(important)f(cause)h(of)h(o)o (v)o(erhead)c(in)0 3658 y(protocol)27 b(implementation.)48 b(Finding)28 b(solutions)g(to)h(a)n(v)n(oid)f(or)g(optimize)g(copies)h (is)g(a)g(constant)f(concern)f(of)i(operating)d(system)0 3757 y(designers.)f(F)o(or)c(instance,)f(cop)o(y-on-write)d([12)o(])k (w)o(as)g(the)g(technique)e(which)h(made)g(message)h(passing)f(ef)n (\002cient)g(enough)f(to)i(allo)n(w)0 3857 y(operating)j(systems)j(to)g (be)f(designed)f(based)h(on)g(a)g(micro-k)o(ernel)e(architecture)h([30) o(,)h(31)o(].)44 b(Buf)n(fers)25 b(are)i(needed)e(when)g(dif)n(ferent)0 3957 y(modules)20 b(or)i(layers)f(written)g(independently)e(for)h (modularity)g(reasons)h(ha)n(v)o(e)g(to)g(cooperate)f(together)g(at)i (run)f(time.)29 b(This)21 b(cause)h(of)0 4056 y(o)o(v)o(erhead)16 b(has)j(been)f(clearly)g(demonstrated)f(by)h(Thekkath)f(and)h(Le)n(vy)g (in)h(their)f(performance)e(analysis)j(of)f(RPC)j(implementations)0 4156 y([36)o(].)k(Recent)19 b(proposals)g(in)h(the)f(netw)o(orking)f (area)h(e)o(xplore)f(solutions)h(to)h(impro)o(v)o(e)e(netw)o(ork)g (throughput)f(and)i(to)h(reduce)e(latenc)o(y)-5 b(.)0 4256 y(Madea)17 b(and)f(Bershad)h(propose)f(to)i(restructure)d(netw)o (ork)h(layers)i(and)e(to)i(mo)o(v)o(e)e(some)h(functions)f(into)h(user) g(space)g([20)o(].)24 b(Mosber)o(ger)0 4355 y Fp(et)c(al.)k Fr(describe)19 b(techniques)e(for)i(impro)o(ving)d(protocols)i(by)g (reducing)g(the)h(number)e(of)i(c)o(ycles)g(stalled)g(to)g(w)o(ait)h (for)f(memory)e(access)0 4455 y(completion)h([24)o(].)0 4747 y Fq(Manual)f(specialization.)82 b Fr(In)16 b(a)h(\002rst)h(step,) f(operating)e(systems)i(specialization)f(has)h(been)f(performed)e (manually)i(in)g(e)o(xperiments)0 4847 y(such)26 b(as)h(Synthesis)e ([28)o(,)h(21)o(],)i(and)d(Synthetix)g([27)o(].)43 b(Manual)25 b(specialization,)h(ho)n(we)n(v)o(er)m(,)f(tends)h(to)g(compromise)e (other)h(system)0 4947 y(properties)f(such)i(as)h(maintainability)d (and)h(portability)-5 b(.)41 b(Furthermore,)24 b(manual)h (specialization)g(is)i(typically)e(uniquely)f(tailored)0 5046 y(to)g(each)f(situation)h(and)f(therefore)f(requires)g(a)j(high)e (de)o(gree)f(of)h(programmer)e(skill)j(and)g(system)g(kno)n(wledge.)33 b(While)24 b(tool-based)0 5146 y(specialization)j(may)g(not)g(\002t)i (the)e(traditional)g(k)o(ernel)f(de)n(v)o(elopment)f(process,)k(we)f (see)g(it)h(as)f(a)g(natural)f(ne)o(xt)g(step)g(for)g(operating)0 5246 y(system)20 b(de)n(v)o(elopment)e(the)i(same)g(w)o(ay)h(compilers) e(became)g(useful)h(programming)c(technology)i(decades)i(ago.)0 5731 y Fm(PI)d(n)c(\011)g(1094)p eop %%Page: 16 18 16 17 bop 0 352 a Fr(16)507 b Fp(Gilles)21 b(Muller)-9 b(,)20 b(Renaud)e(Marlet,)j(Eug)o(en-Nicolae)d(V)-9 b(olansc)o(hi,)18 b(Charles)j(Consel,)f(Calton)g(Pu)g(&)g(Ashvin)g(Goel)p 0 406 3900 8 v 125 688 a Fr(Recently)-5 b(,)20 b(a)i(semi-automatic)e (approach)f(to)i(program)f(transformation)e(has)k(been)e(de)n(v)o (eloped;)g(it)i(e)o(xtends)e(the)i(C)g(language)d(to)0 788 y(include)i(syntactic)g(constructs)g(aimed)g(at)h(b)n(uilding)e (code)h(at)h(run)f(time[9)o(].)29 b(It)22 b(has)f(been)g(used)h(for)f (a)h(realistic)g(system)f(application,)0 888 y(namely)g(the)i(pack)o (et)f(\002lter)h([10)n(].)32 b(This)23 b(w)o(ork)f(demonstrates)f(that) i(e)o(xploiting)d(in)m(v)n(ariants)h(can)h(produce)f(signi\002cant)h (speedups)f(for)0 987 y(demultiple)o(xing)d(messages.)27 b(This)21 b(result)g(has)g(been)f(obtained)g(at)h(the)g(cost)g(of)g (manually)e(re)n(writing)h(a)h(ne)n(w)g(algorithm)e(that)i(adapts)0 1087 y(to)f(the)h(speci\002c)f(usage)g(conte)o(xt.)0 1379 y Fq(A)l(utomatic)15 b(pr)o(ogram)g(transf)n(ormation.)81 b Fr(Program)15 b(transformation)f(has)i(been)g(used)g(successfully)g (for)g(specializing)f(programs)0 1479 y(in)k(domains)f(such)g(as)i (computer)d(graphics)g([19)o(].)25 b(The)18 b(k)o(e)o(y)g(point)h(of)f (program)f(transformation)f(is)k(that)f(it)g(preserv)o(es)f(the)h (semantics)0 1579 y(of)i(the)g(program.)k(Therefore,)18 b(if)j(the)g(transformation)e(process)h(can)h(be)g(automated,)e(the)i (\002nal)g(code)f(has)i(the)e(same)i(le)n(v)o(el)e(of)h(safety)0 1678 y(than)j(the)g(initial)g(program.)34 b(T)-6 b(empo)23 b(relies)h(on)g(partial)g(e)n(v)n(aluation)e([7)o(,)i(18)o(],)h(a)g (form)e(of)g(program)f(transformation)g(which)h(is)i(no)n(w)0 1778 y(reaching)f(a)i(le)n(v)o(el)f(of)g(maturity)f(that)i(mak)o(es)f (it)h(possible)f(to)h(de)n(v)o(elop)d(specializers)j(for)e(real-sized)h (languages)f(lik)o(e)i(C)g([8)o(,)g(1)o(])g(and)0 1877 y(apply)19 b(these)i(specializers)f(to)g(real-sized)f(problems.)125 2049 y Fp(C-Mix)g Fr(is)g(the)g(only)f(other)f(partial)i(e)n(v)n (aluator)e(for)h(C)h(reported)e(in)i(the)f(literature.)24 b(Unfortunately)-5 b(,)15 b(the)k(accurac)o(y)e(of)h(its)i(analyses)0 2148 y(does)g(not)g(allo)n(w)g(it)h(to)f(deal)g(with)h (partially-static)e(structures)h(and)f(pointers)g(to)i(these)f(objects) g(interprocedurally)d([2)o(].)0 2441 y Fq(Extensible)26 b(operating)e(systems.)83 b Fr(Safety)24 b(is)i(a)g(well-kno)n(wn)d (problem)h(encountered)e(in)j(e)o(xtensible)g(operating)e(system)i (when)0 2540 y(an)e(e)o(xtension)e(code)h(has)h(to)g(be)g(do)n (wn-loaded)d(directly)i(into)g(the)h(k)o(ernel.)32 b(Recent)23 b(e)o(xtensible)f(operating)f(systems)i(such)g(as)g(SPIN)0 2640 y(and)e(Ae)o(gis)h(ha)n(v)o(e)f(been)f(designed)h(with)g(safety)h (as)g(a)g(goal.)29 b(In)21 b(SPIN)h([3)o(],)g(e)o(xtensions)e(are)i (written)f(in)h(a)g(strongly-typed)c(language)0 2740 y(\(MODULA-3\),)33 b(which)e(pre)n(v)o(ents)f(possible)i(in)m(v)n(alid) e(memory)g(references.)59 b(Ae)o(gis)31 b([11)o(])h(relies)g(mostly)g (on)f(system)h(libraries)0 2839 y(e)o(x)o(ecuted)f(at)i(application)d (le)n(v)o(el.)62 b(Still,)36 b(it)d(uses)g(Application-speci\002c)e (Safe)h(Handlers)g(\(ASH\))g(e)o(x)o(ecuted)f(at)i(k)o(ernel)e(le)n(v)o (el)h(in)0 2939 y(speci\002c)20 b(cases.)26 b(The)20 b(safety)g(of)g(ASHs)h(is)g(ensured)e(by)h(the)h(use)f(of)g(the)g Fp(softwar)m(e)h(fault)f(isolation)f Fr(technique)g([37)o(],)h(which)g (re)n(writes)0 3039 y(the)g(binary)f(code)h(to)g(insert)g(softw)o (are-based)f(memory)f(protection)g(instructions.)125 3210 y(The)g(e)o(xtensible)f(nature)g(of)h(these)h(operating)d(systems) j(suggests)g(that)f(a)h(partial)f(e)n(v)n(aluator)e(could)i(be)g(a)h (useful)f(tool)g(to)g(optimize)0 3309 y(the)i(generic)f(components)f (to)j(be)f(do)n(wn-loaded)d(into)j(the)g(k)o(ernel.)0 3661 y Ft(8)119 b(Conclusion)0 3918 y Fr(W)-7 b(e)20 b(ha)n(v)o(e)d(described)h(the)g(specialization)f(of)i(Sun)f(RPC)i (using)e(the)g(T)-6 b(empo)17 b(partial)h(e)n(v)n(aluator)-5 b(.)24 b(This)18 b(is)h(the)g(\002rst)g(successful)f(partial-)0 4018 y(e)n(v)n(aluation)f(based)h(specialization)g(of)g(a)h (signi\002cant)g(OS)g(component.)j(The)c(e)o(xperiment)f(consists)i(of) f(declaring)f(the)i(kno)n(wn)e(inputs)0 4117 y(of)28 b(the)f(Sun)h(RPC)h(code)e(and)h(allo)n(wing)f(T)-6 b(empo)26 b(to)i(automatically)f(e)n(v)n(aluate)f(the)i(static)h(parts)f(of)f (code)g(at)i(specialization)e(time.)0 4217 y(Examples)19 b(of)h(kno)n(wn)f(information)f(include)h(the)h(number)e(and)i(type)g (of)g(RPC)h(parameters.)125 4388 y(There)j(are)i(three)f(reasons)g(why) g(partial-e)n(v)n(aluation)e(based)i(specialization)g(is)i(a)f (signi\002cant)f(inno)o(v)n(ation,)f(in)i(comparison)d(to)0 4488 y(manual)k(specialization)g([27)o(,)h(23)o(,)h(11)o(].)49 b(First,)30 b(T)-6 b(empo)27 b(preserv)o(es)g(the)i(source)e(code)g(at) i(the)f(programming)d(le)n(v)o(el,)k(thus)f(preser)n(-)0 4587 y(ving)g(the)g(safety)g(and)g(maintainability)f(of)h(a)h(mature)f (commercial)f(code.)49 b(Second,)29 b(T)-6 b(empo)28 b(achie)n(v)o(es)f(speedup)g(up)h(to)h(3.75)e(in)0 4687 y(micro-benchmarks,)17 b(and)k(1.5)g(in)g(test)h(programs.)27 b(Close)22 b(inspection)e(of)h(the)g(specialized)g(Sun)g(RPC)i(did)e (not)f(re)n(v)o(eal)h(ob)o(vious)e(op-)0 4786 y(portunities)g(for)g (further)f(signi\002cant)h(impro)o(v)o(ements)e(without)i(major)h(code) f(restructuring.)j(Third,)d(the)h(successful)f(specialization)0 4886 y(of)h(commercial)f(code)g(is)i(automatic)e(and)h(sho)n(ws)g(the)h (promise)e(of)h(industrial)f(application)g(of)h(T)-6 b(empo.)125 5057 y(W)f(e)17 b(carried)e(out)g(e)o(xperiments)f(on)i(tw) o(o)g(v)o(ery)f(dif)n(ferent)f(platforms,)i(namely)f(Sun)g(4/50)h(w)o (orkstations)f(running)e(SunOS)j(connec-)0 5157 y(ted)i(with)g(a)h(100) 12 b(Mbits/s)19 b(A)-9 b(TM)18 b(link,)f(and)h(166)12 b(MHz)18 b(Pentium)g(machines)f(running)f(Linux,)h(connected)f(to)i(a)h (100)12 b(Mbits/s)19 b(Ethernet)3782 5731 y Fm(Irisa)p eop %%Page: 17 19 17 18 bop 0 352 a Fp(F)-6 b(ast,)20 b(Optimized)g(Sun)f(RPC)i(Using)f (A)n(utomatic)f(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(am)h(Specialization)1582 b Fr(17)p 0 406 3900 8 v 0 688 a(netw)o(ork.)31 b(The)23 b(dif)n(ferences)e(of)h(these)h(platforms)f(and)g(the)h(consistenc)o(y) e(of)i(performance)c(gains)k(sho)n(w)f(a)h(rob)n(ust)f(applicability)g (of)0 788 y(T)-6 b(empo)19 b(as)i(a)g(tool)f(for)f(partial-e)n(v)n (aluation)e(based)j(specialization)f(of)h(layered)f(operating)g (systems)h(code)g(such)g(as)h(Sun)f(RPC.)0 1140 y Ft(Refer)n(ences)42 1358 y Fr([1])40 b(L.O.)21 b(Andersen.)31 b(Self-applicable)20 b(C)i(program)e(specialization.)31 b(In)22 b Fp(P)-7 b(artial)21 b(Evaluation)e(and)i(Semantics-Based)e(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(am)180 1458 y(Manipulation)p Fr(,)e(pages)h(54\22661,)g(San)h(Francisco,)f (CA,)i(USA,)g(June)e(1992.)g(Y)-8 b(ale)19 b(Uni)n(v)o(ersity)-5 b(,)18 b(He)n(w)h(Ha)n(v)o(en,)f(CT)-6 b(,)20 b(USA.)27 b(T)-6 b(ech-)180 1558 y(nical)20 b(Report)g(Y)-10 b(ALEU/DCS/RR-909.) 42 1724 y([2])40 b(L.O.)21 b(Andersen.)30 b Fp(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(am)21 b(Analysis)g(and)f(Specialization)f(for)j(the)f(C)h(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o (amming)e(Langua)o(g)o(e)p Fr(.)30 b(PhD)21 b(thesis,)h(Computer)180 1823 y(Science)e(Department,)e(Uni)n(v)o(ersity)h(of)h(Copenhagen,)e (May)i(1994.)27 b(DIKU)20 b(T)-6 b(echnical)20 b(Report)g(94/19.)42 1989 y([3])40 b(B.N.)26 b(Bershad,)g(S.)f(Sa)n(v)n(age,)h(P)-9 b(.)26 b(P)o(ardyak,)f(E.)g(G)7 b(\250)-35 b(un)25 b(Sirer)m(,)h(M.E.)f (Fiuczynski,)g(D.)h(Beck)o(er)m(,)g(C.)g(Chambers,)f(and)g(S.)h (Eggers.)180 2089 y(Extensibility)-5 b(,)18 b(safety)i(and)g (performance)d(in)k(the)f(SPIN)g(operating)f(system.)29 b(In)20 b(SOSP95)g([35)o(],)g(pages)g(267\226283.)42 2255 y([4])40 b(T)-6 b(.)29 b(Blackwell.)60 b(F)o(ast)31 b(decoding)d(of)h(tagged)g(message)g(formats.)59 b(In)30 b Fp(F)l(ifteenth)f(Annual)f(J)n(oint)i(Confer)m(ence)e(of)i(the)g (IEEE)180 2355 y(Computer)20 b(and)f(Communication)f(Societies)p Fr(,)i(San)g(Francisco,)f(CA,)i(March)f(1996.)42 2521 y([5])40 b(G.)30 b(Cabillic)h(and)e(I.)h(Puaut.)61 b(Stardust:)45 b(an)30 b(en)m(vironment)d(for)i(parallel)h(programming)d(on)i(netw)o (orks)h(of)f(heterogeneous)180 2620 y(w)o(orkstations.)f Fp(J)n(ournal)19 b(of)h(P)-7 b(ar)o(allel)20 b(and)g(Distrib)n(uted)g (Computing)p Fr(,)e(February)h(1997.)42 2786 y([6])40 b(D.D.)17 b(Clark)g(and)f(D.L.)h(T)-6 b(ennenhouse.)19 b(Architectural)d(considerations)f(for)h(a)i(ne)n(w)e(generation)f(of)i (protocols.)k(In)16 b Fp(SIGCOMM)180 2886 y(Symposium)g(on)g (Communications)f(Ar)m(c)o(hitectur)m(es)i(and)f(Pr)l(otocols)p Fr(,)h(pages)f(200\226208,)f(Philadelphia,)h(P)-8 b(A,)18 b(September)d(1990.)180 2986 y(A)m(CM)20 b(Press.)42 3152 y([7])40 b(C.)27 b(Consel)f(and)f(O.)i(Dan)m(vy)-5 b(.)46 b(T)l(utorial)25 b(notes)h(on)g(partial)f(e)n(v)n(aluation.)46 b(In)26 b Fp(Confer)m(ence)g(Recor)m(d)f(of)h(the)g(T)-6 b(wentieth)26 b(Annual)180 3251 y(A)n(CM)j(SIGPLAN-SIGA)n(CT)e (Symposium)h(on)g(Principles)h(Of)g(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(amming)f(Langua)o(g)o (es)p Fr(,)h(pages)g(493\226501,)f(Charleston,)180 3351 y(SC,)21 b(USA,)f(January)f(1993.)g(A)m(CM)h(Press.)42 3517 y([8])40 b(C.)21 b(Consel,)g(L.)f(Hornof,)f(F)-7 b(.)21 b(No)5 b(\250)-33 b(el,)21 b(J.)g(No)o(y)5 b(\264)-33 b(e,)20 b(and)g(E.N.)g(V)-11 b(olanschi.)30 b(A)21 b(uniform)e (approach)f(for)i(compile-time)f(and)h(run-time)180 3617 y(specialization.)59 b(In)30 b(O.)g(Dan)m(vy)-5 b(,)30 b(R.)g(Gl)7 b(\250)-35 b(uck,)32 b(and)d(P)-9 b(.)30 b(Thiemann,)h(editors,)g Fp(P)-7 b(artial)30 b(Evaluation,)g (International)e(Seminar)-9 b(,)180 3716 y(Da)o(gstuhl)19 b(Castle)p Fr(,)i(number)d(1110)h(in)h(Lecture)g(Notes)g(in)h(Computer) d(Science,)i(pages)g(54\22672,)e(February)g(1996.)42 3882 y([9])40 b(D.R.)17 b(Engler)m(,)f(W)-8 b(.C.)19 b(Hsieh,)e(and)g(M.F)-7 b(.)18 b(Kaashoek.)j Fk(`)p Fr(C:)d(A)f (language)f(for)g(high-le)n(v)o(el,)g(ef)n(\002cient,)h(and)f (machine-independent)180 3982 y(dynamic)26 b(code)g(generation.)50 b(In)27 b Fp(Confer)m(ence)g(Recor)m(d)g(of)g(the)h Fa(23)2178 3952 y Fd(r)r(d)2276 3982 y Fp(Annual)e(A)n(CM)h(SIGPLAN-SIGA)n(CT)f (Symposium)g(on)180 4081 y(Principles)f(Of)i(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(amming)d (Langua)o(g)o(es)p Fr(,)h(pages)h(131\226144,)e(St.)i(Petersb)n(ur)o(g) e(Beach,)j(FL,)f(USA,)h(January)d(1996.)g(A)m(CM)180 4181 y(Press.)0 4347 y([10])40 b(D.R.)19 b(Engler)f(and)h(M.F)-7 b(.)20 b(Kaashoek.)25 b(DPF:)c(F)o(ast,)e(\003e)o(xible)g(message)g (demultiple)o(xing)d(using)j(dynamic)e(code)i(generation.)25 b(In)180 4447 y(SIGCOMM96)19 b([33)o(].)0 4613 y([11])40 b(D.R.)25 b(Engler)m(,)g(M.F)-7 b(.)26 b(Kaashoek,)f(and)g(J.W)-8 b(.)26 b(O'T)-7 b(oole.)44 b(Exok)o(ernel:)33 b(An)26 b(operating)d(system)i(architecture)f(for)g(application-)180 4712 y(le)n(v)o(el)c(resource)f(management.)26 b(In)20 b(SOSP95)h([35)n(],)f(pages)g(251\226266.)0 4879 y([12])40 b(R.)21 b(Fitzgerald)f(and)g(R.F)-7 b(.)22 b(Rashid.)31 b(The)21 b(inte)o(gration)e(of)h(virtual)g(memory)f(management)g(and)h (interprocess)f(communication)180 4978 y(in)h(Accent.)29 b Fp(A)n(CM)20 b(T)-5 b(r)o(ansactions)20 b(on)g(Computer)g(Systems)p Fr(,)g(4\(2\):147\226177,)15 b(May)20 b(1986.)0 5144 y([13])40 b(A)-9 b(TM)20 b(F)o(orum.)28 b(A)-9 b(TM)20 b(user)n(-netw)o(ork)e(interf)o(ace)h(speci\002cation)h(v)o(ersion)f (3.0,)g(1993.)0 5731 y Fm(PI)e(n)c(\011)g(1094)p eop %%Page: 18 20 18 19 bop 0 352 a Fr(18)507 b Fp(Gilles)21 b(Muller)-9 b(,)20 b(Renaud)e(Marlet,)j(Eug)o(en-Nicolae)d(V)-9 b(olansc)o(hi,)18 b(Charles)j(Consel,)f(Calton)g(Pu)g(&)g(Ashvin)g(Goel)p 0 406 3900 8 v 0 688 a Fr([14])40 b(A.)25 b(Geist,)i(A.)e(Be)o(guelin,) g(J.)h(Dongarra,)d(W)-8 b(.)26 b(Jiang,)g(R.)g(Manchek,)e(and)h(V)-11 b(.)25 b(Sunde.)44 b Fp(PVM:)25 b(P)-7 b(ar)o(allel)25 b(V)-6 b(irtual)24 b(Mac)o(hine)g(-)h(A)180 788 y(User)o(s')c(Guide)f (and)f(T)-5 b(utorial)20 b(for)h(Network)o(ed)g(P)-7 b(ar)o(allel)20 b(Computing)o(.)27 b Fr(MIT)20 b(Press,)h(1994.)0 954 y([15])40 b(P)-9 b(.)17 b(Hoschka)g(and)f(C.)i(Huitema.)23 b(Control)16 b(\003o)n(w)h(graph)f(analysis)i(for)e(automatic)g(f)o (ast)i(path)f(implementation.)k(In)c Fp(Second)e(IEEE)180 1054 y(workshop)29 b(on)g(the)h(ar)m(c)o(hitectur)m(e)e(and)h (Implementation)e(of)j(high)f(performance)f(communication)f(subsystems) p Fr(,)33 b(W)m(illiam-)180 1153 y(sb)n(ur)o(g,)19 b(V)-11 b(A,)20 b(September)f(1993.)0 1319 y([16])40 b(ISO.)29 b(Speci\002cation)20 b(of)f(abstract)h(syntax)g(notation)f(one)g (\(ASN.1\).)29 b(ISO)20 b(standard)f(8824,)g(1988.)0 1485 y([17])40 b(D.B.)31 b(Johnson)e(and)i(W)-8 b(.)31 b(Zw)o(aenepoel.)62 b(The)30 b(Pere)o(grine)f(high-performance)d(RPC)33 b(system.)63 b Fp(Softwar)m(e)30 b(-)h(Pr)o(actice)f(And)180 1585 y(Experience)p Fr(,)19 b(23\(2\):201\226221,)c(February)j(1993.)0 1751 y([18])40 b(N.D.)25 b(Jones,)i(C.)f(Gomard,)f(and)g(P)-9 b(.)26 b(Sestoft.)46 b Fp(P)-7 b(artial)26 b(Evaluation)d(and)i(A)n (utomatic)f(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(am)h(Gener)o(ation)p Fr(.)45 b(International)180 1851 y(Series)20 b(in)h(Computer)e(Science.)g (Prentice-Hall,)h(June)f(1993.)0 2017 y([19])40 b(B.N.)16 b(Locanthi.)h(F)o(ast)f(bitblt\(\))f(with)g(asm\(\))g(and)g(cpp.)k(In)c Fp(Eur)l(opean)e(UNIX)j(Systems)g(User)g(Gr)l(oup)f(Confer)m(ence)g(Pr) l(oceedings)p Fr(,)180 2116 y(pages)20 b(243\226259,)d(A)-9 b(T&T)19 b(Bell)i(Laboratories,)d(Murray)h(Hill,)i(September)e(1987.)f (EUUG.)0 2282 y([20])40 b(C.)27 b(Maeda)g(and)f(B.N.)h(Bershad.)50 b(Protocol)25 b(service)i(decomposition)d(for)i(high-performance)c (netw)o(orking.)48 b(In)27 b(SOSP'93)180 2382 y([34)n(],)21 b(pages)e(244\226255.)0 2548 y([21])40 b(H.)21 b(Massalin)h(and)e(C.)i (Pu.)33 b(Threads)20 b(and)g(input/output)f(in)i(the)h(Synthesis)f(k)o (ernel.)31 b(In)21 b Fp(Pr)l(oceedings)f(of)h(the)g(T)-6 b(welfth)22 b(Sympo-)180 2648 y(sium)e(on)g(Oper)o(ating)f(Systems)i (Principles)p Fr(,)e(pages)h(191\226201,)d(Arizona,)i(December)g(1989.) 0 2814 y([22])40 b(Sun)20 b(Microsystem.)28 b(NFS:)21 b(Netw)o(ork)e(\002le)i(system)f(protocol)f(speci\002cation.)28 b(RFC)21 b(1094,)e(Sun)h(Microsystem,)f(March)g(1989.)0 2980 y([23])40 b(A.B.)35 b(Montz,)i(D.)d(Mosber)o(ger)m(,)h(S.W)-8 b(.)35 b(O'Malle)o(y)-5 b(,)37 b(L.L.)d(Peterson,)j(T)-6 b(.A.)34 b(Proebsting,)i(and)e(J.H.)g(Hartman.)74 b(Scout:)53 b(A)180 3079 y(communications-oriented)24 b(operating)j(system.)58 b(T)-6 b(echnical)28 b(Report)h(94\22620,)g(Department)f(of)g(Computer) g(Science,)j(The)180 3179 y(Uni)n(v)o(ersity)19 b(of)h(Arizona,)f (1994.)0 3345 y([24])40 b(D.)29 b(Mosber)o(ger)m(,)g(L.L.)f(Peterson,)j (P)-9 b(.G.)29 b(Bridges,)i(and)e(S.W)-8 b(.)30 b(O'Malle)o(y)-5 b(.)56 b(Analysis)29 b(of)g(techniques)f(to)h(impro)o(v)o(e)e(protocol) 180 3445 y(processing)19 b(latenc)o(y)-5 b(.)27 b(In)20 b(SIGCOMM96)g([33)n(].)0 3611 y([25])40 b(D.)22 b(Mosber)o(ger)m(,)e (L.L.)i(Peterson,)g(and)f(S.W)-8 b(.)23 b(O'Malle)o(y)-5 b(.)34 b(Protocol)22 b(latenc)o(y:)28 b(MIPS)22 b(and)g(reality)-5 b(.)35 b(T)-6 b(echnical)21 b(Report)h(95-02,)180 3710 y(Department)d(of)g(Computer)g(Science,)h(The)g(Uni)n(v)o(ersity)f(of)h (Arizona,)f(1995.)0 3876 y([26])40 b(S.)30 b(O'Malle)o(y)-5 b(,)32 b(T)-6 b(.)30 b(Proebsting,)h(and)e(A.B.)i(Montz.)60 b(USC:)32 b(A)e(uni)n(v)o(ersal)f(stub)h(compiler)-5 b(.)60 b(T)-6 b(echnical)30 b(Report)f(TR94-10,)180 3976 y(Uni)n(v)o(ersity)20 b(of)h(Arizona,)f(Department)f(of)i(Computer)f (Science,)h(1994.)31 b(Also)21 b(in)g(Proc.)g(Conf.)f(on)h (Communications)e(Archi.)180 4076 y(Protocols)g(and)h(Applications.)0 4242 y([27])40 b(C.)24 b(Pu,)f(T)-6 b(.)23 b(Autre)o(y)-5 b(,)22 b(A.)i(Black,)f(C.)h(Consel,)g(C.)g(Co)n(w)o(an,)f(J.)h(Inouye,) d(L.)j(K)n(ethana,)e(J.)i(W)-7 b(alpole,)24 b(and)e(K.)h(Zhang.)37 b(Optimistic)180 4341 y(incremental)19 b(specialization:)24 b(Streamlining)19 b(a)h(commercial)f(operating)f(system.)30 b(In)19 b(SOSP95)i([35)n(],)f(pages)g(314\226324.)0 4507 y([28])40 b(C.)21 b(Pu,)f(H.)g(Massalin,)h(and)e(J.)i(Ioannidis.)28 b(The)20 b(Synthesis)g(k)o(ernel.)28 b Fp(Computing)19 b(Systems)p Fr(,)h(1\(1\):11\22632,)d(W)m(inter)j(1988.)0 4673 y([29])40 b(R.)21 b(Ramse)o(y)-5 b(.)28 b Fp(All)21 b(about)e(administering)g(NIS+)p Fr(.)29 b(SunSoft,)19 b(1993.)0 4839 y([30])40 b(R.F)-7 b(.)32 b(Rashid,)i(A.)e(T)-6 b(e)n(v)n(anian)30 b(Jr)-5 b(.,)34 b(M.W)-8 b(.)32 b(Y)-9 b(oung,)32 b(D.B.)g(Golub,)h(R.V)-11 b(.)32 b(Baron,)h(D.)f(Black,)i (Bolosk)o(y)c(W)-8 b(.J.,)35 b(and)c(J.)h(Che)n(w)-5 b(.)180 4939 y(Machine-independent)28 b(virtual)k(memory)g(management)e (for)i(paged)g(uniprocessor)f(and)h(multiprocessor)f(architectures.)180 5039 y Fp(IEEE)19 b(T)-5 b(r)o(ansactions)20 b(on)g(Computer)o(s)p Fr(,)g(37\(8\):896\226908,)15 b(August)k(1988.)3782 5731 y Fm(Irisa)p eop %%Page: 19 21 19 20 bop 0 352 a Fp(F)-6 b(ast,)20 b(Optimized)g(Sun)f(RPC)i(Using)f (A)n(utomatic)f(Pr)l(o)o(gr)o(am)h(Specialization)1582 b Fr(19)p 0 406 3900 8 v 0 688 a([31])40 b(V)-11 b(.)24 b(Rozier)m(,)h(V)-11 b(.)24 b(Abrossimo)o(v)-5 b(,)23 b(F)-7 b(.)24 b(Armand,)g(I.)g(Boule,)g(M.)g(Gien,)h(M.)f(Guillemont,)f (F)-7 b(.)25 b(Herrmann,)e(C.)i(Kaiser)m(,)f(S.)h(Langlois,)180 788 y(P)-9 b(.)25 b(L)5 b(\264)-33 b(eonard,)24 b(and)g(W)-8 b(.)25 b(Neuhauser)-5 b(.)43 b(Ov)o(ervie)n(w)23 b(of)i(the)f(Chorus)g (distrib)n(uted)g(operating)f(system.)44 b(In)24 b Fp(USENIX)g(-)h(W)-8 b(orkshop)180 888 y(Pr)l(oceedings)19 b(-)h(Micr)l(o-k)o(ernels)h(and)e (Other)i(K)m(ernel)f(Ar)m(c)o(hitectur)m(es)p Fr(,)g(pages)g(39\22670,) e(Seattle,)i(W)-10 b(A,)21 b(USA,)g(April)f(1992.)0 1054 y([32])40 b(M.D.)16 b(Schroeder)f(and)h(M.)h(Burro)n(ws.)k(Performance) 15 b(of)h(Fire\003y)h(RPC.)23 b Fp(A)n(CM)17 b(T)-5 b(r)o(ansactions)16 b(on)h(Computer)f(Systems)p Fr(,)i(8\(1\):1\226)180 1153 y(17,)h(February)g(1990.)0 1319 y([33])40 b Fp(SIGCOMM)17 b(Symposium)g(on)f(Communications)g(Ar)m(c)o(hitectur)m(es)h(and)f(Pr)l (otocols)p Fr(,)i(Stanford)d(Uni)n(v)o(ersity)-5 b(,)16 b(CA,)i(August)f(1996.)180 1419 y(A)m(CM)j(Press.)0 1585 y([34])40 b Fp(Pr)l(oceedings)27 b(of)h(the)g(1993)f(A)n(CM)h (Symposium)f(on)h(Oper)o(ating)f(Systems)h(Principles)p Fr(,)i(Ashe)n(ville,)g(NC,)e(USA,)h(December)180 1685 y(1993.)18 b(A)m(CM)j(Operating)e(Systems)h(Re)n(vie)n(ws,)h(27\(5\),A) m(CM)d(Press.)0 1851 y([35])40 b Fp(Pr)l(oceedings)16 b(of)h(the)h(1995)d(A)n(CM)j(Symposium)e(on)h(Oper)o(ating)f(Systems)h (Principles)p Fr(,)h(Copper)e(Mountain)f(Resort,)j(CO,)g(USA,)180 1950 y(December)h(1995.)f(A)m(CM)j(Operating)e(Systems)h(Re)n(vie)n (ws,)g(29\(5\),A)m(CM)f(Press.)0 2116 y([36])40 b(C.A.)27 b(Thekkath)f(and)g(H.M.)i(Le)n(vy)-5 b(.)50 b(Lo)n(w-latenc)o(y)25 b(communication)f(on)j(high-speed)e(netw)o(orks.)51 b Fp(A)n(CM)27 b(T)-5 b(r)o(ansactions)27 b(on)180 2216 y(Computer)20 b(Systems)p Fr(,)g(11\(2\):179\226203,)15 b(May)20 b(1993.)0 2382 y([37])40 b(R.)18 b(W)-7 b(ahbe,)19 b(S.)f(Lucco,)f(T)-6 b(.E.)18 b(Anderson,)e(and)h(S.L.)h(Graham.)24 b(Ef)n(\002cient)17 b(softw)o(are-based)f(f)o(ault)i(isolation.)24 b(In)17 b(SOSP'93)h([34)o(],)180 2482 y(pages)i(203\226216.)0 5731 y Fm(PI)d(n)c(\011)g(1094)p eop %%Trailer end userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if %%EOF Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:48:43 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: C-Mix Here's what I can say about C-Mix. Anything we need to add? Other observations? C-Mix Structure: Input: source program + binding time pattern for a target function to be specialized e.g. DS (first argument dynamic, second static) Call Graph Analysis, Pointer Analysis and BTA + cogen => annotated program (feedback for the user) + GE GE is run (by the programmer) with static data as input => residual program Capabilities: - monovariant specialization of C functions - polyvariance at program points: at control flow merges splitting is done unless C-Mix can determine that the static store is "similar" that allows polyvariance after dynamic ifs. There is no mention of a reachability analysis, so I am not sure how this works in detail. There's an example where C-Mix multi-way unrolls a binary search function, though, so it seems to work.. - user feedback about the BTA results as annotated source Limitations: - no polyvariant division - no partially static data structure (structs must be completely dynamic / static) - polyvariant function calls are limited: the programmer must explicitly call the GE with different values and execute the resulting residual program by hand - no control over unrolling: if the loop is statically controlled it will be unrolled completely [sources: Andersen's PhD thesis, C-Mix Manual, C-Mix Demo description] To: Subject: clustering algorithm Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 12:45:51 PST From: Matthai Philipose Hi all, Here's the clustering algorithm, to the best of my current understanding. While writing it, a few issues came up in my mind, which I have noted in the text below. The algorithm is still not polished enough, in my mind to go into the paper. On the other hand, in my mind, a detailed discussion of the clustering issue is premature for this paper, because we're not sure how useful it is. What I'm hoping is that if we have a summary paragraph mentioning issues like clustering, the below write-up will enable a few interesting lines about clustering. I am leaving right now for a weekend trip. Will be back on monday. Feedback will be appreciated. Matthai --------------- Algorithm for clustering unit boundaries: ----------------------------------------- Unit boundaries are of two kinds: 1)Movable boundaries, arising from static-to-dynamic/dynamic-to-static promotions/demotions, and annotated on the CFG by a prepass as Promote(x)/Demote(x). 2)Fixed boundaries, arising at merges through edges that are discordant, or coming in from another unit, or at nodes that the target of lazy edges. The aim of the clustering algorithm is to minimize the number of programs points at which unit boundaries occur. The movable boundaries are "clustered" at program points, such that the number of clusters is minimized. Note that, in general, blindly minimizing the number of units may be counterproductive. For instance, some units may be very large, with some parts having a high probability of execution, and others a low probability. It may be then be advantageous to split the unit into two units which are specialized lazily. The lowering of cost achieved by minimizing unit boundaries may therefore be offset by the increased cost of eagerly specializing large units. (Do not consider execution frequency when determining final location of boundary.) (Do not differentiate between eager and lazy boundaries, i.e. those that have a cost only at setup vs. those that have a stitched-code cost; the latter are presumably more important.) The current clustering scheme works in two steps: 1)The _range-marking step_ computes the range or program points across which each boundary is allowed to move. 2)The _range-merging step_ clusters overlapping ranges in such a way as to minimize the number of clusters formed. It is OK to decouple the two steps, because range-marking as we currently think of it is independent of range-merging. Specifically, the ranges of boundaries are determined only by the structure of the underlying CFG, not by the ranges of other boundaries. The range of a boundary can therefore be determined independent of the (final) locations of other boundaries. (This is true only of movable boundaries; for instance, moving a Promote() below a diamond can make the discordant merge at the bottom of the diamond disappear. Moving a Promote() above a diamond can make lazy boundaries appear on each branch of the diamond. How much of a problem is this?) Here are the current range-marking rules: 1. Fixed boundaries are limited to the program point they appear at, in the original CFG. 2. For Promote(x) boundaries: i.Cannot move across uses of x. This is in order to "respect the intention of the user" ii.May move below defs of x, but not above. This is conservative: we could allow movement above defs of x that are not promotions, e.g. x=s+1, s static. The rationale behind allowing movement above defs is that in the promotion case, i.e. x = ..d.., d static, a promotion will have to left behind after the def) iii.May not move above/below merges, except to control equivalent (CE) regions of the CFG. Moving to non-CE regions above a merge is bad because a fixed unit boundary will be otherwise be created at the merge due to multiple entries. Moving below a merge ... iv.May not move below branches, except to control equivalent regions. There's no good reason for this, except that we currently do not have a fast algorithm for range-merging in this case. The following scenario (due to Brian), shows why pushing below branches to non-CE regions may be a good idea: promote(x) | / \ lazy lazy : : The "lazy"s represent fixed boundaries at lazy points. We may want to push the promote down to these boundaries to save a unit boundary. 3. For Demote(x) boundaries: --Cannot move across uses of x. --Can only move to CE regions across branches and merges. The range of motions allowed across branches and merges is currently restrictive. However, the restrictions are in place because we do not have a good scheme to cluster such ranges. The only hard restriction on these ranges is that they are not determined by other ranges; otherwise the two-phase mark/merge scheme may not work. Here is the range-merging algorithm: The restriction that boundaries can move only between control-equivalent parts of a CFG partitions the set of ranges into "mergeable subsets" of the set of all ranges. Recall that control-equivalence partitions the CFG into disjoint control-equivalent (CE) sub-graphs. Our range-marking rules ensure that no range can fall into more than one of these disjoint sub-graphs. When merging ranges, therefore, we only have to be concerned about merging together ranges that belong to the same CE sub-graph. The merging algorithm has as input a CE sub-graph, which is a linear, non-contiguous sub-graph of the CFG, with ranges marked on it. Ranges are marked by annotating at each program point the set of boundaries that may be moved to that point. The algorithm works by sweeping the sub-graph program points from top to bottom. Each time we arrive at a program point that denotes the end of a range that is not already-clustered (denote this range a "kernel" range), we cluster together all overlapping ranges at that point that have not already been clustered. We add these overlapping ranges and the kernel range to the set of "already-clustered" ranges, and continue the sweep to find the next kernel range, starting at the next-program point that contains a non-clustered range. It is easy to see that this algorithm produces the minimum number of clusters possible. Note that we produce a cluster only on detecting a kernel range, so that the number of clusters is equal to the number of kernels. Now, two kernels cannot overlap at any point because otherwise they would have been placed in the same cluster. The number of kernels is therefore also the minimum number of clusters required, implying that our algorithm produces no more clusters than necessary. A concern here may be that since ranges can be discontinuous, the two kernels may overlap at some points, but not at others. Specifically, we may fear that when clustering was occurring around the initially detected kernel range, i.e. at the lowest program point on the kernel range, the later-detected kernel did not extend to this point. However, our range-marking rules ensure us that if the two ranges overlapped at any earlier point, then they must overlap at _all_ CE points downstream till one of them ends. If two kernels overlap therefore, they are guaranteed to overlap at the point where the earlier-detected of the two end. The two would have been clustered together, so that the later-detected kernel could not have been a kernel after all. The above algorithm takes O(n^2) time in the size of the CFG; at each instruction, it checks the O(n) ranges in the the already-clustered set. By sorting ranges by lower end-point and traversing only range-endpoints (instead of program points), we should easily be able to get the time down to O(n). Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 18:27:02 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper Ugh. Markus and I spent most of the day futzing with BTA flow functions and equations. I think we've gotten the rules finally written (with a kludge for reachability analysis and lazy branch identification), and now I need to go back, revise the initial bit of English I wrote before I wrote the equations, and write a bunch of English that explains the highlights of what all the rules do. Of course, I still have the GEGen section to write and the related work and conclusions.... So I'm behind schedule. I hope I'll get some time to work on it over the weekend. Feel free to look at the paper, although the text of section 5 starting at 5.3 is out of date. -- Craig Date: Sun, 30 Mar 1997 18:23:13 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper status I came in yesterday and today to work on the paper, and I got a bunch done. I've finished section 5 (BTA) and written all but subsection 6.4 of section 6 (GEGen). My text probably isn't great, and I have a number of markers of issues we need to resolve, and I have essentially no examples anywhere (a big omission; we need to think of a good running example that we can use to show e.g. the results of the BTA, unit boundaries, linearized units, and the RandR function w/ emits). But it's much better than what we had at the end of the day Friday. Tomorrow morning I'd like to take the draft of related work that you all did, and finish a complete draft of the paper before lunch. Then we all can sit back, ponder our navels, and start polishing, adding examples, adding slams of related work intermittently, etc. Ideally, by Tuesday afternoon we'd have a nice version of the paper done. See ~chambers/papers/pepm/97/dc.{doc,ps}. -- Craig Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 10:31:37 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: related work draft I have never introduced the name DyC. Should I? -- Craig Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 18:25:52 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper status There's now a complete set of words for everything but the abstract, acks, and references. I'm making a pass through the paper from start to finish, putting in the technical changes that we all discussed and Brian summarized on the web. I'm now in the middle section 4. Feel free to read the latest draft, particularly up to 4.2 or so. I'm not doing anything about examples in this pass; I'd really like you three to design some good examples to illustrate the subtler issues, and I can plug them in once they're designed well. -- Craig To: Subject: updated "outstanding issues" Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 23:45:42 PST From: Brian Grant I updated my list of "outstanding issues" to include section 6. I didn't update it for the second draft of sections 1-4.2, nor did I update all references to "context", referring to the old-style context containing only variables that make up the cache key. I saw no major problems with section 6, and I think it summarizes tons of details remarkably well. I'll look more at section 5 in the morning, hopefully before I come in. I'll be in a little late (10 or 10:30). --Brian Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 10:35:05 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: (more) new UltraSparcs I just got a letter this morning, and Sun finally came through and approved our grant proposal that we sent in a year ago to get three UltraSparc-170s w/ 128MB RAM and (it turns out) fancy graphics cards. -- Craig To: cc: Subject: Common idioms section Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 16:30:06 PST From: Matthai Philipose Craig, I don't know if you have this on your agenda, but when you're tweaking the text in the paper, you may want to think of adding the common idioms sub-section to the annotations section, as we discussed. Markus, Brian and I decided that as Writer of the Text, you should be the one who thinks about this. :-) Matthai Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 16:43:52 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: Common idioms section Cc: > From Tue Apr 1 16:30:12 1997 > Delivery-Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 16:30:19 PST > X-Mailer: exmh version 1.5.3 12/28/94 > To: > cc: > Subject: Common idioms section > Reply-to: Matthai Philipose > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 16:30:06 PST > From: Matthai Philipose > > Craig, > I don't know if you have this on your agenda, but when > you're tweaking the text in the paper, you may want to > think of adding the common idioms sub-section to the > annotations section, as we discussed. > > Markus, Brian and I decided that as Writer of the Text, > you should be the one who thinks about this. :-) > Matthai > Hah! I won't get to it until I'm done w/ this pass through the text, including the rel. work, conclusions, and abstract. -- Craig Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 18:29:29 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: status I spent a bunch of time futzing w/ the BTA equations to try to get the new caching scheme implemented correctly. I've pretty much finished up my non- example editing pass through section 5 now. Tomorrow I pick up w/ sections 6-8 + abstract, then we can all resynchronize. -- Craig Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 11:40:53 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: pepm comments FYI. ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Wed Apr 2 11:36:21 1997 Delivery-Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 11:36:23 PST To: chambers@pysht Subject: pepm comments Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 11:36:18 PST From: Dave Grove I finally got around to reading most of the pepm paper. I read a draft from Monday night this morning on the stairmaster, so not sure how applicable any of these comments are any more. Since this is probably an old version of the paper by now, I'll just give some high level comments. 1) after reading section 1 & 2 I'm still unclear on the precise defintion of division vs. specialization. Is this something the target audience already knows? Don't see what is special about the one example of division you just gave (why it's divsion instead of specialization) it becuase there are annotations guarded by a dynamic if? Am I just being dense? 2) RE the marker at the end of 2, I think it would be helpful to show the generated code for a simple example, although if space is tight it isn't critical. 3) page layout of figure 3 & 4 (4 on the page before 3) was miserable; I assume you'll futz with this once the english stablizes. Also cross references are out of whack. 4) I'm not sure if figure 5 belongs in the main text or in an appendix. I'd be inclined to briefly state in english where various classes of annotations can appear and move the modifications to the C Grammar to an appendix. 5) section 5 needed more initial motivation and a better up front picture of how the various pieces fit together. I felt like I was slogging through a bunch of lattice stuff without a good enough roadmap to see how it was all going to fit together. (May have been partially due to trying to read the paper while working out; not sure if I would have had quite as much trouble if I was reading the paper & doing nothing else). Didn't read sections 6,7,8 that carefully, so no comments there. --dave ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 12:56:09 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: issue My current rules do polyvar division even for different policies of the polyvar divide variables. Maybe we don't want to do that. What do you all think? -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: issue Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 13:13:10 PST From: Brian Grant >> My current rules do polyvar division even for different policies of the >> polyvar divide variables. Maybe we don't want to do that. What do you all >> think? We had a discussion about this a while ago and decided it was a good idea to split on policies because that was the "strongest" notion of keepConst. However, I could imagine cases where the programmer wouldn't want that behavior. We could have a footnote saying that splitting only on the raw division (static/dynamic) might also be reasonable and that we don't have enough experience to know whether we would want to split or not. One could also imagine yet another policy to control the splitting (poly/mono_policies). I don't think we should change that aspect of the equations. We have too many other bugs to fix. BTW, my list of outstanding issues is now updated for the version of the paper I found at 9am this morning (timestamp from 6:30pm last night). --Brian Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 16:27:34 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper OK, I'm finally through w/ edits & changes in section 5 (and all earlier sections). I'm going on to section 6 (quick changes I hope), and then to the related work & conclusions (for the first time). I assume the rest of you all are finishing up your examples that can be plopped into the paper easily. We're at 15 pages now.... Can somebody email Consel and ask for 2 extra pages? Never mind, I'll do that now. -- Craig Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 18:09:50 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper status I'm done w/ section 6 (and earlier sections). I'm planning to come back in tonight after dinner and go through section 7 & 8 and write an abstract. Fun all around. Then tomorrow morning I can check Susan's comments. We also need to integrate examples sometime. Note that tomorrow my schedule sucks. I have lunch w/ the faculty candidate (which I may cancel out from), a faculty meeting, and the faculty candidate's talk. That kills noon-4:30, which if we fedex the paper then means we need to be done by noon (or 1:30 if I skip lunch). Agh!! I don't know when you all were expecting the examples to get integrated.... Oh, yeah, we're supposed to meet at 10:30-noon. We won't, except to talk about the paper and finish it off. -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: bibs Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 18:12:53 PST From: Matthai Philipose OK. Beginning biblio work... I'll broadcast an OK when I'm done. > Go ahead and do the bibliography now. Please let me know when you're done, > so I can work on the related work. > > -- Craig > To: cc: Subject: biblio done Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 19:30:37 PST From: Matthai Philipose Craig, The biblio is done. Since I did not have write perms on your copy of the file, I made my own copy of dc.doc and generated the biblio into it. The copy which includes the biblio is: ~matthai/papers/pepm/97/dc_bib.doc I also have a version of my examples in ~matthai/papers/pepm/97/dc_bib.doc The captions on these (especially the unitized interpreter) needs more work. Other than that, I have incorporated a round of feedback from Brian on these examples. Please let me know if you have any comments/feedback. Matthai Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 00:12:52 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: extra pages? Let's try for 15 pages, but not kill ourselves. ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Wed Apr 2 23:21:50 1997 Delivery-Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 23:21:55 PST Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 09:21:44 +0200 From: Charles Consel To: Subject: Re: extra pages? > As we finalize our PEPM camera-ready paper, it's looking a bit longer than > 14 pages. Can we get 2 extra pages in the proceedings? Thanks. 1 extra page would be good. 2 pages if absolutely necessary. > We plan to email you postscript tomorrow afternoon, our time, and > simultaneously express-mail you a hardcopy, in case the hardcopy arrives in > time for you and you don't need to hassle w/ our postscript. Excellent plan! Charles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Consel | University of Rennes / Irisa | Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu Phone: (33) 2 99 84 74 10 | 35042 Rennes Cedex Fax: (33) 2 99 84 71 71 | France ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- URL: & index.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 00:50:38 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: PEPM paper for the fedex packet. ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Thu Apr 3 00:10:32 1997 Delivery-Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 00:10:35 PST Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 10:10:25 +0200 From: Charles Consel To: Subject: Re: PEPM paper > Also, can you give me a street address for the express-mail package? I'm not > sure just "U of Rennes/Irisa" is sufficient for them. The precise address is Charles Consel University of Rennes / Irisa Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu 263 Avenue du General Leclerc 35042 Rennes Cedex France Phone: (33) 2 99 84 74 10 Fax: (33) 2 99 84 71 71 ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 01:00:21 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper status I've finished a complete, whole, and total draft of the paper. In the standard place. Essentially no examples were added, because they either had bugs, were space-hungry, or were hard to integrate. We'll try again tomorrow. I also still need to go through Susan's comments. And there is one citation that didn't work under bibframe (Andersen92, in marker font; Matthai, please fix). See you all around 10:30 tomorrow. -- Craig Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 12:44:02 -0800 From: Charles Garrett To: Craig Chambers Subject: Re: paper status To the holder of the paper lock. On reading example 3, I noticed that some of the longer lines in the typewriter format are getting cut off on the right margin. For example, in the first comment, the word "for" is not all there. -- Charlie Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 12:45:32 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: paper status Cc: spin-comp@cs Got it, thanks. -- Craig Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 13:22:12 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper I've finished my pass through the paper, putting in Brian's and Susan's suggestions. There remains to plug in and describe Matthai's example and fix the one messed up bib entry. That's all, I think. I'm releasing the write lock, and dashing off to the faculty meeting. -- Craig Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 13:23:24 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: re: paper And of course we need to do final page layout tweaking and converting all the et al.'s to italics and any other clean-ups to the reference list. Matthai, could you look through the references and try to make the reference formats consistent, if there are inconsistencies? Thanks. -- Craig To: Subject: name suggestion Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 13:26:36 PST From: Brian Grant How about Duchamp? From Grolier's: Marcel Duchamp, b. July 28, 1887, d. Oct. 2, 1968, was a French painter and theorist and one of the most influential figures of avant-garde 20th-century art. Duchamp developed a type of symbolic painting, a dynamic version of facet CUBISM (similar to FUTURISM), in which the image depicted successive movements of a single body....Following his maxim never to repeat himself... Note _dynamic_, "depicted successive movements" (sounds like specialized versions), and "never to repeat" (CacheAllUnchecked!). :-) --Brian To: Subject: I'm munging the paper Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 13:29:47 PST From: Matthai Philipose I'm adding the figure with the unitization example and fixing bib references in my copy of Craig's latest version of the paper. I'll sound the all clear when I'm done. Matthai To: Subject: Re: name suggestion Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 13:45:42 PST From: Brian Grant The more I think about it, the more I like it. -- One of Duchamp's styles, dynamism, attempted to capture dynamic behavior (i.e., motion) in a static medium (i.e., painting). Sounds like templates! -- Duchamp was French/European, something Consel/the PE audience can appreciate :-) -- If it is mispronounced by Americans it sounds like "duh Champ!" :-) --Brian To: Brian Grant Cc:, Subject: Re: name suggestion Date: Thu, 03 Apr 97 13:56:31 -0800 From: Susan Eggers Help, what have I started. :-) I hope we're not putting a new name into this paper. Susan Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 14:24:32 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers cc: Subject: paper comments I have just a few small comments: - I guess you have changed "deference" to dereference - page 1, right half, bullet 1: rather .. that ... lots of space between the words - page 5, section 4.1 "treats each of them as .." it's not make_static that treats them, it has the effect that these variables are treated as or made into run-time constants the figure doesn't show very well the different resulting regions maybe makign the static root vars in each region bold face would help to get that across, right now we always have ..x,y.. there - page 12, section 6.1 The branch successor edge determines .. that's a huge sentence, really hard to understand. Breaking it up in two would probably help already.. -- Markus Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 17:13:37 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: pepm paper Cc: spin-comp@cs Here's the postscript for our PEPM paper. We couldn't get it down to just 15 pages in the time available; it's already very dense; sorry. We also have mailed you by express mail a hardcopy of the paper. Thanks for your patience with us. -- Craig %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%Pages: (atend) %%PageOrder: (atend) %%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%Creator: Frame 4.0 %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit %%EndComments %%BeginProlog % % Frame ps_prolog 4.0, for use with Frame 4.0 products % This ps_prolog file is Copyright (c) 1986-1993 Frame Technology % Corporation. All rights reserved. This ps_prolog file may be % freely copied and distributed in conjunction with documents created % using FrameMaker, FrameBuilder and FrameViewer as long as this % copyright notice is preserved. % % Frame products normally print colors as their true color on a color printer % or as shades of gray, based on luminance, on a black-and white printer. The % following flag, if set to True, forces all non-white colors to print as pure % black. 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FMFAILURE } if } def /FMBADEPSF { (PostScript Lang. Ref. Man., 2nd Ed., H.2.4 says EPS must not call X ) dup dup (X) search pop exch pop exch pop length 4 -1 roll putinterval FMFAILURE } def /FMLOCAL { FrameDict begin 0 def end } def /concatprocs { /proc2 exch cvlit def/proc1 exch cvlit def/newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx }def FrameDict begin /FMnone 0 def /FMcyan 1 def /FMmagenta 2 def /FMyellow 3 def /FMblack 4 def /FMcustom 5 def /FrameNegative false def /FrameSepIs FMnone def /FrameSepBlack 0 def /FrameSepYellow 0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0 def /FrameSepCyan 0 def /FrameSepRed 1 def /FrameSepGreen 1 def /FrameSepBlue 1 def /FrameCurGray 1 def /FrameCurPat null def /FrameCurColors [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ] def /FrameColorEpsilon .001 def /eqepsilon { sub dup 0 lt {neg} if FrameColorEpsilon le } bind def /FrameCmpColorsCMYK { 2 copy 0 get exch 0 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 1 get exch 1 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 2 get exch 2 get eqepsilon { 3 get exch 3 get eqepsilon } {pop pop false} ifelse }{pop pop false} ifelse } {pop pop false} ifelse } bind def /FrameCmpColorsRGB { 2 copy 4 get exch 0 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 5 get exch 1 get eqepsilon { 6 get exch 2 get eqepsilon }{pop pop false} ifelse } {pop pop false} ifelse } bind def /RGBtoCMYK { 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 3 copy 2 copy le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse 2 copy le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse dup dup dup 6 1 roll 4 1 roll 7 1 roll sub 6 1 roll sub 5 1 roll sub 4 1 roll } bind def /CMYKtoRGB { dup dup 4 -1 roll add 5 1 roll 3 -1 roll add 4 1 roll add 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch } bind def /FrameSepInit { 1.0 RealSetgray } bind def /FrameSetSepColor { /FrameSepBlue exch def /FrameSepGreen exch def /FrameSepRed exch def /FrameSepBlack exch def /FrameSepYellow exch def /FrameSepMagenta exch def /FrameSepCyan exch def /FrameSepIs FMcustom def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetCyan { /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def /FrameSepRed 0.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 1.0 def /FrameSepIs FMcyan def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetMagenta { /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def /FrameSepRed 1.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 1.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMmagenta def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetYellow { /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def /FrameSepRed 1.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 1.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMyellow def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetBlack { /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def /FrameSepRed 0.0 def /FrameSepBlack 1.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMblack def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameNoSep { /FrameSepIs FMnone def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetSepColors { FrameDict begin [ exch 1 add 1 roll ] /FrameSepColors exch def end } bind def /FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepColors { exch dup 3 -1 roll FrameCmpColorsCMYK { pop true exit } if } forall dup true ne {pop false} if } bind def /FrameColorInSepListRGB { FrameSepColors { exch dup 3 -1 roll FrameCmpColorsRGB { pop true exit } if } forall dup true ne {pop false} if } bind def /RealSetgray /setgray load def /RealSetrgbcolor /setrgbcolor load def /RealSethsbcolor /sethsbcolor load def end /setgray { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetgray } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq { RealSetgray } { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq FrameSepRed 0 eq and FrameSepGreen 0 eq and FrameSepBlue 0 eq and { RealSetgray } { 1 RealSetgray pop } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse end } bind def /setrgbcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetrgbcolor } { 3 copy [ 4 1 roll ] FrameColorInSepListRGB { FrameSepBlue eq exch FrameSepGreen eq and exch FrameSepRed eq and { 0 } { 1 } ifelse } { FMPColor { RealSetrgbcolor currentcmykcolor } { RGBtoCMYK } ifelse FrameSepIs FMblack eq {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse RealSetgray } ifelse end } bind def /sethsbcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSethsbcolor } { RealSethsbcolor currentrgbcolor setrgbcolor } ifelse end } bind def FrameDict begin /setcmykcolor where { pop /RealSetcmykcolor /setcmykcolor load def } { /RealSetcmykcolor { 4 1 roll 3 { 3 index add 0 max 1 min 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat setrgbcolor pop } bind def } ifelse userdict /setcmykcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetcmykcolor } { 4 copy [ 5 1 roll ] FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepBlack eq exch FrameSepYellow eq and exch FrameSepMagenta eq and exch FrameSepCyan eq and { 0 } { 1 } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse RealSetgray } ifelse end } bind put FMLevel1 not { /patProcDict 5 dict dup begin <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> { 3 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> { 3 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def <8142241818244281> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke } bind def <03060c183060c081> { 1 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def <8040201008040201> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def end def /patDict 15 dict dup begin /PatternType 1 def /PaintType 2 def /TilingType 3 def /BBox [ 0 0 8 8 ] def /XStep 8 def /YStep 8 def /PaintProc { begin patProcDict bstring known { patProcDict bstring get exec } { 8 8 true [1 0 0 -1 0 8] bstring imagemask } ifelse end } bind def end def } if /combineColor { FrameSepIs FMnone eq { graymode FMLevel1 or not { [/Pattern [/DeviceCMYK]] setcolorspace FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload pop FrameCurPat setcolor } { FrameCurColors 3 get 1.0 ge { FrameCurGray RealSetgray } { FMPColor graymode and { 0 1 3 { FrameCurColors exch get 1 FrameCurGray sub mul } for RealSetcmykcolor } { 4 1 6 { FrameCurColors exch get graymode { 1 exch sub 1 FrameCurGray sub mul 1 exch sub } { 1.0 lt {FrameCurGray} {1} ifelse } ifelse } for RealSetrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } { FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepBlack eq exch FrameSepYellow eq and exch FrameSepMagenta eq and exch FrameSepCyan eq and FrameSepIs FMcustom eq and { FrameCurGray } { 1 } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq {FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse graymode FMLevel1 or not { [/Pattern [/DeviceGray]] setcolorspace FrameCurPat setcolor } { graymode not FMLevel1 and { dup 1 lt {pop FrameCurGray} if } if RealSetgray } ifelse } ifelse } bind def /savematrix { orgmatrix currentmatrix pop } bind def /restorematrix { orgmatrix setmatrix } bind def /dmatrix matrix def /dpi 72 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt def /freq dpi dup 72 div round dup 0 eq {pop 1} if 8 mul div def /sangle 1 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform exch atan def /dpiranges [ 2540 2400 1693 1270 1200 635 600 0 ] def /CMLowFreqs [ 100.402 94.8683 89.2289 100.402 94.8683 66.9349 63.2456 47.4342 ] def /YLowFreqs [ 95.25 90.0 84.65 95.25 90.0 70.5556 66.6667 50.0 ] def /KLowFreqs [ 89.8026 84.8528 79.8088 89.8026 84.8528 74.8355 70.7107 53.033 ] def /CLowAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def /MLowAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def /YLowTDot [ true true false true true false false false ] def /CMHighFreqs [ 133.87 126.491 133.843 108.503 102.523 100.402 94.8683 63.2456 ] def /YHighFreqs [ 127.0 120.0 126.975 115.455 109.091 95.25 90.0 60.0 ] def /KHighFreqs [ 119.737 113.137 119.713 128.289 121.218 89.8026 84.8528 63.6395 ] def /CHighAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 70.0169 70.0169 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def /MHighAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 19.9831 19.9831 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def /YHighTDot [ false false true false false true true false ] def /PatFreq [ 10.5833 10.0 9.4055 10.5833 10.0 10.5833 10.0 9.375 ] def /screenIndex { 0 1 dpiranges length 1 sub { dup dpiranges exch get 1 sub dpi le {exit} {pop} ifelse } for } bind def /getCyanScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { CHighAngles CMHighFreqs} {CLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getMagentaScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { MHighAngles CMHighFreqs } {MLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getYellowScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { YHighTDot YHighFreqs} { YLowTDot YLowFreqs } ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get { 3 div {2 { 1 add 2 div 3 mul dup floor sub 2 mul 1 sub exch} repeat FMSpotFunction } } {/FMSpotFunction load } ifelse 0.0 exch } bind def /getBlackScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { KHighFreqs } { KLowFreqs } ifelse screenIndex get 45.0 /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getSpotScreen { getBlackScreen } bind def /getCompositeScreen { getBlackScreen } bind def /FMSetScreen FMLevel1 { /setscreen load }{ { 8 dict begin /HalftoneType 1 def /SpotFunction exch def /Angle exch def /Frequency exch def /AccurateScreens FMUseAcccurateScreens def currentdict end sethalftone } bind } ifelse def /setDefaultScreen { FMPColor { orgrxfer cvx orggxfer cvx orgbxfer cvx orgxfer cvx setcolortransfer } { orgxfer cvx settransfer } ifelse orgfreq organgle orgproc cvx setscreen } bind def /setCurrentScreen { FrameSepIs FMnone eq { FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { getCompositeScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq { FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { getSpotScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } { FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq { getCyanScreen FMSetScreen } { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq { getMagentaScreen FMSetScreen } { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq { getYellowScreen FMSetScreen } { getBlackScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } bind def end /gstring FMLOCAL /gfile FMLOCAL /gindex FMLOCAL /orgrxfer FMLOCAL /orggxfer FMLOCAL /orgbxfer FMLOCAL /orgxfer FMLOCAL /orgproc FMLOCAL /orgrproc FMLOCAL /orggproc FMLOCAL /orgbproc FMLOCAL /organgle FMLOCAL /orgrangle FMLOCAL /orggangle FMLOCAL /orgbangle FMLOCAL /orgfreq FMLOCAL /orgrfreq FMLOCAL /orggfreq FMLOCAL /orgbfreq FMLOCAL /yscale FMLOCAL /xscale FMLOCAL /edown FMLOCAL /manualfeed FMLOCAL /paperheight FMLOCAL /paperwidth FMLOCAL /FMDOCUMENT { array /FMfonts exch def /#copies exch def FrameDict begin 0 ne /manualfeed exch def /paperheight exch def /paperwidth exch def 0 ne /FrameNegative exch def 0 ne /edown exch def /yscale exch def /xscale exch def FMLevel1 { manualfeed {setmanualfeed} if /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count def setpapername manualfeed {true} {papersize} ifelse {manualpapersize} {false} ifelse {desperatepapersize} {false} ifelse { (Can't select requested paper size for Frame print job!) FMFAILURE } if count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for } {{1 dict dup /PageSize [paperwidth paperheight]put setpagedevice}stopped { (Can't select requested paper size for Frame print job!) FMFAILURE } if {1 dict dup /ManualFeed manualfeed put setpagedevice } stopped pop } ifelse FMPColor { currentcolorscreen cvlit /orgproc exch def /organgle exch def /orgfreq exch def cvlit /orgbproc exch def /orgbangle exch def /orgbfreq exch def cvlit /orggproc exch def /orggangle exch def /orggfreq exch def cvlit /orgrproc exch def /orgrangle exch def /orgrfreq exch def currentcolortransfer FrameNegative { 1 1 4 { pop { 1 exch sub } concatprocs 4 1 roll } for 4 copy setcolortransfer } if cvlit /orgxfer exch def cvlit /orgbxfer exch def cvlit /orggxfer exch def cvlit /orgrxfer exch def } { currentscreen cvlit /orgproc exch def /organgle exch def /orgfreq exch def currenttransfer FrameNegative { { 1 exch sub } concatprocs dup settransfer } if cvlit /orgxfer exch def } ifelse end } def /pagesave FMLOCAL /orgmatrix FMLOCAL /landscape FMLOCAL /pwid FMLOCAL /FMBEGINPAGE { FrameDict begin /pagesave save def 3.86 setmiterlimit /landscape exch 0 ne def landscape { 90 rotate 0 exch dup /pwid exch def neg translate pop }{ pop /pwid exch def } ifelse edown { [-1 0 0 1 pwid 0] concat } if 0 0 moveto paperwidth 0 lineto paperwidth paperheight lineto 0 paperheight lineto 0 0 lineto 1 setgray fill xscale yscale scale /orgmatrix matrix def gsave } def /FMENDPAGE { grestore pagesave restore end showpage } def /FMFONTDEFINE { FrameDict begin findfont ReEncode 1 index exch definefont FMfonts 3 1 roll put end } def /FMFILLS { FrameDict begin dup array /fillvals exch def dict /patCache exch def end } def /FMFILL { FrameDict begin fillvals 3 1 roll put end } def /FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS { newpath 0.0 0.0 moveto 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinecap 0 0 0 sethsbcolor 0 setgray } bind def /fx FMLOCAL /fy FMLOCAL /fh FMLOCAL /fw FMLOCAL /llx FMLOCAL /lly FMLOCAL /urx FMLOCAL /ury FMLOCAL /FMBEGINEPSF { end /FMEPSF save def /showpage {} def % See Adobe's "PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2nd Edition", page 714. % "...the following operators MUST NOT be used in an EPS file:" (emphasis ours) /banddevice {(banddevice) FMBADEPSF} def /clear {(clear) FMBADEPSF} def /cleardictstack {(cleardictstack) FMBADEPSF} def /copypage {(copypage) FMBADEPSF} def /erasepage {(erasepage) FMBADEPSF} def /exitserver {(exitserver) FMBADEPSF} def /framedevice {(framedevice) FMBADEPSF} def /grestoreall {(grestoreall) FMBADEPSF} def /initclip {(initclip) FMBADEPSF} def /initgraphics {(initgraphics) FMBADEPSF} def /initmatrix {(initmatrix) FMBADEPSF} def /quit {(quit) FMBADEPSF} def /renderbands {(renderbands) FMBADEPSF} def /setglobal {(setglobal) FMBADEPSF} def /setpagedevice {(setpagedevice) FMBADEPSF} def /setshared {(setshared) FMBADEPSF} def /startjob {(startjob) FMBADEPSF} def /lettertray {(lettertray) FMBADEPSF} def /letter {(letter) FMBADEPSF} def /lettersmall {(lettersmall) FMBADEPSF} def /11x17tray {(11x17tray) FMBADEPSF} def /11x17 {(11x17) FMBADEPSF} def /ledgertray {(ledgertray) FMBADEPSF} def /ledger {(ledger) FMBADEPSF} def /legaltray {(legaltray) FMBADEPSF} def /legal {(legal) FMBADEPSF} def /statementtray {(statementtray) FMBADEPSF} def /statement {(statement) FMBADEPSF} def /executivetray {(executivetray) FMBADEPSF} def /executive {(executive) FMBADEPSF} def /a3tray {(a3tray) FMBADEPSF} def /a3 {(a3) FMBADEPSF} def /a4tray {(a4tray) FMBADEPSF} def /a4 {(a4) FMBADEPSF} def /a4small {(a4small) FMBADEPSF} def /b4tray {(b4tray) FMBADEPSF} def /b4 {(b4) FMBADEPSF} def /b5tray {(b5tray) FMBADEPSF} def /b5 {(b5) FMBADEPSF} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS [/fy /fx /fh /fw /ury /urx /lly /llx] {exch def} forall fx fw 2 div add fy fh 2 div add translate rotate fw 2 div neg fh 2 div neg translate fw urx llx sub div fh ury lly sub div scale llx neg lly neg translate /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count def } bind def /FMENDEPSF { count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for FMEPSF restore FrameDict begin } bind def FrameDict begin /setmanualfeed { %%BeginFeature *ManualFeed True statusdict /manualfeed true put %%EndFeature } bind def /max {2 copy lt {exch} if pop} bind def /min {2 copy gt {exch} if pop} bind def /inch {72 mul} def /pagedimen { paperheight sub abs 16 lt exch paperwidth sub abs 16 lt and {/papername exch def} {pop} ifelse } bind def /papersizedict FMLOCAL /setpapername { /papersizedict 14 dict def papersizedict begin /papername /unknown def /Letter 8.5 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /LetterSmall 7.68 inch 10.16 inch pagedimen /Tabloid 11.0 inch 17.0 inch pagedimen /Ledger 17.0 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /Legal 8.5 inch 14.0 inch pagedimen /Statement 5.5 inch 8.5 inch pagedimen /Executive 7.5 inch 10.0 inch pagedimen /A3 11.69 inch 16.5 inch pagedimen /A4 8.26 inch 11.69 inch pagedimen /A4Small 7.47 inch 10.85 inch pagedimen /B4 10.125 inch 14.33 inch pagedimen /B5 7.16 inch 10.125 inch pagedimen end } bind def /papersize { papersizedict begin /Letter {lettertray letter} def /LetterSmall {lettertray lettersmall} def /Tabloid {11x17tray 11x17} def /Ledger {ledgertray ledger} def /Legal {legaltray legal} def /Statement {statementtray statement} def /Executive {executivetray executive} def /A3 {a3tray a3} def /A4 {a4tray a4} def /A4Small {a4tray a4small} def /B4 {b4tray b4} def /B5 {b5tray b5} def /unknown {unknown} def papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get end statusdict begin stopped end } bind def /manualpapersize { papersizedict begin /Letter {letter} def /LetterSmall {lettersmall} def /Tabloid {11x17} def /Ledger {ledger} def /Legal {legal} def /Statement {statement} def /Executive {executive} def /A3 {a3} def /A4 {a4} def /A4Small {a4small} def /B4 {b4} def /B5 {b5} def /unknown {unknown} def papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get end stopped } bind def /desperatepapersize { statusdict /setpageparams known { paperwidth paperheight 0 1 statusdict begin {setpageparams} stopped end } {true} ifelse } bind def /DiacriticEncoding [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute /Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute /agrave /acircumflex /adieresis /atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave /ecircumflex /edieresis /iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute /ograve /ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex /udieresis /dagger /.notdef /cent /sterling /section /bullet /paragraph /germandbls /registered /copyright /trademark /acute /dieresis /.notdef /AE /Oslash /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /yen /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /ordfeminine /ordmasculine /.notdef /ae /oslash /questiondown /exclamdown /logicalnot /.notdef /florin /.notdef /.notdef /guillemotleft /guillemotright /ellipsis /.notdef /Agrave /Atilde /Otilde /OE /oe /endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft /quoteright /.notdef /.notdef /ydieresis /Ydieresis /fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /daggerdbl /periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand /Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute /Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex /.notdef /Ograve /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron ] def /ReEncode { dup length dict begin { 1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse } forall 0 eq {/Encoding DiacriticEncoding def} if currentdict end } bind def FMPColor { /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPCOLOR} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPCOLORc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUECOLOR } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUECOLORc } def } { /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPGRAY} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPGRAYc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUEGRAY } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUEGRAYc } def } ifelse /K { FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack { dup 1 eq 2 index 1 eq and 3 index 1 eq and not {7 {pop} repeat 0 0 0 1 0 0 0} if } if FrameCurColors astore pop combineColor } bind def /graymode true def /bwidth FMLOCAL /bpside FMLOCAL /bstring FMLOCAL /onbits FMLOCAL /offbits FMLOCAL /xindex FMLOCAL /yindex FMLOCAL /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /setPatternMode { FMLevel1 { /bwidth exch def /bpside exch def /bstring exch def /onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def freq sangle landscape {90 add} if {/y exch def /x exch def /xindex x 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def /yindex y 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def bstring yindex bwidth mul xindex 8 idiv add get 1 7 xindex 8 mod sub bitshift and 0 ne FrameNegative {not} if {/onbits onbits 1 add def 1} {/offbits offbits 1 add def 0} ifelse } setscreen offbits offbits onbits add div FrameNegative {1.0 exch sub} if /FrameCurGray exch def } { pop pop dup patCache exch known { patCache exch get } { dup patDict /bstring 3 -1 roll put patDict 9 PatFreq screenIndex get div dup matrix scale makepattern dup patCache 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll put } ifelse /FrameCurGray 0 def /FrameCurPat exch def } ifelse /graymode false def combineColor } bind def /setGrayScaleMode { graymode not { /graymode true def FMLevel1 { setCurrentScreen } if } if /FrameCurGray exch def combineColor } bind def /normalize { transform round exch round exch itransform } bind def /dnormalize { dtransform round exch round exch idtransform } bind def /lnormalize { 0 dtransform exch cvi 2 idiv 2 mul 1 add exch idtransform pop } bind def /H { lnormalize setlinewidth } bind def /Z { setlinecap } bind def /PFill { graymode FMLevel1 or not { gsave 1 setgray eofill grestore } if } bind def /PStroke { graymode FMLevel1 or not { gsave 1 setgray stroke grestore } if stroke } bind def /fillvals FMLOCAL /X { fillvals exch get dup type /stringtype eq {8 1 setPatternMode} {setGrayScaleMode} ifelse } bind def /V { PFill gsave eofill grestore } bind def /Vclip { clip } bind def /Vstrk { currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /N { PStroke } bind def /Nclip { strokepath clip newpath } bind def /Nstrk { currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /M {newpath moveto} bind def /E {lineto} bind def /D {curveto} bind def /O {closepath} bind def /n FMLOCAL /L { /n exch def newpath normalize moveto 2 1 n {pop normalize lineto} for } bind def /Y { L closepath } bind def /x1 FMLOCAL /x2 FMLOCAL /y1 FMLOCAL /y2 FMLOCAL /R { /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def x1 y1 x2 y1 x2 y2 x1 y2 4 Y } bind def /rad FMLOCAL /rarc {rad arcto } bind def /RR { /rad exch def normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def mark newpath { x1 y1 rad add moveto x1 y2 x2 y2 rarc x2 y2 x2 y1 rarc x2 y1 x1 y1 rarc x1 y1 x1 y2 rarc closepath } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 R} if cleartomark } bind def /RRR { /rad exch def normalize /y4 exch def /x4 exch def normalize /y3 exch def /x3 exch def normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def newpath normalize moveto mark { x2 y2 x3 y3 rarc x3 y3 x4 y4 rarc x4 y4 x1 y1 rarc x1 y1 x2 y2 rarc closepath } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath} if cleartomark } bind def /C { grestore gsave R clip setCurrentScreen } bind def /CP { grestore gsave Y clip setCurrentScreen } bind def /FMpointsize FMLOCAL /F { FMfonts exch get FMpointsize scalefont setfont } bind def /Q { /FMpointsize exch def F } bind def /T { moveto show } bind def /RF { rotate 0 ne {-1 1 scale} if } bind def /TF { gsave moveto RF show grestore } bind def /P { moveto 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow } bind def /PF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow grestore } bind def /S { moveto 0 exch ashow } bind def /SF { gsave moveto RF 0 exch ashow grestore } bind def /B { moveto 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow } bind def /BF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow grestore } bind def /G { gsave newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath PFill fill grestore } bind def /Gstrk { savematrix newpath 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch translate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /Gclip { newpath savematrix normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /GG { gsave newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath PFill fill grestore } bind def /GGclip { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /GGstrk { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath restorematrix currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /A { gsave savematrix newpath 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch translate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix PStroke grestore } bind def /Aclip { newpath savematrix normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath strokepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /Astrk { Gstrk } bind def /AA { gsave savematrix newpath 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div sub exch normalize 3 index 2 div sub exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix PStroke grestore } bind def /AAclip { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath strokepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /AAstrk { GGstrk } bind def /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /h FMLOCAL /xx FMLOCAL /yy FMLOCAL /ww FMLOCAL /hh FMLOCAL /FMsaveobject FMLOCAL /FMoptop FMLOCAL /FMdicttop FMLOCAL /BEGINPRINTCODE { /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count 7 sub def /FMsaveobject save def userdict begin /showpage {} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS 3 index neg 3 index neg translate } bind def /ENDPRINTCODE { count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for FMsaveobject restore } bind def /gn { 0 { 46 mul cf read pop 32 sub dup 46 lt {exit} if 46 sub add } loop add } bind def /str FMLOCAL /cfs { /str sl string def 0 1 sl 1 sub {str exch val put} for str def } bind def /ic [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 {0 hx} {1 hx} {2 hx} {3 hx} {4 hx} {5 hx} {6 hx} {7 hx} {8 hx} {9 hx} {10 hx} {11 hx} {12 hx} {13 hx} {14 hx} {15 hx} {16 hx} {17 hx} {18 hx} {19 hx} {gn hx} {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12} {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19} {gn} {0 wh} {1 wh} {2 wh} {3 wh} {4 wh} {5 wh} {6 wh} {7 wh} {8 wh} {9 wh} {10 wh} {11 wh} {12 wh} {13 wh} {14 wh} {gn wh} {0 bl} {1 bl} {2 bl} {3 bl} {4 bl} {5 bl} {6 bl} {7 bl} {8 bl} {9 bl} {10 bl} {11 bl} {12 bl} {13 bl} {14 bl} {gn bl} {0 fl} {1 fl} {2 fl} {3 fl} {4 fl} {5 fl} {6 fl} {7 fl} {8 fl} {9 fl} {10 fl} {11 fl} {12 fl} {13 fl} {14 fl} {gn fl} ] def /sl FMLOCAL /val FMLOCAL /ws FMLOCAL /im FMLOCAL /bs FMLOCAL /cs FMLOCAL /len FMLOCAL /pos FMLOCAL /ms { /sl exch def /val 255 def /ws cfs /im cfs /val 0 def /bs cfs /cs cfs } bind def 400 ms /ip { is 0 cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop } bind def /rip { bis ris copy pop is 0 cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop pop ris gis copy pop dup is exch cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop pop gis bis copy pop dup add is exch cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop } bind def /wh { /len exch def /pos exch def ws 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /bl { /len exch def /pos exch def bs 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /s1 1 string def /fl { /len exch def /pos exch def /val cf s1 readhexstring pop 0 get def pos 1 pos len add 1 sub {im exch val put} for pos len } bind def /hx { 3 copy getinterval cf exch readhexstring pop pop } bind def /h FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /d FMLOCAL /lb FMLOCAL /bitmapsave FMLOCAL /is FMLOCAL /cf FMLOCAL /wbytes { dup dup 24 eq { pop pop 3 mul } { 8 eq {pop} {1 eq {7 add 8 idiv} {3 add 4 idiv} ifelse} ifelse } ifelse } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBWc { 1 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAYc { 8 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BITc { 2 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /COMMONBITMAPc { /r exch def /d exch def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def r /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBW { 1 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAY { 8 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BIT { 2 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /COMMONBITMAP { /r exch def /d exch def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def r /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /ngrayt 256 array def /nredt 256 array def /nbluet 256 array def /ngreent 256 array def /gryt FMLOCAL /blut FMLOCAL /grnt FMLOCAL /redt FMLOCAL /indx FMLOCAL /cynu FMLOCAL /magu FMLOCAL /yelu FMLOCAL /k FMLOCAL /u FMLOCAL FMLevel1 { /colorsetup { currentcolortransfer /gryt exch def /blut exch def /grnt exch def /redt exch def 0 1 255 { /indx exch def /cynu 1 red indx get 255 div sub def /magu 1 green indx get 255 div sub def /yelu 1 blue indx get 255 div sub def /k cynu magu min yelu min def /u k currentundercolorremoval exec def % /u 0 def nredt indx 1 0 cynu u sub max sub redt exec put ngreent indx 1 0 magu u sub max sub grnt exec put nbluet indx 1 0 yelu u sub max sub blut exec put ngrayt indx 1 k currentblackgeneration exec sub gryt exec put } for {255 mul cvi nredt exch get} {255 mul cvi ngreent exch get} {255 mul cvi nbluet exch get} {255 mul cvi ngrayt exch get} setcolortransfer {pop 0} setundercolorremoval {} setblackgeneration } bind def } { /colorSetup2 { [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 255 {dup red exch get 255 div exch dup green exch get 255 div exch blue exch get 255 div} ] setcolorspace } bind def } ifelse /tran FMLOCAL /fakecolorsetup { /tran 256 string def 0 1 255 {/indx exch def tran indx red indx get 77 mul green indx get 151 mul blue indx get 28 mul add add 256 idiv put} for currenttransfer {255 mul cvi tran exch get 255.0 div} exch concatprocs settransfer } bind def /BITMAPCOLOR { /d 8 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def FMLevel1 { colorsetup /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage } { colorSetup2 /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def 7 dict dup begin /ImageType 1 def /Width w def /Height h def /ImageMatrix [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] def /DataSource {cf is readhexstring pop} bind def /BitsPerComponent d def /Decode [0 255] def end image } ifelse bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPCOLORc { /d 8 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def FMLevel1 { colorsetup /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage } { colorSetup2 /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def 7 dict dup begin /ImageType 1 def /Width w def /Height h def /ImageMatrix [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] def /DataSource {ip} bind def /BitsPerComponent d def /Decode [0 255] def end image } ifelse bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLORc { /d 24 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def /is im 0 lb getinterval def /ris im 0 w getinterval def /gis im w w getinterval def /bis im w 2 mul w getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {w rip pop ris} {gis} {bis} true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLOR { gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def /gis w string def /bis w string def /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { cf is readhexstring pop } { cf gis readhexstring pop } { cf bis readhexstring pop } true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAYc { /d 24 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def /is im 0 lb getinterval def /ris im 0 w getinterval def /gis im w w getinterval def /bis im w 2 mul w getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {w rip pop ris gis bis w gray} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /ww FMLOCAL /r FMLOCAL /g FMLOCAL /b FMLOCAL /i FMLOCAL /gray { /ww exch def /b exch def /g exch def /r exch def 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def r i get .299 mul g i get .587 mul b i get .114 mul add add r i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for r } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAY { gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def /gis w string def /bis w string def /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { cf is readhexstring pop cf gis readhexstring pop cf bis readhexstring pop w gray} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPGRAY { 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BITMAPGRAYc { 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /ENDBITMAP { } bind def end /ALDsave FMLOCAL /ALDmatrix matrix def ALDmatrix currentmatrix pop /StartALD { /ALDsave save def savematrix ALDmatrix setmatrix } bind def /InALD { restorematrix } bind def /DoneALD { ALDsave restore } bind def /I { setdash } bind def /J { [] 0 setdash } bind def %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup (4.0) FMVERSION 1 1 0 0 612 792 0 1 38 FMDOCUMENT 0 0 /Helvetica FMFONTDEFINE 1 0 /Times-Roman FMFONTDEFINE 2 0 /Times-Bold FMFONTDEFINE 3 0 /Times-Italic FMFONTDEFINE 4 0 /Courier FMFONTDEFINE 5 0 /Courier-Bold FMFONTDEFINE 6 1 /Symbol FMFONTDEFINE 7 0 /Courier-Oblique FMFONTDEFINE 8 0 /Helvetica-Oblique FMFONTDEFINE 32 FMFILLS 0 0 FMFILL 1 0.1 FMFILL 2 0.3 FMFILL 3 0.5 FMFILL 4 0.7 FMFILL 5 0.9 FMFILL 6 0.97 FMFILL 7 1 FMFILL 8 <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> FMFILL 9 <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> FMFILL 10 FMFILL 11 FMFILL 12 <8142241818244281> FMFILL 13 <03060c183060c081> FMFILL 14 <8040201008040201> FMFILL 16 1 FMFILL 17 0.9 FMFILL 18 0.7 FMFILL 19 0.5 FMFILL 20 0.3 FMFILL 21 0.1 FMFILL 22 0.03 FMFILL 23 0 FMFILL 24 FMFILL 25 FMFILL 26 <3333333333333333> FMFILL 27 <0000ffff0000ffff> FMFILL 28 <7ebddbe7e7dbbd7e> FMFILL 29 FMFILL 30 <7fbfdfeff7fbfdfe> FMFILL %%EndSetup %%Page: "1" 1 %%BeginPaperSize: Letter %%EndPaperSize 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 67.5 294.12 81 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 27 558 45 R V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 666 558 738 R V 0 16 Q 0 X (Annotation-Directed Run-T) 130.24 727.33 T (ime Specialization in C) 319.94 727.33 T 0 12 Q (Brian Grant, Markus Mock, Matthai Philipose, Craig Chambers, and Susan J. Eggers) 81.25 700.5 T 1 10 Q (Department of Computer Science and Engineering) 204.77 681.33 T (University of Washington) 254.06 669.33 T 54 144 294.12 648 R 7 X V 2 F 0 X (Abstract) 54 641.33 T 1 9 Q 1.61 (W) 54 625.4 P 1.61 (e present the design of a dynamic compilation system for C.) 61.78 625.4 P 1.15 (Directed by a few declarative user annotations specifying where) 54 615.4 P 0.47 (and on what dynamic compilation is to take place, a binding time) 54 605.4 P 1.1 (analysis computes the set of run-time constants at each program) 54 595.4 P -0.4 (point in each annotated procedure\325) 54 585.4 P -0.4 (s control \337ow graph; the analysis) 176.87 585.4 P 8.78 (supports program-point-speci\336c polyvariant division and) 54 575.4 P 2.11 (specialization. The analysis results guide the construction of a) 54 565.4 P 2.03 (specialized run-time specializer for each dynamically compiled) 54 555.4 P 2.85 (region; the specializer supports various caching strategies for) 54 545.4 P 2.84 (managing dynamically generated code and supports mixes of) 54 535.4 P 1.03 (speculative and demand-driven specialization of dynamic branch) 54 525.4 P 0.87 (successors. Most of the key cost/bene\336t trade-of) 54 515.4 P 0.87 (fs in the binding) 232.76 515.4 P 0.32 (time analysis and the run-time specializer are open to user control) 54 505.4 P 3.88 (through declarative policy annotations. Our design is being) 54 495.4 P (implemented in the context of an existing optimizing compiler) 54 485.4 T (.) 278.5 485.4 T 2 12 Q (1) 54 462.8 T (Intr) 72 462.8 T (oduction) 92.45 462.8 T 1 9 Q 1.44 (Dynamic compilation of) 54 446.2 P 1.44 (fers the potential for increased program) 144.71 446.2 P 0.33 (performance by delaying some parts of program compilation until) 54 436.2 P 2.77 (run time and then exploiting run-time state to generate code) 54 426.2 P -0.51 (specialized to actual run-time behavior) 54 416.2 P -0.51 (. The principal challenge and) 191.43 416.2 P 4.88 (trade-of) 54 406.2 P 4.88 (f in dynamic compilation is achieving high-quality) 82.32 406.2 P 0.09 (dynamically generated code at low run-time cost, since the time to) 54 396.2 P 0.2 (perform run-time compilation and optimization must be recovered) 54 386.2 P 1.99 (before any bene\336t from dynamic compilation can be obtained.) 54 376.2 P 3.21 (Consequently) 54 366.2 P 3.21 (, a key design issue in developing an ef) 102.92 366.2 P 3.21 (fective) 269.63 366.2 P 0.11 (dynamic compilation system is the method for determining where,) 54 356.2 P 0.88 (when, and on what run-time state to apply dynamic compilation.) 54 346.2 P 0.04 (Ideally) 54 336.2 P 0.04 (, the compiler would make these decisions automatically) 78.41 336.2 P 0.04 (, as) 282.08 336.2 P 0.44 (in other compiler optimizations; however) 54 326.2 P 0.44 (, this ideal is beyond the) 204.4 326.2 P (current state-of-the-art for general-purpose programs.) 54 316.2 T -0.37 (Instead, current dynamic compilation systems rely on some form of) 54 301.6 P 3.11 (programmer direction to indicate where dynamic compilation) 54 291.6 P 4.23 (would most pro\336tably be applied. Some previous dynamic) 54 281.6 P -0.07 (compilation systems, such as `C [Engler) 54 271.6 P 3 F -0.07 (et al.) 200.8 271.6 P 1 F -0.07 ( 96, Poletto) 218.73 271.6 P 3 F -0.07 (et al.) 262.02 271.6 P 1 F -0.07 ( 97]) 279.95 271.6 P 3.77 (and its predecessor) 54 261.6 P 4 F 9.06 (dcg) 136.05 261.6 P 1 F 3.77 ( [Engler & Proebsting 94], take a) 152.25 261.6 P 0.85 (procedural approach to user direction, requiring the user to write) 54 251.6 P 4.44 (programs that explicitly manipulate, compose, and compile) 54 241.6 P 1.11 (program fragments at run time. This kind of system of) 54 231.6 P 1.11 (fers great) 259.28 231.6 P 0.27 (\337exibility and control to the programmer) 54 221.6 P 0.27 (, at the cost of signi\336cant) 202.25 221.6 P (programmer ef) 54 211.6 T (fort and debugging dif) 107.57 211.6 T (\336culty) 188.15 211.6 T (.) 210.56 211.6 T 3.09 (Alternatively) 54 197 P 3.09 (, several dynamic compilation systems, including) 100.91 197 P -0.27 (Fabius [Leone & Lee 96], T) 54 187 P -0.27 (empo [Consel & No\221l 96], and our own) 153.01 187 P 0.02 (previous system [Auslander) 54 177 P 3 F 0.02 (et al.) 156.79 177 P 1 F 0.02 ( 96], take a declarative approach,) 174.82 177 P 1.45 (with user annotations guiding the dynamic compilation process.) 54 167 P 0.79 (Fabius uses function currying to drive dynamic compilation, in a) 54 157 P 4 (purely functional subset of ML; T) 54 147 P 4 (empo uses function-level) 195.63 147 P 317.88 67.5 558 648 R 7 X V 0 X 1.34 (annotations, annotations on global variables and structure types,) 317.88 642 P 1.91 (and alias analysis to drive dynamic compilation in C; and our) 317.88 632 P -0.01 (previous system uses intraprocedural annotations to drive dynamic) 317.88 622 P -0.43 (compilation in C. Each of these declarative approaches adapts ideas) 317.88 612 P -0.38 (from partial evaluation, expressing dynamic compilation as of) 317.88 602 P -0.38 (f-line) 538.51 602 P -0.05 (run-time specialization, where static values correspond to run-time) 317.88 592 P 1.1 (state on which programs are specialized. Declarative approaches) 317.88 582 P 0.23 (of) 317.88 572 P 0.23 (fer the advantages of an easier interface to dynamic compilation) 325.21 572 P -0.1 (for the programmer \050since dynamic optimizations are derived from) 317.88 562 P 1.39 (the annotations automatically) 317.88 552 P 1.39 (, rather than being programmed by) 426.07 552 P 1.09 (hand by the programmer\051 and easier program understanding and) 317.88 542 P 1.27 (debugging \050since declarative annotations can be designed to not) 317.88 532 P 4.35 (af) 317.88 522 P 4.35 (fect the meaning of the underlying programs\051. However) 324.71 522 P 4.35 (,) 555.75 522 P 1.08 (declarative systems usually of) 317.88 512 P 1.08 (fer less expressiveness and control) 429.2 512 P (over the dynamic compilation process than do imperative systems.) 317.88 502 T 1.8 (W) 317.88 488.35 P 1.8 (e have developed a new declarative annotation language and) 325.66 488.35 P 4.61 (underlying run-time specialization primitives that are more) 317.88 478.35 P 2.28 (expressive, \337exible, and controllable than previous annotation-) 317.88 468.35 P 0.61 (based systems, while still being easy to use. Our system supports) 317.88 458.35 P (the following features:) 317.88 448.35 T (\245) 325.08 435.7 T 4.82 (program-point-speci\336c rather than function-level special-) 332.28 435.7 P (ization,) 332.28 425.7 T (\245) 325.08 413.04 T 2.38 (support for both polyvariant specialization and polyvariant) 332.28 413.04 P -0.15 (division) 332.28 403.04 P 1 7.2 Q -0.12 (*) 361.29 406.64 P 1 9 Q -0.15 ( \050both of which have practical utility\051, with the degree) 364.89 403.04 P 2.74 (of specialization for dif) 332.28 393.04 P 2.74 (ferent variables under programmer) 424.57 393.04 P (control,) 332.28 383.04 T (\245) 325.08 370.39 T 0.11 (intra- and interprocedural specialization, with caller and callee) 332.28 370.39 P (separately compilable,) 332.28 360.39 T (\245) 325.08 347.74 T 3.96 (arbitrary nested and overlapping regions of dynamically) 332.28 347.74 P (generated code,) 332.28 337.74 T (\245) 325.08 325.09 T 2.96 (automatic caching, reuse, and reclamation of dynamically) 332.28 325.09 P 3.07 (generated code, with cache policies under control of the) 332.28 315.09 P (programmer) 332.28 305.09 T (,) 376.41 305.09 T (\245) 325.08 292.43 T -0.37 (automatic interleaving of specialization and dynamic execution) 332.28 292.43 P 4.12 (to avoid unbounded static specialization for terminating) 332.28 282.43 P 4.7 (programs, with the exact trade-of) 332.28 272.43 P 4.7 (f between speculative) 470.63 272.43 P 7.44 (specialization and demand-driven specialization under) 332.28 262.43 P (programmer control,) 332.28 252.43 T (\245) 325.08 239.78 T -0.37 (automatic interleaving of specialization and dynamic execution) 332.28 239.78 P 0.28 (to delay specialization of some code until the appropriate run-) 332.28 229.78 P (time values have been computed,) 332.28 219.78 T (\245) 325.08 207.13 T 6.31 (run-time optimizations, including constant propagation,) 332.28 207.13 P -0.38 (constant folding, strength reduction, conditional branch folding) 332.28 197.13 P 0.17 (and dead code elimination, loop unrolling and mer) 332.28 187.13 P 0.17 (ge splitting,) 515.32 187.13 P (and procedure call specialization.) 332.28 177.13 T 0.37 (The next section illustrates many of the capabilities of our system) 317.88 163.48 P 3.88 (using an annotated bytecode interpreter example. Section 3) 317.88 153.48 P 1.74 (describes our run-time specializer and its capabilities, and then) 317.88 143.48 P 0.24 (sections 4 through 6 present our annotation language, our analysis) 317.88 133.48 P 0.57 (to compute program-point-speci\336c information, and our approach) 317.88 123.48 P 317.88 105.5 558 120.48 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 317.88 105.5 558 120.48 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 317.88 111.41 470.88 111.41 2 L V 0.5 H 2 Z 0 X N 0 0 612 792 C 1 6.4 Q 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (*) 317.88 103.37 T 1 8 Q 0.96 (Polyvariant division allows the same program point to be analyzed for) 323.56 100.17 P -0.32 (different combinations of variables being treated as static, and polyvariant) 323.56 91.17 P 2.08 (specialization allows multiple compiled versions of a division to be) 323.56 82.17 P (produced, each specialized for different values of the static variables.) 323.56 73.17 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "1" 1 %%Page: "2" 2 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 26 558 44 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 72 294.12 738 R V 1 9 Q 0 X -0.42 (to producing an \050optimized\051 run-time specializer from the program-) 54 174 P 1.62 (point-speci\336c information, respectively) 54 164 P 1.62 (. Section 7 compares our) 198.39 164 P 0.15 (system to related work, and section 8 concludes with our plans for) 54 154 P (future work.) 54 144 T 2 12 Q (2) 54 121.5 T (Example) 72 121.5 T 1 9 Q 0.67 (Figure 1 presents a simple interpreter of a bytecode program like) 54 105 P 2.01 (those in the Smalltalk and Java virtual machines [Goldber) 54 95 P 2.01 (g &) 278.36 95 P -0.15 (Robson 83, Lindholm & Y) 54 85 P -0.15 (ellin 97]. In boldface are the annotations) 149.28 85 P -0.15 (we added to turn the interpreter into a program that produces at run) 54 75 P 54 180 306 738 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 75.61 300.9 738 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 4 8 Q 0 X (void interp_program\050int bytecodes[], int arg\051 {) 54 732.67 T (printf\050\322%d\134n\323, interp_fn\050bytecodes, 0, arg\051\051;) 61.2 724.67 T (}) 54 716.67 T (int interp_fn\050int bytecodes[], int pc, int arg\051 {) 54 699.67 T (int stack[N], sp = 0;) 61.2 691.67 T 5 F (make_static\050bytecodes, pc, sp\051;) 61.2 683.67 T 4 F (stack[sp++] = arg;) 61.2 675.67 T (for\050;;\051 {) 61.2 667.67 T (switch \050bytecodes) 68.4 659.67 T 5 F (static) 154.8 659.67 T 4 F ([pc++]\051 {) 183.6 659.67 T (case CONST:) 75.6 651.67 T (stack[sp++] = bytecodes) 82.8 643.67 T 5 F (static) 198 643.67 T 4 F ([pc++];) 226.8 643.67 T (break;) 82.8 635.67 T (case ADD:) 75.6 627.67 T (stack[sp-1] = stack[sp-1] + stack[sp]; sp--;) 82.8 619.67 T (break;) 82.8 611.67 T (...) 75.6 603.67 T (case LT:) 75.6 595.67 T (stack[sp-1] = stack[sp-1] < stack[sp]; sp--;) 82.8 587.67 T (break;) 82.8 579.67 T (...) 75.6 571.67 T (case IF_GOTO:) 75.6 563.67 T (int nextpc = bytecodes) 82.8 555.67 T 5 F (static) 193.2 555.67 T 4 F ([pc++];) 222 555.67 T (if \050stack[sp--]\051 {) 82.8 547.67 T (pc = nextpc;) 90 539.67 T (}) 82.8 531.67 T (break;) 82.8 523.67 T (case GOTO:) 75.6 515.67 T (pc = bytecodes) 82.8 507.67 T 5 F (static) 154.8 507.67 T 4 F ([pc++];) 183.6 507.67 T (break;) 82.8 499.67 T (case COMPUTED_GOTO:) 75.6 491.67 T (pc = stack[sp--];) 82.8 483.67 T (break;) 82.8 475.67 T (...) 75.6 467.67 T (case RETURN:) 75.6 459.67 T (return stack[sp];) 82.8 451.67 T (}) 68.4 443.67 T (}) 61.2 435.67 T (}) 54 427.67 T 2 10 Q (Figur) 96.53 410.33 T (e 1: Simple Interpr) 120.24 410.33 T (eter Example) 201.44 410.33 T 4 8 Q (int count[N];) 54 387.67 T (#define threshold ...) 54 379.17 T 5 F (specialize interp_fn\050bytecodes, pc, arg\051) 54 370.67 T (on \050bytecodes, pc\051;) 61.2 362.67 T 4 F (int interp_fn\050int bytecodes[], int pc, int arg\051 {) 54 354.17 T (int stack[N], sp = 0;) 61.2 346.17 T (if \050++count[pc] >= threshold\051 {) 61.2 338.17 T 5 F (make_static\050bytecodes, pc, sp\051;) 68.4 330.17 T 4 F (} else {) 61.2 322.17 T 5 F (make_dynamic\050bytecodes, pc, sp\051;) 68.4 314.17 T 4 F (}) 61.2 306.17 T (stack[sp++] = arg;) 61.2 298.17 T (for\050;;\051 {) 61.2 290.17 T (switch \050bytecodes) 68.4 282.17 T 5 F (static) 154.8 282.17 T 4 F ([pc++]\051 {) 183.6 282.17 T (... /* same as above */) 75.6 274.17 T (case GOSUB:) 75.6 266.17 T (callee = bytecodes) 82.8 258.17 T 5 F (static) 174 258.17 T 4 F ([pc++];) 202.8 258.17 T (stack[sp] =) 82.8 250.17 T (interp_fn\050bytecodes, callee, stack[sp]\051;) 90 242.17 T (break;) 82.8 233.67 T (}) 68.4 225.67 T (}) 61.2 217.67 T (}) 54 209.67 T 2 10 Q (Figur) 55.54 192.34 T (e 2: Interpr) 79.25 192.34 T (ocedural and Conditional Specialization) 128.5 192.34 T 0 0 612 792 C 317.88 72 558 738 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 1 9 Q 0 X -0.26 (time an interpreter specialized for the particular array of bytecodes,) 317.88 732 P (i.e., a run-time compiler) 317.88 722 T (.) 404.37 722 T 0.63 (The main control annotation is) 317.88 708.74 P 4 F 1.51 (make_static) 433.77 708.74 P 1 F 0.63 (, whose ar) 493.17 708.74 P 0.63 (gument) 531 708.74 P 0.67 (list of variables the system is to treat as) 317.88 698.74 P 3 F 0.67 (run-time constants) 467.66 698.74 P 1 F 0.67 ( when) 535.58 698.74 P 0.54 (run-time execution reaches that point. By default, the system will) 317.88 688.74 P 2.33 (apply polyvariant division and specialization as needed on all) 317.88 678.74 P 0.17 (control-\337ow paths downstream of the) 317.88 668.74 P 4 F 0.4 (make_static) 455.94 668.74 P 1 F 0.17 ( annotation,) 515.34 668.74 P -0.26 (until the variables go out of scope, in order to preserve the run-time) 317.88 658.74 P 0.18 (constant bindings of each annotated variable. For example, the) 317.88 648.74 P 4 F 0.43 (pc) 547.2 648.74 P 1 F 0.54 (variable is annotated as static. The system will specialize code so) 317.88 638.74 P -0.03 (that, at each program point in the specialized code, the) 317.88 628.74 P 4 F -0.08 (pc) 515.99 628.74 P 1 F -0.03 ( variable) 526.79 628.74 P 0.36 (will have a known run-time constant value. The increments of) 317.88 618.74 P 4 F 0.87 (pc) 547.2 618.74 P 1 F 0.1 (in the) 317.88 608.74 P 4 F 0.24 (switch) 340.58 608.74 P 1 F 0.1 ( body do not cause problems, since the value of) 372.98 608.74 P 4 F 0.24 (pc) 547.2 608.74 P 1 F -0.07 (after the increment is a run-time constant, if the value of) 317.88 598.74 P 4 F -0.17 (pc) 522.04 598.74 P 1 F -0.07 ( before) 532.84 598.74 P -0 (the increment is. The loop head at the top of the) 317.88 588.74 P 4 F -0.01 (for) 492.32 588.74 P 1 F -0 ( loop requires) 508.52 588.74 P 0.33 (additional work: our system will automatically produce a separate) 317.88 578.74 P -0.3 (specialized version of the loop body for each distinct value of) 317.88 568.74 P 4 F -0.73 (pc) 538.76 568.74 P 1 F -0.3 ( at) 549.55 568.74 P (the loop head, in ef) 317.88 558.74 T (fect unrolling the loop fully) 386.95 558.74 T (.) 485.86 558.74 T 0.32 (The references to the contents of the bytecode array are annotated) 317.88 545.49 P 1.19 (as static references, implying that the contents of the referenced) 317.88 535.49 P 1.88 (memory location is a run-time constant if its address is.) 317.88 525.49 P 1 7.2 Q 1.5 (*) 534.27 529.09 P 1 9 Q 1.88 ( This) 537.87 525.49 P 0.43 (enables the system to constant-fold the switch branch within each) 317.88 515.49 P -0.39 (iteration \050since) 317.88 505.49 P 4 F -0.93 (bytecodes) 373.09 505.49 P 1 F -0.39 ( and) 421.69 505.49 P 4 F -0.93 (pc) 438.41 505.49 P 1 F -0.39 ( are run-time constants and the) 449.21 505.49 P -0.26 (loaded bytecode is a run-time constant\051, selecting just one case arm) 317.88 495.49 P 0.79 (in each iteration and eliminating the others as dead code. All the) 317.88 485.49 P 0.56 (code manipulating the) 317.88 475.49 P 4 F 1.33 (bytecodes) 401.79 475.49 P 1 F 0.56 ( array and the) 450.39 475.49 P 4 F 1.33 (pc) 504.09 475.49 P 1 F 0.56 ( value itself) 514.89 475.49 P -0.01 (are also eliminated as dead, once all the interpretation overhead on) 317.88 465.49 P 3.1 (these data values is constant-folded away) 317.88 455.49 P 3.1 (. Similarly) 481.53 455.49 P 3.1 (, at each) 522.06 455.49 P 1.51 (program point in the unrolled loop the) 317.88 445.49 P 4 F 3.62 (sp) 468.18 445.49 P 1 F 1.51 ( variable will have a) 478.98 445.49 P 2.08 (speci\336c run-time constant value, and so all the references and) 317.88 435.49 P 1.62 (updates to) 317.88 425.49 P 4 F 3.9 (sp) 360.12 425.49 P 1 F 1.62 ( will be eliminated as dead code, once the index) 370.92 425.49 P 0.05 (expressions into the) 317.88 415.49 P 4 F 0.12 (stack) 391.77 415.49 P 1 F 0.05 ( array are replaced with particular run-) 418.77 415.49 P -0.12 (time constant values. The contents of the) 317.88 405.49 P 4 F -0.29 (stack) 466.51 405.49 P 1 F -0.12 ( array are not run-) 493.51 405.49 P 2.72 (time constants, as they depend on the initial) 317.88 395.49 P 4 F 6.53 (arg) 499.37 395.49 P 1 F 2.72 ( value and) 515.57 395.49 P (subsequent input program execution.) 317.88 385.49 T 1.88 (The) 317.88 372.23 P 4 F 4.51 (IF_GOTO) 336.01 372.23 P 1 F 1.88 ( bytecode rebinds the value of) 373.81 372.23 P 4 F 4.51 (pc) 495.57 372.23 P 1 F 1.88 ( conditionally) 506.37 372.23 P 0.61 (based on the run-time variable outcome of a previous test. At the) 317.88 362.23 P 1.43 (mer) 317.88 352.23 P 1.43 (ge after the) 331.71 352.23 P 4 F 3.43 (if) 378.73 352.23 P 1 F 1.43 (,) 389.53 352.23 P 4 F 3.43 (pc) 395.46 352.23 P 1 F 1.43 ( may hold one of two possible run-time) 406.26 352.23 P 1.73 (constant values, depending on which) 317.88 342.23 P 4 F 4.16 (if) 461.53 342.23 P 1 F 1.73 ( arm was selected. By) 472.33 342.23 P 1.06 (default, because) 317.88 332.23 P 4 F 2.54 (pc) 380.22 332.23 P 1 F 1.06 ( is annotated as) 391.02 332.23 P 4 F 2.54 (make_static) 452.74 332.23 P 1 F 1.06 (, our system) 512.14 332.23 P 4.41 (will apply polyvariant specialization to the mer) 317.88 322.23 P 4.41 (ge and all) 514.18 322.23 P 0.09 (downstream code, making potentially two copies of the mer) 317.88 312.23 P 0.09 (ge and) 534.17 312.23 P -0.4 (successors, one copy for each run-time constant value of) 317.88 302.23 P 4 F -0.95 (pc) 520.25 302.23 P 1 F -0.4 (. For an) 531.05 302.23 P 2.64 (input program containing a tree of) 317.88 292.23 P 4 F 6.33 (IF_GOTO) 459.18 292.23 P 1 F 2.64 ( bytecodes, this) 496.98 292.23 P 2.65 (specialization will produce a tree of unrolled interpreter loop) 317.88 282.23 P -0.37 (iterations, re\337ecting the expected structure of a compiled version of) 317.88 272.23 P 0.03 (the input program. W) 317.88 262.23 P 0.03 (e call the ability to perform more than simple) 394.75 262.23 P 1.09 (linear unrollings of loops) 317.88 252.23 P 3 F 1.09 (multi-way loop unr) 415.23 252.23 P 1.09 (olling) 486.07 252.23 P 1 F 1.09 (. \050Our system) 507.08 252.23 P 1.63 (allows the programmer to specify less aggressive specialization) 317.88 242.23 P 0.68 (policies for static variables, to provide programmers \336ner control) 317.88 232.23 P 0.87 (over the trade-of) 317.88 222.23 P 0.87 (fs between run-time specialization overhead and) 379.44 222.23 P (run-time specialization bene\336t.\051) 317.88 212.23 T 0.17 (At each of these) 317.88 198.98 P 3 F 0.17 (specializable mer) 379.05 198.98 P 0.17 (ge points) 442.14 198.98 P 1 F 0.17 (, by default our system) 475.06 198.98 P 1.35 (will maintain a cache of all the previously specialized versions,) 317.88 188.98 P 0.98 (indexed by the values of the static variables at that mer) 317.88 178.98 P 0.98 (ge point.) 525.52 178.98 P 1.44 (When encountering a specializable mer) 317.88 168.98 P 1.44 (ge point during run-time) 465.43 168.98 P -0.11 (specialization, the cache will be examined to see whether a version) 317.88 158.98 P 0.97 (of that code has already been produced, and, if so, that previous) 317.88 148.98 P -0.18 (version will be reused. In the interpreter example, the cache checks) 317.88 138.98 P 1.45 (at the loop head mer) 317.88 128.98 P 1.45 (ge have the ef) 397.01 128.98 P 1.45 (fect of connecting backward) 451.43 128.98 P 3.82 (branch bytecodes directly to previously generated iterations,) 317.88 118.98 P 317.88 101 558 115.98 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 317.88 101 558 115.98 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 317.88 106.91 470.88 106.91 2 L V 0.5 H 2 Z 0 X N 0 0 612 792 C 1 6.4 Q 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (*) 317.88 98.87 T 1 8 Q 1.76 (Our system currently does no automatic alias or side-effect analysis,) 323.56 95.67 P 0.18 (unlike some other systems, so these annotations are necessary to achieve) 323.56 86.67 P (the desired effect.) 323.56 77.67 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "2" 2 %%Page: "3" 3 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 26 558 44 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 72 294.12 738 R V 1 9 Q 0 X 0.64 (forming loops in the specialized code as desired, and similarly to) 54 732 P 1.99 (introduce sharing of iterations if there exist other control \337ow) 54 722 P 0.2 (mer) 54 712 P 0.2 (ge points in the input interpreted program. \050Our system allows) 67.83 712 P -0.06 (the programmer to specify alternative caching policies or even that) 54 702 P 3.49 (no caching should be used, to provide \336ner control to the) 54 692 P (programmer over this potentially expensive primitive.\051) 54 682 T 2.21 (The) 54 668.6 P 4 F 5.3 (COMPUTED_GOTO) 72.45 668.6 P 1 F 2.21 ( bytecode assigns the) 142.65 668.6 P 4 F 5.3 (pc) 229.96 668.6 P 1 F 2.21 ( variable to a) 240.76 668.6 P 0.27 (dynamic expression. By default, our system will suspend program) 54 658.6 P 0.09 (specialization until run-time execution reaches that program point,) 54 648.6 P 1.88 (at which point the system will resume specialization using the) 54 638.6 P 1.46 (actual value assigned to) 54 628.6 P 4 F 3.5 (pc) 147.82 628.6 P 1 F 1.46 ( at that point. As with specializable) 158.62 628.6 P 0.42 (mer) 54 618.6 P 0.42 (ge points, each such) 67.83 618.6 P 3 F 0.42 (dynamic-to-static pr) 144.26 618.6 P 0.42 (omotion) 217.6 618.6 P 1 F 0.42 ( point has an) 247.1 618.6 P 0.66 (associated cache of specialized versions indexed by the values of) 54 608.6 P 0.74 (the promoted variables, and the specializer consults this cache of) 54 598.6 P 0.65 (previously specialized versions to see whether a previous version) 54 588.6 P 1.92 (can be reused or a new version must be produced. The initial) 54 578.6 P 4 F 1.02 (make_static) 54 568.6 P 1 F 0.43 ( entry is also a dynamic-to-static promotion point) 113.4 568.6 P 0.46 (with an associated cache of versions specialized for dif) 54 558.6 P 0.46 (ferent run-) 255.43 558.6 P 1.92 (time values of the initial static variables. \050Again, programmer) 54 548.6 P 1.92 (-) 291.12 548.6 P 0.83 (supplied policies support \336ner control over the aggressiveness of) 54 538.6 P 0.21 (dynamic-to-static promotion and the caching scheme to be used at) 54 528.6 P (promotion points.\051) 54 518.6 T -0.07 (A standard issue in specialization is how aggressively to specialize) 54 505.2 P -0.48 (control-\337ow paths ahead of actually reaching those branches during) 54 495.2 P 1.03 (normal program execution. Aggressive) 54 485.2 P 3 F 1.03 (speculative) 200.85 485.2 P 1 F 1.03 ( specialization) 241.35 485.2 P 3.02 (has the lowest cost, assuming that all specialized paths will) 54 475.2 P -0.3 (eventually be taken at run time, but it incurs the cost of specializing) 54 465.2 P 0.36 (any path not actually executed at run time, and it can lead to non-) 54 455.2 P 1.47 (termination in the presence of loops or recursion. Alternatively) 54 445.2 P 1.47 (,) 291.87 445.2 P 3 F 0.08 (demand-driven) 54 435.2 P 1 F 0.08 ( specialization only specializes code when it can be) 108.49 435.2 P 3.29 (proven to be executed at run time, typically by suspending) 54 425.2 P -0.54 (specialization at each successor of a dynamic \050non-constant\051 branch) 54 415.2 P 2.09 (in the program being specialized, resuming specialization only) 54 405.2 P 1.29 (when that successor is actually taken. This strategy avoids non-) 54 395.2 P 0.81 (termination problems and unneeded specialization, but incurs the) 54 385.2 P 1.11 (cost of suspension and resumption of specialization. Our system) 54 375.2 P -0.12 (allows the programmer to specify policies with variables to control) 54 365.2 P -0.39 (speculative specialization based on those variables, with the default) 54 355.2 P 1.91 (policy introducing suspension points at each specializable loop) 54 345.2 P (head.) 54 335.2 T -0.04 (Figure 2 extends the simple single-procedure interpreter to support) 54 321.8 P 2.3 (interpreting programs made up of multiple procedures. It also) 54 311.8 P 0.99 (illustrates several other of our system\325) 54 301.8 P 0.99 (s capabilities, in particular) 196.17 301.8 P 0.95 (how polyvariant division can be exploited to support conditional) 54 291.8 P 5.43 (specialization, and annotations that support interprocedural) 54 281.8 P (specialization.) 54 271.8 T 1.23 (In the modi\336ed) 54 258.4 P 4 F 2.94 (interp_fn) 114.92 258.4 P 1 F 1.23 ( routine, a) 163.52 258.4 P 4 F 2.94 (count) 205.69 258.4 P 1 F 1.23 ( array associates) 232.69 258.4 P -0.31 (with each) 54 248.4 P 4 F -0.74 (pc) 90.37 248.4 P 1 F -0.31 ( corresponding to a function entry point the number of) 101.17 248.4 P 0.99 (times that function has been invoked. In order to apply dynamic) 54 238.4 P 1.24 (compilation only to heavily used functions, the programmer has) 54 228.4 P 0.37 (made the original) 54 218.4 P 4 F 0.9 (make_static) 120.36 218.4 P 1 F 0.37 ( call from Figure 1 conditional,) 179.76 218.4 P 2.21 (occurring only when the invocation count of some interpreted) 54 208.4 P 3.81 (procedure reaches a threshold. At the mer) 54 198.4 P 3.81 (ge after the) 226.9 198.4 P 4 F 9.15 (if) 281.07 198.4 P 1 F 3.81 (,) 291.87 198.4 P 4 F 4.06 (bytecodes) 54 188.4 P 1 F 1.69 (,) 102.6 188.4 P 4 F 4.06 (pc) 108.79 188.4 P 1 F 1.69 (, and) 119.59 188.4 P 4 F 4.06 (sp) 142.72 188.4 P 1 F 1.69 ( are static along one predecessor but) 153.52 188.4 P -0.4 (dynamic along the other) 54 178.4 P -0.4 (. By default, our system applies polyvariant) 139.54 178.4 P 0.62 (division to produce two separate versions of the remainder of the) 54 168.4 P 0.18 (body of) 54 158.4 P 4 F 0.44 (interp_fn) 84.36 158.4 P 1 F 0.18 (, one where the three variables are static and) 132.96 158.4 P 0.42 (lead to run-time specialization as in Figure 1, and one where they) 54 148.4 P 0.24 (are dynamic and no run-time specialization takes place, leading to) 54 138.4 P (regular interpretation of the input at no run-time cost.) 54 128.4 T 0.58 (The) 54 115 P 4 F 1.4 (specialize) 70.83 115 P 1 F 0.58 ( annotation directs the compiler to produce an) 124.83 115 P -0.44 (alternate entry point to the) 54 105 P 4 F -1.07 (interp_fn) 149.02 105 P 1 F -0.44 ( procedure to be used when) 197.62 105 P 0.51 (its \336rst two parameters are run-time constants. At call sites of the) 54 95 P 4 F -0.5 (interp_fn) 54 85 P 1 F -0.21 ( procedure where the corresponding actual ar) 102.6 85 P -0.21 (guments) 263.62 85 P 0.62 (are static, a specialized version of) 54 75 P 4 F 1.49 (interp_fn) 181.43 75 P 1 F 0.62 ( is produced \050and) 230.03 75 P 317.88 72 558 738 R 7 X V 0 X -0.32 (cached for later reuse\051 for the run-time constant values of the actual) 317.88 732 P 0.5 (ar) 317.88 722 P 0.5 (guments. The body of the specialized) 324.71 722 P 4 F 1.19 (interp_fn) 464.41 722 P 1 F 0.5 ( is compiled) 513.01 722 P 1 (as if its formal parameters were annotated as) 317.88 712 P 4 F 2.4 (make_static) 488.85 712 P 1 F 1 ( at) 548.25 712 P 2.34 (entry) 317.88 702 P 2.34 (. \050The callee procedure and each of its call sites can be) 335.79 702 P 1.67 (compiled separately) 317.88 692 P 1.67 (, given the) 391.2 692 P 4 F 4.02 (specialize) 436.23 692 P 1 F 1.67 ( annotation in the) 490.23 692 P 5.2 (shared header \336le.\051 This specialization has the ef) 317.88 682 P 5.2 (fect of) 529.56 682 P -0.37 (streamlining the calling sequence for specialized) 317.88 672 P 4 F -0.89 (GOSUB) 493.13 672 P 1 F -0.37 ( bytecodes) 520.13 672 P 1.26 (to specialized callees: neither the) 317.88 662 P 4 F 3.02 (bytecodes) 445.39 662 P 1 F 1.26 ( array nor the pc) 493.99 662 P 0.49 (variable will be passed in the specialized call, and the specialized) 317.88 652 P 0.91 (interpreter for the tar) 317.88 642 P 0.91 (get function \050i.e., the compiled code for the) 395.67 642 P -0.37 (tar) 317.88 632 P -0.37 (get function\051 will be invoked directly) 327.21 632 P -0.37 (. If the callee function is not) 459 632 P 3.77 (yet heavily executed, then after entry the) 317.88 622 P 4 F 9.04 (make_dynamic) 493.2 622 P 1 F 0.4 (annotation will turn of) 317.88 612 P 0.4 (f specialization for that input procedure; all) 399.65 612 P -0.17 (bodies of infrequently executed procedures will branch to the same) 317.88 602 P (precompiled version of the unspecialized interpreter) 317.88 592 T (.) 505.09 592 T 2 12 Q (3) 317.88 569.5 T (Run-T) 335.88 569.5 T (ime Specializer) 369.67 569.5 T 1 9 Q 0.24 (In this section we describe our run-time specializer) 317.88 553 P 0.24 (. Later sections) 502.78 553 P 3.2 (present our annotation language and describe how annotated) 317.88 543 P -0.34 (programs get translated down into static precompiled code and run-) 317.88 533 P (time specializers. Figures 3 and 4 sketch our specializer) 317.88 523 T (.) 518.09 523 T 2.99 (Our run-time specializer is an adaptation of the strategy for) 317.88 508.5 P 0.56 (polyvariant program-point specialization of a \337ow chart language) 317.88 498.5 P -0.46 (described by Jones, Gomard, and Sestoft [Jones) 317.88 488.5 P 3 F -0.46 (et al.) 488.86 488.5 P 1 F -0.46 ( 93]. The main) 506.4 488.5 P -0.41 (process is to produce specialized code for a) 317.88 478.5 P 3 F -0.41 (unit) 473.02 478.5 P 1 F -0.41 ( \050a generalization of) 487.02 478.5 P 1.13 (a basic block that has a single entry but multiple possible exits\051) 317.88 468.5 P -0.3 (given the) 317.88 458.5 P 3 F -0.3 (context) 352.77 458.5 P 1 F -0.3 (, i.e., the run-time values of the static variables, on) 378.76 458.5 P -0.03 (entry to the unit. The static compiler is responsible for breaking up) 317.88 448.5 P 0.99 (dynamically compiled regions of the input program into units of) 317.88 438.5 P 3.74 (specialization, producing the static data structures and code) 317.88 428.5 P 1.06 (describing units and their connectivity) 317.88 418.5 P 1.06 (, and generating the initial) 459.52 418.5 P 0.11 (call to the) 317.88 408.5 P 4 F 0.27 (Specialize) 355.96 408.5 P 1 F 0.11 ( function with the initial unit and context) 409.96 408.5 P (at the entries to dynamically compiled code.) 317.88 398.5 T -0.19 (The) 317.88 384 P 4 F -0.46 (Specialize) 333.93 384 P 1 F -0.19 ( function \336rst consults a cache to see if code for) 387.93 384 P 2.38 (the unit and entry context being specialized has already been) 317.88 374 P 0.82 (produced \050using the unit\325) 317.88 364 P 0.82 (s caching policy to customize the cache) 410.59 364 P 0.04 (lookup process\051, and reuses the existing specialization if so. If not,) 317.88 354 P 2.6 (the unit\325) 317.88 344 P 2.6 (s) 350.24 344 P 4 F 6.25 (ReduceAndResidualize) 358.59 344 P 1 F 2.6 ( function is invoked to) 466.59 344 P 1.47 (produce code for the unit, specialized to the input context. The) 317.88 334 P 2.72 (updated values of the context at each of the program points) 317.88 324 P 1.68 (corresponding to unit exits is returned. The specialized code is) 317.88 314 P -0.16 (added to the cache \050again customized by the unit\325) 317.88 304 P -0.16 (s caching policy\051.) 494.58 304 P (Finally) 317.88 289.5 T (, the specializer determines how to process each of the exits) 342.8 289.5 T -0.25 (of the specialized unit. Each exit edge can either be) 317.88 279.5 P 3 F -0.25 (eager) 502.61 279.5 P 1 F -0.25 (, in which) 522.74 279.5 P -0.07 (case the successor unit is specialized right away) 317.88 269.5 P -0.07 (, or) 489.54 269.5 P 3 F -0.07 (lazy) 503.65 269.5 P 1 F -0.07 (, indicating) 517.57 269.5 P 1.27 (that specialization should be suspended until run-time execution) 317.88 259.5 P 0.49 (reaches that edge; lazy edges are implemented by generating stub) 317.88 249.5 P 1.9 (code at that edge that will call back into the specializer when) 317.88 239.5 P -0.52 (executed. Points of dynamic-to-static promotion always correspond) 317.88 229.5 P 0.4 (to lazy edges between units; code is generated at these lazy edges) 317.88 219.5 P -0.38 (that will inject the promoted run-time values into the context before) 317.88 209.5 P (invoking the specializer) 317.88 199.5 T (.) 403.37 199.5 T 2.63 (The caching structure for units is one of the chief points of) 317.88 185 P -0.18 (\337exibility in our system. Each of the variables in the context has an) 317.88 175 P 10.46 (associated policy \050) 317.88 165 P 4 F 25.11 (CacheAllUnchecked) 405.79 165 P 1 F 10.46 (,) 497.59 165 P 4 F 25.11 (CacheAll) 512.55 165 P 1 F 10.46 (,) 555.75 165 P 4 F 5.47 (CacheOne) 317.88 155 P 1 F 2.28 (, and) 361.08 155 P 4 F 5.47 (CacheOneUnchecked) 385.38 155 P 1 F 2.28 (, listed in decreasing) 477.18 155 P 5.41 (order of specialization aggressiveness\051, derived from user) 317.88 145 P -0.03 (annotations and static analysis.) 317.88 135 P 4 F -0.08 (CacheAllUnchecked) 431.49 135 P 1 F -0.03 ( variables) 523.29 135 P 0.68 (are considered to be so rapidly changing that there is no value in) 317.88 125 P 0.05 (checking and maintaining a cache of specializations; each time the) 317.88 115 P 0.88 (unit is specialized, a new version of code is produced, used, and) 317.88 105 P 1.13 (thrown away) 317.88 95 P 1.13 (. For) 365.16 95 P 4 F 2.72 (CacheAll) 386.68 95 P 1 F 1.13 ( variables, the system caches each) 429.88 95 P -0.07 (combination of those variables for potential future reuse, assuming) 317.88 85 P 1.84 (that previous combinations are likely to recur) 317.88 75 P 1.84 (. For) 491.88 75 P 4 F 4.41 (CacheOne) 514.8 75 P 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "3" 3 %%Page: "4" 4 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 26 558 44 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 72 294.12 738 R V 54 72 301.49 738 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 81 297.05 738 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 4 8 Q 0 X (Specialize\050unit:Unit,) 54 732.67 T (context:Context,) 106.8 724.67 T (backpatch_addr:Addr\051:Addr {) 106.8 716.67 T (/* see if we\325ve already specialized this unit for) 61.2 708.67 T (this particular context */) 75.6 700.67 T (\050found:bool, start_addr:Addr\051 :=) 61.2 692.67 T (CacheLookup\050unit, context\051;) 75.6 684.67 T (if not found then) 61.2 676.17 T -0.22 (/* need to produce & cache the specialization */) 68.4 668.17 P (\050start_addr,) 68.4 660.17 T (edge_contexts:List,) 73.2 652.17 T (edge_addrs:List\051 :=) 73.2 644.17 T (unit.ReduceAndResidualize\050context\051;) 82.8 636.17 T (CacheStore\050unit, context, start_addr\051;) 68.4 628.17 T (/* see how to handle each successor of the) 68.4 620.17 T (specialized unit */) 82.8 612.17 T (foreach edge:UnitEdge,) 68.4 604.17 T (edge_context:Context,) 106.8 596.17 T (edge_addr:Addr) 106.8 588.17 T (in unit.edges, edge_contexts, edge_addrs do) 82.8 580.17 T (if edge.eager_specialize then) 75.6 572.17 T (/* eagerly specialize the successor now */) 82.8 564.17 T (Specialize\050edge.target_unit,) 82.8 556.17 T (edge_context,) 135.6 548.17 T (edge_addr\051;) 135.6 540.17 T (else) 75.6 532.17 T (/* lazily specialize the successor by) 82.8 524.17 T (emitting code to compute the values of) 97.2 516.17 T (promoted variables and then call the) 97.2 508.17 T (specializer with the revised context */) 97.2 500.17 T (addr:Addr :=) 82.8 492.17 T (edge.ResolvePromotions\050edge_context\051;) 90 484.17 T (Backpatch\050edge_addr, addr\051;) 82.8 476.17 T (Emit\050\322pc := Specialize\050`edge.target_unit`,) 82.8 468.17 T (promoted_context,) 193.2 460.17 T (NULL\051\323\051;) 193.2 452.17 T (Emit\050\322jump pc\323\051;) 82.8 444.17 T (endif) 75.6 436.17 T (endfor) 68.4 428.17 T (endif) 61.2 420.17 T -0.99 (/* make the predecessor unit branch to this code */) 61.2 411.67 P (Backpatch\050backpatch_addr, start_addr\051;) 61.2 403.67 T (return start_addr;) 61.2 395.67 T (}) 54 387.67 T (type Context = Tuple;) 54 379.17 T (class Unit {) 54 370.67 T (id:int,) 61.2 362.67 T (cache_policies:Tuple;) 61.2 354.67 T (edges:List;) 61.2 346.67 T (ReduceAndResidualize\050context:Context\051) 61.2 338.67 T (:\050start_addr:Addr,) 152.4 330.67 T (out_contexts:List,) 162 322.67 T (edge_addrs:List\051;) 162 314.67 T (/* Take the the values of the static vars and) 68.4 306.67 T (produce specialized code for the unit.) 82.8 298.67 T -0.22 (Return the address of the start of the unit\325s) 82.8 290.67 P -1.09 (specialized code and, for each successor unit,) 82.8 282.67 P -0.82 (the new values of the static variables at that) 82.8 274.67 P -0.19 (edge and the address of the exit point in the) 82.8 266.67 P (specialized code for the unit */) 82.8 258.67 T (}) 54 250.67 T (class UnitEdge {) 54 242.17 T (target_unit:Unit;) 61.2 234.17 T (eager_specialize:bool;) 61.2 226.17 T (ResolvePromotions\050context:Context\051:Addr;) 61.2 218.17 T -0.25 (/* Generate code to extract the current run-time) 68.4 210.17 P -0.29 (values of any static variables being promoted) 82.8 202.17 P (at this edge, updating the input) 82.8 194.17 T (context and leaving the result in the) 82.8 186.17 T (\322promoted_context\323 run-time variable.) 82.8 178.17 T (Return the address of the start of the) 82.8 170.17 T (generated code. */) 82.8 162.17 T (}) 54 154.17 T (enum CachePolicy {) 54 145.67 T (CacheAll, CacheAllUnchecked,) 61.2 137.67 T (CacheOne, CacheOneUnchecked) 61.2 129.67 T (}) 54 121.67 T 2 10 Q (Figur) 93.68 104.34 T (e 3: Run-T) 117.39 104.34 T (ime Specializer) 163.32 104.34 T (, Part I) 227.11 104.34 T 0 0 612 792 C 317.88 72 558 738 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 1 9 Q 0 X 2.77 (variables, only one specialized version is maintained, for the) 317.88 273 P 2.42 (current values of those variables. If the values of any of the) 317.88 263 P 0.37 (variables change, the previously specialized code is dropped from) 317.88 253 P 1.59 (the cache, assuming that combination of values is not likely to) 317.88 243 P 4.44 (recur) 317.88 233 P 4.44 (. The values of) 335.87 233 P 4 F 10.65 (CacheOneUnchecked) 409.35 233 P 1 F 4.44 ( variables are) 501.15 233 P 11.2 (invariants or are pure functions of other non-) 317.88 223 P 4 F 0.05 (CacheOneUnchecked) 317.88 213 P 1 F 0.02 ( variables, so the redundant cache checks) 409.68 213 P 1.18 (for those variables are suppressed. Our run-time caching system) 317.88 203 P 0.24 (supports mixes of these cache policies, by skipping cache lookups) 317.88 193 P 11.27 (and stores if any variable in the context is) 317.88 183 P 4 F 6.84 (CacheAllUnchecked) 317.88 173 P 1 F 2.85 (, and otherwise by \336rst performing a) 409.68 173 P 2 (lookup in an unbounded-sized cache based on the) 317.88 163 P 4 F 4.79 (CacheAll) 514.8 163 P 1 F 0.49 (variables \050if any\051, and then \050if successful\051 performing a lookup in) 317.88 153 P -0.29 (the resulting single-entry cache based on the) 317.88 143 P 4 F -0.69 (CacheOne) 478.1 143 P 1 F -0.29 ( variables,) 521.3 143 P 1.47 (in turn resulting if successful in the address for the appropriate) 317.88 133 P 1.37 (specialized code.) 317.88 123 P 4 F 3.3 (CacheOneUnchecked) 384.36 123 P 1 F 1.37 ( variables are ignored) 476.16 123 P (during cache lookup.) 317.88 113 T 0.07 (Since invoking the specializer is a source of overhead for run-time) 317.88 95 P 0.68 (specialization, our system performs a number of optimizations of) 317.88 85 P 3.24 (this general structure, principally by producing a specialized) 317.88 75 P 317.88 279 558 738 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 318.22 288 557.98 738 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 4 8 Q 0 X (CacheLookup\050unit:Unit, context:Context\051) 318.22 732.67 T (:\050found:bool, start_addr:Addr\051 {) 366.22 724.67 T (if CacheAllUnchecked) 325.42 716.67 T 6 F (\316) 426.22 716.67 T 4 F ( unit.cache_policies then) 431.92 716.67 T (/* always produce a new specialization */) 332.62 708.67 T (return \050false, NULL\051;) 332.62 700.67 T (else) 325.42 692.67 T (/* first index on CacheAll values */) 332.62 684.67 T (let cache_alls :=) 332.62 676.67 T 0 F (elements of) 339.82 668.67 T 4 F (context) 383.39 668.67 T 0 F ( with) 416.99 668.67 T 4 F (CacheAll) 435.67 668.67 T 0 F ( policy) 474.07 668.67 T 4 F (;) 496.74 668.67 T (\050found, sub_cache\051 :=) 332.62 660.67 T (cache.lookup\, cache_alls\051;) 339.82 652.67 T (if not found then return \050false, NULL\051;) 332.62 644.67 T (/* then index on CacheOne values) 332.62 636.67 T (in nested cache */) 347.02 628.67 T (let cache_ones :=) 332.62 620.67 T 0 F (elements of) 339.82 612.67 T 4 F (context) 383.39 612.67 T 0 F ( with) 416.99 612.67 T 4 F (CacheOne) 435.67 612.67 T 0 F ( policy) 474.07 612.67 T 4 F (;) 496.74 612.67 T (\050found, start_addr\051 :=) 332.62 604.67 T (sub_cache.lookup\050cache_ones\051;) 339.82 596.67 T (/* no need to index on CacheOneUnchecked */) 332.62 588.67 T (return \050found, start_addr\051;) 332.62 580.67 T (endif) 325.42 572.67 T (}) 318.22 564.67 T (CacheStore\050unit:Unit, context:Context,) 318.22 556.17 T (start_addr:Addr\051:void {) 371.02 548.17 T (if CacheAllUnchecked) 325.42 540.17 T 6 F (\316) 426.22 540.17 T 4 F ( unit.cache_policies then) 431.92 540.17 T (/* don\325t store it, since we won\325t reuse it */) 332.62 532.17 T (else) 325.42 524.17 T (/* first index on CacheAll values */) 332.62 516.17 T (let cache_alls :=) 332.62 508.17 T 0 F (elements of) 339.82 500.17 T 4 F (context) 383.39 500.17 T 0 F ( with) 416.99 500.17 T 4 F (CacheAll) 435.67 500.17 T 0 F ( policy) 474.07 500.17 T 4 F (;) 496.74 500.17 T (\050found, sub_cache\051 :=) 332.62 492.17 T (cache.lookup\, cache_alls\051;) 339.82 484.17 T (if not found then) 332.62 476.17 T (sub_cache := new SubCache;) 339.82 468.17 T (cache.add\, cache_alls, sub_cache\051;) 339.82 460.17 T (endif) 332.62 452.17 T (/* then index on CacheOne values) 332.62 444.17 T (in nested cache */) 347.02 436.17 T (let cache_ones :=) 332.62 428.17 T 0 F (elements of) 339.82 420.17 T 4 F (context) 383.39 420.17 T 0 F ( with) 416.99 420.17 T 4 F (CacheOne) 435.67 420.17 T 0 F ( policy) 474.07 420.17 T 4 F (;) 496.74 420.17 T (/* store the new specialization in the cache,) 332.62 412.17 T (replacing any there previously */) 347.02 404.17 T (sub_cache.replace\050cache_ones, start_addr\051;) 332.62 396.17 T (endif) 325.42 388.17 T (}) 318.22 380.17 T (Backpatch\050source:Addr, target:Addr\051:void {) 318.22 371.67 T (/* if source != NULL, then backpatch the branch) 325.42 363.67 T (instruction at source to jump to target */) 339.82 355.67 T (}) 318.22 347.67 T (Emit\050instruction:Code\051 {) 318.22 339.17 T (/* append a single instruction to the current) 325.42 331.17 T (code-generation point */) 339.82 323.17 T (}) 318.22 315.17 T 2 10 Q (Figur) 354.3 297.83 T (e 4: Run-T) 378.01 297.83 T (ime Specializer) 423.94 297.83 T (, Part II) 487.73 297.83 T 0 0 612 792 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "4" 4 %%Page: "5" 5 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 26 558 44 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 72 294.12 738 R V 1 9 Q 0 X 1.79 (version of the) 54 732 P 4 F 4.31 (Specialize) 111.12 732 P 1 F 1.79 ( function for each unit. Section 6) 165.12 732 P (describes these optimizations in more detail.) 54 722 T 2 12 Q (4) 54 700.83 T (Annotations) 72 700.83 T 1 9 Q 1.98 (Given the tar) 54 685.65 P 1.98 (get run-time specializer described in the previous) 104.79 685.65 P 4.43 (section, we now present the programmer) 54 675.65 P 4.43 (-visible annotation) 222.44 675.65 P -0.42 (language \050in this section\051 and then the analyses to construct the run-) 54 665.65 P 1.49 (time specializer based on the annotations \050in sections 5 and 6\051.) 54 655.65 P 0.68 (Appendix A speci\336es the syntax of our annotations, expressed as) 54 645.65 P 0.38 (extensions to the standard C grammar rules [Kernighan & Ritchie) 54 635.65 P (88].) 54 625.65 T 2 10 Q (4.1) 54 608.81 T 5 F (make_static) 72 608.81 T 2 F ( and) 138 608.81 T 5 F (make_dynamic) 159.12 608.81 T 1 9 Q 3.84 (The basic annotations that drive run-time specialization are) 54 594.31 P 4 F 3.62 (make_static) 54 584.31 P 1 F 1.51 ( and) 113.4 584.31 P 4 F 3.62 (make_dynamic) 133.91 584.31 P 1 F 1.51 (.) 198.71 584.31 P 4 F 3.62 (make_static) 204.72 584.31 P 1 F 1.51 ( takes a) 264.12 584.31 P 0.67 (list of variables, indicating that each of them is to be treated as a) 54 574.31 P 0.7 (run-time constant at all subsequent program points until reaching) 54 564.31 P 0.68 (either a) 54 554.31 P 4 F 1.62 (make_dynamic) 84.34 554.31 P 1 F 0.68 ( annotation that lists the variable or the) 149.14 554.31 P 5.55 (end of the variable\325) 54 544.31 P 5.55 (s scope \050which acts as an implicit) 140.37 544.31 P 4 F 0.25 (make_dynamic) 54 534.31 P 1 F 0.1 ( annotation\051. W) 118.8 534.31 P 0.1 (e call the region of code between) 174.53 534.31 P 0 (a) 54 524.31 P 4 F 0 (make_static) 60.25 524.31 P 1 F 0 ( for a variable and the corresponding \050explicit or) 119.65 524.31 P 2.23 (implicit\051) 54 514.31 P 4 F 5.36 (make_dynamic) 89.49 514.31 P 1 F 2.23 ( a) 154.29 514.31 P 3 F 2.23 (dynamic specialization r) 167.26 514.31 P 2.23 (egion) 259.89 514.31 P 1 F 2.23 (, or) 279.89 514.31 P 3 F 7.78 (dynamic r) 54 504.31 P 7.78 (egion) 97.69 504.31 P 1 F 7.78 ( for short. Because the placement of) 117.69 504.31 P 4 F -0.69 (make_static) 54 494.31 P 1 F -0.29 ( and) 113.4 494.31 P 4 F -0.69 (make_dynamic) 130.32 494.31 P 1 F -0.29 ( annotations is arbitrary) 195.12 494.31 P -0.29 (, the) 278.91 494.31 P 1.17 (dynamic region for a variable can have multiple entry points \050if) 54 484.31 P -0.19 (separate) 54 474.31 P 4 F -0.45 (make_static) 85.55 474.31 P 1 F -0.19 ( annotations for a variable mer) 144.95 474.31 P -0.19 (ge together) 254.07 474.31 P 1.18 (downstream\051 and multiple exit points. A dynamic region can be) 54 464.31 P 0.41 (nested inside or overlap with dynamic regions for other variables,) 54 454.31 P 2.38 (as in the following graph fragment \050static variables shown in) 54 444.31 P (boldface\051:) 54 434.31 T -0.22 (This \337exibility in form for dynamic regions is one major dif) 54 318.86 P -0.22 (ference) 267.64 318.86 P (between our system and other dynamic-compilation systems.) 54 308.86 T 2.77 (A convenient syntactic sugar for a nested dynamic region is) 54 295.69 P 4 F 3.08 (make_static) 54 285.69 P 1 F 1.28 ( followed by a compound statement enclosed in) 113.4 285.69 P (braces, for instance) 54 275.69 T 4 8 Q (make_static\050x, y\051 {) 61.2 264.19 T (...) 68.4 256.19 T (}) 61.2 248.19 T 1 9 Q -0.33 (This places) 54 236.35 P 4 F -0.8 (make_dynamic) 96.33 236.35 P 1 F -0.33 ( annotations for the listed variables at) 161.13 236.35 P (each of the exits of the compound statement.) 54 226.35 T 2 10 Q (4.2) 54 209.51 T (Policies) 72 209.51 T 1 9 Q 0.78 (Each variable listed in a) 54 195 P 4 F 1.87 (make_static) 146.63 195 P 1 F 0.78 ( annotation can have an) 206.03 195 P -0.39 (associated list of policies. These policies control the aggressiveness) 54 185 P 1.57 (of specialization, division, and dynamic-to-static promotion, the) 54 175 P 0.38 (caching policies, and the laziness policies. The semantics of these) 54 165 P 1.39 (policies is described in T) 54 155 P 1.39 (able 1, with the default policy in each) 148.92 155 P 1.09 (category in bold. Annotations in italics are unsafe; their use can) 54 145 P -0.29 (lead to changes in observable program behavior or non-termination) 54 135 P 3.88 (of specialization, if their stated assumptions about program) 54 125 P 0.99 (behavior are violated. All of our default policies are safe, so the) 54 115 P 0.38 (novice programmer need not worry about simple uses of run-time) 54 105 P 0.17 (specialization. Unsafe policies are included for sophisticated users) 54 95 P 0.41 (who wish to get \336ner control over dynamic compilation for better) 54 85 P (performance.) 54 75 T 54 72 294.12 738 C 54 329.04 294.12 431.31 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 52.56 329.04 295.56 431.31 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 91.42 408.21 163.42 426.21 R V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 4 7 Q 0 X (make_static\050x\051;) 91.42 421.55 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (...) 91.42 413.55 T 5 F (x) 104.02 413.55 T 4 F (,y...) 108.22 413.55 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 190.42 408.21 262.42 426.21 R 7 X V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 X (make_static\050x\051;) 190.42 421.55 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (...) 190.42 413.55 T 5 F (x) 203.02 413.55 T 4 F (,y...) 207.22 413.55 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 91.42 330.88 163.42 363.21 R 7 X V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 X (make_dynamic\050x\051;) 91.42 358.55 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (...x,) 91.42 350.55 T 5 F (y) 112.42 350.55 T 4 F (...) 116.62 350.55 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (make_dynamic\050y\051;) 91.42 342.55 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (...x,y...) 91.42 334.55 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 190.42 330.88 262.42 363.21 R 7 X V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 X (make_dynamic\050y\051;) 190.42 358.55 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (...) 190.42 350.55 T 5 F (x) 203.02 350.55 T 4 F (,y...) 207.22 350.55 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (make_dynamic\050x\051;) 190.42 342.55 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (...x,y...) 190.42 334.55 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 88.56 427.64 88.56 409.64 160.56 409.64 160.56 427.64 4 L 0.5 H 2 Z N 187.56 427.64 187.56 409.64 259.56 409.64 259.56 427.64 4 L N 88.56 332.31 88.56 364.64 160.56 364.64 160.56 332.31 4 L N 187.56 332.31 187.56 364.64 259.56 364.64 259.56 332.31 4 L N 141.21 377.31 209.07 395.31 R 7 X V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 X (make_static\050y\051;) 141.21 390.64 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (...) 141.21 382.64 T 5 F (x) 153.82 382.64 T 4 F (,) 158.01 382.64 T 5 F (y) 162.21 382.64 T 4 F (...) 166.41 382.64 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 139.56 377.31 210.06 395.31 R N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 169.39 400.12 173.56 395.81 167.74 394.35 168.56 397.24 4 Y V 124.56 409.81 168.56 397.24 2 L 1 H N 178.85 394.25 173.06 395.81 177.3 400.05 178.08 397.15 4 Y V 223.56 409.31 178.08 397.15 2 L N 130.31 363.59 124.56 365.31 128.92 369.43 129.62 366.51 4 Y V 173.06 376.81 129.62 366.51 2 L N 219.18 369.41 223.56 365.31 217.82 363.56 218.5 366.48 4 Y V 174.06 376.81 218.5 366.48 2 L N 54 72 294.12 738 C 0 0 612 792 C 317.88 72 558 738 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 1 9 Q 0 X -0.37 (Our policies currently support either caches of size one or caches of) 317.88 215.5 P 0.74 (unbounded size. It is reasonable to wish for caching policies that) 317.88 204.46 P 2.53 (take an ar) 317.88 193.41 P 2.53 (gument indicating the desired cache size. However) 357.75 193.41 P 2.53 (,) 555.75 193.41 P 3.11 (bounded multiple-entry caches necessitate a non-trivial cache) 317.88 182.36 P 5.15 (replacement policy) 317.88 171.32 P 5.15 (, over which we would want to of) 391.17 171.32 P 5.15 (fer) 548.01 171.32 P 1.53 (programmer control. More generally) 317.88 160.27 P 1.53 (, we might wish to provide) 453.85 160.27 P 0.22 (programmers with direct access to the various caches that the run-) 317.88 149.23 P 0.43 (time specializer maintains. W) 317.88 138.18 P 0.43 (e leave the design of such interfaces) 425.44 138.18 P (to future work.) 317.88 127.14 T 2.48 (The polyvariant vs. monovariant specialization policy controls) 317.88 108.14 P 0.25 (whether mer) 317.88 97.09 P 0.25 (ge points should be specialized for dif) 363.2 97.09 P 0.25 (ferent values of) 501.52 97.09 P 3.22 (a variable \337owing in along dif) 317.88 86.05 P 3.22 (ferent mer) 442.55 86.05 P 3.22 (ge predecessors. In) 482.84 86.05 P -0.47 (contrast, promotion points such as) 317.88 75 P 4 F -1.12 (make_static) 441.05 75 P 1 F -0.47 ( always perform) 500.45 75 P 2 10 Q (T) 403.4 731.33 T (able 1: Policies) 409.15 731.33 T 1 9 Q (Policy) 345.44 711 T (Description) 456 711 T 5 8 Q (poly_divide) 320.88 696.17 T 1 F (perform polyvariant division) 399 696.17 T 4 F (mono_divide) 320.88 683.67 T 1 F (perform monovariant division) 399 683.67 T 5 F (poly_specialize) 320.88 671.17 T 1 F (perform polyvariant specialization at mer) 399 671.17 T (ges) 531.27 671.17 T -0.29 (within dynamic regions \050specialization is always) 399 661.17 P (polyvariant at promotion points\051) 399 651.17 T 4 F (mono_specialize) 320.88 638.67 T 1 F (perform monovariant specialization at mer) 399 638.67 T (ges) 535.27 638.67 T 5 F (auto_promote) 320.88 626.17 T 1 F (automatically insert a dynamic-to-static promo-) 399 626.17 T (tion when the annotated static variable is possi-) 399 616.17 T (bly assigned a dynamic value) 399 606.17 T 4 F (manual_promote) 320.88 593.67 T 1 F (introduce promotions only at explicit) 399 593.67 T 4 F (make_static) 399 583.67 T 1 F ( annotations) 451.8 583.67 T 7 F (cache_all) 320.88 571.17 T (_unchecked) 330.48 561.17 T 1 F -0.4 (specialize at mer) 399 571.17 P -0.4 (ges, assuming that the context is) 451.82 571.17 P (dif) 399 561.17 T (ferent than any previous or subsequent spe-) 407.74 561.17 T (cialization) 399 551.17 T 5 F (cache_all) 320.88 538.67 T 1 F (cache each specialized version at mer) 399 538.67 T (ges) 519.03 538.67 T 4 F (cache_one) 320.88 526.17 T 1 F (cache only latest version at mer) 399 526.17 T (ges, throwing) 499.94 526.17 T (away previous version if context changes) 399 516.17 T 7 F (cache_one) 320.88 503.67 T (_unchecked) 330.48 493.67 T 1 F -0.09 (cache one version, and assume the context is the) 399 503.67 P (same for all future executions of this mer) 399 493.67 T (ge) 530.61 493.67 T 7 F (promote_all) 320.88 481.17 T (_unchecked) 330.48 471.17 T 1 F -0.32 (specialize at promotion points, assuming that the) 399 481.17 P -0.03 (promoted value is dif) 399 471.17 P -0.03 (ferent than any previous or) 466.97 471.17 P (subsequent specialization) 399 461.17 T 5 F (promote_all) 320.88 448.67 T 1 F (cache all specialized versions at promotion) 399 448.67 T (points) 399 438.67 T 4 F (promote_one) 320.88 426.17 T 1 F (cache only latest version at promotion points) 399 426.17 T 7 F (promote_one) 320.88 413.67 T (_unchecked) 330.48 403.67 T 1 F (cache one version, and assume promoted value) 399 413.67 T (is the same for all future executions of this pro-) 399 403.67 T (motion) 399 393.67 T 4 F (lazy) 320.88 381.17 T 1 F (suspend specialization at all dynamic branches,) 399 381.17 T (avoiding all speculative code generation) 399 371.17 T 4 F (specialize_lazy) 320.88 358.67 T 1 F (suspend specialization at all dynamic branch) 399 358.67 T (successors dominating specializable mer) 399 348.67 T (ge) 528.83 348.67 T -0.18 (points and specializable call sites, avoiding spec-) 399 338.67 P (ulative specialization of multiple versions of) 399 328.67 T (code after mer) 399 318.67 T (ges) 445.06 318.67 T 5 F (loop_specialize) 320.88 306.17 T (_lazy) 330.48 296.17 T 1 F (suspend specialization at all dynamic branch) 399 306.17 T (successors dominating specializable loop head) 399 296.17 T (mer) 399 286.17 T (ge points and specializable call sites, allow-) 411.3 286.17 T (ing speculative specialization except where it) 399 276.17 T (might be unbounded) 399 266.17 T 7 F (eager) 320.88 253.67 T 1 F (eagerly specialize successors of branches,) 399 253.67 T (assuming that no unbounded specialization will) 399 243.67 T (result, allowing full speculative specialization) 399 233.67 T 317.88 721.75 317.88 229.75 2 L V 0.5 H 0 Z N 396 722.25 396 229.25 2 L V N 558 721.75 558 229.75 2 L V N 317.63 722 558.25 722 2 L V N 317.63 704.5 558.25 704.5 2 L V 2 H N 317.63 692 558.25 692 2 L V 0.5 H N 317.63 679.5 558.25 679.5 2 L V 2 H N 317.63 647 558.25 647 2 L V 0.5 H N 317.63 634.5 558.25 634.5 2 L V 2 H N 317.63 602 558.25 602 2 L V 0.5 H N 317.63 579.5 558.25 579.5 2 L V 2 H N 317.63 547 558.25 547 2 L V 0.5 H N 317.63 534.5 558.25 534.5 2 L V N 317.63 512 558.25 512 2 L V N 317.63 489.5 558.25 489.5 2 L V 2 H N 317.63 457 558.25 457 2 L V 0.5 H N 317.63 434.5 558.25 434.5 2 L V N 317.63 422 558.25 422 2 L V N 317.63 389.5 558.25 389.5 2 L V 2 H N 317.63 367 558.25 367 2 L V 0.5 H N 317.63 314.5 558.25 314.5 2 L V N 317.63 262 558.25 262 2 L V N 317.63 229.5 558.25 229.5 2 L V N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "5" 5 %%Page: "6" 6 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 26 558 44 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 54 72 294.12 738 R V 1 9 Q 0 X 0.71 (polyvariant specialization of the promoted value beginning at the) 54 732 P (promotion point.) 54 722 T 2 10 Q (4.3) 54 705.08 T (Common Idioms) 72 705.08 T 1 9 Q -0.46 (W) 54 690.5 P -0.46 (e designed the annotations to ef) 61.78 690.5 P -0.46 (fect particular optimizations, such) 173.03 690.5 P 0.15 (as specializing for true run-time constants \050variables whose values) 54 680.5 P 0.32 (remain invariant after initialization at run time\051 or multi-way loop) 54 670.5 P 0.71 (unrolling \050specializing a loop along multiple dynamic paths as in) 54 660.5 P 2.83 (Figure 1\051. Hence, these common optimizations can easily be) 54 650.5 P 1.04 (obtained by the use of concise idioms. For example, a region of) 54 640.5 P -0.06 (code may be specialized for the value of a true run-time constant) 54 630.5 P 4 F -0.14 (x) 288.72 630.5 P 1 F (by using the) 54 620.5 T 4 F (promote_one_unchecked) 100.25 620.5 T 1 F ( policy:) 213.65 620.5 T 4 8 Q (make_static\050x:promote_one_unchecked\051;) 61.2 608.92 T 1 9 Q 2.89 (Alternatively) 54 597 P 2.89 (, to conditionally unroll loops shorter than some) 100.91 597 P (threshold, the following idiom is used:) 54 587 T 4 8 Q (if \050n < threshold\051 make_static\050n,i:eager\051;) 61.2 575.42 T (for \050i=0; i) 350.86 74.67 T 3 F (identifier) 403.66 74.67 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "16" 16 %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792 %%PageOrder: Ascend %%Pages: 16 %%DocumentFonts: Helvetica %%+ Times-Roman %%+ Times-Bold %%+ Times-Italic %%+ Courier %%+ Courier-Bold %%+ Symbol %%+ Courier-Oblique %%+ Helvetica-Oblique %%EOF Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 17:20:06 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper done!! I've mailed postscript to Consel and we express-mailed him hardcopy. I've made three versions of the file in my directory: dc-camera.{doc,ps}: What we sent Consel, w/ no page numbers. dc-notice.{doc,ps}: Like dc-camera, except w/ page numbers and a notice saying where the paper will appear. This is what we should make available on our web page and point other people to. dc.doc: The version before I hacked the page layout, converting variables to text, etc. When we extend this document to the expanded TR form, or reuse pieces of it for other papers, we should use this document, since it hasn't been hacked up just for a particular publication form. -- Craig Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 10:27:39 +0200 From: Charles Consel To: Subject: Re: pepm paper Got it. Pretty well. Thanks! Charles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Consel | University of Rennes / Irisa | Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu Phone: (33) 2 99 84 74 10 | 35042 Rennes Cedex Fax: (33) 2 99 84 71 71 | France ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- URL: & index.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 10:26:36 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting time We need to schedule an official meeting time for Spring quarter. I want to pick an afternoon, to keep all my mornings free to stay home after the new baby arrives. Please let me know what constraints you have in the afternoon that I don't share. -- Craig Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 11:34:41 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: re: meeting BTW, I'm gone next W-F, so we won't meet next week unless we pick a meeting time early in the week. -- Craig To: Subject: Getting abbreviated bib refs in bibframe Date: Fri, 04 Apr 1997 12:11:22 PST From: Matthai Philipose There are a few options: 1) For the document being edited, define the variable bf-bibstyle and set it to mmlabbrv 2)Before you start frame (and/or in your .cshrc) setenv BIBFRAMEBST 'mmlabbrv' 3)Set the system bib style default to mmlabbrv; I don't know how this is done, and it may not be practical unless the Cecil group is also OK with this default. The refs in the paper show up as [3],[1],[2]... and the biblio is alphabetized, with only initials for each author's first names. The bibframe documentation does not describe an abbreviated bibstyle which makes the refs show up as [Grant et. al] instead of [2] (i.e. word-references instead of numbers). However, if we prefer this style, the document indicates it's easy to create this format. Any preferences? Matthai Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 11:26:18 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@klamath Subject: meeting time Given everyone's constraints, it looks like either Mondays 12-2 or Fridays 2-4 for meeting times. Any preferences? -- Craig To: Subject: Cache replacement (cache_one) Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 12:24:22 PDT From: Brian Grant Over the weekend, I thought of a problem with the implementation of the cache_one policy as described in the paper. Eager and lazy unit edges w/o promotions are patched to be direct branches to their destinations. What happens if their destination is removed from the cache? I thought of three possible solutions: 1) Require a run-time cache lookup for any unit where any static variable has the cache_one policy (henceforth called a cache_one unit), rather than putting in a direct branch. 2) Leave a callback in the place of the cache_one unit; a cache flush is required*, and the space required by the callback cannot be freed until all units jumping to it are freed; thus, we must also maintain a list of units branching to the cache_one unit. 3) Insert an indirect jump, rather than a direct branch. When the cache_unit unit is generated, set the jump address to the address of the unit. Initially or when it is removed from the cache, direct the jump to a callback stub. We wouldn't be able to set the prefetch-hint bits, because then the indirect jumps would require patching as in #2. #1 is conceptually simple and has no specialize-time cost but the greatest run-time cost (run time being time spent executing generated code). #2 is the most complicated scheme and has a significant specialize-time cost, but no run-time cost. #3 is very simple and has a small specialize-time cost and a small run-time cost. #1 is obviously out. #3 would be easier to implement than #2. One might also think of using a valid/invalid flag for the cache_one unit, but I couldn't think of a way to use a flag that wouldn't be strictly more expensive (at both specialize time and run time) than #2. --Brian * If we have to flush the entire instruction cache anyway to replace the previous specialized version, then no additional flush is needed. To: Subject: name game Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 12:24:27 PDT From: Matthai Philipose My two cents towards the advancement of science: EDyCT: Efficient/Excellent ;-) Dynamic Compilation Technology/Tools PrEDyCt: Practical, Efficient, Dynamic Compilation Technology/Tools PARADyCE: Practical Automatic RApid Dynamic Compilation Engine Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 12:49:01 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: corrections to the paper Cc: spin-comp@cs > From Mon Apr 7 12:37:00 1997 > Delivery-Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 12:37:04 PDT > X-Mailer: exmh version 1.5.3 12/28/94 > Reply-To: > To: > Subject: corrections to the paper > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 12:36:56 PDT > From: Brian Grant > > I have found some typos, fontos, etc. in the paper. I would also like to > twiddle with Figure 9 a little more. None of the corrections/modifications > I would make is major. > > -- Should we bother to send Consel a corrected version of the > postscript? (my guess: no) > -- Should we put a corrected version of on our web > page, or just the version that will be in the PEPM proceedings? > > --Brian > > I don't think we can send anything new to Consel. I think we can make anything we want. We should definitely fix bugs there, and other minor improvements too. And remember that we still have to do the TR version, which can have major improvements and extensions to e.g. the linearization algorithm, the better version of reachability, single-run-time-predecessor and related optimizations, etc. For the TR version, I'd like to have some more implementation experience before finishing it, so we can have some additional confidence it's right. -- Craig Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 17:09:15 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: group meeting OK, given the conflicting preferences, I'll pick Monday at noon for our group meeting. Feel free to bring lunch. I assume we'll normally be an hour, but we can take up to two if needed. -- Craig To: spin-comp@cs Subject: we have RTCONSTs! (sort of) Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 21:43:25 PDT From: Brian Grant Well, at least the _one_ I've inserted is no longer crashing Multiflow. :-) Now to just get Multiflow to do what we want with them... Current translation of a rtconst + temp in template code: lda r26,rtconst_0_0%(rZ) ;class source,cspec ... addl r25,r26,r3 ;class source --Brian To: Subject: RTCONSTs working! Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 16:28:13 PDT From: Brian Grant I have replaced static operands in the template code with RTCONSTs and inserted store ops in the setup code corresponding to those uses. The RTCONSTs go through for my small test program and print in the format Matthai requested. Example template use: lda r3,rtconst_0_0(r26) Example setup store: stl r26,rtconst_0_0_0(gp) The store ensures that a register (r26) contains the value corresponding to hole (rtconst_0_0) in the template. (I think r26 appearing in both instructions is a coincidence; that register happened to have been free in that basic block in both the setup block and the template block.) I'll check this version into CVS momentarily. --Brian To: Subject: commit completed Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 16:36:58 PDT From: Brian Grant Let me know if you have any problems. --Brian To: Subject: GE-gen/merger interface seems to be working Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 18:00:09 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Brian's simple example passes all the way through in the format expected by the merger. Specifically, the trace-scheduler now leaves all our basic-block begin/end labels where we expect them. The way in which the trace-scheduler works, I had to modify the merger slightly. There is an open question about how the merger "returns" the location of the generated code (and what version/approximation of the code caching/lookup scheme to implement). Brian and I will probably agree on an interface tomorrow. Once this interface is fixed, we should be able to send the code through the merger, execute the GE and execute the emitted code. Matthai To: Subject: ACM computing surveys on PE Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 17:13:40 PDT From: Brian Grant It seems like we should be able to come up with a 1000-word submission for this by October. :-) Do people have any interest in this, or would it be a waste of time? Only once have I even read Computing Surveys... --Brian Call for Journal Contributions ACM Computing Surveys 1998 Symposium on Partial Evaluation Guest Editors: Olivier Danvy, Robert Glück, and Peter Thiemann The 1998 Symposium on Partial Evaluation is a collection of short articles characterizing the state of the art, stating challenging problems, and outlining promising directions for future work. Topics of interest include all areas of partial evaluation and semantics-based program manipulation, automatic program transformation, and their applications. Contributions should be expository in nature and should explain relevant trends in partial evaluation in both general and technical terms, with a maximum of clarity and conciseness. Statements of open problems that have a potential impact on the future development are particularly welcome. Every effort should be made to make contributions self-contained and understandable to a general audience. Submission Procedure Submissions should be no longer than 1000 words. They should adhere to the Information for Authors of the ACM Computing Surveys. Please send your submission as a postscript file by electronic mail to Each submission should be accompanied by a plain ASCII message giving the title, authors, and the postal and electronic address of the corresponding author. Important Dates Papers due: September 30, 1997 Notification: November 30, 1997 Final papers: January 31, 1998 Please consult one of the guest editors in advance if you are in doubt about the appropriateness of your planned contribution. Guest Editors Olivier Danvy, BRICS, University of Aarhus ( Robert Glück, DIKU, University of Copenhagen ( Peter Thiemann, Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut, University of Tübingen ( March 25, 1997 To: Subject: list of possible things for Matthai to do Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 13:20:10 PDT From: Brian Grant Off of the top of my head... --Brian 1) Analyses -- Prepass to compute MayDefVars, LiveVars, UsedVars -- includes intraprocedural points-to analysis -- Reachability conditions -- to work in polyvariant BTA -- capable of handling static IGOTOs -- keeping track of equivalence classes of predecessors wrt variables (or weaker notion?) -- Postpass to compute lazy edges -- Clustering 2) Oracle -- Instrumentation to write out static values and nec. unit info -- Module to read in static values and invoke compile-time specializer -- Compile-time specializer -- includes interface to BTA 3) Caching -- Remaining cache_one and other cache-replacement details -- Keeping track of direct branches to replaceable code -- Coping with reclamation and reuse of variable-sized chunks of memory, fragmentation, etc. -- Minimize space-allocation checks and other overhead -- Hybrid hierarchical/flat caching scheme -- Cache-replacement schemes for cache(n) -- Global caching policies, rather than local ones (i.e., we would like to free memory for specializations of functions that won't be called again) -- More flexible interface to the cache (e.g., for looking up more general versions if the more specialized version isn't in the cache) -- Evaluating importance of caching/replacement schemes To: Subject: One topic of discussion for next week's meeting Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 15:57:19 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Folks, I had a chat with Craig after today's meeting, continuing the discussion of what would be good for me to work on, but this time with an emphasis on longer term plans. (In the short term, it seems that working on the post/pre- passes to the BTA is the most useful thing to do, and Markus, Brian and I will discuss this further). We decided that it would be a good idea for all group members to be in on a discussion in next week's meeting about what they would like to work on once this implementation phase is over, especially wrt "thesis-directed" work. If nothing else, the discussion should set us thinking about what the possiblities/ preferences are, and help us see beyond a possibly long implementation phase. If you have some views on this topic, please make sure you remember them and bring them up at next Monday's meeting. Matthai To: Matthai Philipose Cc:, Subject: Re: One topic of discussion for next week's meeting Date: Mon, 14 Apr 97 16:15:24 -0700 From: Susan Eggers I'll be out of town next Monday. In addition to talking about dissertation directions, can you also give some thought to a PLDI submission. Because its content may "steal" from the individual research areas. My current thinking is an overview of the new system, emphasizing its new features and performance results on the new, expanded workload. But we may need to include other related topics, such as what opts or annotations were used in what programs, stressing the extent to which our new functionality was needed. Susan To: Subject: Re: Good news from the folks upstairs ... Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 09:45:58 PDT From: Brian Grant From Mr. Ed: >> I'm delighted to report that the Provost has today approved all >> three of our promotion cases. As of September 16, Craig Chambers >> will be an Associate Professor with tenure, and Carl Ebeling and >> Dan Weld will be Professors. Congrats, Craig! Just in time to take time off with the new baby. :-) --Brian To: Cc:, Subject: Re: ACM computing surveys on PE Date: Wed, 16 Apr 97 17:25:53 -0700 From: Susan Eggers I would think that we have more important venues to target. Susan Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 14:23:16 -0700 From: Charles Garrett To: spin-m3 Subject: Talk on Monday For the SPIN group: I switched weeks with David, so I will be talking about the dynamic compilation project on Monday. For the dynamic compilation group: The SPIN meetings include a 45 minute presentation on current work. This week I'll be discussing our project. Please join us in room 422 on Monday at 9:30 if you can make it. The bigger the crowd, the better the discussion should be. -- Charlie To: Subject: updated research agenda on the group web Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 11:07:50 PDT From: Brian Grant Internal/Research/agenda.html It would be helpful to take a look before the meeting. --Brian Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 18:34:24 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: bytecodes vs. translation paper I found the bytecodes vs. translation paper, if anyone wants to borrow it. -- Craig To: Subject: cvs commit of p2dyc Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 12:35:19 PDT From: Brian Grant I just checked in new versions of nearly all of the files in p2dyc, and also a few files in p2graph, p2types, and phase1. The new version works for the test case Matthai and I have been using: a single single-unit (single basic block!) dynamic region (essentially promote_all_unchecked). It exercises a fair bit of the unit code, and is largely unhacked. --Brian Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 21:48:18 -0700 From: chambers@hoh To: cecil@cs, faculty@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: Baby! At 5:27 Wednesday morning, Adelaide Woods Chambers (a.k.a. Addie) was born. Mom and Dad are pretty beat, sister Caitlin is extremely energetic and excited, and Addie is sleepy and doing very well. I won't be in on Thursday; can someone take over my 11:30 appt with Debevec? -- Craig To: Subject: regression tests Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 12:26:53 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Given the major changes we've been making to the compiler (64-bit conversion, dynamic-compilation related work), it's probably a good idea to make sure the "official version(s)" at any time is(are) working. We should probably set up a regression suite that contains both programs that use dynamic compilation and those that don't (e.g. spec95) to this end. Perhaps we should talk about this at the next meeting. Matthai Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 14:14:45 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: regression tests Good idea. And a regression suite for the test cases that are being used for DC testing can be started at the same time. -- Craig Date: Mon, 5 May 1997 08:58:10 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Subject: sick I woke up with fever and stomach cramps and therefore won't be in today. The sometimes incorrect BTA was due to the removal of the annotation stats without propagating that info to the following stats. I am now looking at the output of the equivalence set info trying to figure out that it is all correct. -- Markus To: Subject: Merging with the 64-bit version Date: Tue, 06 May 1997 11:50:50 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Folks, I have just committed all the code in the mflow backend necessary for generating the generating extension; I have also committed the merger perl scripts into the bin directory. Everything is committed to the 32-bit branch right now. Brian and Markus will try to get a "commitable" version of their codes by today afternoon. We (Charlie and I?) can then merge the up-do-date and "complete" 32-bit version with the 64-bit version. Hopefully, beginning later today, everyone will commence working with the 64-bit version of the dynamic compilation infrastructure. Matthai To: Matthai Philipose Cc:, Subject: Re: Merging with the 64-bit version Date: Tue, 06 May 97 12:00:28 -0700 From: Susan Eggers The 64 bit version? This is great. Susan To: Subject: my version has been merged with Matthai's Date: Tue, 06 May 1997 17:01:40 PDT From: Brian Grant I merged my version with Matthai's and checked it into CVS. The merge uncovered a bug in Matthai's code. We introduced a quick fix to get around the problem, and Matthai is trying to determine whether the quick fix should be the permanent fix. About the new version: You should checkout DyC/bin and DyC/lib if you haven't already, and update all of bin, lib, and mflow. In the future, run your own version of dyc2c, NOT the version in /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/bin. You will also need to set an environment variable, DYC_LIB_DIR, to your lib directory (e.g., /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/DyC/lib). --Brian Date: Wed, 7 May 1997 10:03:34 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: ready for 64bit change I committed my changes to the repository, so we're ready for the 64 bit merge. -- Markus Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 00:27:33 -0700 (PDT) From: garrett@porky-pig To: spin-comp@porky-pig Subject: 64 bit code merged I checked in the combined dynamic compilation and 64 bit code and tagged it with the name "dyc-64bit". There are a couple of changes that users should be aware of. I editted the pmakefiles in p2dyc and p2bta so that object files are rebuilt when the headers they depend on are changed. It appears that you have to put the line with the .o file immediately after the dependencies for its .C file to make it work right. I added functions called DYC_Keyword and DYC_RTKeyword to recognize the special function names beginning with DyC in the boilerplate code. This only matters for the function names, because they need a "_" in 32-bit mode but no "_" in 64-bit mode. I found one bug in the bk_Process_Tags_And_Igotos function. It would interpret partially compact micro instructions as if they were uncompact ones. The partially compact ones can contain control flow graph edges where the uncompact ones contain statements and this caused problems. I inserted an extra test to check that a micro instruction is really an uncompact one before accessing its fields. This may not be the right solution, but it works on the current test programs. This merge adds two directories called cfe_alpha and ffe_alpha which are the modified front-ends for C and Fortran respectively. Make sure that these directories are created and filled when you update to my changes. I think using "cvs upd -d" should ensure that the directories are created. There are a number of compiler flags to use when running the 64-bit version of the compiler. Here is the whole list, with explanations to follow: -mGLOB_machine_word_size=64 -mP1OPT_call_default=P1OPT_CALL_DEFAULT_REGS -mP1OPT_entry_default=P1OPT_ENTRY_DEFAULT_REGS -mGLOB_as_type=osf -mP1COPT_ansi -D__LANGUAGE_C__ -Dsigned= -I/projects/trace1/mflow/usr/vssad/release/garrett/usr/usr_include_alpha -S The GLOB_machine_word_size option tells the compiler to use the 64 bit version. The P1OPT_call_default and P1OPT_entry_default options cause the compiler to pass arguments in registers according to the standard Alpha calling convention. The GLOB_as_type option makes it generate assembly language for the DEC assembler rather than Multiflow's version of the GNU assembler. The P1COPT_ansi option is useful for any ANSI C programs, such as our test suite. The __LANGUAGE_C__ definition conditionally includes the right code from the DEC header files. The signed= definition eliminates a C keyword that Multiflow doesn't understand. The -I option causes the compiler to use the regular DEC header files instead of Multiflow's. This is necessary to link with the 64-bit standard libraries. Finally, use the -S option to generate assembly language and prevent the scc driver program from calling the GNU assembler. Use a makefile to assemble the output with "as" and link the final program with "cc". My test programs are in /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/garrett/dyncomp/lcc. I will work on placing them in some central location with automated regression test scripts. -- Charlie Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 17:24:35 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: PEPM practice talk, Monday 12pm in the chateau conference room. I've also reserved Sieg 114, just in case. Brian and I will give a practice run of our "Run-Time Specialization in C". -- Markus Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 18:30:47 -0700 From: Charles Garrett To: spin-comp Subject: More changes to Multiflow I have a few more things working with Multiflow now. First, I have compiled three Fortran programs (SPEC benchmarks) with the 64 bit compiler. This also entailed compiling Multiflow's Fortran library with the DEC C compiler. One of the programs runs correctly. One runs with small numerical errors which may be due to the compiler or the library. The third one seg faults. One side benefit of compiling these programs is that they exposed bugs in optimization phases of the 64 bit backend. These bugs were primarily concerned with floating point types which are not heavily used in our C benchmark programs. I also managed to get two more C language SPEC benchmarks to compile, although I rewrote parts of them that use variable argument lists. The lisp interpreter benchmark now runs correctly. The 124.m88ksim simulator program runs but produces incorrect output. I also tried compiling the 126.gcc benchmark, but it doesn't compile yet. I will continue working on these last two benchmarks and on the variable arguments facility. -- Charlie To: Subject: practice talk postponed Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 10:37:34 PDT From: Brian Grant We're not quite ready to give the practice talk. We need to work a little more on the slides and work out in more detail what we will say, particularly about the example. So, we'll aim for a practice tomorrow or Wednesday. Instead, at today's meeting, we should probably discuss the TR in more detail. --Brian Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 11:55:48 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: postpone talk? I have to guest-lecture 341 today, 12:30-1:30. Can we postpone the practice talk till 3pm? -- Craig Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 11:57:07 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: practice talk postponed OK, never mind about my postpone msg. But I can't meet anyway today. -- Craig Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 12:19:50 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: PEPM practice talk: Tuesday, 2:30 in 422 -- Markus Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 15:40:17 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: bad link. Can someone fix this? Actually, the reference to dynamic compilation research on the Spin pages should go to the whole dyn-comp web space (if it doesn't already). -- Craig ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Mon May 19 14:21:07 1997 Delivery-Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 14:21:10 PDT To: chambers@cs cc: eggers@cs Subject: bad link. Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 14:21:03 PDT From: Brian Bershad ------- Forwarded Message Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 14:07:37 -0700 From: Jean Brouwers To: Subject: Bad URL link Hi, On your web page the link "Paper (postscript)" for Conference Paper "Fast, Effective Dynamic Compilation" is broken. It probably should point to .../ instead of .../ /Jean Brouwers ------- End of Forwarded Message ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 11:50:12 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: Division Querying / Filters Cc: spin-comp@cs Interesting. To: Subject: code for temps/source-code variable correspondence checked in Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 12:05:50 PDT From: Matthai Philipose I have just checked in the code for maintaining the correpondence between temporaries and their source code variables. As we discussed, this is essential if the scope of our annotations is to extend beyond re-definitions of the variable made static. In particular, it is essential if autopromotion and polyvariant specialization at merges is to work. The dump_graph() routine has been modified to annotate each temp with the name of the source-variable it corresponds to, if any. A temp that originally printed out as t1 now prints out as t1, where x is the original source-variable. I have tested the code on our simple test program test.c, stack.c from the previous benchmark suite, and the main cache update routine from dinero, and it seems to work. The correspondence is extracted when variables are assigned to temporaries in the p2rvd.C (register value detection module). Essentially, any time I see: load t1, or store t1, I annotate t1 with source-var. I also went through every routine that looked like it replacing a temp, and made sure the source-var field was transferred to the target temp. I have now commenced working on a pass for computing the helper sets MayDefVars, LiveVars and UsedVars. I am modelling the latter passes very losely after the mflow live-temps phase, except that I deal with variables, not just temps. I am deferring the simple points-to analysis for MayDefVars at present; all variables whose addresses are taken anywhere in the function may be def'ed at a store/fn-call. I hope to be done with the first cut early next week. The Multiflow compiler has been very co-operative so far. Hope that lasts! :-) Matthai To: Subject: TR Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 10:25:58 PDT From: Brian Grant Given that there are only 10 working days left before Markus and I leave for Amsterdam, we should probably start on the TR. We should decide what examples to add, what details to add, and what extensions to make, if any. Some possibilities are listed below. Oh, and should we try to come up with a name for the system? Examples -------- Interpreted Program Specialized Interpreter (mention run-time register allocation) Demonstrations of trickier points in the BTA -- Annotated variable becoming derived -- Derived annotated variable becoming a root variable -- Dead variables removed from StaticVarInfo but not Division Application of clustering (e.g., when dead variables are removed from StaticVarInfo) Better linearization example (with code) Details ------- Semantics for lazy policy? Syntactic sugar for pointers (constant) More text about the BTA -- Differences between Division and StaticVarInfo -- Partition and MergePartitions -- FilterStaticVars -- SourceRoots The Naming Problem Reachability Conditions Unit Identification Clustering -- Importance of control equivalence Linearization Merging Small detail: intra-unit branch patching Small detail: overwriting computed jump with direct branch Repatching direct branches to replaced cache_one units More comparison with `C Extensions ---------- A policy that determines whether to split on policies or not Division Querying (is_static) Control-point "lazy" annotation Interprocedural Specializer Compile-time inlining Run-time inlining Hierarchical Cache Fancier Clustering Singe Run-Time Predecessor Optimizations setjmp/longjmp No static merges: make reachability conditions a BTA output --Brian To: Subject: meeting today? Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 08:22:44 PDT From: Brian Grant Will there be a meeting today? --Brian Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 11:23:42 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: meeting today? I'm here and assuming we'll meet. -- Craig Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 13:47:46 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: meeting today? Cc: spin-comp@cs Actually, no one came. -- Craig Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 16:11:24 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: Brunch party Cc: sylviac@klamath To celebrate Jeff's and Greg's graduation, and to wish Charlie well in his new job at Equator, I'd like to have a brunch at my house. The date that appears to work best for everyone's schedule is Friday June 13. (Sorry, Brian and Markus, you'll have to enjoy Amsterdam instead!) Can people make it between 11am and 1pm at my house on that date? Families are welcome. -- Craig Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 18:08:25 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: TR I read through your list, and selected a bunch of points I think we should include, time permitting. I wanted to discuss it at today's meeting, but perhaps we should have a different meeting to go over it. I don't know if we want to do whatever we can in two weeks and then release that, or if we want to do more work and release something solid & complete, or if we want to do next to nothing and focus all our attention on the implementation. The latter path has distinct advantages, but the communication benefits of the second path are in line with our academic purpose. -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: TR Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 21:09:05 PDT From: Brian Grant We should probably have a meeting about the TR asap, and also schedule another practice talk. --Brian To: cc: Subject: Meeting on TR/talk Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 10:31:54 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Should we meet today about the TR and the talk? I am free all day. Matthai Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 10:50:08 -0700 From: Brian Grant To: Matthai Philipose Subject: Re: Meeting on TR/talk Matthai Philipose wrote: > Should we meet today about the TR and the talk? I am free all day. Me, too. --Brian Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 10:52:55 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) Subject: Re: Meeting on TR/talk Cc: How about 1-1:30 today? -- Craig Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 11:26:15 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers cc: Subject: Re: Meeting on TR/talk Fine with me too. -- Markus On Tue, 27 May 1997, Craig Chambers wrote: > How about 1-1:30 today? > > -- Craig > Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 11:35:15 -0700 From: Charles Garrett To: Craig Chambers Subject: Re: Meeting on TR/talk Craig Chambers wrote: > > How about 1-1:30 today? > > -- Craig Ok. -- Charlie Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 11:57:54 -0700 From: Charles Garrett To: spin-m3 Subject: Make money in the comfort of your own home I realized while talking to Tian that not everyone has heard this news, although I think most of you have. I am leaving the University to start a job with Equator Technologies Consulting on June 1. I will be staying in Seattle and working from home, at least until January. I hope to continue attending some seminars and meetings and for those of you using software that I wrote, I will be around to maintain it. This company is not the same as the Equator chip company located in Seattle, although the two are related. The consulting company is a much smaller business which concentrates on writing compiler software for clients. The reason I like the job is because they are putting reasonably advanced compiler techniques into practice, although rumors that I am selling out for the money are also well founded. Thursday will be my last day here, so I hope I get to see you all before then. -- Charlie Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 17:07:09 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: PEPM practice talk, Thursday, after colluqium We'll have another practice talk on Thursday, right after the colloquium, i.e. around 4:30/4:45. We'll try the Chateau conference room, but just in case I've also booked 114. See you there -- Markus To: Cc:, Subject: Re: TR Date: Thu, 29 May 97 12:24:00 -0700 From: Susan Eggers Can someone fill me in on this? What is the purpose of the TR and why are we tieing it to PEPM? Susan Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 12:39:41 -0700 From: Brian Grant To: Susan Eggers Subject: Re: TR Susan Eggers wrote: > Can someone fill me in on this? What is the purpose of the TR and > why are we tieing it to PEPM? The purpose of the TR is twofold: 1) Add examples and explanation to make the PEPM paper more understandable and to show why certain things are the way they are. 2) Include a few details that we left out of the PEPM paper due to lack of space. We cited the TR in the PEPM paper, and therefore thought it would be nice to finish it before the conference. However, we have decided to put off the TR indefinitely, though with good intentions to write it eventually. --Brian To: cc: Subject: we can unroll k iterations! Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 11:01:12 PDT From: Brian Grant make_static(constant bytecodes, pc, sp, k, i); i = 0; for (;;) { if (i++ >= k) make_dynamic(bytecodes, pc, sp, k, i); switch (bytecodes[pc++]) { ... } } Seems like it should work. --Brian Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 11:05:55 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: we can unroll k iterations! Cc: spin-comp@cs Interesting. OK, maybe we can get just as much control (or is it flexibility?) as `C in terms of specializing exactly where and when and to the extent we want. -- Craig To: Subject: Re: we can unroll k iterations! Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 12:46:45 PDT From: Matthai Philipose One way in which our system is more restricted is if the specialization depends on the internal state of the specializer... for instance, if we want to say "stop specializing after 4 units". The issue seems to be that in our model, the specializer is a black box, whereas in theirs, the user writes it, and they can therefore refer to its internal state. Matthai >make_static(constant bytecodes, pc, sp, k, i); >i = 0; >for (;;) { > if (i++ >= k) > make_dynamic(bytecodes, pc, sp, k, i); > switch (bytecodes[pc++]) { > ... > } >} >Seems like it should work. >--Brian Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 17:37:17 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@demille (Craig Chambers) To: spin@demille, spin-comp@demille Subject: FYI > From Wed Jun 4 16:15:39 1997 > Delivery-Date: Wed, 04 Jun 1997 16:15:48 PDT > From: (Crispin Cowan) > Subject: Synthetix Toolkit Workshop June 20 > To: (Jishnu Mukerji), (Bart Sears), > (John Sontag), (John Wilkes), > (D. Hollingworth), (Karen Oostendorp), > (Larry Peterson), > (Todd Proebsting), (D. Bakken), > (R. Schantz), (Tom Little), > (D. Jackson), (R. O'Callahan), > (Garth Gibson), (Aurel Lazar), > (Robbert van Rennesse), > (Mustaque Ahamad), > (Greg Eisenhauer), > (Karsten Schwan), > (Margo Seltzer), > (Chris Small), > (Nayeem Islam), > (Trent Jaeger), > (Jochen Liedtke), > (Tom Lawrence), > (Rich Staehli), > (Dirk Brandewie), > (John Carbajal), > (Tom Merrow), > (Jack Mills), > (Gil Neiger), > (Raj Yavatkar), > (Harry Koch), > (Mike Jones), (David Black), > (Paul Dale), (Clifford Kahn), > (Charles Suggs), (Peter Druschel), > (Andre van Tilborg), > (Ted Brunner), > (Mayer Schwartz), > (Chris Tilt), (Kevin Jeffay), > (Bryan Ford), (Jay Lepreau), > (Craig Chambers), > (Susan Eggers), > (Gregor Kiczales), > (Karsten Schwan), (Dan Hildebrand) > Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 16:11:57 -0700 (PDT) > MIME-Version: 1.0 > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > You are invited to the Synthetix Specialization Toolkit Workshop to be > held Friday, June 20th, immediately following the COOTS conference in > Portland, Oregon. > > This Workshop coincides with the initial release of the Synthetix > Specialization and Feedback Toolkits. Because this is not a general > release, this is an invitation-only, early view of the toolkit, allowing > hands-on evaluation and feedback. These toolkits have been under > development at OGI and IRISA for the past three years. The > specialization toolkit assists operating system designers with the task > of specializing production operating system code. The feedback toolkit > helps developers build system and application software that adapts to > dynamic environments. > > Our groups have used the specialization toolkit to significantly improve > the performance of a broad range of production system code, including > Linux signal delivery, Sun RPC, the vmalloc memory allocator and network > protocol processing. > > The feedback toolkit has been used to build a streaming video player > that successfully adapts to varying network bandwidth and local CPU > load. > > The Workshop will describe the toolkits and their individual tools, as > well as demonstrate both toolkits in use. We will discuss many of the > example applications mentioned above. > > If you are interested in using either toolkit, or are curious about how > these toolkits could help your work, you are encouraged to attend the > Workshop. > > More details are provided at the following URL: > > > The workshop registration form is: > > > The workshop will last from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Friday, June 20th. It > will be held at the Oregon Graduate Institute in Beaverton, Oregon. Due > to limited facilities, we can accommodate up to 50 participants. There is > no fee to attend the Workshop. > > We look forward to seeing you on June 20th. If you have any questions > about the workshop or registration, contact Walt Leyland, >, (503) 690-4073 > > Crispin Cowan, for Calton Pu > Date: Wed, 4 Jun 1997 21:37:56 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: equivalence flow functions Matthai and I came up with the following flow functions for the equivalence class problem. They seem to do what we want, however, we haven't been able to define a partial order yet that would allow us to show that iteration will converge to a solution. Any ideas? -- Markus Lattice: Pow(Pow(Vars)) representing a set of equivalence sets at each program point Partial order: <= = ??? Bottom: {{v1}, {v2} ... {vn}} Top: {{v1,v2,} Meet: M(P1,P2) = {V1 \intersect V2 | forall V1 \in P1, V2 \in P2 and and V1 \intersect V2 != {}} i.e., pairwise intersection of the equivalence sets Invariant: each variable occurs in exactly one equivalence set, therefore it will also occur exactly once in the set computed by the meet Flow Functions: F(x = y) [[{V1, .. Viy, .. Vn}]] = {Zi | Zi = Vi -{x}, i=0..n, i != iy, Vi-{x} != {}} U {Viy U{x}} where y \in Viy, i.e., x is moved from whatever set it is into the set where y is. If that makes x's previous set empty, that set is removed (no empty equivalence classes) F(x = y op z) [[{V1,.. Vix, .. Vn}]] = {{x}, V1, .., Vix - {x}, .. Vn} if Vix -{x} != {} {{x}, V1, .. Vix-1, Vix+1, .. Vn} if Vix -{x} = {} Example: {{x}, {y}, {z}} x = y {{x,y}, {z}} z = x {{x,y,z}} z = z + 1 {{x,y}. {x}} x = z {{y}, {x,z}} To: Subject: Update on equivalence analysis... Date: Thu, 05 Jun 1997 14:19:32 PDT From: Matthai Philipose The problem of convergence of the equivalence-under-copy analysis is solved; it turns out that the simple partial order we had (see below) works. When we worked on it yesterday, I was hazy on what "monotonic" meant, and Markus was hazy on what our partial order was, because of which we couldn't show that the partial order is monotonic! :-) I thought of another problem while figuring out the analysis: How are we going to use its results? The problem is that if we want the equivalence sets to reflect source-variable equivalence, the analysis needs to happen very early, probably right after assignment of vars to temps is done. However, we will use the results only at the end of phase2, after the CFG has been transformed many times. Will the info computed still be valid/sufficient? At least two kinds of problems could arise: 1)New stats could be created e.g. in (compile-time) loop unrolling; what equivalence conditions should be associated with them? The working solution here is to use bottom as the equivalence sets for these stats. If test cases show that getting more specific info is important in some cases (say in the code produced by unrolling), we can update the info in these stats when they are produced (e.g. just copying the info should do the trickin urolling). 2)Stats could be moved to a place where their equivalence-set information is no longer valid. Brian had a good observation for this case: the only equivalence set information we care about is the equivalence of variables used/defed in the stat. A stat cannot be moved to a point where equivalence info on these variables is invalid (because this would mean breaking dependences). So we don't have to worry about equivalence sets being invalid. Since I can't think of any more show-stoppers, I'm going ahead with implementation of the equivalence analysis. Any further feedback would be great. Wish I hadn't been quite so ambitious in setting my schedule at the last meeting ;-). Matthai ----- Partial order: For two partitions V and U of the vars into equivalence sets: V = (v1,v2, <= U = (u1,u2,...,um) iff for 1<=i<=n there is some 1<=j<=m s.t. vi is contained in or equal to uj (intuitively, the partition V is the result of splitting partition U) --------FYI, the rest of the lattice-theoretic def (from Markus' earlier letter): Lattice: Pow(Pow(Vars)) representing a set of equivalence sets at each program point Bottom: {{v1}, {v2} ... {vn}} Top: {{v1,v2,} Meet: M(P1,P2) = {V1 \intersect V2 | forall V1 \in P1, V2 \in P2 and and V1 \intersect V2 != {}} i.e., pairwise intersection of the equivalence sets Invariant: each variable occurs in exactly one equivalence set, therefore it will also occur exactly once in the set computed by the meet Flow Functions: F(x = y) [[{V1, .. Viy, .. Vn}]] = {Zi | Zi = Vi -{x}, i=0..n, i != iy, Vi-{x} != {}} U {Viy U{x}} where y \in Viy, i.e., x is moved from whatever set it is into the set where y is. If that makes x's previous set empty, that set is removed (no empty equivalence classes) F(x = y op z) [[{V1,.. Vix, .. Vn}]] = {{x}, V1, .., Vix - {x}, .. Vn} if Vix -{x} != {} {{x}, V1, .. Vix-1, Vix+1, .. Vn} if Vix -{x} = {} Example: {{x}, {y}, {z}} x = y {{x,y}, {z}} z = x {{x,y,z}} z = z + 1 {{x,y}. {x}} x = z {{y}, {x,z}} To: Subject: used-vars commited Date: Thu, 05 Jun 1997 18:52:13 PDT From: Matthai Philipose The used-vars phase is commited. The boolean flag -mDGOPT_show_used_vars=true prints out used vars into and out of basic blocks as part of the dump_graph routine. Matthai To: cc: Subject: practice talk Date: Fri, 06 Jun 1997 10:03:02 PDT From: Brian Grant Are we on for a practice talk at 2pm? How about Sieg 225? That room has been pretty empty all week. --Brian Date: Fri, 6 Jun 1997 10:52:47 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: practice talk Cc: Sorry for not responding earlier, as I said I would. Peter Van Vleet has a generals I'd like to attend at 1:30. So how about 2:30? -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc:, Subject: Re: practice talk Date: Fri, 06 Jun 1997 10:54:06 PDT From: Brian Grant >> Sorry for not responding earlier, as I said I would. Peter Van Vleet has a >> generals I'd like to attend at 1:30. So how about 2:30? Sure. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs, grove@cs, mernst@cs Subject: practice talk by Max Poletto on Friday? Date: Sun, 08 Jun 1997 23:24:32 PDT From: Wilson Hsieh Hi everyone, I'm not sure who will be here and who will be at PEPM; would anyone be interested in hearing a practice PLDI talk on tcc by Max Poletto on Friday afternoon? And do you know of anyone else in the department who might be interested? - Wilson To: spin-comp@cs, cc: Subject: talk by Max Poletto Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 10:50:30 PDT From: Wilson Hsieh Hi, Max Poletto is going to give a talk this Friday at 3:30 in 114; this is a preview of his talk at PLDI next week. Below is his abstract. Max is a student of Frans Kaashoek's, and is spending the summer working at Microsoft Research with Chris Fraser and Dave Hanson. Please forward to anyone here who might be interested. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to reserve 422, and I'm not sure how finals schedules may occupy the classrooms on the 2nd floor. Please let me know if you're likely to go, just so I know if we'll need a bigger space. - Wilson ------------------------------------------------------- I will present tcc, a compiler that gives efficient and high-level access to dynamic code generation. tcc implements the `C ("Tick-C") programming language, an extension of ANSI C that supports dynamic code generation. `C provides a powerful way of specifying dynamically generated code, allowing the programmer to create and compose arbitrary expressions and statements at run time. The talk will discuss some of the motivations for the language and the compiler, outline the key parts of tcc's design and implementation, and provide some performance results. To:, spin-comp@cs cc: Subject: visitor schedule for Max Poletto Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 20:37:17 PDT From: Wilson Hsieh I've created one. He'll be here around 1pm on Friday. I'm trying to find a bigger room, just in case. - Wilson To:, spin-comp@cs cc: Subject: Max Poletto's talk Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 14:33:23 PDT From: Wilson Hsieh Hi, I've managed to get 226 for his talk on Friday at 3:30. See you there! - Wilson Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 11:05:42 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: MS intern visit day On Thurs June 26, a bunch of interns from MS will be visiting the dept, from our perspective to get impressed with the interesting stuff going on here and with the interesting students here, so that they'll want to apply to grad school here themselves. We need to work out a half-hour demo show to people interested in PLs and compilers, to get them excited about work going on here. Basically, put yourself in the shoes of seniors and think what you would think was cool and interesting in a quickie visit to a CS dept., and try to give it to them. Some blend of little demos, talking from a poster, and just talking seems right. I don't know where all this will take place, but I'll let you know more details as I get them. Thanks for your help in grad student recruiting. -- Craig > From ebeling@edison Thu May 29 10:20:03 1997 > Delivery-Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 10:20:10 PDT > Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 10:20:00 -0700 (PDT) > From: Carl Ebeling > To: Craig Chambers > Subject: Microsoft Intern Day > MIME-Version: 1.0 > > Craig, > > We're planning to have a bunch of Microsoft interns over to show off > the department and attract some good people for the graduate program. > Here is the plan: > > Visit for Microsoft Interns > Thursday, June 26 > > 3:30 some sort of overview intro; very fast; in 134; by Ed > 4:00 Several parallel sessions in which they SEE STUFF and MEET > STUDENTS > graphics / salesin > AI / weld, etzioni > systems / bershad, levy, anderson > etc. > These sessions would go a half-hour so we can fit in two copies in > the hour we'll have > 5:00 Reception > 6:00 Back to Microsoft > > > I'm asking you to line up students/faculty to run the demo session for the > software engineering/compilers group? If you see a problem with this, > please let me know right away. > > > > > Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 17:22:54 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Ernst To: cecil@fielder, spin-comp@fielder Subject: Advice on writing Craig Chambers gave some of you an American Scientist article on writing. I didn't get much out of it -- some of its examples were unambiguous before rewriting but ambiguous after! For another perspective, I copied a few pages of writing tips from the book _Getting What You Came For: The Smart Student's Guide to Earning a Master's or PhD_. Ask me if you want a copy. -Mike Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 17:51:47 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Ernst To: cecil@fielder, spin-comp@fielder Subject: Re: Advice on writing > Does this say something about the quality of American Scientist? No. I subscribe to American Scientist, and it's a good magazine -- better than Scientific American, which has lately become more an organ for disparaging its editors' enemies than a bona fide scientific journal. I just didn't like this particular article. -Mike To: Susan Eggers cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: PEPM report Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 16:31:17 PDT From: Brian Grant >> I'd like to know the reaction to the system capability as a whole, >> but I assume that will be part of your general report. I guess I'll make this message into my report and write something a little different for ONR. High-level: I had a good time at PEPM, but it was too short. Most people attended most of the talks, at least during the time that they were at the conference site, so there wasn't enough time outside the talks to talk to other people. Fortunately, I managed to meet some people from the conference at lunch and dinner on Thursday and Friday. Because we were part of the last session, we didn't have much opportunity to talk to people after our talk before everyone scrambled to leave. Nobody asked any hard or particularly deep questions (e.g., about alias analysis, safety, comparisons with `C, or applications). There was one question about code explosion and a couple other minor questions. So, it was difficult to tell how the general PEPM audience felt about the system. I talked to a few people who were interested in the idea of run-time code generation, but had no specific comments about our system. Consel seemed impressed, but I didn't have much time to talk to him. Hornof mentioned that there were some specific aspects that Consel liked, but I wasn't able to find out which those were (because of time). Consel seemed concerned about code explosion when doing intraprocedural polyvariant specialization and division because their system doesn't have policies to control it. Consel, Hornof, and Marlet seemed interested in supporting "entry points" within functions, but at least Marlet held the view that inserting annotations into the actual source code "tainted" it somehow. So, they would have to introduce labels to support this, which seems no better to me, except that the source code would still be valid C code. Also, their caching & reuse still isn't automatic. They still have to manually alter the source code to invoke the specializer and call the specialized function that is returned. The caching was another aspect of our system that Consel and Marlet liked. FYI, the Sun RPC application has driven much of the work on Tempo. It has lots of small functions, at most requires single-way unrolling, and is well suited for compile-time specialization. Hornof, Noye, and Volanschi plan to leave the group by the end of 1997. They are planning a release of Tempo before then. Schultz, a student of Danvy, will join the group this fall. He will work on Harissa (their Java specializer), I think. He thought our system sounded pretty cool, but isn't yet familiar with Tempo's details. Consel didn't think much of run-time register allocation, but I don't know why. We had to part ways just at the moment when this topic came up. He started to say something about leaves(???). I'll have to ask him in e-mail. :-) Tim Sheard and Walid Taha of OGI have developed a neat system for multi-stage programming called MetaML, which I think of as "Tick ML". :-) It's a much cleaner system than `C. They've extended the ML type system to support code types, and their multi-stage extensions to the language are statically typed. They support arbitrarily many stages (think nested tick expressions) and also have some type-directed PE. The "code" that they generate at run time not executable, however, but is interpreted. A nice feature of their system is that their multi-stage programs can be trivially converted to legal ML programs (by using closures), and that multi-stage ML programs aren't written in too different a style from ordinary ML programs. Walid (a student) was very interested in our system, in particular the way in which we interleave execution and specialization to achieve multi-stage execution. By the way, there were at least a dozen people from OGI at ICFP and PEPM. I met Jim Hook, Tim Sheard, Walid Taha (of MetaML), Buck Krasic (of Synthetix), and a few other students. The talk on "PE & separate compilation" was nearly incomprehensible. There wasn't much additional insight on "Resource-Bounded PE", other than what was discussed in 590k. We had breakfast with the author. It seems to be a side project for him. He may never implement anything. It still isn't clear how he could unroll a loop if he had already specialized N iterations of the loop before running out of resources. He admitted that it was a hack. He wrote a script to do the unrolling when he knew there wouldn't be enough space. It isn't clear how to apply his idea of an accountant that alternates with the specializer to our system. The accountant can change arbitrary binding times, which someone in the audience pointed out isn't compatible with generating extensions, which have already set the binding times in stone. We could implement a limited version of his idea using conditional specialization (e.g., not unroll if we estimate the fully unrolled loop won't fit in the cache). There were a few interesting talks about applications of PE. One was even an application of run-time specialization! All three talks on applications applied relatively simple PE techniques to achieve impressive speedups (in addition to Marlet's talk on applying Tempo to Sun RPC). Two involved run- time code generation. These were: -- 3D visualization environment for multivariate functions: used memoization to reduce computations redundant across successive frames and dynamic compilation to specialize subcomputations of the function being viewed (3D slices of higher-dimensional functions) -- Dynamic hardware specialization: specialized FPGA circuits at run time (this was the invited talk was given by Satnam Singh, with whom I had lunch at the SmallTalk cafe; he's a funny guy) In both of these cases, simple, special-purpose specializers of functional languages were used at run time. But, applications similar to the visualization tool could be possible targets for our system. In fact, most of that application is written in C++ and at run time they: 1) create a functional specification (subset of Scheme) of the visualization 2) apply a partial evaluator to the Scheme source 3) generate C source code 4) compile the C source 5) dynamically link in the resulting object file The other talks were of less immediate interest. I went to all but 2 talks. I also met Neil Jones, Olivier Danvy, and Peter Thiemann, but didn't have substantive conversations with them. Steensgaard and Knoblock (from MS) happened to show up briefly. I didn't get to talk to Reps, Shivers, Jorgensen, or Mogensen. That's enough for now. Let me know if you have any questions. --Brian To: Subject: addendum to PEPM report Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 16:56:44 PDT From: Brian Grant I forgot something important! 1) The Tempo group expressed interest in developing a pool of common benchmarks so that we can more easily compare our systems. 2) The Tempo group is primarily targetting systems code for their run-time specializer, but they don't have any killer apps yet. Most of their work has been on the BTA and the compile-time specializer (for Sun RPC). --Brian Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 12:11:30 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: no meeting monday; new meeting time? Since we have so many absences, let's not meet on Monday. Also, we need to pick a new meeting time for the summer qtr. I have a 1pm commitment Mondays. -- Craig To: Subject: need another piece of info from the BTA Date: Thu, 03 Jul 1997 09:25:38 PDT From: Brian Grant It would be handy if the BTA could also output a set DemotedVars along with PromotedVars. The DemotedVars would be live static variables that become dynamic. The reason is that we need to insert an assignment or load to make sure the correct value carries past the end of a variable's dynamic region. --Brian To: Subject: more to think about when implementing the BTA Date: Thu, 03 Jul 1997 16:59:42 PDT From: Brian Grant -- Don't run directly off the annotations; have a prepass insert your own representation for make_static and make_dynamic -- When we do clustering, we'll need these to be easy to create, destroy, and move around -- Reachability conditions (RC) need to be part of the BTA output -- Make it possible to turn this analysis on and off with a command-line switch -- It needs to be modified or rewritten to handle IGOTOs -- We'd like to be able augment the concept of static merges with something more general: use the RC to determine which definitions are truely discordant (this doesn't have to be in the first cut, but think about adding it later) -- Separate StaticVarInfo and RC from single-program-point info (PromotedVars, DemotedVars, DiscordantVars) in the BTA's output -- I introduce STATs for which I need to copy the StaticVarInfo, but not PromotedVars, etc. -- I need to move PromotedVars, DemotedVars, and DiscordantVars when doing clustering and restructuring -- I also need to be able to move "voluntary" lazy edges, which should be permitted anywhere, not just following branches -- We should have a pointwise user-level lazy annotation for testing purposes -- We'll need promote_one_unchecked_eager (as from the early paper draft) in order to kill bogus MayDefVar promotions -- Think about how you'll replicate control-flow paths for each division; Partition and an iterator should be all that you'll need -- Think about how we can make the BTA incremental: if I move make_static, make_dynamic, promotions, or demotions, I'd like to be able to rerun the BTA on just the part of the graph that needs to be updated (stop when the sets being computed are the same as the previous results?) -- Make all BTA output easily accessible, preferably through accessor functions; in particular, I need the following functions: -- Returns the size of the StaticVarInfo set (I'll assume 0 means the STAT won't be specialized) -- Iterates over the StaticVarInfo set (e.g., I need to be able to to create a load for each static variable) -- Ditto for PromotedVars, DemotedVars, and DiscordantVars -- Size -- Iterator -- Returns the cache policy for a static variable -- Determines whether an operation is static -- Determines whether two edges have mutually exclusive static reachability conditions -- Indicates whether an edge is voluntarily lazy (doesn't need to check PromotedVars) -- Sets an edge to be voluntarily lazy or not -- Returns a STAT's or BBLOCK's initial BTA output -- Returns a STAT's or BBLOCK's final BTA output -- Copies StaticVarInfo and RC pieces of the BTA output and returns BTA output structure with empty PromotedVars, etc. -- As mentioned above, eventually I'd like to be able to create, destroy, and move annotations, promotions, and demotions --Brian To: Subject: hit dead end with old BTA Date: Thu, 03 Jul 1997 17:16:43 PDT From: Brian Grant I can't easily go further with the old BTA, for a number of reasons: -- crashes whenever there are merges within the dynamic region -- incorrectly set contexts -- unidentified autopromotions -- old-style cache policies Matthai should finish the merger update tomorrow, after which we should be able to test the full pipeline for the single-basic-block region. Woo hoo! Before that's finished and after that example works, I'm going to start working on things farther down my list. These are things that are still important, but aren't really on the critical path. I probably won't be able to port to the new BTA until the middle or end of next week, when more of the interface has been specified. After Markus returns, if he/we can quickly fix the crashing at merges, I might be able to do more multi-unit testing with the old BTA. Otherwise, it will probably be a couple weeks (?) before the new BTA is stable enough for more extensive testing of my code. --Brian To: Subject: Meeting? Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 11:27:39 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Since Markus is back, we should decide on a meeting time. I'm free all day, every day. This time, I would prefer an end-of-the-week meeting day, say Friday. My brain doesn't work well at the beginning of the week. :-) Matthai Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 11:35:26 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: Meeting? Let's meet at 3pm either Thursdays or Fridays. -- Craig To: Subject: meeting-time Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 15:38:18 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Based on further input from Markus and Brian, the dynamic compilation meetings will be Thursdays 3:30 in Craig's office. Matthai ------- Forwarded Message Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 11:35:26 -0700 From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: Meeting? Let's meet at 3pm either Thursdays or Fridays. - -- Craig ------- End of Forwarded Message To: Subject: correction: meeting time Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 16:01:12 PDT From: Matthai Philipose The meeting is at 3:00pm Thursdays, as per Craig's original suggestion. My previous mail said 3:30pm. Sorry, Matthai Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 14:15:59 -0700 From: To: Subject: meeting I'll come in to today's meeting. See you at 3. -- Charlie To: cc: Subject: meeting minutes Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 21:47:50 PDT From: Brian Grant We're close. Matthai has made most of the necessary merger modifications, and I've completed most of the details needed to get the system working (e.g., initializing various pointers and counters). The last remaining sticky point is getting the generating extension to correctly jump to the stitched code. Currently, that is implemented as a hacked return in the Multiflow IR, followed by a jump. The return is returning to the wrong location, however. That should be fixed or worked-around tomorrow. Otherwise, the merged code for our small (~5-6 instructions) single-unit/single-block test case looks good and generates correct code when run. I spent most of today struggling with the debugger and cpp. The line numbers in more and more files have been getting out of sync, making debugging difficult. By today, it became intolerable (line numbers in 3 files I needed to debug were hundreds of lines off, making setting of breakpoints, single-stepping, etc. impossible). So, I tracked it down. The bug is due to the program Multiflow uses to expand its special loop constructs (iterators). It drops some line-number directives emitted by cpp. Matthai and I came up with a possible work-around. I'll let everyone know tomorrow if it works. Matthai and Markus: -- Markus is now back from PEPM and is getting back to work. He fixed a bug in the old BTA yesterday so that I could get back to debugging multiple units. He is trying to finish the BTA "helper functions" (as defined in the paper) and should be able to hash out the flow functions as well by next Thursday. Debugging, of course, will follow. -- Matthai has been debugging his BTA prepasses, most recently the equivalent-variables analysis. We need to keep track of which source-level variables various temps created by Multiflow correspond to so that we know how to apply the annotations. We're planning to compute this information early and keep it around at every IR statement. That takes lots of memory and Matthai found that his initial implementation caused Multiflow to run into memory problems when run on larger files. So, he reimplemented it to be more careful with memory usage. That is nearly done and, I think, he will move on to other parts of the BTA (reachability analysis, finding lazy branch successors, replicating a path for each division, etc.). He will also work on the merger as needed. We're all supposed to be thinking about applications and angles on the PLDI paper as well. --Brian To: Subject: URGENT! CVS problems Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 13:40:32 PDT From: Brian Grant Please don't check things into or out of CVS until further notice. I just did an update and my source tree has been corrupted, apparently partially rolled back by a few weeks. I'll keep you posted. --Brian To: Subject: CVS fixed; new major revision: 2.0 Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 16:22:37 PDT From: Brian Grant I was able to recover my files from a separate branch I checked in this morning and from my emacs buffers. For some reason, CVS reverted my files to the old versions instead of merging into the main branch as it was supposed to do. How it can let an older version overwrite a newer one, I don't now (there were no updates to the main branch since I forked off this morning). I have committed all of my files as version 2.0. Before you check out this version, you may want to first backup your changed files. Then do: cvs update -d -A Let me know if you have problems. This version includes a totally new BCC script that automatically replaces: DYC_LND; with line-number directives. So, just insert these anywhere line numbers are screwed and you want to debug - even inside LOOP nests! Matthai and I had a few important insights yesterday: -- Maintaining the line numbers manually would be painful -- Inserting directives automatically is very hard because of conditional compilation (#ifdef's) -- Inserting them by hand but maintaining them automatically sounded like the right solution -- If they don't look like line-number directives loop won't strip them out So, BCC first appends line numbers to the "DYC_LND;" tags, then passes the program through cpp and loop, and finally converts the tags to real line-number directives. Because of these extra steps, BCC is somewhat slower. Another glitch is that gcc expects the file names of the preprocessed and compiled files to be the same, so I have to move the original source file and put a processed verion in its place, then move the original file back. Consequently, if you interrupt BCC, it may leave a source file out of place. I'm working on a fix for this, but if you do have to interrupt do_make, do a find . -name "*.BCC" -print The *.BCC files are the originals. No more than one should exist. Move them back to their original names. I guess I could also write a script to do that... Let me know if you have questions. I have tried it with gdb -- it seems to work. I also used the new BCC script to recompile my entire tree, so it seems robust. --Brian Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 16:12:36 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@klamath Subject: some dissertation advice Olin Shivers has some good advice on focus for theses, that I just came across. -- Craig Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 10:48:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: SIGPLAN PAC Report for PEPM 97 Here's the joint (Mihnea Minescu and myself) report for SIGPLAN. -- Markus ====================================================================== PEPM 97 - A Trip Report by Markus U. Mock Mihnea Marinescu Participating in PEPM 97 (aka. ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation. and Semantics-Based Program) held June 12-13, was both fun and instructive. This year the symposium was coupled with the ICFP conference, both being held in the city of Amsterdam. This provided an opportunity to attend both conferences and to meet people with related research interests. This was beneficial especially given that some papers presented at ICFP during the last day were centered on partial evaluation techniques. Coming to PEPM itself, one would remark the density of the conference due to to the short duration of only two days (well, almost!). Especially day one going from 9am to 6pm was very long and intense. Instead day two ended at noon with most people leaving immediately after the last talk cutting down the time available to interact with other attendees. Apart from that, the organization of the conference was excellent and without glitches. The papers presented showed the level of maturity of the domain and the wide variety of languages to which program specialization techniques can be applied. There were a number of talks on Partial Evaluation (PE) of languages with side effects, as well as talks on PE of concurrent languages. The talk titled "Partial Evaluation of Call-By-Value Lambda-Calculus with Side-Effects" presented an approach where side-effect analysis was used to extract immutable data structures, separating mutable and immutable data structures and turning the program into two parts, the functional and side-effecting part. Then an online partial evaluator interpreted functions recursively. Accesses to immutable data structures can then be reduced. Using their approach, Asai, Masuhara and Yonezawa were able to specialize real Scheme programs with side effects such as an interpreter. Several talks presented significant effective results regarding the partial evaluation of ordinary C programs. Luke Hornof's talk was on "Accurate Binding-Time Analysis for Imperative Languages: Flow, Context, and Return Sensitivity". The term flow sensitive BTA is used for what is known in the literature as program-point specific BTA and the term context sensitivity for polyvariant BTA. However, the return sensitivity seems to be a new technique that can lead to a better binding-time separation of values in functions with side effects. The main application that has driven the design of their BTA was the specialization of SUN RPC, which they managed to speed up by successfully partially evaluating it. Another talk on C-programs specialization, entitled "Annotation-Directed Run-Time Specialization in C" was given by Brian Grant and Markus Mock from the University of Washington, Seattle. They described a complex dynamic compilation system for the C language in which a specialized specializer is generated for each dynamically compiled code region. Their system is based on annotations (a declarative annotation language is defined) and relies heavily on quite sophisticated static analysis and specialization techniques. Tim Sheard presented a "Type-directed, On-line, Partial Evaluator for a Polymorphic Language", extending an idea by Oliver Danvy. In this work types are used to control the PE of a simply-typed language based on lambda calculus. Walid Taha presented his joint work with Tim Sheard on "Multi-Stage Programming with Explicit Annotations". Their approach is to extend the (ML in this case) type system to support code types, and their multi-stage extensions to the language are statically typed. This allows for arbitrarily many specialization stages in some form of type-directed PE. The "code" that they generate at run time not executable, however, but is interpreted. A nice feature of their system is that their multi-stage programs can be trivially converted to ML programs, by using closures, and that multi-stage ML programs aren't written in too different a style from ordinary ML programs. Ulrik Schultz presented a technique called Lambda Dropping which allows to transform recursive equations into programs with block structure. While interesting in its own right, Ulrik showed how it can be used for Partial Evaluation when programs are first transformed to recursive equations, then partially evaluated leading to functions with often many formal parameters. Instead of compiling these directly which are not handled efficiently by most compilers lambda dropping is applied first converting these functions back to nested functions with local variables and a smaller number of parameters facilitating simpler compilation thus enabling better object code. Flemming Nielson's talk was on "Prescriptive Frameworks for Multi-Level Lambda-Calculi". Coming from the author that has developed the concept of a multi-level language, this presentation attempted an alternative formalization (well, in fact two formalizations) that are intended to be used across all applications of multi-level languages from abstract interpretation to partial evaluation and code generation. Mihnea Marinescu presented an interesting application of Partial Evaluation to Concurrent Programs. Using a CSP-based language that, however, separates data transfer and synchronization operations, the authors manage to specialize concurrent programs, both with an online and offline PE system. It would be interesting to examine how effective the approach is for the removal of redundant synchronization operations, and if it leads significant speed-ups of certain parallel and distributed applications. David Melski gave a very good talk on "Interconvertability of Set Constraints and Context-Free Language Reachability" in which he showed that the two problems are equally difficult. It was a little off the mainstream theme of the conference, however, insofar relevant as it showed that some program analysis problems are unlikely to be solved in better than O(n*n*n) time. The invited talk by Satnam Singh "Dynamic hardware specialization: specialized FPGA circuits at run time" was very lively and showed how even very simply PE could lead to big speedups. He is applying specialization techniques to FPGAs, i.e. dynamically reprogrammable logic circuits, partially evaluating the circuits given that certain input values are known. For instance. a general adder might be used with one of the two inputs being 1, i.e. as a counter. Using PE the FPGA circuit will simplify to a much smaller and faster circuit because many redundant gates can be replaced by simply wires. An issue that has been ignored by most PE work but may become of major interest was raised by Saumya Debray's presentation of "Resource-Bounded Partial Evaluation". While in theory PE should always lead to better performance, on real computers this might not always be the case due to resource constraints. For instance, if specialized programs get too large, they no longer fit into caches and hence performance will degrade compared to smaller, less specialized programs fitting entirely in the cache. In Debray's model the BTA is performed off-line and is separated from the specialization. An additional component, the accountant, decides on-line (i.e. at run-time), based on the available resources, to specialize a piece of code. By hand-simulating his algorithm on convolution and matrix multiplication, Debray showed that the accountant prevented slowdown, although it sometimes backed off too early leading to a speedup of 1 where resources would still have permitted a higher speedup. It is not clear, however, to which extent this performance improvement * is due to the replacement of an off-line decision (call it BTA) with an on-line decision (call it accountant) or * is due to the replacement of a decision based on data availability (call it BTA) with a decision based on resource availability (call it accountant). Debray also showed that optimal resource bounded specialization is NP-complete, leaving room for good heuristics that will perform well in practice where more complicated resource models than the one that he considered will come up. Those were some of the talks at PEPM'97 commented by one or the other of the authors of this report. We left with the only regret that it lasted only for one and a half days. For future PEPM conferences it might be worthwhile to reconsider the format in order to give more time for mingling and BOF (birds of a feather) sessions, which were missing, unfortunately. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Markus U. Mock (e-mail: ) is a third year graduate student in Computer Science at the University of Washington, Seattle. He's currently working on run-time code generation as a member of the Dynamic Compilation Group of the Department of Computer Science at UW. His other research interests are compilers, programming languages, parallel computers and networks. Mihnea Marinescu (e-mail: ) is a graduate student in Computer Science at New York University. His main research interests are static analysis and source-to-source program transformation (mainly for concurrent systems) as well as (meta)text processing, information extraction and retrieval. Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 11:56:31 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: cancel meeting today? Can we cancel (or I skip) today's meeting? I have three papers due today or tomorrow. -- Craig Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 12:00:22 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: cancel meeting today? Ok with me. -- Markus To: Subject: Summary for the week. Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 12:41:03 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Folks, Here's what I did the last week. I continued working on the equivalent-variable analysis. The challenge is to propagate information from the analysis (which happens very early so that source-variable information is not lost before it) to the BTA (which happens very late so that basic-block structure is not altered after it). I finished an implementation of a memory-efficient version of the analysis, which computed the right result for our small test program and for the (larger) dinero function. However, I ran into a stumbling block, because it turns out that the multiflow CSE phase translates the CFG structure into its own IR, operates on it, and spits back a modified CFG structure. We therefore needed to somehow transfer equiv-var information from the input CFG to the output CFG. After a lot of initial angst and code-examining, I determined that the CSE IR has certain nodes that correspond one-to-one with the input and output CFG statements. I added code to transfer equiv-vars information through these nodes. The code was a bit dicey to get right, because the nodes are not created in a central place in the CSE module, but I now think I have all the cases squared away, modulo extensive testing. I haven't yet tried the transfer-scheme with the large dinero function, but it works with our small test case i.e. the information is propagated unhindered __to the BTA__! Seems that we're almost there with the pre-passes. Once I test with the big dinero function, and do a bit of other cleaning up, I will write the abstract interfaces to the pre-pass information. Markus will specify this interface. This work should "definitely" be done by early next week, if Multiflow so wills it! Matthai Matthai To: Subject: Equivalent-variable analysis seems to work... Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 17:40:07 PDT From: Matthai Philipose ...I've tested it on the update() function of dinero too. Pending further testing, I will move on to nailing down the abstract interfaces to the pre-passes with Markus and implementing them. I will update and commit my work to CVS by tomorrow noonish. Matthai To: Subject: equiv-vars commited Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 11:42:21 PDT From: Matthai Philipose I just committed the equiv-vars analysis and related changes. There's one change to the interface to the compiler. You now need to set an environment variable DYC_BCC to pathname of your BCC script. For example, I added the line: setenv DYC_BCC /afs/ to my .cshrc. In general, given our CVS setup, you'll probably need to add: setenv DYC_BCC /afs/ Matthai To: Subject: progress report Date: Fri, 18 Jul 1997 16:57:21 PDT From: Brian Grant I finally got the returns from generating extensions to be emitted properly. It was much trickier than I expected. I couldn't get Multiflow to not remove code I was inserting, so I decided to let the merger insert the code. However, this meant I needed to pass information through 4 different IRs to get it to the merger. I had to trace the generation of spill code through the back end to do this, but it now works. I also needed to stop Multiflow from emitting certain instructions, which I eventually succeeded in doing. So, all that remains is one simple addition to the merger and we should be able to get this trivial test program to correctly produce and run dynamically generated code. Woo hoo! There were also several problems this week: the line-numbering problem and fix (via the new BCC script), the CVS troubles, servers being down for a day, and, last but not least, the hard drive on my home PC crashed (permanently). Next week, I'll get back to debugging multiple units. --Brian To: Subject: FYI: Edge order in Mflow Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 12:04:47 PDT From: Brian Grant Previously, I had thought that the order of successor edges in Multiflow were "reversed". That is, the first node in the successor list was for the "false" branch and the second corresponded to the "true" branch. I thought switch cases were similarly in reversed sorted order. It is true that the front end reverses the order, however, ph12_Set_Bblock_Preds_And_Succs() reverses the order again at the beginning of phase 2. So, the edges are in the "correct" order after the second reversal: True, then False. I've fixed the IL-2 DG_Dump_Graph() routine to label the edges of the dot graph correctly and checked it into CVS. --Brian To: Subject: how to use the merger. Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 17:13:47 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Folks, Just a note on how to use the merger. The nerger driver-script,, is in your CVS bin subdirectory. Suppose test.s is the file generated by multiflow containing code for dynamic region(s). Invoke the merger: test.s > test.merged.s Now just compile and link with the library functions; (dycrt.c should be in the lib subdirectory of your cvs tree): cc test.merged.s dycrt.c -o test.merged.x test.merged.x is now an executable that dynamically compiles! Matthai To: cc: Subject: first dynamically compiling program! Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 17:22:47 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Susan, Earlier today, we got the first program to pass through our system completely automatically. It was a single unit, single basic block dynamic region (see below). We still used the old (pre-PEPM) BTA, and need to integerate the new one. Markus is continuing work on the new BTA. Brian has moved on to debugging multiple units. I have finished work on the pre-passes and am moving onto gathering, annotating and testing applications. Matthai ------ #include main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int x, y, z; x = atoi(argv[1]); y = atoi(argv[2]); dynamicRegion { keepConst(x); if (x < 0) x = - x; z = 10 * x + y; } printf("z = %d\n", z); return; } To: Matthai Philipose Cc:,, Subject: Re: first dynamically compiling program! Date: Thu, 24 Jul 97 17:32:34 -0700 From: Susan Eggers YES! OpenGL, here we come. Susan To: Subject: new dyc2c script checked in Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 14:22:14 PDT From: Brian Grant It is under the name dyc2c-ms. It should be able to cope with PEPM-style make_static and make_dynamic annotations. It also takes an option "-noop", which indicates that the annotations should be removed. Note that the first line of your .DyC file must be blank (as in empty). This is where the #include for our run-time library will be inserted. If the first line isn't blank, the script will tell you. --Brian Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 16:36:58 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: more travel For the record, I'll be gone on vacation (plus a side trip to IBM Watson) August 19-Sept. 8. -- Craig To: Subject: Abstract interfaces to pre-passes Date: Tue, 05 Aug 1997 19:18:15 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Below are the interfaces to the prepasses to the bta. They are intended primarily for Markus, who is implementing the bta. I'm sending this to spin-comp only so that it gets archived in the mail archive and can be readily looked up by whoever needs it. Matthai ------------------ Markus, Here are the abstract interfaces to the prepasses. Let me know if you have have questions. ---------------- Summary of how pre-pass info is used (details beyond the PEPM paper): Our understanding right now is that the StaticVarInfo datastructures will contain TEMP->(policy,source_root) mappings. The SourceRoots should be VARs. The Promotion and DiscordantVar sets will both contain TEMPs that need to promoted/are discordant at program points. The Divisions on the other hand will map VAR->policies. At each make-static(x_i), we identify the x_j equivalent to x_i (from the equiv-vars set below) iterate through the live temps to identify the corresponding temp t_x_j and put it into the static-var-info set, as derived static temps with x_i as the source var. t_x = .... results in t_x getting promoted iff x has the right policy (autopromote) in each divisions. --------------------numbering of VARs: Given a VAR "var" you can determine if it is a source-level variable by the function (all variables annotated to temps... see next section... are guaranteed to be source-level vars; so you should never have to use this test): BOOL VAR_Is_Source_Level(VAR var) (declared in symtab/val_pack.H) Given a source-level variable "var", you can get its number by the macro: INT VAR_number(var) (declared in symtab/val_pack.H) Given the number "num" of a source-var, you can find the corresponding var by the function (if no corresponding var exists, it returns NULL): VAR VAR_Get_Var_From_Var_Number(INT var_num); (declared in symtab/val_pack.H) --------------------correspondence between temps and VARs: Given a temp "temp", the source-level variable to which it corresponds can be obtained by the macro (defined in symtab/val_pack.H) VAR TEMP_source_var(temp) --------------------makestatic/makedynamic annotated variable: Given a source-level stat "stat", the VAR that is being made static at this stat can be obtained by the macro: VAR STAT_dyc_annotation_var(stat) The macro returns a NULL if no var is being made static. --------------------used-vars: Given a STAT "stat" you can get a bitset of vars used at the program pt. before the stat ("used_in_stat") by: EXTERN BS UV_UsedVars_In(BS used_in_set, STAT stat ); ...and after the stat ("used_out_stat") by: EXTERN BS UV_UsedVars_Out( BS used_out_set, STAT stat ); Both functions are declared in p2used_vars/p2used_vars.H --------------------live-temps: Given a stat you can get a bitset of temps live at the program pt. before the stat by: EXTERN BS LT_Live_In(BS live_temps_in_set, STAT stat ); ...and after the stat by: EXTERN BS LT_LiveVars_Out( BS live_temps_out_set, STAT stat ); Both functions are declared in p2live_temps/p2live_temps.H ------------------may-def-vars: This set is empty at every program point in the multiflow implementation of the PEPM equations, since may-defs are taken into account explicitly by the introduction of loads from may-defed values before their next use. -------------------equiv-vars: The following function computes equiv-vars info and attaches it to every stat earl in phase2. I have already put in an the invocation, and you don't need to worry about invoking the function: EXTERN VOID EV_Compute(); The abstract interface to equiv-vars is through the iterator: FOR_EACH_VAR_EQUIV_TO_VAR(stat,orig_var,equiv_var) which is defined in p2equiv/p2equiv.H. Given a stat and a source-level variable orig_var, this iterator steps through every source-level var equivalent to orig_var (INCLUDING orig_var) just before the stat. The function BOOL EV_EquivVarsP(STAT stat, VAR v1,VAR v2); (also declared in p2equiv/p2equiv.H) is also available, though probably will not need to use it. It checks if v1 equiv v2 just before "stat". ----------------- To: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: This is a test of the spin-comp-archive mailing list Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 08:40:25 PDT From: Brian Grant T. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: New mail alias: spin-comp-archive@cs Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 08:44:25 PDT From: Brian Grant Now we have a way of automatically dumping messages to the archive and discussion lists. Just cc e-mail to spin-comp-archive@cs. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: gdb initialization Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 09:56:15 PDT From: Brian Grant I checked a file containing Charlie's gdb macros for accessing Multiflow's data structures (with a couple of my own added) into the DyC bin directory. Whenever we go to the effort of hand-expanding Multiflow's macros, we should translate them into gdb macros and put them into this file. So, the file I source ( when I start gdb now contains the following: source /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/DyC/bin/gdb-macros dir /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/DyC/mflow/ cd /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/Test/test2 b ERR_AssertFailed b ERR_Error b DYC_assert run -mmain_arg_file=/afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/Test/test2/ I updated the "Debugging Multiflow" web page to include this. --Brian To: Markus Mock cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: bta_export.H Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 10:10:49 PDT From: Brian Grant >> What kind of laziness info do you need exactly? Laziness information will >> be computed for edges. The result of identifying lazy branch successors should be that particular edges emanating from branches are marked as lazy. No other edges should be marked lazy. It should be possible for me to move a lazy mark from its original edge to any other edge, even one not immediately preceded by a branch because I may insert blocks on edges. >> Do you want to inspect the variables' annotated policies? Assuming that I run after lazy branch successors are identified, no, I don't need to look at lazy policies for individual variables. Thanks. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Makefiles for easier testing Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 10:17:00 PDT From: Brian Grant I created two new Makefiles. One is in the lib directory and builds dycrt.a. The other is in bin. It can used to build single-file programs that are to be dynamically compiled (for testing purposes). If you have a test file named test.DyC, just type (or make an alias for) make -f /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/$USER/DyC/bin/Makefile test.x It will automatically run dyc2c, Multiflow,, and cc as needed. You should set DYC_BIN_DIR to your bin directory (e.g., /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/DyC/bin) and make sure your DYC_LIB_DIR and USER environment variables are still set correctly. If you want to run dyc2c-ms instead of dyc2c, you'll need to change the Makefile in bin. To grab all the current files, update your (at least) lib and bin directories. --Brian Date: Thu, 7 Aug 1997 13:33:28 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: meeting I forgot that I have an appointment at the doctor's today and can't come to the meeting. Progress: Brian and I have agreed on an interface for the new BTA so that he can start porting Due to a misunderstanding between Matthai and me I had to make some changes to the BTA implementation, I'll finish these today and can then start testing. I have started implementing the laziness part of the BTA, because Multiflow has some dominator and postdominator information already, this turns out to be not so much code to write. I'll give an update later tonight. -- Markus To: Subject: problem with previous makefile Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 17:08:36 PDT From: Brian Grant You'll want to pick up the new Makefile from DyC/bin. The old one had problems with dependence chains longer than one not working. The new one fixes that problem, but requires the variable TARGET to be set to the basename of the file on the make command line. For example, if you're building test.x TARGET must be set to "test". I use the following bash function to do this automatically: function dcmake { file="$1" make -f ${DYC_BIN_DIR}/Makefile TARGET=${file%.*} ${file} } If other people are using shells where this is more difficult, we can easily turn this into a bash script. --Brian To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: post-meeting update Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 17:20:17 PDT From: Brian Grant I have been debugging multiple units and working on infrastructure for debugging and testing. After Matthai and I fixed some problems in the trace scheduler, multiple units are going through our pipeline (front-end script -> multiflow -> back-end script -> DEC cc), but are not yet working. Matthai and I will continue to debug multiple units and also begin looking at adding functionality we'll need to handle reasonable test cases, such as caching and static loads. In addition, I need to start to port my code to the new BTA (which is not yet functional). --Brian Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 15:08:42 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@klamath Subject: Keith Cooper and Tim Harvey : Building and Using Static Single As FYI. ----- Begin Included Message ----- From voting-faculty-request@june Mon Aug 11 10:42:05 1997 Delivery-Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 10:42:06 PDT From: Johnny Foehner To: "''" Cc: Mark Roberts , Bob Davidson , Trinh Vo Subject: Keith Cooper and Tim Harvey : Building and Using Static Single As signment Form: Rice University Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 10:41:07 -0700 X-Priority: 3 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.0.1459.27) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************WHO: Keith Cooper and Tim Harvey AFFILIATION: Rice University TITLE: Building and Using Static Single Assignment Form WHEN: Friday August 15, 1997 WHERE: 9s/1007 TIME: 1:30-3:00 HOST: Mark Roberts CONTACT: Johnny Foehner( NOTE: If you plan to attend, please send an e-mail with your name and UW affiliation to, so that the Bldg. 9 receptionists can give you access to the seminar room at Microsoft Research. Directions are on the web clicking on "About MSR" at ************************************************************************ ************************************************************ Building and Using Static Single Assignment Form Timothy J. Harvey Keith D. Cooper Rice University Much recent work in code optimization has relied on the Static Single Assignment form (SSA) for a procedure. This talk will address two key questions that arise in building an optimizing compiler that uses SSA: (1) How do you build SSA? (2) How do you use SSA to obtain better code? The first part of the talk will focus on algorithms for constructing the SSA form for a procedure; the discussion includes improvements and corrections to the published algorithms. The second part will examine SSA-based algorithms for global value numbering and operator strength reduction; these algorithms highlight some of the benefits of using SSA. The talk covers material found in three as yet unpublished papers. Copies of the papers can be found at Keith D. Cooper Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Rice University Research Interests: ------------------- Dr. Cooper's research focuses on the analysis and optimization of compiled code for uniprocessor machines. He has developed efficient algorithms for a number of problems in interprocedural analysis, has done extensive work on graph-coloring register allocation, and has explored several problems in scalar optimization. He was one of the principal designers and implementors of the Rn Programming Environment and helped lead the ParaScope project. As one of the leaders of the Massively Scalar Compiler Project at Rice University, his current work includes code space optimization, non-constructive algorithms for instruction scheduling, and the application of classical code optimization techniques to intermediate forms used in VHDL compilers. -------------------- Timothy J. Harvey Research Programmer, Department of Computer Science, Rice University Research Interests: ------------------- As lead programmer on the Massively Scalar Compiler Project at Rice University, Mr. Harvey wrote the core of the research compiler, as well as a number of optimization passes for it, including the constant propagator, the peephole analyzer, and the register allocator. His current work concerns optimization of spill-code insertion and improved spilling heuristics during register allocator. ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 15:11:46 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers cc: cecil@cs, spin-comp@klamath Subject: Re: Keith Cooper and Tim Harvey : Building and Using Static Single As signment Form: Rice University I'd like to go but need a ride. Is anyone from the group going who could share a ride? -- Markus To: Markus Mock cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: splitting the CFG Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 08:39:09 PDT From: Brian Grant >> I'll either need to split the graph for the laziness info or >> compute it per division (which is what I am currently doing). Computing it for each division seems fine. Is there any reason why that is harder than splitting the graph first? Just curious. >> Let me know if there are any routines I can reuse or where I should look >> at. The routines I have aren't really suitable for your use, but I could write the routines that split the CFG. The tricky issues involve IGOTOs: -- Tags: tag anchors must be renamed when they are copied; I have code that does this -- Tag arrays: when an IGOTO and some or all of its targets are copied a new tag array must be created; I have code that does this -- Loads: STATs (primarily loads) that reference the old tag array must be changed; I have put in some support for finding these STATs Of course, basic copy routines (assuming no IGOTOs) should be pretty easy. Let me know if you want me to whip up non-IGOTO-compliant version, or if you will go ahead and do it. --Brian Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 13:41:03 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: splitting the CFG I'd appreciate if you could write the simply non-igoto routine. It makes the routines for laziness stuff somewhat easier as it saves me about everywhere an outer loop going through the different divisions. So it's not really harder but more convenient to have the data associated with each branch node than an additional set indexed by division for each branch node. -- Markus On Tue, 12 Aug 1997, Brian Grant wrote: > >> I'll either need to split the graph for the laziness info or > >> compute it per division (which is what I am currently doing). > > Computing it for each division seems fine. Is there any reason why that is > harder than splitting the graph first? Just curious. > > >> Let me know if there are any routines I can reuse or where I should look > >> at. > > The routines I have aren't really suitable for your use, but I could write > the routines that split the CFG. The tricky issues involve IGOTOs: > > -- Tags: tag anchors must be renamed when they are copied; I have > code that does this > -- Tag arrays: when an IGOTO and some or all of its targets are copied > a new tag array must be created; I have code that does this > -- Loads: STATs (primarily loads) that reference the old tag array > must be changed; I have put in some support for finding these > STATs > > Of course, basic copy routines (assuming no IGOTOs) should be pretty easy. > Let me know if you want me to whip up non-IGOTO-compliant version, or if you will go ahead and do it. > > --Brian > To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: splitting the graph Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 14:59:42 PDT From: Brian Grant I quickly wrote a routine to split one node, but I realized it isn't quite what we want. Here is a proposed algorithm. I envision this pass going after the BTA but before unit assignment in DYC_PrepForDynComp(): /* Split the divisions */ dyc_PartitionBBlocksAtDivisionMerges(); DEP_Destroy_All(); DEP_COMPUTE_INFO(DFO_Compute); DEP_COMPUTE_INFO(TOPO_Compute); dyc_SplitDivisions(); dyc_PartitionBBlocksAtDivisionMerges(): We'll need a prepass to split BBLOCKs wherever the number of divisions decreases. I also have routines that can be easily modified to do that. I already partition BBLOCKs when "interesting" things occur in the BTA (promotions, etc.), so I can write this routine. dyc_SplitDivisions(): /* We need a topological traversal so that we can assume that when we process a given node we can be sure all of its predecessors have only single divisions. */ LOOP { FOR_EACH_TOPO_BBLOCK(BBlock) DO { 1) Correlate each incoming (forward) edge with a division (every incoming edge must be assigned to one division and every division should correspond to at least one incoming edge) 2) Paritition the incoming edges by their divisions 3) Make (N-1) duplicates of the node for the N partitions of incoming edges; -- call BBLOCK dyc_CopyBBlock(BBlock) (in p2dyc/util.[CH]) 4) Attach the appropriate BTA info to each copy 5) Redirect the edges to their new destinations -- call BBLOCK BBLOCK_Redirect_Succ_Edge(source, BBlock, newdest) (in p2graph/bblock_3.C) } /* After the topological traversal has completed, we need to invoke a routine to fix jump tables (tag arrays). I put a prototype for this in p2dyc/util.[CH]. */ dyc_FixTagArrays(); Do we need to worry about backedges? I don't think so, but I haven't thought about it carefully. Steps #1 and #2 should be the bulk of the work remaining, and probably easier for you to do since I'm not yet familiar with the BTA interface. Does it seem reasonable for you to try to code up dyc_SplitDivisions? Does the algorithm seem correct? --Brian Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 14:37:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant cc: Subject: DYC2_AnnotationsExist() returns TRUE if there are any annotations it's part of the new bta in bta-v2.H The other function you want something like (1) BOOL DYC_InDynamicRegion(STAT stat) depends on the division, do you want it like (2) BOOL DYC_InDynamicRegion(STAT stat, DYC2_DIVISION div) or after like above (1) to be used after the splitting of the graph? -- Markus -- Markus To:, cc: Matthai Philipose Subject: cache available Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 14:53:29 PDT From: Matthai Philipose I have just tested and checked in mflow/lib/dyc_cache.[ch]. The cache is a doubly-hashed open hashtable (elements are stored in the hash-table: no chaining), with automatic expansion of the table as it begins to get too congested. Memory allocation for hashtables is currently from the pool: long int DYC_CACHE_cache_space[DYC_CACHE_SPACE_SIZE] The abstract interface is: void DYC_CACHE_insert(dyc_cache cache, long int *key_vector,int key_vector_size,int *pc); int* DYC_CACHE_lookup(dyc_cache cache, long int *key_vector,int key_vector_size); with the additional utility function: void DYC_CACHE_print(dyc_cache cache); No delete operation is currently implemented. According to CLR, a chained implementation is better if delete is required. Matthai Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 16:59:57 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: Harvey and Cooper's talk on SSA at MS Here's a short summary of the talk(s): First, Harvey, who apparently programmed the various implementations of SSA at Rice, gave an intro on how SSA is computed. 3 variants: - minimal SSA (as described by Zadeck et al) motivated by goal to minimize the number of phi-nodes, done by computing the iterated dominance frontier - semi-pruned (an improvement over minimal) due to Briggs - pruned: less phis by liveness analysis and removing phis that are are not live He then explained how they discovered two problems with SSA or rather a subtleties that made previously described algorihms based on SSA buggy. In one case copy folding may remove a copy that it should not. The example how this happens and details are in their (yet unpublished) papers at Cooper, in the second half of the 1 1/2 hour talk, gave an overview of the usefulness of SSA: - the namespace created by SSA was useful for easier value numbering lazy code motion (based on Steffen et al) which ran in O(n) instead of O(n^2), although with a worse constant - the sparsety (less space than def-use chains) made analysis generally faster - the third point was explained in the way "Trust me", essentially he was saying that the placement of the phi-nodes gave important topological info about the program (whatever that was supposed to say) The two new algorithms that they came up with that were improvements of previous work are: 1) global value numbering 2) strength reduction Details are in their papers, I guess. -- Markus To: Subject: discordant temps analysis working... Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 17:33:08 PDT From: Matthai Philipose The discordant temps analysis is up and running. It has been tested on a simple case (~matthai/dyc/test/discordant/discordant.C), and seems to work. I'll test it on another more complex case (discordant1.C in the above directory) before laying it to rest. Under the current implementation, a temp is discordant at a merge if there exist two incoming edges to the merge along which the temp has different reaching def sets. Each basic block has a discordant_temps_in field of type BS (bitset), which is non-null if the block is a merge node. The following fragment of code illustrates how the discordant_temps set may be accessed: --------- BS discordant_temps; IF(discordant_temps=BBLOCK_discordant_temps_in(bblock)) { LOOP{ FOR_EACH_TEMP_SET_ELEMENT(discordant_temps,temp) DO{ ...temp... }} } -------------- The main complicaion in the implementation was to save per-program point reaching defs information from multiflow's reaching-defs analysis. The existing analysis only preserved reaching defs info at uses. I've added the ability to get reaching-defs info at the end of each basic-block. Writing data-structure accessors and layers of (routine) memory management code accounted for most of the remaining hassle. Matthai To: cc: Subject: Spec modification for setup/template block end tags Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 17:45:40 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Right now, the tags look like: .dyn_setup_end__ and .dyn_template_end_ I would like the tags to look as follows: .dyn_setup_end___n and .dyn_template_end__n where the 'n's at the end mean that (by default) no goto is required after the branch (if one exists) at the end of the basic block. If I find late in the backend that a branch is required, I will convert the 'n' into a 'y'. Thanks, Matthai To: Matthai Philipose cc: Subject: handling beq/br pairs in the merger Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 18:08:23 PDT From: Matthai Philipose The aim of the game is to set a flag in the tags at setup and template ends to indicate that the conditional branch (if one exists) at the end of the block, is followed by an unconditional branch. Matthai What happens now: emit.C/em_Mi__Emit_Instruction(MI mi) 1)sets: em_need_goto_instruction = FALSE; 2)emits tags: em_Mi__Emit_Tags(mi); 3)calls: em_Mi__Emit_Instruction_Body(mi), which 1)sets: emit_goto = MI_is_aregion_end_get(mi) && em_Aregion_End__Need_Goto(mi); 2)emits: em_Mop_Target_Mi__Emit_Conditional_Jump(...) (conditionally) 3)sets: em_need_goto_instruction = TRUE; (conditionally, based on emit_goto and other checks) 4)calls: IF (em_need_goto_instruction) em_Mi__Emit_Goto_Instruction(mi); What needs to be done: 1)Compute em_need_goto_instruction in ...Emit_instruction() _before_ ...Emit_Tags() (by copying relavent code from ...Emit_Instruction_Body()) 2)Define a routine em_Mi__Set_Goto_Flag(mi) which -iterates through the the tags of mi till one of the form .dyn_setup_end___n or .dyn_template_end__n is found -if such a tag exists, change the trailing 'n' into a 'y' 3)Invoke ...Set_Goto_Flag() right before em_Mi__Emit_Tags() To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: BTA interface Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 12:41:07 PDT From: Brian Grant Thanks for adding the iterators, etc. to bta_export.H. I'm working on porting to the new BTA again. I would like at least one change to what is in bta_export.H: BS DYC2_BTA_StaticUnpromoted(DYC2_BTA bta, DYC2_DIVISION div); /* returns the static temps minus the promoted temps */ As we discussed, I plan to do something like the following: promotions = DYC2_BTA_get_promotedBS(original_bta, div); interim_bta = DYC2_BTA_StaticUnpromoted(original_bta, div); /* copy interim_bta to all stats in this bblock */ ... /* make original_bta the initial bta of the next bblock (including promotions)*/ ... So, it would be more convenient for me if StaticUnpromoted returned a BTA rather than a bitset. I don't know how to construct a BTA from a bitset. Let me know what you think. --Brian Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 12:59:30 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: cc:, spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: BTA interface > > > So, it would be more convenient for me if StaticUnpromoted returned a BTA > rather than a bitset. I don't know how to construct a BTA from a bitset. > No problem. So in the returned BTA you want static varinfo to be adjusted by subtracting the promoted temps? Or would you simply like a copied bta and an accessor for the bta that returned a BS like the one I proposed in export? -- Markus To: Markus Mock cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: BTA interface Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 13:41:07 PDT From: Brian Grant >> No problem. So in the returned BTA you want static varinfo to be adjusted >> by subtracting the promoted temps? >> Or would you simply like a copied bta and an accessor for the bta that >> returned a BS like the one I proposed in export? I need to annotate bblocks and stats I insert with modified BTA information. So, I would like a routine that returns a BTA with the temps promoted in the original BTA removed from the StaticVarInfo and also with an empty PromotedVars set. I don't want a routine that returns a bitset because I don't know how to filter the StaticVarInfo using a bitset. --Brian Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 14:25:30 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant cc: Markus Mock , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: BTA interface Ok. I checked in a new version of bta_export.H that has the routine you want. -- Markus On Wed, 27 Aug 1997, Brian Grant wrote: > >> No problem. So in the returned BTA you want static varinfo to be adjusted > >> by subtracting the promoted temps? > >> Or would you simply like a copied bta and an accessor for the bta that > >> returned a BS like the one I proposed in export? > > I need to annotate bblocks and stats I insert with modified BTA information. > So, I would like a routine that returns a BTA with the temps promoted in the > original BTA removed from the StaticVarInfo and also with an empty > PromotedVars set. I don't want a routine that returns a bitset because I > don't know how to filter the StaticVarInfo using a bitset. > > --Brian > Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 14:50:08 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: psused vars trouble Matthai, p2used vars causes an out of memory. The problem is that in p2used_vars.C:268 a bogos VAR is returned with var number being pretty big: {number = 1090968672, type = VAR_RECORD, name = 0x14106dae0 "\001", parent_pack = 0x14106dc70, parent_record = 0x0, next_var = 0x0, size = 4, offset = 0, esize = 4, ndinfo_cnt = 0, ndinfo_ptr = 0x0, address_directly_taken = 0, address_taken = 0, lim_store_directly_seen = 0, lim_store_seen = 0, union1 = {rvd_var_info = 0x140eef2e8, inline_copy = 0x140eef2e8}} hence, the BS allocation routine in used vars tries to allocate memory for that huge number. Any idea why UV_UsedVars_In could cause that? This is the call stack: #0 PAGE_Alloc (size=136371112, allocated_size=0x11fffe3f0) at alloc/page.C:232 #1 0x1200e1204 in pool_Do_Alloc (pool=0x1400150b0, size=136371096) at alloc/pool.C:869 #2 0x1200e0da8 in POOL_Srealloc (pool=0x1400150b0, ptr=0x14106d800 "\005", old_size=24, new_size=136371092) at alloc/pool.C:670 #3 0x120110a2c in VAR_UVSet_Realloc (ptr=0x14106d800 "\005", old_size=24, new_size=136371092) at p2mem/p2mem.C:581 #4 0x120105478 in bs_Realloc (set=0x14106d800, length=34092772, rf=0x1201109d8 ) at util/bitset.C:967 #5 0x120105300 in bs_ExpandD (set=0x14106d800, size=34092772, rf=0x1201109d8 ) at util/bitset.C:931 #6 0x120104a20 in BS_Union1D (set=0x14106d800, x=1090968672, rf=0x1201109d8 ) at util/bitset.C:695 #7 0x12017a13c in VAR_UVSet_Union1D (set=0x14106d800, element=0x140f24e90) at p2used_vars/var_utils.C:79 #8 0x120179dcc in uv_UsedVars_Out_Internal (used_out_set=0x14106d800, stat=0x140ee1b40, bblock=0x140eebd18) at p2used_vars/p2used_vars.C:270 #9 0x1201799b4 in UV_UsedVars_In (used_in_set=0x14106d800, stat=0x140ee1ca8) at p2used_vars/p2used_vars.C:230 #10 0x1201b2a2c in DYC2_BtaIdfa () at p2bta/bta-v2.C:392 -- Markus To: Subject: Original interface to the merger Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 14:34:53 PDT From: Matthai Philipose This is the spec I gave Charlie. I'm just archiving it before I lose it. Inter-unit branches were ignored in this spec. Charlie did a crackerjack job in coding this spec up. Even I can read and modify his perl! Matthai ------------------A description of the algorithm: We have decided to merge setup code with code to generate template code by transforming the assembler file that contains the setup and template code. The algorithm for merging the setup code with instructions to stitch template code is described below. Recall that setup code computes the values of runtime constants that are used in template code. Setup code is executed just once for each distinct set of root runtime constant values. The template code that uses the values computed by the setup code is transformed to an executabe form ("stitched") on the basis of these computed values. On subsequent executions (with this set of root runtime constant values), only the stitched code is executed. The first version of our system went about this transformation by emiting directives that indicated how the template code could be stitched, given that the values of the runtime constants used in the template were computed and placed in an intermediate "setup table". An independent program called the stitcher followed the directives to produce a stitched version of the template, essentially patching the runtime constants from the setup table into the holes in the template and eliminating branches that depended on runtime constants. In the new version of the system, we wish to avoid the intermediate table, the directives, and the separate stitcher program. Instead of producing _directives_ that _describe_ how template code is to be translated once all possibly necessary setup values are calculated, we produce _code_ that _emits_ the transformed version of the template code. We eliminate the setup table by integrating this emitting-code with the setup code, such that runtime constant values used for transforming the template are passed between setup code and emitting- code through registers as far as possible. A natural question then arises: where in setup code should the emitting-code for producing a given template statement be placed? Because the setup code and template code are produced by duplicating the CFG for the dynamic region in the source program, every template block has at least one (possibly empty) setup block associated with it. A natural place to emit code for a template block is therefore in its correspondig setup block. The algorithm for transformation is as follows: for each template-code basic block T //There could be many setup bbs corresponding to T for each corresponding setup basic block S; //Find the beginning and end of the first "sequence" //of instructions in T to be emitted (a sequence consists of //the instructions between two holes (exclusive of the holes) current_hole = NULL; next_hole = find_next_hole(current_seq_end); //If there are no holes in the bb, the first sequence is the entire bb //otherwise it only extends to the program point _after_ the previous hole current_seq_begin = basic_block_begin(T); if (!next_hole) current_seq_end = basic_block_end(T); else current_seq_end = next_hole; //Find the point in S, where the sequence should be //inserted current_insertion_point = basic_block_begin(S); //Loop over all sequences in T, //inserting them at the corresponding insertion point in S while(current_seq_begin) { //Emit the current sequence emit_sequence(current_insertion_point,current_seq_begin,current_seq_end); if(current_hole) emit_hole(current_insertion_point,current_hole); //Find the next sequence current_hole = next_hole; if(current_hole) current_seq_begin= next_program_point(current_hole); else current_seq_begin= NULL; //can break here next_hole = find_next_hole(next_hole); if (!next_hole) //No more holes in the bb; sequence extends to end of bb current_seq_end = basic_block_end(T); else current_seq_end = next_hole; current_insertion_point = find_next_rtconst_store(current_insertion_point) } //Helper function details 0) basic_block_[begin|end](T) Finds the program point before the first instruction in T. The beginning and end of each basic block in the template, and the corresponding basic block in the setup will be marked by the labels: [setup|template]_[begin|end]__ Note that many setup blocks can correspond to a single template block. All of them will have the same template_bb_number, but different setup_index'es. Only setup labels will have the setup index, to distinguish them from other setup bbs with the same template_bb_number. 1) find_next_hole(prog_point) Find the program point before the next hole in the current _template_ block. If no such pp exists, return NULL. Every hole in a template will be labelled: template_hole__ 2)find_next_rtconst_store(prog_point) Find the program point before the next (dummy) store of an rtconst in the current _setup_ block. Recall that every point in the setup code where a hole in the template code needs to be emitted is marked with a store. The store should have the form: stl r_i,rtconst____ (gp) The value of the rtconst that needs to go into the hole is live in register r_i. Each such instruction will also be labelled: setup_hole___ Remember that one template_bb can have many corresponding setup_bbs. --------------An example of the input specifications: // Here's the source code for the below assembler // The whole body of the procedure is a dynamic region add(int a, int b, int c0, int c1){ keepconst(c0,c1) //The whole function is a dynamic region t1= a+1 c2= c1 + c0 //c_i are runtime constants c3= c1 - c0 if(c2==0) //static branch c4 = c2+1 t1 += c3 else t1+=b //b global if(t1==0) return c4 else return c1 } //Here's the corresponding assembler for setup, template and merged code //Assume a,b,c0,c1 are in r0,r1,r2,r3 //r31 is the zero register ;;;setup code dyn_setup_begin_1_0: ; template no. == 1, setup index == 0 addl r4,r2,r3 ; r4=r2+r3 subl r5,r3,r2 ; r5=r3-r2 dyn_setup_end_1_0: bne r5,L1 dyn_setup_begin_2_0: addl r6,1,r4 ;; dummy store ensures that rtconst c3 is live at this point (in register ;; r5); the store will be replaced by an emit of the corresponding ;; template hole... the value in r5 will go into the hole. stl r5,rtconst_2_0_1(gp) dyn_setup_end_2_0: br L2 L1: dyn_setup_begin_3_0: dyn_setup_end_3_0: L2: dyn_setup_begin_4_0: dyn_setup_end_4_0: dyn_setup_begin_5_0: stl r6,rtconst_5_0_0(gp); another placeholder store dyn_setup_end_5_0: dyn_setup_begin_6_0: stl r3,rtconst_6_0_0(gp); placeholder dyn_setup_end_6_0: ;;; template code dyn_template_begin_1: addl r6,1,r0 lda r5,rtconst_1_0(r31); r31 contains zero dyn_template_end_1: bne r5,L10 dyn_template_begin_2: addl r6,rtconst_2_0,r6 br L11 dyn_template_end_2: L10: dyn_template_begin_3: ldl r8,_b(gp) addl r6,r8,r6 dyn_template_end_3: L11: dyn_template_begin_4: bne r6,L12 dyn_template_end_4: dyn_template_begin_5: lda r7,rtconst_5_0(r31) ret r7 dyn_template_end_5: L12: dyn_template_begin_6: lda r7,rtconst_6_0(r31) ret r7 dyn_template_end_6: ;;;merged code ;; note: I've removed all bb begin/end markers addl r4,r2,r3 ; r4=r2+r3 subl r5,r3,r2 ; r5=r3-r2 emit 'addl r6,1,r0' ;; note:static branch is not emitted bne r5,L1 addl r6,1,r4 ;; note:dummy store is replaced by emit sequence emit r5, 'addl r6,rtconst_2_0,r6' emit 'br L11' br L2 L1: emit 'L10:ldl r8,_b(gp)' emit ' addl r6,r8,r6' L2: ;; dynamic branches are emitted emit 'L11: bne r6,L12' emit r6,'lda r7,rtconst_5_0(r31)' emit 'ret r7' emit r3,'L12: lda r7,rtconst_6_0(r31)' emit 'ret r7' ---------------An improved input spec with more realistic support for static branches: #setup code dyn_setup_begin_1_0: # template no. == 1, setup index == 0 addl a1,a2,t2 # r4=r2+r3 subl a2,a1,t3 # r5=r3-r2 bne t2,L1 dyn_setup_end_1_0: dyn_setup_begin_2_0: addl t2,1,t4 # dummy store ensures that rtconst c3 is live at this point (in register # t3). the store will be replaced by an emit of the corresponding # template hole... the value in t3 will go into the hole. stl t3,rtconst_2_0_1 br L2 dyn_setup_end_2_0: L1: dyn_setup_begin_3_0: dyn_setup_end_3_0: L2: dyn_setup_begin_4_0: dyn_setup_end_4_0: dyn_setup_begin_5_0: stl t4,rtconst_5_0_0# another placeholder store dyn_setup_end_5_0: dyn_setup_begin_6_0: stl a2,rtconst_6_0_0# placeholder dyn_setup_end_6_0: # template code dyn_template_begin_1: addl a0,1,t6 static_branch: lda t2,rtconst_1_0(zero) dyn_template_end_1: static_branch: bne t2,L10 dyn_template_begin_2: addl t6,rtconst_2_0,t6 br L11 dyn_template_end_2: L10: dyn_template_begin_3: ldl t7,b addl t6,t7,t6 dyn_template_end_3: L11: dyn_template_begin_4: bne t6,L12 dyn_template_end_4: dyn_template_begin_5: lda v0,rtconst_5_0(zero) ret dyn_template_end_5: L12: dyn_template_begin_6: lda v0,rtconst_6_0(zero) ret dyn_template_end_6: Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 02:15:49 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Subject: BTA works for multi.DyC This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --1602278152-1495322112-872932549=:2003 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII The BTA now produces correct output for the multiple unit example. Since this is a very simple example (no loops, just one division) I can't yet claim that the BTA works ok, but we are getting there. Later today I'll check it in after testing that the interface functions for Brian are all ok. I am attacking debug output with the info for the example in case you want to check it by hand. -- Markus --1602278152-1495322112-872932549=:2003 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name=foo Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: U3RhdCAxMTQJRW1wdHkgQlRBDQoNCkZpbmFsIEJUQToNCg0KRGl2aXNpb24g MDoJezxfdSQxLjJQb2x5RGl2LFBvbHlTcGVjLEF1dG9Qcm9tbyxDYWNoZVBB bGwsQ2FjaGVNQWxsLExvb3BMYXp5LD48X3UkMS4yUG9seURpdixQb2x5U3Bl YyxBdXRvUHJvbW8sQ2FjaGVQQWxsLENhY2hlTUFsbCxMb29wTGF6eSw+fQ0K U3RhdGljIFRlbXBzOgl7KHQwLENhY2hlQWxsLHtfdSQxLjIsfSl9DQpQcm9t b3RlZCBUZW1wczoJezAsfQ0KRGlzY29yZGFudCBUZW1wczoJe30NCkRlbW90 ZWQgVGVtcHM6CXt9DQpCYmxvY2sgMjQNCkluaXRpYWwgQlRBOg0KDQpEaXZp c2lvbiAwOgl7PF91JDEuMlBvbHlEaXYsUG9seVNwZWMsQXV0b1Byb21vLENh Y2hlUEFsbCxDYWNoZU1BbGwsTG9vcExhenksPjxfdSQxLjJQb2x5RGl2LFBv bHlTcGVjLEF1dG9Qcm9tbyxDYWNoZVBBbGwsQ2FjaGVNQWxsLExvb3BMYXp5 LD59DQpTdGF0aWMgVGVtcHM6CXsodDAsQ2FjaGVBbGwse191JDEuMix9KX0N ClByb21vdGVkIFRlbXBzOgl7MCx9DQpEaXNjb3JkYW50IFRlbXBzOgl7fQ0K 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Mock" To: Subject: BTA checked in I've checked the BTA in. I also changed the pmakefile to use as temp directory /var/tmp/$(USER) so that different people can compile on the same machine at the same time, otherwise, if temp files did not get cleaned up properly (as on meitner) you'd run into a problem. The BTA now computes the divisions, static temps, promotions, demotions and discordant vars. The next step is getting the laziness info running and splitting the graph for different divisions. -- Markus To: "Markus U. Mock" cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: more on the BTA interface Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 14:25:36 PDT From: Brian Grant As it turns out, I need to be able to attach BTAs to BBLOCKs and STATs that I create. BBLOCKs look straightforward: DYC2_BTA dyc2_initial_bta; DYC2_BTA dyc2_final_bta; However, I see several fields on STATs: DYC2_BTA_OpType dyc2_btaOpType; /* MM new bta info */ BOOL dyc2_staticOp; /* MM set true if operation static */ DYC2_VAR_W_POLICIES dyc2_annot; DYC2_BTA dyc2_bta; What are btaOpType and annot? Can I set these other three fields just from a DYC2_BTA? Do you have a routine that does this? Thanks. --Brian Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 15:11:38 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Brian Grant cc: Markus Mock , Subject: Re: more on the BTA interface As it turns out, I need to be able to attach BTAs to BBLOCKs and STATs that I create. BBLOCKs look straightforward: DYC2_BTA dyc2_initial_bta; DYC2_BTA dyc2_final_bta; However, I see several fields on STATs: DYC2_BTA_OpType dyc2_btaOpType; /* MM new bta info */ BOOL dyc2_staticOp; /* MM set true if operation static */ DYC2_VAR_W_POLICIES dyc2_annot; DYC2_BTA dyc2_bta; What are btaOpType and annot? Can I set these other three fields just from a DYC2_BTA? Do you have a routine that does this? dyc2_btaOpType: tells the bta if the stat is an annotation or a normal op, used during IDFA dyc2_staticOp: set to true if the operation was computed to be static, false otherwise dyc2_annot: is the internal representation of a variable and its policies at a stat that is a makestatic / makedynamic annotation If you want to run flow functions again on some stats, these should be copied when you create or copy stats. If you want to I can create a function VOID STAT_copy_BTA(STAT dest, STAT from) VOID BBLOCK_copy_BTA(BBLOCK dest, BBLOCK from) that copies all that bta info (including the dyc2_bta) from one stat/bblock to another. How's that? -- Markus To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: dyc_LastBranch2 and extra br instructions Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 23:23:11 PDT From: Brian Grant Matthai, I think the right thing to do is to insert an unconditional branch following the conditional one whenever both branches go to dynamic (i.e., template) units. If the last br of the unit is not needed, I can overwrite it. Or, do you think it isn't difficult for the merger to figure out when not to insert them? --Brian To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: no need for dyc_LastBranch2 Date: Mon, 01 Sep 1997 00:17:02 PDT From: Brian Grant Actually, I guess there is no need for dyc_LastBranch2 since I know when I need to patch that second branch and that it immediately follows the conditional branch. --Brian To: Subject: "static" annotation in place Date: Tue, 02 Sep 1997 15:49:15 PDT From: Matthai Philipose I just finished testing the "static" annotation for memory dereferences. There is a slight change in syntax. Instead of the "static" key-word, I use the "@" symbol. So dereferences look like: @*foo foo@->bar foo@[bar] Given a STAT "stat", the following macro returns a BOOL which is true iff the STAT corresponds to a source-level static dereference: STAT_op_part_get(stat,dyc_static_deref) Charlie very generously spent most of Friday helping me with hacking this. Though hacking the front end was a learning experience for him too, he was a _huge_ help. Matthai ------------------sample program: #include int arr[3]={0,1,2}; struct foo{ int bar; double baz; }foos; struct foo* foop; int main(void) { int num; int *two=(&arr[2]); foop=(&foos); scanf("%d",&num); arr[2]=num+20;; foop->baz=num+40.0; printf("%d %d %lf %d",arr@[2],,foop@->baz,@*two); return 0; } To: Subject: ps on static dereferences... Date: Tue, 02 Sep 1997 15:58:03 PDT From: Matthai Philipose I have modified the IR formatting routines to prepend all static dereferences with the string "DYC_STATIC_DEREF." The static dereference bit is propagated through to the BTA, but not through the subsequent memory operation expansion stages. The relevant code is all checked in. Matthai To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: scary memory usage in bta_sets-v2.C Date: Tue, 02 Sep 1997 16:16:06 PDT From: Brian Grant I took a look at bta_sets-v2.C and noticed a few distressing things: 1) You use free(). Is that #defined to be something else? I didn't find any defintions of it in the header files. I don't think we should ever be using the standard free. We never just malloc anything, right? free() is used on objects allocated from your pool by dyc_malloc. That seems bad. Could you please explain what is going on here? 2) You create a lot of bitsets, and then free them. That seems expensive. There are in-place versions of all the bit operations, and it seems like you should be using them. Was there a reason why you didn't? For example: BS DYC2_TEMPSET_to_BS(DYC2_TEMPSET s) { BS bs, bs1, t; int i; DYC2_TEMP v; bs = BS_CreateEmpty(s->size, dyc_malloc); for (i=0;isize;i++) { v = (DYC2_TEMP) s->element[i]; t = BS_Singleton( v->tempnum, dyc_malloc); bs1 = bs; bs = BS_Union(bs, t, dyc_malloc); free(t); free(bs1); } return bs; } could be implemented as: BS DYC2_TEMPSET_to_BS(DYC2_TEMPSET s) { BS bs; int i; DYC2_TEMP v; bs = BS_CreateEmpty(s->size, dyc_malloc); for (i=0;isize;i++) { v = (DYC2_TEMP) s->element[i]; bs = BS_Union1D(bs, v->tempnum, dyc_malloc); } return bs; } --Brian Date: Wed, 3 Sep 1997 12:12:30 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: bta interface I checked in the two interface functions and took out the calls to free for now. -- Markus To: Subject: major commit of port to new BTA, multiple units, scripts, etc. Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 01:18:54 PDT From: Brian Grant 1) I put two new scripts in /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/bin. what-update Tells you what files are modified, out of date, etc. with respect to the CVS archive without all the cruft that "cvs -n update" normally gives you. do-update Actually does the CVS update; has the same pruned output as what-update. 2) I put a new script in DyC/bin: dcmake [-ms] Build an application to be dynamically compiled. This uses the Makefiles I put in place a while ago. I had been using this as a bash function, but decided it was time to share it. It is pretty straightforward to use. E.g., if you need a preprocessed version of mytest.DyC for debugging, just type "dcmake mytest.i". Use -ms with the new BTA. 3) The boilerplate is now automatically versioned. If the boilerplate in your preprocessed file doesn't match what your version of the compiler expects (though, it should always match if you use dcmake), then the compiler will tell you which is out of date. 4) I have introduced several new source files in p2dyc. The one you probably care the most about is bta_version.H. It defines (or not) the macro DYC_NEW_BTA. In any file in which a BTA header file is included, you must include this file before it. See any .C file in p2dyc for an example. I checked in the version that uses the new BTA. If you need a version that doesn't crash in p2dyc, then you'll probably want to comment out the #define in this header before compiling to get a version that works with the old BTA (Matthai, I'm talking to you :-). 5) The merger is still out of date with respect to the new output spec, and the compiler's inter-unit branch patching support is out of spec, so don't try to build executables yet (i.e., "dcmake mytest.x"). 6) Life is easier with breakpoints in all major error routines. I have the following (works with both BTAs): source /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/DyC/bin/gdb-macros dir /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/DyC/mflow/ cd /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/Test/test2 b ERR_AssertFailed b ERR_Error b DYC_assert b dyc_btaReportError b dyc_btaReportErrorStat run -mmain_arg_file=/afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/Test/test2/ 7) Remember to do your update in DyC, not just DyC/mflow, as I've modified files in all major subdirectories. If you have trouble, let me know. I have tested it with both versions of the BTA (and I know that the version with the new BTA seg faults). We're getting there! --Brian To: Matthai Philipose cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: Unconditional branches between units Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 21:05:10 PDT From: Brian Grant >> My understanding of the spec is that unconditional branches between >> template units/ from unit to static code are marked by DYC.NO_BRANCH >> markers. When exactly are the NO_BRANCHes followed by igotos to their >> intended successors? When the successors are static units? Or when >> the successor is such that no natural basic block boundary across the >> units? Can the igotos target both static and dynamic code? Right. Unconditional branches from a template unit to a template or static unit have the NO_BRANCH markers. I only insert IGOTOs on fall-throughs from a template unit to a static unit. So, in test2.pms, I see one NO_BRANCH to another template unit with no IGOTO or unconditional branch, another NO_BRANCH label preceding an unconditional branch, and a NO_BRANCH label preceding an IGOTO. So, IGOTOs only go to static code. They don't go to dynamic code for two reasons: 1) We don't know how to allocate space for the jump destination and then patch it (though we have to figure this out eventually). 2) We figured inserting an unconditional branch would be easy since it has to be done in other cases. We didn't really determine whether it should be done by the merger or by my run-time support. It would be easier for me for the merger to put it in so I can patch it. That is what my code is designed to do now in this case. Sound ok? Any problems you've thought of or are worried about? --Brian To: Subject: port to new BTA completed Date: Fri, 05 Sep 1997 09:38:01 PDT From: Brian Grant The port to the new BTA is finished. Development using the old BTA has now stopped. The simple multi-unit example goes through the compiler using the new BTA and produces the same output as with the old BTA. Demotions should be working shortly as well. So, once the last few merger modifications are completed, we will be able to test the entire pipeline. --Brian To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: program points and BTA info Date: Fri, 05 Sep 1997 11:25:25 PDT From: Brian Grant Markus, [By point-specific info, I mean promotions, demotions, discordant temps, and (eventually) lazy edges.] In the current example demotions(*) appear at the end of one block and at the beginning of the next block. This is not good. (* The demotions shouldn't be there at all, but they did illustrate this problem with interpreting the output of the BTA.) I need to determine which point-specific info to use, so I'm proposing the following convention. Let me know if it contrasts sharply with the implementation. I'm assuming all point-specific BTA information can be unambiguously found by looking at the initial BTAs of the STATs and at the final BTAs of the blocks. Some implications of this are: -- The point-specific info of the final BTA of a block cannot be duplicated at the beginning of the next block. It should be easy enough to check this and create a partial copy if necessary (which may then have different point-specific info, e.g. discordant temps, attached to it). -- The initial BTA of a block should be identical to the intial BTA of the first STAT of that block (if the block contains STATs). I've settled on this because the BTA already seems to associate the program point prior to a STAT with the STAT (i.e.g, STAT_dyc2_bta(Stat) is the initial BTA of Stat). Let me know what you think. --Brian To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: one more thing about the BTA output Date: Fri, 05 Sep 1997 11:41:49 PDT From: Brian Grant In the case of an empty BBLOCK (though I think this shouldn't arise), the point-specific info of the initial/final BTA should not be duplicated in the final/initial BTA of that block or of previous/next blocks. --Brian Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 12:56:44 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: cc:, Subject: Re: program points and BTA info On Fri, 5 Sep 1997, Brian Grant wrote: I'm assuming all point-specific BTA information can be unambiguously found by looking at the initial BTAs of the STATs and at the final BTAs of the blocks. Some implications of this are: CORRECT -- The point-specific info of the final BTA of a block cannot be duplicated at the beginning of the next block. It should be easy enough to check this and create a partial copy if necessary (which may then have different point-specific info, e.g. discordant temps, attached to it). -- The initial BTA of a block should be identical to the intial BTA of the first STAT of that block (if the block contains STATs). I've settled on this because the BTA already seems to associate the program point prior to a STAT with the STAT (i.e.g, STAT_dyc2_bta(Stat) is the initial BTA of Stat). That sounds good. I'll fix that by introducing partical copies as you suggested. I'll check why we have a demotion in the example and fix that. I hope to have this done in a few hours, ok? -- Markus Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 17:08:38 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: port to new BTA completed Congratulations! -- Craig Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 15:47:10 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs, cc: Markus Mock Subject: bta checked in I checked in the new version with the fixed BTA merge. t166 is now demoted at the beginnin of bblock 37. -- Markus To:, cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: demotions -- argh Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 03:44:56 PDT From: Brian Grant Demotions are trickier than I thought due to two reasons that I had forgotten: 1) Place-holder stores must be inserted in corresponding locations in the setup code. This was a pain, but fairly straightforward. 2) I actually need the demoVars in the BTA on the last STAT(s) where the demoted variables were actually static, not in the BTA of the first STAT where the TEMPs aren't static. I looked through bta-v2.C and made changes to my copy (not committed yet) that I think will do this for the easy cases. However, I'm not sure how to do it for the merge. Markus -- I could use some help with that. Basically, demoVars needs to be updated for every final bblock BTA leading to the merge. This looks like a pain. The other option is to leave the demotion information where it is now and then hoist it later. This may sound easier, but it also seems no better since it has the same problems with matching divisions and filtering demoVars based on the StaticVarInfo. --Brian To: Subject: it works!!! Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 11:43:31 PDT From: Brian Grant I don't think it is too soon to proclaim victory! Except for a small bug (possibly in the merger?) in generating a handful of floating-point instructions, the small multi-unit example works. It was more difficult than expected to properly handle demotions (when a live static temp is killed, we need to reload the static value into its original temp) working. One reason was that the demotion information looks ahead by one program point. We need to know when a temp will no longer be static (but currently still is, so we can get the value). The easiest way to do this was to have the BTA compute what live static temps have been dropped from the set of static temps, and then have a post-pass hoist these sets to the BTA info on the previous program points. There was additional trouble in figuring out where to insert the loads in the template code and associated stores in the setup code (the stores are converted to hole-filling code by the merger). On to caching... --Brian Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 11:49:41 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: it works!!! Fantastic!! -- Craig P.S. See you all Thurs at 3pm. Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 22:14:29 -0700 From: Matthai Philipose To: Subject: Simple multi-unit example works (fully)! I just fixed the floating-point instruction emission code (it turns out that some fp instructions only have two arg registers, and this wasn't expected), and the simple multi-unit example now seems to work along all paths. In the meantime, I have identified a few efficiency hacks I want to get out of the way tomorrow. Matthai Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 13:02:12 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: OP_part_get_dyc_static_deref(op) Matthai, can I assume that this returns 0 iff the load is not static? I.e. is this the right macro to use? -- Markus To: Cc:, Subject: Re: it works!!! Date: Thu, 11 Sep 97 14:31:04 -0700 From: Susan Eggers Great news. What's your "large multi-unit example"? Susan To: Subject: cache_one_unchecked Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 11:36:44 PDT From: Brian Grant It's working. --Brian Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 11:48:03 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: cache_one_unchecked > From Fri Sep 12 11:36:52 1997 > Delivery-Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 11:36:53 PDT > X-Mailer: exmh version 1.5.3 12/28/94 > Reply-To: > To: > Subject: cache_one_unchecked > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 11:36:44 PDT > From: Brian Grant > > It's working. > > --Brian > Cool! A feature a day is a nice pace.... -- Craig To: Cc: Subject: Re: cache_one_unchecked Date: Fri, 12 Sep 97 11:44:11 -0700 From: Susan Eggers Great, I like this snowballing. Susan To:, cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: checked in changes in bin, lib, mflow/p2dyc Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 15:40:45 PDT From: Brian Grant that allow contiguous code-space allocation. I haven't eliminated the unneeded branches, however. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: what's next... Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 11:42:52 PDT From: Brian Grant No comments on the priority list? In any case, I'm going to continue to debug my code using bigger examples. I'm going to try some simple unrolled loops first, then move on to the byte-code interpreter. I'll let everybody know when that works. --Brian To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: demotions bug Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 10:10:40 PDT From: Brian Grant Try the following routine: ---- #include #include double rum=5.0; double H(int i) { double sum=rum; make_static(i); sum += ((double) i); return sum; } ---- The dynamic region should consist of a single ILFLOAT conversion STAT, and the following GADD STAT should have a demotion for the temp computed by ILFLOAT. However, the GADD STAT has no BTA information (because it's outside the region?). --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: UsedVars Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 11:22:48 PDT From: Brian Grant We (Matthai, Markus, and I) have decided to can the UsedVars analysis for now. We're going to turn it off with a command-line option and simply not dump anything from the division except at make_dynamic annotations and merges (for mono_divide variables). UsedVars seems like a good idea, but as implemented, it removes things too aggressively, preventing specialized uses of some derived static values. What we may want it to reflect is uses of derived values, but that would be significantly more difficult to compute than what we do now, would require much more space, and would be redundant with the part of the BTA that computes derivations (ideally, that part of the analysis would be factored out). So, it seems best to rely on make_dynamic for now. Another possibility would be to have another policy that controls whether to filter a variable with UsedVars or not, but that seems unnecessarily complicated. --Brian Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 11:28:30 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: UsedVars I'd like to hear more about what the problems are at our weekly meeting. But only for my curiosity, not to second-guess or revisit the decision. I think we should be fine w/o automatic UsedVars for our benchmarking purposes, right? -- Craig To: spin-comp@cs Subject: switching gears to floats, longs, and pointers Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 11:34:07 PDT From: Brian Grant I'm switching gears a little. Instead of working on debugging loop unrolling, I'm working on adding support for 64-bit (e.g. pointer) and floating-point run-time constants. The current RTCONST pathway wasn't set up to deal with them, so I'm going to implement the original plan of inserting explicit stores and loads. This is what the merger would do if I could get the RTCONST path to work (which is difficult because the same kinds of instructions can't be used for floating-point values). Eventually, we want to eliminate redundant stores and loads, so this seems like the way to go. --Brian To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: UsedVars Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 11:37:38 PDT From: Matthai Philipose > I'd like to hear more about what the problems are at our weekly meeting. But > only for my curiosity, not to second-guess or revisit the decision. I think > we should be fine w/o automatic UsedVars for our benchmarking purposes, right? > > -- Craig > Yeah, we can always place explicit make_dynamics instead of using the used_vars. On the other hand, if we modified the bta to remove a var from a division only if it is not in the used-vars _and_ none of its derived temps are live, we could get rid of the "too aggressive" behavior of the current bta. Not that we should implement it in the short term, but it may be a good thing to add when we have some free time. Matthai Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 12:01:24 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: cc:, spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: demotions bug I fixed it, it was due to the comparing the in-out staticVars set without taking into account FilterStaticVars that can kick additional temps out. However, in the concrete example still no demotions are computed, since t104 is not live after stat 132. -- Markus On Tue, 16 Sep 1997, Brian Grant wrote: > Try the following routine: > > ---- > > #include > #include > double rum=5.0; > double H(int i) > { > double sum=rum; > > make_static(i); > sum += ((double) i); > return sum; > } > ---- > > The dynamic region should consist of a single ILFLOAT conversion STAT, and > the following GADD STAT should have a demotion for the temp computed by > ILFLOAT. However, the GADD STAT has no BTA information (because it's outside > the region?). > > --Brian > To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: new way to end traces Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 01:50:08 PDT From: Brian Grant I had troubles with tags moving to where they shouldn't. There was no easy way to insert the IGOTO barriers where I needed them, so I implemented the scheme we discussed, where a single tag can mark the beginning of a new trace. I just had to add essentially one test to a subroutine of the trace picker. Pretty cool. BTW, the redundant IGOTO edges are apparently eliminated in ts/tags.C, so I'm not sure what they did for us beyond single-edged IGOTOs. --Brian Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 10:40:59 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: no Whirlwind meetings? I'd like to postpone the Friday Whirlwind/DC meetings until there's some specific topic(s) to discuss. I'm feeling like I want to focus on just a couple of things, get them designed to some reasonable level, and then move on to a couple other things, rather than many things simultaneously without much thinking between meetings. I feel that we got out many of the interesting issues in the couple of meetings we had, so people can be thinking of them even if we don't meet. OK? -- Craig Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 10:41:28 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: no meeting thursday I'm at Battelle (the faculty retreat/glorified faculty meeting) all day Thursday, so I can't meet then. We can reschedule either for e.g. 11am on Friday (in place of the Whirlwind meeting), or today 2:30-3:30, or cancel for this week. What's your preference? -- Craig Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 15:12:05 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: PLDI'91? Did any of you borrow my PLDI '91 proceedings? I seem to be missing it. Thanks. -- Craig Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 11:44:59 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: specializeLazy Brian, what is the annotation for specializeLazy (not loopSpecializeLazy) in dyc2c? I only see lazy, looplazy and eager there. -- Markus Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 11:05:48 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting? Aren't we meeting now? (11am) -- Craig Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 11:12:55 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: ICFP proceedings For any of you who didn't get your own copy of ICFP proceedings as part of your SIGPLAN membership, I have (Susan's) spare copy to give you. FCFS. -- Craig To: cc: Matthai Philipose , Subject: Run-Time Specialization Examples Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 15:30:18 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Dear Charles, I'm a member of the UW dynamic compilation group, working with Professors Susan Eggers and Craig Chambers. We're in the process of testing our new dynamic compilation system, and would like to try out the benchmarks from your "Automatic, Template-Based Run-Time Specialization: Implementation and Experimental Study" tech report. You mentioned during your visit here that you would be willing to make these programs available to us. We would like to take you up on your generous offer. Can you please place the source code in an area accessible to me, and let me know how to get at it? If you have any additional benchmarks you have numbers for, we would be delighted to try those on our system too. Thanks, Matthai Philipose To: spin-comp@cs Subject: minor victory Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 17:00:14 PDT From: Brian Grant One small float example works, another doesn't. I'm having a little more trouble with tags. I have a little more work yet on demotions. All in all, I would guess one more day is required on the demotions and back-end work. Ug. However, after that, the bulk of my code should be pretty robust. Then, on to loops... --Brian Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 21:41:20 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: laziness computation committed I've committed the code that computes the laziness info. It's automatically called from the BTA module. bta_export.H has the interface function to query if an edge is lazy or not. -- Markus To: cc:, spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: yet more demotion weirdness Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 13:10:50 PDT From: Brian Grant Continuing with test3i2.DyC... At the bottom of the loop, t128 is demoted. Does UsedVars ignore back edges? At the end of the dynamic region, t142 is demoted, I think, due to a "use" of "i" by the make_dynamic. If you transfer the make_static and make_dynamic annotations to their own representations, you should probably replace their call STATs with TAG_ANCHORs to eliminate bogus uses before the BTA runs. Do you see any problems with this approach? It seems like the right thing to do, at least for make_dynamic. It should be ok for make_static, too, I think. --Brian To: Subject: somewhat bad news about loop unrolling Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 13:19:41 PDT From: Brian Grant It is the case, at least for the short examples that I've seen, that Multiflow creates a second induction-variable temp to control the loop. This temp does not receive the same treatment by the BTA as the original, annotated temp. So, the loop-exit condition is determined to be dynamic when it should be static. What this means is that we need to modify p2ivs (the induction-variable- munging pass) to transfer the temp-variable correspondence to the new temps. We don't expect this to be difficult for Matthai to do (he setup the original correspondence between temps and variables). There are some other problems with loops in the BTA and in my code as well, so I doubt that loop unrolling will work by Friday. --Brian To: Subject: induction-variable "simplification" Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 14:06:00 PDT From: Brian Grant For now, it's just turned off. --Brian To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: STAT_dyc2_staticOp Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 17:20:43 PDT From: Brian Grant Once we have multiple divisions, STAT_dyc2_staticOp(stat) must be set in a post-pass after divisions are split. For now, I've hacked my version to set it appropriately for branches (not yet committed) during the BTA, as it is for assignments. --Brian To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: static branches Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 23:15:59 PDT From: Brian Grant I put in some support for static branches into the merger. For example, I updated the lines that remove the bogus instructions. I also put in code to record the STATIC_BRANCH branch layout prediction tag. However, more support needs to be put in. If both edges go to dynamic code (other template blocks), then an unconditional branch must be put in, similar to the NO_BRANCH case. I'm not yet sure what to do about edges to static code. They shoud also sort of be handled like NO_BRANCH for each possible static destination. The question is when to insert the jumps to static code. I can either try to put them in the template graph, in which case I'm not sure how to label them. Or, the merger can cause it to be emitted at the top of the destination's block. Hmm... --Brian To: Subject: outline for the paper Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 18:03:49 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Folks, Here's the outline (actually a detailed introduction section) I came up with last week. I haven't yet incorporated Craig's suggestions on what we should measure to prove the points we claim below. The stuff preceded by *** summarizes the intension of the paragraph that follows. Matthai ------------ ***What is DC; DC is cool Dynamic Compilation, the generation and optimization of code at runtime, has received much attention recently as a means of transforming programs using information available at runtime. Proposed applications for this capability have included specializing architectural simulators for the configuration being simulated, language interpreters for the program being interpreted, numerical programs for dimensions and values of frequently used arrays, and critical paths in operating systems for the type of data being processed and the current state of the system. Trends in software engineering toward dynamic reconfigurability, parameterization for re-use and portability across hardware architecture all imply a promising role for dynamic compilation. ***People have shown DC is viable, but not for big programs: Recent research efforts have made considerable progress towards proving the viability of dynamic compilation. In particular, researchers have demonstrated that run-time optimization overhead can be more than amortized quickly by the increased efficiency of the optimized code for many small, frequently used kernels. Existing techniques have, however, failed to demonstrate applicability on any existing applications of the size and complexity of the interpreters and simulators mentioned above. The underlying reason for the failure is the tradeoff between expressivity of the language interface for dynamic compilation and its ease of use: --Systems that require the programmer to explicity construct, compose and compile the dynamically generated code ("imperative systems") imply large scale re-writing of existing code that needs to be dynamically compiled. --Systems that offer a declarative scheme of sparse user-annotation to guide dynamic compilation ("declarative systems" have not been able to express directions for compiling complex programs in a natural, compact way. ***This the new stuff we do: In this paper, we describe a declarative annotation-based system which: --Is expressive enough to exploit complex opportunities for dynamic compilation in large, realistic programs. The required expressiveness is significantly beyond that of existing annotation-based DC systems. --Requires only sparse annotations of existing statically compilable code, thereby eliminating the rewriting hurdle of existing imperative systems --Is based on a principled extension of traditional offline PE techniques to the online case, and --Produces code of quality comparable to that other existing systems at similar speeds. ***This is how we do it, in a paragraph: Summarize features (~list from PEPM paper intro): --per program-point specialization. --polyvariant specialization and division. --on-demand specialization to avoid specializing for values not yet computed. --interprocedural specialization with support for separate compilation. --automatic caching of specialized code ***We can get speedups on reasonable inputs for _big_ programs We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by profitably applying dynamic compilation to javap, the bytecode interpreter for the Java programming language, and to MIPSI, an instruction-level simulator for the MIPS R3000. Translating the dynamically compiled regions of these programs (x and y lines of C) into an imperative language would clearly require a lengthy, painstaking effort by programmers using an imperative scheme. In contrast, we enable dynamic compilation of both systems by adding a few carefully selected annotations (x and y lines) to their C source code. We also identify the features of these applications that prevent existing annotation-based systems from optimizing them without substantial re-writing. ***JITs do much better than us; why? opportunities... Using java provides us the opportunity... The existence of hand-written "just-in-time" (and conventional) compilers for Java bytecode allows us to measure a few more data-points on the code-quality vs. compilation time curve. ***We do as well as other systems: not trading off expressivity/ease for speed. The improved expressivity and ease of use of our system do not come at the expense of dynamically generated code quality or longer dynamic compile times. Though our current system is not configured for extremely aggressive run-time optimizations (we do not perform global optimizations such as register allocation or scheduling), we use a combination of cheap local optimization, extensive static global optimization of templates for dynamic code and customized code-generators to achieve speedups and code-generation costs comparable to those of other existing systems. We ***We will do much better, once our future work is done: microbenchmarks with proposed optimizations show this (Brian's list): + Cost of not specializing calls + Categorized unit boundary crossings (promotions, discordant merges, etc.) + Cache lookups + Work-list operations + Function-call overhead + Per-instruction-generated (with & without above overheads) + Cost of not doing register actions. ***Summary of sections Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 10:42:32 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: cc:,, Subject: Re: yet more demotion weirdness I have fixed the problem. > > At the end of the dynamic region, t142 is demoted, I think, due to a "use" of > "i" by the make_dynamic. If you transfer the make_static and make_dynamic > annotations to their own representations, you should probably replace their > call STATs with TAG_ANCHORs to eliminate bogus uses before the BTA runs. Do > you see any problems with this approach? It seems like the right thing to > do, at least for make_dynamic. It should be ok for make_static, too, I think. > That will require me to change FindAnnotationsStats where I am looking for those calls and also the way I grab the policies. So before you make that change let me know. -- Markus Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 15:41:14 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting I can meet Mondays any time between 1 and 3. -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: meeting Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 15:42:42 PDT From: Brian Grant >> I can meet Mondays any time between 1 and 3. Sounds good. --Brian Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 15:43:23 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: meeting How about 1:30? Susan Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 16:05:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers cc: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: meeting > > How about 1:30? Fine with me. -- Markus Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 16:24:53 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , Markus Mock , Subject: @ annotation for calls Matthai, since you're already familiar with the front end, it's best if you add that annotation to the front end. Just let me know how I can get the static annotation for calls then (probably the same thing works that did for loads) thanks. -- Markus Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 16:34:10 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: Job opportunities [Luke is a Consel student.] ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Fri Sep 26 11:52:10 1997 Delivery-Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 11:52:11 PDT Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 20:52:06 +0200 From: Luke Hornof To: Subject: Re: Job opportunities Hello again, Craig, ... I will, however, be visiting Seattle on Oct. 23 and 24 (to visit Microsoft) and would happy to stop by UW to give a talk as well. If you are interested, please let me know which day (23rd or 24th) would be better for you. Thanks, Luke ----- End Included Message ----- I said yes. Which day/time would be best for you all? I'll probably try to arrange a general talk, e.g. in 422. -- Craig Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 16:44:13 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@klamath Subject: individual meetings I need to reschedule all individual meetings at the start of the quarter (for next week). I'm free 11am-5pm MWF except for Monday 1pm onwards and Wednesdays 2:30-4. (And if forced I can schedule time on TTh.) Pick some good times, and I'll try to fit people in. -- Craig Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 16:53:25 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: demotion changes committed I've committed the changes that fixed the problems with the computation of demotions in our examples. I've also added a switch P2DYC_use_used_vars (default = FALSE) to turn filtering by used vars on/off. By default used vars are ignored as they caused us some problems in our examples. -- Markus Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 16:55:24 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: Job opportunities Why don't you fold him into an ongoing seminar? Susan Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 17:34:19 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, eggers@yakima Subject: Re: Job opportunities > From eggers@yakima Fri Sep 26 16:55:26 1997 > Delivery-Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 16:55:27 PDT > Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 16:55:24 -0700 > From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) > To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath > Subject: Re: Job opportunities > > Why don't you fold him into an ongoing seminar? > > Susan > What does that mean? What seminar on Thurs or Friday are you thinking of? Or do you mean the colloq? -- Craig Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 17:56:23 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, eggers@yakima, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: Job opportunities I was thining the collog, but on second thought that perhaps is not appropriate. Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 11:17:12 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: removing annotation calls I've not committed the code yet but it works. However, it causes your setup pass to crash at different places, maybe because you assume the annotatation to be in a call stat? At any rate, I added a command line switch to turn the replacement with a tag stat off P2DYC_bta_delete_annot_call If you want to take a look at it now, I an check it in right away. Othewise I'll first change the dotgraph routines first and update it in one shot. -- Markus To: Subject: Dynamic compilation of xv Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 16:03:58 PDT From: Matthai Philipose The `C folks got their speedup got their speedup on XV by unrolling the inner-loop below. The big gains are through eliminating bounds checks. --n2 and sel[x|y|w|h] are runtime constants, but --x and y are dynamic (i.e. we cannot afford to specialize on them). Seems to me that in order to avoid promotions at every (innermost) loop iteration, we would need to re-write the loop as I have at the bottom. Essentially, we want to expose the fact that the loop-bound is a runtime constant. The weird thing is that re-writing it in this manner seems to put an additional calculation in the loop body. In the long run, this seems like a transformation that could be done automatically by a runtime optimization-aware static loop optimizer at least for simple loops. Comments/corrections/suggestions? Matthai ----------- Original version: ----------- for (y1=y-n2; y1<=y+n2; y1++) { if (y1>=sely && y1=selx && x1=sely && y1=selx && x1 Charlie's message follows. His offer to help fix 64-bit related bugs still stands. Matthai ------- Forwarded Message Date: 29 Sep 1997 16:16:01 From: Charlie Garrett To: Matthai Philipose Subject: Re: Work on paper for pldi? Matthai, It sounds like my message got garbled in transmission. Here is what I sent Craig: > Second, let me know if you run into any difficulties with my changes > to Multiflow. It sounds like the group is making slow and steady > progress and I don't want my work to become a roadblock for you. > Unfortunately, I don't have any time to spare to work on a new part of the DyC project. I will be very, very busy until late November. All I meant to say was that if you turn up some bugs in my changes to Multiflow, you should contact me. That's for two reasons. First, I should be able to fix it faster since I am more familiar with it. Second, I will feel terrible if my code prevents you from running one of the benchmarks. Having said that, please do ask me questions if there is something you want to know about Alpha measurement code and send me a draft of the paper when you want comments. > At the meeting everyone seemed comfortable with making you a co-author > > on the paper. That's very kind of you, but I think an acknowledgement is fine for my contribution. I did almost nothing to help design the system or to implement the DyC algorithms. I just helped bring the infrastructure up to snuff. - -- Charlie ------- End of Forwarded Message To: Subject: loop unrolling works Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 16:31:30 PDT From: Brian Grant I'll try our polynomial interpreter from the previous set of benchmarks next... --Brian Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 16:58:51 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: Charlie's too busy to help He is so nice. Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 09:59:49 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, cecil@cs Subject: FW: Paintball ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Tue Sep 30 09:36:37 1997 Delivery-Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 09:36:38 PDT From: T R Morris To: kimera , spin , rocky2 Cc: Tom Anderson , Craig Chambers , Susan Eggers Subject: FW: Paintball Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 09:32:22 -0700 X-Priority: 3 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.0.1458.49) Hey gang, I have contacted a paintball organization in Black Diamond, WA (between Tacoma and Mt. Rainier). They have Saturday and Sunday openings in late October (25th or 26th ) and November is wide open (weekends only). The cost is $25 per person and includes semiautomatic pistols and 10 rounds of ammo (1$ buys 25 more). Lunch (hot dogs, chips and pop) is included provided we have at least 20 people. We can play from dawn till dusk. Now comes the hard part: What day works best, or rather, what days do not work for those that are interested? I'll coordinate. TR P.S. (To: Tom, Craig and Susan) any of your students who are not part of spin, kimera, or rocky2 need to be notified. Please either forward the message or let me know who they are so I can do it. ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 13:16:36 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: Dynamic compilation of xv Interesting. You're factoring out the static part of some calculation, for better binding time separation. Yes, it could be done automatically in some smarter compiler. I think it's fair to say that we hand-modified to do this separation manually, in order to get the right effects. Such hand mods hopefully are easier than `C-ifying. Certainly you can test & debug the program after hand-mods, which you can't easily do after `C-ifying. -- Craig Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 15:30:26 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: changes to dotgraph routines checked in I've checked in the changes to the dotgraph dumping routines. If DGOPT_show_bta_info is set to true the bta info before and after each block will be included. Also stats are marked as dynamic / static and individual temps are marked (@) if they are static before the stat. The annotation calls are now removed and replaced by tag stats, this can be switched off by setting the option P2DYC_bta_delete_annot_calls to false. -- Markus Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 16:40:06 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: C-front end changes Any progress on the static annotation for function calls? -- Markus Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 17:25:20 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs, Subject: another bta update I had to make a fix (some non-annotation calls got replaced by tags). Please update again. -- Markus To: Markus Mock cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: call arguments Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997 12:38:34 PDT From: Brian Grant >> Since true and the loop condition are not mutually exclusive the merge would >> be dynamic even with reachability analysis. What this says to me is that whatever scheme we devised to handle static loops is broken and we should fix it. It appears that loop heads will never be static and will always require cache lookups. Is that correct? Is that what we want? Is the following rule our current one? Two edges are mutually exclusive if the conjunction of their reachability conditions is not satisfiable. A merge is static if all of its incoming edges are pairwise mutually exclusive. --Brian Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 12:52:33 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Luke Hornoff Since no one expressed any constraints, how about scheduling a talk 2:30 on Friday Oct 24? Also, any suggestions from us about what he talks about? I'll suggest a half- hour talk, fyi. -- Craig ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Wed Oct 1 12:49:31 1997 Delivery-Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997 12:49:32 PDT Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 21:49:02 +0200 From: Luke Hornof To: Subject: UW visit in October Hi Craig, I was just wondering if you able to tell me which date would be best for me to visit UW: Oct 23 or 24 (or even the 22nd). Thanks, Luke ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 13:48:51 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: Luke Hornoff Matthai and I have our standing meeting then. Let's pick another time. I am also tied up on Friday before 11:30 and 1:30 - 2:30. Susan Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 14:53:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: VOID DYC2_XferPointInfo(DYC2_BTA from, DYC2_BTA to) is checked in. -- Markus Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 16:11:21 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: Luke Hornoff I've coordinated w/ Daniel Weise, who's interviewing Hornoff, and we have Friday afternoon to see him. So we have to pick a time then. How about 11:30-12:30? -- Craig Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 16:23:18 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: Luke Hornoff I have that time free. Susan ----- Begin Included Message ----- From chambers@klamath Wed Oct 1 16:11:32 1997 To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: Luke Hornoff X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII Content-Length: 170 X-Lines: 6 Status: RO I've coordinated w/ Daniel Weise, who's interviewing Hornoff, and we have Friday afternoon to see him. So we have to pick a time then. How about 11:30-12:30? -- Craig ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 16:26:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers cc: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: Luke Hornoff Works for me too. -- Markus Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 18:38:42 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: context problem example Can you send me a pointer to the file that caused the problem? I'd like to use it to test the fix. -- Markus To: mock@june cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: bug in BTA: duplicate point-specific info Date: Thu, 02 Oct 1997 01:35:45 PDT From: Brian Kris Grant The BTA violates an agreed-upon invariant, which is it duplicates point- specific information at multiple program points. The example is: /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/Test/regression/static-branch.DyC BBLOCK 32: preds: 31 34 succs: stats: 170 LRET.NV 26 0 1 [N32] [<_sum$1.6>t123] $2.3$2auto_size(I32) <>t124 <>t125 0(I64) In DYC2_BtaIdfa () at p2bta/bta-v2.C:471, the BBLOCK_dyc2_final_bta is assigned to point to the same BTA as BBLOCK_dyc2_initial_bta, which contains a demotion for TEMP 123. Division 0: {<_n$1.5PolyDiv,PolySpec,AutoPromo,CachePAllU,CacheMAll,Eager><_x$1.5PolyDiv,PolySpec,AutoPromo,CachePAllU,CacheMAll,Eager>} Static Temps: {} Promoted Temps: {} Discordant Temps: {} Demoted Temps: {123} The problem is due to line 534, in FlowStat. You just pass the incoming BTA as the output in the case of a return STAT. If the BTA has point- specific info, this can't be done. I didn't see any other cases where that was done, but if you know of any, they need to be fixed, too. Thanks. --Brian To: Markus Mock cc: Subject: @ for functions Date: Thu, 02 Oct 1997 11:14:10 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Markus, I finally got the @ for function calls to work. There was a little bit of yacc hackery involved. To check if a particular call stat is a static call, you can use: STAT_op_part_get(stat,dyc_static_call) which will be true iff the call is a static call. Of course, you should first check if the stat is a call using something like: if(STAT_group_prop(stat,call)) ... This is because I have overloaded the static_deref bit on the OP datastructure to mean different things for calls and memory dereferences. Matthai To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: IGOTO stuff that may help Date: Thu, 02 Oct 1997 11:14:36 PDT From: Brian Grant I assume STAT_switch_igoto(stat) is NULL only for STATs I create. It should be fine to set this field to non-NULL for copies. p2dyc/boilerplate.C:dyc_MakeJumpTableAndLoad You won't be able to use this directly, but it should provide an example for how to munge a tag array. p2dyc/util.C:dyc_CopyStat Has the code that makes new tag names when they are copied. Right now the new tags are appended with .dyc_copy.%d, but you can make that string whatever you like. If you need to propagate/set STAT_switch_igoto, this is the place to do it. p2graph/stat_3.C: cfe_alpha/ccode.C: p2cse: il2/mem.C: Sets/propagates STAT_switch_igoto. p2dcr/p2dcr.C: Dead code removal is the pass that removes useless IGOTOs. Search for switch_igoto. p2dyc/p2dyc.C:dyc_FixTagArrays This is where I expect this to be done. If it isn't the best place, feel free to move it. --Brian Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 14:35:44 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Luke Hornoff talk OK, I messed up and forgot that I arranged with Daniel to have Luke here Friday afternoon, not 11:30am. Asking around quickly suggests 3:30, Oct. 24, as an acceptable time. (Matthai, we'll have to reschedule our meeting.) OK? -- Craig Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 14:49:59 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: Luke Hornoff talk 3:30 is fine. -- Markus Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 17:26:08 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose cc: Subject: Re: @ for functions Matthai, can you look at /afs/ It appears that the function call is not marked as static: sum += sin@(M_PI / ((double) i)); (I assume that is the right syntax at least the compiler did not complain) -- Markus Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 18:11:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock , Matthai Philipose Subject: bta update Brian, both the context and the static function call changes are checked in now. The static call doesn't work yet since Matthai's annotation gets lost before the BTA runs (we just looked at that). Once Matthai fixes this, static calls should work alright. -- Markus Date: Fri, 3 Oct 1997 10:11:37 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant cc: Markus Mock , Matthai Philipose , Subject: Re: bta update Great! Matthai's changes also let the BTA now pick up the @-call annotation and calls are correctly identified as static if annotated (and the arguments are static). -- Markus On Fri, 3 Oct 1997, Brian Grant wrote: > The context fix works for the examples I had. > > Thanks. > --Brian > To: Markus Mock cc: Subject: Inputs for Consel's examples. Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 14:00:58 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Markus, Here are Luke Hornof's comments on inputs for their kernels. Enjoy! Matthai ------- Forwarded Message Date: 29 Sep 1997 20:36:39 From: Luke Hornof To: Subject: Re: Run-Time Specialization Examples > Luke, > Do you by any chance have the sample input files you used > to test the programs you sent us? Sample output files would be > great too, so we can test our results to make sure we're not > producing junk. > Thanks, > Matthai Inputs - ------ romberg: I think you have all that you need. cubic spline: both vectors filled using following routine: void fill_vect(int size, float u[MAX]) { int i; for (i=0; i cc: Subject: Change of plans... Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 14:03:44 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Because Brian and I have been busy trying to get the back end to work for the stack (and mipsi) examples, we (along with Susan) decided at this monday's meeting that it makes much more sense for you to start work on compiling consel's benchmark and xv than to get the dispatcher going. Consel's benchmarks are in /afs/ el and xv is in afs/ I have looked at both these and they should be amenable to annotation and dynamic compilation. Consel's benchmarks are described in their tech report "Automatic Template- Based Run-Time Specialization: Implementation and Experimental Study". I have forwarded to you Hornoff's comments on inputs for these apps in a separate mail. The function to be munged in xv is the doBlurConvolv() function in: /afs/ My comments on this app are appended; Craig seems to agree with my assessment (i.e. the loop needs to be re-written as indicated). Let me know of any questions. Matthai ---------------My previous mail on xv: The `C folks got their speedup got their speedup on XV by unrolling the inner-loop below. The big gains are through eliminating bounds checks. --n2 and sel[x|y|w|h] are runtime constants, but --x and y are dynamic (i.e. we cannot afford to specialize on them). Seems to me that in order to avoid promotions at every (innermost) loop iteration, we would need to re-write the loop as I have at the bottom. Essentially, we want to expose the fact that the loop-bound is a runtime constant. The weird thing is that re-writing it in this manner seems to put an additional calculation in the loop body. In the long run, this seems like a transformation that could be done automatically by a runtime optimization-aware static loop optimizer at least for simple loops. Comments/corrections/suggestions? Matthai ----------- Original version: ----------- for (y1=y-n2; y1<=y+n2; y1++) { if (y1>=sely && y1=selx && x1=sely && y1=selx && x1 Please send me mail when you get in and let me know when/whether I should come up. I've been debugging the compiler for this stack program. There have been many minor problems. Its CFG is by far the most complex we've tried to tackle (fairly long if-then-else). I fixed the problem in the back end that was alternately causing the compiler to hang or fail an assertion. It had to do (again) with the way we were causing traces to end/begin. Essentially, there are informational nodes that must be allowed in the trace following the point where we would like to end the trace. After that problem was solved and the compiler was generating code, I found that tags were being duplicated and lost (that's fixed), holes were being duplicated and lost (not yet fixed), and holes were being reordered (not yet fixed). Most of the problems stemmed from a small number of bugs. For example, most of the problems with the holes appear to arise do to the particular iterator I'm using to process the operand of each IL operation. I thought it was the right one, but it can include values that are not real operands. It appears that there may not be a general iterator that iterates over just real operands, so I have to write one that will special-case each different type of operation. I'm not yet sure if that means a dozen special cases or a hundred. --Brian To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: reminder: hole numbers Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 16:33:06 PDT From: Brian Grant Use the hole numbers to match setup place-holder stores with holes in the template. Only print a warning if there is no template hole corresponding to a setup place holder. Obviously, there must always be a place holder for every store. --Brian Date: Wed, 8 Oct 1997 17:44:46 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers cc:, Subject: Re: Change of plans... That's ok with me. -- Markus On Wed, 8 Oct 1997, Susan Eggers wrote: > > Markus -- > > Is this ok with you? Our rationale was that getting Consel's > programs to run was a better debugging exercise for DyC > (and we need this at this point) and that we need to get a > comparison for the paper anyway. > Then we could work on the dispatcher next. > > Susan > Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 17:29:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: crash in p2dyc/setup.C:1853 Expression ( UnitTail == BBLOCK_DYC_INFO_UnitTail(BBlock) ) evaluated to FALSE at (file:line) p2dyc/setup.C:1853 for /afs/ Can you take a look at it? Thanks. -- Markus Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 17:43:59 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: source var bug? Matthai, before any of the bta runs I get: FATAL COMPILER ERROR ? Assertion failed. ? Annotation argument without a source-var ? (file:line) p2rvd/p2rvd.C:513 for program /afs/ Can you take a look? Thanks. -- Markus To: Markus Mock cc: Subject: Re: source var bug? Date: Thu, 09 Oct 1997 18:07:21 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Markus, The problem lies in the fact that if you say make_static on a variable before it is defined, the temporary you make_ static does not have an var associated with it. For the short term, you can get around this problem by introducing pseudo-definitions of the variable before the use. I am not sure how to fix this in the long term... i.e. how to get over the problem that mflow does not seem to associate undefined uses with a particular temp. I have appended a munged version of the program below which passes throught the early stuff but seems to barf in p2dyc. Matthai ps: You should probably just document the problem with each failed program or send an update, and proceed to the next program. With the simpler programs, it's proably a good idea to look at the bta information (i.e. at least which stat is static vs. dynamic) and ensure that the info is ok as best you can. ----------------- /* annotated by Markus Mock */ #include #include #define MAX 500 /* csi(S, S, D, D); */ void csi(int n, float x[MAX], float y[MAX], float z[MAX]) { float h_0[MAX],b[MAX],u_0[MAX],v[MAX]; float* h=h_0,*u=u_0; int i=0; make_static(n, x); make_static(i,h); for (i = 0; i<= n-1; i=i+1){ h[i] = x@[i+1]-x@[i]; b[i] = (6/h@[i])*(y[i+1]-y[i]); } make_static(u); u[1] = 2*(h@[0]+h@[1]); v[1] = b[1]-b[0]; for (i = 2; i <= n-1; i=i+1){ u[i] = 2*(h@[i]+h@[i-1])-h@[i-1]*h@[i-1]/u@[i-1]; v[i] = b[i]-b[i-1]-h@[i-1]*v[i-1]/u@[i-1]; } z[n] = 0; i=n-1; if ( i>=1 ) do { z[i] = (v[i]-h@[i]*z[i+1])/u@[i]; i=i-1; } while ( i>=1 ); z[0] = 0; } Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 18:11:07 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose cc: Subject: Re: source var bug? Ok. Yeah, I am looking at the BTA so I am not completely held up, but we want to run things eventually. The fix for that program is simple, though. Thanks. -- Markus On Thu, 9 Oct 1997, Matthai Philipose wrote: > Markus, > The problem lies in the fact that if you say make_static > on a variable before it is defined, the temporary you make_ > static does not have an var associated with it. For the short > term, you can get around this problem by introducing pseudo-definitions > of the variable before the use. I am not sure how to fix this in the > long term... i.e. how to get over the problem that mflow does > not seem to associate undefined uses with a particular temp. > > I have appended a munged version of the program below which > passes throught the early stuff but seems to barf in p2dyc. > Matthai > > ps: You should probably just document the problem with each failed program > or send an update, and proceed to the next program. With the simpler > programs, it's proably a good idea to look at the bta information > (i.e. at least which stat is static vs. dynamic) and ensure that > the info is ok as best you can. > > ----------------- > > /* annotated by Markus Mock */ > #include > #include > > #define MAX 500 > > /* csi(S, S, D, D); */ > void csi(int n, float x[MAX], float y[MAX], float z[MAX]) > { > float h_0[MAX],b[MAX],u_0[MAX],v[MAX]; > float* h=h_0,*u=u_0; > int i=0; > > make_static(n, x); > make_static(i,h); > for (i = 0; i<= n-1; i=i+1){ > h[i] = x@[i+1]-x@[i]; > b[i] = (6/h@[i])*(y[i+1]-y[i]); > } > > make_static(u); > u[1] = 2*(h@[0]+h@[1]); > v[1] = b[1]-b[0]; > for (i = 2; i <= n-1; i=i+1){ > u[i] = 2*(h@[i]+h@[i-1])-h@[i-1]*h@[i-1]/u@[i-1]; > v[i] = b[i]-b[i-1]-h@[i-1]*v[i-1]/u@[i-1]; > } > > z[n] = 0; > i=n-1; > if ( i>=1 ) > do { > z[i] = (v[i]-h@[i]*z[i+1])/u@[i]; > i=i-1; > } while ( i>=1 ); > z[0] = 0; > } > > Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 13:11:36 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs, zahorjan@cs Subject: Appel Java compiler book? I can't find my copy of Appel's Java compiler book. Did I loan it to any of you? -- Craig Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 15:51:58 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , Matthai Philipose , cc: Markus Mock Subject: discordant temps bug It appears that the discordant_temps prepass does not correctly compute that t199 is discordant on entry to block 34 and t200 on entry to block 37. Therefore the discordant sets (and other things) in the bta are not computed correctly. Could you take a look, Matthai. Thanks. -- Markus The example is in /afs/ Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 15:54:28 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: retreat? There was some brief discussion of having a retreat for the group to go off somewhere and think good thoughts about Diesel and Whirlwind (and any other good topics). There was mention that such a retreat could help clarify ideas and approaches, in preparation for writing one or more grant proposals. I'm interested in pursuing this idea, with a Nov. 9 & 10 candidate date. Say drive to the woods morning of Nov. 9, come back afternoon of Nov. 10. Or depending on agenda, go out eve of Nov. 8. What do you all think? Who else do you think we could invite who would be interested and help give us ideas? I was thinking about some people on the Spin project (e.g. Gun has talked about Java server ideas with me), or people on the ZPL project (as another compiler project). Borning-ites? Notkin-ites? -- Craig Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 16:54:18 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: shift meeting time? I would like to schedule a meeting at 2:30 on Mondays. Since that is uncomfortably close to the DyC meeting, can we shift our meetings a bit earlier to 1pm? -- Craig To:, cc: Subject: Trouble with empty setup blocks Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 21:08:29 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Brian, The switch example seems to work, except for the following bug (refer to code below). Basically, the main.dyb_setup_begin_1 block turns out to be empty. Consequently, all branches originally intended for the boundary between main.dyn_setup_end_1_0: and main.dyn_setup_begin_9_0: are now redirected to L12$3. The problem of course, is that this is the wrong control behavior once I merge in emits for template codes for seup_bb_1 and setup_bb_9. One fix may be to put in a dummy store in an empty setup block, so the label is forced. Matthai ----------------- ... main.dyn_setup_end_3_0: L12$3: main.dyn_setup_begin_1_0: main.dyn_setup_end_1_0: main.dyn_setup_begin_9_0: .... Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 21:36:48 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: shift meeting time? fine with me. Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 16:00:30 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs, cc: Markus Mock Subject: update bta fft now runs through, it just fails the merger: /afs/ fft_duhamel.c", line 38: warning: illegal pointer combination Starting BTA... Testing used vars / live temps invariant passed BTA pass finished Merging... line 17902: Label L535$3: for template block template_56 emitted after begin tag at /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/mock/DyC/bin/ line 399, chunk 17902. /afs/ ppmdither.DyC fails in Expression ( BBLOCK_pred_list(BBlock) && BBLOCK_list_bblock(BBLOCK_pred_list(BBlock)) ) evaluated to FALSE at (file:line) p2dyc/util.C:1423 all the programs in your regression suite, Brian, run through fine. -- Markus Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 16:04:30 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: merger warnings what do these mean? dcmake dotproduct.o Compiling... rcc: warning: -S overrides -mAS "dotproduct.c", line 13: warning: illegal pointer combination "dotproduct.c", line 13: warning: illegal pointer combination Starting BTA... Testing used vars / live temps invariant passed BTA pass finished Merging... WARNING: placeholder stl $25,dotproduct.rtconst_2_0_1($31) #class source # line 0, <>t194, 0(I64), dotproduct.rtconst_2_0_1, 0(I32), 0(I32), 0(I32), 0(I32) ignored WARNING: placeholder stl $24,dotproduct.rtconst_2_0_3($31) #class source # line 0, <>t113, 0(I64), dotproduct.rtconst_2_0_3, 0(I32), 0(I32), 0(I32), 0(I32) ignored WARNING: placeholder stl $21,dotproduct.rtconst_2_0_5($31) #class source # line 0, <>t150, 0(I64), dotproduct.rtconst_2_0_5, 0(I32), 0(I32), 0(I32), 0(I32) ignored WARNING: placeholder stl $20,dotproduct.rtconst_2_0_7($31) #class source # line 0, <>t157, 0(I64), dotproduct.rtconst_2_0_7, 0(I32), 0(I32), 0(I32), 0(I32) ignored setup and template holes not for corresponding bblocks in ( stl $27,dotproduct.rtconst_4_0_1($31) #class source # line 0, t165, 0(I64), dotproduct.rtconst_4_0_1, 0(I32), 0(I32), 0(I32), 0(I32) and lda $22,dotproduct.rtconst_6_0($31) #class dmove,dm_constant # dotproduct.rtconst_6_0) *** Exit 2 Stop. This is for the dot product /afs/ -- Markus Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 16:25:46 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting time I've moved my other meeting to be 11:30-1. So I'm happy if we leave the DyC meeting at 1:30. Can we move it back? Thanks. And sorry for the shuffling. -- Craig Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 09:29:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Kris Grant cc: Markus Mock , Matthai Philipose , Subject: Re: stack interpreter > In the BTA you sent me, t197 is made dynamic and demoted in bblock 40, > apparently due to bogus discordant temps that include one of its roots > (t215). This causes all branches on c to be dynamic. > > The program should still work, so I have to fix the inter-unit branch-patching > problem, but it would be nice if the branches were static. :-) Is this > a bug in discordant temps? > Yep. I just checked and on entry these temps are marked as discordant: {197,198,199,215} since t197 has no definition from 38 -> 40 and 39 -> 40 this is a bug in discordant temps. Can you take a look, Matthai? -- Markus > --Brian > > bblock38 [label=" BBlock 38\lStatic Temps: {(t199,CacheAll,{_n$1.2}),(t2 > 15,CacheAll,{_i$1.2}),(t186,CacheAll,{_s$1.1}),(t197,Cache1U,{_i$1.2,_s$1.1})}\l > Promoted Temps: {}\lDiscordant Temps: {}\lDemoted Temps: {}\l 174 IF_REL.GE > @<_n$1.2>t199 0(I64)\lStatic Temps: {(t199,CacheAll,{_n$1.2}),(t215,CacheAll,{_i > $1.2}),(t186,CacheAll,{_s$1.1}),(t197,Cache1U,{_i$1.2,_s$1.1})}\lPromoted Temps: > {}\lDiscordant Temps: {}\lDemoted Temps: {}\l"]; > bblock38 -> bblock40 [label="T"]; > bblock38 -> bblock39 [label="F"]; > > bblock39 [label=" BBlock 39\lStatic Temps: {(t199,CacheAll,{_n$1.2}),(t2 > 15,CacheAll,{_i$1.2}),(t186,CacheAll,{_s$1.1}),(t197,Cache1U,{_i$1.2,_s$1.1})}\l > Promoted Temps: {}\lDiscordant Temps: {}\lDemoted Temps: {}\l 179 TCALL [] [ > ] [addr(_$1STRINGVAR.1)(P64),addr(_$1STRINGVAR.2)(P64),24(SI32)] [] raddr(__asse > rt)(P64)\lStatic Temps: {(t199,CacheAll,{_n$1.2}),(t215,CacheAll,{_i$1.2}),(t186 > ,CacheAll,{_s$1.1}),(t197,Cache1U,{_i$1.2,_s$1.1})}\lPromoted Temps: {}\lDiscord > ant Temps: {}\lDemoted Temps: {}\l"]; > bblock39 -> bblock40; > > bblock40 [label=" BBlock 40\lStatic Temps: {(t199,CacheAll,{_n$1.2}),(t2 > 15,CacheAll,{_i$1.2}),(t186,CacheAll,{_s$1.1})}\lPromoted Temps: {}\lDiscordant > Temps: {199,215}\lDemoted Temps: {197}\l 181 IF_EQT.EQ<_c$1.2>t197 61(SI32)\ > lStatic Temps: {(t199,CacheAll,{_n$1.2}),(t215,CacheAll,{_i$1.2}),(t186,CacheAll > ,{_s$1.1})}\lPromoted Temps: {}\lDiscordant Temps: {}\lDemoted Temps: {}\l"]; > > Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 10:29:57 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: unresolved symbols Matthai, what does the following mean: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status /usr/bin/ld: Unresolved: romberg.rtconst_9_0_1 romberg.rtconst_9_0_3 romberg.rtconst_9_0_5 romberg.rtconst_9_0_7 romberg.rtconst_9_0_11 romberg.rtconst_9_0_13 romberg.rtconst_9_0_16 romberg.rtconst_9_0_18 romberg.rtconst_11_0_1 romberg.rtconst_11_0_3 romberg.rtconst_12_0_1 romberg.rtconst_13_0_1 ? -- Markus To: Subject: one more thing... Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 23:38:51 PDT From: Brian Grant I also checked in a new-and-improved version of dyc2c. You can now just use the plain-old dyc2c and not dyc2c-ms. Differences: -- It now generates foo.noop.c by default instead of foo.c, when -noop is used. -- The output file can be specified with -o. -- It can read and write from/to standard input and output. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: regression tests Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 23:28:40 PDT From: Brian Grant I finished the new version of the regression-test script, rt. I also have created a new-and-improved version of dcmake. I don't have time to go into all of the features now, but feel free to ask me about them. The basic usage is: % rt Or, to test a specific program: % rt program You have to run rt from the regression-test directory (or use the environment variable or command-line option). Do % cvs checkout regression from you DyC directory to grab it. You'll also want to update your bin and lib directories. Put your bin directory in your path if it isn't there already. I'm pretty sure all of the programs in the suite once worked, but now most fail for me. Before I check in my version, I'll try to fix the problems. Please run the suite using your versions of the compiler and let me know which ones fail. Here are my results: +++ Application extend-context passed ### Application float-demotions failed ### Application float-holes failed +++ Application float-int passed +++ Application float-unroll passed ### Application int-unroll failed ### Application loop-lazy crashed +++ Application multiunit-all passed ### Application multiunit-lazy crashed ### Application multiunit-promote crashed +++ Application multiunit-rep passed ### Application multiunit-unchecked failed ### Application promote1 crashed ### Application rt-merge crashed +++ Application side-effects passed ### Application static-branch crashed +++ Application unchecked passed +++ Application unroll1 passed --Brian To: cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: bug in 64-bit floating point? Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 11:47:42 PDT From: Brian Grant Charlie, I think I've uncovered a bug in how Multiflow represents (64-bit) floating- point constants. Multiflow represents the double constant 5.43 in assembler as: .long 0x4015b851eb851eb8 whereas the DEC compiler (cc) represents it as: .t_floating 5.4299999999999997e+00:1 Multiflow's causes a float exception in my program and evaluates to 1.9522361275299495e-314, not 5.43. Multiflow's representation for pi evaluates to 6.984873502635735e-315. Have you come across the code that emits these constants? We can edit the assembly files by hand to put in the correct constants, but it would be much better to get Multiflow to emit the right thing. Consel's benchmarks each have several float constants (PI, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0) and it would be tedious to replace them all (and constants that are the result of folding as well). Thanks. --Brian Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 12:25:13 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: bug in 64-bit floating point? Cc: spin-comp@cs I think Charlie is out of town at the moment. Because he sent me a regret for my talk yesterday. Susan To: Subject: major commit Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 13:19:58 PDT From: Brian Grant I just committed my code. You'll want to do a top-level update, since I also made changes in bin, lib, and regression. The new code doesn't pass all of the regression tests, but passes more than the previous committed version. The new version sports a new unit- assignment algorithm that shouldn't go berserk in the presence of multiple loops and improved handling of the tags when there is out-of-line spill code. --Brian To: Subject: dot-product works... Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 14:12:17 PDT From: Matthai Philipose The dotproduct example (used by both Consel and the 'C folk) works, except that vectors of size > 125 currently cause the DyC runtime to run out of memory. Basically, we're currently allocating memory using a very conservative policy (one 16k table per instance of unit stitched!). We're moving to a more discerning scheme which allocates new table only when needed, so this problem should go away. Anyway, this is probably the first "usable" program to work... Matthai Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 14:17:37 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: romberg assertion failure /afs/ fails an assertion xpression ( BBlock == BBLOCK_DYC_UNIT_INFO_Head(BBlock) ) evaluated to FALSE at (file:line) p2dyc/unit.C:902*** Exit 1 -- Markus Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 14:21:48 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: dot-product works... Wonderful! Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 14:41:51 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: equiv vars Matthai, can you explain why temp_x1 and selh are equivalent in /afs/ ? at stat 160? Is that a bug or a feature? -- Markus Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 16:04:06 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: big rtconsts ? FATAL COMPILER ERROR ? Assertion failed. ? Can't have big RTCONSTs ? (file:line) cg/mop_alpha.C:1253 *** Exit 1 this happens if we make w and h static too on line 197 in ppmdither.DyC (both are ints) -- Markus Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 17:19:31 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant cc: Markus Mock , Matthai Philipose , Subject: Re: romberg assertion failure It compiles fine but the memory allocation problem bites us here too: romberg running 10000 iterations of romber with 8 integration iterations Input: 3.000000 7.000000 computing .. Assertion failed: 0, file dycrt.c, line 111 IOT trap I've seen this also with the other Consel apps that go thru now (chebychev, csi) -- Markus On Wed, 15 Oct 1997, Brian Grant wrote: > Romberg now compiles and merges, but can't be tested without a driver. > The necessary changes to the compiler are committed. > > --Brian > To: Charlie Garrett cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: bug in 64-bit floating point? Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 20:52:43 PDT From: Brian Grant >> I haven't seen that problem before, so I can't point you >> to the right place to fix it at the moment. By greping, I found possible culprits in cg/mop_alpha.C, p4_alpha/p4_alpha.C, saturn/target.C, vom/vom_as_directives.C, and symtab/value.C. It doesn't look like it would be too hard to change, but there might be a few catches. For example, it looks like Multiflow thinks the types of the constants are float (32-bit), but 64-bit ldt instructions are used to load them. The types may have to be fixed. >> Susan is correct that I am out of town. I will be back in >> Seattle by the 21st so I will check in with you then. Sounds good. At least five other things are higher on my priority list, so it isn't likely I'll be stuck on this before then. --Brian To: Subject: commit to lib, bin, mflow/p2dyc Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 01:46:46 PDT From: Brian Grant I added the test for sufficient table space, so now we can use tables until they are filled, rather than allocating a new one each time. This and one other minor fix has caused one more of the regression tests to work, but two working ones to fail. However, the reason they are failing is the cache problem we've encountered before. The programs crash after jumping to two words beyond the last instruction stitched. It always happens after the second call to the GE. Of course, no code really branches or jumps to that address, and the program runs fine if a breakpoint is inserted anywhere in the stitched code. So, it can't be debugged with gdb. It doesn't seem to matter how much space we leave between the two pieces of stitched code (I've tried between zero and 1024 bytes) and it doesn't matter whether the code stitched second branches to the code stitched first or not. Ideas, anyone? --Brian To: Subject: i-cache problem Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 11:12:36 PDT From: Brian Grant I put in an imb pal call to flush the icache every time after stitching and that solved the weird behavior, but at the cost of >200 cycles for every call to the GE. From Charlie's previous message: >> There are two parts to the cost of an imb. First there is a constant >> cost to execute the instruction itself and second there is the >> cost of every cache miss you take that would have been a hit without >> the imb instruction. I carried out the measurements on one of the >> SPIN Alpha's, but we can repeat them on any machine we want to know >> about. I found that the constant cost of the imb instruction was >> 219 cycles and the cost of the added cache misses was 1.05 cycles per >> instruction. This gives us a lower bound on how many cycles it will cost >> us to dynamically compile an instruction. For example, if we dynamically >> generate N instructions and don't cause any extra cache misses, then it >> takes at least 219/N cycles per generated instruction. --Brian Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 11:20:05 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: i-cache problem Cc: spin-comp@cs Hmm. Unless you're reusing previously-executed instruction space, I don't see how this problem could occur. As long as you have at least a cache line distance between the last instruction of the previous chunk of instructions and the first instruction of the new one. Does the alpha prefetch instructions beyond a cache line? -- Craig Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 11:50:20 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs, cc: Markus Mock Subject: dotproduct & first times With an additional make_static in the loop to prevent Multiflow unrolling dotproduct runs for n=10 and n=100 but not for n=200: Assertion failed: 0, file dyc_cache.c, line 42 The result is correct, the runtime, however, is more than twice as high than the noop version. (for n = 10, 35% slower for n=100) Probably we should compile the noop version with Multiflow and not with cc to make sure that the time difference is not due to better cc-optimizations. -- Markus To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Consel's benchmarks, loop lazy Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 13:14:38 PDT From: Brian Grant The BTA doesn't seem to be correctly finding lazy edges. It works for the simple specialize_lazy case in DyC/regression/multiunit-lazy, but not for loop_specialize_lazy in DyC/regression/loop-lazy. The run-time symptom of this is that the loop unrolls until the cache runs out of space. I believe this is what is also happening for Consel's benchmarks. Please take a look. I left the CFG for loop-lazy on your keyboard. --Brian Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 13:29:14 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: cc:, spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: Consel's benchmarks, loop lazy Ok, I'll check it out. -- Markus On Thu, 16 Oct 1997, Brian Grant wrote: > The BTA doesn't seem to be correctly finding lazy edges. It works for the > simple specialize_lazy case in DyC/regression/multiunit-lazy, but not for > loop_specialize_lazy in DyC/regression/loop-lazy. The run-time symptom of > this is that the loop unrolls until the cache runs out of space. I believe > this is what is also happening for Consel's benchmarks. Please take a look. > I left the CFG for loop-lazy on your keyboard. > > --Brian > To: Subject: a new hypothesis on the i-cache trouble: write buffer Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 13:39:19 PDT From: Brian Grant It could be that the instructions in the write buffer don't get flushed before they are executed. The write buffer can store up to 32 instructions. I put in a wmb instruction to flush the write buffer instead of executing an "call_pal imb" and all of the examples still worked, so that may have been it. --Brian To: cc: Subject: More details on the cache behavior fix... Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 13:54:39 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Luckily, it turns out that Patterson and Hennessy has a detailed account of the 21064's memory hierarchy. Basically, there's prefetching of one (32 byte) cache block into the Icache. But we are padding to allow a whole empty cache block, so that shouldn't be the problem (as Craig pointed out earlier too). The only other option I could think of is that the L1 (writeback) d-cache is not coherent wrt the L2 cache because it doesn't flush its write buffer (which contains 4 cache blocks == 32 instructions) soon enough. We start executing instructions almost as soon as they are generated. If so, we should be able to use a much cheaper mechanism than imb (which makes the entire i-cache coherent wrt L2/memory); the wmb instruction that Brian found in the architecture manual is hopefully this cheaper instruction. As a quick sanity check, I'm going to "manually" flush the write buffer by appending the current code with 4 cache-blocks worth of no-ops and check if the code still works. Of course, at some stage, we should probably confirm that the wmb is indeed cheaper than the imb (i.e. flushing the 4 cache-block write buffer is cheaper than making the 8K icache coherent)... just a sanity check. Matthai -------Brian's original message: It could be that the instructions in the write buffer don't get flushed before they are executed. The write buffer can store up to 32 instructions. I put in a wmb instruction to flush the write buffer instead of executing an "call_pal imb" and all of the examples still worked, so that may have been it. --Brian Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 17:47:58 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Matthai Philipose , Markus Mock Subject: laziness Brian, the reason why the branch was not found lazy was because you moved the call to dyc_ComputeBranchLaziness() out of the BTA without making sure that the QLOOP info was computed correctly at that point. I inserted a call to compute the QLOOP info directly in the lazinesss computation now and it identifies the branch correctly now. I am testing on the regression suite then check in. -- Markus To: Markus Mock cc: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs, Subject: Re: laziness Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 21:10:09 PDT From: Brian Grant >> the reason why the branch was not found lazy was because you moved the >> call to dyc_ComputeBranchLaziness() out of the BTA without making sure >> that the QLOOP info was computed correctly at that point. I inserted a >> call to compute the QLOOP info directly in the lazinesss computation now >> and it identifies the branch correctly now. I am testing on the regression >> suite then check in. Thanks. Sorry about that. There was something I thought I wanted to do before computing the edges, then changed my mind and decided to incrementally update the edge info afterwards. If you have programs you used to test the bta, we should put them into the regression test suite. Do you have any that actually compile and run that you would like included? --Brian Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 21:50:59 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Subject: chebychev going through The laziness computations works correctly again (it was called from a place where the Mflows loop info pass was out of date and hence loop headers were not identified correctly). This makes the chebychev approximation go through now (runs and produces correct result). All but one of our regression test programs work now too. -- Markus To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: another lost label Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 10:40:42 PDT From: Brian Grant In /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/Test/consel/romberg.DyC: Unresolved: L187$3 This is a weird one. It is the destination of two static branches. Another static branch branches to L186$3, which just then branches to L187$3. I thought Multiflow would be smarter than that? Anyway, just removing the static branches leaves the following unreachable piece of code: L186$3: br $31,L187$3 I'm not sure what to do about this... --Brian Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 15:58:31 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: dotproduct for large n=200 it fails too: (like chebychecv) assertion failed: 0, file dyc_cache.c, line 42 -- Markus Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 16:53:21 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , Matthai Philipose , cc: Markus Mock Subject: some new error xv now goes thru the BTA. I had to munge the annotation a bit to prevent multiple divisions which in turn exposed a bug in BTA merge where empty divisions were not correctly purged. Now, however, I get a new error: mi(2276) expect(8016.07) rel_expect(0) (Is_Igoto)(compact) Schedule(0) Aregion(-1)(Empty) preds: mi(2275) succs: mi(2113) mi(2280) edge_count(2) edge_probs: 0.5 0.5 ? FATAL COMPILER ERROR ? bk_Mi__Buffer_Rejoin: 'pred' is compact ? (file:line) ts/bookkeeper.C:1204 *** Exit 1 Stop. Any ideas? -- Markus To: Subject: stack works! Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 11:48:25 PDT From: Brian Grant A version of the stack interpreter now works and has been added to the regression test suite. However, the system is still very fragile and extremely minor changes to the interpreter code cause the compiler to crash in the back end. I don't have a clue why it is happening and it is in a part of the back end I've not looked at before. What is peculiar is that just about any change (variable types from long to int, moving lines around, inserting/ removing calls to printf(), etc.) causes the compiler to fail the same assertion. Another of the regression tests, multiunit-promote, also fails when a call to printf() is inserted in a particular place. Pretty scary. --Brian To: cc: Matthai Philipose , Subject: Change needed in scheme for emitting static branches? Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 16:46:26 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Hey Brian, I'm working on the scheme for emitting out-of-line static branches, and came across this apparent problem with our current scheme for emitting them in the in-line case. Consider the following static branch followed by inline spill code from the fft code (lots of cruft removed): -----code from fft_duhamel.pms: fft.dyn_template_begin_10: fft.DYC.STATIC_BRANCH.D.7.B.32: fft.dyn_template_end_10_n: static_branch: beq $25,L645$3 #class source # line 49, fft.static_branch_10_0 lda $25,-1($31) cpys $f31,$f31,$f31 L646$3: fft.DYC.UNIT_HEAD.TEMPLATE.7: fft.dyn_template_begin_19: ... ---------- In the case that the above branch falls through in setup code (at stitch time), the lda (inline spill-code) gets emitted, and we're fine. However, in the case the branch takes, we don't want the lda to get emitted. Currently, all we do for static branches (inter or intra unit) is to ignore the static branch. So the lda will still get emitted, giving the wrong answer. What we want is for the lda (inline spillcode) to get emitted only if the beq holds at stitch time. The only convenient way in which I can think of doing this is to make the rtconst argument of the beq a bonafide rtconst with a corresponding placeholder store. We could then transfer the above branch to setup code so as to branch on the rtconst-holding register of the setup code (see the example below, if that sounds like garbage!). ------Example: Assuming you have placeholders for static_branch... rtconsts, the setup code line: stq $17,fft.static_branch_10_0($31) will become (given the above template code): beq $17, DL1 emit 'lda $25,-1($31)' emit 'cpys $f31,$f31,$f31' DL1: ... ------- What do you think? --Do you agree there's a problem? --Does it look like the above solution works? --If so, can you think of any easier ways to solve it? --If you're agreed on this method, can you put in the placeholder store ASAP? Let me know ASAP, because I want to begin hacking this thing as soon as I can. I will probably spend another hour or so working on a big overhaul of the branchpatching code (taking ool blocks into account) and will probably begin hacking the merger around 6:00 pm. Matthai Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 10:01:54 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, spin@cs, cecil@cs Subject: UW-CSE Colloq / 10-24-97 / Hornof / IRISA / Program Specialization for Adaptive Operating Systems In case you didn't see this.... -- Craig ----- Begin Included Message ----- From voting-faculty-request@june Fri Oct 17 11:29:16 1997 Delivery-Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 11:29:17 PDT Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 11:26:07 -0700 (PDT) From: Scott Dakins To: Subject: UW-CSE Colloq / 10-24-97 / Hornof / IRISA / Program Specialization for Adaptive Operating Systems MIME-Version: 1.0 Sender: UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Seattle, Washington 98195 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Box 352350 (206) 543-1695 *NOTE* This lecture will NOT be videotaped for broadcast. COLLOQUIUM SPEAKER: Luke Hornoff, IRISA TITLE: Program Specialization for Adaptive Operating Systems DATE: Friday, October 24, 1997 TIME: 3:30 pm PLACE: 224 Sieg Hall HOST: Craig Chambers ABSTRACT: The need for an operating system to adapt to a changing environment is becoming increasingly important in areas such as mobile computing, interactive multimedia, and large distributed databases. Program specialization, i.e. optimizing a program with respect to its context of use, plays a key role in obtaining such an adaptive system. Toward this end, we have developed Tempo, a partial evaluator designed to specialize systems code. This talk gives an overview of Tempo and an in depth presentation of its static analyses, which contain a number of key features that enable Tempo to automatically and effectively exploit specialization opportunities. Experimental results show significant speedups are obtained by specializing system components, such as Sun RPC. Email: Info: ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 14:57:34 -0400 (EDT) From: Charles Garrett To: Subject: my address Susan, I want to make sure that you receive my new address, so I am repeating this e-mail which bounced. My current address is: 8517A 5th Ave. NE Seattle WA, 98115 My home and work number is (206) 528-3766. I will have to move at the end of October and I will send you the updated address info then. -- Charlie Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 12:30:18 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting @ 1:30 We meet at 1:30 (again), from now on, starting today. -- Craig To: cc: Subject: bug in mipsi from tar file... Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 19:10:10 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Hey Gun, When I run the verion of mipsi that comes out of the tar file on sort as you suggested, it does the sorting and then seg faults in syscalls.c, line 388: sighandler[R[REG_A0]].sv_handler = (void(*)()) x; Basically, R[REG_A0] evaluates to 4199644, which is out of range for the sighandler array. The command that generated the seg fault was: mipsi sort < print.c "mipsi ls" seems to work fine. Any feedback? Thanks, Matthai Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 19:52:48 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose cc: Markus Mock , Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: Strange behavior of multiunit-promote Actually, I don't see a demotion there in the BTA, when I debug it. So I guess the demotion comes in when Brian does some graph restructuring since the BTA that's printedin .bta file is not actually the BTA as it is computed after the BTA pass but after some of Brian's restructuring. -- Markus On Mon, 20 Oct 1997, Matthai Philipose wrote: > But v is demoted at the same edge... (v is annotated to be > specialized monvariantly). > Matthai > > Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 19:57:45 -0700 From: egs@june (Emin Gun Sirer) To: Subject: Re: bug in mipsi from tar file... Cc: spin-comp-archive@june Matthai, The problem is just that I wrote portable but not cross-architecture code. Specifically, I used "sizeof(int *)" to refer to a pointer size in the simulated program. But since the simulator is compiled on an alpha, that expression evaluates to 8, whereas it ought to evaluate to 4 to match the MIPS program being simulated. I fixed all such occurances of this problem in syscall emulation. The patch is appended to the end of this message. You can also pick up the whole file from /homes/gws/egs/src/mipsi/alpha/syscalls.c Enjoy, (and don't count on such speedy turnaround next time) Gun. ;diff -c syscalls.c* *** syscalls.c Mon Oct 20 19:53:07 1997 --- syscalls.c~ Mon Sep 29 12:18:25 1997 *************** *** 37,47 **** #define stdin (&_iob[0]) #define stdout (&_iob[1]) #define stderr (&_iob[2]) - #define INTSIZE 4 - #define SIGSETSIZE 4 #else - #define INTSIZE sizeof(int*) - #define SIGSETSIZE sizeof(sigset_t) #include #endif --- 37,43 ---- *************** *** 382,398 **** traceout("SYSCALL sigvec(%d, 0x%x, 0x%x) = ", R[REG_A0], R[REG_A1], R[REG_A2]); if(R[REG_A2] != 0) { snr_mem_word(R[REG_A2], sighandler[R[REG_A0]].sv_handler); ! snr_mem_word(R[REG_A2]+INTSIZE,sighandler[R[REG_A0]].sv_mask); ! snr_mem_word(R[REG_A2]+INTSIZE+SIGSETSIZE, sighandler[R[REG_A0]].sv_flags); } if((R[REG_A1] == 0) || (R[REG_A1] == 1)) /* SIG_DFL SIG_IGN */ R[REG_RES] = sigvec(R[REG_A0], R[REG_A1],NULL); else { x = rnr_mem_word(R[REG_A1]); sighandler[R[REG_A0]].sv_handler = (void(*)()) x; ! x = rnr_mem_word(R[REG_A1] + INTSIZE); sighandler[R[REG_A0]].sv_mask = x; ! x = rnr_mem_word(R[REG_A1] + INTSIZE + SIGSETSIZE); sighandler[R[REG_A0]].sv_flags = x; R[REG_RES] = sigvec(R[REG_A0], &hnd, NULL); } --- 378,394 ---- traceout("SYSCALL sigvec(%d, 0x%x, 0x%x) = ", R[REG_A0], R[REG_A1], R[REG_A2]); if(R[REG_A2] != 0) { snr_mem_word(R[REG_A2], sighandler[R[REG_A0]].sv_handler); ! snr_mem_word(R[REG_A2]+sizeof(int*),sighandler[R[REG_A0]].sv_mask); ! snr_mem_word(R[REG_A2]+sizeof(int *)+sizeof(sigset_t), sighandler[R[REG_A0]].sv_flags); } if((R[REG_A1] == 0) || (R[REG_A1] == 1)) /* SIG_DFL SIG_IGN */ R[REG_RES] = sigvec(R[REG_A0], R[REG_A1],NULL); else { x = rnr_mem_word(R[REG_A1]); sighandler[R[REG_A0]].sv_handler = (void(*)()) x; ! x = rnr_mem_word(R[REG_A1] + sizeof (int *)); sighandler[R[REG_A0]].sv_mask = x; ! x = rnr_mem_word(R[REG_A1] + sizeof(int *) + sizeof(sigset_t)); sighandler[R[REG_A0]].sv_flags = x; R[REG_RES] = sigvec(R[REG_A0], &hnd, NULL); } Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 11:44:41 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: One reason why dotproduct is slow Small runtime constants are not put into the immediate field (as they should) and are instead loaded from memory. Matthai is fixing this right now and since the Consel dotproduct uses vectors with 90% zero values that should make some notable difference. Also, we currently don't constant-fold away multiplications by 0 so I'll add a check if (u@[i]) res = res + u@[i]*v[i]; to do the multiplation only in the non-zero case. The test should be folded away during setup and only the 10% remaining multiplications and adds should remain. -- Markus Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 11:52:57 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: merger problem Merging... line 1098: Label L34$3: for template block template_4 emitted after begin tag at /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/mock/DyC/bin/ line 418, chunk 1098. *** Exit 2 for the folling code: int dotproduct(int size, int u[], int v[]) { int i; int res; make_static(size, u); res = 0; make_static(i); for (i=0; i Also, we currently don't constant-fold away multiplications by 0 so I'll > add a check > > if (u@[i]) > res = res + u@[i]*v[i]; > > to do the multiplation only in the non-zero case. The test should be > folded away during setup and only the 10% remaining multiplications and > adds should remain. Why isn't this something that should be done as part of the emit statement for the multiply? Along with the other arithmetic simplifications of mults by powers of two and mults using sequences of shifts and adds? Or is this change just a stop-gap until we actually implement the simplification rules for multiplies? (Mult by 1/-1 and add of 0 and div by 1/-1 and div of unsigned numbers by powers of two and mod of unsigned numbers by powers of two should also be simplified, eventually.) -- Craig Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 11:56:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers cc: Subject: Re: One reason why dotproduct is slow Just a stopgap until we do those simplifications. -- Markus On Tue, 21 Oct 1997, Craig Chambers wrote: > > Also, we currently don't constant-fold away multiplications by 0 so I'll > > add a check > > > > if (u@[i]) > > res = res + u@[i]*v[i]; > > > > to do the multiplation only in the non-zero case. The test should be > > folded away during setup and only the 10% remaining multiplications and > > adds should remain. > > Why isn't this something that should be done as part of the emit statement > for the multiply? Along with the other arithmetic simplifications of mults > by powers of two and mults using sequences of shifts and adds? Or is this > change just a stop-gap until we actually implement the simplification rules > for multiplies? (Mult by 1/-1 and add of 0 and div by 1/-1 and div of > unsigned numbers by powers of two and mod of unsigned numbers by powers of > two should also be simplified, eventually.) > > -- Craig > Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 11:58:46 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Diesel/Whirlwind retreat It looks like I'm going to have a weekend retreat in Nov. or Dec. to a nice place in Leavenworth (complete with indoor and outdoor hot tubs) to brainstorm and plan Diesel and Whirlwind research ideas. You all are invited to participate, ideally actively by making presentations of your ideas related to this work (e.g. the dynamic compilation aspects). Who is interested? What weekends in Nov. or Dec. could you make? -- Craig Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 12:04:46 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs, cc: Markus Mock Subject: multiunit-promote problem fixed With the new version of the BTA the multiunit-promote test works fine. I haven't checked it in yet, though. Brian, since you found the loop-lazy problem, can I update and check in? -- Markus Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 12:10:08 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs, egs@klamath, brad@klamath, echris@klamath Subject: Re: retreat PS. Nov 8 & 9 is the only open date it turns out at the place I was thinking about. Let me know soon if that date doesn't work for you. If enough people have conflicts with that date, then we can try a different place & date. -- Craig Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 13:33:04 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs, egs@klamath, brad@klamath, echris@klamath Subject: Re: retreat P.P.S. Please send me *all* your constraints over Nov. & Dec. weekends, if you're interested in coming to the retreat, even if you can/can't make the Nov 8-9 weekend. Thanks. -- Craig To: Subject: float-constant bug fixed! Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 14:01:11 PDT From: Brian Grant I wrote a test program that demonstrated that only the sizes of float constants were wrong, and only when double globals were initialized with constants. So, I tracked the problem down to a single line that tested the size of the global, but didn't do the right thing with that information: unit_btype = (size == 32) ? ".align 2\n\t.long" : ".align 3\n\t.long"; which I changed to: unit_btype = (size == 32) ? ".align 2\n\t.long" : ".align 3\n\t.quad"; This fixed the program in the regression test suite. GDB had printed incorrect values for the floats. --Brian Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 14:33:33 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: equiv vars revisited Matthai, does STAT_equiv_vars return the equiv vars set after or before the stat? I thought before but looking back at your comment in p2equiv_vars.H suggests after. If it's after, then the info in multiple-promote example was bogus after all. -- Markus Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 15:30:50 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: iterator problem Matthai, does that iterator to step through equiv vars AFTER a stat look ok to you: #define FOR_EACH_VAR_EQUIV_TO_VAR_AFTER_STAT(stat,orig_var,equiv_var) \ DECLARE( \ SET_PARTITION EV_ALIAS(equiv_var); \ VAR EV_VAR_ALIAS(equiv_var); \ VAR equiv_var; \ ) ) \ INITIAL { \ EV_ALIAS(equiv_var)= STAT_succ(stat) ? STAT_equiv_vars(STAT_succ(stat)) : BBLOCK_equiv_vars_out(STAT_bblock(stat)); \ EV_VAR_ALIAS(eSTAT_bblock(stat)); \ EV_VAR_ALIAS(equiv_var)=orig_var; \ } \ FOR_EACH_SET_PARTITION_EQUIVALENT_ELEMENT(EV_ALIAS(equiv_var), \ EV_VAR_ALIAS(equiv_var), var), \ EV_VAR_ALIAS(equiv_var), \ EV_VAR_ALIAS2(equiv_var)) \ DO{ \ equiv_var=EV_VAR_ALIAS2(equiv_var); \ } ? (pine messed up the formatting) If there's nothing wrong with that, then I probably have an example where the equiv vars info isn't set right.. -- Markus To: Markus Mock cc: Subject: Re: iterator problem Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 17:22:16 PDT From: Matthai Philipose In general, you cannot look at the bblock_equiv_vars_[in|out] field following any transformation that succeeds equiv-vars analysis because it is out of date. Specifically, since stats can be re-ordered after the analyses by successor transformation phases, only the information attached to a stat will be valid. The crucial invariant is that a stat cannot be moved in a way which invalidates its equiv-vars analysis, so the information attached to the stat should still be usable. Finally, on re-reading the spec I sent you a while ago (appended below), you should be looking at the equiv-vars info only at a makestatic, where the e-vars info before and after the stat should be identical. So my understanding is that you shouldn't need the addition to abstract interface you're trying to write. Have we changed the way in which we're using equiv-vars? Matthai ps: Frankly, I am not even comfortable with this minimal use of equiv-vars, because there are possible code movements which I am not sure multiflow performs in phase2 (but could, I think) that could invalidate the information. The reason we decided to leave it in there seems to be to counter the effects of copy prop in some cases we care about. ---------------------- To: Subject: Abstract interfaces to pre-passes Date: Tue, 05 Aug 1997 19:18:15 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Below are the interfaces to the prepasses to the bta. They are intended primarily for Markus, who is implementing the bta. I'm sending this to spin-comp only so that it gets archived in the mail archive and can be readily looked up by whoever needs it. Matthai ------------------ Markus, Here are the abstract interfaces to the prepasses. Let me know if you have have questions. ---------------- Summary of how pre-pass info is used (details beyond the PEPM paper): Our understanding right now is that the StaticVarInfo datastructures will contain TEMP->(policy,source_root) mappings. The SourceRoots should be VARs. The Promotion and DiscordantVar sets will both contain TEMPs that need to promoted/are discordant at program points. The Divisions on the other hand will map VAR->policies. At each make-static(x_i), we identify the x_j equivalent to x_i (from the equiv-vars set below) iterate through the live temps to identify the corresponding temp t_x_j and put it into the static-var-info set, as derived static temps with x_i as the source var. t_x = .... results in t_x getting promoted iff x has the right policy (autopromote) in each divisions. --------------------numbering of VARs: ... irrelevant stuff removed. -------------------equiv-vars: The following function computes equiv-vars info and attaches it to every stat earl in phase2. I have already put in an the invocation, and you don't need to worry about invoking the function: EXTERN VOID EV_Compute(); The abstract interface to equiv-vars is through the iterator: FOR_EACH_VAR_EQUIV_TO_VAR(stat,orig_var,equiv_var) which is defined in p2equiv/p2equiv.H. Given a stat and a source-level variable orig_var, this iterator steps through every source-level var equivalent to orig_var (INCLUDING orig_var) just before the stat. The function BOOL EV_EquivVarsP(STAT stat, VAR v1,VAR v2); (also declared in p2equiv/p2equiv.H) is also available, though probably will not need to use it. It checks if v1 equiv v2 just before "stat". ----------------- Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 18:13:20 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Matthai Philipose cc: Markus Mock ,, Subject: Re: iterator problem The equiv vars was also intended to be used to treat temps that do not correspond to an annotated source variable equivalent to a temp corresponding to an annotated source variable, e.g. when promotions should happen. It's easy to disregard the info at that point (i.e. process assignment), however, we might make a temp static when we really want to keep it static because of the indirect correspondence to an annotated variable. If we don't care about that case, it's easy to change. Do we agree that we don't care? -- Markus To: "Markus U. Mock" cc: Matthai Philipose , Subject: Re: iterator problem Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 20:55:00 PDT From: Brian Grant >> The equiv vars was also intended to be used to treat temps that do not >> correspond to an annotated source variable equivalent to a temp >> corresponding to an annotated source variable, e.g. when promotions >> should happen. >> It's easy to disregard the info at that point (i.e. process assignment), >> however, we might make a temp static when we really want to keep it >> static because of the indirect correspondence to an annotated variable. >> If we don't care about that case, it's easy to change. >> Do we agree that we don't care? I don't remember this case. I need better notes. My current thinking is that two variables can't be equivalent after an assignment unless that assignment is a copy. In that case, what would equivalency give us that derived temps in the BTA would not? The annotated variable must be static, so the copied temp will be derived, regardless of its policies. Therefore, I claim that equiv_vars gives no useful information at assignments. Am I wrong? --Brian To: Subject: all regression tests pass! Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 21:21:30 PDT From: Brian Grant All of our regression tests now pass. Yeah! Let's try to keep it that way. :-) +++ Application dotproduct passed +++ Application extend-context passed +++ Application float-demotions passed +++ Application float-holes passed +++ Application float-int passed +++ Application float-unroll passed +++ Application int-unroll passed +++ Application loop-lazy passed +++ Application multiunit-all passed +++ Application multiunit-lazy passed +++ Application multiunit-promote passed +++ Application multiunit-rep passed +++ Application multiunit-unchecked passed +++ Application promote1 passed +++ Application rt-merge passed +++ Application side-effects passed +++ Application stack passed +++ Application static-branch passed +++ Application unchecked passed +++ Application unroll1 passed --Brian To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: xvalg Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 23:10:02 PDT From: Brian Grant Update your compiler and try xv again. I essentially eliminated the checking of the assertion for certain cases, but I don't know if Multiflow will do the right thing given that we're violating one of its assumptions (that tags will always be preceded only by IGOTOs). Let me know. I also fixed what appeared to have been a bug in the original Multiflow source in the loop-unrolling code. I don't know if that fix had the right effect, either. In any case, the compiler no longer barfs outright on xvalg.DyC. --Brian Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 09:12:08 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: all regression tests pass! This is real good, you all. Susan Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 10:45:11 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs, melody@cs Thanks for the card! -- Craig Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 11:01:43 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: all regression tests pass! Great!! -- Craig Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 17:44:12 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: romberg added to regression suite I've just added romberg to the regression suite. It goes through fine for my current configuration, so update your regression directory. I've also integrated the smarter BTA_Merge where a derived temp is only killed if any of its root temps is discordant at the merge. This made cos@(PI * (k - 0.5) / n)) static as desired in the chebychev benchmark. [before Multiflow had hoisted PI/n out of the loop as a loop invariant and the loop head merge made it (PI/n) dynamic.] -- Markus To: Markus Mock cc: Subject: try timing dotproduct... Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 17:56:44 PDT From: Matthai Philipose We're supposed to be optimized to avoid producing extra table loads now. So except for the multiply be zero, we should be pretty close to where we want. Matthai To: Subject: small-victory... Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 19:18:08 PDT From: Matthai Philipose mipsi passes through multiflow and gives the right answer (WITHOUT D.C. annotations). There were some minor hiccups because the mipsi file contains a setjmp (not in the dynamic region) and because it has a function with no body. I am going ahead with annotation... Of consel's benchmarks, we currently have dotproduct and romberg working. We found a bunch of reasons why dotproduct was slow (not the the least of which was that we weren't unrolling the dotproduct loop using an unchecked policy). Consel's Chebyshev benchmark was working along the way, but doesn't seem to, anymore. Matthai Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 21:12:42 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: small-victory... I love this phase. Susan Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 22:50:03 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Matthai Philipose cc: Subject: Re: try timing dotproduct... I haven't looked at the new code that's produced yet but the timings are still bad, in fact I think they might be worse. -- Markus On Wed, 22 Oct 1997, Matthai Philipose wrote: We're supposed to be optimized to avoid producing extra table loads now. So except for the multiply be zero, we should be pretty close to where we want. Matthai To: spin-comp@cs Subject: fixed memory problems Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 23:18:55 PDT From: Brian Grant All regression tests, including chebychev and romberg, now pass. I fixed a memory leak and expanded space provided for the caches. Update lib and mflow/p2dyc. --Brian Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 11:29:58 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs, cc: Markus Mock Subject: update on fft and csi Both fft and csi fail with a floating point exception. I've put the code in my regression directory /afs/ csi/fft (not checked in yet since they don't work) I am now looking back at xv. -- Markus Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 11:48:37 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: small victory for dotproduct With the latest changes to DyC we get some speedups for dotproduct if we check for multiplication by zero: n = vector size (90% zero-filled vector) 10000 iterations for each n times in ms for 10000 iterations (only user time) n dyc mflow cc -O2 -------------------------------------- 10 76 14 12 100 110 98 85 200 152 193 167 500 308 478 411 The code we produce has only the necessary loads, multiplies and adds left for the non-zero vector elements. Some unconditional branches to branches are left that should have been removed, Brian is looking for that bug. -- Markus Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 11:52:29 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: small victory for dotproduct Cool! Can we time how long just executing the dynamically compiled code takes? E.g., call a dynamic region once to generate the code, and then time calling it N times? By subtracting, we could measure the DC start-up cost and the asymptotic per execution cost pretty easily, and calculate the cross-over point etc. directly. Also knowing the # of instructions generated would let us compute the # of cycles/instruction generated DC overhead. -- Craig To: cc:, spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: memory leak in dotproduct Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 12:52:08 PDT From: Brian Grant I don't see a memory leak. In the debugger, I put a break point whenever new memory is allocated and none is allocated after the first successful cache lookup. I can also run a million iterations with a modified version of the driver that doesn't try to save all of the answers in a vector and print them out. Look at: /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/Test/consel/dotproduct.DyC % dotproduct.x 100 1000000 Answers match: 656442 --Brian Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 14:45:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: cc:,, Subject: Re: memory leak in dotproduct I think I know what happened: my dycrt.a had not been correctly recompiled. With the new one it now works fine! Sorry for the trouble. Doesn't the standard makefile rebuild the library if necessary? -- Markus On Thu, 23 Oct 1997, Brian Grant wrote: > I don't see a memory leak. In the debugger, I put a break point whenever > new memory is allocated and none is allocated after the first successful > cache lookup. I can also run a million iterations with a modified version > of the driver that doesn't try to save all of the answers in a vector and > print them out. Look at: > /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/Test/consel/dotproduct.DyC > > % dotproduct.x 100 1000000 > Answers match: 656442 > > --Brian > Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 18:41:09 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: xv I am not sure why the 0x2 and 0x4 get emitted. You can build xv in /afs/ by invoking the build script. run xv on liebe.jpg (or any other image) and invoke Blur from the algorithms menu. -- Markus Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 10:39:17 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: application status web page I have set one up in our internal web at: Go to: and from there to "Application Status" Will be continually updated as more applications make it through DyC. -- Markus Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 11:51:22 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: application status web page Actually I like getting mail from you all about the victories. Kind of perks up my day. Susan Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 12:56:40 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:,, Subject: Re: application status web page The hourly perk-ups can continue, but the web page will summarize all previous victories, for when you want to get an overall picture of what the status is. I've done this in my work with e.g. Jeff and Dave, and it's helped me a lot to keep track, and I suggested to Markus that he set this up for the PLDI work. I already have a better picture (I think!) from the chart. -- Craig Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 14:57:31 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, cecil@cs Subject: reminder: Luke Hornoff talk Remember, Luke Hornoff's talk is at 3:30 this afternoon in 224. -- Craig To: Subject: Need for reachability analysis? Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 18:43:49 PDT From: Matthai Philipose mipsi has the following code configuration: s1 is known to be static: switch(s1){ case 1: t = 3; ... break; case 2: t = 4; ... break; case 3: t = 5; ... break; } switch(t){ { ... } Without reachability analysis, t is deduced to be dynamic and the second switch becomes a dynamic switch, which we cannot handle right now (we have a design for, but haven't implemented, the code for copying switches at runtime). Since it is a small switch, (3 cases, 3 source) lines, it is trivial to hand-convert it to an if...else, but this is one reason to have a reachability analysis. Matthai To: Matthai Philipose cc: Subject: Re: Need for reachability analysis? Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 22:34:43 PDT From: Brian Grant >> Without reachability analysis, t is deduced to be dynamic and the second >> switch becomes a dynamic switch, which we cannot handle right now (we have a >> design for, but haven't implemented, the code for copying switches at >> runtime). Since it is a small switch, (3 cases, 3 source) lines, it is >> trivial to hand-convert it to an if...else, but this is one reason to have a >> reachability analysis. Another thing we can do (for now) is annotate t to be polyvariantly specialized. That should be done for any discordant derived values we want to live beyond discordant merges. The cost is a specialization-time cache lookup + unit-boundary crossing, but we get rid of the execution-time dynamic branch. We can explain that X overhead and Y annotations could be removed if our system were fully implemented. Clearly, eventually we will want reachability analysis. --Brian Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 14:52:54 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: brad@cs, cecil@cs, echris@cs, egs@cs, fix@cs, spin-comp@cs, trmorris@cs Subject: Diesel/Whirlwind retreat As there are more conflicts on the Nov 8-9 date, we'll schedule the Diesel/Whirlwind retreat for Dec. 6-7, at Semi-ah-moo. TR, can you go ahead and cancel the Enzian reservations and proceed on the Semi-ah-moo stuff? There'll be 12 students going (perhaps one or two more), plus me. I assume they have an indoor pool & hot-tub set-up, which is a principal requirement for a successful retreat.... Thanks. -- Craig Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 23:12:21 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: speedups for chebychev: from 3.8 to 8.0 I did some timings for chebychev. Here are the results: time for 10000 iterations [ms] dyc mflow speedup consel dyc-stitched overhead #ins time/ins 5 239.4 916.2 3.8 5.2 230.0 9.4 425 0.0221 10 505.8 3323.8 6.6 8.2 496.3 9.5 1325 0.0072 15 979.1 7379.7 7.5 9.6 961.8 17.3 2725 0.0063 20 1620.4 13016.8 8.0 10.4 1550.9 69.5 4625 0.0150 dyc is the dynamically compiled version, mflow the standard Multiflow version. I determined the DC overhead by timing the 10000 iterations after calling chebychev() once so that the subsequent calls only had to run the already stitched code [and do the cache check]. The difference between the time in column 2 and this time (dyc-stitched) is listed in column overhead. n is the approximation degree, consel lists the speedup reported by Consel's group. I did the timings on meitner. Assuming that meitner is running at 150Mhz (I am not sure about this) the 0.0221 ms/instruction stitched would translate to ~3300 cycles per instruction stitched. For computed asymptotic speedup and breakeven points this translates to: n asym. speedup #iterations for breakeven mflow / dyc-stiched 10000 * overhead / (mflow -dyc-stitched) 5 3.98 137 10 6.70 34 15 7.67 30 20 8.39 61 Consel reports 3 as their breakeven point for all n (5, 10, 15 and 20.) The times for n=20 are a bit odd. So I timed them again with the same result. All are averaged over 10 runs. Any ideas? -- Markus Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 23:17:23 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: table ptr builds in chebychev code Matthai, there are some ldas and ldqs that are superfluous in the dynamically generated code. Maybe you can take a look if these should already be removed or this requires some further hacking (or is impossible). The code is in /afs/ (n=5,10,15,20) -- Markus To: Subject: more timing results Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 01:28:59 PST From: Brian Grant (The first argument is vector size; random elements with about half zeroes. Second argument is number of calls to dot product function with same arguments.) Standard Multiflow: % dotproduct-time.noop.x 300 500 Total time: 3632518 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 0 cycles Work-list overhead: 0 cycles Caching overhead: 0 cycles Number of work-list pops: 0 Time spent in stitched code: 0 cycles Dynamically compiled: % dotproduct-time.x 300 500 Total time: 3695517 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 1292976 cycles Work-list overhead: 528269 cycles Caching overhead: 367536 cycles Number of work-list pops: 1301 Time spent in stitched code: 2319692 cycles Clearly, we're getting killed on (especially) work-list overhead and caching overhead. This is with the loop annotated cache_all_unchecked, so the caching overhead should only be at the entry to the dynamic region. A work-list push/pop is paid upon every execution of the stitched code as well as during dynamic compilation. I'll try to determine which work-list operations should be easy to eliminate so that we can at least make a good argument that we can cut the cost of DC. What other info do we want? I could generate per-unit data as well. We might also want more categories (unit-boundary crossings, promotions, discordant merges, etc.). --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: commit of timing support Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 01:51:28 PST From: Brian Grant You'll need to do a top-level update. Currently, only dotproduct has been updated to include the timing code. The boilerplate has changed, so you'll need to remake your .i files for debugging. The current version doesn't average over multiple runs or compute any statistics. It only prints raw times and counts for one run. Summary of how to use the timing framework: rt -time [apps] Cause the listed apps to be timed instead of tested. Timing results are in app-time*.t for the three versions. rt -fb ... Causes a message to be printed before and after compiling/running an app instead of just after. dcmake -time app-time.x When you want to generate a timing target, use -time, which sets the appropriate command-line options. You can also use with for noop and cc versions. do_make BCC_FLAGS="-k" file When you want to compile just one file and pass additional arguments to BCC, you can set BCC_FLAGS on the command-line. For example, -k causes the preprocessed file to be left behind instead of deleted. DyCRT_ReadCycleCounter() Returns an unsigned long that is the current value of the accumulated cycles since DyCRT_InitializeInstrumentation() was called. DyCRT_PrintCounters() Prints the detailed DC measurements. Will, of course, be zero for non-dynamically compiled versions. Timing code/output should be guarded by #ifdef DYC_RT_TIME and testing code/output by #ifndef DYC_RT_TIME. Here is what I did in dotproduct: #ifdef DYC_RT_TIME DyCRT_InitializeInstrumentation(); initial_cycle = DyCRT_ReadCycleCounter(); #endif result = dotproduct(ndata, x, y); for (r = 0; r < nruns; r++) { tmp = dotproduct(ndata, x, y); #ifndef DYC_RT_TIME if (tmp != result) { fprintf(stderr, "Answer, %d, doesn't match first result: %d\n", tmp, result); exit(2); } #endif } #ifdef DYC_RT_TIME total_cycles = DyCRT_ReadCycleCounter() - initial_cycle; printf("Total time: %lu cycles\n", total_cycles); DyCRT_PrintCounters(stdout); printf("\n"); #else printf("Answers match: %d\n", result); #endif --Brian Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 06:33:48 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: speedups for chebychev: from 3.8 to 8.0 Looks like the next step here is to see why we aren't getting speedups close to Tempo. One avenue is what Brian is pursuing: the overhead in our stitched code. What about code quality when compared to Tempo? Is this small enough to eyeball? Susan Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 06:37:13 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: more timing results I would focus on measuring those categories that will help you investigate why speedups are low or breakeven high. Rather than compiling a detailed list of how long it takes DyC to do any arbitrary task. Maybe that will amount to the same metrics in the end, but it's a different mindset. Susan Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 07:35:16 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Susan Eggers cc: Subject: Re: speedups for chebychev: from 3.8 to 8.0 We don't know what Consel's group generates but as talked about with Luke we could ask them to send us their assebmly code output. I looked at the chebychev in some detail: apart from a few table pointer build operations the code looks pretty optimal, we have the number of multiplies and adds we'd expect. Maaatthai will take a look what to do about the few remainung unnecessary ldas and ldqs. -- Markus On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, Susan Eggers wrote: Looks like the next step here is to see why we aren't getting speedups close to Tempo. One avenue is what Brian is pursuing: the overhead in our stitched code. What about code quality when compared to Tempo? Is this small enough to eyeball? Susan Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 07:46:17 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: speedups for chebychev: from 3.8 to 8.0 Cc: What Alpha are we running on? Could there be an issue wrt instruction order? Here's a tack: We could write out the dynamically generated code, read it back in and execute it with DCPI and DCPI would tell us where the time is going, where the stalls are and why. Susan Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 11:56:49 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: xv now fails ? FATAL COMPILER ERROR ? Assertion failed. ? (file:line) cg/schedule_vn.C:799 after I updated.. -- Markus Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 13:35:04 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: speedups for chebychev: from 3.8 to 8.0 My questions: Which kind of time are we measuring? real time? cpu time? user time? We don't want to pay for touching a page of memory the first time in our timings. Are Consel's results for *statically* specialized & compiled programs, or *dynamically* specialized programs? If the former, then he should do better, I think. And he's running on a Sparc, so architectural differences could account for things. I think we should make cache lookups etc. faster. -- Craig To:, cc: Subject: Outline Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 16:49:19 PST From: Matthai Philipose BTW, what's the status of the paper outline? :-) Matthai Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 17:00:49 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:,, Subject: Re: Outline Cc: The outline was on my to-do list. I haven't done it. But I plan to Real Soon Now. -- Craig Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 17:11:13 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: chebychvev no ldas + better run-time lib get as very close to Consel wrt speedup. I'll do detailed timings later. Can't a simple peephole post-merger pass remove the unnecessary ldas even in the case of cache_all? Looks like that should not be too hard. -- Markus Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 18:05:36 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs, cc: Markus Mock Subject: BTA checked in. Let me know if there are problems. -- Markus Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 11:17:14 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: xv it works for make_static(n2); make_static(temp_x1:cache_all_unchecked, eager); make_static(temp_y1:cache_all_unchecked, eager) but fails for: make_static(n2); make_static(temp_x1, temp_y1); -- Markus Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 11:56:23 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: xv Assertion failed: DestinationAddr, file dycrt.c, line 180 -- Markus Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 12:24:40 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: ppmdither Dies with a segmentation fault in the generated code. If you want to take a look the code is in: /afs/ -- Markus To: Subject: Alpha cycle counter Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 14:46:43 PST From: Brian Grant According to Alec Wolman (I think this is what he said): -- The "process cycle counter" register is saved and restored at context switches -- The lower 32 bits of the cycle counter is a free-running counter that measures process (user+system?) time, implemented by the architecture -- The upper 32 bits of the cycle counter is implemented by the OS. In Digital UNIX, it should be the negation of system time, so that when you add the upper bits to the lower bits you get user time. This is what the architecture manual says to do, but it doesn't say what the upper 32 bits mean, nor does it say exactly what the result gives you. We have been adding the upper and lower bits so we should be measuring user time. However, Alec said they somehow came to this conclusion experimentally, by looking at the high- and low-order bits separately, reporting both system and user time, and comparing with other measures (getrusage, I guess). Perhaps we should ask someone from the DCPI group to confirm this. --Brian Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 14:51:06 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: negative immediates Matthai, what does the following mean: Merging... operation addq $18,-8,$2 has too negative an immediate: 8 *** Exit 2 Does the merger not yet convert these to subs? -- Markus Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 15:00:42 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: Alpha cycle counter alias dean He is on a retreat to day, should be back tomorrow. Susan To: Subject: 'C query works... Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 15:10:47 PST From: Matthai Philipose Folks, While Markus was modifying the bta yesterday to handle a case in mipsi, I went ahead and annotated the mipsi "query" benchmark, and it ran right without much trouble. "query" basically checks if each record of a database matches a runtime-constant query. The query is an array of (field,value,predicate) triples. Each triple specifies which record field to examine, the value to compare against the the field, and the comparison predicate to apply. The dynamic region is basically a loop over the triples. so the bigger the number of triples and the bigger the number of triples that match (query hit-rate), the longer the time spent in the dynamic region. I haven't done detailed timing, but using the unix time utility on large inputs, I got the following info. The runtime (i.e. post stitchtime) cache push/pop for unchecked dynamic regions bites us here. For the input provided with 'C, we never break even because the overhead of the push-pop on each invocation to the dynamic region is greater than the time spent iterating over triples, most of the time. If the inputs are such that the time spent in the dynamic region per invocation to the region is large enough: --with 63 element queries, as opposed to 7, along with a 100% query hitrate, we get a 3.1x asymptotic speedup and breakeven of 50 database elements). +with a very small (almost 0%) hit rate, we are _slower_ by 2.2x ! --with 21 elements, 100% hit rate, we get 1.3x speedup and breakeven of 250. --with 5 elements, 100% hit rate, we are 3x slower, asymptotically. The corresponding numbers for `C (with 5-element queries and unspecified query hit-rate) are 2.5x and breakeven approx 220 db elements. Basically, there are two conclusions: 1)We need to get rid of the extra runtime push/pop overhead for the unchecked case (Brian's working on this right now). 2)There are unspecified parameters (such as the query hitrate) in the reported experiments which can make a big difference to our bottom line. I have placed query in the regression test and am moving back to hacking mipsi. Matthai To: Subject: correction... Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 15:15:29 PST From: Matthai Philipose >in mipsi, I went ahead and annotated the mipsi "query" benchmark, ^^^^^ read tick-C "query" bencmark To:, cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: commit of latest timing stuff Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 16:23:40 PST From: Brian Grant rt only does coarse measurements (dc overhead + stitched code cycles). To get the detailed info, remove the pms file and do "dcmake -inst cheb-time.x". The interface has changed slightly, so look at dotproduct for an example. --Brian Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 22:37:22 -0800 From: Charlie Garrett To: Subject: Re: [Fwd: Alpha cycle counter] I think that the cycle counter gives you user+system time for your process. I know that the following things are true: 1. The high order 32 bits are writable by the operating system. 2. The low order 32 bits are a free running counter measuring individual cycles. 3. The operating system sets the high order bits so that (high2 + low2) - (high1 + low1) = the cycles elapsed in this process between rpcc call 1 and rpcc call 2. This subtracts out all of the cycles that are spent in other processes. The reason that I think it gives you user+system time is that subtracting system time would require setting the high order 32 bits on every system call while reporting the sum just requires setting the high order bits on context switch. I don't think that they bother to do it on every system call. To test this theory, I wrote two programs of the form: for (i=0; i<10; i++) { time1 = Rpcc(); // Call function which returns rpcc system_call(); time2 = Rpcc(); printf("%d\n", time2 - time1); } Where system_call was either getpid() or open(). getpid() is a canonical fast system call, while open() is much more complex. They do virtually the same amount of work at user level (open has to place its arguments in registers) then they trap to the kernel. The getpid() version runs between 700 and 2000 cycles. The open() version runs between 11,000 and 24,000 cycles. This shows that the difference in time spent in the system is reflected in the rpcc figure and is very strong evidence that rpcc includes user+system time. Look in ~garrett/tests on porky-pig for these programs if you want to play with them yourself. -- Charlie To: Subject: Jeff confirms Charlie's understanding of rpcc Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 10:27:09 PST From: Brian Grant Jeff said that, to his knowledge, the cycle counter works exactly as Charlie says. Good job, Charlie! So, it looks like we will need a different way to measure user time. :-( Some have suggested DCPI, but I can't imagine us learning how to use it over the next week, so getrusage is the obvious choice. --Brian Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 11:19:49 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: Mismatched setup block numbers at line 1150 Matthai, I get the above error for the testprogram ltest.DyC in /afs/ Can you take a look? -- Markus BTW: Newton ('C) is useless for us: all speedup was obtained by inlining functions which we can't do. Since the arguments are not static, we can't do anything about it. I am looking at binary (the binary tree search) which we should be able to handle by multi-way loop unrolling, so this would be a test of our advanced features. Doesn't work yet, which is why I am trying somehing easier (ltest.DyC) To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: jump patching label formats Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 15:09:52 PST From: Brian Grant Format of place-holders in setup code: stq , .DYC.JUMP_PLACEHOLDER.%d where holds the address of the location to patch. Format of destinations in template code (1-1 correspondence between place-holders and destinations): .DYC.JUMP_DESTINATION.%d --Brian Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 18:29:16 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs, Subject: romberg fails for me Romberg seems to produce different answers now: 8 numbers differ between the two files out of 91 comparisons. Sum of the differences: 1.766740e-01 Largest difference: 7.612800e-02 number count 28 Numbers 6.8808000000000e-01 6.1195200000000e-01 Largest % difference: 5.000000e+01 % number count 6 Numbers 1.4000000000000e-05 7.0000000000000e-06 Average % difference: 1.640050e+01 % Tolerance specified was 1.000000e-05 % Do you have the same behavior? -- Markus Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 18:40:19 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose cc: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs, Markus Mock Subject: romberg ok I had some spurious output.. -- Markus On Wed, 29 Oct 1997, Matthai Philipose wrote: > When I last tried it (about an hour ago) all my tests passed. > To:, cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: benchmarks Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 22:38:08 PST From: Brian Grant csi seg faults on a load in the stitched code. fft runs but gives the wrong answer. So, these two are back to the same state they were two weeks ago. I'll move on to ms. I can't effectively run xv at home, so I won't do that unless I run out of things to do, in which case I'll write another driver for it. I'll try to pick up the latest copies of ppmdither, ms, binary, etc. and try them out. --Brian Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 22:44:07 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: cc:,, Subject: Re: benchmarks Ok. pow works fine now for me too and xv links again. -- Markus On Thu, 30 Oct 1997, Brian Grant wrote: csi seg faults on a load in the stitched code. fft runs but gives the wrong answer. So, these two are back to the same state they were two weeks ago. I'll move on to ms. I can't effectively run xv at home, so I won't do that unless I run out of things to do, in which case I'll write another driver for it. I'll try to pick up the latest copies of ppmdither, ms, binary, etc. and try them out. --Brian To: "Markus U. Mock" , cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: xv works! + new problem Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 01:53:24 PST From: Brian Grant Awesome! Something pathological is happening with binary, I think. Nearly 30 units are created for that little piece of code. It has another problem, however. The gp is clobbered by a hole-patching operation that is supposed to restore the gp following a call to DyCRT_AllocateTableFromFreeList. The value loaded from position 0 in the table is not the right one. Could you please take a look at this, Matthai? --Brian Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 09:29:49 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs, Subject: xv :-( It turns out that I have /uns/bin in my path before . and on meitner there is a xv in /uns/bin so the one I ran last night when I thought it was working was actually the one in /uns, arrg ( I forgot to type ./xv) So: xv still faults: inst fault=4, status word= 8, pc= 1400ffddc Illegal instruction n I'll write the driver now so that we can test it more easily. -- Markus Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 10:42:15 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs, cc: Markus Mock Subject: xvalg added to regression I've added the main routine from xv with a driver and input data into the regression suite. For me it fails Assertion failed: 0, file dycrt.c, line 170 -- Markus To: cc: Subject: infinite loops and cache policies Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 11:29:29 PST From: Brian Grant xv and ms can't currently be annotated cache_all_unchecked. This was causing them to go into infinite loops in their GEs. The reason is that when there happens to be a unit boundary at a loop head, the unit for the loop head is pushed onto the work list at every back edge so that the inter-unit branches to the loop head can be patched. If the loop isn't to be unrolled, there shouldn't be any discordant variables so a cache lookup should succeed if a copy of the loop body has already been stitched. That should be fine -- the address should be found in the cache and the branch corresponding to the back edge can then be patched. However, if the cache lookup is removed due to the all_unchecked policy, then the loop will be unrolled indefinitely. I'll think about how to best deal with this in the redesign of the work-list loop. I changed the policies to cache_all in my version and now they merely seg. fault. :-) Eager should still be ok, I think. Another possibility is to make the policy cache_all_unchecked for the outer loop, then change it around the inner loop(s). I tried this, but it didn't work (still infinite loop) and I didn't pursue it further. --Brian Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 16:01:46 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper draft I've created a draft for the PLDI paper, cribbing from Matthai's draft intro and sections of the PEPM paper. I added some comments and a short sketch of the experimental results section. I'm giving up the write lock on the document now. See ~chambers/papers/pldi/98/DyC/dc.doc, a Frame document. -- Craig Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 18:56:28 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: paper draft I'll take the write lock through tomorrow afternoon. But in all honesty I won't be working on the paper until late morning. Susan To: cc: Subject: resend: MIPSI Date: Sat, 01 Nov 1997 17:39:48 PST From: Matthai Philipose Susan, Sorry I missed you. I was here till 12:30 in the afternoon, and just got back from lunch and some errands. Here're the answers to your questions. Matthai -----------We currently use the following in mimpsi 1. program-point-specific rather than function-level specialization, 2. support for polyvariant specialization. 3. nested regions of dynamically generated code 4. automatic caching, reuse, and reclamation of dynamically generated code, with cache policies under control of the programmer, 5. automatic interleaving of specialization and dynamic execution to delay specialization of some code until the appropriate run-time values have been computed, 6. run-time optimizations, ons, including constant propagation, constant folding, strength reduction, conditional branch folding and dead code elimination, loop unrolling and merge splitting; ----------We do not use: 1. automatic interleaving of specialization and dynamic execution to avoid unbounded static specialization for terminating programs, with the exact trade-off between speculative specialization and demand-driven specialization under programmer control, On the other hand, we don use the "programmer control" to turn off this feature (by using an "eager" annotation). ----------- To: cc:,, Subject: Another problem with policy change.... Date: Sun, 02 Nov 1997 15:13:50 PST From: Brian Grant Markus, We're still having trouble with temps derived from themselves. The ones we're having trouble with are derived from themselves indirectly, however, and not in a single STAT. We should be able to deal with that case, too. One possible way is to check the source temps of the operands rather than the operands themselves. In the short term, perhaps we should always make annotated temps keep their annotated policies, and not become unchecked even if they appear to be derived. If you do this, please make it controllable via a command-line option. What do you think the right long- and short-term solutions are? Here's the example in a block from the post.bta file of run_DyC_simple. The policy of t513 incorrectly becomes unchecked. ------------------------ bblock93 [label=" BBlock 93\lStatic Temps: {(t514,Cache1U,{_nnpc$1.2}),(t513,Ca cheAll,{_nnpc$1.2}),(t523,Cache1U,{_npc$1.2})}\l 615 GBANDOR.AND<>t418 [@<_inst$1.2>t523,67108863(I32)] [F,F]\l 620 GBANDOR.AND<>t421 [@<_npc$1.2> t514,4026531840(I32)] [F,F]\l 619 ADDS.2 @<_nnpc$1.2>t513 @<>t418 @<> t421\lStatic Temps: {(t514,Cache1U,{_nnpc$1.2}),(t513,Cache1U,{_npc$1.2,_nnpc$1 .2})}\l"]; bblock93 -> bblock47; -------------------------- --Brian To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: MIPSI Date: Sun, 02 Nov 1997 16:37:34 PST From: Brian Grant Matthai said that he e-mailed you a response earlier, but this is what I wrote last night... --Brian >> Which of these features does MIPSI use that the other declarative systems >> do not? I would guess that it is essentially the same as the dinky interpreter from the PEPM paper except that it does not use recursion to implement calls. Matthai should know more precisely what is needed since he's been working on it. >> program-point-specific rather than function-level specialization, Yes. The program is mostly one loop around a switch. We multi-way unroll the loop. >> support for both polyvariant specialization and polyvariant division (both o f which have practical utility), with the degree of specialization for differen t variables under programmer control, Yes. We don't necessarily want to unroll the intepreter loop for the entire program (e.g., the exit function). >> intra- and interprocedural specialization, with caller and callee separately compilable, No, I don't think it needs interprocedural specialization, though we do make some calls static. >> arbitrary nested and overlapping regions of dynamically generated code, Yes. There are computed jumps. >> automatic caching, reuse, and reclamation of dynamically generated code, wit h cache policies under control of the programmer, Yes for caching. >> automatic interleaving of specialization and dynamic execution to avoid unbo unded static specialization for terminating programs, with the exact trade-off between speculative specialization and demand-driven specialization under progr ammer control, Yes, though I think we annotated all variables to be eager. (So, the control is needed but dynamic-branch laziness may not be.) >> automatic interleaving of specialization and dynamic execution to delay spec ialization of some code until the appropriate run-time values have been compute d, Yes. E.g., computed jumps again. >> run-time optimizations, including constant propagation, constant folding, st rength reduction, conditional branch folding and dead code elimination, loop un rolling and merge splitting, and procedure call specialization. Yes (except call specialization and strength reduction). To: Markus Mock cc: Subject: Re: Another problem with policy change.... Date: Sun, 02 Nov 1997 18:03:26 PST From: Matthai Philipose Markus, I have a few questions wrt your reply to Brian's email: > a) a temp that has a corresponding source var gets the derived policy > (unless it's annotated) Which derived policy? Specifically, what will be the root variable(s) of the temp? I thing Brian's suggestion of having temps with corresponding source-vars have their source-var as the corresponding root var is probably the simplest correct thing to do. > b) other temps ("those introduced only by Mflow) get the same policy as > the temp they are derived from. If derived from different temps, choose > the strongest policy. Is this the same as saying that derived temps will have as root vars the union of the root vars of the temps they are derived from (and the policy can be computed by some operation on these root vars)? If so, I agree that this is could be the right thing in the long run (though we will have to switch to root-temps instead of root vars because of the multiple-temps-per-var simultneously live problem). In the short term, for getting mipsi to work, I am perfectly happy with derived temps without a corresponding source var getting unchecked policies, as long as they are killed from the static temps set immediately when one of their root variables is assigned to. I assume this is how things are set up currently? > I think as a first step I'll add a switch to turn off the change to > cache1Umchecked from cacheAll. What's this? Thanks, Matthai Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 00:31:55 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Brian Grant cc:,, Subject: Re: Another problem with policy change.... I committed a fixed BTA. There's now a switch P2DYC_bta_keep_cache_policy (default true) that makes sure that the "demotion" to cache_one_unchecked will not happen for annotated temps. That fixed the problem in mipsi. -- Markus Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 15:59:45 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: binary is checked into the regression suite. I changed it a little so that you can simply run it with binary.x n where n is the number of iterations you want to do -- Markus To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: lines of code Date: Mon, 03 Nov 1997 16:03:45 PST From: Brian Grant >> how many did the 3 of you write for DYC? Total? front/back-end perl scripts: 4500 Multiflow C: 27000 C run-time library: 1350 build shell scripts: 700 ----- 33550 The scripts are a required part of our system but I don't know if it reasonable to just add up all the lines of code, given that some are in Multiflow's macroized C, some are perl, and some are bash. Also, these line counts include white space and comments (not that there are a lot of comments :-). --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: committed support for re-initializing DyC Date: Mon, 03 Nov 1997 23:38:20 PST From: Brian Grant I've committed new tools and libraries that allow DyC to be reinitialized. The solution was to create a perl script (gotta love perl) that finds the locations that need to be initialized and what their initial values should be. Manually setting these locations in the C text would not work because they can be initialized to jump locations which can't be referenced in C. In any case, the perl script was trivial to write. What took longer was just making sure all our global variables were initialized properly and getting the tools and libraries set up. I have modified dotproduct to run two times. Improvement for the second execution was significant, and more for the smaller vector sizes. There didn't seem to be any change for runs beyond the second. To reset the system, simply call DyCRT_ResetSystem(). An empty version of this function is linked into the noop versions. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: one additional note about "warming up" the caches Date: Mon, 03 Nov 1997 23:45:19 PST From: Brian Grant All of the benefit must be from priming the data cache because I do an IMB to flush the i-cache. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: order of magnitude improvement in DC overhead! Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 01:33:28 PST From: Brian Grant I'm seeing a disproportionate improvement in dynamic compilation overhead compared to the whole application when running twice to warm the caches. For example, dotproduct run 500 times on vectors of length 30 achieves a factor of 10(!) reduction in DC overhead. In fact, virtually the entire improvement in run time is due to reduction in DC overhead. First run: Total time: 509251 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 80974 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 100 Cycles / instruction emitted: 809.740000 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 332390 cycles Third run (slightly better than second run): Total time: 421333 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 8703 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 100 Cycles / instruction emitted: 87.030000 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 322256 cycles Static version: Total time: 412717 cycles Note that our breakeven is still very high for these small vector lengths. I'm looking into this. The version measured here does include hoisting the cache_one_unchecked dispatch out of the work-list loop. On the other hand, does this mean we can quote overheads of less than 100 cycles per instruction stitched? That would be cool. :-) A question about methodology (a proposal, really): Should we run ten times, throw out the lowest and highest times, then average the rest? Note that I'm still using the cycle counter. getrusage isn't fine- grained enough to measure times this short. I haven't yet compared the cycle counter to getrusage for longer times, but it is on my list. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: more on DC overhead Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 01:53:23 PST From: Brian Grant All of the work-list operations and data-structure construction for the specialization context can be eliminated for dotproduct (i.e., we know how to eliminate that overhead). This overhead counts for about 40% of the total DC overhead even after warming the caches. Eliminating it entirely would produce a cycles/instr. stitched of about 52. --Brian Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 11:16:02 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs, cc: Markus Mock Subject: chebychev Running it again, I can confirm that the warm cache improves our overhead times: We have about 100 cycles per instruction emitted. Speedups compared to the noop version range from 3.2 (n=5) to 8.8 (n=2) pretty close to Consel's (5.2 .. 10.4) (within 18% for n=20) n = 5 Total time: 24354281 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 151394 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 292 Cycles / instruction emitted: 518.472603 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 120910845857 cycles Total time: 24228118 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 37449 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 292 Cycles / instruction emitted: 128.250000 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 121039365581 cycles Total time: 24214696 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 41193 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 292 Cycles / instruction emitted: 141.071918 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 120952685794 cycles n = 10 Total time: 45513598 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 103747 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 1139 Cycles / instruction emitted: 91.086040 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 227017161524 cycles Total time: 49192535 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 106820 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 847 Cycles / instruction emitted: 126.115702 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 245587723195 cycles Total time: 49208384 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 99469 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 847 Cycles / instruction emitted: 117.436836 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 245472574093 cycles n = 15 Total time: 83651683 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 228489 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 2549 Cycles / instruction emitted: 89.638682 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 416969334474 cycles Total time: 85566578 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 217355 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 1702 Cycles / instruction emitted: 127.705640 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 426856407771 cycles Total time: 85561662 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 220477 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 1702 Cycles / instruction emitted: 129.539953 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 426753276331 cycles n = 20 Total time: 130918100 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 384767 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 4559 Cycles / instruction emitted: 84.397236 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 652796101203 cycles Total time: 135266316 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 355071 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 2857 Cycles / instruction emitted: 124.281064 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 674665923593 cycles Total time: 135225296 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 346795 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 2857 Cycles / instruction emitted: 121.384319 Time spent in dynamically generated code: 674322406398 cycles -- Markus To: Subject: mipsi update Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 13:16:41 PST From: Matthai Philipose mipsi now works with all opcodes. Also, it can simulate the exit functions and everything it calls. In other words, it can apparently simulate everything the original mipsi simulator can! Of course, we will isolate the time it takes to specialize and execute the main routine from the setup and cleanup time. But it's probably interesting to see how much time it spends specializing everything in exit() so that we can claim that with polyvariant division and conditional specialization, we can avoid that (humongous) overhead... clearly very important for real programs. I still have to remove all my printfs and other debugging hooks before timing... will keep you posted. Matthai Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 13:30:19 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: committed support for re-initializing DyC Cool! -- Craig Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 13:43:05 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: mipsi update Cowabunga! -- Craig Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 14:07:22 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:,, Subject: Re: mipsi update Wow. With baited breath I'm waiting to hear what Craig will say when we break even with 10 executions. :-) Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 18:57:06 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: Total dynamic-compilation overhead Brian, that number seems to be dependent on the number of iterations that are executed, i.e. if I run chebychev (or dotproduct) 1000 times in the loop instead of 100 times it reports vastly different overheads. I was assuming this is only the constant time overhead. How can we separate out the constant time overhead? We need to know this to have meaningful estimates for the breakeven point as well as asymptotic speedup. -- Markus To: Markus Mock cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: Total dynamic-compilation overhead Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 21:57:48 PST From: Brian Grant >> that number seems to be dependent on the number of iterations that are >> executed, i.e. if I run chebychev (or dotproduct) 1000 times in the loop >> instead of 100 times it reports vastly different overheads. >> I was assuming this is only the constant time overhead. Currently, I include the cache lookups in the overhead. If you are still using checked (promote_all/cache_all) policies, then this number won't be fixed. You have a good point -- regardless of the policy we should report the fixed overhead. Note that with unchecked policies and P2DYC_peel_worklist_loop=true, you should see fixed overhead. The version of dotproduct in the archive shows fixed overhead of about 58k cycles for a vector of length 300. This is independent of whether there are 500 iterations or 500000. >> How can we separate out the constant time overhead? We need to know this >> to have meaningful estimates for the breakeven point as well as asymptotic >> speedup. I'll put in an option to do this. --Brian To:, cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: commit of new timing support Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 04:05:13 PST From: Brian Grant Do a top-level update (-d). The new version permits the specification of arguments to dcmake in a file called rt-args in a regression-test directory. Several of the apps now have these files. For example, the apps for which peel_worklist_loop works have that argument set. pow needs special unrolling arguments to work properly. I changed the annotations on a couple more apps that were annotated cache_one_unchecked instead of promote_one_unchecked. I added binary even though it is not working, and updated query and romberg to run multiple times. I updated pow to take an argument that sets the power. I fixed the ndata argument to a couple other tickc apps, too. The story on binary is that it works for small data sets, but not ones larger than a few hundred elements. For the larger arrays, it loads a static array element from the table instead the address that was expected and seg. faults. I don't yet know why this is happening. The dc overhead reported should now truely be independent of the number of executions of the stitched code. If it isn't, let me know. I noticed a huge range in overheads. It is possible that the timing support is screwed. I'll look at it further in the morning. For example, romberg shows an overhead of less than 40 cycles per instruction stitched, which query shows more than 100,000! I expected query to have more overhead due to multiway unrolling, but that is ridiculous (not that it couldn't be accurate). Markus, the versions of the apps I committed probably will conflict with yours, assuming you've modified yours locally. I didn't run into any assertion failures with the ones committed. I also noticed that you added binary roughly simultaneously. Yours looked like the version I started with, so I just replaced it with mine. I totally overhauled binary's driver for useful testing and timing, at the expense of diverging from the way the tickc people measured it. --Brian To:, cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: query's overhead Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 04:10:46 PST From: Brian Grant At least one possible reason for query's overhead is that the cache-check hoisting was turned off. When I turn it on, I run into the assertion failure in the back end that Markus encountered earlier. I'll tackle that in the morning, too. --Brian Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 10:12:18 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: chebychev breaks even at 2-5 runs! After sorting out some troubles with the trace scheduler and our cycle counter timer we have some numbers. Here are the timings for chebychev with our new timing framework. This is the experimental setup: for each n (n = size of the chebychev polynomial) chebychev is called in a loop 10000 times this loop is timed using our cycle counter This timing is repeated 11 times and the first time (cold cache, memory allocation) is discarded. Of the remaining 10 measured run-times for the 10000 calls to chebychev the median times were used. This gave the following cycle measurements: n m dc overhead inst cyc/in speedup 5 85093146 24157178 34342 282 121 3.52 asymptotic speedup = 3.527493 breakeven = 5 10 311442680 47873864 90448 837 112 6.50 asymptotic speedup = 6.517799 breakeven = 3 15 713244009 83007494 179962 1692 106 8.59 asymptotic speedup = 8.611195 breakeven = 2 20 1264779835 134452724 302340 2847 106 9.40 asymptotic speedup = 9.428075 breakeven = 2 ins = # instructions emitted cyc/in = cycles per instruction emitted speedup = speedup for the 10000 calls to chebychev The asymptotic speedup and breakeven point were computed as follows: asymptotic speedup = m / (dc - overhead) breakeven = (10000 * overhead) / (m - dc + overhead) I verified the computed breakeven points by running with chebychev called in the loop just 2/5 times and the resulting running times of the mflow and DyC version were about comparable (4% difference for the 5 runs, 23% for the 2 runs). -- Markus Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 10:32:26 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: chebychev breaks even at 2-5 runs! Yippie-kai-ay! -- Craig To: Subject: acknowledgement Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 10:32:02 PST From: Matthai Philipose Folks, Just a reminder (in case I forget!) to acknowledge Gun for his help in providing and debugging at very short notice a verion of mipsi for the alpha. Matthai Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 10:36:10 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: acknowledgement Got it. -- Craig > From Wed Nov 5 10:32:14 1997 > Delivery-Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 10:32:15 PST > X-Mailer: exmh version 1.5.3 12/28/94 > To: > Subject: acknowledgement > Reply-to: Matthai Philipose > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 10:32:02 PST > From: Matthai Philipose > > Folks, > Just a reminder (in case I forget!) to acknowledge Gun for his help in > providing and debugging at very short notice a verion of mipsi for the alpha. > Matthai > Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 13:22:43 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: good speedups and breakevens for romberg: better than Consel With the same methodology we get the following measurements for romberg: M mflow dyc overhead ins. cyc/ins speedup 2 8731414 6131876 12243 173 70 1.42 asymptotic speedup = 1.426787 breakeven = 46 4 29192469 19511866 28763 480 59 1.49 asymptotic speedup = 1.498348 breakeven = 29 6 90851530 58784117 73733 1376 53 1.54 asymptotic speedup = 1.547452 breakeven = 22 8 306517392 209990892 213221 4472 47 1.45 asymptotic speedup = 1.461154 breakeven = 22 compared to Consel's results: Tempo Dyc M speedup breakeven speedup breakeven (rounded) 2 1.17 61 1.43 46 4 1.25 48 1.50 29 6 1.28 38 1.55 22 8 1.19 45 1.46 22 -- Markus To: Subject: preliminary numbers for mipsi Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 15:33:15 PST From: Matthai Philipose I finally got mipsi to compile and run after removing all printfs. I made it simulate a lprogram that just increments a counter a varying number of times and returns it. I just used unix "time" to figure out the total time with mipsi and with smipsi ("special" mipsi, the dynamically compiled version). The time below _includes_ the time for smipsi to specialize the exit() function), and the exit function is _much_ bigger than the loop we're simulating. So our real numbers should be considerably better. Just thought I'd spread a little good cheer... Matthai Incrementing 1 million times: (1.6x speedup) ------------ time mipsi test/loop_sum.x Program exited with status 255. 11.480u 0.130s 0:12.33 94.1% 0+4k 1+1io 0pf+0w time smipsi test/loop_sum.x Program exited with status 255. 7.235u 0.101s 0:07.40 99.0% 0+5k 0+0io 0pf+0w --------------- For incrementing 32,000 times: (1.5x speedup) ------------------------------------------ time mipsi test/loop_sum.x Program exited with status 255. 0.289u 0.032s 0:00.42 73.8% 0+3k 2+2io 0pf+0w time smipsi test/loop_sum.x Program exited with status 255. 0.201u 0.037s 0:00.29 79.3% 0+5k 0+0io 0pf+0w ------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 19:56:56 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: speedups for dotproduct This benchmark was run in 3 configurations: 1) with 90% of the static vector filled with zeros (Consel) 2) with 67% of the static vector filled with zeros ('C) 3) with 50% of the static vector filled with zeros (a more sensible configuration where one still might prefer a array representation to a linked list sparse representation for the vector) We're getting comparable speedup compared to Consel and are better than 'C (at least if we compare to their speedups in comparison to gcc. Their speedups compared to lcc are of course bigger since lcc is such a bad baseline). The 'C paper has no numbers but from the bar graph they got less than ~1.7 speedup for the gcc comparison. So here are the (asymptotic) speedups and breakevens in a nutshell: CONFIGURATION 1: (90% 0's) Consel DyC n speedup breakeven speedup breakeven 10 3.37 7 2.71 54 100 5.26 5 4.35 38 200 5.61 5 4.42 36 CONFIGURATION 2: (67% 0's) n tcc DyC 10 1.81 52 32 ~1.7 ~100 2.16 38 100 2.21 35 200 2.16 34 The 1.7 and 100 are estimated from the bar graph in the 'C paper. None of the 'C papers reports the vector size they used (at least I did not find it there). But the source code they sent us uses a vector size of 32 in their test suite, so I tested with that vector size to get some numbers we can compare. CONGIGURATION 3: (50% 0's) n DyC 10 1.77 47 100 1.91 33 200 1.83 34 Even in this configuration we get good speedups and acceptable breakeven points. -- Markus To:, cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: pow works with hand hacking Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 23:23:17 PST From: Brian Grant A load for a floating-point constant (1.0) is dropped and not in the .pms file. I copied both the constant declaration and the load from the .noop.s file and pow worked. For now, you'll just have do this manual editting of the .pms file. Where the other float constants are initialized, put the following line: L$4C9: .quad 0x3ff0000000000000 Just after the adjustment of the stack pointer in mpow insert the following instruction: ldt $f30,L$4C9 #class source # line 20, <_result$1.2>t18, 1.0000000000000000e+000=0x3ff0000000000000(F64) We do get some speedup, at least. I tried exp=500. For reasonably sized exponents, we may not do as well. --Brian Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 00:02:30 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Subject: query speeds up too! Here are the speedups for query: I ran with different input sizes, 2000 was the one used by 'C. n speedup breakeven 100 1.93 3 1000 1.67 1 2000 1.66 1 I don't have the 'C times at hand at the moment. -- Markus To: Subject: Another data point for mipsi Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 10:11:57 PST From: Matthai Philipose To ensure that we have a more interesting app than increment a counter to simulate on mipsi, I wrote a simple O(n^2) sort routine that sorts and prints an array (generated by a parameterized perl script as you recommended). (Yes, we can simulate printf(), and we gain from it, since it's called on every element of the array!) Simulating it on mipsi gives breakeven at 150 elts in the array, 1.6x speedup at 500, 1.8x (1000), 1.84x (2000). So, things are still OK, speedup-wise, on a "reasonable" example. Far as robustness, we're able to simulate printf, and gain from it, since it is called many times when the sorted array is printed out. The instructions/ instructions stitched doesn't seem to be all that great, given that the inner looop code has to be invoked ~ 150^2/2 == 11,250 times before we get breakeven... however, this may all seem more reasonable if we do away with the exit specializing overhead. I am putting in wires to get the instructions per instruction stitched number. Matthai FYI, the previous program I simulated was a loop that incremented a counter N times: The asymptotic speedup on this is 1.8x. The breakeven point was for N=6144. For N= 8,000 we get 1.25x speedup. For N= 16,000 we get 1.6x speedup For N= 25,000 we get 1.7x speedup For N= 32,000 we get 1.8x speedup, which is asymptotic. Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 10:54:25 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: Another data point for mipsi Cc: spin-comp@cs Are there any regular MIPS compiled programs lying around? E.g., we could configure gcc to produce MIPS output, and compile some reasonable test program to MIPS code, and then simulate it, w/o a MIPS machine lying around. (If we had a MIPS machine lying around, we could test how slow simulation is relative to hardware execution. For my own curiosity, I guess.) -- Craig Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 11:05:33 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: tcc test configuration & times I just got back an answer from Max Poletto confirming the sizes I had used for timing, all are from their regression suite script. Also I noticed that the tcc numbers I had previously quoted were from the paper we used in 590K which was not the final version of their PLDI paper. Their final numbers are better: Their vcode-gcc speedup for dotproduct is ~3 and we are at 2.16, For query we do worse: we are at 1.6 they are again at ~3. -- Markus %benchmarks = ( binary => { exec => "binary", comp => 400, runs => 600000, data => 0, }, ilp => { exec => "cmp2", comp => 2000, runs => 400, data => 4096, }, dp => { exec => "dp", comp => 2000, runs => 80000, data => 32, }, heap => { exec => "heap", comp => 4000, runs => 100, data => 500, }, hash => { exec => "hsh", comp => 2000, runs => 500000, data => 0, }, ms => { exec => "ms", comp => 2000, runs => 300, data => 100, }, ntn => { exec => "ntn", comp => 1500, runs => 6000, data => 0, }, pow => { exec => "pow", comp => 4000, runs => 500000, data => 13, }, query => { exec => "query", comp => 1000, runs => 1000, data => 2000, }, mshl => { exec => "mshl2", comp => 3000, runs => 500000, data => 1, }, unmshl => { exec => "mshl2", comp => 3000, runs => 500000, data => 0, }, ); To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: Another data point for mipsi Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 11:07:58 PST From: Matthai Philipose We do have a mips machine (coho@cs), and it has native C-to-mipsi compilers. We have a couple of "regular" mips programs, the unix shell prorams ls and sort. The numbers for native hardware vs. mipsi interpreted code for sort are below. However, neither of these seem to work on the dynamically compiled simulator, and I'm not sure why. If we are concerned about having more realistic programs to simulate, I shold poke around right now to find one that works on our system. Should I? Matthai Here're the native vs. simulated numbers: ------Native execution: time sort < run.c 0.074u 0.195s 0:00.64 40.6% 15+36k 0+4io 0pf+0w -----Simulation time mipsi sort < run.c 2.046u 0.120s 0:04.47 48.3% 0+10k 0+7io 0pf+0w ----------- I ran each test a few times, and the numbers varied a bit, but the above two are representative. Matthai To: Subject: topic for a paper (sub)-section Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 11:49:18 PST From: Matthai Philipose We should probably discuss any interesting annotations (e.g. eager, cache_one_unchecked, cache_all_unchecked), the @ dereference operator, etc, that we use on each benchmark. Matthai To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: ticC Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 12:01:23 PST From: Brian Grant >> should we be comparing ourselves to vcode or icode results, >> and why? On one hand, vcode is more comparable to what we do in that it does no run-time register allocation. Icode builds an IR and at least does some "register assignment". I don't know if they do anything else. On the other hand, we do some register allocation statically while I think vcode does not. Another thing to consider is whether our DC overheads more comparable to the vcode or icode overheads. I lean towards vcode because it better matches what we do at run time. It will also make our speedups look better. :-) What do you think, Markus? --Brian Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 12:07:05 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: tcc test configuration & times > Also I noticed that the tcc numbers I had previously quoted were from the > paper we used in 590K which was not the final version of their PLDI paper. > Their final numbers are better: > Their vcode-gcc speedup for dotproduct is ~3 and we are at 2.16, > For query we do worse: we are at 1.6 they are again at ~3. These are speedups relative to lcc base? Using vcode or icode gen? -- Craig Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 12:09:13 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant cc: Susan Eggers , spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: ticC I think vcode is the right thing to compare against. icode does register allocation and computes live ranges at run time allowing it to produce better code at the expense of a much higher overhead. They report 1000 - 2500 cycles / instruction generated for icode vs. 100 - 500 for vcode. -- Markus On Thu, 6 Nov 1997, Brian Grant wrote: > >> should we be comparing ourselves to vcode or icode results, > >> and why? > > On one hand, vcode is more comparable to what we do in that it does no > run-time register allocation. Icode builds an IR and at least does some > "register assignment". I don't know if they do anything else. On the > other hand, we do some register allocation statically while I think vcode > does not. Another thing to consider is whether our DC overheads more > comparable to the vcode or icode overheads. > > I lean towards vcode because it better matches what we do at run time. > It will also make our speedups look better. :-) > > What do you think, Markus? > > --Brian > > Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 12:10:35 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers cc: Subject: Re: tcc test configuration & times > > Also I noticed that the tcc numbers I had previously quoted were from the > > paper we used in 590K which was not the final version of their PLDI paper. > > Their final numbers are better: > > Their vcode-gcc speedup for dotproduct is ~3 and we are at 2.16, > > For query we do worse: we are at 1.6 they are again at ~3. > > These are speedups relative to lcc base? Using vcode or icode gen? > These are relative to gcc using vode. -- Markus To: Subject: Re: Another data point for mipsi Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 12:49:25 PST From: Brian Grant >> And we are currently slower than ticC by an uncomfortble amount. On dotproduct, I don't see how we could do better. Short of alignment, which I haven't looked at, we seem to be generating the optimal code. On query, we have at least two problems. One is a bug that causes us to generate branches to the next instruction about every 6 instructions or so. Another is that it is comparison- and branch-intensive and we don't do a peephole optimization that looks important for the Alpha and this small kernel. The Alpha has only comparisons in one direction and only one of the two operands may be an immediate. Therefore, if our rtconst is the other operand, we would like to switch the comparison and the branch so we could put it in the immediate field of the comparison. More than half of the comparisons could benefit from this optimization. I bet if we fixed these two problems, we could reduce the number of instructions generated by 20-25%. Does that sound about right, Markus, or am I overstating the benefit? This is all from memory.... Unfortunately, these improvements aren't going to happen by tomorrow. :-( My point is that we may be able to cite Alpha-specific reasons as at least part of the reason why we are slower. Something we should do is compile all of the benchmarks with gcc to see how different our baseline is from theirs. --Brian Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 12:50:14 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: speedups for pow and binary For pow we get the following asymptotic speedups: n speedup breakeven tcc (vcode vs gcc) 13 1.14 398 ~2 ~100 125 1.09 393 253 1.09 417 509 1.08 444 For binary, which requires multi-way loop unrolling we get the following numbers: speedup breakeven tcc (vcode-gcc) n 16 1.32 2916 ~1.6 ~2500 500 1.56 31086 -- Markus Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 13:04:57 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant cc: Subject: Re: Another data point for mipsi Brian is about right: of the 85 instructions we generate we could do without 14 (2 for each of the 7 iterations of the unrolled loop) simply by omitting the branch and the following nop. Putting the comparison and branch in one save 1 more per iteration for a total of 21 / 85 ~= 25% reduction. > On query, we have at least two problems. One is a bug that causes us to generate > branches to the next instruction about every 6 instructions or so. Another > is that it is comparison- and branch-intensive and we don't do a peephole > optimization that looks important for the Alpha and this small kernel. The Alpha > has only comparisons in one direction and only one of the two operands may be an > immediate. Therefore, if our rtconst is the other operand, we would like to > switch the comparison and the branch so we could put it in the immediate field > of the comparison. More than half of the comparisons could benefit from this > optimization. I bet if we fixed these two problems, we could reduce the number > of instructions generated by 20-25%. Does that sound about right, Markus, or > am I overstating the benefit? This is all from memory.... Unfortunately, these > improvements aren't going to happen by tomorrow. :-( > > My point is that we may be able to cite Alpha-specific reasons as at least part > of the reason why we are slower. Something we should do is compile all of the > benchmarks with gcc to see how different our baseline is from theirs. > > --Brian > > Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 13:20:51 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: pow-code 0x1400168c0 : 215d8450 lda s1, -31664(gp) 0x1400168c4 : 47ff041f nop 0x1400168c8 : a54a0000 ldq s1, 0(s1) 0x1400168cc : 5e10041d fmov f16, f29 0x1400168d0 : 5bdd145e mult f30, f29, f30 0x1400168d4 : 5bbd145c mult f29, f29, f28 0x1400168d8 : 5f9c041d fmov f28, f29 0x1400168dc : 5bbd145c mult f29, f29, f28 0x1400168e0 : c3e00000 br 0x1400168e4 0x1400168e4 : 5f9c041d fmov f28, f29 0x1400168e8 : 5bdd145e mult f30, f29, f30 0x1400168ec : 5bbd145c mult f29, f29, f28 0x1400168f0 : 5f9c041d fmov f28, f29 0x1400168f4 : 5bdd145e mult f30, f29, f30 0x1400168f8 : 5bbd145c mult f29, f29, f28 0x1400168fc : 5f9c041d fmov f28, f29 0x140016900 : b41e0000 stq v0, 0(sp) 0x140016904 : 5fde0400 fmov f30, f0 0x140016908 : 23de00c0 lda sp, 192(sp) 0x14001690c : 6be08001 ret zero, (v0), 1 Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 13:58:44 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper lock I'm grabbing the write lock on the 1st 3 sections of the paper. I'm reading them now, then I'll be doing some revising for focus, technical accuracy (if I find any problems), and finishing section 2 on our back-end stuff. -- Craig Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 14:03:40 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: paper lock I have the write lock on the results section To: spin-comp@cs Subject: the paper slant, comparison with Tempo and TickC Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 15:13:26 PST From: Brian Grant I liked Craig's restatement of the slant. After thinking about it, it wasn't that I wanted to hype mipsi so much as I felt that we needed to talk more about our system on its own merits. If I remember correctly, points we want to make are: -- More complex programs need certain features -- DyC provides those features -- Some of these features are unique to DyC -- Others would be difficult to achieve -- The features are easy to apply using our concise, expressive annotations -- Other systems don't have these features and/or are the desired transformations are difficult to express Mipsi as an example: -- Mipsi requires most of DyC's functionality, and could benefit from the unimplemented features in DyC's design as well. I think the only features that wouldn't be useful are laziness to avoid unbounded specialization (because the value of the pc is bounded(?)) and strength reduction. Maybe procedure specialization isn't really needed, either. The rest of this is trying to clarify our differences with Tempo and TickC and to figure out what our contributions are. What are our features? -- In common with Tempo and/or TickC -- Polyvariant specialization -- Polyvariant division (Tempo only) -- Standard value-specific optimizations: constant propagation and folding, constant-branch folding, dead-code elimination, loop unrolling -- Unique to DyC (among general-purpose DC systems) -- Controlled by policies at arbitrary program points -- Intraprocedural polyvariant specialization -- Multi-way loop unrolling -- Merge splitting -- Intraprocedural polyvariant division -- Conditional specialization -- Lazy specialization at arbitrary program points -- To avoid unbounded specialization -- To delay until needed values have been computed ==> Can continue to specialize after a value is computed by dynamically generated code -- Automatic code caching -- Automatic dispatching to the correct version for lazy points What would be easy for Tempo to add? Tempo could easily add intraprocedural polyvariant specialization and division. With somewhat greater difficulty, they could implement automatic dynamic-to-static promotion. Why haven't they done these things? In the case of polyvariant specialization and division, Charles told me they were concerned about code explosion and unbounded specialization. Why should they be while we're not? Our policies address the code-explosion issue. They would have to redesign their BTA from scratch to use policies, which would not be feasible for them. I could be overly optimistic about how easy it would be to add polyvariant specialization to their system. The change to the BTA should be straightforward, but they may need to implement run-time support or optimize different parts of their existing specializer. Automatic caching and branch laziness address unbounded specialization. I don't think they have either of these capabilities. The lack of policies to guide the BTA is also one reason why they don't to automatic dynamic-to-static promotion. That is, they don't always want to promote static variables when they become dynamic (i.e., once some variables becomes static, they don't necessarily want to keep it that way at any cost). Another is that they don't have automatic caching and dispatching to the correct version. This simply means their system can't automatically insert these lazy caching points. Automatic caching would be non-trivial for them to add, but I they could be working on that since Charles said he liked that aspect of our system and it shows up in their specialization classes work. What about TickC? At the lowest level, TickC can't have nested tick expressions and tick expressions cannot manipulate cspecs or make calls to compile (since it takes a tick expression as an argument). This means they can't dynamically generate code that _directly_ generates code. As I previously said, they could call a function that generates the code and returns a function pointer, however. This means that linkage between pieces of code generated at different times is always through function pointers. This means, for example, they can't practically unroll a loop lazily. A major overhaul of their system would probably be required to add true laziness. In our system, dispatches to lazily generated code is currently via jmps rather than branches, but at lazy points where cache lookups are not required we intend to overwrite these jmps with branches. Another weakness of TickC's current design is that they lack an inter-tick-expression labelling and resolution scheme. This is what prevents them from generating code with arbitrary CFGs and, in particular, code with breaks from unrolled loops or other forward jumps that span tick expressions. This problem could be solved relatively easily. TickC lacks a caching library also. Given these weaknesses, I don't see how TickC could be used to unroll an interpreter loop when the interpreter included a dynamic jump to interpreted code that could already have been dynamically compiled. It seems TickC would either have to: -- Generate each loop iteration as a separate dynamically compiled function that called the next iteration in continuation-like way. Manually cache each of these functions using the values with which they were generated as the cache keys. OR -- Unroll the loop up to these dynamic indirect jumps, emitting a call to a function that unrolls again when the address becomes known. There would be no way to share code between the separately unrolled copies of the loop, so in interpreted programs with loops around computed jumps, the _iterpreted_ loops would also be unrolled, basically eliminating any hope of speedup for a single execution of the interpreted program. Neither of these two schemes would be very successful, so probably we should just say they can't deal with this case effectively. In light of these things, what is cool/new/unique about our system? -- Highly automatic, but guided by policies that are crucial given the range of powerful but potentially expensive features DyC supports -- Arbitrary laziness -- Automatic caching + dispatching -- Intraprocedural/program-point-specific I hope this is helpful and that I didn't ramble too much. --Brian To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: features table Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 15:38:52 PST From: Brian Grant Remove the dither row from the table. Remove the "lazy dynamic compilation" column from the table. We don't use branch laziness for any of these benchmarks. Remove the "polyvariant specialization" column from the table. It is redundant with loop unrolling and multiway loop unrolling. What does the "cache policies" column mean? Does this mean we using caching, or that we don't because we use a non-default policy? Maybe drop this column. All programs have dynamic-to-static promotions at entries to dynamic regions, but only mipsi has ones inside the region that were automatically inserted, rather than inserted at annotations. mipsi uses constant branch removal, multiway loop unrolling, caching, and nested dynamic-to-static promotions. It also uses @s. I'm checking on the others... --Brian To: Subject: Speedups vs. tickc Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 15:43:26 PST From: Matthai Philipose Since in cases like dotproduct (where our code is "optimal"), we still don't get the speedups that the tick-C folk do, maybe we can just compile our distrbution of tick-C, run their sample tick-C program (e.g. dotproduct) and compare it against the same program optimizedby multiflow and see what speedup they get. If the speedup is closer to ours, our argument that "intangibles" like machine architecture may be stronger. If the speedup is bigger than they report, we forget we ever did this. Matthai To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: default policies Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 15:57:58 PST From: Brian Grant The defaults are all safe. The unsafe policies can provide better performance. There are some analyses we currently don't do that could automatically determine when the potentially unsafe policies would actually be safe. Here are the defaults, and which ones we used and why. Caching: promote_all, cache_all The defaults say to cache all versions emitted and always perform lookups for maximal code sharing. That is inefficient and unnecessary for most of the benchmarks. An invalidation-based caching scheme would be preferable, but what we do is use promote_one_unchecked at region entries to ensure only one version is stitched and then reused, and cache_all_unchecked to remove all lookups when unrolling loops. We can do that because we know there won't be sharing anyway and that the unrolling is bounded by a static exit condition. Only mipsi uses caching to permit code sharing in its unrolled interpreter loop. This is necessary to emit loops corresponding to loops in the interpreted programs. Laziness: loop_specialize_lazy This doesn't matter for most benchmarks, which don't have any dynamic branches. Binary, query, and mipsi all use the eager policy for their multiway unrolling. This is safe for binary and query because their loops have static exit conditions and they don't execute static instructions that cause exceptions on the multiple paths they eagerly execute. This is safe for mipsi because of its cache check and the boundedness of the loop induction variable (the pc). Promotion: auto_promote All benchmarks use the default, but it doesn't matter except for mipsi, which has one instance of automatic dynamic-to-static promotion. Specialization: poly_specialize All benchmarks use the default to do loop unrolling, single-way or multi-way. Division: poly_divide All benchmarks use the default because it doesn't matter. --Brian To: Subject: dynamic-compilation overhead Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 16:08:26 PST From: Brian Grant Just to clarify where a lot of our DC overhead is coming from... Around half of our overhead is due to two general-purpose, unoptimized mechanisms used in our generating extensions: -- Work list: we maintain a work-list of units of code to be generated. In short, a unit is a generalization of a basic block that has a single entry but can have multiple exits. Currently, units can contain static branches, but not merges, but dynamic branches always end units. -- Caching: at every cache lookup, we allocate memory and store the values making up the cache key to it, and pass the key to a general lookup function. The lookup function frees the memory. There are a number of optimizations we can perform to eliminate or reduce this overhead. THE BIGGIE: 1) Currently, we do a work-list push and pop (which includes saving and restoring the specialization context) for every unit that we emit. We really only need to do this for one side of an inter-unit dynamic branch. If we eliminated the other cases we do work-list pushes and pops, it would eliminate all work-list operations from all of the benchmarks except those that do multi-way loop unrolling (binary, query, and mipsi). Even for those three benchmarks, more than half of the work-list operations would be eliminated. 2) We could eliminate the building of the data structure at every cache lookup by inlining the lookup and computing the key directly from the context variables. 3) Bigger units will reduce both of these overheads. By how much is difficult to tell. The main way to get bigger units is linearization of dynamic branches. 4) Reachability analysis can eliminate cache lookups at static merges. --Brian To: cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: costs of emitting instructions (without overheads I just mentioned) Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 16:10:03 PST From: Brian Grant We should probably state this somewhere. From Matthai: No hole: 4 instructions (lda/ldah to construct the isntruction, a store and an add). Fast hole patching: 14 instructions (checking if the hole fits in the range, building and emitting the instruction and spilling/restoring a scratch register) Slow hole patching: 25 instructions (checking if the hole fits in the range, computing a pointer into the static value table, storing into the static value table, emitting a load from the static value table, emitting the actual computation that uses the rtconst, spilling/restoring a scratch register, incrementing the codespace pointer). --Brian To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: features used for other benchmarks Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 16:24:01 PST From: Brian Grant We also use @s to indicate that calls should be evaluated at specialization time. I'll call this static calls. You can decide whether it deserves a column or not. We need this because we don't do interprocedural side-effect analysis. All of these benchmarks do some kind of loop unrolling where the exit condition is static. You can decide whether or not to count this as constant branch removal. (But I would say not since that would be then redundant with the loop unrolling columns.) mipsi: add check: static calls chebychev: add check: static calls dotproduct: add check: constant folding (for static array indexing) romberg: looks fine binary: remove check: loop unrolling (redundant with multiway unrolling) pow: looks fine query: remove check: loop unrolling (redundant) add checks: constant folding, multiway unrolling, static derefs (@) --Brian Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 16:53:40 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers cc: Subject: total dc overhead and instructions stitched BINARY n overhead #ins #cycles/instruction stitched 16 66200 373 177 (*) this is the size 'C used 500 1564463 9775 160 ----------------------------- CHEBYCHEV 5 34342 282 121 10 90448 837 112 15 179962 1692 106 20 302340 2847 106 ----------------------------- 90% 0's: (Consel config) 10 5924 14 423 100 40763 53 769 200 77432 103 751 67% 0's: ('C config) 10 6153 26 238 32 15067 54 279 (*) this is the size 'C used 100 42281 153 276 200 78793 318 247 50% 0's: 10 6290 30 209 100 42401 218 194 200 82961 468 177 ----------------------------- POW: 13 4855 20 242 (*) this is the size 'C used 125 4777 29 164 253 5035 32 157 509 5494 35 156 ----------------------------- QUERY: 100 14511 85 170 1000 15668 85 184 2000 17222 85 202 (*) this is the size 'C used ----------------------------- ROMBERG: 2 12243 173 70 4 28763 480 59 6 73733 1376 53 8 213221 4472 47 -- Markus To:, cc: Subject: mipsi info Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 17:36:18 PST From: Brian Grant Gun's web page has info and references for mipsi: The info on who uses mipsi doesn't include any corporate users, but does include people at Princeton: MIPSI has been used by Andrew Appel and Marcelo Goncalves at Princeton University to investigate garbage collection alternatives for future architectures. --Brian Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 17:36:20 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: intro revised FYI, I've finished editing the intro to the pldi paper, in ~chambers/papers/pldi/98/DyC/paper.doc. (Except for the last paragraph where I mention the PEPM paper) I'm going to look at the abstract now. -- Craig Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 17:55:40 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:,, Subject: Re: mipsi info Cc: We don't need to check this -- Gun has contacted all his "people" and has a summary for us. Susan Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 17:58:33 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: finished abstract and intro I guess I'm releasing the write lock on these sections. I don't know what to look at now. Maybe section 3? -- Craig Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 18:08:10 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: finished abstract and intro That's a good idea. -- Markus On Thu, 6 Nov 1997, Craig Chambers wrote: > I guess I'm releasing the write lock on these sections. I don't know what to > look at now. Maybe section 3? > > -- Craig > Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 18:17:17 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: timings for mipsi Matthai, since meitner has been reserved for us you might want to use it for timing. I am logging off from meitner right now so you can be the lucky guy. -- Markus Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 20:06:33 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: example I have written up register interpreter with a sample program that computes n factorial. Tell me what you think. It's in /afs/ The noop version runs the dyc version seg faults in my compiler cc: Fatal error in /projects/trace1/mflow/usr/vssad/release/mock/lib/ccom cc: Terminated by segmentation violation I am going home now to have dinner should be back on at 9:30. -- Markus Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 20:15:24 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: interpreter example look at /afs/ -- Markus To: Markus Mock cc: spin-comp-archive@cs, Subject: Re: example Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 20:58:27 PST From: Brian Grant Cool. Looks pretty good. It was easy to get working -- I just had to put something between the initial annotation and the loop head. It is important to remember that rule. :-) I committed my version to CVS: DyC/regression/interpreter. Times suck for all computable factorials, however. :-) --Brian To: Subject: Markus wrote an interpreter example for the paper Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 21:26:22 PST From: Brian Grant The current version is in: /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/DyC/regression/interpreter/interpreter.DyC Here is the routine: int interpreter(int bytecodes[], int pc, int arg) { unsigned int inst, rs, rt, rd, offset, reg[32]; make_static(bytecodes,pc:promote_one_unchecked,eager); reg[1] = arg; for (;;) { inst = bytecodes@[pc]; rs = (inst >> 21) & 0x1f; /* should we macroize all of these? */ rt = (inst >> 16) & 0x1f; rd = (inst >> 11) & 0x1f; offset = inst & 0xffff; switch(inst>>26) { case LI: reg[rt] = offset; ++pc; continue; case MUL: reg[rd] = (int) reg[rs] * (int) reg[rt]; ++pc; continue; case SUBI: reg[rt] = (int) reg[rs] - offset; ++pc; continue; case BE: if (reg[rs] == reg[rt]) { pc = pc + offset; continue; } else { ++pc; continue; } case JUMP: pc = offset; continue; case RET: return reg[31]; } } } Here is a program that computes factorial: LI r31, #1 # r1 = 1 LI r2, #0 # r2 = 0 L0: BE r1,r2, L1: # if r1 == r2 goto L1 MUL r31, r1, r31 # r31 = r31 * r1 SUBI r1,r1,#1 # r1 = r1 - 1 JUMP L0 # goto L0 L1: RET # return result in r31 Here is the code we generate (for real!): ldq t10, 440(sp) ldl a2, 416(sp) stl a2, 4(t10) fnop ldq t10, 440(sp) lda t12, 124(zero) lda t11, 1(zero) addq t10, t12, t12 stl t11, 0(t12) lda t12, 8(zero) lda t11, 0(zero) addq t10, t12, t12 stl t11, 0(t12) L1: ldl t12, 8(t10) ldl t11, 4(t10) cmpeq t12, t11, t11 bne t11, L2 ldl t12, 4(t10) ldl t11, 124(t10) mull t12, t11, t11 stl t11, 124(t10) ldl t12, 4(t10) lda t12, -1(t12) stl t12, 4(t10) br L1 L2: ldl v0, 124(t10) ldq ra, 128(sp) fnop lda sp, 544(sp) ret zero, (ra), 1 --Brian Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 21:30:05 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Brian Grant cc: Markus Mock , Subject: Re: example Great! -- Markus On Thu, 6 Nov 1997, Brian Grant wrote: Cool. Looks pretty good. It was easy to get working -- I just had to put something between the initial annotation and the loop head. It is important to remember that rule. :-) I committed my version to CVS: DyC/regression/interpreter. Times suck for all computable factorials, however. :-) --Brian To: Subject: cleaned up interpreter example Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 22:23:57 PST From: Brian Grant Here is the interpreter: int interpreter(int bytecodes[], int pc, int arg) { unsigned int inst, rs, rt, rd, offset, reg[32]; make_static(bytecodes,pc:promote_one_unchecked,eager); reg[1] = arg; for (;;) { inst = bytecodes@[pc]; rs = R1(inst); rt = R2(inst); rd = R3(inst); offset = IMMEDIATE(inst); switch(OPCODE(inst)) { case LI: reg[rt] = offset; ++pc; continue; case MUL: reg[rd] = (int) reg[rs] * (int) reg[rt]; ++pc; continue; case SUBI: reg[rt] = (int) reg[rs] - offset; ++pc; continue; case RBE: if (reg[rs] == reg[rt]) { pc += offset; continue; } else { ++pc; continue; } case ABR: pc = offset; continue; case JMP: pc = reg[rs]; continue; case RET: return reg[31]; } } } Here is an interpreted program that computes factorial: LI r31, #1 # r1 = 1 LI r2, #0 # r2 = 0 L0: RBE r1,r2, L1 # if r1 == r2 goto L1 MUL r31, r1, r31 # r31 = r31 * r1 SUBI r1,r1,#1 # r1 = r1 - 1 ABR L0 # goto L0 L1: RET # return result in r31 Here is the code we generate: ldq r24, 440(sp) ldl r18, 416(sp) stl r18, 4(r24) fnop ldq r24, 440(sp) lda r27, 124(zero) lda r25, 1(zero) addq r24, r27, r27 stl r25, 0(r27) lda r27, 8(zero) lda r25, 0(zero) addq r24, r27, r27 stl r25, 0(r27) L0: ldl r27, 8(r24) ldl r25, 4(r24) cmpeq r27, r25, r25 bne r25, L1 ldl r27, 4(r24) ldl r25, 124(r24) mull r27, r25, r25 stl r25, 124(r24) ldl r27, 4(r24) lda r27, -1(r27) stl r27, 4(r24) br L0 L1: ldl r0, 124(r24) ldq ra, 128(sp) fnop lda sp, 544(sp) ret zero, (ra), 1 Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 00:24:22 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: cc: Subject: Re: Markus wrote an interpreter example for the paper I added a few comments to the generated code.. We probably want to say that we got rid of all the interpretation overhead but would be doing even better by register allocating the reg-array (future work). LI r31, #1 # r31 = 1 LI r2, #0 # r2 = 0 L0: RBE r1,r2, L1 # if r1 == r2 goto L1 MUL r31, r1, r31 # r31 = r31 * r1 SUBI r1,r1,#1 # r1 = r1 - 1 JMPI L0 # goto L0 L1: RET # return result in r31 ldq r24, 440(sp) // r1 = arg ldl r18, 416(sp) stl r18, 4(r24) fnop ldq r24, 440(sp) // LI r31, #1 lda r27, 124(zero) lda r25, 1(zero) addq r24, r27, r27 stl r25, 0(r27) lda r27, 8(zero) // LI r2, #0 lda r25, 0(zero) addq r24, r27, r27 stl r25, 0(r27) L0: ldl r27, 8(r24) // RBE r1, r2, L1 ldl r25, 4(r24) cmpeq r27, r25, r25 bne r25, L1 ldl r27, 4(r24) // MUL r1, r31, r31 ldl r25, 124(r24) mull r27, r25, r25 stl r25, 124(r24) ldl r27, 4(r24) lda r27, -1(r27) // SUBI r1, r1, #1 stl r27, 4(r24) br L0 // JMPI L0 L1: ldl r0, 124(r24) // RET ldq ra, 128(sp) fnop lda sp, 544(sp) ret zero, (ra), 1 To: Subject: effect of register actions on the example code Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 08:32:15 PST From: Brian Grant Here is the code we would like to generate (via register actions): ldl r1, 416(sp) # dynamically allocated lda r2, 1(zero) # dynamically allocated lda r3, 0(zero) # dynamically allocated L0: cmpeq r1, r3, r25 bne r25, L1 mull r1, r2, r2 lda r1, -1(r1) br L0 L1: or r2, zero, r0 ldq ra, 128(sp) fnop lda sp, 544(sp) ret zero, (ra), 1 The generated code went from 30 instructions to 13. --Brian To: Subject: Fabius & caching Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 09:08:44 PST From: Brian Grant It looks like they had cache_one: From "Optimizing ML with Run-Time Code Generation": Curried applications that are not inlined are instead compiled into two calls, the first to a memoized code generator and the second to the address returned by the first call. Memoization is currently implemented using a per-procedure log that records the entry points of previously optimized code and the values that were used to optimize it. For efficiency, values are compared using pointer equality to determine whether code can be reused. However, this causes unacceptable duplication of effort in some benchmarks because structurally equivalent values fail to match. --Brian To: Subject: section 2, the example Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 09:14:02 PST From: Brian Grant What do we want section 2 to show? 1) Explain DyC's capabilities (esp. those used in the benchmarks) 2) Illustrate conciseness of the annotations 3) Give a sense for the complexity of interpreter/simulator programs 4) Show how DyC works Is that about right? We've worked on bullets 1-3 and are starting on #4. --Brian Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 09:33:00 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: section 2, the example > From Fri Nov 7 09:14:08 1997 > Delivery-Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 09:14:09 PST > X-Mailer: exmh version 1.5.3 12/28/94 > Reply-To: > To: > Subject: section 2, the example > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 09:14:02 PST > From: Brian Grant > > What do we want section 2 to show? > > 1) Explain DyC's capabilities (esp. those used in the benchmarks) > 2) Illustrate conciseness of the annotations > 3) Give a sense for the complexity of interpreter/simulator programs > 4) Show how DyC works > > Is that about right? We've worked on bullets 1-3 and are starting on #4. > > --Brian > Sounds good to me. Cool that the interpreter is for real! -- Craig Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 09:40:26 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: section 2, the example What you are doing sounds right to me. The only wrinkle is that Craig may be doing/have done the same thing. We have too many writers for our situation of rewriting on the day of submission. So can I suggest that we divide up the work? How about this division: -- Craig and Brian do section 2 -- Craig is already making changes to highlighted areas in section 4 -- I'm making changes to Craig's changes in the intro, and will also be responsible for making sure the paper reads as though it was written with one voice. I'd like input on this. -- Matthai and Markus don't seem to be here now. So when you come in, want to help one of the groups? Is this ok with everyone? Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: Subject: Re: section 2, the example Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 09:42:08 PST From: Brian Grant Markus is here and helping with section 2. --Brian Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 09:42:32 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers cc:, Subject: Re: section 2, the example Nope I'm here. I am currently putting the example in frame showing the results of the BTA and also the generated code and the register allocated code we'd really like. -- Markus On Fri, 7 Nov 1997, Susan Eggers wrote: > What you are doing sounds right to me. > The only wrinkle is that Craig may be doing/have done the same thing. We > have too many writers for our situation of rewriting on the day of > submission. > > So can I suggest that we divide up the work? How about this division: > -- Craig and Brian do section 2 > -- Craig is already making changes to highlighted areas in section 4 > -- I'm making changes to Craig's changes in the intro, and will also > be responsible for making sure the paper reads as though it > was written with one voice. I'd like input on this. > -- Matthai and Markus don't seem to be here now. So when you come in, > want to help one of the groups? > > Is this ok with everyone? > > Susan > Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 10:05:33 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper lock I'm grabbing the write lock on sections 3 and 4 and 5. I'm starting from Susan's copy, right? -- Craig Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 10:07:34 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:,, Subject: Re: section 2, the example As I discussed with Susan, Brian & Markus should do section 2 to their heart's content, then Susan and/or I will read it over later. I'm focussing on sections 3 onwards now. -- Craig Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 10:40:48 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: questions Is it spelled chebyshev or chebychev? I need data on what each benchmark does (a one liner), what the run-time constant is for each benchmark, its total size in lines, and the size in lines of the dynamic region. -- Craig Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 11:09:45 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers cc: Subject: RE: questions Is it spelled chebyshev or chebychev? I just double-checked in Grolier's: CHEBYSHEV BINARY desc: does a binary search on an array of size n given a value v rtc: array size and the array contents region 19 lines total 136 ----------------------------- CHEBYCHEV desc: computes a chebyshev polynomial to approximate a function (cos in our case) n = degree of polynomial to be computed rtc: n region 19 total 139 ----------------------------- DOTPRODUCT desc: computes the dotproduct of two vectors of size n rtc: vector1 and n region: 11 total: 127 ----------------------------- POW desc: computes f **n, f a double, n int by successive squaring (log n) algo rtc: n region: 12 total: 102 ----------------------------- QUERY: desc: does a query for a database of size n. The query struct q has 7 elements specifying a database record field, a test and a value. It interpretes the query for a given database record testing if all query conditions are true. rtc: query q, size of query (7) region: 24 total: 184 ----------------------------- ROMBERG: desc: does a Romberg integration (approximation) of a function iterating M times. We're integrating (x * x) + (2.0 * x) + 1.0; rtc: iteration bound M region: 24 total: 155 -- Markus Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 12:24:48 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: frame doc my version of the paper is in ~mock/submission/paper.doc -- Markus Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 12:33:48 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: experiments & rel work I'm done revising the former sections 3-5, now sections 3-4. See .../exp.doc in my paper directory. I'm now going to draft a conclusion, then we can try to do some integration. -- Craig Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 13:02:21 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: experiments & rel work I now have the lock on these sections. Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 13:02:56 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: conclusion I'm done drafting a conclusion. In the same document as before: exp.doc. -- Craig To: cc: Subject: mipsi cycles/instr stitched and number of instructions Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 13:31:29 PST From: Matthai Philipose mipsi on sort.x: Instructions stitched: 59169 Cycles/instr stitched: 331 Cycles/instruction is higher than for the mini-programs, because: 1) It doesn't use the unchecked policy (it uses cache_all); this is because is we see a pc twice, the second time we want to do the cache check, figure out we've seen the pc before and stitch a branch to the pc. 2) It has two lazy points within the loop being unrolled (basically two computed jump instructions beins simulated, namely JR (return) and JALR (jump and link through register). Matthai To: Subject: Monday's meeting Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 16:18:49 PST From: Brian Grant Monday's meeting is cancelled. I won't come in at least until Wednesday. I suggest everybody else get as much rest as they can. :-) --Brian Date: Sat, 08 Nov 1997 13:38:25 -0500 From: Charlie Garrett To: Subject: way to go It sounds like you got the PLDI paper off in time with some good performance numbers. Congratulations. Could you point me to the file containing the submission? I'll assume that I should not show it to anyone else. Thanks. -- Charlie To: Markus Mock cc: Subject: e-mail confirmation for PLDI receipt? Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 09:42:22 PST From: Matthai Philipose Markus, Did you get the e-mail confirmation that they received our submission? Sung, for instance, did not get one last year and found out too late that her paper had been lost in some bureaucratic snafu. Matthai Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 11:00:57 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose cc: Subject: Re: e-mail confirmation for PLDI receipt? I got two, one each for each of our submissions. -- Markus On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Matthai Philipose wrote: > Markus, > Did you get the e-mail confirmation that they received our submission? > Sung, for instance, did not get one last year and found out too late that > her paper had been lost in some bureaucratic snafu. > Matthai > Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 22:54:55 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Subject: PLDI 98 (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 22:52:36 -0600 (CST) From: Keith Cooper To: Subject: PLDI 98 You submitted an extended abstract to PLDI 98. We have printed your abstract without problem; this notice should reassure you that we have the abstract registered and printed. If you submitted multiple abstracts, you should receive multiple copies of this notice. keith d. cooper ( To: Subject: priorities (mostly wrt the PLDI deadline) Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 15:01:56 PST From: Brian Grant We mainly want to try to lower breakeven points (BE) and increase speedups (SU) for our current apps (BS for both), but we also would like to extend our expressivity (EX) to include most of our core design and another app (AP) might be nice. With this in mind, we've set the following priorities for people: Priority can be one (*) or two (**) stars. Lower priority items, such as clustering or run-time inlining, are not mentioned below. Matthai: ** [SU] Peephole (flipping branch directions, strength reduction) ** [SU] Eliminate useless unconditional branches Markus: ** [SU] Register actions * [BS] Reachability conditions * [EX] Polyvariant division * [AP] SPIN dispatcher Brian: ** [BE] Inline common case of cache lookups and memory allocation ** [BE] Remove work-list pushes for "last edge" from a unit (common case is only one edge!) Markus is working on his generals now, until mid-December. Brian will be working on his Jan-Feb. We are all responsible for debugging, but Matthai will likely have to track down most of the currently known bugs after he returns on Dec. 14. --Brian To: Subject: things to think about for next week Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 15:05:09 PST From: Brian Grant 1) Register actions. 2) Reachability analysis in the general framework with polyvariant specialization, cache checks, etc. Which merges should be identified as static? Is this still a useful notion? How else might we want/need to use the results of reachability analysis? 3) Do we have any ideas that we might want to patent (e.g., register actions)? --Brian Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 20:11:23 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: priorities (mostly wrt the PLDI deadline) Brian -- Thank you for doing this. Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: status Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 13:44:18 PST From: Brian Grant In my version, all but one of the (previously working) regression tests works; pow is the exception. In pow, initialization of loop-induction variable, a floating-point load of a float constant, is dropped. I had this problem before with another benchmark, but I don't remember how I fixed it. I should probably make a compendium of bugs since many of them have been recurring problems. I'm putting pow on the back burner fow now. My version includes the new macroized boilerplate with a generic mechanism for extracting the boilerplate and recording its components in a hash table. Unfortunately, my generic parameterized code-copying routines aren't working yet, so the old "manual" copy routines are still in use. The hitch is that the parameter-naming mechanism I chose (VAR/TEMP correspondence) doesn't work when the source variables are not initialized. I just need to figure out a way to initialize the variables in a way that doesn't allow their corresponding TEMPs to be eliminated but does allow me to easily delete the initialization code. As soon as I get the new boilerplate mechanisms fully working, I'll fix a bug in the compiler/merger interface and inline memory allocation and caching code (at least for the first hash). After that, I'll move on to optimizing the work-list loop. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: a couple bits of progress Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 23:13:21 PST From: Brian Grant 1) I resolved the glitches in my naming mechanism for the general boilerplate. I used calls of appropriate types (to prevent coercion operations) to initialize the parameters of boilerplate code snippets. Now I just need to debug the copying routine and I can then insert several new snippets for memory allocation and caching. 2) I made the first pass on eliminating needless work-list pushes and pops. I already had code to identify which pushes were eliminable, so I used this information to put in an edge directly to the next unit, rather than go through the push/pop cycle. It seems to work in most cases. Binary and query appear to have some problem with caching, but it should be easily fixed. I didn't run on an idle machine, but it looks like the benefit will be as big as expected. Dotproduct now has a best cycle / instruction emitted of 42 for a vector of length 200, compared to the ~150 I saw before and the 250-750 reported in the paper. Note that what I have done is for eager edges only. Lazy edges will be trickier, but will have a big effect on lowering breakevens for small input sizes. If only we had had one or two more weeks.... :-) I'm running into failures in the scheduler with increasing frequency. I had to tweak the unrolling options a little more to get our programs to go through. One of these days, I may have to plunge in and try to find the root of the problem. --Brian Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:06:14 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: a couple bits of progress Nice report. I'm glad your breakeven estimates are panning out. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: a couple bits of progress Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 11:33:41 PST From: Brian Grant >> Nice report. I'm glad your breakeven estimates are panning out. One thing I didn't check is how many zeros there were in the test I ran. The primary reason some of the cycles/instr. were so high for dotproduct was just that no instructions were generated for 90% of the loop iterations due to zeroes. But < 50 cycles/instr. is pretty good. --Brian To: Subject: Leone's new dynamic-compilation project Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 16:22:30 PST From: Brian Grant I just found this (meaning I don't know anything yet): --Brian Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 16:29:19 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: Leone's new dynamic-compilation project Have to say he is a little better at names that we are... To: Subject: code for aligning a code address Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 17:00:41 PST From: Brian Grant The code required has essentially three instructions: - Add - Build mask - Mask I don't see how to get it down to two since the mask is a 64-bit quantity. There are also a few more instructions because of some accounting I forgot about (that lets us know how many instructions we generated). Here is the C source from the boilerplate: AlignedAddress = (char*) (((long)DYCBP_PARAM(1) + ALPHA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE*PAD_CACHE_LINES - 1) & (long)~(ALPHA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE-1)); DyCRT_PaddedBytes += ((unsigned long) AlignedAddress - (unsigned long) DYCBP_PARAM(1)); DYCBP_PARAM(1) = AlignedAddress; Here is the Multiflow IR (result temp is first, followed by operands): ADD <>t259 <>t398 63(SI64) SUB <_AlignedAddress$1.54>t444 0(I64) 32(SI64) BANDOR.AND.NN <_AlignedAddress$1.54>t387 <>t259 <_AlignedAddress$1.54>t444 LD <_DyCRT_PaddedBytes$1.0>t261 <>t381 addr(_DyCRT_PaddedBytes$1.0)(P64) _DyCRT_PaddedBytes$1.0 SUB <_DyCRT_PaddedBytes$1.0>t445 <_AlignedAddress$1.54>t387 <>t398 ADD <_DyCRT_PaddedBytes$1.0>t264 <_DyCRT_PaddedBytes$1.0>t445 <_DyCRT_PaddedBytes$1.0>t261 ASSIGN <>t398 <_AlignedAddress$1.54>t387 ST <_DyCRT_PaddedBytes$1.0>t264 <>t381 addr(_DyCRT_PaddedBytes$1.0)(P64) _DyCRT_PaddedBytes$1.0 --Brian Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 17:46:27 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: Leone's new dynamic-compilation project I've seen this before. I printed out the white paper on Dynamo, and it looks very boring; exactly Lightweight RTCG as in Fabius as far as I can tell. Sorry I didn't point you all at it at the time; I'm surprised I didn't. I guess Jeff Dean first pointed me at it, because of some inlining work on the page that's mostly a subset of what Jeff & I did before. -- Craig Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 17:55:19 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: code for aligning a code address > The code required has essentially three instructions: > - Add > - Build mask > - Mask > > I don't see how to get it down to two since the mask is a 64-bit quantity. Can you use a negative immediate? It's a small negative number, not a large positive number. Sparc has signed immediates.... > > There are also a few more instructions because of some accounting I forgot > about (that lets us know how many instructions we generated). We shouldn't do this instrumentation except in a slow version. The measured, fast, normal version should have no unneeded instrumentation overhead. That's 4 instructions of overhead from the sequence, including a LD and a ST. Removing those, we get: > > Here is the C source from the boilerplate: > > AlignedAddress = (char*) (((long)DYCBP_PARAM(1) + > ALPHA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE*PAD_CACHE_LINES - 1) & > (long)~(ALPHA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE-1)); > DYCBP_PARAM(1) = AlignedAddress; > > Here is the Multiflow IR (result temp is first, followed by operands): > > ADD <>t259 <>t398 63(SI64) > SUB <_AlignedAddress$1.54>t444 0(I64) 32(SI64) > BANDOR.AND.NN <_AlignedAddress$1.54>t387 <>t259 <_AlignedAddress$1.54>t444 > ASSIGN <>t398 <_AlignedAddress$1.54>t387 The SUB appears to be making a -32 constant into t444, then doing a t387 &= -32 instruction in the bizarre BANDOR.AND.NN instruction. So maybe no negative immediates, therefore an extra instruction. Why is there a separate ASSIGN instruction? Why doesn't the BANDOR instruction compute directly into t398? If you dropped the AlignedAddress temp from the boilerplate, and assigned directly into DYCBP_PARAM(1), would that 4th instruction go away? So 3 instrs should be the goal, 2 if negative immediates are supported. -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: code for aligning a code address Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 07:05:58 PST From: Brian Grant >> Can you use a negative immediate? It's a small negative number, not a large >> positive number. Sparc has signed immediates.... I'll check the architecture manual and write a test in assembly code. --Brian To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: code for aligning a code address Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:52:16 PST From: Brian Grant >> Sparc has signed immediates.... I checked the arch. manual. Alpha only has signed immediates for memory- format instructions (like LDA). Short immediates for operate-format instructions such as the BAND are zero-extended (and non-negative). --Brian Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 14:59:13 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: chambers@klamath, Subject: Re: code for aligning a code address Cc: now we have something else to add to the list of arch-dep effects. susan To: Subject: another possible thing to do before the final paper deadline Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 10:55:00 PST From: Brian Grant We could implement the syntactic sugar(s) that would make @ largely unnecessary. I think we now know enough about the front end to do it. --Brian Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 10:59:24 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: another possible thing to do before the final paper deadline > From Wed Nov 26 10:55:27 1997 > Delivery-Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 10:55:28 PST > X-Mailer: exmh version 1.5.3 12/28/94 > Reply-To: > To: > Subject: another possible thing to do before the final paper deadline > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 10:55:00 PST > From: Brian Grant > > We could implement the syntactic sugar(s) that would make @ largely > unnecessary. I think we now know enough about the front end to do it. > > --Brian > This is the idea for annotating structure/array element types in place of all references to them? -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: another possible thing to do before the final paper deadline Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 11:02:50 PST From: Brian Grant >> This is the idea for annotating structure/array element types in place of >> all references to them? Yes. We could annotate call as constant in their declarations as well, which would be useful for annotating sin/cos in Consel's benchmarks but may not be useful in mipsi. --Brian Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 11:36:02 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: chambers@klamath, Subject: Re: another possible thing to do before the final paper deadline Cc: Can you spell out what this would save us in terms of either asymp. speedup or breakeven? Susan To: Subject: results page Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 11:12:12 PST From: Brian Grant I have entered Table 2 from our PLDI submission. It currently contains the same results as are in the submission. I'll update it tonight with our new and improved breakevens. --Brian To: Subject: numbers for dotproduct are on the results page Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 15:52:28 PST From: Brian Grant Speedup is lower, I think, because of unnecessary table-pointer builds and useless unconditional branches. The table-pointer-build problem was re-introduced when I eliminated a certain class of work-list push/pops. That's a bug that I need to fix. The branch problem just didn't happen to manifest itself in dotproduct previously, but does now. That is something that Matthai can fix when he returns. --Brian To: Subject: commit Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 16:09:33 PST From: Brian Grant I just committed my code. Do a top-level update. binary and query run again, but not with my work-list optimizations. --Brian To: Subject: another possible app: Limbo Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 11:25:27 PST From: Brian Grant I just talked to Dave Presotto and he was interested in giving us the Bell Labs (research) version of the Limbo interpreter. It is written in C and he said that is pretty small. Limbo is the language used for Inferno, Lucent's answer to the JavaVM and JavaOS. --Brian To: cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: report on benchmark status and what I've been up to Date: Sun, 07 Dec 1997 12:57:43 PST From: Brian Grant Report for Matthai (and everyone else) Summary: -- We have better breakevens (and a few speedups, too!) for nearly all of the `C and Tempo benchmarks -- Save a backup copy of your stitcher before you update -- Try your table-pointer-build-elimination optimization -- Try mipsi with -mP2DYC_peel_worklist_loop=true -- Look at query and the insidious assertion at cg/schedule_vn.C:799 -- Look at the problem of intra-unit branches to the next instruction Details: I have been working on lowering our dynamic-compilation overhead and breakeven points. The two main strategies I've used are: 1) Inlining library routines for allocating and freeing memory. 2) Eliminating the work-list push/pop for one successor of every unit (the "last" successor). Since exactly one successor is the common case (everywhere except at a dynamic branch), this yields big speedups. I'm mostly done with these optimizations. The one case I have not addressed is that of nested (emitted) lazy points. The reason for this is that doing either of these things at an emitted lazy point would require the insertion of a dynamic branch into template code, which cannot easily be done. Another optimization I have yet to get started on is inlining the first hash of the cache lookup and eliminating the construction of the context vector preceding cache lookups (the vector would then only be constructed if the lookup failed). I also fixed a few bugs. One was a work-list bug that affected apps with dynamic branches. I'm not sure if it will allow any broken apps to work. The other main bug was in the table-pointer-build elimination. I now propagate the flag through the work-list. I need to make one more fix, however, which would be to check that the table used is the same as the one for the predecessor. I copied your version of the stitcher, fixed a few minor bugs, changed a couple of the label formats in minor ways, and commented out your optimization that built the table pointer only when needed. When you do an update you should get a conflict there. I committed my version as 3.0. When you do an update, your whole compiler may be rebuilt. I have created new scripts, called rt-time, that are invoked when using rt to perform timings. rt-exec is still used for regression testing. I have created a new script,, that is invoked automagically when you use rt to time the benchmarks. It creates a file called .stats in the rt directory for . The script automatically computes the median times and overheads, speedup, and breakeven. I have modified the `C and Tempo benchmarks we reported in the submission to conform to the output that it expects. To make other apps print data in the right format, take a look at, for example, dotproduct. Probably, you'll have to only add three print statements. Updated performance results for the `C and Tempo benchmarks (all except query) can be found at: The page is globally accessible, but I currently only have a link to it from our internal page. Note that I have not tried to compile or run mipsi with these optimizations turned on. While I'm gone, you should try this, but don't bother to debug it if it doesn't work. The other apps: chebyshev I was unable to duplicate Markus' spectacular speedups. I looked at his raw numbers and found my noop version (plain Mflow, same options as DyC version) to be significantly faster, while my dc version was slightly slower. Some compiler options have changed, but not ones that I would expect to account for the difference. In any case, we should probably compare to those faster numbers and report the lower speedups. Two fewer instructions were stitched due to one table-pointer build being eliminated. DC overhead was about the same since chebyshev already had relatively large units. Breakevens went up slightly due to the lower speedups. romberg I haven't yet looked at why we're generating more instructions than before. It could be due to a bug in the table-pointer-build-elimination optimization. Despite that, we get slightly better speedups for the three smaller data sizes, but slightly lower for the largest. Overhead was already the lowest of all the apps, but the optimizations cut it nearly in half, causing a corresponding drop in the breakevens. binary Higher speedup is due partially to slowing down of the baseline, I think. Overhead and breakevens are cut by a factor of 5. The loop we unroll is small but has lots of units due to dynamic branches. pow Again, more instructions generated. Slightly lower speedups but it doesn't show due to rounding. Overhead was reduced by about a factor of three, but breakevens were only reduced by about half due to the decrease in speedup. query This works with the work-list optimizations turned off, but we won't even get the same performance as we reported in the submission if we do that. With the optimizations turned on, I expect it to work but I keep running into the infamous assertion failure at cg/schedule_vn.C:799. Matthai, please take a look at this. dotproduct The killer app! Speedups better, breakevens better. Nothing surprising here. My travel plans have changed. I'm leaving now and will be back on Dec. 22. I hope you had a good trip! --Brian Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 20:06:36 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Matthai Philipose , Subject: compiler version 3 Matthai, have you compiled version 3 as checked in by Brian? I got unresolved symbols and needed to copy some files from his directories that did apparently not get checked in... -- Markus Date: Sun, 21 Dec 1997 16:57:08 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@chiwawa (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, melody@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: out I've been out for a while, tending to Sylvia (who had an operation last Thursday and has been in the hospital since) and my kids. I'll probably continue to be out for another week or so. Sylvia hopefully will be coming home before Christmas, but she'll still need lots of help around the house. I'll try to read email, but only sporadically. -- Craig To: Subject: I'm back Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 23:48:42 PST From: Brian Grant It will take a few days for me to get back on Seattle time. I'll fill you in on the ordeal later. I plan be in on Monday. --Brian To: Subject: meeting time this week? Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 11:19:59 PST From: Brian Grant Will we meet today, at another time this week, or not at all this week? --Brian Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 13:22:53 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: meeting time this week? No meeting this week. -- Craig Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 13:27:15 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, faculty@cs, melody@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: Sylvia is home! Well, after getting sick Dec. 13, going in to the hospital Dec. 18, and having two operations to combat her abdominal infection, Sylvia finally came home this morning. Thanks for all your good wishes, and the flowers really lifted our spirits. Sylvia will be recovering her strength and stamina for another month, but after that she should be completely back to normal. -- Craig To: Subject: web page with updated performance numbers Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 16:39:09 PST From: Brian Grant Should we make this table public yet? Have we made it public? If the committee will meet mid-January, we should do it soon. --Brian To: Subject: latest numbers on web page Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 17:05:36 PST From: Brian Grant Except for mipsi, all of the benchmarks have been run with the breakeven- lowering optimizations. A few of the apps have slightly better speedups as well. Chebyshev's speedups are still lower, but not as low as before. We probably won't be able to squeeze much more speedup out of pow or dotproduct, but we may have a little more to gain on binary and query. In the long term, pow should probably be dropped as a benchmark. Matthai looked at the generated instructions and found them to be nearly optimal, with about half the instructions removed from the critical path, including three branches. Yet, we get only about a 10% improvement in performance. The reason appears to be that the cost of one loop iteration is dominated by its multiply, and the other (integer) instructions don't matter much. Matthai removed extraneous branches from query, and that also had little impact. So, our speedups still aren't great for the `C benchmarks and probably won't improve much soon. We'll try to generate new numbers for mipsi this weekend. We should probably decide what to write on the web page, then notify the program committee. Should we also link to the performance page from our home page? --Brian Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 20:28:38 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting time? We need to reschedule our meeting time for this quarter. When? I can't meet before 3pm on MWF, and I can't meet T 12-1, Th 11-4:30, T 3:30-4:30. -- Craig Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 20:59:09 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: meeting time? Wed at (or after 3) is fine with me, as is Tuesday 2:30, Tuesday mornings (although I would have to miss some meetings then). Susan Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 21:54:16 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Susan Eggers cc:, Subject: Re: meeting time? Wed 3:30 or later (after 590L), Tuesday 2:30 work for me too, Tuesday and Thursday mornings don't work, anything else than that would work too. -- Markus Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 23:01:55 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: latest numbers on web page Why don't we discuss what to do the the numbers at our next meeting. Susan To: "Markus U. Mock" cc: Susan Eggers , Subject: Re: meeting time? Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 08:06:52 PST From: Brian Grant Tues and Wed afternoons are fine by me. Wed might be better so we don't have to worry about running into 519. --Brian To: Subject: Meeting time Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 11:13:03 PST From: Matthai Philipose I can't make it after 3:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays. Also, Tue 12:30-1:20 are Wed 2:30-3:20 out, in addition to the usual colloqium constraints. Based on the constraints I've seen so far, Tue 2:30-3:20 seems to be the slot that works for everyone. Matthai Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 11:23:53 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: Meeting time OK, let's do it T 2:30-3:30. We can run long if there no colloq or we're not going. This Tuesday I have to leave at 3:15, to take Sylvia to get her stitches out (we hope!). -- Craig Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 23:15:39 -0800 From: (Markus U. Mock) To: Subject: Reachability There's a problem with the the BTA_Merge function as written in our PEPM submission with respect to reachability conditions: It states: IF this is a static merge THEN Merge(lvs, bta) ELSE ... This condition is independent of the divisions, however, a merge may be static in one division and not static in another. example: if (d) make_static(x); else make_static(x,y); if (y) ... else ... M: /* merge is static in division {x,y} but dynamic in division {x} */ In a nutshell the modification of the BTAMerge rule that I have implemented and which I am currently debugging does the following: (1) at a merge sort incoming btas by their division (2) compute mutual exclusion conditions and updated reachability conditions by combining the information of those btas that have the same division (after splitting the graph creating one for each division only the information from the same division will merge) call the set of resulting btas BTAS (3) for each bta in BTAS compute out-division, out-info and out-conditions as follows: a) out-conditions = in-conditions (they were already combined in step 2 b) out-divisions are computed as in the old PEPM rule by forgetting dead vars c) the rule that computes which variables to drop at the merge is modified as follows: before we dropped merged vars that were not polyvariantly specialized ({x1 .. xn} - pvs) NOW: if the merge is dynamic for the division: as before if the merge is static for the division: drop merged vars that are neither polyvariantly specialized nor static on all incoming branches ({x1, .. xn) - pvs - smv) Reason: variables that are static on all incoming branches have in fact only one reaching definition since the merge is static, and are therefore not discordant. Here are more details of the rules [indices are a pain in email]: bta is augmented to incorporate the reachability conditions: BTA = Division -> DivisionInfo x ReachabilityConditions BTAMerge computes bta = U btas is computed by combining incoming divisions in the following way: let btas = {(d1, i11, c11), (d1, i12, c12) .. (d1, d1n_1, c1n_1), (d2, d21, c21), (d2, i22, c22) .. (d2, i2n_2, c2_n2), ... (dm, im1, cm1), (dm, im2, cm2) .. (dm, imn_m, cmn_m)} i.e. we sort the incoming btas by their division. Since after splitting the graph for each division, only the same divisions merge at a control flow merge, only the reachability conditions for the same divisions need to be combined to compute whether a merge is static, so bta = {(d1, i11, c1), (d1, i12, c1) .. (d1, i1n_1, c1), (d2, i21, c2), (d2, i22, c2) .. (d2, i2n_2, c2). ... (dm, im1, cm), (dm, dm2, cm) .. (dm, imn_m, cm)} where ci = ci1 v ci2 v .. cin_i The merge for division di is static iff bi := mutex(ci1, ci2, .. cin_i) where mutex(..) tests whether the arguments are mutually exclusive. Given bta the updated bta after merging is computed by modifying the BTA_Merge rule as follows: BTAMerge[[merge(x1, .. xn)]] lvs uvs mds sp btas = bta = as computed above Merge(lvs, {dout, iout, cout) | (dk, info, c) \in bta , and info = (si, prom, dis) pvs = {x1, .. xn} ^ PolySpecializationVars(d) ^ lvs mvs = ({x1, .. xn} - pvs) ^ lvs IF bk = false (merge in this division is dynamic ) ({x1, .. xn) -pvs - smv(k)) ^lvs IF bk=TRUE where smv(k) = ^ staticVars(info_kj), j = 1 .. nk i.e. smv(k) is the intersection of all variables that are static on all incoming branches when computing the merge for division k. These variables do not have to be considered merged (mvs), since the merge is static and are therefore subtracted when computing mvs. cout = c dout = ForgetDeadVars(uvs, d - {x,p') \in d| x \in mvs}) iout = IF pvs = {} THEN (si - mvs, {}, {}) ELSE ({v, (mp, {v})) | (v,pol) \in dout mp = if v \in pvs then MergeCachingPolicy(pol) else CachingPolicy(StaticVarInfo(i)(v))}, {}, pvs)}) Any comments? -- Markus Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 09:57:05 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: Reachability English: > if the merge is static for the division: drop merged > vars that are neither polyvariantly specialized nor static > on all incoming branches Math: > ({x1, .. xn} - pvs - smv) The English and the math do different things. The English says this: ({x1, .. xn} - (pvs intersect smv)) Which is right? -- Craig Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 10:05:07 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers cc: Subject: Re: Reachability The math. -- Markus On Tue, 6 Jan 1998, Craig Chambers wrote: > English: > > > if the merge is static for the division: drop merged > > vars that are neither polyvariantly specialized nor static > > on all incoming branches > > Math: > > > ({x1, .. xn} - pvs - smv) > > The English and the math do different things. The English says this: > > ({x1, .. xn} - (pvs intersect smv)) > > Which is right? > > -- Craig > Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 10:10:08 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: Reachability Cc: Actually, I think I was wrong, and your English and math do the same thing. The set that's being computed is what to drop, and you correctly remove both polyvariantly specialized and static values from the list of variables to drop. Never mind. -- Craig > From Tue Jan 6 10:05:11 1998 > Delivery-Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 10:05:12 PST > Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 10:05:07 -0800 (PST) > From: Markus Mock > To: Craig Chambers > cc: > Subject: Re: Reachability > MIME-Version: 1.0 > > The math. > > -- Markus > > On Tue, 6 Jan 1998, Craig Chambers wrote: > > > English: > > > > > if the merge is static for the division: drop merged > > > vars that are neither polyvariantly specialized nor static > > > on all incoming branches > > > > Math: > > > > > ({x1, .. xn} - pvs - smv) > > > > The English and the math do different things. The English says this: > > > > ({x1, .. xn} - (pvs intersect smv)) > > > > Which is right? > > > > -- Craig > > > > Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 17:40:18 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: pldi paper Can someone print our PLDI submission on my printer? ps3ES. Thanks, Susan Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 17:44:32 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, eggers@yakima Subject: Re: pldi paper Never mind. I found a copy in Craig's directory. Susan To: Subject: comparison with gcc: bad news Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 23:33:04 PST From: Brian Grant gcc -O2 produces, in most cases, much faster code than Multiflow (up to 50%). Only for chebyshev is it slower. We turned off induction variable simplification, loop unrolling, and insertion of conditional moves for all of the apps, so that is certainly a factor. I could post the numbers if people are interested, but they are pretty bleak. For many of the apps, we have speedup less than 1 when using gcc as the baseline. --Brian Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 09:40:10 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: comparison with gcc: bad news Yuk. I don't think it's worth a post. Susan Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 09:43:49 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: comparison with gcc: bad news > From Tue Jan 6 23:33:14 1998 > Reply-To: > We turned off induction variable > simplification, loop unrolling, and insertion of conditional moves for all of > the apps, so that is certainly a factor. I'm not sure what you meant here by "that is a factor". Turning these on should make the gcc runs faster, meaning things would be worse of these opts were part of the compile. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: Subject: Re: comparison with gcc: bad news Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 09:45:50 PST From: Brian Grant >> I'm not sure what you meant here by "that is a factor". >> Turning these on should make the gcc runs faster, meaning things would >> be worse of these opts were part of the compile. I meant they were turned off in Multiflow. Matthai checked gcc's man page and found that loop unrolling was also turned off for gcc, so that wasn't actually a factor. --Brian Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 09:57:57 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: eggers@yakima, Subject: Re: comparison with gcc: bad news Cc: I think we need to compare apples and apples, particularly if we are trying to show that gcc is slower. We've set up a situation in which either we guarantee that it is not, and/or we are not sure why. Susan To: Subject: Shady `C Results? Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 13:05:19 PST From: Brian Grant We've looked more closely at TickC's implementation of pow. The C code for their baseline and their `C code are below. Note that square is declared as an int in the baseline, but base, the corresponding vspec in the `C implementation, is a double. We compiled the baseline on roughly the same type of machine that they used for their benchmarks (Sparc 5) and found the "square *= square" to be implemented by a software implementation of an integer multiply, a call that requires around 16(?) cycles. The double- precision floating-point multiply used in their `C version requires only 6 cycles. So, conversion of an incorrect and slow integer multiply to a faster floating-point one could easily explain their speedup. How do we handle this? --Brian double pow(double base, int exp) { int t, bit = 1; int square = base; double result = 1.0; while (bit <= exp) { if (bit & exp) result *= square; bit = bit << 1; square *= square; } return result; } dptr mkpow(int exp) { double vspec base = param(double,0); switch (exp) { case 0: return compile(`{ return 1.; },double); case 1: return compile(`{ return @base; },double); default: { double vspec result = local( double); void cspec squares = `{ @result = 1.; }; int t, bit = 2; if (1 & exp) squares = `{ @squares; @result *= @base; }; while (bit <= exp) { squares = `{ @squares; @base *= @base; }; if (bit & exp) squares = `{ @squares; @result *= @base; }; bit = bit << 1; } return compile(`{ @squares; return @result; },double); } } } Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 13:16:42 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: Shady `C Results? How about asking them to explain their results, given our study, and ask them to recompute a correct speed-up number for their system that we can quote? -- Craig > From Thu Jan 8 13:05:40 1998 > Delivery-Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 13:05:41 PST > X-Mailer: exmh version 1.5.3 12/28/94 > Reply-To: > To: > Subject: Shady `C Results? > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 13:05:19 PST > From: Brian Grant > > We've looked more closely at TickC's implementation of pow. The C code for > their baseline and their `C code are below. Note that square is declared > as an int in the baseline, but base, the corresponding vspec in the `C > implementation, is a double. We compiled the baseline on roughly the same > type of machine that they used for their benchmarks (Sparc 5) and found the > "square *= square" to be implemented by a software implementation of an > integer multiply, a call that requires around 16(?) cycles. The double- > precision floating-point multiply used in their `C version requires only 6 > cycles. > > So, conversion of an incorrect and slow integer multiply to a faster > floating-point one could easily explain their speedup. > > How do we handle this? > > --Brian > > double pow(double base, int exp) { > int t, bit = 1; > int square = base; > double result = 1.0; > > while (bit <= exp) { > if (bit & exp) > result *= square; > bit = bit << 1; > square *= square; > } > return result; > } > > dptr mkpow(int exp) { > double vspec base = param(double,0); > switch (exp) { > case 0: > return compile(`{ return 1.; },double); > case 1: > return compile(`{ return @base; },double); > default: > { > double vspec result = local( double); > void cspec squares = `{ @result = 1.; }; > int t, bit = 2; > > if (1 & exp) > squares = `{ @squares; @result *= @base; }; > while (bit <= exp) { > squares = `{ @squares; @base *= @base; }; > if (bit & exp) > squares = `{ @squares; @result *= @base; }; > bit = bit << 1; > } > return compile(`{ @squares; return @result; },double); > } > } > } > > To: cc: Subject: Clarification on pow benchmark in the tcc distribution Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 13:43:10 PST From: Matthai Philipose Max, We're running our new dynamic compilation system on some of the 'C benchmarks for purposes of comparison, and noticed a minor error that seems to make a big performance difference in the pow benchmark. Basically, it seems that in the function "pow" below, the variable "square" should be declared as a double, just as the "base" vspec in mkpow is declared as a double. Otherwise the "square*=square" operation in pow seems to be generated as a software integer multiply, whereas the corresponding operation in mkpow, "@base *= @base", seems to be generated as a (much faster) hardware multiply. This makes it very difficult to compare the two in terms of the effect of dynamic compilation alone. What's your take on this? If you agree that this is a problem, can you please make the required change (i.e. make square a double), re-run the pow benchmark and let us know the new speedup ASAP? Thanks, Matthai ------------ Part of the code for follows: #include #include "benchmark.h" typedef double (*dptr)(double); double pow(double base, int exp) { int t, bit = 1; int square = base; double result = 1.0; while (bit <= exp) { if (bit & exp) result *= square; bit = bit << 1; square *= square; } return result; } dptr mkpow(int exp) { double vspec base = param(double,0); switch (exp) { case 0: return compile(`{ return 1.; },double); case 1: return compile(`{ return @base; },double); default: { double vspec result = local( double); void cspec squares = `{ @result = 1.; }; int t, bit = 2; if (1 & exp) squares = `{ @squares; @result *= @base; }; while (bit <= exp) { squares = `{ @squares; @base *= @base; }; if (bit & exp) squares = `{ @squares; @result *= @base; }; bit = bit << 1; } return compile(`{ @squares; return @result; },double); } } } To: Matthai Philipose cc: Subject: Re: Clarification on pow benchmark in the tcc distribution Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 14:24:47 -0500 From: Massimiliano Poletto Hi Matthai, sorry for the late reply. What you point out is indeed a major error, and not only for the reason you mention. When comparing the dynamic code against lcc-generated static code, the static code does contain a call to a software multiply routine. This certainly makes the comparison unfair, but I don't think it's a very big deal: (1) it could be fixed without too much work by changing the tcc/lcc sparc back end to emit hardware integer multiplies; (2) I don't give the comparison against lcc too much importance: sure, lcc is the natural baseline for tcc, but beating lcc is hardly a claim to fame. The bigger problem in my opinion -- one that affects the comparison of dynamic code to gcc-generated static code ("gcc -mv8" uses the hardware integer multiplies on Sparc v8 and v9) -- is the extra code necessary to multiply "result *= square" when result is a double and square is int. Consider below the code emitted by gcc for that multiplication when square is an int (marked by "X"s) versus when square is a double (marked by "Y"). Ironically, the reason I had square be an int in the first place was to allow gcc to emit a hardware int multiply rather than float multiply. Not a good idea, it turns out. pow, when "square" is an int: 13520: 9c 03 bf 88 add %sp, -120, %sp 13524: d0 3b a0 68 std %o0, [%sp + 104] 13528: c9 1b a0 68 ldd [%sp + 104], %f4 1352c: 8b a0 1a 44 fdtoi %f4, %f36 13530: 84 10 20 01 mov 1, %g2 13534: 17 00 00 df sethi %hi(0x37c00), %o3 13538: c1 1a e2 c0 ldd [%o3 + 0x2c0], %f0 1353c: cb 23 a0 64 st %f5, [%sp + 100] 13540: 80 a0 80 0a cmp %g2, %o2 13544: 14 80 00 0c bg 0x13574 13548: c6 03 a0 64 ld [%sp + 100], %g3 1354c: 80 88 80 0a andcc %g2, %o2, %g0 13550: 02 80 00 06 be 0x13568 13554: 85 28 a0 01 sll %g2, 1, %g2 X 13558: c6 23 a0 64 st %g3, [%sp + 100] X 1355c: c9 03 a0 64 ld [%sp + 100], %f4 X 13560: 85 a0 19 04 fitod %f4, %f2 X 13564: 81 a0 09 42 fmuld %f0, %f2, %f0 13568: 80 a0 80 0a cmp %g2, %o2 1356c: 04 bf ff f8 ble 0x1354c 13570: 86 58 c0 03 smul %g3, %g3, %g3 13574: 81 c3 e0 08 jmp %o7 + 8 13578: 9c 23 bf 88 sub %sp, -120, %sp pow, when "square" is a double: 13520: 9c 03 bf 88 add %sp, -120, %sp 13524: d0 3b a0 60 std %o0, [%sp + 96] 13528: c9 1b a0 60 ldd [%sp + 96], %f4 1352c: 84 10 20 01 mov 1, %g2 13530: 85 a0 00 24 fmovs %f4, %f2 13534: 07 00 00 df sethi %hi(0x37c00), %g3 13538: c1 18 e2 b0 ldd [%g3 + 0x2b0], %f0 1353c: 80 a0 80 0a cmp %g2, %o2 13540: 14 80 00 09 bg 0x13564 13544: 87 a0 00 25 fmovs %f5, %f3 13548: 80 88 80 0a andcc %g2, %o2, %g0 1354c: 32 80 00 02 bne,a 0x13554 Y 13550: 81 a0 09 42 fmuld %f0, %f2, %f0 13554: 85 28 a0 01 sll %g2, 1, %g2 13558: 80 a0 80 0a cmp %g2, %o2 1355c: 04 bf ff fb ble 0x13548 13560: 85 a0 89 42 fmuld %f2, %f2, %f2 13564: 81 c3 e0 08 jmp %o7 + 8 13568: 9c 23 bf 88 sub %sp, -120, %sp The results of changing "square" to a double are: (1) dynamic code using icode is about 50% faster than lcc static code, but ~25-30% slower than gcc static code (2) dynamic code using vcode is about the same speed as lcc static code, but half as fast as gcc static code More work ahead, I guess. Thanks for the bug report. max To: Subject: Five sentences on comparing DC numbers across machines Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 13:27:45 PST From: Matthai Philipose Folks, Below I've tried to summarize why processor implementation makes a big difference to DC speedup. It's down to five lines + a line pointing to the detailed analysis. It can probably be made shorter, and any feedback will be great. Thanks, Matthai ------------ Summary: Speedups due to dynamic compilation are heavily affected by the issue width and instruction latencies of the processor on which the dynamically computed code runs. In particular, on a multi-issue machine, if the instructions removed by dynamic compilation are not on the critical path of a computation, the total running time of the computation may not be affected. In the "pow" kernel, all inner-loop instructions except a float multiply can be removed by dynamic compilation. Unfortunately, on the Alpha 21064, the latency of the float multiply (6 cycles) determines the critical path through the loop. Removing the other instructions therefore does not make the loop any faster. We provide a more detailed analysis of the interaction between issue-width, instruction latency and speedup due to dynamic compilation for the "pow" benchmark at --------- This is the more detailed analysis: Speedups due to dynamic compilation are heavily affected by the issue width and instruction latencies of the processor on which the dynamically computed code runs. In particular, on a multi-issue machine, if the instructions removed by dynamic compilation are not on the critical path of a computation, the total running time of the computation may not be affected. Consider the following loop schedule (the core of the pow benchmark) running on the dual-issue 21064, where a floating-point multiply has a latency of six cycles. Each line represents a cycle of the schedule, and contains a maximum of two instructions that can be issued together. All instructions except the multiplies have a one-cycle latency. The exact functioning of the loop is unimportant, but note that the multiply M is data-dependent on itself. L0: and t1, a1, t0 beq t0, L1 <--branch B1 mult f0, f16, f0 L1: addq t1, t1, t0 addl t0, zero, t1 cmple t1, a1, t0 mult f16, f16, f16 <--multiply M bne t0, L0 <--branch B2 According to this schedule, the loop body takes a minimum of 6 cycles to execute (this is the case if branch B1 is taken). Even if every instruction in the body except M were removed (as dynamic compilation could), the body would still take 6 cycles to execute, since M has a dependence of latency 6 on itself. On this machine, therefore, dynamic compilation would not give a speedup. On the other hand, if the loop ran on a single-issue machine, the minimum latency of the above schedule would be 7 cycles, since branch B2 would issue in a cycle of its own. Removing all instructions except M would result in a loop of latency 6 cycles (as before), giving a speedup of 7/6 (= 1.17x) for dynamic compilation. On the other hand, if multiplies took only 3 cycles (e.g. this is the latency for single precision floating point multiplies on the MicroSparc II used in the tcc experiments)instead of 6, the speedup due to dynamic compilation would double to 7/3 ( = 2.34x). To: Subject: about this journal: Theoretical Computer Science Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 09:54:18 PST From: Brian Grant Hmmm...... AIMS AND SCOPE Theoretical Computer Science is mathematical and abstract in spirit, but it derives its motivation from practical and everyday computation. Its aim is to understand the nature of computation and, as a consequence of this understanding, provide more efficient methodologies. All papers introducing or studying mathematical, logic and formal concepts and methods are welcome, provided that their motivation is clearly drawn from the field of computing. Papers published in Theoretical Computer Science are grouped in two sections according to their nature. One section `Algorithms, automata, complexity and games' is devoted to the study of algorithms and their complexity using analytical, combinatorial or probabilistic methods. It includes the whole field of abstract complexity (i.e. all the results about the hierarchies that can be defined using Turing machines), the whole field of automata and language theory (including automata on infinite words and infinitary languages), the whole field of geometrical (graphic) applications and the whole field of measurement of system performance using statistical methods. The subsection Mathematical Games is devoted (but not restricted) to the mathematical and computational analysis of games. It also covers connections or applications of games to areas such as complexity, graph and matroid theory, networks, coding theory, logic and surreal numbers. The other section, `Logic, semantics and theory of programming', is devoted to formal methods to check properties of programs or implement formally described languages; it contains all papers dealing with semantics of sequential and parallel programming languages. All formal methods treating these problems are published in this section, including rewriting techniques, abstract data types, automatic theorem proving, calculi such as SCP or CCS, Petri nets, new logic calculi and developments in categorical methods. To: Subject: should we submit to Theoretical Computer Science? Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 13:34:49 PST From: Brian Grant After reading the somewhat intimidating statement of purpose for the journal, I decided to look at another special issue for perspective. Selected papers from PLILP `91 were published 4 years later in 1995. Of the 41 original papers in PLILP `91, only 5 appeared in TCS. All were equation-heavy theory papers. None of the more practical papers from PLILP were selected. Also, all of the papers were 25-30 pages in length, about twice as long as the original papers. What does this say about our planned submission to the TCS special issue? Given that: -- our chance of acceptance appears low, -- none of us seems willing to put in a significant amount of work into this, and -- the visibility of a publication in this journal is in question (theory journal, European publication, a few years from now) I I recommend that we seriously reconsider the decision to prepare a submission. What do you think? --Brian To: Subject: Re: should we submit to Theoretical Computer Science? Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 14:13:27 PST From: Brian Grant Our odds for PEPM may be somewhat better than the PLILP example indicated. PEPM had only 17 papers, of which only perhaps 5-7 are clearly better suited to the journal than ours. Also, reformatting of our paper to the single-column format of the journal could very well give us much of the needed page-count expansion. Is it possible to ask Charles what he thinks of our chances? Anyway, something to think about. --Brian Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 18:24:36 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: should we submit to Theoretical Computer Science? Why don't we discuss all this on Tuesday? Susan To: Subject: explaining architectural differences on results page Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 17:27:17 PST From: Brian Grant I put a slightly editted version of Matthai's explanation of the architectural impact on pow on the results page. Please look at it before the meeting: --Brian Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 13:54:38 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: TOPLAS review Cc: spin-comp@cs It's not due any specific time other than as soon as feasible. I think the by end of this month should be the target. -- Craig > From Tue Jan 13 11:43:34 1998 > Delivery-Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 11:43:35 PST > To: > Subject: TOPLAS review > Reply-to: Matthai Philipose > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 11:43:33 PST > From: Matthai Philipose > > Craig, > When's the review of the 'C toplas paper due? > Matthai > > ps: I've placed a copy of the paper in your mailbox. > To: Subject: public benchmark results Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 17:21:53 PST From: Brian Grant I made a public version of the benchmarks page. There is a link from our homepage. We'll wait for comment before notifying the Tempo and TickC groups. --Brian To: Subject: TCS paper progress Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 09:16:26 PST From: Brian Grant I think I've done everything on my list of essential changes, and a couple other minor things. The current draft is in the same place as I previously announced: /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/Papers/jtcs98/dc.doc We need to get cracking on the BTA changes, because they'll take a while to debug, and the big example, because it will require changes throughout the whole text. Markus, Matthai: it seems that this paper should have your highest priority now since the deadline is near. Better to get it over with, in any case. I think we should consider doing two optional things: 1) Clustering proof: Matthai said it was easy to describe and I remember him even having written it up already. 2) Linearization algorithm: we previously promised to include it in an expanded version of the paper and lack of space is no longer an excuse. I'll think about the algorithm in my spare moments. --Brian Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 15:03:47 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: draft note to Cooper Here's the email I'd like to send to Cooper. Comments? -- Craig Hi, Keith. My group submitted a paper to PLDI on dynamic compilation ("DyC: An Expressive, Annotation-Based Dynamic Compiler for C") in which we made some promises about improvements we were going to make in our system to 1) reduce the run-time cost of dynamic code generation, and 2) generate better dynamic code. I just wanted to let you know that we've done this work, for example reducing our run-time cost by between 30% and a factor of 7. If you or any of the referees want to check on our promises, we've put updated numbers and a detailed discussion of the results on a web page: Thanks. -- Craig Chambers To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: draft note to Cooper Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 15:09:55 PST From: Brian Grant Sounds good, harmless. Please use the following URL: --Brian Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 15:16:13 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: note on PLDI submission Cc: spin-comp@cs Hi, Keith. My group submitted a paper to PLDI on dynamic compilation ("DyC: An Expressive, Annotation-Based Dynamic Compiler for C") in which we made some promises about improvements we were going to make in our system to 1) reduce the run-time cost of dynamic code generation, and 2) generate better dynamic code. I just wanted to let you know that we've done this work, for example reducing our run-time cost by between 30% and a factor of 7. If you or any of the referees want to check on our promises, we've put updated numbers and a detailed discussion of the results on a web page: Thanks. -- Craig Chambers Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 17:12:13 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: public benchmark results some of it strikes me as a little detailed for public consumption, where public consumption at this point is someone on the PLDI committee. In particular, I would scratch the details on measuring instruction overhead (it sounds convoluted and that we really don't know what the correct measurement is) and the reference to Max and his personal correspondence. Susan Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 22:05:27 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Subject: Reachability Conditions checked in I've checked in the implementation of reachability conditions which works fine on our regression test suite. I also found the bug in the BTA that made the register allocated interpreter fail an assertion in the bta (spurious equiv-vars info was used). It now runs through the bta but crashes the compiler when trying to compile it all the way through. I'll continue to look into that but also start on the paper on Friday. -- Markus To: Subject: Consel wants copy of PLDI submission Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 07:41:24 PST From: Brian Grant Any objections? Should we make any improvements before sending it (e.g., error corrections, the new numbers, drop in discussion from web page, etc.)