BTA for Dynamic Compilation

Official UW-DCG Design Document
Written by Markus Mock (
Date written: 8/7/96
Last modified: 8/7/96


The BTA proceeds in two steps: first intermediate level annotations are computed based on the programmer's annotation at the programming language level. First, the isConst and keepConst annotations need to be computed along with laziness annotations. Then, the BTA computes several sets of information about runtime constants, discordant merges and caching policies.

IR level annotations

The programming language annotations isConst and keepConst are converted into annotations at the IR level by propagation. In a separate step laziness annotations are computed.

IR annotations for constants

The keepConst and isConst annotations at the programming language level are converted to annotations at the IR level in the following way:

(:C L are the caching and laziness specifications, i.e.
        C \in {cache, cache1, replicate, unchecked}
        L \in {eager, lazy, looplazy}

Call the information computed by these rules  Kconst(p) for program
point p.

   keepConst() :C L:         Out = In + {(x1,C,L), .. (xn,C,L)}
   unkeepConst() :C L:       Out = In - {(x1,C,L), .. (xn,C,L)}
   other:                               Out = In

The "+" denotes set union, with the constraint that for each variable x, at most one element (x,C,L) can be in any set. Making different annotations for the same variable ((x,C,L) , (x,C',L') where (C,L) != (C',L')) is not allowed and flagged as an error.
At Merge M: 

 define S = {s | s = In(p), p a predecessor of the merge} = {s1, .. , sn}
        (S is a set of sets)
        Out = In(p) for some predecessor p iff |S|= 1 (i.e. all
                                        incoming Kconst sets are identical)
                split the CFG at M into n=|S| copies. In copy i M has
exactly those predecessors p of the original CFG for which Kconst(P) =
si, i.e those that have identical Kconst sets. Continue propagation of
keepConst annotations for these CFGs. [Guaranteed to terminate as
splitting creates a merge where all incoming Kconst sets are
identical. This will be repeated until no more merges with different
incoming Kconst sets are around.]
assume the following Kconst sets of 5 predecessors:
	{x,y} {x,y,z} {x,z}  {x,y} {}

	S = {{}, {x,y}, {x,z}, {x,y,z}}
	|S| = 4
	4 copies of the CFG will be created. The duplication an be
done locally by creating |S| copies of all the merge block M and
remerging the |S| copies back into all the successor blocks of M.
	{x,y}	{x,y}  	{}	{x,z}	{x,y,z}
	|	|	|	|	|
	v	v	v	v	v
		   /	\
		  /	 \
		S1        S2

will be transformed to:

	|	|	|	|	|
	v	v	v	v	v
	----------   --------		
	|  M1	 |   |  M2  |	M3	M4
	---------               edges from M3 and M4 not shown
	|	\_  /      \
	|	  \/	    \	
	v	  / \	     v	
	S1 <____ /   \------>S2

If different sets do then merge at the successors a new splitting will
be done when visiting these successors duplicating the graph more as

Caching and Laziness

For a (dynamic) merge point m, additionally the overall caching and laziness policies C(m) and L(m) are computed as follows:
L({(x1,C1,L1), .. (xn, Cn, Ln)}) = min(L1, .. Ln) where min is the
minimum of the following order: lazy < looplazy < eager

C({(x1,C1,L1), .. (xn, Cn, Ln)}) = min(C1, .. Cn)
where min is the minimum of the following order:
replicate < cache < cache1 < unchecked

isConst annotations need to be propagated too as they can start a new region if used on a variable that is not a runtime constant. Such a variable also become part of the context that has to be checked for a cache check. They are propagated along non-backedges using the following rules: Call the information computed by these rules Iconst(p) for program point p. isConst() :C Out = In + {(x1,C), .. (xn,C)} other: Out = In \intersect RTC(p) The "+" denotes set union, with the constraint that for each variable x, at most one element (x,C) can be in any set. Making different annotations for the same variable ((x,C) , (x,C',) where C != C' is not allowed and flagged as an error. The "other"-rule states that as soon as a variable becomes no longer runtime constant (e.g. because it is assigned a dynamic value) it is also removed from the Iconst set.
At Merge M: 

        Out = + In(p) \intersect RTC(M)	

The intersection with the set of runtime constants at the merge point assures that the isConst annotation is only propagated for variables that are still runtime constants after the merge.

Laziness annotations at the IR level

For lazy stitching we must compute which dynamic branches we want to treat lazily and which eagerly. Moreover, at each start of a dynamic region with isConst / keepConst, there is the choice of creating that dynamic region eagerly or lazily. The laziness annotation of isConst / keepConst is hence used to determine whether to stitch a region entry eagerly or lazily.

In the previous section we have computed annotations for dynamic merge points based on the programmer annotations for the variables. From these (dynamic) merge point annotations we compute which dynamic branches are treated lazily.

