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In collection.diesel:

Collections are groups of elements. We first introduce abstract interfaces, describing and refining various kinds of collections and their operations. We then shift to discussing concrete implementations which can be instantiated and manipulated at runtime.

There are three major families of collections: unordered collections (like bags and sets), ordered collections (e.g., lists), and tables (or keyed collections). Indexed collections like arrays, vectors, and strings are both ordered collections and keyed tables, where the keys are integer indices.

Abstract collection classes typically come in three versions: read-only, immutable, and mutable, with the latter two indicated by i_ and m_ prefixes. Moreover, the read-only and immutable versions come in ``generic'' and ``exactly'' subversions. For example:

    abstract class vector[`T] isa indexed[T], vector[`S >= T];
    abstract class vector_exactly[`T] isa indexed_exactly[T], vector[`T];
    abstract class i_vector[`T] isa i_indexed[T], i_vector[`S >= T];
    abstract class i_vector_exactly[`T] isa i_indexed_exactly[T], i_vector[`T];
    abstract class m_vector[`T] isa m_indexed[T], vector_exactly[T];
These five versions of each abstraction is a standard idiom among the collection classes. A read-only base class (e.g., vector) defines the read-only behavior of this kind of collection, but doesn't specify whether or not a particular value of this type is mutable. One subclass (e.g., i_vector) adds the immutability specification; while the immutable variety might not add any new operations compared to the read-only interface, it does guarantee that the collection does not change after it is created. Another subclass (e.g., m_vector) adds the mutator operations. (An immutable collection may contain mutable objects which may be side-effected while in the collection, but the collection itself cannot be changed.) Each of these versions inherits from the corresponding version(s) of its superclass(es), e.g. i_vector[T] inherits from i_indexed[T] while m_vector[T] inherits from m_indexed[T]. (Some abstractions omit one or both of the immutable or mutable subclasses.)

Separating the read-only from the read-write interfaces (e.g., vector vs. m_vector) allows the read-only versions to support richer subtyping relationships. For example, a vector[T] object is a read-only vector of objects, all of which are subtypes of T. Such a collection can be safely viewed as a vector[S] for any S that is a supertype of T, since such a collection is also a read-only vector of objects, all of which are subtypes of S. For example, vector[int] is a subtype of vector[num]. We say that the vector type is covariant in its parameter type, and this covariance is indicated by the vector[`T] isa ..., vector[`S >= T] declaration.

Whether or not a class can safely be declared to be covariant (or contravariant) in a type parameter is determined by how functions that take an argument of that class take other arguments that also mention the type parameter. Mentions can be ``positive'' or ``negative'', where the result type is positive, an argument type is negative, and polarity reverses inside an argument of a closure type. Covariant type parameters can only appear in positive positions (like results and arguments of argument closures), while contravariant type parameters can only appear in negative positions (like arguments). Type parameters that appear in both positive and negative positions across all the functions taking values of collections of that type parameter can be neither covariant nor contravariant. (The truth is somewhat more subtle than this, but it's true to a first approximation.)

Read-only collections like vector[T] only support functions all of whose occurrences of T appear in positive positions, and so their type paraters are covariant. This includes most (but not all) reader operations, like fetch and do. Mutable collections support functions whose occurrences occur in both positive (e.g. fetch) and negative (e.g. store) positions, so their type parameters are not covariant. For example, m_vector[int] is unrelated to m_vector[num]. Indeed, m_vector[int] cannot have floats stored in it (unlike m_vector[num]), and so m_vector[int] is not a subtype of m_vector[num]. Also, m_vector[num] can contain things other than ints and reveal this through do, pick_any, etc. (unlike m_vector[int]), so the reverse subtyping relation doesn't hold, either.

A few reader operations have type parameters in negative positions, such as includes and =. Consequently (to a first approximation), such operations cannot be supported by the generic read-only collections like vector[T] with covariant type parameters. To allow them, the _exactly versions of read-only collections are introduced. The type parameter of an _exactly collection is not covariant, and so it can support arbitrary operations. E.g. vector_exactly[T] is a subtype of vector[T] (and therefore also vector[S] for any S that's a supertype of T) but not vector_exactly[S] for any S other than T. (There's no need for a m_vector_exactly[T] type, since m_vector[T] already is not covariant.)

To support the most reuse, then, the read-only non-exactly interface should be used as a type declaration whenever possible. Only if mutation, immutability, or certain comparison operations are required should the mutable, immutable, or _exactly subtype interface be used. Observe that the immutable interface must be distinguished from the read-only interface. Indeed, a mutable collection subtypes the read-only interface, but not the immutable interface (which would violate the behavioral guarantee of immutability).

There are three common varieties of mutation: replacement (removing one element but inserting another in its place), insertion (increasing the collection's size), and deletion (making the collection smaller). The latter two capabilities are captured by the abstract extensible_collection[T] and removable_collection[T] classes, which may be inherited by mutable collections.

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