? --Brian Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 10:03:07 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: Consel wants copy of PLDI submission I like the idea of making improvements first. Susan Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 10:41:48 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:,, Subject: Re: public benchmark results > From eggers@yakima Thu Jan 15 17:12:17 1998 > Delivery-Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 17:12:18 PST > Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 17:12:13 -0800 > From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) > To:, > Subject: Re: public benchmark results > > > some of it strikes me as a little detailed for public consumption, > where public consumption at this point is someone on the PLDI committee. > In particular, I would scratch the details on measuring instruction > overhead (it sounds convoluted and that we really don't know what the > correct measurement is) and the reference to Max and his personal > correspondence. > > Susan > Are you talking about the page for the PC members, or the public page? I think the reference to Max is important for the PC; it explains one big difference in speed-up numbers. -- Craig Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 10:42:24 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:,, Subject: Re: Consel wants copy of PLDI submission > From eggers@yakima Fri Jan 16 10:03:16 1998 > Delivery-Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 10:03:17 PST > Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 10:03:07 -0800 > From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) > To:, > Subject: Re: Consel wants copy of PLDI submission > > I like the idea of making improvements first. > > Susan > Alternatively, we could send it along with a reference to our web page. I'm guessing that, given our other paper-writing obligations, we won't be making improvements to the submission for a while. -- Craig Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 10:49:47 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:,, Subject: Re: public benchmark results I was talking about how it was said, not that we should omit discussing an error in a 'C results. Susan To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: Consel wants copy of PLDI submission Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 14:21:35 PST From: Brian Grant >> > I like the idea of making improvements first. >> > Susan >> >> Alternatively, we could send it along with a reference to our web page. >> I'm guessing that, given our other paper-writing obligations, we won't be >> making improvements to the submission for a while. >> -- Craig I could make a couple of the easy fixes (typos, numbers) and then send it to him. I'll tell him about the web page now. --Brian To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: Subject: Re: public benchmark results Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 14:31:42 PST From: Brian Kris Grant >> I was talking about how it was said, not that we should omit discussing >> an error in a 'C results. >> Susan Have you looked at the page today? I removed the complicated discussion of the overhead, but did not change the `C / Max comment. How should we make that comment? The file is at: /projects/unisw/DynComp/www/Latest_Results.html Feel free to edit the text. I have to go now, but will check my e-mail again in a couple hours. --Brian Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 17:06:26 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: Re: TCS paper progress I've updated the paper with the fixed bta equations, including the demotions. Please take a look: /afs/ I'll start with the section on bta problems, naming etc tomorrow. -- Markus To: Subject: put in the PLDI figs into tcs paper Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 17:27:46 PST From: Matthai Philipose I've put the figures from the pldi example into the tcs paper. These include the interpreter example, its conditional specialization variation, the program to be interpreted, the program after dynamic compilation, the program after register allocation. The examples section still needs to be reworded to talk about the new example and the units picture needs to be re-done to refer to the interpreter example. All the figures in the document need re-numbering and some re-alignment. I also placed my one-paragraph argument of why the clustering algo produces as few clusters as possible in the clustering section, with change bars on. All this is in: /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/Papers/jtcs98/dc.doc Matthai Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 11:37:40 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: TCS paper progress I'd prefer to read it as a whole -- once all the sections have been put in. So whoever is the last to treak it, could you say this? Susan Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 12:45:13 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Tempo workshop FYI. I'll be in France then visiting Consel. Or at least I thought I was until I got this message. Maybe Consel is pulling a disappearing trick again? -- Craig ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Wed Jan 21 08:28:17 1998 Delivery-Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 08:28:18 PST From: Renaud Marlet Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 17:28:05 +0100 To: Dear Craig, We are pleased to invite you to the first Tempo workshop that will be held at OGI (Portland, Oregon), April 1-3 1998. The aim of this workshop is to present a three-day tutorial on Tempo, our partial evaluator for C programs, and its applications to real size programs. This workshop is the culmination of a three-year research project at IRISA and in collaboration with OGI. Tempo has been used to dramatically improve the performance of a wide range of commodity operating systems components, including Sun's RPC, Unix signal delivery, and the Berkeley packet filter. Tempo has also been successfully applied to scientific programs, interpreters and software engineering. Specialization is an approach aimed at reconciling generality and performance. It is based on a program transformation technique called partial evaluation which consists in adapting programs with respect to a known context. Exploiting the context allows a general system to be instantiated for a particular environment. The instantiated system is optimized in the sense that all the operations that depended on the context have been performed. During the workshop we will make available the first public release of Tempo. Attendees will be given a full Tempo package. More information on specialization, partial evaluation and Tempo can be found at URL: A preliminary program of the workshop is listed below. Workshop registration fee and local arrangements are to be announced. More information about the workshop will be available at URL: If you are interested, please send us a mail (to before the end of January, because of limited attendance. We look forward to seeing you, or one of your colleagues/students in April. Charles Consel Renaud Marlet Gilles Muller ----------------------------------------------------------- IRISA E-mail: Campus de Beaulieu Tel : 02 99 84 72 06 35042 RENNES CEDEX Fax : 02 99 84 71 71 ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ TEMPO'98: Preliminary Program ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- - Introduction to Partial Evaluation ------------------------------------- * The idea * An example * Definition of PE * Applications * Principles of PE * State of the art ------------------------------------------------ - How to go about partially evaluating a program ------------------------------------------------ * Identifying specialization opportunities * Specializing * Managing: . Invariants (stable/unstable) . Specialized code * Measuring the effect of specialization ------------------- - Tutorial on Tempo ------------------- * Overview of Tempo * Compile-time specialization * Run-time specialization * Advanced features -------------- - Lab Sessions -------------- * Various programs will be examined. ------------------- - Research Projects ------------------- * Operating systems * Domain-specific languages * Software architectures The workshop will end at 18:00 on the third day, after a open discussion where participants will be able to express ideas and have feed back on possible applications of Tempo in their area of work. ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 13:15:13 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: Tempo workshop You all do remember that Consel decided to go to MIT the week I was visiting him. :-) I got one of these too. Craig and I are chewing over whether it would be worthwhile to send one of you. Does it sound too elementary, or would it give us a better feel for comparing our work to theirs. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: Subject: Re: Tempo workshop Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 15:39:32 PST From: Brian Grant >> Does it sound too elementary, >> or would it give us a better feel for comparing our work to theirs. Most of the workshop sounds boring. We might pick up a few tidbits of how Tempo is used with Synthetix, and possibly a few features not mentioned (at least in detail) in their papers. However, we don't need the intro to PE, the intro to Tempo, or a recap of their recent summary papers. Obviously, the main thing we'd get out of it is Tempo itself, but the rest seems like a waste of time. --Brian To: Subject: sent fixed up PLDI submission to Consel Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 12:21:37 PST From: Brian Grant I fixed typos and other minor errors in our PLDI submission, dropped in our latest numbers, and put in a reference to the discussion of the results on our web page. This version of the submission can be found at: /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/Papers/pldi98/final.doc I just sent a copy of this version to Consel with a warning that we haven't had time to make all of the corrections and additions we would like and a request that he not distribute it outside his group. --Brian To: Subject: Draft of TCS paper Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 14:22:03 PST From: Matthai Philipose A draft of the TCS paper is now available in: ~grant/Papers/jtcs98/dc.doc on the gws machines. Matthai Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 14:27:11 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose cc: Subject: Re: Draft of TCS paper Actually it's in: /afs/, I also put a postscript version there. -- Markus Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 15:54:50 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: Draft of TCS paper Cc: Matthai also pointed me to a 3rd location. Can one of you get back with the one I'm really supposed to read? Susan Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 12:03:18 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: forgot to say to the whole group I have the lock on the paper. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: Subject: Re: forgot to say to the whole group Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 12:08:10 PST From: Brian Grant I have made modifications to the master copy under AFS. If there is another copy, perhaps we should make it the master copy? Anyway, I made changes to sections 7 & 8 in /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/grant/Papers/jtcs98/dc.doc. --Brian Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 13:25:53 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: TOPLAS 1940 ? ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Mon Jan 26 12:36:29 1998 Delivery-Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 12:36:30 PST Action: remind To: (Craig Chambers) Subject: TOPLAS 1940 Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 15:36:24 -0500 From: ACM TOPLAS Please let me know the status of your review for this paper as soon as possible. Thanks, Yvette NUMBER 1940 TITLE 'C and tcc: A language and Compiler for Dynamic Code Generation AUTHOR Massimilano Poletto, Wilson C. Hsieh, Dawson R. Engler, and M. Frans Kaasshoek ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 14:02:52 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: my pass over the paper Mostly what I did was try to get the language less formal, by: using the active voice more. eliminating redundant words and phrases. changing participles to infinitives or something else. breaking up run-on sentences into several, simpler ones. I left a couple of markers in places where someone else should make the call. Because this is going so slowly, I've written what I've done (sections 1 and 2) in /tmp_mnt/homes/gws/matthai/papers/tcs/98/sections12.doc. I did not check any figures. Susan Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 14:55:10 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: sections 1-3 sections12.doc and section3.doc are in Matthai's directory. Susan Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 15:17:50 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, eggers@yakima Subject: Re: sections 1-3 A changed section 4, along with the previous sections, is in sections14.doc. Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 16:55:31 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, eggers@yakima Subject: Re: sections 1-3 A changed section 5, along with the previous sections, is in sections15.doc. Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 01:13:15 -0800 From: (Markus U. Mock) To: Subject: Register Allocation works I finally managed to get the little interpreter that we used as an example in our PLDI submission through our system with register allocation done at the source code. First the good news: in the produced source code the operations on the register array have been register allocated. The bad news is, that the speedup compared to the original unhacked C program improves only minimally by about 5% to a total of 3.85 (3.66 w/o register allocation). However, the code that we generate is far from optimal, there are lots of unnecessary branches and some register moves that we could probably remove, which may improve speedup. So here more details: 1) How the source code was rewritten 2) How the produced object code looks like 3) What timings I got and how I timed --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Source Code original in: /afs/ rewritten: /afs/ I allocated r1, r2, and r31 that are the 3 registers used in the factorial program to registers as follows: essentially a reference to reg[i] was replaced by switch(i) { case 1: temp = r1; break; case 2: temp = r2; break case 31: temp = r31;break default: temp = reg[i] } (for rvalues) and lvalues (eg reg[i] in reg[i] = expr) as follows: temp = expr; switch(i) { case 1: r1 = temp; break; case 2: r2 = tempt; break; case 31: r31 = temp; break; default: reg[i] = temp; break; } for example: reg[rt] = offset; was replaced by trt = offset; switch(rt) { case 1: r1 = trt; break; case 2: r2 = trt; break; case 31: r31 = trt; break; default: reg[rt] = trt; break; } In addition, instead of doing a switch in each case of the interpreter Opcode switch, I hoisted teh references to reg[rt], reg[rs] and reg[rd]. Take a look at the source code for details. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Object Code: This is the opbject code produces for the register-allocated version. (In the paper we show the optimal result as: ldl r1, 416(sp) # reg[1] = arg lda r2, 1(zero) # LI r31, 1 lda r3, 0(zero) # LI r2, 0 L0: cmpeq r1, r3, r25 # IF_GOTO r1, r2, L1 bne r25, L1 mull r1, r2, r2 # MUL r31, r1, r31 lda r1, -1(r1) # SUBI r1, r1, 1 br L0 # GOTO L0 L1: or r2, zero, r0 # RET ldq ra, 128(sp) fnop lda sp, 544(sp) ret zero, (ra), 1 0x1400172e0 : a05e0170 ldl t1, 368(sp) 0x1400172e4 : a01e0150 ldl v0, 336(sp) 0x1400172e8 : a03e0158 ldl t0, 344(sp) 0x1400172ec : a71e0178 ldq t10, 376(sp) 0x1400172f0 : a3780000 ldl t12, 0(t10) 0x1400172f4 : 441f0419 or v0, zero, t11 0x1400172f8 : c3e00000 br 0x1400172fc 0x1400172fc : 201f0001 lda v0, 1(zero) 0x140017300 : c3e00000 br 0x140017304 0x140017304 : a3780000 ldl t12, 0(t10) 0x140017308 : 443f0419 or t0, zero, t11 0x14001730c : c3e00000 br 0x140017310 0x140017310 : 203f0000 lda t0, 0(zero) 0x140017314 : c3e00000 br 0x140017318 0x140017318 : 443f041b or t0, zero, t12 0x14001731c : c3e00000 br 0x140017320 0x140017320 : 445f0419 or t1, zero, t11 0x140017324 : c3e00000 br 0x140017328 0x140017328 : 437905b9 cmpeq t12, t11, t11 0x14001732c : f7200012 bne t11, 0x140017378 0x140017330 : 441f041b or v0, zero, t12 0x140017334 : c3e00000 br 0x140017338 0x140017338 : 445f0419 or t1, zero, t11 0x14001733c : c3e00000 br 0x140017340 0x140017340 : 4f3b001b mull t11, t12, t12 0x140017344 : 477f0400 or t12, zero, v0 0x140017348 : c3e00000 br 0x14001734c 0x14001734c : 445f041b or t1, zero, t12 0x140017350 : c3e00000 br 0x140017354 0x140017354 : 445f0419 or t1, zero, t11 0x140017358 : c3e00000 br 0x14001735c 0x14001735c : 237bffff lda t12, -1(t12) 0x140017360 : 5fff041f fnop 0x140017364 : 477f0402 or t12, zero, t1 0x140017368 : c3e00000 br 0x14001736c 0x14001736c : a3780000 ldl t12, 0(t10) 0x140017370 : a3380000 ldl t11, 0(t10) 0x140017374 : c3ffffe8 br 0x140017318 0x140017378 : a3780000 ldl t12, 0(t10) 0x14001737c : a3380000 ldl t11, 0(t10) 0x140017380 : a75e0080 ldq ra, 128(sp) 0x140017384 : 5fff041f fnop 0x140017388 : 23de01c0 lda sp, 448(sp) 0x14001738c : 6bfa8001 ret zero, (ra), 1 0x140017390 : 0 However, we have a lot of unnecessary br's and also unnecessary ldls. If we could get rid of them the code would look like: 0x1400172e0 : a05e0170 ldl t1, 368(sp) 0x1400172e4 : a01e0150 ldl v0, 336(sp) 0x1400172e8 : a03e0158 ldl t0, 344(sp) 0x1400172ec : a71e0178 ldq t10, 376(sp) 0x1400172f0 : a3780000 ldl t12, 0(t10) 0x1400172f4 : 441f0419 or v0, zero, t11 0x1400172fc : 201f0001 lda v0, 1(zero) 0x140017304 : a3780000 ldl t12, 0(t10) 0x140017308 : 443f0419 or t0, zero, t11 0x140017310 : 203f0000 lda t0, 0(zero) 0x140017318 : 443f041b or t0, zero, t12 0x140017320 : 445f0419 or t1, zero, t11 0x140017328 : 437905b9 cmpeq t12, t11, t11 0x14001732c : f7200012 bne t11, 0x140017378 0x140017330 : 441f041b or v0, zero, t12 0x140017338 : 445f0419 or t1, zero, t11 0x140017340 : 4f3b001b mull t11, t12, t12 0x140017344 : 477f0400 or t12, zero, v0 0x14001734c : 445f041b or t1, zero, t12 0x140017354 : 445f0419 or t1, zero, t11 0x14001735c : 237bffff lda t12, -1(t12) 0x140017360 : 5fff041f fnop 0x140017364 : 477f0402 or t12, zero, t1 0x14001736c : a3780000 ldl t12, 0(t10) 0x140017370 : a3380000 ldl t11, 0(t10) 0x140017374 : c3ffffe8 br 0x140017318 0x140017378 : a3780000 ldl t12, 0(t10) 0x14001737c : a3380000 ldl t11, 0(t10) 0x140017380 : a75e0080 ldq ra, 128(sp) 0x140017384 : 5fff041f fnop 0x140017388 : 23de01c0 lda sp, 448(sp) 0x14001738c : 6bfa8001 ret zero, (ra), 1 0x140017390 : 0 for comparison, without register allocation we have operations through memory (ldl's and stl's): 0x140012e80 : a71e0168 ldq t10, 360(sp) 0x140012e84 : a25e0160 ldl a2, 352(sp) 0x140012e88 : b2580004 stl a2, 4(t10) 0x140012e8c : 5fff041f fnop 0x140012e90 : a71e0168 ldq t10, 360(sp) 0x140012e94 : 237f007c lda t12, 124(zero) 0x140012e98 : 233f0001 lda t11, 1(zero) 0x140012e9c : 431b041b addq t10, t12, t12 0x140012ea0 : b33b0000 stl t11, 0(t12) 0x140012ea4 : 237f0008 lda t12, 8(zero) 0x140012ea8 : 233f0000 lda t11, 0(zero) 0x140012eac : 431b041b addq t10, t12, t12 0x140012eb0 : b33b0000 stl t11, 0(t12) 0x140012eb4 : a3780008 ldl t12, 8(t10) 0x140012eb8 : a3380004 ldl t11, 4(t10) 0x140012ebc : 437905b9 cmpeq t12, t11, t11 0x140012ec0 : f7200008 bne t11, 0x140012ee4 0x140012ec4 : a3780004 ldl t12, 4(t10) 0x140012ec8 : a338007c ldl t11, 124(t10) 0x140012ecc : 4f790019 mull t12, t11, t11 0x140012ed0 : b338007c stl t11, 124(t10) 0x140012ed4 : a3780004 ldl t12, 4(t10) 0x140012ed8 : 237bffff lda t12, -1(t12) 0x140012edc : b3780004 stl t12, 4(t10) 0x140012ee0 : c3fffff4 br 0x140012eb4 0x140012ee4 : a018007c ldl v0, 124(t10) 0x140012ee8 : a75e0080 ldq ra, 128(sp) 0x140012eec : 5fff041f fnop 0x140012ef0 : 23de01a0 lda sp, 416(sp) 0x140012ef4 : 6bfa8001 ret zero, (ra), 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Timings Here are the raw results for the two versions: NON-ALLOCATED VERSION (i.e. the original interpreter version with all operations through memory) factorial of 10, ------------------ DyC: Median = 8840511 Mean = 8830456.6 Median Overhead = 2742955.5 Mean Overhead = 2744569 Instructions Generated = 30 Median cycles per instruction generated = 91431.85 Noop: Median = 22297060.5 Mean = 22270555.4 Asymptotic Speedup: 3.65672120573564 Breakeven Point: 1693.06482170289 ALLOCATED version (version rewritten by inserting the switc-statements to select r1, r2, and r31) factorial of 10, ------------------ DyC: Median = 8556888.5 Mean = 8547878.1 Median Overhead = 2759554.5 Mean Overhead = 2757109 Instructions Generated = 44 Median cycles per instruction generated = 62717.1477272727 Noop: Median = 45044050.5 Mean = 45061268.2 Asymptotic Speedup: 7.76978702624344 Breakeven Point: 703.05971826968 Each time the program was run 11 times and median times are used to calculate the speedups / breakevens. The specialized interpreter was called 10000 times in each program run. The speedup for the rewritten version is much higher, since the baseline is slowed down quite a bit by the introduction of the switch-statements. Since we actually have to compare to the original version, speedup and breakeven are: The real asymptotic speedup computes to: 22297060.5 / (8556888.5 - 2759554.5 ) = 3.8460 ============= and breakeven (10000 * 2759554.5 ) / (22297060.5 - 8556888.5 + 2759554.5) = 1672.4849 ============ To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: demotions, BTA equations Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 09:35:38 PST From: Brian Grant What changes did you make to the BTA equations, other than adding demotions and changing the use of reachability conditions? I find it difficult to compare the two sets of equations. What about the problems of dead root variables while derived variables are still live? Do we kill the derived variables from StaticVarInfo, or keep the roots in StaticVarInfo? On demotions: 1) We need to put in empty sets wherever DivisionInfo tuples are built from scratch (4 places?), to reflect that it is now a 4-tuple. 2) How are demotions computed at merges? I didn't see that in the equations. 3) I'll put in a sentence or two about hoisting. --Brian Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 09:53:38 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: Submission 589223649 to PLDI 98 (fwd) Bad news. -- Markus ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 11:50:03 -0600 (CST) From: Keith Cooper To:, Subject: Submission 589223649 to PLDI 98 Dear Markus Mock: This note is in regard to your paper with title DyC: An Expressive, Annotation-Based Dynamic which was received with confirmation 589223649 for consideration at PLDI '98 I regret to inform you that the above paper was not accepted by the PLDI '98 program committee. As always, the competition this year was tough. Many papers worthy of publication could not be accepted. We continue the PLDI tradition of providing reviews of your paper which we hope will offer you guidance in revising or retargetting your paper. Reviews should follow within two weeks. Written comments will be sent to you within 2 weeks Thank you for your submission to PLDI 98 Sincerely Keith D. Cooper, Program Chair Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 09:59:34 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: Submission 589223649 to PLDI 98 (fwd) Oh bummer. Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 16:39:04 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, eggers@yakima Subject: Re: sections 1-3 Changed sections 6 and 7, with multiple markers in 6, as before along with the previous sections, is in sections17.doc. To: Subject: TCS paper draft complete! Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 12:51:25 PST From: Brian Grant The master document is in: /homes/gws/matthai/papers/tcs/98/master.doc I no longer have the lock. The only remaining change bars are for hosed or incomplete references and for the @ call annotation in the grammar in the back. Also, cross references probably need to be updated. Someone please take care of these problems. I think I have fixed all other formatting problems, including out-of-flow figures, out-of-order figures, clipped text, inconsistent fonts, etc. I made changes to every section of the paper, but the significant changes are in sections 6-8. I removed all of the markers I found and tried to clarify the marked sentences. If you have time, please read it all the way through. If not, sections 7 and 6 (in that order) are the most important to read. I restructured the experience and future work section somewhat. I think it flows better and the structure makes more sense. --Brian To: Subject: found a couple more remaining problems with the draft Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 13:22:31 PST From: Brian Grant 1) The policy table in section 4 is broken badly (again). 2) The Schism paragraph in section 8 (related work) needs to be fixed. --Brian To: Subject: 2-columns vs. 1-column Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 14:25:45 PST From: Brian Grant I suggest we format the paper nicely in the 2-column format and make that the TR. When we have the text the way we like, then we can attempt to reformat it for the submission. --Brian Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 18:34:38 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: tcs paper I fixed a number of typos throughout the paper, particularly in sections 6 and 7 and added some missing figure references. I also change the introduction a bit. I am giving up the lock now, so you can make your changes (Matthai: can you put in the missing bibliographical references?) -- Markus To: Markus Mock cc: Subject: Re: tcs paper Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 09:13:43 PST From: Brian Grant I spell-checked the document and fixed remaining typos, munged the next-to-last paragraph of the intro a little more, added @ calls to the grammar, attempted to fix the Schism paragraph by splitting it into two, and made a few other minor changes. What still remains to be done is fixing the references. Bibframe doesn't seem to work for me... --Brian Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 09:36:00 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: tcs paper I read over the whole paper last night, and found a number of glitches. (Markus may have already found & fixed some.) But I don't have time to put in my edits myself; can someone get them from me? Thanks. -- Craig Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 10:32:59 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: the paper Let me know when Craig's changes are in, and I'll take that copy. Susan Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 15:13:51 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: another benchmark? FYI, we're building a bytecode interpreter for Cecil (and later, the Whirlwind IR). It occurred to me last night that this might be an interesting benchmark for our DC stuff, at least for our Alpha port. And it would be a benchmark that we actually use and benefit from.... -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: another benchmark? Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 15:22:06 PST From: Matthai Philipose > FYI, we're building a bytecode interpreter for Cecil (and later, the Whirlwind > IR). It occurred to me last night that this might be an interesting benchmark > for our DC stuff, at least for our Alpha port. And it would be a benchmark > that we actually use and benefit from.... > > -- Craig > Certainly sounds handy! The other aspect of this is that if the interpreter is written in a "dynamic compilation aware" fashion, it would make a big difference for our system. I am specifically thinking of the way our PLDI/tcs interpreter has the GOSUB opcode implemented as a recursive call to the interpreter, thus enabling conditional specialization using our infrastructure (when it reaches full functionality). BTW, I've downloaded the publicly available version of OpenGL (it's called Mesa and is in our examples directory), and will start playing around with it after I finish munging the tcs paper. Matthai Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 18:57:44 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: TCS paper Where is the latest copy, in Matthai's directory? Susan To: Subject: nearly finished with Craig's comments Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 01:41:27 PST From: Brian Grant I think we're nearly finished implementing Craig's suggested changes. The only remaining one, I believe, is to rewrite the intro to section 7 (experiences). I'll make a pass at that first thing in the morning. Additional discussion of other approaches, such as binary-translation systems or PDGs, probably won't make it in. Changes I made tonight include: 1) Changing the BTA equations to attempt a proper fix to the UsedVars problem (see ForgetDeadVars). 2) Changing the run-time specializer in section 3 to properly implement one-time lazy edges (corresponding to lazy branch successors). --Brian ps. References still need to be fixed, too. To: Subject: Complete draft of paper ready Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 12:32:50 PST From: Matthai Philipose ~matthai/papers/tcs/98/master.[doc,ps] contain a draft of the TCS paper with all suggestions incorporated and all fixes we agreed on. Please take a look at it, provide feedback and/or make any changes you'd like to. Markus figures that we should probably send the paper in before 3pm so that it is received by Friday French time. Matthai Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 12:56:16 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: tcs submission as TR? I assume we're going to make our TCS submission into a TR? Do we want to make our PLDI submission at TR, too? Then at least it's available to others, and listable on CVs and activity reports and the like. We shouldn't do anything with the PLDI submission until we get reviewers comments back and can think about making any changes. The TCS thingy I think we could TR-ize as soon as we want. -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: tcs submission as TR? Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 13:02:40 PST From: Brian Grant >> The TCS thingy I think we could TR-ize as soon as we want. What does this entail? We have a number that was supposed to be the expanded PEPM paper. Should we just use that? Should we add a cover page to the doc or just add the tech. report number and date under the title? After it is finished, do we just send the new title and postscript to Scott? --Brian Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 13:09:56 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: tcs submission as TR? Cc: > >> The TCS thingy I think we could TR-ize as soon as we want. > > What does this entail? We have a number that was supposed to be the expanded > PEPM paper. Should we just use that? Sure. > > Should we add a cover page to the doc or just add the tech. report number and > date under the title? I don't particularly care. Since hardcopies aren't made any more, the cover page is more ugly than helpful, IMHO. So I'd say just add a line to the first page giving the TR number, and add a footnote that this is an expanded version of a PEPM'97 paper. > > After it is finished, do we just send the new title and postscript to Scott? Yes, and maybe the abstract too. Fred Videon may want these things too. -- Craig Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 13:12:37 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: Complete draft of paper ready I'm about to fax you changes in language for the first 4 sections. I'll send the rest in a bit. Susan Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 13:24:48 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: it's faxing now but I forgot to include a header -- it's just the paper pages. Susan Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 14:13:22 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: submitting Did the call say we had to submit by a particular time or a particular day? If only the latter, let's submit when it's done. I can't imagine anyone will handle this before Monday. Susan Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 14:21:59 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose cc: Subject: Re: Complete draft of paper ready I fixed a few typos in the last 3 sections, the lock is released if anyone wants to make some other changes. There was no fax at the fax machine, did anyone pick it up? I don't think there was an exact time for the submission, but Brian should have Charles' mail. -- Markus Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 14:38:23 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Expression ( !ShouldPatch ) evaluated to FALSE at (file:line) p2dyc/setup.C:3323 Is there something wrt igoto's missing? -- Markus Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:45:30 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Whirlwind grant proposal FYI, if you're interested in reading the Whirlwind grant proposal I sent out mid-January, it's in ~chambers/grants/nsf/whirlwind/ -- Craig Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:46:46 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: Whirlwind grant proposal > From chambers@klamath Fri Jan 30 15:45:33 1998 > Delivery-Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:45:34 PST > Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:45:30 -0800 (PST) > From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) > To: spin-comp@cs > Subject: Whirlwind grant proposal > X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII > > FYI, if you're interested in reading the Whirlwind grant proposal I sent out > mid-January, it's in ~chambers/grants/nsf/whirlwind/ > > -- Craig > Actually, see it in ~chambers/research/whirlwind/ -- Craig To: Subject: submission sent! Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 16:26:40 PST From: Brian Grant I finished with Susan's edits and fired it off to Consel. --Brian To: Subject: TR version on web page Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 17:00:38 PST From: Brian Grant I made a TR version, sent it to Scott, and put it on our web page. --Brian Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 15:47:36 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Scout release Maybe there are DC applications here? -- Craig ----- Begin Included Message ----- From llp@baskerville.CS.Arizona.EDU Mon Feb 2 15:30:35 1998 Delivery-Date: Mon, 02 Feb 1998 15:30:36 PST Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 16:29:11 -0700 (MST) From: Larry Peterson To:, Subject: Scout release Version 1.0 of the Scout operating system is now available from the University of Arizona. You can retrieve it from or you can follow the links from the Scout home page at Scout is a communication-oriented operating system targeted at network appliances (e.g., network-attached devices, set-top boxes, hand-held devices, and so on). Version 1.0 runs on Alpha and Pentium processors, and includes the modules and configuration files needed to build the following appliances: - NetTV: receive, decode and display MPEG video - NetCAM: capture, compress, and transmit MPEG video - Joust: a small, fast JavaOS - IP Router with QoS support (includes both IPv4 and IPv6) - TCP Forwarder: foundation for firewalls and web proxies - Test Kernel: exercises TCP/IP protocol stack - NetBoot: used to boot other kernels Note: Joust depends on a Java bytecode compiler availalable at Sumatra currently supports Java 1.0.2. Direct questions and comments to Larry ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 16:12:00 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: Scout release Was just thinking the same thing... There should be -- their web page talks about optimizing for commonly used paths. Susan To: Subject: TR installed Date: Wed, 04 Feb 1998 12:01:22 PST From: Brian Grant Under the TR number 97-03-03. I found it in NCSTRL. --Brian ------- Forwarded Message From: To:, sjdakins@cs Subject: RE: Tech. report (finally) ready Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 11:51:46 -0800 It has now been copied to the on-line archives. -------- Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 13:32:41 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: pms-file This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. ---2141257447-93009857-886714361=:18674 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII It's in interpreter-regs.pms and I am also attaching it. The version with -time still crashes in schedule_vn but the code not compiled with -time shows the same branches (in fact the code is identical, so I think that should suffice). -- Markus ---2141257447-93009857-886714361=:18674 Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="interpreter-regs.pms" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: Content-Description: XyQxVEVNUExBVEVQQUNLRVQuMyA9IDB4MApfJDFURU1QTEFURVBBQ0tFVC4x MyA9IDB4MApfJDFURU1QTEFURVBBQ0tFVC4xMSA9IDB4MApfJDFURU1QTEFU RVBBQ0tFVC45ID0gMHgwCl8kMVRFTVBMQVRFUEFDS0VULjEyID0gMHgwCl8k MVBBQ0tFVC42ID0gMHgwCiQyLjEkMnJhc19wID0gMHg4MAokMi4xJDJzcGls bF9wID0gMHg4OAokMi4xJDJhdXRvX3NpemUgPSAweDIyMAokMi4yJDJyYXNf cCA9IDB4MAokMi4yJDJzcGlsbF9wID0gMHg4CiQyLjIkMmF1dG9fc2l6ZSA9 IDB4NDAKLmRhdGEKCS5zZXQgbm9yZW9yZGVyLCBub21hY3JvLCBub21vdmUs IG5vYXQKICN0YXJnZXQgY2x1c3RlcnMoMSksbWVtY2FyZHMoNCksbWVtYmFu a3MoMzIpLHJlZmFsaWduKDgpOwogIyBWU1NBRCBUcmFjZSBTY2hlZHVsaW5n IEFscGhhIENvbXBpbGVyIC0tIFRhcmdldGluZyBFVjQKICNtYXJrX2Rlc2Ny 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When turned on, it creates a feedback file named .fbk where high-level feedback on the application of BTA rules is given. A sample (for binary) looks as follows: line 16: Temp t352 (_n$1.1) kept static in FilterStaticVars because there are other temps derived from it, although temp t352 (_n$1.1) is not in lvs line 18: Temp t352 (_n$1.1) kept static in FilterStaticVars because there are other temps derived from it, although temp t352 (_n$1.1) is not in lvs line 19: Temp t352 (_n$1.1) kept static in FilterStaticVars because there are other temps derived from it, although temp t352 (_n$1.1) is not in lvs line 20: Loosing the following temps at this merge because they are discordant: {t352 (_n$1.1)} line 26: Temp t433 (_p$1.71) becomes dynamic because one of its source root variables is (possibly) assigned here, potential source roots: {_u$1.2,_r$1.2} -- Markus Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 14:08:52 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: Submission 589223649 to PLDI 98 (fwd) Reviews are in. -- Markus ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 16:01:55 -0600 (CST) From: Keith Cooper To:, Subject: Submission 589223649 to PLDI 98 Dear Markus Mock: Here are the reviews for your paper DyC: An Expressive, Annotation-Based Dynamic which was received with confirmation 589223649 for consideration at PLDI '98 Each paper was read by at least three reviewers. In most cases, each reader submitted a written review. Again, the committee and I thank you for your submission to PLDI 98. Sincerely Keith D. Cooper, Program Chair --------------------------------- Nice work. But is there enough of an increment over the previous paper? As a measurement paper, it seems a bit premature. A number of optimizations likely to affect the measurements have not yet been implemented. Are "register actions" included in the measurements? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The paper describes a dynamic compiler for a variant of C extended by annotations. This reviewer has a principal aversion against such annotations, and hence is probably biased. Nevertheless, it would have been much better if the paper had concentrated on the techniques employed in the compiler, rather than the effect of these techniques. The comparisons with tick C and Tempo are only of limited value, due to the different underlying language constructs. Also, the fundamental problem remains of annotating the benchmark programs in such a manner that a fair comparison ensues in the first place. For the programmer, using these annotations requires a very deep understanding of the underlying implementation of the system. So, how does annotating a program differently influence performance? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This paper reports preliminary experimental results with a dynamic compiler for C. The compiler takes a declarative approach, using a small number of programmer-supplied annotations to decide which code to compile at run time. The authors have previously published the design of the compiler; this paper contributes experimental data from an implementation of that design. The most striking fact about the compiler is that it can handle a large application (emulator for the MIPS instruction set) that would be intractable with other dynamic compilers. The compiler also provides more control over dynamic compilation then other declarative systems (without making the programmer do everything as does `C). The optimization is not quite competitive with `C, but this situation may be improved by the time final papers are due. I'd like some more insight into what programmers would do with the ability to control dynamic-compilation policies. I'm willing to stipulate that more control can't hurt (when defaults are good), but I'd like some examples that would show how this control might be used in real situations. I'd also like to see some data that show what sort of improvements you can get by controlling the policies, since you must have a deep understanding of them. It's clear from your introduction why the imperative approach is unpalatable for large programs. What's not clear is why your approach succeeds with imips where Tempo does not. Is there something about the approach of Tempo that won't work, or is it an accident of the implementation? From your extensive comparison of DyC with Tempo, which factors seem to contribute to your ability to handle a more ambitious program? In other words, what's really important about this work? The answers to these questions should probably appear in the conclusion of your paper. *How* does DyC's design support separate compilation? This support seems crucial for using dynamic compilation on real programs, which I see as the major benefit to your approach. Why would it be challenging to support inline expansion of called procedures? At the end of section 3, recapitulate the idea of register actions so we can understand the improvement in Figure 5 without having to dig out your 1996 paper. You report the median counts for ten executions; what's the variance? In section 3.2, it might be worth showing the hoary old picture of static and dynamic compilation vs number of iterations, so readers can visualize the overhead as the difference between the intercepts of two lines and the asymptotic speedup as the ratio of their slopes. Does the ability to support unstructured control flow matter? How hard would it be to add such support to Tempo? Briefly explain the difference between tcc's icode and vcode back ends, and explain your approach to back ends, so we can understand why vcode is the right comparison. On page 10, when you refer to the unimplemented improvements, recapitulate the list on page 7 (or whatever the improvements are). I didn't get much from the table of `Dynamic Compilation Features'. What conclusions (if any) should I draw? Also, I would have liked to see what features found only in `C give it the superior speedup shown in the previous table. Reference [Jones et al 98] is missing. Use present tense, not future tense, to refer to things described later in the paper. Table numbers don't match the numbers in the text. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 14:18:28 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: new caching context Brian, I am going ahead and turn off the source root filtering, i.e. keep all derived temps in staticVarInfo. I'll add an additional dirty bit in the staticVarInfo that will be false if the the temp is a pure function of annotated source variables (and hence does not have to be included in the context), true iff potentially one source root was changed after deriving the temp. As far as I can see, that should be all that you need to know to decide if a temp needs to be included in the context or not. Any complications? -- Markus To: Markus Mock cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: new caching context Date: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 10:34:59 PST From: Brian Grant >> I am going ahead and turn off the source root filtering, i.e. keep all >> derived temps in staticVarInfo. I'll add an additional dirty bit in the >> staticVarInfo that will be false if the the temp is a pure function of >> annotated source variables (and hence does not have to be included in the >> context), true iff potentially one source root was changed after deriving >> the temp. >> As far as I can see, that should be all that you need to know to decide if >> a temp needs to be included in the context or not. Any complications? So, the dirty bit will be true if either 1) The source root is redefined, or 2) The source root is removed from the division. Is this right? Can you keep a set of these called Freebies? After a unit boundary, I'll have to subtract the Freebies from the set of run-time constants (or do something similar). I'll maintain my own set of which ones I've subtracted. However, there are tricky points, like freebies can have their dirty bits turned off if they are redefined again. Is it possible for a freebie to be redefined and made dirty again at the same program point? If so, I may need an additional way to tell that a freebie became dirty at a particular program point (set or bit). Combined with clustering, this may mean I need to do more substantial (re-)analysis. I'll try to think about how we can make the BTA more incremental. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: PLDI reviews Date: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 11:23:12 PST From: Brian Grant Comments on some of the reviewers' comments. It looks like only the last reviewer read the paper as we intended, but the second reviewer had one good point. >> For the >> programmer, using these annotations requires a very deep understanding of the >> underlying implementation of the system. So, how does annotating a program >> differently influence performance? I think this is good point and should be discussed in more detail (e.g., what happens if safe vs. unsafe annotations are used and which safe annotations could be automatically converted to unsafe ones). >> I'd like some more insight into what programmers would do with the >> ability to control dynamic-compilation policies. I'm willing to >> stipulate that more control can't hurt (when defaults are good), but >> I'd like some examples that would show how this control might be used >> in real situations. I'd also like to see some data that show what >> sort of improvements you can get by controlling the policies, since >> you must have a deep understanding of them. Virtually the same point as above. A lazy version of binary might have helped. >> It's clear from your introduction why the imperative approach is >> unpalatable for large programs. What's not clear is why your approach >> succeeds with imips where Tempo does not. Is there something about >> the approach of Tempo that won't work, or is it an accident of the >> implementation? From your extensive comparison of DyC with Tempo, >> which factors seem to contribute to your ability to handle a more >> ambitious program? In other words, what's really important about this >> work? The answers to these questions should probably appear in the >> conclusion of your paper. I think this is a good point. What do we think would be difficult for Tempo to adopt? Why doesn't Tempo, for example, have intraprocedural polyvariant specialization and division? What would happen if we specialized all static variables polyvariantly (as would happen without policies)? >> *How* does DyC's design support separate compilation? This support >> seems crucial for using dynamic compilation on real programs, which I >> see as the major benefit to your approach. Perhaps we should increase the priority of implementing the function annotations? They may be of use in OpenGL. >> Why would it be challenging to support inline expansion of called >> procedures? Run-time inlining? Did we discuss that at all? >> At the end of section 3, recapitulate the idea of register actions so >> we can understand the improvement in Figure 5 without having to dig >> out your 1996 paper. Another good point. >> You report the median counts for ten executions; what's the variance? We can compute that easily. Do people usually report it? >> Does the ability to support unstructured control flow matter? How >> hard would it be to add such support to Tempo? Maybe we should work this out for mipsi (or kill the point). >> Briefly explain the difference between tcc's icode and vcode back >> ends, and explain your approach to back ends, so we can understand why >> vcode is the right comparison. Ok. >> I didn't get much from the table of `Dynamic Compilation Features'. >> What conclusions (if any) should I draw? Also, I would have liked to >> see what features found only in `C give it the superior speedup shown >> in the previous table. More on this would definitely be good to add. None of the reviewers directly asked for what I expected: more applications. Instead, they seemed to want more understanding of why we did as well as we did and why we succeeded with mipsi. That is a valid point. I think Matthai has said that he gets little intuition about what is important in our system from our (expanded) PEPM paper. I would agree, and extend that to PLDI submission as well. We claimed that all of DyC's (many) features were necessary for mipsi. We relied on the example to show _how_ the features could be used, but we did not discuss why they were required, or what could be done without various features, if anything. I think this shows that we need more experience with the system and we need to play around with the policies more, and determine what _is_ really important. I'm interested in doing some of this for my thesis. For example, it might be worth it to find a way to apply Erosa & Hendren's transformation to determine whether handling unstructured code is important or not. Maybe we can use the SUIF front end to do it automatically (without implementing it ourselves)? Of course, if we do all of these things, the paper will be a different one than we had hoped to publish, and be more along the lines of what I was planning to work on this year. Is there a venue for the paper we submitted? What changes should we make, given the comments? -- Should we include more about the design, but try to give more understanding and less detail than the PEPM paper? -- Should we add a discussion about the unsafe annotations we used and why it was a fair comparison? -- Should we change the Tempo discussion to include just the feature differences that we found to be really important, describe whether Tempo could easily adopt the feature, etc.? -- More discussion about the speedups we got, similar to what is on the web page -- A lazy version of binary Anything else? I would not like to present a detailed study of applying our different policies and of the importance of other aspects of our system (e.g., reachability analysis or handling unstructured code), if we plan to submit to somewhere other than PLDI. Any other opinions? --Brian To: Subject: reminding people what I want to work on Date: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 12:14:00 PST From: Brian Grant As a group, I think we should assess how our current support for static data structures (or lack thereof) affects: 1) Expressivity (e.g., we don't permit specialization-time stores) 2) Usability (e.g., how far can syntactic sugar take us?) 3) Performance (e.g., cache effects) An older version of what I had planned to work on this year is described under the "Research Agenda" bullet on our internal home page. Here is a summary. (SUMMARY -- SHORT) We have designed a complex dynamic-compilation system. I want to understand what features and optimizations are important. This will involve both turning features and optimizations on and off and also annotating programs in several different ways. (I'll coordinate with Matthai to minimize overlap with his architectural study.) On the implementation side, I would like to implement the rest of the current design, add run-time inlining, tweak the BTA, and add a few new optimizations. (DETAILS -- LONG) Examples of things I would like to study: -- Importance of ascribing weak policies to derived run-time constants; ease of control over costs and code growth for different derived policies -- Performance benefit of unsafe annotations; when can safe annotations be converted to unsafe ones? -- What benefit do we receive from reachability analysis? -- " " " " " " direct handling of unstructured code? -- " " " " " " unit-boundary clustering? -- " " " " " " linearization? -- How useful is demand-driven specialization: - For avoiding non-termination? - For controlling aggressive code generation (such as in binary)? Etc. Things that remain to be implemented: -- One-time lazy edges -- Single run-time predecessor optimizations (now that reachability analysis is implemented) -- Unit-boundary clustering; this will require improving the interface between the BTA and GEgen. Markus has already started working on this to allow us to keep derived TEMPs with changed or evicted SourceRoots in the run-time-constants set (StaticVarInfo) at least until unit boundaries. -- Unit linearization -- Interprocedural specialization (function annotations) -- Run-time inlining -- I'd like to look at automatically deducing when it is safe to remove cache checks and lazy points so that our safe annotations can be used most of the time -- PromoteOneUncheckedEager for eliminating MayDefs -- Faster caching implementation -- Other caching optimizations (e.g., the fix to the ms CacheAllUnchecked problem, and relative caching in general) -- CacheOne -- More realistic and robust memory management --Brian To: Subject: note about static data structures Date: Sun, 08 Feb 1998 12:16:40 PST From: Brian Grant The beginning of my previous e-mail was intended to be a separate message. --Brian ------------- As a group, I think we should assess how our current support for static data structures (or lack thereof) affects: 1) Expressivity (e.g., we don't permit specialization-time stores) 2) Usability (e.g., how far can syntactic sugar take us?) 3) Performance (e.g., cache effects) ------------- Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 14:29:08 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: new caching context > > 1) The source root is redefined, or this is implemented > 2) The source root is removed from the division. this is easy to add . Why should we have two sets? Everything is just in StaticVars, those that are free have the dirty bit off (false). > Is this right? Can you keep a set of these called Freebies? After a unit > boundary, I'll have to subtract the Freebies from the set of run-time > constants (or do something similar). I'll maintain my own set of which ones > I've subtracted. However, there are tricky points, like freebies can have > their dirty bits turned off if they are redefined again. Is it possible > for a freebie to be redefined and made dirty again at the same program point? > If so, I may need an additional way to tell that a freebie became dirty at a > particular program point (set or bit). Combined with clustering, this may > mean I need to do more substantial (re-)analysis. I'll try to think about > how we can make the BTA more incremental. > At each program point we define just one temp, all temps for which any source root may have been changed by that definition is made dirty. A temp that corresponds to an annotated var can always be clean since it is always in the context. I think that should handle all the cases. -- Markus Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 16:55:52 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, cecil@cs Subject: POPL'92? Did I loan my POPL'92 to any of you? -- Craig Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 00:33:18 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Matthai Philipose , cc: Markus Mock Subject: stitcher bug Matthai, there appears to be a bug in the stitcher: although there is no (static) loop unrolling going on in the interpreter example, the dynamically generated code contains that extra spurious mull that serves no purpose. The same thing happens if the program is changed to use ADD instead, then we produce a spurious ADD. The pms file has just one MUL for each case arm, so the stitcher should not produce two. I suppose there is some subtle bug (or maybe not so subtle) that causes the instruction to be stitched twice, once with a bogus target register. Maybe some counter is not advanced correctly? Could you please take a look asap? Thanks. -- Markus Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 07:48:04 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Patrick Jones Cc: from OTT is coming to our meeting today to talk about patenting, the process, what is appropriate, and related issues. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: Patrick Jones Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 08:40:54 PST From: Brian Grant I thought it might help to take a look at a recent software patent. Here a sort overview of two patents on Internet routing: The high-level ideas are very simple, but there are some tricky details that (potentially) make these reasonable and useful patents. Two big routing companies have already signed license aggreements. About licensing: >> The Washington University licensing policy has been to price the >> schemes fairly cheaply (in the low hundred thousands) so that it will >> not be an obstacle for companies to use the technology, rather than >> working around the patents. The policy also allows startups to pay in >> installments and will potentially allow free licensing for reasearch >> and other non-commercial use. The license includes access to software >> packages written by graduate student V. Srinivasan. --Brian Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 11:43:42 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose cc: Markus Mock , Matthai Philipose , Subject: Re: stitcher bug Is there an easy way (command line switch) to turn that speculation off in general? If so, in that particular case we could check how much that impacts performance, in this case I suspect it would actually improve performance since we are punished heavily by that dumb wasted speculative instruction. -- Markus On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, Matthai Philipose wrote: > Markus, > The extra mull/add is not a readily fixable bug. Basically, this is an effect that I'd noted in my quals, and am wondering whether to include in the "architectural" study: the extra mull/add is a result of (mis-)speculation above the static switch. One fix for this is to avoid speculation above static branches; of course, this places more of a stress on run-time scheduling for statically scheduled processors like the 21164. > Matthai > > > Matthai, > > > > there appears to be a bug in the stitcher: although there is no (static) > > loop unrolling going on in the interpreter example, the dynamically > > generated code contains that extra spurious mull that serves no purpose. > > The same thing happens if the program is changed to use ADD instead, then > > we produce a spurious ADD. The pms file has just one MUL for each case > > arm, so the stitcher should not produce two. I suppose there is some > > subtle bug (or maybe not so subtle) that causes the instruction to be > > stitched twice, once with a bogus target register. Maybe some counter is > > not advanced correctly? > > > > Could you please take a look asap? > > > > Thanks. > > > > > > > > > > -- Markus > > > > > > > > To: Subject: interesting detail about Tempo Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 16:03:22 PST From: Brian Grant In doing the research for my general exam, I discovered an interesting detail about Tempo. Due to a detail in their implementation, they can't specialize recursive functions. This also means they definitely can't do multi-way unrolling of any kind. --Brian Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 16:35:55 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: mull I checked it again: reagardless of which emit gets deleted in the .s file, there are always two mull's in the dynamic code. If you want to take a look, I checked in the current version of interpreter-regs in cvs or go to my directory /afs/ -- Markus Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 15:54:14 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: new hardware Melody is going on a shopping spree and wants to know what you need in the way of compiling simulation engines and disks. Can you tell me how many are on your wish list. I'm assumning max memory on the machines. If you want to move from AFS, keep that in mind when ordering. Susan Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 17:32:24 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: Register allocation revisited In a nutshell: we get a speedup improvement of a factor of 1.28 to 2.00 compared to the original interpreter where no register allocation is done, to a total speedup of up to 15.55. I ran our little interpreter example again, with the new merger (no spurious branches now) and (static) code generation from an editied .s file to get rid of the unnecessary speculative operation. Since mull is an instruction with big latency, I also had the interpreter interpret the factorial program with the multiply replaced by an add, computing the sum from 1 .. n (no one would compute the sum that way but it's good enough for a comparison). So here's the breakdown: be = breakeven which is quite bad since I couldn't compile the program with the worklist peeling option: it would fail the famous assertion in the instruction scheduler (I played with a number of switches but to no avail) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NO REG-ALLOC REG-ALLOC ADD n speedup be speedup be improvement factor 10000 8.85 3 15.55 2 1.75 1000 8.74 22 15.28 19 1.74 100 8.25 208 13.61 182 1.64 10 5.27 2028 6.79 1062 1.28 MUL n speedup be speedup be improvement factor 10000 4.98 3 9.95 2 1.99 1000 4.91 34 9.87 19 2.00 100 4.77 246 9.20 179 1.92 10 3.79 2087 5.83 1740 1.53 [Note: The computed values for n! for n>10 are of course bogus, as the add for n=10000 due to the overflow.] This is the code that's generated at run time from the edited assembler file: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ldl t1, 368(sp) ldl v0, 336(sp) ldl t0, 344(sp) ldq t8, 376(sp) lda v0, 1(zero) lda t0, 0(zero) 72: fnop or t0, zero, t12 cmpeq t1, t12, t12 bne t12, 0x140013c70 fnop fnop or v0, zero, t12 or t1, zero, t11 mull t11, t12, v0 fnop or t1, zero, t12 lda t1, -1(t12) br 0x140013c38 124: ldq ra, 128(sp) fnop lda sp, 448(sp) ret zero, (ra), 1 for this interpreted program: LI r31, #1 # r1 = 1 LI r2, #0 # r2 = 0 L0: BE r1,r2, L1 # if r1 == r2 goto L1 (*) MUL r31, r1, r31 # r31 = r31 * r1 SUBI r1,r1,#1 # r1 = r1 - 1 JUMP L0 # goto L0 L1: RET # return result in r31 (*) respectively ADD. -- Markus Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 14:34:50 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: DSL/run-time specialization ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Tue Feb 17 02:34:09 1998 Delivery-Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 02:34:09 PST Sender: Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 11:33:34 +0100 From: Charles Consel X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0 (X11; I; SunOS 4.1.4 sun4m) MIME-Version: 1.0 To:, Subject: DSL/run-time specialization Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, I thought you might be interesting in our latest work on Domain-Specific Languages, more specifically, on a DSL for Active Networks. - We have extended a functional DSL developed by UPenn to widen its applicability. - We have defined critical properties which can be determined from programs written in this language. - Finally, we have done an exciting application of run-time specialization: we specialize the interpreter (a 5,000-line program) at RUN TIME. Actually, we get performance comparable to an equivalent Java program. Moreover, the run-time aspect of specialization gives us the functionality of a Just-In-Time compiler, but for the price of an portable interpreter. This work was done using Tempo. Here is the location of this paper if you're interested. URL: Best regards, Charles -- --------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Consel | University of Rennes / Irisa | Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu Phone: (33) 2 99 84 74 10 | 35042 Rennes Cedex Fax: (33) 2 99 84 71 71 | France --------------------------------------------------------------- URL: --------------------------------------------------------------- ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 19:56:50 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: fyi ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Wed Feb 18 19:34:59 1998 To: "''" Cc: "''" Subject: Hot Spot Compiler X-Priority: 3 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.0.1457.3) Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=" A new breed of virtual machine - Jav...url" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" A new breed of virtual machine - Jav...url" Content-Length: 88 X-Lines: 2 Status: RO [InternetShortcut] URL= ----- End Included Message ----- To: Subject: Re: fyi [Article on HotSpot VM] Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 20:16:47 PST From: Matthai Philipose Seems to me we should be able to approach this kind of performance on interpreters with clever use of run-time feedback to trigger conditional specialization, run-time inlining, and register allocation/actions. I wonder about scheduling, though... the fact that HotSpot works as well as statically optimizing C++ compilers means scheduling doesn't matter too much? I guess we could do the simple experiment of turning on/off scheduling on a new Sun and seeing if it makes a difference. My favorite line was: " At present, the system uses a very minimal heuristic [to decide what to munge] that does not involve any sort of artificial intelligence." Matthai > > ----- Begin Included Message ----- > > >From Wed Feb 18 19:34:59 1998 > To: "''" > Cc: "''" > Subject: Hot Spot Compiler > > URL= > > > ----- End Included Message ----- > > Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 09:49:53 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: fyi [Article on HotSpot VM] I just skimmed the article, and it's really content-free and over-hyped. Don't believe any claims about "as fast as C++" because they don't do any reasonable benchmarking. (The linked article about performance of JITs vs. C++ is terrible.) The technology in HotSpot is clearly exactly Urs Hoelzle's Self-93 thesis work, with a new front-end and non-trivial support for threads; the compiler & GC are the same as the Self-93 system. -- Craig > From Wed Feb 18 20:16:49 1998 > Delivery-Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 20:16:50 PST > To: > Subject: Re: fyi [Article on HotSpot VM] > Reply-to: Matthai Philipose > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 20:16:47 PST > From: Matthai Philipose > > Seems to me we should be able to approach this kind of performance on interpreters with clever use of run-time feedback to trigger conditional specialization, run-time inlining, and register allocation/actions. I wonder about scheduling, though... the fact that HotSpot works as well as statically optimizing C++ compilers means scheduling doesn't matter too much? I guess we could do the simple experiment of turning on/off scheduling on a new Sun and seeing if it makes a difference. > > My favorite line was: > " At present, the system uses a very minimal heuristic [to decide what to munge] that does not involve any sort of artificial intelligence." > > Matthai > > > > > > ----- Begin Included Message ----- > > > > >From Wed Feb 18 19:34:59 1998 > > To: "''" > > Cc: "''" > > Subject: Hot Spot Compiler > > > > URL= > > > > > > ----- End Included Message ----- > > > > > > Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 14:46:03 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: levy@cs, eggers@yakima, jlo@cs, sparekh@cs, dewey@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: noether Cc: burr@yakima The long-term solution for noether's replacement/repair is complicated and requires rethinking purchases. I can't to do this until after the affiliates meeting. No suprise there. So the fix that is in place now: no noether, disk on another CPU is going to stay, hopefully, until after the meeting. See Nancy's note below. Susan ----- Begin Included Message ----- From burr@aspen Thu Feb 19 14:37:13 1998 To: eggers@yakima Subject: Re: noether Content-Length: 271 X-Lines: 12 Status: RO > Do we have a temporary solution that could be in place until the > affiliates meeting is over, and then I'll deal with this in a > serious manner? Sure, unless either/or something else dies backup tapes begin overflowing We'll hope neither of these occur. thanks ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 16:17:29 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: graph splitting routines Brian, how much of the routines necessary to duplicate the graph for multiple divisions is already in place? Which of the functions that you wrote can I use to build on? Thanks. -- Markus To: Subject: Practice talk in chateau conference room? Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 14:16:05 PST From: Matthai Philipose Hi all, I've reserved the Chateau conference room from 2:30-3:30 for the practice talk. Let's all meet at the conference room at 2:30. Matthai Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 11:52:44 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: Call for applications: 1998 Interns program/SUN Processor Architecture and Performance Software FYI. ----- Begin Included Message ----- From William.Bryant@Eng.Sun.COM Mon Mar 2 08:50:20 1998 Delivery-Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 08:50:21 PST Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 08:49:49 -0800 (PST) From: William Bryant Reply-To: William Bryant Subject: Call for applications: 1998 Interns program/SUN Processor Architecture and Performance Software To: interns98@cray4.Eng.Sun.COM Cc: arch-rec@cray4.Eng.Sun.COM MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-MD5: 6t9f0xc5IAba5v/sNXdATA== X-Mailer: dtmail 1.1.0 CDE Version 1.1 SunOS 5.5.1 sun4m sparc Greetings: This note comes to you from SUN's Processor Architecture and Performance Software Group, which is responsible for advanced development of SPARC and Java processor architectures, Java Virtual Machines, and compiler optimization and performance tuning for SPARC and Java processors. This also includes architecture tools and multimedia library development. You are receiving this message because we find your academic work to be a good match with our research and development needs. We are currently looking for graduate student interns to staff our 1998 internship program. Successful candidates will have an opportunity to work on fun projects at the company that invented Java, and is the only remaining major computer vendor with a roadmap to compete with Intel in high performance CPU design! Please encourage your students to apply quickly, as we have established a cut-off date of 13 March 1998 for accepting applications. All resumes should be submitted by email to Marcia Hodes, Marcia.Hodes@Eng.Sun.Com, our intern coordinator. We will inform the selected candidates of our decision no later than 3/27/98. Please feel free to forward this note to any colleagues with interests in the areas described above. Should your plans include a visit to the Bay Area (or if you already work here!), and you would like an opportunity to present your recent research work to us, please contact our Director, Dr. John Nickolls, John.Nickolls@Eng.Sun.Com. Regards, Bill Bryant 1998 Interns Program Manager, SUN Processor Architecture and Performance Software Group ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 11:04:11 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: EE500B 3-9-98 FYI, for the people looking at OpenGL as a benchmark. ----- Begin Included Message ----- From voting-faculty-request@june Tue Mar 3 10:54:00 1998 Delivery-Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 10:54:00 PST Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 10:52:45 -0800 (PST) From: Scott Dakins To: Subject: EE500B 3-9-98 MIME-Version: 1.0 Sender: Depts. of Electrical Engineering, Bioengineering, Radiology & Cardiology University of Washington EE500B Weekly Seminar on Image Computing Winter Quarter 1998 Celeste Fowler Member of Technical Staff Silicon Graphics Mountain View, CA Image Processing Using OpenGL Monday, 9 March 1998 4:30 p.m. Guggenheim 217 The OpenGL API has become an industry standard. It provides a clean, flexible, efficient interface to the graphics capabilities of many different platforms. Frequently, OpenGL is the only interface to powerful special-purpose graphics hardware. Although generally thought of as an API for 3D applications, OpenGL was designed with 2D graphics and image processing in mind as well. OpenGL was designed to be a an efficient, low-overhead program interface to graphics hardware. It provides an interface to a graphics pipeline containing geometry, rasterization, and fragment (texture and fog application) steps. OpenGL can be used to solve image processing problems including but not limited to geometric operations such as scales, rotations, and warps; convolution; color space operations; difference matte extraction; and compositing. There are several advantages and disadvantages to using OpenGL for image processing. Since OpenGL was designed with 3D applications in mind, it has extensive features and a very general interface for geometry, texture, and framebuffer operations. OpenGL provides applications with access to graphics hardware and to tuned software implementations. Because OpenGL provides an interface to many types of graphics hardware, applications may be easily ported. In some cases, the OpenGL interface may seem counter-intuitive for image processing applications, particularly when compared with dedicated software-only libraries. Also, OpenGL currently lacks some features which might be desirable in an image processing package. For more information, please contact the seminar series coordinators, Prof. Yongmin Kim (685-2271), Prof. Marty J. Kushmerick (543-3762), Prof. David T. Linker (685-1397), Prof. James A. Nelson (543-3757), or Prof. Alan H. Rowberg (548-7489). Please note that this seminar will also be shown on UWTV Channel 27 (and Channel 18 Wenatchee) on Friday, March 13, 1998 at 1:30 p.m. ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 22:23:18 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Subject: Register Action Proposal I've added the proposal to our internal web page. It's accessible through links to our internal DyC documentation or directly at URL Feedback welcome, please read by Tuesday so we can talk about it. -- Markus Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 10:45:33 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Partition number is bigger than number of partitions matthai, I get the following error: ? FATAL COMPILER ERROR ? Assertion failed. ? Partition number is bigger than number of partitions ? (file:line) util/set_partition.C:171 when I run on /afs/ Any idea what's going on there? -- Markus Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 12:56:22 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting Just a reminder to think about what algorithms we would like to discuss for possible patenting. Susan Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 11:00:42 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: division identifiers I've added unique identifiers for each division / division info pair: UNSIGNED INT pairId; They are assigned uniquely when a pair is created. The BS field sourcePairs in a pair is the set of pair identifiers from which the division was computed. I've checked in all my changes. -- Markus Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 12:22:40 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting I have to make a presentation to the prospective grads at 2:45-3, so I'll miss that part of our meeting. -- Craig To: Subject: an obscure and possibly harmless glitch in polyvariant division Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 14:47:29 PST From: Brian Grant Discordant merges may not be properly identified. A discordant merge may be split due to polyvariant division, postponing the control-flow merge to the point at which divisions merge. The BTA does not take this into account and considers only the original control-flow merges (actually, variables with multiple reaching definitions are computed by a prepass). But it may not matter (for now). There should still be a unit boundary at the post-splitting control- flow merge because of the single-entry requirement for units. Furthermore, our cache lookup currently includes all variables in the context in the hash key, so we should (appropriately) get different versions for different values of the discordant variables. So, the current problem seems to be one unnecessary unit boundary where the discordant variables are identified. I haven't thought about what happens when unchecked cache policies are used, but I think CacheAllUnchecked should function correctly. This could become a more serious problem if I try to make the caching scheme more clever by only checking the discordant variables. It is unclear if the problem should be addressed in the BTA (which is getting more complicated every day), or in a postpass (which may not have enough information). Example: x = foo(); make_static(x); if (d) { x++; } else { x--; make_static(y); } ...use of x... B: ...last use of y... If divisions merge at B, then the post-splitting (discordant) merge will actually occur at B, and not immediately following the if statement. Note also that no merge need occur at all, if divisions remain separate to the end of the dynamic region. --Brian Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 13:50:19 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting and I have a prospective student 3-3:30. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: Subject: Re: meeting Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 14:01:01 PST From: Brian Grant If Craig will miss the first half, and Susan the second, then I just think we should cancel the meeting. Markus and I worked on polyvariant division last week. A number of complications were discovered. One was that we needed to tag each Division-> DivisionInfo mapping so that we could determine which (merged) divisions were derived from which divisions at the previous program point. Markus then discovered previously unconsidered implications for the reachability analysis and may have come up with a (partial?) fix. Similar implications exist for discordant merges, independent of reachability analysis (described by my message yesterday). A few other minor complications have also arisen due to the way we represent and use BTA information, and due to the way IGOTOs are copied. It will be another day or so before I am ready to test the code. --Brian To: Subject: Progress report Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 14:02:26 PST From: Matthai Philipose In case we aren't meeting today, here's my progress report. The new version of the merger seems to be working on mipsi, and on a couple of small test programs I tried it on. I haven't tried it on the regression suite yet. I fixed a couple of bugs uncoverd by Markus' attempt to compile the model-checker, but my fix seems to have caused/exposed a memory leak in the early part of the compiler. I will fix this, make sure mipsi and all regression suite programs run fine, before checking in mipsi and the new merger. In the meantime, I have started digging into Mesa (the OpenGL derivative). I haven't fully figured out how things work, but there seem to be many instances of (apparently) infrequenty varying datastructures being interpreted, and of parameterization based on scalars. I will talk to Joel (Auslander) later today, since he has a lot experience using OpenGL and knows our stuff. By next week, I'm hoping to have OpenGL compiled on multiflow, and to have figured out the identity and the pattern of use of the main runtime constants (and maybe have tried out some simple annotations). Matthai Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 14:12:24 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: Progress report Thanks both of you. Susan To: Subject: prospective Nate Kushman Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 14:23:23 PST From: Brian Grant Matthai and I talked to him this morning for 30 minutes. Craig also met with him. Since we did nearly all of the talking, we didn't learn much about him. We'll probably talk to him again tomorrow. Nate said that he would come to UW primarily to work on dynamic compilation. Should we be interested in him? Should we try to "recruit" him? What should we tell him? For example, I mentioned Whirlwind to him and gave him a 30s spiel. He said that Craig didn't mention it. He seemed interested. If he stops by again, should we tell him anything else about it? Also, do we know if we'll have funding (RA) for him? Should we ask him if that would be important to him? --Brian Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 14:31:08 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: prospective Nate Kushman Yes, we should recruit him. We should be recruiting **all** of them. I talk to him tomorrow too. Susan Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 15:20:44 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:,, Subject: Re: prospective Nate Kushman I also talk to Nate again tomorrow, right after Susan. I thought I talked to him about DyC and Whirlwind. -- Craig Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 11:36:27 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: web on afs? I tried to access our DC web page, and got an error. I think did klog, and then I was able to read the web page. Are our web pages on AFS? If so, how can anyone else read them? -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: web on afs? Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 11:41:32 PST From: Brian Grant klog cannot affect whether you can access the web or not for two reasons: 1) None of the web is on AFS. 2) All accesses go through the web server, rather than via local file access. People outside the dept. can access it. It has been recently accessed (at least) by people from OGI, MIT, IRISA, and DIKU. The web server is kind of flaky. It was probably a fluke. --Brian Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 21:26:07 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: possible patents I'd like to have a meeting at our regular time next week to discuss potential patents. We're coming up on the anniversary of our PEPM paper, after which we will not be able to patent anything that it contains. If we decide not to patent, I'd like our decision to be based on our judgement that there was nothing to patent, not that we just didn't get around to it. If we decide to patent, we should get the ball moving, because it's not a two-day process for Patrick and the lawyers. Can you think over the week what parts of your work may be patentable. Think what is novel, no matter how small. Then think how the small thing could be expanded to be more general. Or at least this is how I do it. Susan To:,, cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: TCS paper Date: Fri, 03 Apr 1998 09:04:28 PST From: Brian Grant Final papers are due May 31. The two major suggestions (made by the second reviewer) were: 1) Add a section describing the overall system, with a picture similar to figure 1 of the PLDI 96 paper and a diagram of our different analyses and transformations. Snippets of section 7 (experiences) that explain where we plugged into Multiflow could be moved to the new section and expanded. 2) Examples in sections 5 & 6 to make the paper actually readable. Although this would be nice, the reviewer also commented that he didn't expect us to actually do this. :-) A weakness that I hadn't considered was also pointed out: the specialize annotation doesn't allow us to specialize functions for globals (as Tempo can do). Though a small change in the annotation might seem to allow it, we can't actually specialize with respect to globals at all because the system uses the name (i.e., address) of the global as the cache key, rather than the value. --Brian Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 10:42:14 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs, Subject: Re: problems in POOL_Salloc The problem seems to be caused by the equiv vars pass: #1 0x12011d070 in VAR_EVSet_Malloc (size=1073833720) at p2mem/p2mem.C:596 #2 0x12011d070 in VAR_EVSet_Malloc (size=0) at p2mem/p2mem.C:596 #3 0x120114514 in SP_CreateSplitPartition (partition_elements=0x140fdd6b8, elt_num=0x120188868 ) at util/set_partition.C:144 #4 0x120188d10 in EV_Update () at p2equiv_vars/p2equiv_vars.C:205 #5 0x120283ec4 in BTA_Compute () at p2bta/bta-v2.C:256 #6 0x120157440 in DEP_Compute_Info (dep_info_node_ptr=0x140023b30) at p2dep/p2dep.C:441 #7 0x120290a2c in DYC_PrepForDynComp () at p2dyc/p2dyc.C:1078 #8 0x120157554 in DEP_Invoke_Opt (dep_opt_node_ptr=0x140023df8) at p2dep/p2dep.C:461 failing assertion on line 439 in alloc/pool.C: ASSERT(size > 0,"Bad size in call to POOL_Salloc"); This apparently makes all my regression tests fail right now. It is weird that Brian does not have that problem as we seem to have the same source code, Matthai doesn't seem to have updated Brian's latest BTA changes yet. Matthai, could you update your compiler and see if you run into the same error? Thanks. -- Markus On Fri, 3 Apr 1998, Brian Grant wrote: > What is the size passed to POOL_Salloc? Zero? What is the allocation for? > Is it called from p2bta? from p2dyc? > > --Brian > > From: Craig Chambers Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 10:37:38 +0200 To:, Subject: Summer Interns FYI. ----- Begin Included Message ----- >From Sreeram.Duvvuru@Eng.Sun.COM Tue Apr 7 03:32 MET 1998 Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 18:32:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Sreeram Duvvuru Subject: Summer Interns To: Cc: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-MD5: W3I5a++0Mm41Nt3OnDBCzQ== Hello, I was looking at the Dynamic Compilation web pages at UW. We have one slot open for a Summer Intern to work on Solaris/SPARC version of HotSpot. If there is an appropriate person in your group, please refer them to us. We need help in performance analysis, running VMs on Shade like tools, dynamic compilation, micro-architecture feature evaluation, interpreters, analyze memory footprint issues. Thanks Sreeram Duvvuru Sun Microsystems. ----- End Included Message ----- From: Craig Chambers Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 11:46:13 +0200 To: Subject: France address Cc:, Here's my mailing address en France: IRISA Monsieur Craig CHAMBERS Projet COMPOSE Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu 35042 RENNES CEDEX FRANCE My phone number for calls from the US is: My fax number is: -- Craig Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 10:44:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: spec profiling Brian, is there a run-switch to turn it on or did you just modify the makefile? -- Markus Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 13:48:45 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: Summer Interns I already told him that the DC students had things to do here. But I was thinking of my own. Markus, if that doesn't apply to you, do you want to contact this guy? Susan Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 13:56:53 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: assert(NumberOfDivisions == 1) in bta_wrap.C I think I have fixed the problem, however, the benchmarks now fail the above assertion because it may happen that there is a divisionInfo pair but is has 0 divisions indicating no specialization taking place. It is necessary to have such a pair to be able to distinguish between two bta's such as {{x}} and {{x}, {}} where the first one indicates just one division, specializing x and the second 2 divisions, one no specialization and one specializing x. I can go ahead and check in my changes to the BTA if you want. -- Markus Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 13:57:22 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: assertion it fails, of course, because NumberOfDivisions == 0. -- Markus Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 17:13:25 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: weekly meeting Just to make sure we are all on the same page, I'd like to meet tomorrow and continue on a weekly basis, just as before Markus and Craig left for their trips. Susan Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 17:59:03 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: what's on my board I've put a frame file in /projects/dyncomp/SharedWorkingArea which contains the outline of our possible patents that was on my whiteboard. Can each of you take a crack at expanding some sections, whichever you think are most up your ally. Send mail when you have the lock on the file. I'm sorry this has taken so long for me to type so little. Busy week, last week. Susan Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 14:04:19 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: convergence problem with equiv vars? Try to run on /afs/ ( file in the directory). Maybe it just takes very long but is it normal that Computing flow summaries... Initializing in and out sets... Iterating to fixed point... Propagating to stats... Done with equiv-vars computation... Done with equiv-vars computation... Computing flow summaries... Initializing in and out sets... Iterating to fixed point... Propagating to stats... Done with equiv-vars computation... Done with equiv-vars computation... Computing flow summaries... Initializing in and out sets... Iterating to fixed point... Propagating to stats... Done with equiv-vars computation... Done with equiv-vars computation... Computing flow summaries... .... is repeated various times? -- Markus Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 11:28:08 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: another error in unit.C I get the following assertion failure when I run on /afs/ Expression ( STAT_dyc2_staticOp(Stat) == (DivInfoPair->divinfo->StaticStat == Stat) ) evaluated to FALSE at (file:line) p2dyc/unit.C:576*** Exit 1 DivInfoPair->divinfo->StaticStat = NULL whereas STAT_dyc2_staticOp(Stat) is (correctly) 1 (for stat 495) (there's only one division) -- Markus Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:09:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock , Brian Grant Subject: More EquivVars trouble In addition to taking a long time, it also uses a lot of space. It just ran out of memory when I ran it on another file (dpath.DyC part of the mk88) simulator. Since this is on the critical path, could you please fix that quickly? Thanks. -- Markus Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:30:12 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Craig Craig sent us mail with his addresses and phones, etc. I've misplaced mine in the morass which serves as my file directory. Did anyone save his mail? Susan Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 12:35:08 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: Craig From Tue Apr 7 09:31:44 1998 Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 11:46:13 +0200 From: Craig Chambers To: Cc:, Subject: France address Here's my mailing address en France: IRISA Monsieur Craig CHAMBERS Projet COMPOSE Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu 35042 RENNES CEDEX FRANCE My phone number for calls from the US is: My fax number is: -- Craig -- Markus On Wed, 15 Apr 1998, Susan Eggers wrote: > Craig sent us mail with his addresses and phones, etc. I've misplaced > mine in the morass which serves as my file directory. Did anyone save > his mail? > > Susan > Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 16:04:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: error in dyc_DtypeToOperand Brian, dyc_DtypeToOperand (DType=6) in p2dyc/util.C:501 causes mflow to abort in CCODE_Size_To_I (size=6) at cfe_alpha/ccode.C:6697 because of the size argument. The problem occurs with the file /afs/ I guess the problem is because of unaligned field size in the struct that the processor, more exactly access to m88000.ALU (at offset 6 of size 1 byte). If you want to reproduce the problem run with reachability turned off (otherwise it takes about 90 minutes to run the BTA, we're clearly seeing the potential for exponential blow up in clause size here. I am looking if there's a way to make it faster ...). Short of padding the struct, do you think you can fix that easily? We might run into that more often in real programs (if field size is the real problem here). -- Markus Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 16:43:46 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Label L2477$3 is not recorded as labelling any unit I guess that's a merger bug since that label actually does exist in: /afs/ Could you take a look please? Thanks. -- Markus To: Subject: usr_include_alpha directory checked into cvs Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 17:15:47 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Charlie made a special version of /usr/include/alpha for the 64-bit version of the multiflow, which used to reside in: /projects/trace1/mflow/usr/vssad/release/garrett/usr/usr_include_alpha I've now placed a copy of this dir under cvs, as subdirectory usr_include_alpha of the DyC directory. Please update to get this sub-directory. I have also changed the Makefile in DyC/bin so that dcmake now uses the the environment variable DYC_USR_INCLUDE_ALPHA_DIR to find out where the include directory is. You should therefore set the environment variable DYC_USR_INCLUDE_ALPHA_DIR to your DyC/usr_include_alpha directory, and update to the new version of dcmake. The reason for this change is that I found I needed to modified a file in usr_include_alpha, and figured it's better to have modifiable stuff under cvs. Matthai To: Subject: tools for viewing gprof output! Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 09:10:22 PDT From: Brian Grant Fortunately, since it doesn't look like we'll be able to get the same info from DCPI, someone has directed me to a couple tools that we may be able to combine to view gprof output. I'll try to install and test them this afternoon. --Brian Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 09:44:39 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , Matthai Philipose , Subject: var args I don't recall there being a problem with var args with our 64bit version, however, trying to compile a function with var args runs into a syntax error. Did varargs ever work (I am not talking about dynamically compiling such functions). -- Markus Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 15:08:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: saving callee saved regs Brian, how difficult would it be to add the saving of callee saved regs? It turns out that multiflow produces an incorrect result for mk88sim. I can compile with cc (no optimization) though and link with the function that is compiled with our dynamic compiler (without optimization the problematic variable(s) do not get register allocated and hence don't get clobbered by our runtime. For a more meaningful comparison we should compare to the optimized spec benchmark, not to a castrated one, I think. So if adding that register saving (for performance we could make that switchable in the compiler, and turn it on only when registers get clobbered). Since we can't compile everything through mflow, it would be good to be able to link with cc-compiled (or gcc-compiled )code more easily. -- Markus Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 22:57:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: stitcher problem Matthai, can you take a look at the executable m88k in /afs/ It seg faults at Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x140035fa8 in DyCRT_CodeSpace () 1: x/i $pc 0x140035fa8 : 00000000 call_pal halt apparently the code is not stitched correctly. (you need to run with m88k Nearly all of the regression tests pass. The notable exceptions are several programs that now fail the infamous 799 assertion that didn't before and: binary (both eager and loop_specialize_lazy): something weird is causing these programs to fail with larger array sizes, and to have different behavior in and out of the debugger, and in the simulator, too pow: an apparent bug in Multiflow is omitting a necessary move from an argument register to another register query: now giving the wrong answer (but I haven't tracked down the reason) Now that about 10 programs fail the 799 assertion in the scheduler, I'll have to track it down. I won't check in my code for a while yet. I still need to merge my code with the new merger, and I had to make more changes to the old one than I thought I would. Also, the new implementation of lazy edges has (temporarily) crippled the timing instrumentation. So, no numbers yet. --Brian To: Subject: other progress: nil Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 17:17:39 PDT From: Brian Grant I haven't made any progress on the paper or on apps this week. I've been fairly sick (and so have my wife and daughter), and I may skip tomorrow's meeting if I'm not substantially better than I was today. I won't be able to talk more than a couple minutes in any case. I'll email my portion of the patent writeup tonight or tomorrow morning, just in case. --Brian To: Subject: patents Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 10:29:59 PDT From: Brian Grant Ok, so I didn't get around to sending out my patent writeup yesterday. However, today I'm feeling better, so here it is. Hopefully, these two points are recognizable as conditional specialization and unit identification and clustering. --Brian Implementing Conditional Pragmas Using Merge Splitting ------------------------------------------------------ A pragma is a compiler directive inserted into a program's source code. A conditional pragma would be such a directive that would take effect only when certain conditions held true. By using merge splitting, it is possible to use the programming langauge itself to specify the conditions, rather than a macro preprocessor or special syntax. Consequently, because the conditions are ordinary program statements, arbitrarily complex compile-time and run-time conditions are possible. If the conditions can be completely evaluated at compile time, then the branch can be folded away, like any other conditional statement. A conditional pragma implemented in this way takes effect beginning (approximately) at the place in the program where the pragma was inserted. Merges of paths through the program's control-flow graph (or supergraph, if the pragma should have interprocedural effects) on which the pragma should and should not take effect are split. The paths need not be split blindly. Rather, the paths could be analyzed independently and actually split if it were determined that the pragma actually has an effect. Determination of Code-Caching Points in Dynamic Compilation ----------------------------------------------------------- There are three types of program points where dynamically generated code should be cached to enable code reuse: 1) Transitions from execution to dynamic compilation, in order to use code that was previously generated under a similar program state, i.e., the same values (or other properties, such as types) of program or system variables used in the code generation 2) Control-flow merges of paths on which program or system variables used in the code generation potentially (but not definitely) are assigned the same values 3) Program points after which variables that were used in code generation are no longer used, eliminating that potential difference between different versions of dynamically generated code However, due to the significant cost of code caching, it is desirable to minimize the number of caching points. So, we first identify candidate caching points at the above three types of program points, identify program ranges in which the candidate caching points can be actually placed, intersect the ranges of the candidates, and place caching points in the intersections such that the amount of dynamically generated code is minimized. Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 20:27:14 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Matthai Philipose , Subject: new merger & dcmake Hi Matthai, is the new merger ready yet? I need it now to get the last part of m88ksim working as I need to make changes in the source file and it's not practical for me to wait each time for you to hack the .pms file as I keep getting: Label L2957$3 is not recorded as labelling any unit Or, alternatively, you show me how to munge the file -- but having a working merger would be preferable. BTW: dcmake does not seem to be checked in. -- Markus Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 10:40:04 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: patents I've put an updated copy of the patent ideas in /projects/dyncomp/SharedWorkingArea. Matthai and Markus, could you complete your sections today? Thanks, Susan Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 12:05:58 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs -- Markus Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 15:55:29 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers cc: Subject: Re: patents I've put my spiel in the file annotations.txt in the shared directory. -- Markus On Mon, 4 May 1998, Susan Eggers wrote: > I've put an updated copy of the patent ideas in > /projects/dyncomp/SharedWorkingArea. > > Matthai and Markus, could you complete your sections today? > > Thanks, Susan > Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 10:48:56 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: jtcs paper I've edited the paper to incorporate the factored BTA equations. The modified copy with the new BTA equations is in: /afs/ Use it for as the base for further edits. -- Markus Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 10:50:21 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: jtcs paper I hope you're all using change bars, so we can quickly spot the new sections. Susan To: Subject: committed new lazy-edge implementation Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 23:42:26 PDT From: Brian Grant You'll need to update bin, lib, and mflow. If you have no need to update, then I suggest you don't update at this time. Note that pow and query still fail (pow for a known reason, but unknown if it can be fixed; query for unknown reason). A few other programs fail assertion 799. --Brian Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 15:25:43 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: util.C bug Matthai, do you remember why you added the check for a direct call in line 1565 in file p2dyc/util.C? I am running into an example where it returns NULL and then crashes in strncmp called from dyc_Keyword because the name string is empty. Also the call in question (source line 2948 in file /afs/ is in fact a direct call, So I guess the bug is in the function dyc_StatIsADirectCall. Could you take a look. Thanks. -- Markus Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 09:57:13 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: 590G I just started reading the paper, but I suspect that we all should read and attend today. The topic is modeling program predictability, and it includes data values as well as control. 12:30, EE1 perhaps room 025, papers on the 4th floor. Susan Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 10:48:11 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs, cc: Markus Mock Subject: rt status FYI these are the benchmarks that currently fail for me: ### Application csi crashed (log in csi/.test-mock-log) ### Application dotproduct crashed (log in dotproduct/.test-mock-log) ### Application fft crashed (log in fft/.test-mock-log) ### Application hsh crashed (log in hsh/.test-mock-log) ### Application interpreter-regs crashed (log in interpreter-regs/.test-mock-log) ### Application polydiv crashed (log in polydiv/.test-mock-log) ### Application polydiv2 crashed (log in polydiv2/.test-mock-log) ### Application xvalg crashed (log in xvalg/.test-mock-log) -- Markus Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 10:49:28 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs, cc: Markus Mock Subject: m88k I compared the run times with a version where the ckbrkpts routine is not called at all: no-bkpts: 21:04.63 base: 22:48.08 dyc: 25:54.64 I compiled one version with instrumentation and got the following overhead time: Total time: 137686 cycles Total dynamic-compilation overhead: 134000 cycles Number of instructions emitted: 4 Cycles / instruction emitted: 33500.000000 So where does all that time go? Could it be due to the much larger executable size (the dyc version grows to over 145Meg VSZ whereas the base version only goes to about 55Meg, so cache locality might be worse)? Ideas? -- Markus To: Markus Mock cc:, spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: rt status Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 10:56:12 PDT From: Brian Grant Thanks. For some reason, I have some different ones crash. The differences: ### Application binary crashed (log in binary/.test-grant-log) +++ Application dotproduct passed +++ Application hsh passed ### Application interpreter crashed (log in interpreter/.test-grant-log) +++ Application interpreter-regs passed ### Application promote1 failed (log in promote1/.test-grant-log) ### Application query failed (log in query/.test-grant-log) promote1 and query give the wrong answer. binary and interpreter fail 799. --Brian Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 16:42:39 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: first reply ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Tue May 12 16:23:59 1998 To: (Susan Eggers) Cc:,, Subject: Re: cheap floating point register moves X-Mts: smtp Content-Length: 501 X-Lines: 13 Status: RO The 21064 and 21164 are both statically-scheduled machines. In order to have simple precise exceptions in this type of machine you want to have the latency of all operations the same (except for a few long exceptions like divide). I'm not an expert on the machines but I wouldn't expect one type of FP op to be faster than another due to the common pipe. You might have better luck with a 21264 since it is dynamically scheduled, unless moves still go through the add pipe to reduce wiring. Norm ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 17:02:49 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: equiva vars memory hog Matthai, have you made any progress on a leaner version? For tcl the equiv vars phase is just running forerver, currently at almost 300Meg... and swap space is getting low.. -- Markus Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 10:36:59 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: equiv-vars Any progress? -- Markus Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 21:12:38 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Brian Grant ,, cc: Markus Mock Subject: profiles I gathered the profile that Brian suggested: immediate return from the ckbrpts function so that no dynamic code or setup is ever executed. It showed similarly blown up execution times for Data_path and rdwr (the functions that call ckbrpts): BASE-VERSION: Each sample covers 4.00 byte(s) for 8.9e-05% of 1099.6416 seconds %time seconds cum % cum sec procedure (file) 18.3 201.3262 18.3 201.33 killtime () 11.4 125.9072 29.8 327.23 ckbrkpts () 11.0 121.0361 40.8 448.27 Data_path () 8.3 91.4795 49.1 539.75 alignd () 7.5 82.3252 56.6 622.07 check_scoreboard () 7.1 78.3477 63.7 700.42 execute () 4.4 48.7949 68.1 749.22 rdwr () 3.5 38.7891 71.7 788.01 Pc () 3.3 35.9453 74.9 823.95 test_issue () 2.9 32.3232 77.9 856.27 checklmt () DYNAMICALLY-COMPILED VERSION Each sample covers 4.00 byte(s) for 8.9e-05% of 1096.8213 seconds %time seconds cum % cum sec procedure (file) 15.8 173.7646 15.8 173.76 killtime () 15.4 169.0518 31.3 342.82 Data_path () 7.2 78.8789 38.4 421.70 execute () 6.7 73.3711 45.1 495.07 checklmt () 6.6 72.8799 51.8 567.95 rdwr () 6.5 71.0791 58.3 639.03 alignd () 5.7 62.1768 63.9 701.20 Pc () 4.4 48.6816 68.4 749.88 check_scoreboard () 3.4 37.4443 71.8 787.33 goexec () 3.3 36.3359 75.1 823.66 test_issue () DYNAMIC VERSION WITH NO ACTUAL EXECUTION OF DYNAMIC CODE Each sample covers 4.00 byte(s) for 9e-05% of 1081.3594 seconds %time seconds cum % cum sec procedure (file) 16.3 175.8135 16.3 175.81 killtime () 14.5 156.6611 30.7 332.47 Data_path () 8.4 90.9629 39.2 423.44 execute () 6.5 70.5879 45.7 494.03 alignd () 6.0 65.0615 51.7 559.09 rdwr () 5.5 59.4639 57.2 618.55 checklmt () 4.9 52.9434 62.1 671.49 check_scoreboard () 4.6 49.6699 66.7 721.16 Pc () 3.8 40.6270 70.4 761.79 goexec () 3.4 36.6943 73.8 798.49 test_issue () -- Markus Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 18:24:24 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: progress? Any progress on the equiv-vars front? -- Markus Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 09:18:39 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: tempo Tempo is available for downloading from the COMPOSE web pages now. So we can figure out what's really going on in comparisons. -- Craig To: Subject: Fast version of equiv-vars checked in... Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 15:12:16 PDT From: Matthai Philipose It's linear instead of quadratic in space now, and runs much faster in practice. I tried it out on the regression tests and mipsi and it's much faster. Matthai Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 13:05:25 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Subject: 10% speedup in m88ksim! Good news: I managed to get a 10.7% speedup on m88ksim after digging around and finding what actually gave us a slowdown before. After ruling out other factors, cache behavior remained as the only usual suspect. I was using the cord/ftoc tools to confirm that and also remembered that Ori Gershony had found in his quals project (where he examined the effectiveness of procedure reorder algorithms a la Pattis/Hansen) that m88ksim was particularly bad behaved on the Alpha with about 4% of icache misses. However, using procedure reordering these went down to almost 0. Apparently, the change in procedure size of the ckbrkpts routine which we are specializing made the bad behaviour even worse, leading to a slow down of up to 1.2 (with some variation depending on some benchmark arguments). To improve cache behavior I used a tool called cord, which you feed a desired procedure ordering and a binary and it gives you a binary with the desired ordering. The desired ordering was generated using a profile with prof & pixie and a tool called ftoc. The man page is not clear what exact algorithm ftoc uses but is seems to be some variant of Pattis/Hansen that orders procedures by the execution frequency and does a top-down ordering based on frequency (instead of the static dfs-ordering used by the standard DEC compiler/linker). I used the same order for the base executable and the dynamically compiled executable. The following times [min:sec] are the median of 16 runs (running on meitner all night): static base static base dyc dyc + proc reordering + proc reordering 00:21:34.8 00:20:28.8 00:21:51.3 00:18:30.0 base : x 1.00 1.054 0.986 1.166 base w/ proc. reordering : x 0.949 1.00 0.937 1.107 ===== A fair comparison of static base w/ reordering with dyc w/ reordering shows a 10.7% speedup, which is about what we expect based on what I saw in previous profiles. -- Markus P.S. After speeding up m88ksim I will now continue with the tcl interpreter. Matthai has finished the new equiv-vars implementation so that I can actually dynamically compile it (previously, the compile ran out of memory in that phase). Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 20:25:52 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: 10% speedup in m88ksim! This is good news. It's also fodder for Matthai's architecture study. Susan Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 08:26:29 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Matthai Philipose , Subject: set_partition_vector.H Matthai, it appears that you have not checked in that file, so that the compile fails right now. Could you check it in please? Thanks. -- Markus Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 08:38:47 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Matthai Philipose , Subject: set_partition.H Matthai, copying the file directly to my util directory resulted in failed compilation: util/set_partition.H:106: warning: `FOR_EACH_SET_PARTITION_EQUIVALENT_ELEMENT' r edefined util/set_partition_vector.H:111: warning: this is the location of the previous d efinition util/set_partition.H:122: warning: `FOR_EACH_SET_PARTITION_SUBSET' redefined Let me know if the recompile works for you once you've added it to CVS. -- Markus Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 16:08:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: tempo Do we want to download it? If so, we need to sign a form available at: in order to get the password to ftp the file. Susan or Craig, could you send/sign the form? -- Markus On Fri, 15 May 1998, Craig Chambers wrote: > Tempo is available for downloading from the COMPOSE web pages now. So we > can figure out what's really going on in comparisons. > > -- Craig > To: Subject: update on app search Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 15:20:33 PDT From: Brian Grant Encryption is out. The implementations have already extracted and memoized all static operations by munging the keys before they are used. So, now I'm back looking at apps we already know about: xv, pov, dinero, and xlisp. At least we know these apps have potential. For example, 45% of dinero's execution time is spent in 3 routines with DC opportunities. --Brian Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 13:48:54 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Brian Grant cc: Markus Mock , Subject: Re: Memory usage of unit assignment etc Ok. BTW: I updated and tried to compile but changes in p2mem make the compile fail, apparently Matthai made some changes there p2mem_POOL_VEC_ENTRY(VAR_uv_set_pool); using a ; where a , should be used. Are there fixed but not checked-in version for the changed files? -- Markus On Mon, 25 May 1998, Brian Grant wrote: >> do you have any idea how to cut down on memory usages of the unit passes? For chebychev: DYC_BTA_pool: Total bytes allocated (ta): 292896 DYC_pool: Total bytes allocated (ta): 48816 I would guess most of the memory blow-up caused by my transformations are not due to direct allocations by me, but rather due to explosion in the size of the CFG, number of TEMPs, etc. The back end keeps around 3-4 representations simultaneously, so it could be eating memory. --Brian To:, Subject: POOL_DEBUG Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 12:52:58 PDT From: Brian Grant After turning on pool debugging, I found that we were using the pools incorrectly. We were using Sreset and Salloc in some cases instead of Reset and Alloc. The latter calls must be used if the memory could be freed prior to a subsequent Reset. For now (and only in my version), I have changed all our pools (including those used by equiv_vars and used_vars) to use Reset, Alloc, and Realloc. Definitely, the BTA pool and my pool should use those calls, since they also use POOL_Free. I'm not sure about the others. The S* calls use the pool like a true arena. No memory is truly freed for reuse until the pool is reset or destroyed. If you know some of the pools would be fine to be implemented like this, please let me know. The S* calls are slightly faster. I'll let you know whether I notice any change in behavior due to the change in alloc. calls. --Brian Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 15:29:24 -0700 (PDT) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Brian Grant , Subject: pool stuff - regression tests Brian, does it work for you? All regression tests fail for me now in ? FATAL COMPILER ERROR ? Assertion failed. ? POOL_Salloc called on unreset pool. ? (file:line) alloc/pool.C:436 *** Exit 1 (I had compiled with POOL_DEBUG=2 but that shouldn't matter). -- Markus Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 11:05:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: [UW-CS #1240] account on tennis machines (fwd) >.., the account can't be created until an account request form >is completed and turned in to support. Matthai, where did you get the account request form, remember? Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 16:46:12 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers cc: Subject: afs on tennis machines Susan, the afs files are currently not available on the tennis machines. For now, I will just have to create a complete copy of my mflow compiler on my tennis account, which is ok. If we want to run more stuff on these faster machines, afs should be installed there too (whoever's in charge for that). -- Markus Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 17:36:36 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: afs on tennis machines Cc: Someone make an argument why we need afs on the new alphas. Otherwise, we should not have it installed. If there's some reason we need afs, someone make an argument why we can't have a script that copies whatever copy of mflow we are using for runs on the new machines and then starts executing it. (I'm trying to get rid of using afs if we can/should.) Susan Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 17:42:32 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, levy@cs, eggers@yakima, jlo@cs, sparekh@cs, redstone@yakima Subject: new alphas This is what student support does? Wow, seems like alot. So the students doing the work should be the DC students, with Sujay as a consultant. These are technically DC machines. Can you let me know when your part is done? Susan > From oystr@maui Wed May 27 17:34:20 1998 > Subject: New Alphas > To: eggers@june, sparekh@june > Cc: burr@aspen > Content-Length: 666 > X-Lines: 17 > Status: RO > > I just had a talk with Joel and apparently there was some > confusion. The Alphas Joel was talking about have nothing to > do with your new ones... > > Which are sitting down here in 117 still in their boxes. > So what Sujay, who I understand will be the sysadmin, needs > to do is: > > a) Decide where the machines are going to be placed physically, > what subnet they are going to be on, etc. I have no idea how you decide that. One on Matthai's desk, but what about the others? > b) Run the newhost(1L) command on June to define the machine > names and get the appropriate addresses. I'll bring in my list of shortchanged, famous women. Barring that, it will be shade plants of the northeast. I'm open to other suggestions, but I plan to be pretty closed-minded. :-) > c) Haul the machines to where they will live. > d) Bring the results of (b) to Nancy and me, at which point > we will help him configure the machines and get them on > the net. > > Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 12:34:10 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: Re: using m88ksim Go to /afs/ you want to grab m88k-ckbrpts-base-reordered (not dynamically compiled base) m88k-ckbrps-opt-reordered (dyc) Both are compiled with -non_shared as that's a standard compiler flag for that benchmark. To run it, you need more files, run it with executable -c < is in /afs/ this in turn reads in a couple of more files (I don't remember which) all of which are in /afs/ and that should be in the directory your running from. -- Markus On Thu, 28 May 1998, Matthai Philipose wrote: > Hey Markus, > Do you have a version of m88ksim with dynamic compilation and one noop version so we (Tony Tsai and I) can simulate it? Also, the simulator need the libraries to be linked in using the "-non_shared" flag... what's the easiest way to do this? > > Basically, if you can give us a binaries for m88sim with and without dynamic compilation, created using the non-shared flag? > Thanks, > Matthai > Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 13:58:02 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: the flowcharts I know you don't want to hear this, but we have to finish our part of the patent description by early next week. Can we have the flowcharts (you) and overview (me) finished by Monday? Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: Subject: Re: the flowcharts Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 14:46:46 PDT From: Brian Grant >> I know you don't want to hear this, but I know you don't want to hear this, but... I have to finish up the TCS paper tonight and probably tomorrow. I already have other plans for the weekend as well. I can't start on the figures until Monday. If possible, we should meet soon so that I can start productively working on this first thing Monday morning. --Brian To: Subject: any final comments on the paper? Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 15:36:12 PDT From: Brian Grant I am preparing the final version. A few naming issues still need to be resolved: -- whether to use "generating extensions"/"GEs" or "run-time specializer" in section 3 and figures 6&7 -- whether to rename "specializable merge points" to "discordant merge", rename "discordant variables" to something else, or make no changes -- whether to rename the cache policies, particularly the promotion cache policies (reviewers commented that promote_* are misleading). We could call them pcache_* and mcache_*. pcache_all_unchecked could be changed to pcache_none, since the generated version would be thrown away. Also, we could make the checked policies explicit (e.g., mcache_all_checked). Also, please let me know if you have any comments on the abstract or keywords. Below are the (brief) instructions/comments I received regarding these. --Brian INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS We kindly ask that you read through the following for the preparation of your article for Theoretical Computer Science. KEYWORDS: Check to see that you have listed 3 to 5 keywords (to be placed under the abstract). Keywords are essential for the accessibility and retrievability of your article. ABSTRACT: Please note that the abstract of your article will be made available via Internet. It may be worthwhile to pay some extra attention to this summary so that future users will obtain a clear insight in your results and methods. To: Subject: final version of TCS paper ready Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 00:29:01 PDT From: Brian Grant I have made a final version of the paper. I will send it out tomorrow evening, so please send me any comments or make any changes before then. The version with the TR number and date is still in: /projects/dyncomp/Papers/98/TCS/tr.doc The version to be sent out is: /projects/dyncomp/Papers/98/TCS/final.doc /projects/dyncomp/Papers/98/TCS/final.mif /projects/dyncomp/Papers/98/TCS/ If you would like to make changes, please make them to tr.doc, then make a new final.doc from that by deleting the TR number, date, and the preceding blank line. Also regenerate the .ps (by print to file) and .mif (save as MIF) files. I will send these to Charles compressed and encoded in various ways (probably gzip MIME and gzip uuencode). If you change more than a single word, please recheck the bib at the back. I had to insert one blank line to prevent an entry from being split. If the text moves, you'll have to move that line. Of the three naming quandaries I mentioned earlier, I only fixed the cache- policy one (as described). I also expanded the discussion of all the policies in section 5. I think the other two naming issues are not as serious. I massaged the GE vs. RTS issue by explaining the rationale for the different terms. Discordant variables I left as is because the term is pervasive. --Brian To: Subject: woo hoo! 799 != 666 Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 01:59:38 PDT From: Brian Grant To cap a week of amazing debugging successes, I think I have finally vanquished a long-standing thorn in our sides -- the infamous 799 assertion failure. The problem was annoyingly simple. I put in some trace boundaries to prevent certain code motion (e.g., between units in template code). When propagating the bits indicating where these boundaries should be to a new IR, I didn't properly initialize the bits. Some nodes inserted later into that particular IR didn't have the bits initialized, ending traces at unintended locations, and sometimes preventing an essential node from being included in a short trace. Other fixes this week allow the lazy version of binary to work with work-list loop optimizations on, mipsi to interpret standard Unix programs, and one version of xv to run! Yippie! We're on a roll. :-) --Brian To: Subject: final version sent out Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 22:27:16 PDT From: Brian Grant I received no further comments on the paper, so I sent it out. Now, on to other things (like the patent)... --Brian Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 08:04:06 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: woo hoo! 799 != 666 This is great. Susan To: Subject: "slight" glitch in the BTA equations Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 14:20:05 PDT From: Brian Grant The division policy (polyvariant vs. mono.) is never consulted. What actually happens in sort of (but not quite) what we said our polyvariant policy was supposed to do. So, no monovariant division. Of course, we had to notice this AFTER submitting the final version of the TCS paper... Markus is working on a fix. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: "slight" glitch in the BTA equations Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 17:32:18 PDT From: Brian Grant My panic attack was unjustified. Markus has found the case in the equations that handles polyvariant vs. monovariant division. It just didn't make it into the implementation. --Brian Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 11:21:58 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: polyvariant division The previously unimplemented case that handles correct division partitioning in the presence of variables with monovariant division policy is now also implemented. The updated BTA is checked into cvs. -- Markus On Mon, 1 Jun 1998, Brian Grant wrote: > My panic attack was unjustified. Markus has found the case in the equations > that handles polyvariant vs. monovariant division. It just didn't make it > into the implementation. > > --Brian > > Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 09:37:19 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Matthai Philipose , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: summary Matthai, could you mail around the notes you took in yesterday's meeting? Thanks. -- Markus To: Subject: Patent notes from yesterday's meeting Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 09:52:45 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Here are the notes on our patent ideas from yesterday's meeting: [Markus] 1) Our analysis is directed by policies: - We have a scheme of policy annotation - We have a scheme for propagating policies 2) We allow polyvariant division at arbitrary granularity. Specifically, we have the ability to perform intraprocedural polyvariant division. [Matthai] 3) We can have both eager and lazy edges within the CFG being specialized. 4) We have schemes to determine how to choose which edges to mark lazy, while maintaining termination properties and performance. [Brian] 5) We allow conditional specialization: - With arbitrary (run-time) conditions - At arbitrarily fine granularity (i.e. to determine specialization of arbitrary subgraphs of the program CFG) 6) We have a procedure to determine where to place cache checks (this includes breaking the graph up into units which have a single cache-context and clustering of unit boundaries) 7) We have a linearization scheme which allows us to include dynamic branches inside specialization units "cheaply" i.e. without having a worklist scheme to lay out each unit. Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 12:15:52 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: word on the specificity What we're doing is a provisional patent application, just getting our toe in the door. When we do the "real" one, we can't add to it at all, meaning any new provisionals. So we have to include everything we want to include this time around. Says Bershad. Susan Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 13:59:46 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: patents I'm constructing the templates for the patents and writing the summaries. I sort of want to combine 3 and 4 on Matthai's write-up into the same summary, because they seem so related. What was our compelling reason to split them? Susan PS When I'm done, I'm going to ask you for a (any) background and invention section, just to try integrating. Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1998 14:17:05 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: Subject: Re: patents Cc: spin-comp@cs From Matthai: > The way I'm writing it right now, (3) relates to a scheme for suspending specialization at any edge until that edge is executed, But we didn't event lazy DC -- you must mean a framework that includes both l and e. > and (4) relates to the choice of edge to suspend at an edge given the need to gain such properties as termination and avoiding overspecialization. OK, this is the split that I have now. But if you look at Brian's patent, it includes some ramifications -- "the enforcement also includes a caching mechanism", "the inventions separates the enforcement fof a security policy from the actual security policy by ..." and so forth. To: Subject: reply from Charles about TCS paper Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 08:36:50 PDT From: Brian Grant ------- Forwarded Message Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 09:19:35 +0200 From: Charles Consel To: Subject: Re: Thanks for the final version of your paper. I saved both version. If the TCS people have problems with the paper I'll let you, but it's working fine here. As for the date of publication, it will be know as soon as I collect the remaining papers (the second iteration has just started). Charles - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Consel | University of Rennes / Irisa | Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu Phone: (33) 2 99 84 74 10 | 35042 Rennes Cedex Fax: (33) 2 99 84 71 71 | France - --------------------------------------------------------------- URL: - --------------------------------------------------------------- ------- End of Forwarded Message To: Subject: Patrick's reply about patent invalidation Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 09:16:37 PDT From: Brian Grant ------- Forwarded Message Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 09:02:12 -0700 (PDT) From: Patrick Jones To: Brian Grant Subject: Re: patent question You are correct it would not invalidate the entire patent the structure of a patent is briefly abstract specifications - two purposes 1) serve as a glossary/dictionary of terms 2) describe the best mode of the invcention claims - two types 1) independent - they stand alone and are the broadest 2) dependent - they refer to one of the independent claims and narrow the scope of the independent claim to which they refer the claims are the heart of the patent: they describe the "claimed invention" They are interpreted in light of the lexicon established in the specifications and the implementation of the best mode. If a broad claim is invalidated, the narrower dependent claims are not necessarily also invalidated. If one independent claim is invalidated, it does not necessarily imply that all independent claims are invalidated. If the invalidation arises from a loss of novelty (newness) you are at greater risk for losing everything depending upon how the items are linked. In a sense, a patent can only describe "one" invention, though the invention may have many forms or implementations. pljones, Technology Manager Office of Technology Transfer University of Washington voice 206-616-3451 fax 206-616-3322 On Wed, 3 Jun 1998, Brian Grant wrote: > Patrick, > > I'm working with Susan Eggers on the dynamic compilation patent. I was > wondering: if a portion of the patent is invalidated, does it invalidate > the entire patent? I would assume that it doesn't, but I just thought I'd > check. > > Thanks. > --Brian > ------- End of Forwarded Message To: cc: Subject: patent progress (or apparent lack thereof) Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 15:38:28 PDT From: Brian Grant We have found the patent writing to be more difficult than we had hoped. Writing the background has required some reading to refresh our memories, and some discussion. I probably will not be able to finish until late tonight. The writeup of caching points (aka unit boundary identification and clustering) is furthest along. It is at: /projects/dyncomp/SharedWorkingArea/Patents/caching-points.doc I still need to finish the flow chart, define some terms, and massage the text I pulled from the paper a little more, but it seems under control. I think I now have an idea of what I want to write for conditional specialization. I don't think it will have a flow chart, but a simple example figure. It is a little tricky, since intraprocedural polyvariant division is a separate section. I'm inclinded to axe linearization from the list for the following reasons: -- Linearization itself is not novel. Tempo does it, though a little differently. -- Based on current benchmarks, I estimate that linearization will have a minor impact on performance. It is a very minor aspect of our system. -- Linearization comprises two techniques, actually. The actual "linearization", which we achieve by splitting static paths then merging needlessly split blocks, eliminates the intra-unit work-list pushes and pops for N-1 successors of an N-way dynamic branch. The other, related idea is to convert the static variables to SSA. This reduces the cost of saving and restoring the context at the dynamic branches. However, since SSA is known, I'm not sure we can patent that portion. Another problem is that this solution only works because the context only contains unaliased, scalar static variables. We have not thought how to extend it to data stored in memory. So, the patent would be fairly narrow (even if we could patent a specific application of a known technique). The biggest problem, though, is that Tempo may do something very similar to this. -- So, the novel aspect is the splitting and merging approach, which we think may handle unstructured code better. However, the algorithm is inefficient (exponential time). -- There doesn't seem to be time to write yet another section (which would include a flow chart of the algorithm). --Brian Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 15:47:07 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: patent progress (or apparent lack thereof) Cc: If you are having to do some research, there is some chance you are doing a too detailed job. (Look a what Brian wrote as a guideline.) Maybe you two should stop by with what you have now, just so we can have a sanity check. Remember, this is not the patent application, but a *provisional* patent application. Markus handed in what in hindsight was very rough, but it was enough for me to make several suggestions to flush it out. I think we should do the same. Susan Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 17:39:27 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, spin-comp@cs Subject: patents Patrick and Craig -- Slowly we will be sending you our initial drafts of the provisional patents. Patrick, could you read them from your perspective and reply with changes to the whole group? Craig, can you read them for inaccuracies? The first should come soon. Thanks, Susan Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 17:41:12 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, spin-comp@cs Subject: cache lookups %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%Pages: (atend) %%PageOrder: (atend) %%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%Creator: Frame 4.0 %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit %%EndComments %%BeginProlog % % Frame ps_prolog 4.0, for use with Frame 4.0 products % This ps_prolog file is Copyright (c) 1986-1993 Frame Technology % Corporation. All rights reserved. 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currentcmykcolor } { RGBtoCMYK } ifelse FrameSepIs FMblack eq {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse RealSetgray } ifelse end } bind def /sethsbcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSethsbcolor } { RealSethsbcolor currentrgbcolor setrgbcolor } ifelse end } bind def FrameDict begin /setcmykcolor where { pop /RealSetcmykcolor /setcmykcolor load def } { /RealSetcmykcolor { 4 1 roll 3 { 3 index add 0 max 1 min 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat setrgbcolor pop } bind def } ifelse userdict /setcmykcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetcmykcolor } { 4 copy [ 5 1 roll ] FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepBlack eq exch FrameSepYellow eq and exch FrameSepMagenta eq and exch FrameSepCyan eq and { 0 } { 1 } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse RealSetgray } ifelse end } bind put FMLevel1 not { /patProcDict 5 dict dup begin <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> { 3 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> { 3 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def <8142241818244281> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke } bind def <03060c183060c081> { 1 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def <8040201008040201> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def end def /patDict 15 dict dup begin /PatternType 1 def /PaintType 2 def /TilingType 3 def /BBox [ 0 0 8 8 ] def /XStep 8 def /YStep 8 def /PaintProc { begin patProcDict bstring known { patProcDict bstring get exec } { 8 8 true [1 0 0 -1 0 8] bstring imagemask } ifelse end } bind def end def } if /combineColor { FrameSepIs FMnone eq { graymode FMLevel1 or not { [/Pattern [/DeviceCMYK]] setcolorspace FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload pop FrameCurPat setcolor } { FrameCurColors 3 get 1.0 ge { FrameCurGray RealSetgray } { FMPColor graymode and { 0 1 3 { FrameCurColors exch get 1 FrameCurGray sub mul } for RealSetcmykcolor } { 4 1 6 { FrameCurColors exch get graymode { 1 exch sub 1 FrameCurGray sub mul 1 exch sub } { 1.0 lt {FrameCurGray} {1} ifelse } ifelse } for RealSetrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } { FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepBlack eq exch FrameSepYellow eq and exch FrameSepMagenta eq and exch FrameSepCyan eq and FrameSepIs FMcustom eq and { FrameCurGray } { 1 } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq {FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse graymode FMLevel1 or not { [/Pattern [/DeviceGray]] setcolorspace FrameCurPat setcolor } { graymode not FMLevel1 and { dup 1 lt {pop FrameCurGray} if } if RealSetgray } ifelse } ifelse } bind def /savematrix { orgmatrix currentmatrix pop } bind def /restorematrix { orgmatrix setmatrix } bind def /dmatrix matrix def /dpi 72 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt def /freq dpi dup 72 div round dup 0 eq {pop 1} if 8 mul div def /sangle 1 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform exch atan def /dpiranges [ 2540 2400 1693 1270 1200 635 600 0 ] def /CMLowFreqs [ 100.402 94.8683 89.2289 100.402 94.8683 66.9349 63.2456 47.4342 ] def /YLowFreqs [ 95.25 90.0 84.65 95.25 90.0 70.5556 66.6667 50.0 ] def /KLowFreqs [ 89.8026 84.8528 79.8088 89.8026 84.8528 74.8355 70.7107 53.033 ] def /CLowAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def /MLowAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def /YLowTDot [ true true false true true false false false ] def /CMHighFreqs [ 133.87 126.491 133.843 108.503 102.523 100.402 94.8683 63.2456 ] def /YHighFreqs [ 127.0 120.0 126.975 115.455 109.091 95.25 90.0 60.0 ] def /KHighFreqs [ 119.737 113.137 119.713 128.289 121.218 89.8026 84.8528 63.6395 ] def /CHighAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 70.0169 70.0169 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def /MHighAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 19.9831 19.9831 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def /YHighTDot [ false false true false false true true false ] def /PatFreq [ 10.5833 10.0 9.4055 10.5833 10.0 10.5833 10.0 9.375 ] def /screenIndex { 0 1 dpiranges length 1 sub { dup dpiranges exch get 1 sub dpi le {exit} {pop} ifelse } for } bind def /getCyanScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { CHighAngles CMHighFreqs} {CLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getMagentaScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { MHighAngles CMHighFreqs } {MLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getYellowScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { YHighTDot YHighFreqs} { YLowTDot YLowFreqs } ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get { 3 div {2 { 1 add 2 div 3 mul dup floor sub 2 mul 1 sub exch} repeat FMSpotFunction } } {/FMSpotFunction load } ifelse 0.0 exch } bind def /getBlackScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { KHighFreqs } { KLowFreqs } ifelse screenIndex get 45.0 /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getSpotScreen { getBlackScreen } bind def /getCompositeScreen { getBlackScreen } bind def /FMSetScreen FMLevel1 { /setscreen load }{ { 8 dict begin /HalftoneType 1 def /SpotFunction exch def /Angle exch def /Frequency exch def /AccurateScreens FMUseAcccurateScreens def currentdict end sethalftone } bind } ifelse def /setDefaultScreen { FMPColor { orgrxfer cvx orggxfer cvx orgbxfer cvx orgxfer cvx setcolortransfer } { orgxfer cvx settransfer } ifelse orgfreq organgle orgproc cvx setscreen } bind def /setCurrentScreen { FrameSepIs FMnone eq { FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { getCompositeScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq { FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { getSpotScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } { FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq { getCyanScreen FMSetScreen } { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq { getMagentaScreen FMSetScreen } { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq { getYellowScreen FMSetScreen } { getBlackScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } bind def end /gstring FMLOCAL /gfile FMLOCAL /gindex FMLOCAL /orgrxfer FMLOCAL /orggxfer FMLOCAL /orgbxfer FMLOCAL /orgxfer FMLOCAL /orgproc FMLOCAL /orgrproc FMLOCAL /orggproc FMLOCAL /orgbproc FMLOCAL /organgle FMLOCAL /orgrangle FMLOCAL /orggangle FMLOCAL /orgbangle FMLOCAL /orgfreq FMLOCAL /orgrfreq FMLOCAL /orggfreq FMLOCAL /orgbfreq FMLOCAL /yscale FMLOCAL /xscale FMLOCAL /edown FMLOCAL /manualfeed FMLOCAL /paperheight FMLOCAL /paperwidth FMLOCAL /FMDOCUMENT { array /FMfonts exch def /#copies exch def FrameDict begin 0 ne /manualfeed exch def /paperheight exch def /paperwidth exch def 0 ne /FrameNegative exch def 0 ne /edown exch def /yscale exch def /xscale exch def FMLevel1 { manualfeed {setmanualfeed} if /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count def setpapername manualfeed {true} {papersize} ifelse {manualpapersize} {false} ifelse {desperatepapersize} {false} ifelse { (Can't select requested paper size for Frame print job!) FMFAILURE } if count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for } {{1 dict dup /PageSize [paperwidth paperheight]put setpagedevice}stopped { (Can't select requested paper size for Frame print job!) FMFAILURE } if {1 dict dup /ManualFeed manualfeed put setpagedevice } stopped pop } ifelse FMPColor { currentcolorscreen cvlit /orgproc exch def /organgle exch def /orgfreq exch def cvlit /orgbproc exch def /orgbangle exch def /orgbfreq exch def cvlit /orggproc exch def /orggangle exch def /orggfreq exch def cvlit /orgrproc exch def /orgrangle exch def /orgrfreq exch def currentcolortransfer FrameNegative { 1 1 4 { pop { 1 exch sub } concatprocs 4 1 roll } for 4 copy setcolortransfer } if cvlit /orgxfer exch def cvlit /orgbxfer exch def cvlit /orggxfer exch def cvlit /orgrxfer exch def } { currentscreen cvlit /orgproc exch def /organgle exch def /orgfreq exch def currenttransfer FrameNegative { { 1 exch sub } concatprocs dup settransfer } if cvlit /orgxfer exch def } ifelse end } def /pagesave FMLOCAL /orgmatrix FMLOCAL /landscape FMLOCAL /pwid FMLOCAL /FMBEGINPAGE { FrameDict begin /pagesave save def 3.86 setmiterlimit /landscape exch 0 ne def landscape { 90 rotate 0 exch dup /pwid exch def neg translate pop }{ pop /pwid exch def } ifelse edown { [-1 0 0 1 pwid 0] concat } if 0 0 moveto paperwidth 0 lineto paperwidth paperheight lineto 0 paperheight lineto 0 0 lineto 1 setgray fill xscale yscale scale /orgmatrix matrix def gsave } def /FMENDPAGE { grestore pagesave restore end showpage } def /FMFONTDEFINE { FrameDict begin findfont ReEncode 1 index exch definefont FMfonts 3 1 roll put end } def /FMFILLS { FrameDict begin dup array /fillvals exch def dict /patCache exch def end } def /FMFILL { FrameDict begin fillvals 3 1 roll put end } def /FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS { newpath 0.0 0.0 moveto 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinecap 0 0 0 sethsbcolor 0 setgray } bind def /fx FMLOCAL /fy FMLOCAL /fh FMLOCAL /fw FMLOCAL /llx FMLOCAL /lly FMLOCAL /urx FMLOCAL /ury FMLOCAL /FMBEGINEPSF { end /FMEPSF save def /showpage {} def % See Adobe's "PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2nd Edition", page 714. % "...the following operators MUST NOT be used in an EPS file:" (emphasis ours) /banddevice {(banddevice) FMBADEPSF} def /clear {(clear) FMBADEPSF} def /cleardictstack {(cleardictstack) FMBADEPSF} def /copypage {(copypage) FMBADEPSF} def /erasepage {(erasepage) FMBADEPSF} def /exitserver {(exitserver) FMBADEPSF} def /framedevice {(framedevice) FMBADEPSF} def /grestoreall {(grestoreall) FMBADEPSF} def /initclip {(initclip) FMBADEPSF} def /initgraphics {(initgraphics) FMBADEPSF} def /initmatrix {(initmatrix) FMBADEPSF} def /quit {(quit) FMBADEPSF} def /renderbands {(renderbands) FMBADEPSF} def /setglobal {(setglobal) FMBADEPSF} def /setpagedevice {(setpagedevice) FMBADEPSF} def /setshared {(setshared) FMBADEPSF} def /startjob {(startjob) FMBADEPSF} def /lettertray {(lettertray) FMBADEPSF} def /letter {(letter) FMBADEPSF} def /lettersmall {(lettersmall) FMBADEPSF} def /11x17tray {(11x17tray) FMBADEPSF} def /11x17 {(11x17) FMBADEPSF} def /ledgertray {(ledgertray) FMBADEPSF} def /ledger {(ledger) FMBADEPSF} def /legaltray {(legaltray) FMBADEPSF} def /legal {(legal) FMBADEPSF} def /statementtray {(statementtray) FMBADEPSF} def /statement {(statement) FMBADEPSF} def /executivetray {(executivetray) FMBADEPSF} def /executive {(executive) FMBADEPSF} def /a3tray {(a3tray) FMBADEPSF} def /a3 {(a3) FMBADEPSF} def /a4tray {(a4tray) FMBADEPSF} def /a4 {(a4) FMBADEPSF} def /a4small {(a4small) FMBADEPSF} def /b4tray {(b4tray) FMBADEPSF} def /b4 {(b4) FMBADEPSF} def /b5tray {(b5tray) FMBADEPSF} def /b5 {(b5) FMBADEPSF} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS [/fy /fx /fh /fw /ury /urx /lly /llx] {exch def} forall fx fw 2 div add fy fh 2 div add translate rotate fw 2 div neg fh 2 div neg translate fw urx llx sub div fh ury lly sub div scale llx neg lly neg translate /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count def } bind def /FMENDEPSF { count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for FMEPSF restore FrameDict begin } bind def FrameDict begin /setmanualfeed { %%BeginFeature *ManualFeed True statusdict /manualfeed true put %%EndFeature } bind def /max {2 copy lt {exch} if pop} bind def /min {2 copy gt {exch} if pop} bind def /inch {72 mul} def /pagedimen { paperheight sub abs 16 lt exch paperwidth sub abs 16 lt and {/papername exch def} {pop} ifelse } bind def /papersizedict FMLOCAL /setpapername { /papersizedict 14 dict def papersizedict begin /papername /unknown def /Letter 8.5 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /LetterSmall 7.68 inch 10.16 inch pagedimen /Tabloid 11.0 inch 17.0 inch pagedimen /Ledger 17.0 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /Legal 8.5 inch 14.0 inch pagedimen /Statement 5.5 inch 8.5 inch pagedimen /Executive 7.5 inch 10.0 inch pagedimen /A3 11.69 inch 16.5 inch pagedimen /A4 8.26 inch 11.69 inch pagedimen /A4Small 7.47 inch 10.85 inch pagedimen /B4 10.125 inch 14.33 inch pagedimen /B5 7.16 inch 10.125 inch pagedimen end } bind def /papersize { papersizedict begin /Letter {lettertray letter} def /LetterSmall {lettertray lettersmall} def /Tabloid {11x17tray 11x17} def /Ledger {ledgertray ledger} def /Legal {legaltray legal} def /Statement {statementtray statement} def /Executive {executivetray executive} def /A3 {a3tray a3} def /A4 {a4tray a4} def /A4Small {a4tray a4small} def /B4 {b4tray b4} def /B5 {b5tray b5} def /unknown {unknown} def papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get end statusdict begin stopped end } bind def /manualpapersize { papersizedict begin /Letter {letter} def /LetterSmall {lettersmall} def /Tabloid {11x17} def /Ledger {ledger} def /Legal {legal} def /Statement {statement} def /Executive {executive} def /A3 {a3} def /A4 {a4} def /A4Small {a4small} def /B4 {b4} def /B5 {b5} def /unknown {unknown} def papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get end stopped } bind def /desperatepapersize { statusdict /setpageparams known { paperwidth paperheight 0 1 statusdict begin {setpageparams} stopped end } {true} ifelse } bind def /DiacriticEncoding [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute /Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute /agrave /acircumflex /adieresis /atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave /ecircumflex /edieresis /iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute /ograve /ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex /udieresis /dagger /.notdef /cent /sterling /section /bullet /paragraph /germandbls /registered /copyright /trademark /acute /dieresis /.notdef /AE /Oslash /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /yen /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /ordfeminine /ordmasculine /.notdef /ae /oslash /questiondown /exclamdown /logicalnot /.notdef /florin /.notdef /.notdef /guillemotleft /guillemotright /ellipsis /.notdef /Agrave /Atilde /Otilde /OE /oe /endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft /quoteright /.notdef /.notdef /ydieresis /Ydieresis /fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /daggerdbl /periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand /Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute /Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex /.notdef /Ograve /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron ] def /ReEncode { dup length dict begin { 1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse } forall 0 eq {/Encoding DiacriticEncoding def} if currentdict end } bind def FMPColor { /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPCOLOR} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPCOLORc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUECOLOR } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUECOLORc } def } { /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPGRAY} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPGRAYc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUEGRAY } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUEGRAYc } def } ifelse /K { FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack { dup 1 eq 2 index 1 eq and 3 index 1 eq and not {7 {pop} repeat 0 0 0 1 0 0 0} if } if FrameCurColors astore pop combineColor } bind def /graymode true def /bwidth FMLOCAL /bpside FMLOCAL /bstring FMLOCAL /onbits FMLOCAL /offbits FMLOCAL /xindex FMLOCAL /yindex FMLOCAL /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /setPatternMode { FMLevel1 { /bwidth exch def /bpside exch def /bstring exch def /onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def freq sangle landscape {90 add} if {/y exch def /x exch def /xindex x 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def /yindex y 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def bstring yindex bwidth mul xindex 8 idiv add get 1 7 xindex 8 mod sub bitshift and 0 ne FrameNegative {not} if {/onbits onbits 1 add def 1} {/offbits offbits 1 add def 0} ifelse } setscreen offbits offbits onbits add div FrameNegative {1.0 exch sub} if /FrameCurGray exch def } { pop pop dup patCache exch known { patCache exch get } { dup patDict /bstring 3 -1 roll put patDict 9 PatFreq screenIndex get div dup matrix scale makepattern dup patCache 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll put } ifelse /FrameCurGray 0 def /FrameCurPat exch def } ifelse /graymode false def combineColor } bind def /setGrayScaleMode { graymode not { /graymode true def FMLevel1 { setCurrentScreen } if } if /FrameCurGray exch def combineColor } bind def /normalize { transform round exch round exch itransform } bind def /dnormalize { dtransform round exch round exch idtransform } bind def /lnormalize { 0 dtransform exch cvi 2 idiv 2 mul 1 add exch idtransform pop } bind def /H { lnormalize setlinewidth } bind def /Z { setlinecap } bind def /PFill { graymode FMLevel1 or not { gsave 1 setgray eofill grestore } if } bind def /PStroke { graymode FMLevel1 or not { gsave 1 setgray stroke grestore } if stroke } bind def /fillvals FMLOCAL /X { fillvals exch get dup type /stringtype eq {8 1 setPatternMode} {setGrayScaleMode} ifelse } bind def /V { PFill gsave eofill grestore } bind def /Vclip { clip } bind def /Vstrk { currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /N { PStroke } bind def /Nclip { strokepath clip newpath } bind def /Nstrk { currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /M {newpath moveto} bind def /E {lineto} bind def /D {curveto} bind def /O {closepath} bind def /n FMLOCAL /L { /n exch def newpath normalize moveto 2 1 n {pop normalize lineto} for } bind def /Y { L closepath } bind def /x1 FMLOCAL /x2 FMLOCAL /y1 FMLOCAL /y2 FMLOCAL /R { /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def x1 y1 x2 y1 x2 y2 x1 y2 4 Y } bind def /rad FMLOCAL /rarc {rad arcto } bind def /RR { /rad exch def normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def mark newpath { x1 y1 rad add moveto x1 y2 x2 y2 rarc x2 y2 x2 y1 rarc x2 y1 x1 y1 rarc x1 y1 x1 y2 rarc closepath } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 R} if cleartomark } bind def /RRR { /rad exch def normalize /y4 exch def /x4 exch def normalize /y3 exch def /x3 exch def normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def newpath normalize moveto mark { x2 y2 x3 y3 rarc x3 y3 x4 y4 rarc x4 y4 x1 y1 rarc x1 y1 x2 y2 rarc closepath } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath} if cleartomark } bind def /C { grestore gsave R clip setCurrentScreen } bind def /CP { grestore gsave Y clip setCurrentScreen } bind def /FMpointsize FMLOCAL /F { FMfonts exch get FMpointsize scalefont setfont } bind def /Q { /FMpointsize exch def F } bind def /T { moveto show } bind def /RF { rotate 0 ne {-1 1 scale} if } bind def /TF { gsave moveto RF show grestore } bind def /P { moveto 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow } bind def /PF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow grestore } bind def /S { moveto 0 exch ashow } bind def /SF { gsave moveto RF 0 exch ashow grestore } bind def /B { moveto 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow } bind def /BF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow grestore } bind def /G { gsave newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath PFill fill grestore } bind def /Gstrk { savematrix newpath 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch translate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /Gclip { newpath savematrix normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /GG { gsave newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath PFill fill grestore } bind def /GGclip { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /GGstrk { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath restorematrix currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /A { gsave savematrix newpath 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch translate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix PStroke grestore } bind def /Aclip { newpath savematrix normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath strokepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /Astrk { Gstrk } bind def /AA { gsave savematrix newpath 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div sub exch normalize 3 index 2 div sub exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix PStroke grestore } bind def /AAclip { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath strokepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /AAstrk { GGstrk } bind def /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /h FMLOCAL /xx FMLOCAL /yy FMLOCAL /ww FMLOCAL /hh FMLOCAL /FMsaveobject FMLOCAL /FMoptop FMLOCAL /FMdicttop FMLOCAL /BEGINPRINTCODE { /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count 7 sub def /FMsaveobject save def userdict begin /showpage {} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS 3 index neg 3 index neg translate } bind def /ENDPRINTCODE { count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for FMsaveobject restore } bind def /gn { 0 { 46 mul cf read pop 32 sub dup 46 lt {exit} if 46 sub add } loop add } bind def /str FMLOCAL /cfs { /str sl string def 0 1 sl 1 sub {str exch val put} for str def } bind def /ic [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 {0 hx} {1 hx} {2 hx} {3 hx} {4 hx} {5 hx} {6 hx} {7 hx} {8 hx} {9 hx} {10 hx} {11 hx} {12 hx} {13 hx} {14 hx} {15 hx} {16 hx} {17 hx} {18 hx} {19 hx} {gn hx} {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12} {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19} {gn} {0 wh} {1 wh} {2 wh} {3 wh} {4 wh} {5 wh} {6 wh} {7 wh} {8 wh} {9 wh} {10 wh} {11 wh} {12 wh} {13 wh} {14 wh} {gn wh} {0 bl} {1 bl} {2 bl} {3 bl} {4 bl} {5 bl} {6 bl} {7 bl} {8 bl} {9 bl} {10 bl} {11 bl} {12 bl} {13 bl} {14 bl} {gn bl} {0 fl} {1 fl} {2 fl} {3 fl} {4 fl} {5 fl} {6 fl} {7 fl} {8 fl} {9 fl} {10 fl} {11 fl} {12 fl} {13 fl} {14 fl} {gn fl} ] def /sl FMLOCAL /val FMLOCAL /ws FMLOCAL /im FMLOCAL /bs FMLOCAL /cs FMLOCAL /len FMLOCAL /pos FMLOCAL /ms { /sl exch def /val 255 def /ws cfs /im cfs /val 0 def /bs cfs /cs cfs } bind def 400 ms /ip { is 0 cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop } bind def /rip { bis ris copy pop is 0 cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop pop ris gis copy pop dup is exch cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop pop gis bis copy pop dup add is exch cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop } bind def /wh { /len exch def /pos exch def ws 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /bl { /len exch def /pos exch def bs 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /s1 1 string def /fl { /len exch def /pos exch def /val cf s1 readhexstring pop 0 get def pos 1 pos len add 1 sub {im exch val put} for pos len } bind def /hx { 3 copy getinterval cf exch readhexstring pop pop } bind def /h FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /d FMLOCAL /lb FMLOCAL /bitmapsave FMLOCAL /is FMLOCAL /cf FMLOCAL /wbytes { dup dup 24 eq { pop pop 3 mul } { 8 eq {pop} {1 eq {7 add 8 idiv} {3 add 4 idiv} ifelse} ifelse } ifelse } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBWc { 1 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAYc { 8 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BITc { 2 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /COMMONBITMAPc { /r exch def /d exch def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def r /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBW { 1 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAY { 8 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BIT { 2 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /COMMONBITMAP { /r exch def /d exch def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def r /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /ngrayt 256 array def /nredt 256 array def /nbluet 256 array def /ngreent 256 array def /gryt FMLOCAL /blut FMLOCAL /grnt FMLOCAL /redt FMLOCAL /indx FMLOCAL /cynu FMLOCAL /magu FMLOCAL /yelu FMLOCAL /k FMLOCAL /u FMLOCAL FMLevel1 { /colorsetup { currentcolortransfer /gryt exch def /blut exch def /grnt exch def /redt exch def 0 1 255 { /indx exch def /cynu 1 red indx get 255 div sub def /magu 1 green indx get 255 div sub def /yelu 1 blue indx get 255 div sub def /k cynu magu min yelu min def /u k currentundercolorremoval exec def % /u 0 def nredt indx 1 0 cynu u sub max sub redt exec put ngreent indx 1 0 magu u sub max sub grnt exec put nbluet indx 1 0 yelu u sub max sub blut exec put ngrayt indx 1 k currentblackgeneration exec sub gryt exec put } for {255 mul cvi nredt exch get} {255 mul cvi ngreent exch get} {255 mul cvi nbluet exch get} {255 mul cvi ngrayt exch get} setcolortransfer {pop 0} setundercolorremoval {} setblackgeneration } bind def } { /colorSetup2 { [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 255 {dup red exch get 255 div exch dup green exch get 255 div exch blue exch get 255 div} ] setcolorspace } bind def } ifelse /tran FMLOCAL /fakecolorsetup { /tran 256 string def 0 1 255 {/indx exch def tran indx red indx get 77 mul green indx get 151 mul blue indx get 28 mul add add 256 idiv put} for currenttransfer {255 mul cvi tran exch get 255.0 div} exch concatprocs settransfer } bind def /BITMAPCOLOR { /d 8 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def FMLevel1 { colorsetup /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage } { colorSetup2 /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def 7 dict dup begin /ImageType 1 def /Width w def /Height h def /ImageMatrix [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] def /DataSource {cf is readhexstring pop} bind def /BitsPerComponent d def /Decode [0 255] def end image } ifelse bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPCOLORc { /d 8 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def FMLevel1 { colorsetup /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage } { colorSetup2 /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def 7 dict dup begin /ImageType 1 def /Width w def /Height h def /ImageMatrix [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] def /DataSource {ip} bind def /BitsPerComponent d def /Decode [0 255] def end image } ifelse bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLORc { /d 24 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def /is im 0 lb getinterval def /ris im 0 w getinterval def /gis im w w getinterval def /bis im w 2 mul w getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {w rip pop ris} {gis} {bis} true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLOR { gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def /gis w string def /bis w string def /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { cf is readhexstring pop } { cf gis readhexstring pop } { cf bis readhexstring pop } true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAYc { /d 24 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def /is im 0 lb getinterval def /ris im 0 w getinterval def /gis im w w getinterval def /bis im w 2 mul w getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {w rip pop ris gis bis w gray} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /ww FMLOCAL /r FMLOCAL /g FMLOCAL /b FMLOCAL /i FMLOCAL /gray { /ww exch def /b exch def /g exch def /r exch def 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def r i get .299 mul g i get .587 mul b i get .114 mul add add r i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for r } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAY { gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def /gis w string def /bis w string def /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { cf is readhexstring pop cf gis readhexstring pop cf bis readhexstring pop w gray} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPGRAY { 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BITMAPGRAYc { 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /ENDBITMAP { } bind def end /ALDsave FMLOCAL /ALDmatrix matrix def ALDmatrix currentmatrix pop /StartALD { /ALDsave save def savematrix ALDmatrix setmatrix } bind def /InALD { restorematrix } bind def /DoneALD { ALDsave restore } bind def /I { setdash } bind def /J { [] 0 setdash } bind def %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup (4.0) FMVERSION 1 1 0 0 612 792 0 1 6 FMDOCUMENT 0 0 /Times-Roman FMFONTDEFINE 1 0 /Times-Bold FMFONTDEFINE 2 0 /Times-Italic FMFONTDEFINE 32 FMFILLS 0 0 FMFILL 1 0.1 FMFILL 2 0.3 FMFILL 3 0.5 FMFILL 4 0.7 FMFILL 5 0.9 FMFILL 6 0.97 FMFILL 7 1 FMFILL 8 <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> FMFILL 9 <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> FMFILL 10 FMFILL 11 FMFILL 12 <8142241818244281> FMFILL 13 <03060c183060c081> FMFILL 14 <8040201008040201> FMFILL 16 1 FMFILL 17 0.9 FMFILL 18 0.7 FMFILL 19 0.5 FMFILL 20 0.3 FMFILL 21 0.1 FMFILL 22 0.03 FMFILL 23 0 FMFILL 24 FMFILL 25 FMFILL 26 <3333333333333333> FMFILL 27 <0000ffff0000ffff> FMFILL 28 <7ebddbe7e7dbbd7e> FMFILL 29 FMFILL 30 <7fbfdfeff7fbfdfe> FMFILL %%EndSetup %%Page: "1" 1 %%BeginPaperSize: Letter %%EndPaperSize 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 1) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 0 12 Q 0 X (PROVISIONAL APPLICATION) 225.17 576 T 1 14 Q (A Process for Automatically Positioning Cache Lookups) 138.39 550.67 T (for Dynamically Compiled Code) 209.37 533.67 T 0 12 Q (Inventors:) 281.67 497 T (Craig Chambers) 266.84 469 T (Citizen of U.S.) 270 455 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 441 T (and) 297.34 413 T (Susan J. Eggers) 268.17 385 T (Citizen of U.S.) 270 371 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 357 T (and) 297.34 329 T (Brian K. Grant) 270.17 301 T (Citizen of U.S.) 270 287 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 273 T (and) 297.34 245 T (Markus Mock) 272.17 217 T (Citizen of Germany.) 256.84 203 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 189 T (and) 297.34 161 T (Matthai Philipose) 263.5 133 T (Citizen of India) 268.34 119 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 105 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "1" 1 %%Page: "2" 2 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 2) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 1 14 Q 0 X (Provisional Patent Application for) 203.53 654.67 T (A Process for Automatically Positioning Cache Lookups) 138.39 637.67 T (for Dynamically Compiled Code) 209.37 620.67 T (Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers, Brian K. Grant, Markus Mock, and) 94.82 586.67 T (Matthai Philipose) 252.91 569.67 T (Field of Invention) 72 524.67 T 0 12 Q 1.18 (This invention relates to the field of dynamic compilation, specifically to the management and) 72 500.5 P (performance of cached versions of specialized code.) 72 479.5 T 1 14 Q (Summary) 72 431.67 T 0 12 Q 1.25 (This invention is a process for deciding where to cache dynamically generated code, so that it) 72 407.5 P 1.74 (can be reused without again incurring the costs of dynamic compilation, both at the program) 72 386.5 P 0.36 (point at which it is generated and by other program points that need identical code \050for example,) 72 365.5 P 0.54 (multiple call sites for the same function\051. In determining caching points, the invention considers) 72 344.5 P 2.98 (both the savings due to code reuse and the cost of using and maintaining the cache. The) 72 323.5 P (invention can be used by any compiler that implements dynamic compilation.) 72 302.5 T 1 14 Q (Background) 72 259.17 T 2 12 Q 1.23 (Dynamic compilation) 72 235 P 0 F 1.23 ( offers the potential for increased performance by delaying some parts of) 176.89 235 P 3.25 (program compilation until run time, when values of key variables, called) 72 214 P 2 F 3.25 (static variables) 460.08 214 P 0 F 3.25 (,) 537 214 P 0.53 (become known. Compilation then completes, generating code that is) 72 193 P 2 F 0.53 (specialized) 408.42 193 P 0 F 0.53 ( to these values.) 461.75 193 P 1.18 (Before benefits from the more efficient, specialized code can be realized, however, the cost of) 72 172 P 2.94 (dynamic code generation must be recovered. One way to recover this cost is to reuse the) 72 151 P 0.85 (specialized code when the executing program reaches the same point again. Unfortunately, it is) 72 130 P 0.67 (not always possible to do this, because the values of the static variables for which the code was) 72 109 P (specialized may have changed, rendering the specialized code unreusable.) 72 88 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "2" 2 %%Page: "3" 3 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 3) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 0 12 Q 0 X 1.19 (Reuse is achieved by caching the specialized code when it is dynamically generated) 72 708.8 P 0 9.6 Q 0.95 (1) 488.83 713.6 P 0 12 Q 1.19 ( and then) 493.63 708.8 P 0.71 (doing a cache lookup, based on the values of the static variables, to retrieve it when the code is) 72 687.8 P 3.62 (executed again. Some systems cache specialized code only at function entry points. This) 72 666.8 P 3.31 (restricts the granularity of code specialization and reuse to an entire function, eliminating) 72 645.8 P 0.48 (opportunities for reusing portions of a function. Our invention allows specialization and caching) 72 624.8 P (on a sub-function granularity.) 72 603.8 T 3.4 (Other systems that produce specialized code at compile time \050rather than execution time\051) 72 582.8 P 0.96 (aggressively reuse code by caching it at every specialized jump target. However, such frequent) 72 561.8 P 1.78 (cache lookups cause unacceptable overhead in run-time specialization systems. Our invention) 72 540.8 P 2.04 (reduces the cache-lookup overhead by reducing the number of cache lookups. The invention) 72 519.8 P 1.42 (strives for a good compromise between reducing the number of cache lookups and preserving) 72 498.8 P (opportunities for code reuse.) 72 477.8 T 1 14 Q (Invention) 72 434.47 T 0 12 Q 0.2 (First, we identify points in the region of the program to be dynamically compiled, called) 72 410.3 P 2 F 0.2 (caching) 502.01 410.3 P 0.36 (points) 72 389.3 P 0 F 0.36 (, where the potential for reuse may arise. Then, we coalesce the caching points as much as) 101.34 389.3 P 0.9 (is reasonable, potentially sacrificing some reuse in order to reduce cache-lookup overhead. The) 72 368.3 P (procedure is as follows:) 72 347.3 T (1.) 72 326.3 T (Identify code-generation and other potential reuse points \050the caching points\051.) 90 326.3 T (The caching points are placed at the following types of program points:) 90 305.3 T (\245) 93.6 284.3 T (A transition, called a) 107 284.3 T 2 F (lazy point) 209.98 284.3 T 0 F (, from executing \050statically or dynamically generated\051) 256.99 284.3 T (code to generating code. Before dynamically generating the code, we check in the) 108 266.3 T (reusable code cache to see if the code has been previously specialized to identical static-) 108 248.3 T (variable values. If they have changed, then new static values, called) 108 230.3 T 2 F (promoted values) 435.91 230.3 T 0 F (,) 515.57 230.3 T (must be passed to the dynamic compiler, so that code that is specialized to the new) 108 212.3 T (values can be dynamically compiled. Lazy points where values are promoted are called) 108 194.3 T 2 F (promotion) 108 176.3 T (points) 161 176.3 T 0 F (.) 190.34 176.3 T (\245) 93.6 158.3 T (A procedure entry. The procedure could be invoked again with the same parameter) 107 158.3 T (values and other \050global\051 values for which it has been specialized.) 108 140.3 T (\245) 93.6 122.3 T (A merge of control paths on which static variables could be assigned the same values. If) 107 122.3 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 87.33 540 102.33 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 81 100.33 225 100.33 2 L 0.5 H 2 Z 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 612 792 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 8 Q 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (1.) 90 82 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 12 Q (Code execution and code generation can be interleaved throughout a program.) 102 78 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "3" 3 %%Page: "4" 4 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 4) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 0 12 Q 0 X (this were the case, the code that follows would be the same for both paths.) 108 712 T (\245) 93.6 694 T (A program point that occurs after a static variable has become either) 107 694 T 2 F (dynamic) 438.25 694 T 0 F ( \050i.e., it is) 478.9 694 T (no longer used for specialization\051 or) 108 676 T 2 F (dead) 284.63 676 T 0 F ( \050i.e., it is no longer used at all\051. \050We call static) 307.96 676 T (variables that meet these criteria) 108 658 T 2 F (evicted variables) 266.29 658 T 0 F (.\051 If an evicted variable was not a pure) 347.94 658 T (function of other static variables, then eliminating it from the set of specialized values) 108 640 T (could eliminate differences between specialized versions of the code that follows.) 108 622 T (2.) 72 604 T (Determine ranges of caching-point placement.) 90 604 T (For each caching point, we construct the range over the procedure where that caching point) 90 583 T -0.08 (can be legally moved. Procedure entries, control-\337ow mer) 90 562 P -0.08 (ges, and lazy points that follow par-) 368.17 562 P (ticular branches cannot be moved, so each of their ranges is a single program point. Eviction) 90 541 T -0.31 (and promotion points can move to any control-equivalent program point \050i.e., a program point) 90 520 P (with the same control dependences\051 that is bounded by earlier and later uses of the evicted or) 90 499 T (promoted variables, respectively) 90 478 T (. In addition, promotion points cannot move above earlier) 245.52 478 T (de\336nitions.) 90 457 T (3.) 72 436 T (Sort the ranges by end point.) 90 436 T (W) 90 415 T (e sort the caching-point ranges in increasing order of their ends.) 100.37 415 T (4.) 72 394 T (Intersect adjacent overlapping ranges.) 90 394 T (W) 90 373 T (e make a linear scan through this sorted list of caching-point ranges. W) 100.37 373 T (e remove the range) 441.01 373 T -0.01 (that ends \336rst in the list, remove all other ranges that overlap with the \336rst range, and \336nd the) 90 352 P (intersection of these ranges. Then we continue processing the sorted list of caching-point) 90 331 T (ranges, until all entries in the list are removed.) 90 310 T (5.) 72 289 T (Place \336nal caching points within the intersections.) 90 289 T -0.33 (The intersections are the program regions where the \336nal caching points should be placed. W) 90 268 P -0.33 (e) 532 268 P (prefer earliest possible points for evictions and later points for promotions, as these will) 90 247 T -0.3 (reduce the amount of specialized code, and thus reduce overhead. For each intersection range,) 90 226 P (we choose either the start or end of the range, based on the relative mix of promotions and) 90 205 T (evictions, and insert a single caching point for all the mer) 90 184 T (ged ranges.) 365.41 184 T 1 14 Q (Broadening) 72 140.67 T 0 12 Q (The invention can be modified or extended in the following ways:) 72 116.5 T (\245) 75.6 95.5 T (One may wish to take into account the fact that dif) 90 95.5 T (ferent kinds of caching points, or points to) 332.41 95.5 T -0.26 (which we want to apply dif) 90 77.5 P -0.26 (ferent caching policies, incur dif) 219.47 77.5 P -0.26 (ferent kinds of costs. One may not) 373.84 77.5 P 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "4" 4 %%Page: "5" 5 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 5) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 0 12 Q 0 X (wish to coalesce caching points with dif) 90 712 T (ferent kinds of costs together) 281.76 712 T (, if that would increase) 420.59 712 T (overall expense.) 90 694 T (\245) 75.6 676 T (One could permit coalescing of caching points beyond control-equivalent regions. Moving) 90 676 T -0.1 (caching points below branches or above control-\337ow mer) 90 658 P -0.1 (ges would create identical points on) 365.32 658 P (all paths from the branches or to the mer) 90 640 T (ges. Moving caching points in the opposite direction) 284.41 640 T (could only be permitted if such identical caching points existed on all the paths.) 90 622 T (\245) 75.6 604 T (Except at loop heads, cache lookups at mer) 90 604 T (ge points could be moved down by the coalescing) 297.07 604 T (procedure. This could decrease the number of caching points, but would also decrease the) 90 586 T (amount of reuse.) 90 568 T (\245) 75.6 550 T (One may wish to further restrict the ranges of some types of caching points.) 90 550 T (\245) 75.6 532 T -0.17 (One need not place the caching points only at the end of the intersection ranges. For example,) 90 532 P (one could choose the \336nal position for a caching point by selecting an of) 90 514 T (fset within its inter-) 438.07 514 T (section range that is scaled by the ratio of the numbers of evictions and promotions.) 90 496 T (\245) 75.6 478 T (One may wish to limit the lengths of the ranges, so that caching points suf) 90 478 T (\336ciently far away) 445.43 478 T (from each other are not coalesced, or one may want to avoid coalescing dif) 90 460 T (ferent types of) 449.69 460 T (caching points that are relatively distant from each other) 90 442 T (. For example, one may not wish to) 359.95 442 T -0.16 (combine distant caching points due to evictions and promotions, since it is preferred that evic-) 90 424 P (tion caching points occur earlier and promotion caching points occur later) 90 406 T (.) 443.94 406 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "5" 5 %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792 %%PageOrder: Ascend %%Pages: 5 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman %%+ Times-Bold %%+ Times-Italic %%EOF Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 21:15:16 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, spin-comp@cs Subject: lazy spec %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%Pages: (atend) %%PageOrder: (atend) %%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%Creator: Frame 4.0 %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit %%EndComments %%BeginProlog % % Frame ps_prolog 4.0, for use with Frame 4.0 products % This ps_prolog file is Copyright (c) 1986-1993 Frame Technology % Corporation. All rights reserved. This ps_prolog file may be % freely copied and distributed in conjunction with documents created % using FrameMaker, FrameBuilder and FrameViewer as long as this % copyright notice is preserved. % % Frame products normally print colors as their true color on a color printer % or as shades of gray, based on luminance, on a black-and white printer. The % following flag, if set to True, forces all non-white colors to print as pure % black. This has no effect on bitmap images. /FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack false def % % Frame products can either set their own line screens or use a printer's % default settings. Three flags below control this separately for no % separations, spot separations and process separations. If a flag % is true, then the default printer settings will not be changed. If it is % false, Frame products will use their own settings from a table based on % the printer's resolution. /FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen true def /FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen true def /FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen false def % % For any given PostScript printer resolution, Frame products have two sets of % screen angles and frequencies for printing process separations, which are % recomended by Adobe. The following variable chooses the higher frequencies % when set to true or the lower frequencies when set to false. This is only % effective if the appropriate FMUseDefault...SeparationScreen flag is false. /FMUseHighFrequencyScreens true def % % PostScript Level 2 printers contain an "Accurate Screens" feature which can % improve process separation rendering at the expense of compute time. This % flag is ignored by PostScript Level 1 printers. /FMUseAcccurateScreens true def % % The following PostScript procedure defines the spot function that Frame % products will use for process separations. You may un-comment-out one of % the alternative functions below, or use your own. % % Dot function /FMSpotFunction {abs exch abs 2 copy add 1 gt {1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1 sub } {dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub }ifelse } def % % Line function % /FMSpotFunction { pop } def % % Elipse function % /FMSpotFunction { dup 5 mul 8 div mul exch dup mul exch add % sqrt 1 exch sub } def % % /FMversion (4.0) def /FMLevel1 /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt def /FMPColor FMLevel1 { false /colorimage where {pop pop true} if } { true } ifelse def /FrameDict 400 dict def systemdict /errordict known not {/errordict 10 dict def errordict /rangecheck {stop} put} if % The readline in PS 23.0 doesn't recognize cr's as nl's on AppleTalk FrameDict /tmprangecheck errordict /rangecheck get put errordict /rangecheck {FrameDict /bug true put} put FrameDict /bug false put mark % Some PS machines read past the CR, so keep the following 3 lines together! currentfile 5 string readline 00 0000000000 cleartomark errordict /rangecheck FrameDict /tmprangecheck get put FrameDict /bug get { /readline { /gstring exch def /gfile exch def /gindex 0 def { gfile read pop dup 10 eq {exit} if dup 13 eq {exit} if gstring exch gindex exch put /gindex gindex 1 add def } loop pop gstring 0 gindex getinterval true } bind def } if /FMshowpage /showpage load def /FMquit /quit load def /FMFAILURE { dup = flush FMshowpage /Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont 72 200 moveto show FMshowpage FMquit } def /FMVERSION { FMversion ne { (Frame product version does not match ps_prolog!) FMFAILURE } if } def /FMBADEPSF { (PostScript Lang. Ref. Man., 2nd Ed., H.2.4 says EPS must not call X ) dup dup (X) search pop exch pop exch pop length 4 -1 roll putinterval FMFAILURE } def /FMLOCAL { FrameDict begin 0 def end } def /concatprocs { /proc2 exch cvlit def/proc1 exch cvlit def/newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx }def FrameDict begin /FMnone 0 def /FMcyan 1 def /FMmagenta 2 def /FMyellow 3 def /FMblack 4 def /FMcustom 5 def /FrameNegative false def /FrameSepIs FMnone def /FrameSepBlack 0 def /FrameSepYellow 0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0 def /FrameSepCyan 0 def /FrameSepRed 1 def /FrameSepGreen 1 def /FrameSepBlue 1 def /FrameCurGray 1 def /FrameCurPat null def /FrameCurColors [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ] def /FrameColorEpsilon .001 def /eqepsilon { sub dup 0 lt {neg} if FrameColorEpsilon le } bind def /FrameCmpColorsCMYK { 2 copy 0 get exch 0 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 1 get exch 1 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 2 get exch 2 get eqepsilon { 3 get exch 3 get eqepsilon } {pop pop false} ifelse }{pop pop false} ifelse } {pop pop false} ifelse } bind def /FrameCmpColorsRGB { 2 copy 4 get exch 0 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 5 get exch 1 get eqepsilon { 6 get exch 2 get eqepsilon }{pop pop false} ifelse } {pop pop false} ifelse } bind def /RGBtoCMYK { 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 3 copy 2 copy le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse 2 copy le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse dup dup dup 6 1 roll 4 1 roll 7 1 roll sub 6 1 roll sub 5 1 roll sub 4 1 roll } bind def /CMYKtoRGB { dup dup 4 -1 roll add 5 1 roll 3 -1 roll add 4 1 roll add 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch } bind def /FrameSepInit { 1.0 RealSetgray } bind def /FrameSetSepColor { /FrameSepBlue exch def /FrameSepGreen exch def /FrameSepRed exch def /FrameSepBlack exch def /FrameSepYellow exch def /FrameSepMagenta exch def /FrameSepCyan exch def /FrameSepIs FMcustom def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetCyan { /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def /FrameSepRed 0.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 1.0 def /FrameSepIs FMcyan def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetMagenta { /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def /FrameSepRed 1.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 1.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMmagenta def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetYellow { /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def /FrameSepRed 1.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 1.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMyellow def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetBlack { /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def /FrameSepRed 0.0 def /FrameSepBlack 1.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMblack def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameNoSep { /FrameSepIs FMnone def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetSepColors { FrameDict begin [ exch 1 add 1 roll ] /FrameSepColors exch def end } bind def /FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepColors { exch dup 3 -1 roll FrameCmpColorsCMYK { pop true exit } if } forall dup true ne {pop false} if } bind def /FrameColorInSepListRGB { FrameSepColors { exch dup 3 -1 roll FrameCmpColorsRGB { pop true exit } if } forall dup true ne {pop false} if } bind def /RealSetgray /setgray load def /RealSetrgbcolor /setrgbcolor load def /RealSethsbcolor /sethsbcolor load def end /setgray { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetgray } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq { RealSetgray } { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq FrameSepRed 0 eq and FrameSepGreen 0 eq and FrameSepBlue 0 eq and { RealSetgray } { 1 RealSetgray pop } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse end } bind def /setrgbcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetrgbcolor } { 3 copy [ 4 1 roll ] FrameColorInSepListRGB { FrameSepBlue eq exch FrameSepGreen eq and exch FrameSepRed eq and { 0 } { 1 } ifelse } { FMPColor { RealSetrgbcolor currentcmykcolor } { RGBtoCMYK } ifelse FrameSepIs FMblack eq {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse RealSetgray } ifelse end } bind def /sethsbcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSethsbcolor } { RealSethsbcolor currentrgbcolor setrgbcolor } ifelse end } bind def FrameDict begin /setcmykcolor where { pop /RealSetcmykcolor /setcmykcolor load def } { /RealSetcmykcolor { 4 1 roll 3 { 3 index add 0 max 1 min 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat setrgbcolor pop } bind def } ifelse userdict /setcmykcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetcmykcolor } { 4 copy [ 5 1 roll ] FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepBlack eq exch FrameSepYellow eq and exch FrameSepMagenta eq and exch FrameSepCyan eq and { 0 } { 1 } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse RealSetgray } ifelse end } bind put FMLevel1 not { /patProcDict 5 dict dup begin <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> { 3 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> { 3 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def <8142241818244281> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke } bind def <03060c183060c081> { 1 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def <8040201008040201> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def end def /patDict 15 dict dup begin /PatternType 1 def /PaintType 2 def /TilingType 3 def /BBox [ 0 0 8 8 ] def /XStep 8 def /YStep 8 def /PaintProc { begin patProcDict bstring known { patProcDict bstring get exec } { 8 8 true [1 0 0 -1 0 8] bstring imagemask } ifelse end } bind def end def } if /combineColor { FrameSepIs FMnone eq { graymode FMLevel1 or not { [/Pattern [/DeviceCMYK]] setcolorspace FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload pop FrameCurPat setcolor } { FrameCurColors 3 get 1.0 ge { FrameCurGray RealSetgray } { FMPColor graymode and { 0 1 3 { FrameCurColors exch get 1 FrameCurGray sub mul } for RealSetcmykcolor } { 4 1 6 { FrameCurColors exch get graymode { 1 exch sub 1 FrameCurGray sub mul 1 exch sub } { 1.0 lt {FrameCurGray} {1} ifelse } ifelse } for RealSetrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } { FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepBlack eq exch FrameSepYellow eq and exch FrameSepMagenta eq and exch FrameSepCyan eq and FrameSepIs FMcustom eq and { FrameCurGray } { 1 } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq {FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse graymode FMLevel1 or not { [/Pattern [/DeviceGray]] setcolorspace FrameCurPat setcolor } { graymode not FMLevel1 and { dup 1 lt {pop FrameCurGray} if } if RealSetgray } ifelse } ifelse } bind def /savematrix { orgmatrix currentmatrix pop } bind def /restorematrix { orgmatrix setmatrix } bind def /dmatrix matrix def /dpi 72 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt def /freq dpi dup 72 div round dup 0 eq {pop 1} if 8 mul div def /sangle 1 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform exch atan def /dpiranges [ 2540 2400 1693 1270 1200 635 600 0 ] def /CMLowFreqs [ 100.402 94.8683 89.2289 100.402 94.8683 66.9349 63.2456 47.4342 ] def /YLowFreqs [ 95.25 90.0 84.65 95.25 90.0 70.5556 66.6667 50.0 ] def /KLowFreqs [ 89.8026 84.8528 79.8088 89.8026 84.8528 74.8355 70.7107 53.033 ] def /CLowAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def /MLowAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def /YLowTDot [ true true false true true false false false ] def /CMHighFreqs [ 133.87 126.491 133.843 108.503 102.523 100.402 94.8683 63.2456 ] def /YHighFreqs [ 127.0 120.0 126.975 115.455 109.091 95.25 90.0 60.0 ] def /KHighFreqs [ 119.737 113.137 119.713 128.289 121.218 89.8026 84.8528 63.6395 ] def /CHighAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 70.0169 70.0169 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def /MHighAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 19.9831 19.9831 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def /YHighTDot [ false false true false false true true false ] def /PatFreq [ 10.5833 10.0 9.4055 10.5833 10.0 10.5833 10.0 9.375 ] def /screenIndex { 0 1 dpiranges length 1 sub { dup dpiranges exch get 1 sub dpi le {exit} {pop} ifelse } for } bind def /getCyanScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { CHighAngles CMHighFreqs} {CLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getMagentaScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { MHighAngles CMHighFreqs } {MLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getYellowScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { YHighTDot YHighFreqs} { YLowTDot YLowFreqs } ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get { 3 div {2 { 1 add 2 div 3 mul dup floor sub 2 mul 1 sub exch} repeat FMSpotFunction } } {/FMSpotFunction load } ifelse 0.0 exch } bind def /getBlackScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { KHighFreqs } { KLowFreqs } ifelse screenIndex get 45.0 /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getSpotScreen { getBlackScreen } bind def /getCompositeScreen { getBlackScreen } bind def /FMSetScreen FMLevel1 { /setscreen load }{ { 8 dict begin /HalftoneType 1 def /SpotFunction exch def /Angle exch def /Frequency exch def /AccurateScreens FMUseAcccurateScreens def currentdict end sethalftone } bind } ifelse def /setDefaultScreen { FMPColor { orgrxfer cvx orggxfer cvx orgbxfer cvx orgxfer cvx setcolortransfer } { orgxfer cvx settransfer } ifelse orgfreq organgle orgproc cvx setscreen } bind def /setCurrentScreen { FrameSepIs FMnone eq { FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { getCompositeScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq { FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { getSpotScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } { FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq { getCyanScreen FMSetScreen } { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq { getMagentaScreen FMSetScreen } { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq { getYellowScreen FMSetScreen } { getBlackScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } bind def end /gstring FMLOCAL /gfile FMLOCAL /gindex FMLOCAL /orgrxfer FMLOCAL /orggxfer FMLOCAL /orgbxfer FMLOCAL /orgxfer FMLOCAL /orgproc FMLOCAL /orgrproc FMLOCAL /orggproc FMLOCAL /orgbproc FMLOCAL /organgle FMLOCAL /orgrangle FMLOCAL /orggangle FMLOCAL /orgbangle FMLOCAL /orgfreq FMLOCAL /orgrfreq FMLOCAL /orggfreq FMLOCAL /orgbfreq FMLOCAL /yscale FMLOCAL /xscale FMLOCAL /edown FMLOCAL /manualfeed FMLOCAL /paperheight FMLOCAL /paperwidth FMLOCAL /FMDOCUMENT { array /FMfonts exch def /#copies exch def FrameDict begin 0 ne /manualfeed exch def /paperheight exch def /paperwidth exch def 0 ne /FrameNegative exch def 0 ne /edown exch def /yscale exch def /xscale exch def FMLevel1 { manualfeed {setmanualfeed} if /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count def setpapername manualfeed {true} {papersize} ifelse {manualpapersize} {false} ifelse {desperatepapersize} {false} ifelse { (Can't select requested paper size for Frame print job!) FMFAILURE } if count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for } {{1 dict dup /PageSize [paperwidth paperheight]put setpagedevice}stopped { (Can't select requested paper size for Frame print job!) FMFAILURE } if {1 dict dup /ManualFeed manualfeed put setpagedevice } stopped pop } ifelse FMPColor { currentcolorscreen cvlit /orgproc exch def /organgle exch def /orgfreq exch def cvlit /orgbproc exch def /orgbangle exch def /orgbfreq exch def cvlit /orggproc exch def /orggangle exch def /orggfreq exch def cvlit /orgrproc exch def /orgrangle exch def /orgrfreq exch def currentcolortransfer FrameNegative { 1 1 4 { pop { 1 exch sub } concatprocs 4 1 roll } for 4 copy setcolortransfer } if cvlit /orgxfer exch def cvlit /orgbxfer exch def cvlit /orggxfer exch def cvlit /orgrxfer exch def } { currentscreen cvlit /orgproc exch def /organgle exch def /orgfreq exch def currenttransfer FrameNegative { { 1 exch sub } concatprocs dup settransfer } if cvlit /orgxfer exch def } ifelse end } def /pagesave FMLOCAL /orgmatrix FMLOCAL /landscape FMLOCAL /pwid FMLOCAL /FMBEGINPAGE { FrameDict begin /pagesave save def 3.86 setmiterlimit /landscape exch 0 ne def landscape { 90 rotate 0 exch dup /pwid exch def neg translate pop }{ pop /pwid exch def } ifelse edown { [-1 0 0 1 pwid 0] concat } if 0 0 moveto paperwidth 0 lineto paperwidth paperheight lineto 0 paperheight lineto 0 0 lineto 1 setgray fill xscale yscale scale /orgmatrix matrix def gsave } def /FMENDPAGE { grestore pagesave restore end showpage } def /FMFONTDEFINE { FrameDict begin findfont ReEncode 1 index exch definefont FMfonts 3 1 roll put end } def /FMFILLS { FrameDict begin dup array /fillvals exch def dict /patCache exch def end } def /FMFILL { FrameDict begin fillvals 3 1 roll put end } def /FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS { newpath 0.0 0.0 moveto 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinecap 0 0 0 sethsbcolor 0 setgray } bind def /fx FMLOCAL /fy FMLOCAL /fh FMLOCAL /fw FMLOCAL /llx FMLOCAL /lly FMLOCAL /urx FMLOCAL /ury FMLOCAL /FMBEGINEPSF { end /FMEPSF save def /showpage {} def % See Adobe's "PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2nd Edition", page 714. % "...the following operators MUST NOT be used in an EPS file:" (emphasis ours) /banddevice {(banddevice) FMBADEPSF} def /clear {(clear) FMBADEPSF} def /cleardictstack {(cleardictstack) FMBADEPSF} def /copypage {(copypage) FMBADEPSF} def /erasepage {(erasepage) FMBADEPSF} def /exitserver {(exitserver) FMBADEPSF} def /framedevice {(framedevice) FMBADEPSF} def /grestoreall {(grestoreall) FMBADEPSF} def /initclip {(initclip) FMBADEPSF} def /initgraphics {(initgraphics) FMBADEPSF} def /initmatrix {(initmatrix) FMBADEPSF} def /quit {(quit) FMBADEPSF} def /renderbands {(renderbands) FMBADEPSF} def /setglobal {(setglobal) FMBADEPSF} def /setpagedevice {(setpagedevice) FMBADEPSF} def /setshared {(setshared) FMBADEPSF} def /startjob {(startjob) FMBADEPSF} def /lettertray {(lettertray) FMBADEPSF} def /letter {(letter) FMBADEPSF} def /lettersmall {(lettersmall) FMBADEPSF} def /11x17tray {(11x17tray) FMBADEPSF} def /11x17 {(11x17) FMBADEPSF} def /ledgertray {(ledgertray) FMBADEPSF} def /ledger {(ledger) FMBADEPSF} def /legaltray {(legaltray) FMBADEPSF} def /legal {(legal) FMBADEPSF} def /statementtray {(statementtray) FMBADEPSF} def /statement {(statement) FMBADEPSF} def /executivetray {(executivetray) FMBADEPSF} def /executive {(executive) FMBADEPSF} def /a3tray {(a3tray) FMBADEPSF} def /a3 {(a3) FMBADEPSF} def /a4tray {(a4tray) FMBADEPSF} def /a4 {(a4) FMBADEPSF} def /a4small {(a4small) FMBADEPSF} def /b4tray {(b4tray) FMBADEPSF} def /b4 {(b4) FMBADEPSF} def /b5tray {(b5tray) FMBADEPSF} def /b5 {(b5) FMBADEPSF} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS [/fy /fx /fh /fw /ury /urx /lly /llx] {exch def} forall fx fw 2 div add fy fh 2 div add translate rotate fw 2 div neg fh 2 div neg translate fw urx llx sub div fh ury lly sub div scale llx neg lly neg translate /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count def } bind def /FMENDEPSF { count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for FMEPSF restore FrameDict begin } bind def FrameDict begin /setmanualfeed { %%BeginFeature *ManualFeed True statusdict /manualfeed true put %%EndFeature } bind def /max {2 copy lt {exch} if pop} bind def /min {2 copy gt {exch} if pop} bind def /inch {72 mul} def /pagedimen { paperheight sub abs 16 lt exch paperwidth sub abs 16 lt and {/papername exch def} {pop} ifelse } bind def /papersizedict FMLOCAL /setpapername { /papersizedict 14 dict def papersizedict begin /papername /unknown def /Letter 8.5 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /LetterSmall 7.68 inch 10.16 inch pagedimen /Tabloid 11.0 inch 17.0 inch pagedimen /Ledger 17.0 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /Legal 8.5 inch 14.0 inch pagedimen /Statement 5.5 inch 8.5 inch pagedimen /Executive 7.5 inch 10.0 inch pagedimen /A3 11.69 inch 16.5 inch pagedimen /A4 8.26 inch 11.69 inch pagedimen /A4Small 7.47 inch 10.85 inch pagedimen /B4 10.125 inch 14.33 inch pagedimen /B5 7.16 inch 10.125 inch pagedimen end } bind def /papersize { papersizedict begin /Letter {lettertray letter} def /LetterSmall {lettertray lettersmall} def /Tabloid {11x17tray 11x17} def /Ledger {ledgertray ledger} def /Legal {legaltray legal} def /Statement {statementtray statement} def /Executive {executivetray executive} def /A3 {a3tray a3} def /A4 {a4tray a4} def /A4Small {a4tray a4small} def /B4 {b4tray b4} def /B5 {b5tray b5} def /unknown {unknown} def papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get end statusdict begin stopped end } bind def /manualpapersize { papersizedict begin /Letter {letter} def /LetterSmall {lettersmall} def /Tabloid {11x17} def /Ledger {ledger} def /Legal {legal} def /Statement {statement} def /Executive {executive} def /A3 {a3} def /A4 {a4} def /A4Small {a4small} def /B4 {b4} def /B5 {b5} def /unknown {unknown} def papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get end stopped } bind def /desperatepapersize { statusdict /setpageparams known { paperwidth paperheight 0 1 statusdict begin {setpageparams} stopped end } {true} ifelse } bind def /DiacriticEncoding [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute /Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute /agrave /acircumflex /adieresis /atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave /ecircumflex /edieresis /iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute /ograve /ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex /udieresis /dagger /.notdef /cent /sterling /section /bullet /paragraph /germandbls /registered /copyright /trademark /acute /dieresis /.notdef /AE /Oslash /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /yen /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /ordfeminine /ordmasculine /.notdef /ae /oslash /questiondown /exclamdown /logicalnot /.notdef /florin /.notdef /.notdef /guillemotleft /guillemotright /ellipsis /.notdef /Agrave /Atilde /Otilde /OE /oe /endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft /quoteright /.notdef /.notdef /ydieresis /Ydieresis /fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /daggerdbl /periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand /Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute /Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex /.notdef /Ograve /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron ] def /ReEncode { dup length dict begin { 1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse } forall 0 eq {/Encoding DiacriticEncoding def} if currentdict end } bind def FMPColor { /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPCOLOR} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPCOLORc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUECOLOR } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUECOLORc } def } { /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPGRAY} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPGRAYc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUEGRAY } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUEGRAYc } def } ifelse /K { FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack { dup 1 eq 2 index 1 eq and 3 index 1 eq and not {7 {pop} repeat 0 0 0 1 0 0 0} if } if FrameCurColors astore pop combineColor } bind def /graymode true def /bwidth FMLOCAL /bpside FMLOCAL /bstring FMLOCAL /onbits FMLOCAL /offbits FMLOCAL /xindex FMLOCAL /yindex FMLOCAL /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /setPatternMode { FMLevel1 { /bwidth exch def /bpside exch def /bstring exch def /onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def freq sangle landscape {90 add} if {/y exch def /x exch def /xindex x 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def /yindex y 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def bstring yindex bwidth mul xindex 8 idiv add get 1 7 xindex 8 mod sub bitshift and 0 ne FrameNegative {not} if {/onbits onbits 1 add def 1} {/offbits offbits 1 add def 0} ifelse } setscreen offbits offbits onbits add div FrameNegative {1.0 exch sub} if /FrameCurGray exch def } { pop pop dup patCache exch known { patCache exch get } { dup patDict /bstring 3 -1 roll put patDict 9 PatFreq screenIndex get div dup matrix scale makepattern dup patCache 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll put } ifelse /FrameCurGray 0 def /FrameCurPat exch def } ifelse /graymode false def combineColor } bind def /setGrayScaleMode { graymode not { /graymode true def FMLevel1 { setCurrentScreen } if } if /FrameCurGray exch def combineColor } bind def /normalize { transform round exch round exch itransform } bind def /dnormalize { dtransform round exch round exch idtransform } bind def /lnormalize { 0 dtransform exch cvi 2 idiv 2 mul 1 add exch idtransform pop } bind def /H { lnormalize setlinewidth } bind def /Z { setlinecap } bind def /PFill { graymode FMLevel1 or not { gsave 1 setgray eofill grestore } if } bind def /PStroke { graymode FMLevel1 or not { gsave 1 setgray stroke grestore } if stroke } bind def /fillvals FMLOCAL /X { fillvals exch get dup type /stringtype eq {8 1 setPatternMode} {setGrayScaleMode} ifelse } bind def /V { PFill gsave eofill grestore } bind def /Vclip { clip } bind def /Vstrk { currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /N { PStroke } bind def /Nclip { strokepath clip newpath } bind def /Nstrk { currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /M {newpath moveto} bind def /E {lineto} bind def /D {curveto} bind def /O {closepath} bind def /n FMLOCAL /L { /n exch def newpath normalize moveto 2 1 n {pop normalize lineto} for } bind def /Y { L closepath } bind def /x1 FMLOCAL /x2 FMLOCAL /y1 FMLOCAL /y2 FMLOCAL /R { /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def x1 y1 x2 y1 x2 y2 x1 y2 4 Y } bind def /rad FMLOCAL /rarc {rad arcto } bind def /RR { /rad exch def normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def mark newpath { x1 y1 rad add moveto x1 y2 x2 y2 rarc x2 y2 x2 y1 rarc x2 y1 x1 y1 rarc x1 y1 x1 y2 rarc closepath } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 R} if cleartomark } bind def /RRR { /rad exch def normalize /y4 exch def /x4 exch def normalize /y3 exch def /x3 exch def normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def newpath normalize moveto mark { x2 y2 x3 y3 rarc x3 y3 x4 y4 rarc x4 y4 x1 y1 rarc x1 y1 x2 y2 rarc closepath } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath} if cleartomark } bind def /C { grestore gsave R clip setCurrentScreen } bind def /CP { grestore gsave Y clip setCurrentScreen } bind def /FMpointsize FMLOCAL /F { FMfonts exch get FMpointsize scalefont setfont } bind def /Q { /FMpointsize exch def F } bind def /T { moveto show } bind def /RF { rotate 0 ne {-1 1 scale} if } bind def /TF { gsave moveto RF show grestore } bind def /P { moveto 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow } bind def /PF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow grestore } bind def /S { moveto 0 exch ashow } bind def /SF { gsave moveto RF 0 exch ashow grestore } bind def /B { moveto 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow } bind def /BF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow grestore } bind def /G { gsave newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath PFill fill grestore } bind def /Gstrk { savematrix newpath 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch translate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /Gclip { newpath savematrix normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /GG { gsave newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath PFill fill grestore } bind def /GGclip { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /GGstrk { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath restorematrix currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /A { gsave savematrix newpath 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch translate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix PStroke grestore } bind def /Aclip { newpath savematrix normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath strokepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /Astrk { Gstrk } bind def /AA { gsave savematrix newpath 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div sub exch normalize 3 index 2 div sub exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix PStroke grestore } bind def /AAclip { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath strokepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /AAstrk { GGstrk } bind def /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /h FMLOCAL /xx FMLOCAL /yy FMLOCAL /ww FMLOCAL /hh FMLOCAL /FMsaveobject FMLOCAL /FMoptop FMLOCAL /FMdicttop FMLOCAL /BEGINPRINTCODE { /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count 7 sub def /FMsaveobject save def userdict begin /showpage {} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS 3 index neg 3 index neg translate } bind def /ENDPRINTCODE { count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for FMsaveobject restore } bind def /gn { 0 { 46 mul cf read pop 32 sub dup 46 lt {exit} if 46 sub add } loop add } bind def /str FMLOCAL /cfs { /str sl string def 0 1 sl 1 sub {str exch val put} for str def } bind def /ic [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 {0 hx} {1 hx} {2 hx} {3 hx} {4 hx} {5 hx} {6 hx} {7 hx} {8 hx} {9 hx} {10 hx} {11 hx} {12 hx} {13 hx} {14 hx} {15 hx} {16 hx} {17 hx} {18 hx} {19 hx} {gn hx} {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12} {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19} {gn} {0 wh} {1 wh} {2 wh} {3 wh} {4 wh} {5 wh} {6 wh} {7 wh} {8 wh} {9 wh} {10 wh} {11 wh} {12 wh} {13 wh} {14 wh} {gn wh} {0 bl} {1 bl} {2 bl} {3 bl} {4 bl} {5 bl} {6 bl} {7 bl} {8 bl} {9 bl} {10 bl} {11 bl} {12 bl} {13 bl} {14 bl} {gn bl} {0 fl} {1 fl} {2 fl} {3 fl} {4 fl} {5 fl} {6 fl} {7 fl} {8 fl} {9 fl} {10 fl} {11 fl} {12 fl} {13 fl} {14 fl} {gn fl} ] def /sl FMLOCAL /val FMLOCAL /ws FMLOCAL /im FMLOCAL /bs FMLOCAL /cs FMLOCAL /len FMLOCAL /pos FMLOCAL /ms { /sl exch def /val 255 def /ws cfs /im cfs /val 0 def /bs cfs /cs cfs } bind def 400 ms /ip { is 0 cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop } bind def /rip { bis ris copy pop is 0 cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop pop ris gis copy pop dup is exch cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop pop gis bis copy pop dup add is exch cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop } bind def /wh { /len exch def /pos exch def ws 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /bl { /len exch def /pos exch def bs 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /s1 1 string def /fl { /len exch def /pos exch def /val cf s1 readhexstring pop 0 get def pos 1 pos len add 1 sub {im exch val put} for pos len } bind def /hx { 3 copy getinterval cf exch readhexstring pop pop } bind def /h FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /d FMLOCAL /lb FMLOCAL /bitmapsave FMLOCAL /is FMLOCAL /cf FMLOCAL /wbytes { dup dup 24 eq { pop pop 3 mul } { 8 eq {pop} {1 eq {7 add 8 idiv} {3 add 4 idiv} ifelse} ifelse } ifelse } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBWc { 1 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAYc { 8 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BITc { 2 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /COMMONBITMAPc { /r exch def /d exch def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def r /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBW { 1 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAY { 8 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BIT { 2 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /COMMONBITMAP { /r exch def /d exch def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def r /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /ngrayt 256 array def /nredt 256 array def /nbluet 256 array def /ngreent 256 array def /gryt FMLOCAL /blut FMLOCAL /grnt FMLOCAL /redt FMLOCAL /indx FMLOCAL /cynu FMLOCAL /magu FMLOCAL /yelu FMLOCAL /k FMLOCAL /u FMLOCAL FMLevel1 { /colorsetup { currentcolortransfer /gryt exch def /blut exch def /grnt exch def /redt exch def 0 1 255 { /indx exch def /cynu 1 red indx get 255 div sub def /magu 1 green indx get 255 div sub def /yelu 1 blue indx get 255 div sub def /k cynu magu min yelu min def /u k currentundercolorremoval exec def % /u 0 def nredt indx 1 0 cynu u sub max sub redt exec put ngreent indx 1 0 magu u sub max sub grnt exec put nbluet indx 1 0 yelu u sub max sub blut exec put ngrayt indx 1 k currentblackgeneration exec sub gryt exec put } for {255 mul cvi nredt exch get} {255 mul cvi ngreent exch get} {255 mul cvi nbluet exch get} {255 mul cvi ngrayt exch get} setcolortransfer {pop 0} setundercolorremoval {} setblackgeneration } bind def } { /colorSetup2 { [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 255 {dup red exch get 255 div exch dup green exch get 255 div exch blue exch get 255 div} ] setcolorspace } bind def } ifelse /tran FMLOCAL /fakecolorsetup { /tran 256 string def 0 1 255 {/indx exch def tran indx red indx get 77 mul green indx get 151 mul blue indx get 28 mul add add 256 idiv put} for currenttransfer {255 mul cvi tran exch get 255.0 div} exch concatprocs settransfer } bind def /BITMAPCOLOR { /d 8 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def FMLevel1 { colorsetup /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage } { colorSetup2 /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def 7 dict dup begin /ImageType 1 def /Width w def /Height h def /ImageMatrix [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] def /DataSource {cf is readhexstring pop} bind def /BitsPerComponent d def /Decode [0 255] def end image } ifelse bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPCOLORc { /d 8 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def FMLevel1 { colorsetup /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage } { colorSetup2 /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def 7 dict dup begin /ImageType 1 def /Width w def /Height h def /ImageMatrix [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] def /DataSource {ip} bind def /BitsPerComponent d def /Decode [0 255] def end image } ifelse bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLORc { /d 24 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def /is im 0 lb getinterval def /ris im 0 w getinterval def /gis im w w getinterval def /bis im w 2 mul w getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {w rip pop ris} {gis} {bis} true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLOR { gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def /gis w string def /bis w string def /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { cf is readhexstring pop } { cf gis readhexstring pop } { cf bis readhexstring pop } true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAYc { /d 24 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def /is im 0 lb getinterval def /ris im 0 w getinterval def /gis im w w getinterval def /bis im w 2 mul w getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {w rip pop ris gis bis w gray} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /ww FMLOCAL /r FMLOCAL /g FMLOCAL /b FMLOCAL /i FMLOCAL /gray { /ww exch def /b exch def /g exch def /r exch def 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def r i get .299 mul g i get .587 mul b i get .114 mul add add r i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for r } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAY { gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def /gis w string def /bis w string def /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { cf is readhexstring pop cf gis readhexstring pop cf bis readhexstring pop w gray} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPGRAY { 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BITMAPGRAYc { 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /ENDBITMAP { } bind def end /ALDsave FMLOCAL /ALDmatrix matrix def ALDmatrix currentmatrix pop /StartALD { /ALDsave save def savematrix ALDmatrix setmatrix } bind def /InALD { restorematrix } bind def /DoneALD { ALDsave restore } bind def /I { setdash } bind def /J { [] 0 setdash } bind def %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup (4.0) FMVERSION 1 1 0 0 612 792 0 1 6 FMDOCUMENT 0 0 /Times-Roman FMFONTDEFINE 1 0 /Times-Bold FMFONTDEFINE 2 0 /Times-Italic FMFONTDEFINE 32 FMFILLS 0 0 FMFILL 1 0.1 FMFILL 2 0.3 FMFILL 3 0.5 FMFILL 4 0.7 FMFILL 5 0.9 FMFILL 6 0.97 FMFILL 7 1 FMFILL 8 <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> FMFILL 9 <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> FMFILL 10 FMFILL 11 FMFILL 12 <8142241818244281> FMFILL 13 <03060c183060c081> FMFILL 14 <8040201008040201> FMFILL 16 1 FMFILL 17 0.9 FMFILL 18 0.7 FMFILL 19 0.5 FMFILL 20 0.3 FMFILL 21 0.1 FMFILL 22 0.03 FMFILL 23 0 FMFILL 24 FMFILL 25 FMFILL 26 <3333333333333333> FMFILL 27 <0000ffff0000ffff> FMFILL 28 <7ebddbe7e7dbbd7e> FMFILL 29 FMFILL 30 <7fbfdfeff7fbfdfe> FMFILL %%EndSetup %%Page: "1" 1 %%BeginPaperSize: Letter %%EndPaperSize 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 1) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 0 12 Q 0 X (PROVISIONAL APPLICATION) 225.17 576 T 1 14 Q (A Pr) 103.97 550.67 T (ocedur) 132.1 550.67 T (e to Enable On-demand Specialization Acr) 173.06 550.67 T (oss Arbitrary) 427.54 550.67 T (Contr) 248.38 529.67 T (ol-\337ow Edges) 283.89 529.67 T 0 12 Q (Inventors:) 281.67 482 T (Craig Chambers) 266.84 454 T (Citizen of U.S.) 270 440 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 426 T (and) 297.34 398 T (Susan J. Eggers) 268.17 370 T (Citizen of U.S.) 270 356 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 342 T (and) 297.34 314 T (Brian K. Grant) 270.17 286 T (Citizen of U.S.) 270 272 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 258 T (and) 297.34 230 T (Markus Mock) 272.17 202 T (Citizen of Germany.) 256.84 188 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 174 T (and) 297.34 146 T (Matthai Philipose) 263.5 118 T (Citizen of India) 268.34 104 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 90 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "1" 1 %%Page: "2" 2 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 2) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 1 14 Q 0 X (Provisional Patent Application for) 203.53 640.67 T (A Pr) 103.97 620.67 T (ocedur) 132.1 620.67 T (e to Enable On-demand Specialization Acr) 173.06 620.67 T (oss Arbitrary) 427.54 620.67 T (Contr) 248.38 599.67 T (ol-\337ow Edges) 283.89 599.67 T (Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers, Brian K. Grant, Markus Mock, and) 94.82 554.67 T (Matthai Philipose) 252.91 537.67 T (Field of Invention) 72 492.67 T 0 12 Q 6.43 (This invention relates to the field of dynamic compilation, specifically to deferring) 72 468.5 P (specialization in an efficient and flexible manner.) 72 447.5 T 1 14 Q (Summary) 72 425.17 T 0 12 Q 1.58 (This invention is a procedure that transforms a program so that the run-time specialization of) 72 401 P 1.12 (arbitrary parts of the program may be deferred until those parts are guaranteed to be executed.) 72 380 P 1.84 (The invention may be used in systems for dynamic program specialization, in order to make) 72 359 P 3.89 (specialization faster \050by not specializing code until it is sure to be executed\051, to enable) 72 338 P 0.58 (aggressive specialization that depends on interleaving execution and specialization, to guarantee) 72 317 P 2.34 (termination of certain aggressive forms of specialization and to reduce the amount of space) 72 296 P 1.03 (occupied by the specialized code. It can also be used in systems that apply optimizations other) 72 275 P (than specialization dynamically.) 72 254 T 1 14 Q (Background) 72 210.67 T 0 12 Q 2.29 (Specialization is the process of optimizing a program for specific values of variables in the) 72 186.5 P 1.12 (program. Specialization can be done at compile time, and/or while the program is running. An) 72 165.5 P 0.43 (advantage of specializing while the program is running is that specialization can be) 72 144.5 P 2 F 0.43 ( lazy) 476.4 144.5 P 0 F 0.43 (: a piece) 499.16 144.5 P 1.2 (of code need not be specialized until it is about to be executed. \050If, on the other hand, code is) 72 123.5 P 2.19 (specialized before its execution is guaranteed, we say that the specialization is) 72 102.5 P 2 F 2.19 (eager) 476.5 102.5 P 0 F 2.19 (\051. Lazy) 503.83 102.5 P (specialization has at least two benefits:) 72 81.5 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "2" 2 %%Page: "3" 3 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 3) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 0 12 Q 0 X (1.) 72 712 T (It enables specialization of variables \050known as) 90 712 T 2 F (pr) 320.28 712 T (omoted static) 330.5 712 T 0 F (variables\051 whose values may) 397.84 712 T (only be known when the thread of execution reaches the code awaiting lazy specialization.) 90 691 T -0.08 (The value of a promoted static variable at a given program point may change many times dur-) 90 670 P (ing execution of the program. Lazy specialization can produce optimized code for each of) 90 649 T (these many values.) 90 628 T (2.) 72 607 T -0.17 (It enables deferred specialization of parts of the code that may not be executed, thereby reduc-) 90 607 P (ing both the amount of specialized code produced and the overhead of producing it. In partic-) 90 586 T (ular) 90 565 T (, it enables an aggressive form of loop specialization, termed) 108.18 565 T 2 F (complete loop unr) 402.79 565 T (olling) 489.67 565 T 0 F (:) 517.68 565 T -0.18 (each iteration of the loop is specialized on-demand, as it is about to execute. In the absence of) 90 544 P (lazy behavior) 90 523 T (, specialization by complete loop-unrolling is not guaranteed to terminate.) 154.5 523 T 2.88 (In most systems that do not benefit from our invention, lazy specialization is restricted to) 72 502 P 2.45 (specializing entire functions on different values of function arguments. However, it is often) 72 481 P 0.36 (beneficial to lazily specialize parts of a program smaller than a function. Such parts may include) 72 460 P 1.09 (a rarely-taken side of a conditional branch, separate iterations of a loop, or a fragment of code) 72 439 P (within a function that uses a static variable.) 72 418 T 0.86 (Some systems do allow a limited set of optimizations other than specialization to be performed) 72 397 P 1.45 (lazily on arbitrary parts of programs. However, when these systems resume optimization after) 72 376 P 2.04 (the deferral, they cannot use optimization information computed before the deferral, produce) 72 355 P 2.01 (optimized code for different instances of this optimization information, or defer optimization) 72 334 P 0.7 (again when optimizing the initial deferred part of the program. Without these capabilities, these) 72 313 P 0.64 (systems cannot add to their repertoire of optimizations specialization that specializes effectively) 72 292 P 1.46 (across a deferral, specializes on promoted static variables or provides complete loop-unrolling) 72 271 P (that is guaranteed to terminate.) 72 250 T 0.84 (Our invention allows specialization of arbitrary program fragments, not just of entire functions.) 72 229 P 2.2 (Further, because we have a mechanism to propagate information across deferrals \050called the) 72 208 P 2 F 0.98 (context) 72 187 P 0 F 0.98 ( of specialization\051, we can both propagate optimization information across deferrals) 106.66 187 P 2 F 0.98 (and) 522 187 P 0 F 3.23 (specialize on promoted static variables \050the many values of which correspond to different) 72 166 P 1.67 (contexts\051. Finally, our invention is capable of deferring specialization while specializing code) 72 145 P 1.52 (that is already deferred, thereby enabling complete loop unrolling. We call this last capability) 72 124 P 2 F (nested laziness) 72 103 T 0 F (.) 143.66 103 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "3" 3 %%Page: "4" 4 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 4) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 1 14 Q 0 X (Construction and Operation of Invention) 72 689.67 T 0 12 Q 2.08 (We explain below how our invention enables the deferral of specialization until an arbitrary) 72 665.5 P 2.06 (program fragment executes. The first two paragraphs provide a high-level summary, and the) 72 644.5 P (remaining paragraphs provide a detailed description.) 72 623.5 T 0.27 (Given a control-flow graph \050CFG\051 representation of a program, and a particular edge in the CFG) 72 602.5 P 0.72 (that connects two basic blocks, the invention provides a mechanism for eagerly specializing the) 72 581.5 P 1.84 (source block of the edge, while deferring the specialization of the destination block until the) 72 560.5 P 1.61 (specialized version of the source block and the edge are executed \050i.e., a mechanism for lazy) 72 539.5 P 0.95 (specialization\051. The invention replaces the edge with code that generates, immediately after the) 72 518.5 P (source block is specialized, a) 72 497.5 T 2 F (stub) 214.63 497.5 T 0 F (.) 234.64 497.5 T 0.7 (The stub, when executed, gathers values of variables that comprise the context of specialization) 72 476.5 P 0.45 (of the destination block, and invokes a routine to specialize the destination block with respect to) 72 455.5 P 1.26 (the context. If possible, the stub patches in a direct branch from the specialized version of the) 72 434.5 P 1.52 (source block to the specialized version of the destination block, so that in future traversals of) 72 413.5 P 0.65 (this edge, the stub may be bypassed.) 72 392.5 P 0.65 (Finally, the stub jumps to the newly specialized version of) 254.18 392.5 P (the destination block.) 72 86.5 T 72 72 540 720 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 80.75 103.5 531.25 388.5 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 220.58 162.5 381.58 385.5 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 220.58 162.5 381.58 385.5 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 239.58 307.5 338.58 352.5 R V 0.5 H 2 Z 0 X N 239.58 172.5 338.58 217.5 R 7 X V 0 X N 287.89 229.03 284.58 217.5 281.27 229.03 284.58 229.03 4 Y V 284.58 307.5 284.58 229.03 2 L N 0 12 Q (B) 248.58 334.5 T 0 9.6 Q (1) 256.59 331.5 T 0 12 Q (\050source\051) 263.79 334.5 T (B) 248.58 200.32 T 0 9.6 Q (2) 256.59 197.32 T 0 12 Q (\050destination\051) 263.79 200.32 T (edge e) 285.6 262.32 T 0 9.6 Q (12) 316.58 259.32 T J 242.45 266.59 231.58 261.5 238.1 271.58 240.27 269.09 4 Y V J 286.58 309.5 240.27 269.09 2 L J 286.58 309.5 283.76 307.03 2 L N [8.345 7.232] 8.345 I 283.76 307.03 243.1 271.55 2 L N J 243.1 271.55 240.27 269.09 2 L N J 80.75 103.5 531.25 388.5 C 109.25 108.5 500.92 150.5 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 1 12 Q 0 X 0.32 (Figure 1:) 109.25 142.5 P 0 F 0.32 (Two basic blocks B) 159.89 142.5 P 0 9.6 Q 0.26 (1) 255.85 139.5 P 0 12 Q 0.32 ( and B) 260.65 142.5 P 0 9.6 Q 0.26 (2) 292.62 139.5 P 0 12 Q 0.32 (with edge e) 300.08 142.5 P 0 9.6 Q 0.26 (12) 356.05 139.5 P 0 12 Q 0.32 ( across which specialization) 365.64 142.5 P (should be suspended. The dotted edge represents other possible edges from B) 109.25 119.3 T 0 9.6 Q (1) 481.19 116.3 T 0 12 Q (.) 485.99 119.3 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 C 0 -208 1000 792 C 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "4" 4 %%Page: "5" 5 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 5) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 0 12 Q 0 X 1.74 (In more detail, consider an edge e) 72 712 P 0 9.6 Q 1.39 (12) 244.71 709 P 0 12 Q 1.74 ( that connects two basic blocks, B) 254.31 712 P 0 9.6 Q 1.39 (1) 427.72 709 P 0 12 Q 1.74 ( and B) 432.52 712 P 0 9.6 Q 1.39 (2) 467.32 709 P 0 12 Q 1.74 (, as shown in) 472.12 712 P 1.65 (Figure 1. Suppose both B) 72 688.8 P 0 9.6 Q 1.32 (1) 200.95 685.8 P 0 12 Q 1.65 ( and B) 205.75 688.8 P 0 9.6 Q 1.32 (2) 240.38 685.8 P 0 12 Q 1.65 ( are to be specialized, but specialization will be suspended) 245.18 688.8 P 1.3 (across e) 72 665.6 P 0 9.6 Q 1.04 (12) 111.62 662.6 P 0 12 Q 1.3 ( \050e) 121.22 665.6 P 0 9.6 Q 1.04 (12) 134.84 662.6 P 0 12 Q 1.3 ( is then called a) 144.44 665.6 P 2 F 1.3 (lazy edge) 228.6 665.6 P 0 F 1.3 (\051. In other words, B) 274.89 665.6 P 0 9.6 Q 1.04 (2) 374.07 662.6 P 0 12 Q 1.3 ( will not be specialized until the) 378.87 665.6 P 1.58 (specialized version of B) 72 642.4 P 0 9.6 Q 1.26 (1) 192.37 639.4 P 0 12 Q 1.58 ( has been executed and execution seeks to continue across edge e) 197.17 642.4 P 0 9.6 Q 1.26 (12) 527.4 639.4 P 0 12 Q 1.58 (.) 537 642.4 P 0.75 (Figure 2 illustrates how our invention transforms the sub-graph shown in Figure 1 into a a sub-) 72 619.2 P (graph, which, when executed, achieves suspended specialization across edge e) 72 598.2 T 0 9.6 Q (12) 448.56 595.2 T 0 12 Q (.) 458.16 598.2 T 0.47 (We assume the existence of a procedure that produces a specialized version of a given block for) 72 575 P 1.42 (a given context. Block 21 invokes this procedure to generate a specialized version of B) 72 554 P 0 9.6 Q 1.13 (1) 509.46 551 P 0 12 Q 1.42 ( \050call) 514.26 554 P 1.73 (this generated version B) 72 530.8 P 0 9.6 Q 1.38 (1) 193.5 527.8 P 0 12 Q 1.73 (\325\051. The execution of B) 198.3 530.8 P 0 9.6 Q 1.38 (1) 311.52 527.8 P 0 12 Q 1.73 (\325 computes values that constitute the context) 316.32 530.8 P 0.29 (that will be used to specialize block B) 72 507.6 P 0 9.6 Q 0.23 (2) 256.32 504.6 P 0 12 Q 0.29 (. Block 22 generates code to construct this context. Block) 261.12 507.6 P 0.96 (23 patches the branch at the end of B) 72 484.4 P 0 9.6 Q 0.77 (1) 257.62 481.4 P 0 12 Q 0.96 (\325 to point to the beginning of the context-gathering code) 262.42 484.4 P (that was generated in block 22.) 72 461.2 T 0.19 (The code generated in block 22 is the beginning of the stub that will be executed if the execution) 72 440.2 P 0.44 (of B) 72 419.2 P 0 9.6 Q 0.35 (1) 93.43 416.2 P 0 12 Q 0.44 (\325 is followed by a traversal of edge e) 98.24 419.2 P 0 9.6 Q 0.35 (12) 277 416.2 P 0 12 Q 0.44 (. The next part of the stub to be generated \050by block) 286.6 419.2 P 2.85 (25\051 is code that invokes the specialization mechanism to specialize B) 72 396 P 0 9.6 Q 2.28 (2) 432.47 393 P 0 12 Q 2.85 ( with respect to the) 437.27 396 P 0.55 (context just constructed \050call the specialized version of B) 72 372.8 P 0 9.6 Q 0.44 (2) 351.02 369.8 P 0 12 Q 0.55 (, B) 355.82 372.8 P 0 9.6 Q 0.44 (2) 370.37 369.8 P 0 12 Q 0.55 (\325\051. Note that if B) 375.17 372.8 P 0 9.6 Q 0.44 (2) 457.03 369.8 P 0 12 Q 0.55 ( has a lazy edge) 461.83 372.8 P 1.81 (emanating from it \050nested laziness\051, the mechanism in Figure 2 would suspend specialization) 72 349.6 P (across that edge as well. Specialization of deferred code can thus itself be lazy in our invention.) 72 328.6 T 0.17 (Now that code to construct B) 72 307.6 P 0 9.6 Q 0.13 (2) 213.15 304.6 P 0 12 Q 0.17 (\325 has been generated, block 28 generates a jump to B) 217.95 307.6 P 0 9.6 Q 0.13 (2) 473.23 304.6 P 0 12 Q 0.17 (\325, so that B) 478.03 307.6 P 0 9.6 Q 0.13 (2) 531.2 304.6 P 0 12 Q 0.17 (\325) 536 307.6 P 1.23 (is be executed after the stub is executed. This completes generation of the stub; block 29 then) 72 284.4 P (specializes any other blocks that can be specialized without deferral.) 72 263.4 T 0.77 (If we know that the context for specializing B) 72 242.4 P 0 9.6 Q 0.62 (2) 298.15 239.4 P 0 12 Q 0.77 ( will be unchanged on all subsequent executions) 302.95 242.4 P 0.37 (of B) 72 219.2 P 0 9.6 Q 0.3 (1) 93.37 216.2 P 0 12 Q 0.37 (\325 \050i.e., if we know that the edge e) 98.17 219.2 P 0 9.6 Q 0.3 (12) 259.44 216.2 P 0 12 Q 0.37 ( is) 269.04 219.2 P 2 F 0.37 (one-time-lazy) 283.79 219.2 P 0 F 0.37 (, block 24\051, we can avoid executing the) 349.1 219.2 P 0.76 (stub in the future. In this case, block 27 generates code to patch the branch at the end of B) 72 196 P 0 9.6 Q 0.61 (1) 518.1 193 P 0 12 Q 0.76 (\325 to) 522.9 196 P (point to the beginning of B) 72 172.8 T 0 9.6 Q (2) 201.67 169.8 T 0 12 Q (\325, thus bypassing the stub in future traversals of edge e) 206.47 172.8 T 0 9.6 Q (12) 468.1 169.8 T 0 12 Q (.) 477.7 172.8 T 1 14 Q (Broadening) 72 148.27 T 0 12 Q (1.) 72 124.1 T (The notion of a value of a variable \050on which specialization takes place\051 can be broadened to) 90 124.1 T -0.12 (include class, type or similar abstract properties of the variable. The context information gath-) 90 103.1 P (ered and passed can have any of these kinds of information.) 90 82.1 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "5" 5 %%Page: "6" 6 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 729 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 72 33.32 540 43.32 R V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R V 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 188 657.92 413 702.92 R V 0.5 H 2 Z 0 X N 186 210 411 255 R 7 X V 0 X N 188 583.17 413 624 R 7 X V 0 X N 152 507 441.83 552 R 7 X V 0 X N 187 439 417 475 R 7 X V 0 X N 250.09 365 301 415.91 351.91 365 301 314.09 4 Y 7 X V 0 X N 189 123 414 178 R 7 X V 0 X N 302.31 636.7 299 625.17 295.69 636.7 299 636.7 4 Y V 299 660.17 299 636.7 2 L N 302.31 564.54 299 553 295.69 564.54 299 564.54 4 Y V 299 581 299 564.54 2 L N 302.31 487.54 299 476 295.69 487.54 299 487.54 4 Y V 299 505 299 487.54 2 L N 450.31 341.54 447 330 443.69 341.54 447 341.54 4 Y V 352 365 447 365 447 341.54 3 L N 317.92 256.67 306 258.01 316.82 263.19 317.37 259.93 4 Y V 442 281 317.37 259.92 2 L N 195 673.17 406 687.67 R 7 X V 0 12 Q 0 X (21. Generate specialized version of B1) 195 679.67 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 195 596.33 406 610.83 R 7 X V 0 X (22. Generate context construction code) 195 602.83 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 162 516 434.5 543 R 7 X V 0 X (23. Generate code to backpatch specialized version of) 162 535 T (B1 to point to context construction code) 162 521 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 276 339.17 328 386 R 7 X V 0 X (24. Edge) 276 378 T (e12 one-) 276 364 T (time-lazy?) 276 350 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (YES) 388 369 T 194 442 410 470 R 7 X V 0 X -0.47 (25. Generate code to trigger specialization of) 194 462 P (B2) 194 448 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 302.31 190.53 299 179 295.69 190.53 299 190.53 4 Y V 299 211 299 190.53 2 L N 194 132 407 166 R 7 X V 0 X (29. Continue specializing any other blocks) 194 158 T (that need to be specialized eagerly with B1) 194 144 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 201 221 381 248 R 7 X V 0 X (28. Generate code to jump to special-) 201 240 T (ized version of B2) 201 226 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 320 282 506 328 R 7 X V 0 X N 324 287 503 323 R 7 X V 0 X -0.61 (27. Generate code to backpatch B1 to) 324 315 P (point to specialized version of B2) 324 301 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 231.31 266.53 228 255 224.69 266.53 228 266.53 4 Y V 248 365 228 365 228 266.53 3 L N 302.69 428.7 300 417 296.09 428.35 299.39 428.52 4 Y V 299 436 299.39 428.52 2 L N 111 84 523 113 R 7 X V 1 F 0 X (\336gur) 111 105 T (e 2:) 135.46 105 T 0 F ( Result of transforming the graph on \336gure 1 to allow suspended specializa-) 153.78 105 T -0.25 (tion on edge e12. Note that block B2 from \336gure 1 is referred to indirectly in block 27.) 111 91 P 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 177.96 631.04 166 632 176.65 637.52 177.3 634.28 4 Y V J 300 659 177.31 634.28 2 L J 300 659 296.32 658.26 2 L N [7.447 6.454] 7.447 I 296.32 658.26 180.99 635.02 2 L N J 180.99 635.02 177.31 634.28 2 L N J 0 0 612 792 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "6" 6 %%Page: "7" 7 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 7) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 0 12 Q 0 X (2.) 72 712 T (The run-time optimizations performed need not be restricted to specialization. Any run-time) 90 712 T (optimization that bene\336ts from deferring optimization across certain branches can bene\336t) 90 691 T (from our invention. For these optimizations, our system provides the bene\336ts of lazy optimi-) 90 670 T (zation at arbitrary program points, of propagating optimization information across deferrals) 90 649 T (\050through the context, which in this case would contain the particular optimization informa-) 90 628 T (tion\051, and of nested laziness.) 90 607 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "7" 7 %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792 %%PageOrder: Ascend %%Pages: 7 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman %%+ Times-Bold %%+ Times-Italic %%EOF Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 16:44:05 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: policy annotations I've put an edited version of the policy annotations patent in our shared area. Turns out Markus and I were on the same plane, so I was able to talk to him abit about the content. I've tightened the text alot, but the section that grinds through the process needs the same sort of tightening. Either of you (Brian and Matthai) are better able to do this part than I. Can one of you take a look? I'll be back tomorrow. Susan Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 15:04:45 -0700 (PDT) From: Patrick Jones To: Susan Eggers cc: Subject: Re: lazy spec lazy looks very good cache lookup looks good (somehow just doesn't have the zing of the prior one plus I think you could flow diagram the process but it works) What I would include in the Invention section after the detail is a short description of experiments & data (tabular or graphical results are fine) supporting the working of the ideas - assuming some is available. The key aspect of the provisional is that it must be reduced to practice such that the description is enabling - that is a collegue in the area reading what you've put down could duplicate the invention w/o a lot of "undue experimentation" If you need to give me a call pljones, Technology Manager Office of Technology Transfer University of Washington voice 206-616-3451 fax 206-616-3322 Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 13:27:36 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting Can we bag it today, since we're still doing patents? Susan To: Subject: policies patent Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 02:04:27 PDT From: Brian Grant Here is my proposal for revising the policies patent. A copy of this is at: /projects/dyncomp/SharedWorkingArea/Patents/policies-outline.txt Upshot: I think our contributions in this area are: 1. the concept & implementation of flow-sensitive policies to control run-time specialization 2. our particular policies I think we should reorganize the text to better reflect this. --Brian Title ----- Using Flow-Sensitive Policies to Control Run-Time Specialization Background ---------- A. Problem 1. Define specialization 2. Typically, specializer policy is hard-coded in mechanism 3. Different policies may be appropriate for different programs 4. Some policies can lead to over-specialization (example?), which causes several problems a. reduced I-cache locality b. run-time overhead (for run-time specialization) c. non-termination (omit?) 5. Problems with over-specialization causes many systems to adopt policies that lead to under-specialization (e.g., no intraprocedural polyvariant specialization) 6. Run-time specialization has even more options and considerations than compile-time specialization (e.g., caching, on-demand specialization) 7. Rather than hard-code policy choices, would like to leave them open so they can be easily changed for different apps. or situations B. Solution (this invention...) 1. Separate policy from mechanism in run-time specialization (answers A7) 2. Fine-grained control over run-time specialization (answers A6-7) a. allows policies to be changed at arbitrary program points and makes them flow-sensitive b. associates policies with variables, affecting how each variable is treated by the analysis and later transformations Invention --------- I see our contribution as two-fold: A. The concept and implementation of flow-sensitive policies governing run-time specialization (more broadly: other optimizations) 1. Concept: fine-grained control a. Applied to every variable at each program point, or b. Applied to specific variable at each program point. 2. Implementation: three components a. Way to set policies (annotations - minor aspect) b. Way to propagate policies (meet operators & DFA/BTA) c. Way to apply policies (in DFA/BTA and in later phases, such as our run-time specializer) note: we need to characterize what types of policies can be flowed (definition of DFA may do this for us) B. Our specific policies (categories and options) note: need to say why each is important to have control over 1. monovariant vs. polyvariant specialization 2. monovariant vs. polyvariant division 3. manual vs. automatic promotion 4. caching (e.g., infinite versions vs. one version, check vs. no check) 5. speculative vs. on-demand (we have identified a few points on the spectrum) Does it make sense to reorganize the patent around these two contributions? If so, the easiest (and therefore most likely) way to do this is to summarize A, convert the last three paragraphs of the current "Background" and all of "Invention" into B, and adapt "Description and Operation" into a detailed description of A in terms of B. In "Broadening", we would then generalize A to other policies and other optimizations. Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 14:50:44 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: in 15 mintues Tracy Halbert from OTT will be here in 15 minutes with forms for us to sign. Craig and I will sign here and then I'll send her to the Chateau. Susan Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 09:13:31 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, spin-comp@cs Subject: conditional specialization patent %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%Pages: (atend) %%PageOrder: (atend) %%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%Creator: Frame 4.0 %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit %%EndComments %%BeginProlog % % Frame ps_prolog 4.0, for use with Frame 4.0 products % This ps_prolog file is Copyright (c) 1986-1993 Frame Technology % Corporation. All rights reserved. This ps_prolog file may be % freely copied and distributed in conjunction with documents created % using FrameMaker, FrameBuilder and FrameViewer as long as this % copyright notice is preserved. % % Frame products normally print colors as their true color on a color printer % or as shades of gray, based on luminance, on a black-and white printer. The % following flag, if set to True, forces all non-white colors to print as pure % black. This has no effect on bitmap images. /FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack false def % % Frame products can either set their own line screens or use a printer's % default settings. Three flags below control this separately for no % separations, spot separations and process separations. If a flag % is true, then the default printer settings will not be changed. If it is % false, Frame products will use their own settings from a table based on % the printer's resolution. /FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen true def /FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen true def /FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen false def % % For any given PostScript printer resolution, Frame products have two sets of % screen angles and frequencies for printing process separations, which are % recomended by Adobe. The following variable chooses the higher frequencies % when set to true or the lower frequencies when set to false. This is only % effective if the appropriate FMUseDefault...SeparationScreen flag is false. /FMUseHighFrequencyScreens true def % % PostScript Level 2 printers contain an "Accurate Screens" feature which can % improve process separation rendering at the expense of compute time. This % flag is ignored by PostScript Level 1 printers. /FMUseAcccurateScreens true def % % The following PostScript procedure defines the spot function that Frame % products will use for process separations. You may un-comment-out one of % the alternative functions below, or use your own. % % Dot function /FMSpotFunction {abs exch abs 2 copy add 1 gt {1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1 sub } {dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub }ifelse } def % % Line function % /FMSpotFunction { pop } def % % Elipse function % /FMSpotFunction { dup 5 mul 8 div mul exch dup mul exch add % sqrt 1 exch sub } def % % /FMversion (4.0) def /FMLevel1 /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt def /FMPColor FMLevel1 { false /colorimage where {pop pop true} if } { true } ifelse def /FrameDict 400 dict def systemdict /errordict known not {/errordict 10 dict def errordict /rangecheck {stop} put} if % The readline in PS 23.0 doesn't recognize cr's as nl's on AppleTalk FrameDict /tmprangecheck errordict /rangecheck get put errordict /rangecheck {FrameDict /bug true put} put FrameDict /bug false put mark % Some PS machines read past the CR, so keep the following 3 lines together! currentfile 5 string readline 00 0000000000 cleartomark errordict /rangecheck FrameDict /tmprangecheck get put FrameDict /bug get { /readline { /gstring exch def /gfile exch def /gindex 0 def { gfile read pop dup 10 eq {exit} if dup 13 eq {exit} if gstring exch gindex exch put /gindex gindex 1 add def } loop pop gstring 0 gindex getinterval true } bind def } if /FMshowpage /showpage load def /FMquit /quit load def /FMFAILURE { dup = flush FMshowpage /Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont 72 200 moveto show FMshowpage FMquit } def /FMVERSION { FMversion ne { (Frame product version does not match ps_prolog!) FMFAILURE } if } def /FMBADEPSF { (PostScript Lang. Ref. Man., 2nd Ed., H.2.4 says EPS must not call X ) dup dup (X) search pop exch pop exch pop length 4 -1 roll putinterval FMFAILURE } def /FMLOCAL { FrameDict begin 0 def end } def /concatprocs { /proc2 exch cvlit def/proc1 exch cvlit def/newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx }def FrameDict begin /FMnone 0 def /FMcyan 1 def /FMmagenta 2 def /FMyellow 3 def /FMblack 4 def /FMcustom 5 def /FrameNegative false def /FrameSepIs FMnone def /FrameSepBlack 0 def /FrameSepYellow 0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0 def /FrameSepCyan 0 def /FrameSepRed 1 def /FrameSepGreen 1 def /FrameSepBlue 1 def /FrameCurGray 1 def /FrameCurPat null def /FrameCurColors [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ] def /FrameColorEpsilon .001 def /eqepsilon { sub dup 0 lt {neg} if FrameColorEpsilon le } bind def /FrameCmpColorsCMYK { 2 copy 0 get exch 0 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 1 get exch 1 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 2 get exch 2 get eqepsilon { 3 get exch 3 get eqepsilon } {pop pop false} ifelse }{pop pop false} ifelse } {pop pop false} ifelse } bind def /FrameCmpColorsRGB { 2 copy 4 get exch 0 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 5 get exch 1 get eqepsilon { 6 get exch 2 get eqepsilon }{pop pop false} ifelse } {pop pop false} ifelse } bind def /RGBtoCMYK { 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 3 copy 2 copy le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse 2 copy le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse dup dup dup 6 1 roll 4 1 roll 7 1 roll sub 6 1 roll sub 5 1 roll sub 4 1 roll } bind def /CMYKtoRGB { dup dup 4 -1 roll add 5 1 roll 3 -1 roll add 4 1 roll add 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch } bind def /FrameSepInit { 1.0 RealSetgray } bind def /FrameSetSepColor { /FrameSepBlue exch def /FrameSepGreen exch def /FrameSepRed exch def /FrameSepBlack exch def /FrameSepYellow exch def /FrameSepMagenta exch def /FrameSepCyan exch def /FrameSepIs FMcustom def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetCyan { /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def /FrameSepRed 0.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 1.0 def /FrameSepIs FMcyan def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetMagenta { /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def /FrameSepRed 1.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 1.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMmagenta def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetYellow { /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def /FrameSepRed 1.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 1.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMyellow def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetBlack { /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def /FrameSepRed 0.0 def /FrameSepBlack 1.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMblack def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameNoSep { /FrameSepIs FMnone def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetSepColors { FrameDict begin [ exch 1 add 1 roll ] /FrameSepColors exch def end } bind def /FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepColors { exch dup 3 -1 roll FrameCmpColorsCMYK { pop true exit } if } forall dup true ne {pop false} if } bind def /FrameColorInSepListRGB { FrameSepColors { exch dup 3 -1 roll FrameCmpColorsRGB { pop true exit } if } forall dup true ne {pop false} if } bind def /RealSetgray /setgray load def /RealSetrgbcolor /setrgbcolor load def /RealSethsbcolor /sethsbcolor load def end /setgray { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetgray } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq { RealSetgray } { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq FrameSepRed 0 eq and FrameSepGreen 0 eq and FrameSepBlue 0 eq and { RealSetgray } { 1 RealSetgray pop } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse end } bind def /setrgbcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetrgbcolor } { 3 copy [ 4 1 roll ] FrameColorInSepListRGB { FrameSepBlue eq exch FrameSepGreen eq and exch FrameSepRed eq and { 0 } { 1 } ifelse } { FMPColor { RealSetrgbcolor currentcmykcolor } { RGBtoCMYK } ifelse FrameSepIs FMblack eq {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse RealSetgray } ifelse end } bind def /sethsbcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSethsbcolor } { RealSethsbcolor currentrgbcolor setrgbcolor } ifelse end } bind def FrameDict begin /setcmykcolor where { pop /RealSetcmykcolor /setcmykcolor load def } { /RealSetcmykcolor { 4 1 roll 3 { 3 index add 0 max 1 min 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat setrgbcolor pop } bind def } ifelse userdict /setcmykcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetcmykcolor } { 4 copy [ 5 1 roll ] FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepBlack eq exch FrameSepYellow eq and exch FrameSepMagenta eq and exch FrameSepCyan eq and { 0 } { 1 } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse RealSetgray } ifelse end } bind put FMLevel1 not { /patProcDict 5 dict dup begin <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> { 3 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> { 3 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def <8142241818244281> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke } bind def <03060c183060c081> { 1 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def <8040201008040201> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def end def /patDict 15 dict dup begin /PatternType 1 def /PaintType 2 def /TilingType 3 def /BBox [ 0 0 8 8 ] def /XStep 8 def /YStep 8 def /PaintProc { begin patProcDict bstring known { patProcDict bstring get exec } { 8 8 true [1 0 0 -1 0 8] bstring imagemask } ifelse end } bind def end def } if /combineColor { FrameSepIs FMnone eq { graymode FMLevel1 or not { [/Pattern [/DeviceCMYK]] setcolorspace FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload pop FrameCurPat setcolor } { FrameCurColors 3 get 1.0 ge { FrameCurGray RealSetgray } { FMPColor graymode and { 0 1 3 { FrameCurColors exch get 1 FrameCurGray sub mul } for RealSetcmykcolor } { 4 1 6 { FrameCurColors exch get graymode { 1 exch sub 1 FrameCurGray sub mul 1 exch sub } { 1.0 lt {FrameCurGray} {1} ifelse } ifelse } for RealSetrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } { FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepBlack eq exch FrameSepYellow eq and exch FrameSepMagenta eq and exch FrameSepCyan eq and FrameSepIs FMcustom eq and { FrameCurGray } { 1 } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq {FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse graymode FMLevel1 or not { [/Pattern [/DeviceGray]] setcolorspace FrameCurPat setcolor } { graymode not FMLevel1 and { dup 1 lt {pop FrameCurGray} if } if RealSetgray } ifelse } ifelse } bind def /savematrix { orgmatrix currentmatrix pop } bind def /restorematrix { orgmatrix setmatrix } bind def /dmatrix matrix def /dpi 72 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt def /freq dpi dup 72 div round dup 0 eq {pop 1} if 8 mul div def /sangle 1 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform exch atan def /dpiranges [ 2540 2400 1693 1270 1200 635 600 0 ] def /CMLowFreqs [ 100.402 94.8683 89.2289 100.402 94.8683 66.9349 63.2456 47.4342 ] def /YLowFreqs [ 95.25 90.0 84.65 95.25 90.0 70.5556 66.6667 50.0 ] def /KLowFreqs [ 89.8026 84.8528 79.8088 89.8026 84.8528 74.8355 70.7107 53.033 ] def /CLowAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def /MLowAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def /YLowTDot [ true true false true true false false false ] def /CMHighFreqs [ 133.87 126.491 133.843 108.503 102.523 100.402 94.8683 63.2456 ] def /YHighFreqs [ 127.0 120.0 126.975 115.455 109.091 95.25 90.0 60.0 ] def /KHighFreqs [ 119.737 113.137 119.713 128.289 121.218 89.8026 84.8528 63.6395 ] def /CHighAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 70.0169 70.0169 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def /MHighAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 19.9831 19.9831 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def /YHighTDot [ false false true false false true true false ] def /PatFreq [ 10.5833 10.0 9.4055 10.5833 10.0 10.5833 10.0 9.375 ] def /screenIndex { 0 1 dpiranges length 1 sub { dup dpiranges exch get 1 sub dpi le {exit} {pop} ifelse } for } bind def /getCyanScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { CHighAngles CMHighFreqs} {CLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getMagentaScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { MHighAngles CMHighFreqs } {MLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getYellowScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { YHighTDot YHighFreqs} { YLowTDot YLowFreqs } ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get { 3 div {2 { 1 add 2 div 3 mul dup floor sub 2 mul 1 sub exch} repeat FMSpotFunction } } {/FMSpotFunction load } ifelse 0.0 exch } bind def /getBlackScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { KHighFreqs } { KLowFreqs } ifelse screenIndex get 45.0 /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getSpotScreen { getBlackScreen } bind def /getCompositeScreen { getBlackScreen } bind def /FMSetScreen FMLevel1 { /setscreen load }{ { 8 dict begin /HalftoneType 1 def /SpotFunction exch def /Angle exch def /Frequency exch def /AccurateScreens FMUseAcccurateScreens def currentdict end sethalftone } bind } ifelse def /setDefaultScreen { FMPColor { orgrxfer cvx orggxfer cvx orgbxfer cvx orgxfer cvx setcolortransfer } { orgxfer cvx settransfer } ifelse orgfreq organgle orgproc cvx setscreen } bind def /setCurrentScreen { FrameSepIs FMnone eq { FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { getCompositeScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq { FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { getSpotScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } { FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq { getCyanScreen FMSetScreen } { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq { getMagentaScreen FMSetScreen } { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq { getYellowScreen FMSetScreen } { getBlackScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } bind def end /gstring FMLOCAL /gfile FMLOCAL /gindex FMLOCAL /orgrxfer FMLOCAL /orggxfer FMLOCAL /orgbxfer FMLOCAL /orgxfer FMLOCAL /orgproc FMLOCAL /orgrproc FMLOCAL /orggproc FMLOCAL /orgbproc FMLOCAL /organgle FMLOCAL /orgrangle FMLOCAL /orggangle FMLOCAL /orgbangle FMLOCAL /orgfreq FMLOCAL /orgrfreq FMLOCAL /orggfreq FMLOCAL /orgbfreq FMLOCAL /yscale FMLOCAL /xscale FMLOCAL /edown FMLOCAL /manualfeed FMLOCAL /paperheight FMLOCAL /paperwidth FMLOCAL /FMDOCUMENT { array /FMfonts exch def /#copies exch def FrameDict begin 0 ne /manualfeed exch def /paperheight exch def /paperwidth exch def 0 ne /FrameNegative exch def 0 ne /edown exch def /yscale exch def /xscale exch def FMLevel1 { manualfeed {setmanualfeed} if /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count def setpapername manualfeed {true} {papersize} ifelse {manualpapersize} {false} ifelse {desperatepapersize} {false} ifelse { (Can't select requested paper size for Frame print job!) FMFAILURE } if count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for } {{1 dict dup /PageSize [paperwidth paperheight]put setpagedevice}stopped { (Can't select requested paper size for Frame print job!) FMFAILURE } if {1 dict dup /ManualFeed manualfeed put setpagedevice } stopped pop } ifelse FMPColor { currentcolorscreen cvlit /orgproc exch def /organgle exch def /orgfreq exch def cvlit /orgbproc exch def /orgbangle exch def /orgbfreq exch def cvlit /orggproc exch def /orggangle exch def /orggfreq exch def cvlit /orgrproc exch def /orgrangle exch def /orgrfreq exch def currentcolortransfer FrameNegative { 1 1 4 { pop { 1 exch sub } concatprocs 4 1 roll } for 4 copy setcolortransfer } if cvlit /orgxfer exch def cvlit /orgbxfer exch def cvlit /orggxfer exch def cvlit /orgrxfer exch def } { currentscreen cvlit /orgproc exch def /organgle exch def /orgfreq exch def currenttransfer FrameNegative { { 1 exch sub } concatprocs dup settransfer } if cvlit /orgxfer exch def } ifelse end } def /pagesave FMLOCAL /orgmatrix FMLOCAL /landscape FMLOCAL /pwid FMLOCAL /FMBEGINPAGE { FrameDict begin /pagesave save def 3.86 setmiterlimit /landscape exch 0 ne def landscape { 90 rotate 0 exch dup /pwid exch def neg translate pop }{ pop /pwid exch def } ifelse edown { [-1 0 0 1 pwid 0] concat } if 0 0 moveto paperwidth 0 lineto paperwidth paperheight lineto 0 paperheight lineto 0 0 lineto 1 setgray fill xscale yscale scale /orgmatrix matrix def gsave } def /FMENDPAGE { grestore pagesave restore end showpage } def /FMFONTDEFINE { FrameDict begin findfont ReEncode 1 index exch definefont FMfonts 3 1 roll put end } def /FMFILLS { FrameDict begin dup array /fillvals exch def dict /patCache exch def end } def /FMFILL { FrameDict begin fillvals 3 1 roll put end } def /FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS { newpath 0.0 0.0 moveto 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinecap 0 0 0 sethsbcolor 0 setgray } bind def /fx FMLOCAL /fy FMLOCAL /fh FMLOCAL /fw FMLOCAL /llx FMLOCAL /lly FMLOCAL /urx FMLOCAL /ury FMLOCAL /FMBEGINEPSF { end /FMEPSF save def /showpage {} def % See Adobe's "PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2nd Edition", page 714. % "...the following operators MUST NOT be used in an EPS file:" (emphasis ours) /banddevice {(banddevice) FMBADEPSF} def /clear {(clear) FMBADEPSF} def /cleardictstack {(cleardictstack) FMBADEPSF} def /copypage {(copypage) FMBADEPSF} def /erasepage {(erasepage) FMBADEPSF} def /exitserver {(exitserver) FMBADEPSF} def /framedevice {(framedevice) FMBADEPSF} def /grestoreall {(grestoreall) FMBADEPSF} def /initclip {(initclip) FMBADEPSF} def /initgraphics {(initgraphics) FMBADEPSF} def /initmatrix {(initmatrix) FMBADEPSF} def /quit {(quit) FMBADEPSF} def /renderbands {(renderbands) FMBADEPSF} def /setglobal {(setglobal) FMBADEPSF} def /setpagedevice {(setpagedevice) FMBADEPSF} def /setshared {(setshared) FMBADEPSF} def /startjob {(startjob) FMBADEPSF} def /lettertray {(lettertray) FMBADEPSF} def /letter {(letter) FMBADEPSF} def /lettersmall {(lettersmall) FMBADEPSF} def /11x17tray {(11x17tray) FMBADEPSF} def /11x17 {(11x17) FMBADEPSF} def /ledgertray {(ledgertray) FMBADEPSF} def /ledger {(ledger) FMBADEPSF} def /legaltray {(legaltray) FMBADEPSF} def /legal {(legal) FMBADEPSF} def /statementtray {(statementtray) FMBADEPSF} def /statement {(statement) FMBADEPSF} def /executivetray {(executivetray) FMBADEPSF} def /executive {(executive) FMBADEPSF} def /a3tray {(a3tray) FMBADEPSF} def /a3 {(a3) FMBADEPSF} def /a4tray {(a4tray) FMBADEPSF} def /a4 {(a4) FMBADEPSF} def /a4small {(a4small) FMBADEPSF} def /b4tray {(b4tray) FMBADEPSF} def /b4 {(b4) FMBADEPSF} def /b5tray {(b5tray) FMBADEPSF} def /b5 {(b5) FMBADEPSF} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS [/fy /fx /fh /fw /ury /urx /lly /llx] {exch def} forall fx fw 2 div add fy fh 2 div add translate rotate fw 2 div neg fh 2 div neg translate fw urx llx sub div fh ury lly sub div scale llx neg lly neg translate /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count def } bind def /FMENDEPSF { count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for FMEPSF restore FrameDict begin } bind def FrameDict begin /setmanualfeed { %%BeginFeature *ManualFeed True statusdict /manualfeed true put %%EndFeature } bind def /max {2 copy lt {exch} if pop} bind def /min {2 copy gt {exch} if pop} bind def /inch {72 mul} def /pagedimen { paperheight sub abs 16 lt exch paperwidth sub abs 16 lt and {/papername exch def} {pop} ifelse } bind def /papersizedict FMLOCAL /setpapername { /papersizedict 14 dict def papersizedict begin /papername /unknown def /Letter 8.5 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /LetterSmall 7.68 inch 10.16 inch pagedimen /Tabloid 11.0 inch 17.0 inch pagedimen /Ledger 17.0 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /Legal 8.5 inch 14.0 inch pagedimen /Statement 5.5 inch 8.5 inch pagedimen /Executive 7.5 inch 10.0 inch pagedimen /A3 11.69 inch 16.5 inch pagedimen /A4 8.26 inch 11.69 inch pagedimen /A4Small 7.47 inch 10.85 inch pagedimen /B4 10.125 inch 14.33 inch pagedimen /B5 7.16 inch 10.125 inch pagedimen end } bind def /papersize { papersizedict begin /Letter {lettertray letter} def /LetterSmall {lettertray lettersmall} def /Tabloid {11x17tray 11x17} def /Ledger {ledgertray ledger} def /Legal {legaltray legal} def /Statement {statementtray statement} def /Executive {executivetray executive} def /A3 {a3tray a3} def /A4 {a4tray a4} def /A4Small {a4tray a4small} def /B4 {b4tray b4} def /B5 {b5tray b5} def /unknown {unknown} def papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get end statusdict begin stopped end } bind def /manualpapersize { papersizedict begin /Letter {letter} def /LetterSmall {lettersmall} def /Tabloid {11x17} def /Ledger {ledger} def /Legal {legal} def /Statement {statement} def /Executive {executive} def /A3 {a3} def /A4 {a4} def /A4Small {a4small} def /B4 {b4} def /B5 {b5} def /unknown {unknown} def papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get end stopped } bind def /desperatepapersize { statusdict /setpageparams known { paperwidth paperheight 0 1 statusdict begin {setpageparams} stopped end } {true} ifelse } bind def /DiacriticEncoding [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute /Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute /agrave /acircumflex /adieresis /atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave /ecircumflex /edieresis /iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute /ograve /ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex /udieresis /dagger /.notdef /cent /sterling /section /bullet /paragraph /germandbls /registered /copyright /trademark /acute /dieresis /.notdef /AE /Oslash /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /yen /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /ordfeminine /ordmasculine /.notdef /ae /oslash /questiondown /exclamdown /logicalnot /.notdef /florin /.notdef /.notdef /guillemotleft /guillemotright /ellipsis /.notdef /Agrave /Atilde /Otilde /OE /oe /endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft /quoteright /.notdef /.notdef /ydieresis /Ydieresis /fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /daggerdbl /periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand /Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute /Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex /.notdef /Ograve /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron ] def /ReEncode { dup length dict begin { 1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse } forall 0 eq {/Encoding DiacriticEncoding def} if currentdict end } bind def FMPColor { /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPCOLOR} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPCOLORc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUECOLOR } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUECOLORc } def } { /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPGRAY} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPGRAYc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUEGRAY } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUEGRAYc } def } ifelse /K { FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack { dup 1 eq 2 index 1 eq and 3 index 1 eq and not {7 {pop} repeat 0 0 0 1 0 0 0} if } if FrameCurColors astore pop combineColor } bind def /graymode true def /bwidth FMLOCAL /bpside FMLOCAL /bstring FMLOCAL /onbits FMLOCAL /offbits FMLOCAL /xindex FMLOCAL /yindex FMLOCAL /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /setPatternMode { FMLevel1 { /bwidth exch def /bpside exch def /bstring exch def /onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def freq sangle landscape {90 add} if {/y exch def /x exch def /xindex x 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def /yindex y 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def bstring yindex bwidth mul xindex 8 idiv add get 1 7 xindex 8 mod sub bitshift and 0 ne FrameNegative {not} if {/onbits onbits 1 add def 1} {/offbits offbits 1 add def 0} ifelse } setscreen offbits offbits onbits add div FrameNegative {1.0 exch sub} if /FrameCurGray exch def } { pop pop dup patCache exch known { patCache exch get } { dup patDict /bstring 3 -1 roll put patDict 9 PatFreq screenIndex get div dup matrix scale makepattern dup patCache 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll put } ifelse /FrameCurGray 0 def /FrameCurPat exch def } ifelse /graymode false def combineColor } bind def /setGrayScaleMode { graymode not { /graymode true def FMLevel1 { setCurrentScreen } if } if /FrameCurGray exch def combineColor } bind def /normalize { transform round exch round exch itransform } bind def /dnormalize { dtransform round exch round exch idtransform } bind def /lnormalize { 0 dtransform exch cvi 2 idiv 2 mul 1 add exch idtransform pop } bind def /H { lnormalize setlinewidth } bind def /Z { setlinecap } bind def /PFill { graymode FMLevel1 or not { gsave 1 setgray eofill grestore } if } bind def /PStroke { graymode FMLevel1 or not { gsave 1 setgray stroke grestore } if stroke } bind def /fillvals FMLOCAL /X { fillvals exch get dup type /stringtype eq {8 1 setPatternMode} {setGrayScaleMode} ifelse } bind def /V { PFill gsave eofill grestore } bind def /Vclip { clip } bind def /Vstrk { currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /N { PStroke } bind def /Nclip { strokepath clip newpath } bind def /Nstrk { currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /M {newpath moveto} bind def /E {lineto} bind def /D {curveto} bind def /O {closepath} bind def /n FMLOCAL /L { /n exch def newpath normalize moveto 2 1 n {pop normalize lineto} for } bind def /Y { L closepath } bind def /x1 FMLOCAL /x2 FMLOCAL /y1 FMLOCAL /y2 FMLOCAL /R { /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def x1 y1 x2 y1 x2 y2 x1 y2 4 Y } bind def /rad FMLOCAL /rarc {rad arcto } bind def /RR { /rad exch def normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def mark newpath { x1 y1 rad add moveto x1 y2 x2 y2 rarc x2 y2 x2 y1 rarc x2 y1 x1 y1 rarc x1 y1 x1 y2 rarc closepath } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 R} if cleartomark } bind def /RRR { /rad exch def normalize /y4 exch def /x4 exch def normalize /y3 exch def /x3 exch def normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def newpath normalize moveto mark { x2 y2 x3 y3 rarc x3 y3 x4 y4 rarc x4 y4 x1 y1 rarc x1 y1 x2 y2 rarc closepath } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath} if cleartomark } bind def /C { grestore gsave R clip setCurrentScreen } bind def /CP { grestore gsave Y clip setCurrentScreen } bind def /FMpointsize FMLOCAL /F { FMfonts exch get FMpointsize scalefont setfont } bind def /Q { /FMpointsize exch def F } bind def /T { moveto show } bind def /RF { rotate 0 ne {-1 1 scale} if } bind def /TF { gsave moveto RF show grestore } bind def /P { moveto 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow } bind def /PF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow grestore } bind def /S { moveto 0 exch ashow } bind def /SF { gsave moveto RF 0 exch ashow grestore } bind def /B { moveto 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow } bind def /BF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow grestore } bind def /G { gsave newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath PFill fill grestore } bind def /Gstrk { savematrix newpath 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch translate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /Gclip { newpath savematrix normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /GG { gsave newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath PFill fill grestore } bind def /GGclip { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /GGstrk { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath restorematrix currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /A { gsave savematrix newpath 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch translate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix PStroke grestore } bind def /Aclip { newpath savematrix normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath strokepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /Astrk { Gstrk } bind def /AA { gsave savematrix newpath 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div sub exch normalize 3 index 2 div sub exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix PStroke grestore } bind def /AAclip { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath strokepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /AAstrk { GGstrk } bind def /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /h FMLOCAL /xx FMLOCAL /yy FMLOCAL /ww FMLOCAL /hh FMLOCAL /FMsaveobject FMLOCAL /FMoptop FMLOCAL /FMdicttop FMLOCAL /BEGINPRINTCODE { /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count 7 sub def /FMsaveobject save def userdict begin /showpage {} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS 3 index neg 3 index neg translate } bind def /ENDPRINTCODE { count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for FMsaveobject restore } bind def /gn { 0 { 46 mul cf read pop 32 sub dup 46 lt {exit} if 46 sub add } loop add } bind def /str FMLOCAL /cfs { /str sl string def 0 1 sl 1 sub {str exch val put} for str def } bind def /ic [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 {0 hx} {1 hx} {2 hx} {3 hx} {4 hx} {5 hx} {6 hx} {7 hx} {8 hx} {9 hx} {10 hx} {11 hx} {12 hx} {13 hx} {14 hx} {15 hx} {16 hx} {17 hx} {18 hx} {19 hx} {gn hx} {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12} {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19} {gn} {0 wh} {1 wh} {2 wh} {3 wh} {4 wh} {5 wh} {6 wh} {7 wh} {8 wh} {9 wh} {10 wh} {11 wh} {12 wh} {13 wh} {14 wh} {gn wh} {0 bl} {1 bl} {2 bl} {3 bl} {4 bl} {5 bl} {6 bl} {7 bl} {8 bl} {9 bl} {10 bl} {11 bl} {12 bl} {13 bl} {14 bl} {gn bl} {0 fl} {1 fl} {2 fl} {3 fl} {4 fl} {5 fl} {6 fl} {7 fl} {8 fl} {9 fl} {10 fl} {11 fl} {12 fl} {13 fl} {14 fl} {gn fl} ] def /sl FMLOCAL /val FMLOCAL /ws FMLOCAL /im FMLOCAL /bs FMLOCAL /cs FMLOCAL /len FMLOCAL /pos FMLOCAL /ms { /sl exch def /val 255 def /ws cfs /im cfs /val 0 def /bs cfs /cs cfs } bind def 400 ms /ip { is 0 cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop } bind def /rip { bis ris copy pop is 0 cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop pop ris gis copy pop dup is exch cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop pop gis bis copy pop dup add is exch cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop } bind def /wh { /len exch def /pos exch def ws 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /bl { /len exch def /pos exch def bs 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /s1 1 string def /fl { /len exch def /pos exch def /val cf s1 readhexstring pop 0 get def pos 1 pos len add 1 sub {im exch val put} for pos len } bind def /hx { 3 copy getinterval cf exch readhexstring pop pop } bind def /h FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /d FMLOCAL /lb FMLOCAL /bitmapsave FMLOCAL /is FMLOCAL /cf FMLOCAL /wbytes { dup dup 24 eq { pop pop 3 mul } { 8 eq {pop} {1 eq {7 add 8 idiv} {3 add 4 idiv} ifelse} ifelse } ifelse } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBWc { 1 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAYc { 8 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BITc { 2 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /COMMONBITMAPc { /r exch def /d exch def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def r /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBW { 1 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAY { 8 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BIT { 2 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /COMMONBITMAP { /r exch def /d exch def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def r /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /ngrayt 256 array def /nredt 256 array def /nbluet 256 array def /ngreent 256 array def /gryt FMLOCAL /blut FMLOCAL /grnt FMLOCAL /redt FMLOCAL /indx FMLOCAL /cynu FMLOCAL /magu FMLOCAL /yelu FMLOCAL /k FMLOCAL /u FMLOCAL FMLevel1 { /colorsetup { currentcolortransfer /gryt exch def /blut exch def /grnt exch def /redt exch def 0 1 255 { /indx exch def /cynu 1 red indx get 255 div sub def /magu 1 green indx get 255 div sub def /yelu 1 blue indx get 255 div sub def /k cynu magu min yelu min def /u k currentundercolorremoval exec def % /u 0 def nredt indx 1 0 cynu u sub max sub redt exec put ngreent indx 1 0 magu u sub max sub grnt exec put nbluet indx 1 0 yelu u sub max sub blut exec put ngrayt indx 1 k currentblackgeneration exec sub gryt exec put } for {255 mul cvi nredt exch get} {255 mul cvi ngreent exch get} {255 mul cvi nbluet exch get} {255 mul cvi ngrayt exch get} setcolortransfer {pop 0} setundercolorremoval {} setblackgeneration } bind def } { /colorSetup2 { [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 255 {dup red exch get 255 div exch dup green exch get 255 div exch blue exch get 255 div} ] setcolorspace } bind def } ifelse /tran FMLOCAL /fakecolorsetup { /tran 256 string def 0 1 255 {/indx exch def tran indx red indx get 77 mul green indx get 151 mul blue indx get 28 mul add add 256 idiv put} for currenttransfer {255 mul cvi tran exch get 255.0 div} exch concatprocs settransfer } bind def /BITMAPCOLOR { /d 8 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def FMLevel1 { colorsetup /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage } { colorSetup2 /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def 7 dict dup begin /ImageType 1 def /Width w def /Height h def /ImageMatrix [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] def /DataSource {cf is readhexstring pop} bind def /BitsPerComponent d def /Decode [0 255] def end image } ifelse bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPCOLORc { /d 8 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def FMLevel1 { colorsetup /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage } { colorSetup2 /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def 7 dict dup begin /ImageType 1 def /Width w def /Height h def /ImageMatrix [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] def /DataSource {ip} bind def /BitsPerComponent d def /Decode [0 255] def end image } ifelse bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLORc { /d 24 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def /is im 0 lb getinterval def /ris im 0 w getinterval def /gis im w w getinterval def /bis im w 2 mul w getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {w rip pop ris} {gis} {bis} true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLOR { gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def /gis w string def /bis w string def /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { cf is readhexstring pop } { cf gis readhexstring pop } { cf bis readhexstring pop } true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAYc { /d 24 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def /is im 0 lb getinterval def /ris im 0 w getinterval def /gis im w w getinterval def /bis im w 2 mul w getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {w rip pop ris gis bis w gray} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /ww FMLOCAL /r FMLOCAL /g FMLOCAL /b FMLOCAL /i FMLOCAL /gray { /ww exch def /b exch def /g exch def /r exch def 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def r i get .299 mul g i get .587 mul b i get .114 mul add add r i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for r } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAY { gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def /gis w string def /bis w string def /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { cf is readhexstring pop cf gis readhexstring pop cf bis readhexstring pop w gray} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPGRAY { 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BITMAPGRAYc { 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /ENDBITMAP { } bind def end /ALDsave FMLOCAL /ALDmatrix matrix def ALDmatrix currentmatrix pop /StartALD { /ALDsave save def savematrix ALDmatrix setmatrix } bind def /InALD { restorematrix } bind def /DoneALD { ALDsave restore } bind def /I { setdash } bind def /J { [] 0 setdash } bind def %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup (4.0) FMVERSION 1 1 0 0 612 792 0 1 8 FMDOCUMENT 0 0 /Times-Roman FMFONTDEFINE 1 0 /Times-Bold FMFONTDEFINE 2 0 /Times-Italic FMFONTDEFINE 3 0 /Courier FMFONTDEFINE 32 FMFILLS 0 0 FMFILL 1 0.1 FMFILL 2 0.3 FMFILL 3 0.5 FMFILL 4 0.7 FMFILL 5 0.9 FMFILL 6 0.97 FMFILL 7 1 FMFILL 8 <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> FMFILL 9 <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> FMFILL 10 FMFILL 11 FMFILL 12 <8142241818244281> FMFILL 13 <03060c183060c081> FMFILL 14 <8040201008040201> FMFILL 16 1 FMFILL 17 0.9 FMFILL 18 0.7 FMFILL 19 0.5 FMFILL 20 0.3 FMFILL 21 0.1 FMFILL 22 0.03 FMFILL 23 0 FMFILL 24 FMFILL 25 FMFILL 26 <3333333333333333> FMFILL 27 <0000ffff0000ffff> FMFILL 28 <7ebddbe7e7dbbd7e> FMFILL 29 FMFILL 30 <7fbfdfeff7fbfdfe> FMFILL %%EndSetup %%Page: "1" 1 %%BeginPaperSize: Letter %%EndPaperSize 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 1) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 0 12 Q 0 X (PROVISIONAL APPLICATION) 225.17 576 T 1 14 Q (A Process for Controlling Program Specialization Using Arbitrary) 107.49 550.67 T (Compile-time and Run-time Conditions) 187.58 533.67 T 0 12 Q (Inventors:) 281.67 497 T (Craig Chambers) 266.84 469 T (Citizen of U.S.) 270 455 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 441 T (and) 297.34 413 T (Susan J. Eggers) 268.17 385 T (Citizen of U.S.) 270 371 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 357 T (and) 297.34 329 T (Brian K. Grant) 270.17 301 T (Citizen of U.S.) 270 287 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 273 T (and) 297.34 245 T (Markus Mock) 272.17 217 T (Citizen of Germany.) 