Dynamic Compilation Meeting Notes

Meetings are currently in Craig's office, Thurdays at 10:30 am.

Unfortunately, we usually don't take formal meeting minutes.

Spring '96

June 3, 1996
Mulfiflow changes, name, PLDI, BTA, eager stitching.
May 6, 1996
New annotations (keep_const) and lazy stitching.

Winter '96

March 11, 1996
Merging setup and stitcher.

Fall '95

October 23, 1995
Mapping out future enhancements to the framework.

Spring '95

May 22, 1995 (no minutes)
Talking about pragmas. Unrolling decision trees.
April 24, 1995 , with slides
Reachability conditions.
April 11, 1995
Single entry single exit regions.
April 4, 1995
March 22, 1995

Winter '95

March 6, 1995
February 27, 1995

Last updated May 29, 1996.
Brian Grant (grant@cs.washington.edu)