1. All dynamic merges annotated as looplazy are changed to
     eager iff they are not loop head merges
     lazy iff they are loop head merges

2. For each dynamic merge M annotated lazy:
     compute the earliest post-dominating edges E of M and mark them
     as lazy

3. For each dynamic branch D:
      If any outgoing edge of D is marked lazy mark D as a lazy
      otherwise as eager

When edge E post-dominates edge E' (or node p) we are sure that when we follow edge E we are guaranteed to traverse E' (pass thru p) later.

[An vertex v' post-dominates a vertex v in a graph G iff v dominates v' in G' where G' is obtained from G by reversing the edges. The dominates-relation for edges is obtained by introducing a new vertex v12 for each edge (v1,v2) and replacing it in the graph with edges (v1,v) and (v, v2). An edge (v1,v2) dominates (v3,v4) iff in the new graph v12 dominates v34.

      l/  \
      d2?   B1
     / \    |  /
    B2 B3   d3? 
     \ /  l/  \______>

If M is annotated as lazy the left edge of d1 and d3 each the earliest
edges that post-dominate M and hence are annotated as lazy. d1 and d3
will be stitched lazily, d2 eagerly.

Caching Issues

Lookup Points

A cache lookup becomes necessary in the following two situations: Cache lookup will be done at the beginning of dynamic compilation units (cf. stitching writeup).

Cache Keys

Each keepConst / isConst that starts a new dynamic region adds the variables in the list to the current context. An unkeepConst, end of region or implicit end of isConst removes the corresponding variable(s): RTC = set of runtime constants at that point
isConst(x1, .. xn:C) 
KeyOut =  	KeyIn 			if C == unchecked or x \in RTC
		KeyIn U {x1, .., xn}  	otherwise

keepConst(x1, .. xn:C) L
KeyOut =  	KeyIn 			if (C == unchecked) or C ==
					replicate) or x \in RTC 
		KeyIn U {x1, .., xn}  	otherwise

unkeepConst(x1, .. xn)
KeyOut = 	KeyIn - {x1, .. xn}


KeyOut = KeyIn \intersect RTC

The latter rule accounts for implicit ends of isConst where a variable loses its constancy. This preserves the invariant that at any given point a variable can only be part of the context (cache key) if it is also a runtime constant. A possible optimization is to remove a variable v from the key set as soon as
This will require to keep the DAG of derivations of rtcs to check that
{x| v => x} \intersect RTC = {} (v => x denotes that variable v was
used to derive that x is a rtc).


The BTA needs the following modifications for the new annotations:

Initial Set
C(p0) = set of variables annotated as constant in the
isConst() {} region annotation.

Flow Functions
Each flow function is modified (f(ins) denotes the previously used
flow function for instruction ins):

Cflow [[ins]] cs = f(ins) U Kconst(p) i.e. the set of variables to be
kept constant at the program point are always considered constant at
point p.

isConst(x) is treated as a pseudo-instruction with the following flow

Cflow [[isConst(x)]] cs = cs U {x}

Merge Function
Mconstant(cs1, cs2) = cs1 U cs2 if cn1 and cn2 are mutually exclusive
                   	(static merge)
                     (cs1 \intersection cs2) U Kconst(p) otherwise

i.e. static merges (based on the unmodified reachability analysis) are treated in the same way as before. For dynamic merges all inferred constants based on variables annotated to be kept constant are forgotten, only the variables in Kconst(p) are considered constant on Example:
Assume the programmer has annotated keepConst(x,y)
(SSA form)

	if (d)		; d dynamic condition
	   t1 = x * y
           {x, y, t1}	set of constants
	   t2 = x + y
	   {x, y, t2}	set of constants

At M the merge is a dynamic merge, hence the rule is:

	({x, y, t1 } \intersect {x, y, t2}) U {x,y} 
	= {x, y}

For the loop unrolling example in the paper this works out as follows:


	p1 = 1st
  -->M:				{p1,p3}	
 |	p2 = Phi(p1,p3)
 |	t = (p2 != NULL)
 |	t?
 |	| \---------->
 |	|  
 |	...
 |  p3 = p2->next
 |	|
 |	|

M is a non-static merge. For loop unrolling this loop head merge was therefore marked as a constant merge to be able to derive the loop induction variable as run time constant. Using the keepConst annotation for variable p (the induction variable) achieves the same effect here, by unioning in {p} at M again. Hence, no special marking for the loop head merge as a constant merge is necessary, it is sufficient to use keepConst on the variable "along which" the loop is to be unrolled.

Multi-way loop unrolling is achieved in the same way by annotating the induction variable along which to unroll. Example:

	pc = 0
	while (1) {
	   op = codes[pc]
	   switch(op) {
	      case ADD: 
              case BRANCH:
		 if (testreg)
                    pc = codes[pc+1]
		    pc = codes[pc+2]

The keepConst(pc) annotation will keep pc constant at the merge point M and hence in all cases of the switch, which in turn will allow codes[pc+1] to be derived as a constant.

Last updated August 7, 1996.