256.84 203 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 189 T (and) 297.34 161 T (Matthai Philipose) 263.5 133 T (Citizen of India) 268.34 119 T (residing in Seattle, Washington) 230.67 105 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "1" 1 %%Page: "2" 2 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 2) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 1 14 Q 0 X (Provisional Patent Application for) 203.53 654.67 T (A Process for Controlling Program Specialization Using Arbitrary) 107.49 637.67 T (Compile-time and Run-time Conditions) 187.58 620.67 T (Craig Chambers, Susan J. Eggers, Brian K. Grant, Markus Mock, and) 94.82 586.67 T (Matthai Philipose) 252.91 569.67 T (Field of Invention) 72 524.67 T (Summary) 72 473.67 T 0 12 Q 2.91 (This invention is a process for implementing conditional specialization. The conditions are) 72 449.5 P 2.93 (based on compile-time and run-time information, and the scope of the specialization is an) 72 428.5 P 5.62 (arbitrary number of program points, not simply entire functions. The process uses a) 72 407.5 P 4.37 (programming language to specify the conditions on which specialization should depend.) 72 386.5 P 0.34 (Consequently, arbitrarily complex compile-time and run-time conditions are possible, enabling a) 72 365.5 P 0.26 (programmer to decide when it is profitable to specialize. Any compiler that implements run-time) 72 344.5 P (specialization could include this invention.) 72 323.5 T 1 14 Q (Background) 72 280.17 T 0 12 Q 3.93 (Several program optimizations sometimes improve program performance, and other times) 72 256 P 0.53 (degrade it. Therefore one may wish to apply these optimizations conditionally, only when it can) 72 235 P 3.1 (be ascertained that they will benefit performance. Two opposing) 72 214 P 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3.1 (factors usually determine) 412.49 214 P 0.36 (whether conditionally applying an optimization will be beneficial, the reliability of the condition) 72 193 P 0.55 (and the run-time overhead of applying the optimization. A reliable condition is often difficult to) 72 172 P 3.48 (make at static compile time, which can formulate conditions based only on compile-time) 72 151 P 0.97 (information. On the other hand, compile-time conditions incur no run-time overhead. Run-time) 72 130 P 1.04 (conditions are more reliable, because more information about the program\325s state and behavior) 72 109 P 1.15 (is available at run time. The price of deferring the optimization until run time, however, is the) 72 88 P 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "2" 2 %%Page: "3" 3 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 3) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 0 12 Q 0 X (run-time cost in applying the optimization.) 72 712 T 0.57 (This invention is concerned with conditionally applying program specialization, an optimization) 72 691 P 2.93 (in which code is specialized for the values of particular variables. Most previous program) 72 670 P 2.19 (specialization systems either did specialization unconditionally or only allowed compile-time) 72 649 P 3.56 (conditions \050including those based on binding-time information\051. One specialization system) 72 628 P 0.54 (conditionally specialized at run time, but incurred a high run-time specialization cost, because it) 72 607 P (deferred) 72 586 T 2 F (all) 114.97 586 T 0 F ( specialization until run time.) 127.64 586 T 3.9 (This invention enables conditional run-time specialization, but without the large run-time) 72 565 P 1.92 (overhead. It relies on both compile-time and run-time information to formulate the condition) 72 544 P 0.76 (and evaluates the condition at run time, resulting in a more reliable forecast of the performance) 72 523 P 4.34 (benefits of specializing a program. However, it does the bulk of the analysis to apply) 72 502 P 1.03 (specialization at compile time, in order to reduce the run-time cost of specialization. Finally, it) 72 481 P (applies conditional specialization to program scope of arbitrary granularity.) 72 460 T 1 14 Q (Invention) 72 423.67 T 0 12 Q 1.91 (This invention enables run-time specialization to be controlled by arbitrary compile-time and) 72 404 P 0.67 (run-time conditions. A programmer inserts the conditions under which the specialization should) 72 383 P 0.9 (be applied into a program in the form of source-code statements. These conditions, represented) 72 362 P 1.78 (in Figures 1 and 2 as <) 72 341 P 2 F 1.78 (conditions>) 192.13 341 P 0 F 1.78 (, are arbitrary combinations of compile-time and run-time) 250.23 341 P 1.6 (expressions, and are evaluated by the compiler and executed at run time as ordinary program) 72 320 P 2.28 (expressions. Multiple conditions can govern the same specialization, the same condition can) 72 299 P 1.64 (control multiple specializations, and multiple conditional specializations can be applied to the) 72 278 P 2.54 (same body of code. Figure 1 presents an example of conditions inserted into a program to) 72 257 P 0.22 (control a few different kinds of specialization \050for example, specialization based on the values of) 72 236 P (different variables\051.) 72 215 T 0.98 (The conditions must be annotated, so that the run-time specializer can easily differentiate them) 72 194 P 4.23 (from normal program code. We use source-level annotations \050i.e., text inserted into the) 72 173 P 0.88 (program\325s source code\051 to identify the conditions and to control the specialization process \050i.e.,) 72 152 P 3.44 (to set policies that guide the specialization analyses and the run-time specializer\051, and to) 72 131 P 0.57 (delineate the desired scope of specialization. These annotations are represented in Figures 1 and) 72 110 P (2 by) 72 89 T 2 F () 96 89 T 0 F (.) 193.87 89 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "3" 3 %%Page: "4" 4 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 4) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 0 12 Q 0 X 2.47 (Once the desired conditions are inserted and annotated \050shown in Figure 2a\051, the following) 72 523 P (procedure is applied to implement conditional run-time specialization:) 72 502 T (1.) 72 481 T (Copy the code that will be specialized.) 90 481 T -0.23 (Starting at the control-\337ow mer) 90 463 P -0.23 (ge following the condition, split the mer) 240.18 463 P -0.23 (ging paths by copying) 431.59 463 P (the code after the mer) 90 445 T (ge. Stop copying when the end of the desired scope of specialization is) 194.41 445 T -0.24 (reached, or when the specialization is known to no longer have an ef) 90 427 P -0.24 (fect. The new copy of the) 415.82 427 P (code will be specialized and then executed whenever the speci\336ed conditions hold.) 90 409 T (2.) 72 391 T (Apply the specialization analysis to the copy) 90 391 T (.) 303.86 391 T -0.24 (Analyze the copy for run-time specialization, applying both traditional specialization analysis) 90 373 P -0.38 (\050typically called a) 90 355 P 2 F -0.38 (binding-time analysis) 177.84 355 P 0 F -0.38 (\051 and analyses driven by the annotations, for example,) 281.13 355 P (those needed to determine whether and when to cache specialized code.) 90 337 T (3.) 72 319 T (Create a run-time specializer) 90 319 T (.) 227.63 319 T (Create a run-time specializer from the analyzed copy that will generate a specialized version) 90 301 T (of the copy) 90 283 T (.) 143.21 283 T (4.) 72 265 T (Create a specializer stub.) 90 265 T (Prepend to the run-time specializer a stub that either executes the run-time specializer or dis-) 90 247 T (patches to the already created specialized version of the copy) 90 229 T (.) 382.8 229 T (Figure 2b depicts the result of this process.) 72 211 T 1 14 Q (Br) 72 174.67 T (oadening) 87.3 174.67 T 0 12 Q (This invention can be modified or extended in the following ways:) 72 155 T (\245) 75.6 134 T (The invention can be used to conditionally) 90 134 T 2 F (pr) 297.65 134 T (event) 307.87 134 T 0 F ( specialization from being applied.) 333.19 134 T (\245) 75.6 116 T (Our conditions and annotations are inserted manually) 90 116 T (. Conditions and/or annotations can be) 345.85 116 T (inserted automatically) 90 98 T (, based on run-time pro\336ling information or by compiler analysis.) 195.54 98 T (\245) 75.6 80 T -0.25 (Specialization can occur at arbitrary points before the control-\337ow mer) 90 80 P -0.25 (ge following the condi-) 428.44 80 P 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 100.76 531 511.24 720 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 125.83 558.67 491.67 709.5 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 3 12 Q 0 X (if \050) 125.83 701.5 T 2 F () 154.63 701.5 T 3 F (\051 then) 316.51 701.5 T 2 F () 162.17 687.5 T 3 F (else if \050) 125.83 673.5 T 2 F () 190.63 673.5 T 3 F (\051 then) 352.51 673.5 T 2 F () 162.17 659.5 T 3 F (else i) 125.83 645.5 T 0 F (. .) 125.83 631.5 T 3 F (endif) 125.83 617.5 T 2 F () 125.83 600.5 T (. . .) 125.83 583.5 T 1 F (Figur) 159.52 559.5 T (e 1: Example of Annotated Specialization Conditions) 187.97 559.5 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 612 792 C 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "4" 4 %%Page: "5" 5 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 5) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 0 12 Q 0 X (tion, rather than at the mer) 90 712 T (ge.) 217.09 712 T (\245) 75.6 694 T -0.2 (The code to be specialized can be copied at some other time than immediately before the anal-) 90 694 P (ysis.) 90 676 T (\245) 75.6 658 T -0.53 (The invention, speci\336cally) 90 658 P -0.53 (, the combination of run-time conditions and compile-time analysis,) 215.81 658 P (can be applied to optimizations other than specialization, as described below) 90 640 T (.) 456.83 640 T 1 F (Compile-time Optimizations) 72 610 T 0 F 1.75 (This description recasts the invention in terms of an arbitrary) 72 593 P 2 F 1.75 (compile-time) 385.51 593 P 0 F 1.75 ( optimization. The) 448.16 593 P 0.77 (primary difference is, instead of replacing the copied code with a stub and run-time specializer,) 72 572 P (the optimization is applied directly to the copy, as shown in Figure 3.) 72 551 T 0.24 (Once the desired conditions are inserted into the program source and annotated \050shown in Figure) 72 530 P (3a\051, the following procedure is applied to implement the conditional optimization:) 72 509 T (1.) 72 488 T (From the control-\337ow mer) 90 488 T (ge following the condition, split the mer) 217.44 488 T (ging paths by copying the) 410.22 488 T (code that follows, creating a new copy of the code to be optimized and executed when the) 90 470 T (speci\336ed conditions hold. Stop copying when the end of the desired scope of optimization is) 90 452 T (reached, or when the optimization is known to no longer have an ef) 90 434 T (fect. The new copy of the) 413.39 434 T (code will be optimized and then executed whenever the speci\336ed conditions hold.) 90 416 T (2.) 72 398 T (Apply the optimization described by the annotations to the copy) 90 398 T (.) 396.86 398 T (3.) 72 379.82 T -0.29 (If the useful scope of the optimization was not accurately determined in step 2, re-mer) 90 379.82 P -0.29 (ge need-) 499.31 379.82 P (lessly copied code with the original.) 90 361.82 T ( Figure 3b depicts the result of this process.) 72 343.82 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "5" 5 %%Page: "6" 6 612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 746 540 756 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 75 36 543 46 R V 0 10 Q 0 X (Page 6) 516.06 39.18 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 72 540 720 R 7 X V 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 71.75 404.98 540.25 720 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 439.07 570.6 537.4 610.6 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 0.5 H 2 Z 0 X N 87.24 667.67 138.15 685.67 189.06 667.67 138.15 649.67 4 Y 7 X V 0 X N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 10 Q (if) 103.32 664.26 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 2 F () 117.82 664.26 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 382.91 687.67 433.82 705.67 484.73 687.67 433.82 669.67 4 Y 7 X V 0 X N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 F (if) 398.98 684.26 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 2 F () 413.48 684.26 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 88.82 577.83 187.15 617.83 R 7 X V 0 X N 330.23 595.27 428.57 635.27 R 7 X V 0 X N 439.07 610.27 537.4 635.27 R 7 X V 0 X N 121.64 624.26 123.82 618.67 117.89 619.58 119.76 621.92 4 Y V 112.15 661.17 M 90.73 653.56 107.82 632.29 119.77 621.92 D 1 H N 158.85 619.09 152.92 618.17 155.09 623.76 156.97 621.42 4 Y V 164.59 660.67 M 186 653.06 168.92 631.79 156.97 621.42 D N 383.29 641.01 379.81 636.17 377.36 641.6 380.32 641.3 4 Y V 408.98 677.83 M 393.43 672.64 382.86 657.41 380.34 641.3 D N 490.24 641.95 487.82 636.5 484.31 641.32 487.27 641.64 4 Y V 458.65 678.17 M 474.21 672.97 484.78 657.74 487.29 641.63 D N 2 12 Q (Original Code) 103.15 606.17 T (Original Code) 344.57 623.67 T (Specializer Stub) 449.4 618.67 T 69.82 472.33 539.82 487.33 R 7 X V 1 F 0 X (Figur) 125.15 479.33 T (e 2: Code Befor) 153.6 479.33 T (e and After Conditional Run-T) 233.03 479.33 T (ime Specialization) 391.49 479.33 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 2 F (Run-time) 464.74 596.17 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 F (\050a\051) 131.32 544.5 T (\050b\051) 426.82 544.5 T 2 F (Specializer) 461.57 584.17 T 161.49 639.71 184.82 646.37 R 7 X V N 0 X () 221.59 640.33 T 1 F (Befor) 121.27 515.81 T (e) 149.71 515.81 T (After) 421.22 515.81 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 612 792 C 71.77 83.29 540.23 404.98 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 90.93 355.15 141.84 373.15 192.75 355.15 141.84 337.15 4 Y 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 0.5 H 2 Z 0 X N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 10 Q (if) 107 351.74 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 2 F () 121.5 351.74 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 369.59 355.15 420.5 373.15 471.42 355.15 420.5 337.15 4 Y 7 X V 0 X N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 F (if) 385.67 351.74 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 2 F () 400.17 351.74 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 71.34 140.32 538.84 161.15 R 7 X V 1 12 Q 0 X (Figur) 154.81 153.15 T (e 3: Code Befor) 183.26 153.15 T (e and After Conditional Optimization) 262.69 153.15 T 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 92.5 262.82 190.84 302.82 R 7 X V 0 X N 316.92 262.82 415.26 302.82 R 7 X V 0 X N 425.75 262.82 524.09 302.82 R 7 X V 0 X N 125.33 309.24 127.5 303.65 121.57 304.57 123.45 306.91 4 Y V 115.84 346.15 M 94.42 338.55 111.5 317.27 123.45 306.9 D 1 H N 162.53 304.07 156.6 303.15 158.77 308.75 160.65 306.41 4 Y V 168.27 345.65 M 189.69 338.05 172.61 316.77 160.66 306.4 D N 369.98 308.49 366.5 303.65 364.05 309.08 367.01 308.79 4 Y V 395.67 345.32 M 380.12 340.12 369.55 324.89 367.03 308.78 D N 476.93 309.43 474.51 303.98 471 308.81 473.96 309.12 4 Y V 445.34 345.65 M 460.89 340.45 471.46 325.23 473.98 309.12 D N 2 F (Original Code) 106.83 291.15 T (Original Code) 331.25 291.15 T (Optimized Code) 436.09 291.15 T 0 F (\050a\051) 135.18 225.8 T (\050b\051) 413.51 225.8 T 165.83 322.83 189.17 329.5 R 7 X V N 2 F 0 X () 143.34 323.65 T 1 F (Befor) 124.95 195.33 T (e) 153.39 195.33 T (After) 406.85 195.33 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 612 792 C 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "6" 6 %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792 %%PageOrder: Ascend %%Pages: 6 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman %%+ Times-Bold %%+ Times-Italic %%+ Courier %%EOF Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 09:14:46 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: Subject: one more to go Cc: spin-comp@cs Patrick -- You should have 3 patents completed by now. Brian Grant and Matthai Philipose are working on the fourth and we'll send it to you some time today. Thanks very much for coping with our last minute writing. Susan Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 11:17:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Patrick Jones To: Susan Eggers cc: Subject: Re: one more to go Tracy mentioned that you had a mofifications for the original two - or is that not the case? If not, I'll send the three today and do the fourth overnight. pljones, Technology Manager Office of Technology Transfer University of Washington voice 206-616-3451 fax 206-616-3322 On Thu, 11 Jun 1998, Susan Eggers wrote: > > Patrick -- > > You should have 3 patents completed by now. Brian Grant and Matthai > Philipose are working on the fourth and we'll send it to you some > time today. > > Thanks very much for coping with our last minute writing. > > Susan > Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 22:22:46 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: policy patent I've sent it on to Patrick. Susan Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 11:08:37 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima Subject: can we move tomorrow's meeting I have a conflict with an affirmative action meeting at 2. Actually, it's just the 3 of us and we probably need one-on-one meetings, more than a group meeting. So if I'm right on this, let's just have our research meetings. When do you want them over the summer? Susan To: Subject: polyvariant division works on the small mipsi-like interpreter Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 16:27:24 PDT From: Brian Grant I fixed several problems in the BTA, and one problem with copying IGOTOs. Update mflow. --Brian +++ Application polydiv passed +++ Application polydiv2 passed To: Subject: rt/dcmake changes Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 15:08:08 PDT From: Brian Grant I've made a few enhancements to our scripts. The most noticeable one is that I've changed dcmake to produce and use a ccomargs file, so that you can use exactly the same arguments for debugging as you used on the command line. The file is named .ccomargs, and any existing files won't be touched. A debugging file, .dbx, is also generated. You can source it in gdb, and it should work (amazing!). NB: one-step mode doesn't (yet?) use the ccomargs file, nor is one created for the noop version. You need to do the following to get this to work (cut & paste): 0) cvs update bin 1) Erase the contents of /projects/trace1/mflow/usr/vssad/release/matthai/.ccrc /projects/trace1/mflow/usr/vssad/release/mock/.ccrc but don't delete the files! 2) /bin/rm /projects/trace1/mflow/usr/vssad/release/matthai/bin/rcc /bin/rm /projects/trace1/mflow/usr/vssad/release/mock/bin/rcc 3) ln -s /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/matthai/DyC/bin/rcc \ /projects/trace1/mflow/usr/vssad/release/matthai/bin/rcc ln -s /afs/cs/project/dyncomp/mock/DyC/bin/rcc \ /projects/trace1/mflow/usr/vssad/release/mock/bin/rcc Your rcc will be created when you first to a dcmake. Other changes to the scripts: dcmake will use the rt-args file if you specify "-use-rt-args". Remember, the last arguments specified take precedence, so if you want to override any arguments in the rt-args file, put them on the dcmake command line after -use-rt-args. rt and dcmake now set the include directory correctly even if you don't have the environment variable set. dcmake will rebuild the app if the rt-args file is changed, whether those arguments are used or not. Probably some other minor fixes that I've forgotten... --Brian To: Subject: dcmake Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 15:25:20 PDT From: Brian Grant I just update the one-step rules to use the ccomargs file. The changes are totally untested, but should work. :-) Note that I also haven't tested the scripts in timing mode. But, the timing instrumentation is still broken (next on my list...), so that shouldn't matter right now. --Brian Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 08:35:36 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima Subject: profiling workshop ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Mon Jun 22 11:39:55 1998 Subject: Workshop on Profile and Feedback-Directed Compilation Content-Length: 2233 X-Lines: 59 Status: RO Workshop on Profile and Feedback-Directed Compilation Paris, France October 13, 1998 In Conjunction with the International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT '98) This workshop is intended to be a forum for bringing together researchers in the area of feedback-directed compilation and optimization. Talks will be solicited emphasizing new ideas and experience with building feedback-directed systems. There will be a limited number of talks in order to allow the audience to participate. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Analysis to estimate program behavior - Profile techniques to measure program behavior - Techniques for estimating the benefit of optimization - Program analysis based on measurements, estimates, or program behavior - Compiler optimization based on measurements, estimates, or program behavior - Adaptive execution, dynamic compilation and continuous profiling/optimization - Behavior analysis and optimization to improve memory hierarchy performance (e.g., cache-conscious data structures) - Experiences with real systems There will be no published proceedings. However, workshop attendees will receive copies of slides and related papers. Submission: Talks will be accepted on the basis of a short abstract that describes the work and the novel algorithms or experiences that resulted from it. Deadlines: - 5 Page abstract due by Aug. 21, 1998 - Notifications by Sept. 5, 1998 Questions: The most recent information is available at: Workshop Co-Chairs: Brad Calder, Rajiv Gupta, and James Larus Program Committee: Brad Calder UC San Diego Craig Chambers University of Washington Evelyn Duesterwald Hewlett Packard Jesse Fang Intel Rajiv Gupta University of Pittsburgh James Larus Microsoft Research Mike Smith Harvard University ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 09:42:10 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@yakima Subject: PLDI deadline is early this year -- Oct. 9. Susan To: Subject: pov profiled Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 11:10:39 PDT From: Brian Grant I profiled POV to check whether we should consider it further. The routine we were planning to specialize, Trace, only contributes directly to at most 7.2% of the execution time, and as little as 1% for some inputs. The different inputs have significantly different profiles, since the types of objects comprising the scenes determine what routines are called. For example, Intersect_Quadric is 5% of exec. time in this example, 16% in another, and 0% in another. The upshot is that we'd have to specialize multiple routines to get significant speedup on any one input and we'd have to carefully choose that input to suite what we could specialize. It would probably take an effort comparable to what Matthai has invested in OpenGL. It may not be worth it in the short term. On the other hand, if we want to submit to SigGraph... :-) --Brian 11.5 1.9854 11.5 1.99 All_Ellipsoid_Intersections () 9.1 1.5771 20.6 3.56 Intersect_Sphere () 8.6 1.4922 29.2 5.05 MInvTransPoint () 7.2 1.2383 36.3 6.29 Trace () 5.3 0.9160 41.6 7.21 Intersect_Plane () 5.2 0.8984 46.8 8.11 proc_at_0x1200276a0 () 5.0 0.8633 51.8 8.97 Intersect_Quadric () 4.7 0.8145 56.5 9.79 Ray_In_Bounds () 4.4 0.7686 60.9 10.55 Intersection () 4.0 0.6855 64.9 11.24 All_CSG_Intersect_Intersections () To: Subject: Some observations on automation, triggered by Brian's pov mail Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 12:07:50 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Brian's experience with pov (along with mine with OpenGL) seems to cast the following additional light on automation of dynamic compilation: 1) Real programs seem to have many dynamic regions, most of which have to be specialized to get appreciable gain. This means that the amount of work done manually to specialize a single program may be getting out of hand => automation (or at least "tools") would be good. 2) In general, the total benefit from our dynamic compilation of all these regions may not be very great (say 10-15%), perhaps more in line with what value-specific optimizations give in the static compilation context for C. At these speedup levels, people may be unwilling to use dynamic compilation unless it is automated. The burden on the user will only get worse when there is a richer catalog of optimizations available. 3) The presence of many dynamic regions each with relatively small benefit makes it even more important to have very fast dispatches to dynamically compiled code. This is a point Craig brought up yesterday too. In general, automated dynamic compilation systems will not be able to use unchecked annotations. Just writing down our "experiences" while they're still fresh. Matthai Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 16:50:09 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: pov profiled From your description, pov didn't seem to be a complete lose, but more a case of a program that should be done after easier ones are tackled. The execution time profile looked reasonable for the input you used. So as long as the annotations to the various routines don't cause changes to the infrastructure, we could begin by annotating the top half of those. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: pov profiled Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 16:58:29 PDT From: Brian Grant >> >From your description, pov didn't seem to be a complete lose, but >> more a case of a program that should be done after easier ones >> are tackled. The execution time profile looked reasonable for the >> input you used. So as long as the annotations to the various >> routines don't cause changes to the infrastructure, we could begin >> by annotating the top half of those. No, not a complete lose. But, I'd have to spend time figuring out what to make static, comparable to what Matthai did for OpenGL. I don't know that the top half of those routines are even specializable. With dinero and the interpreters, it is fairly obvious what annotations to put in. So, I agree with you that pov hasn't been ruled out, but maybe has lower priority than the others. --Brian To: Subject: new scripts committed Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 17:20:16 PDT From: Brian Grant I've committed the new scripts (rt, dcmake, etc.). The new scripts (more than 50% rewritten) have many new features, such as support for multiple source files, header files, multiple sets of annotations, and multiple sets of compiler arguments. I'll write up something about how to use them. The default behavior should be nearly the same as what you're used to. If you have problems, let me know. One comment: dcmake's "-onestep" option is not yet implemented (you'll get a fatal error). --Brian To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: hi Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:51:08 PDT From: Brian Grant What I've been doing: - I inlined all specializable code into one routine in dinero, and annotated it, producing a 700+-line dynamic region. I reprofiled it to see how much speedup we got just from inlining (the answer: quite a bit). However, the region is still responsible for 65% of the run time. Dynamic compilation of the region does seem to be hung up on spill code, though there are a couple bugs in the compiler that I'm also thinking about how to solve. - I rewrote the scripts we used to build DyC apps in order to provide the features we need for testing. - I fixed the timing infrastructure that I broke when overhauling the lazy-edge implementation. I still need to put in a few more pieces to get the detailed timing information we will want, however. - I downloaded the latest version of SUIF (well, the last 1.x version) and am trying to figure out how to convert unstructured code to structured code. - I've spent some time thinking about the design for moving loads of big static values from uses to defs. Matthai needs this for OpenGL, and it would be good to do this, in general. I will put together a web page for the PLDI paper that includes what we've discussed so far (slant, to-do lists, experiments, etc.), and a link to my study writeup. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: commit of new merger Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 12:34:11 PDT From: Brian Grant I just committed the new merger. It is run by default. To run the old merger, give "-p old" as a dcmake option, or put it in your rt-args file. The new merger passes all regression tests except chebychev and query. Those don't look like they'll be difficult to fix, but I'll probably leave them for Matthai to figure out. xvalg now works again, as predicted. Unfortunately, fft still doesn't work. I noticed that it was annotated improperly, however, and I'm still futzing with it. dinero also did not work. It apparently requires some functionality still not complete in the new merger (and that did not exist at all in the old one). If the problem looks easy to fix, I'll take a shot at it. If not, dinero will have to wait. I will test the timed versions next, since we were having trouble with those. --Brian To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: sound apps of FFT (audio filters) Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 12:37:50 PDT From: Brian Grant FYI, the Mac app I came across was called SoundHack. A couple types of filters: binuaral filter (makes stereo stream from a mono stream) spectral mutation (no clue what it does) Some sites also mentioned that FFT was used for "spectral analysis" of audio streams. One site mentioned that the SETI project uses an FFT-based spectral analyzer or some kind of filter to produce sound from radio waves (ala "Contact", I suppose), but I didn't find the source code. --Brian Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 14:28:45 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: notes from ISCA Just thought I'd pass on the good news I heard at ISCA which is that Monica Lam is doing some dynamic compilation on OpenGL. One of the graphics faculty came to her with the problem. This should light a very bright fire under Matthai's fanny... Susan To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: chebychev and ppmdither now work, noop pads Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 15:33:29 PDT From: Brian Grant chebychev: The assembler didn't permit two identical "bis" noops to be back-to-back. It removed one. Thus, when the merger copied three instructions, the last one was not a noop. The fix was to make the second noop a "cpys" noop. It seems that this business of copying 2-3 instructions for every load or store, when most translate to only one instruction, will produce many more instructions than necessary. I thought of the following sceme (and tested it in order to find this bug!). Copy everything (macro and data definitions) preceding ".text" to a new file. Also copy ".extern" declarations that could appear later in the .pms file. (I don't know what that happens.) Then, build the following program, inserting the instruction we want to assemble. .align 5 _$asm_format_string: .byte 91 .byte 37 .byte 48 .byte 56 .byte 120 .byte 93 .byte 32 .byte 91 .byte 37 .byte 48 .byte 56 .byte 120 .byte 93 .byte 32 .byte 91 .byte 37 .byte 48 .byte 56 .byte 120 .byte 93 .byte 10 .byte 0 .text .ent main .globl main main: br 10f .set noreorder 5: ################# PUT ST/LD INSTRUCTION HERE!!!! bis $31,$31,$31 cpys $f31,$f31,$f31 .set reorder 10: lda $16,_$asm_format_string ldl $17,5b ldl $18,5b+4 ldl $19,5b+8 jsr $26,printf br $26,FAKE1 FAKE1: ldgp $gp,0($26) or $31,$31,$16 jsr $26,exit br $26,FAKE2 FAKE2: ldgp $gp,0($26) ret $31,($26),1 .end This program copies the assembled three instructions at label 5, as we are currently doing at run time, and prints them out. For each store or load we might need to pad we: 1) Build such a program 2) Compile it 3) Run it 4) Insert lda's for the assembled instructions (non-noops) instead of copying them. What do you think? For just one store/load, this was pretty fast. I'm not sure how much it would slow down the merging process, but it would probably be acceptable. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs cc: Subject: Frame 5.5 Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 11:29:08 PDT From: Brian Grant Frame5.5 is installed on the Suns, and SGIs now too! Set FMHOME to /var/mnt/Frame5.5/ and add /var/mnt/Frame5.5/bin to your path IN FRONT OF /usr/local/bin (which still links to the old version), or make an alias for /var/mnt/Frame5.5/bin/maker. The Sun version only works on Suns running SunOS 5 (e.g., lillith), however, and not the Sun4 machines (manastash, ozette, etc.). Thanks, Melody! --Brian Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 14:00:28 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: PLDI paper thoughts Below is our current thinking on the content of the PLDI paper. This is a result of random brainstorming rather than carefully planning out the paper. The decision of which topics we'll actually include in the paper will depend heavily on what the results are. Please feel free to add to this and let's discuss it at a group meeting. The paper will of course include bottom line performance (asymptotic speedups on our programs) and stress that we compile "real" programs. The heart of the paper will be an analysis of DyC's features: (1) what features brought the best performance and why (2) what features didn't contribute much to performance and why (3) how prevalently are features used in our workload & why the infrequently used features were so infrequently used (4) what features were crucial for certain applications (but maybe not used much in others) (5) is there a synergy between certain features in the sense that when they are applied together the performance benefits are greater than summing the benefit we get when we use them one at a time. An example of this might be: single-way loop unrolling register actions combine both (might get extra milage out of having accesses to the array elements run-time constants, which would most likely happen only if the loop were unrolled) (6) evaluate the features wrt their implementation difficulty: what features were so trivial to implement that one would always want to include them what features had so complicated an implementation that one might consider omitting them, even though they bring performance benefits what features worked at odds with how most compilers are implemented or view the outside world Perhaps we could categorize the features in different ways when we examine them. Possible categorizations are: (1) normal PE features and our new ones (2) discuss features independently if we can, discuss together those features that enable other features, such as polyvariant specialization enables single and multi-way loop unrolling and specialization after a merge (3) those that are the same as or different from other DC systems (Tempo/`C) A discussion in which we broaden our results to dynamic compilation in general, rather than simply in the context of DyC. Some issues might be: when might some features not bring good performance in other systems when might they bring better performance what underlying framework do you need to have a particular feature Ways in which we could categorize the programs when we discuss them. We could use the categories to show that: we've covered a lot of different kinds of applications we've covered key application areas and have several examples in each Possible categories are: by what the application actually does (machine simulators, language interpreters, etc.) by what the application specializes on (dinero specializes on cache configuration parameters and caching policies, mipsi specialies on the input program being simulated) kernel apps and "real" programs Discuss what other programs that we didn't evaluate fall into these categories to show that they are major categories. A discussion of how our results would change if we had additional features such as function-level optimizations that allow us to specialize functions wrt their arguments or dynamically inline functions, or more dynamic features along the lines of dynamic copy prop or register actions if we had added optimizations that would reduce the dynamic compilation overhead In which directions do our results point us for future work? A section on the methodology we used to pick our dynamic regions and static variables. To what extent does this bias our results, if at all? What other regions/variables could we have chosen? When we discuss the various caching options, we'll support that analysis with a table that shows: how often only one version was needed how often multiple versions were needed how often we reused a version We're completed a design of most of the experiments. We'll send that out when it's done, but we'll not think too hard about it again until Brian has more of the applications completed. To: Subject: Specification of run-time copy prop phase Date: Tue, 04 Aug 1998 13:44:50 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Hi all, Unfortunately, I cannot come to today's meeting because my mother is showing up by an earlier flight than expected, for a visit to Seattle. Here's what I did last week: 1) The interpreter code in Mesa/OpenGL seems to be working. I haven't yet taken a look at the assembler to see exactly how much better the code produced is. I hope to do this and mail around an evaluation of what our system achieves sometimes tomorrow. 2) I helped Brian set up the three computers (took most of Thursday, some of Friday). Brian can tell you more about it... helped in the heavy lugging and wiring up, but Brian has been busy setting up with the software on themachines too. 3) I came up with a spec for the run-time copy propagation phase, which I have appended below. I have discussed it with Brian, so he should be able to provide clarifications if needed. It took me a while to understand everything, which is why I didn't mail the write-up earlier. After quickly making sure that the interpreter is doing what we want it to do, I will move on to the specialized shader. If that works, and after munging feedback on the runtime copy-prop spec below, I will implement the run-time copy/zero prop pass (most likely in the merger). Sorry for taking off at short notice! Matthai ===================================== Copy-propagation and constant (zero) propagation during run-time specialization: 1. Introduction and motivation: Until now, DyC has performed constant propagation at static compile time (in the BTA), and folding at run-time. It turns out that the run-time constant folding exposes further opportunities for constant propagation and folding, and copy-propagation. In some situations (such as while specializing floating-point code), it is critical to exploit these additional oppportunities to get any benefit at all from run-time specialization. The sections below examine the need for these additional phases and discuss how they may be implemented. Consider the following fragment of code: r1 = r2 + rtc0 r3 = r4 * rtc1 r5 = r1 * r3 ..use of r5... The r_i stand for registers, and the rtc_i stand for runtime constants. 1.1. The need for copy propagation at specialization time: Now consider specializing this fragment of code for the values (rtc0, rtc1) = (0,1). In our current framework, i.e. with only strength-reduction performed at run-time, the specialized code produced will be: r1 = r2 r3 = r4 r5 = r1 * r3 ..use of r5... In the case that the arithmetic operations are more expensive than a copy operation, the above specialization is a win. For integer operations on th DEC Alpha 21064, for instance, the copy operation takes one cycle, and the * operations takes 23 cycles, so that the latency of the first piece of code is 47 cycles, vs. 25 for the second fragment of code. However, if all the above operations were of the same latency (say 6 cycles each, as in the floating-point pipeline for the 21064), the specialized version of the code is no faster than the original version. In other words, it is impossible to replace any operation with one of smaller latency in the 21064's float pipeline; stregth-reduction alone is ineffective. Consider, however, the code produced if copy-propagation were applied to the specialized code above; the resulting code would be: r5 = r2 * r4 ..use of r5... This fragment potentially saves seven cycles over the old specialized version. Note that the question of whether the first two operations are copies or not can be answered only at specializaton time. Although it is possible to statically identify operations that _could_ become copies at run-time, and the consumers of these operations, the transformation of code (i.e. removal of copy operations and modification of consuming operations) needs to be performed conditionally at specialization-time (i.e. while the program is running). In other words, part of the analysis can be done statically, but it has to be completed (and code- transformations performed) only at runtime. 1.2 The need for constant propagaton/folding at specialization time: What if we were specializing for (rtc0,rtc1) = (30,0)? With pure strength-reduction, we would have: r1 = r2 + 30 r3 = 0 r5 = r1 * r3 ..use of r5... Once again, for floating-point numbers on the 21064, this specialization yields no benefit. If we performed constant propagation and folding on this code, however, we would get the following faster piece of code: r1 = r2 + 30 ...uses of r5 replaced by uses of zero-register... Of course, dead-code elimination at this phase could eliminate even the add operation above. 2. Implementation We want to implement the copy and zero-propagation phases as a single non-iterative, non-backtracking, peephole pass over the basic blocks produced at specialization time. The basic structure of the pass was to come from Markus Mock's adaptation of David Wall's register actions idea. Register actions provide a one-pass non-iterative, non-backtracking peephole implementation of register allocation. Recall that register allocation ordinarily requires an IDFA for determining live-ranges, a linear scheme for determining interference among live ranges and a final single pass allocating non-interfering live ranges to the same register. The Wall scheme performs the first two steps at intraprocedural compile time, leaving only the final flow insensitive allocation pass to linktime. In the run-time array-allocation variation of the problem that Mock addresses, neither the live-ranges nor the structure of the graph on which allocation should take place are computable statically, in general. This information can only be computed accurately at specialization time, when the value of array indices and the structure of the graph being optimized are explicit. In order to avoid an iterative analysis to compute this information at specialization time, Mock assumes conservatively that all live-ranges interfere and allocates exactly as many array locations at run time as there are registers available. At specialization time, when an array location is being register allocated, the only datastructure consulted is a table which maps array indices to the registers they are allocated to. A single fixed table applies to the whole function. The information being propagated is therefore flow-insensitive. 2.1 Copy Propagation Conventionally, copy propagation has two analyses associated with it. Recall that a copy x=y is propagated to subsequent uses of x iff: 1a. The copy is the only reaching def of the use, and 1b. y is not re-defined on any path between the copy and any of the uses of x that statisfy a. The code-transformation related to propagation has two aspects: 2a. The copy statement is removed. 2b. All uses of x that satisfy 1a above are replaced by uses of y. Of course, the analyses phases that verify conditions 1a and 1b are implemented typically as IDFAs. We need to perform as much of the analysis as possible at static compile time, leaving only a non-iterative, peephole, combined analysis and transformation pass to run time. Note that the amount of analysis we can perform statically is limited, in general, by the fact that we do not know the identity of the copy statements, nor (sometimes) the structure of the graph on which propagation will occur, at static compile time. In what follows, we first determine what specialization-time actions we would like to perform at which operations, and then devise a static analysis that identifies the relevant operations and conditions for actions on them. The two actions we would like to take are just 2a and 2b; 3a. REMOVE_COPY(r1,r2,rtc) removes the current copy 3b. REPLACE_COPIES(r2,r3) replaces operand registers r2 and r3 with live copy registers ri,rj iff the copy ri=r2 or rj=r3 is being propagated. As for the conditions under which the actions should be executed: 4a. The REMOVE_COPY action should only be performed on a potential copy operation if: 4a.1: The operation is indeed a copy (i.e. for operation add r1,r2,rtc1, if rtc1 == 0; and for operation mul r1,r2,rtc1, if rtc1 == 1) 4a.2: Static analysis has determined conservatively that (for copy r1 = r2), the live range of r1 is contained in the live range of r2; i.e. that conditions 1a and 1b above hold. 4b. The PROPAGATE_COPY action should be performed on an operation OP r1, r2, r3 that uses the result of a potential copy (s: r1 == r2) if: 4b.1 The REMOVE_COPY operation was successfully applied to the statement s. 4a.1 and 4a.2 give rise to a clean and appealing division between run-time and compile-time responsibilities. The static analaysis will only place REMOVE_COPY action annotations on potential copies that satisfy the range-containment condition. As long as the run-time CFG is known statically with a fair degree of accuracy (as is generally the case, for instance, in the absence of run-time loop unrolling), static analysis should be able to do a good (i.e. aggressive) job of placing the REMOVE_COPY and PROPAGATE_COPY actions. Note that the static analysis would only produce a PROPAGATE_COPY annotations for uses of potential copies that it decides to mark with a REMOVE_COPY. Finally, there is the detail of propagating information on whether a particular potential copy was indeed a copy. This information is set as part of the REMOVE_COPY action, if the related condition (as described in 4a.1 above) holds. A single global "valid copies" table that maps registers onto other registers should suffice for this purpose. While processing any given program point, if the copy r1=r2 is active, the map r1->r2 is inserted in the table. In order to reset the entry for a copy r1=r2, static analysis needs to insert a RESET_COPY action at the first point (or set of first points) downstream of the REMOVE_COPY that re-defines r1 or r2. RESET_COPY(r1) resets the entry for r1 in the valid copies table. Example: L1: bgt r1,L2 add r1,r2,rtc1 mul r3,r4,rtc2 mul r8,r9,rtc3 add r7,r1,r3 add r9,r9,1 mul r4,r8,r3 br L1 L2: ... The actions produced are: op2: RESET_COPY(r1);REMOVE_COPY(r1,r2) run-time condition: rtc1==0 op3: RESET_COPY(r3);REMOVE_COPY run-time condition: rtc2==0 op4: No remove copy here, since r9 is re-defed (op6) before a use of r8 (op7) op5: PROPAGATE_COPY(r1,r3) valid_copy[r1], valid_copy[r3] op7: PROPAGATE_COPY(x,r3) valid_copy[r3] Note valid_copy[ri] checks if there is a valid entry for ri in the valid_copy table. 2.2 Zero-propagation To be specified. To: Subject: reminder to read copy-prop actions description Date: Thu, 06 Aug 1998 11:30:58 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Folks, Just a reminder to read the description of the run-time copy-prop phase in time for next Tuesday's meeting. I will probably begin implementing the phase around then, so it'll be good to settle the details by then. Thanks, Matthai To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: assembly macros Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 15:44:40 PDT From: Brian Grant Cases in which it would be useful to know that a symbol is a macro: 1) ld/st The common case is ld/st from/to some offset from the sp, where the offset is a macro. We should only be copying one instruction in this case, not three. 2) arithmetic operations It would be easier to recognize symbols in immediate fields and we could do more error checking. Maybe others... --Brian Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 16:28:03 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, compilers@cs, cse590k@cs Subject: PFDC PACT Workshop FYI, here's an announcement for a workshop that you may be interested in. -- Craig Chambers ------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop on Profile and Feedback-Directed Compilation In Conjunction with the International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT 98) Paris, France October 13, 1998 This workshop is intended to be a forum for bringing together researchers in the area of feedback-directed compilation and optimization. Talks will be solicited emphasizing new ideas and experience with building feedback-directed systems. There will be a limited number of talks in order to allow the audience to participate. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Analysis to estimate program behavior * Profile techniques to measure program behavior * Techniques for estimating the benefit of optimization * Program analysis based on measurements, estimates, or program behavior * Compiler optimization based on measurements, estimates, or program behavior * Adaptive execution, dynamic compilation and continuous profiling/optimization * Behavior analysis and optimization to improve memory hierarchy performance (e.g., cache-conscious data structures) * Experiences with real systems There will be no published proceedings. However, workshop attendees will receive copies of the papers. We chose not to seek publication of the workshop proceedings to allow papers to more easily be published in a later conference or journal. Submission Guidelines: Talks will be accepted on the basis of a short abstract that describes the work and the novel algorithms or experiences that resulted from it. Email a ghostviewable PostScript 5 page abstract uuencoded to by August 21st. Send email if these requirements are a hardship. At the top of the email submission (in text) include (1) title of paper, (2) list of authors, (3) email and phone number of contact author, and (4) a 200 word summary of abstract. In addition, include the contact information on the title page of the abstract. You should receive a notification of your submission by the following week. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by September 5th, and the final abstracts are due September 25th. Deadlines: 5 Page abstract due by Aug. 21, 1998 Notifications by Sept. 5, 1998 Final abstracts (maximum of 10 pages) due Sept. 25, 1998 Questions: For current information see: Workshop Co-Chairs: Brad Calder, Rajiv Gupta, and James Larus Program Committee: Brad Calder UC, San Diego Craig Chambers U. of Washington Evelyn Duesterwald Hewlett Packard Jesse Fang Intel Rajiv Gupta U. of Pittsburgh James Larus Microsoft Research Mike Smith Harvard University To:, cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: links to change Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 11:34:02 PDT From: Brian Grant I couldn't change the links that scc follows to your versions of the compiler. You'll have to change them to the new paths. ln -s /projects/DyC_Homes/matthai/DyC/bin/rcc \ /projects/trace1/mflow/usr/vssad/release/matthai/bin/rcc ln -s /projets/DyC_Homes/matthai/DyC/mflow/ccom/ccom \ /projects/trace1/mflow/usr/vssad/release/matthai/lib/ccom Markus, yours are similar. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: we're back in business, baby!! Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 11:39:30 PDT From: Brian Grant Port to the new machines is complete. Boy, these new machines are FAST! All of Multiflow now builds in about 10 minutes. Just linking used to take that long... --Brian +++ Application binary passed +++ Application binary-lazy passed +++ Application chebychev passed +++ Application dinero passed +++ Application dotproduct passed +++ Application extend-context passed +++ Application float-demotions passed +++ Application float-holes passed +++ Application float-int passed +++ Application float-unroll passed +++ Application hsh passed +++ Application int-unroll passed +++ Application interpreter passed +++ Application interpreter-regs passed +++ Application loop-lazy passed +++ Application mipsi passed +++ Application multiunit-all passed +++ Application multiunit-lazy passed +++ Application multiunit-promote passed +++ Application multiunit-rep passed +++ Application multiunit-unchecked passed +++ Application polydiv passed +++ Application polydiv2 passed +++ Application pow passed +++ Application promote1 passed +++ Application query passed +++ Application romberg passed +++ Application rt-merge passed +++ Application side-effects passed +++ Application stack passed +++ Application static-branch passed +++ Application static_switch passed +++ Application two-entries passed +++ Application unchecked passed +++ Application unchecked-trivial passed +++ Application unroll1 passed *** All 36 applications passed! *** Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 11:54:22 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: we're back in business, baby!! Congratulations!! I know it's been a long, painful road, but now you can enjoy the fruits of your labors. -- Craig Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 12:03:37 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: we're back in business, baby!! Excellent! Thanks to both of you for getting them up and running. How nice to finally be back to research. Susan To: Markus Mock cc: spin-comp-archive@cs, Subject: Re: links to change Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 11:32:40 PDT From: Brian Grant >> On which machine can I do this? /projects/DyC_Homes is not visible on my >> machine. What are the names of the new Alphas? You can do this on the new machines: alper, wu, and robscheit. Your directory is actually on wu, so you may want to run there. There are other things you need to do to rebuild on the new machines (if you use bash, you should be able to cut and paste this): export CVSROOT=/projects/DyC_Home/DyC cd /projects/DyC_Homes/mock/DyC cvs update -d . bin/set-paths unset DYC_USR_INCLUDE_ALPHA_DIR export PATH="${PATH}:${MFLOW_BIN}:${DYC_BIN_DIR}:${DYC_HOME}/bin" rm mflow/*/*.o bin/rcc lib/*.[ao] cd mflow do_make cd ../regression touch */*.DyC rt --Brian To: Subject: yeah! speedup for dinero Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 10:57:33 PDT From: Brian Grant Caveats: -- The strength reduction I've put in is at the source-code level -- Not all strength reduction opportunities are being exploited -- These times are whole-program-execution times and include I/O -- These times were collected on the new machines Given that, I just thought I'd spread some happy news: On robscheit: Statically compiled Multiflow version: real 1.7 user 1.7 sys 0.0 Dynamically compiled version: real 1.2 user 1.2 sys 0.0 That's 1.42x speedup. Woo hoo! More good news: The executables built on the new machines seem to run on the old machines. I'll try to compare with ones built on the old machines to see if there is any difference. On meitner: Statically compiled Multiflow version: real 12.8 user 12.3 sys 0.2 Dynamically compiled version: real 8.4 user 8.2 sys 0.1 That's 1.5x speedup!!!! --Brian ps. Note the time difference between the new and old machines!!! Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 11:26:34 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: yeah! speedup for dinero This is just great! Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 12:44:35 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: HP, UIUC & NYU RELEASE EPIC COMPILER RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE (fwd) This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. ---2141257399-906300505-903728345=:3235 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=us-ascii Content-ID: check out: -- Markus ---2141257399-906300505-903728345=:3235 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; NAME="artread.txt"; CHARSET=us-ascii; X-UNIX-MODE=0644 Content-ID: Content-Description: artread.txt [MAXSTRAT] [Image] HP, UIUC & NYU RELEASE EPIC COMPILER RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING NEWS [Image] 08/21/98 Palo Alto, CA -- Hewlett-Packard Company, the IMPACT compiler group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the React-ILP Laboratory at New York University in New York City released the Trimaran EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing) compiler research infrastructure to the academic community. The infrastructure is expected to facilitate instruction and research in EPIC technology and to lower the barrier to entry for research and instruction in this field greatly. It also is expected to help universities participate in development of EPIC compiler technology. IA-64 (Intel Architecture 64-bit), Intel's next-generation microprocessor platform, is based on EPIC technology, co-developed by HP and Intel. HP Labs has been developing EPIC compilers since 1989 in the company's Compiler and Architecture Research group and as part of the PA-WideWord program. Extensive compiler research has continued at HP Labs and through cooperative efforts with the University of Illinois and New York University. The research infrastructure produced through these cooperative efforts is available free of charge at to universities interested in studying EPIC compilers. The Trimaran team is helping universities overcome financial barriers to establishing EPIC compiler research programs by providing a research infrastructure at no cost. While many universities have infrastructures for superscalar and multiprocessor research, most are just beginning to study next-generation EPIC technology. HP believes that extensive research will produce significant gains in EPIC compiler technology and help realize the tremendous performance potential of EPIC architectures. HP intends to continue its own compiler research as well. HP's Compiler and Architecture Research group is headed by B. Ramakrishna Rau, who holds a doctorate in electrical engineering. Professor Wen-mei Hwu heads the University of Illinois' IMPACT compiler group, and Professor Krishna V. Palem leads the React-ILP Laboratory at New York University. "Years of EPIC compiler research enable HP to provide this information to the academic community while maintaining a significant edge in designing IA-64-based systems with the highest performance levels," said Bill Russell, HP vice president and general manager of the Enterprise Systems Group. "Continuing our innovation in advanced compiler technology and fostering a strong research infrastructure for the academic community reinforces HP's commitment to driving the broad adoption of IA-64 technology. The expertise and knowledge HP has gained in co-developing EPIC positions the company to deliver systems that realize the full potential of IA-64 technology." EPIC, the foundation of the 64-bit Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), uses predication, speculation, explicit parallelism and other qualities specific to EPIC technology to deliver superior processing performance and inherent scalability not available with conventional RISC architectures. EPIC compilers use access to architectural information and control over processor execution to expose, exploit and orchestrate opportunities for parallelism within an application, thus extracting maximum speed and performance from EPIC/IA-64 systems. HP expects EPIC/IA-64 systems to offer significant advantages over existing computing platforms. For more information visit and and ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Our Sponsors: Silicon Graphics Inc. [Image]IBM Corp. [Image]Sony [Image]MAXSTRAT Digital Equipment [Image]HP/Convex Tech. Center [Image]NEC [Image]Portland Group Fujitsu [Image]Eudora [Image]HAL [Image]SUN Raytheon Systems [Image]Northrop Grumman DSSD [Image]NAG [Image]QSW Dolphin Interconnect Solutions, Inc. [Image]Tera [Previous][Table of Contents][Next] ---2141257399-906300505-903728345=:3235-- To:, cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: gdb Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 22:26:01 PDT From: Brian Grant I rebuilt gdb with the annoying warning eliminated. It may or may not have been necessary. I realized that I was running the old gdb from /uns/bin, which preceded $DYC_HOME/bin in my path. You probably want to put $DYC_HOME/bin before /uns/bin in your path only on the new machines. --Brian Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 14:24:23 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting I forgot to put a day pass on my car windshield, so I have to go back to the parking lot. It will only take me a sec -- just come on in. Susan To: Subject: some trivia: IEEE-floating point on the alpha Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 16:19:35 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Turns out that the in-register representation of an IEEE fp number is different from the in-memory representation, on the alpha. The in-memory representation is the conventional IEEE one (I think): Single Precision: sign(bit 31) exponent(bits 30-23) fraction(bits 22-0) Double Precision: sign(bit 63) exponent(bits 62-52) fraction(bits 51-0) The in-register formats (remember alpha regs are 64-bit) are: Single Precision: sign(bit 63) exponent(bits 62-52) fraction(bits 51-32) zeroed(bits 31-0) Double Precision: same as in-memory format The exponent is automatically expanded and compressed when loaded/stored from/to memory to register, in the single-precision case. Matthai Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 17:11:13 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: some trivia: IEEE-floating point on the alpha > From Tue Aug 25 16:19:38 1998 > Delivery-Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 16:19:39 PDT > X-Mailer: exmh version 1.5.3 12/28/94 > To: > Subject: some trivia: IEEE-floating point on the alpha > Reply-to: Matthai Philipose > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 16:19:35 PDT > From: Matthai Philipose > > Turns out that the in-register representation of an IEEE fp number is > different from the in-memory representation, on the alpha. > > The in-memory representation is the conventional IEEE one (I think): > Single Precision: > sign(bit 31) exponent(bits 30-23) fraction(bits 22-0) > Double Precision: > sign(bit 63) exponent(bits 62-52) fraction(bits 51-0) > > > The in-register formats (remember alpha regs are 64-bit) are: > Single Precision: > sign(bit 63) exponent(bits 62-52) fraction(bits 51-32) zeroed(bits > 31-0) > Double Precision: > same as in-memory format > > The exponent is automatically expanded and compressed when > loaded/stored from/to memory to register, in the single-precision > case. > > Matthai > > Wow, that's really cool. -- Craig To: Subject: bug fix in reachability analysis; BIG speedup in mipsi Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 14:45:39 PDT From: Brian Grant I found a bug in reachability conditions that caused some static merges to not appear static. The result in mipsi was that derived static variables that contributed to the pc were being killed and the pc had to be promoted. This promotion happened every time a branch was encountered in the interpreted program (even unconditional ones). With the bug fixed, compilation of mipsi takes a long, long time, even on the new machines. Reachability conditions reach nearly 8000 clauses for some program points. However, the merges that should be static are static. Now, the good news: Speedup of a sorting program over Mflow: 3.13 over cc -O4: 2.56 Woo hoo!!! Caveats: Mostly the same as for dinero (this is on the new machines, not linked with our optimized libraries, whole program times, etc.) --Brian Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 14:59:00 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: bug fix in reachability analysis; BIG speedup in mipsi Fantastic! Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 15:24:57 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: grep and gawk "Detailed profiling of grep and gawk revealed that both spend a significant portion of their time in the bmexec() and dfaexec() routines, which implement string search routines in loops with long dependence chains. For both benchamrks, value prediction is frequently able to break these dependence chains, resulting in significant additional parallelism." from Lipasti and Shen's value prediction paper in Micro96 grep had much larger speedups for them, but, as Matthai said, it's not clear that that translates into large speedups for us. Susan To: Subject: m88ksim preliminary numbers Date: Wed, 02 Sep 1998 12:32:21 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Unix time gives a 16% speedup on m88ksim on the new alphas. The -------------- user system dynamically compiled version: 155.798u 0.221s statically compiled version: 181.712u 0.113s -------------- Brian mentions that minimizing the number of callee-save registers saved and restored in the multiflow compiled routine on m88ksim could increase the relative speedup by a bit. Right now, we automatically save and restore 16 registers, when we probably need to do so for only two registers. Since there's not much else in the routine once we're done dynamically compiling, these saves/restores have a disproportionate impact. I'd say we may get about 2% extra overall speedup from this, but it remains to be seen. m88ksim has the additional interesting property that we get the speedup only if we re-order functions in the static executable (using the dec 'cord' utility); so basically, we need to worry about cache conflicts between dynamically generated code and static code. Markus was the one who discovered this. Matthai To: Subject: m88ksim blurb: minor correction Date: Wed, 02 Sep 1998 12:45:41 PDT From: Matthai Philipose I mis-spoke when I said m88ksim seems to demonstrate the need to worry about conflicts between statically generated code and dynamically code. The cache effects that cord addresses seem to be conflicts between the static code and the other static code. The huge size of the generating extension, which is executed just once (even though the routine it is contained in is one of the most frequently called) seems to throw off cache behavior. We end up having to direct cord to place the GE at one end of the executable, and this seems to help ensure that the remaining frequently called procedures don't interfere with each other. Matthai Date: Thu, 3 Sep 1998 11:29:35 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: faculty retreat I'm deliberately *not* suggesting that the two of you (Matthai and Brian) be invited to the faculty retreat, because we have something more important we're working on. Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: load hoisting Date: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 00:42:45 PDT From: Brian Grant Load hoisting works and is committed. Update bin and mflow. Currently, it is turned on by default, but I may change that (read on). I re-timed the microbenchmarks and dinero with load hoisting turned on. It only affected chebychev (sic) and dinero. The others don't have any loads to hoist. In dinero's case, about twenty explicit table loads are eliminated entirely rather than "hoisted", because the previous defs are dynamic. However, in both chebychev and dinero, performance _decreases_ significantly with load hoisting. The best speedup for chebychev with hoisting was 7.7 (compared to 8.7 without), and 1.3 for dinero (1.6 without). In both cases, _more_ instructions are generated with hoisting turned on, presumably because of additional spills, though I haven't compared the generated code yet. --Brian Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 12:19:10 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: load hoisting So maybe load hoisting isn't an optimization after all... Initeresting trade-off. Susan Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 11:14:31 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: PLDI paper I've put a first draft of a paper outline in /projects/dyncomp/Papers/PLDI99. Take a look, so we can discuss it today in the meeting. Susan Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 11:35:15 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: somethig else for today's discussion I've also made a first pass at the evaluations that go into the paper. This was taken from Brian and my discussions on what experiments he should be doing. These are in the same dirrectory in a file called 'experiments.doc'. Susan Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 17:37:31 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting times Shall we keep our same meeting times for fall quarter? Susan Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 17:47:25 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, eggers@yakima Subject: Re: meeting times OK with me so far. -- Craig To: spin-comp@cs Subject: early results Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 11:13:10 PDT From: Brian Grant The current times for the microbenchmarks (ones we reported previously minus pow) and dinero can be found in: /projects/DyC_Homes/grant/DyC/results/09-08-98/ Let me know what format you would prefer. Notes: In the reported times, I not only dropped the first time, but also the next worst, since most benchmarks have an outlier in the 8th out of 11 runs. I used getrusage for total run times and the cycle counter for dynamic-compilation overhead. I converted all times to cycles for calculations. These times are for "best" configurations, such as unsafe policies. I'll work on some simple variations next (such as safe policies). Previously reported speedups and breakevens can be found on our web page. binary still uses eager unrolling because of a couple glitches with timing the lazy version. It isn't clear that we really need the lazy version for this study, anyway. romberg no longer gets speedups comparable to what we previously reported. I don't yet know why. Run times for both the dynamically and statically compiled versions are 20-25% faster than posted times, with the statically compiled version speeding up more than the dynamically compiled one. In dinero, one more function could be inlined and one or two small loops could be unrolled, but I don't think there is any benefit to doing so. dinero still crashes with these optimizations. Also, dinero still has strength reduction implemented at the source-code level. Current speedup for mipsi is about 3.3x, but the script doesn't work for that yet. m88ksim also needs a (different) fix to go through the script. --Brian Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 11:34:11 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: early results > I used getrusage for total run times and the cycle counter for > dynamic-compilation overhead. I converted all times to cycles for > calculations. In the paper I think we should report real time, not cycles. Maybe cycles in parens, so that a comparison can be made to the DC overhead. And then of course explain why we are using these metrics. We're not simulating, we're running on a real machine, and we should keep in that world. > > binary still uses eager unrolling because of a couple glitches with timing > the lazy version. It isn't clear that we really need the lazy version for > this study, anyway. Maybe we can come back to this, depending on how the experiments go. > > romberg no longer gets speedups comparable to what we previously reported. > I don't yet know why. Run times for both the dynamically and statically > compiled versions are 20-25% faster than posted times, with the statically > compiled version speeding up more than the dynamically compiled one. Why don't we just omit romberg for the moment then, or maybe omit period. > > In dinero, one more function could be inlined and one or two small loops > could be unrolled, but I don't think there is any benefit to doing so. > dinero still crashes with these optimizations. Also, dinero still has > strength reduction implemented at the source-code level. Maybe these can go on Matthai's ever-lengthning list. Susan Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 13:29:40 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: prelim results Brian -- This is what strikes me so far: (1) I assume best time is lowest execution time, regardless of what the dynamic compilation overhead is (could also be lowest, may not be) (2) I'd like to see best and medium times and asymptotic speedups for both the dynamic region and the entire application. It would be nice to have some notion of how important dynamic regions are to performance. Percentage of time spent in them and the speedup due to DC are ways to get this. (3) Best and Medium time in microseconds (presumeably), as well as cycles. A measure of "real" is not just how many static lines of code these programs are, but how long they run. Among other factors. (4) Here's a first pass at a presentation of results for all the programs. A bar graph, in which each bar measures speedup over the static version for a particular application. Each bar is divided into several colors, each color representing the contribution in speedup of another feature we have added. The more colors, the more features, the greater the speedup. For example, base in white, the increment from adding single-way loop unrolling in rightway diagonal lines, then the increment from adding multiway loop unrolling in leftway diagonal lines, something else in black... If we did this for execution time, then a bar for the static run would need to sit beside the dynamic runs. Susan and so forth. To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: prelim results Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 13:42:31 PDT From: Brian Grant >> (1) I assume best time is lowest execution time, regardless of what the >> dynamic compilation overhead is (could also be lowest, may not be) Yes. >> (2) I'd like to see best and medium times and asymptotic speedups for >> both the dynamic region and the entire application. It would be nice >> to have some notion of how important dynamic regions are to performance. >> Percentage of time spent in them and the speedup due to DC are ways to >> get this. Ok. I can profile the cc/gcc compiled versions of dinero, mipsi, and the other macrobenchmarks. I'll double-check whether profiling with Multiflow works. Profiling the dynamically compiled version would be harder. >> (3) Best and Medium time in microseconds (presumeably), as well as cycles. >> A measure of "real" is not just how many static lines of code these programs >> are, but how long they run. Among other factors. No problem to print out seconds. I'll just divide by 1.34e+8. >> (4) Here's a first pass at a presentation of results for all the programs. >> A bar graph... Sounds good. Do you want to see raw numbers in addition to graphs? If so, what format would you prefer? Should I just put Multiflow-relative best and median numbers into a table? --Brian Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 14:19:43 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: eggers@yakima, Subject: Re: prelim results Cc: spin-comp@cs Sounds good. Do you want to see raw numbers in addition to graphs? -- yes If so, what format would you prefer? Should I just put Multiflow-relative best and median numbers into a table? --yes Susan About the profiling: you're already measuring the time to execute one segment of the program (dynamic compilation overhead). Can you not to the same for the dynamic region, and just note how many times you enter it or accumulate all the times you measure. This is if the profilers don't work with MFlow. Also, Jack has a suite of scripts that create tables and graphs from raw numbers. I believe there was some sort of spreadsheet in the middle. Craig had a similar suggestion as well yesterday. To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: prelim results Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 14:31:37 PDT From: Brian Grant >> About the profiling: you're already measuring the time to execute >> one segment of the program (dynamic compilation overhead). Can you >> not to the same for the dynamic region, and just note how many times >> you enter it or accumulate all the times you measure. This is if the >> profilers don't work with MFlow. DC overhead is easy. Everything done at DC time is counted as overhead. And, those timing calls are inserted automatically. The macrobenchmarks make several function calls from within their dynamic regions. It would be a pain to put timing calls around all callees and subtract out that time and an estimate of the cost of the timing calls themselves. Also, the dynamically compiled version may no longer work if we do that. Profiling should be much easier, provided that it works. If not, then this can be a fall-back. --Brian Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 15:26:25 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: eggers@yakima, Subject: Re: prelim results Cc: spin-comp@cs Got it, thanks. To: spin-comp@cs Subject: resource limits Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 16:29:57 PDT From: Brian Grant My default resource limits were very low on the new alphas. This caused m88ksim to crash and Multiflow to crash when compiling mipsi. In your .login or .cshrc, you'll want to raise the limits to the max: # set limits to the max limit cputime unlimited limit filesize unlimited limit datasize unlimited limit stacksize unlimited limit memoryuse unlimited limit addressspace unlimited This doesn't really eliminate the limits, but rather sets them to the max permissible. If you do this, it should allow you to use all the memory on the machines. --Brian Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 12:09:00 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: PEPM'99 CFP (reminder) FYI. ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Thu Sep 10 09:56:48 1998 Delivery-Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 09:56:53 PDT Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 20:27:41 +0200 (MET DST) From: Olivier Danvy To: Subject: PEPM'99 CFP (reminder) Reply-to: Content-Type: text [----- The Types Forum, -----] [Reminder: submission deadline in one month.] There will be three invited talks at PEPM'99: - one by Alan Bawden, on quasiquote and unquote; - one by Charles Consel, on adaptative programming; and - one by Neil Jones, on challenging problems in partial evaluation. ---------- Call for Papers ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM '99) San Antonio, Texas, January 22-23, 1999 Submission deadline: Friday 9th of October, 1998. The PEPM'99 workshop will bring together researchers working in the areas of semantics-based program manipulation and partial evaluation. The workshop focuses on techniques and supporting theory for the analysis and manipulation of programs. Technical topics include, but are not limited to: * Program manipulation techniques: program transformation, program specialization, type specialization, syntax-directed partial evaluation, type-directed partial evaluation, normalization, continuations, reflection, rewriting, run-time code generation. * Program analysis techniques: abstract interpretation, static analysis, binding-time analysis, attribute grammars, constraints. * Related issues in language design and models of computation: imperative, functional, logical, object-oriented, parallel, distributed, mobile, secure. * Programs as data objects: staging, meta-programming, incremental computation, mobility, tools and techniques, prototyping and debugging. * Applications: systems programming, scientific computing, algorithmics, graphics, security checking, simulation, compiler generation, compiler optimization, decompilation. Original results that bear on these and related topics are solicited. Prospective authors should submit papers directly to to arrive no later than October 9, 1998. Authors concerned about the appropriateness of a topic are encouraged to consult with the program chair prior to submission. Papers should be submitted electronically, either in PostScript or as a self-contained TeX or LaTeX file. (If this is a problem, please contact the program chair.) The PostScript file should be gzip'ed and uuencoded. Its name should result from the catenation of the names of its authors (ie, *not* "", etc., but, eg, "", "", or ""). Within reason, submissions should not exceed 5000 words (about 10 pages), excluding bibliography and figures. Final papers may of course be longer. Excessively long submissions may be rejected outright by the program chair. Submissions should designate a corresponding author and include a mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address for correspondence. Submitted papers will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, originality, and clarity. They should include a clear identification of what has been accomplished and why it is significant. Submissions must include an abstract and discussion of related work. They also must describe work that has not previously been published in a major forum. Authors should indicate if a closely related paper is also being considered for another conference or journal. Authors will be notified of acceptance by November 23, 1998. Full versions of the accepted papers should be formatted according to ACM conventions, and a camera-ready copy must be received by the program chair no later than January 5, 1999. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and will appear in the proceedings, which will be published by BRICS. Further information about the workshop is available in its home page. Chairperson: Olivier Danvy, BRICS, University of Aarhus, Denmark E-mail: Program Committee: Kenichi Asai, University of Tokyo, Japan Mike Ashley, University of Kansas, USA Anindya Banerjee, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, USA. Mayer Goldberg, Ben Gurion University, Israel Nevin Heintze, Bell Labs, USA Morry Katz, Stanford University, USA Michael Leuschel, University of Southampton, UK Jacques Malenfant, Laboratoire VALORIA, Universite de Bretagne Sud, France Renaud Marlet, IRISA / INRIA, France Kristoffer Rose, ENS-Lyon, France Peter Sestoft, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark PEPM'99 is held in conjunction with POPL'99. ----- End Included Message ----- To: eggers@cs cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: prelim. results table Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 12:44:34 PDT From: Brian Grant This is a multipart MIME message. --boundary=_0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" -------- Jack has told me where his scripts are, but I haven't had time to look at them yet. He said most are specific to his output formats. He used xmgr to generate MIF graphs. I haven't used that tool before, so it will take me a little while to learn how to use it. Meanwhile, I have put the results into a text file (also included below): /projects/dyncomp/Papers/PLDI99/results/table.txt For now, results were computed from best times. Median times are not yet there. Also, actual run times are not there, only speedups, etc. Note about strength reduction & dotproduct: We had been timing against a version that checked for zero in source code because the test helps the statically compiled versions as well. However, when we eliminate strength reduction, we must compare against a version without the test. Therefore, we should probably always compare against a version without the test. If we compare to other systems, we can provide the speedup against the version with the test as well. I think Tempo timed theirs that way. I believe `C compared against a statically compiled version without the test. In dinero, we're comparing against a static version with no tests for special cases. Perhaps I should also run once to see if the statically compiled version would also speedup with the strength reduction. --Brian --boundary=_0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Description: table.txt Benchmark Speedup Breakeven Overhead (C/I) Instrs. Gen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEST: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ binary 16 1.8 570 68 330 chebyshev 5 6.5 2 70 262 10 8.9 2 66 807 15 11.5 2 70 1652 20 11.1 2 70 2797 dotproduct (compared with version that tests for zero) 10 3.1 15 176 11 100 5.3 5 135 51 200 5.4 4 118 101 32 2.3 9 76 47 dotproduct (compared with version with no test for zero) 10 4.8 10 180 11 100 7.2 4 136 51 200 7.3 3 117 101 32 2.5 8 78 47 query 100 2.2 1 95 71 1000 1.8 1 95 71 2000 1.8 1 95 71 romberg omitted, at least for now dinero 100k 1.8 1 233 466 mipsi not run yet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cache lookup on entry (promote_all): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Substantial slowdowns for (I need to confirm the numbers): binary 16 0.3 inf. 78 330 chebyshev 5 4.5 3 86 262 10 7.2 2 79 807 15 10.0 2 83 1652 20 10.3 2 84 2797 dotproduct (compared with version that tests for zero) 10 0.5 inf. 414 11 100 2.9 10 211 51 200 3.6 6 144 101 32 1.2 42 130 47 query 100 0.4 inf. 152 71 1000 0.4 inf. 152 71 2000 0.4 inf. 152 71 romberg omitted, at least for now dinero no good numbers yet mipsi 10k 3.3 1 ? 36535 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No strength reduction: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dotproduct (compared with version with no test for zero) 10 0.9 inf. 93 54 100 0.8 inf. 26 492 200 0.8 inf. 21 992 32 0.9 inf. 41 159 dinero 100k 1.3 1 181 629 --boundary=_0-- To: spin-comp@cs Subject: more results available Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 00:16:30 PDT From: Brian Grant I'm accumulating results and a few notes in: /projects/dyncomp/Papers/PLDI99/results/table.txt --Brian To: Subject: copy/zero-prop working Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 17:43:07 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Folks, Copy/zero prop seems to be working. It removes a bunch of instructions from the dynamic region (e.g. it reduces the number of multiplies in dynamic region from 16 to 5) and runs correctly i.e. produces the right image. I'm getting a few unaligned access exceptions and a few instructions that should be removed are not, but I'm plugging away at this. Hope to get this squared away by tomorrow morning latest. Matthai Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 17:48:43 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: copy/zero-prop working Wonderful! To: Subject: some thoughts on our paper Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 17:09:28 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Seems to me that for most large applications, speedups from dynamic compilation will be less than 2x at most (i.e. 10s of percents of speedup). To obtain these speedups, we typically have to dynamically compile many functions where the program spends 5-20% of it's time: i.e. I feel mipsi is a bit of an exception in that the program spends pretty much all (> 90%?) it's time in the run function, and we get a 4x speedup on it. The 16% and 60% we get on m88ksim and dinero are probably more representative (I expect similar speedups in mesa/OpenGL, and the fetch/decode numbers that the Rocky people got for Java and TCl also support this view). Though these speedups are not very sexy, I think there is an analogy with static compilation which is interesting. The rewards from dynamic compilation seem to be similar those from static compilation phases i.e. getting a 3-5x speedup on a large program is more an exception than a rule. The norm seems more like 5-20% speedup from each dynamic optimization phase, with different optimizations being effective for different programs, as with classical optimizations. It's not a terrible thing, from this point of view, that a fair number of our capabilities are used profitably only bo a couple of our benchmarks, or that each benchmark primarily needs a couple of the capabilities. One implication of this (small speedups, different optimizatins matter for different programs) is that as with classical optimizations, dynamic optimizations may need to be fully automated or at least need better tool support. Programmers are not likely to spend days or weeks studying and annotating their program to trigger different optimization phases in order to get speedups in the 10s of %'s. Of course, as in mesa, dinero, and chebychev show, in certain cases dynamic compilation can be used by a programmer to obtain large speedups with relatively little annotation. Allowing the user to annotate for dynamic compilation is therefore certainly a valuable capability... it is just that when speedups on "run-of-the-mill" programs are considered, automation is essential. I'm not sure how these ideas fit in with the current avatar of the paper, but on Brian'a advice, I decided to mail them out to everyone earlier rather than later. Of course, if we get big speedups on the remaining benchmarks and a small subset of capabilties of our system turns out to be key, I'll have to eat my words! But if not, it may be interesting to consider the above as part of the slant. Matthai Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 20:22:37 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: some thoughts on our paper It could perhaps fit into the ruminations in the conclusion. Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: instruction mix analysis Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 06:01:43 PDT From: Brian Grant I've written a short gdb script to generate a short program trace, and a perl script to produce instruction counts. Here is what it produces for a couple executions of binary's dynamic region. Let me know what you think we need to add/change before I run all the programs through it. How many executions of the dynamic region do you think we need? For the microbenchmarks, all executions should be identical, so a couple should be ok, I think. For the macrobenchmarks, different executions could be a little different. dinero and mipsi only execute their regions once, but loop inside them for a long time. Actually, the counts are for the function containing binary's dynamic region. --Brian Multiflow statically compiled version of binary: All instructions: 214 cmplt: 23 clr: 3 or: 8 negl: 1 sra: 11 ret: 3 lda: 18 cmple: 21 br: 15 addl: 31 bne: 18 subl: 11 cmpeq: 10 beq: 11 addq: 10 s4addl: 10 ldl: 10 lda/ldah: 18 ldgp: 0 loads: 10 loads from the stack: 0 global loads: 0 stores: 0 stores to the stack: 0 global stores: 0 conditional branches: 29 arithmetic operations with immediates: 7 memory operations: 28 integer operations: 136 float operations: 0 Dynamic instructions: 0 table-pointer builds: 0 global-pointer loads: 0 other table loads: 0 Dynamically compiled version: All instructions: 80 cmple: 8 ldq: 6 or: 9 lda: 16 bne: 10 negl: 1 cmpeq: 10 jmp: 3 beq: 8 stq: 6 ret: 3 lda/ldah: 16 ldgp: 0 loads: 6 loads from the stack: 3 global loads: 3 stores: 6 stores to the stack: 6 global stores: 0 conditional branches: 18 arithmetic operations with immediates: 10 memory operations: 28 integer operations: 28 float operations: 0 Dynamic instructions: 65 beq: 8 stq: 3 cmple: 8 ldq: 3 lda: 13 or: 6 ret: 3 bne: 10 negl: 1 cmpeq: 10 table-pointer builds: 0 global-pointer loads: 0 other table loads: 0 Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 22:39:47 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: results so far I've put a file called results.doc in /projects, so we can have a sense of where we are in generating results. Just look at the first 2 tables. gears, x and y are graphics programs. The 3 odd-looking routines are the OpenGL library functions. The first contains our basic results, with all the optimizations we have so far (load hoisting & unstructured code & dynamic copy/0 prop & register actions are missing, and maybe something else too) turned on -- the best we can do. The second contains speedups without certain optimizations (this doesn't mean we'll put this table in the paper as is -- I just wanted you to see how far along we are). ??? means we apply the optimization but don't have a result yet for not applying it. ? means we don't know whether we apply the optimization or not. The blanks are supposed to be blank, because the application doesn't call for the opt. Susan /projects/dyncomp/Papers/PLDI99 Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 23:00:08 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: instruction mix analysis > I've written a short gdb script to generate a short program trace, and > a perl script to produce instruction counts. Here is what it produces > for a couple executions of binary's dynamic region. Let me know what > you think we need to add/change before I run all the programs through it. > How many executions of the dynamic region do you think we need? For > the microbenchmarks, all executions should be identical, so a couple should > be ok, I think. For the macrobenchmarks, different executions could be > a little different. dinero and mipsi only execute their regions once, > but loop inside them for a long time. To gauge how the instruction mix changes from statically compiled programs to dynamically compiled programs, I would think we should run each dynamic region once & compare. Then to gauge how that change effects the total instruction mix, to see whether the changes amount to much, we would run each program once, but all the way through. At the moment I don't see how runnnig a program many times will help us. To summarize: whole program: statically & dynamically compiled code dynamic region: statically & dynamically compiled code dynamic compiler: dynamically compiled code > > Actually, the counts are for the function containing binary's dynamic > region. > Multiflow statically compiled version of binary: > All instructions: 214 > cmplt: 23 > clr: 3 > or: 8 > negl: 1 > sra: 11 > ret: 3 > lda: 18 > cmple: 21 > br: 15 > addl: 31 > bne: 18 > subl: 11 > cmpeq: 10 > beq: 11 > addq: 10 > s4addl: 10 > ldl: 10 > > lda/ldah: 18 > ldgp: 0 > loads: 10 > loads from the stack: 0 > global loads: 0 > > stores: 0 > stores to the stack: 0 > global stores: 0 > > conditional branches: 29 > arithmetic operations with immediates: 7 > > memory operations: 28 > integer operations: 136 > float operations: 0 > > Dynamic instructions: 0 > > table-pointer builds: 0 > global-pointer loads: 0 > other table loads: 0 > > Dynamically compiled version: > All instructions: 80 > cmple: 8 > ldq: 6 > or: 9 > lda: 16 > bne: 10 > negl: 1 > cmpeq: 10 > jmp: 3 > beq: 8 > stq: 6 > ret: 3 > > lda/ldah: 16 > ldgp: 0 > loads: 6 > loads from the stack: 3 > global loads: 3 > > stores: 6 > stores to the stack: 6 > global stores: 0 > > conditional branches: 18 > arithmetic operations with immediates: 10 > > memory operations: 28 > integer operations: 28 > float operations: 0 > > Dynamic instructions: 65 > beq: 8 > stq: 3 > cmple: 8 > ldq: 3 > lda: 13 > or: 6 > ret: 3 > bne: 10 > negl: 1 > cmpeq: 10 > > table-pointer builds: 0 > global-pointer loads: 0 > other table loads: 0 > A summary of the instruction categories. Subcategories are indented. Many you already have -- I'm just laying them out in an organized fashion. memory operations loads loads from the stack (restores) loads using the GP stores stores to the stack (spills) stores using the GP computation integer arithmetic address calculations arithmetic with one immediate source operand FP arithmetic arithmetic with one immediate source operand arithmetic with one immediate source operand control unconditional branches conditional branches It would be helpful to have lists of the instructions to get a quick sense of the changes in instruction mix: the instructions appear in the same order in both lists the instructions are sorted in descending order (frequency of occurrence in the dynamically compiled program), the instructions are sorted in descending order in the statically compiled program. sublist of instructions which occur in the dynamically compiled code more often than/the same as/less often than in the statically compiled instructions It would also be helpful to see these lists where the numbers are a percentage of static instructions or are normalized to static instructions. We'll need averages for the kernels/real programs. On everything, not just the instruction mix. Multiflow generates loads and stores to longs and our dynamic compiler generates to quadwords. Is this right or do we have a bug in our generation? Susan To: Subject: update: shader, lazy, switches->ifs Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 13:14:55 PDT From: Brian Grant The fully-annotated shader now works without run-time copy/zero prop. I haven't tested with copy/zero prop. ******************************** The lazy version of binary now works again. The bug was that I forgot I reload the value of a TEMP in the GE. It worked before because the register holding the value of the TEMP just happened not to be clobbered before its use. Here are the stats (using best times: speedup, breakeven, cycles per instruction generated, and instructions generated). Array length 16 --------------- Lazy: 1.2 1898 34 815 Eager: 1.9 577 71 330 Array length 4095 ----------------- Lazy: 1.0 36562 30 3859 Eager: 1.4 51682 64 73462 So, lazy doesn't make sense for short array lengths, but it might for longer ones, especially if we close the speedup gap. The speedup gap is caused by: - Loads + indirect jumps; the original relative branches are not yet patched - A copy of the address of the memory location containing the address to jump to - Table-pointer builds - Poorer cache locality (maybe) because the code isn't stitched contiguously All of these inefficiencies, except the last one, could be relatively easily eliminated. ******************************** As for mipsi with ifs instead of computed jumps: I put in an option to select whether we want to use computed jumps for switches or not. Previously, Multiflow just relied on a simple sparsity check to choose which to use. I'm trying to build mipsi with the option selects to gen switches as ifs, but the BTA has been chugging away for about 90 minutes so far. That is about twice as long as with jumps. I'll let it go a while longer before stopping it to debug it. Reachability may not be converging. Multiflow's implementation of the tree of tests seems less than optimal. Matthai and I think that equality tests can be postponed to the leaves of the tree, rather than doing both equality and relational tests at all interior nodes. Does this seem reasonable? I've attached Multiflow's code for generating the ifs, in case you're curious. I've added a couple comments. --Brian heapsw[0].slab = dlab = p->slab != NOLAB ? p->slab : getlab(); makeheap(p, n, 1); /* build heap */ walkheap(1, n); /* produce code */ if( p->slab != NOLAB ) branch( dlab ); else deflab(dlab); makeheap(p, m, n) register struct sw *p; { register int q; q = select(m); heapsw[n] = p[q]; if( q>1 ) makeheap(p, q-1, 2*n); if( q m ) break; l = ((k = i/2 - 1) + 1)/2; return( l + (m-k < l ? m-k : l)); } walkheap(start, limit) { long label; if( start > limit ) return; /* insert equality test */ CCODE_Sw_Test_And_Branch(heapsw[start].sval, heapsw[start].slab, 0, lineno); if( (2*start) > limit ) { branch(heapsw[0].slab); return; } /* insert relational tests */ if( (2*start+1) <= limit ) { label = getlab(); /* generate a new label */ CCODE_Sw_Test_And_Branch(heapsw[start].sval, label, 1, lineno); } else /* 2*start == limit */ CCODE_Sw_Test_And_Branch(heapsw[start].sval, heapsw[0].slab, 1, lineno); walkheap( 2*start, limit); if( (2*start+1) <= limit ) { deflab(label); /* place the label */ walkheap( 2*start+1, limit); } } EXTERN "C" VOID CCODE_Sw_Test_And_Branch( INT case_constant, LABEL target, BOOL bin_search_test, INT line ) { OP if_op; OPER if_oper; LABEL false_label; if_op = bin_search_test ? OP_make(IF_REL)(CCODE_volatility,GT, CCODE_Size_To_SI(GLOB_machine_word_size)) : OP_make(IF_EQT)(CCODE_volatility,EQ, CCODE_Size_To_N(GLOB_machine_word_size)); if_oper = OPER_Create_Oper(if_op, NOPOS_OR_LINENO(line)); OPER_part(if_oper,prob) = probability_with_default( ccode_DEFLT_BRANCH_PROB); OPER_part(if_oper,if_convert) = IF_CONVERT_NONE; OPER_part(if_oper,read1) = *ccode_sw_stackp; OPER_part(if_oper,read2) = CONST_N_Create( DTYPE_make(BTYPE_SI, GLOB_machine_word_size), TARGET_Int_N_Size(case_constant, GLOB_machine_word_size)); false_label = LABEL_Create(); IF (P1OPT_generate_ifprob_data) IFPROB_Add_Counters(if_oper, 2, line); PH12_Next_Oper_If(if_oper, target, false_label); PH12_Next_Label(false_label); RETURN; } To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: code gen. of switch statements Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 13:55:42 PDT From: Brian Grant > As I understand it, a switch/case setup compiles exactly the same as > if (var == const1) {.....}; > else if (var == const2) {.....}; > else {default_action}; > anyway. A compiler should be able to do better than that. Generating good code for switches is one place where compiler writers can show they know something about searching. Using a branch table will produce faster and smaller code if the cases are consecutive integers. The only thing that may be non-obvious is the best way to test whether the expression being switched on is within range before accessing the branch table. A straightforward coding of this test requires two comparisons, but Ritchie's compiler for the PDP-11 generated only one comparison using the machine language equivalent of the following code: if ((unsigned)(value -= MIN) > (MAX - MIN) goto default; On the PDP-11, this generates one less instruction (or two less, if MIN is zero) than: if (value < MIN || value > MAX) goto default; (Learning hacks like these is one of the benefits of reading the compiler.) Since some people like to count starting at one, a possible enhancement would be to change MIN from 1 to 0 in this case by adding an extra entry to the beginning of the branch table. But real C programmer count from 0; wimps who count starting with 1 deserve to have their switch statements execute slower. :-) If the cases are not consecutive, the branch table must be filled with entries for the "missing" cases, making the table larger. The Ritchie compiler will generate a branch table if the number of entries in the branch table would be less than three times the number of cases. If the cases are mostly consecutive with a few outliers, a branch table could be augmented with a few specific tests for the outliers, but I don't know of any compiler that does this. There are two general methods for implementing tables which do not rely on the keys being nearly consecutive: hashing and the binary search. Hashing, which is what the Ritchie compiler uses, has the advantage that its performance is independent of the number of cases, just as with a branch table. The modulo instruction is used as the hash function; the C compiler tries a variety of values for the modulus and selects the best one which means that the time required to generate the hash table is proportional to the square of the number of cases. The UN*X VAX compiler, on the other hand, uses a binary search. A binary search executes in time proportional to the log of the number of cases. This makes it sound worse that the hash search; I presume someone discovered that most switch statements contained few enough statements that the binary search was superior. The binary search works best on a machine with a three way branch like that provided by the Fortran arithmentic IF statement. On a machine with condition codes like the VAX, each step of the binary search is implemented by a compare instruction followed by two branches on the condition codes. Several things may be done to improve the performance of the binary search. First, many machines execute a conditional branch instruction faster when no branch is taken, so that rather than testing the middle value in the table one can test a value somewhat to one side in order to decrease the chance that a branch will be taken. This is implemented in the VAX compiler, but some other possible improvements are not. The binary search could be abandoned in favor of the linear search at some level (e. g. when the number of possibilities has been reduced to 2 or 3). If there are a series of consecutive cases, this can be used to eliminate extra tests. (For example, if a number is known to be less than 5 it cannot be greater than 4, and if a number is greater than 2 and less than 4 then it must be equal to 3, but the VAX compiler will code to test for both these cases.) Finally, each comparison generated by the VAX compiler looks like: cmpl r0,$7 # compare switch value with 7 beql L1 # if equal, branch to the code for case 7 bgtr L8 # if greater, branch to L8 for the next cmpl. # The next cmpl instruction goes here. Since the branch to L8 is more likely to be executed that the branch to L1, the bgtr instruction should come first to minimize the number of instructions executed. For small cases, the good old linear search is used by both the Ritchie and the VAX compilers. Several things are done to speed up the linear search. First, the switch expression is copied into a register. This helps in general but loses when the switch instruction is a register variable or the switch contains only one case. (This is hard to fix because the compilers generate the code for a switch in two pieces; first they generate code to place the value to be switched on in r0, and then they generate the code to implement the switch. Another problem with this separation appears on the PDP-11, where it may be easier to compute an expression in r1 than in r0 due to a brain damaged multiply instruction.) Second, the compiler implements the search as a series of compares followed by branch if equal instructions. This minimizes the time required to reach the default case because in the default case none of the branches will be taken. In contrast, the code at the top of this article will probably be compiled into a series of branch if not equal instructions, all of which will branch if there is no match. The Ritchie compiler at one time actually generated a table of values and labels, and did a linear search on it using a loop. This saves space but takes more time. Furthermore, it doesn't even save space if there are 1 or 2 cases. (The Ritchie compiler has special handling of switch statements with no cases except the default.) The Ritchie compiler was changed to generate linear searches using a series of compare instructions quite a long time ago, but I don't know if Dennis was responsible for the change. I don't know why the VAX compiler uses with a linear search at all, rather than using the binary search. Probably this was a holdover from the Ritchie compiler, which must be prepared to generate a linear search because a linear search will outperform a hash search on a few elements. In general, then, a compiler should do pretty well by using a jump table where possible and a binary search otherwise. What is actually optimum must be determined by measuring various approaches on a specific machine. Kenneth Almquist ihnp4!houxm!hropus!ka (official name) ihnp4!opus!ka (shorter path) To: Subject: mipsi with ifs Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 14:11:09 PDT From: Brian Grant mipsi completed. The Multiflow statically compiled version takes 185 seconds with ifs, compared to 115 seconds with jmps. That's a 62% increase. Is that reasonable? If we implemented a more efficient tree, we might be able to cut that to 30-40%, I'm guessing. FYI, mipsi's main switch has 35 cases plus the default. It has a few nested switches, as well, each with 10-30 cases. --Brian Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 14:16:19 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: mipsi with ifs > From Wed Sep 23 14:11:24 1998 > Delivery-Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 14:11:27 PDT > Reply-To: > To: > Subject: mipsi with ifs > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 14:11:09 PDT > From: Brian Grant > > mipsi completed. The Multiflow statically compiled version takes 185 seconds > with ifs, compared to 115 seconds with jmps. That's a 62% increase. Is > that reasonable? If we implemented a more efficient tree, we might be > able to cut that to 30-40%, I'm guessing. > > FYI, mipsi's main switch has 35 cases plus the default. It has a few nested > switches, as well, each with 10-30 cases. > > --Brian > If we compare our best to a hobbled or no-op version, then 30-62% is a lot of magnification of our benefit. If we compare a no-op/hobbled versions, where none of the switches are static, then 30-62% is on the edge of what's reasonable, to me. It's still a lot, and the extra fixed overhead of the if's will tend to reduce in magnitude any benefits of other optimizations. -- Craig Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 14:36:02 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: update: shader, lazy, switches->ifs I've been reporting median, because they are always close to best and I imagine that they look fairer to a reviewer. Can you send me the median times? Thanks, Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: update: shader, lazy, switches->ifs Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 14:43:42 PDT From: Brian Grant Array length 16: Eager (you should have something close to these numbers): 1.8 589 72 330 Lazy: 1.2 2011 36 815 Array length 500: Eager: 2.1 7917 66 8769 Lazy: 1.1 4012 32 1822 Array length 4095: Eager: 1.2 85851 64 73462 Lazy: 1.0 34493 31 3859 --Brian To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: mipsi with ifs Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 14:55:59 PDT From: Brian Grant >> If we compare a no-op/hobbled versions, where none of the switches are >> static, then 30-62% is on the edge of what's reasonable, to me. It's >> still a lot, and the extra fixed overhead of the if's will tend to >> reduce in magnitude any benefits of other optimizations. The switches in the other benchmarks (dinero, query) only have small numbers of cases. Maybe for those I should run the comparison, and for mipsi we punt. mipsi is an all-or-nothing benchmark, in any case. For mipsi's cases that have dynamic switches, essentially nothing is specialized, and I expect to get slowdown. We can include a note saying that we'll run the experiment for the final paper. --Brian Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 14:57:56 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: Subject: Re: mipsi with ifs Cc: spin-comp@cs > From Wed Sep 23 14:56:02 1998 > Delivery-Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 14:56:07 PDT > To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) > cc: spin-comp@cs > Subject: Re: mipsi with ifs > Mime-Version: 1.0 > Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 14:55:59 PDT > From: Brian Grant > > >> If we compare a no-op/hobbled versions, where none of the switches are > >> static, then 30-62% is on the edge of what's reasonable, to me. It's > >> still a lot, and the extra fixed overhead of the if's will tend to > >> reduce in magnitude any benefits of other optimizations. > > The switches in the other benchmarks (dinero, query) only have small numbers > of cases. Maybe for those I should run the comparison, and for mipsi we punt. > mipsi is an all-or-nothing benchmark, in any case. For mipsi's cases that > have dynamic switches, essentially nothing is specialized, and I expect to > get slowdown. We can include a note saying that we'll run the experiment for > the final paper. > > --Brian > Sounds right to me. -- Craig To: spin-comp@cs Subject: more times Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 10:49:06 PDT From: Brian Grant (The M just indicates that these are using medians.) chebychev with load hoisting M 7.2 2 74 790 It appears now that chebychev benefits from load hoisting. Perhaps earlier performance degradation was due to some of the bugs I've fixed while working on the shader. This suggests that I should probably rerun the old experiments with load hoisting turned on. dinero Compared with static strength reduction: 00:BEST M 1.4 0 291 564 01:BEST-FD M 1.4 0 734 532 03:BEST-PS M 1.3 0 243 538 04:BEST-SC M 0.9 0 235 831 05:BEST-SL still running 07:BEST-RA M 1.4 0 302 551 11:BEST+LH M 1.5 0 289 570 Load hoisting appears to be a win again. I'll have to rerun these with LH in BEST. Compared with no static strength reduction: 00:BEST M 1.7 0 292 564 01:BEST-FD M 1.6 0 729 532 02:BEST-SR M 1.0 0 229 701 03:BEST-PS M 1.7 0 250 538 05:BEST-SL M 0.8 0 177 1649 07:BEST-RA M 1.7 0 303 551 11:BEST+LH M 1.7 0 287 570 Note that speedups are lower because, for a reason I can't fathom, the statically compiled version ran nearly 20% faster for this run than for the previous ones. I haven't changed compiler options, linker options, or any other part of our infrastructure that should affect the statically compiled version. Regarding 05:BEST-SL: This is a run with no static loads. In this case, nothing can be specialized. Also, one small switch is converted to ifs, but it isn't executed, so the comparison with the regular statically compiled version should be fair. mipsi: 06:BEST+LAZY M 2.6 0 148 11858 07:BEST-RA M 4.8 0 204 23822 06:BEST+LAZY is a lazily specialized version of mipsi (loop lazy). 07:BEST-RA is a version with reachability turned off, but one additional variable annotated. It looks like I need to annotate that variable in the other cases, too. pnmconvol: This is a 5x5 convolution over a color image, size 768x1024. I'm looking at why performance is so dreadful. 00:BEST M 0.5 0 20 1386 --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: the missing time Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 10:54:26 PDT From: Brian Grant dinero Compared with static strength reduction: 05:BEST-SL M 0.7 0 176 1649 --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: instruction mix of pnmconvol Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 13:33:26 PDT From: Brian Grant The new instruction mix script isn't quite ready, so I ran the old one. We didn't remove too many instructions, and none of the float operations. One thing that can't be seen by these looking at these counts is that the scheduling of the statically compiled version is good and the scheduling of the dynamically compiled version is not so good. From the tail of the inner loop of the statically-compiled version: 0x120006b6c : lda a4,1(zero) 0x120006b70 : lda a5,16(zero) 0x120006b74 : lds $f24,0(sp) 0x120006b78 : lds $f22,16(sp) 0x120006b7c : lds $f23,8(sp) 0x120006b80 : cvtlq $f24,$f24 0x120006b84 : cvtlq $f22,$f22 0x120006b88 : cvtlq $f23,$f23 0x120006b8c : cvtqt $f24,$f24 0x120006b90 : cvtqt $f22,$f22 0x120006b94 : cvtqt $f23,$f23 0x120006b98 : mult $f24,$f27,$f27 0x120006b9c : mult $f22,$f25,$f25 0x120006ba0 : mult $f23,$f26,$f26 0x120006ba4 : addt $f30,$f27,$f27 0x120006ba8 : addt $f28,$f25,$f25 0x120006bac : addt $f29,$f26,$f26 0x120006bb0 : cvtts $f27,$f30 0x120006bb4 : cvtts $f25,$f28 0x120006bb8 : cvtts $f26,$f29 Dynamically compiled version (not exactly the corresponding instructions, but close): 0x14001cb04 : lds $f26,16(sp) 0x14001cb08 : cvtlq $f27,$f27 0x14001cb0c : extbl t9,zero,t9 0x14001cb10 : stl t9,24(sp) 0x14001cb14 : cvtlq $f26,$f26 0x14001cb18 : lds $f25,24(sp) 0x14001cb1c : cvtlq $f25,$f25 0x14001cb20 : cvtqt $f27,$f27 0x14001cb24 : cvtqt $f26,$f26 0x14001cb28 : cvtqt $f25,$f25 0x14001cb2c : ldt $f24,-32456(s1) 0x14001cb30 : mult $f27,$f24,$f24 0x14001cb34 : addt $f30,$f24,$f24 0x14001cb38 : cvtts $f24,$f30 0x14001cb3c : ldt $f27,-32448(s1) 0x14001cb40 : mult $f25,$f27,$f27 0x14001cb44 : addt $f29,$f27,$f27 0x14001cb48 : cvtts $f27,$f29 0x14001cb4c : ldt $f27,-32440(s1) 0x14001cb50 : mult $f26,$f27,$f27 0x14001cb54 : addt $f28,$f27,$f27 0x14001cb58 : cvtts $f27,$f28 0x14001cb5c : lda t9,16(zero) 0x14001cb60 : lda t8,1(zero) 0x14001cb64 : ldq t12,0(t11) 0x14001cb68 : lda a5,4(t10) 0x14001cb6c : addl a5,a5,a4 0x14001cb70 : addl a4,a5,a5 0x14001cb74 : addq a5,t12,t12 0x14001cb78 : addq t12,0x2,a5 Dynamic Counts -------------- One execution of really_do_convol. Statically compiled version: All instructions: 1690 s8addl: 10 cmplt: 36 s4addq: 75 clr: 6 or: 54 ldq: 106 mult: 75 lds: 153 cvtlq: 75 ret: 1 sll: 25 lda: 62 cvtqt: 75 stl: 75 br: 30 cvtts: 75 addl: 141 ldq_u: 75 insbl: 50 stq: 3 beq: 36 mskbl: 50 sts: 3 addq: 95 ldl: 4 addt: 75 extbl: 225 lda/ldah: 62 ldgp: 0 loads: 338 loads from the stack: 78 global loads: 0 stores: 81 stores to the stack: 78 global stores: 0 conditional branches: 36 arithmetic operations with immediates: 136 memory operations: 481 integer operations: 767 float operations: 375 Dynamically compiled version: All instructions: 1396 s8addl: 5 ldq: 29 or: 76 mult: 75 lds: 78 ldt: 75 jmp: 1 cvtlq: 75 ret: 1 sll: 25 lda: 92 cvtqt: 75 stl: 75 cvtts: 75 addl: 75 ldq_u: 75 stq: 2 insbl: 50 mskbl: 50 sts: 3 addq: 80 ldl: 4 addt: 75 extbl: 225 lda/ldah: 92 ldgp: 0 loads: 261 loads from the stack: 76 global loads: 2 stores: 80 stores to the stack: 77 global stores: 0 conditional branches: 0 arithmetic operations with immediates: 100 memory operations: 433 integer operations: 586 float operations: 375 To: spin-comp@cs Subject: updated times Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 00:51:01 PDT From: Brian Grant Load hoisting is now in BEST. chebychev --------- 00:BEST M 7.3 2 72 790 01:BEST-FD M 6.7 2 71 790 03:BEST-PS Not run yet. 04:BEST-SC M 1.1 16 22 1567 07:BEST-RA M 7.1 2 71 788 11:BEST-LH M 7.1 2 76 797 dinero ------ After looking over my notes, I quickly figured out that the change in speed of the statically compiled version was due to my inlining of one more routine. Compared with version that tests for 2^k: 00:BEST M 1.4 0 264 564 01:BEST-FD M 1.4 0 690 532 03:BEST-PS M 1.3 0 242 538 04:BEST-SC M 0.9 0 233 831 05:BEST-SL M 0.7 0 175 1649 07:BEST-RA M 1.4 0 299 551 11:BEST-LH M 1.4 0 294 564 Compared with version that doesn't test for 2^k: 00:BEST M 1.7 0 262 564 01:BEST-FD M 1.7 0 685 532 02:BEST-SR M 1.0 0 229 701 03:BEST-PS M 1.7 0 241 538 05:BEST-SL M 0.8 0 174 1649 07:BEST-RA M 1.7 0 301 551 11:BEST-LH M 1.7 0 295 564 mipsi ----- 00:BEST M 5.2 0 196 23752 01:BEST-FD M 5.2 0 196 23813 06:BEST+Lazy M 4.1 0 170 11841 07:BEST-RA M 5.2 0 211 23822 11:BEST-LH M 5.2 0 154 24135 Some discussion is probably necessary for 07. In that case, if one variable isn't annotated (and we didn't think it needed to be), then performance goes to pot because the offset added to the pc is killed, which causes the pc to be promoted at every branch in the interpreted program. With the variable annotated, then we get the same performance as with reachability, but with somewhat greater dynamic-compilation overhead. ckbrpts ------- This is the routine we're specializing in m88ksim. I extracted it for easier timing. The only input we have for the full program doesn't have any breakpoints. The point of the second batch of runs is to show that what we're doing has benefit even in the non-brain-damaged case. I'll try to get the whole-program times this morning, too. 0 breakpoints: 00:BEST M 5.4 25 548 8 01:BEST-FD M 0.8 inf. 1031 7 03:BEST-PS M 0.4 inf. 57 199 05:BEST-SL M 0.6 inf. 118 827 07:BEST-RA M 5.4 26 566 8 11:BEST-LH M 6.2 23 677 6 5 breakpoints (but none ever matched): 00:BEST M 3.9 57 106 98 01:BEST-FD M 0.8 inf. 221 92 03:BEST-PS M 0.4 inf. 65 199 05:BEST-SL M 0.7 inf. 117 827 07:BEST-RA M 3.9 60 112 98 11:BEST-LH M 4.1 53 113 87 Ok, so load hoisting is sometimes an optimization and sometimes not. Should it be part of BEST? query ----- This very of query uses ifs rather than a computed jump. However, the statically compiled version it is compared to used the jump. I'll fix this and send you an updated number soon. 05:BEST-SL M 1.3 6 190 793 dotproduct ---------- Compared with statically compiled version that tests for zero: 05:BEST-SL M 1.4 345 186 943 Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 11:20:10 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: home phone over the weekend 650-941-9744 Susan To: Subject: Zero-copy prop write-up Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 13:41:04 PDT From: Matthai Philipose In what detail are we going to describe the zero/copy propagation, register actions, and dead-code removal? As Brian just observed, we probably should describe reg-actions and dead-code removal even if they're not implemented, since they will add to the value of the paper and will certainly be implemented by the time the final deadline comes around. BTW, Craig, it looks like we can have a zero-pass (forward) version of dead-code removal that is fairly effective (at least for the programs of interest to us) within our current framework. The basic idea is to determine for each potentially dead statement whether its "deadness condition" holds. For instance, if we know that zero-value of a runtime-constant will cause a downstream computation to be eliminated, we can eliminate an upstream operation that writes only into that computation based on a zero-check on that run-time constant. Of course, the limitation of this approach is that only a subset of the dead code will be eliminated; in the above example, for instance, we cannot eliminate any dead code that happens before the definition of the potentially zero runtime-constant. Turns out that this is very useful in pnconvol, and to lesser degree in Mesa (the openGL clone). Matthai Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 13:55:24 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: Zero-copy prop write-up So far I've written the optimizations (features) in a pretty high level. We can see how we feel about that, especially in the context of the other descriptions. Susan Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:44:28 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: the paper I've put a copy of the first draft in /projects. The only parts you should read are sections 2, 3 and related work. I'll work on section 4 over the weekend. I've left markers all over the place. Sometimes they are messages to you, sometimes words or sentences I'm considering replacing or omitting, sometimes something else that needs futzing. Good chance section 2 will need reworking after we write the introducion, so that we don't repeat and the two fit together. Susan Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 14:55:23 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: new files There are new copies of results.doc and paper.doc in /projects. The change to paper.doc is the addition of some tables/graphs in the results section, so you can see what the presentation of the results might be in the paper (as opposed to what the tables in results.doc that Brian and I are using to collect numbers). The only changes to results.doc are some markers for Brian. Susan To: eggers@cs cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: location of source code, counting lines Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 14:51:24 PDT From: Brian Grant I know that previously you had trouble accessing these directories. Warren restarted the automount demon on yakima and klamath, so you should be able to access them from there. The code for dynamic regions (.DyC files) for most programs can be found in: /projects/DyC_Homes/grant/DyC/regression/ binary ckbrpts dinero (whole program is there) dotproduct mipsi (whole program is there) pnmconvol query romberg Other code can be found in a number of places: /projects/DyC_Home/libs/m88ksim/ /projects/dyncomp/DyC/examples/mesa/Mesa-2.5/ /projects/DyC_Homes/mock/benchmarks/consel/benchmark-ppmdither/package/netpbm/ I assume that we will count lines in dynamic regions and also whole programs? The netpbm library and mesa (opengl) have a lot of source code, so I'm not sure what a fair whole-program count would be. Ignore library routines? Count the lines of the ones the programs use? Also, to count the lines of code, we'll need to eliminate: blank lines comments cpp directives our annotations Perhaps we should write a script to count the lines, since I'm sure we'll need to do this more than just this time. --Brian To: Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 15:20:25 PDT From: Matthai Philipose ----------- Brian said: I assume that we will count lines in dynamic regions and also whole programs? The netpbm library and mesa (opengl) have a lot of source code, so I'm not sure what a fair whole-program count would be. Ignore library routines? Count the lines of the ones the programs use? --------------- Overall, just to get an idea of the size of these programs, I'd say number of program (i.e. library client) along lines with the number of lines in the library files/routines we use would probably be useful. I guess the tricky thing here is that the automatic part of our system still only handles relatively small parts of these large libraries i.e. dynamic regions are small relative to total source-size. Our system does not really provide any help in specializing the whole library, so talking about all the source-lines in the library, or even the source-lines outside the dynamic region, is misleading, except as a an aid to demonstrate that the program is "real". Even for this purpose, it is probably the popularity of the program e.g. m88ksim/Mesa/netpbm that is more useful in claiming it is "real". What we probably want to say is that handling real programs has many complications, including: 1) Large dynamic regions with bad structure that stresses high-running-time analyses e.g. mipsi, where reachability takes for ever. 2) Lots of functions called, making it challenging to identify opportunities for dynamic compilation, and potentially, making the benefits due to DC small. 3) Strange structure which may require teasing apart to get at the dynamic region e.g. the generalized shader in Mesa has variables that are static along some paths, but dynamic along others, giving rise to the need for conditional specialization to allow promotion along all paths. The general version is larger than the specific one since it tries to handle more cases. 4) Hand specialization by the user, in the case of the Mesa matrix transformation routines and shader; in these cases our contribution is to avoid code-bloat and missed special cases through DC. The line size of the whole program is perhaps relevant only for (2). For 1, the size and structure of the dynamic region are important. For 3 and 4, it's perhaps just the structure of the DR. Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 12:27:23 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: eggers@cs, Subject: Re: location of source code, counting lines Cc: spin-comp@cs I bet there are scripts already to count non-blank non-comment lines of C; ask Mike Ernst or Greg Badros, who've reported such counts in their papers. -- Craig Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 13:51:43 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: the bibliography Can anyone tell me where our bibliography for frame papers is? I might as well get started on updated the references. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: the bibliography Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 14:26:29 PDT From: Brian Grant >> Can anyone tell me where our bibliography for frame papers is? >> I might as well get started on updated the references. /projects/unisw/DynComp/www/Related/*.bib We think we put all previously relevant entries in combined.bib. --Brian To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: bibs Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 22:52:49 PDT From: Brian Grant load hoisting ref: Effective Specialization of Realistic Programs via Use Sensitivity Luke Hornof, Jacques Noye, and Charles Consel P. Hentenryck, editor Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Static Analysis, SAS`97, volume 1302 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 293-314, Paris, France, September 1997. Springer-Verlag. They don't do exactly what we do. Similarities: - They do a backwards use-def analysis that identifies the corresponding defs of uses of static variables. - For uses of static pointers, structures, and arrays that must be "lifted" in a dynamic context (i.e., in an emitted instruction), they make those uses dynamic and mark the def. - They handle demotions the same way as non-liftable values in dynamic contexts. We also implement load hoisting in a unified framework with demotions. Differences: - They make marked defs both static and dynamic, and their analysis has to back-propagate this mark because marking a def dynamic creates a new dynamic context. - In contrast, our defs are only static, but I place demotions immediately following the defs. This makes the value available in both static and dynamic contexts, but we don't have to back-propagate, which is one advantage of our approach. - Another advantage of our approach is that we could potentially make more intelligent load-placement decisions, whereas they just make the original statements static/dynamic. - One advantage of their approach is that the instruction they make dynamic may be cheaper than a load, for example, address calculations off a static pointer (add vs. load). We could also do this, if cost-benefit analysis showed that it would be worthwhile. - We do load hoisting for floats as well. I don't know how they place their loads of float constants. - Their backwards analysis is integrated into their interprocedural framework. - In Tempo, the alternative to use sensitivity is to just make the uses and defs dynamic rather than static/dynamic. In DyC, the defs are still static, but we have loads just before the uses. Actually, Tempo's limitation is artificial. Their claim that certain types of values are non-liftable in C is bogus. They do note that it may be cheaper to combine lifts from multiple uses. It might be worthwhile to take a quick look at the related work section of this paper. --Brian Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 14:06:10 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: reachability I ran the applications (except m8ksim) and compared the .smry output. For binary, chebychev, dotproduct, query and romberg where was no difference in the number of merges with lost temps or number of lost temps. For query the only difference was that two more static merges where identified which does not seem to make a difference, performance with and w/o RA is the same. For dotproduct your performance numbers are a little different but maybe that was just a fluke. dinero has one more merge with temps lost: 6 vs 5 and 8 vs 7 temps are lost in total. Also there are only 7 instead of 13 static merges. No big difference which may or not account for the different speedups 1.8 vs 1.6. mipsi shows big differences. The number of merges with lost temps, though, is identical: 63 merges with 20 where temps are lost (=31%) and a total of 23 lost temps in both cases. However, there are 51 static merges vs only 9, i.e. 42 less! That produces 107 vs 102 units, the 5 additional units are dynamic branch units: 59 vs 54. So apparently, the performance penalty (5.0 vs 4.3 speedup) comes not from less derived variables but from the increased number of dynamic branches and the associated overhead. Do you want to add anything to that before we send it to Susan? The summary files are in /projects/DyC_Homes/mock/DyC/reachability_study/ -- Markus Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 19:03:58 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: pnmconvol works! We no longer stare into a black hole when running pnmconvol through mflow. Both the statically and dynamically compiled version produce now the same convoluted images as the cc-compiled version (except for the 2 random bytes that differ in all 3 versions). The problem were the following lines: if ( rsum < 0.0 ) r = 0; else if ( rsum > maxval ) r = maxval; else r = (int) (rsum + 0.5); if ( gsum < 0.0 ) g = 0; else if ( gsum > maxval ) g = maxval; else g = (int) (gsum + 0.5); if ( bsum < 0.0 ) b = 0; else if ( bsum > maxval ) b = maxval; else b = (int) (bsum + 0.5); I had to add the explicit cast to int to make the assignment of the floating point values (rsum + 0.5, gsum + 0.5, and bsum + 0.5) produce the correct truncated integer values. Without that explicit cast the assignment of all floating point values was truncated by Mflow to 0, regardless of the actual floating point value, eg r = rsum + 0. 5 was 0 for rsum = 67.7 (the first result value). I've commited the changed source code. -- Markus Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 20:04:33 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: pnmconvol works! Great, Markus. Now hopefully it will pass thru DyC. Susan Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 10:13:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant , spin-comp-archive@cs cc: Markus Mock Subject: information about static branches I added a simple pass that prints information about static branches at the end of the BTA int the .fbk files. A simple diff between the versions w / w/o reachability can tell which static branches were lost w/o RA. For mipsi they are: < line 548 at stat 1964: is a static branch < line 550 at stat 1971: is a static branch < line 552 at stat 1980: is a static branch i.e the branches in this code if(fmt == S) FGR[fd] = (float) fpres; else if (fmt == D) FPR[fd >> 1] = (double) fpres; else if (fmt == W) FWR[fd] = (int) fpres; That apparently results in the 5 additional dynamic branch units. -- Markus To: eggers@cs cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: whole-program times for m88ksim Date: Sun, 04 Oct 1998 15:34:22 PDT From: Brian Grant m88ksim/m88ksim-wptime.stats00: WPT --- Standard Deviation / Mean: DyC: 0.00426727593586678 Mflow: 0.000478490591391508 (G)cc: 0.000228716271952161 B 1.07 74.276 79.198 78.838 M 1.07 74.422 79.236 78.864 A 1.07 74.599 79.242 78.867 m88ksim/m88ksim-wptime.stats01: WPT --- Standard Deviation / Mean: DyC: 0.000780434600552587 Mflow: 0.000221126708091242 (G)cc: 0.00138013306848898 B 1.07 74.258 79.247 78.860 M 1.07 74.319 79.267 78.887 A 1.07 74.327 79.271 78.934 m88ksim/m88ksim-wptime.stats03: WPT --- Standard Deviation / Mean: DyC: 0.00102377002406287 Mflow: 0.000358791712742291 (G)cc: 0.000246452269437317 B 1.07 74.249 79.229 78.822 M 1.07 74.293 79.244 78.852 A 1.07 74.315 79.256 78.853 m88ksim/m88ksim-wptime.stats05: WPT --- Standard Deviation / Mean: DyC: 0.00188541769171594 Mflow: 0.000466520856927278 (G)cc: 0.000382547521050226 B 1.07 74.376 79.220 78.856 M 1.06 74.586 79.260 78.876 A 1.06 74.577 79.273 78.884 m88ksim/m88ksim-wptime.stats07: WPT --- Standard Deviation / Mean: DyC: 0.00197980042782884 Mflow: 0.000225764813408327 (G)cc: 0.000365904499753131 B 1.07 74.269 79.226 78.837 M 1.06 74.482 79.246 78.867 A 1.06 74.470 79.254 78.877 m88ksim/m88ksim-wptime.stats11: WPT --- Standard Deviation / Mean: DyC: 0.000841111164069156 Mflow: 0.000386335893435237 (G)cc: 0.000267105996590275 B 1.06 74.969 79.200 78.854 M 1.06 75.073 79.265 78.869 A 1.06 75.067 79.253 78.880 Date: Sun, 4 Oct 1998 16:23:55 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: change in strategy Craig -- Since Markus is unfamiliar with perl and the strength reduction implementation is in the merger, we thought his time would be better spent getting grep working. Matthai will do strength reduction after he finishes dead code elimination (best case Monday, probably Tuesday). If we don't have strength reduction done by the submission, we'll just be honest with what we've done and how far along we are. Susan To: eggers@cs cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: % of time spent in dynamic region for whole programs Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 09:59:53 PDT From: Brian Grant I'm reporting two numbers. "cumulative" includes callees, which matches the region times I sent you (which measured speedup, including the time of callees). The "non-cumulative" number is time just spent in the actual body of code we specialize. I measured it using prof on the cc-compiled version. If the function has no callees, then the numbers will be the same. I thought the %time in m88ksim's region was greater. I'll try a different input. cumulative non-cumulative callees? m88ksim:ckbrkpts 9.8% 9.8% no dinero:mainloop 100.0% 49.9% yes mipsi:run 100.0% 100.0% yes --Brian Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 10:56:57 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: eggers@cs, Subject: Re: % of time spent in dynamic region for whole programs Cc: spin-comp-archive@cs It would be better to have numbers that reflect the time spent in the dynamic regions, omitting that spent in unspecialized callees (non-cumulative). You probably have more important things on your plate than redoing these numbers, so I'll use the cumulative ones for now, for consistency. Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: progress on opengl Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 12:08:55 PDT From: Brian Grant FYI, here are the latest times for gears. We're currently getting slowdown in the shader. I'm trying to determine why. Note: these totals include dynamic-compilation overhead. --Brian demos/gears_dyc_noop 2500 100 DyC WPT Total time: 6.402186 seconds Accumulated time for project_and_cliptest: 350107418 cycles Number of invocations of project_and_cliptest: 45018 Accumulated time for execute_list: 6605965826 cycles Number of invocations of execute_list: 7503 Accumulated time for gl_color_shade_vertices: 0 cycles Number of invocations of gl_color_shade_vertices: 0 Accumulated time for gl_color_shade_vertices_fast: 440214173 cycles Number of invocations of gl_color_shade_vertices_fast: 45018 demos/gears_dyc 2500 100 DyC WPT Total time: 6.638265 seconds Accumulated time for project_and_cliptest: 304544307 cycles Number of invocations of project_and_cliptest: 45018 Accumulated time for execute_list: 4281826618 cycles Number of invocations of execute_list: 7503 Accumulated time for gl_color_shade_vertices: 0 cycles Number of invocations of gl_color_shade_vertices: 0 Accumulated time for gl_color_shade_vertices_fast: 504952749 cycles Number of invocations of gl_color_shade_vertices_fast: 45018 Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 13:25:10 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: the paper I've put the latest copy of the paper in /projects. You should only read up to the results section. The results numbers I have are in the paper, but there is no discussion. Craig wants to change the order of the optimizations in section 2.2. So he should get the lock on the paper next. (Craig: can you call me at home when you get back to your office?) Susan Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 14:01:15 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper I'm going to assume that until I hear from Craig, I still have the lock on the paper. Susan Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 17:48:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: BTA update I checked in the changes to the BTA to support the new weak/strong policies that should help us annotating some benchmarks. With the default 'strong' policy a make_static annotations behaves as known, with the 'weak' policy the make_static annotation has no effect if the annotated variable is not already static at the point of the annotation. This is handy to change the policy of a variable w/o the risk of creating new divisions if the variable is not already static. Update the following files: bta-v2.C bta-v2.H bta_util-v2.C bta_util-v2.H and dyc2c in the bin dir. -- Markus Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 22:10:22 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: fodder for tomorrow's meeting Something to discuss in the meeting tomorrow: This is a partial list of data we are missing. We should talk about which are the most important for the paper as its going to turn out to be (which is different than what we originally conceived it) and which can be realistically done by the deadline. Don't change course now -- we'll discuss this all tomorrow. (1) number of lines in dynamic regions (2) check experiimental 'C and Tempo papers to make sure our analysis doesn't contradict theirs. (3) automated graphs for importance of particular opts (4) all numbers on OpenGL and grep (5) copy prop, strength reduction and register actions (6) instruction mix analysis (7) cache 1 in OpenGL (7) Not having no LU is a problem. This includes the current greater speedups in dinero without it. (8) loss in performance has to be relative to the same statically compiled version. (9) Nice to have some accumulative analysis, in which optimizations were continually applied. This would illustrate nicely when there is a dependence between optimizations, namely that applying one enables others and not applying that one disables them. A graph showing the flattening performance gains within the group would do this. (10) Lots of points of analysis that Brian and I proposed can't be done because we don't have the data to do so yet. I won't repeat them here, but will just bring the outline to the meeting. Susan Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 10:17:13 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: instruction mix analysis This would be most useful for the dynamic regions, not whole programs. At least not now. So let's forget about a whole program analysis until after the paper submission. Susan Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 11:07:41 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper lock I'm grabbing the write lock on the first part of the paper, through section 2. -- Craig Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 12:06:29 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: paper lock And I have the lock on the paper starting at section 3. Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: profiles from mesa (opengl): gears Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 17:16:49 PDT From: Brian Grant execute_list is no longer a candidate, but I've included here, fyi. gears: With rendering commented out: #2 15.4 0.5635 34.2 1.25 gl_color_shade_vertices_fast (shade_normal.c) #3 14.8 0.5420 49.0 1.79 project_and_cliptest (vbxform_normal.c) #6 9.1 0.3330 79.3 2.90 execute_list (dlist_normal.c) We couldn't comment out rendering (seg. fault) for viewperf. I relinked with profiling, but too many procedures remained unidentified, so I'm not sure which ones should be subtracted out. I will have to rebuild the whole library with -g3, I think, in order to get good profiles. I'm doing that now. --Brian To: Subject: more mesa profiles Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 17:36:50 PDT From: Brian Grant Subtracting out suspected rendering routines. gears top routines: 18.6 0.7354 18.6 0.74 gl_xform_normals_3fv (xform.c) 14.6 0.5771 33.3 1.31 gl_color_shade_vertices_fast (shade_normal.c) 12.3 0.4834 45.5 1.80 project_and_cliptest (vbxform_normal.c) 11.0 0.4346 56.6 2.23 viewport_map_vertices (vbxform.c) 10.1 0.3965 66.6 2.63 vertex3f_normal (vbfill.c) 9.3 0.3662 75.9 2.99 execute_list (dlist_normal.c) viewperf test #2 top routines: 30.7 1.3330 30.7 1.33 gl_color_shade_vertices_fast (shade_normal.c) 22.3 0.9707 53.0 2.30 execute_list (dlist_normal.c) 10.7 0.4658 63.7 2.77 project_and_cliptest (vbxform_normal.c) 8.6 0.3750 72.4 3.14 viewport_map_vertices (vbxform.c) 6.0 0.2598 78.3 3.40 vertex3f_normal (vbfill.c) --Brian Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 18:00:19 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper I'm done with my first pass through section 2 (and a little before that). I've done substantial rewriting and reorganization, but I haven't done any proofreading. Please read it ignoring little writing details but rather to get a sense of the organization and level of detail. I eagerly await your feedback. -- Craig Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 18:01:57 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: paper P.S. My copy of the paper is in /homes/rivers/chambers/papers/pldi/99/paper.doc. -- Craig To: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Markus' recent fix yields new microbenchmark? Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 02:42:40 PDT From: Brian Grant Markus' recent BTA fix of one of the loop bugs fixed fft and one version of xvalg (doBlurConvolv). We still don't get speedup on that version of xvalg, but we do for some vector lengths on fft. In fft, we're specializing on the length of the vector. If several loops are unrolled, we get speedups on the short vector lengths (16 - 20%, 32 - 16%, 64 - 3%), due to eliminating calls to sin and cos. Performance decreases as the size of the generated code grows bigger than the L1 cache (for 64 and beyond). If one of the loops is not unrolled, we can't eliminate these calls, but still get about a 3% speedup for these smaller sizes. --Brian To: Subject: Looks like dynamic dead-code elimination works... Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 11:01:40 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Code produced looks good. I'm committing it to cvs; times should be coming around pretty soon. I'm moving on to strength-reduction, right? Matthai Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 11:13:50 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: Looks like dynamic dead-code elimination works... right To: spin-comp@cs Subject: awesome DCE numbers Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 13:02:48 PDT From: Brian Grant Numbers are starting to come in from pnmconvol. 00:BEST M 7.32 0 156 1081 1.454 10.639 Woo hoo! Of course, this is with an 11x11 convolution matrix of all zeroes. Now to try with a more interesting matrix... --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: pnmconvol and DCE Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 13:28:44 PDT From: Brian Grant Without dead-code elimination, performance plummets because the amount of generated code exceeds the size of the L1 cache by a factor of 2.7. If we reduced the size of the convolution matrix, we should get speedup. We'd have to reduce the matrix to 7x7 or 5x5 in order to fit in L1. --Brian -------------------- pnmconvol:do_convol -------------------- 00:BEST 76810241111: M 7.32 0 156 1081 1.454 10.639 01:BEST-FD 76810241111: M 6.33 0 161 1083 1.681 10.639 05:BEST-SL 76810241111: M 0.74 inf. 7 7725 14.456 10.639 11:BEST-LH 76810241111: M 7.29 0 158 1087 1.459 10.639 13:BEST-ZC 76810241111: M 3.32 0 60 2171 3.207 10.639 14:BEST-DC 76810241111: M 0.92 inf. 17 5437 11.584 10.639 Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 13:40:17 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: pnmconvol and DCE Can you put this in context -- isn't the norm a screen size? Or am I (hopefully) wrong? Susan To: Subject: re: pnmconvol and DCE Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 13:47:54 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Hmmmm.... this brings up the interesting observation that full-unrolling based optimizations can sometimes be made more reasonable (in terms of cache-space consumption) by dead-code elimination. Matthai --------------------- Without dead-code elimination, performance plummets because the amount of generated code exceeds the size of the L1 cache by a factor of 2.7. If we reduced the size of the convolution matrix, we should get speedup. We'd have to reduce the matrix to 7x7 or 5x5 in order to fit in L1. --Brian Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 15:16:16 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: results section I've put a file called lookAtMethResults.doc in /projects. The file name tells you what sections you should read. Some places I've left markers -- some of these you can address, some I've marked so that they can be changed when the OpenGl and grep numbers come in. The latest results from pmnconvol have been incorporated. Can you take a look at it and let me know any comments. If you have comments on paper, can you give them to Hank and I'll ask him to bring them home. Otherwise turn on bars in your own copy or give a call. I'm assuming that Brian, Matthai and Markus will read for untruths and omissions, but will not concentrate on style, since they have other things on their plates, and Craig will comment on writing. After today the amount of time I can spend on the paper gets cut by about two thirds. Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: pnmconvol Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 15:18:18 PDT From: Brian Grant We didn't get speedup for the smaller matrix with DCE off. Legend: 11111000 11x11, all zeroes 551000 5x5, all zeroes 997911 9x9, 79% zeroes, 11% ones, a few 0.5 and -0.5 -------------------- pnmconvol:do_convol -------------------- 00:BEST 11111000: M 7.32 0 156 1081 1.454 10.642 551000: M 4.75 0 232 259 0.528 2.506 997911: M 2.68 0 90 1455 2.689 7.204 01:BEST-FD 11111000: M 6.30 0 164 1083 1.689 10.642 551000: M 3.38 0 255 261 0.743 2.506 997911: M 2.47 0 95 1457 2.923 7.204 05:BEST-SL 11111000: M 0.74 inf. 7 7725 14.304 10.642 551000: M 0.80 inf. 15 1659 3.127 2.506 997911: M 0.74 inf. 8 5207 9.693 7.204 07:BEST-RA 11111000: M 7.32 0 156 1081 1.453 10.642 551000: M 4.75 0 237 259 0.528 2.506 997911: M 2.68 0 89 1455 2.689 7.204 11:BEST-LH 11111000: M 7.30 0 157 1087 1.459 10.642 551000: M 4.58 0 233 265 0.548 2.506 997911: M 2.71 0 91 1460 2.659 7.204 13:BEST-ZC 11111000: M 3.33 0 60 2171 3.197 10.642 551000: M 2.58 0 98 485 0.973 2.506 997911: M 1.11 0 49 2085 6.516 7.204 14:BEST-DC 11111000: M 0.92 inf. 17 5437 11.592 10.642 551000: M 0.94 inf. 33 1159 2.658 2.506 997911: M 0.90 inf. 19 3759 8.010 7.204 Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 21:33:53 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper I've finished my second pass through the first 2 sections of the paper. The latest version of this is in ~chambers/papers/pldi/99/paper.{doc,mif}. -- Craig Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 23:21:28 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: latest version of the pape I've combined Craig and my sections, and made another editing pass over the whole thing. It can be found in /projects/dyncomp/Papers/PLDI99/paperCombined.doc. Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: future work Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 15:33:25 PDT From: Brian Grant Are we supposed to fill in future work in the conclusion? If so, here is my list of possibilities: - Fix the loop bug - Dynamic switches - Efficient one-time lazy edges - Different program inputs - Compare mesa specialized routines with original hand-specialized ones - Measurement of DyC-introduced overhead - Unchecked dispatches - Cache lookups - Table-pointer builds - Sceduling constraints - Instruction alignment - Look at instructions generated for accessing run-time constants (immediates, loads, etc.) - Smarter load hoisting - General instruction-mix analysis - Analysis of benefit in mipsi of our support for unstructured code - More benchmarks - Real strength reduction - Register actions (ha! this time we mean it!) Did I miss anything? --Brian Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 15:39:31 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: future work We should probably be realky short and sweet in the conclusion. We are currently 7400 words on a 5000 word budget. Susan Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 15:41:20 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: future work Actually, now that I've read the list, ;-) it looks like a good to-do list for us. I'm hoping for some grander thoughts in the conclusion, i.e., a real conclusion. Be thinking what all these results have told us. Susan To: Subject: suggestions for conclusions Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 17:21:40 PDT From: Matthai Philipose I'll send more around as/if I think of them. --------------- 0. Dynamic compilation can give significant speedups on real-world programs for reasonable inputs. However (in a manner reminiscent of static optimizations) a variety of optimization techniques (in different combinations) are necessary for maximum benefit. 1. Given the modest (on average) whole-program speedups and the relative sophistication of the annotations, most users will require signficant automation of annotation choices. The fact that safe annotations are not too bad makes the prospects of automation brighter. The fact that @ signs are used a lot means that good side-effect analysis will be very important. Conditional specialization allows us to "risk" dynamic compilation only if conditions are [very likely to be] favorable. ---------------- Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 18:34:36 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: cache policy annotations I want to talk to someone about what non-default (cache-all) cache policies we use in the benchmarks. -- Craig To: spin-comp@cs Subject: mesa numbers: project_and_cliptest Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 19:23:02 PDT From: Brian Grant Measured using viewperf test #2. For measuring mesa, we have somewhat different methology than for the other programs, unfortunately. The reasons are: -- the regions are deeply embedded in the client programs and are not easily extracted for timing -- some regions are invoked from multiple call sites -- the regions in mesa are called with different arguments and execute different paths for each call -- we want to subtract away rendering overhead, which accounts for most of the execution time -- we've been having problems with cache effects dominating performance Methodology: - In one run, measure whole-program speedup. - Iterate over the rendering routine many times to overcome the coarse granularity of getrusage. Subtract this rendering time from the total. - Do that 10 times and take the median. - In another run, measure region speedup. - Each time the function containing the dynamic region is invoked, loop over the region a large number of times to overcome the coarse granularity of the timer. - Do that 10 times and take the median. - In yet another run, measure dynamic-compilation overhead. - Use the cycle counter to measure DC overhead. - Do that 10 times and take the median. project_and_cliptest is called with two different sets of run-time constants. The first set is used during initialization. The second set is used forever after. After the initialization, I'm currently doing a reset to invalidate the first set. project_and_cliptest is only called about 70 times with the first set, so we might not want to specialize the function for that set at all. For now, I just have region speedups. No overhead, #instrs, etc. yet. mesa isn't integrated into our framework to the level that the other benchmarks are. Hence, producing these numbers is much more tedious. I plan to measure region speedups on the shader next. project_and_cliptest Actual speedup for 252800 invocations of the region: 00:BEST 1.31 01:BEST-FD 1.31 03:BEST-PS 1.31 05:BEST-SL 1.25 07:BEST-RA 1.31 11:BEST-LH 1.31 13:BEST-ZC 1.22 14:BEST-DC 1.31 We can't yet explain these results, however. We didn't expect _any_ speedup for 05, and expected much less speedup for 11, 13, and 14. One of us may do an instruction-mix analysis to find out what is going on. A quick glance showed that the statically compiled version is doing a lot of moves that aren't there in the dynamically compiled version (i.e., Multiflow produces fewer moves for the DyC version). Since float moves are as costly as multiplies, and this could account for much of the difference. --Brian Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 21:22:32 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper I've editing the related work to be very short, and written a conclusion based on Matthai's text and our earlier conversation. See ~chambers/papers/pldi/99/closing.{mif,doc}. -- Craig To: Subject: paper editting Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 22:01:25 PDT From: Brian Grant I'm going to make a pass over the paper. A number of inaccuracies need to be fixed. Which version should I start with? --Brian Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 22:08:06 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: paper editting I have the most current copy except for related work and the conclusion. I'll put a copy in /projects called paperCombined3.doc. I'm currently reading over 2.2.5 and will continue to the end. When I finish, I'll put this plus Craig's related work and conclusion into paperCombined4.doc and put it in /projects. If you want to read the related work and conclusion now, just take it from where Craig said it was. Sound reasonable? Susan Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 22:10:17 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Craig and Brian Can you discuss what to do with this? Susan To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: paper Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 22:11:34 PDT From: Brian Grant >> I've editing the related work to be very short, and written a conclusion >> based on Matthai's text and our earlier conversation. I like it. Wrt. "much larger programs": FYI, m88ksim's dynamic region, ckbrkpts, is not significantly different from the kernels. pnmconvol is only slightly larger. A similar program from the same image-processing package, ppmdither, was previously used as a kernel by Consel & gang. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: caching description Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 22:46:19 PDT From: Brian Grant Susan wrote: >> Can you discuss what to do with this? On one hand, merge caching is a unique and essential feature of our system. On the other, it is not one of the features/optimizations we're evaluating in this paper. I'm inclined to drop its description and example from that paragraph. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: section 2.2.4: policy annotations Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 22:52:44 PDT From: Brian Grant "Policy annotations" are not run-time optimizations. Why is there such a section? It seems like "caching" and "speculative vs. demand-driven" (or "eager vs. lazy") should be the section titles. Other optimizations controlled by the annotations are described in their own subsubsections: polyvariant specialization and division, promotions, static loads and calls, etc. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: new numbers on pnmconvol using a (slightly) more realistic matrix Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 22:59:16 PDT From: Brian Grant An 11x11 convolution matrix with 83% zeroes, 9% ones, and a few other entries. Region times: -------------------- pnmconvol:do_convol -------------------- 00:BEST 1111839: M 3.00 0 91 1961 3.505 10.530 01:BEST-FD 1111839: M 2.78 0 95 1963 3.784 10.530 05:BEST-SL 1111839: M 0.74 inf. 7 7725 14.185 10.530 07:BEST-RA 1111839: M 3.00 0 90 1961 3.505 10.530 11:BEST-LH 1111839: M 3.05 0 93 1966 3.458 10.530 13:BEST-ZC 1111839: M 2.11 0 48 2927 4.999 10.530 14:BEST-DC 1111839: M 0.90 inf. 18 5561 11.671 10.530 whole program times: 00:BEST M 2.86 3.772 10.773 11.988 01:BEST-FD M 2.68 4.020 10.781 12.002 05:BEST-SL M 0.75 14.462 10.788 12.000 07:BEST-RA M 2.87 3.753 10.777 11.995 11:BEST-LH M 2.88 3.739 10.777 11.993 13:BEST-ZC M 2.01 5.350 10.777 12.003 14:BEST-DC M 0.90 11.942 10.779 12.004 --Brian Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 22:59:22 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paperCombined4.doc is now in /projects. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: paperCombined4.doc Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 23:01:50 PDT From: Brian Grant Thanks. If everyone else is planning to sleep, then I'll claim the lock on the whole paper. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: shader Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 23:54:59 PDT From: Brian Grant We're still getting slowdown on the shader. I don't think it is cache effects. I'm running instruction-mix analysis on it now. Markus is working on instruction-mix analysis for project_and_cliptest. --Brian To: Subject: releasing lock - no changes Date: Thu, 08 Oct 1998 23:55:39 PDT From: Brian Grant I haven't made changes to the paper yet, but I have to go home. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: instruction-mix analysis on the shader Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 09:00:54 PDT From: Brian Grant I ran IMA over many executions of the shader. On random executions that I traced before, we removed a significant number of instructions. However, over these many runs, unless something is wrong with my scripts, it appears that we actually increase the number of executed instructions by nearly 6%, including a BIG increase in loads. Load hoisting is probably doing something stupid. Unfortunately, zcprop doesn't seem to work on the shader with load-hoisting off. :-( Something fixable by the final paper, perhaps. Note the decrease in float operations. --Brian All instructions: 381159 402953 5.7% increase float operations: 131028 105074 19.8% decrease memory operations: 130311 207801 59.5% increase integer operations: 101537 70692 30.4% decrease loads: 81069 132285 63.2% increase mult: 53953 41988 22.2% decrease lds: 46077 39164 15.0% decrease addq: 35898 20876 41.8% decrease fmov: 31739 30440 4.1% decrease lda/ldah: 27111 21901 19.2% decrease addt: 23048 11027 52.2% decrease stores: 22131 53615 142.3% increase ldah: 21099 19493 7.6% decrease conditional branches: 16868 16306 3.3% decrease ldt: 16712 38002 127.4% increase clr: 16315 7870 51.8% decrease ldq: 10974 47829 335.8% increase stq: 10076 12655 25.6% increase s4addl: 9360 6248 33.2% decrease insbl: 7798 9372 20.2% increase addl: 7519 6268 16.6% decrease sts: 6059 32716 440.0% increase lda: 6012 2408 59.9% decrease extbl: 5997 3164 47.2% decrease cvtts: 4994 7827 56.7% increase cvtql: 4706 9101 93.4% increase fbne: 4686 2833 39.5% decrease stl: 4477 4686 4.7% increase beq: 4395 1582 64.0% decrease ldq_u: 4391 3124 28.9% decrease ldgp: 4061 248 93.9% decrease cmptlt: 3813 1271 66.7% decrease subt: 3224 682 78.8% decrease fbge: 3144 4706 49.7% increase bne: 2957 1686 43.0% decrease ldl: 2915 4166 42.9% increase and: 2852 310 89.1% decrease sll: 2728 1748 35.9% decrease s4addq: 2604 4166 60.0% increase cmpult: 1644 1644 0.0% change fbeq: 1624 1333 17.9% decrease cmpteq: 1562 0 100.0% decrease xor: 1519 248 83.7% decrease stt: 1519 434 71.4% decrease or: 1455 4890 236.1% increase ret: 1415 144 89.8% decrease cmpule: 1333 62 95.3% decrease cpyse: 1333 62 95.3% decrease global loads: 1333 18372 1278.2% increase sra: 1333 62 95.3% decrease subl: 1271 0 100.0% decrease fcmoveq: 1271 0 100.0% decrease fcmovne: 1271 0 100.0% decrease zapnot: 1271 0 100.0% decrease srl: 186 186 0.0% change andnot: 124 124 0.0% change mov: 124 124 0.0% change subq: 124 124 0.0% change cmple: 62 62 0.0% change bge: 62 62 0.0% change cvtqt: 62 62 0.0% change fclr: 52 52 0.0% change mulq: 20 20 0.0% change global stores: 0 0 0.0% change mskbl: 0 3124 infinite increase stq_u: 0 3124 infinite increase fble: 0 2833 infinite increase jmp: 0 1562 infinite increase br: 0 1312 infinite increase cmptle: 0 1291 infinite increase fblt: 0 1271 infinite increase divt: 0 1271 infinite increase jsr: 0 62 infinite increase Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 09:05:17 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper I've taken paperCombined4.doc and am making changes to it. I've reset the change bars, so you can see what the new changes are. Susan Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 09:09:33 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: instruction-mix analysis on the shader Then can you look at the results table in the paper, and think about which NA entries you can guess will be what value? We have to decide whether by putting SD for slowdown in the entries where we have numbers <1 and the entries where you expect numbers <1, we have a respectable enough table to put into the paper. Or whether we should just go with textual results. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: Subject: table 4, the shader Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 09:25:47 PDT From: Brian Grant mipsi: - the NA for static loads should be SD - the NA for program-point promotions: we might want to comment that we haven't yet constructed a fair comparison to compensate for lack of this feature - there should be no SD for polyvariant division, which we currently don't do pnmconvol: - the NA for loop unrolling should be SD test_2: (can we call this viewperf-2?) - no NA for static calls or polyvariant division Given our current shader results, I think we should remove it from the tables and just mention that we are experimenting with other promising candidates for dynamic compilation in the library that use interesting features, including polyvariant division, run-time zero/copy prop, and run-time dce. --Brian Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 09:36:11 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: that policy pargraph As a compromise, I've kept Craig's paragraph the way it is (because it described a unique feature) and added after the discussion of promotion caching that we evaluate it only. Brian still has a second set of comments on this. Susan Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 09:38:52 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: no more mif files They stripe table captions. From now til the deadline we'll have to use frame5. Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: bogus instruction mix for shader Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 10:48:13 PDT From: Brian Grant The instruction-mix analysis I sent out was bogus. Markus noticed a problem with the way gdb is generating some traces. I'll take a look and rerun it. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: whole-program speedup for viewperf Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 12:03:55 PDT From: Brian Grant We get about 2%, which is somewhat less than the 3% we expected. This benchmark spends a lot more time in the shader, where we were also hoping to get significant speedup. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: new IMA for shader Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 13:32:20 PDT From: Brian Grant For many invocations of the shader: All instructions: 702417 524225 25.4% decrease memory operations: 317720 260039 18.2% decrease loads: 197139 168475 14.5% decrease float operations: 175982 119276 32.2% decrease integer operations: 158848 109782 30.9% decrease lds: 95918 48556 49.4% decrease stores: 85138 67915 20.2% decrease mult: 66617 45112 32.3% decrease addq: 51818 38078 26.5% decrease fmov: 45720 35250 22.9% decrease ldq: 43519 54199 24.5% increase lda/ldah: 35443 23649 33.3% decrease ldt: 33834 44332 31.0% increase sts: 31743 39004 22.9% increase addt: 29694 11027 62.9% decrease conditional branches: 28240 19450 31.1% decrease stq: 26941 15981 40.7% decrease ldah: 26474 21055 20.5% decrease s4addl: 21844 14058 35.6% decrease clr: 20190 7890 60.9% decrease br: 18817 12286 34.7% decrease ldl: 16349 15140 7.4% decrease insbl: 14046 14058 0.1% increase stl: 13603 4686 65.6% decrease or: 10867 8014 26.3% decrease cvtql: 9121 10683 17.1% increase lda: 8969 2594 71.1% decrease fbne: 7539 5977 20.7% decrease ldq_u: 7519 6248 16.9% decrease addl: 7519 6268 16.6% decrease stt: 6603 1996 69.8% decrease stq_u: 6248 6248 0.0% change mskbl: 6248 6248 0.0% change extbl: 5997 6288 4.9% increase beq: 5977 1582 73.5% decrease fbge: 5977 4706 21.3% decrease cmptle: 5977 5977 0.0% change ldgp: 5456 372 93.2% decrease cvtts: 4994 7827 56.7% increase sll: 4290 1748 59.3% decrease s4addq: 4166 4166 0.0% change cmptlt: 3813 1271 66.7% decrease subt: 3224 682 78.8% decrease bne: 2957 1686 43.0% decrease fbeq: 2895 1333 54.0% decrease and: 2852 310 89.1% decrease fbgt: 2833 0 100.0% decrease global loads: 2666 18434 591.4% increase cmpult: 1644 1644 0.0% change cmpteq: 1562 0 100.0% decrease xor: 1519 248 83.7% decrease ret: 1415 144 89.8% decrease jsr: 1333 124 90.7% decrease cpyse: 1333 62 95.3% decrease cmpule: 1333 62 95.3% decrease sra: 1333 62 95.3% decrease fcmovne: 1271 0 100.0% decrease fcmoveq: 1271 0 100.0% decrease zapnot: 1271 0 100.0% decrease divt: 1271 1271 0.0% change subl: 1271 0 100.0% decrease srl: 186 186 0.0% change andnot: 124 124 0.0% change subq: 124 124 0.0% change mov: 124 124 0.0% change cmple: 62 62 0.0% change bge: 62 62 0.0% change cvtqt: 62 62 0.0% change bsr: 62 0 100.0% decrease fclr: 52 52 0.0% change mulq: 20 20 0.0% change global stores: 0 0 0.0% change jmp: 0 3124 infinite increase fble: 0 2833 infinite increase fblt: 0 1271 infinite increase We should be able to reduce jumps once the loop bug is fixed. --Brian To: Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 16:28:38 PDT From: Brian Grant ------- Forwarded Message Received: from (mroe.cs.Colorado.EDU []) by (8.8.7+CS/7.2ju) with ESMTP id PAA27887 for ; Fri, 9 Oct 1998 15:58:56 -0700 From: Received: from ( []) by (8.9.1a/8.9.1) with ESMTP id QAA11722; Fri, 9 Oct 1998 16:58:55 -0600 (MDT) Received: by (8.9.1a/8.9.1) id QAA28619; Fri, 9 Oct 1998 16:58:55 -0600 (MDT) Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 16:58:55 -0600 (MDT) Message-Id: <> To: Cc: Subject: Your PLDI99 submission 'An Evaluation of Run-time Optimizations' X-UIDL: 78c9949542b3216e2a1e02961a6d9eb8 Status: U We sucessfully received a submission from you for PLDI99. Your submission was 81549 bytes long. Here is the information we recorded about your submission: Confirmation#: 298728291 title: An Evaluation of Run-time Optimizations address: Dept. of Computer Science & Eng. University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle WA 98195-2350 c-author-name: Brian Grant c-author-email: authors: Brian Grant, Matthai Philipose, Markus Mock, Susan J. Eggers, and Craig Chambers abstract: Previous dynamic compilation systems have demonstrated that dynamic compilation can achieve performance improvements at low cost on small kernels, but have had difficulty scaling to larger programs. To overcome this limitation, we developed DyC, a dynamic compilation system that includes more sophisticated and flexible analyses and transformations. DyC is able to achieve good performance improvements on programs one and two orders of magnitude larger and more complex than the kernels. We analyze the individual optimizations of DyC and assess their impact on performance collectively and individually. T15-concerns-PROGRAM-ANALYSIS-AND-OPTIMIZATION: Somewhat T50-concerns-incremental-compilation-and-analysis: Kind of T21-concerns-partial-evaluation: Greatly T51-concerns-interpreters-and-virtual-machines: Kind of T28-concerns-PROGRAM-RUNTIME-SYSTEMS: Greatly T23-concerns-CODE-GENERATION: Greatly T31-concerns-runtime-code-generation: Greatly Thank you for submitting to PLDI99. Once we have verified that we are able to successfully print your submission, we will email you a confirmation. ------- End of Forwarded Message Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 16:54:34 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper I talked to Susan on the phone, and we discovered some more problems with the lazy/eager optimization and analysis. I figured out a modest change to the analysis, and I made the change and resubmitted the paper. See the latest version of the paper at ~chambers/papers/pldi/99/submitted.{doc,ps}. -- Craig Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 17:19:17 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: no meeting for me this week I can't meet tomorrow, as I'm working on a grant proposal due next week. -- Craig Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 18:18:48 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: no meeting for me this week Then let's gather in my room. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: no meeting for me this week Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 22:55:07 PDT From: Brian Grant >> Then let's gather in my room. I can't meet today because I caught my daughter's flu. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: print ack for PLDI Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 10:22:34 PDT From: Brian Grant ------- Forwarded Message Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 17:45:42 -0600 (MDT) From: Ben Zorn Message-Id: <> To:, Subject: Print acknowledgement for 386897675 to PLDI99 Dear Brian Grant: We have successfully printed your paper entitled: "An Evaluation of Run-time Optimizations" which was received with acknowledgement code 386897675. Thank you for your submission to PLDI99. Sincerely Ben Zorn, Program Chair ( ------- End of Forwarded Message Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 11:59:42 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: tweak to submission.doc I put in a couple of edits to sections 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 that got lost right before the submission deadline, into my submission.doc. -- Craig Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 12:08:06 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: tweak to submission.doc And I've placed a copy of that paper in our /projects area. Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: conditional specialization and dynamic compilation on SMT Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 17:12:07 PDT From: Brian Grant In thinking about how to conditional specialization on mipsi, Matthai and I came up for a design of how to do dynamic compilation in parallel with execution of unspecialized code (thinking this would be a cool thing to simulate on SMT). The basic idea is this: we just use conditional specialization to create the specialized and unspecialized versions. The condition includes some flags we'll set and the thread id. At the region entry: { if (dyc_compile_finished || (!dyc_thread_compiling && thread_fork())) { dyc_thread_compiling = TRUE; make_static(....); } /* dynamic region */ } So, we need to set the dyc_compile_finished flag when the region is compiled. This can be done in the merger, for example. Eventually, the region will be entered with the specialization complete, and the specialized code will just be executed. One other thing we need to do when specialization is complete is kill the thread doing the specializing, but that can be done by the same mechanism that sets the dyc_compile_finished flag. Mipsi is a little trickier. We enter the region only once, so we'll have to put similar tests inside the loop as well (only they won't fork). We could perhaps insert the tests only at procedure calls, for example, so that the tests aren't executed at every program point in the interpreted program. (Dinero has a similar problem.) Conditional specialization of mipsi looks almost the same, except no fork. The conditions are counts of executions of the procedure entries (or arbitrary program points). It would be nice if we could also somehow distinguish loop heads, but I'm not sure quite how to do this. Maybe put counters on unconditional branches, which should only precede merges? Another issue is that we may also want to switch from the specialized version back to the unspecialized version at procedure returns (in the interpreted program). To do that, we would keep a stack of flags indicating whether returned-to procedures were specialized or not. So, if we want to do either one of these (general conditional specialization or DC on SMT) there may be some more debugging of polyvariant division, which Markus and I would have to do, but it shouldn't be too painful (compared to the shader). The SMT part seems like a fine thing for a new student to do. :-) --Brian To: Subject: Re: conditional specialization and dynamic compilation on SMT Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 17:29:22 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Another idea I have been trying to peddle for a while is that of commencing dispatches (like the ones on our promotion point) on a separate SMT thread as soon as the dispatched-upon variables are defed (this may be in procedures other than the one in which dispatch actually happens). With some reasonable may-def analysis and clever synchronization, this should definitely be do-able. By reducing the visible cost of dynamic compilation, and the cost of safety (viz. promotions/checks), SMT is a very interesting enabler of auomatic DC. Basically automatic techniques can afford to be a little optimistic about what to dynamically compiled, _and_ the resulting code produced can be safe/checked. Some other enablers of automated dynamic compilation that I thought up are: 1. continuous profiling [This will make (value) profiling for automation seem less weird, and less visible] 2. use of garabage collected, typesafe languages [This will make side-effect analysis easier, and make it easier to do such tricks as putting datastructures in trap-when-written-to memory]. Matthai To: spin-comp@cs Subject: The Loop Bug Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 23:54:43 PDT From: Brian Grant I think I found "The Loop Bug." It is in the BTA. Variables are static that shouldn't be. The likely suspects: - The Division meet operator The meet operator in our papers is defined to be the intersection of the divisions met. However, this doesn't work for loop heads, whose back edges are initialized to the empty set (no divisions). Fortunately (?), the implementation unions the divisions instead. This doesn't seem right to me, either. If a make_static is used inside a loop using the monovariant-division policy, shouldn't these variables be removed from the division at the loop head? - The DivisionInfo meet operator The paper does specify union for this one, and the implementation matches the spec. However, we appear to have the problem that variables found to be dynamic inside the loop aren't killed by subsequent iterations of the analysis. Markus has a comment which indicates that all variables with multiple reaching definitions should be killed upon the first pass over a loop head. Is this sufficient (assuming the reaching defs are correct - see below)? - The prepass to the BTA that computes which variables have multiple reaching definitions This looks like the cause of my immediate problems. We know this prepass is inherently broken (it can't be aware of promotions, multiple divisions), but I'll try to patch it. When I learn more, I'll let you know. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: The Loop Bug Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 01:14:58 PDT From: Brian Grant I spoke too soon. The pass that computes multiple reaching defs is actually quite simple, clean, and correct. The actual problem is related to the bug Markus fixed recently. A loop head is being identified as a static merge, which should never happen. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: loop bug fixed Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 10:02:57 PDT From: Brian Grant Looks like the static-loop-head problem was THE loop bug. The fix fixed broken versions of chebychev, pnmconvol, and ppmdither. We should still think about what the right meets are, however. --Brian ps. All changes are committed (bin, mflow, regression). To: spin-comp@cs Subject: ppmdither as a new benchmark Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 10:20:42 PDT From: Brian Grant We currently get slowdown with full optimization, so we'll have to decide how much we want to look at it. We don't expect it to get nearly as much speedup as pnmconvol, so maybe it's not worth the trouble. --Brian Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 12:25:20 -0700 (PDT) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: The Loop Bug > - The Division meet operator > The meet operator in our papers is defined to be the > intersection of the divisions met. However, this doesn't > work for loop heads, whose back edges are initialized to > the empty set (no divisions). Fortunately (?), the > implementation unions the divisions instead. This doesn't > seem right to me, either. If a make_static is used inside > a loop using the monovariant-division policy, shouldn't > these variables be removed from the division at the loop > head? The backedges should be initialized to the identity value for the meet operator, for any optimistic iterative analysis. If intersection is the right meet operator, then the identity value should be the set of all possible divisions, i.e., ignore the back edge until it has some real data. -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: The Loop Bug Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 12:31:21 PDT From: Brian Grant >> The backedges should be initialized to the identity value for the >> meet operator, for any optimistic iterative analysis. If intersection >> is the right meet operator, then the identity value should be the set >> of all possible divisions, i.e., ignore the back edge until it has >> some real data. Yes, I realize that. I suppose what I should have asked is whether we should just make the meet operator intersection instead of union. It seems to me that intersection is right, but why did we choose union? --Brian Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 17:28:54 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: ppmdither as a new benchmark I would vote for moving on, say to Java. What is the status of grep? Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: new instruction-mix analysis on the shader Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 00:53:49 PDT From: Brian Grant I've moved the annotations outside the loop. That and other bug fixes appear to have significantly reduced the number of executed instructions. I'll run more timings to see if we get speedup now. Unfortunately, we won't be able to eliminate the float divides. --Brian The left column is instrs. executed by the statically compiled version. The column to the right of that is instrs. executed by the dynamically compiled version. %Differences reported on the right. All instructions: 702417 416390 40.7% decrease memory operations: 317720 229005 27.9% decrease loads: 197139 149859 24.0% decrease float operations: 175982 103581 41.1% decrease integer operations: 158848 59598 62.5% decrease lds: 95918 56865 40.7% decrease stores: 85138 66470 21.9% decrease mult: 66617 27536 58.7% decrease addq: 51818 12946 75.0% decrease fmov: 45720 36171 20.9% decrease ldq: 43519 47671 9.5% increase lda/ldah: 35443 12676 64.2% decrease ldt: 33834 27079 20.0% decrease sts: 31743 47153 48.5% increase addt: 29694 19526 34.2% decrease conditional branches: 28240 19450 31.1% decrease stq: 26941 7949 70.5% decrease ldah: 26474 10082 61.9% decrease s4addl: 21844 4686 78.5% decrease clr: 20190 0 eliminated br: 18817 4448 76.4% decrease ldl: 16349 11996 26.6% decrease insbl: 14046 6248 55.5% decrease stl: 13603 4686 65.6% decrease or: 10867 9636 11.3% decrease cvtql: 9121 5977 34.5% decrease lda: 8969 2594 71.1% decrease fbne: 7539 1271 83.1% decrease ldq_u: 7519 6248 16.9% decrease addl: 7519 6248 16.9% decrease stt: 6603 434 93.4% decrease stq_u: 6248 6248 same mskbl: 6248 6248 same extbl: 5997 4706 21.5% decrease beq: 5977 1562 73.9% decrease fbge: 5977 0 eliminated cmptle: 5977 5977 same ldgp: 5456 372 93.2% decrease cvtts: 4994 4994 same sll: 4290 3310 22.8% decrease s4addq: 4166 2604 37.5% decrease cmptlt: 3813 1271 66.7% decrease subt: 3224 682 78.8% decrease bne: 2957 1706 42.3% decrease fbeq: 2895 6039 108.6% increase and: 2852 310 89.1% decrease fbgt: 2833 0 eliminated global loads: 2666 15961 498.7% increase cmpult: 1644 1644 same cmpteq: 1562 0 eliminated xor: 1519 248 83.7% decrease ret: 1415 144 89.8% decrease jsr: 1333 124 90.7% decrease cpyse: 1333 62 95.3% decrease cmpule: 1333 62 95.3% decrease sra: 1333 62 95.3% decrease fcmovne: 1271 0 eliminated fcmoveq: 1271 0 eliminated zapnot: 1271 0 eliminated divt: 1271 1271 same subl: 1271 0 eliminated srl: 186 186 same andnot: 124 124 same subq: 124 124 same mov: 124 124 same cmple: 62 62 same bge: 62 62 same cvtqt: 62 62 same bsr: 62 0 eliminated fclr: 52 52 same mulq: 20 20 same global stores: 0 0 same fblt: 0 5977 new fble: 0 2833 new jmp: 0 40 new To: spin-comp@cs Subject: shader speedup! Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 01:14:56 PDT From: Brian Grant But, fairly small. We apparently get about 1.12x. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: bug status Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 01:21:02 PDT From: Brian Grant I need to double-check, but I think only one version of one benchmark isn't working (pnmconvol with reachability off), other than the ones that have dynamic switches. --Brian To: cc: Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 09:54:17 PDT From: Matthai Philipose Good, good! Let me know if there are any other problems in the backend/merger. Matthai ----------------- I need to double-check, but I think only one version of one benchmark isn't working (pnmconvol with reachability off), other than the ones that have dynamic switches. --Brian To: Subject: dynamic-to-static promotion vs. polyvariant specialization Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 18:20:45 PDT From: Matthai Philipose This is something I've been wondering for a while. Is it useful to consider dynamic-to-static promotion as a form of polyvariant specialization where the degree of polyvariance of the specialized variable in a given unit (i.e. instance of specialization context) is unbounded? This as opposed to bounded polyvariance, as happens e.g. at merges (the number of different versions in a given unit is bounded by the number of control flow paths along which the static variable is modified). Turns out that at merges, not only is the number of versions bounded, but we can also associate each polyvariant version with a unique program-point flowing into the merge. We can therefore optimize away the dispatch at the merge by branching directly to the appropriate specialized version of code whenever the related program point is executed (as we do with our merge patching). It seems that understanding the kinds of polyvariance in this way (i.e. degree and nature of polyvariance) is at least good for faster dispatches. For instance, take one datapoint we don't consider: bounded polyvariance, where the polyvariant values are not attributable to control flow (for instance type information may tell us that a variable has one of some set of values). If the bound is very small (or if the polyvariance is very skewed towards a very small subset) e.g. two values, we may choose to use a branch instead of (or in combination with) a dispatch table to implement the dispatch. This seems like the stuff people in the OO world do for dynamic dispatches. Just some "deep thoughts" at the end of a long day! Matthai To: Matthai Philipose cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: dynamic-to-static promotion vs. polyvariant specialization Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 08:56:24 PDT From: Brian Grant >> This is something I've been wondering for a while. Is it useful to >> consider dynamic-to-static promotion as a form of polyvariant >> specialization where the degree of polyvariance of the specialized >> variable in a given unit (i.e. instance of specialization context) is >> unbounded? Susan and I have discussed whether we should present dynamic-to-static promotions as just the most aggressive form of polyvariant specialization. >> This as opposed to bounded polyvariance, as happens e.g. at merges >> (the number of different versions in a given unit is bounded by the >> number of control flow paths along which the static variable is >> modified). Turns out that at merges, not only is the number of >> versions bounded, but we can also associate each polyvariant version >> with a unique program-point flowing into the merge. We can therefore >> optimize away the dispatch at the merge by branching directly to the >> appropriate specialized version of code whenever the related program >> point is executed (as we do with our merge patching). Merge polyvariance is not necessarily bounded. The differences are that we know the values of the polyvariant variables at specialization time in advance of the merge and, as you pointed out, that the static variables have one set of values on each (dynamic) path to the merge. >> It seems that understanding the kinds of polyvariance in this way >> (i.e. degree and nature of polyvariance) is at least good for faster >> dispatches. For instance, take one datapoint we don't consider: >> bounded polyvariance, where the polyvariant values are not >> attributable to control flow (for instance type information may tell >> us that a variable has one of some set of values). If the bound is >> very small (or if the polyvariance is very skewed towards a very >> small subset) e.g. two values, we may choose to use a branch instead >> of (or in combination with) a dispatch table to implement the >> dispatch. This seems like the stuff people in the OO world do for >> dynamic dispatches. Good idea. I have thought of ways to speed up dispatches. It is true that if you know more about the values being dispatched upon, you can make faster dispatches. For a single promoted value, there are a number of possible optimizations. For example, a jump table for the bounded case you mention, or a series of tests for a very small number of possibilities, much like the implementation of switches in the static compiler. One could also keep track of the most frequently occurring values and use dynamically generated PIC-style dispatches. Or, custom hash functions. Suppose you know that the static value will be a power of two. Then, you could use the base-2 log of the value as a table index. The question is: do any of these examples appear in our benchmarks? So far, only mipsi has (potentially) significant polyvariance at promotions. And, its degree of polyvariance depends on the input program. So, we'd probably have to use the dynamic technique, rather than being able to figure out anything statically. It's something I've thought about doing, but would be a non-trivial amount of work. I'll think about it as I implement the dynamic jump-table patching. Maybe there are similarities. --Brian Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 10:50:47 -0700 From: Matthai Philipose To: Brian Grant Subject: intelligent polyvariant dispatches and mipsi Brian brought up some interesting points in his response to my mail on classifying polyvariance to better enable optimized dispatching. I've tried to clarify three points that I thought would be useful . The most interesting part of this mail is point (3) below; it looks like there's a cool, easy way to speed up some (maybe most) of the promotion points in mipsi, based on observations that the polyvariance at these points is very skewed to one value. 1. ---My original mail: >> This as opposed to bounded polyvariance, as happens e.g. at merges >> (the number of different versions in a given unit is bounded by the >> number of control flow paths along which the static variable is >> modified).Turns out that at merges, not only is the number of >> versions bounded, .... ---Brian's observation: >Merge polyvariance is not necessarily bounded. ... ---My clarification: I guess what I'm saying is that for each execution of an instance of a unit, merge polyvariance is bounded. This is not so in the d/s promotion case, because of which we need a cache check for each dynamic instance of a unit (i.e. we need a cache-check in the code we stitch). As we see in the mipsi example below, it is per-instance info on polyvariance that we care about. 2. >> It seems that understanding the kinds of polyvariance in this way [rationale for techniques to characterize polyvariance snipped]... >Good idea. I have thought of ways to speed up dispatches. It is true that >if you know more about the values being dispatched upon, you can make faster >dispatches. [... description of many cool dispatch optimizations snipped...] I guess what I'm saying boils down to coming up with some systematic way of describing what we know about the values being dispatched upon. What are the kinds of things we want to know about the values? Some important aspects seem to be whether we can bound the number of polyvariant values _for a unit instance_ at stitch time, whether we can say anything about the distribution of these values, and whether we can attribute each of these values to upstream control flow. Seems to me that a characterization of the kinds of polyvariance and the corresponding dispatch optimizations would be useful, since we the problem of figuring out which dispatch optimization to use boils down to detecting which kind of polyvariance holds. 3. >The question is: do any of these examples appear in our benchmarks? So far, only mipsi has (potentially) significant >polyvariance at promotions. [suggestion to use dynamic monitoring followed by Polyvariant Inline Caching Snipped] Dynamic collection of info followed by dynamic optimization is certainly one powerful (though as you note, not particularly easy to implement, in our framework) way to apply intelligent dispatching to mipsi. This technique (in its more general form), will work on any dynamic dispatch at the expense of some run-time overhead. On the other hand, seems to me that even static techniques for characterizing polyvariance can be substantially beneficial for mipsi. Consider the case of the jsr opcode in mipsi; it's a computed jump, there must be a promotion point after it. We can know just from static value profiling that ____for a given instance of this unit___ (i.e. for a given value of pc, the dispatch is, in the overwhelmingly common case, to the very first jump target encountered by this jump instance). So the dispatch should be implemented as a test on the first jump-target pc, and the code should be laid out assuming this test will succeed. Is this cool or what? A similar technique can probably be used to optimized promotions after the "return" opcode. Another cool aspect of this optimization is that it can clearly be automated. Matthai Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 12:17:13 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: staging discussion Tuesday Nov. 10 at 1:30 is fine with Craig and Markus for talking about a paper on staging. Susan Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 12:19:49 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: do I have the mail aliases for spin-comp? If someone else does, can you add Mark Berryman (markb) to it? Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: do I have the mail aliases for spin-comp? Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 12:37:03 PDT From: Brian Grant I see you already modified the list. You could change it to group dyncomp and make it group writable. Mark needs to be added to the Unix groups dyncomp and mflow as well. --Brian Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 15:08:16 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: WCSSS Charles Consel (as general chair) and Jim Larus (as program chair) are going to organize the second invited workshop on Compiler Support for System Software (WCSSS'99). Charles is unfortunately not going to come through on his promise to hold the workshop in the Caribbean -- it's Atlanta instead. Check for more detail. It might be nice to submit something here, even if a short paper. Give this some thought, and let's discuss on Tuesday. Susan To: Subject: Possible way to substantially speed up floating-point apps Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 15:09:21 PDT From: Matthai Philipose We just realized that multiflow performs all FP ops in double precision (and converts back to single-precision if needed) as per the old C spec (the new C spec allows single precion ops for single precion operands). This dramatically increases the time spent in operations we can't eliminate in both project_and_cliptest and the shader (a single-precision divide on the shader takes 10 cycles, vs. double precision takes 6 cycles). Further each convert format operations takes 6 cycles. I'm going to look in multiflow's intermediate representation lowering phase to see if I can avoid this conversion. Keep your fingers crossed! Matthai To: spin-comp@cs Subject: bugs fixed Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 17:34:56 PST From: Brian Grant I believe that all bugs in tested versions of our benchmarks are fixed. There is one feature we need to implement to complete the tests: dynamic switches (dynamically allocating jump tables and patching their entries). Update bin, lib, mflow. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Architectural Support for Dynamic Compilation and Runtime Feedback Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 09:22:57 PST From: Brian Grant -------------------------- Architectural Support for Dynamic Compilation and Runtime Feedback Project Proposal, CS 252, Fall 1998 Marat Boshernitsan, Alyosha Efros (with David Oppenheimer) We plan to investigate dynamic compilation that uses runtime information to continuously perform traditional back-end compiler optimizations as a program executes. This project draws on two threads of earlier work: dynamic compilation and profile-driven optimization. [rest omitted] -------------------------- I get weekly e-mail about how our web site is accessed. Usually, it is just accessed locally or from the TickC related-work page. Occasionally, a new link appears, like this one. --Brian To: Markus Mock cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: constraining grep Date: Mon, 02 Nov 1998 14:14:31 PST From: Brian Grant The problem in grepdfa is not due to constraints. The hole markers are actually inserted in the wrong order (see In my code, the "ordinary" static operations are copied first from the original BBLOCK, and holes replaced with place-holder stores. Lazy-edge code is inserted later, and new holes can be added by context-building operations. These should be inserted after all previous holes but in this case, place-holders 15_0_2 and 15_0_3 were inserted before 15_0_1. 15_0_4, which corresponds to a demotion, was appended last. The bug is most likely at the bottom of p2dyc/setup.C:dyc_InstantiateLazyEdgeAsPush(), if you want to take a look. My version of the compiler isn't currently debugable, since I'm in the middle of changing inter-unit branch patching. If you want me to debug using yours, let me know. --Brian My guess is that SetupSource has a place-holder store for some reason. What to do about that is another ball of wax. If you could confirm that this is the problem, that would be a big help. You want to break when BBLOCK_DYC_INFO_TemplateNumber(SetupSource) == 15. (You'll have to expand that macro.) IF (BBLOCK_DYC_INFO_BlockType(TemplateSource) == DYC_BBLOCK_TEMPLATE) { SetupPreviousBlock = dyc_GetSoleBlockPredecessor(SetupSource); /* NextHoleId should be updated by this */ dyc_CopySetupStats(PreviousBlock, SetupPreviousBlock, BBLOCK_DYC_INFO_TemplateNumber(SetupSource), BBLOCK_DYC_INFO_SetupSubnumber(SetupSource), &BBLOCK_DYC_INFO_NextHoleId(SetupSource)); dyc_CopySetupStats(TemplateSource, SetupSource, BBLOCK_DYC_INFO_TemplateNumber(SetupSource), BBLOCK_DYC_INFO_SetupSubnumber(SetupSource), &BBLOCK_DYC_INFO_NextHoleId(SetupSource)); } Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 14:49:06 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: constraining grep > My guess is that SetupSource has a place-holder store for some reason. What > to do about that is another ball of wax. If you could confirm that this > is the problem, that would be a big help. You want to break when > BBLOCK_DYC_INFO_TemplateNumber(SetupSource) == 15. (You'll have to expand > that macro.) > That seems to be the case: call dg_Dump_Dot_Bblock(SetupSource) bblock94 [label=" BBlock 94 (unit 15, D)\lDivision 0: 83 ST<_s1$1.2>t574 0x0(P64) dfaexec.rtconst_15_0_1 _DyCRT_StaticValueTable$1.0\l 82 TAG_ANCHOR [tag(dfaexec.dyn_setup_end_15_0)(P64)]\l"]; bblock94 -> bblock480; You know probably best where to go from here. -- Markus To: Markus Mock cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: assertion failure Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 14:14:03 PST From: Brian Grant >> can you give me a hint what kind of bogosity in the BTA might cause >> Expression ( (BBlock == NULL) || (BBLOCK_dfo_number(CurrentBBlock) > >> BBLOCK_dfo_number(BBlock)) ) evaluated to FALSE at (file:line) p2dyc/setup.C This assertion is failed when a unit is found to contain a loop (more specifically, a back edge). I currently expect all loop heads to be unit heads as well. There are two possible causes of this condition: 1) A loop that should be unrolled doesn't have discordant variables at its loop head. 2) A loop that shouldn't be unrolled for some reason doesn't have a dynamic exit test, or any dynamic branches within it. I took a quick look at int-unroll, and didn't find any discordant variables. That looks like your problem, in this case. --Brian Date: Tue, 3 Nov 1998 14:18:49 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Brian Grant cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: assertion failure > > 2) A loop that shouldn't be unrolled for some reason doesn't have a dynamic > exit test, or any dynamic branches within it. > > I took a quick look at int-unroll, and didn't find any discordant variables. > That looks like your problem, in this case. > Thanks. What's what I wanted to confirm, I am tracking down where they get lost now... -- Markus To: Jeff Dean cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: Profiling dynamically generated code with DCPI Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 07:15:43 PST From: Brian Grant That's great, Jeff. Thanks. That is roughly what we had in mind, but any details/code you could provide would help us along. --Brian >> Hi Brian, >> >> Susan left me a voice mail that you folks wanted to be able to use DCPI to >> profile code that your dynamic compiler is generating. I just tried to call >> you at your office, but they said that you had left for the day. In any case, >> it is possible to do what you want. The basic strategy is: >> >> 1) Create something that looks like an image header for an Alpha executable >> image and fill in the appropriate fields, and flush the image header to disk. >> 2) Use the 'dcpictl register' option to register this image with the dcpi >> daemon (see 'man dcpictl' for more details). >> 3) Generate code dynamically into the heap. >> 4) When your program finishes, write out the dynamically generated code into >> the text section of the image file. >> >> Note that for profiling purposes you can't reuse any of your code buffer to >> generate multiple different pieces of code. >> >> We have some code that does this image trickery in the context of a Java >> compiler that we're working on here. This allows us to use DCPI to profile >> the dynamically-generated code produced by our Java compiler. I'm checking >> with the author of the code that generates the fake images for DCPI to see if >> there's an easily extractable piece of code that we can just send you that >> does what you want. If not, I'll at least try to look at the code to give you >> more details about what pieces of the iamge header are necessary. I'll try to >> get back to you by the end of the week. If not, please bug me again, as I'll >> be gone all next week. >> >> -Jeff >> >> To: cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: grep Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 09:20:47 PST From: Brian Grant Before I debug grep, I'd like to discuss the code with you: - What it does - What should be static - What we expect to get speedup from I don't think we should put too much time into grep, however, because it looks similar to decompress to me. We may need to implement a custom dispatch mechanism in order to get speedup overall because I think there will always be promotions in the innermost loop. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: transmeta Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 08:02:03 PST From: Brian Grant,4,28737,00.html To: Subject: transmeta patent... Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 09:47:10 PST From: Matthai Philipose After a quick look at the patent, it strikes me that transmeta is what the dynamic compilation project would look like if Paul Allen funded it instead of ONR! They have a lot of the tricks we've wanted to do, and more, in hardware! Matthai ------- Forwarded Message Date: 16 Nov 1998 09:33:13 From: Stefan Savage To: arch-lunch@cs cc: uw-systems@cs Subject: Transmeta patent For those who are curious about what's going on at Transmeta (and aren't working there yet), they've been issued a patent titled: "Memory controller for a microprocessor for detecting a failure of speculation on the physical nature of a component being addressed" I've only skimmed it, but the patent seems to describe a VLIW processor (referred to as a "morph host") with an instruction set translation engine built in (referred to as "code morphing software"). They claim that such a processor can outperform a Pentium Pro using 1/4 as many gates. Translated instructions are buffered up, so translation only happens once for loop bodies (they say this instruction translation buffer is 2MB in their x86 translation version). The memory controller referred to in the patent looks like its used to speed up detection of exceptional conditions like self-modifying code, disambiguating side-effect free memory accesses from device I/O accesses, etc... It also looks like its used to rename memory locations to eliminate unnecessary dependencies on memory addresses (the obvious win here is to be able to absorb all the useless memory traffic from the spills in the register poor x86). In general, it reads more like a technical paper than a patent (meaning to say that its not horrendously obfuscated ;-) More info can be found at: - - Stefan ------- End of Forwarded Message From: Geoff Voelker To: spin-comp@cs Subject: new alphas Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 11:42:24 -0800 (PST) Hi, Hank mentioned that the alphas that you are using are fully loaded with 1.5GB of main memory. We are doing analyses of very large traces (e.g., 8GB) for a paper that we are trying to finish in a week, and being able to use such large memory machines would help us tremendously. If the machines are not being heavily used, would it be possible for members from our group to get accounts and use the machines for our analyses for the next week? Thanks, -geoff p.s. We have memory on order for the tennis alphas, but it doesn't look like it will arrive in time. Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 08:36:20 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: new alphas Cc: wolman@cs, levy@cs Has anyone answered this? I told Hank that it was fine, depending on your (Brian, Matthai, Markus) plans for the machines. But I couldn't think of anything that would prevent us from lending the machines. Susan Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 12:52:23 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: Summer internship at WRL FYI. ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Wed Nov 25 12:21:08 1998 Delivery-Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 12:21:10 PST Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 12:21:12 -0800 (PST) From: Ben Verghese To: Subject: Summer internship at WRL 1999 SUMMER INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AT WRL Western Research Laboratory Compaq Computer Corporation 250 University Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 The Western Research Laboratory is a computer systems research group that was founded in 1982. At present we have 22 full-time researchers. Our goal is to develop new hardware and software design principles that are later used in Compaq's products. We test our ideas by designing, building and using real systems. Examples of lab projects that you may have heard of include the Itsy Pocket Computer, Shasta: a software-only shared-memory system, the AltaVista web search engine, and the ATOM program instrumentation system. Every summer WRL employs several graduate students on projects related to our research efforts. We are now accepting applications for positions during the upcoming summer (1999). The positions usually involve work which is of use to the full-time researchers and of a scope that can reasonably be completed during the summer months. To qualify, a student should be enrolled in a PhD program, although exceptional Masters students will also be considered. While the starting and ending times for these jobs are flexible and will depend on a student's individual schedule, individuals will typically be expected to spend three months at WRL. WRL is located in the heart of cosmopolitan downtown Palo Alto, within walking distance of a variety of restaurants and shops, and next to the Stanford University campus. Palo Alto is situated 30 miles south of San Francisco in the heart of Silicon Valley. Ongoing research projects span the following areas: Architectural Simulation Profile-guided Compiler Optimizations Scalable Computer Systems Hardware and Software for Distributed Shared Memory Parallel Applications Performance Studies of User and System Code (esp. database applications) Operating Systems File Systems Distributed Systems Internet Performance Innovative WWW Applications Computer-Supported Collaborative Work Wireless Multimedia Robotics Augmented Memory & Wearable Computing Pocket Computers: Hardware, system software, and applications User Interfaces for small devices Power management for portable computers The above list is not necessarily complete and we encourage excellent students interested in related areas to apply. Please see or e-mail for more information about our lab. HOW TO APPLY 1. E-mail your resume to with "INTERN RESUME" in the subject line. Please ensure that your resume is in plain ASCII, not PostScript, and includes the names and e-mail addresses of three technical references. It will be helpful if your message specifies the two or three research areas listed above that you are most interested in. You are also encouraged to provide URLs to related information and/or to Postscript copies of your resume. 2. Arrange to have each of your references send a letter of recommendation to with "INTERN RECOMMENDATION" in the subject line. ASCII is preferred, but PostScript is acceptable too. It is your responsibility to ensure that the letters are sent to us; WRL will not contact your references for you. For full consideration, your resume and recommendation letters must be received by February 13th, 1999. We expect decisions will be made on or before March 31st, 1999. ----- End Included Message ----- To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp-archive@cs Subject: Re: meeting Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 14:09:12 PST From: Brian Grant >> Do you want to chat this week (meaning today), or just wait until >> next week? Let's wait until next week. I wasn't able to coerce Multiflow into producing float store (stt) instructions, if you can believe that! I am also now having a related problem with chebyshev that integer values are being put in float registers. Multiflow permits this in the case that the values are loaded and stored, but not otherwise operated upon, in that (possibly split?) live range. This screws up the merger, of course, which expects the static values to be in integer registers. But, I was able to simply prevent the join from being pushed below any of our specially constrained operations (e.g., an operation with a hole). So, I am now ready to time all versions of mipsi. With a fix Matthai made to the merger, I am also ready to time a version of dinero that breaks traces at static branches in order to prevent bad speculation above the manually inserted tests for strength reduction. I'm just waiting for one of Sujay's simulations to finish before I start timing (about another half hour). --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: DCPI Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 09:43:18 PST From: Brian Grant I installed the latest version of DPCI on alper and wu. They'll reboot at noon with the new kernel. --Brian Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 16:05:32 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: frame, version 5 From whj@rtfm Fri Dec 4 15:59:37 1998 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/7.2ws+) with ESMTP id PAA00306 for ; Fri, 4 Dec 1998 15:59:34 -0800 Received: (whj@localhost) by (8.9.1+CS/7.2ws+) id QAA02299; Fri, 4 Dec 1998 16:01:38 -0800 Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 16:01:38 -0800 From: whj@rtfm (Warren Jessop) Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: TkReq v1.10.1 To: Cc: support@rtfm Reply-To: Subject: Re: [UW-CS #4675] frame, version 5 Status: R > When I write to the file /projects/dyncomp/Papers/PLDI99/master.doc, > the owner and group changes to fac_cs rather than remaining dyncomp. > And my students can't then change the file. > Can someone look into this? Somone can look into this, but I'm not sure someone can do anything about it. A mounted filesystem needs the "grpid" option set in order for the group to be set to that of the directory instead of the owner of the file and grpid is supported on Solaris (and other "pure" System V Unix versions) only for NFS-mounted filesystems. Since /projects/dyncomp is local to yakima2, the option isn't there. You will need to do a "chgrp dyncomp" on new files you write under /projects/dyncomp to put them in that group. I'm not sure about this, but it's a fair bet that frame might allow some postprocessing on files, and hence you may be able to get frame to do this for you. (I quote from the Solaris "Answerbook": The functionality of the following flags, defined in , is not supported by the SunOS 5.x releases, or the ABI, SVID, or SVR4 versions: M_NOSUB, M_GRPID, M_MULTI.) Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 07:24:23 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: La.Niña:; Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?La_ni=F1a_has_arrived!?= Andrea Maria was born on Friday, December 4th at 7:44pm (PST). She weighs 3,24kg (7lb 2oz) and is 50cm tall (20 inches). She's doing great. Patricia is fine, just very tired and both she and papa Markus are very happy. -- Markus & Patricia Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 11:30:57 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, levy@cs, eggers@yakima, sparekh@cs, redstone@yakima Subject: affiliates presentations Let's talk about what we have to present at our meetings this week. It will look bad if I'm not first in line with a response here. :-) Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: commit of merger changes Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 15:31:54 PST From: Brian Grant I've committed the instrumented, cleaned up version of the merger's Emit subroutines. For our benchmarks, you'll see info in the log files about how many holes were of the different sizes. The version also uses ldah/lda pairs to build 32-bit constants. This capability is put to use in the benchmarks primarily to rebuild the gp after function calls, without loading from our run-time-constants table. This change eliminates two thirds of the table-pointer builds in dinero and 100% in mipsi. New times are being generated right now. When they are complete, I'll update the tables in the paper. --Brian ps. chebyshev still doesn't work due to Multiflow troubles Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 11:04:36 -0800 (PST) From: "Markus U. Mock" To: Susan Eggers cc: Subject: Re: affiliates presentations I'll have to skip our meeting today, Andrea needs to be checked-up today, and I need to catch up on sleep. -- Markus On Mon, 7 Dec 1998, Susan Eggers wrote: Let's talk about what we have to present at our meetings this week. It will look bad if I'm not first in line with a response here. :-) Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: scheduling using profile info Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 14:36:05 PST From: Brian Grant It looks like generating and using the information won't be that difficult. The information is initialized in the compiler front end, so we should just need to make minor modifications to our pass to preserve the information for the back end. --Brian To: chambers@cs cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: draft of PLDI submission to distribute Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 16:22:42 PST From: Brian Grant I made a copy: /projects/dyncomp/Papers/PLDI99/ It isn't much changed from the submission. I put a "Draft, do not distribute" notice at the bottom, but I don't know how to plaster "DRAFT" across the page. I also put in a comment about the performance results. The numbers in the paper are partially updated based on my new experiments. Take a look and let me know if you were expecting other changes before (even limited) distribution. --Brian Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 16:33:43 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: chambers@cs, Subject: Re: draft of PLDI submission to distribute Cc: spin-comp@cs We'll hear from PLDI on Jan. 8, so I see no reason to rush to distribute the paper. Besides, since we're now profiling, the results are sure to change somewhat. What numbers are missing? Anything other than the shader? Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: draft of PLDI submission to distribute Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 16:46:36 PST From: Brian Grant >> What numbers are missing? Anything other than the shader? >> Besides, since we're now profiling, the >> results are sure to change somewhat. I have run all of the region times and the whole-program times, except for mesa. However, I haven't put all of the numbers from my most recent batch of runs into the paper because, as you mentioned above, I'm still tweaking compiler/merger options. For example, my recent change to how holes were patched didn't significantly affect speedups, but it increased dynamic compilation overhead. So, I'm going to do some runs doing something slightly different. I'm also going to look at the profiling, and the effect of reserving registers in the statically compiled version. The profiling, in particular, could also lead me to change other compiler options; for example, whether we break traces at static branches. I also ran dinero with different configurations and inputs. There was some variation, but the different runs didn't have significantly different performance. Not surprising, I suppose, given that I didn't radically change the cache parameters. We are looking for significant differences when we change mipsi's input, however. --Brian Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 17:08:48 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: eggers@yakima, Subject: Re: draft of PLDI submission to distribute Cc: spin-comp@cs Vivek Sarkar had asked about reading our PLDI submission, since I mentioned it to him. I wanted to send him our submission. I heard he had fun using `C when he was at MIT, and I wanted to expose him to the Right Way. -- Craig Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 18:09:07 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: eggers@yakima,, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: draft of PLDI submission to distribute Cc: spin-comp@cs Vivek is hardly a distribution, so this seems fine to me. Even our submitted copy would be ok. Susan Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 17:33:37 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Fabius PhD thesis !!!! ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Wed Dec 16 15:34:04 1998 Delivery-Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 15:34:06 PST Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 15:34:02 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock Reply-To: Markus Mock To: Craig Chambers Subject: Fabius PhD thesis MIME-Version: 1.0 FYI. There are no details on Fabius' register allocation to be gleaned from Leone's thesis, since it is non-existent! -- Markus ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 14:54:57 -0500 From: Mark Leone To: Markus Mock Subject: Re: PhD Thesis No, my thesis is on indefinite hold -- I took a leave of absence from CMU and I'm now working for a startup company in Boston. - Mark ----- End Included Message ----- To: spin-comp@cs Subject: chebyshev fixed!, branch-direction profiling Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 12:43:07 PST From: Brian Grant Short version: - changes to bin, lib, mflow, and regression are committed - chebyshev works - branch-direction profiling of statically compiled code seems to work, but doesn't make a huge difference - branch-direction profiling for dynamically compiled code has problems Long version: chebyshev: I became frustrated with problems I was having using the branch-direction profiling for the dynamic code, so I decided to look at the problem with chebyshev again. The problem was that what should have been an integer place-holder store in the setup code was being generated as a float store, causing the merger to yack. The merger expects integer constant values to be in integer registers, so that it can insert operations that use the values. I had thought that what I needed to do was to restrict the choice of register bank for our place-holder stores, but today I noticed that the store was already bound to a float functional unit before the register bank for its operand was chosen (it took me a while to figure out where exactly the bank was selected). Once I realized that, it wasn't difficult to restrict the functional-unit selection for the store (about 20 minutes, and just a few lines of code). The result is that chebychev works again. About the branch-direction profiling: Profiling for the statically compiled version seems to work. It doesn't seem to make much difference to performance, however. I'll collect time comparisons for all the benchmarks and send them out. The main problem with doing the same for the dynamic version seems to be getting the front end to ignore the boilerplate when both generating and using the profile information. I'm still working on that getting that right. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: improvements in times of statically compiled versions Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 09:18:45 PST From: Brian Grant I did two things: 1) Branch-direction profiles 2) Permitted the statically compiled version to use the two registers we reserve for dynamic compilation. performance of dynamic regions in multiflow-compiled versions with above changes: than old mflow config. than gcc -O2 ---------------------- ------------ binary:16 same same ckbrpts:0 36% faster 20% faster chebyshev:10 same 20% faster dotproduct:100/90% same 69% faster query:7 same 40% slower romberg:6 4% faster 2% slower dinero:8k/8k 6% faster 13% slower pnmconvol:11x11 same 11% faster mipsi:5k 12% faster 17% slower I'll try to take a look at query to see why it is so much slower. At least there are no longer differences on the order of a factor of two! I think that was due to optimizations being disabled during development. I just hadn't looked at the numbers recently. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: good news (early)!!!!!!!! Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 09:27:59 PST From: Brian Grant ------- Forwarded Message Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 10:26:39 -0700 (MST) From: Ben Zorn To:, Subject: Submission 386897675 to PLDI 99 Dear Brian Grant: This note is in regard to your paper with title An Evaluation of Run-time Optimizations which was received with confirmation 386897675 for consideration at PLDI '99 Each paper was read by at least three members of the program committee as well as two outside reviewers. In most cases, each reader submitted a written review. Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that the above paper has been accepted for presentation at PLDI '99 as one of 26 papers accepted out of 130 papers submitted. Full versions of the accepted papers must be formatted according to ACM conventions, and a camera-ready copy and electronic abstract must be received by the program chair ( no later than - ---> 19 February 1999, 5 PM Mountain Standard Time <--- Authors of accepted papers must sign an ACM copyright release form. I will send you further details about formatting conventions in subsequent email. Thank you for your submission to PLDI 99 Sincerely Ben Zorn, Program Chair Your reviews follow: - --------------------------------- This paper describes DyC, a C compiler that supports optimization via declarative dynamic compilation, and shows the payoff from each f the different dynamic optimizations it employs. A very nice paper. As intriguing as the various research projects on dynamic compilation seemed, up until now I've had the idea that they were still basically toys. For the first time, I begin to see the possibility of dynamic compilation actually entering the average programmer's toolbox. I didn't understand why Table 4 just says "slowdown" if leaving out a particular optimization makes the optimized program slower than the control. You must have the numbers; why not present them? If nothing else, it would help to decide just how critical it is to include such an optimization in a production compiler. I decided early that DyC must be pronounced "dicey" since I figured it stood for "dynamic C". But the chance that it really stood for "dynamic compiler" and was supposed to be pronounced "dike" was a constant hindrance to the flow of my reading. I don't say you should provide a pronunciation, which might seem a little pedantic, but at least make it clear what it stands for. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This paper is an evaluation of 10 applications and 11 run-time optimizations. The system, DyC, requires the user to annotate code to be optimized at run-time. A static compiler performs part of each optimization, and a dynamic compiler uses run-time information to fill in the blanks. Some speedups were obtained. This paper suffers from the Stanford approach to paper writing -- lots of applications, and optimizations, and the cross-product of them, and little _insight_ into what's going on. I think this system could yield interesting results, and this paper could be re-written to give much more insight. Remember, numbers are not the center of research - -- they are the supporting evidence for the story that you are telling. What story are the numbers telling you? Here are some questions I came away with: 1. Why are any of these optimizations really run-time optimizations? Why can't they be done at compile-time? Yes, it is possible to do some of these optimizations at run-time, and you've implemented them as such. But wouldn't a little hand-tuning by the application writer achieve the same goal? Wouldn't a little more inter-procedural analysis and loop unrolling achieve most of the performance gains you've done through heroics like run-time optimization? Most of the gain is in loop unrolling, and yet you don't compare static (i.e. compile-time) loop unrolling to your dynamic loop unrolling. I believe there might be some advantage to a dynamic unrolling approach, but what would it be, and how would it compare to a smart static compiler? 2. If the paper is really a study of application-level performance, as opposed to kernel-level performance, why is it that for each application, there are only one or two small regions which are annotated? [Table 1] 3. If the user has to annotate the application, he must have some fairly deep understanding of it -- i.e. he knows that only a few constant values are used as loop bounds, or only a few run-time constants will be used, allowing for constant folding. The hard part is to figure all this out -- after he does that, wouldn't it be easier for him to tweak his application's hot spot rather than go through the hassle of annotation? 4. Why does the user have to annotate anything at all? Can't this be figured out by the static compiler? Or with static profile information? Or with dynamic profile information gathered by instrumentation or sampling? You hint at this in the conclusion, but you need to be more up front that you are evaluating mechanisms, not proposing the system as an end-user solution. It seems to me that this paper is really mostly about loop unrolling, but the fact that you have 11 optimizations listed really obscures this, since you give the 11 optimizations equal weight through most of the paper. As far as I can tell, the other optimizations are all "supporting" loop unrolling in some way or another. The paper would be stronger if you did the following: 1. You are up front about the fact that you are evaluating mechanisms, not proposing solutions. Your mechanisms will be parts of solutions, but your system as it is is not a solution. 2. You are up front about not really looking at applications -- you are looking at kernels in applications. Nothing to be ashamed of, but the claim that you were looking at "real applications" really annoyed and distracted me while I was reading the paper. 3. Organize the paper around loop unrolling, and state this from the beginning, not be shy about it. If this is what your numbers are telling you, then tell us that. Present the other optimizations incrementally in the context of supporting loop unrolling, and describe their interaction. This is done in a big glob in 4.3 ... but it's a mess. Each of these optimizations deserves its own subsection. 4. Do a real, well-thought out comparison with static loop unrolling - -- I mean a real, macho, loop unroller which can do inter-procedural constant propagation and procedure cloning or loop cloning. Explain what dynamic optimization can do that it can't do and why. 5. Have a running example, to explain the transformations and their interaction. 6. Have the numbers to confirm your story, not be the story. I had to spend a lot of time and energy to figure this out ... this is your job! 7. Combine tables 2 & 4. Simplify them -- they are hard to read. Perhaps order the optimization in reverse importance, starting with unrolling. Also, doing just the dynamic region speedup is, IMO, deceptive. I didn't figure this out until the 4th or 5th time reading the paper. Just do overall speedup, and get rid of Table 5. I think this work is interesting, but it isn't being presented in a very useful way, and left too many nagging questions in my mind. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The paper presents an evaluation of the DyC (dynamic compilation) system on some larger benchmarks. Although the DyC system itself has been presented already (at PEPM'97), the first half of the paper is devoted to an informal description of the DyC system. This part of the paper appears to be superfluous: it is not precise or clear enough to admit a proper understanding of the DyC system anyway. Use more examples, appropriate formalism, and less text. The experimental results show that DyC can considerably speed up realistic programs by judicious use of run-time specialization. The methodology is to first profile the program and then handannotate the most time consuming parts for specialization. The so-called multi-way loop unrolling is achieved in the Tempo specializer (Consel et al) by turning jumps into function calls, which are then specialized at run time. Because C implementations are so poor (no general tail call optimization) this is probably less efficient than DyC's loop unrolling. Page 2 line 13: it is surprising that dead code elimination brings a speed-up. Clearly you save some time if you avoid generating dead code (which will never be executed), but I don't think that's what you say. Page 4: the `internal promotion points' are probably `specialization points' (Jones, Gomard, Sestoft, Prentice-Hall 1993). Page 5 footnote 1: The C-mix specializer described in Andersen's Ph.D. thesis (1994) performs an accurate binding-time analysis of C in the presence of pointers and structs. Page 7 line 2: mesa is not mentioned in table 1. Page 7 line -8: spell out ILP --- this acronym has at least three different meanings in computer science. Page 8 table 2: it is unclear what `applicability' means. I take it that all programs were actually processed with all optimizations enabled, and that you just check whether they have any beneficial effect? Or did you turn off those optimizations not having a check in the table (to avoid detrimental effects)? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This paper presents an evaluation of the DyC dynamic compiler. It presents performance results for fairly large applications and discusses the applicability and effectiveness of the compiler's optimizations. The results show that DyC achieves good performance improvements on the programs (up to 4.7x speedup). General Comments: This paper does a very thorough job of evaluating the DyC dynamic compiler. Previous papers that I've seen on dynamic compilation used small kernels for their benchmarks. In addition to the kernels, this paper presents results for complete programs that are fairly large (up to 15K lines of code). The main contribution of this paper is that it shows that dynamic compilers can achieve speedups for realistic programs. It also shows that a number of optimizations and analyses are needed to actually achieve good performance. The weakest part of the paper is that it doesn't contain many new ideas. DyC's structure and most of its optimizations have already been published elsewhere. Specific Comments: 2 The DyC Dynamic Compilation System * The distinction between the what's static and what's dynamic can get confusing for readers that are not familiar with dynamic compilation, especially when referring to the dynamic compiler generator and emit code sequences. A small example showing exactly what DyC generates would help make the paper more accessible. * A brief description of DyC's annotations would give readers a better feel for how much work the programmer must do to use the system. * Minor formatting point: The footnote reference on page 1 shows up on page 2. 3.2 The Experimental Methodology * The paper says that routines with > 5% of the execution time were used to choose which routines to dynamically compile, and that variables whose values changed infrequently were annotated. Looking at Table 1, all of the benchmarks had only 1 dynamically compiled region, with the exception of the renderer which had 2. The paper doesn't adequately describe the process for coming up with the annotations that were used. Why are there so few dynamic regions in each benchmark? How often can a variable's value change and still be considered "infrequent"? 4.2 Performance of Dynamic Regions * The paper mentions that the main contributor to dynamic compilation overhead is cache lookups. It would nice (space-permitting) to see a quantitative breakdown of the overhead costs. Table 4: * I'd rather see the actual data than just "s/d" for the cases that had slowdowns. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The paper presents an empirical evaluation of the DyC system for run-time code generation. The major contributions are an evaluation of the effectiveness of various optimizations and the use of larger benchmarks. Some of the optimizations implemented in DyC prove their effectiveness only in the larger programs. Detailed comments: You have two footnotes 1 on page 2. Although the paper is not primarily about the source end, I would find it helpful if the paper displayed an example of DyC input. 2.2.6: Are there different templates for different constant sizes? Mesa-2.4 is not in the public domain, but Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Brian Paul. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. If you want a shorthand, write that it's free. Tables in general: In some tables there's test_2, in others project&clip etc. That's confusing. Table 2: I found it difficult to understand the column headers; it required quite a bit of work to find what in Section 2 they refer to. Maybe the topics should be organized in the same order in Section 2 and in the table, or the terms should be emphasised stronger in Section 2 (boldface?). Is the "unchecked promotion caching" the "one" or the "all" variant? 4.1: You probably should repeat the observation that only the larger benchmarks take advantage of some optimizations in the introduction. At first I was not convinced of the value of larger benchmarks. Table 4: Why don't you just give the s/d numbers? Since the baseline case for the "Without" colums is the "With all" column, it would be useful to also see the slowdown with respect to that column; this would give a better feeling of the importance of this optimization. 5: Not specific to this paper, but in the run-time code generation literature I miss references to languages that have provided run-time code generation capabilities for decades, e.g. Lisp, Prolog and Forth. Since Fabius works with curried programs, it is not restricted to first-order programs, unless you have a different definition of "first-order" than I have. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SUMMARY ======= This paper presents an overview of several run-time optimizations for dynamically generated code, and evaluates their effectiveness on medium-size benchmarks. The experiments show that loop unrolling is essential to achieving speedup, and that loop unrolling enables other optimizations which are otherwise of lesser value. COMMENTS ======== The paper is well written and of general interest to PLDI. Since this paper is largely experimental, the originality of the paper is modest. On the other hand, the authors should be more rigorous in their reporting of data (see comments below). In particular, there is no mention of code size, and slowdown numbers are omitted. The author's really should position this as an optimistic view of performance, since the work shows what a programmer can get by hand-tuning annotations. Since the long-term goal is to automate the entire process, it would be interesting (and not necessarily a negative result) to show how whole program performance evolves as a programmer tunes the annotations. This would shed some light on the challenge of crafting heuristics for the automated system. DETAILED COMMENTS ================= === Introduction Subject-verb agreement: "reasons ... varies" should be "vary". Use "partial-evaluation style" instead of "partial evaluation-style". Which combinations of language features have caused problems with previous systems? Footnote 1 not on first page, aliases with footnote 1 on page 2. In footnote 1, page 1, what is a 'division'? Subject-verb agreement in footnote 1, page 2: "paper... include". Spell out "BTA" in Figure 1. === Section 2 Overall, this section is well written. A figure would help in the example of unbounded code generation in section 2.2.4. In section 2.2.7, saying that "all downstream references to the target of the move can be replaced" implies that copy propagation is always legal; this is not generally true. Similarly, replacing a multiply x-by-zero with a clear does not always the computation of x to be dead. === section 3 Your overview of benchmarks should follow the same order as table 1; in particular, test_2 should be described last. In section 3.2, you should give some description of the number of annotations needed in each benchmark (number of routines and variables). It would also be interesting to know how much tuning of annotations was needed to get the best results, or how sensitive the results are to changes in the annotations. === Section 4 In table 3, you show one region per benchmark; if multiple regions are annotated per benchmark, you should give more data. Table 3 should also show the observed speedup for these regions, as well as the number of invocations/checks/searches/etc. You should use "asymptotic dynamic region speedup" in the first paragraph, page 9. A bar-graph of DC overhead with a breakdown of costs would be interesting. You should say more about why instruction issue width and L1 icache size determine performance. Since the dynamic compiler will displace running code from the icache, how does icache size interact with the choice of speculation policy? In table 4, the "all optimization" column has the same values as the asymptotic speedup column in table 3. Are these asymptotic speedups as well? Are all speedups asymptotic in table 4? It would be good to include overheads in this table. Table 4 should list the slowdown numbers. You should say something about code size. How much memory did the workstation have? What happens if you run several of these programs simultaneously? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The authors present new results for their dynamic compilation system. As before, users must insert annotations to identify dynamic compilation regions and static variables. The contributions of this paper are some new optimization techniques (e.g., loop unrolling) and larger programs. Results show loop unrolling was essential for all programs to achieve improvements. Overall application improvements are from 10-370%. This paper presents improvements over previous work. However, there are still remaining issues: - Why is the list of benchmarks so small (5 programs)? Should we take this to mean the authors examined many SPEC benchmarks and were only able to find one (m88ksim) which was improved? Say something about how widely applicable your optimizations are. Given current results I get the impression it can be applied only to a small subset of programs. - Why is loop unrolling so essential, when it can be performed (and is performed) at compile time by the underlying multiflow compiler? Three out of five appliations do not speed up without unrolling, and one speeds up 9% instead of 80%. The results make me wonder whether static compilation with more unrolling would yield better performance. - Compare performance for multiple back ends? I have no idea whether the multiflow compiler is performing enough optimizations at compile time (compared to gcc, DEC's C compiler, etc) for the result to be credible. - Certain of the dynamic optimizations were presented in the author's PLDI'96 paper. Which dynamic optimizations are new, and how much did they contribute to improvements in performance? It seems many of the dynamic optimizations did not impact overall performance, so how do you justify their use? Mostly, the authors should provide a concrete list of contributions of this paper over others. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ------- End of Forwarded Message To: cc: Subject: Re: improvements in times of statically compiled versions Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 10:15:58 PST From: Matthai Philipose Cool... if these numbers are right, we our baseline looks comparable to gcc -O2, and we should be able to put the below numbers in a table in the paper. At least one of the reviewers had the concern that they had no idea how good our baseline is. Matthai > I did two things: > 1) Branch-direction profiles > 2) Permitted the statically compiled version to use the two > registers we reserve for dynamic compilation. > > > performance of dynamic regions in multiflow-compiled versions with above > changes: > > than old mflow config. than gcc -O2 > ---------------------- ------------ > binary:16 same same > ckbrpts:0 36% faster 20% faster > chebyshev:10 same 20% faster > dotproduct:100/90% same 69% faster > query:7 same 40% slower > romberg:6 4% faster 2% slower > dinero:8k/8k 6% faster 13% slower > pnmconvol:11x11 same 11% faster > mipsi:5k 12% faster 17% slower > > I'll try to take a look at query to see why it is so much slower. At least > there are no longer differences on the order of a factor of two! I think > that was due to optimizations being disabled during development. I just hadn't > looked at the numbers recently. > > --Brian > Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 10:25:04 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:, Subject: Re: improvements in times of statically compiled versions Cc: > Cool... if these numbers are right, we our baseline looks comparable > to gcc -O2, and we should be able to put the below numbers in a table > in the paper. At least one of the reviewers had the concern that they > had no idea how good our baseline is. > Matthai I agree: these numbers say multiflow is in the right ballpark, and we're not getting speedups solely because of removing junk in our bad baseline. If we have a plausible story for the one 40% slowdown, that would be even better. (query's a microbenchmark, and so one small screwup on multiflow's part is greatly magnified.) > > > > I did two things: > > 1) Branch-direction profiles > > 2) Permitted the statically compiled version to use the two > > registers we reserve for dynamic compilation. > > > > > > performance of dynamic regions in multiflow-compiled versions with above > > changes: > > > > than old mflow config. than gcc -O2 > > ---------------------- ------------ > > binary:16 same same > > ckbrpts:0 36% faster 20% faster > > chebyshev:10 same 20% faster > > dotproduct:100/90% same 69% faster > > query:7 same 40% slower > > romberg:6 4% faster 2% slower > > dinero:8k/8k 6% faster 13% slower > > pnmconvol:11x11 same 11% faster > > mipsi:5k 12% faster 17% slower > > > > I'll try to take a look at query to see why it is so much slower. At least > > there are no longer differences on the order of a factor of two! I think > > that was due to optimizations being disabled during development. I just hadn't > > looked at the numbers recently. > > > > --Brian > > > > To: spin-comp@cs Subject: causes for query's poor performance Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 15:41:46 PST From: Brian Grant The upshot is that it is due to a few factors: 1) Multiflow inefficiencies in implementing certain code idioms 2) Induction-variable simplification is turned off (because it hoses our annotations) 3) Poor scheduling Details: The function containing query's dynamic region consists of a single loop containing two consequtive switch statements. 1) Idiom inefficiencies A. Function prologue and epilogue. For each function, Multiflow always: - stores the return address to the stack, - copies the return address to another register and back, and - copies the argument registers to other registers. This introduces an extra 9 instructions per invocation of the function containing the dynamic region over gcc. B. Switch. - Multiflow tests whether the value switched upon is within the range of cases by building the upper bound into a register, performing two compares, and or'ing the results of the compares. That is 4 instructions per switch per loop iteration compared to gcc's 1, an unsigned compare against the upper bound (an immediate; the lower bound is zero). - Multiflow builds the jump target address using a shift-and-add and a load instruction that gets expanded into 3 instructions by the assembler/linker. That's 4 instructions compared to gcc's three (gcc also uses a 32-bit load rather than a 64-bit load). 2) Induction-variable simplification Twice per iteration of the loop, the address of q[i] is computed. Because we have IVS disabled, five instructions are required to load from the array (Multiflow uses shifts&adds rather than int. multiply, at least!). In gcc, only one instruction is needed - the load. 3) Scheduling The Multiflow-compiled version speculatively executes some instructions. At least one hoisted operation appears to be one that is seldom, if ever, needed. I could run instruction-mix analysis to find out exactly how many extra instructions the Multiflow version is executing, but I think you get the idea. In query's case, we _are_ eliminating instructions that are there due to Multiflow's inefficiencies: the switches, the loop, and loads from q. Furthermore, unit boundaries should prevent some of the bad speculation. The dynamically compiled version still suffers from the function prologue/ epilogue problems, however. Code for query: int sq(struct record *d, struct query *q, int n) { int i,j; int field; i=0; for (;ia; break; case BB: field = d->b; break; case CC: field = d->c; break; case DD: field = d->d; break; case EE: field = d->e; break; case FF: field = d->f; break; case GG: field = d->g; break; } switch (q[i].bool_op) { case LT: if (field >= q[i].val) return 0; continue; case EQ: if (field != q[i].val) return 0; continue; case LE: if (field > q[i].val) return 0; continue; case GT: if (field <= q[i].val) return 0; continue; case NE: if (field == q[i].val) return 0; continue; case GE: if (field < q[i].val) return 0; continue; } } return 1; } --Brian Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 11:42:09 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: dyc paper question ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Tue Dec 29 06:26:48 1998 Delivery-Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 06:26:49 PST From: X-Lotus-FromDomain: IBMUS To: Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 22:08:23 -0500 Subject: dyc paper question Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Disposition: inline Hi Craig, I'm confused by the formulas in section 4.2 of the paper. In particular, I'm unclear on the exact defintion of the 'o' variable. Is this meant to be (1) the creation-time overhead of actually dynamically compiling a region for a particular combination of runtime constants or (2) the per invocation overhead of checking a cache and/or making sure the dynamically compiled code is valid? I would have expected the definiton of asymptotic speedup to be as=s/d, but the paper defines it as as=s/(d-o). In this case, I'm guessing 'o' is defined as #2 above. A little wierd, but I think I understand (do I?). The second equation defining the breakeven point is what really threw me: be=o/(s-d+o). Notice, that for all s,d, and o where s-d>=o, ie in practice all of them, be<=1. Bizarro. The only thing I can think of here is that the 'o' in the numerator is o as defined by #1, but the 'o' in the denumetor is o as defined by #2. --dave ----- End Included Message ----- To: cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: dyc paper question Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 09:08:23 PST From: Brian Grant >> particular, I'm unclear on the exact defintion of the 'o' variable. Is >> this meant to be (1) the creation-time overhead of actually dynamically >> compiling a region for a particular combination of runtime constants The meaning of 'o' is #1. The assumption is that, asymptotically, the "one-time" code-generation overhead will be insignificant. By asymptotically, we're talking about executing the dynamic region a huge number of times for a fixed static input. Hence, the speedup formula s/(d-o), where d includes both the code-generation time and the time to execute the dynamically generated code. Neither d nor o is well described in the paper; we'll fix that. Also, because d includes o, the breakeven formula is o/(s-(d-o)), or o/(s-d+o). Admittedly, it would be less confusing if d didn't include o. We'll consider changing that. Let us know if you have any more questions. (The final paper is due Feb. 19.) --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: PLDI final paper Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 12:04:38 PST From: Brian Grant We need to wrap up the PLDI submission by Feb. 19. I'd like to wrap it up before Feb., if possible. In that spirit, I've gone through my notes and the reviewers comments to come up with a list of proposed revisions. I'd like to discuss at least some of the open issues and revision proposals at today's meeting. --Brian Open issues: - Query - Should we replace/drop query because of Multiflow's poor code generation for it? If replace, I'm not sure which other TickC/Tempo benchmark we could use, but I could double-check. - Dinero - Is the decision on strength reduction final? - Dotproduct The body of dotproduct's loop is: if (uelem) /* we inserted this test on static uelem */ result = result + uelem*v[i]; In the submission, we attributed the speedup due to the test we inserted to "strength reduction." Elimination of the multiply and add might be considered to be strength reduction, but are very similar to zcprop. Elimination of v[i] is definitely dead-code elimination. What should we do for the final paper? Is it hard to extend zcprop/DCE to integers? - M88ksim and Mesa - Should we take another look at other routines to try to improve our whole-program results? Pushed into TOPLAS or other submissions (discussed already, I think): - features - conditional specialization - lazy specialization - internal dynamic-to-static promotions (e.g., when other features are disabled) - fast checked dispatch mechanisms - varying inputs to the benchmarks - analysis - instruction-mix analysis - DCPI - other detailed measurements - dispatch times - hole-patching times Suggested significant changes to the paper (open for discussion): - Downplay annotation policies since we're not evaluating them in this paper - Eliminate optimizations that were pushed to future work - Add an example to section 2 - Significantly prune the descriptions of the optimizations and move them to section 3 - Some kind of brief discussion about why we don't have more benchmarks - Swap 4.3 and 4.4 Proposed outline/summary of changes for final version of our paper for PLDI99 (not really fit for consumption, but ...): 1. Introduction Mostly, the same as it is now. Changed points: - "Safe annotations": correct or eliminate New points: - Pronunciation of DyC :-) - Mechanisms of DC vs. end-user solutions - Some optimizations only benefit the larger programs - List of contributions of the paper 2. DyC - Overview - Our approach to DC - Declarative - Specialization - High-level, result-oriented (rather than mechanism-oriented) description of capabilities - VSO - Loop unrolling - Implementation (more or less what is there already) - Example (interpreter?) - Show annotated program, input, and dynamically generated code - Demonstrate loop unrolling 3. Methodology - Study overview (what, why, how) - Optimizations - Eliminate most discussion about things outside the focus of this paper: - annotations and policies - conditional specialization - lazy vs. eager specialization - internal dynamic-to-static promotions? - Define division in main text rather than footnote? - Clarify "dead-code elimination" - Fix "_all_ downstream references" in zcprop/DCE description - Workload: description of benchmarks - Mesa: free but not PD - Eliminate/replace query as a benchmark? - Selection of regions and annotations - define "infrequent" - Reasons for so few benchmarks? - manual parts of process - lack of features - not amenable to our optimizations - not enough variables with right properties - too many different values to dispatch on - loops with too many iterations - not enough operations depending only on variables with desirable properties - robustness - Timing methodology - mention how regions were timed as well as whole programs - exclude o from d 4. Results and discussion Reorganize as indicated below. Eliminate table 2. Order and name table 4 columns to be same as in s. 3 and below. Eliminate columns from table 4 - lazy vs. eager specialization - internal dynamic-to-static promotions? Put all numbers in tables, eliminating s/d and n/a. Add gcc numbers for comparison. Include sizes of statically and dynamically generated code. Exclude unspecialized callees from region times (dinero, mesa, mipsi)? - All optimizations - Asymptotic speedups - Clarify "asymptotic speedups" - Differences between macro and micro benchmarks - gcc vs. mflow - Overhead - Break even - Whole-program performance - Factors to consider - Omit comments about architectural effects? - Evaluating individual optimizations - Loop unrolling - Dispatching - Static loads and calls - Strength reduction, zcprop, DCE - Load hoisting 5. Related work Mostly the same. Reviewers had notes about C-Mix and Fabius. 6. Conclusions Other reviewer points: - Static/dynamic terminology confusing and possibly inconsistent (static sometimes referring to static compile time and sometimes to DC time?) - Spell out ILP - Grammar notes of next-to-last reviewer - "medium-sized" or "larger" programs rather than "large" To: spin-comp@cs Subject: dispatching outline Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 16:25:04 PST From: Brian Grant To be read after imminent deadlines have passed. :-) This explores the issue in depth in outline form, not a complete writeup. The short list of things to implement is: - streamlining the current implementation of the general lookups - caching techniques for quasi-invariants - invalidation-based caching - inline caching (not inlined lookups!) - staged caching for internal dynamic-to-static promotions - special-case table lookup for decompress and grep --Brian - Implementation of dynamic dispatches for run-time specialization - Premise - Our current implementation is inefficient and very general (non-trivial hash function, handles collisions, growable tables, arbitrary key length) - Some benchmarks require faster checked dispatches - decompress - grep - mipsi (for certain inputs) - mipsi with conditional specialization (a dispatch is required to switch from unspecialized code to specialized code) - benchmarks with other run-time optimizations disabled - "safe" versions of the benchmarks - Note: There may be no reasonable "safe" versions of several of the benchmarks due to @s (e.g., mipsi). For these programs, a different approach would be required. That is beyond the scope of this study. Matthai has previously mentioned these possibilities (in connection with fully automatic DC): - Invalidate on write - Fingerprinting (see hash functions, below) This might be a good quals topic! - Several known alternatives from other contexts (switches, dynamic dispatches, hashing in general) - Why is this important? - Dispatches are a major determinant of performance - Cheap checked dispatches could allow our system to be safe(r) - Broadens applicability of DyC, maybe of dynamic compilation in general - Strengthens our previous claims / lies within our purported focus - "Real" programs, not just kernels in isolation (at least, "medium-sized," whole programs) - Moving towards full automation - Shows that DC systems are maturing by being the first to apply sophisticated (though known) techniques - Approach - Demonstrate that the cost of the dispatch can be critical for certain applications - Identify performance problems in current implementation - Present the design space - Unsafe - Unchecked: load & jump for invariants (implemented) - Checked: explicit invalidation for (quasi-)invariants - load & jump (invalidation resets target address) - Could be safe if invalidations inserted by the compiler or memory set to invalidate on write by changing access rights for the data - "Safe" (note: most of these still won't check contents of run-time-constant data structures) - Full lookup with growable tables - Hashing - Collision resolution - Open addressing with double hashing (implemented) - Chaining - Hash functions - Single, simple function (implemented) - There are infinitely many possible variations. For example, we might want to split and combine (e.g., using xor) upper and lower bits of pointers or floats before adding those types of keys to the hash value. - "Perfect hash": select best among large library of hash functions using set of key values used for current run (dynamic selection) or past runs (static selection) - "Universal hash" (or "fingerprinting"): hash function with random weights applied to the key bits; probabilistic guarantees on worst-case behavior; efficient for large key spaces: O(log(n)) for key length n - Alternatives to hashing: for small numbers of keys - Linear search - Array of cached key/target pairs - Dynamically generate series of key comparisons - Variations - Only store fixed number of most frequently/recently used keys - Dynamically reorder the lists - Search trees / indices (binary search, B trees, etc.) - Probably not worthwhile - Inline caches (creates 2-level code cache) - Monomorphic: for (quasi-)invariants - Compare against previous key. If same, jump to saved target address. If different, do a full lookup, replace the key and target address in the inline cache, and jump. - Polymorphic: for small number of unique key values - Cache subset of keys/targets using one of the alternatives to hashing listed above - Lookups with small, bounded key spaces (up to 16 bits) - Direct table lookup (no need to store nor compare against the key as well!) - Special casing - If statically don't know that the number of possible values is small, can test the value. - Use direct lookup for small values and general method for others - Could use perfect hash for certain types of values and general method for others (e.g., log base k then table lookup for powers of k) - Use a polymorphic scheme for the special-case keys and general method for others - Key comparisons (basically a string comparison) - Traditional: compare all bits (implemented) - Probabilistic: compare random bits (just the fingerprint) - Invalidation of particular versions would be useful in a system that deallocated (garbage collected) specializations that were not used recently - Identify exploitable characteristics of our benchmarks (e.g., invariants or quasi-invariants) - Implement several optimizations - decompress and grep could benefit from dispatches implemented as table lookups (I need to verify that the tables would be small enough) - mipsi could benefit from changing the hash function - all benchmarks could use invalidation-based caching or inline caching for invariant or quasi-invariant run-time constants (i.e., at all dynamic-region entries) - mipsi's jump and return cases could also use inline caching, as noted by Matthai on 10/23/98 - all of the above benchmarks could benefit from a generally more efficient implementation, independent of issues discussed above - lookups with key passed in registers - (partially) inlined lookups - static allocation of memory to store key - dynamic lookup only on dynamic context (static lookup on static context => staged caching) - Compare costs of different dispatch implementations - How is this different from switches and dynamic dispatches? - First to apply known sophisticated dispatching techniques to dynamic compilation / run-time specialization (e.g., dispatches in Tempo and `C are manually implemented by the user) - Potentially vast key space - Big key variables (32 bits is too big to use a directly indexed table) - Switches and dynamic dispatches typically have a small number of possibilities, all of which are known statically (i.e., new types and new cases are not created dynamically) - Our keys don't have to be integers. Floats and pointers can be (part of) keys, too. - An arbitrary number of key variables - Switches and single dispatches are only on one variable; multiple dispatch may be on multiple variables (types) - Potentially whole data structures, though not for this study - Execution characteristics different from OO programs? - Advantages - It allows me to do experiments I had planned to do (e.g., with certain optimizations off) - It makes the "safe" annotations more appealing and allows us to more credibly evaluate the safety/performance tradeoff - Broadens the set of applications to which we can apply DyC - It addresses a significant weakness in DyC (e.g., Ruf seemed surprised that we hadn't invested significant effort in making dispatches fast) - Strengthens other studies that depend on fast dispatches - Uses of conditional specialization - Strengthens other studies by adding more benchmarks - Techniques could also be applied to other systems - Consel's specialization classes - Demonstrates why caching/dispatching should be part of the infrastructure - Disadvantages - There is a non-trivial amount implementation required - I would have to get one or two more benchmarks working to demonstrate the table-lookup implementation - Few of the techniques are novel in the absolute sense - Overlaps with other studies - Sensitivity of optimizations to program inputs Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 16:29:04 -0800 From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers , cc: spin-comp@cs, Markus Mock Subject: Grant Proposal I'd like to see an additional point added to the section. o Develop a static analysis which, in interaction with the value locality profiler, identifies both slowly changing variables that are potential candidates for specialization and loops that may be beneficially unrolled. We can cite Autrey, Wolfe "Initial Results for Glacial Variable Analysis" [International Journal of Parallel Programming vol 26, no 1, 1998] here as a precursor. They use only static frequency estimates and a simple staging model based on loop nests to come up with good guesses for semi-invariant or invariant variables (which they call glacial variables). Also, the last sub-point about the cost-benefit model: it seems that this model should mostly depend on the capabilites and associated cost of the unterlying dynamic compilation system. Given the profile information, this model can then be refined to take into account the actual architecture and program that is optimized to produce a specialized cost-benefit model for the particular configuration. Just my 2/100 euros. -- Markus To: spin-comp@cs Subject: conditional and lazy specialization outline Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 16:29:55 PST From: Brian Grant This is not as fleshed out as the dispatching outline, but I thought it might be of interest (again, after deadlines). --Brian - Uses of conditional and lazy specialization - Premise - Conditional and lazy specialization fit naturally into DyC's framework - We get conditional specialization "for free" from DyC's style of polyvariant division - Lazy specialization fits naturally in DyC because it also supports both eager specialization and laziness due to promotions - Conditional and lazy specialization are novel capabilities of DyC that are unproven - Conditional specialization can be used - To avoid DC when the cost wouldn't be amortized - To avoid DC when it would little or no benefit - To avoid DC when it would have a negative impact on other parts of the program (in particular, by trashing the i-cache) - To select appropriate optimizations? - Lazy specialization can be used - To avoid specializing code that won't be executed - To provide a measure of safety (i.e., guarantees termination) - Why is this important? - Broadens applicability of dynamic compilation - To dynamic regions that might sometimes be amenable to specialization and sometimes might not - To dynamic regions that contain considerable amounts of code that is seldom executed [reword] - By permitting multiway unrolling to be used in more circumstances (e.g., in binary search) - Paves the way for fully automatic DC by avoiding negative consequences (e.g., i-cache trashing, non-terminating specialization, excessive DC overhead) - Approach - There are a variety of ways in which conditional specialization could be used. Find and implement examples of each in our benchmark suite. When creating conditions, keep in mind that it should be possible to generate them using automatic techniques. - Execution threshold: specialize only when the code has been executed enough times to recoup estimated DC cost (ala ski rental) - Could/should be for particular values of the static variables - Trickier when threshold must be tested inside dynamic region, as in dinero and (especially) mipsi - Cache size: specialize only when it is estimated that the generated code is likely to "fit nicely" in the i-cache and not clobber the rest of the working set - What does "nicely" mean? Number of iterations * size of iteration < cache size? - How can we account for what else is in the cache? - Could also partially unroll loops, which, again, might put the test inside the dynamic region - When particular optimizations apply: specialize only when it is determined that particular run-time optimizations can be applied - Strength reduction in dinero for power-of-2 cache sizes - Does the polyvariant division in the shader, where we only specialize particular paths, qualify as conditional specialization? We certainly didn't insert any new conditions. - Any instances of @s being conditionally safe in our benchmarks (and being able to perform a simple source-level check to determine that)? - Application of _different_ optimizations (not just full optimization or none) for different conditions - Any examples of this in our benchmarks? - What optimizations potentially have high dynamic overhead, other than loop unrolling, that we could control using annotations (we can't control run-time dce using annotations, for example)? - Lazy specialization is used to avoid generating code that won't be used (reached by branches not taken) - Improve implemention of one-time lazy edges - If we knew which edge would be the one most likely taken, we could make that one eager and the other one lazy (i.e., if the branch were biased) - Use our current benchmarks - conditional specialization (execution threshold) - mipsi, in particular - all other benchmarks, too - lazy specialization - mipsi - binary - Are other programs required? - Compare conditional and lazy specialization to: - not applying specialization - applying specialization indiscriminately - What kind of experiments should I run? - How is this novel? - Conditional and lazy specialization are novel features - Advantages - Could prove the utility of cool features of DyC - Disadvantages - Some debugging will likely be required for mipsi - Examples using our current benchmarks might be largely uninteresting (still uncertain) - The design for conditional and lazy specialization is described in detail in the PEPM/TCS papers Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 13:07:55 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: machines What are our machines called: Digital X, with 21164 processors, and X bytes of memory, running the X operating system. Susan Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 14:57:28 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:,, Subject: Re: Grant Proposal Cc: spin-comp@cs, mock@cs Excellent, both good points -- they're in. Thanks for your input. Susan Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 11:52:53 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: look at paper 10 ----- Begin Included Message ----- From owner-arch-lunch@june Fri Jan 8 11:22:45 1999 To: arch-lunch@cs, Subject: ISCA99 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Content-Length: 72 X-Lines: 4 Status: RO The program is already on the web ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 10:54:19 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: DyC pldi'99 comments ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Mon Jan 11 05:24:21 1999 Delivery-Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 05:24:23 PST From: X-Lotus-FromDomain: IBMUS To: Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 21:25:09 -0500 Subject: DyC pldi'99 comments Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Disposition: inline Hi Craig, I led a discussion (about 10 people) of the DyC PLDI'99 paper on Friday afternoon. Here's some of the high level comments people had. A couple people also said they had some minor detailed comments about the presentation that they would email to me -- if I actually get them I'll pass them along, but since we're also all involved writing a JavaGrande submission (due 1/15), they may not get written in a timely fashion. ** Given the space constraints you may not be able to do much better, but it would be helpful to provide a better description of the assumptions/terminology you are using -- there was a bunch of discussion related to division vs. specialization, the exact meaning of "static," and the various policy annotations. I don't think you can assume that people are familiar with the details of the TCS journal paper. ** It would be nice if the non-standard optimizations were described more precisely or in more detail in section 4. There was a strong feeling that a good running example would really help both in making it clear what the optimizations were and what the overall structure of the system was. In particular, there was a great deal of confusion over the details of loop unrolling. ** There's the confusion over the formulas in section 4.2 that I mentioned in my previous email. ** Table 1 tells which variables were annotated, but several people were interested in knowing exactly what the annotations were for each program (was it just a make_static on the variable(s), or was more annotation required). It was suggested that you make the annotated programs available on your web page. ** Table 4 shows all, none, and all but one. For completeness, it might be nice to show just one too -- or at least do the experiments and report any interesting results in the running text. (Just my comment -- not a big issue). ** Several people thought it would be very interesting for section #4 to contain a more in depth (informal) analysis of what exactly was enabling the huge speedups ("they got a 5x speedup on a spec benchmark....what exactly did the system do?"). From table 4 one can more or less tell which subset of the optimizations are important, but it would be interesting to read a description of what transformations were enabled (e.g. loop unrolling and static loads enabled the elimination of all loads from the instruction array, which in turn enabled.....). You've all been looking at these benchmarks in great detail -- if you had any intuition/thoughts people would be interested in reading about them. ** In the related word section, people expected a discussion of various other dynamic compilation/JIT systems such as Self and more recent Java work. I can see an argument that these systems aren't really that closely related (both are interspersing code generation with program execution, but the approach/tradeoffs are very different). I think you should make this argument explicit, if you believe it, and thus do not believe that the Self/JIT work is relevant. ** In the intro, you might want to be a little more explicit about what's new in this paper. I think it's implicit in the last part of the intro, but maybe you should reorder/reword to make it more prominent (on the first page for example). I think that's most of the major points....since I was moderating I wasn't quite as careful about writing things done as I should have been. If I think of anything else I'll let you know. --dave ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 19:44:42 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting tomorrow Craig and I would like to cancel. Grant proposal. Susan Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 18:02:52 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: the proposal We submitted the proposal early this time -- 4:57, three minutes to spare. Thanks for tolerating our absence. Susan and Craig Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 10:28:47 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: conferences vs. journals I noticed in a request to review a TOPLAS submission the following paragraph, which seems to indicate TOPLAS's views on conference vs. journal papers, and is relevant to our discussions on the topic of what's required in a journal paper beyond a conference paper: "Prior conference publication is no bar to publication in TOPLAS. Conference proceedings are not archival and are not carefully refereed. Conference papers that are submitted to TOPLAS will go through a refereeing process (as will any submission) that almost always leads to clarification, better discussion of the relevant literature, correction or improvement of the results, deletion of irrelevant material, and other changes that are of value to TOPLAS's readership." As I read it, it suggests that (TOPLAS) journal papers may simply be better edited versions of conference papers. I'm not suggesting that we only do that, but that we shouldn't save work or tackle additional work just to make a journal paper out of a conference paper. -- Craig To: spin-comp@cs Subject: more info from Zorn Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 07:40:58 PST From: Brian Grant Looks like we're in good company. :-) --Brian ------- Forwarded Message From: Ben Zorn To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: Information for PLDI'99 authors... Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 08:47:49 -0800 Congratulations on having your paper accepted to PLDI'99. As mentioned in earlier email, the hard deadline for the final version of the paper is Feb. 19, and I must receive an electronic copy and a hardcopy at that time. Full information about the format and addional materials you must provide are available at the URL: This year, as an added benefit, student authors of PLDI papers are granted free ACM SIGPLAN membership. Send your name and email address to Ben Zorn ( to learn about how to apply for free membership. Also, SIGPLAN PAC ( supports travel expenses for student authors. Check on the PAC web page to find out more about this opportunity. I look forward to receiving your final papers. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for your interest and contribution to PLDI'99. - -Ben Zorn ------- End of Forwarded Message Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 11:46:26 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: more info from Zorn Can you all look into the SIGPLAN membership deal and travel support to the conference? Thanks, Susan Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 15:45:44 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: melody@cs Subject: travel to PLDI Cc: spin-comp@cs Melody -- Can you make a ball-partk estimate of how much a student will spend at PLDI, including, air fare, hotel, registration, meals not covered by the registration, to/from the airport, etc.? They have to add this information to their petitions for getting student funding for the conference. Thanks, Susan Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 09:37:50 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: hotel at FCRC Lisa had not made our reservations, so I tried to do so this morning. The general Hilton 800 number had no student rate, so I didn't make one for Brian/Matthai/Markus -- you'll have to call the hotel directly. I made a reservation for Craig from May 1 - May 5, If that's not what you want, you can change easily. Your confirmation number is 222167877. I didn't do reservations. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: hotel at FCRC Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 09:44:25 PST From: Brian Grant >> The general Hilton 800 number had no student rate, so I didn't >> make one for Brian/Matthai/Markus -- you'll have to call the hotel >> directly. I made the reservations for the three of us a week ago. May 1 - 4. --Brian Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 11:15:55 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: meeting today Since Patricia is not feeling well today, I need to stay at home and take care of Andrea. To give you an update of what I have been doing: I have been looking at the loops we unroll in our benchmarks. I think I have found a scheme to identify most of them using static analysis and execution frequency information from a profile run. Some loops don't fit the scheme, eg. the ones in fft and Mipsi. I am still working on that. I will be writing up what I have this week and send it around. -- Markus Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 11:42:20 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: meeting today Do we need a meeting today? Matthai is busy working out his optimization framework and is not yet ready to report. Brian is completing his PLDI draft, and will probably just hand it over to us?. Mark just started on the DyC-scheduled vs. assembler-scheduled analysis. What do you think? Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: Subject: Re: meeting today Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 11:47:39 PST From: Matthai Philipose I'd be fine with not meeting. Matthai To: Subject: Re: meeting today Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 11:53:02 PST From: Brian Grant >> Do we need a meeting today? No meeting is fine. >> Brian is completing his PLDI draft, and will probably just hand it over >> to us?. The draft isn't going to be ready today. Now that I'm over my cold, I'm shooting for tomorrow night or Thursday morning. --Brian Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 12:05:55 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To:,, eggers@yakima Subject: Re: meeting today Fine with me not to meet. -- Craig Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 15:13:37 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: projected expenditures from Lisa ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Tue Jan 26 13:05:22 1999 To: Susan Eggers Subject: PLDI Student Attendance Estimate MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.1960.3) Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: 452 X-Lines: 20 Status: RO Although the Web Page cautions that the hotel space is limited and advises early registration, I found no path to register online. Here are the estimated costs of PLDI99 Attendance, May 1 - 4, 1999 in Atlanta, GA. Conference Cost $200 RT Airfare 400 Taxi's 50 Student Room/shared $120 x 3 nights 360 Per diem $38 x 4 days 152 _____ Total $1162 Hope this helps, Lisa ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 15:22:03 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: projected expenditures from Lisa > RT Airfare 400 I talked to Jerry and he told me the UW contract fare was $590 rt. The cheaper fares have penalties for changes and have to be ticketed within 48 hours after reservation. If you have a student Amex card you can get a ticket for $269 + tax (roundtrip), but the reservation can't be made until 3 weeks before travel. -- Markus Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 11:15:22 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: Summer Internships at Sun Labs East FYI. ----- Begin Included Message ----- From detlefs@slats.East.Sun.COM Tue Feb 2 08:34:59 1999 Delivery-Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 08:35:00 PST From: David Detlefs - Sun Microsystems Labs BOS MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 11:34:44 -0500 (EST) To: Subject: Summer Internships at Sun Labs East X-Mailer: VM 6.43 under 20.4 "Emerald" XEmacs Lucid Reply-To: David Detlefs Dear friend, colleague, and/or mentor -- The Java Topics group of Sun Microsystems Laboratories in Burlington, MA, is looking to recruit an excellent summer intern or two. We are a small but productive group that works in all areas of advanced Java Virtual Machine implementation, especially garbage collection and Just-In-Time compilation. If you know of a bright graduate (or very bright undergraduate!) student who might find this sort of work interesting for a summer (and who would be good at it!), please forward them this mail. They can reply directly to me. We don't have a firm deadline, but sooner is better than later. Thank you for your time. Dave Detlefs ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 13:31:58 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: sick Andrea got her vaccinations yesterday, and I got the bacteria/virus and fever. Since it didn't get better this morning, I won't come in today. -- Markus Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 17:17:21 -0800 From: Markus Mock To: Subject: SIGPLAN PAC application I just looked at the web page describing the PAC support again: it's awarded on a first-come first-served basis. So I just sent in my application since I am already a SIGPLAN member. If you haven't applied yet, you should probably do so soon. -- Markus Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 18:39:51 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: levy@cs, eggers@yakima, sparekh@cs, redstone@yakima, spin-comp@cs Subject: do we still have franklin? What are the names of our still-alive alphas? Susan Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 18:44:10 -0800 From: Joshua Redstone To: Susan Eggers cc: levy@cs, sparekh@cs, redstone@yakima, spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: do we still have franklin? At least: steffi, chrissie, jimmy, martina franklin is alive but is being used for something else? (it doesn't accept logins) Josh On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Susan Eggers wrote: > What are the names of our still-alive alphas? > > Susan > Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 18:48:35 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Joshua Redstone cc: Susan Eggers , levy@cs, sparekh@cs, redstone@yakima, Subject: Re: do we still have franklin? Franklin is sitting on Matthai's desk and is alive, I can log on at least. The 3 alphas we are using for dyc are: wu, alper and robscheit. -- Markus On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Joshua Redstone wrote: > At least: > > steffi, chrissie, jimmy, martina > > franklin is alive but is being used for something else? (it doesn't accept > logins) > > Josh > > On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Susan Eggers wrote: > > > What are the names of our still-alive alphas? > > > > Susan > > > > To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: do we still have franklin? Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 22:33:14 PST From: Brian Grant >> What are the names of our still-alive alphas? DyC machines are: old: franklin Matthai's desk meitner essentially unused new: robscheit alper wu --Brian Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 11:34:56 -0800 (PST) From: Sujay Parekh To: Markus Mock Cc: Joshua Redstone , Susan Eggers , Subject: Re: do we still have franklin? Just last week, Nancy moved franklin from being controlled by lab staff to being administered by students (ie, it's now unsupported, just like the new SMT and DyC Alphas). I believe that's why no one else but Matthai can log in. Sujay To: Ben Zorn cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: PLDI `99: format question Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 13:17:39 PST From: Brian Grant Dr. Zorn, The authors' info web page states the text should use a "9 point font, set on 10 point spacing." However, the Framemaker5 template uses a 10-point font and 11-point line spacing. Which is correct? Is either format acceptable? Using the small font and spacing might alleviate our need for an additional page. Thank you for your help. --Brian Grant To: spin-comp@cs Subject: disabled backups on robscheit Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 13:06:26 PST From: Brian Grant I've asked Warren to disable backups on robscheit temporarily while I perform more timing experiments. The CVS archive, which is on robscheit, should be fully backed up. Please don't commit anything new until further notice. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 15:00:35 PST From: Brian Grant I just heard from Ben Zorn that the Frame template was incorrect. I had noticed it was inconsistent with the format spec. I changed the font to 9pt to comply with the spec. That cut our # pages from 12 back to 11 (not including references), so we should have enough space, I think. The latest draft of the paper is at: /projects/dyncomp/Papers/PLDI99/ The results and related work still have a few rough spots, but nearly all of the numbers are there. I probably won't be making more changes today or tomorrow while I work on my affiliates talk. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: let's meet in 114 Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 13:37:15 PST From: Brian Grant I'll go directly there @2:30 and set up the projector. --Brian Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 18:27:57 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: sorry ----- Begin Included Message ----- From MAILER-DAEMON Tue Feb 9 18:22:16 1999 Subject: Returned mail: User unknown To: eggers Content-Length: 771 X-Lines: 26 Status: RO The original message was received at Tue, 9 Feb 1999 18:22:12 -0800 from eggers@localhost ----- The following addresses had delivery problems ----- spoin-comp (unrecoverable error) ----- Transcript of session follows ----- 550 spoin-comp... User unknown ----- Original message follows ----- Return-Path: Received: (eggers@localhost) by (8.6.12/7.2ws+) id SAA12678; Tue, 9 Feb 1999 18:22:12 -0800 Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 18:22:12 -0800 From: eggers (Susan Eggers) Message-Id: <> To: grant@cs Subject: our meeting this Friday Cc: spoin-comp Can we meet at some time other than 3:30? I'd like to go to the Equator talk. Matthai is at 2:30, and I'm free starting at 11:30. SUsan ----- End Included Message ----- To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: our meeting this Friday Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 07:50:52 PST From: Brian Grant 11:30 is ok by me. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: PLDI deadline looming near Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:40:56 PST From: Brian Grant ------- Forwarded Message Received: from ( []) by (8.8.7+CS/7.2ju) with ESMTP id KAA21458 for ; Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:29:25 -0800 Received: by with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2524.0) id <15AJPY14>; Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:22:18 -0800 Message-ID: From: Ben Zorn To: "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" , "''" Cc: Subject: PLDI hardcopy deadline and typesetting issues... Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:21:50 -0800 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2524.0) Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" X-UIDL: 06d06fadc9c242b7298ff4da99bc1753 Status: U I wanted all the PLDI authors to know that since I won't be in Boulder on Friday, Feb 19 to receive the papers, I will accept hardcopies of your final papers until Monday MORNING (Feb 22). Please make sure that I receive them by then. Send the hardcopies to: Ben Zorn 5108 Ellsworth Place Boulder, CO 80303 This deadline is very firm. Please do not ask for any further extensions. Also, there have been some inquiries about the Framemaker ACM conference style template on the Web. It turns out that the point size and spacing in the Framemaker template is 10 pts on 11pts, whereas the rules say that the size and spacing should be 9pt on 10pt. If you are using Framemaker, you are welcome to change the Framemaker template to 9pt on 10pt, as that will give you more space. Also, that template has hypenation turned off in the body of the document, which is also an error. You are welcome to turn it back on. If you have any questions, please let me know. - -Ben ------- End of Forwarded Message Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 14:30:59 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: melody@cs Subject: fed expr deadline Cc: spin-comp@cs Mel -- Can you find out the lastest express mail we can use to get a paper to Boulder CO by Monday MORNING (Feb 22). Thanks, Susan Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 14:46:16 -0800 From: melody (Melody Kadenko-Ludwa) To: eggers@yakima Subject: Re: fed expr deadline FedEx offers the latest time. The university cannot use Airborne anymore. Monday is a university/government holiday, but not for FedEx. However, the deadline for calling today is 3pm. Otherwise, it would be a drop-off at the box at 6th & University streets downtown. As for Saturday pickup, they will pick up at your house, but the charge is doubled. If you plan on doing that, then you'll need the "special" university forms. Mel >>>>> "Susan" == Susan Eggers writes: > Mel -- Can you find out the lastest express mail we can use to > get a paper to Boulder CO by Monday MORNING (Feb 22). > Thanks, Susan To: Gretchen Cox cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: Equipment needs for Affiliate talks Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 15:02:51 PST From: Brian Grant >> Please let me know by Tuesday noon latest, if you need any special >> equipment for your presentations next Thurday. The only equipment that >> will be standard to each room will be an overhead projector and a screen. >> Please be sure to let me know if you need anything in addition to this and >> I will try to accomodate your requests. I'll need a LCD projector and a laptop for a PowerPoint slide show. Matthai Philipose (whose talk is in the same session) will need one as well. We already reserved a dept. LCD projector for that time. Was that the right thing to do? --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: my poster and talk Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 15:05:57 PST From: Brian Grant I signed up for pizza during tomorrow's poster-making session. :-) It looks likely that I won't be able to make it. My talk is in: /projects/dyncomp/grant/affiliates99.ppt Unless I send another message before the poster-making session tomorrow, could someone else please do the poster? Otherwise, I could try to do it Thursday morning. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: poster Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 07:28:31 PST From: Brian Grant I'm here. No baby yet. I'll try to finish my poster this morning. --Brian To: Subject: Practice talk at today's meeting Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 09:32:22 PST From: Matthai Philipose Hi all, I'll be giving another practice talk at today's dynamic compilation meeting. I've again reserved the Chateau conference room for the 2:30-3:30 slot. Thanks, Matthai Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 13:45:41 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: matthai@cs Subject: your example Cc: spin-comp@cs Matthai -- Now that you've thought about the convolution example for your affilates talk, I'm wondering if the example in the paper wants to be simplified in any way. Can you get in touch after your practice wrt this? Thanks, Susan To: Subject: practice talk Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 14:29:23 PST From: Matthai Philipose Just a reminder that I'm giving another practice talk for affiliates in the Chateau conference room right now. Matthai Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 16:22:19 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, cecil@cs Subject: Whirlwind poster draft ---------- X-Sun-Data-Type: text X-Sun-Data-Description: text X-Sun-Data-Name: text X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii X-Sun-Content-Lines: 8 I've made a draft of the Whirlwind poster. I'm taking comments for the next hour (later comments can help the talk, which will be derived from the poster slides). Postscript attached below. Or see ~chambers/talks/uw/affiliates/99/poster.{doc,ps}. -- Craig ---------- X-Sun-Data-Type: postscript-file X-Sun-Data-Description: postscript-file X-Sun-Data-Name: X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii X-Sun-Content-Lines: 3091 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%Pages: (atend) %%PageOrder: (atend) %%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%Creator: Frame 4.0 %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit %%EndComments %%BeginProlog % % Frame ps_prolog 4.0, for use with Frame 4.0 products % This ps_prolog file is Copyright (c) 1986-1993 Frame Technology % Corporation. All rights reserved. This ps_prolog file may be % freely copied and distributed in conjunction with documents created % using FrameMaker, FrameBuilder and FrameViewer as long as this % copyright notice is preserved. % % Frame products normally print colors as their true color on a color printer % or as shades of gray, based on luminance, on a black-and white printer. The % following flag, if set to True, forces all non-white colors to print as pure % black. This has no effect on bitmap images. /FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack false def % % Frame products can either set their own line screens or use a printer's % default settings. Three flags below control this separately for no % separations, spot separations and process separations. If a flag % is true, then the default printer settings will not be changed. If it is % false, Frame products will use their own settings from a table based on % the printer's resolution. /FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen true def /FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen true def /FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen false def % % For any given PostScript printer resolution, Frame products have two sets of % screen angles and frequencies for printing process separations, which are % recomended by Adobe. The following variable chooses the higher frequencies % when set to true or the lower frequencies when set to false. This is only % effective if the appropriate FMUseDefault...SeparationScreen flag is false. /FMUseHighFrequencyScreens true def % % PostScript Level 2 printers contain an "Accurate Screens" feature which can % improve process separation rendering at the expense of compute time. This % flag is ignored by PostScript Level 1 printers. /FMUseAcccurateScreens true def % % The following PostScript procedure defines the spot function that Frame % products will use for process separations. You may un-comment-out one of % the alternative functions below, or use your own. % % Dot function /FMSpotFunction {abs exch abs 2 copy add 1 gt {1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1 sub } {dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub }ifelse } def % % Line function % /FMSpotFunction { pop } def % % Elipse function % /FMSpotFunction { dup 5 mul 8 div mul exch dup mul exch add % sqrt 1 exch sub } def % % /FMversion (4.0) def /FMLevel1 /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt def /FMPColor FMLevel1 { false /colorimage where {pop pop true} if } { true } ifelse def /FrameDict 400 dict def systemdict /errordict known not {/errordict 10 dict def errordict /rangecheck {stop} put} if % The readline in PS 23.0 doesn't recognize cr's as nl's on AppleTalk FrameDict /tmprangecheck errordict /rangecheck get put errordict /rangecheck {FrameDict /bug true put} put FrameDict /bug false put mark % Some PS machines read past the CR, so keep the following 3 lines together! currentfile 5 string readline 00 0000000000 cleartomark errordict /rangecheck FrameDict /tmprangecheck get put FrameDict /bug get { /readline { /gstring exch def /gfile exch def /gindex 0 def { gfile read pop dup 10 eq {exit} if dup 13 eq {exit} if gstring exch gindex exch put /gindex gindex 1 add def } loop pop gstring 0 gindex getinterval true } bind def } if /FMshowpage /showpage load def /FMquit /quit load def /FMFAILURE { dup = flush FMshowpage /Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont 72 200 moveto show FMshowpage FMquit } def /FMVERSION { FMversion ne { (Frame product version does not match ps_prolog!) FMFAILURE } if } def /FMBADEPSF { (PostScript Lang. Ref. Man., 2nd Ed., H.2.4 says EPS must not call X ) dup dup (X) search pop exch pop exch pop length 4 -1 roll putinterval FMFAILURE } def /FMLOCAL { FrameDict begin 0 def end } def /concatprocs { /proc2 exch cvlit def/proc1 exch cvlit def/newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx }def FrameDict begin /FMnone 0 def /FMcyan 1 def /FMmagenta 2 def /FMyellow 3 def /FMblack 4 def /FMcustom 5 def /FrameNegative false def /FrameSepIs FMnone def /FrameSepBlack 0 def /FrameSepYellow 0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0 def /FrameSepCyan 0 def /FrameSepRed 1 def /FrameSepGreen 1 def /FrameSepBlue 1 def /FrameCurGray 1 def /FrameCurPat null def /FrameCurColors [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ] def /FrameColorEpsilon .001 def /eqepsilon { sub dup 0 lt {neg} if FrameColorEpsilon le } bind def /FrameCmpColorsCMYK { 2 copy 0 get exch 0 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 1 get exch 1 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 2 get exch 2 get eqepsilon { 3 get exch 3 get eqepsilon } {pop pop false} ifelse }{pop pop false} ifelse } {pop pop false} ifelse } bind def /FrameCmpColorsRGB { 2 copy 4 get exch 0 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 5 get exch 1 get eqepsilon { 6 get exch 2 get eqepsilon }{pop pop false} ifelse } {pop pop false} ifelse } bind def /RGBtoCMYK { 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 3 copy 2 copy le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse 2 copy le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse dup dup dup 6 1 roll 4 1 roll 7 1 roll sub 6 1 roll sub 5 1 roll sub 4 1 roll } bind def /CMYKtoRGB { dup dup 4 -1 roll add 5 1 roll 3 -1 roll add 4 1 roll add 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch } bind def /FrameSepInit { 1.0 RealSetgray } bind def /FrameSetSepColor { /FrameSepBlue exch def /FrameSepGreen exch def /FrameSepRed exch def /FrameSepBlack exch def /FrameSepYellow exch def /FrameSepMagenta exch def /FrameSepCyan exch def /FrameSepIs FMcustom def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetCyan { /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def /FrameSepRed 0.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 1.0 def /FrameSepIs FMcyan def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetMagenta { /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def /FrameSepRed 1.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 1.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMmagenta def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetYellow { /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def /FrameSepRed 1.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 1.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMyellow def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetBlack { /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def /FrameSepRed 0.0 def /FrameSepBlack 1.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMblack def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameNoSep { /FrameSepIs FMnone def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetSepColors { FrameDict begin [ exch 1 add 1 roll ] /FrameSepColors exch def end } bind def /FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepColors { exch dup 3 -1 roll FrameCmpColorsCMYK { pop true exit } if } forall dup true ne {pop false} if } bind def /FrameColorInSepListRGB { FrameSepColors { exch dup 3 -1 roll FrameCmpColorsRGB { pop true exit } if } forall dup true ne {pop false} if } bind def /RealSetgray /setgray load def /RealSetrgbcolor /setrgbcolor load def /RealSethsbcolor /sethsbcolor load def end /setgray { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetgray } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq { RealSetgray } { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq FrameSepRed 0 eq and FrameSepGreen 0 eq and FrameSepBlue 0 eq and { RealSetgray } { 1 RealSetgray pop } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse end } bind def /setrgbcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetrgbcolor } { 3 copy [ 4 1 roll ] FrameColorInSepListRGB { FrameSepBlue eq exch FrameSepGreen eq and exch FrameSepRed eq and { 0 } { 1 } ifelse } { FMPColor { RealSetrgbcolor currentcmykcolor } { RGBtoCMYK } ifelse FrameSepIs FMblack eq {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse RealSetgray } ifelse end } bind def /sethsbcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSethsbcolor } { RealSethsbcolor currentrgbcolor setrgbcolor } ifelse end } bind def FrameDict begin /setcmykcolor where { pop /RealSetcmykcolor /setcmykcolor load def } { /RealSetcmykcolor { 4 1 roll 3 { 3 index add 0 max 1 min 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat setrgbcolor pop } bind def } ifelse userdict /setcmykcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetcmykcolor } { 4 copy [ 5 1 roll ] FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepBlack eq exch FrameSepYellow eq and exch FrameSepMagenta eq and exch FrameSepCyan eq and { 0 } { 1 } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse RealSetgray } ifelse end } bind put FMLevel1 not { /patProcDict 5 dict dup begin <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> { 3 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> { 3 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def <8142241818244281> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke } bind def <03060c183060c081> { 1 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def <8040201008040201> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def end def /patDict 15 dict dup begin /PatternType 1 def /PaintType 2 def /TilingType 3 def /BBox [ 0 0 8 8 ] def /XStep 8 def /YStep 8 def /PaintProc { begin patProcDict bstring known { patProcDict bstring get exec } { 8 8 true [1 0 0 -1 0 8] bstring imagemask } ifelse end } bind def end def } if /combineColor { FrameSepIs FMnone eq { graymode FMLevel1 or not { [/Pattern [/DeviceCMYK]] setcolorspace FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload pop FrameCurPat setcolor } { FrameCurColors 3 get 1.0 ge { FrameCurGray RealSetgray } { FMPColor graymode and { 0 1 3 { FrameCurColors exch get 1 FrameCurGray sub mul } for RealSetcmykcolor } { 4 1 6 { FrameCurColors exch get graymode { 1 exch sub 1 FrameCurGray sub mul 1 exch sub } { 1.0 lt {FrameCurGray} {1} ifelse } ifelse } for RealSetrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } { FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepBlack eq exch FrameSepYellow eq and exch FrameSepMagenta eq and exch FrameSepCyan eq and FrameSepIs FMcustom eq and { FrameCurGray } { 1 } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq {FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse graymode FMLevel1 or not { [/Pattern [/DeviceGray]] setcolorspace FrameCurPat setcolor } { graymode not FMLevel1 and { dup 1 lt {pop FrameCurGray} if } if RealSetgray } ifelse } ifelse } bind def /savematrix { orgmatrix currentmatrix pop } bind def /restorematrix { orgmatrix setmatrix } bind def /dmatrix matrix def /dpi 72 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt def /freq dpi dup 72 div round dup 0 eq {pop 1} if 8 mul div def /sangle 1 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform exch atan def /dpiranges [ 2540 2400 1693 1270 1200 635 600 0 ] def /CMLowFreqs [ 100.402 94.8683 89.2289 100.402 94.8683 66.9349 63.2456 47.4342 ] def /YLowFreqs [ 95.25 90.0 84.65 95.25 90.0 70.5556 66.6667 50.0 ] def /KLowFreqs [ 89.8026 84.8528 79.8088 89.8026 84.8528 74.8355 70.7107 53.033 ] def /CLowAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def /MLowAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def /YLowTDot [ true true false true true false false false ] def /CMHighFreqs [ 133.87 126.491 133.843 108.503 102.523 100.402 94.8683 63.2456 ] def /YHighFreqs [ 127.0 120.0 126.975 115.455 109.091 95.25 90.0 60.0 ] def /KHighFreqs [ 119.737 113.137 119.713 128.289 121.218 89.8026 84.8528 63.6395 ] def /CHighAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 70.0169 70.0169 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def /MHighAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 19.9831 19.9831 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def /YHighTDot [ false false true false false true true false ] def /PatFreq [ 10.5833 10.0 9.4055 10.5833 10.0 10.5833 10.0 9.375 ] def /screenIndex { 0 1 dpiranges length 1 sub { dup dpiranges exch get 1 sub dpi le {exit} {pop} ifelse } for } bind def /getCyanScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { CHighAngles CMHighFreqs} {CLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getMagentaScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { MHighAngles CMHighFreqs } {MLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getYellowScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { YHighTDot YHighFreqs} { YLowTDot YLowFreqs } ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get { 3 div {2 { 1 add 2 div 3 mul dup floor sub 2 mul 1 sub exch} repeat FMSpotFunction } } {/FMSpotFunction load } ifelse 0.0 exch } bind def /getBlackScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { KHighFreqs } { KLowFreqs } ifelse screenIndex get 45.0 /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getSpotScreen { getBlackScreen } bind def /getCompositeScreen { getBlackScreen } bind def /FMSetScreen FMLevel1 { /setscreen load }{ { 8 dict begin /HalftoneType 1 def /SpotFunction exch def /Angle exch def /Frequency exch def /AccurateScreens FMUseAcccurateScreens def currentdict end sethalftone } bind } ifelse def /setDefaultScreen { FMPColor { orgrxfer cvx orggxfer cvx orgbxfer cvx orgxfer cvx setcolortransfer } { orgxfer cvx settransfer } ifelse orgfreq organgle orgproc cvx setscreen } bind def /setCurrentScreen { FrameSepIs FMnone eq { FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { getCompositeScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq { FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { getSpotScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } { FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq { getCyanScreen FMSetScreen } { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq { getMagentaScreen FMSetScreen } { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq { getYellowScreen FMSetScreen } { getBlackScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } bind def end /gstring FMLOCAL /gfile FMLOCAL /gindex FMLOCAL /orgrxfer FMLOCAL /orggxfer FMLOCAL /orgbxfer FMLOCAL /orgxfer FMLOCAL /orgproc FMLOCAL /orgrproc FMLOCAL /orggproc FMLOCAL /orgbproc FMLOCAL /organgle FMLOCAL /orgrangle FMLOCAL /orggangle FMLOCAL /orgbangle FMLOCAL /orgfreq FMLOCAL /orgrfreq FMLOCAL /orggfreq FMLOCAL /orgbfreq FMLOCAL /yscale FMLOCAL /xscale FMLOCAL /edown FMLOCAL /manualfeed FMLOCAL /paperheight FMLOCAL /paperwidth FMLOCAL /FMDOCUMENT { array /FMfonts exch def /#copies exch def FrameDict begin 0 ne /manualfeed exch def /paperheight exch def /paperwidth exch def 0 ne /FrameNegative exch def 0 ne /edown exch def /yscale exch def /xscale exch def FMLevel1 { manualfeed {setmanualfeed} if /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count def setpapername manualfeed {true} {papersize} ifelse {manualpapersize} {false} ifelse {desperatepapersize} {false} ifelse { (Can't select requested paper size for Frame print job!) FMFAILURE } if count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for } {{1 dict dup /PageSize [paperwidth paperheight]put setpagedevice}stopped { (Can't select requested paper size for Frame print job!) FMFAILURE } if {1 dict dup /ManualFeed manualfeed put setpagedevice } stopped pop } ifelse FMPColor { currentcolorscreen cvlit /orgproc exch def /organgle exch def /orgfreq exch def cvlit /orgbproc exch def /orgbangle exch def /orgbfreq exch def cvlit /orggproc exch def /orggangle exch def /orggfreq exch def cvlit /orgrproc exch def /orgrangle exch def /orgrfreq exch def currentcolortransfer FrameNegative { 1 1 4 { pop { 1 exch sub } concatprocs 4 1 roll } for 4 copy setcolortransfer } if cvlit /orgxfer exch def cvlit /orgbxfer exch def cvlit /orggxfer exch def cvlit /orgrxfer exch def } { currentscreen cvlit /orgproc exch def /organgle exch def /orgfreq exch def currenttransfer FrameNegative { { 1 exch sub } concatprocs dup settransfer } if cvlit /orgxfer exch def } ifelse end } def /pagesave FMLOCAL /orgmatrix FMLOCAL /landscape FMLOCAL /pwid FMLOCAL /FMBEGINPAGE { FrameDict begin /pagesave save def 3.86 setmiterlimit /landscape exch 0 ne def landscape { 90 rotate 0 exch dup /pwid exch def neg translate pop }{ pop /pwid exch def } ifelse edown { [-1 0 0 1 pwid 0] concat } if 0 0 moveto paperwidth 0 lineto paperwidth paperheight lineto 0 paperheight lineto 0 0 lineto 1 setgray fill xscale yscale scale /orgmatrix matrix def gsave } def /FMENDPAGE { grestore pagesave restore end showpage } def /FMFONTDEFINE { FrameDict begin findfont ReEncode 1 index exch definefont FMfonts 3 1 roll put end } def /FMFILLS { FrameDict begin dup array /fillvals exch def dict /patCache exch def end } def /FMFILL { FrameDict begin fillvals 3 1 roll put end } def /FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS { newpath 0.0 0.0 moveto 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinecap 0 0 0 sethsbcolor 0 setgray } bind def /fx FMLOCAL /fy FMLOCAL /fh FMLOCAL /fw FMLOCAL /llx FMLOCAL /lly FMLOCAL /urx FMLOCAL /ury FMLOCAL /FMBEGINEPSF { end /FMEPSF save def /showpage {} def % See Adobe's "PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2nd Edition", page 714. % "...the following operators MUST NOT be used in an EPS file:" (emphasis ours) /banddevice {(banddevice) FMBADEPSF} def /clear {(clear) FMBADEPSF} def /cleardictstack {(cleardictstack) FMBADEPSF} def /copypage {(copypage) FMBADEPSF} def /erasepage {(erasepage) FMBADEPSF} def /exitserver {(exitserver) FMBADEPSF} def /framedevice {(framedevice) FMBADEPSF} def /grestoreall {(grestoreall) FMBADEPSF} def /initclip {(initclip) FMBADEPSF} def /initgraphics {(initgraphics) FMBADEPSF} def /initmatrix {(initmatrix) FMBADEPSF} def /quit {(quit) FMBADEPSF} def /renderbands {(renderbands) FMBADEPSF} def /setglobal {(setglobal) FMBADEPSF} def /setpagedevice {(setpagedevice) FMBADEPSF} def /setshared {(setshared) FMBADEPSF} def /startjob {(startjob) FMBADEPSF} def /lettertray {(lettertray) FMBADEPSF} def /letter {(letter) FMBADEPSF} def /lettersmall {(lettersmall) FMBADEPSF} def /11x17tray {(11x17tray) FMBADEPSF} def /11x17 {(11x17) FMBADEPSF} def /ledgertray {(ledgertray) FMBADEPSF} def /ledger {(ledger) FMBADEPSF} def /legaltray {(legaltray) FMBADEPSF} def /legal {(legal) FMBADEPSF} def /statementtray {(statementtray) FMBADEPSF} def /statement {(statement) FMBADEPSF} def /executivetray {(executivetray) FMBADEPSF} def /executive {(executive) FMBADEPSF} def /a3tray {(a3tray) FMBADEPSF} def /a3 {(a3) FMBADEPSF} def /a4tray {(a4tray) FMBADEPSF} def /a4 {(a4) FMBADEPSF} def /a4small {(a4small) FMBADEPSF} def /b4tray {(b4tray) FMBADEPSF} def /b4 {(b4) FMBADEPSF} def /b5tray {(b5tray) FMBADEPSF} def /b5 {(b5) FMBADEPSF} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS [/fy /fx /fh /fw /ury /urx /lly /llx] {exch def} forall fx fw 2 div add fy fh 2 div add translate rotate fw 2 div neg fh 2 div neg translate fw urx llx sub div fh ury lly sub div scale llx neg lly neg translate /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count def } bind def /FMENDEPSF { count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for FMEPSF restore FrameDict begin } bind def FrameDict begin /setmanualfeed { %%BeginFeature *ManualFeed True statusdict /manualfeed true put %%EndFeature } bind def /max {2 copy lt {exch} if pop} bind def /min {2 copy gt {exch} if pop} bind def /inch {72 mul} def /pagedimen { paperheight sub abs 16 lt exch paperwidth sub abs 16 lt and {/papername exch def} {pop} ifelse } bind def /papersizedict FMLOCAL /setpapername { /papersizedict 14 dict def papersizedict begin /papername /unknown def /Letter 8.5 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /LetterSmall 7.68 inch 10.16 inch pagedimen /Tabloid 11.0 inch 17.0 inch pagedimen /Ledger 17.0 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /Legal 8.5 inch 14.0 inch pagedimen /Statement 5.5 inch 8.5 inch pagedimen /Executive 7.5 inch 10.0 inch pagedimen /A3 11.69 inch 16.5 inch pagedimen /A4 8.26 inch 11.69 inch pagedimen /A4Small 7.47 inch 10.85 inch pagedimen /B4 10.125 inch 14.33 inch pagedimen /B5 7.16 inch 10.125 inch pagedimen end } bind def /papersize { papersizedict begin /Letter {lettertray letter} def /LetterSmall {lettertray lettersmall} def /Tabloid {11x17tray 11x17} def /Ledger {ledgertray ledger} def /Legal {legaltray legal} def /Statement {statementtray statement} def /Executive {executivetray executive} def /A3 {a3tray a3} def /A4 {a4tray a4} def /A4Small {a4tray a4small} def /B4 {b4tray b4} def /B5 {b5tray b5} def /unknown {unknown} def papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get end statusdict begin stopped end } bind def /manualpapersize { papersizedict begin /Letter {letter} def /LetterSmall {lettersmall} def /Tabloid {11x17} def /Ledger {ledger} def /Legal {legal} def /Statement {statement} def /Executive {executive} def /A3 {a3} def /A4 {a4} def /A4Small {a4small} def /B4 {b4} def /B5 {b5} def /unknown {unknown} def papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get end stopped } bind def /desperatepapersize { statusdict /setpageparams known { paperwidth paperheight 0 1 statusdict begin {setpageparams} stopped end } {true} ifelse } bind def /DiacriticEncoding [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute /Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute /agrave /acircumflex /adieresis /atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave /ecircumflex /edieresis /iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute /ograve /ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex /udieresis /dagger /.notdef /cent /sterling /section /bullet /paragraph /germandbls /registered /copyright /trademark /acute /dieresis /.notdef /AE /Oslash /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /yen /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /ordfeminine /ordmasculine /.notdef /ae /oslash /questiondown /exclamdown /logicalnot /.notdef /florin /.notdef /.notdef /guillemotleft /guillemotright /ellipsis /.notdef /Agrave /Atilde /Otilde /OE /oe /endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft /quoteright /.notdef /.notdef /ydieresis /Ydieresis /fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /daggerdbl /periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand /Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute /Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex /.notdef /Ograve /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron ] def /ReEncode { dup length dict begin { 1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse } forall 0 eq {/Encoding DiacriticEncoding def} if currentdict end } bind def FMPColor { /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPCOLOR} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPCOLORc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUECOLOR } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUECOLORc } def } { /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPGRAY} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPGRAYc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUEGRAY } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUEGRAYc } def } ifelse /K { FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack { dup 1 eq 2 index 1 eq and 3 index 1 eq and not {7 {pop} repeat 0 0 0 1 0 0 0} if } if FrameCurColors astore pop combineColor } bind def /graymode true def /bwidth FMLOCAL /bpside FMLOCAL /bstring FMLOCAL /onbits FMLOCAL /offbits FMLOCAL /xindex FMLOCAL /yindex FMLOCAL /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /setPatternMode { FMLevel1 { /bwidth exch def /bpside exch def /bstring exch def /onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def freq sangle landscape {90 add} if {/y exch def /x exch def /xindex x 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def /yindex y 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def bstring yindex bwidth mul xindex 8 idiv add get 1 7 xindex 8 mod sub bitshift and 0 ne FrameNegative {not} if {/onbits onbits 1 add def 1} {/offbits offbits 1 add def 0} ifelse } setscreen offbits offbits onbits add div FrameNegative {1.0 exch sub} if /FrameCurGray exch def } { pop pop dup patCache exch known { patCache exch get } { dup patDict /bstring 3 -1 roll put patDict 9 PatFreq screenIndex get div dup matrix scale makepattern dup patCache 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll put } ifelse /FrameCurGray 0 def /FrameCurPat exch def } ifelse /graymode false def combineColor } bind def /setGrayScaleMode { graymode not { /graymode true def FMLevel1 { setCurrentScreen } if } if /FrameCurGray exch def combineColor } bind def /normalize { transform round exch round exch itransform } bind def /dnormalize { dtransform round exch round exch idtransform } bind def /lnormalize { 0 dtransform exch cvi 2 idiv 2 mul 1 add exch idtransform pop } bind def /H { lnormalize setlinewidth } bind def /Z { setlinecap } bind def /PFill { graymode FMLevel1 or not { gsave 1 setgray eofill grestore } if } bind def /PStroke { graymode FMLevel1 or not { gsave 1 setgray stroke grestore } if stroke } bind def /fillvals FMLOCAL /X { fillvals exch get dup type /stringtype eq {8 1 setPatternMode} {setGrayScaleMode} ifelse } bind def /V { PFill gsave eofill grestore } bind def /Vclip { clip } bind def /Vstrk { currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /N { PStroke } bind def /Nclip { strokepath clip newpath } bind def /Nstrk { currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /M {newpath moveto} bind def /E {lineto} bind def /D {curveto} bind def /O {closepath} bind def /n FMLOCAL /L { /n exch def newpath normalize moveto 2 1 n {pop normalize lineto} for } bind def /Y { L closepath } bind def /x1 FMLOCAL /x2 FMLOCAL /y1 FMLOCAL /y2 FMLOCAL /R { /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def x1 y1 x2 y1 x2 y2 x1 y2 4 Y } bind def /rad FMLOCAL /rarc {rad arcto } bind def /RR { /rad exch def normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def mark newpath { x1 y1 rad add moveto x1 y2 x2 y2 rarc x2 y2 x2 y1 rarc x2 y1 x1 y1 rarc x1 y1 x1 y2 rarc closepath } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 R} if cleartomark } bind def /RRR { /rad exch def normalize /y4 exch def /x4 exch def normalize /y3 exch def /x3 exch def normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def newpath normalize moveto mark { x2 y2 x3 y3 rarc x3 y3 x4 y4 rarc x4 y4 x1 y1 rarc x1 y1 x2 y2 rarc closepath } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath} if cleartomark } bind def /C { grestore gsave R clip setCurrentScreen } bind def /CP { grestore gsave Y clip setCurrentScreen } bind def /FMpointsize FMLOCAL /F { FMfonts exch get FMpointsize scalefont setfont } bind def /Q { /FMpointsize exch def F } bind def /T { moveto show } bind def /RF { rotate 0 ne {-1 1 scale} if } bind def /TF { gsave moveto RF show grestore } bind def /P { moveto 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow } bind def /PF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow grestore } bind def /S { moveto 0 exch ashow } bind def /SF { gsave moveto RF 0 exch ashow grestore } bind def /B { moveto 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow } bind def /BF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow grestore } bind def /G { gsave newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath PFill fill grestore } bind def /Gstrk { savematrix newpath 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch translate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /Gclip { newpath savematrix normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /GG { gsave newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath PFill fill grestore } bind def /GGclip { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /GGstrk { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath restorematrix currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /A { gsave savematrix newpath 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch translate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix PStroke grestore } bind def /Aclip { newpath savematrix normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath strokepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /Astrk { Gstrk } bind def /AA { gsave savematrix newpath 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div sub exch normalize 3 index 2 div sub exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix PStroke grestore } bind def /AAclip { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath strokepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /AAstrk { GGstrk } bind def /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /h FMLOCAL /xx FMLOCAL /yy FMLOCAL /ww FMLOCAL /hh FMLOCAL /FMsaveobject FMLOCAL /FMoptop FMLOCAL /FMdicttop FMLOCAL /BEGINPRINTCODE { /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count 7 sub def /FMsaveobject save def userdict begin /showpage {} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS 3 index neg 3 index neg translate } bind def /ENDPRINTCODE { count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for FMsaveobject restore } bind def /gn { 0 { 46 mul cf read pop 32 sub dup 46 lt {exit} if 46 sub add } loop add } bind def /str FMLOCAL /cfs { /str sl string def 0 1 sl 1 sub {str exch val put} for str def } bind def /ic [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 {0 hx} {1 hx} {2 hx} {3 hx} {4 hx} {5 hx} {6 hx} {7 hx} {8 hx} {9 hx} {10 hx} {11 hx} {12 hx} {13 hx} {14 hx} {15 hx} {16 hx} {17 hx} {18 hx} {19 hx} {gn hx} {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12} {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19} {gn} {0 wh} {1 wh} {2 wh} {3 wh} {4 wh} {5 wh} {6 wh} {7 wh} {8 wh} {9 wh} {10 wh} {11 wh} {12 wh} {13 wh} {14 wh} {gn wh} {0 bl} {1 bl} {2 bl} {3 bl} {4 bl} {5 bl} {6 bl} {7 bl} {8 bl} {9 bl} {10 bl} {11 bl} {12 bl} {13 bl} {14 bl} {gn bl} {0 fl} {1 fl} {2 fl} {3 fl} {4 fl} {5 fl} {6 fl} {7 fl} {8 fl} {9 fl} {10 fl} {11 fl} {12 fl} {13 fl} {14 fl} {gn fl} ] def /sl FMLOCAL /val FMLOCAL /ws FMLOCAL /im FMLOCAL /bs FMLOCAL /cs FMLOCAL /len FMLOCAL /pos FMLOCAL /ms { /sl exch def /val 255 def /ws cfs /im cfs /val 0 def /bs cfs /cs cfs } bind def 400 ms /ip { is 0 cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop } bind def /rip { bis ris copy pop is 0 cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop pop ris gis copy pop dup is exch cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop pop gis bis copy pop dup add is exch cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop } bind def /wh { /len exch def /pos exch def ws 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /bl { /len exch def /pos exch def bs 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /s1 1 string def /fl { /len exch def /pos exch def /val cf s1 readhexstring pop 0 get def pos 1 pos len add 1 sub {im exch val put} for pos len } bind def /hx { 3 copy getinterval cf exch readhexstring pop pop } bind def /h FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /d FMLOCAL /lb FMLOCAL /bitmapsave FMLOCAL /is FMLOCAL /cf FMLOCAL /wbytes { dup dup 24 eq { pop pop 3 mul } { 8 eq {pop} {1 eq {7 add 8 idiv} {3 add 4 idiv} ifelse} ifelse } ifelse } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBWc { 1 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAYc { 8 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BITc { 2 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /COMMONBITMAPc { /r exch def /d exch def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def r /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBW { 1 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAY { 8 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BIT { 2 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /COMMONBITMAP { /r exch def /d exch def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def r /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /ngrayt 256 array def /nredt 256 array def /nbluet 256 array def /ngreent 256 array def /gryt FMLOCAL /blut FMLOCAL /grnt FMLOCAL /redt FMLOCAL /indx FMLOCAL /cynu FMLOCAL /magu FMLOCAL /yelu FMLOCAL /k FMLOCAL /u FMLOCAL FMLevel1 { /colorsetup { currentcolortransfer /gryt exch def /blut exch def /grnt exch def /redt exch def 0 1 255 { /indx exch def /cynu 1 red indx get 255 div sub def /magu 1 green indx get 255 div sub def /yelu 1 blue indx get 255 div sub def /k cynu magu min yelu min def /u k currentundercolorremoval exec def % /u 0 def nredt indx 1 0 cynu u sub max sub redt exec put ngreent indx 1 0 magu u sub max sub grnt exec put nbluet indx 1 0 yelu u sub max sub blut exec put ngrayt indx 1 k currentblackgeneration exec sub gryt exec put } for {255 mul cvi nredt exch get} {255 mul cvi ngreent exch get} {255 mul cvi nbluet exch get} {255 mul cvi ngrayt exch get} setcolortransfer {pop 0} setundercolorremoval {} setblackgeneration } bind def } { /colorSetup2 { [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 255 {dup red exch get 255 div exch dup green exch get 255 div exch blue exch get 255 div} ] setcolorspace } bind def } ifelse /tran FMLOCAL /fakecolorsetup { /tran 256 string def 0 1 255 {/indx exch def tran indx red indx get 77 mul green indx get 151 mul blue indx get 28 mul add add 256 idiv put} for currenttransfer {255 mul cvi tran exch get 255.0 div} exch concatprocs settransfer } bind def /BITMAPCOLOR { /d 8 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def FMLevel1 { colorsetup /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage } { colorSetup2 /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def 7 dict dup begin /ImageType 1 def /Width w def /Height h def /ImageMatrix [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] def /DataSource {cf is readhexstring pop} bind def /BitsPerComponent d def /Decode [0 255] def end image } ifelse bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPCOLORc { /d 8 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def FMLevel1 { colorsetup /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage } { colorSetup2 /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def 7 dict dup begin /ImageType 1 def /Width w def /Height h def /ImageMatrix [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] def /DataSource {ip} bind def /BitsPerComponent d def /Decode [0 255] def end image } ifelse bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLORc { /d 24 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def /is im 0 lb getinterval def /ris im 0 w getinterval def /gis im w w getinterval def /bis im w 2 mul w getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {w rip pop ris} {gis} {bis} true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLOR { gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def /gis w string def /bis w string def /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { cf is readhexstring pop } { cf gis readhexstring pop } { cf bis readhexstring pop } true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAYc { /d 24 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def /is im 0 lb getinterval def /ris im 0 w getinterval def /gis im w w getinterval def /bis im w 2 mul w getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {w rip pop ris gis bis w gray} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /ww FMLOCAL /r FMLOCAL /g FMLOCAL /b FMLOCAL /i FMLOCAL /gray { /ww exch def /b exch def /g exch def /r exch def 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def r i get .299 mul g i get .587 mul b i get .114 mul add add r i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for r } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAY { gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def /gis w string def /bis w string def /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { cf is readhexstring pop cf gis readhexstring pop cf bis readhexstring pop w gray} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPGRAY { 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BITMAPGRAYc { 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /ENDBITMAP { } bind def end /ALDsave FMLOCAL /ALDmatrix matrix def ALDmatrix currentmatrix pop /StartALD { /ALDsave save def savematrix ALDmatrix setmatrix } bind def /InALD { restorematrix } bind def /DoneALD { ALDsave restore } bind def /I { setdash } bind def /J { [] 0 setdash } bind def %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup (4.0) FMVERSION 1 1 0 0 612 792 0 1 10 FMDOCUMENT 0 0 /Times-Roman FMFONTDEFINE 1 0 /Times-Italic FMFONTDEFINE 2 0 /Helvetica-Bold FMFONTDEFINE 3 0 /Helvetica FMFONTDEFINE 4 1 /Symbol FMFONTDEFINE 5 0 /Courier-BoldOblique FMFONTDEFINE 6 0 /Courier-Oblique FMFONTDEFINE 7 0 /Helvetica-Oblique FMFONTDEFINE 32 FMFILLS 0 0 FMFILL 1 0.1 FMFILL 2 0.3 FMFILL 3 0.5 FMFILL 4 0.7 FMFILL 5 0.9 FMFILL 6 0.97 FMFILL 7 1 FMFILL 8 <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> FMFILL 9 <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> FMFILL 10 FMFILL 11 FMFILL 12 <8142241818244281> FMFILL 13 <03060c183060c081> FMFILL 14 <8040201008040201> FMFILL 16 1 FMFILL 17 0.9 FMFILL 18 0.7 FMFILL 19 0.5 FMFILL 20 0.3 FMFILL 21 0.1 FMFILL 22 0.03 FMFILL 23 0 FMFILL 24 FMFILL 25 FMFILL 26 <3333333333333333> FMFILL 27 <0000ffff0000ffff> FMFILL 28 <7ebddbe7e7dbbd7e> FMFILL 29 FMFILL 30 <7fbfdfeff7fbfdfe> FMFILL %%EndSetup %%Page: "1" 1 %%BeginPaperSize: Letter %%EndPaperSize 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 9 Q 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Craig Chambers) 72 198 T 1 F (et al.) 132.99 198 T 0 F (1) 715.5 198 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 2 24 Q 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K (The Whirlwind Staged Compilation Architecture) 123.96 714 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 21 Q 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Craig Chambers, Susan Eggers,) 244.86 631 T (Tapan Parikh, Jonathan Nowitz,) 247.18 600 T (Matthai Philipose, Markus Mock, Brian Grant) 188.27 569 T 3 18 Q (Department of Computer Science and Engineering) 194.41 492 T (University of Washington) 296.47 464 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "1" 1 %%Page: "2" 2 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 9 Q 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Craig Chambers) 72 198 T (The Whirlwind Staged Compilation Architecture) 307.76 198 T (2) 715.5 198 T 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 72 747 720 747 2 L 3 H 2 Z 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K N 72 208.72 720 208.72 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 2 24 Q (Traditional Separate Compilation Model) 169.96 758 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 18 Q 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Perform most compilation & optimization work when compiling) 72 703 T 2 F (individual files) 571.14 703 T 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 4 F 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (+) 90 674 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 3 F (amortize compilation work across all libraries & programs that include file) 108 674 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 4 F (+) 90 646 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 3 F (easy recompilation after program changes) 108 646 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 4 F 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K (-) 90 618 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 3 F (limited scope for optimizations) 108 618 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Run-time profile feedback can help, if supported) 72 589 T 72 216 720 774 C 94.5 306 697.5 553 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K 563.93 544 563.93 391 2 L 4 H 2 Z 0 X 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K N 231.59 544 231.59 391 2 L N 397.76 544 397.76 391 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 3 18 Q 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K (File) 134 511.94 T (Library) 287.17 511.94 T (Program) 446.34 511.94 T (Execution) 607.5 500.97 T (Compilation) 100.99 493.94 T (Linking) 286.16 493.94 T (Linking) 452.33 493.94 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 439.78 451.61 462.85 445 439.78 438.39 439.78 445 4 Y 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K V 330 445 439.78 445 2 L N 592.45 451.61 615.52 445 592.45 438.39 592.45 445 4 Y V 493.5 445 592.45 445 2 L N 273.6 451.61 296.67 445 273.6 438.39 273.6 445 4 Y V 166.5 445 273.6 445 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 112.5 409 184.5 481 R 4 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 3 H 0 X N 5 30 Q (cc) 130.5 440.51 T 296.67 427 332.67 463 R 7 X V 1 H 0 X N 6 18 Q (ar) 303.87 440.88 T 462.85 427 498.85 463 R 7 X V 0 X N (ld) 470.05 440.88 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 615.52 427 678.52 463 R 7 X V 0 X N ( 620.02 440.88 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K J 148.75 391.01 148.5 409 158.25 393.87 153.5 392.44 4 Y 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K V [1.989 5.967] 0.994 I 647.02 427 M 643.5 397 643.5 397 634.5 389.5 D 625.5 382 625.5 382 396 382 D 166.5 382 166.5 382 157.5 389.5 D 155.9 390.83 154.59 391.74 153.5 392.43 D 2 H N 7 F (profile feedback) 328.5 358.94 T 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (compiled) 195.5 451.94 T (code) 212 429.94 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 216 720 774 C 0 180 792 792 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "2" 2 %%Page: "3" 3 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 9 Q 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Craig Chambers) 72 198 T (The Whirlwind Staged Compilation Architecture) 307.76 198 T (3) 715.5 198 T 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 72 747 720 747 2 L 3 H 2 Z 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K N 72 208.72 720 208.72 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 2 24 Q (Whole-Program Compilation Model) 195.98 758 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 18 Q 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Perform most compilation & optimization work when compiling) 72 703 T 2 F (whole program) 571.14 703 T 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 4 F 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (+) 90 674 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 3 F (much better program context for optimization) 108 674 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (\245) 126 647 T (interprocedural analyses) 144 647 T (\245) 126 621 T (whole-program analyses) 144 621 T 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 4 F 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K (-) 90 594 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 3 F (cannot amortize compilation time across programs) 108 594 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 4 F (-) 90 566 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 3 F (incremental recompilation hard \050although possible\051) 108 566 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 4 F (-) 90 538 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 3 F (shared precompiled libraries harder) 108 538 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Ex: UW\325s Vortex compiler for OOLs, some Fortran compilers,) 72 274 T (some research C++, Java, ML, Scheme compilers) 99 251 T 72 216 720 774 C 94.5 298 697.5 503 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K 563.93 494 563.93 350 2 L 4 H 2 Z 0 X 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K N 231.59 494 231.59 350 2 L N 397.76 494 397.76 350 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 3 18 Q 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K (File) 134 461.94 T (Library) 287.17 461.94 T (Program) 446.34 461.94 T (Execution) 607.5 450.97 T (Compilation) 100.99 443.94 T (Linking) 286.16 443.94 T (Linking) 452.33 443.94 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 592.45 401.61 615.52 395 592.45 388.39 592.45 395 4 Y 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K V 493.5 395 592.45 395 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 615.52 377 678.52 413 R 7 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 1 H 0 X N 6 F ( 620.02 390.88 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K 7 F 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K (profile feedback) 498.44 317.94 T 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (compiled) 524.48 401.94 T (code) 540.98 379.94 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 444.85 359 516.85 431 R 4 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 3 H 0 X N 5 30 Q (ld) 462.85 390.51 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K J 480.6 344.65 481.49 359 488.34 346.36 484.47 345.51 4 Y 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K V [2.005 6.014] 1.002 I 647.02 377 M 645.85 359 645.85 350 642.86 345.5 D 639.87 341 639.87 341 563.67 341 D 487.48 341 487.48 341 484.49 345.5 D 484.49 345.5 484.49 345.5 484.49 345.5 D 2 H N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 72 216 720 774 C 0 180 792 792 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "3" 3 %%Page: "4" 4 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 9 Q 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Craig Chambers) 72 198 T (The Whirlwind Staged Compilation Architecture) 307.76 198 T (4) 715.5 198 T 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 72 747 720 747 2 L 3 H 2 Z 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K N 72 208.72 720 208.72 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 2 24 Q (Run-time Compilation Model) 233.33 758 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 18 Q 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Perform most compilation & optimization work by compiling) 72 703 T 2 F (at run time) 547.13 703 T 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 4 F 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (+) 90 674 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 3 F (as much program context as whole program compiler) 108 674 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 4 F (+) 90 646 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 3 F (can exploit run-time values, classes, etc. too) 108 646 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 4 F (+) 90 618 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 3 F (dynamic on-line profile feedback is easy) 108 618 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 4 F (+) 90 590 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 3 F (can handle dynamic program changes \050e.g. class loading\051) 108 590 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 4 F 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K (-) 90 562 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 3 F (cannot amortize compilation time even across) 108 562 T 7 F (executions) 478.13 562 T 3 F ( of programs) 564.17 562 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 4 F (-) 90 534 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 K 3 F (harsh constraints on compilation time incurred) 108 534 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Ex: Java \322just in time\323 compilers, earlier research compilers) 72 270 T 72 216 720 774 C 94.5 294 697.5 499 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 603.35 415.86 580.33 422.46 603.35 429.06 603.35 422.46 4 Y 0 X 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K V 580.33 386.89 M 678.36 386.89 678.36 386.89 678.36 404.68 D 678.36 420.94 678.36 422.33 603.41 422.45 D 4 H 2 Z N 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K 454.5 490 454.5 346 2 L 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K N 207.17 490 207.17 346 2 L N 330.83 490 330.83 346 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 3 18 Q 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K (File) 130.85 457.94 T (Library) 241.5 457.94 T (Program) 358.16 457.94 T (Execution) 535.5 446.97 T (Compilation) 97.83 439.94 T (Linking) 240.49 439.94 T (Linking) 364.15 439.94 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K 7 F 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K (profile feedback) 469.81 313.94 T 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (compiled) 587.05 392.74 T (code) 603.55 370.74 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 481.5 355 580.5 427 R 4 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 3 H 0 X N 5 30 Q ( 486 386.51 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K J 495.92 339.43 494.45 353.93 503.38 342.42 499.65 340.92 4 Y 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K V J 563.85 353.93 562.12 340.92 499.66 340.92 499.66 340.92 4 L J 563.85 353.93 563.72 352.94 2 L 2 H N [1.59 4.769] 1.59 I 563.72 352.94 562.25 341.91 2 L N J 562.25 341.91 562.12 340.92 561.12 340.92 3 L N [1.95 5.851] 1.95 I 561.12 340.92 500.66 340.92 2 L N J 500.66 340.92 499.66 340.92 499.66 340.92 3 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 72 216 720 774 C 0 180 792 792 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "4" 4 %%Page: "5" 5 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 9 Q 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Craig Chambers) 72 198 T (The Whirlwind Staged Compilation Architecture) 307.76 198 T (5) 715.5 198 T 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 72 747 720 747 2 L 3 H 2 Z 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K N 72 208.72 720 208.72 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 2 24 Q (Whirlwind: A Staged Compilation Model) 168.65 758 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 18 Q 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Perform compilation & optimization work) 72 703 T 2 F (at any stage) 398.09 703 T 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 4 F 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (+) 90 674 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 3 F (perform some work early to amortize costs, shared compiled results) 108 674 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 4 F (+) 90 646 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 3 F (perform some work late to gain best optimization context) 108 646 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 4 F (+) 90 618 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 3 F (spread some optimizations across multiple stages to get both) 108 618 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Each stage produces) 72 589 T 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (partially compiled code) 246.1 589 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K ( for later stages to complete) 429.16 589 T (Each stage consumes) 72 559 T 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K (profile & other context info) 254.09 559 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K ( from later stages) 463.19 559 T (Subsumes previous compilation models) 72 252 T 72 216 720 774 C 76.22 276 715.78 523 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 702.84 425.19 680.18 433 703.53 438.38 703.18 431.79 4 Y 0 X 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K V 680.2 415 M 706.22 415 706.22 415 706.22 424 D 706.22 428.38 706.22 430.62 703.22 431.78 D 4 H 2 Z N 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K 536.65 514 536.65 361 2 L 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 K N 213.3 514 213.3 361 2 L N 379.48 514 379.48 361 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 3 18 Q 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K (File) 115.72 481.94 T (Library) 268.89 481.94 T (Program) 428.06 481.94 T (Execution) 589.22 470.97 T (Compilation) 82.71 463.94 T (Linking) 267.88 463.94 T (Linking) 434.05 463.94 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 412.49 421.61 435.57 415 412.49 408.39 412.49 415 4 Y 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K V 323.39 415 412.49 415 2 L N 557.15 421.61 580.22 415 557.15 408.39 557.15 415 4 Y V 489.57 415 557.15 415 2 L N 246.32 421.61 269.39 415 246.32 408.39 246.32 415 4 Y V 157.22 415 246.32 415 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 103.22 388 157.22 442 R 4 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 3 H 0 X N 5 30 Q (cc) 112.22 410.07 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K 7 18 Q 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K (profile and other context feedback) 243.9 319.94 T 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (compiled) 177.3 420.91 T (code) 193.79 400.94 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 269.39 388 323.39 442 R 4 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K V 0 X N 5 30 Q (ar) 278.39 410.07 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 435.57 388 489.57 442 R 4 X V 0 X N (ld) 444.56 410.07 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 579.24 388 678.24 442 R 4 X V 0 X N ( 583.74 410.07 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K J 467.39 370.64 472.16 388 477.31 370.75 472.35 370.7 4 Y 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 K V [2.021 6.064] 1.011 I 616.22 388 M 616.19 343 616.19 343 544.12 343 D 482.83 343 473.67 343 472.36 370.69 D 2 H N J 298.57 370.64 303.33 388 308.49 370.76 303.53 370.7 4 Y V [2.004 6.012] 1.002 I 454.22 388 M 454.18 343 454.18 343 378.7 343 D 314.5 343 304.91 343 303.54 370.69 D N J 125.47 370.64 130.22 388 135.4 370.77 130.43 370.7 4 Y V [1.986 5.958] 0.993 I 287.72 388 M 287.68 343 287.68 343 208.89 343 D 141.88 343 131.87 343 130.44 370.69 D N J 568.21 343.01 207.97 343.01 2 L J 568.21 343.01 567.21 343.01 2 L N [2.001 6.004] 2.001 I 567.21 343.01 208.98 343.01 2 L N J 208.98 343.01 207.97 343.01 2 L N J 646.98 370.72 652.01 388 656.91 370.68 651.94 370.7 4 Y V [2.028 6.084] 1.014 I 616.2 388 M 616.21 343 616.21 343 634.13 343 D 649.37 343 651.65 343 651.97 370.69 D N 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 7 18 Q 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (\050partly\051) 185.31 440.88 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (compiled) 343.47 420.91 T (code) 359.97 400.94 T (\050partly\051) 351.48 440.88 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (compiled) 500.64 420.91 T (code) 517.14 400.94 T (\050partly\051) 508.65 440.88 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K J 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 72 216 720 774 C 0 180 792 792 C 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "5" 5 %%Page: "6" 6 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 9 Q 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Craig Chambers) 72 198 T (The Whirlwind Staged Compilation Architecture) 307.76 198 T (6) 715.5 198 T 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 72 747 720 747 2 L 3 H 2 Z 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K N 72 208.72 720 208.72 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 2 24 Q (Staged Optimizations) 273.31 758 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 18 Q 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (A) 72 703 T 2 F (staged optimization) 89.01 703 T 3 F (performs some planning work) 99 680 T 2 F (early) 340.07 680 T 3 F (, and) 382.1 680 T (extends/completes the optimization) 99 657 T 2 F (later) 385.13 657 T 3 F ( when additional info available) 423.14 657 T (Get best of both worlds:) 72 597 T 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 4 F 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (+) 90 568 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 3 F (get benefits as if optimizations run in later stage with more optimization) 108 568 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K (opportunities) 126 546 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 4 F (+) 90 518 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 K 3 F (have lower cost by preplanning work in earlier stages) 108 518 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Generalizes interprocedural summaries,) 72 459 T (hierarchical/modular interprocedural analysis) 99 436 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "6" 6 %%Page: "7" 7 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 9 Q 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Craig Chambers) 72 198 T (The Whirlwind Staged Compilation Architecture) 307.76 198 T (7) 715.5 198 T 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 72 747 720 747 2 L 3 H 2 Z 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K N 72 208.72 720 208.72 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 2 24 Q (Example: Staged Constant Propagation) 170.63 758 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 18 Q 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Intraprocedural constant propagation reveals some constants to optimize) 72 703 T (\245) 90 674 T (optimize them early) 108 674 T 4 F (\336) 269.05 674 T 3 F ( no cost to later stages) 286.81 674 T (Interprocedural constant propagation finds additional constants,) 72 615 T (e.g. procedure formals and results) 99 592 T (\245) 90 563 T (optimize them when found, to get additional benefits) 108 563 T (Intraprocedural stage can plan for what happens if they\325re found) 72 534 T (\245) 90 505 T (enables later stages to focus on productive work, be \050much\051 faster) 108 505 T (Whole-program constant propagation finds more constants, e.g. globals) 72 446 T (Run-time constant propagation finds still more constants) 72 386 T (\245) 90 357 T (earlier stages can produce) 108 357 T 2 F (specialized run-time constant propagator) 325.1 357 T 3 F (that is lightning-quick [see UW\325s DyC staged run-time compiler]) 126 335 T (\245) 90 307 T (preplanning can enable aggressive run-time optimizations, unlike JITs) 108 307 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "7" 7 %%Page: "8" 8 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 9 Q 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Craig Chambers) 72 198 T (The Whirlwind Staged Compilation Architecture) 307.76 198 T (8) 715.5 198 T 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 72 747 720 747 2 L 3 H 2 Z 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K N 72 208.72 720 208.72 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 2 24 Q (Context Information) 282 758 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 18 Q 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Earlier stages can exploit) 72 703 T 2 F (run-time profile information) 278.08 703 T 3 F (from run-time stage) 99 680 T (E.g.) 72 650 T (\245) 90 621 T (what are program hot-spots?) 108 621 T (\245) 90 593 T (what are most common values/classes of variables?) 108 593 T -0.8 (Earlier stages can exploit) 72 534 P 2 F -0.8 (static interprocedural) 274.9 534 P 3 F -0.8 ( or) 458.15 534 P 2 F -0.8 (whole-program information) 482.57 534 P 3 F (from later stages) 99 511 T (E.g.) 72 481 T (\245) 90 452 T (what procedures can call this one? with what argument values? with what) 108 452 T (aliasing patterns?) 126 430 T (\245) 90 402 T (what are the possible subclasses of this class?) 108 402 T (what methods do they override?) 126 380 T (Early stage can treat context information as a) 72 291 T 2 F (hint) 438.17 291 T 3 F ( \050inserting run-time checks\051) 471.17 291 T (or as a) 99 268 T 2 F (guarantee) 159.03 268 T 3 F ( \050requiring recompilation if it changes\051) 245.05 268 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "8" 8 %%Page: "9" 9 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 9 Q 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Craig Chambers) 72 198 T (The Whirlwind Staged Compilation Architecture) 307.76 198 T (9) 715.5 198 T 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 72 747 720 747 2 L 3 H 2 Z 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K N 72 208.72 720 208.72 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 2 24 Q (Optimization Candidates) 255.31 758 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 18 Q 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Staged versions of traditional) 72 703 T 2 F (intraprocedural) 309.11 703 T 3 F ( optimizations) 441.14 703 T (\245) 90 674 T (constant propagation) 108 674 T (\245) 90 646 T (copy/zero propagation) 108 646 T (\245) 90 618 T (dead code elimination) 108 618 T (Staged versions of) 72 559 T 2 F (interprocedural) 226.08 559 T 3 F ( optimizations) 358.11 559 T (\245) 90 530 T (constant propagation) 108 530 T (\245) 90 502 T (inlining) 108 502 T (Staged versions of) 72 443 T 2 F (object-oriented) 226.08 443 T 3 F ( optimizations) 356.09 443 T (\245) 90 414 T (class analysis \050at intraprocedural, interprocedural, and whole-program level\051) 108 414 T (Dynamic profile/static context feedback for all these) 72 325 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "9" 9 %%Page: "10" 10 612 792 1 FMBEGINPAGE [0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0] [ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0] [ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] [ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1] [ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1] [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0] 7 FrameSetSepColors FrameNoSep 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 9 Q 0 X 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Craig Chambers) 72 198 T (The Whirlwind Staged Compilation Architecture) 307.76 198 T (10) 711 198 T 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 72 747 720 747 2 L 3 H 2 Z 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K N 72 208.72 720 208.72 2 L N 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 K 2 24 Q (Project Status) 315.31 758 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K 3 18 Q 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K (Building Whirlwind from Vortex) 72 703 T (\245) 90 674 T (adapt existing front-ends for C, C++, Java, Smalltalk, Cecil) 108 674 T (\245) 90 646 T -0.29 (based on general intermediate language supporting data layout optimizations) 108 646 P ([see Parikh poster]) 126 624 T (\245) 90 596 T (includes aggressive OO, interprocedural optimizations) 108 596 T (Future research directions:) 72 537 T (\245) 90 508 T (developing staged versions of) 108 508 T 2 F (more optimizations) 351.13 508 T 3 F (\245) 90 480 T 2 F (mechanizing) 108 480 T 3 F ( production of) 217.03 480 T 2 F (staged optimizers) 331.09 480 T 3 F (, given staging decisions) 484.13 480 T (\245) 90 452 T 2 F (mechanizing) 108 452 T 3 F ( production of) 217.03 452 T 2 F (specialized compiler stages) 331.09 452 T 3 F (,) 569.2 452 T (given configuration of which optimizations in which stages) 126 430 T (\245) 90 402 T 2 F (automating) 108 402 T 3 F ( staging decisions) 205 402 T (\245) 90 374 T (investigating) 108 374 T 2 F (architectural interactions) 213.05 374 T 3 F (, e.g. with SMT, multiprocessors) 428.11 374 T (\245) 90 346 T (investigating applicability to wide range of) 108 346 T 2 F (workloads) 444.15 346 T 3 F (, e.g.) 533.18 346 T (object-oriented programs, parallel programs, interpreters, simulators,) 126 324 T (graphics programs) 126 302 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "10" 10 %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792 %%PageOrder: Ascend %%Pages: 10 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman %%+ Times-Italic %%+ Helvetica-Bold %%+ Helvetica %%+ Symbol %%+ Courier-BoldOblique %%+ Courier-Oblique %%+ Helvetica-Oblique %%EOF To: eggers@cs cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: intro comments Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 11:56:37 PST From: Brian Grant Here is the list of things I tried to fix in my intro for the paper. Most need to be (re)incorporated into the old intro. Intro: - pronunciation of DyC - specify "medium-sized programs" - distinction between mechanisms and solutions (i.e., that our annotations really aren't an interface for average programmers, but an interface to a future automatic DC tool) - make sure the paper's contribution is clear, but without the footnote - always call our run-time loop unrolling "complete loop unrolling" - emphasize that complete loop unrolling is an enabling optimization - emphasize that some optimizations only benefited applications, and not kernels - more emphasis on staged zcprop and dce in third bullet - delete fourth bullet: "Safe dynamic compilation policies..." - add a bullet about low overhead - clarify or axe "certain combinations of language features" - clarify division vs. specialization here or in optimizations section - "varies" -> "vary" - add hyphen to "partial evaluation-style" - "mechanical transformations" -> "analysis and transformations" - define our brand of dynamic compilation before just jumping into it - at least say we optimize on the basis of program (run-time) values - mention staging Abstract: - I think the size issue is dicey. Certainly, we shouldn't say "two orders of magnitude". --Brian Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 13:46:34 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: eggers@cs, Subject: Re: intro comments Cc: spin-comp@cs Everything on this list was either there already or I added it. In some way, shape or form. Susan Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 14:49:41 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: backup Which one of you is going to stand in as Brian if he can't be here tomorrow? And Markus, did you order an extra page? Susnan Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 14:56:05 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: backup I will stand in as a backup. As for the page: No, I haven't requested one yet. Talking with Brian we were thinking that we don't actually need one. I can request an extra page, if we need one, however, the request has to be substantiated by an explanation what the extra page will be used for. What do you think needs an extra page? -- Markus Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 15:04:05 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: eggers@yakima, Subject: Re: backup Cc: spin-comp@cs The extra page was needed to incorporate all the reviewers comments, and let's hold off a sec to see if we really need it. I just wanted to know who was the point man. Susan To: eggers@cs cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: number of annotations Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 16:28:27 PST From: Brian Grant Here is a breakdown of what types of annotations are used in the benchmarks. I have both the actual number of annotations used and, arguably, how many should be used if we fixed some minor problems with our system (e.g., how dead variables are treated). Some reductions might even work with the current implementation, since many bugs have been fixed since the kernels were originally annotated. The number of annotations isn't bad, except for @s on loads, which most people would probably consider unreasonable. actual# (ideal#) Blank means zero. make_static make_dynamic load@ call@ dinero 1 48 0* mipsi 2 1 1 pnmconvol 3(2) 3(2) 8 m88ksim 2(1) 1 5 viewperf project&clip 1 15 shader 5(3) 5(3) 23 1 binary 2(1) 2 chebyshev 3(1) 2 dotproduct 2(1) 1 query 2(1) 8(3)** romberg 4(1) 1(0) * 8 static calls were inserted for the strength reduction hack. ** A simple source-code change would eliminate the need for 5 of the annotations. --Brian Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 17:48:12 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: footnotes Craig just noticed this. A possible time sink. Can one of you figure out how to generate the [1] footnote format that Brian says is required for PLDI? Thanks, Susan Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 18:46:05 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, eggers@yakima Subject: Re: footnotes > From eggers@yakima Wed Feb 17 17:48:16 1999 > Delivery-Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 17:48:17 PST > Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 17:48:12 -0800 > From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) > To: spin-comp@cs > Subject: footnotes > > Craig just noticed this. A possible time sink. > Can one of you figure out how to generate the > [1] footnote > format that Brian says is required for PLDI? > > Thanks, > Susan > Susan means references. -- Craig And I don't think we need to adhere so strictly to their format. I never did before. To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: footnotes Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 22:49:44 PST From: Brian Grant Craig wrote: >> Susan means references. >> >> And I don't think we need to adhere so strictly to their format. I never >> did before. That's good, because I noticed that the format of the section headers has been changed from what was specified by the format. If we want to use the simpler reference style, it should just be a matter of setting an environment varible for BibFrame. The manual is on my desk. I can check it in the morning. --Brian Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 19:15:44 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper lock FYI, I have the lock on the paper. I hope to do all my editing tonight, and have a semi-final version available when you get in tomorrow. (Except maybe for the example, which Matthai should be working on.) -- Craig Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 00:13:26 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper I've finished editing the paper. See ~chambers/papers/pldi/99/final.doc. I haven't looked at Brian's recent emailed suggestions yet, but a quick skim suggests I've already done some of them. I didn't touch the example section; I'm assuming Matthai has a draft. I'd like to move the example after the discussion of our opts (to the end of section 2). I'd like to drop the static & dynamic whole-program execution times, just keeping the other columns. I changed the input column of table 1; see what you think. I added a paragraph on JITs. I'm releasing the write lock, but if anyone edits anything, I'd like to know what they did. (I tried to make our paper grammatically correct by inserting/removing commas, e.g., and I don't want that work undone, for instance.) -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: paper Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 07:08:53 PST From: Brian Grant >> I've finished editing the paper. See ~chambers/papers/pldi/99/final.doc. Why was contact information removed from the title area? Not even a footnote is left with this info. Also, what title have we agreed on? I noticed that "Staged" has been reintroduced. >> I'm releasing the write lock, but if anyone edits anything, I'd like to >> know what they did. (I tried to make our paper grammatically correct by >> inserting/removing commas, e.g., and I don't want that work undone, for >> instance.) I'm claiming the lock for a little while, though I currently don't have any specific plans to change anything until I've read the latest version. Let me know if you want the lock. >> I'd like to move the example after the discussion of our opts (to the end of >> section 2). Seems fine. >> I'd like to drop the static & dynamic whole-program execution times, just >> keeping the other columns. Any particular reason? Do you think it is not useful information? --Brian Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 07:54:12 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: chambers@klamath, Subject: Re: paper Cc: spin-comp@cs I'm wondering about removing the execution times as well. It provides useful context information, and I don't see what taking it out buys us. BTW I'll be preparing and giving class until 11:30 and will check back in then. Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: changes Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 08:29:35 PST From: Brian Grant I haven't finished reading the paper, but I'm giving up the lock since I have some other things to do. I put the latest version in /projects/dyncomp/Papers/PLDI99/ The list of minor edits I made is at the bottom of this message. Question: why were so many of my formatting changes undone? Do we for some reason intentionally want to diverge from the format ACM proposed? I can understand not putting section numbers on the abstract and not doing things that are a pain, but I spent a few hours changing the format to conform to the template as much as possible. (Of course, that doesn't compare to the several days I spent making other changes that were removed without discussion...) Since I apparently have no power to make significant changes, I'll just make more suggestions: 1) I still think we should mention automation in the intro. Focusing on programmers as the users of annotations seems to annoy some people, and I also think it is unrealistic. 2) The referees and Dave's group found the footnote about division vs. specialization confusing. At that point in the paper, we haven't even defined static vs. dynamic. The description should be moved to section 2 and clarified somehow, perhaps by saying how they are implemented. Roughly: Polyvariant division requires keeping track of multiple sets of binding times in the analysis and then a different version is created for each set at static compile time. Polyvariant specialization causes multiple versions to be instantiated at run time for the different run-time values. 3) Repeating an earlier comment to Craig: The current "system overview" does not discuss our optimizations in common terminology (such as "constant propagation") and does not mention the new staged optimizations. It also does not mention policies, which I mentioned there because I removed the later discussion of them. The description of caching in the last paragraph is inaccurate (at least since the optimizations I implemented over a year ago) and makes our system sound even less efficient than it actually is. The lookup happens before the dynamic compiler is invoked. 4) I think we should put in the number of interpreted operations for mipsi in table 3, and I think the amounts the dynamic regions were executed in our whole-program times should be added to table 4: dinero 1 invocation (1000000 memory references) m88ksim 35817894 breakpoint checks mipsi 1 invocation (114062852 operations interpreted) pnmconvol 1 invocation (786432 pixels) viewperf 1170 transformations Skimming over the paper, it looked like many of my previous suggestions are still outstanding/overruled/ignored. The next time Craig or Susan gets a lock on the paper, I would like to talk to you about some of them. ********************************************************** Changes I made: I globally changed "zero/copy" and "copy and zero" to "zero and copy" or "zero©". I used the latter only in the tables and in one subsection title. re-use to reuse (according to webster) In the first bulletted paragraph of 2.1, "other annotated or derived" to "annotated or other derived". Hyphenation comment: I'm pretty sure English is right associative (at least, according to my grammar book). "at run-time" to "at run time" and "at dynamic compile-time" to "at dynamic compile time" "dynamic region boundaries" to "dynamic-region boundaries" Put a space between "Viewperf" and "benchmarks" --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: FYI: I've decided to leave at 11:45am today Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 08:48:05 PST From: Brian Grant To: Subject: taking over paper lock Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 09:47:09 PST From: Matthai Philipose I'm grabbing the that Brian produced so I can munge the example a bit. I agree strongly with Craig (and, as I remember it, Brian's original version) that the example should go after the section that describes our run-time optimizations. Right now, I will just clean up the example further; the re-ordering can be done later, I guess. Matthai Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 10:45:14 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: here I'm in my office now, if people want to talk about things before they leave. I'm going to send some email now explaining the changes I made and those that I'd like to make. -- Craig Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 10:55:33 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper lock I have the lock on the paper, other than the example section that Matthai is working on. -- Craig Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 11:11:00 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: changes > Why was contact information removed from the title area? Not even a > footnote is left with this info. I've never included all that stuff in the final paper before (just the submission). I looked over several papers in last year's PLDI, and many included it, so I'm happy to put it back in if people want. > > Also, what title have we agreed on? I noticed that "Staged" has been > reintroduced. I talked to Susan about reintroducing it, because I wanted to distinguish our approach from JITs. I was nervous before about it (in the absence of "in DyC") because it seemed to promise a more general study of staging than we've done. > >> I'd like to drop the static & dynamic whole-program execution times, just > >> keeping the other columns. > > Any particular reason? Do you think it is not useful information? Because the numbers in the table don't match the computed ratios, I assume due to round-off errors. For the potential confusion, I thought it didn't add significant value. > Question: why were so many of my formatting changes undone? Do we > for some reason intentionally want to diverge from the format ACM > proposed? I can understand not putting section numbers on the > abstract and not doing things that are a pain, but I spent a few > hours changing the format to conform to the template as much as > possible. (Of course, that doesn't compare to the several days > I spent making other changes that were removed without discussion...) Because the format was so ugly, and I can't remember any other paper in PLDI that had that attrocious format. I'm sorry you spent a lot of time getting in that format, but I think having a good-looking paper is more important than following the given format. (I doubt that the latex style uses the same ugly format, for instance.) (But it's true that I don't know for sure.) > 1) I still think we should mention automation in the intro. Focusing > on programmers as the users of annotations seems to annoy some people, > and I also think it is unrealistic. I'm not sure exactly where it could be fit in smoothly. Perhaps at the end of the DyC intro paragraph. Automation is quite beyond the scope of this work, though, and might seem an empty promise. > > 2) The referees and Dave's group found the footnote about division vs. > specialization confusing. At that point in the paper, we haven't even > defined static vs. dynamic. The description should be moved to section > 2 and clarified somehow, perhaps by saying how they are implemented. > Roughly: > Polyvariant division requires keeping track of multiple sets of > binding times in the analysis and then a different version is created > for each set at static compile time. Polyvariant specialization > causes multiple versions to be instantiated at run time for the > different run-time values. You're right. This is awkward. Do you have a proposal for what to do to the intro paragraph in place of these terms? > > 3) Repeating an earlier comment to Craig: > The current "system overview" does not discuss our optimizations in common > terminology (such as "constant propagation") and does not mention the new > staged optimizations. It does mention staged constant propagation. But as an overview, it can't get into details of everything. It's supposed to give people a quick intro. They get the details in the later subsection. > It also does not mention policies, which I mentioned > there because I removed the later discussion of them. There is discussion later on about caching policies. This seems the appropriate place to me. The overview is too early to get into that kind of detail, since the reader may not understand how the system works yet, and so can't appreciate what kinds of controls the user might want. We also mention policies in the intro (in the same place we assert a bunch of other things that the reader probably doesn't understand yet). > The description > of caching in the last paragraph is inaccurate (at least since the > optimizations I implemented over a year ago) and makes our system sound > even less efficient than it actually is. The lookup happens before the > dynamic compiler is invoked. I can't see that this actually makes a difference. I think you're reading "invoke the d.c." too literally. Since the d.c. is customized, it's all just compiled code, some inline, some not inline. "Invoke the d.c." is just an abstract notion about starting to do work relating to d.c., the first step of which is a cache lookup. (Similarly, the cache lookup is a conceptual thing, with physical implementations that may be real lookups or something much more optimized, e.g. the cache-one-unchecked "lookup".) > Skimming over the paper, it looked like many of my previous suggestions > are still outstanding/overruled/ignored. The next time Craig or Susan gets > a lock on the paper, I would like to talk to you about some of them. I said in an earlier email that I haven't had a chance to go over your suggestions in detail. I did read over your comments and studied your notes on the intro pretty carefully when I did my mark-up pass. I have all your comments printed out and now that I've gone through the paper with my edits I plan to go back through looking at your suggestions one at a time. Of course, I may not want to follow your suggestions, just as the suggestions above I didn't always want to follow or thought I'd followed in a somewhat different way than you suggest. Please come by to talk more about this. > > > ********************************************************** > Changes I made: (I wish you had cleared change bars before making your changes, so I could find them more easily.) > > I globally changed "zero/copy" and "copy and zero" to "zero and copy" > or "zero©". I used the latter only in the tables and in one subsection > title. Seems fine to me. > > re-use to reuse (according to webster) Fine. > > In the first bulletted paragraph of 2.1, "other annotated or derived" to > "annotated or other derived". Good. > > Hyphenation comment: I'm pretty sure English is right associative (at least, > according to my grammar book). > > "at run-time" to "at run time" and "at dynamic compile-time" to "at > dynamic compile time" > > "dynamic region boundaries" to "dynamic-region boundaries" Fine. > > Put a space between "Viewperf" and "benchmarks" Fine. -- Craig Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 12:14:03 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: breakeven for mipsi Do we know or can guess how many instructions need to be executed for mipsi before it breaks even? This would be better than "1 execution" and in line w/ how dinero and pnmconvol are reported. -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: breakeven for mipsi Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 12:57:38 PST From: Matthai Philipose According to Brian's slide, we have to simulate 485k mips instructions before we break even. From what I understood, the number is this high mainly because there are a bunch of instructions we produce that are not interpreted/executed more than once. This is because we end up specializing the whole interpreted program and not the heavily used parts of the interpreted program. Matthai > Do we know or can guess how many instructions need to be executed for mipsi > before it breaks even? This would be better than "1 execution" and in line > w/ how dinero and pnmconvol are reported. > > -- Craig > Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 13:23:35 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper I'm done with all my editing and doing all the references. As far as I'm concerned, all that's left is to incorporate Matthai's thinner example (and move it to the end of section 2). And have you all read what I've written. See ~chambers/papers/pldi/99/final2.doc. I'm off to class now. -- Craig To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: paper Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:16:48 PST From: Matthai Philipose The latest version of the example is in /projects/dyncomp/Papers/PLDI9 9/ Section 2.2, figure 2, figure 3 and figure 4 need to be copied over to the final version of the paper. Matthai Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:22:26 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: chambers@klamath, Subject: Re: paper Cc: I'm back from affiliates. I'll take a look for Craig's copy, incorporate your figures and make a pass. This means I have the lock. Susan Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:26:04 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: chambers@klamath, Subject: Re: paper Cc: This is what Brian had before. in the table: 1 invocation (484634 operations interpreted) and in the text: A meaningful break-even point for mipsi is more difficult to calculate, because it depends on the number of reinterpreted instructions (i.e., the number and size of the loops in mipsiÕs input program) relative to the total size of the input program. For this input program, each of the 1637 operations specialized needed to be executed at least an average of 296 times to break even. (footnote) the footnote: When using other input programs that performed more indirect jumps or calls, the dispatch cost could also impact mipsiÕs performance. Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:36:43 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: copyright form FYI, I have the copyright form in my office, from Brian. -- Craig Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:40:10 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper I'm grabbing back the write lock. -- Craig Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:44:07 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, chambers@klamath Subject: Re: paper Just to be redundant, I assume you have the lock for the example, and I have it for the rest of the paper. Susan Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 16:45:52 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: paper done! The final version of the paper is in ~chambers/papers/pldi/99/final.{doc,ps}. Yahoo! -- Craig Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 09:05:41 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: support@cs Subject: frame version 5 on the suns Cc: spin-comp@cs, levy@cs, eggers@yakima, sparekh@cs, redstone@yakima I need access to fminit/langdir in order to enable the spell checker. I have an fminit directory, but no langir in it. And I find no langdir when I look for frame directories. Can someone tell me where this directory is so that I can link to it, assuming that is the correct fix? Thanks, Susan To: Subject: PLDI paper added to our page Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 15:47:20 PST From: Matthai Philipose FYI, I've added the PLDI99 paper to our project home page, in case people ask for a pointer to it. Our project homepage is: Matthai Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 14:21:11 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: undergraduates working with us I've been asked to give one of the presentations about research opportunities to the undergraduates. But I'm slightly hardpressed to think of what an undergraduate could do. Markus and Matthai -- are you free to meet briefly to talk about this after the colloq? You two might have a better handle on what would help you out than Craig and I. Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: ref. info for pldi paper Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 17:28:09 PST From: Brian Grant FYI, our paper starts at page 293 in the proceedings. --Brian Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 13:19:24 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs, cecil@cs Subject: FW: 03/02/99 Cache-Conscious Data Organization and Layout; Trishu Trishul Chilimbi is giving a talk at MSR tomorrow morning @ 10am. I'll probably be driving over, leaving my house around 9:30. Do any of you want to come and catch a ride with me? -- Craig -----Original Message----- From: MS Research Lecture Room (Private) [] Sent: Monday, March 01, 1999 11:12 AM To: 'Richard Ladner' Subject: FW: 03/02/99 Cache-Conscious Data Organization and Layout; Trishu al Chilimbi - University of Wisconsin-Madison > -----Original Appointment----- > From: MS Research Lecture Room (Private) > Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 1999 12:39 PM > To: MS Research Lecture Room (Private); Microsoft Research Tech Talk, > Sem. Notice; Tanya Kneeland > Subject: 03/02/99 Cache-Conscious Data Organization and Layout; > Trishual Chilimbi - University of Wisconsin-Madison > When: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 10:30 AM-12:00 PM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time > (US & Canada); Tijuana. > Where: 31/2053 Research Lecture Room > > You are invited to attend... please pass onto internal MS employees that > may be interested. > ************************************************************************ ** > ****************************** > WHO: Trishual Chilimbi > AFFILIATION: University of Wisconsin-Madison > TITLE: Cache-Conscious Data Organization > and Layout > WHEN: Tue 3/2/99 > WHERE: 31/2053 Research Lecture Room > TIME: 10:30 AM-12:00PM > HOST: Todd Knoblock > NETSHOW: To Be Determined > ************************************************************************ ** > ******************************* > ABSTRACT: > In this talk I will show that cache-conscious pointer structure layout can > improve the performance of real programs by up to 30--40%. I will outline > a wide variety of techniques for laying out pointer structures in > languages such as C, C++, and Java. These include completely automatic > techniques that require no programmer assistance or source code > modification. > I will discuss one such technique-cache-conscious reorganization using > copying garbage collection that co-locates objects with high temporal > affinity in the same cache block-in detail. Measurements show that this > technique reduces cache miss rates by 21--42%, and improves program > performance by 14--37% over a conventional copying algorithm (Cheney). In > addition it outperforms an algorithm (Wilson-Lam-Moher) designed to > improve locality at the page level by 18--31%, indicating that improving > locality at the page level is not necessarily beneficial at the cache > level. > Finally, for structures comparable in size to a cache block, structure > splitting can increase the number of hot fields that can be placed in a > cache block. In five Java programs, structure splitting reduced cache miss > rates 10--27% and improved performance 6--18% beyond the benefits of > cache-conscious reorganization. > BIO: > Trishul Chilimbi is a graduate student in the Computer Science Department > at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, working with Profs. James Larus > and Mark Hill. He expects to complete his Ph.D. by June of 1999. His areas > of interest are programming languages, compilers, computer architecture, > and parallel and distributed systems. Currently, his specific research > interests include memory system design and optimization, memory > management, co-operative (hardware/software) performance optimization, and > dynamic feedback-driven compilation. His educational background includes a > B.Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (1992), and a M.S. > from the University of Wisconsin at Madison (1993). > > > ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 13:33:31 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: automation write-up I've written up a summary of the model for automation and some of the accomplishments in addressing the sub-problems in ~mock/tmp/ It would be good if you could have a look at it before the meeting. I'll also try to present the main ideas in the meeting. -- Markus To: spin-comp@cs Subject: pointer vs. structural invariance and invalidation Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 16:25:57 PST From: Brian Grant To account for different kinds of objects, you would want to allow different actions at object-creation points, at object-modification points (may and must), at object-deallocation points, and at the region entries. I thought of a few issues that could be considered wrt. invalidation and dispatching: 1) What objects are used for specialization? Only one object? 2) How are the objects modified? Are they immutable? Quasi-invariant? 3) Are different objects likely to be structurally equivalent? If so, can this be tested efficiently, for example using fingerprinting or sampling techniques? A few cases I've thought of: 1) mipsi's promotions at computed jumps. The bytecode array is invariant, and the same array is always used, but each jump can go to different positions within it. 2) Invalidation with non-trivial dispatch at the entry: Suppose you specialize a region for the contents of an array variable. A number of different mutable but quasi-invariant arrays are used in the region. At the entry the system could dispatch on the pointer to the array, rather than its contents. A particular version of the specialized code would be invalidated when its corresponding array were modified. 3) Would you ever want to test structural equivalence if a pointer-equivalence test failed but certain other run-time conditions held? --Brian Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 16:59:12 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: pointer vs. structural invariance and invalidation ----- Begin Included Message ----- From chambers Tue Mar 2 16:58:55 1999 To: Subject: Re: pointer vs. structural invariance and invalidation X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII > To account for different kinds of objects, you would want to allow > different actions at object-creation points, at object-modification points > (may and must), at object-deallocation points, and at the region entries. I think you don't care about object-creation points (I assume this means the place where the scalar is initially assigned or the data structure is allocated and initialized); they have to happen before the initial region entry, and before any other object-modification/-deallocation points. I think you only care about object-deallocation points if you want to eagerly flush entries from the cache of specializations. With some LRU cache management scheme, this wouldn't be necessary. But it might be worth writing down as some kind of footnote to keep in mind if we ever care. > I thought of a few issues that could be considered wrt. invalidation > and dispatching: > 1) What objects are used for specialization? Only one object? I'm not sure what you mean. I'm assuming an object corresponds to a scalar variable or to some range of memory (e.g. all or part of some pointed- to data structure). A dynamic region would be specialized for the value of some tuple of objects. > 2) How are the objects modified? Are they immutable? Quasi-invariant? This is captured by the invalidation cost for each of the different static points of possible invalidation. Somehow (e.g. static analysis, maybe profiling) each point is determined to possibly modify some set of objects; a singleton set is probably the same as definitely modifying one object. An object which has no possible invalidation points is immutable. An object whose invalidation points are infrequently executed is quasi-invariant. [Note: we'd like to have the static analysis limit the possible modification points to those that can be executed after the first execution of the dynamic region and before the last execution, e.g. by looking at the call graph.] > 3) Are different objects likely to be structurally equivalent? If so, can > this be tested efficiently, for example using fingerprinting or > sampling techniques? Fingerprinting or other sampling (e.g. checksum) are only good for quickly testing when things are different. We need a quick test for when things are definitely the same. I don't know of any way to do thus but scanning bytes. (Or moving to invalidation-based schemes.) > > A few cases I've thought of: > > 1) mipsi's promotions at computed jumps. The bytecode array is invariant, > and the same array is always used, but each jump can go to different positions > within it. Octal 40? (Blank?) I don't see what you're getting at here. > > 2) Invalidation with non-trivial dispatch at the entry: > > Suppose you specialize a region for the contents of an array variable. > A number of different mutable but quasi-invariant arrays are used in the > region. At the entry the system could dispatch on the pointer to the > array, rather than its contents. A particular version of the specialized > code would be invalidated when its corresponding array were modified. Interesting. Maybe this could be modeled as a polling-based scalar variable (the pointer to the array) coupled with a set of invalidation-based variables (the possible arrays that the pointer points to). In general, there may be some index variables that can be tested quickly on dynamic-region entry, whose values imply the values of larger backing data. The pointer to the bytecode array for the function entry is one example of this. Maybe our current notion of objects (scalar or memory region) isn't rich enough to adequately capture these kinds of dependencies. > > 3) Would you ever want to test structural equivalence if a pointer-equivalence > test failed but certain other run-time conditions held? Dunno. Are you testing structural equivalence between the previous and the current value of some memory object, e.g. at a cache lookup? Certainly you have to do the structural equivalence test in this case. Are you thinking of some other case? > > --Brian > -- Craig ----- End Included Message ----- To: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) cc: Subject: Re: pointer vs. structural invariance and invalidation Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 17:31:04 PST From: Matthai Philipose > fingerprints I was also thinking fingerprinting might be a good way to identify invariant datastructures. This is not done while the user is finally running the program, but when you're doing value profiling. Basically the fingerprint of a datastructure might be good way to represent it during value profiling. If you wanted to track the rate of change of a datastructure, you could recompute fingerprints at regular intervals. This would give you a way, for e.g., to identify the bytecode array as a good candidate for specialization, even if it changed (infrequently). On the other hand, maybe value profiling at each use of the datastructure's components is enough for capturing how relevant parts of the ds change. ---Craig said: > We need a quick test for when things are definitely the same. I don't know of any way to do > thus but scanning bytes. Actually (this is going to sound completely cracked, but I'll say it anyway), if the probablility that the fingerprint gives a false result (positive/negative) is sufficiently low, we can go ahead use fingerprinting for checking whether things are the same. Instead of saying our system is "definitely" correct, we just give a probabilistic guarantee about our system. As long as the probability of failure is much lower than that of the system without our code running on it, we're fine. All this "definitely semantically equivalent" stuff is just a holdover from static compilation where you can compile for eons to preserve an illusory sense of security. :-) Let the flames begin! Matthai To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Marlet et al. (Consel) PLDI paper now available on their web site Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 09:42:10 PST From: Brian Grant --Brian Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 12:02:10 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: cfp SAS'99 - Venice ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Thu Mar 4 11:04:51 1999 Delivery-Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 11:04:51 PST Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 18:19:50 +0100 (MET) From: Agostino Cortesi To: Subject: cfp SAS'99 - Venice MIME-Version: 1.0 ************************************************************************* Last Call For Papers International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'99) Venezia, Italy, 22--24 September 1999 Submission Deadline: 15 march, 1999 for info, please look at: ************************************************************************* As usual, I deeply apologize for multiple copies.... _______________________________________________________________________ agostino cortesi, phd dipartimento di informatica tel: +39 041 290.8450 universita' ca' foscari, venezia fax: +39 041 290.8419 via torino 155 url: 30170 mestre-venezia (italy) email: ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 08:13:08 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: from a conversation with a faculty candidate ----- Begin Included Message ----- From shiva@DB.Stanford.EDU Fri Mar 5 20:07:31 1999 To:,, shiva@DB.Stanford.EDU Subject: RE: improving databases Content-Length: 3168 X-Lines: 57 Status: RO Hello, Susan's question ---------------- Re: the dynamic compilation stuff, I am not sure what impact it will have in disk-based DB systems, since the I/O usually is the killer. However, your compilation techniques that exploit specific constants may be useful in "Query Flock" systems that are gaining some interest in data mining applications. Conceptually these are "flocks" of queries that have the same form, but have different parameters in each instantiation of the query. Also there has been some recent work in "Query Scrambling" which is similar to dynamic compliation in spirit, but uses information about available resources at a "higher" level. That is, the optimizer generates a bunch of plans and chooses the best one depending on conditions such as how good the sampling information is, network bottlenecks, if underlying sources have failed (this is similar to work that Alon is looking at in the context of Tiramisu). However, I am not sure if techniques such as unfolding constants will lead to significant benefits in this domain. However, it is possible your declarative framework already captures what folks in this domain are doing in some procedural way? I am not sure... ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 08:08:05 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: meeting I need to stay home today as both Patricia and Andrea are sick. I should be able tio point you to an updated version of my write-up with modified equations later today. -- Markus To: spin-comp@cs Subject: meeting agenda? Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 09:19:40 PST From: Brian Grant Ok, if Markus is out, what should be the meeting agenda? --Brian Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 09:33:36 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: meeting Given that Markus will not be here, and Craig is under time pressure, do we need a meeting? Does anyone else have something the group should talk over? Susan Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 14:04:31 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: levy@cs, eggers@yakima, sparekh@cs, redstone@yakima, spin-comp@cs, Subject: meeting times next quarter I'm being pressed to pin down my spring schedule. Can you all confirm that our current meeting times are ok for you next quarter? Or suggest another. Susan Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 13:42:05 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Crary meetings? ----- Begin Included Message ----- From cecil-request@june Wed Mar 10 13:40:53 1999 Delivery-Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 13:40:54 PST Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 13:40:42 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs Subject: Crary meetings? X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII If any of you want to grab one of the last three slots with Crary, feel free. I'll open up to the general public soon. -- Craig ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 13:42:48 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: re: Crary P.S. It's fine if pairs of you want to meet together for a half hour, too. -- Craig Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 10:38:22 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Thu Mar 11 07:40:34 1999 To: Subject: PLDI99 student poster session Cc: Content-Length: 2407 X-Lines: 56 Status: RO Dear Prof. Eggers, Here is a brief reminder regarding the student poster session at this year's PLDI conference. The poster session will give students a chance to present their work to an academic and industrial audience. Please encourage your student(s) to submit to this event. Thanks, --Uli p.s.: It is fine if I get the submission by March 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLDI'99 Student Poster Session May 2, 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ACM SIGPLAN 1999 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI'99) will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, May 1-4, 1999 as part of the Federated Computing Research Conference (FCRC'99). Please see for details regarding PLDI'99. A student poster session is planned for Sunday night, May 2, 1999 during the FCRC'99 Gather from 6:00-7:30pm. This one and a half hour evening event will feature concurrent short presentations by student participants organized in poster formats. Each student will be allowed a 3' by 4' space on an easel for the presentation. FCRC'99 attendees, including non-students, will be able to wander among the posters and talk to the students about their research. Refreshments will be provided. Students who wish to present a poster display of their research must send the following information to Ulrich Kremer ( by March 12, 1999: - a title and 500 word abstract of their proposed presentation - their email address, phone number and surface mail address - their department and school - a short email note of support of their participation from their faculty research advisor Selected participants will be notified by March 22, 1999. If there is more interest in this program than can be accommodated easily, each school will be asked to select its student presenter(s) on the basis of the size of their annual Ph.D. class, with limited representation from each Computer Science department. Students participants may apply for travel support from ACM SIGPLAN PAC. Please see for further information. Best regards, Uli Kremer Poster Session Chair ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 13:23:05 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: next week's meeting Next Tuesday my entire day is filled with talking to prospective students. I assume it's similar for most of the rest of you. Shall we cancel or reschedule? Susan Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 13:18:04 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: fyi ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Mon Mar 15 13:01:01 1999 To: Subject: did yousee this? Cc: Content-Length: 5290 X-Lines: 114 Status: RO > From Wed Feb 24 10:37 PST 1999 > Received: from ( []) > by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id KAA01463 > for ; Wed, 24 Feb 1999 10:37:46 -0800 (PST) > Received: from ( []) > by (8.9.0/8.9.0) with ESMTP id TAA12206; > Wed, 24 Feb 1999 19:34:53 +0100 (MET) > Received: (from makholm@localhost) > by (8.9.0/8.9.0) id TAA00193; > Wed, 24 Feb 1999 19:34:52 +0100 (MET) > Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 19:34:52 +0100 (MET) > Message-Id: <> > From: Henning Makholm > Subject: Announcing C-Mix 2.0 > To:,,, >,, >,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,, >,,,, >,,, >, >,, >,,, >, > Sender: > Reply-to: > Content-Type: text > Content-Length: 2758 > Status: RO > > Version 2.0 of C-Mix has been released > ====================================== > > C-Mix is an automatic partial evaluator for the C programming > language. It aims at being useful in a real-world setting and > being useable for people without deep knowledge about PE techniques. > > C-Mix reads C source files and directly produces generating extensions > written in C++. The generating extension in turn produces C code for the > residual program. > > Availability > ------------ > > C-Mix 2.0 is freely available as source and as binaries for a selected > range of platforms at > > It is now also freely redistributable, so feel free to pass it on to > anyone you know who has a C program that could benefit from partial > evaluation. > > Most of the system is written in C++. We expect it to compile straigt > out of the box on any unixish system with the GCC 2.8.x or Egcs > compilers. The DOS and Windows ports of Egcs are also supported. > > Comparison with older C-Mixen > ----------------------------- > > With respect to the C-Mix that was presented at the PE'98 summer school: > > * Can unfold functions while specializing. > > * Can tell the user *why* something becomes dynamic. > > * The annotated-program browser can show basic binding-time > information in text mode without using a WWW browser. > > * Numerous other bugs fixed. > > With respect to pre-1998 versions of C-Mix: > > * Simply, there is no comparison. 90% of the system has been completely > redesigned and recoded at least once. Overall, the system has become > much stabler. > > * Accepts a much larger subset of ISO C, and does it correctly (so we > think). > > * The command line syntax has been redesigned to be more flexible and > easier to incorporate as a single step in a larger build process. > > * User-level annotations on the subject program can be done without > changing the source files. > > * A new annotation browser shows the annotated program as hypertext. > Cause/effect chains in the binding-time analysis are easily inspected. > > * Vastly improved support for specializing only parts of a program. > A clean interface for linking to "external" code at specialization > time as well as from the residual program has been added. Static > input need not be passed through the generating extension's command > line but can be supplied by a user-written main() routine. > > * And probably other improvements which I forgot to mention here. > > Why you get this announcement > ----------------------------- > > You receive this email either because you are subscribed to a relevant > mailing list or because we've previously communicated with you about > C-Mix. > > If you want to get notified about future releases of C-Mix (bugfixes, > new features, etc.), please contact us at > ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 09:03:59 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: Subject: Re: group meeting today? Cc: spin-comp@cs I assume we are doing prospectives. Craig and I are, anyway. Susan ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Tue Mar 16 08:28:47 1999 Reply-To: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers Subject: group meeting today? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Content-Length: 169 X-Lines: 8 Status: RO Susan, I didn't see a follow-up message last week to your inquiry about meeting today. Is everyone booked because of prospectives or do we meet as usual? -- Markus ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 20:47:55 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: PLDI 99 Online Registration is now up at: -- Markus To: spin-comp@cs Subject: IA-64 compiler job Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 10:42:06 PST From: Brian Grant ------- Forwarded Message Replied: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 10:35:29 PST Replied: Allan Knies Received: from ( []) by (8.8.7+CS/7.2ju) with ESMTP id NAA27998; Mon, 15 Mar 1999 13:08:20 -0800 Received: from ( []) by (8.9.1a+p1/8.9.1/d: relay.m4,v 1.6 1998/11/24 22:10:56 iwep Exp iwep $) with ESMTP id NAA11937; Mon, 15 Mar 1999 13:08:19 -0800 (PST) Received: from mipos2 ( []) by (8.9.1a/8.9.1) with ESMTP id NAA11030; Mon, 15 Mar 1999 13:08:17 -0800 (PST) Message-Id: <> To:, cc: Subject: FYI -- compiler opening Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 13:08:15 -0800 From: Allan Knies X-UIDL: 58305197396beb20f50e28a9c813a780 Status: U Brian/Peter, If you (or someone you know), might be interested in this, feel free to contact me or Jim. Please forward/post to other interested parties. Allan - ------- Forwarded Message Replied: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 12:30:39 -0800 Replied: Jim Pierce Received: from ( []) by (8.9.1a/8.9.1) with ESMTP id LAA18845; Mon, 15 Mar 1999 11:44:05 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 11:44:03 -0800 From: Jim Pierce Organization: Intel Corp. X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (WinNT; U) X-Accept-Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 To: "Knies, Allan" , "Zahir, Rumi" , "Holm, John" , "Kling, Ralph" Subject: Job description Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit When you visit schools this spring or run into someone interested in compiler work, could you inform people of this job opening? thanks, jim Job Opening: Code Generator Software Developer IA-64 Production Compiler Group Intel Corp. IA-64 is Intel's new 64-bit architecture. Through features like predication, speculation, software pipeline support, and a large register file, the design emphasizes and demands a close relationship with the compiler. The code generator phase of the compiler is responsible for the best use of the above listed features. The compiler is a key element to the success of the project. We are looking to expand the code generator team of the IA-64 production compiler group. The small team is responsible for predication, cyclic optimizations and scheduling, acyclic global scheduling, register allocation, backend optimizations, and code emission. The job responsibilities include code analysis, existing phase and optimization tuning, in addition to new optimization design and implementation. Due to the newness of many of the architecture features, there is a substantial amount of applied research involved. The particular phase or optimization that the candidate will work on will depend upon the candidate's expertise and the current needs of the team. We are looking for candidates with either industry experience in code generation or recent college graduates who have done research in that area. We will also consider candidates with experience in other compiler areas if they possess performance analysis experience or architecture knowledge and an interest in learning code generation design. The perfect candidate would have the following qualifications: - Experience in some part of code generation development for an ILP processor, - Experience in performance analysis to tune code generator or optimization phases, - Computer architecture knowledge to better understand the complex interaction between the compiler and the hardware. Candidates with only some of the qualification are still encouraged to apply. The job location is Intel's site in Santa Clara, CA. For more information, please contact Jim Pierce at 408-765-5350 or email at - ------- End of Forwarded Message ------- End of Forwarded Message To: spin-comp@cs Subject: what can we sign up for? Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:12:33 PST From: Brian Grant Matthai and I are interested in whether we can sign up for any tutorials at PLDI or for WCSSS. WCSSS is $65. Tutorials are $60. --Brian Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 12:48:39 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: what can we sign up for? Which tutorials were you interested in? Susan Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 17:26:04 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: next week's meetings Let's give ourselves a break on the break, ok? No meetings. Susan Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 17:45:37 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: I've arrived After 5 days of 10-hour-a-day driving and 2975 miles, I've arrived in NY. We've rented a house, which we move into Monday. Monday I also start at IBM, beginning with my drug test(!). More once I have a real connection.... -- Craig Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 15:37:45 -0800 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: PLDI travel money I suggest we just divide it evenly among you three. What usually happens is: you pay the grant pays you back PLDI pays the grant Susan Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 19:37:07 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, lisas@cs, melody@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: new home address FYI, my new home address (where you can mail my POPL reimbursement check, Lisa) and phone number (which won't be ready for a week or so) are: 218 Lakeview Ave. West Harrison NY 10604 914-686-6876 I'll send my IBM work address and phone number when I get it, probably Monday. -- Craig Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 14:30:43 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, lisas@klamath, melody@klamath, spin-comp@cs Subject: IBM phone # My office phone number at IBM is 914-784-7952. I hope tomorrow to have a US mailing address. -- Craig To: spin-comp@cs Subject: changes to bin, mflow, regression committed Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 17:31:26 PST From: Brian Grant High bit: This commit fixes significant bugs in mipsi and pnmconvol. mipsi now works with dinero as its input program (and all others I've tried). Low bits: The most significant change was a fix to a bug in the BTA that caused it to crop annotated temps from the context. The merge rule from the paper was just plain wrong. It rebuilt the StaticVarInfo set from the Division, which basically didn't allow any derived temps to survive beyond a merge. Instead, it should kill monovariantly specialized static variables with multiple reaching defs and non-annotated temps derived from them. For annotated temps, their roots and cache policies need to be redefined if their roots are killed. For polyvariantly specialized variables, just their cache policies need to be changed, not their roots. I also fixed ProcessDynAssigns to be consistent with the changes to the merge rule (it had some of the same bugs). This bug had caused the current PC in mipsi to be omitted from the context in some units, which caused branches to be patched to the wrong locations due to false code-cache hits in a certain obscure situation. This took me several days to track down. --Brian Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 12:10:09 -0800 (PST) From: chambers@klamath (Craig Chambers) To: cecil@cs, lisas@cs,, melody@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: Mailing address The mailing address for me at IBM is: Craig Chambers IBM T.J. Watson Research Center 30 Saw Mill River Road Hawthorne NY 10532 That's for e.g. FedEx that requires a real address. Normal mail would use PO Box 704 My fax number here is 914-784-7105. Correction: the US mail address, written out completely, is: Craig Chambers IBM T.J. Watson Research Center PO Box 704 Yorktown Heights NY 10598 -- Craig Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 09:11:51 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: meeting today I have a doctor's appointment at the UW hospital at 3pm. Since I have to be there early, I won't be able to make today's group meeting. -- Markus Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 15:36:02 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: next meeting I'll be out of town for our meeting next week. Or more accurately I'll be coming back into town, but too late for the meeting. Why don't you all meet without me? Susan To: cse590k@cs, cse590n@cs, spin-comp@cs, cecil@cs, echris@cs, brad@cs, Subject: practice PLDI talk Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 14:42:35 PDT From: Brian Grant I'll be giving a practice of my PLDI talk in next week's 590k, so we'll meet in Loew. An Evaluation of Staged Run-Time Optimizations in DyC Wednesday, April 21, 2:30pm Loew 113 The paper should soon be available upstairs. You can also find it on our web page: http://www/research/dyncomp/Papers/ /projects/unisw/DynComp/www/Papers/ --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: today's meeting Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 13:51:31 PDT From: Brian Grant In our office? --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Dynamo `00 Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 16:03:09 PDT From: Brian Grant ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Dynamic and Adaptive Compilation and Optimization (Dynamo'00) To be held January 18, 2000 in conjunction with: The 27th Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) Boston, Massachusetts, January 19-21, 2000 Research on Dynamic and Adaptive Compilation and related areas has been sporadic and spread out. The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers, practitioners, and implementors in these areas to present their experience and work in a forum that will allow them to colloborate and exchange ideas. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: our TCS paper Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 14:50:58 PDT From: Brian Grant It looks like something is finally happening on the TCS front. We seem to have to opportunity to fix bugs and send a new version. Should we? We have fixed the meets and merge function. The meets were the opposite of what they should have been, if I remember correctly. --Brian ------- Forwarded Message X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise 4.1 Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 11:09:18 +0200 From: Stephanie Smit-Baich To: Subject: TCSB paper 689 by Grant, B., M. Mock, M. Philipose, C. Chambers and S.J. Eggers Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Disposition: inline X-UIDL: 6542fdf42745c93f0bcb449357adcb0d Status: U 3/5/1999 Dear Dr. Grant, I acknowledge the safe receipt of your manuscript: TCSB 689: DyC: an expressive annotation-directed dynamic compiler for C (Grant, B., M. Mock, M. Philipose, C. Chambers and S.J. Eggers) from Professor Consel, for publication in the TCS Special Issue on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation, PEPM'97 I kindly ask that you send me the TeX or LaTeX files of your paper by email (or send a floppy) at your earliest convenience. If the files are not available, please let me know so that we do not delay publication unnecessarily. It is essential that the paper version and electronic files must be exactly the same. If not, the paper version (which has been approved by the Editor) will be used. If in any doubt, send a paper copy to me with the files, and send a copy to Professor Consel as well. Please send me your complete (postal) address - and that of your co-authors (I asume that it is the same ?) Thanking you for your cooperation, and looking forward to your reply, Kind regards, - -- Stephanie Smit ------- End of Forwarded Message Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 16:20:57 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: our TCS paper I would correct the errors, but no more. We don't need to improve this publication which few will actually see. Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Patents [Re: Tuesday at 3:30 is on ] Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 17:32:50 PDT From: Brian Grant Do you remember where the provisional applications are sitting? I've totally forgotten what we filed and wanted to look them over before the meeting. Also, do you still feel that this is a good use of our time? It's still not clear to me what we get out of it. If another week is going to be required to put together the final applications, I think we should open this topic of discussion again. --Brian To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Patents: examples [Re: what we promised ] Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 17:05:21 PDT From: Brian Grant I have written up some examples of conditions for conditional specialization. "/projects/dyncomp/Papers/Patents/CondSpec" (There is a space in that file name because I'm using Frame on a PC.) --Brian Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 13:03:06 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: eggers@yakima, Subject: Re: Patents: examples [Re: what we promised ] Cc: spin-comp@cs Just in case Matthai and Markus have not yet written their stuff: I don't think we need be quite as detailed as Brian's write-up. The lawyers already understand the context into which the examples fit (after all, they asked for them). I also don't think we should introduce any new terminology. So, for example, they may now think that a dynamic region is only conditionally dynamically compiled. I would get rid of the ski rental explanation and example. as well. My understanding is that, for example, Matthai just has to construct code examples and identify what they are supposed to illustrate. Susan Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 14:27:27 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, levy@cs, eggers@yakima, sparekh@cs, redstone@yakima, Subject: ROP I'll have time to look over your progress reports for ROP on Wed. morning. (Read that as Wed. morning only.) So could you have your reports to me before then. Matthai, I know I already have yours. And since all the SMT students are OS students, I assume Hank will handle those. (Hank, you can thank me later ;-).) Susan Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 16:34:56 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: patents I get back in town around noon. Can one of you go into my mailbox, get the patents, and have Melody/Linh start xeroxing, so we can begin reading? Thanks, Susan From Mon May 31 13:40:52 1999 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/7.2ws+) with ESMTP id NAA12688 for ; Mon, 31 May 1999 13:40:46 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (8.8.7+CS/7.2ju) with ESMTP id NAA05013 for ; Mon, 31 May 1999 13:40:45 -0700 Received: from rona ( []) by (8.9.3/Seanet-8.7.3) with SMTP id NAA10744 for ; Mon, 31 May 1999 13:40:44 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <000c01beaba5$f36f8c40$d50000c0@OFFICE> From: "Ron Anderson" To: "Susan Eggers" References: <> Subject: Re: update on dates Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 13:41:24 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300 Status: R We mailed a copy of the draft application out last week. If you haven't received it by June 1, please call. We can send the text via email (encrypted zip file) if necessary and fax the drawings to you. Please call me at (425) 688-8816 tomorrow (June 1) to let me know status. Regards, Ron Anderson ----- Original Message ----- From: Susan Eggers To: Cc: Sent: Saturday, May 15, 1999 7:38 AM Subject: update on dates > Ron and Alan -- > > I was wrong about when I would be away -- it's June 3rd > and 4th. So I ask, can we have your patent draft to us > earlier than the end of June 1. I realize that's a holiday > weekend, but any time you could give us would help. Even > earlier in the day. > > Thanks, > Susan > To: Markus Mock cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: patent source Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 17:01:00 PDT From: Brian Grant >> Can you send a pointer to the source? It's in my PC directory on rfilesrv2: \\rfilesrv2\students\grant\Patents There is one word document and one visio document. Visio is available for installation, free of charge. It can be found under the "Free Software" link on the lab web page. I've given one copy for Markus and I'm printing out two more copies now (one for myself and one for Matthai). I don't know if I'll be able to print a third before leaving. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: patent Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 11:37:09 PDT From: Brian Grant Is anybody else ready to discuss the patent? The first 80 pages is a structureless blob formed from our journal paper, PLDI paper, provisionals, and supplementary examples and text we sent them. The good news is that it seems largely correct, with few correctness changes to be made. The claims are more difficult to figure out. There appear to be 19 claims. I don't know which ones are indepedent or dependent. I have difficulty understanding what is supposed to be claimed by some of them. The order of the claims also seems peculiar. Here's my best guess as to what the claims pertain: Policies: 1-5 Automation: 7-8, 19 Conditional specialization: 8-10 Caching points: 11-14 On-demand: 15-16 I'm not really sure about the points of claims 1, 3, 6, 17, and 18. I know some claims are supposed to sound like we're claiming a computer, compiler, etc., but these claims still seems a little off to me. It might help to know the rationale for how the claims are ordered, broken up, made independent vs. dependent, etc. Finally, except for claiming computers and compilers, the claims don't seem as broad as I expected. Other opinions? --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: patents [Ron Anderson] Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 12:48:10 PDT From: Brian Grant This message from Ron Anderson regarding reviewing the patent was included with the patent source files yesterday: Please arrange for each of the inventors to review the draft application for technical accuracy and completeness, while bearing in mind that it must contain enough information to teach a person of ordinary skill in the art to make and use the invention, and must disclose the best mode known to the inventors for carrying out the invention. The numbered claims located near the end of the application should be given special attention in order to ensure that they appear to provide adequate protection for the invention if granted. We have emphasised one of the four aspects disclosed in the Provisional applications in the claims, but have included at least one independent claim for each, with the expectation that we can add more claims in subsequent applications, particularly if the Examiner determines that there are multiple inventions being claimed. After the review has been completed, please contact me or Alan Burnett to describe any changes or additions, or send us a marked-up copy of the draft. We remind you that this application must be filed no later than June 11, 1999. Thanks for your assistance. Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 16:55:18 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: the patents I'd like to get a sense of what people have done so far. can you tell me? Looks like Brian has made a quick pass over everything. Don't know about anyone else. We need, among all of us, to cover the whole thing well. I'm reading everything, ok, almost everything, and I'll need someone to read carefully those parts I'm not reading. So here's a possible plan: I discuss my changes to/questions about the body with Brian, since he has at least skimmed that. Can someone (Matthai?) take charge of the figures, and just make sure that they are ok, so Brian and I don't even have to read them. I'm only on page 13, so that's the only plan I have so far. If I come across another parcel like the diagrams, I'll tap Markus. I assume all 3 of you are reading the claims at the end. And that Brian B. and Craig are not involved in this at all. Susan Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 17:53:29 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: the patents I've now read most of it (I skipped some stuff in the middle) and I have made one pass over the claims. As Brian noted, they are kind of hard to figure out. I haven't looked much at the figures yet. As for the body of the text that I read: seems to be accurate, pasted together from our papers which has introduced a couple of places where terms where used that are only defined later. -- Markus To: Subject: patent stuff Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 11:39:30 PDT From: Matthai Philipose I've gone through the figures and found a few errors. Do I just grab the lock and annotate the word/visio document? Matthai To: Subject: Done with changes Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 12:42:00 PDT From: Matthai Philipose I'm done with changes to the word and visio patent documents. In word, my changes are annotated by word "comments" (highlighted in yellow). The annotation contains the original sentence. These changes are minor. In visio, I colored my changes in red. There were a few significant errors here. Matthai To: matthai@cs, chambers@cs cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: deferred dataflow analysis Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 09:18:31 PDT From: Brian Grant Have you seen this? --Brian Details Deferred Data-Flow Analysis Shamik D. Sharma - Anurag Acharya - Joel Saltz - Department of Computer Science - Department of Computer Science - University of Maryland, College Park University of California, Santa Barbara -,, - Contact Phone Abstract: Loss of precision due to the conservative nature of compile-time dataflow analysis is a general problem and impacts a wide variety of optimizations. We propose a limited form of runtime dataflow analysis, called deferred dataflow analysis (DDFA), which attempts to improve precision by performing most of the analysis at compile-time and using additional information at runtime to stitch together information collected at compile-time. We present an interprocedural DDFA framework that is applicable for arbitrary control structures including multi-way forks, recursion, separately compiled functions and higher-order functions. We present algorithms for construction of region summary functions and for composition and application of these functions. Dividing the analysis in this manner raises two concerns: (1) is it possible to generate correct and compact summary functions for regions? (2) is it possible to correctly and efficiently compose and apply these functions at run-time? To address t... ......specialization time). The process usually involves generating parameterized code templates with holes in them; a runtime specializer plugs in these holes with runtime values and stitches the templates. Engler et al. [8] allow programmers to construct and manipulate templates explicitly. Others, [5, 9, 13], generate templates automatically. These efforts are concerned with generating optimized code based on runtime values, so they focus on lower-level optimizations like load-elimination, loop-unrolling, static branch-elimination etc. Similarly, DDFA generates information at compile-time for the use...... To: spin-comp@cs Subject: inline caches Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 16:30:16 PDT From: Brian Grant Inline caches are implemented. The upshot is that m88ksim, chebyshev, dotproduct, and romberg get essentially the same speedup with the inline cache as with cache_one_unchecked. binary no longer slows down, but the speedup is significantly reduced. query still slows down, but by less. I'm still timing mipsi. For the others, cache_one_unchecked didn't matter. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: commit of bin, lib, mflow, and regression Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 14:29:01 PDT From: Brian Grant Numerous changes supporting the Toplas and dispatching papers: multiple inputs, instruction-mix analysis (IMA), breakdown of dynamic compilation overhead (DCOB), inline caches, and direct table lookups. If you're interested in trying out inline caches or direct table lookups, let me know and I can explain how they work. I also have a modified version of the SMT simulator for doing the IMA and DCOB, if you're interested. It isn't yet archived anywhere. --Brian To:, Subject: POPL submission available Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 13:00:01 -0400 From: Craig Chambers Of the 3 POPL papers I started working on, one actually got submitted. It's "Combining Dataflow Analyses and Transformations," by Grove, Parikh, Dean, and Chambers. It's available in ~chambers/papers/popl/00/composed.{doc,mif,ps} , if you're interested. It's not for further distribution, though. -- Craig Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 13:29:53 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: HP Dynamo Techreport is available at: -- Markus Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 12:55:11 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Vas Bala's talk I trust you all are coming to Vas's talk at 2:30. It would be nice if you each dragged along a friend or two. Notkin, who would normally be supplying half the bodies, is out of town, as is Ernst. Other than Jake Cockrell (who's not here), who are Notkin's students? Susan To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Patent: Prior art references for Initial Disclosure Statement Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 16:24:47 PDT From: Brian Grant So, which papers do we think are most relevant? --Brian ------- Forwarded Message From: "Alan Burnett" To: Subject: Prior art references for Initial Disclosure Statement Date: Mon, 09 Aug 1999 15:59:25 PDT Hello Brian, I am preparing an Initial Disclosure Statement, which requires an applicant to provide a copy of any prior art the applicant is aware of which may be relevant to the patentability of the invention discosed and claimed in the patent application. Do you happen to have access to any prior art that may be relevant to the patentability of your invention (other than your own papers - I already have a copy of those). Your papers reference various publications (books, reports, papers, etc.), some of which the patent office may feel is relevant to your patent. I would think the Consel & Noel 96 article would fall into this category, as would the Leone & Lee references - however, your group is much more knowledgable about the art of dynamic complilation, so you are in better position to decide what articles, if any, may be relevant. There is no requirement to send copies of references that are not material to the patentability of your invention, which would include most of the other references in your papers. Please let me know if your group has a copy of any of the relevant references, or know where a copy can be obtained. Thank you. Regards, Alan Burnett Law Offices of Ron Anderson _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit ------- End of Forwarded Message Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 16:32:52 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: Patent: Prior art references for Initial Disclosure Statement What does "relevant to the patentability" mean? Related work in the normal sense? Papers that show shortcomings relative to us? Something else? Susan Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 17:31:41 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: reference Does anyone have a reference for the Tera paper in which lookahead is described? And is it called lookahead? Susan Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 12:46:14 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: running jobs using yakima2's disks Can you lower your priority so that I don't get such big pauses? Thanks, Susan To: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) cc: spin-comp@cs, sparekh@cs Subject: Re: running jobs using yakima2's disks Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 12:48:21 PDT From: Brian Grant >> Can you lower your priority so that I don't get such big pauses? I haven't been able to access yakima2 today at all. Sujay said he was doing something (compiling the DEC OSF kernel?). --Brian Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 12:58:03 -0700 (PDT) From: Sujay Parekh To: Brian Grant Cc: (Susan Eggers), Subject: Re: running jobs using yakima2's disks Yup -- it's me. The builds are, unfortunately, disk-intensive. I'm moving stuff onto the tennis alphas' local disks now, but it might take 20 mins or so. Sorry! Brian, I don't see why you weren't able to access yakima2 all day -- I didn't restart my builds until after 12. Let's see if things improve after I move off. Sujay Brian Grant wrote: |> Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 12:48:21 PDT |> Subject: Re: running jobs using yakima2's disks |> |> >> Can you lower your priority so that I don't get such big pauses? |> |> I haven't been able to access yakima2 today at all. Sujay said he was doing |> something (compiling the DEC OSF kernel?). |> |> --Brian |> To: spin-comp@cs Subject: latest commit Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 11:42:09 PDT From: Brian Grant I just committed some fixes to the direct-table-lookup dispatches and added support for invalidation-based dispatching. The ms kernel in regression uses these features, if you're interested in taking a look. --Brian To:, spin-comp@klamath,, Subject: my CMU addresses Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 09:27:22 PDT From: Craig Chambers I am now starting to get settled in to my office at CMU. No computer yet (I'm using my laptop to dial out through my office phone line), but I have a phone and mail. Here is my work address & phone & fax numbers: Visiting Prof. Craig Chambers Computer Science Department Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891 Wean Hall Rm. 8116 Office phone: 412-268-8801 Department fax: 412-268-5576 -- Craig To: spin-comp@klamath, Subject: Mario Wolczko: we're hiring Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 17:07:56 GMT From: Craig Chambers FYI. ------- Forwarded Message Return-Path: Mario.Wolczko@Eng.Sun.COM Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5+CS/7.2ws+) with ESMTP id WAA23151 for ; Thu, 29 Jul 1999 22:44:45 -0700 (PDT) Received: from mercury.Sun.COM (mercury.Sun.COM []) by (8.8.7+CS/7.2ju) with ESMTP id WAA25659 for ; Thu, 29 Jul 1999 22:44:45 -0700 Received: from engmail4.Eng.Sun.COM ([]) by mercury.Sun.COM (8.9.3+Sun/8.9.3) with ESMTP id WAA27289 for ; Thu, 29 Jul 1999 22:44:45 -0700 (PDT) Received: from obj.Eng.Sun.COM (obj.Eng.Sun.COM []) by engmail4.Eng.Sun.COM (8.9.1b+Sun/8.9.1/ENSMAIL,v1.6) with ESMTP id WAA00027 for ; Thu, 29 Jul 1999 22:44:45 -0700 (PDT) Received: (from mario@localhost) by obj.Eng.Sun.COM (8.9.1b+Sun/8.9.1) id WAA17287; Thu, 29 Jul 1999 22:44:44 -0700 (PDT) Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 22:44:44 -0700 (PDT) From: Mario Wolczko Message-Id: <199907300544.WAA17287@obj.Eng.Sun.COM> To: Subject: we're hiring Content-Length: 261 Craig, I am looking to hire a researcher into my group ( in the coming months. If you have any good students looking for a job in that time frame and interested in working at Sun Labs, please refer them to me... Thanks, Mario ------- End of Forwarded Message To: spin-comp@cs Subject: TCS paper Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 08:31:35 PDT From: Brian Grant ------- Forwarded Message Received: from ( []) by (8.8.7+CS/7.2ju) with ESMTP id DAA25794; Mon, 30 Aug 1999 03:29:29 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id MAA15520; Mon, 30 Aug 1999 12:29:27 +0200 (MET DST) Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 12:29:25 +0200 From: Charles Consel Organization: IRISA/INRIA/University of RENNES I -- FRANCE X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en] (WinNT; I) MIME-Version: 1.0 To:, Subject: Special issue of TCS References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-UIDL: 8c41da0fb36b31d072d87af722e99b8f I am happy to inform you that your paper "DyC: An Expressive Annotation-Directed Dynamic Compiler for C" has been tentatively scheduled to be published in Volume 248/1-2 to appear in November 2000 as part of the special issue of Theoretical Computer Science on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM'97). If you have any questions, please contact the issue manager of Theoretical Computer Science, Mick van Gijlswijk ( Thanks for your contribution to this special issue. Best regards, Charles - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Consel | University of Rennes / Irisa | Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu Phone: (33) 2 99 84 74 10 | 35042 Rennes Cedex Fax: (33) 2 99 84 25 90 | France - --------------------------------------------------------------- URL: - --------------------------------------------------------------- ------- End of Forwarded Message To: cecil@cs, spin-comp@cs Subject: Gone Fishing Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 12:14:46 PDT From: Craig Chambers FYI, I'll be away all next week, at SAS in Venice. I'll be at work on Monday till around 12 or 1pm my time, and I'll be back the following Monday. -- Craig Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 20:14:48 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs ----- Begin Included Message ----- From MAILER-DAEMON Tue Sep 21 19:40:15 1999 Subject: Returned mail: User unknown To: eggers Content-Length: 750 X-Lines: 23 Status: RO The original message was received at Tue, 21 Sep 1999 19:40:07 -0700 from eggers@localhost ----- The following addresses had delivery problems ----- dyncomp (unrecoverable error) ----- Transcript of session follows ----- 550 dyncomp... User unknown ----- Original message follows ----- Return-Path: Received: (eggers@localhost) by (8.6.12/7.2ws+) id TAA00455; Tue, 21 Sep 1999 19:40:07 -0700 Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 19:40:07 -0700 From: eggers (Susan Eggers) Message-Id: <> To: levy@cs, eggers, sparekh@cs, redstone, manu, dyncomp Subject: yakima2's disk We have a new one and it should be up and running. Problems to John Petersen x68507, jrp@cs. Susan ----- End Included Message ----- To: spin-comp@cs Subject: Fabius and annotations Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 09:11:05 PDT From: Brian Grant I'm looking at the "Lightweight Run-Time Code Generation" paper. On the fourth page, they show a multiple-argument style of "currying," which seems to indicate that they may have relied upon non-standard currying syntax: "...syntax similar to curried application to introduce a `division' of the actual arguments." If they had an n-level BTA instead of a 2-level one, they could have used standard currying syntax, or just a modified dependency analysis (according to their "Deferred Compilation" tech report). They did admit that the currying was a programmer hint to Fabius, but they claimed it was different from explicit annotations, and more analogous to determining stages from loop nesting depths (top of second column on page 4). --Brian Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 09:31:12 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs, Subject: Re: Fabius and annotations thanks very much. given what you say, i think "static" in quotes is ambiguous enough. s To: spin-comp@cs Subject: calpa comments Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 10:56:34 PDT From: Brian Grant Overall, it was pretty understandable, interesting, and novel. Detailed comments: Abstract: "Calpa utilizes frequency" -- execution frequency It's _very_ bogus to say that Calpa came up with "better" annotations than humans (us). We could have easily put in different annotations, had we chosen to do so, or had we written the driver programs to more accurately reflect the chosen annotations. Introduction: p. 1: Distinguish from other types of dynamic compilation. We used "selective dynamic compilation" in the PLDI paper. The first paragraph could be more specific about executing enough times to break even. You could be even more vague/general about how variables are identified as static by writing "programmer hints, such as annotations, ..." rather than implying that all systems use explicit annotations. p. 2: It didn't take us several months to annotate the kernels and applications we used for the PLDI study. It took us several months to select applications to use as benchmarks, and to debug our system. For example, work on mipsi was essentially all debugging. Of our eventual benchmarks, only viewperf (specifically, the shader) took significant time to profile and annotate. p. 4 and 5: I don't think so much detail about the system is necessary. I think it would be enough to mention the BTA, custom dynamic compilers, what optimizations are performed, and the code cache. p. 6: You should make it clear which policies/annotations are unsafe. If Calpa is using unsafe annotations, as we did, then you should say how Calpa determined they were safe to use. eager, promote_one_unchecked, cache_all_unchecked and @ are the primary unsafe annotations we used. I see you said that @ was used if loads were invariant during the profile run. What about the others? p. 7: It sounds like Calpa already uses alias and heap analysis. p. 9: Do you put @ on function calls? (No?) If so, how do you estimate the costs of calls? p. 10: Read the section on dynamic compilation cost in the Toplas draft. The number of cycles per generated instruction depends, in part, on the numbers and kinds of static operations and the control structure of the dynamic code (e.g., dynamic branches). With effort, you could probably come up with a reasonable model of this (future work). How do you determine monotonicity for cache_all_unchecked? "re-reexecuting", "appllication" on the bottom line p. 11: "Interface Functions" could be more informative (e.g., "Profiler Interface"). By "exection frequency" do you mean proportion of total execution time? Or, do you mean, number of executions (with the same variable values?)? Does Calpa account for optimizations relying on particular values, such as strength reduction and dead-assignment elimination? Part of dotproduct's annotation included a hacked form of zero propagation and dead-assignment elimination. What did you do about this? Did you leave in the test for zero in both the profiled and annotated versions? p. 12: From your experiments, I'm unconvinced that log-file size will not be problematic. I think you should admit that you may need clever schemes for realistic applications. p. 13: What was the bug with query? With romberg, you could easily put the second region in a different file. viewperf has two dynamic regions. What happened to perl? How is it annotated? Do you think you can get speedup? What about the indirect function call in the execute loop? More future work: Inlining could be done to extend dynamic regions interprocedurally, as in dinero. You could represent more optimizations, such as the strength reduction, zero and copy prop, and dead-assignment elim. that we used in dotproduct, pnmconvol, and dinero. What challenges do mipsi and the shader present? More accurately modeled DC cost (not just 40 cycles/instr. generated). Of course, you don't have to point out all your weaknesses, I'm just providing fodder here. :-) p. 14: How would static analyses, like the glacial variable analysis or an n-level staging analysis, be integrated with Calpa? It isn't clear how this additional information would be combined with the profiler's types of information. --Brian To: spin-comp@cs Subject: comments on Matthai's comments Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 11:30:47 PDT From: Brian Grant I thought all of Matthai's comments were great, but I wanteded to specifically support a few specific comments regarding spin/claims. >>(2,1) >>In what sense are DyC's annotation simple and >>straightforward? They are certainly powerful, but it's a stretch to >>say their semantics are simple. I definitely agree!!!! For example, putting multiple-division-inducing annotations inside a loop does things that we don't even understand yet. You could call this a bug, but they truth is we decide what the "semantics" of the annotations should be on a case-by-case basis. That is, we tweak them with nearly every new benchmark we add. Additionally, we need to sometimes modify the code for the annotations to have the effect we want. >>(2,-2) >>It's mis-leading to imply that it took us months to annotate >>the benchmarks in this paper. Again, I agree. >>(3,-3) >>Are any of our BMs production quality? Maybe Mesa? Only viewperf/mesa, IMO. >>(15,-1) >>I think the "great human time savings" is false for the small >>programs >>in this study and should be removed. All these programs were >>annotated >>using previous knowledge about code behavior, and given that >>knowledge, it didn't take much time to annotate the stuff. The vast >>majority of the time spent was in debugging the system once stuff was >>annotated. I agree. --Brian Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 11:45:08 -0700 From: Markus Mock To: spin-comp@cs Subject: FYI: FDO submission can be found in /projects/dyncomp/Papers/FDO/submission.{fm,ps} -- Markus Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 21:33:18 -0700 From: eggers@yakima (Susan Eggers) To: spin-comp@cs Subject: PLDI I'd like to have 3 group meetings, in which we discuss each of the PLDI submissions, to make sure that the work, at least as we know it now, has no gotchas. Better to find out now, than later. So could each of Brian, Markus, and Matthai be prepared to present to us, in words, what their paper is about: the general outline the motivation for the work the results the significance, i.e., the case to the reviewers. I think Brian should go first, since he's farthest along, and we don't want to start writing if there are major holes. And Matthai should go last, since his paper will be algorithmic, and might be the hardest to explain -- you don't want to go into the algorithms in detail. Which leaves Markus in the middle. Now, a time. I have Monday afternoons free from 2:30 on. How about Brian on 10/4, Markus on 10/11, Matthai on 10/18. And then after this is over, we probably won't meet until after the deadline, because we could probably use the time more fruitfully working like beavers. How does this sound? Susan Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 22:17:01 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Susan Eggers cc: spin-comp@cs Subject: Re: PLDI Date, time & plan are fine with me. -- Markus To: Subject: test -- ignore Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 13:49:35 PDT From: Brian Grant To: Subject: test2 Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 14:02:33 PDT From: Brian Grant To: Subject: test3 Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 14:05:12 PDT From: Brian Grant To:, Subject: progress report Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 19:47:17 GMT From: Craig Chambers I figured I'd write a progress report, since I haven't written one for a while and people might be interested to know what I've been working on and what my plans are for this quarter. *) I've been sitting in on Frank Pfenning automated theorem proving class (learning about different forms of logics and in theorem proving strategies), and in Bob Harper's type systems class (which is the first-year-grad PL class, in which I'm learning how Bob teaches stuff I mostly know already). *) I had a debate proposal on design patterns accepted for POPL'00. Bad news, as I now have to invest work in writing a paper presenting our debate, and then in having the debate. And I don't know how much real disagreement the 3 of us (John Vlissides and Bill Harrison) have. I've written a bunch of draft position statements and the like. Final deadline for our debate paper is Nov. 9. *) I worked on a paper with Dave Grove & Tapan Parikh on formalizing our composed dataflow analysis & transformation framework. It was rejected, mostly because of presentation problems. It's being revised (mostly by Dave) and is to be resubmitted to PLDI (due Nov. 12). *) I spent a goodly amount of time over the last couple of months working on the implementation of Whirlwind, focusing on getting the main compilation path implemented and implementing the composed dataflow analysis framework that we described in our POPL reject (to make a later version of the paper stronger by being backed directly with an implementation instead of indirectly by an implementation in Vortex of an earlier, simpler design). Whirlwind can now read in a Wil program (produced by the Java->Wil front-end), parse it, do name resolution & error reporting, do representation checking (a kind of typechecking) & error reporting, and do some simple dataflow analyses (right now, constructing reaching definitions which includes copy propagation) using (a piece of) the dataflow analysis framework. There's also an initial C code generator which produces output, but the output is untested, as there is no run-time system (including definitions of the macros called by the compiler output) against which to compile the compiler output, nor have most of the necessary Java native methods been implemented in order to be able to run a compiled application. So a fair about of grunt work remains in getting a real compiler (even an unoptimizing one) to work. I had to put aside this implementation project in mid-September while I tackled other things I needed to do. *) Related to the Whirlwind compiler, I'd like to submit a grant proposal to the NSF compilers program (due Nov. 23) on representation optimization. Unfortunately, I'm short on time and I'm not sure I understand things well enough yet to really do it justice. But I should submit something. *) I attended SAS. Jonathan gave a very good presentation, although I think the topic was a bit too applied (i.e. useful) for the typical audience member. Jonathan will be presenting a poster at OOPSLA, in an effort to expose his SAS work more. And there's hope for a PLDI submission on this, although Jonathan and Gun are doing all the work. *) I worked a bit on writing down the design for a partial form of class hierarchy analysis (where only parts of the program's class hierarchy and method definitions are known, and there are constraints describing the possible forms of the unknown parts of the program), which is what Jonathan Nowitz & I were working on when I left town last March. I would like to work this out more, defining the algorithms e.g. for doing compile-time method lookup in the face of partial knowledge of the class hierarchy and the methods in the generic function, and working out more precisely what information about the program is required for other optimizations & implementation decisions, such as object layout (both per-field and overall) and virtual function table layout (again, per-method and overall). I'd like to submit an ECOOP paper on this (due Nov. 27), if I get enough done. I also need to get this worked out before I implement a class-analysis-based optimization pass in Whirlwind. *) I've been exchanging email with Gary Leavens, Curtis Clifton (Gary's student), and Todd about an extension to Java with multimethods. The key issue now is whether to write multimethods separately from classes, over Tuples (see Gary and Todd's OOPSLA'98 paper), or to write them inside of classes in the same syntax as single-dispatched methods. The former doesn't bias the syntax towards receiver-primacy, but requires knowing in advance when generic functions are introduced which arguments they might dispatch on, and encodes this division in all calls of the generic function. (I favor the receiver-oriented syntax, as it has the hard technical advantage of not require advance planning of the set of dispatched arguments, and has only a soft psychological argument of apparent bias against it, but I think I'm outvoted.) I suspect people are thinking about an ECOOP submission, but maybe I've gummed up the works enough to cause us to miss the deadline.... *) I gave a talk here to the PL faculty & students on Dubious. I think people here have such an ML way of thinking that it was hard for them to understand the significance of what I was saying about modular typechecking of multimethods. After trying to re-explain it to people in ML-like terms, I think they got it better. As a result... *) ... I've been working on an extension to SML'97 to support OO programming, where I add extensible datatype declarations to define class hierarchies and extensible function declarations to define multimethods. Explicit "open" keywords which datatypes and functions are extensible (by default they are closed), enabling current ML programs to have the same semantics, restrictions, and compilation strategies as before. Existing ML modules provide modularity & access control. Dubious's System M-style restrictions enable extensions to function declarations to be typechecked in a safe and modular way. (Compared to Dubious, new (small) technical results are in fitting into existing ML syntax, in extending Dubious typechecking to handling open vs. closed datatypes and functions, in making explicit signature specifications, and in supporting additional features like "super". And there is a lot of salesmanship in trying to sell the ML community on multimethods and a more integrated treatment of OOP than previous OO-in-ML papers.) I hope to submit a PLDI paper on this. I've talked the ideas over with Karl Crary and Bob Harper here; they're favorable, I think, but I don't know how strongly in favor, nor do I know how the PLDI referees will react. *) I've been thinking off and on about my work on extending Dubious to first-class modules, which give parameterized modules, etc. I wrote a bunch of typing rules for a language, but stopped in the middle of the subtyping rules, as I got tired (I then switched to hacking Whirlwind, as described above, and never came back). In working on the design patterns debate proposal, though, I (re)gained a real appreciation for a parameterized module construct that allows collections of aspects of classes to be encapsulated in a module and applied in different situations, to represent and implement various design patterns and other higher-level abstractions. So I really think it's important and valuable to have such parameterized modules, and I think the Dubious base is a good one as it offers many ways in which code can be parameterized (a point of parameterization can appear anywhere an identifier can appear, including the names of generic functions, the names of method specializers, and the names of parents/superclasses). I'd love to submit a paper to ECOOP on this, but once again, I need to find time to work out the details and write the paper. *) I've been working with Matthai on algorithms for automatic construction of staged optimizations from monolithic ones, as the foundation for the staged compilation aspect of Whirlwind. We've spent a bunch of time working out formal aspects of the system, such as the representation for sets of programs compiled by early stages, the notation for expressing analyses and transformations, and the algorithms for producing the various staged versions of the system and for coping with multiple compiler phases. Still more tough details to work out. I've written a draft outline of the paper, with lots of text and explanation in the motivation and in the technical sections we understand best, as an aid to myself in understanding the remaining problems. We expect a PLDI submission on this. (We *must* have one, since we've been working on these algorithms (no implementation even!) for most of a year, and we originally planned for a POPL submission....) *) I've done a little work thinking about Markus Mock's automatic dynamic compilation project (Calpa). A PLDI submission is hoped for. *) Oh, and I have to make up my OOPSLA talk.... So as you can see, my future plate is pretty full: OOPSLA talk, OOPSLA conference, POPL final paper, up to 5 PLDI submissions (2 of which require substantial or complete writing by me), an NSF grant proposal, and up to 3 ECOOP submissions (2 of which require complete writing by me). Ugh. So much for "sabbatical." -- Craig Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 13:41:13 -0700 From: (Susan Eggers) To: Subject: our TOPLAS submission I've put a copy of the TOPLAS submission in /projects/dyncomp/Papers/Toplas/ Can you take a look and send your comments to Brian and me. If we don't hear from you by next Sunday, we'll assume that you think things are ok and we'll send it off. Thanks, Susan Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 15:22:54 -0700 From: (Susan Eggers) To:,, Subject: disk cleanup yakima3 is full. If stuff you control lives there, can you compress and delete? Thanks, Susan Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 15:33:34 -0700 From: (Susan Eggers) To: Subject: accepted! Our FDO submission breezed through. Hardly any discussion -- everybody liked it. Congratulations to Markus and Mark. Susan Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 09:57:05 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: FDO reviews Here are the reviews for our paper. Particularly reviewer 2 raises some legitimate questions which we'll have to address for the future, if not for final FDO then for PLDI, since they are likely to crop up again. -- Markus --------------------------------- The paper describes using value profiling to automate the authors prior dynamic compilation system (DyC), which had previously been guided by user annotations. They show that the automated approach achieves better performance than the user guided approach. This is a really nice piece of research, and is a good step towards an automated dynamic compilation system. My only negative comment is that the paper was hard to follow, because there are so many things to talk about. In the final version, it might be nice to give a more detailed bigger picture in section 3 on how everything fits together, and maybe concentrate on the feedback information and how you use it to automate your DyC system. In section 2.2, you say "polyvariant vs monovariant division policy controls..." specialization. Can you explain this in a little more detail what tradeoffs you make between the two in controlling your system? What do you profile? As I understand from the paper, you profile everything, in the top 80% of the procedures? So in these top procedures, do you profile all variables using your use and variety sets identify? Please provide a little more detail on this. Another option would be to perform some compiler analysis before hand, potentially identifying variables, which would be worth profiling in to top 80% of procedures. You could do some of your Benefit Estimation described in 3.2.3 before deciding what to profile. This could significantly reduce your log file size and profiling time, by reducing the amount of variables to examine. If there is no potential benefit from a variable being static, then don't profile it. A good example of this is the staging analysis used by Lee and Leone in their ML compiler, and Knoblock and Ruf, both in PLDI96, and I thought you had a similar in one of your prior papers. In section 3.2.1, you say "the load of u[i] is static, if and only if both i and the array address u is static...". Just because the address of array u and i are static, does not mean that the value of the load is static, since there could be store that modifies it. Why not just profile the value of the load? In this same section you describe how you keep track of the *use* sets. Did you also look at keeping track of the def sets? By this I mean that you might be able to get the same information by profiling the result of a computation, then all of the uses in the computation, or would this result in the same as what you are doing? For example, for the load of u[i], you can either profile the def (value of the load) or the the use, the value of "i" and the address "u". Just a thought. Please describe how the log is processed to get value profiling information. Is the log just one file, with all of the values for the variables you are interested in, stored basically in a trace? You compare your work to Calder's, and say that you need to gather more detailed relationships. Please describe what these relationships are and how you use them. You say that you think the reason why your profiler is an order of magnitude slower than Calder et. al. is because of the more detailed information. From what I can tell about your log file, I don't think that is the reason, since Calder will process the same information. I think the main reason, is that you are writing to a log *file*. Doing that much I/O will definitely slow down your program a lot. In addition, I think you are comparing your profiling numbers to the numbers Calder got from using intelligent sampling (convergent profiling). If you use sampling, I am sure your profiling time will also come down. In terms of related work, I wouldn't really say that Calder et. al. had a "system". The value profiling study was done to show that value profiling could potentially be used to automatically guide dynamic compilation and code specialization. They proposed that value profiling could be used to do this, and the focus of the study was to just show that the semi-invariant behavior could be exposed using value profiling. They then went on to show in the journal paper that the values found during profiling could be used to potentially guide an automated optimization approach (like yours), by showing via hand optimization that 2 codes could get substantial benefit from using the value profiles. For your results, when you get your system working on larger programs, I'd be very interested in seeing results for m88ksim. In the prior work, Calder et. al. showed that value optimizing alignd in m88ksim could provide a lot of improvement, and it would be nice to see if your automated optimizer using value profiling would also find this. I assume it would. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The authors have previously built a system (DyC) for runtime specialization of programs. In that system, specialization is driven by annotations that have to be manually inserted by the programmer. This is a tedious and error-prone task. The present paper describes Calpa, a preprocessor that can be used to automate the discovery and insertion of such annotations. It carries out a binding-time analysis to determine the sets of variables whose values, if known, could be used to specialize a piece of code at runtime. This is followed by a cost-benefit analysis to determine that the runtime benefits of specialization will outweigh the cost of specialization. The results of these analyses are then used, together with value profiles, to drive the generation of the specialization annotations. While the topic addressed is an important one, the paper leaves too many important questions unanswered to be satisfactory. In particular, the cost-benefit analysis -- which is, in my opinion, the most important aspect of the paper -- seems flawed, making it difficult to make any sort of prediction about the actual performance of the specialized code relative to that of the original, unspecialized code. The experimental evaluation is also weak, with only a small number of (mostly small) programs. I believe that the topic of this work is interesting and important, but that the publication of this paper in its current form is premature. Detailed Comments: ================= My primary concern is that the work does not seem very mature, and some very important issues are not taken care of. Because of this, I find it hard to extrapolate from the present state of the system to imagine how it would perform on "real" programs once it's in a mature state. The binding time analysis described, while important, isn't too difficult: conceptually related binding time analyses have been described, for example, in the CMIX partial evaluator for C [And92a,And92b]. The CMIX system displays an annotated version of the program, with the static variables highlighted, for the user's inspection; in principle one could do something similar here, and let the user then produce the dynamic specialization annotations. Of course, this would leave the hard problem -- the cost-benefit analysis -- for the user; in my opinion that would not be a great improvement on the status quo. What is most interesting and important about Calpa is that it attempts to do the cost-benefit analysis as well. My concern is that in the process of doing so, it ignores many important aspects of system performance, which makes it unclear how meaningful the costs/benefits computed are. For example: -- Benefit estimation [Sec. 3.2.3]: I'm surprised that the size of the specialized code doesn't enter into the computation at all, since the effect this can have on the i-cache can be quite significant (for example, a number of authors have observed that "over-unrolling" a loop to the point where it doesn't fit in the i-cache can lead to significant performance degradations [DaJ96,Debr97]). Also, benefit estimates that ignore for hardware characteristics such as instruction issue rules on a superscalar processor can be quite inaccurate. For example, on the DEC Alpha processor, instructions are fetched in groups of 2 or 4 at a time (depending on the model); from the group fetched, the hardware determines which instructions can be issued in the same cycle. On such a processor, eliminating one instruction can mess up the "alignment" of subsequent instructions and lead to a performance degradation because of reduced multi-issues. -- Cost Estimation [Sec 3.2.4]: How close is the specialization cost estimate to the actual specialization cost for a reasonably large suite of specialization opportunities? With neither theoretical justification nor empirical validation for the way in which this cost is estimated, what can we say about the relationship between the estimate and the actual cost? What if the estimate happens to be way off? A similar comment applies to the estimation of caching costs. My concerns are primarily that, when I look at the cost/benefit computations, I'm not sure what relationships I can guarantee between the estimates obtained and the actual runtime costs. For both the costs and the benefits, the actual runtime costs/benefits could be either bigger or smaller than the estimates. As a result, it isn't clear to me what one can say, a priori, about the performance of the specialized programs relative to the unspecialized ones. The experimental evaluation is also weak, with results given for only a small number of (mostly small) programs. References: ========== [And92a] L. O.Anderson, "Partial Evaluation of C and Automatic Compiler Generation", in U. Kastens and P. Pfahler (eds), Compiler Construction, Springer-Verlag LNCS vol. 641, 1992, pp. 251-257. [And92b] L. O. Anderson, "C Program Specialization", MS Thesis, DIKU, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, May 1992. [DaJ96] J. W. Davidson and S. Jinturkar, "Aggressive Loop Unrolling in a Retargetable Optimizing Compiler", in CC'96: Compiler Construction, April 1996. [Debr95] S. K. Debray, "Resource-Bounded Partial Evaluation", Proc. PEPM-97, July 1997, pp. 179-192. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The paper describes Calpa, a tool that automatically annotates programs so that the DyC compiler (previously developed by the authors) can be used to perform dynamic compilation. It is a fairly lengthy workshop paper, but well written, and interesting. The paper describes work in progress -- the tool is incomplete, and with one exception the benchmarks are quite small -- but this is quite appropriate for workshop presentation. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Summary: This paper describes a tool for automatically inserting DyC annotations into executables. It comprises a profiling and an analysis/rewriting program. The early experimental results show that this automated tool can identify the same basic set of annotations that were identified by hand in early studies. Overall, the paper is well written and the research is well done. The topic is interesting, and it is clearly an important step toward the general acceptance of dynamic compilation systems. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// To: Markus Mock cc: Subject: Re: FDO reviews Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:27:01 GMT From: Craig Chambers On Wed, 13 Oct 1999 09:57:05 MST, Markus Mock wrote: > Here are the reviews for our paper. Particularly reviewer 2 raises some > legitimate questions which we'll have to address for the future, if not > for final FDO then for PLDI, since they are likely to crop up again. I just read through the reviews. I actually think that reviewer 2 was really anal and removed from reality with his comments. He basically complained that: *) We aren't completely accurate in our cost/benefit analysis. Duh.... Of course we can incrementally improve our model to be more accurate. Including instruction cache size overflow costs, for one, is not hard to include. The only response I can think to this is that we describe the general problem of doing good cost/benefit analysis, documenting all the costs/benefits of various forms that might exist, and then marking which ones we account for today. *) We can't guarantee any bounds on the relative efficiencies of the optimized vs. unoptimized code. This is a fact of life: nobody who's practical proves bounds on their optimizations, since usually it's very hard to argue there aren't cases or adverse interactions where an optimization actually slows the program down, for some reason. All we are trying to do is make our best effort to, most of the time, do something reasonable. The only response to this I can think of, which we've discussed before, is to protect our down-side by discussing how the system can watch out for particularly bad inputs and avoid bad "optimizations", via conditional specialization. Why do people keep thinking CMIX is just like our BTA? Just because it handles C, too? BFD.... Are there other aspects of CMIX that I don't know about that we both do, that make our BTA look like CMIX's to other PE people? So I didn't get much from this review. And I guess I'm a little grumpy this morning. -- Craig To: Subject: TOPLAS submission Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 19:30:11 GMT From: Craig Chambers I've read through much of the TOPLAS submission (through 6.2), and I have some feedback. Overall, it's good; all my comments are either minor grammar-type things, or small issues about presentation and the like. Brian, can you call me to get the comments? I think that'll be faster than me trying to type in descriptions of them, and have you all understand what I'm trying to say. -- Craig To: Subject: dispatching paper abstract Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 12:57:54 PDT From: Brian Grant This was my first cut at an abstract for the dispatching paper. (to give you a sense of the content and focus) --Brian Dispatching to the appropriate version of dynamically generated code is one of the main overheads of run-time-specialization (RTS) systems. A low dispatching cost is critical to some existing applications of RTS, permits application of RTS to smaller regions of code, and increases versatility of RTS systems. Low dispatching cost also may be important for systems that automatically apply RTS, since they may apply it in cases where little or no benefit is realized due to imprecise RTS target-selection heuristics. Existing dispatching techniques do not perform satisfactorily for some current and anticipated applications of RTS, and have other disadvantages as well, such as requiring whole-program analysis. This paper discusses the chief issues in designing and implementing efficient RTS dispatches and which known dispatching techniques, such as those for type-based dispatching in object-oriented languages, are most suitable to be adapted to RTS. We use microbenchmarks to illustrate how various factors can affect the performance of different dispatching techniques, code kernels to show how fast dispatching benefits short specialized code regions, and actual applications to show that the techniques can benefit realistic programs. Our experiments were done using DyC, a selective dynamic compilation system for C that performs run-time specialization guided by source-code annotations. This work is done in anticipation of a system that uses profile information and cost/benefit analysis automatically selects RTS targets and inserts the annotations [Calpa]. Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 21:04:00 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: a question about DyC (fwd) Has this guy emailed anyone else in the group? If not, I'll just send him the standard answer, ok? -- Markus ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 11:39:33 +0800 From: Jiang Zhiqiang To: Subject: a question about DyC Dear Sir: I'm a graduate research student in National University of Singapore. I'm very interested in your Dynamic Compilation Project. And I think your Dyc-An expressive annotation-directed dynamic compiler for C is really useful for my present research. So I want to try it for one application program. But I wonder if your compiler could be open for other's use now? If yes, could you please tell me how can I get or download it? Thank you very much. Sincerely yours, Jiang Zhiqiang To: Markus Mock cc: Subject: Re: a question about DyC (fwd) Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 22:24:23 PDT From: Brian Grant >> Has this guy emailed anyone else in the group? If not, I'll just send him >> the standard answer, ok? He emailed me as well. I have not yet responded. Feel free to send him the standard response (and please cc the group), or I can do it. We could also potentially direct him to Tempo, which has a public (binary-only) release. --Brian Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 10:38:42 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Jiang Zhiqiang cc: Subject: Re: a question about DyC I'm afraid the answer is no. DyC is embedded into the Multiflow compiler. In order to get the source for Multiflow from Digital, we had to sign an agreement that prevents us from giving away the code. If you are simply looking for a dynamic compiler for C, Tempo may work for you. It is is available for download at Thanks for your interest. -- Markus On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Jiang Zhiqiang wrote: > Dear Sir: > > I'm a graduate research student in National University of Singapore. I'm > very interested in your Dynamic Compilation Project. And I think your > Dyc-An expressive annotation-directed dynamic compiler for C is really > useful for my present research. So I want to try it for one application > program. But I wonder if your compiler could be open for other's use > now? If yes, could you please tell me how can I get or download it? > > Thank you very much. > > Sincerely yours, > > Jiang Zhiqiang > > > Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 16:13:48 -0700 From: (Susan Eggers) To:,, Subject: for a humor break ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Fri Oct 22 13:52:26 1999 To: faculty , Subject: Haiku Error Messages (fwd) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Content-Length: 1745 X-Lines: 104 Status: RO In Japan, Sony Vaio machines have replaced the impersonal and unhelpful Microsoft error messages with their own Japanese haiku poetry, each only 17 syllables. ------------------------ A file that big? It might have been very useful. But now it is gone. ------------------------ The Web site you seek Can not be located but Countless more exist. ------------------------ Chaos reigns within. Reflect, repent, and reboot. Order shall return. ------------------------ ABORTED effort: Close all that you have worked on. You ask way too much. ------------------------ Windows NT crashed. I am the Blue Screen of Death. No one hears your screams. ------------------------ Yesterday it worked. Today it is not working. Windows is like that. ------------------------ First snow, then silence. This thousand dollar screen dies So beautifully. ------------------------ With searching comes loss And the presence of absence: "My Novel" not found. ------------------------ The Tao that is seen Is not the true Tao, until You bring fresh toner. ------------------------ Stay the patient course. Of little worth is your ire. The network is down. ------------------------ A crash reduces Your expensive computer To a simple stone. ------------------------ Three things are certain: Death, taxes, and lost data. Guess which has occurred. ------------------------ You step in the stream, But the water has moved on. This page is not here. ------------------------ Out of memory. We wish to hold the whole sky, But we never will. ------------------------ Having been erased, The document you're seeking Must now be retyped. ------------------------ Serious error. All shortcuts have disappeared. Screen. Mind. Both are blank. ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 12:08:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: PLDI paper talk at 2:30 cancelled Susan and I decided that I better spend the time on getting Calpa into better shape. Overall, our view of our PLDI paper is that it is going to be like the FDO paper except a more general vision of what Calpa is going to be, discussion of the cost benefit model, what costs are incurred and when in the two different caching schemes, etc. And we'll try to validate our point by having real apps like m88ksim go thru the system with good annotations coming out. -- Markus Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 13:26:36 -0700 From: (Susan Eggers) To:,, Subject: yakima2 Could whoever is chewing on my machine nice your job? Thanks, Susan Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:29:54 -0700 From: (Susan Eggers) To:,, (Melody says that) Craig got a surprise machine from IBM that he can't use and doesn't want. Can we? It's an IBM M/T model running 5692AIX CD ROM 9.1GB (presumeably) disk Ethernet connection 17" monitor 512 MB memory with some sort of expansion mechanism 200 MHz uniprocessor (a 630) keyboard & mouse Susan Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:30:26 -0700 From: (Susan Eggers) To:,, Subject: forgot to say it's an RS6000 To: (Susan Eggers) cc:,, Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 21:08:03 GMT From: Craig Chambers It came as part of an award/grant from them. "surprise", "can't use", and "doesn't want" are too strong. "Expecting, but don't have a lot of use for" is more accurate. I'm happy for others to find good ways to use it. -- Craig On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 13:29:54 MST, Susan Eggers wrote: > (Melody says that) Craig got a surprise machine from IBM that he can't > use and doesn't want. Can we? > > It's an IBM M/T model running 5692AIX > CD ROM > 9.1GB (presumeably) disk > Ethernet connection > 17" monitor > 512 MB memory with some sort of expansion mechanism > 200 MHz uniprocessor (a 630) > keyboard & mouse > > Susan Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 15:04:21 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: cc: Subject: Practice talk: Automating Dynamic Compilation with Calpa Tuesday, November 2, at 2:30 in Sieg 422 I'll give a practice of my talk at the FDO (Feedback-Directed Optimization) workshop titled "Calpa: A Tool for Automating Dynamic Compilation". Everyone interested welcome, bribes will be provided. -- Markus Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 17:48:31 -0800 From: (Susan Eggers) To:,, Subject: Frame Does anyone have my copy of the Frame documentation? I'd like it back asap. Thanks, Susan Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 17:58:48 -0800 From: (Susan Eggers) To: Subject: combined .bib I'd like the lock on combined.bib Susan Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 19:55:03 -0800 From: (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: combined .bib I'm releasing the lock on combined.bib. I've made a lot of changes in it, so that now the references in the Calpa paper look uniform. Plus I've put Markus's new citations into it, so we no longer need the *mock*.bib bib file. Susan Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 10:57:59 -0800 From: (Susan Eggers) To:,, Subject: Micro30 Doi any of you have my Micro-30 proceedings from 1997? Susan Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 11:51:41 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: Final FDO program (fwd) FYI: final program with downloadable papers is up. -- Markus ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 11:28:11 -0800 (PST) From: Bradley Calder To:,,,,,,,,,, Cc: Subject: Final FDO program Take a look at the final FDO program to note when your talk is and who your session chair is. Make sure to find your session chair at least 15 minutes before your session starts: In addition, all of the papers can be found on this page. -- Brad To: Brian Grant Cc:, Subject: Re: bibtex entries Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 17:49:16 GMT From: Craig Chambers On Wed, 10 Nov 1999 09:07:29 PST, Brian Grant wrote: > I have one new ecoop99 entry. Should I add it to oopsla-ecoop.bib? I guess Emacs will do the right thing if you've written to a file that I then try to write to, so go ahead and add it. > Do you know where I could find page numbers for the papers in ecoop99? > I looked at, but didn't find that info. > > --Brian I found this cool resource for finding the details of bib entries (unfortunately in HTML rather than BibTeX). Go to It's amazing. If anyone knows where to find canonical bibtex entries for our conferences & journals, please let me know. -- Craig Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 09:23:56 -0800 (PST) From: Michael Ernst To: Subject: Re: bibtex entries > I found this cool resource for finding the details of bib entries > (unfortunately in HTML rather than BibTeX). Go to > > It's amazing. > > If anyone knows where to find canonical bibtex entries for our > conferences & journals, please let me know. I use -Mike Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 10:37:43 -0800 From: (Susan Eggers) To: Subject: PLDI papers I've put copies of our papers in /projects. Congratulations to all of you who worked so hard on them. They look good! Now we cross our fingers. Susan To: cc: Subject: EML PLDI submission Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 18:57:47 GMT From: Craig Chambers My PLDI submission on an object-oriented version of ML, called EML, is available internally at ~chambers/papers/pldi/00/ML/, FYI. -- Craig Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 13:06:01 -0800 From: (Susan Eggers) To: Subject: DCPI Where does the DCPI software live? Susan To: (Susan Eggers) cc: Subject: Re: DCPI Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 13:19:22 PST From: Brian Grant /projects/dyncomp/Tools/dcpi --Brian Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 16:25:00 -0800 From: (Susan Eggers) To:, Subject: Re: DCPI Cc: Could one of you download the new version? Thanks, Susan ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Tue Nov 9 16:58:47 1999 X-Mailer: Pachyderm (client, user mtv) To: Subject: DCPI-V3.8-EXTERNAL Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: 3374 X-Lines: 98 Status: RO There is a new external test release of DCPI (DCPI-V3.8-EXTERNAL). This is the first external release with support of ProfileMe on EV67 cpus. For downloads, see For a tutorial talk on using ProfileMe on EV67, see -Mark Vandevoorde DCPI Team, Systems Research Center N.B. It may take several hours for the release to cross over to our http and ftp servers outside the Compaq firewall. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DCPI-V3.8 Release Notes Changes since release V3.4: - Supports ProfileMe counters on EV67 (Alpha 21264a) cpus! (See "man dcpiprofileme" and "man dcpid") - Dcpiprof and dcpilist require "-help" to list descriptions of their many flags. - Dcpid's command syntax for selecting events has changed (see man dcpid). The new syntax supports multiplexing of profile-me modes with aggregate (i.e., non-profileme) modes. - A new tool, dcpitopcounts, lists instructions with the highest event counts (see man dcpitopcounts). - Dcpid supports a new -nice option to adjust its scheduling priority, and a new -gc option to automatically delete old epochs. - Support for Tru64 V4.0c and earlier has been dropped. Use DCPI-V3.4 for V4.0 through V4.0c. Known problems: - When collecting data using multiple "-slot"s, each slot must have at least one event that occurs at least every 2^30 cycles, e.g., retires, cycles, issues, or profileme mode. Dcpid does not check this requirement Changes since release V2.12: - Pcount driver is dynamically loadable. - Dcpid loads pcount at startup and unloads it at exit. - A new underlying profile file format is used to store sample data for all events in a single file per image. Backwards compatibility has been retained so that all tools support profiles collected with previous versions of DCPI. - Dcpid supports a new -nice option to adjust its scheduling priority, and a new -gc option to automatically delete old epochs. - Fixed a rare assertion failure in instruction-level analysis tools. - This version works with Digital Unix T5.0 646.2 (a.k.a. BL17) - Support for Digital Unix 3.2 has been dropped. Use DCPI-V2.11 and pcount-13.3 build 15 for machines running 3.2. Changes since release V2.11: - Added support for Alpha 21066 and other 21064-compatible cpus. Changes since release V2.10: - Adds support for compressed kernel modules. - dcpiprof listings now contain information about which named procedure is near an anonymous procedure to help the user in finding anonymous procedures. Changes since release V2.5: - DCPI releases V2.6 through V2.9 each had incompatibilities with various versions of Digital Unix. We believe that these problems have been corrected. - New loader for 4.0c and higher. Dynamically linked images can be profiled on machines running DU V3.2 or V4.0*, but not V5.0*. The INSTALL script tests the DCPI loader before installing it as the default system loader. - Minor improvements to dcpid image identification. Image maps for common DU V4.0c and V4.0d binaries are compiled into dcpid. Fixed identification of large images started before dcpid. - Major update to dcpi2pix to generate more accurate data. - Added support for new 21264 instructions. ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 17:58:55 -0800 From: (Susan Eggers) To: Subject: the affiliates meeting The call for affiliates talks has gone out. Happily, we have a lot to present this year. I assume that Markus, Brian and Matthai will be able to give talks on their new work (fdo, dispatching and/or DC costs, the staging infrastructure). BTW the meeting is Feb. 24. Talk also implies that you make a poster from your talk slides. This ok with everyone? Susan Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 22:38:41 -0800 From: (Susan Eggers) To: Subject: applications What was our experience with compress and li? I'm seeing other systems that are able to get speedups (PLDI reading). And so am wondering. Susan Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 18:43:07 -0800 From: (Susan Eggers) To:,, Subject: meetings next quarter The Dean's office is trying to pin me down to some meeting dates. So before I do that, can we pin ourselves down? Can you tell me what you expect, i.e., is next quarter the same as this quarter? Susan To:,, Subject: Rob Stets: Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 16:32:41 GMT From: Craig Chambers ------- Forwarded Message Return-Path: Delivery-Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 08:57:36 GMT Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3/0.3) with ESMTP id AAA23584 for ; Thu, 2 Dec 1999 00:57:35 -0800 (PST) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3/0.3j) with ESMTP id AAA05146 for ; Thu, 2 Dec 1999 00:57:34 -0800 (envelope-from Received: from ( []) by (8.9.2/8.9.2/WV2.0g) with SMTP id AAA01421 for ; Thu, 2 Dec 1999 00:57:33 -0800 (PST) Received: from by (5.65v3.2/ id AA05144; Thu, 2 Dec 1999 00:57:33 -0800 Received: by; (8.8.8/ id AAA04992; Thu, 2 Dec 1999 00:57:33 -0800 (PST) Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 00:57:33 -0800 (PST) From: Rob Stets Message-Id: <> Apparently-To: SUMMER, 2000, INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AT WRL Western Research Laboratory Compaq Computer Corporation 250 University Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 The Western Research Laboratory is a computer systems research group that was founded in 1982. At present we have 19 full-time researchers. Our goal is to develop new hardware and software technology that may lead to either new business opportunities for Compaq or improvements to Compaq's existing products. We test our ideas by designing, building and using real systems. Examples of lab projects that you may have heard of include the Itsy Pocket Computer, Shasta: a software-only shared-memory system, the AltaVista web search engine, and the ATOM program instrumentation system. Every summer WRL employs several graduate students on projects related to our research efforts. We are now accepting applications for positions during the upcoming summer (2000). The positions usually involve work that is of use to the full-time researchers and of a scope that can reasonably be completed during the summer months. To qualify, a student should be enrolled in a PhD program, although exceptional Masters students will also be considered. While the starting and ending times for these jobs are flexible and will depend on a student's individual schedule, individuals will typically be expected to spend three months at WRL. WRL is located in the heart of cosmopolitan downtown Palo Alto, within walking distance of a variety of restaurants and shops, and next to the Stanford University campus. Palo Alto is situated 30 miles south of San Francisco in the heart of Silicon Valley. Ongoing research projects span the following areas: Application Performance Studies (especially database applications) Architectural Simulation Augmented Memory & Wearable Computing Cluster Computing Hardware and Software for Distributed Shared Memory Innovative WWW Applications Internet Performance Operating Systems Pocket Computers: Hardware, Software, User Interfaces, and Power Management/Optimization Profile-guided Compiler Optimizations Remote Telepresence Scalable Computer Systems Speech Recognition Wireless Multimedia The above list is not necessarily complete and we encourage excellent students interested in related areas to apply. Please see or e-mail for more information about our lab. HOW TO APPLY 1. E-mail your resume to with "INTERN RESUME" in the subject line. Please ensure that your resume is in plain ASCII, not PostScript, and includes the names and e-mail addresses of three technical references. It will be helpful if your message specifies the two or three research areas listed above that you are most interested in. You are also encouraged to provide URLs to related information and/or to Postscript copies of your resume. 2. Arrange to have each of your references send a letter of recommendation to with "INTERN RECOMMENDATION" in the subject line. ASCII is preferred, but PostScript is acceptable too. It is your responsibility to ensure that the letters are sent to us; WRL will not contact your references for you. For full consideration, your resume and recommendation letters must be received by February 11, 2000. We expect decisions will be made on or before March 31, 2000. ------- End of Forwarded Message Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 10:25:08 -0800 From: (Susan Eggers) To: Subject: affiliates I didn't hear from most of you, so I volunteered you to J-L and Gretchen for affiliates talks on your respective topics. Susan ----- Begin Included Message ----- From eggers Wed Dec 15 10:07:46 1999 To: And now I'm adding Matthai Philipose, Markus Mock and an outside chance of Brian Grant (if he's not our of town interviewing). Susan ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 10:46:09 -0800 From: (Susan Eggers) To: Subject: RE: affiliates meeting Cc:,, Can you all get back to Gretchen with titles? Gretchen: Aldrich, Mock, Philipose, Grant are in compilers -- Chambers/Eggers Redstone could be operating systems or architecture -- Eggers/Levy Susan ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Wed Dec 15 10:35:33 1999 To: "'eggers@yakima'" Subject: RE: affiliates meeting MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Length: 925 X-Lines: 30 Status: RO You're right, I do have Jonathan but I got his name from Jean-Loup so I assumed that he was Jean-Loup's student. Should I also be listing your name as faculty advisor? Can you please give me tentative titles for the next three students and also the subject areas that they should be listed under? Also, can you please give me a better title for Joshua Redstone? I hate bugging you about this but I'm hoping to get this page done over the next couple of days so that we can get the invitation out to the affiliates early in January. Thanks, Gretchen -----Original Message----- From: eggers@yakima [mailto:eggers@yakima] Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 10:08 AM To: Cc: eggers@yakima Subject: RE: affiliates meeting You should also have Jonathan Aldrich. And now I'm adding Matthai Philipose, Markus Mock and an outside chance of Brian Grant (if he's not our of town interviewing). Susan ----- End Included Message ----- To: Subject: practice talk Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2000 10:42:43 PST From: Brian Grant I'd like to try to give a practice of my job talk Thursday or Friday. Please let me know if/when you'd be free. --Brian To: Subject: Walid Taha: Wkshp Poll (Pls FWD) Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2000 16:50:11 GMT From: Craig Chambers ------- Forwarded Message Return-Path: Delivery-Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2000 15:15:35 GMT Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3/0.3) with ESMTP id HAA22453 for ; Wed, 5 Jan 2000 07:15:32 -0800 (PST) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3/0.3j) with SMTP id HAA09900 for ; Wed, 5 Jan 2000 07:15:31 -0800 (PST) (envelope-from Received: (from taha@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.9) id QAA05049; Wed, 5 Jan 2000 16:15:26 +0100 Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 16:15:26 +0100 (MET) From: Walid Taha To: Tim Sheard , Frank Pfenning , Peter Lee , Dawson Engler , Suresh Jagannathan , Peter Thiemann , Neil Jones , Flemming Nielson , Olivier Danvy , Zino Benaissa , Rowan Davies , Mark Leone , Philip Wickline , Robert Glueck , Craig Chambers , Jon Walpole , Todd Veldhuizen , Zhe Yang , Xavier Leroy , Jon Riecke , Don Batory , John Hatcliff cc:, Eugenio Moggi , Cristiano Calcagno Subject: Wkshp Poll (Pls FWD) Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Greetings, This is a preliminary poll regarding a workshop. Please replay, and kindly forward to anyone you think might be interested. I need your input by January 6th (!) We're thinking of organizing a workship at ICFP this year with the theme: Semantics, Applications, and Implementation of Run-Time Code Generation The goal of the workshop is to provide forum for presenting and discussing new technical results of direct relevance to this area. Dates: ICFP/PLI will be Montreal, Canada, September 18-23, 2000. Workshop will be during the same period. Question: Would be interested a) participating, b) submitting work to the workshop? Neither answers are binding, but accuracy would be very useful. Results are needed in order to formally propose the workshop. Many thanks, and best regards, Walid. ------- End of Forwarded Message To: Subject: practice talk Monday @ 3:30 in 422 Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2000 16:39:27 PST From: Brian Grant However, I couldn't reserve the room past 4:30. So, if we need more time and get kicked out, maybe we can move into the hall or down to 114. I'll also look into other rooms. --Brian Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 18:44:58 -0800 (PST) From: Susan Eggers To: Subject: are we interested? ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Wed Jan 5 02:16:25 2000 Subject: Dynamic compilation from a debuggers perspective To: X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.5 PL0pre8] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: X-Lines: 36 Status: RO Madam, I am Jacob Navia, the author of the lcc-win32 compiler system for windows. I have developed a complete compilation chain, starting with the lcc compiler, that I ported to windows, then an assembler, a linker, and a debugger. I am interested in dynamically generating code in the context of the debugger. My objective would be to interpret C code from within the debugger, compiling and dynamically linking the generated code in the fly, allocating a memory chunk and setting the debuggee's EIP to it, running it, and showing the results, if any. This way users could dynamically correct bugs and continue the program instead of stopping the debugger, recompiling, restarting. This is the basic idea. I have the whole chain (from C source to the final executable) so I can modify linker/assembler as needed. Is this project interesting to you? Would it be possible in principle to see if an adaptation of my toolchain would yield an interesting tool under windows? My toolchain can be downloaded (free of charge) from At that site you will find the documentation for the lcc-win32 project. Thank you in advance for your attention -- Jacob Navia Logiciels/Informatique 41 rue Maurice Ravel Tel 01 93430 Villetaneuse Fax 01 France ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 08:03:53 -0800 (PST) From: Susan Eggers To:,,, Subject: PLDI I actually don't know if the Calpa, dispatching and synchronization papers got in. If any did, there was only one (a little arithmetic deduces this). But the one could have belonged to another committee member. I think ours were all in the category of contenders and discussable. We just have to wait. Susan To: Subject: dispatching paper didn't make it Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 09:07:39 PST From: Brian Grant ------- Forwarded Message Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 00:48:40 -0800 From: Monica Lam To: Subject: Your PLDI submission Dear Brian Grant, I regret to inform you that your paper Efficiently Dispatching to Run-time-specialized Code was not accepted by the PLDI '00 program committee. The competition this year was extremely tough. We received 173 abstracts, 33% more than the number of submissions received last year! In addition, there are many quality submissions and it is simply not possible to include all the papers that are publishable. We have enclosed below the reviews that we have collected on your paper. Hopefully, you will find the reviews useful for your future work. Sincerely, Monica Lam, Program Chair Your reviews follow: ******************************************************* Paper Number: 111 Paper Title: Efficiently dispatching to run-time specialized code Interest/Importance to PLDI: 5 Technical contribution of paper: 4 Novelty of the material in the paper: 5 Quality of presentation: 4 Confidence in your evaluation: 6 Recommended action for paper: 4 The paper compares several schemes for dispatching to code generated at run-time with the intent of discovering their strengths and weaknesses. While the research has promise, this paper feels incomplete and falls short of answering the questions the paper addresses. The problem addressed by the study is an interesting one. However, the experimental results are not thorough enough to be conclusive. Only two of the schemes are fully implemented for the real benchmarks (HTL and IC) and the microbenchmarks are not fully motivated. The paper does not make a case for whether or not the microbenchmarks sufficiently represent the behavior of real programs. More specific comments follow: 1. Table 3 contains execution time improvement only for 3 of the 5 schemes. The other two schemes: simple table lookup and polymorphic inline caches are very interesting and should also be in the table. Particularly STL does very well in Figure 1 so it is worth seeing how well it does for the real benchmarks. 2. The numbers for InvC in Table 3 are optimistic since the current InvC implementation relies on the user to effectively disambiguate references to the key variables. Any realistic implementation using a pointer analysis will do worse than InvC. InvC is the best performing scheme in this table, but a realistic implementation of it may do less well. 3. Table 3 not contain whole program and dynamic region speedup data for InvC. 4. What is the size of the caches in PIC? Does changing that affect its performance? What is the size of the hash table in HTL results? How are conflicts handled? 5. Section "Key-value range" says: "The key-value range in figure 1 consisted of only two key values". Does this mean when the key value alternates between two values in the experiments for Figure 1? Is this realistic for keys to simply flip flop between two values in realistic programs? Having only 2 key values favors PIC since both values are likely to be resident in the PIC cache. ******************************************************* Paper Number: 111 Paper Title: Efficiently Dispatching to Run-Time-Specialized Code Interest/Importance to PLDI: 8 Technical contribution of paper: 6 Novelty of the material in the paper: 6 Quality of presentation: 7 Confidence in your evaluation: 8 Recommended action for paper: 6.5 This paper evaluates several different schemes for dispatching to one of several code segments selected at run time. The evaluation is done in the DyC infrastructure, since the cost of dispatching has been shown to be an important component in the performance of dynamic compilation systems. The schemes are evaluated with respect to DyC's characteristics for dynamic code generation, though the characteristics are probably true for any staged compilation system based on programmer-specified annotations. Overall, I like your paper. You have done an admirable job of extending your analysis beyond your small set of "real" benchmarks and annotated variables (see the bottom of page 10). Still, I would have liked to see a wider range of benchmarks and run-time generation schemes, but I'm sure you would like this too. I guess that I was expecting more from your general title. I was also concerned that your technique of choice was potentially unsafe, and that it was made safe by programmer inspection. It would have been nice if you had the alias analysis stuff done (see the bottom of page 7). I have only a few specific comments. The use of the term "caching" is somewhat confusing at the beginning of the paper. You use the term to refer to a specialization of the dispatch code and to refer to the storing of the dynamically generated code. In particular, I first took the term "invalidation-based caching" to mean that you were invalidating entries in the code cache. Perhaps a few more words at the beginning of your paper would help. Have you investigated how often the value of the key changed when it was written? I.e., invalidations occur only if the value of the key changes and not just because the key was written. I was confused by Figure 2 for a while until I found the phrase "while holding the frequency of actual key-value changes constant ...." I suggest that you put something to this effect in the figure's caption. Otherwise, your reader may spend time trying to figure out why "IC" in Figure 1 doesn't match "IC" in Figure 2. ******************************************************* Paper Number: 111 Paper Title: Efficiently Dispatching to Run-Time-Specialized Code Interest/Importance to PLDI: 6.0 Technical contribution of paper: 4.0 Novelty of the material in the paper: 4.0 Quality of presentation: 6.0 Confidence in your evaluation: 9.0 Recommended action for paper: 3.0 This paper examines the performance of several well-known techniques for dispatching to runtime optimized code in the DyC dynamic compilation system. It examines how several factors such as key size and the frequency of key change affect the performance of these techniques. It also demonstrates that efficient dispatching allows the dynamic optimization of programs with small dynamic regions. The performance of three different dispatching techniques is demonstrated on a few benchmarks and several small kernels. While the results presented in your paper are interesting, they may be more appropriately part of a larger work. If you could present a theoretical basis for determining an optimal dispatching technique to use, or if you demonstrate a heuristic based approach that is effective in selecting the technique, this would likely make a very nice paper that would draw a great deal for the analysis you have done so far. In addition, most results and conclusions in this work about how different factors affect various dispatching techniques tended to seem rather obvious. One paper that you should definitely read that may helpful to you is Daniel Connors' Computational Reuse paper from Micro-32. While he used a profile-driven compiler based approach to find regions of code with a few inputs that take on only a few values, the algorithms presented in that work could be used to effectively perform the annotation needed by your runtime optimizing system. In addition, his techniques could be extended to provide the information needed to determine at compile-time for each region which dispatching technique that might be the least expensive. One drawback of his system is that his overall technique requires value profiling, however, his algorithm for locating potential reuse opportunities does not. Also, if a programmer is unwilling to profile their code, they likely may be unwilling to insert source-level annotations as well. One concern I have is that you never fully address the fundamental reason why dispatching makes up such a large percentage of the overhead in your system (78% of the overhead in dynamic compilation). I assume that this number is based only on the hash-table approach, and it would be interesting to see how much this percentage overhead is decreased using the other techniques. Another area that should be addressed is how these applications were compiled. If the compiler did a poor job of constant folding, your speedups will suffer for code that was properly optimized. It would be useful to know how much if any of the variables that are promoted from dynamic to static are actually static at compile type. In addition, I assume that no profiling was done by the compiler. Many optimizing compilers can perform code specialization at compile-time using value-profile information. Comparison with such a technique would be useful as compile-time specialization has virtually no dispatching overhead. The benchmarks that were chosen for the experiments were all very small. It would be much more interesting to show numbers for all of the SPECint applications, or at least for some other reasonable sized programs. I understand that your ability to do this is limited by the requirement for source-level annotations, but better benchmarks would be much more interesting. The speedup results for the benchmarks were good, but it is notable that for the two largest benchmarks the speedups are rather small. Also, listing the size of the benchmarks in Table 2 in number of source lines is probably not as good a metric as the number of instructions in each program. ******************************************************* Paper Number: 111 Paper Title: Efficiently Dispatching to Run-Time-Specialized Code Interest/Importance to PLDI: 1 Technical contribution of paper: 3 Novelty of the material in the paper: 3 Quality of presentation: 8 Confidence in your evaluation: 9 Recommended action for paper: 2 This paper took several 'hashing' algorithms and their specialized cases and performed efficiency analysis. The basic premise is that the efficiency of these algorithm affects the cost of run-time-specialization employed by DyC. Items of interest to dynamic dispatching in DyC such as frequency of change in key and number of keys are evaluated for these algorithms. This is a well written evaluation paper, however without innovation. The paper is divided distinctly into two parts, DyC and algorithm evaluation. Although the author links the efficiency factor into DyC, the evaluation work done makes the two items unrelated. This reviewers see no DyC significance in this paper. 1) The evaluation done is independent of the work in DyC. The evaluation can be performed without Dyc. This is supported by the fact that 1. the author uses microbenchmarks to measure the efficiency of the algorithms through varying the microbenchmark value ranges, and 2. the authors uses benchmarks that have 1-2 constant points. This may not be representative. Some of the findings could change. 2) In the reviewer's opionion, the authors did not mention and explain the dynamic part of DyC. When the actual run-time constants increases and decreases, how does DyC changes the data operated by the hash algorithms. This also loosens the bond between the evaluation and DyC. As a recommandation, DyC should not be bothered with constant entry points with lots of variations. DyC can place limit on the number of variants can happen per entry point/per program/per code size of variants. Restricting the number of variants could also directly affect the findings. Authors mentioned that the code examples for the various 'hashing' functions will be included in the full paper, but it should be included in the draft. Also, pseudo code for the actual implementation should be included as the implementation is an important part of the evaluation. If the authors are to use microbenchmarks for evaluation, more variants and deeper understanding of the problem should be evaluated, as mentioned above. ******************************************************* Paper Number: 111 Paper Title: Efficiently Dispatching to Run-Time-Specialized Code Interest/Importance to PLDI: 7 Technical contribution of paper: 7 Novelty of the material in the paper: 6 Quality of presentation: 7.5 Confidence in your evaluation: 7 Recommended action for paper: 6.5 This paper focuses on code dispatch for run-time specialization. Runtime specialization has the potential to greatly improve code performance, but the dispatch cost represents an additional overhead that prevents it from getting speedup as often as one would like. The authors run through key design decisions and discuss their impact on dispatch cost. The strength of this paper is its detailed evaluation of a fairly focused problem. Although it is somewhat narrow (which is one reason why I didn't rate the paper higher) it strikes me as an important enabler to making dynamic compilation practical. The key contribution of this paper is in unraveling choices regarding keys and caching and determining their performance costs. This seems to be a very useful high-impact research thrust. One concern I had was related to the benchmark programs chosen. Several of the benchmarks were made smaller than previously, in order to "highlight the use of short dynamic regions". A second methodological concern has to do with switching, in Section 4.2, to a microbenchmark-based evaluation. I was left wondering how to gauge these results and determine what they would look like if implemented within a full-fledged system. >From an English standpoint, I found the paper quite well-written. I thought the intro did a very good job of establishing the context of the problem. And I thought that Section 4.3 did a good job of tying together the experiments and conclusions which could otherwise have been confusing to keep straight. ******************************************************* Paper Number: 111 Paper Title: Efficiently Dispatching to Run-Time-Specialized Code Interest/Importance to PLDI: 5.0 Technical contribution of paper: 5.0 Novelty of the material in the paper: 5.0 Quality of presentation: 6.0 Confidence in your evaluation: 8.0 Recommended action for paper: 5.0 This paper briefly describes and evaluates a small collection of obvious schemes for testing values and dispatching to run-time specialized code. The findings are unexceptional, in that the efficient schemes from virtual/multimethod dispatching are again proved efficient. This seems like a very small result for a conference paper. I could understand why a systems implementer would like this information. However, given that all the techniques are well-known and the outcome predictable, this seems like a thesis chapter or a section in a journal article. The algorithm descriptions in the paper could use further exposition, in the form of sample code. ------- End of Forwarded Message Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 09:53:57 -0800 (PST) From: Markus Mock To: Subject: Calpa submission didn't make it either Extensive reviews, though, mainly pointing out the main weakness we were aware of: lack of real apps. -- Markus ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 00:48:40 -0800 From: Monica Lam To: Subject: Your PLDI submission Dear Markus Mock, I regret to inform you that your paper Calpa: A Tool for Automating Dynamic Compilation was not accepted by the PLDI '00 program committee. The competition this year was extremely tough. We received 173 abstracts, 33% more than the number of submissions received last year! In addition, there are many quality submissions and it is simply not possible to include all the papers that are publishable. We have enclosed below the reviews that we have collected on your paper. Hopefully, you will find the reviews useful for your future work. Sincerely, Monica Lam, Program Chair Your reviews follow: ******************************************************* Paper Number: 113 Paper Title: Calpa: a tool for automating dynamic compilation Interest/Importance to PLDI: 6 Technical contribution of paper: 5 Novelty of the material in the paper: 6 Quality of presentation: 6 Confidence in your evaluation: 7 Recommended action for paper: 5 The key contribution of this paper is that it describes the first system for automatically generating annotations to enable dynamic compilation in a traditional language (as opposed to languages such as Self where some forms of continuous profiling are combined with with run-time optimizations automatically). While the framework described in the paper seems reasonable, the effectiveness of the framework is not demonstrated fully in the paper, thus limiting the potential impact of this paper. The system described in the paper sounds like a good way to guide dynamic compilation. However, the paper feels premature and has insufficient experimentation to justify the design of the framework. More specific comments: 1. To do the experiments in the paper, the authors manually edited profile logs to effectively inject pointer alias information into it. The quality of the information you get out of Calpa depends highly on the quality of alias information that is available to Calpa. If very weak information is available, then it will appear to Calpa that there are many assignment and uses of a variable when in reality there are very few. This weakness will cause Calpa to make different decisions w.r.t. dynamic compilation than if Calpa had perfect pointer information. Thus, the results at the end of the paper may be very different if you had used a real pointer analysis instead of a manual pointer analysis. Given that you are planning to use Steensgaard's pointer analysis and Hendren's connection analysis, which are both quite weak, I doubt that the automatically generated pointer information will approach your manually inserted pointer information. 2. The experimental results section states that the same program inputs are used for profiling and final performance runs. This is clearly not realistic. 3. The code size numbers for dinero use "." instead of "," 4. Where are the numbers for dinero in Table 1? 5. What does the "top 3 functions" and "top 10 functions" mean in Table 1? 6. What exactly does dot-product do which causes its vectors to be "constant"? Does it compute the same dot product multiple times in a loop? 7. The paper presents dynamic compilation speedup numbers only for the small kernel benchmarks. Just because Calpa does a superset of annotations over manual annotations it does not mean that it leads to any better performance at run-time. If the profiling and actual runs use different inputs then the additional annotations by Calpa may even reduce performance if in the profiling run some key variable appeared to be "static" whereas in reality it changes all the time. 8. Is Calpa practical in the presence of dynamic linking and loading which seems to be common in many of today's programs? ******************************************************* Paper Number: 113 Paper Title: Calpa: A Tool for Automating Dynamic Compilation Interest/Importance to PLDI: 4 Technical contribution of paper: 4 Novelty of the material in the paper: 6 Quality of presentation: 6 Confidence in your evaluation: 7 Recommended action for paper: 4.5 This paper describes the beginnings of a system that automates the task of generating annotations for DyC, a system for dynamic compilation. This is an extremely important problem in the success of dynamic compilation. I feel that your paper is a bit premature. As far as I can tell, you have directly automated the manual process that you used to use. This is engineering, and without any new insights, I'm just not that interested in reading about the system. Furthermore, you have quite a bit of the automation process left to do, as described in the middle of page 5 and the 2nd bullet at the top of page 11. For what you've done, it sounds like you've done a lot of tuning for the small benchmarks tested in your experiments, and yet you haven't provided any data showing how good your estimation process is compared to the performance actually achieved. How good will it be for large applications. Is this approach practical for large applications given the instrumentation and off-line analysis costs? I'm worried, and you haven't directly addressed this issue. Lastly, one of your small benchmarks (romberg) generates a variety set that is not a small fraction of the theoretical maximum. What happens if an interesting large application shows the same characteristic? Other small comments: On page 5, Section 3.2, 1st paragraph: What do you mean exactly by monitoring and summarizing "variable definitions, and variable use"? Bullet at the top of page 11: Why did the human miss the fact that the vector v was also constant. Is there an interesting observation here? ******************************************************* Paper Number: 113 Paper Title: Calpa: A Tool for Automating Dynamic Compilation Interest/Importance to PLDI: 8 Technical contribution of paper: 7 Novelty of the material in the paper: 6 Quality of presentation: 5 Confidence in your evaluation: 8 Recommended action for paper: 7 The paper presents an automated approach to dynamic compilation. The main contribution of the paper is the automation of the authors prior DyC compilation system. In prior research, the DyC system relied on user annotations to guide the dynamic compilation. In this paper, the approach is fully automated using profiling to find the variables and code regions that should be dynamically compiled/optimized at run-time. The paper is a much needed atomization of the authors prior work, and would make a great PLDI paper. The only concern is the status of the system, since results are only reported for 2 programs, and the authors plan to have results for more programs in the final version of the paper. The extended abstract talks at a high level about the approach, but not about too much of the details. I know this is an abstract, so the final version should contain much more of the details. In any case, it would have made it much easier to follow the paper if there had been 2 figures to help understand how the system works. One figure showing in detail each of the stages of the static compilation (including the profiling, analysis, and code generation). The other figure showing the run-time system, the cache lookups, etc, code cache management and how all of that interacts. In section 3.3, how are the use sets tied together with the use of the profiling information during the analysis? This is not clear. Do you require that all the variables in a popular use set have quasi-invariant behavior in order for the code section to be considered for optimization? Please expand more on how you choose the code region for dynamic compilation, and how you use the profiling information to determine this, along with the cost/benefit analysis and other details left out of the abstract. In the specialization section, Calpa creates a dynamic instance of the routine for each value found. Why is that? Why not just create specialized code for the most frequent values. You could then execute the general original piece of code for the non frequent values. For example, you could potentially have a variable that has a 100 values, but 1 value occurs 99% of the time. You could dynamically find this value, by just monitoring the most frequent value the first few times the variable is executed. ******************************************************* Paper Number: 113 Paper Title: Calpa: A Tool for Automating Dynamic Compilation Interest/Importance to PLDI: 5.0 Technical contribution of paper: 5.5 Novelty of the material in the paper: 6.0 Quality of presentation: 7.0 Confidence in your evaluation: 9.0 Recommended action for paper: 4.5 Declarative dynamic compilation systems require that the optimization opportunities be identified at compile time. Once these opportunities are identified, the compiler generates code in the application that will generate specialized code at runtime for the particular opportunity. The compiler generates purely static code for the remainder of the program. This work utilizes a combination of profile information and program analysis to automatically detect and identify optimization opportunities. Results show that this is significantly faster and often more accurate than requiring the programmer to identify the opportunities by hand. At submission time, the authors had not completed the implementation of the invalidation point detection. My concern is two fold. 1) Due to potentially aliased memory references, the number of invalidation points could be very large, frequently invalidating translations (even when not necessary). 2) The analysis must be very accurate as missed assignments that should cause invalidations could lead to execution of invalid translations. This is a very important aspect to the accuracy of the work and must be addressed in the final paper. For PLDI, I think that a more theoretical discussion of what the profile information and the pointer analysis each add to the detection of quasi-static variables. How could reliance on profile information be lessened? Would a genetic algorithm be useful for selecting the best combination of variables for the best results? The authors computation of cycles saved along the critical path may not be accurate as removal of instructions from the critical path might cause a different path to become the critical path. As this is only used for an estimate of cycle saved, it is probably acceptable, but may result in poor predictions. I'd also like to see a more mathematical treatment of the various costs and benefits. One of my growing concerns is the selection of applications used in this study and other DyC works. After several years of work on the DyC system, I would like to see results for larger programs. m88ksim, in my perspective is not a very large program compared to many real applications in industry. Actually, the tool described in this work will better allow further research by no longer requiring the long process of hand annotating programs. Note, though, that the original authors might very well be able to annotate their programs much faster and more efficiently than the DyC authors can. There is a strong similarity between this work and developments in the computation reused domain. Connors in Micro-32 presented initial work on compiler-directed computation reuse. In his work, he detects regions of code that consist of quasi-static variables, then is able to look up the result of the entire computation in a hardware buffer (the table is built up at runtime by executing the code once for each combination of the static variables). While they are different approaches to similar problems, there are similarities in your region selection and invalidation point determination. I suggest that you look at his work. I'd like to see the size of the translations stored in the code cache for each of the benchmarks. While the paper organization is fine, some sections seem repetitive. The overview section seems to overlap too much with the intro and the individual sections. Some the sections are also hard to follow, such as the Caching cost section. The policies are not clearly defined nor are requirements of using such policies discussed. Because of this, I am not as confident in Calpa's ability to guarantee correct selection of the policy. I generally have concern about profile-driven compile-time selection of runtime optimization opportunities. The problems associated with profiling have been frequently discussed as of late. Basing runtime optimizations decisions on profile information seems to partially defeat the purpose of optimizing at runtime. The approach I see here suggests that the regions of code used do not vary from run to run (input to input) but that the values of the quasi-static variables do. What happens when running perl with the jumble input after profiling on primes? I would suggest that runtime compilation/optimization should be able to improve performance in this situation as well. However, this work seems to indicate a reasonable first step toward automating the analysis in its specified domain. I am recommending this paper as a marginal reject. Specifically, I feel that the work isn't complete enough to convince me that it will be ready, stable, and accurate by publication time. While the system described is useful for the DyC system, its general technical value (over just being a tool) may not be highly interesting to the general PLDI audience. However, a more general theoretical discussion of how to automatically detect and analyze quasi-static variables may be. ******************************************************* Paper Number:113 Paper Title:Calpa: A Tool for Automating Dynamic Compilation Interest/Importance to PLDI: 8.5 Technical contribution of paper: 7.0 Novelty of the material in the paper: 6.0 Quality of presentation:7.5 Confidence in your evaluation:8.0 Recommended action for paper:8.0 The important contribution of this paper lies in its demonstration of the importance of using information collected at runtime to drive dynamic optimization. The Calpa tool is intended to complement the DyC Declarative Compilation system; the paper not only displays this admirably, but moreover I think it shows that such systems are barely feasible without such a tool. Apparently the motivation such a tool was the tedious and time-consuming process required to produce manual annotations; the results however show that the automated process not only found more annotations fairly quickly, but increased the speedup of the affected programs. Unfortunately the paper does not quantify the speedup. The major weakness of the contribution is that it does not address the issue of the large potential overhead of such a system in an enviroment running very large applications, where often it is even too much trouble to compile programs with optimization. 1.This paper would benefit greatly from the addition of a couple of diagrams to show the construction of the Calpa tool and where it fits with the DyC system. 2.In the introduction and conclusion the paper refers to DyC as a declarative compilation system, but in the body of the text the adjective "declarative " is dropped. This leads to some misleading, if not incorrect generic statements such as that in the opening sentence of the second paragraph of the introduction. This sentence would be more precise if it read "Today's Declarative dynamic compilation systems choose run-time constants manually". There are a few other such instances throughout the paper. 3. The writer of the paper employs a somewhat irksome style of frequently enclosing comments in parentheses which could be better expressed with a little more attention to sentence construction. The occurrences are numerous, but the first and most offensive one occurs in the abstract. 4. If all the extra information which is promised actually materializes in the full paper, I suspect it will be somehat lengthy and in need of some judicious pruning. ******************************************************* Paper Number: 113 Paper Title: Calpa: A Tool for Automating Dynamic Compilation Interest/Importance to PLDI: 7.0 Technical contribution of paper: 7.0 Novelty of the material in the paper: 7.0 Quality of presentation: 7.0 Confidence in your evaluation: 8.0 Recommended action for paper: 7.0 This paper describes a tool for profiling a program and analyzing the resulting trace log to determine where to insert program annotations to control the authors' dynamic compilation system. Previously, these annotations were inserted by hand. This system equals or betters human-produced annotations, at a large cost of computer time. However, the trade-off seems reasonable, since annotation is a one-shot process. This paper would have benefited from a better description of the DyC compilation process, so that a reader who does not know the details of your previous work could understand what you were modeling. Moreover, I would like to know how specific your techniques are to that system, or whether the same approach or system would work with the other dynamic compilation tools. In general, the description of the system is unnecessarily vague. I would have preferred less motivation, and more details. I would also like to know how well this system works on programs that were not previously annotated by hand. In particular, does it find any useful (or spurious?) annotations for programs that are ill-suited to dynamic compilation? Can you see anyway to reduce the cost of this process? Although 2-3 orders of magnitude is reasonable for programs that run for a fraction of second, those are not the programs that anyone spends time optimizing. I can't see using this system for long running (hours-weeks) computations. Before you claim that a programmer could use a smaller input, you need to demonstrate that the discovered optimizations are insensitive to program input. Minor point: Table 1 lists log files in the Kb-Mb range, but the text below talks about Gbs. No where in the paper is the summarization process described, so I can't tell whether anything is lost in it. ******************************************************* Paper Number: 113 Paper Title: Calpa: A Tool for Automating Dynamic Compilation Interest/Importance to PLDI: 8 Technical contribution of paper: 6 Novelty of the material in the paper: 5 Quality of presentation: 6 Confidence in your evaluation: 8 Recommended action for paper: 5 The paper presents a system, Calpa, intended to use profiling information to automatically detect when runtime code generation can be applied to C programs. The problem is a topical one, and the system, if built, would be a good PLDI paper. However, as it stands, the paper is too premature for publication. The most important lack is that the authors have not implemented the hardest part of this whole puzzle: detecting when ``quasi-constants'' change value. In the context of C (and its exciting aliasing landscape) this is a non-trivial problem, and the promise that they had solved it made me eagerly skim through the paper. Unfortunately, as the authors note around page 5, they have not implemented this detection (though they promise to in the final paper). Thus, the system is unsound, since it has no way to detect when the invariants used to specialize code have been violated. Without needing to solve this problem, automatic annotation is relatively straightforward. A second problem is that the technique seems very sensitive to ``over-specialization.'' I'd like to see convincing evidence it will work on real programs whose usage differs from the profiling runs. A concrete effect of this problem is that some of their experimental results are a little ridiculous. For example, on their binary search benchmark (presumably taken from Poletto et al's uncited `C work) their profiling run only does lookups of three distinct keys and, as a result, the routine gets specialized to only doing lookups of three values. They claim this is a feature; I'm more inclined to believe it is a bug. A similar problem is their dotproduct benchmark (presumably take from Engler et al's uncited "dcg" work) takes both vectors used as quasi-constants. This makes no sense in any setting other than a benchmark. If these two problems were fixed, I'd recommend this paper for publication. As it stands, however, it's is only a potentially cool paper, rather than an actually cool one. I'd tone down the spin, and be more forthcoming about what the system actually does rather than what it could (possibly) do. It was very irritating to hit the qualifiers on page 5 and realize that a good chunk of the present tense prose describing the system should have actually been written in a future tense. On a more technical note, the current profiling scheme seems really heavy weight. I'd be interested in whether a more ``pc-sampling'' approach could be used to cut down the time/size of the logs. (For example, by identifying hot-spots and, through snapshots, identifying good quasi-constant candidates.) Also, is static analysis totally hopeless? Or can it be used to identify plausible loop- and recursion-invariants? I believe there has been a fair amount of recent work in a similar area (e.g., Mike Smith's perpetually adapting binary work). It might be worthwhile updating the related work section. Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2000 19:16:13 -0800 (PST) From: Susan Eggers To:,, Subject: has anyone been using my machine like crazy the past few days? Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 09:42:04 -0800 From: Joshua Redstone To: Susan Eggers cc:,, Subject: Re: has anyone been using my machine I've been running simulations for the past few days, but I don't think they should use the drives mounted on your boxes (/projects/smt). josh On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Susan Eggers wrote: > like crazy the past few days? > Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 13:27:20 -0800 (PST) From: Susan Eggers To:,, Subject: affiliats We need to begin preparing for our affiliates talks. The next time I see you, let's pin ourselves down. Can you come to the meeting with a talk outline? Matthai, this will mean we'll need to schedule a special time. How about tomorrow afternoon? Susan Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 18:36:16 -0800 (PST) From: Susan Eggers To:,, Subject: do we want these? ---------- X-Sun-Data-Type: text X-Sun-Data-Description: text X-Sun-Data-Name: text X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii X-Sun-Content-Lines: 88 ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Mon Feb 7 17:06:40 2000 To: faculty Subject: Sun development tools, in case anyone's interested MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01BF71D0.BE49545A" X-Lines: 145 Status: RO Content-Length: 7491 -----Original Message----- From: Jessie Brooks [] Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 4:44 PM To:; Cc:; Subject: Sun Microsystems Ed and Howard: My contact at Sun Microsystems forwarded this information to me and asked me to distribute it. If you have previously received the information, please disregard it. *** SUN'S .COM DEVELOPMENT TOOLS NOW FREE TO GLOBAL EDUCATION COMMUNITY *** Sun announces that its Forte product line of software development and integration tools are now available free to qualified educators, students and educational institutions. Sun is a leading provider of open network computing solutions to libraries and institutions around the world, powering academic research and high performance computing systems, campus administration, digital libraries, and student instruction systems. In addition, Sun is committed to connecting the world to the Internet, beginning with primary and secondary schools and extending to all levels of higher education. For more information, GOTO: *** SUN MAKES THE GRADE WITH LOWER DESKTOP COMPUTING PRICES FOR EDUCATION *** Sun announces a new educational pricing schedule for select products in its desktop computing line. The new, lower prices will make it easier for schools, colleges, and universities to make use of Sun's industry-leading technology to enhance the educational opportunities provided to students at all levels and upgrade campus administrative capabilities. Included in the new educational pricing schedule are Sun's Ultra(TM) 5 and Ultra 10 workstations. Special education pricing positions Sun to aggressively pursue the growing number of performance-hungry users who want the best of both worlds. For more information, GOTO: *** SUN OFFERS NEW ACADEMIC SERVICES ON THE WEB *** Sun announces new academic services that allow students and professors to educate themselves about the latest Sun technologies. These new services are available to selected colleges and universities through the Sun Web Learning Center. With the new services, students in academic institutions can take courses on a wide range of topics and gain an understanding of Sun dot-com technologies and their applications. The Sun Web Learning Center provides quick and easy access to Sun's interactive information technology courseware via the Internet and offers Web-based courses that are platform independent, delivered through your web browser, and can be taken in sections. For more information, GOTO: html Thanks, Jessie ----- End Included Message ----- ---------- X-Sun-Data-Type: html X-Sun-Content-Length: 4057 X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii X-Sun-Content-Lines: 59
-----Original Message-----
From: Jessie Brooks []
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 4:44 PM
Subject: Sun Microsystems

