DyC Developer's Page

Source Archive
Our version of Multiflow is checked into CVS. This page explains how to create your own version of the compiler.

Rather than C macros, we're going to use a Perl script, dyc2c, to translate high-level annotations into function calls.

Implementation Details
A few details about our new system's implementation.

Remaining Unit Details
More details about units, the work list, cache lookups, etc.

Register Actions for DyC
A proposal for annotations and an algorithm to do register actions in DyC.

Unresolved Implementation Issues
Some questions we would like answers to in the long run. These should probably be moved to the research pages.

Which pieces of the system we need to get working first.

Progress Log
If you want to know how we're doing...

Multiflow Details
How to do a few useful things in Multiflow.

Multiflow Backend Call Graph
A call graph showing how the back end of Multiflow is organized. This graph was created using dot, and here is the dot source file.

Multiflow File/Function Breakdown
A breakdown of what happens where in Multiflow.

Multiflow Documentation
Links to Multiflow documentation.

Last updated April 10, 1997.
Brian Grant (grant@cs.washington.edu)