Ed and Howard:

My contact at Sun Microsystems forwarded this information to me and asked me to distribute it. If you have previously received the information, please disregard it.

Sun announces that its Forte product line of software development and
integration tools are now available free to qualified educators, students and
educational institutions. Sun is a leading provider of open network
computing solutions to libraries and institutions around the world, powering
academic research and high performance computing systems, campus
administration, digital libraries, and student instruction systems. In
addition, Sun is committed to connecting the world to the Internet, beginning
with primary and secondary schools and extending to all levels of higher
education. For more information, GOTO:

Sun announces a new educational pricing schedule for select products in its
desktop computing line. The new, lower prices will make it easier for
schools, colleges, and universities to make use of Sun's industry-leading
technology to enhance the educational opportunities provided to students at
all levels and upgrade campus administrative capabilities. Included in the
new educational pricing schedule are Sun's Ultra(TM) 5 and Ultra 10
workstations. Special education pricing positions Sun to aggressively pursue
the growing number of performance-hungry users who want the best of both
worlds. For more information, GOTO:

Sun announces new academic services that allow students and professors to
educate themselves about the latest Sun technologies. These new services are
available to selected colleges and universities through the Sun Web Learning
Center. With the new services, students in academic institutions can take
courses on a wide range of topics and gain an understanding of Sun dot-com
technologies and their applications. The Sun Web Learning Center provides
quick and easy access to Sun's interactive information technology courseware
via the Internet and offers Web-based courses that are platform independent,
delivered through your web browser, and can be taken in sections.
For more information, GOTO:


Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 17:03:20 -0800 (PST) From: Susan Eggers To:, ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Tue Feb 22 13:55:00 2000 X-Authentication-Warning: vass owned process doing -bs X-Sender: To: Susan Eggers Subject: Manuvir Das's guest lecture on ptr analyses MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Lines: 18 Status: RO Susan, Manuvir Das, from Jim Larus's group, is going to give a CSE 501 lecture on pointer analyses. While it will mostly be an overview of various approaches, he will also mention his work that will appear in the upcoming PLDI. As he doesn't mind other visitors at his lecture, maybe you can forward this message to the DyC people and whoever else might be interested (supposedly not the entire department, though). Where: EE1 042 When: Wed 2/23 (tomorrow) 10-11:20am Thanks! Vass ----- End Included Message ----- Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 18:16:02 -0800 (PST) From: Susan Eggers To: Subject: I forget who does this but thanks for doing it again. Susan ----- Begin Included Message ----- From Mon Mar 6 17:57:43 2000 To:,, Ben.DuBois@Sun.COM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, kmulcahy@desperado.CV.COM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: Announcing DCPI v3.9.2.2 Content-Length: 6388 X-Lines: 174 Status: RO Greetings! We are pleased to announce the release of a new DCPI kit: DCPI-V3.9.2.2 This kit runs on v4.0d, v4.0e, v4.0f, and v5.0 operating systems. Versions of Tru64 Unix before v4.0d are not supported. Many of the recipients of this message have previously received DCPI kit announcements from the original developers of DCPI at SRC. Note that this and future releases of DCPI kits will be made by the Compaq Tru64 Unix group. Although the old DCPI pages hosted by SRC still exist, they are not being updated or maintained. Please bookmark the following new page: Feedback, questions, and problem reports should be directed to the following mail address: Please include the output of "dcpiversion" and "psrinfo -v" with all problem reports. Please also include the problematic command or commands along with sample output. Sincerely, The DCPI Team ========================================================================= DCPI-V3.9.2.2 Release Notes Changes since release V3.8: This is the first release by the Tru64 Unix group. The INSTALL process is somewhat different, but all changes should be transparent to the user. Please note that patch kit #4 is now required for DCPI on v4.0d systems and patch kit #1 is now required for DCPI on v4.0e systems. We will not be shipping and installing variants of /sbin/loader for these systems. There are two major additions: value profiling and upcall handlers. Dcpid now has builtin support for value profiling, which collects data by periodically interpreting instructions and saving, for each instruction, either its common result values (dcpid -vprof) or the PCs of instructions that might cause a replay trap on EV6 (dcpid -vreplay). The two examples above, -vprof and -vreplay, are hardwired into dcpid. However, DCPI's value-profiling support (see man dcpivprofiler) also allows you to specify what values to capture, how to process those values before merging them into the profile files, and how to format the values for printing. A value profiler is a dynamically loadable shared library written by the user. It encapsulates the code to perform all user-specified processing. Two value profilers are included in the DCPI distribution: collects the same information as the "classic value profiling" hardwired into dcpid (-vprof), and collects the effective addresses of memory operands in load and store instructions. The second major addition is experimental support for performing user-level upcalls that deliver profiling interrupts directly to user-level handlers in profiled applications (see man dcpiupcalls). Kernel support for upcalls is automatically included with the DCPI driver kernel module. A preliminary shared library named that performs limited user-level value profiling is also included with the DCPI release. Support for upcalls is not complete and has not been extensively tested. It works on simple programs, but fails, e.g., for programs that use exceptions in signal handlers. See the man page for many CAVEATS. There were some minor changes: the default per-cpu hash table size was doubled to 512KB to reduce overhead when collecting profile-me data, and the dcpid man page now includes 21264a (EV67) aggregate events. In the release notes for V3.8, we neglected to report that dcpid creates a "fake" PALcode image file (suitable for use with dcpilist, dcpiprof, etc.) by reading memory. The PALcode image is stored in the profile directory. The disassembly of PALcode-specfic instructions is currently very limited. Changes since release V3.4: - Supports ProfileMe counters on EV67 (Alpha 21264a) cpus! (See "man dcpiprofileme" and "man dcpid") - Dcpiprof and dcpilist require "-help" to list descriptions of their many flags. - Dcpid's command syntax for selecting events has changed (see man dcpid). The new syntax supports multiplexing of profile-me modes with aggregate (i.e., non-profileme) modes. - A new tool, dcpitopcounts, lists instructions with the highest event counts (see man dcpitopcounts). - Dcpid supports a new -nice option to adjust its scheduling priority, and a new -gc option to automatically delete old epochs. - Support for Tru64 V4.0c and earlier has been dropped. Use DCPI-V3.4 for V4.0 through V4.0c. Known problems: - When collecting data using multiple "-slot"s, each slot must have at least one event that occurs at least every 2^30 cycles, e.g., retires, cycles, issues, or profileme mode. Dcpid does not check this requirement
Changes since release V2.12:

- Pcount driver is dynamically loadable.

- Dcpid loads pcount at startup and unloads it at exit.

- A new underlying profile file format is used to store sample data
  for all events in a single file per image.  Backwards compatibility
  has been retained so that all tools support profiles collected with
  previous versions of DCPI.

- Dcpid supports a new -nice option to adjust its scheduling priority,
  and a new -gc option to automatically delete old epochs.

- Fixed a rare assertion failure in instruction-level analysis tools.

- This version works with Digital Unix T5.0 646.2 (a.k.a. BL17)

- Support for Digital Unix 3.2 has been dropped.  Use DCPI-V2.11 and
  pcount-13.3 build 15 for machines running 3.2.

Changes since release V2.11:

- Added support for Alpha 21066 and other 21064-compatible cpus.

Changes since release V2.10:

- Adds support for compressed kernel modules.

- dcpiprof listings now contain information about which named
  procedure is near an anonymous procedure to help the user in finding
  anonymous procedures.

Changes since release V2.5:

- DCPI releases V2.6 through V2.9 each had incompatibilities
  with various versions of Digital Unix.  We believe that these
  problems have been corrected.
- New loader for 4.0c and higher.
  Dynamically linked images can be profiled on machines running
  DU V3.2 or V4.0*, but not V5.0*.  The INSTALL script tests the
  DCPI loader before installing it as the default system loader.

- Minor improvements to dcpid image identification.
  Image maps for common DU V4.0c and V4.0d binaries are compiled into dcpid.
  Fixed identification of large images started before dcpid.

- Major update to dcpi2pix to generate more accurate data.

- Added support for new 21264 instructions.

----- End Included Message -----

Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2000 14:43:10 -0500
From: Craig Chambers 
Subject: my return

FYI, I'll start driving back to Seattle from Pittsburgh next Wednesday.  I
expect to come in to work at UW on Tuesday March 21.  See you then!

-- Craig

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 07:56:00 -0800 (PST)
From: Susan Eggers 
Subject: Mike Smith

Can you sign up to talk with Mike Smith?  His schedule is in the
usual place.  Marc and Patrick could double-up, if the two of
you are both available.

And can you also suggest other students he might be interested in meeting?


Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 07:56:12 -0800 (PST)
From: Susan Eggers 
Subject: Mike Smith

Can you sign up to talk with Mike Smith?  His schedule is in the
usual place.  Marc and Patrick could double-up, if the two of
you are both available.

And can you also suggest other students he might be interested in meeting?


Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 17:04:28 -0800 (PST)
From: Craig Chambers 
Subject: I'm back!

I'm back in town, and actually in my office now.  I'll be in the rest
of the week, trying to get my computers to work and planning my class.
Stop by and tell me what you're up to!

-- Craig